Revised 7/2020

France Market Profile This summary provides the most up-to-date data available on as it relates to their people and , travel related motivations and planning behavior and French visitor profile specific to Arizona. GENERAL PROFILE POPULATION: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP): 67.8 million $2.85 trillion (2.3% annual growth rate) INFLATION RATE: 1.2% EXPORTS: $549.9 billion EXCHANGE RATES (EUR PER USD): .89 UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: Source: 9.4% The Factbook, reporting 2017/2018 estimates, July 2020 population estimate TRAVEL MOTIVATION AND PLANNING

Top Travel Motivators Lodging Reservation made before leaving home

Local Lifestyle Yes ...... 55% ...... 79% Internet Booking * 51% Cultural/Historical Attractions ...... 54% ...... Travel Agency/Tour Operator/Travel Club ...... 17% The Lodgng Establishment Directly ...... 41% Urban Attractions ...... 15% ...... 14% Other 40% Dining/Gastronomy 21% No Source used in Destination selection for last * assume "Internet Booking Service" is an Online Travel Agency (OTA). intercontinental trip

Websites via computer ...... 49% How Air Reservations were Booked 35% Recommendation from & friends ...... Directly with Airline ...... 43% Information in printed travel guidebooks 29% Travel Agency/Tour Operator/Travel Club ...... 24% Advance Decision Time Internet Booking Service* ...... 28% Less than a month Corporate Travel Department ...... 20% 8% * assume "Internet Booking Service" is an Online Travel Agency (OTA). 1 to 2 months ...... 18%

3 to 5 months ...... 32% Europ U Rest of 6 to 12 months e S world ...... 22% Source: Brand USA, reporting 2019 intercontinental traveler data 6% More than 1 year U.S. Dept. of Commerce - NTTO, reporting 2017-19 aggregate data FRENCH VISITATION TO ARIZONA

Visitation Volume to Arizona Visitor Characteristics 115,900 113,385 111,960 105,846 108,663 Average Age 101,303 103,300 ...... 43 years 100k Average Household Income ...... $76,982 2.5 persons Average Party Size 50k Length of Stay

Average Nights per Destination ...... 3.1 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 19.6 Average Nights in U.S.

Port of Entry Main Purpose of Trip*

Los Angeles, CA Leisure ...... 61% ...... 92% 86% Vacation Holiday San Francisco, CA ...... 22% ...... 5% Visit Friends/Relatives 0.7% Education ...... 3% New York, NY ...... Business Chicago, IL 8% ...... 3% ...... 4% General Business 1% Washington DC/Dulles, VA 4% Convention/Conference/Trade Show *Includes overlap of trips covering multiple purposes. Transportation in U.S. Visa Credit Card Travel Spending 74% Rented Auto French Visa Card Spending ranked #6 in 2019 with 3% of ...... total International Travel Spending in Arizona. Air Travel between U.S. Cities ...... 29% By Quarter 25% City Subway/Tram/Bus ...... Q1: 13% Auto, Private or Company Q2: 25% ...... 25% Q3: 46% 14% Taxicab/Limousine Q4: 16%

Accommodations* By Arizona Region Hotel/Motel ...... 78% Europ U Rest of 6% Private Home e S world Northern: 56% ...... Phoenix & Central: 26% 22% Other West Coast: 7% * since this is collected through a survey, there is no indication if this is paid or non-paid. Tucson & Southern: 7% Source: North Central: 4% Tourism Economics, reporting 2013-2019 data VisaVUE Travel, reporting 2019 data U.S. Dept. of Commerce - NTTO, reporting 2017-19 aggregate data Compiled by the Arizona Office of Tourism Research Division Revised 7/2020

France Market Profile This summary provides the most up-to-date data available on France as it relates to their people and economy, travel related motivations and planning behavior and French visitor profile specific to Arizona. GENERAL COUNTRY PROFILE POPULATION: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP): 67.8 million $2.85 trillion (2.3% annual growth rate) INFLATION RATE: 1.2% EXPORTS: $549.9 billion EXCHANGE RATES (EUR PER USD): .89 UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: Source: 9.4% The World Factbook, reporting 2017/2018 estimates, July 2020 population estimate TRAVEL MOTIVATION AND PLANNING

Top Travel Motivators Lodging Reservation made before leaving home

Local Lifestyle Yes ...... 55% ...... 79% Internet Booking Service* 51% Cultural/Historical Attractions ...... 54% ...... Travel Agency/Tour Operator/Travel Club ...... 17% The Lodgng Establishment Directly ...... 41% Urban Attractions ...... 15% ...... 14% Other 40% Dining/Gastronomy 21% No Source used in Destination selection for last * assume "Internet Booking Service" is an Online Travel Agency (OTA). intercontinental trip

Websites via computer ...... 49% How Air Reservations were Booked 35% Recommendation from family & friends ...... Directly with Airline ...... 43% Information in printed travel guidebooks 29% Travel Agency/Tour Operator/Travel Club ...... 24% Advance Decision Time Internet Booking Service* ...... 28% Less than a month Corporate Travel Department ...... 20% 8% * assume "Internet Booking Service" is an Online Travel Agency (OTA). 1 to 2 months ...... 18%

3 to 5 months ...... 32% Europ U Rest of 6 to 12 months e S world ...... 22% Source: Brand USA, reporting 2019 intercontinental traveler data 6% More than 1 year U.S. Dept. of Commerce - NTTO, reporting 2017-19 aggregate data FRENCH VISITATION TO ARIZONA

Visitation Volume to Arizona Visitor Characteristics 115,900 113,385 111,960 105,846 108,663 Average Age 101,303 103,300 ...... 43 years 100k Average Household Income ...... $76,982 2.5 persons Average Party Size 50k Length of Stay

Average Nights per Destination ...... 3.1 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 19.6 Average Nights in U.S.

Port of Entry Main Purpose of Trip*

Los Angeles, CA Leisure ...... 61% ...... 92% 86% Vacation Holiday San Francisco, CA ...... 22% ...... 5% Visit Friends/Relatives 0.7% Education ...... 3% New York, NY ...... Business Chicago, IL 8% ...... 3% ...... 4% General Business 1% Washington DC/Dulles, VA 4% Convention/Conference/Trade Show *Includes overlap of trips covering multiple purposes. Transportation in U.S. Visa Credit Card Travel Spending 74% Rented Auto French Visa Card Spending ranked #6 in 2019 with 3% of ...... total International Travel Spending in Arizona. Air Travel between U.S. Cities ...... 29% By Quarter 25% City Subway/Tram/Bus ...... Q1: 13% Auto, Private or Company Q2: 25% ...... 25% Q3: 46% 14% Taxicab/Limousine Q4: 16%

Accommodations* By Arizona Region Hotel/Motel ...... 78% Europ U Rest of 6% Private Home e S world Northern: 56% ...... Phoenix & Central: 26% 22% Other West Coast: 7% * since this is collected through a survey, there is no indication if this is paid or non-paid. Tucson & Southern: 7% Source: North Central: 4% Tourism Economics, reporting 2013-2019 data VisaVUE Travel, reporting 2019 data U.S. Dept. of Commerce - NTTO, reporting 2017-19 aggregate data Compiled by the Arizona Office of Tourism Research Division