Distribution of Functioning Health Facilities HISU- in East state as of June 2012 Map Ref No: 2012-0023


Libya Saudi Arabia

Red Sea Northern Gartobik - BHU Umshegeira - BHU ÇU ÇU Nile

Surgaila - BHU Chad ÇU Sudan Eritrea Keleikle mugu - BHU Northern Kordofan El ÇU Sheiria hospital - RH North Darfur Gedaref !H Sheiria Rahad albiar - BHU ÇU Abu dangal - BHU Centeral Darfur Artu - BHUÇU East Darfur Southern Kordofan Ethiopia ÇU

Central African Republic South Sudan Northern Kordofan Labadu - PHCC Nyala C %2 ! Health Facilities Data Source: HeRAMS report June2012. Mohajrea - RH

!H Printing Date: Aug 29, 2012 For further information or comments please contact us at:

Almatawred - BHU [email protected]. Angabu - BHU ÇU ÇU Alfwailih - BHU Kilometers Kasib - BHU ÇU Habib suleiman - BHU 0 12.5 25 50 75 100 Alnayra - BHU K U Yassin !C Ç ÇU Sanyafundu - PHCC Kelekle west - BHU Jad Elsid - BHUÇU Altaalba - BHU ÇU ÇU ÇU Maalee east - BHU Wadjoda - Mob_clinic Maalee - BHU Abu Karinka M Seleah - PHCC Abubeleil village - BHU Alkhitma - BHU ! ÇU ÇUÇU Abu Karinka - BHU Al Mazroub - PHCC C ÇU U ! ÇU Ç !C Hegeileeg - BHUYassin - PHCC A C ! C El Neem2 - PHCC ÇU Isheraya - BHU AUm waragat - BHU El Neem2 - PHCC ! C Ruhel bakheet - BHU El Neem1 - PHCC ÇU ÇU ! Elgalabe - BHU M Um waragat - BHU Ç!U Umbweim - BHU Elgouba - BHU ÇU Daralsalam - BHU Hilal - BHU ÇU ÇU Ç%2CU Adila South Darfur ÇU Alnemir - BHU !H! Khor Omer Camp - BHU ÇU ÇU Algugan - BHU ed daein - RH Alroos - BHU ÇU ÇU Assalaya - BHU ÇU ÇU Umrakouba - BHU Altotahana - BHU Adila hospital - RH ÇU Adilla-Merlin - BHU Sharif - BHU Ruhel el ligam - BHU ÇU ÇU !ÇHU Sarhan - BHU ÇU Um Rakuba - BHU ÇU ÇU ÇU Algora - BHU ÇU Um elkhairat - BHU Umelkhairat - BHU Assalaya ÇU Abuood - BHU ÇU ÇU Alasil - BHU

Alferdous - PHCC ÇU East Darfur Umseneina - BHU Farduss Salamat IDPs - BHU Eastern Route(Nomads) - BHU AbuJabra - RH Ed Daein Ç!UC Western Route (Nomads) - BHU ÇU CM East Darfur !ÇH!U Abu matarig - PHCC Abumatarig - PHCC

!C Fara elhabeel - BHU Sourthern Kordofan ÇU Ruhal haraza - BHU ÇU El Ferdous Hay Al Guba - BHU Elgouba - BHU ed daein - RHÇU


Legend %2 State Capital Darfur_Boundary-Unverfied Abu Jabra ÇU BHU Other States Bahr El Arab M ! Mob_clinic East Darfur-Unverfied C ! PHCC Locality Boundaries_Unverfied

South Sudan !H RH International Boundary


Total No of HF :117 No of Functioning HF. :97 No of GeoReferenced HF. :70 HF with Missing Coordinates.:27 Ruhel samaha - BHU ÇU

Disclaimer: The presentation of material on the map contained herein does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or areas or its authorities of its frontiers of boundaries. IMPORTANT: This map is used for Planning Purposes ONLY, state boundaries between West and Central, South and East Darfur States ARE NOT FIELD VERIFIED, and have been demarcated based on the locality boundaries stated by the Government of Sudan website (www.sudan.gov.sd) Localities boundaries ARE NOT FIELD VERIFIED and continuously being updated.