Situation Report No. 1 – Floods in Version 1.0 Humanitarian Response Forum As of 12 October 2020 FLOOD SITUATION OVERVIEW SATELLITE-DETECTED WATER (as of 11 October 2020) Since October 1, Cambodia has experienced heavy rainfall across much of the country. As of October 12, seven provinces have been affected by flash floods, including , , Banteay Meanchey, Pailin, and Stung Treng. The worst affected are Pursat (8,315 households affected, 1,693 evacuated), Battambang (13,180 households affected, 1,570 evacuated) and Banteay Meanchey (2,661 households affected, 262 evacuated).


25,177 households affected 5 health centres affected

4,031 households displaced 46 schools affected

3 persons have died 102,819 meters of road affected

6,579 houses affected 39,678 hectares of agricultural land affected




road road land

flood flood flood flood flood flood

Health Health Deaths Houses

centers centers Schools

(meter) by by flood

displaced displaced Length of Length (hectare)

affected by affected by affected affected by affected by Agricultural affected by Report date

Pursat 8,315 1,693 3 413 - - 28,224 25,279 12/10/2020

Battambang 13,180 1,570 2,812 1 25 4,020 7,579 12/10/2020 -

Banteay Meanchey 2,661 262 2,661 3 19 61,805 6,387 11/10/2020 -

Stung Treng 758 506 693 1 2 8,750 265 12/10/2020

Preah Vihear 237 - - - - - 20 168 12/10/2020

Svay Rieng 26 ------12/10/2020 TECHNICAL NOTE: The satellite-derived water displayed in the map was produced by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and SERVIR-Mekong initiative and obtained on 11 October and mapped by the World Food Programme Cambodia. Pailin ------Flood extent was extracted from this data by considering annual permanent and recurrent surfacewater. 25,177 4,031 3 6,579 5 46 102,819 39,678 [email protected] Situation Report No. 1 – Floods in Cambodia Version 1.0 Humanitarian Response Forum As of 12 October 2020

RIVER LEVEL MONITORING AND FLOOD FORECAST NATIONAL WEATHER WARNING According to the Mekong River Commission, all eight river monitoring stations in Cambodia are at ‘normal’ levels (indicated as ‘N’ in the map below). Water levels The Department of Meteorology’s at all stations are forecasted to increase in the next five days (13-17 October). three-day outlook includes heavy rainfall warnings on 12-14 October 2020 inmost provinces.

REGIONAL RAINFALL FORECAST; Accumulated rainfall for the seven-day period of 11-17 October is forecasted to be more than 100 mm in most provinces except northern parts of the country which expect to receive less than 100 PCDMs have sent flood mm. This is above the long- warning alerts via term average. EWS1294 in Battambang and Pursat, among other locations.

Accessed 9 Oct, NOAA, Climate Prediction Center [email protected] Situation Report No. 1 – Floods in Cambodia Version 1.0 Humanitarian Response Forum As of 12 October 2020


There is no information on response actions from the HRF sectors yet. According to the National Committee for Disaster Management, the Royal Government of Cambodia has food and cash reserves equivalent to 16,000 mt of rice, 3,000 mt of rice seed and 25 mt of crop seeds. The food reserves will be released if/when there is a request from the subnational level. In addition to these resources, NCDM has 720 trained search and rescue team members to support emergency operations when requested by provincial authorities.

United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations have reported the following stock of non-food items are currently available: water purification sachets for 5,500 HHs for 15 days; WASH kits for 11,500 HHs; water filters for 1,500 HHs; and 480 learning kits (Source: HRF 3Ws matrix). ASSESSMENTS

A rapid assessment toolkit, developed by HRF members, is availablehere: assessments-toolkit


Sector Lead and Co-lead agencies

Food Security and Nutrition World Food Programme, DanChurchAid

WASH UNICEF, World Vision

Shelter International Organization for Migration, People In Need

Health World Health Organization Pictures: Flood rescue operations and the impact on homes and agriculture

Education UNICEF, Save the Children

Protection UNICEF, Save the Children, World Vision [email protected]