Roman Catholic Diocese of Clifton Clifton Diocese (a company limited by guarantee) Registered Charity No. 1170168 Church of the Holy Ghost, Yeovil facebook @yeovilcatholic Parish Address: 73 Higher Kingston, Yeovil, Somerset, BA21 4AR Also serving Church of St Michael, Lightgate Road, South Petherton, TA13 5AJ Chapel of Our Lady and St Augustine of Canterbury, HMS Heron Royal Naval Air Station, Yeovilton, BA22 8HT Parish Office Email: [email protected] Parish Telephone: 01935-423549 Served by the Missionaries of Saint (Fransalians - MSFS) Parish Clergy: Father Jean-Patrice Coulon MSFS; Father Jose Maliekal MSFS Priests resident in the Parish: Father David O’Regan; Father Peter Clarke (Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) Parish Administrator: Sue Chant (Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:30am to 1.30pm) Parish Safeguarding Officers: Mrs Margaret Gulliver and Mrs Christine O’Rourke. The Diocesan Safeguarding Office can be contacted at 0117-954 0993. : Before weekday Masses at Yeovil, and before Sunday Mass at South Petherton. All welcome. CONFESSIONS: Saturday 9.15–9.45am; 4.15pm–4.45pm ANOINTING OF THE SICK: On request. Please inform one of the clergy if you are going into hospital. If possible, please seek anointing beforehand. BAPTISMS: By appointment. Adults seeking to know more about the Catholic Faith should speak to the Parish Priest, and/or come to the Journey in Faith (RCIA) sessions. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Six months notice for weddings. HOLY ORDERS: Any man considering a vocation to the Priesthood or Permanent Diaconate should speak to one of the clergy. Mass and Service Times for the Week Ahead Saturday 12th October - First Mass of Sunday 5.00pm Phyllis Daley RIP (Foundation Mass) Holy Ghost Sunday 13th October - Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.00am Intentions of Declan Macdonald (Mr and Mrs H Macdonald) St Michael’s 10.30am Pro Populo Holy Ghost 6.30pm Maria Budzynska RIP (Mrs A Robus) Holy Ghost Monday 14th October - Memorial of Saint Callistus I, Martyr 10:00am Intentions of Kath and Martin Brown (60th Birthdays) (Mr and Holy Ghost Mrs M Gulliver) Tuesday 15th October - Memorial of St Teresa of (of Avila), Virgin, Doctor of the Church 8.00am Helen Nunn RIP (Foundation Mass) Holy Ghost 10:00am Gabrielle McLaughlin RIP (Mr and Mrs F Brennan) Holy Ghost Wednesday 16th October - Weekday in Ordinary Time 8.00am No Mass Holy Ghost 10:00am Intentions of Sarah Fletcher (Mr and Mrs F Brennan) Holy Ghost Thursday 17th October - Memorial of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Martyr 8.00am Eric Kurvers RIP Holy Ghost 10.00am Celebrant’s Intention St Michael’s 12.15pm Next Mass Thursday 7th November RNAS Yeovilton 7.00pm Mission Mass for the Extraordinary Month of Mission English Martyrs, At English Martyrs, East Street, Chard, TA20 1EP Chard Friday 18th October - Feast of Saint Luke, Evangelist 10.00am Arthur Hann RIP (Mrs E Hancock) Holy Ghost Followed by Adoration (Benediction at 11.15am) 3.00pm Adoration until 6.00pm (Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm) Holy Ghost 6.00pm Alain Vigieur RIP (Mrs C Coombes) Holy Ghost Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite Saturday 19th October - Our Lady on Saturday 10.00am Holy Souls (Box) Holy Ghost First Mass of Sunday 5.00pm Maria George RIP (Mr George Joseph) Holy Ghost Sunday 20th October - Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.00am Lyn Jackson RIP (Miss J Henry) St Michael’s 10.30am In Thanksgiving - Intentions of Amala Maria Joy (Birthday) Holy Ghost 6.30pm Pro Populo Holy Ghost PRISONERS’ SUNDAY: Prisoners’ Sunday on 13th October 2019 is the national day of prayer and action for prisoners and their dependants as marked by the and across the Christian denominations. It is a day to direct our thoughts and prayers to prisoners, their families and children. Prisoners’ Sunday is the time to reflect on how we as individuals, as a Church and as a community are serving those affected by imprisonment. Prisoners’ families, prisoners and people with previous convictions often find themselves on the margins of society due to the social stigma associated with imprisonment. They are often forgotten or come lower down on the list of causes to ‘hold a hand out to’. But the gospel reminds us of our duties towards them, ‘I was naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me; (Matthew 25:36). The work of Prisons Advice and Care Trust (Pact) embodies the Christian value of mercy and belief in the innate dignity of every human being. Through this campaign we ask you to engage with a core element of Catholic social teaching and put our faith into action. Our theme this year ‘Go Beyond’, reflects on the impact we have when, as a community, we work to build a platform from which those confined to the margins of society can have their voices heard. As we ‘go beyond’ in our dedication, our belief, our common love, we offer fresh hope to those affected by imprisonment. History of Prisoners’ Sunday and Prisons Week Prisoners’ Sunday marks the first day of the ecumenical Prisons Week, a week of prayer which has been raising awareness of issues faced by those affected by the criminal justice system. Found by Bishop Victor Guazzelli in 1975, for over forty years Prisons Week has prepared prayer literature to enable the Christian community to pray for the needs of all those affected by prisons: prisoners and their families, victims of crime and their communities, those working in the in the criminal justice system and the many people who are involved in caring for those affected by crime on the inside and outside of prisons. Pact have provided a small number of booklets which give more details about their work, together with some collection envelopes if you would like to support them. You can also find the same resources on their website at

DBS RENEWAL HELP: Our two Parish Safeguarding Coordinators Christine O’Rourke and Margaret Gulliver will be in the Marian Hall after 10.30 Mass on Sunday 20th and Sunday 27th October. We will be able to verify identification documents, and assist anyone who requires help filling in the DBS forms. If there’s anything regarding the DBS process you are unsure of, come along and chat with us. We will do our best to help you over a coffee. SECOND COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY: Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday, when the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his charity for world mission. Please support Missio in helping missionaries to work alongside communities throughout the world that are poor or in need, regardless of their background or belief. Join in on this special day, that unites Catholics all over the world in prayer and celebration of our Church’s mission to share ’s love with all creation – ‘Together we are Mission’. You will be able to Gift Aid your donations by using envelopes provided by Missio which are at the back of both churches. For more information, visit Thank you (The Collection for the Marian Hall Regeneration Fund will therefore take place on the following Sunday which will be the fourth Sunday of the month). This year also sees October being proclaimed by the Holy Father as the Extraordinary Month of Mission (EMM). There are two Diocesan Events that parishioners can participate in. The first is the usual Mission Masses around the Diocese. The nearest one to us is at our neighbouring parish of English Martyrs, East Street, Chard, TA20 1EP on Thursday 17 October at 7pm. Other ones can be found at extraordinary-month-of-mission/. The other one is the annual Education Mass which this year will have a special focus on Mission. It is at Clifton Cathedral on Tuesday 22 October at 7pm, and will be celebrated by Bishop Declan. School Governors, Staff, Parents, Pupils and Parishioners are all welcome to this event, where Governors are invited to renew their commitment to Catholic Education. Tea and coffee will be available in the Apostle Room after Mass. Bishop Declan is encouraging all parishioners to pray the special prayer for the EMM at all Masses. Prayer cards are available at the back of both churches, and the prayer is also printed in this week’s bulletin. As well as spiritual assistance, we are also invited to help materially. There is the usual annual World Mission (APF) Appeal which will be held on Sunday 20 October (the Marian Hall Regeneration Fund Appeal will be held on the following fourth Sunday of the month). Please also do remember the Red Box Collection. Holders are reminded that Red Boxes are due to be emptied during October. If you would like to become a Red Box holder, please contact Susan Lewis on 01935-476908. Mission Today magazines for holders are available at the back of the church.

SPONSORED WALK FOR MISSION TOGETHER: Father Philip Baptiste, for a long time Assistant Priest in our Parish is doing a Sponsored Walk of 10 miles from Mill Hill in North London to Westminster Cathedral on Wednesday 23 October for Mission Together (or Holy Childhood) which forms a part of Missio. If you would to help Father Philip towards his target of £500, please go to his online donation page at PRAYER FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY MONTH OF MISSION

Heavenly Father when your only begotten Son Jesus Christ rose from the dead, He commissioned His followers to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’ and you remind us that through our Baptism we are made sharers in the mission of the Church

Empower us by the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be courageous and zealous in bearing witness to the Gospel, so that the mission entrusted to the Church, which is still very far from completion, may find new and efficacious expressions that bring life and light to the world.

Help us make it possible for all peoples To experience the saving love and mercy of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.


EXPLORING ST MATTHEW: Please see details of a short series exploring St Matthew’s Gospel at Emmaus House, Sleep Lane, Whitchurch, Bristol, BS14 0QN. As we read St Matthew liturgically, John Huntriss will be deepening our understanding of the Jesus we encounter in St Matthew’s Gospel. This short time together will invite participants to familiarise themselves with Matthew’s Gospel as they journey through the liturgical year. This might be an idea opportunity for parish RCIA groups or parish readers to come together as part of their formation. Details of the four sessions in the series are detailed below: Monday 4 November - Introducing St Matthew, the Evangelist Wednesday 27 November - Matthew’s Infancy Narrative Wednesday 25 March - Matthew’s Passion and Resurrection Narratives Wednesday 6 May - The healing and teaching / Ministry in Matthew

All sessions - 7.30pm-9pm ALL SAINTS BALL: The Polish Community are organising this Event in honour of the Feast of All Saints which is always the first day of November. While elsewhere, the focus is on Hallowe’en, but not in an especially healthy way, this event acts as an antidote, where children (and adults) are invited to come dressed as a Saint. It takes place in the Marian Hall on Saturday 27 October from 5.45pm to 8.00pm. Food and drink are provided, but there will be a charge of £3 per child. Please support this worthy event.

STARTING SCHOOL?: If you have a child born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016, then now is the time to apply for a place at a primary school for admission from September 2020 onwards. You must complete an application form that is available from the school admissions team of the Somerset Local Authority. If your child has been baptised and you are applying for a Catholic school, you must also provide a copy of the baptism certificate. Please ensure you apply by the closing date of 15 January 2020. TEACHERS: Have you considered becoming a Foundation Governor at a Catholic school? Teachers can make a valuable contribution to the governing body of a different school to where they are employed. Sharing experience and good practice benefits the governing body, the school where you work and provides you with valuable experience of strategic leadership and can utilise and grow your skills and experience in a different context. Whether you teach at a Catholic School or any other type of school, we would love to hear from you. Please contact [email protected] for more information about becoming a Foundation Governor. CELEBRATE BRISTOL: Are you interested in exploring your Faith in a family friendly setting? Then Celebrate Bristol could be for you! We are holding a weekend conference at St Bede’s Catholic College in Bristol on the 26th and 27th October that is sure to be great fun and faith filled. We have great speakers, worship and fellowship, dedicated streams for the children and young people specifically designed for each age group. Why not come along and see for yourselves! For more information and to book see our website MARIAN HALL CAR PARK PATROLS START ON MONDAY 14 OCTOBER: Father Jean-Patrice writes: After several weeks of information in the bulletin, car park patrols provided by Link Parking will start this Monday 14 October. This is in response to requests by parishioners to make more parking available. As funds have not been available to do this via a new Parish Hall, the solution found is to make parking available at the Hospital multi-storey car park, which is a short walk away, leaving the few Marian Hall parking spaces available for those who are elderly or infirm (or those who are bringing them). The simple principle is this: Parking for Sunday Masses (not the Polish Mass) will require a permit. Anyone without a permit at these times will receive a fine. However, any Parish event or Devotion on a weekday (including Saturday morning Mass, and morning and afternoon Confessions) will not be covered by the patrols. We will inform the company on a weekly basis on what Masses and other events are taking place, and ask them not to patrol at these times. There may be some teething troubles at first, and any parishioner going to a legitimate Parish event who receives a fine by mistake, should apply to the Parish Office so it may be rescinded. Anyone booking the Marian Hall will be given advice so that they are exempt from fines. School parents are reminded that the Hall car park is not for the use of parents picking up or dropping off their children, as this conflicts with groups who have legitimately hired the Hall. The School has free parking permits available at the Council Goldcroft car park, and theyr are advised to park there and walk the short distance to the school. We remember in our prayers: All Hospital and Prison Chaplaincies in the Diocese. The Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for October: Evangelization – Holy Spirit - That the breath of the Holy Spirit engender a new missionary “spring” in the church. For Prisoners and their Dependants. Last Sunday’s Offering: amounted to £613.71. Many thanks for your generosity. Polish Mass: Every Sunday at 4.30pm. The Traditional Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite: Every Friday at 6pm (except August). Mass in the Syro-Malabar Rite: Second Sunday at 2.30pm. Mass at RNAS Yeovilton: Every First Thursday at 12.15pm (except August). Eucharistic Adoration: After the 10am Friday Mass until 11.15am for Benediction, then from 3pm to 6pm (Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm). (Bible Meditation): every Thursday at 7.15pm in the Presbytery. Ecumenical Prayer Group: First Monday of the month at the Parish Centre at 7.30pm. Hire of the Marian Hall: Via the Parish Office email or telephone. If you have any items for the Bulletin: please send to Sue Chant by Tuesday evening at email: [email protected]. A FUTURE FULL OF HOPE - A LIFE LIVED IN COMMUNION: On Saturday 19 October we gather at St Brendan’s College, Brislington, (9.15am - 2.30pm) with Fr. James Hanvey SJ, who will help us reflect upon A life lived in Communion. The day at St Brendan’s is set to prepare us for the coming Year of Communion (beginning the first Sunday of Advent) and introduce us to the resources that will be available to us from the end of November. All are welcome. Whilst we do not need names it would be useful to have an idea of how many are coming from your parish, please let the Adult Education office know by Monday 14 October at [email protected]. Please be aware that lunch WILL be provided for this day. On Friday 22 November at 7pm in our Cathedral, Bishop Declan invites our diocesan community to join him at a celebration of Evening Prayer during which he will present to each parish, community and school the resources for the Year of Communion starting Sunday 1 December. As we did with the Year of Mission & Year of Prayer, each community will be called forward to receive the year’s resources. Father Jean-Patrice will be attending this Day and can take up to four people in his car. If any other parishioner would like to go, and can give lifts, then please let him know. A FUTURE FULL OF HOPE - The Year of Prayer: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time There is a well-known slogan which encourages us to cultivate ‘an attitude of gratitude’. Positive, healthy relationships grow when we have the capacity to express our gratitude and not simply take things for granted. Numerous books have been written on the benefits to us of having the attitude of expressing our appreciation or thanks. Each Sunday when we come to Mass we come to give thanks to God. Eucharist means ‘thanksgiving’, essentially giving gratitude. In our gospel today, Jesus heals ten lepers but only one of them, the Samaritan, an outsider, comes back to say thank you. Jesus appreciates this and sends him on his way. in the knowledge that his faith, expressed in his gratitude has saved him. This is the power and importance of expressing our thanks or appreciation. Gratitude is an expression which comes from a place in the heart that recognises the kindness of another and acknowledges it, not out of some sense of duty or expectation, but because it is an authentic expression of our thoughts and feelings. Is there someone in our own life or community who deserves our gratitude? Perhaps this week we can make a point of saying thank you to them. CARDINAL: IMITATE OUR NEW SAINTS AND FIND HOLINESS IN LIFE: As the Catholic Church prepares to celebrate five extraordinary new saints – one of whom is Cardinal , the founder of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri in England – Cardinal Vincent Nichols has encouraged us to learn lessons from their lives of heroic virtue. Cardinal Nichols, a Vice President of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), was in the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela – the site of the tomb of the Apostle James – for CCEE’s 2019 plenary assembly. The Bishops were reflecting on the theme ‘Europe, time to awaken? The signs of Hope’. Saints: Signs of hope in our times The Cardinal used his homily at morning Mass on Saturday, 5 October, to look to the saints as signs of hope in times “with ways of life without reference to God and mentalities that wish to dismiss religious faith”. He stressed that we can train our eyes to see the holiness in the saints and learn valuable lessons from them. Speaking of the Italian nun Sister Giuseppina Vannini, he spoke of her extraordinary capacity to bear suffering – both her own and that of those closest to her. Encouraging us to wake up to the goodness around us, the Cardinal said: “Here, then is our first lesson: look to those countless people who carry suffering with dignity and calmness, who open their hearts to the suffering of others and who do indeed make a gift of their lives.” The second woman to be declared a saint is Marguerite Bays from . Cardinal Nichols described her broken and flawed family and how she always remained merciful and faithful to them – qualities she shared with the small local community in which she spent her life: “She stands for all those who are faithful to their family, no matter its difficulties and failures. She is a saint for the family… [She] is a perfect example of holiness living next door to us, not in a professed religious life, but deep in the reality of family life, seemingly hidden yet radiant for those who have the eyes to see.” John Henry Newman Finally, Cardinal Nichols spoke of John Henry Newman. Identifying the sacrifice the much-loved Victorian educationalist made in his courageous pursuit of truth, his intellect and conscience and the decades he spent working quietly among Birmingham’s poor, the Cardinal chose to speak about something less well known. He preached about Newman’s example and how he inspired, and continues to inspire, young people to look to conscience as a source of holiness “an echo of the voice of God enlightening each person to moral truth in specific situations.” He used the example of the White Rose Movement formed in Munich during 1942. Young students wrote and distributed pamphlets denouncing Nazi atrocities giving accounts of what was actually happening on the eastern front in Russia. These accounts were informed by one of their group, Fritz Hartnagel, who was posted there with the German Army. The young members of this group were arrested, tried and executed. “What is less well known is that this group drew much inspiration and courage from the writings of Cardinal Newman on Christian conscience. Fritz Hartnagel carried volumes of Newman’s sermons with him to the Eastern Front, saying that reading them was like taking ‘drops of precious wine’. Under interrogation, one of the members of the White Rose Movement, the young Sophie Scholl, said that their actions were carried out under the dictate of their Christian conscience.” Cardinal Nichols concluded by inviting those gathered to draw strength from the newly proclaimed saints and read from the Gospel: “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I say to you, many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.” Background will declare the following men and women of virtue saints in Rome on Sunday, 13 October 2019: Cardinal John Henry Newman, founder of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri in England; Italian Sister Giuseppina Vannini (born Giuditta Adelaide Agata), founder of the Daughters of Saint Camillus; Indian (Keralan) Sister Mankidiyan, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family; Brazilian Sister Dulce Lopes Pontes (born Maria Rita) of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the of the Mother of God; and Marguerite Bays. The homily of Cardinal Nichols can be downloaded at imitate-our-new-saints/