Secondary School GCSE (and equivalent)

Performance Tables 2015

Ealing 307 About These Tables

General You can ind contextual information, such as measures can be found in the methodology The secondary school performance tables pro- school inance, school workforce data, pupil and technical guides section on the vide information on the school performance for characteristics, pupil absence data, Ofsted rat- secondary school performance tables pupils at the end of key stage 4 of the national ings and education destination measures of website at curriculum. pupils who left secondary education present- schools/performance/documents.html ed alongside each school on the performance ■ an adjustment to the associated The national curriculum key stage 4 test results tables website. point scores for non-GCSEs so that no are provided in the performance tables. The qualiication counts as larger than one coverage of schools includes state funded Major reforms that afect performance GCSE in size. For example, where a BTEC schools (excluding hospital schools, pupil refer- measures may have previously counted as four GCSEs ral units and alternative provision), further edu- There are two major reforms that have an impact it is now reduced to the equivalence cation establishments with 14 to 16 provision on the 2014/15 GCSE and equivalent results. It of a single GCSE in its contribution to and all independent schools in England. For is important to be aware of these reforms when performance measures each local authority (LA) area, schools are listed looking at the latest results on the performance ■ to restrict the number of non-GCSE alphabetically, with special schools shown in a tables and making any comparison to previous qualiications that count in performance separate section at the end of each list. year’s data. These changes only apply to igures measures at two per pupil and three per shown for 2013/14 and 2014/15. pupil if the school has opted into the new If your child already attends a school listed in Progress 8 accountability measure a year the tables, you may be interested to see how its Reform of vocational qualiications early. More details on the capping of non- results compare with other schools in the area, The recommendations adopted from Professor GCSEs can be found in the methodology and with the Local Authority (LA) and nation- Alison Wolf’s review of vocational Education and technical guides section on the al averages. LA averages exclude independent (The Wolf Report 2011) took efect for the irst secondary school performance tables schools; but we publish two national averages – time in the calculation of the data underpinning website at one with, and one without independent schools. the 2013/14 performance tables. These include: schools/performance/documents

You may want to discuss the results with teach- ■ only counting qualiications in performance Professor Alison Wolf’s full report can be found at ers at your child’s school – how do they feel the measures which meet the new quality school is performing, and what plans they have criteria. This led to the removal of around -of-vocational-education-the-wolf-report to improve levels of achievement? How can 3,000 unique qualiications from the you support the work of the school? What more performance measures between 2012/13 can you do to help your own child improve and and 2013/14. A full list of the qualiications reach his/her full potential? that can count in 2014/15 performance 1 About These Tables

Introduction of early entry policy Progress 8 Expected progress and value added measures In the past, school performance measures have A new secondary school accountability system give you information to consider alongside been calculated using the best result that a pupil is to be implemented in 2016. State-funded attainment data, and an explanation of both achieved in a subject, regardless of the number schools had the opportunity to opt in to the can be found in the methodology and technical of times they may have been entered for it. new performance measures a year early. Schools guides section of the secondary school perfor- that have opted in will be assessed using the mance tables website at In September 2013, to address the signii- Progress 8 measure. Other schools will contin- uk/schools/performance/documents .html cant increase in early entries, the department ue to be assessed against existing loor stand- announced that only the irst result a pupil ards measures in 2015. Further information You should also consider the data in the per- achieved would count in performance meas- can be found in Progress 8 guidance at: www. formance tables and this booklet alongside ures from 2014/15. This new rule came into other important sources of information, such efect immediately with regard to English -8-school-performance-measure as Ofsted reports, visits to the school itself and Baccalaureate (EBacc) subjects, which are; talking to teachers. Ofsted school inspection English, mathematics, two sciences, history or Choosing a school reports can be obtained from either the bot- geography (referred to as humanities), and an If using the performance tables to inform your tom of each school’s page on the performance ancient or modern foreign language, this pol- choice of school, be aware that they give only tables website,, or direct from the icy now applies to all subjects in 2013/14 and part of the picture of each school and its pupils’ school on request. 2014/15.This rule only afects a school’s perfor- achievements. Schools change from year to mance measure calculations; pupils will still be year and their future results may difer from accredited with every grade achieved, regard- those achieved by current pupils. less of the number of entries. You should also look at more than one perfor- Further guidance on the early entry policy and mance measure to get an idea of how latest its application to the calculation of performance results for diferent schools compare. For exam- measures can be found in the methodology ple, while igures for the percentage of pupils and technical guides section on the secondary achieving 5 A* to C GCSE’s (or equivalent) school performance tables website at: www. including English and mathematics gives an indication of pupils’ achievements at the end of ments .html compulsory secondary education (key stage 4), it doesn’t tell you how far they have progressed from their starting point.

2 Pupils and Qualiications Reported in the Tables

Expected levels of secondary school Reporting at the end of key stage 4 Which qualiications are reported? performance (loor standards) The performance tables report on attainment These tables include achievements in all The government assesses mainstream state and progress of pupils at the end of their key qualiications regulated for teaching at key funded secondary schools with at least 11 stage 4 programme of study. In most schools stage 4 by the Oice of Qualiications and pupils, performance against ‘loor standards’. this will cover all pupils in year 11 classes. But, Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) and are on Considered against these, a school would be although most pupils at the end of key stage the list of approved qualiications for 2015. seen as underperforming if; 4 are aged 15 at the start of the school year, in some schools there are both younger and older Qualiications that are not on the list are not ■ fewer than 40% of pupils achieving ive or pupils in this year group, as diferent pupils reported in the performance tables. The list of more GCSEs at grade A*-C or equivalent, progress at diferent rates. approved qualiications for 2015 can be found in including GCSEs in both English and the methodology and technical guides section mathematics Pupils excluded from calculation on the secondary schools performance tables ■ the school has a below median score of performance tables igures website at: (73% in 2015) for the percentage of pupils The government accepts that pupils are performance/documents making expected progress between key unlikely to be able to show what they can do stage 2 and key stage 4 in English in tests until they have improved their English ■ the school has a below median score language skills and are more familiar with the (68% in 2015) for the percentage of pupils curriculum in this country. Therefore, we accept making expected progress between key schools’ requests to remove pupils from our stage 2 and key stage 4 in mathematics calculation of results where their irst language is not English and they have been admitted to Progress 8 – Opt in schools only the school in the 2013/14 or 2014/15 school For those schools that opted in a year early to year from particular countries outside the the new performance measures, a school will be United Kingdom. below the loor standard if its Progress 8 score is below -0.5 and the upper band of the 95% coni- These pupils do not count towards the school’s dence interval is below zero. results but are included in national level igures.

3 How to Read the Tables

Year on year English Baccalaureate Progress measures comparisons B Key Stage 4 2014 v0.2 Key Stage 4 2015 % achieving 5+ A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) including English and maths % achieving A*-C % making % making Prior attainment Number of % cohort grades in both expected expected band based on entries and % (as achieving English and progress in progress in KS2 results % of cohort) SCHOOLS 2011 2012 2013 2014* maths GCSEs English maths Pupils in cohort

Sir John Nelthorpe School - A Specialist Technology College for Science, 59% 61%N/A 65% 263 53% Mathematics and Computing All 35 (14%) 8% 65% 81% 63% Grammar School Road Low 0 (0%) 0% 8% 46% 17% Brigg VC COMP 11-19 Middle 13 (9%) 4% 71% 46% 72% MK5 6EX Tel: 01908 831112 MIXED u High 22 (34%) 23% 98% 92% 82% Denomination

See the section on Low, Middle and Pupils who have made High Attainers for further information. at least expected levels of progress in English Low, middle and high attainers entered for the between KS2 and KS4. required range of GCSE subjects to qualify for the English Baccalaureate.

Pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate by obtaining A*-C grades in the required range of GCSE subjects. Pupils who have made at least expected levels of progress in Mathematics between KS2 and KS4.

4 How to Read the Tables

EBacc subject areas Disadvantaged pupils

% achieving 5+ A*-C English Maths Science Humanities Languages GCSEs (or equivalent) Gap (in including English and maths percentage Total number and Total number and points) in % of % of other pupils achievement Number and % Number and % Number and % Number and % Number and % disadvantaged % cohort % cohort % entries % entries % entries in cohort Disadvantaged between of entries of entries of entries of entries of entries pupils in cohort Other pupils achieving achieving achieving achieving achieving pupils disadvantaged (as % of cohort) (as % of cohort) (as % of cohort) (as % of cohort) (as % of cohort) pupils and others

52 212 81 264 116 143 104 30% 69% 86% 52% 46% 52% 72% 20 (31%) (100%) (44%) (54%) (40%) 20% 81%

Pupils eligible for Pupils who are neither eligible for Free School Meals Free School Meals nor Children Proportion of total KS4 or Children Looked Looked After. cohort achieving A*- C After i.e. in the grade in the subject. care of the Local Authority. Pupils in the KS4 Pupils in the KS4 cohort entered cohort entered for Proportion of those entered for English GCSEs Mathematics GCSEs for the subject achieving an which count which count towards A*-C grade. towards the EBacc. the EBacc. Pupils entered for Languages GCSEs which count Proportion of total KS4 cohort towards the EBacc. (Note: not the proportion of achieving A*- C grade in the cohort as for English & mathematics). subject.

Pupils entered for Science GCSEs which count Proportion of those entered for the towards the EBacc. (Note: not the proportion subject achieving an A*-C grade. of cohort as for English & mathematics). Pupils entered for Humanities GCSEs which count Proportion of those entered for the subject towards the EBacc. (Note: not the proportion of achieving an A*-C grade. cohort as for English & mathematics). 5 How to Read the Tables

Value added (best 8) Average Point Score Average Grade

Average grade % of pupils Upper and lower Prior attainment per pupil per included in Prior attainment band Average point score KS2-4 VA Score confidence band based on qualification calculation based on KS2 results per pupil (best 8) intervals KS2 results (GCSEs and (coverage) equivalents)

1000.5 All 372.1 Low F- Sir John Nelthorpe School - A Specialist Technology College for Science, Mathematics and Low 337.0 1000.0 95% Middle F+ Computing Middle 367.2 High E 999.5 High 406.0

Calculated by dividing the total points achieved by pupils for This represents the average grade achieved their best 8 results (all qualiications) by the total number of per GCSE entry per pupil as a grade. pupils at the end of KS4.

6 How to Read the Tables

Information about pupils at the end of key stage 4

Average number of Number and % of Number and % Number and % Number and % Number and % Number of pupils qualifications KS4 pupils with of KS4 pupils who were below who were at who were above Number and % of Number and % of Number and % of Average KS2 point on roll at end of entered per pupil English as an with SEN expected level at expected level at expected level at boys girls non-mobile pupils score (all pupils) KS4 (GCSEs and Additional with statement end of KS2 end of KS2 end of KS2 equivalents) Language or an EHC plan ( Low ) ( Middle ) ( High )

15.1 131 132 6 21 5 52 146 65 16.3 263 15.1 27.0 14.9 50% 50% 2.3% 8.0% 50% 20% 56% 25% 14.6

Pupils who were at the Pupils whose irst Pupils on roll at the school with SEN Pupils who were low, middle and high attainers at the end of KS2. Key Stage 2 Average end of KS4 and on roll language is not English. with statement or EHC. A statement Points Score of in January 2015. describes any learning diiculties pupils in the KS4 that the pupil has and speciies the cohort. extra help they need.

7 English and mathematics in performance tables

Achievement of English and mathematics GCSEs Mathematics: are key requirements of the following headline ■ achieved an A*to C grade in GCSE performance measures: mathematics or ■ achieved an A* to C grade in GCSE ■ 5 A* to C grade GCSE (or equivalent) additional mathematics or including English & mathematics GCSE ■ entered both GCSE applications of mathemat- ■ the English progress measure ics and GCSE methods in mathematics and ■ the mathematics progress measure achieved A*to C in either or ■ the English Baccalaureate ■ obtained AS level mathematics ■ percentage of pupils achieving an A* to C grade in both English and mathematics A complete list of the qualiications which count towards these performance measures For each of these measures, the qualiications as English or mathematics can be found in which meet the criteria to count towards the English Baccalaureate list which can be found measure as English or as mathematics are: in the methodology and technical guides sec- tion of the secondary schools performance English: tables website ■ achieved an A* to C grade GCSE or performance/documents ■ entered both English language and English literature GCSEs, achieving at least a C grade in the English language GCSE and an A*to G grade or U in the English literature GCSE (Please note for schools that have opted in to the new Progress 8 measure a C grade can be achieved in either English language or literature and a grade including a U achieved in the other) or ■ obtained AS level English language

8 Description of measures in these tables

Please note all measures are subject to cap- to enhance pupils’ chances of progressing onto stage 4 cohort, as it isn’t mandatory to enter ping if non GCSEs have been taken. For further further study. all pupils for GCSEs in these subjects). information on capping please see the capping guidance in the methodology and technical To meet EBacc criteria, a pupil must have guides section on the secondary schools per- obtained a grade A* to C GCSE in English, Key stage 2 - key stage 4 pupil formance tables website at: mathematics, two sciences, history or geogra- progress measure phy (referred to as humanities), and an ancient The measure of expected progress is built on or modern foreign language. AS levels taken the principle that pupils achieving a level 4 in Percentage of pupils achieving 5 A* to in the relevant subject before the end of key English or in mathematics by the end of key C grade GCSEs (or equivalent) including stage 4 will also count towards the EBacc. A stage 2 should be expected to achieve at least English & mathematics GCSEs detailed list of qualiications that count towards a C grade GCSE in that subject. On that basis, a This indicator shows the percentage of pupils the EBacc can be found in the methodology pupil at level 3 at the end of key stage 2 should at the end of key stage 4 achieving ive or more and technical guides section of the secondary be achieving at least a grade D; a pupil at level 5 GCSEs (or equivalent) at grades A* to C includ- schools performance tables website at: www. should achieve at least a grade B and so on. ing English and mathematics GCSEs. documents These measures show the proportion of pupils To be counted in the indicator pupils must who, by the end of key stage 4, have made at have achieved at least the equivalent of three We break igures down into EBacc subject areas least expected progress. We also show the per- GCSEs (or equivalent) at grade C or above and in the following way: centage of pupils at the end of key stage 4 includ- also GCSEs in English and mathematics. ed in our calculations, this is useful because, for ■ or English and for mathematics – we give example, some pupils may not have been in the We have presented these igures over a four year the percentage of pupils at the end of key country to sit key stage 2 tests and will therefore period, however, the major reforms implemented stage 4 entered for and achieving A* to C not be included in the measure. in 2014 makes meaningful comparison between grade GCSEs (achievements are shown as years diicult. a percentage of cohort as we’d expect all It is worth noting that due to school boycotts pupils to be entered for these subjects) of key stage 2 test in 2010, teacher assessments English Baccalaureate ■ for each of science, languages and have been used in the calculation for English The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is not a qual- humanities – we give the percentage of and mathematics. We have indicated where 50% iication in its own right. It has been estab- end of key stage 4 pupils entered for the or more teacher assessments have been used on lished to provide information to parents, and subject, then the percentage of those the school page. others, about the achievements of pupils in a entered who achieved an A* to C grade core set of academic subjects which are shown (achievements are shown as a percentage of those entered, rather than of the key 9 Disadvantaged pupils Prior attainment deinitions are based on the Value Added This group covers pupils who have been eligible key stage 2 test results attained by pupils: Value added (VA) is a measure of the progress for free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last ■ low attaining – those below level 4 in the students make between diferent stages of 6 years and children who are in care of the local key stage 2 tests education in relation to their peers national- authority for a day or more in the past year or ■ middle attaining – those at level 4 in the ly. We look at the progress each pupil makes have left care through adoption. Evidence shows key stage 2 tests between key stage 2 and key stage 4 and com- that, in general, disadvantaged pupils undera- ■ high attaining - those above level 4 in the pare that with progress made by pupils nation- chieve compared with others, for that reason, key stage 2 tests ally who, according to key stage 2 tests, were of the government introduced the pupil premium. If there is no prior attainment, we will exclude a the same ability at that time. This is additional funding which schools receive pupil from any of the prior attainment groups. in order to raise standards for these pupils. This efects the cohort calculation. The school level VA scores are centred around 1000. This means that a school with a VA score You can ind information on the pupil premium at Non-mobile pupils of over 1000 is, generally speaking, helping its Schools in some areas have a high level of pupil pupils make more progress than the average schools-and-alternative-provision-settings mobility ie pupils who don’t stay in the same for pupils with similar prior attainment. If a school throughout their secondary education. school has a score of less than 1000, its pupils Achievements and progress of pupils may still be making progress, but not as many with diferent levels of prior attainment The ‘non-mobile’ pupil performance meas- are making similar or better progress than chil- Pupils have diferent levels of ability and these ures take some account of this. They report dren who ended key stage 2 at the same lev- measures highlight any diferences in the per- on attainment and progress of children at the el. Further information on the VA model can be formance of pupils who, at the end of key stage end of key stage 4 who have been in the school found in the methodology and technical guides 2, were either low attaining, high attaining or throughout both year 10 and year 11. For section of the secondary schools performance performing at expected levels (called middle schools with high levels of mobility, this gives tables website at: attainers in tables). We show results separately an indication of how well they support those schools/performance/documents for each of these groups of pupils, alongside the pupils who have been with them for a more results for all pupils in the cohort and the nation- prolonged period of time. al average.

10 Average Point Score per Pupil (‘best eight’) Average grade per exam entry Upper and lower conidence intervals Points and thresholds are allocated by the This measure relects the quality of results The conidence limits show the range within department to qualiications for use in perfor- achieved by pupils in each prior attainment cat- which we can be statistically conident that the mance measures. These are designed to pro- egory, presenting the average in a way which true VA score lies. The degree of signiicance vide an indication of the degree of successful may be more meaningful to some readers than that can be attached to a school’s VA measure attainment for a qualiication in relation to oth- a points score. depends, among other things, on the number er qualiications within the existing national of pupils included in the calculation. If a school frameworks. Average grade per qualiication per cohort is large the range will be small, but if a pupil (GCSEs and equivalents) school cohort is small the range will be wide. The average total point score provides a full The average grade per qualiication per pupil is picture of the achievements of pupils of all based on the school’s total average point score Percentage of pupils included in Progress 8 abilities. Two schools with similar percentages per pupil capped at the best 8 qualiications. This shows the percentage of pupils that are of pupils achieving 5 A* to C grade GCSEs or included in this new measure, as pupils without equivalent thresholds may have diferent aver- Attainment 8 & Progress 8 scores key stage 2 test and teacher assessment results age point scores. This measure is calculated by Progress 8 and Attainment 8 scores have been are not included in the Progress 8 measure. dividing the total number of points achieved published for schools that have opted in to the by pupils in their best eight qualiications by new Progress 8 accountability system one year Attainment 8 the number of pupils on roll at the end of key early. This measures the average pupil achievement stage 4. across 8 qualiications, including English and Progress 8 mathematics and at least three other EBacc Further information on point scores can be This measures the progress pupils made from subjects. found in the Points Score Allocations docu- the end of primary school to the end of second- ment in the methodology and technical guides ary school across 8 qualiications, compared to section of the secondary schools performance pupils with similar starting points tables website at: schools/performance/documents

11 Year on year Progress comparisons English Baccalaureate Basics measures % achieving 5+ A*-C GCSEs Ealing or equivalent Prior % achieving including English and maths attainment Number of A*-C grades % making % making Pupils band entries and % cohort in both expected expected in cohort based % (as % of achieving English and progress in progress in on KS2 cohort) maths English maths 2011 2012 2013 2014 SCHOOLS results GCSEs

Acorn House College All 1 (8%) 8% 77% NP NP 80% 69% 39-47 High Street IND MIXED 13 54% 56% Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP Southall UB1 3HF Tel: 0208 5719900 13-19 Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP None High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP Acton High School All 43 (20%) 13% 50% 77% 61%

Gunnersbury Lane Acton CY MIXED 210 46% 44% 45% 48% Low 3 (7%) 0% 13% 64% 38% London W3 8EY Tel: 0203 1102400 COMP 11-18 Middle 11 (12%) 4% 49% 74% 58% Does not apply High 28 (60%) 49% 89% 98% 83% All 23 (14%) 9% 35% 57% 64%

Bengarth Road AC MIXED 161 43% 50% Low 1 (3%) 0% 3% 49% 54% Northolt UB5 5LQ Tel: 0208 8414511 COMP 3-19 36% 35% Middle 8 (12%) 8% 44% 55% 65% Does not apply High 5 (21%) 21% 63% 63% 63% Ayesha Siddiqa Girls School All 17 (68%) 32% 68% NP NP 79% 67% 71% 68% 165-169 The Broadway IND GIRLS 25 Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP Southall UB1 1LS Tel: 0208 8679284 11-19 Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP None High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP Barbara Speake Stage School All 0 (0%) 0% 25% NP NP

East Acton Lane East Acton IND MIXED 8 62% Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP 30% London W3 7EG Tel: 0208 7431306 4-16 21% 25% Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP None High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP All 151 (74%) 35% 60% 88% 69%

70% 71% 64% Greenford Avenue Hanwell FD MIXED 203 59% Low 15 (42%) 3% 11% 86% 61% London W7 1JJ Tel: 0208 5759162 COMP 11-19 Middle 75 (77%) 27% 59% 87% 65% None High 54 (96%) 75% 93% 91% 80% The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School All 223 (78%) 55% 80% 95% 80% 77% 77% 67% 68% Greenford Road VA MIXED 287 Low 9 (25%) 8% 33% 100% 47% Greenford UB6 9AW Tel: 0208 5758222 COMP 11-18 Middle 110 (77%) 44% 78% 95% 77% Roman Catholic High 103 (98%) 89% 99% 93% 95% Dormers Wells High School All 61 (34%) 21% 52% 66% 78%

51% Dormers Wells Lane CY MIXED 181 47% 43% 50% Low 7 (15%) 2% 20% 61% 62% Southall UB1 3HZ Tel: 0208 5666446 COMP 11-18 Middle 31 (39%) 23% 59% 64% 80% Does not apply High 19 (58%) 48% 94% 76% 91% All 50.4% 32.4% 63.8% 80.9% 75.2% Local Authority (state-funded schools only) 57.7% 60.9% 59.8% 62.1% Low 13.5% 2.6% 17.4% 67.2% 52.9% Middle 51.0% 25.1% 67.1% 80.5% 75.7% High 81.8% 69.3% 95.5% 90.2% 88.4% All 38.70% 24.30% 59.20% 71.10% 66.90% England (state-funded schools only) 58.80%60.60%56.60%57.10% Low 4.90% 0.60% 7.90% 52.70% 32.40% Middle 31.90% 13.10% 55.30% 69.80% 67.40% High 66.10% 52.30% 92.10% 82.30% 82.90%

England (all schools) 59.40%59.20%53.40%53.80% All 36.20% 22.90% 55.80%

1 EBacc subject areas Disadvantaged pupils

% achieving 5+A*-C Gap (in English Maths Science Humanities Languages GCSEs (or equivalent) percentage Total number Total number including English and maths and % of and % of points) in Number Number Number Number Number achievement and % of and % of and % of and % of disadvantaged other % cohort % cohort % entries % entries and % of Disadvantaged Other between entries entries entries entries entries % entries pupils in cohort pupils in cohort achieving achieving achieving achieving achieving pupils pupils disadvantaged (as % of (as % of (as % of (as % of (as % of pupils and others cohort) cohort) cohort) cohort) cohort)

12 13 12 4 6 NP NP 85% 77% 67% SUPP 100% NP NP NP (92%) (100%) (92%) (31%) (46%) NP NP

199 202 169 90 77 123 87 63% 56% 60% 66% 71% 41% 57% -16 (95%) (96%) (80%) (43%) (37%) 59% 41%

156 159 93 79 60 77 84 43% 56% 59% 43% 75% 34% 37% -3 (97%) (99%) (58%) (49%) (37%) 48% 52%

25 23 20 25 22 NP NP 80% 72% 85% 56% 77% NP NP NP (100%) (92%) (80%) (100%) (88%) NP NP

8 8 0 0 0 NP NP 25% 38% NE NE NE NP NP NP (100%) (100%) (0%) (0%) (0%) NP NP

201 202 202 166 163 96 107 78% 66% 60% 67% 63% 50% 66% -16 (99%) (100%) (100%) (82%) (80%) 47% 53%

285 285 268 261 231 46 241 97% 81% 82% 77% 86% 59% 81% -22 (99%) (99%) (93%) (91%) (80%) 16% 84%

180 178 177 85 99 95 86 57% 68% 53% 74% 71% 47% 52% -5 (99%) (98%) (98%) (47%) (55%) 52% 48%

96.7% 74.1% 97.2% 70.7% 83.9% 71.2% 67.8% 71.9% 62.9% 76.8% 39.6% 60.4% 49.8% 70.3% -20.5

96.30% 69.10% 97.40% 68.30% 74.40% 69.10% 65.50% 67.20% 49.30% 70.50% 27.30% 72.60% 36.70% 64.80% -28.1

91.20% 65.80% 93.30% 65.50% 70.20% 69.90% 64.70% 69.20% 50.00% 72.70%

2 Value added (best 8) Average point score Average grade

Prior Prior Average % of pupils attainment Average Upper and lower band attainment grade per pupil confidence included in point score band based KS2-4 VA Score based on per pupil per qualification intervals calculation on KS2 (GCSEs and (coverage) KS2 (best 8) results results equivalents)

All 349.8 NP Low NP NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP All 282.9 1000.3 Low F+ Acton High School 989.5 87% Low 182.4 Middle D+ 978.7 Middle 285.2 High B High 375.7 All 285.3 1000.6 Low E- Alec Reed Academy 987.6 78% Low 206.7 Middle C- 974.6 Middle 305.4 High C+ High 340.9 All 339.4 NP Low NP Ayesha Siddiqa Girls School NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP All 257.3 NP Low NP Barbara Speake Stage School NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP All 322.3 1025.4 Low D- Brentside High School 1014.8 94% Low 244.1 Middle C- 1004.3 Middle 318.7 High B High 380.9 All 353.1 1045.3 Low D+ The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School 1036.7 99% Low 263.4 Middle C+ 1028 Middle 336.1 High A- High 409 All 307 1039.7 Low E+ Dormers Wells High School 1028.2 88% Low 227.3 Middle C 1016.6 Middle 326.3 High B High 383.1 All 321 Local Authority (state-funded schools only) Low 214.1 Middle 325.3 High 395 All 312.7 England (state-funded schools only) Low 194.4 Middle 307.8 High 383.1

England (all schools) All 306.5

3 Information about pupils at the end of key stage 4

Number Number Number Number Average number of Number and % of and % who and % who and % who of pupils qualifications Number Number KS4 pupils with Number and % of were below were at were above on roll at entered per pupil and % and % English as an KS4 pupils with SEN Number and % of Average KS2 point non-mobile pupils expected expected expected end of (GCSEs and of boys of girls Additional with statement or EHC level at level at level at score (all pupils) KS4 equivalents) Language end of KS2 end of KS2 end of KS2 (Low) (Middle) (High)

7 6 NP NA NP NP NP NP 13 9.2 NP 54% 46% NP NA NP NP NP NP

141 69 139 3 204 45 91 47 210 8.6 26 67% 33% 66% 1% 97% 25% 50% 26%

83 78 88 2 149 35 66 24 161 9.1 26 52% 48% 55% 1% 93% 28% 53% 19%

0 25 NP NA NP NP NP NP 25 9.6 NP 0% 100% NP NA NP NP NP NP

3 5 NP NA NP NP NP NP 8 6.9 NP 38% 63% NP NA NP NP NP NP

126 77 125 2 203 36 98 56 203 9.6 27.1 62% 38% 62% 1% 100% 19% 52% 29%

155 132 105 10 285 36 142 105 287 8.8 28 54% 46% 37% 4% 99% 13% 50% 37%

89 92 113 4 173 46 80 33 181 8.7 25.6 49% 51% 62% 2% 96% 29% 50% 21%

9.2 52.1% 47.9% 56.8% 4.0% 97.2% 20.9% 47.9% 31.2% 26.8

9.2 51.00% 49.00% 14.20% 3.80% 96.90% 17.20% 48.40% 34.50% 27.4

4 Year on year Progress comparisons English Baccalaureate Basics measures % achieving 5+ A*-C GCSEs Ealing or equivalent Prior % achieving including English and maths attainment Number of A*-C grades % making % making Pupils band entries and % cohort in both expected expected in cohort based % (as % of achieving English and progress in progress in on KS2 cohort) maths English maths 2011 2012 2013 2014 SCHOOLS results GCSEs

Drayton Manor High School All 198 (85%) 46% 69% 83% 74%

67% 64% 67% Drayton Bridge Road Hanwell ACC MIXED 233 60% Low 17 (46%) 8% 22% 70% 54% London W7 1EU Tel: 0208 3571900 COMP 11-19 Middle 90 (87%) 34% 63% 80% 71% None High 83 (100%) 77% 98% 93% 86% Ealing Independent College All 0 (0%) 0% 75% NP NP

70% 63% 83 New Broadway Ealing IND MIXED 12 50% Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP London W5 5AL Tel: 0208 5796668 14-19 Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP None 10% High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP The Eden School (SDA) All SUPP (SUPP) SUPP SUPP NP NP

Evershed Sports Ground Wyke Gardens IND MIXED 4 Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP Hanwell Ealing W7 2BB Tel: 0208 5796153 3-18 Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP N/A N/A None 0% 0% High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP The Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls All 116 (56%) 41% 71% 82% 79%

65% 69% 70% Queen’s Drive Acton FD GIRLS 207 56% Low 6 (21%) 4% 21% 68% 50% London W3 0HW Tel: 0208 7521525 COMP 11-18 Middle 44 (46%) 27% 68% 79% 77% None High 62 (83%) 73% 96% 91% 91% Elthorne Park High School All 100 (58%) 44% 72% 88% 82% 70% 74% 71% Westlea Road Hanwell CY MIXED 171 58% Low 3 (13%) 0% 13% 78% 63% London W7 2AH Tel: 0208 5661166 COMP 11-19 Middle 26 (42%) 19% 63% 84% 79% Does not apply High 68 (86%) 78% 97% 94% 89% All 91 (38%) 24% 64% 85% 78%

66% 61% 63% 11 Montague Waye ACC MIXED 237 50% Low 1 (2%) 2% 21% 85% 69% Southall UB2 5HF Tel: 0208 8430984 COMP 11-18 Middle 46 (36%) 17% 69% 82% 76% Does not apply High 41 (84%) 65% 98% 92% 92% All 120 (51%) 35% 76% 90% 85% 81% 73% 77% 75% Lady Margaret Road FD MIXED 234 Low 3 (6%) 2% 35% 83% 65% Southall UB1 2GU Tel: 0208 5789152 COMP 11-19 Middle 68 (57%) 33% 80% 88% 87% None High 46 (78%) 68% 100% 97% 97% King Fahad Academy All 0 (0%) 0% 0% NP NP

Bromyard Avenue Acton IND MIXED 23 Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP London W3 7HD Tel: 0208 7430131 3-18 34% Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP 13% None 0% 0% High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP All 50.4% 32.4% 63.8% 80.9% 75.2% Local Authority (state-funded schools only) 57.7% 60.9% 59.8% 62.1% Low 13.5% 2.6% 17.4% 67.2% 52.9% Middle 51.0% 25.1% 67.1% 80.5% 75.7% High 81.8% 69.3% 95.5% 90.2% 88.4% All 38.70% 24.30% 59.20% 71.10% 66.90% England (state-funded schools only) 58.80%60.60%56.60%57.10% Low 4.90% 0.60% 7.90% 52.70% 32.40% Middle 31.90% 13.10% 55.30% 69.80% 67.40% High 66.10% 52.30% 92.10% 82.30% 82.90%

England (all schools) 59.40%59.20%53.40%53.80% All 36.20% 22.90% 55.80%

5 EBacc subject areas Disadvantaged pupils

% achieving 5+A*-C Gap (in English Maths Science Humanities Languages GCSEs (or equivalent) percentage Total number Total number including English and maths and % of and % of points) in Number Number Number Number Number achievement and % of and % of and % of and % of disadvantaged other % cohort % cohort % entries % entries and % of Disadvantaged Other between entries entries entries entries entries % entries pupils in cohort pupils in cohort achieving achieving achieving achieving achieving pupils pupils disadvantaged (as % of (as % of (as % of (as % of (as % of pupils and others cohort) cohort) cohort) cohort) cohort)

232 231 231 219 198 108 125 81% 74% 71% 72% 71% 53% 78% -26 (100%) (99%) (99%) (94%) (85%) 46% 54%

10 12 0 10 3 NP NP 75% 92% NE 90% SUPP NP NP NP (83%) (100%) (0%) (83%) (25%) NP NP


203 206 169 144 168 98 109 81% 75% 76% 77% 80% 60% 79% -19 (98%) (100%) (82%) (70%) (81%) 47% 53%

170 171 151 135 113 34 137 84% 78% 81% 73% 94% 35% 80% -44 (99%) (100%) (88%) (79%) (66%) 20% 80%

235 237 235 142 112 105 132 79% 72% 56% 77% 68% 56% 68% -12 (99%) (100%) (99%) (60%) (47%) 44% 56%

230 230 198 137 164 99 135 85% 80% 68% 77% 86% 64% 83% -19 (98%) (98%) (85%) (59%) (70%) 42% 58%

0 0 0 0 22 NP NP 0% 0% NE NE 95% NP NP NP (0%) (0%) (0%) (0%) (96%) NP NP

96.7% 74.1% 97.2% 70.7% 83.9% 71.2% 67.8% 71.9% 62.9% 76.8% 39.6% 60.4% 49.8% 70.3% -20.5

96.30% 69.10% 97.40% 68.30% 74.40% 69.10% 65.50% 67.20% 49.30% 70.50% 27.30% 72.60% 36.70% 64.80% -28.1

91.20% 65.80% 93.30% 65.50% 70.20% 69.90% 64.70% 69.20% 50.00% 72.70%

6 Value added (best 8) Average point score Average grade

Prior Prior Average % of pupils attainment Average Upper and lower band attainment grade per pupil confidence included in point score band based KS2-4 VA Score based on per pupil per qualification intervals calculation on KS2 (GCSEs and (coverage) KS2 (best 8) results results equivalents)

All 338.3 1028.1 Low D- Drayton Manor High School 1018.4 96% Low 244.3 Middle C 1008.6 Middle 320.6 High A- High 403.6 All 225.3 NP Low NP Ealing Independent College NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP All SUPP NP Low NP The Eden School (SDA) NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP All 350.8 1048.5 Low D- The Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls 1038.1 96% Low 240.4 Middle C+ 1027.8 Middle 343.2 High B+ High 405.4 All 354.8 1047.6 Low D Elthorne Park High School 1036.3 96% Low 262.1 Middle C 1024.9 Middle 337 High B+ High 398.6 All 319.4 1029.8 Low D- Featherstone High School 1020.1 95% Low 250.3 Middle C 1010.4 Middle 322 High B High 382.7 All 339.6 1046.6 Low D Greenford High School 1037 97% Low 242 Middle C+ 1027.3 Middle 346.9 High B+ High 408.1 All 58.3 NP Low NP King Fahad Academy NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP All 321 Local Authority (state-funded schools only) Low 214.1 Middle 325.3 High 395 All 312.7 England (state-funded schools only) Low 194.4 Middle 307.8 High 383.1

England (all schools) All 306.5

7 Information about pupils at the end of key stage 4

Number Number Number Number Average number of Number and % of and % who and % who and % who of pupils qualifications Number Number KS4 pupils with Number and % of were below were at were above on roll at entered per pupil and % and % English as an KS4 pupils with SEN Number and % of Average KS2 point non-mobile pupils expected expected expected end of (GCSEs and of boys of girls Additional with statement or EHC level at level at level at score (all pupils) KS4 equivalents) Language end of KS2 end of KS2 end of KS2 (Low) (Middle) (High)

135 98 139 9 228 37 103 83 233 9.6 27.9 58% 42% 60% 4% 98% 17% 46% 37%

5 7 NP NA NP NP NP NP 12 4.9 NP 42% 58% NP NA NP NP NP NP


0 207 120 5 200 28 95 75 207 10.1 27.6 0% 100% 58% 2% 97% 14% 48% 38%

107 64 48 4 170 24 62 79 171 10.4 28.1 63% 37% 28% 2% 99% 15% 38% 48%

129 108 209 4 232 48 127 49 237 9.2 26.7 54% 46% 88% 2% 98% 21% 57% 22%

125 109 138 2 230 48 120 59 234 10.1 27 53% 47% 59% 1% 98% 21% 53% 26%

9 14 NP NA NP NP NP NP 23 1 NP 39% 61% NP NA NP NP NP NP

9.2 52.1% 47.9% 56.8% 4.0% 97.2% 20.9% 47.9% 31.2% 26.8

9.2 51.00% 49.00% 14.20% 3.80% 96.90% 17.20% 48.40% 34.50% 27.4

8 Year on year Progress comparisons English Baccalaureate Basics measures % achieving 5+ A*-C GCSEs Ealing or equivalent Prior % achieving including English and maths attainment Number of A*-C grades % making % making Pupils band entries and % cohort in both expected expected in cohort based % (as % of achieving English and progress in progress in on KS2 cohort) maths English maths 2011 2012 2013 2014 SCHOOLS results GCSEs

Northolt High School All 107 (50%) 23% 55% 73% 69%

54% Eastcote Lane FD MIXED 212 45% 46% 49% Low 6 (12%) 4% 14% 68% 48% Northolt UB5 4HP Tel: 0208 8648544 COMP 11-18 Middle 55 (67%) 22% 65% 70% 77% None High 29 (78%) 51% 97% 78% 73% Notting Hill and Ealing High School 100% 99% All 0 (0%) 0% 0% NP NP

2 Cleveland Road IND GIRLS 88 Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP London W13 8AX Tel: 0208 7998400 4-18 Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP None 0% 0% High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP St Augustine’s Priory 94% 95% 95% 96% All 0 (0%) 0% 96% NP NP

Hillcrest Road Ealing IND GIRLS 46 Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP London W5 2JL Tel: 0208 9972022 2-18 Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP None High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP

St Benedict’s School 89% 89% 90% 88% All 0 (0%) 0% 90% NP NP

54 Eaton Rise IND MIXED 119 Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP London W5 2ES Tel: 0208 8622254 3-18 Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP Roman Catholic High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP Twyford Church of England High School All 125 (66%) 57% 89% 96% 94% 86% 87% 77% 68% Twyford Crescent ACC MIXED 190 Low 1 (5%) 5% 26% 84% 74% Acton London W3 9PP Tel: 0208 7520141 COMP 11-18 Middle 35 (48%) 36% 93% 96% 99% Church of England High 84 (92%) 86% 99% 98% 95% All 60 (26%) 18% 61% 76% 80%

60% Boyd Avenue FD MIXED 231 50% 51% 51% Low 0 (0%) 0% 17% 62% 79% Southall UB1 3BT Tel: 0208 8138001 COMP 11-18 Middle 25 (30%) 17% 70% 78% 76% None High 28 (49%) 40% 93% 77% 89% William Perkin Church of England High School All

Oldfield Lane North Greenford F MIXED Low UB6 8PR Tel: 0203 3013181 COMP 11-18 Middle Church of England N/A N/A N/A High

All 50.4% 32.4% 63.8% 80.9% 75.2% Local Authority (state-funded schools only) 57.7% 60.9% 59.8% 62.1% Low 13.5% 2.6% 17.4% 67.2% 52.9% Middle 51.0% 25.1% 67.1% 80.5% 75.7% High 81.8% 69.3% 95.5% 90.2% 88.4% All 38.70% 24.30% 59.20% 71.10% 66.90% England (state-funded schools only) 58.80%60.60%56.60%57.10% Low 4.90% 0.60% 7.90% 52.70% 32.40% Middle 31.90% 13.10% 55.30% 69.80% 67.40% High 66.10% 52.30% 92.10% 82.30% 82.90%

England (all schools) 59.40%59.20%53.40%53.80% All 36.20% 22.90% 55.80%

9 EBacc subject areas Disadvantaged pupils

% achieving 5+A*-C Gap (in English Maths Science Humanities Languages GCSEs (or equivalent) percentage Total number Total number including English and maths and % of and % of points) in Number Number Number Number Number achievement and % of and % of and % of and % of disadvantaged other % cohort % cohort % entries % entries and % of Disadvantaged Other between entries entries entries entries entries % entries pupils in cohort pupils in cohort achieving achieving achieving achieving achieving pupils pupils disadvantaged (as % of (as % of (as % of (as % of (as % of pupils and others cohort) cohort) cohort) cohort) cohort)

208 209 140 161 137 86 126 60% 67% 91% 58% 60% 47% 59% -12 (98%) (99%) (66%) (76%) (65%) 41% 59%

88 0 0 87 88 NP NP 100% 0% NE 100% 100% NP NP NP (100%) (0%) (0%) (99%) (100%) NP NP

46 46 0 42 21 NP NP 100% 96% NE 98% 95% NP NP NP (100%) (100%) (0%) (91%) (46%) NP NP

116 117 0 110 118 NP NP 95% 93% NE 95% 87% NP NP NP (97%) (98%) (0%) (92%) (99%) NP NP

188 188 173 139 137 36 154 93% 93% 90% 90% 91% 78% 89% -11 (99%) (99%) (91%) (73%) (72%) 19% 81%

227 228 155 149 112 79 152 67% 69% 79% 70% 75% 52% 64% -12 (98%) (99%) (67%) (65%) (48%) 34% 66%

96.7% 74.1% 97.2% 70.7% 83.9% 71.2% 67.8% 71.9% 62.9% 76.8% 39.6% 60.4% 49.8% 70.3% -20.5

96.30% 69.10% 97.40% 68.30% 74.40% 69.10% 65.50% 67.20% 49.30% 70.50% 27.30% 72.60% 36.70% 64.80% -28.1

91.20% 65.80% 93.30% 65.50% 70.20% 69.90% 64.70% 69.20% 50.00% 72.70%

10 Value added (best 8) Average point score Average grade

Prior attainment Prior Average Upper and lower % of pupils Average attainment grade per pupil included in band point score KS2-4 VA Score confidence based on band based per qualification intervals calculation per pupil on KS2 (GCSEs and (coverage) KS2 (best 8) results results equivalents)

All 303.6 1021.2 Low E+ 1010 80% Low 221.7 Middle C 998.8 Middle 315.6 High B High 374.9 All 356.4 NP Low NP Notting Hill and Ealing High School NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP All 360.7 NP Low NP St Augustine’s Priory NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP All 374.3 NP Low NP St Benedict’s School NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP All 374.9 1051.8 Low D+ Twyford Church of England High School 1041 96% Low 290.1 Middle B- 1030.3 Middle 351.8 High A- High 409.1 All 313 1024.8 Low D- Villiers High School 1013.6 73% Low 234.1 Middle C- 1002.4 Middle 315.9 High B High 385.8 All Low William Perkin Church of England High School Low Middle Middle High High

All 321 Local Authority (state-funded schools only) Low 214.1 Middle 325.3 High 395 All 312.7 England (state-funded schools only) Low 194.4 Middle 307.8 High 383.1

England (all schools) All 306.5

11 Information about pupils at the end of key stage 4

Number Number Number Number Average number of Number and % of and % who and % who and % who of pupils qualifications Number Number KS4 pupils with Number and % of were below were at were above on roll at entered per pupil and % and % English as an KS4 pupils with SEN Number and % of Average KS2 point non-mobile pupils expected expected expected end of (GCSEs and of boys of girls Additional with statement or EHC level at level at level at score (all pupils) KS4 equivalents) Language end of KS2 end of KS2 end of KS2 (Low) (Middle) (High)

109 103 119 1 196 50 82 37 212 8.4 25.6 51% 49% 56% 1% 92% 30% 49% 22%

0 88 NP NA NP NP NP NP 88 6.4 NP 0% 100% NP NA NP NP NP NP

0 46 NP NA NP NP NP NP 46 7.5 NP 0% 100% NP NA NP NP NP NP

87 32 NP NA NP NP NP NP 119 7.8 NP 73% 27% NP NA NP NP NP NP

96 94 18 7 189 19 73 91 190 9.8 29 51% 49% 9% 4% 99% 10% 40% 50%

124 107 211 2 229 29 83 57 231 9.9 27.3 54% 46% 91% 1% 99% 17% 49% 34%

9.2 52.1% 47.9% 56.8% 4.0% 97.2% 20.9% 47.9% 31.2% 26.8

9.2 51.00% 49.00% 14.20% 3.80% 96.90% 17.20% 48.40% 34.50% 27.4

12 Year on year Progress comparisons English Baccalaureate Basics measures % achieving 5+ A*-C GCSEs Ealing or equivalent Prior % achieving including English and maths attainment Number of A*-C grades % making % making Pupils band entries and % cohort in both expected expected in cohort based % (as % of achieving English and progress in progress in on KS2 cohort) maths English maths 2011 2012 2013 2014 SPECIAL SCHOOLS results GCSEs

Belvue School All 0 (0%) 0% 0% 8% 12%

Rowdell Road CYS MIXED 26 Low 0 (0%) 0% 0% 8% 12% Northolt UB5 6AG Tel: 0208 8455766 N/A 11-19 Middle SUPP (SUPP) SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP Does not apply 0% 0% 0% 0% High NE (NE) NE NE NE NE Insights Independent School All 0 (0%) 0% 0% NP NP

3-5 Alexandria Road INDSPEC MIXED 11 Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP West Ealing London W13 0NP Tel: 0208 8409099 7-18 Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP None 0% 0% 0% 0% High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP John Chilton School All 0 (0%) 0% 0% 22% 11%

Compton Crescent CYS MIXED 9 Low 0 (0%) 0% 0% 22% 11% Northolt UB5 5LD Tel: 0208 8421329 N/A 2-17 Middle NE (NE) NE NE NE NE Does not apply 0% 0% 0% 0% High NE (NE) NE NE NE NE North West London Independent Special School All 0 (0%) 0% 0% NP NP

85 Old Oak Common Lane East Acton INDSPEC MIXED 8 Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP Ealing London W3 7DD Tel: 0208 7495403 7-17 Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP N/A None 0% 0% 0% High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP St Ann’s School All NE (NE) NE NE NE NE

Springfield Road Hanwell CYS MIXED 12 Low NE (NE) NE NE NE NE London W7 3JP Tel: 0208 5676291 N/A 11-19 Middle NE (NE) NE NE NE NE Does not apply N/A N/A N/A N/A High NE (NE) NE NE NE NE Springhallow School All 0 (0%) 0% 0% 9% 0% C/O William Perkin C of E High School Oldfield Lane North CYS MIXED 11 Low 0 (0%) 0% 0% 11% 0% Greenford London UB6 8QD Tel: N/A 5-16 Middle NE (NE) NE NE NE NE 17% 17% N/A Does not apply 0% High NE (NE) NE NE NE NE The Sybil Elgar School All SUPP (SUPP) SUPP SUPP NP NP

The National Autistic Society Havelock Road INDSPEC MIXED 1 Low NP (NP) NP NP NP NP Southall UB2 4NY Tel: 0208 8139168 4-19 Middle NP (NP) NP NP NP NP None N/A N/A N/A N/A High NP (NP) NP NP NP NP

All 50.4% 32.4% 63.8% 80.9% 75.2% Local Authority (state-funded schools only) 57.7% 60.9% 59.8% 62.1% Low 13.5% 2.6% 17.4% 67.2% 52.9% Middle 51.0% 25.1% 67.1% 80.5% 75.7% High 81.8% 69.3% 95.5% 90.2% 88.4% All 38.70% 24.30% 59.20% 71.10% 66.90% England (state-funded schools only) 58.80%60.60%56.60%57.10% Low 4.90% 0.60% 7.90% 52.70% 32.40% Middle 31.90% 13.10% 55.30% 69.80% 67.40% High 66.10% 52.30% 92.10% 82.30% 82.90%

England (all schools) 59.40%59.20%53.40%53.80% All 36.20% 22.90% 55.80%

13 EBacc subject areas Disadvantaged pupils

% achieving 5+A*-C Gap (in English Maths Science Humanities Languages GCSEs (or equivalent) percentage Total number Total number including English and maths and % of and % of points) in Number Number Number Number Number achievement and % of and % of and % of and % of disadvantaged other % cohort % cohort % entries % entries and % of Disadvantaged Other between entries entries entries entries entries % entries pupils in cohort pupils in cohort achieving achieving achieving achieving achieving pupils pupils disadvantaged (as % of (as % of (as % of (as % of (as % of pupils and others cohort) cohort) cohort) cohort) cohort)

3 6 0 0 0 18 8 0% 0% NE NE NE 0% 0% (12%) (23%) (0%) (0%) (0%) 69% 31%

9 9 0 0 0 NP NP 18% 0% NE NE NE NP NP NP (82%) (82%) (0%) (0%) (0%) NP NP

2 3 1 0 1 6 3 22% 0% SUPP NE SUPP SUPP SUPP SUPP (22%) (33%) (11%) (0%) (11%) 67% 33%

1 6 0 0 0 NP NP 0% 0% NE NE NE NP NP NP (13%) (75%) (0%) (0%) (0%) NP NP


1 1 0 0 0 3 8 9% 0% NE NE NE SUPP SUPP SUPP (9%) (9%) (0%) (0%) (0%) 27% 73%


96.7% 74.1% 97.2% 70.7% 83.9% 71.2% 67.8% 71.9% 62.9% 76.8% 39.6% 60.4% 49.8% 70.3% -20.5

96.30% 69.10% 97.40% 68.30% 74.40% 69.10% 65.50% 67.20% 49.30% 70.50% 27.30% 72.60% 36.70% 64.80% -28.1

91.20% 65.80% 93.30% 65.50% 70.20% 69.90% 64.70% 69.20% 50.00% 72.70%

14 Value added (best 8) Average point score Average grade

Prior attainment Prior Average Upper and lower % of pupils Average attainment grade per pupil included in band point score KS2-4 VA Score confidence based on band based per qualification intervals calculation per pupil on KS2 (GCSEs and (coverage) KS2 (best 8) results results equivalents)

All 8.8 877 Low U Belvue School 848.5 100% Low 9.1 Middle SUPP 819.9 Middle SUPP High NE High NE All 76.5 NP Low NP Insights Independent School NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP All 67.8 969.3 Low G- John Chilton School 920.8 100% Low 67.8 Middle NE 872.3 Middle NE High NE High NE All 21.8 NP Low NP North West London Independent Special School NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP All NE NE Low NE St Ann’s School NE NE Low NE Middle NE NE Middle NE High NE High NE All 8.2 880 Low U Springhallow School 831.5 82% Low 10 Middle NE 783 Middle NE High NE High NE All SUPP NP Low NP The Sybil Elgar School NP NP Low NP Middle NP NP Middle NP High NP High NP

All 321 Local Authority (state-funded schools only) Low 214.1 Middle 325.3 High 395 All 312.7 England (state-funded schools only) Low 194.4 Middle 307.8 High 383.1

England (all schools) All 306.5

15 Information about pupils at the end of key stage 4

Number Number Number Number Average number of Number and % of and % who and % who and % who of pupils qualifications Number Number KS4 pupils with Number and % of Number and % of were below were at were above on roll at entered per pupil and % and % English as an KS4 pupils with SEN expected Average KS2 point non-mobile pupils expected expected score (all pupils) end of (GCSEs and of boys of girls Additional with statement or EHC level at level at level at KS4 equivalents) Language end of KS2 end of KS2 end of KS2 (Low) (Middle) (High)

19 7 10 22 25 1 0 26 0.3 11.1 73% 27% 38% 85% 96% 4% 0%

8 3 NP NP NP NP NP 11 3 NP 73% 27% NP NP NP NP NP

7 2 5 9 9 0 0 9 1.8 10.3 78% 22% 56% 100% 100% 0% 0%

8 0 NP NP NP NP NP 8 2 NP 100% 0% NP NP NP NP NP

9 3 10 11 9 0 0 12 NE 3 75% 25% 83% 92% 100% 0% 0%

9 2 2 11 9 0 0 11 0.3 12.9 82% 18% 18% 100% 100% 0% 0%


9.2 52.1% 47.9% 56.8% 4.0% 97.2% 20.9% 47.9% 31.2% 26.8

9.2 51.00% 49.00% 14.20% 3.80% 96.90% 17.20% 48.40% 34.50% 27.4

16 Attainment 8 and Progress 8 Schools that opted into the new secondary school performance measures a year early Progress 8

Upper and Percentage Ealing Schools Pupils Progress 8 lower of pupils Attainment 8 in cohort score confidence included in score intervals Progress 8

Alec Reed Academy 0.01 Bengarth Road AC MIXED 161 -0.18 78% 43.1 Northolt UB5 5LQ Tel: 0208 8414511 COMP 3-19 -0.37 Does not apply The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School 0.83 Greenford Road VA MIXED 287 0.7 99% 57.3 Greenford UB6 9AW Tel: 0208 5758222 COMP 11-18 0.57 Roman Catholic Elthorne Park High School 0.77 Westlea Road Hanwell CY MIXED 171 0.61 96% 56.6 London W7 2AH Tel: 0208 5661166 COMP 11-19 0.44 Does not apply

e1 Glossary and Abbreviations

Type of school or college Academy 16-19 Converter (ACC1619) Foundation Special School (FDS) Schools catering for pupils aged 16-19 that have Foundation Special Schools are maintained Academy Converter Mainstream (ACC) chosen through Governing Body Resolution by the LA, which are speciically organised to Schools that have chosen through Governing and application to the Secretary of State to make special educational provision for pupils Body Resolution and application to the become an academy under the Academies Act with SEN. Secretary of State to become an academy 2010. under the Academies Act 2010. Free Schools (F) City Technology College (CTC) Free Schools are all-ability state-funded schools Academy Converter Special School (ACCS) City Technology College or City College for the set up in response to what local people say they Special schools that have chosen through Technology of the Arts, independent all-ability, want and need in order to improve education Governing Body Resolution and application to non fee-paying school ofering pupils the for children in their community. They have the the Secretary of State to become an academy opportunity to study a curriculum geared, with same legal requirements as academies and under the Academies Act 2010. They are the help of private sector sponsors, towards the enjoy the same freedoms and lexibilities. organised in such a way as to provide speciic world of work. educational provision for pupils with special Free School – University Technology educational needs. Community School (CY) College (FUTC) Community Schools are maintained by the University Technical Colleges (UTCs) are Sponsored Special Academy (ACS) local authority (LA). The LA is the admissions technical academies commonly for 14 to 19 Special schools established and managed by authority ie it has main responsibility for year olds. They have university and employer sponsors from a wide range of backgrounds, deciding arrangements for admitting pupils. sponsors and combine practical and academic including high performing schools and colleges, studies. universities, individual philanthropists, Community Special School (CYS) businesses, the voluntary sector, and faith Community Special Schools are maintained by Free School – Studio School (FSS) communities to provide support and to help the LA, which are organised to make special Studio Schools are innovative schools for 14 raise standards. educational provision for pupils with special to 19 year olds backed by local business and educational needs (SEN). employers. They focus on equipping young Sponsored Academy 16-19 (AC1619) people with a wide range of employability skills Schools catering for pupils aged 16-19 Foundation School (FD) and a core of academic qualiications, delivered established and managed by sponsors from Foundation Schools are maintained by the in a practical and project based way. a wide range of backgrounds, including high LA. They may have a foundation (generally performing schools and colleges, universities, religious) that appoints some – but not most – 16-19 Free School (F1619) individual philanthropists, businesses, the of the governing body. The governing body is 16-19 Free Schools enjoy the same freedoms as voluntary sector, and faith communities. the admissions authority. other free schools but are stand-alone education institutions for the education of 16 to 19 year-olds. They will often ofer a specialised academic or disability (SEND). They are designated for Selective (SEL) vocational curriculum and can select students on speciic type(s) of SEN. Admits pupils wholly or mainly with reference GCSE grades or other criteria. to ability. These schools are formally designated Voluntary Aided School (VA) as grammar schools. Further Education Colleges Voluntary Aided schools are maintained by Colleges in the Further Education sector are the LA, with a foundation (generally religious) Not Applicable identiied by their college type eg General that appoints most of the governing body. The Admits pupils regardless of ability or aptitude. Further Education College, Sixth Form College, governing body is the admissions authority. Agriculture and Horticulture College etc. Admissions basis for colleges Voluntary Controlled School (VC) Independent (IND) Voluntary Controlled schools are maintained by Not collected/applicable Registered as an independent school, normally the LA, with a foundation (generally religious) Further Education colleges admit students charge fees. which appoints some – but not most - of the regardless of ability or aptitude. governing body. The LA is the admissions Independent Special School (INDSPEC) authority. Independent school approved under the Education Act 1996 to take pupils who have Admissions basis for schools statements of special educational needs (SEN). Comprehensive (COMP) MOD Funded College (MODFC) Admits all pupils, usually regardless of their College funded by the Ministry of Defence. ability or aptitude; includes schools operating pupil ability banding admission arrangements. Non-Maintained Special School (NMSS) Non-maintained special schools are approved Modern (MOD) by the Secretary of State under the Education A school which may have the ability proile of Act 1996. They are specially organised to make its intake afected by local grammar schools special educational provision for pupils with admitting a high proportion of higher ability special educational needs. pupils. Admits pupils regardless of their ability or aptitude, including those who have not been Special Free School (FS) selected for a place at a selective school. Special Free Schools enjoy the same freedoms as other free schools but are speciically organised to ofer educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and Abbreviations

Abbreviations Year 6 when children are 11 years NE Not entered. The school or college old. Children have to be assessed at has no students entered for the A/AS A level and Advanced Subsidiary - working at level 3 or above to take qualiications reported. qualiications available in general the tests. The subjects covered in and applied subjects. tests are reading; mathematics; and NP Not published - indicating independ- (from 2013) grammar, punctuation ent schools, for which we do not cal- BTEC Business and Technology Education and spelling. Results for writing are culate VA or progress measures, and Council. based on teacher assessment. non-maintained special schools for whom we do not calculate key stage CLA Children looked after. KS4 GCSEs and equivalent qualiications 2 to key stage 4 progress measures. are taken at the end of the key stage EBacc English Baccalaureate. 4 programme of study, normally in NVQ National vocational qualiications at year 11 when children are sixteen levels 1 and 2. FTE Full-time equivalent - the headcount years old. of full-time staf plus the proportion SEN Special educational needs. of the full-time hours worked by KS5 These tables report the results of 16 part-time teachers. to18 year old students at the end SUPP Information has been suppressed of advanced level study, otherwise because the underlying numbers are GCSE General certiicate of secondary referred to as end of “key stage 5”. too small. education. LA Local Authority. URN Unique reference number – a school KS1 Key stage 1. Schools submit teacher identiier. assessments of pupils’ levels in each LOWCOV Low coverage - shown for the VA subject, based on performance in measure and coverage indicator VA Value added. various in-school tasks and tests. This where schools have less than 50% of Feeder school or college for a sixth is done at the end of the key stage 1 pupils included in calculation of the form centre or consortium. programme of study, normally in year measure. 2 when children are seven years old. NA Figures are either not available for the KS2 Key stage 2. Externally marked tests year in question, or the data ield is not are taken at the end of the key stage applicable to this school or college. 2 programme of study, normally in ABOUT THESE TABLES

How the tables were compiled Contact us Results for pupils at the end of key stage 4 are In writing: Ministerial and Public supplied by awarding organisations. They were Communications Division checked and, where appropriate, amended by Department for Education schools in early October. Piccadilly Gate Store Street Individual pupil details were checked with Manchester schools in September 2015. M1 2WD

Publication of small numbers Online: Where the results are based on a cohort of ive contactus/dfe or fewer students these results are suppressed to reduce the risk of individual students being By phone: 0370 000 2288 identiied from published data. This does not change our existing policy on consideration of © Crown copyright 2016 schools’ performance against loor standards which is not applied to cohorts of 10 or fewer Extracts from this document may be reproduced pupils. for non-commercial educational or training purposes on condition that the source is You can ind more information on this policy acknowledged. under the rules on Publication of Small Numbers ( Published January 2016 performance/2013/secondary_13/ Publication_of_small_numbers.pdf) in the methodology and technical guides section of the secondary schools performance tables website at: performance/documents