POOR LAW UNIONS, 27 '.-Comprls!nlf the ParisbPs of Abbotsbam, Alwin~rton, Bideford, Brad­ worthy, Bulk worthy, Burkland Brewer, , , Hartland, Landeross, , MonkiPigh, Northam, Newton St. Petroek, , WPst Putford, "ell'ombe, Woolfardi•worthy.-Population in 1~51, Hl,6il7 -The Guardiane meet at the Union House every Tuesday at Elf'VPn o'Clock.-H. A. H ARVIE, Clerk, -Comprising the Parishes of Crediton, Col~hrooke, Bow, ZPal Monal'horum, Nymt't Row land, Coldridae, Down St. Mary,Ciannaborou~h,llittieleil(h, Cheriton Bi@hop, Morehard Bishop, , Brnshford, w .. rrbworthy, Eaaesford, , , 'Vashford Pyne, Woolfardisworthy, KPnnpriPisth, Cht>riton Fitzpainto, Puddin~ton, Ponahill, Stoekleigh English, Salldf,,rd, Upton HPilions, . , Shllbrooke, Newton St. Cyres.-Popnlation in 1851,21,728 -The Guardians meet at the Union House every Saturday at Ete,en o'Cloek.-'f. PRING, Clerk. .-Comprlsing in thP Honilon District the Parishes of Honiton, Awli!. t'ombe, Bul'kerell, BranseombP, BroadhPmbury, CombrawiPiRh, CotiPiah, , , , Lut~pitt, Monkton, , OffwPII, Slwldon, Soutllleigb, , .-ln the Ottery St. Mary and District the Pari~hes uf , , HarpJllrd, Vfln Otterv, Talaton, PlvmtrPP, , Sidmouth, , Sidbury.-Population in 18~1. II,382 -ThP Guardians meet at the Union HouAi' nery other Monday at Ten o'Clock -H. V. MULES, Clerk. . .-Comprisin~r the Parishes of Abbot's Bil'kin~rton, , Blaek TorrinRton, Brid~rerule Ea~t, Bradford, , Cookbnry, Holeworthy, Halwell, , , Milton Dam .. rell, Panl'raswPek, Pyworrhy, St. Gilea in the Heath,Sutcom!>e, , Thornbury, Virainstow, Broad woodwldaer, Northeote Hamlet, BridgerulP West, North TRmPrton.-Population in 1851, 23,324.-Tioe Guar­ dians meet at the Uuion House on Wednesday at Two o'Clock in the A fternoou.-G. BRA UND, Clerk. . ,-Compri•in~r the Parish~>& of Anion Gifford, Bnckland Tout Saints, , , Chnrch~tow,"ChilvestonP, Dodhrooke, Charl~>ton, East A llington, East Portlemou th, KmgsbridgP, K ingstoot>, LofldiMt~'t>ll, RinRmore, , , , , ShPrfBrd, Stok~ll~ming, Slapton. , We~tahd11gton, 1\lodbury, , Woodlei~rh.-Population in 1851, 21,377.-Tbt> Guardiaue meet at the Union House nery Saturday at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon -THOMAS HARRIS, Clerk. . NEWTON ABIJOT,-Comprising the Pari~hes of Ashbnrton, , Bickiugton, Bi~hopstPiguton, , Pnt'kland In the Mllor, Broadhempeton, Cockington, Cof!in~well, CoomhintinhPad, . , DPubury, East Ogwt>ll, East Tei~rnmooth, Ht>nnock, Haf'combe, llsineton, ldt>ford, IpplPpPn, Kinjlskt>rswell, Kinaateigntoo, LnstiPigb, Mor»tonharnpstead, , North BnvPy,NPwton Bushel, Newton Ahbot, St. Morv Church, , StokPintehmhPad, Torbrian, Tormoham, , Tt'il!llrRI'P, WP~t Ol(well, Wpst Teignmonth, Wood'and, WlddecBmbe in the Moor.-Population in 1851, 52,S06.-ThP Gn11rdians meet at the Union House e'ery WednP•dav at Eleven o'Cioek.-J. A LSOP, Clerk. -Comprisinlf the ParishPI! of A~bhurv, , Delstone, , , BridPstowe, BroadwBodktllv, Chagrord, , , GermanswPek, Gidlehrh, Hat\oPriPhrh, Highnmptoo, Hnneyehureh, Iddesleil(b, lnwardt~igh,Jaeobstow, MePtb, MBnkokebampton, , Northtawton, Okehampton, Sampford ConrtPnay, Sonthtawton, , , Throwleigb. -Population in 1851, 20,401 -The tloard is held at thP Workhouse P•ery Saturday from ht NovPmhPr to l~t May, and on nPry alternate Saturday during the remaining portion of tht> year -HENRY HA WKES, Clerk. PLYMPTON ST. M ARY.-Cllmprising the Parbbn of Plvmpton St. Mary, Brixton, Compton, Corn wood, Ermin!ftoo, Eglf Buekland. H11rford, 1 Newton Ft>rrPrB 1 Plymotock, Plympton Maurlre, RnelstnkA, St. BudPaux, Sbangb, Prior, Tnmerton, , Pennyeross, , Biekleigh.-Pnpulation in 1~1 1 19,?23.-The Guardians mPet e•ery Friday at Underwood, at Elnen o'Ciock.­ NICHOLAS LOCK £"ER, Clerk.

STONEHOUSE,-Comprising tbP Parish of Stonehousl' (Ea~t.)-Populatlon in I85I1 11,979.-The Guardians meet nery Thursday at half.pastTen o'Cioek.-R. RODD, C/k, SOUTHMOLTON.-Comprieing the Parishes of East AnMey, , Bishopsnympton, East BucklRnol, Wed Bnt'kland, Burrington, Ch11rles, Cheldon, Chittlebampton, , Crt>arombe, FIIIPigh, GPorl(envmpton, Kingsnympton, , .MarianelPigh, , , Nortllmolton, RackPnfmd, Roman11lei11ho , SatterlPillh, Southmolton, Twit('hPn, WarkiPigh, Witheridge, Ea!!li Worlinlfton, West Worlington.-Population of 1951, £!0,566 -The Guardians meet

at the Union Hon~e evPry Saturday at Eleven o'Clock, in the months of 01'tober0 NoYember, DPcember, January, F~>bru'lry, and March; and on e'I'PlJ alternate Satur. day durinlf tbP otbPr :Montbs.-J. E. J ACKSON RICCARD, Clt!rk. TA VISTOCK.-Comprisin~r the Paris hi's of , W hitchorcb, Pett>rtat'y, Beerrerril, Buck land Monacbornm, MPat'y,ShePpstor, Walkhamptoo, • Lidford, , MarytaJ'y, , , SydPnham Damerell, Littc.n. Kelly, , , Mariuow, , , Lewtrenehard 11 Coryton.-Populatlon in 1851, 27,850.-The Guardians meet ac tbe Union Houae eYery Tuvsday, at Eleven o'Cioek,-JOHN PHYSICK, Clerk,