Table of Contents


Individual Tactics 20

Team Tactics 41 Breakouts 42 Attack 47 Transition and Flow 56 Cycling 60 Power Play 62

Game Simulation 65

Defensemen Drills 67

Goalie Drills 70

Drill Book

Drill Legend

Symbol Meaning

Skating direction

Skating with puck

Skating backwards


Shot or shoot in

Player decides where to pass




Any player


Players on same team

Pylon (cone)


Chopwalk (stopovers)

Full stop

Skate facing direction of arrows

Individual Tactics

Skating Puck Control Passing Shooting Dynamic (skating, passing, shooting & positional)

Back Alley Warm-up

Purpose Warm-up, skating technique, agility

Description Players take off one after the other. Backwards skate between the first set of blue lines. Jump with both feet over each line (when skating forward). Tight turns around the cones. Groin stretch between blue lines (when skating forward).

Key Teaching Points 1. Watch for proper skating technique. 2. Good stretching. 3. Balance and coordination.

Variations • Touch toes, trunk twists, leg kicks between the blue lines.

Purpose Skating, puck handling

Description Sequence Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 First Player performs Player weaves Player skates Player skates crossovers around through cones. Next forward to cone; forward to blue circle. player goes when performs two foot line, backwards to Second player first player reaches stop, then proceeds cone, forward to goes as soon as 2nd cone. to next cone. blue line again. first player passes.

Second Go through Add pucks Go through Repeat backwards backwards Third Add pucks Keep pucks; 360’s Add pucks Repeat around each cone.

Key Teaching Points 1. Good skating form and technique. 2. Keeping head up – using eyes to glance at puck. British Bulldog

Purpose Skating agility and quickness.

Description All players put their sticks behind the goal line. One player stands at center – rest of players line up along goal line. Player at center yells, “Bulldog”. Players must skate to the other end of the ice without being tagged by the player at center. If a player gets tagged, then that player has to join the player(s) at center to catch the rest of the skaters. Play until last skater gets caught.

Key Teaching Points 1. Speed 2. Quick feet

Variations • Players keep their sticks. • A player is tagged if a player hits their stick. • Players along the goal line start with pucks. Players are tagged if the puck is knocked away or taken by the player(s) at center. Long Half Ice Drill

Purpose Conditioning

Description Players start at one end of ice. On whistle, first player skates the circle, loops the face-off dot, and comes to a complete stop at the center line. Chopwalk (stepovers) to the edge of the center circle and hard skate diagonally to the blue line. Full circle skate, tap the goal post, hard to the blue line, pivot and backwards skate to the other blue line, pivot and sprint to the goal line.

Key Teaching Points 1. Good skating technique 2. Strong crossovers 3. Tight turns 4. Quick pivots

Variations • Add pucks Cross-Conditioning

Purpose Conditioning

Description Starting at center ice, two players cross at the blue line and loop around the bottom of the face-off circles. Pivot at the blue line and skate backward to the other blue line. Skate forward to the next face-off circle, and skate around the circle always facing the inside. Skate hard to the end of the line.

Key Teaching Points 1. Good skating technique 2. Strong crossovers 3. Quick pivots

Variation • Add pucks

Yo Yo Drill

Purpose Conditioning

Description Skate hard around the circles. Maneuver tightly around the pylons.

Key Teaching Points 1. Good skating technique 2. Strong crossovers 3. Quick pivots

Variation • Skate backwards • Add pucks • Add a shot on goal Agility 8’s

Purpose Skating and passing.

Description X1 skates a figure 8 twice, keeping square to X2 When X1 reaches the bottom of the circle (close to X2), X2 passes X1 a puck X1 repeats the figure 8 with the puck

Goalies should also execute this drill.

Key Teaching Points • Quick feet. • Puck control • Head up and looking at the first player in line

Indy 500

Purpose Skating and balance.

Description Divide players into two groups, half on each side of the red line. Move nets up to the hash marks. Players partner up, front player squats down into a sitting position (but still standing on skates), partner pushes from behind. Players start on whistle, doing one full lap of the ice – bumping is allowed in the corners. Once players get around ice and back to finish line, next group goes.

Key Teaching Points 1. Good skating technique to be used the player pushing – strong strides. 2. Player being pushed must maintain balance – especially in corners.

Diminishing Pucks

Purpose Puck handling

Description All players start with a puck on their stick. On the whistle, players stick handle through neutral zone. Players must try to knock the puck off of other player’s sticks while keep control of their own puck. Once a puck goes over the blue line, it is out of play. Players without pucks must try and knock pucks off of other player’s sticks. Last player with a puck wins.

Key Teaching Points 1. Stick handling. 2. Protecting the puck.

Puck Control Circuit

Purpose Skating, Puck handling, Shooting

Description Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Players weave through cones with Players perform stationary Player does crossovers puck. stick handling moves (e.g., around circle with puck. - Pass to coach figure 8’s, side to side, Next player goes once the first - Receive pass from coach through the legs, etc.) player passes by. - Take shot on net Player proceeds to next circle, - Skate to cone, pivot, skate does crossovers around circle, backwards to next cone and then proceeds to take a - Pivot, skate forwards back to end of shot on net. line

Key Teaching Points 1. Stick handling. 2. Controlling the puck.


Purpose Stick handling, skating, coordinated movements.

Description Players (including goalies) skate all over ice stick handling. On whistle, all players move to one half of ice. On next whistle, all players move inside blue line. On next whistle, all players move inside goal line.

NOTE: Pre-identify with the players the areas to which they will be skating.

Key Teaching Points 1. Keeping head up when stick handling. 2. Make sure players keep moving with the pucks even after they skate to the next area.

Variations • Make player skate to areas backwards Passing Circuit

Purpose Passing.

Description Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 • X1 passes to X2, then begins 3 players for 4 cones Piggy in the middle skating • X2 passes to X3, X3 passes to X4 As one player passes puck, Inside the circles, two players • X1 skates towards blue line, turns the player without the puck pass the puck to each other and skates between X2 and X3 to must move to an open cone while a third player tries to stop receive a pass from X4 so that the puck is always the pass. • X1 takes shot on net with the middle person. If player stops the pass, he/she Make sure all players are both switches with the player who skaters and shooters made the pass.

NOTE: Coach works with goalies at Station 4.

Key Teaching Points 1. Keeping head up when stick handling. 2. Tape to tape passes, sticks on the ice when receiving a pass, look to where pass is being made. 3. At Station 3, “piggy” needs to crouch and get stick into the passing lane. Shooting Circuit

Purpose Stick handling, shooting, passing.

Description Spend 5 minutes at each station Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 • X1 passes to X2 Players line up along side • X2 bank passes to X1 • X2 passes to X3 boards practicing wrist shots • X1 skates out around cone • X1 skates around X2 and then and backhand shots and takes shot on net between X2 and X3, receives pass • Next player in line behind X1 back from X3 passes to X2 who then • X1 takes shot on net skates out around cone for a shot on net Make sure all players are both skaters and shooters

Key Teaching Points 1. Keeping head up when stick handling. 2. At Station 1, tape to tape passes, sticks on the ice when receiving a pass. 3. At Station 2, proper technique needs to be taught – especially for the backhand. 4. At Station 3, players should call for the pass; players should execute tight turns around the cones. Shootout

Purpose Skating, shooting, back checking.

Description Two lines face each end of the ice. X1 starts with pucks. Other line starts with players down on one knee. On the whistle, player with puck skates towards net for a shot. Player on one knee has to play the back checker and try to catch the puck carrier. Switch lines after each attempt.

Key Teaching Points 1. Good skating technique to be used the player pushing – strong strides. 2. Back checker must stay with the puck carrier. 3. Ensure good technique to separate carrier from the puck (stick lift, “rubbing out”, etc)

Variations • Make all players start lying on their backs facing the ceiling

Ice Melts

Purpose Accelerate hard to open space.

Description X1 and X2 start at same time and cross in front of net. X1 receives a pass from the line of X2 and then X1 and X2 make tight turns around face-off dots. As X1 reaches the blue line, he drops the puck back X2. Each player makes tight turns around the neutral zone face-off dots and come in goal 2 on 0.

Key Teaching Points 1. X1 and X2 must be ready for their respective passes. 2. Player away from puck must skate to the net.

Variations • Add defenseman. • Add 3rd forward (X3) as an outlet -- give and go with either X1 or X2. • Allow players to be creative. Loop Drill

Purpose Timing of passes and player movement.

Description X1 and X2 loop into center ice area and receive a pass from the next players in line. X1 skates hard to then net and dekes. X2 skates hard to the net and shoots.

Key Teaching Points Quick and accurate passes.

Variations • Add a pylon to manouver around. • Add a defenseman.

Twist Drill

Purpose Passing and receiving in motion. Regroup and transition.

Description F1 skates from the attacking zone down the ice and crosses the blue line into the defensive zone. D1 passes to F1 and D1 starts skating out of defensive zone. F2 leaves the defensive zone and heads up ice. F1 touch passes the puck back to D1 at the blue line. D1 picks the puck up and passes to F2. F1 and F2 skate back to the attacking zone and D2 creates a 2 on 1. D1 skates with the play for puck support.

Key Teaching Points 1. Touch pass from F1 needs to be soft. 2. D1 needs to pay attention after making the pass to F1

Variations • F1 could start with a puck and shoot on goal in the defensive zone before getting a pass from D1 • Drop pass to D1 with F1 and F2 acting as screens Checking Drill

Purpose 1 on 1 Backchecking

Description All four players (F1, F2, F3 and D1) all start at same time. F1 and D1 pass the puck back and forth as they skate through the neutral zone. Once D1 makes the last pass, he pivots and skates backwards turning the drill into a 1 on 1. F2 and F3 skate hard to the far blue line and come to a full stop. Coach passes a puck to F3. F2 is the backchecker who chases F3 back towards the goalie.

Key Teaching Points 1. Good pivots by D1 facing F1 to keep him outside. 2. F2 cannot give up and must chase F3 all the way to the net.

Drop Pass Drill

Purpose Be creative on an offensive attack and confuse defensemen.

Description On whistle, players leave both corners (1 and 2) and execute two types of drop passes. Corner 1: X1 starts with puck and skates towards the middle of the ice. X2 cuts in behind X1 before the blue line and picks up a drop pass. X2 then skates towards the middle of the ice. X1 cuts in behind X2 and picks up a drop pass at the center line. X1 and X2 skate over the blue line and gain the zone. X1 cuts in front of X2, drops the puck back and heads for the net. X2 takes a shot while X1 screens the goalie.

Corner 2: X4 starts with the puck and drops it back to X3 at the blue line. X3 accelerates and drops the puck back to X4 just past the center line. X3 and X4 skate over the blue line and gain the zone. X4 accelerates, cuts in front of X3, drops the puck back and heads for the net. X3 takes a shot while X4 screens the goalie.

Players from corner 1 go to corner 2 and vice versa.

Key Teaching Points 1. Acceleration by man with puck to get in front of other player to make drop pass. 2. Player without puck must slow down to allow player with puck to get in front of him.

Variations • Add a defenseman Czech Drill

Purpose Timed passes. Calling for the puck. Stickhandling.

Description On whistle X1 skates, picks up a puck at the blue line, and heads into the far zone. Before X1 leaves the zone, X2 calls for a pass and X1 passes to him. X2 starts skating and as X1 breaks out over the blue line, X2 hits him with a pass. X2 then picks up a puck and repeats the drill at the other end.

Key Teaching Points 1. Acceleration through the neutral zone. 2. Calling for passes. 3. Tape to tape passes over the blue line to gain the zone.

Variations • Add a defenseman Multi-Shot Drill

Purpose Timed passes. Calling for the puck. Stickhandling.

Description On whistle, X1 skates with puck going down the boards. When he reaches the circle he passes to the coach, cuts deep around the face-off dot, and calls for a pass back which he shoots on goal. X1 then skates hard up the middle of the ice and calls for a pass from X2. After receiving the pass, X2 breaks for the blue line and gets a pass from X1 to gain the zone. X1 heads for the far corner. X2 shoots the puck around the boards and skates for the front of the net. X1 picks up the puck, passes to X2 who one-times a shot on net.

Players then switch lines.

Key Teaching Points a. Acceleration through the neutral zone. b. Calling for passes. c. One time shots.

Variations • Add a defenseman


Breakout Drills Breakout Set-up Drill

Purpose Passing, shooting, and quick breakout with give and go.

Description Start with pucks behind net. D1 (defense) goes twice. First time: D1 retrieves puck from behind net, gains the goal line and passes to F2 who skates up the ice and does a give-and-go with the coach then shoots on goal. Second time: D1 makes a tight turn and goes back other way, takes 3-4 good strides and then passes to F1 who skates up the ice and does a give- and-go with the coach then shoots on goal.

Key Teaching Points

1. Good clean passes. 2. Forwards accelerate with and without pass – create speed in neutral zone.

Variations • Have D2 at center ice jump into play after second pass for a delay pass from F1.

Goalie Breakout Drill

Purpose Breakout after shot on goal.

Description Coach dumps puck on net and goalie places it behind net. D1 picks the puck up and accelerates to gain the goal line. D2 takes up a support position on the goal line. F2 and F3 skate down the boards to hash marks and then head back out of zone. F1 cuts across the ice and receives a pass from D1. F1 hits F3 with a pass to gain the blue line.

Key Teaching Points 1. F1 (center) must cut across the ice in the direction the D with puck is moving. 2. Wingers need to skate down low for support and be an outlet for puck movement. 3. Wingers cannot leave the zone too early. 4. Once control of the puck is gained, forwards need to move with speed. 5. Good tape to tape passes.

Variations • Add forecheckers – Breakout team must read the forecheck pressure. Shoot-In Breakout

Purpose Breakout following a shoot-in.

Description Coach dumps puck around the boards. D2 stops the puck and turns up ice. D1 takes up a support position on the goal line for an outlet pass if needed. F2 and F3 skate down the boards to hash marks and then head back out of zone. F1 skates down center of ice and cuts across to side of ice closest to D1 and receives a pass from D1. F1 hits F3 with a pass to gain the blue line.

Run drill from both sides of ice.

Key Teaching Points 1. Clean puck pick up by D. 2. Good tape to tape passes. 3. F1 needs to watch front of net. 4. Wingers need to skate down low for support and be an outlet for puck movement. 5. Wingers cannot leave the zone too early.

Variations • Have goalie stop puck for defenseman. • Add forecheckers until there are 3. • Add two defensemen and turn into a 5 on 2.

Corner Breakout

Purpose Breakout when puck is in the corner.

Description Coach dumps puck into the corner near the boards and goal line. D1 picks the puck up and turns quickly to face up ice. D2 takes up a support position in front of net. F2 and F3 skate down the boards to hash marks and then head back out of zone. F1 skates down center ice and loops down low around the face-off circle and receives a pass from D1. F1 hits F2 with a pass to gain the blue line. F2 hits F3 with a pass through the neutral zone.

Key Teaching Points 1. Wingers need to skate down low for support and be an outlet for puck movement. 2. Wingers cannot leave the zone too early. 3. Once control of the puck is gained, forwards need to move with speed. 4. Good tape to tape passes. 5. D2 must look to move behind net as an outlet in case D1 runs into trouble.

Variations • Add forecheckers – Breakout team must read the forecheck pressure.

Continuous Breakout

Purpose Breakout, conditioning, dump and change.

Description Teams X and O line up. Coach dumps puck into corner, on goal, or around the boards of Team X. Team X breaks the puck out with one of the learned breakouts. Team X gains the center ice line then dumps it into the Team O’s end. Team X changes lines and Team O breaks the puck out with one of the learned breakouts.

Key Teaching Points 1. Make sure puck is over center line before dumping it in. 2. Players need to know how they are replacing. 3. Changes need to be quick and avoid too many men on the ice.


Attack Drills Transition Cycling Flow

Half-Ice Solo Attack Drill

Purpose To practice tight turns out of corner with puck and attack net.

Description Drill 1 Drill 2 Coach chips puck into corner. Coach chips puck into corner. F1 skates into corner, picks up puck, does F3 skates behind net picks up puck, does a tight turn, then attacks the net. a tight turn, and attacks the net. Coach chips puck into opposite corner and Coach chips puck into opposite corner and F2 repeats the drill. F4 repeats the drill.

Key Teaching Points 1. Must look over shoulder to see pressure. 2. Tight turn and drive to the net.

Variations • Can add a player to create 1 on 1.

Triangle Attack

Purpose Proper width and depth when on the attack.

Description Set up four cones just inside blue line near the neutral zone face-off dots. F2 and F3 start skating. F1 passes to F2 as he hits the blue line. F2 and F3 skate around the outside of the cones into the attacking zone: F2 to the bottom of the circle F3 to the top right of the circle F1 skates hard to the front of the net to complete the triangle. F2 passes to F3 and shoots on net.

Key Teaching Points 1. Always create the triangle effect when on the attack. 2. Puck wide, someone high for support or drop pass, someone going to net. 3. Forwards must read each other and time their skating and passing.

Variations • F3 to F1 for shot -- F2 hard to net. • Other options available, but always maintain triangle -- width and depth. Triangle Regroup Drill

Purpose Flow drill to create movement with good passing, one time shots, width and depth.

Description F1 skates with puck and passes to F2. F1 curls into neutral zone F2 and F3 skate and crossover into neutral zone (creates depth); F2 crosses over low and F3 crosses over high. F2 steps up and passes to F1. F1 passes to either F2 or F3 for a one-timer shot. Players rotate lines counter-clockwise

Key Teaching Points 1. Players must accelerate through the neutral zone. 2. F2 must remain high. 3. F1 must attack the net after last pass.

Variations • Make passes off boards (bank passes)

Full Stop

Purpose To learn when to "run and gun" offensively or to play control.

Description F3 starts the drill by looping through the neutral zone. As soon as F3 hits the center circle, F1 skates with the puck and F2 is the backchecker. When F1 is about 6 feet inside the blue line, he stops facing the net and passes the puck to F3. F3 goes to the net and F1 follows.

Key Teaching Points 1. F3 must slightly trail the play, but not go offside.

Variations • Add defenseman to cover F3

2-1-Drop Drill

Purpose Forward attack using drop pass against defender. Defensive positioning during drop pass.

Description On whistle, F1 and F2 skate around center face-off circle. F1 cuts wide and receives a pass from D1. D2 jumps into play for a 2 on 1. F1 passes to F2 to gain the zone. F1 cuts in behind F2 and gets drop pass. F2 heads for the net.

F3 and F4 run the same drill going the other way with D2 passing and D1 jumping into the play. F3 and F4 don’t have to drop pass – they can be creative.

Players switch lines at completion of drill.

Key Teaching Points a. When drop pass is made, D must try to stay in the middle and prevent a pass. b. Forwards must try to make D commit to either the shooter or the open man and react accordingly. c. If in close, Forwards must attack the net and create a for a low shot.

Twist Drill

Purpose Passing and receiving in motion. Regroup and transition.

Description F1 skates from the attacking zone down the ice and crosses the blue line into the defensive zone. D1 passes to F1 and D1 starts skating out of defensive zone. F2 leaves the defensive zone and heads up ice. F1 touch passes the puck back to D1 at the blue line. D1 picks the puck up and passes to F2. F1 and F2 skate back to the attacking zone and D2 creates a 2 on 1. D1 skates with the play for puck support.

Key Teaching Points 3. Touch pass from F1 needs to be soft. 4. D1 needs to pay attention after making the pass to F1

Variations • F1 could start with a puck and shoot on goal in the defensive zone before getting a pass from D1 • Drop pass to D1 with F1 and F2 acting as screens Stay Open

Purpose Creating width and depth on the attack. Need to support the puck carrier.

Description X1 goes behind net, picks up puck, and skates over the goal line. As soon as X1 picks up a puck, X2 and X3 skates up the boards. X1 passes to X3 just before the blue line and then gets are return pass from X3 in the neutral zone. X1 passes to X2 to gain the blue line of the attacking zone. X2 skates around the bottom of the circle and passes to X1 for a one timer while X3 drives to the net. X1 goes behind the net gets a puck and waits. X2 and X3 skate around the circles staying open to the X1. On the whistle, X1 passes to the forward of his choice. The other forward drives to the net for a .

Key Teaching Points 1. Timing, face passer, give good passing target, swing wide. 2. After shot, retrieve puck. 3. X1 goes to X4 line; X2 goes to X3 line, X3 goes to X 1 line; and X4 goes to X2 line.

Transition Drill

Purpose Transition from the attacking zone to the neutral zone followed by a regroup and re- entry of the attacking zone.

Description F1, F2, F3 and D2 all leave at the same time. D2 skates from behind his own net with a puck, gains the goal line and banks a puck off the boards to D1. F1, F2, and F3 skate out of the attacking zone. F3 loops through center and takes a pass from D1. All three forwards re-enter the attacking zone on a 3 on 1.

Key Teaching Points 1. Forwards must leave the zone with speed and regroup quickly. 2. Forward need to spread out and form a triangle – width and depth to attack.

Variations • Add another defenseman. End to End Flow Drill

3 on 1 Ö Õ 2 on 1 1 on 1 Ö

Purpose 3 on 1, 2 on 1, 1 on 1 -- continuous flow. Create good scoring chance each time. Good for conditioning.

Description Coach dumps puck on goal into defensive zone and 3 forwards skate in. Goalie puts the puck in the corner. F1 picks up a puck passes to either F2 or F3. D jumps into play and creates a 3 on 1. After F1, F2, and F3 have broken the puck out and gone down to the other end for a shot on net, the last forward who touched the puck retrieves a puck from behind the net and passes to the two forwards going back the other way (2 on 1) against same defenseman. The forward who passed puck retires from the drill. After the two forwards have broken the puck out and shot on net, the last forward to touch the puck retrieves a puck from behind the net and passes to the lone forward going back the other way (1 on 1). The forward who passed puck retires from the drill.

Key Teaching Points 1. Last forward to touch puck retrieve new puck (behind net) and makes a breakout pass, then passer is eliminated 2. Must create quality scoring chance. 3. Keep puck wide when attacking

Variations • Add another defenseman Swing Drill

Purpose Passing and receiving in motion. Timing of acceleration to open space.

Description F1 and F2 start drill with puck in slot area. On whistle, F1 and F2 take shot on goalie to start drill. After shot, F1 and F2 retrieve puck at side of net for pass to F3 and F6, respectively. F3 and F6 must time their release from boards and swing to the middle to receive the pass. F4 and F5 must time their release from center and swing towards boards to receive the pass. they drive through the neutral zone and take a shot on net. After shot, they retrieve puck at side of net and drill repeats.

Key Teaching Points 1. Timing, provide good passing target, swing wide. 2. After shot, retrieve puck. 3. F1 and F5 go to F3 line, and F2 and F4 go to F6 line. 4. F3 goes to F4 line, and F6 goes to F5 line.

Variations • Switch sides. • Deke goalie or score on backhand. • Add passer at side of net for option of pass or shot. Partner Showdown

Purpose Skating, passing, shooting

Description Two players attack the goalie 2 on 0. When the 2 players score, they pass puck back to the next players in line. The two players then head to the corner and take a knee. First team with all players back in the corner on one knee wins.

Key Teaching Points 1. Have fun. 2. Attack the net. 3. Shot selection.

Variations • Add a defenseman 2 on 0 Attack

Purpose Skating, passing, shooting, attack skills, goalie puck handling

Description Coach starts drill by shooting on goal. X1 and X2 jump into the zone to support the goalie who passes the puck to the outlet man on the boards. X1 and X2 attack the far end on a 2 on 0

Key Teaching Points 1. Communicate with teammates. 2. Attack the net with speed. 3. Work on leaving the zone at the right time.

Variation • If you only have half ice, make X1 and X2 enter the neutral zone and loop back in to attack 2 on 0 on the same goalie. Double 3 on 0 Transition

Purpose Skating, passing, shooting

Description X1, X2, and X3 skate the center circle until the coach spots a puck. Players retrieve the puck and breakout, attacking 3 on 0. After a shot on goal, coach spots a 2nd puck and the players break out and attack 3 on 0 back the other way. Three new players ready on the circle.

Key Teaching Points 1. Communicate with each other. 2. Attack with speed. 3. Triangle attack to keep options open.

Variations • Add a defenseman to create pressure on the forwards during the attack. Cycle Set-Up Drill

Purpose Learn the basics of cycling before moving on to more involved cycling drills.

Description F1 and F2 skate hard over the blue line. F1 picks up a puck, cuts across the ice and down into the zone while F2 heads to the bottom of the O-zone. F1 executes a tight turn around the hash marks, banks a pass off the boards to F2 and then heads to the front of the net. F2 skates to the face-off dot with the puck and passes to F1 in the slot.

Key Teaching Points 1. Timing and position. 2. Turn must be tight and controlled. 3. This drill is the basic component of cycling and must be done properly.

Variations • Add defenseman as in diagram.

Cycling Switch Drill

Purpose Maintain control of puck while deep in offensive end. Learn to set up cycle when play changes sides.

Description This drill is set up the same as the Dynamic Cycle Drill. Except on the whistle, have the players with the puck shoot them into the other corners and have players move into their new positions. - Player in front of net heads to the corner to retrieve the puck and starts up the boards to begin the cycle - Player at the side boards takes up position in front of net - Player deep in corner skates behind net and picks up the puck as it is banked back from the player heading up the boards On the next whistle, have player moving up the boards execute the Cycle Set-Up drill (bank pass back to the player in the corner, break for net and receive a pass back) for a shot on goal.

Key Teaching Points 1. Keep puck to boards when cycling back to corner. 2. Anticipate the cycle -- get there before or when the puck gets there -- don't wait. 3. Puck must remain below hash mark area.

Variations • Add defensemen (1 then 2) for passive pressure. Defenseman Drills Off the Glass Drill

Purpose Bank the puck off the glass when there is no other option.

Description F shoots puck in on goal and goalie puts puck behind into the corner. D backward skates to top of circle, pivots and gains control of puck. F skates into corner to pressure D. D banks puck off the glass and out of the zone. D2 stands close to blue line to try and the puck.

Key Teaching Points 1. D must gain control of puck when under impending pressure. 2. Concentrate on putting puck high.

Variations • Run from both sides. Bank Pass Regroup Drill

Purpose Regroup pass in defensive zone between two defensemen.

Description Coach shoots puck into corner. D1 and D2 skate in below goal line. D1 retrieves puck, starts to skate up ice, stops, and banks the puck off the end boards to D2. D1 and D2 skate up ice and D2 passes to D1 just before the blue line.

Key Teaching Points 1. D must gain control of puck. 2. Concentrate on making a good strong pass to partner. 3. D cannot be too close to boards when making or receiving pass.

Variations • Run from both corners. • Add forward for passive pressure. • Add forward to take pass from D2.

Powerplay Drills Powerplay Breakout

Purpose Move the puck out of the defensive zone as quickly as possible. Spread the opponents out and gain the attack zone.

Description D1 starts with the puck behind the net. D2 waits behind goal line. F2 starts at blue line and boards, F3 starts at center line and boards. Center (F1) skates behind the net to pick up speed. D1 hits F1 with a pass between goal line and bottom of circle and D1 follows pass. F2 cut across blue line and receives a pass from F1. F3 cuts across center line and receives pass from F2. F3 carries puck into attack zone or dumps puck in.

Key Points 1. D1 needs to offer puck support. 2. Forwards need to skate hard and follow passes. 3. Everyone needs to get into attack zone quickly and set up.

Variations • After F1 skates behind net, D1 passes to D2 then skates out to take a pass. Cross-Ice Feed

Purpose Pull defenders out of position. Create scoring opportunity with a one-timer.

Description F1, F2 and D1 move the puck around between them. F3 stands in front of the net and acts as a screen. F2 takes the puck from behind the goal line and makes a move for the front of the net. D1 jumps to the inside of the defender at the . F2 hits D1 with a pass. F3 pushes off his defender so that he is now at the edge of the circle. D1 passes to F3 who then one-times it at the net

Key Points 1. Everyone needs to read the play. 2. Passes need to “thread the needle”. 3. If play gets broken, everyone needs to quickly regroup.

D Give-and-Go

Purpose Pull defenders out of position. Create scoring opportunity.

Description F1, F2, D1, and D2 move the puck around between them. F3 stands in front of the net and acts as a screen. F1 has the puck above hash marks and passes to D1 who quickly passes it back to F1. D1 skates hard towards the net and gets a return pass from F1 and takes a shot on net. F1 skates up to the blue line to cover for D1. F2 pulls up to the half-boards. D1 drops into the corner if he cannot get back to the point immediately.

Key Points 1. Everyone needs to read the play. 2. D1 needs to keep his stick on the ice. 3. Puck must be above hash marks to run this play. 4. If play gets broken, everyone needs to quickly regroup.

Variation • Can be run on the other side with F1, F2, F3 and D2. Corner Give-and-Go

Purpose Pull defenders out of position. Create scoring opportunity.

Description F1, F2, D1, and D2 move the puck around between them. F3 stands in front of the net and acts as a screen. F1 has the puck below hash marks and passes to F2. F1 skates hard towards the net and gets a return pass from F2 and takes a shot on net. D2 sneaks in and looks for a pass from F1. F2 pulls up to the half-boards. F1 drops into the corner.

Key Points 1. Everyone needs to read the play. 2. D1 needs to keep his stick on the ice. 3. Puck must be above hash marks to run this play. 4. If play gets broken, everyone needs to quickly regroup.

Variation • Can be run on the other side with F2 and F3.


Purpose Fun, stick handling, skating, playmaking

Description Two games of 3 on 3 cross ice. Place nets on the circles (as in diagram). Use goalies at one end and turn the nets around to face the boards at the other end. Divide the team into two (one half plays at one end and the other team plays at the other) Play starts at the first whistle. Subsequent whistles mean players playing switch with players in the neutral zone.

Key Teaching Points 2. Reinforce concept of “crashing the net” – making things happen. 3. Let players get creative and try new things.

Variations • Use more than one puck • Use tennis balls, soccer balls, etc. GOALIE DRILLS 5 Shot - Down and Up

Purpose Goalie’s mobility and endurance.

Description 1. Goalies line up as shown 2. Goalies lie on their stomachs and get up as quickly as possible and get ready for the shot when the Coach bangs his stick on the ice. 3. Both Goalies perform this drill at the same time, although they take turns stopping the pucks. 4. The Coach will take 5 shots from each position shown, alternating between goalies.

Key Teaching Points 1. Quick recovery 2. Focus on shooter 3. Good mechanics Letter Drills

Purpose Letter drills are easy for the goalie to remember and can keep the goalie busy while the coach's attention is elsewhere. The goalie only has to remember U-V-W-X-Y.

Description All letter drills should be performed for about 30 seconds at a time and as fast as is possible while maintaining proper technique.

Goalie starts on the post. Goalie then moves up to the top corner of the crease and pivots back to the other post. Then repeats on the other post. All pivots can be shuffle, T-glide, butterfly or stacked pads.

Key Teaching Points Maintain proper technique

Variations • Have coach shoot pucks at each pivot point.


Cross Crease Rebounds

Purpose Rebounds

Description Player shoots from the face off dot. Regardless of where the rebound actually goes, the goalie will play as if the rebound went to the other player.

The other player (or coach) will shoot the puck quickly after the goalie makes the initial save.

The timing of the rebound shot should be such that the goalie has to make a good, fast move in order to save it. Try to time it as if it was bouncing off the goalie's pad first.

Key Teaching Points Maintain proper technique