Vision for East

A better for now and the future The East Cowes Regeneration project is a major regeneration scheme on the . It will create a vibrant community with a long-term sustainable future, a revitalised town centre and waterfront, and increased employment opportunities within the marine, retail and leisure sectors. All key organisations are now working together to deliver the regeneration of the town. Local Enterprise Partnership (SLEP), working in partnership with , City Council, Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) and , and other landowners and developers, is seeking to deliver a strategy to bring about a transformation of the Southampton/ East Cowes ferry route allied to major redevelopment on each side of the Solent.

“The East Cowes project is a major regeneration scheme. It will create a vibrant community with a long-term sustainable future, a revitalised town centre and waterfront, and increased employment opportunities within the marine, retail and leisure sectors.” Vision Statement. Appendix A Summary of East Cowes Masterplan planning application 2006.

Concept scenario of East Cowes waterfront

Red Funnel proposals Opportunities In tandem with the Solent Gateways initiative by Development shall be brought forward in the Solent LEP, Red Funnel is seeking to improve accordance with the following development its facilities and help deliver redevelopment principles: along the waterfront at Trinity Wharf and also • Providing capacity to safeguard the economic on the existing marshalling yard adjoining Link growth of the Island Road. • Creating a new waterfront opportunity for Below: Concept scenario of East Cowes waterfront and pedestrian East Cowes friendly street, linking town to water • A strong destination with a mix of activities • Regeneration of East Cowes town centre • Improved sense of arrival with an improved Red Funnel facility • Separating Port from Town • Viable and sustainable change • Improved quality of townscape • Access to job opportunities • An improved gateway to Cowes and the Isle of Wight • A workable solution for East Cowes


Reason for consultation The Red Funnel planning application Red Funnel, in association with Isle of Wight Red Funnel is proposing to submit a new Council and the Homes and Communities planning application that helps to deliver Agency, has employed consultants led by Savills many of the principles found within the 2007 to masterplan the opportunities for regeneration masterplan. The new proposal now coming and development of East Cowes, to help deliver forward has two parts: the new ferry facilities and new town centre • A detailed planning application for the and waterfront development. We would like new single marshalling yard adjoining the to involve the local community and businesses waterfront in shaping these proposals prior to submitting a planning application later in the year. • An outline planning application for the redevelopment of Trinity Yard and Trinity So far we have been carrying out technical Wharf waterfront, and the redevelopment of assessments on site and have produced the current marshalling yard as Phoenix Yard emerging sketch masterplan scenarios. This is (adjoining Link Road) an important stage of the process and we are here to listen. Key potential outputs: You can help us by doing one or more of the The Red Funnel planning application is able following: to include a number of opportunities: • Look at the display boards and give us your • Opportunity for up to a 60 bed hotel views on the issues and ideas • Cafe bar/ restaurant • Discuss your ideas with members of the team • Small offices/ commercial services • Fill out a comment sheet and either place it in • Small scale retail the comments box or post it to us • Office/ research employment space, • You can also look at the exhibition material including potential for marine light industry and complete an on line survey by visiting: (subject to options) • Mix of up to 140 new homes, including apartments over other uses and town houses on Phoenix Yard (Link Road) • Single area for Red Funnel marshalling yard • New Red Funnel terminal building

Solent Gateways The Red Funnel proposals will complement the wider regeneration initiative of East Cowes, including the initiative by the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (SLEP). Funding is now being obtained via the Solent LEP to: • carry out local street and junction works to help manage traffic;

Recent workshops to examine ideas for East Cowes • improve the quality of the environment, including streets and spaces, and The story so far • deliver a new floating bridge The Isle of Wight Council and Homes and Note: Two boards at today’s exhibition help to Communities Agency have identified the explain how the LEP will help to deliver these need for the regeneration of East Cowes. A improvements and the Solent Gateways Project. masterplan for the area was approved as part These are NOT part of the Red Funnel planning of an outline planning application in 2007. This application. helped to identify the vision for the future of East Cowes and set out some principles. The key objective of the masterplan was to help deliver new facilities and investment into the Your Views area, including infrastructure, retail, new homes, employment and waterfront access. We would like your views as ideas The town has already seen considerable for the masterplan is designed. The change, including 180 new homes (with 30% intention is to submit an outline affordable), a new medical centre and the planning application by August 2015. introduction of the Waitrose supermarket and Further consultation will be carried associated town car park. Planning permission has also been granted for a new marina and out before it is submitted. associated development.


Solent Local Enterprise Partnership Transport modelling In January 2014 the Solent Local Enterprise You can view an animation of the transport Partnership (SLEP) published its Strategic model at this exhibition. This is based on the Economic Plan, which included the Red Funnel following assumption: Interchanges Scheme, as part of a package of measures designed to boost growth and jobs in • Up to 450 vehicle space modified ferry the region. The two authorities, Southampton marshalling yard (up to 420 spaces proposed) and the Isle of Wight, are now working to • 30 vehicle space floating bridge submit a full business case for £15 million • Modified highway and land uses of funding from the SLEP. The business case will be delivered in June 2015, and the SLEP • Forecast up to 2026 has indicated it will make a final decision on • Ferry access and exit via Well Road allocating the funds in July 2015. • Five options have been reviewed for boat The completion of the stalled East Cowes occupancy from average winter/ summer peak Masterplan is one of three elements in the hour usage to full ferry package, the others being the provision of a new floating bridge between Cowes and East Cowes, and access to the re-positioned Red Funnel terminal at Trafalgar Dock in Southampton.

Scheme objectives Key outcomes To complete the Masterplan, the public realm The following items should be considered: design must: • Co-ordinated “green wave” between signals • Accommodate the Red Funnel marshalling yard to minimise impact of a road, ferry and chain link ferry alterations. • Provide for good quality transport interchange • Traffic signal control system will be required • Ensure the integrity/ cohesion of the town at Waitrose/ Ferry junction and also likely at centre is improved York Avenue and Well Road junction. • Be of high quality in materials and improve the • Layout re-unites the town centre with strong environment pedestrian links throughout, including to the • Enhance the place as a ‘gateway to the island’ waterfront. • Set out a cohesive waterfront • Provides quality access for all modes including pedestrians, cycles, buses and taxis. • Accommodate a mixed balance of land uses • Site management plan to demonstrate method of dealing with back-up of ferry Transport and movement traffic onto the highway. Solent Gateways and Isle of Wight Council have • Mitigation of potential conflict of ferry and commissioned consultants to undertaken traffic Waitrose traffic. modelling and options testing for the proposed • The replacement of the floating bridge will road layout, including the new marshalling yard. improve the crossing of the Medina. A new The previous transport model was created in vessel may provide increased capacity for the 2004/5 and has been updated as applications crossing. have been amended and sites have been implemented. The latest refresh utilises new traffic data from 2014, with Waitrose, the medical centre and a proportion of the new housing scheme completed.

Existing floating bridge in need of replacement Opportunities for improved public transport for East Cowes


Streets and spaces improvements The Solent Gateways initiative, funded by the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership, will not only help to improve local traffic movement and replace the floating bridge, it will also help to improve the quality of the local environment by carrying out works to the quality of the public realm of some of the key streets and spaces.

Bridge Square Key arrival point from West Cowes creating enhanced pedestrian links to Castle Road and York Square. The design offers views at high level over the and the chain ferry to West Cowes.

Right: Concept plan for Bridge Square, next to the floating bridge Below: York Square as existing Above: Concept plan for Bridge Square, by the floating bridge. Solent Gateways initiative proposal by the SLEP

York Square One of the main hubs in East Cowes connecting the chain ferry, Waitrose, town square, Trinity Wharf and Castle Street to the Town Hall. The design provides further opportunities for cafe spill out, as well as creating a high quality pedestrian space.

Concept for York Square by the Solent Gateways SLEP initiative Below: Areas in pink being delivered via the Solent Gateways SLEP initiative York Avenue Proposed improvements on York Avenue will allow for the separation of traffic for the marshalling yard and the town centre facilitating the public realm works at York Square. Enhanced public realm will provide benefits for businesses on York Avenue and an important pedestrian link between Trinity Wharf and York Square. Castle Street Provides access from the floating bridge to the town centre and the marshalling yard. The design will allow for the separation of traffic for the marshalling yard and the town centre, facilitating improved access and the proposed improvements at York Square.


Current issues to be resolved • The capacity of the marshalling yards offers little operational reliance given that the ferry traffic is highly variable, in terms of seasonal, daily and hourly peaks. • Turnaround times are affected by the inability to allow simultaneous loading and off loading. • The lack of segregation between different ferry traffic (cars, HGVs, dropped trailers and coaches). • The lack of segregation and space between traffic boarding/ leaving the ferry, vehicles Split marshalling yard: Phoenix Yard, east of Castle Street dropping passengers off/ picking up, bus services, taxis and parcel delivery A new marshalling yard management. The solution is to create a single efficient new • The split marshalling yards. marshalling yard. The proposals include: • The alignment of the stacking lanes making • Increase the capacity of the ferry terminal it difficult for various vehicles to load the operational area, including the marshalling ferries and thus resulting in inefficient lane yard. management. • Improve the efficiency of the embarkation and • The necessary allocation of stacking lanes disembarkation of ferry traffic. to different vehicles and the consequent conflicting/ cross over movements. • Reduce conflicts between the various movements associated with the ferry terminal and the town centre uses. • Improve the internal segregation of the movements and activities associated with the ferry; • Future proof proposals for the ferry operations to assist in meeting the longer term growth objectives of the Isle of Wight Council. • Comply with and help deliver the Solent Gateway Project’s aspirations to improve the local road network for the benefit of the local community and ferry operations.

The suggested solution to separate port traffic Above: Existing traffic and the split marshalling yard from town traffic is shown below. Below (right): Proposed single marshalling yard and split traffic movements to avoid conflicts in the town centre.

View along Castle Street between marshalling yards

Ferry off-loading

Floating bridge


A new arrival to East Cowes The current terminal building is currently in need of replacement and does not offer the best possible experience for visitors to the Island. As part of Red Funnel’s commitment to the Isle of Wight, it is investing in a new purpose built terminal building that provides for better and more efficient facilities, such as improved ticketing, real time information and new Steam cafe, with decked viewing area overlooking the Medina. Red Funnel has employed architects Stride Treglown to design new terminals for both East Cowes and Southampton. The current emerging proposals are illustrated.

Location We have considered four locations for the new terminal building: 1. Adjoining Castle Street/ Well Road junction: Again this creates a conflict with passengers walking across the marshalling yard and is too far from the ferry. 2. Trinity Wharf: However this meant walking in front of the loading area for the ferry, which provides a safety issue for passengers. 3. Located in the current position: This would provide inflexibility for future growth for any additional berth or Red jet. 4. North-West corner: This is the preferred location and helps separate vehicle traffic from pedestrian movement.

Design • Designed with two main facades, one entrance façade facing the marshalling yard and one ‘active’ façade facing the River Medina. • Main entrance located on a corner and clearly visible from all points of the new marshalling yard. • All passenger facilities located on the ground floor of the building, with covered walkway providing access to the ferries for foot passengers. • All staff facilities are located on the first floor of the building with clear views over the marshalling yard. • External seating area with tables and chairs providing good views over the river and an active frontage to the building, with river views. • Building form heavily articulated to provide interest and avoid the look of a monolithic building. • White and contrasting grey panels add to the elevations to provide contrast and also reflect the white appearance of the Columbine Building and the Waitrose Energy Centre. • Aluminium standing seam mono pitch roof system, providing a maintenance free solution.

Proposed new Red Funnel terminal. This will form a detailed part of the planning application.


Emerging ideas for development Your thoughts are needed! Two Masterplan Scenarios have been developed We are asking you to look at each masterplan for the future of East Cowes, as part of the scenario, give your thoughts on the bits you like proposals being developed on behalf of Red or don’t like, and provide input into the design of Funnel. The final version will form part of the a preferred masterplan for the area. There will illustrative proposals for the outline part of the be further opportunities to get involved as the planning application masterplan design moves forward. The land use plan sets out the general approach Common elements within each Masterplan to the redevelopment proposed, however Scenario: there are a number of approaches that could • Each retains the same land use split between be taken forward in terms of the approach to Red Funnel operational land and areas for development and we would like your thoughts new development. on what would be best for the area. • Each assumes the relocation of the existing In general terms there could be two approaches slipway into the Medina. for delivery: • Each illustrates a residential led approach 1. Employment led regeneration of the to Phoenix Yard, though again there are waterfront. opportunities to refine the final mix for this 2. Mixed use approach to waterfront area. development. • Maximum building heights remain the same, We have illustrated both approaches and would with a maximum building height to the like your views on the approach that would best waterfront at Trinity Wharf being up to 15m deliver the vision for East Cowes and create the (equivalent to four residential storeys), and kind of place you would like to live and work in. Phoenix Yard up to 12 metres (three to four With each scenario we are assessing how viable storey residential). the schemes are and who would be willing to • Each delivers employment, though the help deliver the development and final mix of quantity varies, as does the range of uses. additional uses; • Each assumes the same general street structure. The two Scenarios differ in three principal Q: What uses would you ways: like to see as part of the • Large scale employment approach to scenario development? 01. • Fine grain mixed use development to waterfront in scenario 02.

Proposed planning application area Proposed land use mix opportunities

Site Area c2.4ha Site Area c2.4ha Detail (Full) Area c1.6ha Marshalling Yard c1.6ha

Trinity Wharf c0.5ha

Phoenix Yard c0.3ha

a Terminal Building

b Work / Retail / Homes / Leisure

c Work / Homes a



YYYGCUVEQYGUTGIGPGTCVKQPEQWM 7 Scenario 01 Waterfront Employment Hub

A focus for marine industries This scenario demonstrates how new waterfront development could be delivered which has an employment focus, incorporating up to 20,000 square foot (1,858 square metres) building. Even with an employment focus there could also be some restricted access for visitors, especially if a small cafe is incorporated as part of the development, providing waterfront views for visitors. Phoenix Yard, adjoining Link Road, would still provide for some residential and potential for some small scale commercial space. This design approach would lend itself more to the needs of marine based industries and research uses. A similar approach is currently being proposed in West Cowes at Medina Yard.

Employment Cafe

Artist’s impression of what an employment led option could look like from the River Medina

Q: What do you think? Would Potential for housing led New employment, up you like to see an employment development on Phoenix to 20,000 sqft, with Yard, Link Road for a focus to the waterfront? opportunity for public New bus stop mix of up to 40 homes, viewing area to Medina with potential for some and potential cafe Cafe commercial space


Marshalling Yard

New terminal


A mixed use, vibrant, opportunity This illustrative scenario provides for a broad mix of uses, based on a range of smaller units to create an active frontage of development, linking the town centre to the waterfront at Trinity Wharf. We suggest that this can help to deliver a wide range of uses and include:

• Hotel • Restaurant/ bar/ cafe • Small scale employment uses/ offices • Apartments over commercial uses • Rear parking • Pedestrian friendly street and public decked space to the waterfront, with opportunity to access temporary moorings for boats and possibly a river taxi service.

Artist’s impression of what a mixed use development option could look like from the River Medina

Q: What do you think? Potential for housing led Greenwall New bus stop development on Phoenix Mixed use waterfront, Would you like to see a boundary/ Yard, Link Road for a with potential for hotel, mixed-use waterfront? landscape mix of up to 40 homes, employment, retail and with potential for some residential. commercial space


Marshalling Yard

New terminal


Your comments matter The comments received today and throughout the consultation process will help inform the final masterplan and there will be a further opportunity in early summer to have your say on proposals.

More chances to comment We also intend to host a further public exhibition in late June 2015 to show you progress, prior to submitting any planning application. Consultation: Stakeholder workshop aboard Red Falcon

We welcome your comments Planning application You can provide us with your comments today Red Funnel aims to submit an outline planning by completing a feedback form. Alternatively, application at the beginning of August 2015. you can send us your comments by 8 June 2015, or go on to the East Cowes Regeneration website:

PLEASE COMMENT BY 8 JUNE 2015 Contact details By post to: East Cowes Regeneration Savills 2 Charlotte Place Southampton SO14 0TB

By email to: [email protected]

Proposed new Red Funnel terminal. This will form a detailed part of the planning application.