281 Down but not out? A novel isoform of the estrogen  is expressed in the  knockout mouse

M Koš, S Denger, G Reid, K S Korach1 and F Gannon European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Meyerhofstrasse 1, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany 1Receptor Biology Section, Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/NIH, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709, USA

(Requests for offprints should be addressed to F Gannon; Email: [email protected])


The mouse knockout of the estrogen receptor α (ERα) , known as αERKO, has been extensively used for several years to study the role and function of ERα. Residual estradiol binding capacity in uterine tissue of 5–10% raised doubts if this knockout is a genuine null mutation of ERα. Although alternatively spliced ERα mRNA variants in the αERKO mouse were reported previously, the corresponding protein isoforms have not been detected to date. Here we show that a variant ERα protein, 61 kDa in size, is expressed in the uterine tissue of αERKO mice as a result of an alternative splicing. The transactivation capability of this protein is cell dependent and can be as high as 75% of the wild type ERα. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2002) 29, 281–286

Introduction (Couse & Korach 1999 and references therein). However, the residual estradiol binding activity in Estrogens play an important role in the develop- uterine tissue in conjunction with the fact that ment and physiological processes in vertebrates. the ER gene was disrupted by an insertion of the Although they are primarily known as female sex neomycin gene into the first coding exon raised the hormones controlling female sex determination, possibility that alternatively spliced ER variant(s) reproduction and pregnancy, they are also involved might be present in the ERKO mice. Two in the development and maintenance of male alternatively spliced transcripts of the disrupted reproductive organs (Hess et al. 1997) and in other ER gene, called E1 and E2, were described in physiological processes involving the liver, fat, bone ERKO mice (Couse et al. 1995). The E2 mRNA metabolism and cardiovascular and neuronal contains a frame shift generating several stop activity (Norman & Litwack 1987, George & codons after the first 41 amino acids of ER. The Wilson 1988, Auchus & Fuqua 1994). The role of E1 mRNA is generated by an alternative splicing, estrogens in several pathological processes such as which utilizes a cryptic donor splice site at the osteoporosis (Horowitz 1993), breast and endo- beginning of the neomycin gene and the endogen- metrial cancers (Henderson et al. 1988), arterio- ous acceptor splice site of coding exon 2 (Fig. 1). sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease (Auchus & Fuqua The ER protein isoform resulting from this 1994) is also well established. transcript would have amino acids 92 to 155 of The generation of the estrogen receptor  (ER) wild type ER replaced by seven amino acids from knockout mouse (ERKO) (Lubahn et al. 1993) was the neomycin insert. This replacement would affect highly informative towards understanding the AF-1 transactivation function but not the DNA or mechanisms of estrogen action in the complexity of ligand binding domain, which contains the AF-2 the whole organism. An impressive and con- transactivation function. Such a protein isoform tinuously growing body of information on ER has recently been observed in mouse tissues functions has been obtained from ERKO mice (Pendaries et al. 2002). The discovery of estrogen

Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2002) 29, 281–286 Online version via http://www.endocrinology.org 0952–5041/02/029–281 © 2002 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain

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receptor  (ER) (Kuiper et al. 1996) brought directionally cloned into the BamHI and EcoRI another potential explanation of the observed sites of the pSG5 vector. The construct was binding activity. However, overlapping but distinct sequenced. phenotypes of ER knockout (Krege et al. 1998) The reporter plasmid ERE-tk-Luc containing and ER double knockout (Couse et al. 1999) the estrogen response element upstream of the mice do not fully support this explanation. More thymidine kinase (tk) promoter and firefly luciferase recently, ER,ER and ERER knockout mice encoding sequence was kindly provided by P Webb were generated by complete deletion of the second and has been described (Paech et al. 1997) coding exon using loxP sites and crosses with previously. The pSG5-Renilla vector was kindly CMV-Cre mice (Dupont et al. 2000). These new provided by M Hentze and contains the Renilla knockout mice share many phenotypes with the luciferase coding sequence cloned between the original ER knockouts. SmaI and BamHI sites of pSG5. In this report, the presence of an ER protein isoform, which might correspond to a putative Protein isolation and Western blot analysis translational product of the E1 transcript isolated previously by Couse et al. (1995) in ERKO uterine The uteri were powdered in liquid nitrogen using tissue is shown. The capability of this E1 isoform a pestle and mortar. The powdered tissue was to activate a promoter containing an estrogen transferred into approximately 5 volumes of the response element (ERE) was evaluated by transient buffer containing 50 mM Tris, pH 7·5, 1 mM transfections in different cell lines. EDTA, 1 mM dithiothreitol, 10% glycerol and the protease inhibitor cocktail Complete mini (Roche). After 10 min incubation on ice, the suspension was Materials and methods pelleted in a table minicentrifuge and the supernatant was transferred into a new tube. Plasmids and constructs The protein concentration was determined by the Bradford assay (BioRad, Munich, Germany). The The mouse ER expressing vector pSG5-mER protein extracts were stored at 70 C. Aliquots of was constructed by subcloning the ER coding 50 µg total were analyzed by Western sequence from pMT2-MOR (kindly provided by blotting using the following antibodies: rabbit poly- M G Parker) into the EcoRI site of the pSG5 vector clonal antibody MC-20 (SantaCruz, Heidelberg, (Green et al. 1988). To create the pSG5-E1 vector Germany) raised against the last 20 amino acids of expressing the E1 ER, the ER coding sequences mouse ER; rabbit polyclonal antibody H-184 upstream and downstream of the deletion were (SantaCruz) raised against the 2–185 amino acids PCR amplified from the pSG5-mER plasmid region of ER; and rat monoclonal H222 using the following primer pairs: PF1 (5-TCGAA antibody raised against the ligand binding domain TTCATGACCATGACCCTTCACACCAAAGC-3) of human ER (Greene et al. 1984). The H222 and PR1 (5-ATTAGACCCGGTAGAATTCCT antibody was kindly provided by G L Greene GCAAGCGGCCGCCTCCGACCCGGGGCCG (University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA). The TAG-3); and PF2 (5-GCTTGCAGGAATTCTA rabbit polyclonal anti--actin antibody (Sigma) CCGGGTCTAATTCTGACAATCGACGCCAG was used to control for equal loading and degra- AATGGCCGAG-3) and PR2 (5-GCGAATTC dation. The secondary horseradish peroxidase GGGGAGCCTGGGAGCTCTCAGAT-3). The conjugates were purchased from DiaNova PF1 spans the translation start site of ER and (Hamburg, Germany). contains a BamHI site at its 5 end. The PR2 primer spans the termination codon of ER and contains an EcoRI site. The PR1 and PF2 primers Cell culture, transient transfections and dual are partially overlapping and contain sequences luciferase assays spanning the deletion. The two amplified products HeLa, Ishikawa and NIH-3T3 cell lines were were isolated from the gel and were used as maintained in DMEM (Invitrogen) supplemented templates in a new PCR amplification using, again, with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (Invitrogen), primers PF1 and PR2. The final PCR product was penicillin (100 U/ml; Invitrogen), streptomycin

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Figure 1 (A) Western blot analysis of uterine tissue using the antibody MC-20 recognizing the C-terminus of ERα. An arrow denotes the putative E1 ERα protein. Lanes 1–6 were loaded with samples from different αERKO animals. (B) Western blot analysis of uterine tissue using the antibody H-184 recognizing the N-terminus of ERα and anti-β-actin antibody. An arrow denotes the putative E1 ERα protein. (C) Schematic representation of the alternative splicing generating the E1 ERα transcript. Numbers below represent amino acid residues of the wild type ERα. White boxes represent exons of the ERα gene; grey boxes correspond to the inserted Neomycin sequence. Neo, neomycin.

(100 µg/ml; Invitrogen) and glutamin (2 mM, (Berthold Technologies, Bad Wildbad, Germany).  Invitrogen) at 37 Cina5%CO2 incubator. The All experiments were performed at least three times cells were split 48 h before transfection into 24-well in triplicate. plates and the next day were transferred to the medium without phenol red and supplemented with 2·5% charcoal striped FBS. Transfections Results were performed using Fugene6 reagent (Roche) following the recommendations of the manufac- A novel ER protein isoform is expressed in turer. In each transfection, 200 ng ERE-tk-Luc ERKO uteri reporter construct, 50 ng of either pSG5-mER or In order to investigate if ER protein isoform(s) are pSG5-E1 vector and 5 ng pSG5-Renilla vector expressed in ERKO mice, uterine samples from were used. Immediately after transfection the several animals of different ages were analyzed by vehicle, 17-estradiol (108 M) or ICI 182,780 Western blotting. A protein of approximately (108 M) were added to the media. Twenty hours 61 kDa was detected by the MC-20 antibody that after transfection cells were lysed in passive lysis recognizes the last 20 amino acids of the mouse buffer (Promega) and dual luciferase assays ER receptor protein (Fig. 1A). This antibody (Promega) were performed following the recom- produces an unspecific doublet at the 55 kDa mendations of the manufacturer. Ten microliters of range. The other proteins of approximately 52, 40 cell lysate were transferred into a 96-well plate and and 37 kDa are degradation products of ER,as the light emission was measured for 10 s with 2 s they can be partially prevented by inclusion of delay after the injection of 50 µl luciferase assay iodoacetamide or molybdate in the extraction reagent or Stop&Glow reagent on an EG&G buffer (Horigome et al. 1987 and our observation). Berthold Microplate Luminometer LB 96V Nevertheless, the presence of the same degradation www.endocrinology.org Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2002) 29, 281–286

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pattern in the ERKO samples indicates that the observed 61 kDa protein is likely to be an ER isoform. The same protein was also detected by the H-184 antibody specific to the N-terminus of ER (Fig. 1B). However, the H222 monoclonal anti- body, which is specific to the ligand binding domain of the human ER but cross-reacts with murine ER (Greene et al. 1984, Horigome et al. 1987) failed to detect any ER protein in ERKO animals by Western blots (data not shown). Although a ligand binding peak from ERKO uterine tissue analyzed by sucrose gradient centrifugation was shifted by H222 (Couse et al. 1995), a small fraction of animals did not express this protein (ERKO sample 2 in Fig. 1A). In total, uterine tissue from 13 animals was analyzed and, with the exception of two cases, the expression of this 61 kDa ER protein was detected. The levels of expression estimated from Western blots with H-184 and anti--actin antibodies (Fig. 1B) varied between animals. Figure 2 (A) The transactivation capabilities of E1 ERα The size and the fact that the 61 kDa protein isoform and wild type (wt) ERα were compared in was detected by both N-terminal-specific and transient transfection using three different cell lines HeLa, NIH-3T3 (3T3) and Ishikawa. The activity of the C-terminal-specific anti-ER antibodies indicate wild type ERα in the presence of estradiol (E2) was set that this protein isoform might be a putative to 100%. The activity was abolished by ICI 182,780 translation product of the E1 ER transcript (ICI). (B) Western blot analysis (H-184 antibody) of the observed previously in ERKO uteri (Couse et al. expression of wild type and E1 ERα in transiently 1995). The transactivation capability of E1 ER transfected HeLa cells. was previously characterized in COS-1 cells to be 25–30% of the wild type level (Couse et al. 1995). of ERKO animals. This protein might corres- However, as ER acts in COS-1 cells mainly pond to the putative E1 ER described previously. through the AF-1 (El Tanani & Green 1997) we The activity of the E1 ER variant is cell evaluated the capability of the E1 ER variant to dependent and would have the capability to transactivate a promoter containing an estrogen significantly contribute to ER signaling in certain response element by transient transfections in other cell types or tissues. cell lines: HeLa, NIH-3T3 and an ER negative variant of the Ishikawa cell lines (Fig. 2A). The induction of the luciferase reporter Discussion by E1 ER compared with wild type ER varied between 30% (Ishikawa cells) and 75% (HeLa When the ERKO mouse was created the current cells). The activity was completely abolished by technology utilized at the time was the insertional antiestrogen ICI 182,780 (ICI). The levels of disruption of . The 1·8 kbp neomycin expression of both E1 and wild type ER proteins encoding sequence was inserted into the NotI site in transiently transfected HeLa cells were compar- of the first coding exon of the murine ER gene able (Fig. 2B). Both protein isoforms were also (Lubahn et al. 1993). As all the coding exons of the down-regulated by estradiol and ICI treatment as ER gene are still present in the genome of previously reported (Read et al. 1989, Gyling et al. ERKO mouse, the possibility of alternative 1990, Gibson et al. 1991, Dauvois et al. 1992, splicing that generates mRNA variants encoding Wijayaratne & McDonnell 2001) (Fig. 2B). truncated or deletion versions of ER protein In summary, these results indicate that a novel exists. Such alternative splicing was observed, for ER protein isoform is expressed in the majority example, in a knockout mouse in which the

Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2002) 29, 281–286 www.endocrinology.org

Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 09/25/2021 07:14:12PM via free access ER expression in the ERKO mouse · M KOŠ and others 285 transforming growth factor  gene was disrupted by AF-2 activities are cell type and promoter insertion (Luetteke et al. 1993). Similarly, alterna- dependent (Tora et al. 1989, Berry et al. 1990, tively spliced ER mRNAs, named E1 and E2, Metzger et al. 1995, Flouriot et al. 2000). As the E1 were also observed in ERKO mice (Couse et al. ER has impaired AF-1 function but conserved 1995). While the E2 mRNA encodes only the AF-2 function, it can be anticipated that only small first 41 amino acids of ER, the E1 mRNA differences in transactivation capabilities between encodes a potential ER isoform with a deletion E1 and wild type ER would be observed in cells in the B domain containing the AF-1 function. with strong AF-2 context such as HeLa (Tora et al. However, the corresponding E1 ER protein has 1989). The cell context most likely depends on the been detected in ERKO tissues only recently blend of AF-1 or AF-2 specific coactivators and/or (Pendaries et al. 2002). The fact that the H222 corepressors present in the cell. Therefore, it is antibody was originally used to analyze the difficult to predict the activity of E1 ER in various presence of ER protein isoforms in ERKO cell types and especially in tissues. The high uterine tissue by Western blot techniques (Couse similarity in the reproductive and general pheno- et al. 1995) might explain the failure to detect the types of ERKO and the recently generated ER E1 ER isoform which is expressed in ERKO at knockout mice (Dupont et al. 2000) might indicate lower levels than ER in wild type mice. In fact, that E1 ER plays only a minor role in the the mRNA for the E1 variant was only detected by physiology of the reproductive tract in ERKO RT-PCR techniques. General experience suggests mice. Interestingly, use of the ERKO mice has that although the H222 antibody readily interacts shown a lack of ligand independent growth factor with ER from various species (Greene et al. 1984) signaling in vivo with either epidermal growth factor in native conditions, such as in sucrose gradients (Curtis et al. 1996) or insulin-like growth factor-I where E1 binding was demonstrated, it may not (Klotz et al. 2002), which would be a clear perform well under denaturing conditions, such as demonstration that ER AF-1 contributes to the Western blot involving low amounts of protein. In cross talk signaling in vivo. contrast, the rabbit polyclonal antibodies used in To conclude, our demonstration that a novel this study readily detect ER in either murine or ER protein isoform is expressed in the ERKO human tissues in Western blots, therefore allowing mouse indicates that data obtained from studies the detection of E1 ER in ERKO uteri. using ERKO mice should be further considered The penetrance of the E1 variant expression with respect to AF-1 and AF-2 functions. However, differed between animals and varied from the variable penetrance of this phenotype in undetectable (in two of thirteen animals tested in ERKO animals means that ER isoform total) to varying levels in most of the animals. The status can serve as a model to study the AF-1 and influence of genetic background or generation AF-2 functions within individual tissues in the number on the penetrance of a mutant phenotype mouse. has been documented in several cases and might also account for the observed differences in E1 ER expression in ERKO (Dunn et al. 1997, References Herrera et al. 1999, Wawersik et al. 1999, Kume et al. 2000, Nadeau 2001). Nevertheless, incomplete Auchus RJ & Fuqua SAW 1994 The oestrogen receptor. In Bailliere’s penetrance might be an advantage, as approxi- Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism: Hormones, Enzymes and Receptors, mately 15% of ERKO animals seem to represent pp 433–449. London: Baillière Tindall. Berry M, MetzgerD&ChambonP1990 Role of the two activating genuine ER-null mutants while the rest can be domains of the oestrogen receptor in the cell-type and promoter- regarded as AF-2 hypomorphic AF-1 knockouts. context dependent agonistic activity of the antioestrogen Thus the ERKO mouse might represent a good 4-hydroxytamoxifen. EMBO Journal 9 2811–2818. Couse JF & Korach KS 1999 Estrogen receptor null mice: what model system to investigate the comparative have we learned and where will they lead us. Endocrine Reviews 20 physiological roles of AF-1 and AF-2 in ER 358–417. function. Couse JF, Curtis SW, Washburn TF, Lindzey J, Golding TS, The dramatic difference in the activity of E1 LubahnDB,SmithiesO&Korach KS 1995 Analysis of and estrogen insensitivity in the female mouse after ER obtained in transfection experiments using targeted disruption of the estrogen receptor gene. Molecular various cell lines is not surprising, as AF-1 and Endocrinology 9 1441–1454. www.endocrinology.org Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2002) 29, 281–286

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