SISITZKY's the Day

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SISITZKY's the Day -: ^«V«•' * n '•.. ;'.v-"4 '• • THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OP ENFIELD, CONN. ^ 'v.fei-CV : .r • I , — t - 1 FIFTY-FIRST YEAR—-No. 48. THQMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1931 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. ROAD MAY BE WORKS COUNCIL REBUILT SOON HAWLEY WILL TO PRESENT PLAY Clearing Up of Enfield Street Is SPEAR AT TRADE Industrial Group Is Rehearsing • Hailed as Beginning of Steadily for Dramatic Pro­ 14; Reconstruction Job. duction April 16-17. Have Done For The Town .. • /. i' What is hailed as a forerunner of Committee Secures One Under the direction of Frank R. Legislative Act Gives Finance Board Nominating the proposed reconstruction of En­ Bohman, the Works Council of the Establishing of the Institution Here Would Have Power After the Act Has Been Approved by a field street began this week when the of the Foremost Men Bigelow-Sanford plant is making Obviated Necessity of An Expensive School landscape division of the State High­ In the State to Address steady progress in the preparation of Town Meeting—Full Text of Bill As Devised way Department began the removal its production of the comedy-drama, Construction Program for Some Time — Bill of the large stumps of trees in the Annual Reunion at En­ "Square Crooks." The dates of the By the Judiciary Committee of Assembly. Enfield section of that highway. The presentation are April 16 and 17, and Rejected Tuesday in General Assembly. work is being done under the direc­ field Inn On April 7. * — tion of Luther M. Keith, who is the it is to be in the High School Audi­ Under an act of the general assem­ supervisor of this department. Mr. In addition to Governor Wilbur L. torium. The play is a clever blend­ A trade school in Enfield, which EARI V THKHRV AI7 bly and which came as a substitute Keith had been urged by the local Cross, the speakers' committee for ing of comedy and dramatic situa­ was denied by the rejection of the *• *ilLivIl 1 v/1 measure from the judiciary commit­ Better Homes Bureau to remove the 37th annual reunion and banquet tions, and under the capable and ex­ bill establishing it here in the gener- f Uf ICJ MI TDM7D perienced direction of Mr. Bohman, tee of that body, the town of Enfield, these stumps during the past year, of the Thompsonviile Board of Trade al assembly Tuesday, would have ma- ju j i Iflulil/ljli together with the other towns in the and had promised to do so. an unusually fine presentation is as­ LI ILIJ It was intimated at that time that have secured George S. Hawley of sured. Assisting Mr. Bohman as the terially affected the proposed school nnAimn /innnn/im state, may appoint a superintendent building program which, according to |3|f|||/LW I| lie K h I I of highways and bridges. The bill the work would have to be done any­ Bridgeport as one of the orators of stage director is A. W. Colton, who way before the widening and rebuild­ has also had a wide experience in the school authorities, is facing the 1. Ill/ T 1-AJ J. SHOW INCREASE provides in the first place that the the evening. Mr. Hawley is one of town. The survey last year by a spe­ act must be approved by a town ing of the street was undertaken. this work. While it is felt that the fact that the the foremost figures in the utilities The general manager of the pro­ cial committee of the town school meeting. industry of the state. He is presi­ board, disclosed that additions must Total Number of Honor The nominating power is placed work being done now is largely in duction is Fred Underwood, president Deduction That It Was compliance with the request made of dent and director of the Bridgeport of the Works Council. Those taking be made to two of the grade schools with the board of finance, where such and one new two-room school built, Committed by Nervous Students for January- j bodies exist, and the appointing pow­ Mr. Keith, it is also taken to be of Gas Light Company, afcd a director part in the play are Joseph Burg- some significance in connection with in several industrial and financial or­ winkle, Mina Robillard, Rose Thomp­ all at an approximate cost of $100,- February at the High er is with the selectmen. The finance 000. This program did not, however, Youth Is Proved by the board may nominate two or more the long deferred plan to improve ganizations in the state. son, Herbert Drake, Albert Burbank, this highway. It is understood that He has been for years active in Ethel Drake, James Wing, Joseph take into consideration the condition School Less Than Pre­ candidates for the position, and must at the Enfield High1, School, which is Confession of Rosario name them within thirty days after the landscape division will carry out several associations in Connecticut Alfred, Anna Cowhey, Mrs. Annie other suggestions made by the Bet­ and throughout New England, and Crosson,.. Ernest... Bourque, Anna Staf- at the present time taking care of Bruno in New York. vious Months. ~ the act is approved by the town more than 100 pupils than its orig­ meeting. Where no board of finance ter Homes Bureau for the improve­ has served as president and director'ford, William Michaels, Leon Bernier, ment of the appearance of the main of many of them. At the present time **Marie Guala and WilliamTTT "' A.* "Furey. inal capacity. The theory advanced by County The total number of students on exists the nomination and appoint­ v With the steady increase each year ment rests with the board of select­ highway while it is operating in this he is being strongly urged for New Detective Edward J. Hickey early in the honor roll for January and Feb­ section. England director of the Chamber of of the number of students into that the investigation of the murder of ruary at the Enfield High School, as men. The act further provides that institution, it is apparent that the the period during which the official Commerce of the United States. Mr. Nicholas Legelis, the Warehouse announced today by Principal Karl D. Hawley has a very engaging person­ EFFORT HAS ONLY time is not far distant when more Point "diner" proprietor, that the Lee, showed a slight decrease in the shall hold office is three years, and rooms must be provided. Many, in he would take office on the first Mon­ ality and is said to be an exception­ crime was committed by a nervous aggregate but disclosed an increase ROTARLANS HOLD ally pleasing after-dinner speaker. fact, feel that this increase in the youth, proved to be correct by the in the number of students who were day in October following his original JUST COMMENCED school facilities cannot much longer appointment. The subject of his address at the ban­ K , , -- c Iconfession yesterday in New York of designated as high honor students. be defened. The solution that has(R0sarj0 Bruno is years of age and The full text of the act which is quet here will be "Are We Marching Of a total list of 17, two seniors, been advanced is the building of an|a resident of this town. known as a substitute for House Bill AN OPEN FORUM Uir Hill or Down." three juniors, five sophomores and The committee has 'lines out for a Fight for Trade School entnely new structure to be used as I Legelis' body was found in his seven freshmen gained high honor. No. 105, is as follows: a junior high school. The pressure "Within thirty days from the ap­ capable speaker who is noted for his Here Will be Kept Up place of business on the morning of They-were Margaret Bridge '31, Rob­ Three Interesting Ques­ blending of humor and solid matter in the present high school would be February 28. He had been dead for ert Stoughton '31, Julia Augustyniak proval of this act by any town hav­ relieved by taking the present fresh­ ing a board of finance, such board of in his address. It is expected that For Next Two Years several hours from a bullet wound in '32, William Rarus '32, Frances tions Discussed by the he will be secured-within a few days man class, which runs over 200 stud­ the heart. Among the theories ad­ Tromley '32, Elizabeth Carey '33, finance, at a meeting duly called and Says Rep. Doyle. ents annually, and placing it in the held by it, shall, by a majority vote, Members at Luncheon and the list of speakers for the din­ vanced at the time was that it was Jene Faiman '33, Leila Fuge '33, Saul ner will then be complete. Tickets junior high building, and combining the work of a nervous youth, and nominate to the selectmen of such That the effort to secure a Trade the two upper classes in the Higgins Jbcobson '33, Helen Muzyka '33, Kaz- town two or more persons for the of­ Meeting Yesterday. for the reunion are being distributed young Bruno's confession and the •miera Augustyniak '34, John Galim­ by the ticket committee* for the past School in Enfield would not be aban­ School. manner in which he was apprehend­ fice of superintendent of highways This roughly is a summary of the berti '34, Bernice Gardner '34, An­ Three questions dealing with dif­ few days, and because of the attend­ doned because of the rejection of the ed proves the correctness of this gelina Maccaferri '34, Joseph Rich and bridges, and the selectmen shall, ance of His Excellency Governor W.
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