For Factual and & Current Affairs Programmes

Last Updated January 2021

CONTENT DEPARTMENT AUTHORISERS AUTHORISERS (in-house commissions) (independent commissions)

Daytime Not applicable Controller, Daytime Lindsay Bradbury

Factual Programmes inc. Not applicable Controller Factual Features Commissioning Carla-Maria Lawson Clare Sillery

Current Affairs Not applicable Deputy Head of Current Affairs Jim Gray

Entertainment inc. Not applicable Controller, Ents Factual Entertainment Commissioning Kate Phillips

Comedy Not applicable Controller, Comedy Commissioning Shane Allen

Drama Not applicable Controller, Drama Commissioning Piers Wenger

BBC Three Controller, BBC Three As in-house Short form or daily content Fiona Campbell that is not commissioned by one of the genres above (e.g. Factual / Current Affairs etc.). Sport Head TV Sport As in-house Philip Bernie

Head Sport News & Radio Sport Stephen Mawhinney

ENGLISH REGIONS DEPARTMENT AUTHORISERS AUTHORISERS (in-house commissions) (independent commissions)

English Regions Editor, Politics Not Applicable Tim Burke

NEWS DEPARTMENT AUTHORISERS AUTHORISERS (in-house commissions) (independent commissions)

Current Affairs Deputy Head of Current As in-house Affairs Jim Gray

Newsgathering Managing Editor Not Applicable Philippa Busby

Digital Director’s Dept Digital Director (inc. Newsbeat) Kamal Ahmed

World Service English Deputy Head of Current Not Applicable Current Affairs Affairs Jim Gray

World Service English News Channel News Programmes Controller Gavin Allen

Controller WS English Mary Hockaday, will be notified

World Service Controller World Not Applicable Languages (except English) Service Languages Tarik Kafala

Managing Editor Hilary Bishop

Global News Controller BBC News Channels Jamie Angus

Head of News, BBC World News Liz Gibbons

Editorial Director, Global News Limited Mary Wilkinson

NORTHERN IRELAND DEPARTMENT AUTHORISERS AUTHORISERS (in-house commissions) (independent commissions)

Current Affairs Head of TV Current Senior Head of Content Affairs Commissioning Jeremy Adams Eddie Doyle

News Head of News Head of News Adam Smyth Adam Smyth

Production Head of Content Senior Head of Content Production Commissioning Emma Dunseith Eddie Doyle

Radio Head of Content Senior Head of Content Production Commissioning Emma Dunseith Eddie Doyle


CCOG Refer proposal first to: As in-house Head Editorial Standards Chris Parker

Authorisers: Portfolio Heads of Marketing for BBC:-

One: Chris Hooper Two, Three & Four: Nicola Carr News: Christine Woodman Radio & Music: Claire Jullien

Authorisers where programme is on the MRPL: Director, Content Marketing Paul Davies

Director, News Marketing James Holden

RADIO & EDUCATION DEPARTMENT AUTHORISERS AUTHORISERS (in-house commissions) (independent commissions)

Children’s Refer proposal first to: As in-house Head Editorial Standards Catherine McAllister

Authoriser: Director, Children’s and Education Patricia Hidalgo

Education Head of Education Commissioning Helen Foulkes

BBC Audio Controller Not Applicable Graham Ellis

Head Factual and Drama Robert Ketteridge

Head Daily Factual Ruth Gardiner

Head Factual Bristol Clare McGinn

BBC Ideas Editor Ideas Bethan Jinkinson

BBC Sounds Controller Jonathon Wall

Commissioning Editors Jason Phipps Dylan Haskins Louise Katterhorn

Radio Pop Music Controller Pop Stations As in-house (including Radio 1, Radio Lorna Clarke 2, 1Xtra, Radio 6, Asian Network)

Radio 1 /1Xtra / Asian Head R1 As in-house Aled H Jones

Head R1x TBA - (Refer to Lorna Clark or Fergus Dudley)

Head Asian TBA - (Refer to Lorna Clark or Fergus Dudley)

Head News Asian Arif Ansari

Editor Newsbeat Debbie Ramsay

Radio 2 Head R2 As in-house (excluding News) Helen Thomas

Radio 3 Refer to Radio HQ As in-house (excluding News) Radio 4 Controller (in-house) Controller (excluding News) Graham Ellis Mohit Bakaya

Head Factual and Drama Deputy Robert Ketteridge Denis Nowlan

Head Daily Factual Commissioning Editors Ruth Gardiner Alison Hindle Daniel Clarke Head Factual Bristol Rhian Roberts Clare McGinn Roger Mahony Richard Knight Sioned William

Radio 5Live Controller As in-house Heidi Dawson

Commissioning Editor Richard Maddock

Controller - Daily News Gavin Allen

Radio 6 Head R6 As in-house Samantha Moy

Radio HQ Hd of Editorial Standards As in-house Fergus Dudley

SCOTLAND DEPARTMENT AUTHORISERS AUTHORISERS (in-house commissions) (independent commissions)

BBC Scotland Director As in-house Steve Carson

in Director’s absence:

Head of News and Current Affairs Gary Smith

STUDIOS DEPARTMENT AUTHORISERS AUTHORISERS (BBC commissions) (Independent commissions)

The One Show Head of the One Show As in-house Rob Unsworth

Factual Salford Creative Director As in-house Alan Holland

Factual Entertainment & Director of Production As in-house Events (bar Unscripted Naomi Carter Productions)

Unscripted Productions Executive Editor, As in-house Unscripted Naomi Carter

The Documentary Unit Head of Documentary As in-house Unit Amy Flanagan

The Science Unit Head of Science Unit As in-house Andrew Cohen

The Natural History Unit Head of the NHU As in-house Julian Hector

Entertainment & Music Director of Production Lisa McCormack

Drama Director of Content Ralph Lee

Distribution Head of Editorial Standards Anthony Worrall

WALES DEPARTMENT AUTHORISERS AUTHORISERS (in-house commissions) (independent commissions)

BBC Wales Head of Public Policy As in-house Rhys Evans

in the Head of Public Policy’s absence: Head of BBC Wales Content Production Sian Gwynedd

Head of English Language TV Commissioning Nick Andrews