Joe mccall wholesaling options pdf


I help people find simple ways to make money in . Here are some ways I can help: I want a FREE physical book! I want to get a $1.99 audiobook! Yes, show me an example! Hi, I'm Joe. I know what it's like to feel stuck - how you can't get any traction when it comes to your income or lifestyle. I was there and I knew there was another way. My life changed when I discovered real estate investment and rental options. In just three months of doing rental option deals, I was doing more than I was in my job. So I quit my job and did (and teach) lead option deals so far. Over the years I have flipped over a hundred deals and helped my students flip thousands more. Doing deals gave me the margin and freedom to travel around the world, golf with my boys, or jump into the pool with my girls on a drop of my hat. Whether living in Prague for three months, the Czech Republic, or traveling around the U.S. to RV ... rental options allowed me to have the freedom to live on my own terms. While we still do a lot of deals today, my greatest joy is helping others discover the power of rental options! That's why I've put together my free class on rental options as well as a free book. Let me tell you a little bit about my background first. A few years ago I bought a lot of houses with traditional bank financing. When banks started telling me that I couldn't buy more homes, I started buying homes falling under existing mortgages. Pretty soon, I owned about 12 homes for 12 months. (And I was selling all these houses for rental options.) Yes, I owned 12 houses. I thought I was a successful real estate investor! But I was a shareholder of the rich and the poor in cash. I had a lot of justice. (Actually, I thought I had a lot of justice... But then the collapsed! Can anyone relate?) When you only make $100-$200 a month cash flow to every home, that money quickly disappears into job openings and repairs. Suddenly I had a serious problem with cash flows. I realized that I needed to fix my cash flow problem - and fix it quickly. That's when I started whole houses. Then I started spending thousands and thousands of dollars on marketing - direct mail, Google adwords, websites, signs, etc. I was getting a lot of versions and I started making good money! But then I started to get really frustrated because I was spending so much money on marketing and throwing away so many leads from vendors that weren't motivated! Maybe they didn't have enough capital. Maybe they have enough justice, but they weren't willing to share any of them with me! Many of my leads do not lag behind the payments. There was nothing I could do to them, and I was very upset! So here I was -- I loved buying real estate, and I was really good at selling them for rent but I had a serious problem with cash flows. And then I loved the cash flow that traditional wholesale gave me, but I was disappointed by the amount of time and money I was putting into marketing for wholesale deals with relatively little to show for it. That's when it hit me... Why not wholesale rental options?! (Or make a Co-op rental option?) Let's look at some facts... 1) There are tons of sellers who can't sell their home. They either have very little capital or they are not willing to discount their home to 70% of ARVs to compete with the banks. 2) There are tons of buyers who can't buy a home. So I thought to myself, why not stop throwing away all these leads and doing something with them? Why can't I put rental options and Wholesaling together and make the same money with them as I did with regular whole hands?! So let me give you a quick and messy low down that Wholesaling Rental Options. Here are the main steps: 1) Find a motivated seller who wants to sell your home on the rental option 2) Get the under the Rental Option Option Option Agreement 3) Find a qualified buyer who has a good down payment and has a good chance of getting a in 6-12 months 4) Sign a lease agreement with the tenant-buyer 5) Assign a lease to the seller back. 6) Keep the option of consideration/deposit and give the seller the first month of the lease 7) Put the buyer in the loan repair program with the mortgage broker. 8) Make your money and move on to the deal! Real simple... Really! That's why I love this so much. Almost everyone can easily make 1-2 of these trades per month. Imagine what you could do with an extra $3,000-$10,000 at Hip Pocket National Bank each month! And if I can do that, anyone can!!! Joe McCall is a guy who is always looking for the best ways to use his time, so that he can follow his real passions that his wife and children and in particular travel inside and outside the U.S. with them for a month or more at a time. This article is about how his pretty home business has evolved from his frustrations about other strategies. By the way, Joe is one of 20 experts present at the National Real Estate Investment Summit (OREIA) November 1-4. If you're not there, meeting 1,000 professionals, service providers and other investors, you're wasting great opportunities. Check this out ours on and you'll see what I mean, let me first tell you a little bit about my background. A few years ago I bought as many houses as I could with traditional financing. But when the banks started telling me that I couldn't buy more homes, I started buying houses creatively - through the subject and sandwich options Methods. For 18 months bought more than 16 houses! Yes, I owned 16 houses!!! I thought I did it. I was making $100-$200 net cash flow for each home. My passive income grew and I steadily quit the speed race. I was a successful real estate investor now - or so I thought! But you know what? I quickly discovered that while I may have been stock rich... I was seriously Cash Poor. I had a lot of equity but no cash to pay the bills! (As many of you know - you can't eat stocks?) But let's look at my situation a little deeper ... All that justice I thought in these 16 houses... was a HYPOTHETICAL myth. All right I thought I quickly disappeared when the market started crashing in 2007. Suddenly, I was the justice of the poor and the cash poor. I was so over-extended and over-borrowed. I was buried in debt and most of my private lenders started asking for their money back. I started getting behind -- on everything. I had a serious problem with cash flows. I had to understand something ... And fast. It was then that I decided to go back to basics and learn the most fundamental part of the business - whole houses. Things then actually started to turn around for me. I started some and started digging myself out of all the debts I was in, but I also spent thousands and thousands of dollars a month on marketing - direct mail, Google adwords, websites, signs, etc. etc. I was getting a lot of leads and making a lot of money whole houses, but I started getting really frustrated again with the business. I started asking myself: Why on earth should I spend so much money on stupid leads that I can't do anything but throw it away? Why 90% of my clients are from sellers who have zero motivation, who haven't been behind on payments, or who don't have any equity? Or maybe they have some justice, but they sure weren't willing to share any of them with me! So at this point in my business, I knew what I loved and what I hated. I loved the profits that Wholesaling gave me, but I hated the money I spent on marketing. I also loved the fact that Rental Options allowed me to control the property without owning it. I loved doing quick nickels against slow dimes. But I hated taking on more debt - more liabilities. I wanted to keep good in Wholesaling and rental options, but pull out the bad. That's when it hit me... Why can't I wholesale rental options?! This simple question literally changed my life forever. Why can't I wholesale rental options?! Let's look at some facts... There are tons of sellers who can't sell their home. There are tons of buyers who can't buy a house. Creative investors have solutions these people! Most sellers can't discount their home home cents on the dollar to compete with all the distressed homes in their neighborhood. And most buyers can't get a loan because banks won't lend them money! It's a vicious, downward spiral. So again, I asked myself, why am I throwing away all these leads? Why can't I do anything with them? Why can't I plug rental options and Wholesaling together and start making money with these two strategies at the same time? So that's exactly what I did. Within 3 months, I started consistently earning $10,000-$15,000 every month, working part-time, spending very little money on marketing, and hardly throwing away any leads! And... I've been outsourcing 80% of my virtual assistant business! (But that's another story.) And guess what? I've been flipping full-time rental options now for almost 4 years, but I'm still working part-time. The real exciting thing about this business is that it is so easy to organize and outsource! And you can do it from almost anywhere in the world! Here's a quick and messy low down on what Wholesaling Rental Options is and how they work: Find a seller who can't sell your home To get a property under the simple option of a contract Find a tenant-buyer who has a good down payment and has a real chance of getting a mortgage in 1-2 years (there are a lot of them out there, believe me!) assign an option contract you keep an option deposit as a profit! Real simple... Really! That's why I love this business so much! Almost everyone can easily make 1-2 of these trades per month. And imagine what you could do with an extra $3,000-$10,000 at Hip Pocket National Bank each month! Month! joe mccall wholesaling lease options pdf. joe mccall wholesaling lease options book. joe mccall wholesaling lease options course

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