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iiiiiIII illiiiii milill D11332 COIMTEIMTS

CHAPTER-I Introduction to the District

CHAPTER-II Educational Profile

CHAPTER-III Planning Process

issues, Objectives & Strategies

CHAPTER - V Target, Strategies & Activities

CHAPTER-VI Costing Table (Physical & FInanciail) Summary Table


17-ft, »t -M'Viiwle M tri,

»lttt---- — CHAPTER - I


District Profile of Jajpiir District

1.1 Historical Background

Jajpur, a former sub-division of undividefi district came into existence as a separate district with effect from 1.4.1993 has a glorious'. history of its own. As per the historical survey of Prof. K C F^anigrahi, itt was tfie capital of Kalinga. is also named as ‘Biraja E3humi’, ‘Jaj.^tfi Nagar’, ‘Jajyna Bhumi’ and ‘ Jaja Nagar’. Jaiati Kesari, the King of sonnai dynasty ruled over Jajpur during ICV^ century B.C. It has a deep culturall and historical background Jajpur is glorified through ages for lits. historical monuments like ‘f^iraja temple’, Subhastambtia andi Oasaswamedha Ghat etc.

1.2 Geographical Features is geographically situated on 20.52 North latittide and! 85 21 Fast longitudes. It is surrounded by the holy river t'iaitarani andl District in the north, in the South, Dhenkanall district in the west and the Bay of Bengal along with distri^f.t' in the east. This district is connected by N H. No 5 and No 14 The* southeastern Railway passes througli this district major portion

1.3 S oil

Sotne portion of tlie land area of this district rovers hilly region wittfi radisli stony soil The plain region liaving brownish black soil is buitablle for paddy ;KKi vegetai)le cultivation The soil of the riverbanks and deltia area is sandy loom suitable for cultivation of paddy, sugar cone anid gioundnut Jajpur N /ORISSA) KENDUJHARGARH

/ i

X BHADRAK v_ 20D /hat^ba.'f

■Q Jcnapof PanikoiHt»r~'^ . “ X ? DasJathpuru Madnjpufgarh^^i^x.^,^^ Kabi'pjr \ OChhatafoada _ . J \ % A '• "H Dhiir'T-‘sn *Binjharpur Chiird *:hrji iulii c! 'c 2<.ik 'J

Distt'C* Bo'.ndiiiy r, Rive* N'y'. ora* highv/ny KENDRAPARA otatc Migf-wjiy R oad if: =: ^ MiUv-ly Tr;jc^ D is’f ct Hc.'JdqU'J'tc' '■> CUTTACK ''altik f‘cadq.inilcf "cv/n C ■;. V r 't *C ' r * .1 2CC 1 1.4 River The main rivers flowing through this district are Baitarani, Brahnanii, Kharastota, Birupa and Genguti flow towards the east and fail inb the Bay of Bengal There are also a few hills and mountains in this dislr ictl This district was highly affected by the super flood during this year

1.5 Climate and Rainfall The climate of Jajpur district remains normal with the spell ct winter being very short From April to August the wind blows from South and South west where as from September onwards wind blows from notttfi west. The total amount of annual rain fall in this district was 1,771 8nimi as per 1997 data

1.6 Forest This district has 725.25 square kilometer comparing of 21% of its total area under forest. The timber plants like teak, Sal, Piasal, Sisoo amd Eiarnboo and the animals like Bears and elephants dominate the fores t.

1.7 Mineral Resources and Industries The western part of the district is rich with valuable mineral resources like manganese, Iron ore, Chromites, Dolomite etc. Where as eastern part consists of mainly cultivable land About 92% of worlds total Chromites is available in 12,500 hectors of landmine at Sukinda in tfiiis district. Jajpur is famous for its famous Ferrochrome industry. Olther industries like Jute Mill, MESCO Steel Plant and Neelac h.al Steel Corporation are also functioning in this district

1.8 Language The language of most of the people of this district is Onya, besides thii there are certain Tribes mainly kandha, Kolha, Munda and Samlaila living at Sukinda, Dangadi and Dharrnasala regions. They speak of t heir own dialect like Kui, Kol and Snntali respoclivtily I he Muslims speak People of different provinces have migrated and settled in this district due to industrial and infrastructure developinent They have their own culture and language. They mainly live in Sukinda and J K Road

1.9 Festival Ihc main festlvah. observed by thr f>e(i()le in this district are Raja. Da ahara, Maharam, Dola, Kali Puja l avmi Puja, Makara Mela, , Baruni Yatra Birajn Janma, Ar.okastami etc , Gotipua and Dolkhai are some of the main folk dances organized by the p(?ople.

1.10 Tourist Place Places like I alitagiri, Ratnagiri and Ddayagiri are famous for Buddhist inscriptions. Besides this, Biraja Kshctra, Dasaswamedha Ghata, Marii K;^nika, Mahavinayaka Kshetra Chhntiabata. Amoravati, Gokarnika are popular among the tourist placev.

111 Administrative set up

1 No. of Sub-division 01 2 No. of Tahashil 06 3. No. of C.n. bliKk 10 4. No. ofG .Ps 242 5. No. of Municipality 02 6. No. of inhabited Villages 1560 7. No of I Ininhahited Villages 221 8. No of Police Station 11 9. No of f kp- Station o:i 10 No of \ ssentially constituency 0(. 11 No of parliamentary constituency 01 1.12 Transport and Communication in Km 1 Natimal Highways 74

2 Express Highways - 67

3. State Highways - 57

4. Major District Roads - 116

5. Otiier District Roads - 270

6. Forest Roads - 36

7. Gram F^anchayat Roads - 2,656

8. Classified village Roads - 96

9. P S. Roads - 798

10. Village Roads - 500

11 Urban Roads _ 151

1.13 Land Utilisation and cropping pattern In different Blocks

Table -1.1 (Area in Hoct.)

' 1 1 i P e l iiiaiH'ii ( ’ i i l f i i r a N o i i - i O l l i f . 1 SI. F o r e s ( u l r « • .MIS 1 N a lilt* o f l l u ‘ 1j f pasliiri* l ) l e i c u K liarrt'i) j r 1 .NO t 1 (’ 1 n ^ \ ! Block/MPL v< «ra/iiiu w a s t e d u r a l L a n d l i d l o :

A r e a I b l h M N s c r o p s

l a n d L a n d L n i i d 1 U - S ! \ . -

! T'~;1 Baraciiana 8,249 ” i T i ) “ 2T 5 I 5 2 ( i ^ y ~ ~ 2 ( i 5 9 ~ ~ * T J s k " ~ 9 2 8 ~

1 i ' “ 1 1 ' 4 8 2 3 2 9 S 5 ' " ' i n " ' ' ' ~ m ) ______j I r~ - ■ — 3 I Binjharpiir 8 0 9 8 0 2 0 0 4 4 1 4 S 2 4 6 ~ j “ ' 4 7 m ~

4 ' D a i i g a d i ( ) , ( ) 2 9 1 1 . 7 5 0 8 9 5 ~ l o 4 3 1 2 0 0 8 4 6 1 7 1 1 1 1

5 1 Dasaraihapui 1 . 3 6 1 1 7 2 7 ^ S - ^ 2 2 ^ 3 2 0 6 ‘ “ U 9 1

, (> ! ! )hairnasala 1 , 5 7 0 1.305 078 4727^”' ~ 5 5 1 T j VIT 1 2 6 7

• 7 I l a j p i i r 5 5 c S S S 9 0 4 3 0 ^ 5 2 3 7 4 3 ^ 1 6 5 [ ~ s T ( * 1 ______i ______

N ! K o i c i ' i ( ; 8 “ 1 5 0 4 ^ s - ’ i * 4 0 ‘ > 0 9 5 1 3 'T' '•) K a sill pur 579 \ 5^ Uol 3 525 21\

lu Sukiiida ■ 7 J 5 8 T ^ r r 1 758" ITS 1 !(I91 1.14 Occupational Pattern Table 1,2 Glassificetion of main workers in different blocks and Urban areas in the distric t.

1.15 Intrastructure There are one sub-division; six Tahasils, Ten CD blocks, 242 GPs, 2 Municipalities, 11 Police stations, 11 Railway stations and 2 education districts in this district. This district has 1 Head Post Office, 58 Sub-post offices, 240 branch post offices. Besides this, telephonic facilities are also available to all the Urban areas and major parts of niral areas through 3 big and 30 small rural exchanges, modern technological facilities like Fax, fc-rnail and internet are available only in urban areas. EHesides the district head quarter hospital, there are 4 nos of CMC, 6 Nos of PHC and 62155lock level medical centres, 5 nos of live stock and Animal husbandry facilities are available through 18 nos of veterinary institutions and 84 live stock aid centres.

1.16 Demographic profile of the district 1991 1. Area 286 Sf^.mm 2 Population 13,86,177 Male 7,01,005 (52%) Female 6,85,172 (48%) Rii 13,32,746 Ur 53,431 3. Decadal growth 22.01 4. Sex Ratio 977 1000 5. Density 480 6. Average size of Operational holdings 1:17 (in hectares) 1.17 Percentage of SC/ST Population Table 1.3 F^ercentage of SC & ST Population in the district SC ST

No Percentage No. Percentage i 3,17,025 22 87 1,02,546 » 1 Male Female Male Female { 1,62,596 1,54,429 52,019 50,527 L.


M F T SC Totdl ST Totaf 70 50 n ^58 1" 45.29 3rr53 16.04 □ n , o




S50 "iSOIcensui 191 Icensu *1921 censu 1931censu‘ I941censu!i951censuh961censu;1971censu;198icensu 1991 censu i 2001 cer^su i S ■ S I

Jaipur j 1068 | 1101 j 1159 | 1112 I 1084 I 1056 1027 | 1006 995 97^ ' 973 ' Japur

30 00 1— ------





5.00 I

),0G f - -

5.00 jl901censu 19Ilcensujl921censujl931censujl941censujl951censu 1961censu 197Icensujl981censu|l991censu i s sisislslsis sisis

-2.31 3.32 21.70 24.78 19.77 22.01 17.08 _____ i 1 18 Literacy Rato in the district

Table 1 4 Literacy rate in differc census

SI. j Name of Ihn All Community Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe

_ ^ . . . .

No Block/ MPl M ■ F t ...... M ■ ~ M ' ” F

1 58.82 IT m 4526' 3 7 T 1 4 " 5 2 . 3 8 ~ 2 i 7 0 3 1 3 . 5 2 2 2 7 K ^ " 3 BT 7 fiari 6 .iT8 8 "76 34 50 13 ^ 5 0 4 9 “ 1 8 . 6 0 1 3 7 3 T q W ~ 6 7 7 1 -

3 Binjharpur 6:U)3 74.93 “ 51 63 3 5 7 2 0 ' 5 0 7 0 T o / i 3 ^ ^ 3 2 “ 3 0 6 5 ' T a l J

[)angadi 45.03 56.40 ~32 99^ 3 3 7 9 8 “ ” 4 7 . 4 1 ' 2 C ) T o 4 “ 1 ^ 1 0 ” 2 4 6 B" " s ' T f r

5 Dasarathpur 7 1 9 6 “ 51 6 0 " 5 Z 6 9 ' : 3 1 . 2 9 2 4 1 9 3 7 . 0 1 j

1 6 "' Dharrnalasa 67~40 “ 4 0 49 3 i T 3 0 ^ l 5 ; : ^ 9 ' 1 6 ^ r 1 3 . 9 8 2 4 0 1 3 , 8 0 (

" 7 1 jajpur 99~ 7oT /2 ~44 82 J 1 I 5 7 4 4 , 1 0 “ r ? 7 6 ~ ~ A A 5 ' ” 8 ! 3 0 " 0 5 3 1

'“" 8 Korei 59.32 71.73 "4 ^7 8 3 9 . 1 7 5 2 5 3 2 5 3 1 1 6 . 3 8 2 6 5 9 6 0 7

_ _ _ _

Rasulpur 59 06 73.06 ~ 4 ^ (^ 3 5 . 1 0 4 9 . 9 2 1 9 3 f 7 1 1 . 4 0 1 9 2 9 3 . 2 5

' ~ W Sukinda '4~2 47~ 54T9 5 ~29.08 3 4 ^ 4 5 0 . 7 9 1 6 0 0 1 8 . 3 1 2 9 . 3 0 6 . 7 9 r Jajpur

11 76.16 85.52 65.67 5 3 . 4 5 6 7 . 3 8 3 7 9 5 1 2 . 1 0 1 7 . 6 0 4 7 9 1 i (MPL) j ; Jajpur Road

1? 72 02 80.62 61.72 4 4 . 7 2 5 9 . 4 3 3 0 . 2 5 2 4 . 3 6 3 7 . 7 3 1 0 . 5 5 ; (MPL) r ' District '58.00” T o ^ o “ ~4^2'9 ' 3 5 5 3 ~ 1 2 2 0 . 1 9 16.04 26.05 5.60

Rural 57.34 69.96 44.59 3 5 . 1 2 . 4 9 . 7 1 1 9 7 8 1 5 . 8 3 2 5 . 7 8 5 , 4 6

Urban 74 05 83.04 63.65 ' 4 " 9 4 9 “ 6 4 7 o 2 2 2 . 5 6 3 4 . 1 9 1 0 0 5

Analysis of Table 1.4 Ihe literacy rate of the district is 58% as pet 1991 census. This is a little higher than the State literccy rate i.e. 49 9% The number of illiterates among female is more in cotnparison to that among the males J ^ u r


■’ 0.00

50.00 . I 50.00


30 00


1000 i- 0.00 1991census 2001 Census I1991census I2001Census I Total Literacy Female Literacy

In JajDur i 58.00 72.19 45.29 61 45 1.19 Socio-Economic Status of the People About 95% of the total population Is rural and a large chunk of population is remaining in remote areas. People of three remote areas are actually backward. Poverty and illiteracy are the mair^ reasons of backwardness.

1.20 Percentacje of famiiies below poverty line In Jajpur district around 52% of the total population are below poverty line and out of this most Indifferent attitude towards primary education of their children Poverty compels then to engage their school going children in economic activities for sustenance of their family. Hence, special attention is to be given for providing education to such children,

1.21 Nutritional Status of the children

In Jaipur district, the number of children in the age group 1 to 5 Is 1,26,87%. Out of this only 1,10,340 children are getting supplementary nutrition through I.C.D.S. The School going children are getting dry rice through mid day meal programme. The children in rural areas suffer from diseases like T.B., Malaria, Leprocy, Asma, bronchitis and fvlalnutrition etc. Special health check programme have to be taken up in convergence with Health Dept, at least thrice a year.

1.22 inter Block Disparities

Among 10 CD blocks and 2 urban bodies, there are wide variations in terms of area, population and literacy rate t^archana Block is the biggest block having 31 GPs. The total no. of illiterates is 21,790 within the age group 15 to 35. Barchana has the highest number of population m the district Oanagadi is the smallest block having 20 GPs. Its total nun^ber of illiteracy cation facilities in Bari, Sukinda and Danagadi Blocks are very rough. Most of the deprived ST community lives in Sukinda Block. The Women literacy among SC Is lowest in Danagadi block and highest In Birjharpur block.

1.23 Peculiarity of the district As this is a district belonging to coastal areas, repented flood and cyclone affects the life, property and human resource of the district. But in spite of it, the sustenance of the people and the love for education is visible among the community. So enrolment of children is considerably higher than other districts. General awareness In education is formable In the district to ensure access to the children. CHAPTER - II


2.1 Introduction This chapter presents the educational scenano of Jajpur District The particulars of Pre-School (Anganwadi) Centres, piiblic schools and upper primary schools, teachers in posilioti, enrollment, retention, dropouts and enrollment projection of students in district have been incorporated which highlight the strength, weakness and requirement of this district.

2.1 Pre Schoc! (Anganwadi) Education For inculcating readings in the child for school education, pre-school is vital lining for creating a sound base and an atmosphere conducive to the learning and growth of a child In view of this Govt of Orissa and child welfare Department have taken steps for effective management of school preparation programme under the integrated child Development scheme (ICDS) in Jajpur DislricI 1355 Anganwadi centres are functioning in any 10 CD blocks and 242 Gram Panchayats except two urban blocks covering 1,10,340 no of beneficiaries witfiin the age group 0 to 5 years The block wise enrolment is given in Table 2.1 Percentage No of children not SI Name of U^e No of AW No. of children enrolled total enrolled No. Block caders 1 children 1 B J ___ J G__ I B 1 1Majpur 131 ~ 4628 4tt72 ' 9500 ' £46_ 738 1581 I 2 'Rasulpu( 137 7262 ” 6038 _ j« n o I 2 V4 1109 ^323 _ Korei 117 7114_ 5386 12500 ” 1104 908 2012 iBaciachana [ 179 8988 ” 7512 16500 1326 1214_ 2540 5 Binjharpuf 116 6 3 ^ _ 4614 10000 838_^ Iz M ” JI5 6 0 _ 6 Dasarathpur „ 187 5775 ' 5225 11000 836 792 ' ’ 1628 Nears 7% 7 f )angafli 90 ' 3362 ’ 2638 6000 426 46 8 iSukinda 114 - 12000 895_ _7^39 ^ 1634 9^ F^ari __ ±2^ __ 4269 ~~ ^ 1 1 - 6540 468 444 - l i l _ 10^Pharmsala 1G3 5268 " 4732 ~ 10000 754 734 1488 Total 1355 5940r» 50934 110340 0706 7862 16568

There are 17 No. of Private managed primary schools which encodes extensively pre- primary school in this district These 17 Pre-Primary School are under the administrative control of Madrasa, Aurohindha Integral School, Sikhyavikas sarnitee The tov^/n wise distribution of the distnbution of the above category of schools are given in Table 2.3

Table - 2.2 SI. i fsiame of the Block/ Auroblndha Public Sikhya Madras Total No. MPL Integral Samitee n Jajpur MPL - 1 2 3 2 Vyasanagar MPL - - 3 3 3 Dharmsala - n 2 1 Jaipur - 2 2

1 Binjharpur 2 1 2 ■5' ' i ’ 6 !Badachana 1 - 2 1 ! 1 ^ ' Total j 2 2 ! i 17

Primary Education Numbers of Primary and Upper F’im aiy Schools, Ashram Schools and ottier categorios of school Is given in T able below. abie -2.3 Biock/ MPL wise distribution of Different tyoe of Pnma^^ schools in the District

1 1 T' ■" 1 1 1 i I Govt, iGovT. upper TRW i ! ] SL ! Name of Block/ PVT 1 M PL i Public Pri VP i Primary VGVP Primary SC7ST 1 Integral SSM Total j No. 1 MPL Aided i Primary 1 School fME) i 1 Schools Schools (I>eptt.) 1 I 1 1 f 1 I T"‘i '■ ■■ '■■■■' iJajpur MPL ' •) 1 ^ ! 26 1 2 ' 6 1 - ; 5 i ' 1 X. 1 45 i 'Binjharpur r 123 i 2 1■ 9 I 49 ^ i * j - ! 1 4 i 7 195 ' ? i ------j * 3 iBan ' 114 1 32 46 - ( 1 f 3 ' 177 ^ i..... 4------j... .1 ^ i i { I i 1 — 1 [Dasarathpur : 178 1 15 62 t ... - 2 ' 258 1 1 ^ 1 I 1 1 j 5 Jajpur 1 124 1 ? ..... 39 ! ? 5 i 183 ; f ^ 1 1 1 1 1 i 6 jVyasanagar MPL 7 3 1 ! 41 1 1 ' :1...... ^ . i i 1i 2 ' 7 iBadachana 70 4 i - - - 1 2 5 1 261 j I - 1 « I ( ] J ' i 8 Dhamisaia 1 ' ■’9 ! 7 1 70 3 i - i 2 229 , 1 '■ —...... t i Danagadi '1 89 ‘ 4 ! 35 : 7 ^ - 2 , 137 { ■...... ■ ' —t f .. --—^ - .. ]1 ■i ' 10 Korei - ^ ...... - 6 ! .. .5 - I . \ 1 - - 1 1 196 i 'Sukinda | SO i 1 1 r i1 ..- ...... 1 8 i 35 , 6 i ! - 1 ! 4 134 ‘ Rasulpur 1 ~ ' i i 2 1 ! i 7 I 49 1 2 t 1 i i 177 1 , 1 jlotal 1319 i 9] 1 518 ’ 26 ' 2 : 15 : 40 i . ---- ,,1, j 1 1 , 9 1 2033 j Source • D1 of schools Jajpu''-! and Jajpur-!!

The table 2.3 indicates that out of 2033 no of different type of schools having Primary section 1928 no. of schools under the control of school and Mass education. Govt of Orissa are much below the required no of schools as per the state norm. 1 SI. Name of Block/ I Govt. 1 UGME 1 TOME Aided j Un-aidcd 1 MPL j T R W | SSMR jlnterKral! Publi Total ] In o , M PI ! M E 1 ! ME ME 1 ME 1 ME 1 i ^ (ME) ■ i 1 ! ( i 1 i 1 i ' i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 i i 1 1 : 11 IJajpur MPL 6 2 i j j i j i j ^ 1 0 ;2 iBmjharpur 40 9 I 7 1 1 1 “ 3 jBan 46 12 r .....r .....j 1 '! :i 6! 1------j— - . ------j------1------— 1 1 ' 1 |4 iRasuipur | 49 j 7 2 1 i ...... 1 ! _ I 58 j \5 jDasarathpur j 62 j 15 2 1 ! 1 1 i i 79 I Jajpu’’ ! ^9 i !2 5 1 ! 1 i 1 ! 56 ! j 1 ■' — ' ...... ')..—... — i -- --- t --- -» ■ - t -- 1 ---» - - ^ |7 jVyasanagar MPL 6 r I I * 1 ’ ‘ ' g : 1L_^ ...... 1. - ...... J} ...... -1- f ...- j^ -...... 4- j ~ . -—. i . ^- J^ !K iliadachana | /U 8 5 1 i 1 1 1 1 9 iDhamisala 70 7 i 1 i ! 84 i ’ ! ! !lO jDanagadi 35 4 2 ! 1 ! i i ' 42 < 1 ' '1 ...... 1 1 i L . .. i . i 1 1 1 1 ! ! 1 ; nq ' j I i jKorei 5 i 6 ^ 1 - i 1 1 . ! ...... - -J |12 iSukinda 35 8 4 j * 1 1 ! i 48 1 40 1 2 1 2 j 654 1' . Total 1 518 1 91 1 1 Source . D.i.S. Jajpur- 1 and I!

The taoie 2.4 indicates that are 654 no of different type of upper Primary schools having Upper Primary Schools. Out of wttich 610 of Schools under the control of school and l^ass Education Department Govt, of Orissa, More Uooer Primary Schooling facility are required and oressure of unserved schooling facilities are much beiow the required number of schools as per the State nonri. Therefore steps shall have to be taken for opening of required no of UP (ME) Schools in the district the Project period. Schools under SC/ST Development Department:

There are 24 Sevashrams (l-V) ana 2 Ashram (l-VII) managed by the SC/ST Development OeDarlment There is no facilities of low

cost hosieis for ST/SC girts/ boys In this district.

Table 2.5 (A) BlocRy MPL wise distribution of child DODUlation in the age grouD (5-10) ! i ! L, . . „ .! No. of children No. of Dropout 1 [C hild population in iSo. of cmldrcn enrollcdi ., ,, , ' SI. I Name of Block' ! ' Non-enrolled children | Dropout j the group of S- r ----- !No.! M!M. I 1 i . i i ! B G ! T B ic B 1 i 1 1 ! ^ 1 1 I 1 jJajpur MPI i 4634 151! 16:^4 j 4185 85 1 ^7 I 16'^ 140 ' 142 282 i i 1 1 ! 2 iBinjharpur 2712! 12816 10478 ! 23294 492 I 440 932 1516 1 1379 2895 fj * 3 'Bari 26604 i 11885 11120 23005 511 j 370 881 1412 1 1306 2718 1 f : 1 . 4 1 jDasarathpur , 31851 1i 14306 13306 27612 612 1 522 1134 1665 1L 1440 3105 1 ijajnur 1 26258 2P 39 ^ i 440 ' g i 5 1 12826 8913 ! 49:^ 93’’ r 4 6 1836 3582 1 X i I ^ I ' 6 jVyasanagar MPL ' 5044 ' 2308 2!69 4477 116 j I 225 162 180 342 i « 1 ^ i.. jBadachana 1; 32918 1 14089 13708 27797 ii 497 j 488 j 985 2187 1949 4136 1 I 1 « (Dharmsaia i 29496 1 13192 12913 j 26105 !I 418 t 464 i1 882 1326 1183 2509 c 1 9 iRasulniir 1 ! 29830 * 13912 12315 i ! 586 ' 346 932 1388 1283 2671 & ! !0 'Danagadi 23403 ' 10683 7845 1 18528 398 I 344 j 742 1 2256 1877 4133 1 , ' i (Korci j 14655 j 6392 5789 i 12181 329 i 202 531 1 997 946 1943 j i2 iSukinda i 15265 7289 5093 1 12382 1 31! 1 ,^86 ! 69*7 I 1245 941 2!86 i (Total ' 2669"^9 ' 122209 ‘4193*9045^ 165223! 227432! 4852 X... , ...,i , . 1lf6040 14462130502

2 5 Children out of the School ^Not enrolled) ^ne table 205 (A) inaicates that there are 9045 no. of children who nave no access to formal schools. They are to be provided education through forma! primary schools, EGS and AIE centres in their locality. The table gives the details of child population in :h€ age group 5-10 years in three categones namely No. of children enrolled, the no, of non-enrolled children and the no of

drnnniit from formal pdiiratinn Table 2 5 (B) Block/ MFH wise distribution of Child population in the age group (11-14)

C i i i U I N o. of children N o. of children No* of D ropout D r o p SI. N a i U f »1 Block/ poptiltU loii in e n r o l l e d .Non-enrolled ' c h i l d r e n ] o u t N t i . M I » L the age g ro up of B G 1 B ( t 1 ' B c ; % IM 4 I

1 1 lajpur MIM 1 178 502 416 918 87 63 150 66 44 110 1

1 Hinjhar|iiii 54 8H 2820 2178 4898 189 18^ 106 , 1 2 1 2 1 8 372 i ______1I ( } lian ( > 1 (>9 U78 2209 5383 210 25‘) 4 7 5 ’ 189 122 M l 1 1[____ 1

4 Dasarathpiu | 7104 3509 i 2667 6176 ^52 260 612 i 176 140 M6 1 1 5 S2H2 2696 1856 4552 289 124 42 ^ 182 125 ^‘ ^07 I 1 1 r j 6 A^yasaiiagar MIM 1651 718 542 1260 123 ho 209 97 85 1! 182 . >-> 11 ' I— — ’ 7 Badachana ‘)997 4672 4688 9360 197 122 319 191 127 318

! X S ,Dhamisala' 10129 4712 4682 9394 229 187 416 185 H4 319 B c .

< 1 9 K o r c i 7 9 5 2 3619 4506 7125 3 1 2 199 SI 1 189 127 316 ■ ______^

W) D a n a g a c l i S089 2416 2259 4675 1 1 7 101 218 , 126 70 ) 1 9 0 t

Kasulpur 7224 3423 3185 6608 l ‘)7 2 0 1 3 9 8 1 0 3 1 1 5 2 1 8

1 2 S i i k i n d a 4994 2 2 2 7 1 9 8 7 4 2 1 4 2 9 2 1 8 6 4 7 8 2 0 5 9 7 3 0 2


1 j T o t a l 7 2 2 S 7 3 7 8 9 4 2 6 6 6 9 6 4 5 6 3 2 6 0 0 1 9 8 1 4 5 8 1 t S i S 1 2 9 8 3 1 1 3

The table 2 5 (B) indicates that 4.H81 no. of children are without any schooling facilities and

3113 children are dropout from schools who have no access to formal education. Nearly % of the population of Jajpur District is below poverty line The children of these families are engaged in different works to earn their livelihood These families believe on the pnnciple more the manpower more the departments such as CD and PR, child welfare departmental and otiier functionanes like DRDA streaming launching the different poverty elimination labour so that they can be brought to schools. One Three Four Five Building SI. Name of the Two class class class class less Total No. Block/ MPL class room room room room room schools L- - 1 IJajpiir MPL 1 6 15 1 9 12 45 Binjharpur 5 19 32 76 50 13 195 1 1 Han 4 12 22 71 65 3 177 4 1 )asarathpi»r 9 32 69 131 10 7 258~1 1 5 ''Jajpur 3 7 42 92 31 8 183 I .. ■__ 0 Vya.sanagur MPL - 4 5 11 21 41 7 Hadachana 17 29 32 107 71 5 261 8 Dhaniisala 2 43 52 3 126 3 229 9 ^iDaiuigadi 2 3 9 25 88 10 137 10 Rasuipur 8 9 11 39 104 6 177 n Korei 3 7 45 76 64 1 196 \2 ■Sukinda 1 2 13 25 _ 76 17 134 I Tolul 55 175 347 665 716 73 2033 i— 2.6 Schools by type of building:

The table 2.6 indicates tliat out of 2033 of primary and Upper Primary schools in the district of Jajpur under the control of SME, Govt, of Orissa sctioois i-ie district i^as 55 schools with one class room 175 schools with two class room 347 school with three class rooms 665 schools with four class rooms 718 five class rooms or more and 73 schools having no school building

Tat)le 2.7 (A) Block/ MPi. wise Primary teachers position in Jajpur District. r No. of No. of Trs. SI. Name of the No. of No. of Trs. In Sanctioned In Position No Block/ MPL Schools position Posts vacant I JujpurMPL 26 9 ^ 99 2 Hinjharpiir 123 38 372^ ' Dasarathpur 178 518 19 499 4 Han 114 343 10 333 5 V yasanagar .MiM. 70 70 6 ;Korei 137 439 25 414 7 'liana gad I 89 274 U 263 8 ISukinda 80 258 12 246 HaJt, haiia 171 518 l o 508 10 Dharainsala 139 J l f 22 420 11 PaiiMlpur 117 J67~ 18 M 'l 1^ Jaipur 124 36H 24 344 I Ota! 1319 4094 3917 2 7 Teachers Position : The total No. of sanctioned post of Primary School teactiers in primary schools and primary section of the upper Pnmary school and Govt MF School in the district Is 4367 There are 3917 no of primary school teachers and 91 no of schools having primary section Out of this A.^67 sanctioned post 4190 teachers are in position and 17^ no o< teachers post lying vacant F ven though the real vacancies are 177 in number. There are no excess teacher in any school Out of teachers in position 2564 are male teachers and 1626 are female teachers 2514 no ot male teachers and 150B no of female teachers are trained 50 no of male teachers and 38 no of female tea< hers are untrained No of female teachers in the district is 40.5% wfiicti indicates a good sign of gender equity

Table 2.7 (B) Block/ MPL wise teachers position in Jajpur District M.E. f s i . ; Name of the No. of No. of No. of Trs. 1 No. of Trs In |N o,| Block/ MPL Schools Sanctioned In Position i position 1 ' Posts vacant | ------j _ 29 2^ L ^ijpiir MIM- 2 Biajhaipm 58 161 140 21 3 Han 58 159 146 T3 ' ~ ' 4 Dasarallipur 77 327 299 28 5 1 Jaipur 51 139 128 11 6 <\ vasanauar VIPL 7 21 21 f'7 iHadchana____ 78 166 161 5 r « IlMiannsala 77 165 w a 7 r ---- 6 9 !K oilm 57 124 iTs — 10 iSukinda 43 4 120' 113 7 . H. iRasulpur 56 ll^aiiaijada 39 82 81 1 1 lotal 609 1585 1482 103

2.7 (B) Teachers Position : 7 he total no of sanctioned teachers post in Upper Primary teachers (ME school) in Upper Pnmary Taken over ME School, Govt fvIE School and aided ME schools in the district is 15B5 out of this 1585 sanctioned Post 1482 no of teachers are in position and 103 no of posts are lying vacant The real vacancy is 103. Out of this 1482 no of teachers in position 1260 are male and 222 are female tea(-.hers 1179 no of male teachers and 192 no of ferrtale teacfiers are trained 81 no of male teacf>3r and 30 female untrained teachers are untrained Table 2 7 © Particulars of Teachers of FVimary sctiools and prunary sectiori of olfier schools All Community S.C. S.T SI. Name of the Untrained Trained Untrained Trained Untrained 1 No Block/ MPL Trained : M M T IV! —M IFf— M F T 'M F T 1 hi|purj^im____ 42 55 9/ 2 3 1 - 2 hmjhainiu 213 133 346 ^ ® ^ ^ i 5- i J ' '2_1 3 '3 H.u I 136 179 31^113 i5^ 18 4A 'l2 56 2 ”"l 2 :i "1 1___2 4 I ).isuiaihpiir 252 ^ 5 457 35 42 41 21 6 ^ 1 4_ 3 !2_|5 !2 _ 3 [5 ,.l.i)piir 150 167 317 117 ho 27 2b 16 41 c; 1 3 "^1 JL 1 6 \ \asaiuigur MIM 3^ ^ 6 ^ 3_ 1_ |2__ 9_ [7 " Hadcluina 296 \57 452 36 20 56 27 22 T49 '2 14 3“ 7 5 |8 Dhannsala 131 396 18 6 24 3_7 16[53_h_ 9 16 2_ L i Kt»ivi 184^ J4t^ 330 12 L 19 15 7 J22 ^ 7 9_ 1_~1_' 22 10 Suknula 21^ 16^ 376 " 16 12 j l 9 '3 8 1J 3 _ V J . 11 Kasulpur 165_ 63_ 228 12 18 7 ^9 4 9 13 31’ ’ 1 2 r;> Daiiauaiii 187 58 J 245 ’l5~ 3 1QL^6 1 ___13 ~*1_ _ 1_ 2_ Total 2131 1493 3624 202 91 2931250 124i3M^3_ 37 100 17 12 29

Table 2 7 (D) Parti culars of teachers of ME S( hools and ME Set tion of other Schools

r ” Name of the __AH Community S.C. S.T, I SI Block and Untrained Untrained No. Trained Trained Trained Untrained MPL 'J j M M M 4 ^ _ i L 4 ' _ 4 :M F T 1 Jajpur MPL 20,_ 9 29 1 - 4 - - 4 - 89* j '3 J32 _8i 1 I 3£^ri _ 138 8 2 4 I3asar^ipii( ^ ^ 9 4 289 To 1 ^Jajpur MPL 84* 38 122 6 1 Vyasanagar 11 18 3 1 MPL —4 7_f^dchana T9'~7? J55 _4 -6 1 1i 8 fOharmas^ 89' 62 1^1 5 2 9 Rasulpjjf 6 9 ’ 38 J07 3 1 I 1 10 Korei '73 3^ Vi2 4 2 11 Sukinda 'se/ 29! .85 2' 1-3!^ - 4 2 12 Dangadi 39 __35 5 _7| ? 1 1 4j Total 801 611 1412 49 70! 33 16 _3 1 4J3|0J^

Ifie table 2.7 (D) indicates that ttiere are no of trained teachers and no of untiained taachf^rs. The untrained teachers in ttie UP Schools is only % out of tlie all traified tBacher^'- only % are SC and % only are ST Out of no of untrained teac’hers onl\ %

untrained teacfiers are SC and % untrained teachers are ST Steps will have to take ■ to train Untrained teacheis. SI Name of Ihe No of the Students enrolled No of teacfiers Teachers pupil No Block and MPL Boys enrolled Girls i ^ ^ In Position Ration

' Jajpuf MPL 16/4 418‘^_ 99 1 42 ? Hin|hafpuf j|eri6 2 ^ 104/8 2-129^ 398 1 BQ iliari 11885 _ J 11120 2100^ 343 1 h7 4 Davaralhpuf _ _ 14306 1^06 276 12 ^18 _153 silajpur _ _ 1282^ _ 3 8913 r i 7 : ^ ^H8 2 5_9 6 Vyasanayar MPL 2308^ _ J „ 21*^9^ 4j^/7_ JO 1 7iBaulpui _ _ n 9 i2 ___ : r^2325_ 367 J L T l' [Oil^l^yadf_ _ _ 72H9 T 1 ^ 3 ^ 274 1 45' 11 Korei _ _ "'10663 ^ _JB45_ _4^ J;42 12lSukinda 6 3 ^ ^ 8 9 ~ *121^1 i 2 ^ ^ Total 122209 105323 227532! 4094 1:55

S'uirce - DIS lajpur I and Jajpur II

^aWe-llUB) Blocky MPL wise teachers. Pupil ration in Upper Primary Schools

SI N;imeofthe No of the Students enrolled No of teachers Teachers pupil Total No. > Block and MPL Boys enrolled Girls In Position Ration

liJvijpur M P L Bmjh^ipui B ^ i___ Dasarathpur Jajpur Badachana Ohiirmsala _8 Rasulput J)*l^rei 10 Sukinda 11 Danayadi Ji2 Vyasanagai MPL Totnl

Source - DtS Jajpur I and Jaipur II,

The tearhf r pupil ratio in the table Primary stage is 1:58 and Upper Primary State 1;43 The table 2 8 (B) indicates that distnct has a teacher pupil ratio 1:34 which is very high than the Stale norm of teacher pupil ration 1:40 To facilate better teaching and for the improvement of quality education nil no of additional teachers tiave to be appointed tfirough SSA in the district during tfie project period except the Block Binjharpur, Ban, Jajpur and in tribal Blocks, Sukinda, korei, fJanagadi and Rasulpur needs additional teachers.

Table - ? 9 (A) Year wise Enrolment position in F^nmary Schools of Jaipur District.

All1 Community S.C S.T. j Year i _ ___ Boys Girts Total Boys _J Girls Total IBoys Girls Total 1996-97 121430 95410 216840 24100 21436 45536 5725 4032 9757

197-98 120522 98600 219122 23427 22588 46015 i 5072 4568 9640

1998-99 122449 1001852 1124301 25988 22992 48980 5190 4828 10018

1999-2000 126457 99358 225815 24428 23695 4H123 4605 4427 9032

2000-01 124707! 102033 226740 ?4732 22880 47612 5757 4263 10020 r'I ...... Total 615565 1397253 2012818 1 3410071 5422889 883296U 14255849 23088809 37344658

The table indicates that the year wise enrolment position in primary schools has a average growth rate of 3181 which is about 6 07% per year. The average growth rate of S.C is 118 and ST is 378 The Grwoth rate os SC is 4 ^9% and ST is 25% to the base year 1996 97

Table - 2.9 (B) Year wise Enrolment position In Upper Primary Schools of Jajpui Distnct.

1 All Community ______SC Year jOoys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 1996-97 ! 2 ^ 1 26128 ~5598P 5524 J 5112 10636 1275 1185 2460 19J-98 3231 o' 26235" 58545 6036 ^ 5087 U 123 1345 1205 2630 1098_^9 * 30707^ 29G35 60342 ^ 6602 " 5468~ 12070 1356 1354 2710 1999-2000 I 3129^ 30880 62179_ ; 6448 j 5987 12435 lj475” 132:i 2798 2000-01 ' 32118 31150 63 268 6764 1 5886 12650 1477 1368 2845 [ Total ^ 156287 J44028_ 300315 ; 31374 ; 27540 58914 6928 __ 6515_ 13443

The table 2 9(B) indicates ttiat the average Growth ir^ enfoliment position for Upper Pnmary School is 2134 for all Community 1225 for 3C and 135 for ST pei year. The growth rate of ST is poor in comparison to SC Therefore steps shall have to l)e taken to create awareness among S f Parents Special attentiot* will have to be given economic condition of the SC/ST Parents. Further, the steps shall have to be taken foi supplying dross for tfie usual use of SC/Sl children and RDfVI progiatnme shall have to tie taken through the NGO’s and putilic repetitive other than the Teachers

1 able 2 10 (A) Block/ MPl wise gross enrolinenl ratio foi the year 2001-02 of primary schooti>

' s f Name of tho All 1Community S_^ A l l > No. Block/ MPL Bo^s Girls Total Boys Ojdi^ Total Boys Girls Total 1Jajpur MPL ^ 8 .5 90 19^ _ 7 ^ _61:2_ 74.4 2 Binjharpuf 8f.37 84^^ 8^3^ _70 _5^1~7^3 1 Ban 84.4 8 ^ ] 86'47 72.4 _ 5 ^ ~ 69 4 1 ! _ 4 Dasarathpur 85.4 84.4' 71.4 5 7 .4 ’ 72 3 \ 5 Jajpur _ 8 0 80.4~ 82 79 72.2 56.4 62 6 76.9 8 7 ^r 89.7 6 Badachana 83.3 82.6 84.44 2 ? A ^7_A 81 3 76.5 92.4 89.4 Oharmasala 86.6 85.4 fi^O ^ 72.1 6 6 .4 ' 79 4 76.5 62.4|1 72.4 _ 8 Sukinda 82.5 82.2~ 83 01 71.4 53 78 4 ' 78.8 61.4!1 73.9 q' Rasiilptir 6 5 ^ 83.3 87_9^ BL. J3_5 79 4 78.3 72.4 73.3 10 Korei J^>2 74.3' 72 A ^ 7b A _71_^' 79.3 11 Danagadi , 79.4 _80_5 _81_01_ 72.4 53.1 ^ 72^ ' 79.4 71.4: 79.3 L Jajpur Road MPL 87 4 86.5 88 75 7 1 .2 ' 54.4 ^ 73 4 ' 69.3 8G.3 89.4

Table-2.10(B) Block/ MPL wise gross enrolment ratio for the year 2001*02 of Upper primary schools (ME)

SI. Name of the All Community SC S.T. No. Block/ MPL Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 1Jajpur MPL 75 8 76.8 77.92 74 7 74 75.8 H 2 Binjharpur 83 2 81 89.24 75.7 76.9 84.2 1 i > 3 Ban 83.3 86 87.25 83 7 82.4 86.2 i 4 Dasarathpur 85 9 _85_ J ^ L 8 4 ^ 87 3 1 5 Jajpur 86 1 86 86.2 85.3 85.3 ^ 86.2 L 6Badachana ..9 ^ ;j 93 93.63 82 2 81.3 83.6 "752 " 7 4 7 1 76.2 7 Dharmasala 91 j1 91 _9272_ 73 3 71,3 75 77 9 76 1„ 78.6 Sukinda 82.3 [8 1 84.38 80 4 80.3 81.3 76 2 75 2 78.7 r i Rasulpur ! 85 3 91.47 85 3 84.3 86.3 78 2 792! 78.6 , 1£ Korei 8£n1 86 89.6 86:6_ 8 5 ^ _B7^1 792 79 2 80_^ 11 iDanagadi [ 86 1 91.86 824 80 6 83 77 3, 72 , 12 Jajpur Road MPL 69 3 1i 67 1 76.31 ‘ 82 4 82 2 87 _ 76 2: 73 76.2: 1 SI. Name of the All Community S.C ST. _____j No Block/ MPl. Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys iGirls Total ! 1Jajpiir MPl 73 5 72.8 75.83 72.8 73.5 76 2 2 Binjharpur 71 8 69 7 73.67 73 72.8 _75 3 Bari 73.5 728 74 74 1 72,6 ' 76 1 4 Dasarathpur 738 72 6 76.15 73 7-7 77 ! 1 5 Jajpur 75 6 71 5 77.01 69 70 68 1 6 Badachana 72.5 71 4 73.05 71 5 7?4 72 73 8? 85 7 Dharmasala 69 8 65 3 68.05 73 8 73.6 76 75 71 79 8 Sukinda 68 5 673 69 8 736 73.5 758 785 77 81.1 9 Rasiilpur 734 71 3 72.5 75.2 75.1 76 4 _ 10 Korel 74 5 72.5 76.7 71 8 72 728 59 11Danagadi 74 73 5 77 69 73 73 62 5 64 ^ 12Vyasanagar MPl 78 75 79.25 81 79 84 i 1 1 Total 741.2 75 2- ____ L_____ :7T;14

Table-2 11 (B) Hlock/ MPL wise Net enrolment ratio for the year 2001-02 of Upper Primaiy schools

Nam* of Att Community 1 S.C S .l. o. Block/ MPL Boys Girts Total Boys Girls Total Boys IGlrls Total T Jajpuf MPL 84 2 83 3 85 23 84 4 85 3 86,5 i --- - ^ 2 Binjharpur 85 1 84 1 86 39 823 82 3 87.4 3 Bari 82 1 81 1 84.29 83 3 83 2 88.4 . ----- I ” 1^ __.. . 4 Dasarathpur 84.3 82 1 85 32 82 _ 85 87.3 1 Jajpur 86.4 87 1 88 37 81 a” 80 3 68.4 6 Badachana J4^3 82 41 82 84.2 ~ 813 81 4 Dharmasala 81.3 82,2 83 14 82 4 86.3 84 2 1 84.3 " 83 5 85.3 8 Sukinda 81.3 81.2 83.35 81.2 81.2 82.1 85 2 1^4 2 8G.2 ' i Rasulpur 80.2 81 1 81.25 81.5 823 83.4 84 3 83 ? 87.2 10 Korei 82.1 81 7 82.35 83.2 84 2 85.3 _85.3 84 2^ 87 1 J1 Danagadi 81.4 80.3 8242 82.2 82 8<).4 82 80,31 816 11 Vyasanagar MPL 80^2 81 37 813^ 81,4 ^ 7 .3 B4 2 85 51 87 2 CHAPTER - III



INTRODUCTION Sarva Shikhya Abhiyan is an effort to universalize elementary education by cofnmunity ownership of the school system It is a response to the demand for quality & basic education to all children in the age group 6 to 14 during 2001 to 2010. In order to launch the programme in the district, a district planning learn was formed under the chairmanship of honourable collector representing members from all section. While forming the distnct core planning team, members from all sections like district level officers, NGOs, Tribal leaders, members of Panchayati Raj institutions, elected representatives, community leaders, members of fvlahila Mandals, Block level and district level tunctionaries have been included to make the programme more realistic. The

plan beev'i prepared on \he basis ot problems and issues \hal emerged from the data, facts and figures collected from the following sources (i) Data and information collected through household Survey during July Aug’2001 (ii) Information collected through focus grouf) discussions and interaction with the members of the community and elected representatives (iii) Community level meetings, focused group discussion for sperial focusefi groups the SC/STs and girls and disabled children & child labours.

For the success of planning a network has been formed right from village level to (listnct level. As it is a bottom up planning, the planning emphasis starts from village level. Thus, the planning team network is as follows:

(I) Village level planning team consistently 7 to 10 members includes the ward members. VEC chairman, MM of conrerned schooi, AW member, SHG rriembers, Youth club members and representative guardians of SC/S1 children.

(It) GP level planning team consists of 4 members with the sarapanr.h as the chairfnan and other members as desired above (Hi) Block level planning team includes 4 to 1fS memt:>er representatives, chairman of the t’anchayat Sarnitiee, One Sarapanch, WEO, GPEO, CDf’O, one leading NGO teachers representative, tribal leader, all Sis and the BDO as the chairman (iv) District level planning team consists of 30 members (20 active members) department heads ol the district. Collector, Sub-collectot, Df^DA officer, Inspector of Schools, DISs Zilla Parishad Chairman, MLA, MP, NGO (One), Educationist, OSWO, DWO, Ex-engineer (Civil works), Women representative.

Support from SPO :

The SPO provided all technical and financial support of the District planning team. Training of district planning was imported and household survey was conducted in the district with the help of SPO officials.

Planning Process Sarva Shiksha Abhiyana Is a need based, area specific and people participatory programme. The issues on different aspects of elementary education need to be indentified before going to the planning process Identifying the focus group and their problems is the main work to be taken up. Focus group, focus area, target set up are the most important to be identified in the discussion meeting and workshofx

Orientation of teachers on household survey Before conducting household survey in the disthct, the fvllS personnel of QPEPA, Bhubaneswar oriented the teachers in Block Headquarters for collection of data relating to elementary education A massive training programme was conducted for all teachers. Sis of schools and members of some enthusiastic NGOs for smooth functioning of MHs in the district. The survey exercise itself was strong for generation of awareness in the whole district in spreading the message of DEEP in the length and breadth ot the district.

Focus group Discussion (SC/ST & women groups) Focus group discussions were held at village level in which the rural SC/ST & women participated activity. There were interactions with the members relating to elementary education particularly in respect of enrolment and retention of deprived children in school. Such discussions were also held with the SC/ST & women groups at block and district level in order to involve the DEEP activities.

Discussion with NGOs Seven group discussions at the block level and one focus group discussion at the district level were conducted with the representatives of the NGOs. There was an effective interaction with them on various activities to be uridertaken in the district The problems and issues were identified and discussed in ttie group. It was unanimously agreed that the NGOs would play a vital role in the awareness campaign, in Alternative and Innovaiive education, evaluation and such other activities.

Planning with VEC Members Five group discussions were conducted both at the village level and ijlock ievei wUh strong interactions of VEC inernhers regarding their role for strengthening elementary education in the district The discussion was participatory

Tfte problems and issues that emerged frorn group discussions held at different levels with different groups were presented tielow Household Survey : There are 1560 revenue villages in the distiict among which there are 221 inhahitant villagers Educational facility to children from 3 tu 5 in 1355 AWC of the district & education upto age group 14 in 2033 primary , Upper primary, TRW, Govt Mli Sisuniandir and l^utilic Sctrools Tht^ Block planning team has ireen formed comprising all the Sis, WtrOs, BtXV

HM (if UGME vSchool The committee headed by the BDO of the concerned f^luck . District regularly to evaluate the progress There are 10 such planning team in thr district ih(^ no of schools from f’ rimary to Upper piimary including UtBME, Ashram schools, Sisumandir & Public Schools are 2033, The whole distnct is divided into SI circles No of Primary and Upper Primary teachers working in the district are 391/ & 1482 respectively As per tfie report of the ()I,S of the district no of students enrolled in Primary & Upper Primary schools are 227432 and 64503 rfsper lively. Most ('>f the school building of the district fiave been darnaqed \he iast suptn cyclone. 40% of the school buildings have been restored by the Govt through

Blv3ck ik other agencies There are 73 building less schools in the distnct Most of tio schools need repairing and nearly 1000 additional rooms required for the primary & upper pnmary schools of the district. Dukinda ^ Korei are the blocks of the district having more ST group population. Educational enrollment of SC/ ST students are low than of the general students hcentives to ttie ctiildren of those group should be provided for the growth o*" f-nrollment in tnbal blocks of the district. .Awarness among girl SC^ST children h^iuld be created to increase the growth rate of literacy of women Similady to di^ck the dropout students educational syllabus and methodology should be ciarged Fear and punishment from the students and attraction for schools s^ould create among them. EGS and AIE schools should set u() in rural villaqes to include out of school chilfiren and r:hild latiourers to the main stream Vacancy teacher posts should ne fil up by Para teachers and new post:, should he sanctioned as per the pupi! te3t.her ratio in crowded schools having more strength. • SI. Level Discussion issues identified No. Group 1 Dist Level Teachers. P R i/ 1 School buildings are not in proper Women condition representatives/ 2 Irregular attendance of Students SC/ STs 3 Lack of orientation prograninie regarding new method of leaching. 4 Engagement of teachers in Non-teaching activities 5 Un-attractive learning environment al school 6 Compulsory class promotion. 7 Non-availat)ilily of resource centres 8 Lack t)f achievement by the children. Block Teachers, 1 I ack of Co ordination among the teachers Barchartii \/ECs, NGOs, & parents. corrmiunity Sis, 2. Problems of Girls/ SC/ST cfiildren. Parents 3 t ack of involvement of parents in school manaqeineni 4 Healtlr check up facilities ducational issues on village meeting B.jri 1 Irregular attendance of the students 2 tack of Knowledge of parents in schoolings 3 IJn health school environment 4 Lack of cuntinuoub value assessment B injharpu r 1 Lack up training to teacfiers 2. Indifferent altitude of tt-achers towards

students i 3 Single tf:ar:hers problem in some pnrnary ? schools 4 Noivavailabiliiy of text tiooks in home 5, Need for rational transfer policy. ■4 banagadi area of the block. 2 labour work. 3, ( > condition 4. teaching and learning

! materials Dharmasala 1. I t 2. ■ 3. 4. in educational programme. ------Korei Lack of teachers club 1 new works oc learning i 1 2. Engagement of childre 1 1 activities. 3 Seasonal /natural harners for

1 communication 1 4 Problems of girl chil i 1 adolescent Rasulpur ~ “ T Lack of awareness am' i 1 i\ of the tribal people i 2. 3. ! 4. i primary school ! 5. Lack of teachers net form tor formulating new work tor learnifig a! Block and Up level

8 ! Dasarathpur 1. Engagement of 'chil


On the basis of the educational indicators and the prol)lems and issues identified in previous chapters tfie major focus of this chapter is to identify the key issues and problems, devise strategies and specific objectives as per DEFP guidelines and to fix up the target in time and space given in (he project guideline

The f^ajor issues in the district are: • The district is a high SC populated one • The women literacy in the district is in comparision to the state average and national average. • Children of 6-14 age group are not enrolled and there is a high dropouts in primary and upper pnmary levels • Teachers are not adequate and there are single teacher schools. • The rural area schools are lacking infrastructure and needs immediate intervention, • The toilets and drinking water is a need in the schools which are lacking • School is unable lo attract the children. So Tl.M is used in the schools • Community empowerment is lacking. • Conventional teaching in schools is not attractive • Most of the scfioois are lacking infrastructure facilities,

The speeinc objectives therefore has to be fixed up identifying the problems and issues A comprehensive tabular data is presented in this ch^ipter dividing the issues and problems in logical sequence to pul the problems in a systematic manner.

The “Access" issue in the district is to be addressed as followmq j a j p u r d is t r ic t CHAPTER-IV PROBLEMS, ISSUES, STRATEGIES : ACCESS, RETENTION. QUALfTY IMPROVEMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING

,Si. No. 1 Problem Areas ! Issues 1 Strategies INTERVENTION 1 1 1 --- —------.. , -- |SSA tNon-SSA kemarKs ! I 1 2 ! 3 _.L._...... 4 5 ! 6 1 ll Inadequate number j l . Construction of school 1. Construction of Pry & UP \ Civil woTK 1 1 !of Primary & Upper building out of SSA funds ana buiiaings out of SSA funds \ 1 1 1 ACCESS iPrimary school IDRDA grants and MLA/MPs ! 1 ! Ibuilding. |ied funds in the deserving ' 1 1 jlocalities, 'i * / 12. Lack of facilities for \2. Construction of Schoo! b- Constructjon of '^2 rjuildings jout of DRDA grant ipre-schooling !for buildinaless schools 'Uiidings for outidingiess j ( schools i |3. No provision oi |3. Strengthening of EGS b. Ooening of 3C0 ECCE m lECCE schooling faciilttes for jcentres, opening of fvillages. children of migratory [Alternative Schools. 'parents children Ipartially drooping out ifrom schools due to jhouse hold occupation 14. Dilapidated condition j4. To take up repair works •4. Opening of 11f£i EGS/ AIE jORDA grants and other EGS 850 |0f the Duildings make both major and minor ISchools strengthening Primar/ jgranis strengthening AIE 330

1 jgrants for minor repair. iUoper Primary i j L _____- ...... 1 .. ! ' , i ' b Insufficient number 5. Construction of additional 5. 1200 major repair work will iother repair will be taker ’Civsi work j ' bf classrooms to classrooms out of SSA funds be taken up under SSA 758 !up by DRDA gross. ■ j - (accommodate student. and DRDA grants. {pinor repair work unoer SSA. ' j ' te. No provision of j6. Construction of urinals in all |6. 500 unnais will oe 1400 urinals will be fcivi^ wort: , j ' jurinals for Primary ^!fhe Primary schools. jconsiructea under SSA. jconstructed under DRDA j j - {students. . jGrar.t, 1 ...... 1 . . j i j !? Limited drinking 7, Construction of tube wells j7. Tube wells will be dug under iTube wells will t)e dug jCivrl worn j 1 ' Iwater facilities. in every Primary School, jSSA lunder DRDA 1 ^ "'fo provsion of Ccmstruction of compound |8 (i) 200 compound walls w»H *100 compound walls wtl! Civil work icompound wall facilities jwa^l in road side schools and jbe constructed under SSA !be constructed out of ' vt^ire fenang in otner schools i IDRDA grants. l(ii) Wire fundng for Ibeautification H------1. Lack of community Awareness campaign, h~ Wall Writing -1944 SSA(CMP.) 1 ! participation in the Enrolment drive to aware i2*Sishu Mela-1000 3- 1 1 Scnool Management parents, women, NGOs oy iStreet plays- 100 one group in and maintenance. jconducting Mahila Mela. (each Block will be formed 1 i Ststiu Mela. Street Plays, Wall 4-10,000 posters i »vriftigs, ^adayatra, 5* 300 banners Pamptets, posters. Banners, 6-21 hoardings 1 Hoarding etc, 2. Inactive VEC To sensitise the members of 1. 2033 nos. of VECs will be 1 ''EC Motivational ‘raining for ibib^ngtfiened- tt>e members of VEC i i 1 1 3. Non-involvement of prganisation of convention of 3 Dne for Dist Level, Block mothers & Guardians in Distnct Block & GP level, level and GP level. Block School affairs. 1level 10x1 « Ie n r o l m e n t a n d ! i i iCRC level 21 x 242 jRETENTION , i 'II 1 4. No. mtegrateo t(i) Integrated education for the kDrientation of 3917 primary j 1 1 1i 1 approach for disabled jdisabied children will fulfil the ischool teachers and 1482 1 i 1 children in schools |needs. jUoper Primarv School 1 1 1 l' i(i.) Provision of supply of jteachers. 1 1 1 i i ! jschools 1 i i I p i) Medial check up. j 1 ?i ^ 5. Lack of reward and 5. (i) Incentives will be given ilncentive in shape of 'eading & I i i: incentives to for best performance of writing materials ! sncourages better students ill. Ill, IV V year ! 1 isnrolmeni (h) Felicitation to tiest VECs, j Teactiers in quality ! i achievements and j 1 i partic%3atton. | „ f ...... i ...... - ______. ______|6. Lack of orientation of Orientation of Primary School l6 3917 + 1482 teachers will be ^ j ENROLMENT AND jpnmary schooi Teaches will be conducted at loriented for 30 days during 5 I ^ RE'^ENTION keachers m apto date BRC & CRC level. yrs. From 2002 to 2007 1 ' Methodology. 1 7, Inadequate Appoffitment of Coordinators 252 Coordinators will be ! !SSA(CK»«P' lacademic supervision a* BRC & CRC level. Trainrfig appointed & onemeo j ' by supervising officers. to Sis of Schools {1«BRC + ;^CRCC) j 1 L ...... - ...... f ( ! ! |8. No provision of 8. Opening of Alternative |8 Alternative Schools for j jSSA(CMP). j [schooling facilities for Schools for migratory Imigratory children will be ' , , migratory children cnildren. lopened in blocks and ! j jNiunidoalities under SSA fOut * ! j0f654) i ; 1 9. No provision of 9. (i) Opening of EGS Centres |i9.(i) centres will be opened in * ; SSA(CMP). i providing education to for drop out and other out of 10 biocKS under SSA. (ii) | i | drop out students and schooi children within age nos. of Eduction Volunteers will i ' Ito those who do not go group 5 to 14. (ii) be oriented after being ! !to the formal schools Aopointment of EVs and the

1...... T o ta n i8 0 1 I ’ 10. No awareness of 10. Orientation of PTA & MTA |10. For better enrolment of * iSSA(CMP). parents for primary ichildren 2033 PTA & MTA will j T ieducation for their low ,t>e onented at CRC level under j 1 llevel of literacy jsSA. 1 i H i No accomodtion | 11. Construction of new pS 36 j feSAfCivif ? ^facilities !;school building and additionaf U'^’S 25 j (work; ^ classroom, ^ | i '12. Teachers’ 12 Activisation of VEC All VECs i !SSA(CMP'. ' kbsenteesm |2000 j i 1 j13 %e-schoofcng |13 Strengthening educanonaf For tjetter pre-scnoohng ISSA(ECCE). arrangement mn by ia^5ect of ICDS and arrangement 1653 AWC wrtl oe ICDS have not brientaUon of Anganwan Dri»tled and wM be added succeeded in creating Workers at BRC level supplied with nesouvK^ jsc^ool readiness for jcniidren of tfte relevant |age groups 114 No use of piay way 14. Introduction of traditional SSA !SSA{CMP). *rr«tnod of teaching in games and equipments m Schools can use their schools schools jcontmgencies.

1. (I) Teachers inability j1. Supply of reference Is u f:^ of Hand book to SSAPPl to impart quality fmatenals like teachers* [teachers to 6000 existing 865 Addl. (education (ti) large jhandtKKsk which wiH contain (teachers, addl. Teachers in Teachws RETENTION jpenodtc gap between jvanous course and primary, upper pnmary according to RELATED ISSUES :succ»ss«ve traming Knowledge and methodoiogy. projection. Iprogramme fo" Iteachers 2. Teaching teaming 2. 0) Orientation of S.I. Onentatfon of SIS/ Trs. iSSA [process and co- ISchools. 3RPs, CRPs and icurricular activities are 'BPOs and other field Inot child centred/ ^functionaries, ii. TLM tteaching & mostly dull, ftraining jtoys having little jiii. Teachers Grant :attraction for children jiv. Orientation of Anganwadi :worKers. 3. ^ollow up action j3. (t) Issues identified for SSA CRC/ BRC level activities SSA PPI after the training jdifficultfes in imparting child programme [centred teaching !ii. Issues to be discussed at jthe CRC level. '(iii) Unsolved issues are jattemDted at BRC level, PPO/DIET and state levei- 14. Low level 14. Teaching learning process ISSA ! Community support !SSA PP| lachievements and twill be child centred. In order (Indeaptn studies leaucated youths to be (large mciaence of |to make joyful play way Remediai camps jSupport. (dropouts force ttie jmethoa shall oe encouraged Fixing of Accountability Record |Chiidren to witfidraw both in curricular and co- cards. 'from ‘he school system curricular activities. Provision's •wi!! be made >or supply of iteaching materials, game Imaterials musical jinstruments. |5. Teachers’ learning 15. Teachers shall be oriented SSA ISSA land teaching ability is jon modern metnodoiogy. jpoor. jProvision of Rs. 500/- per teacher for preparation of teaching ards. Rs. 700/- to upper primary schools.______b Lack of trained 6 (i) Formation of MTA/PTA 2000 Schools jCommunity SuoDort keachers with uo to !ii. Conduct of Shishu Mela Idate methodology . liii. Involvement of the students RETENTION (ineffective summer |in different school meeting (Course training. No liv. Conduct of exchange trip. RELATED ISSUES jtrained teachers V, Adoption of project period. .available to teach different linguistic groups.______I7 . Absence of adequate |7. Provision to teacher for Iteaching aids and jpreparation of teching aids (equipments. Is. Needs improvement is. Frequent suoervise visits lExamination System lemphasis on quality linsoection. mobility jarrangement of S.I. Of (Schools/resource groups j9. Lack of exposure. |9. Publication of periodicals (SSA at Cluster. biocK and cistnct level. ISSAPPi ho. Lack of motivation ^10 (i) Awareness arogramme iSSA b f guardians to send ^strengthening of PTA/MTA children ill. Textbooks to SC,ST and giri students and booKbanks jfor otner chddren.

1. The present ! l. (i) Ohentation of Pnmary 6000 teachers wSl De trained dassfoom ^ocess is Teachers on chikj centred up on new pedagogy not attractive and most leaching {») Orientation of the teachers are not ^Headmasters of aH prtmary Wei! equipoed to teach bnd upper priman/ schools on SSA PPI lin proper method. The iquality inspection of classes tteachtng is teacher land pasadi which wif! icentred. jenhance numerical value CAPACITY BUILDfNG iamong the students.______j2. Low level of j2. {•) Introduction of remediai jAHemafive Schooling is 1180 Non-SSA SSA f=P| pcademic standard of jteacfring In schools for slow tolaces (pupils ieamers lii- Introduction of cumulative irecord cards, iiii Introduction of monthly fexammalton svstem. !3. 'n adequate mobility !3.{i) provision of TA as per ISupervision mechanism to be iNon-SSA iof suoervisory staff :reautrement Istreamlined. Training in j in. Provision of two wheelers- [supervision. Follow up ^ jtii.Step to lesson the Durden pectianism. j jon supervising staff trom other line deparfrnent. 4. Less number of |4. (i) Proper utilisation of Utilisation of human resource jNon-SSA school worthing days holidays for study tour, In the project. f and nnore numoers of pxposure visit, summer holidays jVacation camp and sports, icultural activittes. I(ii) Besides holidays salary Ipayment date in declared Iholidays. payment can be jmade at CRC on the date of (center meeting. (iii) Non-engagement of the teachers in activities other than education. e Up gradation of teachers jRecruitment system do lincluded during recruitment Comp€ten<» inot base on aptitude l(ii) un-trained teachers (appointment is to be discouraged. (iii) Provision of additional SSA fPP\ training at least for three days annually under SSA. (iv) Training provision to untrained teachers. |6. Irregular attendance 5. (i) Remedial teaching for Remedial Camps )of children ow learners. ii Issue of cumulative cards jshowlng achievements of jchildren. iii. Introduction of a systematic Imechanism for ^ntinuous evaluation jiv. Issue of migration cards tl. Nutrttional deficiency j7.{i) Improvemem of the Health diecKup & Health cards W &CD Deptt. iand Health Hazard jquaiity of the Mio-day mea- I ». Regular health c h ^ up of students ttwough s j: » ^ tool programme by Health iDepL IhI, Maintenance of Health [cards |Non /SSA !8 Language problem 18 a. Supplementary Reading Remedial teaching support of tfor children in Class I to b. Indepth studies. c. Class-1II 1000 copies of the findings d. Word notes contarnmg words m the appendex. |9. Existence of a wide 9. The barrier gap in language j^emedia! teachmg support of !SSA |gap between the teaming can be bridged up ;by 11LM (Standard Oriya introducing supplementaa ■ ilanguage in the tribal readers written In Sadn I larea stands as a barrier language Oriva script i lin language learning

ilO. Absence of 10. Provtston of funds to SSA provisjon of TLhAs jadequate teaching aids leactiers for preparation of |& equipments teachffig aids

!1 . Examination 111, F'-eauent supervision lAcademic supoort groups. jsystem needs lemphasis on quality limorovement jinspection, mobility (arrangements of SI of jschools. 1. Teaching teaming 1. a. Introauction of joyftjl process is not child learning b QUALi^' centred jlntroduction of play way SSA ISSA/ =f=l i^!PRGw'EMENT jmefhod by using conventional Iplay like Chhak Kaudi. j2. Lack of Supervisory 2. Orientation of S.I. Of I |Competency Schools and Co-ordinators of j BRC, CRC and rHeadmaster \ssA ,SA PPf of pnmary and upper Primary j P Schoois in the district ]

3. Inactiveness of VEC j3. Conduct of Orientation * memDers in School jprogrammes of VEC ! Management members in order to make tsSA ,SSA»' PPI their awareness of their role in j school management. | 4. i_acK of 4. Conduct of orientation befongingness among programmes right from the the members of PRI in members of ZHIa Parishad at SSA matter of prlfnary the top down to the word jSSA/ PR education. members of the villages at the grassroot level |5. Lack of 5. Providing vehicle to BRC or ICommunlcation TA allowance. jbetween different (Resource Centre CHAPTER - V


T he fnajoi objectives of the programme to

• To provide accebs tor all children in t’rirnary Srhool age. • In Scfiool; or EGS and AIE. • To achieve 100°/- of enrolment in both Primary and elementary education

• To reduce the dropout from 33% and 24% to zero during this stipulated time period for ()rimary and Uppei Primary schools respectively • To raise the learning btandard of primary and upper priniary schools. • To develop the capacity of managerial and supervisory institutions relating to elementary education • Provision of adequate classrooms and teachers.

Ihu plan has been deveioped on the basis of the objectives. Required activities will be taken up and targets will be fixed to achieve the desired goal. Intervention wise activity plan is proposed as follows.

1. MAJOR INTERVENTION : PROJECT MANAGEMENT Success of any programme depends on its management, supeivision and monitoring and a well thought out planning While planning for managing the project it is highly essential to review the personnel and facilities available, co ordinate with agencies within and outside the project Further, without planning it is not possible to remove the constraints in the implementation of the project

With a view to achieve the goal a three-tier management system has been set up through discussion participation and constitution. The proposed f)roject plans for a(iequate academic supervision and monitonnq through th^ tollowing levels of management system

1. Village level management system 2 Block level Management system. 3 District level management system Village level management system In order to achieve better community participation in school management, School Education Committee will be reconstituted in each village/ tiabitation as per community participation Rule - 2000.

With an aim to develop the competency of teacher and the community cluster level Resource centres at a centrally located school comprising of 10 to 15 primary schools considering the geographical areas has been proposed to be set up with a full time cluster resource Center Co-ordifiator. The CRCC will manage the institutions and will be responsible for providing academic input to teachers and act as a liaison person between school and community. The CRCC will be selected t)y District level Managing committee form among the experienced teacher.

Block level management system

For better supewision and monitoring of tho programme 10 block Resource Centres will be set up in each block under the supervision of a full time Block Resource Center Co-ordinator assisted l)y field investigator and an attendant This institution will act as the nodal agency in implementing DEEP in block. The F^RCC will be selected in accordance with the DEEP norms through visioning workshops with the help of District Level Managing Committee. The BRCC will be coordinating for all round implementation of DEEP in respective blocks. A block level implementation committee consisting the following members will guide the activities The block level implementation committee consisting the following members will guide the activities. The block level committees will discuss and review the progress of the programme in monthly meetings.

1. Cfiairman, Panchayat Samiti Chainnan 2. Block Development Officer Member 3. SI of Schools Member 4. Block F^esource Co-ordinator Member 5. r^PO, EGS Member 6. CUlPO (ICDS) Member 7. Social Extension Officer Member 8. Welfare extension Officer Member 9. CRC Co-ordinators Member 10 One Member from NGO Member 11 7illa Parisficid Member Member 12 DPC Member

The grass root level management structure will be given training & orientation about its role and responsibility The progress will be shared. Outside agency will also encouraged to judge the success.

The DEEf'* Project, Jajpur will remain under the direct supervision of the District Projec t Co-ordinator. The district level executive committee will be formed unrfer the chairmanship of the collector and district magistrate, Jajpur The district Executive Committee Is to formulate subcommittee at the District level - for recruitment, procurement, monitoring, supervision and evaluation of the activities

InterA/ention : Project Management

S trategies Major Activities

1. Setting up to Project Office Supervision of the project. at the district level quarter to Evaluation ot the benefits coordinate the activities. Sufficient new activities

Facilitating procurement which meant to DPO (not that of VEC) District level workshops Formation and strengthening of resourceful team at the district level Review ot progress Facilitating preparation of workshop according to the targets. • Convergence with other departnnents, 1 1 NGOs. 1 I j • Training and orientation to DPO staff, i 1 2. Streamlining the project • PMIS and EMIS will help monitoring activities in tlie regular set-up. the pro(|ress.

• Reforms in the District Inspector of Schools offices. • Shahng of information. • Involvement of stakeholders. 3 Sustainability • Financial burden to the Slate. 1 1 • Continuance of the successful experiments in low cost manner. • ('apacity building efforts for man power 1 anil reseaicl^ 1 4 Normal Project Management • Correspondence with SPO, S & MF. GOI. activities ! • f^aintenance of vehicles, rent, 1 electrifiration • Service matters of the functionaries

I working under Ifie project. 1 5 Focus Planning process • Facilitating decentralized planning 1 process | j ; • Involvement of stakeholders r • Delegation of power to grass root level institutions PI ANNING AND MANAGEMENT Since the plan for SSA has to cater to the fieed stand aspirations of the grass roots, planning and management has a direc t t>earing as the kinds of f\/lanagement and the Hchievement of plan tafgets Therefore the DEEP needs to consider and identify the ways and means of formulating the process t)f planning As the plans are need based an(f area specific processes to be decentralized and participative

In order to implement the plan continuous assessment and annual planning process is to he taken up by district Planning group while implementing and monitoring the project the relevant issues are to be taken up for the Man every year. During monitoring some valuable insight is gained which can be utilized for regulating the anriual planning activities. The targets and objectives or plan perspectives plan can not be achieved unless the annual work plan is made In systematic manner. The more the degree of participation the more realistic the plan becomes. The connept accountability and the awareness are simultaneously taken care of, as one knows DEEP needs to be specific to the district, it requires understanding workable strategies in its specific context Dunng the process of planning these needs have been education but it is possible that new needs are to emerge These new needs are to be incorporated in the annual plan Sur\'ey and collection of data during the course of the implementation of the project may vary from block to block, fvlicro planning is link to indicate varied needs of villages. Its focus will be to generate demand for education as well as optimal utilization of human and financial resources. Besides VEC training orientation PTA/MTA will focus rational thinking amongst community members. Thus all the block will be covered under micro planning and school mappings programmes.

In order to monitor and implement the project successfully institutional planning and management is to be done from the very day of the implementation of the project. For this the personnel connected with primary education at grass root level (Such as HMs, CRCs, AWW, f\/1TR) are to be orienteil. Village level data is to be collected and shov^ed with villages at cluster level once in every four months The CRC Coordinators are to collect and compile tf^e data of the schools of their respective cluster and to submit in the block, A district level review meeting is to be conducted soon after the pubiication of journals for necessary changes and in puts in the areas when and where required.

The micro planning for SSA is to be done In all blocks emphasis has been given for capacity building of district planning team, Block planning team throughout the project period. Programme has been made for house to house survey during the programme The data so collected are to be completed and analysed at the block and district level sharing workshop will be organized.

It has been further planned for an exposure visit for the district planning team for capacity building from time to time

For this, the formation of planning and implementation team as resource groups at district; Block/ CRC level is to be formed

Intervention : Planning and Management SI Name of the Activities Physical Target No. 1 Preparation of annual work plan and budget and 20 fy/lid year review. ___ Development of GP educational profile for gram 4 " Panchayats (2"^^ round to back ward GPs for 20012002=2 reinforcing new strategies) 200?!-?0n6==2 ! 3 fVlicro planning in selected educationally 120 GPs ______Orientation in the Planning process to the 8 pros 2001-2002= 4 Pro resource group (per block - 20 members) 2005-2006^4 Pro U — 1 5 Prepriration of Block specific plan 09 Preparation of separate plans for urban areas 05 (slums and cities) (to be integrated in to the district plan) ______Project on school Management and utilization of soT^Ps GP educational profile (3 GP per Block)______! School mapping and school efficiency 4^4 G ^ j measurement studies (per GP) GPs 2 times 2001-2002=242 ! other 1 time sut)sequent intergradations with I Gis. 2005-2006=242 j Irivo]vi'ng” ^ Z ^ , n ^ T r ( ^ C s MTR ~in Physical target cluster level planning process 13 days located _ ^ s ______Training o Headmasters, Sis and administrative 36 functionaries and Management 2001-2002=18 2005-.^0f)6^18 Access for Deprived children

As It is related from the educational data of Jajpur district that out of school children come from diverse background and the reasons that liniit access are varied Some of the habitations do not have schooling facility; some habitations have geographical barriers while altertding schools. The broad category of out of school children Includes dropout, non-enrolled children and enrolled but not attending school There are a lot of scattered habitations in the district, which are still inaccessible, and many of them dop’t fulfil! the state norm for opening of a primary school Many of these habitations failed to make adequate put)lic demand for primary schools The children of these scattered habitations do not have access to primary education. Besides this, children of migrant families, working children, adolescent gids and children in slum areas of sukinda and Dangadi block donot have access to education due to their Socio-economic constraints

The survey data of the District schools that there are 1660 revenue villages with attached habitations which satisfy the dual state norms for opening of formal primary schools Accordingly plan has been maoe to open new primary schools. 300 habitations have been \denVi1\ed tor opening of EGS centres. There are about 300 habitations with a very dense population with geographic^al barriers such as rivers, forest area and mountains Arrangements for engagement of mobile teachers have been envisaged for those habitations. Since the group to be addressed through the EGS strategies and the mobile teaching facilities. Management of these strategies are to be decentralized with involvement of local bodies.

Intervention : Access lot Deprived children s f Name of the Activities Physical Target No. T - Camp School provision for out of school children 175x6x4 = 4200 to get primary e(1ucation(non-Res) per childrens 150/ @Rs2000/ to instructors 40 childrens and 6 months courses 7000 out of sctiool children I I for A yrs. I _ ~[ Camp school provision tor out of school children 75x6x4 =1800 I to get Upper primary education (non-res) per I child f^s150/- @F

9 1Academic supervision as other provision for 9 yrs i camp school per block 80 persons 1 ^10 Facilator\' school based activities in these 410 institutors 11 Remedial coaching centres for probable 100 1 I dropouts and ror children with low level of I learning pnmary (fNJon-Res) 40 Members and 2 1 1 1 months for repeat. 12 i Remedial coaching summer school centres for 50 probable dropouts out for children with low level of learning upper primary (Non Res) 40 months and 2 Months f3 ^ ‘! Second instructor training to EGS Supervisions 2 laks 1 for 30 day and 50 per day per candidates 14 Competition among students at cluster centre 242 1 and spread awareness for education I 15 2"'^ batch training to instructor EGS Civil Work Jajpur is a newly formed district. Till 1993 it was a part of Cutlank district Th€» district lacks of infrastructure facilities The District has no secondary training school The DIET at Dolipur is the only training institution for teachers training For the capacity building of teachers educators of the DIET Dolipur of Jajpur is to be strengtfiened ( Construction of training l-iall in the headquarter is the first priority. In addition to this for the capacity building of the teachers of Primary schools 10 BRC buildirrg and ?4? CRC (>uilding will he constructed during the plan period. Nearly 83 Revenue villages donot have primary schools even if many of the villages have populated more than 200 Ion DEFP provision has been made to open 36 primary school and 25 upper primary scfiools and construct 73 numbers of buildinless schools where buildings need to be constructed In converger'ice with other agencies like DRDA it has been decided to construct only 18 buildings in buildingless schools.

The existing condition of pnmary schools buildings throughout the district is not good. Hence the DRDA and other agencies have been decided to constnict repair 172 school building.

The Household survey 1999 conducted through out district reveals that there only 1386 numt>er of school having drinking water facilities. It is proposed to dig 100 numbers of tube wells out of DEEiP funds The newly open schools 61 pnmary schools and upper primary school will be given priority to dig tube wells in phased manner. The other uncovered schools will be covered und water and sanitation programme going to be undertaken IPDP programme and other agencies like DRDA in Jijpur distnct The toilet facilities will tie provided to 300 schools only In rural and urban area where grown of girls are more in vlajpur district. In addition to this 200 Boundary wall will be constructed out of the DEFP funds. 10 BRCs and 242 CRC building are to be constructed.

Intervention : C'ivil orl> Si Name of the Activities Physical Target No, 1 New School Building primary school 3H j New school huildir^g (UP) school 3 rooms 2 ^ Building for buildingless schools (Primary) 50 Building for buildinless schools (UP) 23' ! 5 Addl. Class rooms for existing schools primary 500 I 6 Add!, class rooms for existing schools (Upper 200 primary) Room for Headmaster J?7 8 CRC Building 242 9 BRC Building T o “ 10 Construction of A\NC 300 11 Maintenance and repair of school buildings 500 I primary

“12 Maintenance and repair of school buildings 2 '0 (T upper primary “13 Major repairs primary 800 ’14 Maior repairs Upper Phmary 400 T s UP gradation of Scliools for AS/EGS to Upper primary sctiools le~ Up gradation of schools for AS/ EGS tQ primary Schools l 7 Resource rooms for j^D Equipments

w MIS Room 1

Training hall to OIFT/ ST School T “

20 ' Maintenance and U|> gradation of ST schools T " ~ and DIET

Y r Tube well for schools T o o

22 Boundary walls for road side and Interior 200" schools 23~ Toilets for schools ddif 24 ECE Centres 300 25“ Electrification 2bo~ 2ir Matching grants for EGS Centres 787 27“ Teachers Break

28 Child l n(>ndly Element fo o o Research and Evaluation rtie teadiers lack the knowledge ot actir.n research mHthodology The teanhiny will be made acquainted with the action research projects in order to enhance the skill and for the optimum use in tapping of their potentialities. Indepth studies will be taken up and the findings will t)e incorporoied in the annual plan for better, accurate and compretiensive plan

Intervention , Kuscarch A FvaluiUioii SI 1 Name of the Activities Physical Target 1 j i No. 1 t 1 Capacity development of Resource institute 4 ’ 2 - - Baseline Assessment study UP primary end Penod 3 ' “ Baseline Assessment study including end period 4 In depth studies 5 DRG training on action researcfi projects 4 (ProgfBnmVmg) : 6 Preparation of teacher profile per Block 17 7 1 Diagnostic study for primary teacher per Block 136 , -i. . ] 8 1 Diagnostic study for UF^ primary teachers 17 9 I Analysis of household survey per GP 1701 1 id “ ' Midterm assessment studies (Primary) 17 Mid term assessment studies (UP) 1 i Comparative academic study between primary 5 studies ! and EGS 1 13 Sharing of Research data ^ 1 14 Academic assessment of students Rs 1500/- per 2000 schools 1 school

Pedagogical Improvement The district elementary education of Jajpur envisaged in its prospective plan to develop competency of lea< hers sub-inspector of school, supervisors of ICDS with introduction of activity based teaching learning process Academic resource group will be termed in the district and Block resource group in all ten blocks to impart training to teaching of elementary schools The teachers will be oriented in the class room teaching practice, multigrade teaching to provide academic support to the teaching of the teacher training of DIFT will be conducted for the capacity building for DIET Dolipur of Jajpur district equipments, library books difference maters will be provided For t)etter maintaining system for the conduct of training programme block resource centres and CRC will be formed and BRC and CRC Co-ordinators will be appointed who will be responsible of providing academic support to teachers in BRC monthly meeting will be conducted, provision of reference materials like library books and provision of l)0 0 ks for book back at BRC and CRC will be made The pnmar>' school teachers will be provided with Rs500/- and upper primary school teachers will be provided Rs700/- as grant per year to prepare low cost teaching aids SIG 2000/- will be provided to each primary school and @i^s3000/- each UP school per annum for a years. In Jajpur district there are 1381 primary 679 UP sanctioned post of teachers of primary and UP schools Besides this36 new Primary schools as 25 UP schools will be opened dunng the plan period and teachers with additional teachers will be appointed. Training all in to account teachers will get 11 M grant for primary and UP teachers per annum for a years. In addition to this library books, Books for Book Banks, some materials like traditional and conventional materials map and charts, science apparatus are set of table and chair will l)e provided to every school. Efforts will be made for electrification of 10 BRC and 242 CRC out of building construction cost. The BRC will maintain training calendar, prepare the list of training personal, collect data from grass root level mobilize the community and will create awareness, BRC will organize teachers training on activity based participatory approach in teaching process. One CRC will be opened in each GP only 242 CRC will be opened in the district. It will also organize training for their functionaries. It is proposed to .tart training from 1“ year of the project period in ten blocks places have been Identified to construct BRC building. In Jajpur district there are 242 Gf^s. All the teachers in centre >chools need once in a month and discuss regarding various problem in connection to education This will be provided with ar;ademic rissistance and guideline through assistance and guideline through CRC Ttie main function of CRC can be summarized as f:)llows 1 It will develop and encourage community participation and mutual support tor providing netter classroom practices 2 To conduct continuous workshop an various subjects To provide facilities to teachers of associated schools in developing no cost and low cost teaching learning materials To visit associate schools and assist teachers to solve various problems To serve as a model school in each Black for collection of Information

Intervention : Petla^o^ical Improvem ent SI Name of the Activities Target No. T Contingency to BRC 10 9 yrs 2 Contingency to CRC 242 f^yrs 3 Furniture to BRC “ To h j- -1 Furniture to CRC 242 5 Equipments to BRC 10 6 Computer to BRC 10 T Computer to CRC 1>42 8 Equipments to CRC “24? Tl M Grant to BRC 9 yrs lio ~ ' TI M to CRC 9 yrs __ ^11 1 j Visioning workshop for BRCC and Block resources I support group 7 days (40 members) to 240 teachers 12 Visioning workshop for CRC 3 days x 40 Members 24 Induction training to BRCC. 7 days 40 members 12 IT Induction training to CRCC 7 day 40 members 24 i i includes new received if any. ______1 15 Capacity building of 20 member resources support 5 groups 2 times 1 j team for each BRC 3 day x 40 members 1 16 Capacity building of 9 members resource support 5 groups 2 times 1 team programme each CRC 3 days 40 members I t Training for DRG pedagogy 99 teachers training 7 1 batch 4 times 1 day 40 members i 1 ~i r ~ Training to BRG pedagogy on teachers training / 2 batch & 4 times i days 40 members 1i 19 7 days teacher training on new pedagogy 135 batches ■ 2q TLM workshop at district level 3 days ^0 members 4 batch & 2 times | 21 TLM workshop as Block level 3 day 40 members 'IBS' batch times 22 rurniture to DIET school 1 23 Equipments to DIET School 1 24 Capacity Building of DIET and SI school personnel multiple programme 25 Institutional deployment plan of DIET 1 26 Institutional development plan of BRC 1 Institutional development plan of CRC (per CRC) 242 Salary to CRC 242 X 9 yrs Salary to BRC 10x9 yrs 28 Salary to BRC ministerial staff (Contractual) 10 X 9 yrs 29 Teaching learning equipmetit to «^elected 1345 ) uncovered schools (Primary) 30 1 TLF to selected IJn covered scl^iools (Upper 654 FVimary) 131 School improvement grant to primary school 1345 Tor 9 yrs 1 32 School improvement grant to school Upper 654 for 9 yrs 1 primary ' Introduction of cumulative progress record in 3.50,000/ selection sr.hool Rs10 per child 34 Introduction of health cards in selected schools 3,50.000 Rs 10 per child 35 1 Requirement of teachers in existing schools 500 1 primary 36 Recruitment of teachers in existing school Upper 200 ' Primary TLM grant to primary school teachers 1381 : 38 TLM grant to Upper primary schools 679 for 9 yrs

I 39~ ~ 1 Activity based approach teacher and parents 96 months. 4(T ~ 1 Activity books 5 books to published in alternate 108 months 1 ______...... J_____ - ^ _____ i years by the disttict (school) 41 Activity based f l M schools CRCs & BRCs 180 months

4 ? Calendar for pedagogical activities schools/ RRC/ 180 Months CRC/ I to 81 of schools 43 Tl M kit for fnulligrade management 3250 CRC 44 I Monograph? on pedagogical intervenfionR 5 48 months I Monographs on alternative yrs Schools RRC to CRCs D in public

45 Newsletter 'AROHA’ on class room issues. 108 months Schools BRC, CRC Sis PIS iWTS

46 Supplementary required materials picture books, 108 months story books are in eacti year children In schools 47 Handbook / Booklet for parents and VEC on new 24 rmnths pedagogy (one booklet) parents VEC member

48 "AHWAAN" intensive monitoring and academic 36 months support 4 months alternative in a year 49 Exposure visits of Teachers necessary groups 708 8 yrs

DIET totally to other dispirit 3 groups each year group of 10 members I----- ' 50 TLM exhibitions at block & district level 8 yrs Rooks exhibition for selection of supplementary 8 yrs i reading materials (at district) Block level

52 Sisumela competitions like children painting, 9 yrs X 253 modeling & quiz CRC, BRC and district level at least 3 competitions in a year

53 Activity based teaching learning progress 7 days 5 yrs X 15 batches 54” Reinforcement of activity based approached 4 yrs management of multigrade with activity based approach 7 days 55 t Preparation of teaching learning materials 5 days 5 yrs X 1^ batches "56 ^rransaction of activity based text books in the 4 yrs multigrade management and learners evaluation 7 days 57 Developnient of workshop 5 days 5 yrs X 15 batcties 50 Learners evaluation 3 days to 5 days 5 yrs '59 Transaction of integrates text books 150 batches 60 I f\/1anagement of Multigrade and multilevel classes 150 thatches 3 days to 5 days 61 Development of question banks for unit tests 3 150 batches days

SC/ST Education The disparity between SC/ST and general children respect of enrollment retention and achievement is very high. The following are the points to SC?ST education of the district 1. Training to primary teachers on tribal language. 2. Workshop on preparation of TL M & teachers hand book 3. Research and Impact study on SC/ST children. 4. Supply of bilingual Primer/ reading writing materials for SC/ST. 5. Assigning tribal youths. 6. Provision for hostels for SC/ST girls in pnmary schools. 7. Awareness amongst parents regarding benefits of education 8. Special focus in VEC/ PTA/ f^TA, 9. Convergence with other department so that there remains every intensive focus on the issue

Intervention : SC VST Eduratlon SI Name of the Activities Strategy |^Target No. 1 Community leaders 1 Community Once a year in 40 meeting in selected Tribal mobilization by Six in a year Gram F^anchayat VEC, NGO 2 Organising focus 1 1 1 group meeting 1 2 i} Tnbal activities in 1. (yiodel village 40 1 I educationally Eiackward approacli Twice a year 1 i i GPs 2. Toilets for girls 1 3. Special campaign for girls edtication fraininy of Tribal For th«, improvement of 4 nos in each Volunteers Education in tribal area alternative year Teachers requiring Attitudinal training of 50 teaciiers twice attitudinal training. teachers of tribal scfiools IdentifK ation of schools Issue base seminar/ 2 Blocks vita language workshop understanding problems with members

I 6 Orientation programme for 1 PRI meeting 120 CRCs in 6 goups CRCC, with higher 2 Women awareness 3 in each. conr entration of depnved programme SC/ST at GP level. Dissemination of DISE 1 Training of teachers & 12 times (6+6) in 1 report on language workshop yrs & 6 in 5 yrs problems in schools (GP) 2. Printing of hand books & messages. 8 Research group on SC Seminar & workshop 4 one in each specific Tribal issues alternative years 9 Tribal convention 10. 2 in each year, T o ' Material development & i dissemination 11 rSpecial hostel Special care for SC/ST| Setup of 3 hostel for I I maintenance cost for (Birls students education | SC/ST girls. I SC/ST girls per year for I three years. Special hostei Supply of reading, writing 600 no of girls SC/ST rnainlertance cost for equipments & dress Childs development SC/ST girts ,per .year per material to SC/ST girl students Rs 500/- students. ECCE There are 1355 Anganwadi centres in all 10 Blacks of this district having early child care education facilities. There 110340 children are enrolled in this programme As per the population, this district needs 300 AWC to provide pre schooling facility for 8706 children, there 2710 Anganwadi works are engaged in this district to take care of the children Additional 600 workers required for improvement of this project. 25 programmes required for training of anganwadi works Orientation programme is necessary for CDPOs supervisors. Mahila Mandal members, supply of Toys and learning materials to all the anganwadi centres for betterment of the programme 242 GP level MTA will be organized to success the programme. Also in this district 10 DPOs are engaged for 10 Blocks 56 no of supervisors are engaged for the supervision of AW workers However more supervisors are required for more supervision of ICDS works.

Intervention : F.CC'F , SI Name of the Activities Target No. Training to wirks _ u _ „ _ ^ ______on pre school 3 Formation and orientation of DRG ______of new ECCE ^ q ______Orientation to CDPOs 8 programmes______Toys and learning materials to AWGs 904

Meeting of MTAs at GP level 2aW Sharing experiences betwRen escort mothers Esst, Of ECCE centre ^ o " 10 Honorarium to ECCH workers 3 3 ^ IT Month to honorarium supervisors FCCE™^ 30 workers Purchase of Kit ^ 6 2 0 TLM grant of RslOOO top all AW centres 6796 u Evaluation to assessment of achievements _ T5 Study on role of AW worl

Acc ordingly distance education undr?r DhEP aims at development and production of contextual and pedagogical packages in a continuous process. Packages of support fiiaieriai related to different issues are to be prepared and sent to concerned areas

As English is a foreign language and the -^iludents and teachers lack in phonetics, audio cassettes are to be collected and supplied to BRCs and c;RCs so that it would help in their capacity building. Cassettes are to be prepared at district level on different school subject of primary school through workshop and are to be supplied to resource centres Audio cassettes on tribal dialects are also to be developed and supplied to ST dominated blocks for tribal children

Teacher education of DIET/ S7 schools, headmasters, SlSs, BEGC CRCCs ae to be provided with one day annual orientation training on distance education. Annua! workshop for two days in two phases is to be organized for preparation and use of distance learning materials. Self instnictional materials @Rs. 100/- and Rs 150/- are to be printed and distributed to every teacher of each primary school and upper primary school respectively. Radio and T\' schools, teleconferencing and documentation programmes on different areas are to organized every year.

Intervention : Distance Kducation SI Name of the Activities Strategy Target No. r ~ Jo orient the teachers Publishing periodi('als with 9 interventions with on methodology/ the article relating to the media will be teaching skills educaticmal innovative held. rrjethodology Workshop on Workshop will be organized 18 workshops for 1 preparation of distance for preparation of specific day each will be learning material TLM for the Tribal at the organized at the r ' district level district level every year. Equipments for Equipments for organization 1 workshop for one I teleconfsrencing of teleconference wtll be day will be organised | prepared at the Block level at the block level | i every year Printing and distribution Each primary school teacher 6000 copies of SLfvl i of SLM for Primary will t»e provided with self @Rs.100/- will be teachers. instructed materials work of provided to primary Rs 100/ school teachers Printing and distribution Each UP school teacher will 6000 copies of SLM of SLM for UP teaclu^rs be provided with self @Rs.150A will be instructed materials with of provided to UP Rs150/- school teachers Radio Show Radio show on different 24 radio shows will topics will he organi sed at be organized at CRC j CRC level twice a month level every year i every year. TV Show TV shows relating to issues 24 JV shows will be of tribal children, girls organized at BRC deprived community will be level every year organized ' Teleconferencing Teleconferencing on teacher 40 teleconferencing I programmes trainir.g, activity baser] text programmes wil be ! book, lED, tribal education, held at the district j i evaluation and m.mngement, level through ou‘ the MIS and preparation of TLM project period will be organized. 9 Documentation 5 times per year 10 Video F^rograme IT j^Audio Programe Girls Education In Jajpur District, women literacy is less than tho men in respect of general category, SC. ST and rural urban disparity. As per 2001 census data , the literacy rate of Male and Female 82 R9% and 61 45% respectively in Jajpur district It is also revealed from the survey data that girls enrolment and retention have heen low as compared to boys and this leadr to gender gap. The perspective plan of the district has focused on liquidating this gap The girl children are also provided with poor nutrition. The following strategies are to he taken up during the period of implementation of the programme. Formation of DR(-» and BRG and their onentation. Onentatiofi women of PR! members for community mohilizalion. Providing textbooks and reading w^'ting materials to all girls children. Appointment of gender coordinator at DPO Observation of campaign week for gids at CRC level Formation of MTA in each primary school. Orientation of f^TA at Village level. Participation of women at CRC meeting Preparation of gender awareness matenals in local forms. Identifying NGOs and giving orientation to then on gids education. Assigning tribal youths at CRC level.

Intervention : Girls Education SI Name of the Strategy Target No. Activities r i i Sensitizing the One day training will be 200 MTA members mothers towards provided to mothers for will be provided with gids education community mobilization so that training in 4 phased they will be aware of their girls through out the children toward primary project period. education. Orientafing women Women PRI members will t^e 50 PF^I members will] PRI members for responsible for mobilizing be oriented every community women to participate in primary ! year. mobilization schools Women convention To create awareness among 10 programmes for at BRC/CRC women folk on importance of 10 block 80 girls educ;ation Block level programmes for CRC womens conventions followed level conventions. by CRC level women conventions will be engaged Senninars on girls For sensitizing the women 100 members v/ill education community towards primary participate in a 1 day education, seminars and seminar every ye;ar 8 symposia will be organized at such seminars wiill be the BRC and CRC level. field in the project period. ‘ 5 Special coaching Special coaching camps for girls 40 girls in a group will camps for girls will be organized in small be provided special groups to solve the difficulties of coaching for a month the slow learners. 300 programmes will be organized. Community Community mobilization 120 members will be ; mobili/ation programmes will be organized in trained every year to every village therefore selected organize cornnnunity ' members will be trained. mobilization | Observation of girl Meena Video cassettes will be 2000 girls, every year child week and shown to mothers and girl will be shown the Meena saptaha children to sensitize them programme, one i normal show at CRC | 1 level in every year | Awards to girls Meritarious girls students and 200 girls every year i students showing girls having talent in different will be awarded every , I improvement fields will be awarded so that year ; other girls will be motivated 1 towards education. 9 ! Camps for adolescent girls will 125 adolesc»^nt girls 1 Organisation of 1 adolescent girls be held at the cluster level and will be organized at 1_ camp their problems will be discussed the CRC level every and remedial measures will be year adopted to solve them Health education Some adolescent girb; are often HealtTi check up of programme for unable to continue their 242 girls will be done adolescent glils schooling So througl) medical at GF’ level every checkup will he done at GP year level 11 Improvement of In order to liquidate gender bias 2000 Gids, every cldss room climate roeducatirm classes will be year, will be onented on gender taken up and the gids will t)e on gender issue for oriented on equality of the improvement of opportunity. class room situation 12 Preparation of Training module will be 150 GPs will prepare , fnodule at cluster prepared at the cluster level the module for I I level taking into accouiU \hr; r^eed ot teacher training every the community and it will be year. provided to every teat^her and the VP C free of cost.

Community Mobilisation In order to sensitize the community village education committee, NGOs, Youth club members, women groups, PRI members elected representatives a number of activities will be taken up the main objectiveFi of the programme are as follows. I. Every school must have a VEC. II. Every village most has a women group. lii. Enthusiastic elutes, Yut)ak Sangha, having better knowledge are to be identified.

The training programme r>f VFC members, PRI memberb, Women groups and NGOs will be conducted at BRC, CRC level. The villager can play an important role in achieving the objectives of DEEP. . ^ ^ Intervention : C oiiiniuiiiYy Moiiilisation SI Name of the Activities No --t- 1 Construction of VFC o Day orientation programme for VFC 50x2 3 MTA self help group & PR! meeting 8 4 fuxposure visit to VEC 5 Community sensitization programme Ninad 6 Women convention of Block level 7 Exposure visit of VEC 8 H Community sensitization prografrime 9

9 ! Training of VEC ' 2 4 2

Media Print and Put)lishing Mater!als organization of workshop documentation, onf^niaiton. Rad»o \a\Ks. CRC rout\d, prepat aUon of aiid\o & v^df>o cassettes are some at ttie Uemis ot the Media concerns, The journal i.e. published to CRC & BRC level will be intormative and will be based on the facts figures. A calendar showing the activities of DEEP will be printed for awareness building The print as well as electronic media will be utilized foi (he broad coverage of DEEP. Intervention : Mfdia SI Name of the Activities Physical Target No. 1 Media Equipments at Block level per Block 10 2 Leaflets for spreading awareness for education i 242 lor CRC Traditional foik media activities promoting 242 awareness per Block Showing workshop and dissemination of 20 eduralional information per block Slall at dilferent fairs district level exhibition 9~ The other group at different places : 10 Block specific annual reports of progress 9 yrs 10 batches Seminars 9 ~9 " “ PAS as DPO and BRC 11

" io 1 District level Visual/ Video shows Radio talk 16 seniinars 11 Posters per blork 9yrs ^2 District level convention for PRIs and furniture 9 yrs. I f Activity calendars preparation per school 9 yrs T4~ News letter pfjblicatiun , 1 ^ Booklets rriaqazines, publication at DPO level ToTal 4000 copies for civil works to distribute among ttie VEC' & ! I communities T6~ Development of posters pictures modules to 242 monitor civil works per VEC 3 days x 40 participants______T t “ Publication of Annual reports 8

T r~ District If vel photo exhibition documentation 4 ' T~9~ Cassettes on DPEP success stories 14' I _____ I 20 Illustrated slides for use in cinema halls l- i 21 Hoarding on DPEP 20 22 Workshops I Training on preparation of 8 materials for girls education posters self help groups different level media officers

lED (Integrated education for disables children) Some of the enrolled children need special focus and attention by their teachers and guaidians in order to stand in level with their counter parts. As long as their problems are not properly assessed and addressed, they are simply treated as t)ack benchers and labled as children with low IQ. They continue to he neglected in the mainstream of education. This plan proposes for training and orientation of primary school teacher, appointment of resource lEf') Co ordinator of a special teachers per block to make the society more aware and dutiful towards these children. Thone who are pro founds diKahled they do not come to general sf hools. But the chikJren with mild and moderate disability either don’t get enrolled or get enrolled and then dropout of school witri in a year or two. So for the successful implementation of universalisatlon of primary education integrated education for disable children is to be addressed It is necessary to conduct a survey for collection of data to identify different types of impairments in the children of school going age Proper assess one need to be done by professional experts in the first year of the implementation of the project. The following activities are to be carried out under the project, 1878 disable children have been Identified and they will be given special care in this district.

Intervention : lED SI I Name of the Activities Target No. 1 Orientation to VEC/ BRCC/ CRCCs 40 10 programmes Teachers in one batch. Preparation of activity base for DC 5 Programmes (Disabled children) Supply of Aids & appliances Monitoring witl> the help ol SRG/ EiRG 10 F^rogrammes ' 5 Early detection centres opened for DC ' 6 T Parent counseling 2 to 3 days Observation of enrollment week 8 Disability survey in Block 10 Training regarding DC To To Capacity building of 3 members of BF^iC 4 iT 45 days training of 3 teachers of each 30 teachers block 12 T ^u ip m e n t for DC 13 Theme based Camps 10x2 l T Medical Assessment camps To Industrial Mnterials 257 “16 Handbooks to Schools 2000 scliools 17 Counseling of Parents 25 18 fA DA forTci~StSl~ 9 19 Survey of Disabled children within 14 ToTiiocii^ yer3fs i Frierul supports to disabled 2000 schools 21 Barrier free access to DC' 100 , *>o Module forleachers training 4 r,,-, Training to formal school/ teachers for 135 rhildren with special need .'4 ' Vienlalion to AS instructors on IfD ^13

/5 ^ tr»*nqthening special schools 10

Management Information System Setting up of a well equipped and well trained l\/1IS unit lA/ill provide valuable information at)out educational scenario and different project af tivities that are in opening in different parts of the districts This will facilitate better and timely management of the project and srhools It IS an insuperable part of project management. It is to be an aid for better analysis of issues and improvement in planning So Jajpur DPCP will have a h/IIS unit. A pvov)ia»nn)er (,an training officer will be there to assist and aid the programmer. Necessary purchase of EMIS and equipments aia to be funded by DPEP. Details of the Physical and Financial activities for MIS is mentioned in the costing table in chapter-6. CHAPTER - VI

COSTING TAB).E (PHYSICAL «, FINANCIAI) SUMMARY TABI.E r !! Physical Targets for Different Years 1 Physical I 1 1 f 1 1 I Budget j Unit Cost Name of the Target for i I ! A ctivity j (Rs. In j 2001- ! 2002- ! 2003- 2004- i 2005- 2006- 1 2007- 2008- 2009- ? ! A ctivity the Tatai i Code I Lakhs) 2002 1 2003 2004 2005 1 2006 1 2007 1I 2008 f Project 2009 2010 i 1I i 1! i ? 1 I i r " ...... ! f...... ------\ Salary ! ( \ 1 ... District °roject 0.200 ”'08 Months 12 12 1 '2 i 12 ' 12 i '2 I ' ^8 I 1 1 i1 Coordinator j1 i 1 1i 1 !I S Coordrnator Givi* 0.150 60 months 12 ! 12 12 i 12 1 1 I * 48 ^ Works 1 i i i I ----- Coordtnator 1 Pedagogical 1 I 0 150 108Months 12 12 12 12 ! 12 1 12 1 12 i^ 12 10fi improvement & j i 1 i 1 I Training, SC/ST 1 1 1f jI \' ij Coordinator ^1 ! ! f ------1 i 1 0.150 j108Monthsj 12 1 12 1 12 12 ! 12 I 12 1 12 1 12 i1 12 ^ -•08 i J■Plarmmg, & MiS i i 1 i 1 i ...... i 1 1 1 1 t ! I[ \ 1 Coorojnator !ED & , r ^ f 1 0.150 108Months 12 1 12 1 12 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 j 12 iI '2 1! '*08 ! Media 1 . j 1 i i Coordinator Girfs | 1 ^ i ! 1 1 1 Education.ECCE, ! I i 0,150 1 lOBMonths 12 12 1 12 12 i 12 ! 12 i 12 12 12 108 CornTT^unity I I! i I ! 1 Motiifization j i t i ■ ■ ...... 1 ' f iI Junior Engineers to j f 1 1 I supervise, , I 1 1 coordinate the Ciytf j 1.000 30 months 12 12 12 12 - 1 i ! 1 WorK at blocKs ( j 1 i i lOJEs) I 1 j ...... ! ! 1 I 10SMonths Sr Programme Asst 0.110 24 24 1 24 24 i 24 24 1 24 i 24 24 1 216 X 2 ...... i 1 1 1 lOBMonths Jr Programme Asst. | 0,090 36 36 36 36 1 36 36 1 36 i 36 36 1 324 ______i X 3 Nos. 1 ...... I, ...... 1 1...... _.J! ! 1 1 I ! Costings fer Djfferent Years Physical i 1 Budget ■ i Untt Cost I - A ■ Name of the I „ Target for 1 1 Activrtv . ^ (Rs. m i 2001- I 2002- 1 2003- 2004- - , * Activftv . the 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 1 , Code 1 i_akhs) i 2002 Proiect 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1 ^ j i ...... -j------31----- 3^ary i Dtstrc! Pn>ject 0.200 108 Months 2.4 2.4 j 2.4 I 2.4 2 4 24 2 4 24 2.4 2 f6 Caordinator 1 ______...... I 1 ..... Coorcmator Civji r "■ ■=----- 0 150 60 months i 18 j 1.3 ■■ IS j 1.3 0 C 0 0 7 ^ Works 1 1...... i i 0 ; Coordmator | ] m i 1 j=ecs8og.cal , 1 io8Monlhs 1.8 1 R i IS 1 1,8 1,8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1S-2 ’'^Drc^veT^ent & j i i Tfamng, SCSI j 1 1 'Coordinator \ i o 0 150 ! 108Months 1.8 1.8 18 1,8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 '-'tanning. & MIS | j 1.8 16^ 1 Icoordrnsior iED & ■; « iMedia ! ° poSMonths 1.8 1.8 1,8 1,8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1,8 1.8 16^ iCoordinato' Girts j Education ^ECCE^ I 0.150 108Months 1.8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1.8 ‘ Cornmunit), 1.8 1.8 1.8 1 6 ^ * i1 ‘Mobilization * ! J u n (or E ngineers to j I isuDervise, ii 'coordinate fhe Civil 1.000 60 months 12 12 12 12 12 0 0 0 0 60- !work at btocks i 1 !! i i iiQJEsI 1 1 ...... 1 j f 1 I 10SMonttis I - „ ^ j «• jSr. Programme Asst.j 0.110 j V ^ ! 2 64 2.54 2,54 ! 2 64 2.54 2,64 2.64 2,54 2.64 23.^6 ^ A . . 1 X j 1 ' 108Months| i jjr Prograrnme Asst * 0 090 3.24 3.24 3 24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3 2 4 2S.3^ : 1 1 X3NOS. i ^ i Page Total \ i | 29.28 29-28 29.28 20.28 27.48 15.48 15.48 15.48 15.48 206.52 1 T~ 1 Physical Targets for Dtfferenl Years i I ! Physical ! r " - ...... f" ' * Budget j Unit Cost i j 1 Name of the ( Target for 1 Activfty j (Rs. In 1 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 1i 2008- ' 2009- A ctivity ! the 1 Totnl 1 Code j LaKhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 I Project 2008 1 1 2010 1 i i1 1 L-...... I.. i1 i1 i Geniingency , 1 4.000 9years 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1! 1 ( 1 9 GmsumaDies x 1 5.000 9years 1 1 1 1 1 1 1I ^ i 1 1 9 TA/DA 1 4.000 9years 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 T...... L. 1 1 Offrce Mainienance 4 000 9years 1 1 1 1 1 ■1 1 j ■f ■t 9 arra Misc. charges POL & Maintanance ! for 3 ! vehiclesd vehicle for 7.200 9years 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 four [email protected]'per 1 month) { 1 For 2 D!s + Installation of Fax j 0.250 3 1 3 1 at DPO 1 \ 1 11 I Installation of phone 0.100 2 1 1 1 i 2 1 i Telephone & Fax 0400 9years 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 ! 5 5 40 charges per year i 1j ....1 i Equipment for DPO i1 5.000 j 9years 1 1 i i 1 Furniture for DPO ji 0.750 j 9years | 1 I i 2 1 1 i Consultancy i 1 1 i ( Charges for expert inj 1 ! ! i Community | i 1 i involvement, ' ! 5.000 1 9years | 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 1 3 3 35 ! 1documentation, | 1 I i 1 1finance i 1 1 1 ] Girlseducation etc. | 1 1 1 ^------Yearwise costir^g for Pfiystcai Targets 1 Costings for Different Years 1 r 1 Physical f B iidget j Unit Cost j iNiame of the Target fo r Activity {Rs, In 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- I A ctivity the Io ta ! Code Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 «■ 1 Project 2008 2009 2010 ...... Ccyitfngency ; 4.000 1 9years 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 - ^ ConsumaDtes 1 5.000 j 9years 1 i ...... 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 45 TA/'DA 4.000 1 9years 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 35 Office Mafntenance f ------»4 Syears 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 36 and Msc. charges L______POL St Maintanance 1 I for 3 1i vehides(1v^Ticte for 7.200 9years 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 64£ four bkx:[email protected] per ...... ijmcnth) . . i i For 2 Dis + j insraliation df Fax 0.250 0 0.75 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 0 0 .7 i 1 at DPO 1 ■ -- ...... J ■ t I Installation of phone 1 0,.100 i 2 0.1 0 j 0 0 0 0 0 0.T i1 1 0 i m Telephone & Fax j 1 1 ! 0,400 Syears 2 2 i 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 ^ cnarges per year j 1 , Equipment tor DPO j 5.000 9vears I n i 0 ^ 0 0 ...... 5. 1 0 1 t 0 0 0 5-. 0 Fumfiure for DPO j 0.750 1 9vears 1 0 75 i 0.^5 * c tJ 0 0 c 0 0 1.5. ...-..... 1 Consultancy | 1 1 1 m i 1 j 1 ICharges tor expert in i 1 m Community 1 ! 1 mvoivement, 5.000 9vears f 15 15 25 25 j 25 25 15 15 15 175. documentatron, i m i 1 Irnance. } m IGrrtseducation etc i1 m s j ^ i t iPage Total i j 1 45.050 j 42.800 51.200 51.200 51.200 51.200 41.200 41.200 41.200 416J2|0 .... - i .. - ...... - ...... -.1- ...... i 1 ! t Physical Targets for Different Years ! 1 1 ! 1 Physical 1 Budget I Unit Cost 1 ! jName of the 1 Target for i 1 1 1 Activity j (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- I 2004- 1 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 1 2008- 1 2009- Activity j the i Total Code Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 i 2007 2008 1 2009 j 2010 1 Project ! ( 1 i 1 i...... 1 I 1. ! !” ■...... ------!...... ! 1 I I ... iRent .Electricity 1 1 u. (Ou [1G8Months| 12 12 12 12 1 12 12 ! 12 1 o 12 108 (charaes for DPO I 1 i -1 - 1 j ...... 1 f I I Books and journals 0-050 9years 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16 for DPO j 1 f 1i 1 for each ♦Mobile Health Van I 3.000 block in 10 10 10 10 10 to !1 10 10 80 * ! ayear 1 1 1i i1 1 Monitoring ano 1 1 j(supervision by the 1iDistrict Project 1lOfTice. preparation ! lano snaring of 1 " 000 9 years 3 3 3 3 1I 3 3 1 3 25 |Annual Progress j ! ^ ! 1 Reports and Support] i i to district I 1 1 1 functionaries to | 1 1 1 i i 1 review the project | 1 1 ...... - 1 Yearwise costing tor Pttysicai Targets 1 1 j Costings for Different Years ! Physical ! Budget i i Name of the Target for Activity 1 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- j 2005- 2006- 2007. 2008- 2009- the TotaJ Code 1 Lakhs) 1 2002 2003 2004 2005 j 2006 ^ 2007 2008 2009 ' 2010 Project I ! i i ------m--- ” ... .."'I ...... 1...... 1 Rent .Eiectrrcrty j ^ 108 Months! 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 10.£ cnarges DPO j f for 1

Boc^s and journals | 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 9years 0.05 0.05 1 0.1 0.1 o.s"m tor DPC' j .1...... ,_Ji f 1 for each ■ j 1 1 ^tebiie Heatfr Var 1 3.000 block in ' 0 I 30 1 30 ! 30 30 30 30 30 30 24CL ayear ■ i ! 1 1 1 Monitoring and ■ ! 1 !i 1 i i m saperv^ran by tfie 1 1 1 I 1 District FYoject I !i Office, preparation i and s^.an^g of 1.000 i 9 years 1 3 3 3 j 3 3 3 3 3 2 5 l A n r . u a ; Progress i j Reports anc Support I 1 i I 1 to district i j tunaionar»es to i 1 1 I 1 - rsvievv ttie project 1 Page Total 1 1 2.25 34.25 34,3 34.3 [ 34.3 34,3 34.3 j 34.3 34,3 1 275:^

1 Iota! * i 76.580 \ 106,330 114,-^SO 114.780 I 112.980 100.980 90.980 1 90.980 90.980 \ 899.3J0 ______^______1------^ ^ ------i ______1 1 1 ...... 1 Physical targets for Different Years 1 1 Pbysica! 1 Budge? Unit Cost ! 1 ■Target for I 1 Actrv'tv * Name of ?be Activity (Rs. in 2001- I 2002- ! 2003- * 2004. 2005- j 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 1 the Total Cade Lakhs/ 2002 1 2003 1 2004 1 2005 2005 j 2007 2008 i 2009 2010 1 Proiect ! 1 1 j L ...... ' i i i ...... ! i !...... 1----- r------iPreoaration of Annual I...... 1 iWork Plan &'budget and 0 3 9 years 2 2 1 2 2 i 2 1 2 2 18 iMid-vear review 1 ^ {...... r— ...... Develooment of GP 1 I Educational Profile for 0 03 4 ! , 1 d ^ ! iGran-i PanchyaJs (3rd) 1 .. .. 1 i ! ! { ! i 1! Micro Planning m 1 I1 1 i !I selected Educationally 0.05 j 120 gps 1 120 ^20 1 Deprived Areas (per GF) 1 ! ...... if i f i1 Orientation in'the I!, ...... 1 1 1 Planning Prodess to the ! 1 ! 1 0.05 j 8 prop 1 4 i i 4 1 : Resource Grduo (oer i ‘ i i 1 1 1 ’ ! '1 Block) ...... 1 1 ! L.._.______J Preparation of Block 1 0 05 1 9 1 1 i1 1 1 1 !1 1 i 1 S Specific Plan ' i 1 1 ' I! ‘ i i . . .. 1 “ ------r - ...... " 1------1 1 1 Preparation of-Separate ! \ 1 1 Plans lOr Urban Areas ! 1 (Slums ana Citiesj (to De | 0.05 j 5 1 1 1 1 c 1 . 1 1 tf i.'egratea into-the district j I i i 1 ! pian; j I i 1 ! ! 1______L ! 1 ...... J ! ’ ’ 1 Costings for Different Years ** ! 1 Budget jUnltCosti_'''^y^7^ ^ i ^ 1 i - Activftv Name of the Activity j (Rs. In 2001- 2002- j 2003- ' 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- i 2008- Coce 1 Lakhs) _ . 2002 2003 I 2004 1 2005 2006 ■ Project 2007 2008 j 2009 r . 1 4 - 1 i i 1 ------i______i______t- i ..- . 1 i - \ f^ ’^eparatjon of Annual j " ...... f...... m !work PlaTi & buoget and 0.3 j S years 0.60 0.60 i 0 60 0 60 060 0.60 0.50 0.60 0.60 5,40 ^e'^iew j j L... . ! iDeveiopment of GF j ! ! Educational ^roftte tor i 0.03 4 0.06 j 0.00 0 00 000 0 06 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 1 ' 2 1 1 1 .orar^ (3rcj;; j 1 f • j 1 j; 1 Micro Planning m j ii 1 - ! jselected Educationally | 0 05 '' 20 gps '' 0 00 5 00 j u Ou 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 6 ^ 0 I jDepriveo Areas loer GP'i * 1 L, ____ -Ji i 1...... ! ^ i 1 1"'" • i!Q r^ ta tio n in me j ii i - =>fanntng Process to the j ^ i 8 prog 0,20 1i 0.00 000 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 i 0 ^ 0 Resource Group (per | 1 i ^ Block} j ! . .1 1 ^ *^!'f»paration of BlocK i _ . _ 1 ^ r U UO 9 ' 0 05 0 05 0.05 j 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 j 0.05 0 0 5 ' 9 ^ 5 . ::>f^jfic Plan j i ...... J ! Reparation of Separate j M ; Plans for Urtsan Areas | ji i1 i and Ctiies/ (to be | 0 05 i 5 0 05 i 0.05 0 05 ' 0 05 0 05 0 00 0 00 0,00 000 0 ^ 5 Ifnregrated into the district| 1 i ji iP‘en; ...... i I ______1 ! ! ! Page Total ( ! ! 0.96 ! 6 70 i 0.70 0.70 j 0.96 0.65 0.65 0.65 i 0.65 12^2 1 ■______I______^______1______1______1 1------J------Physical Targets for Different Years 1 1 ! ,!------! r ' — 1 Physical j ! Budget 1 Unit Cost I i i Target for 1 A ctivity ( Name of the Activity I (Rs. In 2001- 2002- ! 2003- I 2004- 1 2005- 1 2006- 20G7- 2008- 1 2009- the ! Tota: 1 Code 1 i Lakhs) 2002 2003 ! 2004 1 2005 1 2006 1 2007 2008 I 2009 Project 1 2010 1 1 i 1 ( I L , i 1 innovative Project on r"'“ ...... 1 1 1 School Management and 1 ! 1 1 i Utilisation of GP 0.5 1 120 gps j 40 40 40 1 1 Educational PnafHe (3 GP 1 i - 1 ! ! per Diock) 1 i School mappmg and school efficiency 1 1 242 gps 2 1 I m e^urem ent studies 0.15 242 i 242 1i ' 48^ 1 times j (per GP)10 GPs 2 times i ! j i 1 ! I other 1 time [-...... II i 1I 1 1 1 Invoivtng r— ...... ■ 1 1 VECs.HMs.CRCs, i 1 ! i ! AWW.MTRs in cluster O.un n 1\ 242 gps 1 242 242 242 726 level planning prcrcess; i !i 1 11 13 days located GPs | 1 i L ! I 1i Training to Headmasters 1 1 . Sis and administrative 36 0.084 18 18 ! 3€ 1 Ifunctionaries on batches ! 1 management I ...... j f1 project on school j 1 imanagement and. ^ utilisation of gp , j O.o 1 30 gp 1 1 1 4- i ' 1 1 education profile{3 gp j i 1 1 per block) i i______L J i 1 i r'""' Costings for Different Years f Physical 1 1 1 1 J— ■ ■■■-■" Budget Unit Cost 1 1 Target for 1 I i Activity of the Activrty (Rs. In 1 2001- 2002- 2003- j 2004- 2005- 2006- 1 2007- 2008- i 2009- 1 the Total Code Lakhs) j 2002 2003 1 2005 1 2006 I Project 2004 2007 2008 2009 j 2010 m ! I i i 1. i 1 T“ ...... r ... f J I’nnovative °rGjec* on ! ...... i m |Sc^■^o! Msnagemerrt and I I I i i jUtilisation of GP 0.5 '" 20 gps 0.00 20.00 0.00 I 20.00 0,'DO 20.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 50.0Cm i Educational (3 3P ! 1 m \oer .. i- Sc.h(X)l mapping and school efficiency - ! i 242 gps 2 ^ 1 1measurement studies 0.15 0,00 1 36.30 0.00 3.00 0,00 35 30 0.00 0.00 0.00 72,50 times m i(per GP)10 G^s 2 times j i m other 1 time ! I {Involving ! 1 1 m jVECs.H^te CRCs. | j lAWXV MTRs in cluster I 0.3 242 gps 0.00 72.50 0.00 o.oc 72.60 0.00 0.00 72.60 0.00 217,fc lleve! planning process j ' 13 days located 3Ps i i 1 1 1i 1 iTrainrng to headmasters i !i i j1 Sis, ana admfnistrative i i 36 0.084 1 1.51 0 00 0.00 0 00 1.51 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 3,o5 (functionaries on ii Datches m j management i m 1 ^D^oiect on school ...... 1 m * nan ^ement and 1 L*i[rsation of gp 0.5 I 30 gp 0 .0 0 0 50 1 0 00 0,50 0 0 0 0.50 0 .0 0 0.50 0 0 0 2 off M ! education profife(3 gp j M pe" bl'Ock's * 1 M ...... 1" 1 I 1 i Page Total i 1 1.51 12S.40 1 0.00 20.50 74.11 1 56.80 0.00 73.10 0.00 j 355,42 f 1 ! i i I j j Total 1 2.47 136.10 j 0.70 1 2" .20 75.07 j 57.45 0.65 73.75 0.65 I 368.Q.4 i -1 Physicai Targets for Different Years Budge* Physical f- Activity Name of the Activity i 2001- i 2002- 2003- i 2004- j 2005- j 2006- I 2007- 2008- ! 2009- ! the I I I f 1 otai Code Lakhsi i ^ " . ! 2002 i 2003 i 2004 , 2D05 i 2006 i 2007 i 2008 2009 I 201C Project

jCarnp 5cnoo» Provisions I for put of school chiidren lo gef primary sducation (non res^ per chiid rs.i50/- and Rs.2000/- fo instructors 4Q 0,18 175 x5 175 j 175 ( 175 i 175 j 175 I 175 children and 6 month jCources ^000 out of children (175 batch) per 4 vrs. AdolescenS Girls' Camps orimary (non res) each child Rs 200/- and 50 x6 50 I 50 ( 50 50 50 iRs.2000/- to instructors. 40 50 50 50 jchiioren and 6 month I Ouuiotiij j Recruitment ot teachers in 0.96 ’2 trs. 72 i 72 72 72 72 72 72 jnew scnools tpnmary) 36 72 72 648 i Recruitment of teachers in mew schools >, upper I 0.96 j 50 trs. | 50 | 50 50 50 50 50 50 5C Ipnmary) 25______Yearwtse costing for Physical Targets Costings for Different Years Physical j I Budget ! Unit Cost Target for Activity {Name of the Activity /Rs. In 2001. 2002* 2003^ 2004- 2005* 2006- 2007. 2008- 2009- the Total f Code j Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Project 2009 2010 ! ------1- iCamp School Provisions Mor out of school children to I gel primary eaucation (non jres) per child rs.150'- and |Rs.20(X)i'- to mstructors 40 0.18 17: x6 0.00 31.50 I 31,50 31.50 31.50 31.50 31.50 31.50 31.50 252 00 jchiWren and 6 month Cources 7000 out of chfkfren (1^5 batch) per 4 iyrs i Adolescent Girls' Camps primary (non res) each chiic Rs 200/- wid > 0.2 50 x6 0 DO 10.00 10.00 1 10 00 10.00 10 00 10.00 10 00 10 00 80 iK) Rs 2000^- to fnstructors 401 children and 5 month ! Courses ! ReaxHtment of teachers m ! 0.96 72 trs 69 12 i 69 1? 69 12 !new s"*100(5 'nrsmaA') I 69 12 69 12 69 12 69 12 69 12 69 12 H?2 08 j ______'______I j Recruitment oi tfiacners ir I new schools i upper 50 trs 48 00 i 48.00 i 48.00 i 46 00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 0.00 384.00 jpnmaryj 25______jPage Total 117.12 i 158.62 I 158.62 , 158.62 158,62 I 158.62 158.62 158.62 i 110.62 i 1338.08 Scheduling of Physical Tar^ts to oe Achieved Physical Targets for Different Years i 1 1 1 ! ! j II 1 Budget, unit Cost ! ! , Target for Activity Name of the Activity 2001- i 2002- 2003- 2004- j 2005- 1 2006- 2007‘ 2008- 2009- Iota! Code 2002 i 2003 2004 2005 I1 2006 1 2007 2008 2009 2010 j 1 1 Project 1 1! 1 I 1

IlnstructorsyGurujees for | e GS primary (1/3 wii! be 0 12 850 850 850 850 850 850 35C 850 850 (converted to primary ~ schools after 3 years) ilnstructors/Gurujees for 0.12 330 330 330 330 I 330 ! 330 I 33C 330 33C' 330 2970 EGS upper primary jTraining to Gurujees / 30 Eaucaied voiun(eers( 40 0.84 batches member 30 aays;______Academic supervision and other provision for camp 1 35 yrs school per block 30 persons______

Remedial Coaching Centers for protabie drop outs and for children with 0.05 50 50 I 50 50 50 50 i 50 50 50 400 low level of learning (upper Prv) (non res) 40 members and 2 months for repeaters Yearwise costing for Physicat Targets

I Physical ' Budget | j Unit Cost 1 1 ^ * ( 1 I Target for 1 ! i 1 Activity i Name oMhe Activity j (Rs In 1 2001- i 2002- ! 2003- ‘ 2004- 2005- 2006- ! 2007- the I 2008- ! 2009- , 1 i Code j I LaKhsi i 2002 i 2003 i 2004 j 2005 2006 2007 Project 1 2008 2009 2010 ! 1 I 1 ' i 1 i I _. i i i 1 i nstructorsyGurujees for ...... “ I 1 i 1 EGS primary (1 '3 will be 1 ! i 0.12 850 102.00 102.00 j 102.00 1 102.00 102,00 102.00 102,00 102.00 I •' corn/erted to primary 102,00 i 918.00 1 J schools after 3 years) i ! ! 1 ' Ilnstmctors/Guruiees for 1 CM2 330 3S.60 39.60 39.60 j 39.60 39.60 39.60 39.60 39,60 lEGS upper primary 39.60 I 356.40 j iTraining to Gurujees / I i 30 I Educated volunteers{ 40 |o.84 0.00 0.84 0.00 i 0.00 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.68 i batches menrrt)er 30 days) Academic supervision and j1 i ! otner provision tor camp 1 i I |V35 i9 yrs. i1 1.35 i 1,35 1 135 i 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1,35 1.35 12.15 1 sdiooi per DiocK 80 j i i1 i !1 1 persons ____ L_____ J I...... — I ![...... ]! 1 < Remedial Coaching i I I I I ^ 1 i Centers for pn3batile drop i I ! i I and tor children with 0.05 150 0.00 2.50 1 2,50 i 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2 50 2.50 i 20.00 I !low ievei of teaming (upper 1 i I 1 ! i.^ry) (non res) 40 members 1 ! 1 and 2 months for repeaters 1 • I 'i 1 ! i 1 _ 1 i i 1 i 1i . i ------...... I...... 1 Page Total j i 142.95 i 146.29 i 145.45 t 145.45 146.29 1 145.45 145,45 145.45 145.45 i 1308.23 j ______L- ■ - --- .. .. ----- ScheduUng of Physical Targets to be Achieved Physical Targets for Different Years

1 Budget 1 Unit Cost 1 ! 1 i ! ! I 1 ! Activity Name of »he Activity 1 (Rs. In 2OOI- i 2002- | 2003- ! 2004- 2005- 1 2006- I 2007- | 20Q8- 2009- Total j ! Code 1 Lakhs) 1 „ . 2002 1 2003 2004 ( 2005 2006 i 2007 j 2008 j 2009 2010 1 1 1 I 1 1 ! I ! 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 i 1 2nd balch training .0 | | 30 balch 1 ' 1 ! 6 I 6 ! 6 ! 6 6 30 i instrutors (EGS) | | 1 1 1 i j. 1 ■ ------^------^ ...... ? ...... }'■“ ■ " t...... 1 I tnductron training to EGS i ! ■ 1 ! . 1 ! Guruii for 30 days @ 50/- 1 2 12 batches | 1 1 | ! 1 1 ! 2 per day per Guruji 1 1 1 ! I | 1 I 1 ...... 1...... L ...... i...... L ..... 1...... J------1 i 1 Yearwise costing for Physical Targets

. . . . , J Physical Budget Unit Cost i Target for Activity «ame of the Activity (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- ] 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the Total Code Lakhs) 2002 i 2003 2004 1 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project I » j \L 2nd batch training to ! 30 batch 0.00 0 00 1 0 00 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 16.80 1 0.56 0.00 instrutors (EGS^ 1 ir “ t ...... \ liuiur.lion tr;iiriiri(j U) I ( / j i Guruii tor 30 days @ 50/- 2 2 batches 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 o.oc 0 00 4.00 • i ( i per day per Guruji 1 i j T i Page Total 0.00 2.00 0.00 0,d0 3.36 5.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 20.80 i j ...... i .. i Total 260 07 306 91 ! 304 07 304 07 308.27 309 43 307 43 307 43 259 43 2667,11 I i I i 1 ...... 1 ’nrro^rvention : Civil Works

r “" ! [ Physical Targets for Drfferent fears 1 Physical I T------1 Bcioget 1 1 Unit Cost 1 1 f i * Target for 1 ( 1 1 ! Activity jName of the Activity I (Rs. In 2001- j 2002- 2003- 2004. 1 2005- 1 2006- 2007- , 2008- j 2009- the Total Coae j j Lakhs) 2002 2004 1 2005 ^ 2006 Project 1 2003 1 2007 2008 , 2009 ! 2010 ! ! I I 1 1 ______...... 1 ..... 1 i i New School Buildings ' o 36 1 15 12 9 * ■ 36 (Pry.School) ! ..... ' : i New School Buildings 1 1------1 j 4.5 25 13 12 1 25 (up Scnool) (3 rooms) i Building for Puildingless I ...... —T ------3 310 150 100 60 1 1\ 310 Schools (primary) 1 1 1 ...... r ...... Building for buiidlingiess 1 4 5 120 50 5G 20 1 Schools {Upper Primary; i 120 1 1 Aodi. Classrooms for 1 — t...... ^ Existing Schools 1.5 530 200 200 100 30 1 I !1 i 530 1i (Primary) ...... 1 . .i iAodl.Classrooms for 1 1 1 1 [Existing Schools (Upper 1.5 200 50 5C 50 j 50 1 1 200 I1 ! Primary) i.-...... I ...... ! ! i Room for Head Master 15 327 100 100 100 j 27 11 327 ! ^ jCRC Buildings 2 242 100 142 f j . j ...... 242 ! 1 jBRC Buildings 6 1 10 4 j 4 2 . ! ; i . i 10 I t ! Maintenance ^ Repair of 1 1 i 1 1 0,05 I 560 90 1 30 90 j 90 90 90 1 2 0 1 ii 1 560 School Buildings (primary) i ( ^ I iMaintenance & Reoair of 1 1 i j School Buildings fUpDer | 0 05 2 2 0 50 j 40 I 40 ! 30 i 20 1 1 i 220 j primary) | 1 i ...... j -_l ...... I ...... !. ! 1 jMaior Repairs (primary) 0.3 BOO 1 100 i 150 1 150 i 150 150 ! 100 ! J______1 800 i ■, i Costings for Different Years 1 1 ’ i 1 Budget j jUnitCosti- 1 ! !

Activity 1 Name of the Activity | In | 2001- 2002- 2003- i 2004- 1 2005- 2006- 2007. 2008- 2009-i _ ^ ^ Code j , Lakhs) i _ 2002 2003 2004 1 2005 i 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 i 1 j I Pro/ect I j I ------1------1------i...^ ...... i 1 i i i‘'*ew Scnoot Buildings , ^ 36 ■■ 0 45 36 1 2^ 0 0 0 0 0 108 ^ xPry.Scnooii , New Scfjool Buildings j ^ ^ 25 0 58 5 1 54 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 112.5 j '^ijp Schooi/ (3 rooms j ; L , j Building tor buitdingless ^ ^ 310^ 450 i 300 1 180 ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 930 1 Schools (pnmary) j i I 1 1 1 Building for buildingless ^ 4 5 I i 1 2 0 / 225 1 225 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 540 j Schools (Uoper Rriman^J^ ‘ / 1 i j Acdl, Ciassrooms for • 1 i 1 i ■ Existing Schools 1.5 j 530 j 300 I 300 j1 150 45 0 0 0 0 0 I 7 9 5 ... 1 vPnmaryy | j 1I L j 1 Addl.Classrooms ror | 1 j Existing Schools (Upper | 1.5 200 1 75 75 75 75 0 0 0 0 0 I 300 ( I Pnmary; j j i 1 1 1' i Room for Head Master j 1.5 j 327 j 150 150 150 40.5 0 0 0 0 0 I 490.5 ^ J CRC Buildings j 2 i 242 j 200 284 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 i 484 I 3RC Buildings j 6 i 10 24 24 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 j 60 I Maintenance S Repair of ! i 0.05 1 560 45 1 4.5 1 4.5 4.5 1 4.5 4.5 1 0 0 28 ! School Buildings fDrimary) i j . 1 i 1 j Maintenance & Kepair 01 1 i 1 i School Buildings (Upper 1 0.05 220 2.5 1 2 1 2 2 1.5 1 0 0 0 11 1 primary; 1 i , Major Repairs (pnmary) 0.3 i 800 i 30 I 45 45 45 45 30 0 0 0 240 i Page Total i 1 1461 1 IS-iS 1 798,5 239 51 35.5 1 0 0 4099 ____ _i ______I ^^'ysical Targets for Different Years ! : . II I ' ------j Physical 1 ! ^ 1 ^ j Buaget j ' ! Unit Cost j ( 1 Target for ! 1 * j i Activity jName of the Activity 1 /Rs. In 2001- j 2002- j 2003- | 2004- ! 2005- ! 2006- I 2007- i 2008- 2009- I the 1 Total Code j 1 Lakhs) 2002 2003 1 2004 I 2005 i 2006 1 2007 Project 2008 j 2009 2010 1 ! 1 1 ' 1 I _____ / 1 — ...... : . 1 ...... L,,. I i t i jMaior Repairs (Upoer ! ------! ..... 1 ! ' 1 u.o 400 1 50 80 80 * 80 30 1 30 j 400 {primary) 1 i 1i ! Upgradation of Schools I i ! i fro AS/EGS to upper j 4 5 110 1 40 1 40 1 30 110 i primary schools I _ . 1 I Upgradation of Schools | 1 1------^ fro AS/EGS to orimarv ^ 3 283 70 I 70 '1 70 73 283 schools ! ! ...... ! [... 1 Resource Rooms for lED 1 ^ 5 6 10 i Equipments | | 1 (MIS Room j 2 1 1 i ...... 1 4i (Training nail to DIET/ST Ip-. 1 f 1 1 ! 1 1 [ 1 jScnooi j ! j ! i 1 1 ^ j Maintenance and 1 1 ----- 1 ...... r ...... ! ! 1 1 jupgradation of of ST i 15 1 1 * 1 ■ - i ^ ! 1 1 1 I iSchool & DIET i ! ! --L -...... 1 1 ! 1 1 jTubewell for Schools 0.4 1 245 ! 100 1 100 i 45 j 1 i ! I 245 j Boundary Walls for road- i * 0.5 j 290 90 ! 100 ? 50 I 50 1 ! ) I ! 290 isioe and interior schools j ...... t i iToiiets for Schools 0.12 1 800 j 300 j 30C i 200 ! ! ' ! ! 800 lECE Centres 1.5 * 300 1 100 1 100 1 too ■ 1 ! ! ; 300 Eiectrification • 0 01 I 1000 ! \ 300 | 400 j 300 ______j 1i Ii 'i Matching grants for GGS f 1 0.3 j 787 I- 1 250 I 250 ! 287 centres ! i i i 1 I 1 1 i :

1 Child friendlv Element 0.05 ! 2000 ! ; 800 i 800 i 400 j ! ! ! i i 2000 Intervention : Civif Works ______Yearwtse costing for Physicai Targets i !------^ ^ ------I Budget i 1 ! 1 i Actfvfty Nar>e of the Activity ! fRs. In ' 2001- 1 2002* 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2ooe- 2009- Total i Code 1 Lakhs) ' 2002 2003 ! 2004 2005 2006 2007 j 2008 2009 2010 1 j Project 1 ! ! i L_...... i ...... i 1 1 Maior Repairs (Upoer I _ j 1 ■ 1 -<.3 i 400 15 ; 24 24 24 2 . r i ^ 1 pnmarv 1 9 'ij i o 1 u 120 j ! Uogradation of Schools I r .... . ii f 1 fro AS/EGS to upper 4 5 i 110 0 0 0 0 180 I 180 135 0 !! 0 495 i primary schools i Upgradation of Schools 1 fro AS/EGS to onmary 3 i 283 0 ! 0 0 0 210 2^0 210 219 0 S49 schools i i Resource Rooms for I ED 1 2 10 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 1 Equipments 0 0 20 I 1 MIS Room 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 i Training hall to DIET/ST S 0 0 0 0 0 8 ! School ^ ji 8 0 11 ^ 1 Maintenance and 1 1 i upgradation of of ST 15 1 i1 0 1 0 n 15 0 0 0 0 ! 0 15 1 School & DIET i 1 ‘ Tubeweif for Schools 04 245 0 ! 40 40 18 0 0 0 0 1 0 98 t Soundarv Walls for road- i ^ ^ 1 290 0 I 45 50 25 25 0 0 0 I 0 145 ! S!de and interior schools 1 1 ■^oilets for Schools 0 12 300 0 * 36 36 24 0 0 0 0 ! 0 96 * ECE Centres | 1.5 300 0 1 150 15C ! 150 0 0 0 0 ! 0 450 * Electrification j 0,0'' 1000 0 ! 3 4 ! 3 0 0 0 0 ! 0 10 1 Matching grants for EGS ! ^ _ 1 1 i 1 U.3 787 0 I 75 75 1 86.1 0 0 0 236.1 I ! centres 1 0 1 ° * Chile friendly Element 0.05 2000 0 1 4C 40 20 0 1 0 0 0 0 100 j Page Total * | 17 431 429 1 365.1 439 399 345 219 0 2644.1

TOTAL ! 1478.000 1944.000 1227 5001 604,100 490.000 434.500 346.000 219.00010.000 6743.100 ------i 1 1, „ i_____ r ; 1 "" i 1 1 Physical Targets for Different Years 1I Physical 1 Budget 1 Unit Cost 1 ] ! Target for 1 A ctivity IName of the Activity (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- ,j 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 1 2008- 20Q9- the Total Code Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Project 2007 2008 1 2009 2010 ! 1..... 1 I Academic assessment 0.02 242 242 242 242 242 242 1 242 242 242 1936 1 ot students (GP wise^ 1 ______1 institute 1 Capacity develppment 1 in three 1 i 1 ! 1 jof Research institutes 1 I years - . . i jf (Baseline Assessment t i 1 Study (Pry)lncfuding 0.25 10 units 10 I ! ' End oeriod ., i, j I r“ '" ■ Baseline Assessment I 1 ! !1 1 Study (Uor.Pry) 0.25 10 units ^i 1 s 5 1 10 1 1 Including end oeriod i 1 Indeoth 0.2 20 stidies 5 5 1 5 I 20 Studiesf subjects) 1 ! 5 DRG Training oh ! r 4 Action Research | 0.084 programm 1 1 1 Protects (3 days) at 1 ^ I 1 as 1 district . _ j1 1L.. . . 1 '^'■eoaration of Teache' i 0.15 ( 10 10 10 1 20 ProfiiePer block 1 1 ii...... 1. * 1 1 Diagnostic Study j 1 i !f 1 '^or Teachers fPry) pe^ 0 3 ! 136 17 17 j 17 17 17 17 17 135 I 1 block ...... i...... i 1 ! Diagnostic Study i 1 ^or Teachers 0 3 1 136 j 1 i 17 17 1 17 17 1 17 17 17 i 136 (Upr '=^ry)per block i i i... i 1 [ Analysis o^ Household ' j I 1 ! 1 Survey and sharing oer ! 0 3 242 242 242 1 242 1 1 726 ! L...... GP 1 1 I ! —i - . ------i-...... -...- -■ ! 1------1 Costings for Different Years m j Physical Budget 1 Unit Cost i 1 1 i I - I Target for I A ctivity Name of the Activity | (Rs. In 2001- 2002- f 2003- } 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- j 2008- 2009- the 1 T i _ ...... i ProfilePer block ! 1 ^ ! i 1 i I ! ! ' i * Diagnostic Study | 1For 'i'eachers (Pry) per 0.3 jl3 6 0 5.1 1 5.1 * 5.1 5.1 5 1 5.1 5.1 5.1 4 0 J !block 1 1 ‘ ! 1 IDiagnostic Study ! Fo'" Teachers 0.3 ! i 36 0 5.1 5.1 ' 5.1 51 1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 4 0 j i 1 (Upr Pry)per btock 1 I Analysis of Household f i Su-nv'ey and sharing per 0.3 |242 0 ■ 72.6 0 0 72.6 , 0 0 72.5 1 0 217^8 i ■ ------T....GP ... ______,i 1 , 1 I i 1 Pape Total 1 i ( 0.000 t 93,724 18.540 s 15 124 j 88.640 j 17 624 15 040 87 724 1 15.040 351.^6 1 - " ...... -1— ------^ -i ------#------*' * ■' '1 ..... » ...... !"' — i 1 j 1 Physical Targets for Different Years Budget ! Unit Cost 1 1 i ! I ; I 1 : A ctivity IName of the Activity I (Rs In j 2001* * 2002* 2003- [ 2004- 1 2005- 200S- | 2007- , 2008- i 2009- | ^ Code 1 I Lakhs^ 1 2002 * 2003 Project I j 200^ j 2005 j 2006 | 2007 j 2008 , 2009 i 2010 1 L _ , ...... 1 ... I _ } 1 i 1 I .. i 1 : : : ” ...... i...... ! ' f ! 1 ' 1 . Midterm Accessment 10 i 1 Isis' ' ; : tudses* . {pr:rr-,ar/^. ' ^1 0 5 1 1 III! ; ...... I . 1 i...... 11! • ! Midterm Aqcessmenl | 1 ! 1 1 i ' ' ' ludies ( jppei prirriary; j 0 5 10 I ! I 15 15! i ' : - ; per DiocK . 1 j 1 ( t 1 1 ' ^ ! ...... 1 ! ...... ,.! , iL . I 1 Comoarative academic 1 1 I 1 1 ! ' ' I : study between Pn,' & ! 0 3 4 studies EGS ! ■ 1 1 ■ i - : i 1 L...... t i I ! I 1 : ! ^ ! ! ! I (Evaluative studies for ! 1 ( 1 i i ^ ' 1 ; loroiect ' j u.j 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ! - ' s ; 1 - I 1 ! ! i * * ! ' I I ! r - ...... - J — ...... 1 r r i ! * 5 ' : Sharing ot Research j ^ ^ j j i 1 ^ ■ 3 1 3 *5, -5 T i r? ,, 3 1 i 24 i findings | i | 1 1 . 1 i ...... I . .. j. j ! , i...... ; r — r ...... 1------r ...... — r1 ------Action Researc- =>: i . _ _ ! I I 1 ! ^ ^ j : ^ i SchooMPvel » 1 2000 | | 2000 1 2000 ! I 2000 1 200C * ’ 3CC: 1 i 1 ^ * i ' 1 III!______L,„ ' i ; : < 1 1 Intervention : Plannning for Pedagogical Improverment Scheduling of Phvsical Targets to oe Achievea ■' ■ T ...... " '...... i...... T - Physical Targets for Different Years ! ' 1 1 1 1 i 1 I Budget ; 1 Unit Cost 1 ! 1 1 1 1 ; ' Activfty Name of the Activity (Rs, In ! 2001- 1 2002- 2003- I 2004- I 2005- j 2006- 2007- j 2008- j 2009- . ^ , Cod« ! Lakhs) i „ 2002 2003 2004 1 2005 1 2006 j 2007 j 2008 j 2009 ,2 0 1 0 ° ! 1 1 *11! j 1 ------1------! ! !. ^ : ...... - ...... - ...... ^ 10 for each Contingencies to BRC j 0.125 10 10 10 10 1 10 ! 10 • 10 1C '0 ; 90 year ! 1 ! ------“j ------242 for Contingencies to CRC j 0.025 242 242 242 242 242 1 242 242 242 ! 242 ' 2"7g ! each year , i , . _ .... 1...... J [Furniture to BRC 1 0.250 10 10 I i - - - L ...... J iFumaure to CRC 0.03C 242 100 100 42 ...... ( i ...... 1 j i 242 i

i Equipment to BRC 0.750 10 10 i 1 ! i ...... - i 1C

Computer to BRC 1.000 10 10 1 ! - .1 i ...... i

Computer to CRC 0.500 242 100 100 42 |. - ...... 1 ! ...... 1 ...... --,242 ..

1'Equipment to CRC 0.070 173 100 100 42 . \...... I-- ...... 1 ...... - 1 ...... i ...... - ,242..... TLM Grant to BRC ' 0,050 10 each yr 10 10 10 10 10 1 10 1 10 , 10 , 10 j 90 TLM Grant to CRC' 0.010 242 242 242 242 242 242 1 242 1 ^42 , 242 , 242 ! 2178 : VisioninQ Workshop for ! 1 i 1 ! I ! ' BRCC and block re^urce ^ 1 1 0.196 10 3 3 2 1 ( ! 1 10 ' 'Support group (7 days)MO i 1 i ! i ■ 'members' i ...... 11 ( 1 1 j 1...... - . - ...... - . . .i *Visioning WorkshoD for " i ...... i *CRCC ~ (3 1 ' 0.084 j 242 60 60 ji 60 j 1 j I ! ■ davs)(40 members) i 1 1 ...... 1 • ( ' ! •! ! jinauciion Training to BRCC j q ^ 1 !i i’ !. < ' 1 j(7 dayS; ^40 members) ; 1 1 i j ,1 , , . , • ' t 1 jinauction Training tp CRCC j ! 1 1 i i > j(7 daysy (40 members) j 0.196 4 batch 2 2 j ! 1 1 ) ! 1 4 1 jinciuues new recruits if any ^ | ! ! I ! ! ! i t i _____ J i ... i i ■ . i . ; [ j 1 ^ Capacity Building df 20 | ! ! Membe^ResouceSmport | , | ! 1 i i i 1 s I s i s \ 1 i 1 i 10 . Team for each BRC (3 ( | 1 1 days) (40 members) ( ( ....1... i ....J ...... — i ...... 1______L _ .....:...... 1 ...... ' Yeanvise costing for Physical Targets T ...... ———————————i ! ! Costings for Different Years i i 1 1 i 1 ----- 1 ! Physica! 1 Budge! Unit Cost j ! 1 1 i Target for I i - ! ! Activity jftaffTie of the Activity (Rs. In i 2001- 2002- j 2003- 2004- j 2005- 2006- 2007- 1 2008- 2009- tt»e Iotas ^ 1 j Code Lakhs) ’ 002 2003 ) 2004 2005 1 2006 2007 2008 I 2009 2010 Project i f f - i 1 j - 10 for eacti t Contingencies to BRC 0 125 1 25 1.25 1.25 1 25 1.25 1 25 1.25 1.25 1 25 11 25** year 1 ' ' ' t{ j ** ^73 for 1 Contingencies to CRC 0.025 6.05 6.05 6.05 6 05 6.05 6 05 605 6.05 605 54 45"* 1 each year i 1 *• i Sf^jmiture *o BRC 0250 9 0 o 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 2.5 ^ . iPamitufe to CRC 0 Q30 173 a 3 1 26 0 0 0 0 0 7.26 *

EguicTient tc BRC 0,750 10 0 0 7.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 . 5 ^ , Compute^- to BRC 1 000 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 : i Computer to CRC 0 500 173 0 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 121 , , iEauipment tc CRC 0 070 173 j 2.94 0 0 0 0 0 16.94 ^ 1 ... 0 i t l m i 0.5 I 3fan* tc BRC ' Q.Q50 ! 10 each yr ... 0,5. 0.5 0.5 j 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ji - i ^■^LM Gran' tc CRC '' 0.010 ! 173 2.42 ! 2,42 2.42 i 2.42 2.42 2.42 242 2.42 ji 2 1 .7 8 ^ i r ....."ii ..... f * ' I ?Vis!oning Workshop for J1 I I i j i3RCC and block resource |i i 1 ! ^ » 0.196 10 0.588 j 0.588 1 0.392 0.392 0 0 0 0 0 I 1.96 - j jsuDport group daysV40 ! 1 j 1 ! 1 !1 (n^embefs^ * 1 — r------! 1 Visioning Workshop for ^ f 1 1f i Q iCRCC ^3 I 0 084 173 j! 5 04 ! 5 04 !' 5.04 1 5.208 ^ 0 1 0 20.323* 1 i ii ^ 1 ° * i |daysM40 members'' ! i ! i 1 I 1 i i 1 1 1 r 1[ ...... h...... "i ■''■djci;Qr: Training tc BRCC j I ! 0 .1 9 6 1 1 0 ! 0 196 ! u 0 f 0 0 0 .1 9 6 * 1 aays) (4C memDers; | 0 M i 1 1 “ 1 ...... i 1 i i i i { 1 r ...... • 1 inauclior, Traming to CRCC | 1 1 i I 1 * 1 days} ,4C men-ibersi 0.196 1 4 batcn 0.3 92 i 0.3 9 2 0 0 0 i■ 0 j 0 0 i 0 0 .7 8 4 « I i :nc-‘'jG.es new recruits it any 1 [ i ! ...... 1 ( jCapacitv Building of 20 i f i i I Member Resouce Support i 1 1.000 12 batch j 5 S 1 0 0 0 10 « 1 jTeam for each BRC (3 0 1 0 1 loays) (40 members' \ i 1 i 1 - 1 1 1 i Page "^nta! ! 16.24 81 436 1 100.652 51.02 I 10.22 10.22 1 10.22 j 10.22 I 10.22 i 300.448^ ^ Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved

i 1 1------I ...... 1 r f 1 ' !------i i I ...... , j Physical 1 1 1 j 1 ! Budget 1 u n ii Cost ! 1 Target for Activity Name of the Activity j (Rs. In ! 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 1 2005- 2006- 1 2007- 1 2008- 1 2009- j the Total Code j LaKhSy 2002 2003 2004 2005 1 2006 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2010 ! Project 1 1 ! 1 I j i Capacity Builaing of 8 ! 1 Member Resouce Support 0.084 130 40 40 40 10 1 13C ^ Team for each CRC (3 1 i idays) 1,40 members; 1 i 1 (Training (o DRG on I I teachers training (7 0.196 1 1 1 ' I days) (40 members; . . I ...... ■ ■1 i Training to BRG on 1 ■■■ •f i teacners training (7 0,196 4 batch t f 1 1 4 [ ’ 1 i1 1 1idays) ^40 members/ I 1...... i ■i [ r I i 117 days leacner training on * 0 084 iI 1400 200 200 200 200 200 200 I1 200 I 1400 ! new pedagogy | 1 !fI ' j 1 ...... - -i 1 ' I % . Tf§imfig io DRGoa i ! ! !1 ! ! ! ^ ’ teachers training{uP; j1 0.196 1 1 ( i ' ' 1 ! I (7 aays) (40 members) i1 !1 ------1------j------i r“ ------i f Training 10 BRG on | i !1 i i teachers (raining(UP) j 0.196 1 I 1 1 ! 1 ^ : (7 days) ^40 members) 1 1 i[ 7 days leacner training (UP) 0.840 j 360 40 40 40 40 40 40 1 40 40 40 1 360 1on new peaagoqy ------ij1 ______1______i1------i ! •> f 1 |TLM WorKshop at Disirict 1 1 i 1 jievei (3 days; (40 j 0.14C j 1 batches i i i members; i i ■ 1 ...... - 1 ' ; ------1 1 1[ 1 1TLM vVorKshop at BIock | ! [ levei (3 aays) (40 j G.14G j 270 batches 30 30 30 OU j 3 . 30 1 30 30 30 11 270 : imembers/ i i L. - ______ii ...... ji...... — ...... —1 ! jTraining on Transaciion ot | ! ! i (Activity Dased text dook 7 | 0.196 i 4 batches 2 2 (aays 40 member ( i 11 1 , „ !...... 1 ! Yearwise costing for Physical Targets

1 I i m 1 1 1 Physical j j Budget Unit Cost 1 * 1 1 Target for 1 Activifty j^Name of the Activity (Rs. In 2001- i 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 200^- 2008- 2009- m the T o ^ i j Code i Lakhs) 2002 j 2003 2004 1 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Project 2010 1 1 i 1 i 1 m Caoacity Building of 8 j 1 M Member Resouce Support | ^ ^ 1 133 3.35 3.35 3,36 j 0.84 0 0 0 0 Team for each CRC ^3 | 1 ^ M t-...-...... days) (40 members) ! 1 Training to DRG on | 1 1I » teachers training (7 \ 0.196 1 0 i 0.196 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 i days) (40 members) | M j jTraming to BRG on j M j ileacners training (7 | 0.196 1 batch 0 0.196 0 196 0.196 0 196 0 0 0 0 0.7?fc j i ioays) (40 memders) | 1 J7 aays teacher training on 1 m j 0.084 1400 16.8 16.3 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 0 0 j jnew pedagogy 117^ ; |Trainmg to DRG on 1 M 1 Jteachers trarning(UP) 0.196 1 0 0.196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^96 1 i(7 days) i40 members) i 1 j Training to BRG on « i jteacfiers iraining(UP) 0.196 j 1 0 0.196 j 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0.196 ! i{7 days) (40 memt)ers) 1 i ______1 ! m I |7 days teacher training (UP) 1 ^ j j '^3 6 ' 33 6 33 S 33 5 33 5 33 6 33 5 j 33 6 30/*4 1 ion aew peaaqoqy i ' i ' i ' " i! ' * 1 • ! T lM WoTKsnop at District | | | | 1 1 1 1 * I fevei days) (40 ( 0.140 ) 1 batches j 0 0 i 0.14 0 j 0 0 0 i 0 0 O .U 1 ! 1members/ 1 i . i i 1 1 1 ! 1 ilL M WorKShop at BIock j j i 1 ! m 1 jievel (3 days) (40 j 0.140 10 batches j 4.2 4.2 4.2 42 j 4.2 4 2 4.2 4.2 1 4 2 37.A imembers j 1 i m {Training on Transaction of j | i ! 1 Activity based text book 7 j 0.196 | 4 batches j 0 0.392 0.392 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 Q.7M j (days 40 member j i | 1 |Page Total i | 57 96 59.136 58 688 55.636 1 54.796 546 54.6 37 8 37 8 471.(516 1 1 ...... i-...... 1______1 1 Schedultng of Physical Targets to oe Achieveo Physical Targets for Different Years

Physical Budget ^ | Unit Cost j Target for Actfvfty Name of the Activity j (Rs. in j 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004. 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- ; 2009- the Totai Code , ._akhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ! 2010 Project

WorkshoD for develoDment of activity bank for unit test 0.196 4 batches (both Primary & UP) (3 days) (40 members)

Fumiture Ic DIET'S i 1 000 Schools Equipment to DIET/ST ! 3.000 I j Schools Capacity Building of D!E~" and ST School Personnel 0.196 (Multipte Programmes) {7 I days) (40 memt>ers) Institutional Development 1.250 jPlanofDIET ‘ institutional Deveiopmen? 1.000 10 jpian of BRC ! Institutional plan of CRC 0.250 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 2-76 j(Per CRC)______242 for 9 (Salan^/ to CROC 1.080 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 21^8 years 10 for (Salary to BRC Assistants 1.440 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1C 10 9C 9years lSaiar>- to BRC Meniais ^73 for 0.360 10 10 i 10 10 10 10 1C 9C contractual 9years Yearwtse costing for Physicai Targets

1 1------]------Physical ! ) 1 1 ij o. Budget Unit Cost 1 Target for i i Activity Name of the Activity (Rs. In 2001- 2002- I 2003- 2004- 1 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the Total j Code Lakhs) 2002 2003 I 2004 j 2005 ! 2006 i 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project 1 i 1 1 ! WorkstTop for devetopmen* i 1 i crt activrty banK tor unit test 0.196 4 batches 0 0.392 0.392 0 ;I 0 0 0 0 0 0.784 1 (txxn Pnmary 8^ UP) (3 1 days’, ,4C memtiers) ...... l^urniture to DIET/S''’ 1.000 3 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ^ Schools i !« 1 ^EquiDment tc DIET'ST i I ' 3.000 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j Schools * 3 - I (Capacity Building of DIET 1 I sand ST School Personnel j 0.196 3 ii 0 0 196 0 /9 6 0 0 0 196 0 196 0 0 0 784 - H Multiple Programmes ) (7 1 j1 m toays' (40 members) 1 i j institutional Develooment | 1 25 0 1.25 0 1 25 1.250 3 1 0 ' 1 25 0 0 5 - 1 (Plan of DIET j 1 ■ 1 : j[ 1 ...... i1 i institutional Develooment I . 2 ! 1.000 10 1 0 ' 2 1 2 ' 2 2 i 0 ii 0 0 1 0 - 1 I Plan of BrRC 1 I ji. .i \1---- . . . ■ ...... 1i...... iI , ■ „ , ,,| I 1i " 1 1 instituiionai oian of CRC 0.250 ; 173 I 6 0 ,5 I 50 5 !’ 60.5 1' 60.5 1 60.5 6 0 .5 1 6 0 .5 i 6 0 5 1 60 .5 5 4 4 .5 - j j!P e r C R C ) i ( 1 1L, , i ..j 1 1 j 173 for 9 j 21 I jsalan; tc CROC ^ 0.03C ! 21 78 1 21 73 it 2^ ^8 1 ; 2178 21 78 21 78 21.78 21.78 1 9 6 .0 2 - j years , i i i 10 for , i !Satan.'tc BRC Assistants | 0 .1 2 0 * 12 I 1 2 ! -I 2 i 1.2 j! 1.2 1.2 1.2 ii '*•2 1.2 10.8 - 1 1 ( Syears ^ i 1 “ 1 jSaiary to BRC fvleniats j 173 for j 0.020 : 0.2 ! 0.2 0.2 i 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.8 - j 1 contractual) i i Syears i j i i 83.68 1 91.518 86.268 86.93 85.68 87.126 j 83,876 84.93 83.68 773,688"* ! IPage'^’otal ! i 1______m-----1 Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved Physicat Targets for Different Years

Physical Budget unit Cost Target for Activity Name of the Activity (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- I 2006- 2007- 2008- ^ 9 - the Total Code uaK ns) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project

School Improvement Grant 0,020 134! 1345 1345 1345 1345 ‘»345 1345 1345 1345 13^5 ■2105 jtc Pnmary Schools______School improvement Grant to Schools V ( upper 0.030 654 654 554 654 554 654 654 654 55^ 654 5886 Pnmary j______introauction ol cumulative j ( progress cards jn selected j 0.0002 ! 290000 290000 290U00 scnools Introductton of health cards 0.0002 290000 290000 29000C in selected schools "■’l M Grant to Primary 0 020 4666 4666 5166 5166 5166 5166 5166 5166 5166 5166 4599^ School teactiers TLM Grant to Upper 0.030 1655 1655 1355 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 16495 Pnmary Schools Free textbooks to all 0,001 130000 130000 130000 130000 130000 130000 130000 130000 130000 130000 1170000 children L brary to BRC 0.300 10 10 Library to CRC 0.080 242 100 100 42 242 Journals at block and 0 0200 10 10 cluster level Academic supervision ana j monitonng support lo the j ^ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 80 resource group ;4 months mj _^______Management of f^uiiigraae and multi level clause 3 0 196 ' . 5 0 30 30 30 30 30 150 days workshop (4Q M em bers) 1 Intervention ; Piannning for Pedagogical Improverment j j j i 'Amount in (gkhs) | 1 Yearwise costing for Physical Targets ■A 1 Physical Targets for Different Years ^ ! 1 ■ i 1 i 1...... j ! i Physical i i 1 i . Budget i i Unit Cost 1 i I Target for ! 1 1 j Activity | Name of the Activity (Rs. in i 2001- 2002- 2003- j 2004- 1 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- ! the j T o t^ 1 Code ; I Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 i 2006 1 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project i m 1 i1 1 ! ! i i - t i j School Improvement Grant 0.020 ' 1100 26.9 2 6 ° 26.9 26 9 26.9 26,9 26.9 26.9 26 9 242 T i j {10 Pnmary Schoois i - I j j School improvement Grant “• I j |tc Schools (Upper 0.030 365 19.62 19.62 19.62 19.62 19.62 19.62 19.62 19.62 19.62 175.S8 j I iPnman/) . i I jimroauction of cumulative j (progress cards m selected 0.0002 300000 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 ! bo­ j 1 schools 1I as i introduction of health cards 0.0002 300000 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 * iin selected schools 1 ^ 1[ m I iTLM Grant to Pnmary 0.020 3374 1i 93.32 103 32 103.32 103 32 103.32 103,32 103 32 103,32 1 103 32 919 ^ 1 jScnooi teachers j! i1 1[ m j (TLM Grant to Upper j : 0.030 1454 1 49.55 ' 55 65 55.65 55 35 55 55 55.65 5565 55.65 ' 5565 494 j Primary Schoots 1i 1 Ii 1 1 m , jpree textoooKs to all | 0.00^ 260000 1 130 ' 130 ^30 'i 13C 130 130 130 130 '! 130 M 7 9 ! icniidren {■'...... ■'"* ...... ' ...... * i1 1! i I[ ..... ______.._JI ^ ...... 1...... «• ji-ibrary to BRC j 0.300 10 i ^ . 1i 0-3 J O.S 1[,, ‘ -2.... 0 ^...... 0 U U - 0 ^...... iL...... 5 ...... (Library to CRC I 0.080 173 jI 0 jL 8 ____i s jj 3.36 0 0 0 1 U-... 0____ ii...... ^ ...... I,...... ^ jjoum ais at block anc j 0.0200 10 0 i 0 04 1 0,04 !' C.04 0 04 0.04 0 1 0 i 0 0.2- 1 lausier tevei j i j ji i ...... 1 1------i i Academic supervision ana | I 1 1 1 1i i1 1i jmonitoring support to tne j i i i 1t i 1i 1 resource group (4 months inj 1.0000 10 i 10 1 10 10 10 8 o : ® I 0 i I ^0 1 1! \a year Rs 0.16/- per block j i 1 I i ( 1 s per month j ■ i...... i ...... j1!------* ------! 1 Management of Multigrade j i I 1 [and muiti level ctasse 3 1 0 196 2 5 38 1 538 5.88 0 5 88 0 5,88 '1 29 4- ! davs workshop (40 j “ 1 1i •• j ! Members) 1 i 1 I ...... U-...... -J 1L...... - ...... j; 1 Oacie ""nta j 319 49 ! 476 31 ' 354 43 1 355 97 351 41 345.53 351.37 345 49 *1 351.37 I 3251 ?7 1 1 .-JL ... - . J1 L...... Ji ...... 1 'intervgnrrw^Plannning for Pedagogical Improverment Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieveo

T...... T...... T...... -...... r ' ...... ■■ 1------r ...... I I ! Physical 1 1 ! ! !1 Budget j I j Unit Cost 1 i Target for 1 ! I ! 1 Activity j Name of the Activity | (Rs, In I 2001- i 2002. 2003- 2004- ( 2005- I 2006- 1 2007- 2008- 1 2009- i the Code I j LaKns) 1 2002 1 2003 2004 2005 j 2006 j 2007 i 2008 2009 1 2010 1 Project i 1 1 i- I I ' I ■ i ! I llraining on teaching I 1 1 i i lEnglisb 3 days (40 I 0 195 1 30 1 30 30 ! 30 1 1 30 ' f 30 f 50 ' j members) 1 1 !i • ! ' i iTraining on teaching r ...... I : ! Mathematics 3 days (40 0 196 30 30 30 i 30 i 30 1 30 ^50 j 1 members) j 1 llraining on teaching ! Language 3 days (40 | 0.196 30 30 30 30 30 30 -•SO ! i members) I 1 1 Training on teaching 1 1 Science 3 days (40 0.196 30 30 1 30 30 30 i 30 150 : members) I i 3 days Workshoo on 1 1 I Learners Evaluation (40 0.196 ! 150 50 50 j 50 I 150 1 j 1 I members) ! Reinforcement Training on 1! ! New Pedagogy for? days j 0.0840 1! 60 15 1 ''5 i 15 ! 'i 15 i 60 : i 1 (40 members batch) 1 I 1 !1 i Exposure visits of teache''s i i 1 ! /resource group to other -j 1.500 7 1 1 ■ 6 ' f !1districts/states MO days each vear for 10 persons) ! .. 1 Block level Exhibition of ! 1TLM and supplimentarv 0.100 90 10 10 10 10 10 10 j 10 10 10 90 ' ireadinq materials ! 3 days Workshop for 1 develooment of questions 1 0 196 150 25 25 25 25 25 |25 ! !1 150 ! i (40 Members batch) 1 ...... I ...... J ! Hand book/ Booklet for 1 ! ’ 2060 1 oarents VEC on New ! 0.001 2060 I2060 I 1 Pedagogy | 1 1 i i Physical Targets for Different Years ...... '■ ...... ( ! 1------r ' " ...... 1 1 Physical ! Budget ^ Unit Cost t ! j Target for 5 Activity ! Marne of tf^e Activity (Rs in 2001- ' 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- j 2008- 2009- the Total " Code ! Lakhs) 2002 ‘ 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1 2009 2010 S Project ! ! m ; ramrng on teacfiiog E r^ s h 3 days (40 0.196 2 0 5 88 0 5.88 5 88 0 1 5.88 0 5.88 29.4 - memt>ers) 1 Tr»nmg on teacfting fviathematics 3 days (40 0,196 1 2 0 5 88 0 5 88 5 88 0 5.88 0 5.88 29.4 - 1 memoers.i ------1f— — 1 • ! Traintng or, teaching - I Langsjage 3 days (40 0 196 2 0 5 88 0 5 88 5 88 0 5.88 0 5.88 29.4 - 1 memtjers J 1 m Training on teaching j Science 3 days (-0 ^ 0 196 3 g 5 88 0 i 5 88 f 5.88 0 5 88 0 5,88 29.4 « 1 1 memtsers; j ! ^ ...... r___ I 3 days Workshop on ! 1 iI 1 m L e a m ^ EvakxaJion (40 0 196 3 0 9.8 ! 0 i 9 8 1 0 9.8 0 0 1 0 29.4 « memtoefs] ! ! Reinforcement ‘’’rarning on ^ 1 - 1 'New Pedagogy for 7 days * 0.0840 40 0 1 0 1I 1,26 0 1.26 0 1.26 0 1.26 5.04 , J 1 '^40 nembers batch] | ■.....— .M------1 i ) ...... i Exposure visits of teachers ! m /resource group to other ! q ^ qq I 0.7 - 3 0 O. 1 0 , 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 districts/states {10 days ( - 1 i 1 1 ! !each •mar for 10 persons) 1 ...... JL...------g------1 i Biock ievei Exhibition of i 1 1 1 \TL.M ano suppHmentarv' | 0 100 10 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 9 - reacinq matenals ; I ...... 1 — ------* ------1 2 days Workshop ror | 1 ceveioDrneni of q.u€Stion.s 0 19« / 0 4 9 4 9 4 9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4,9 0 34.3 ^ i i ■40 ^!^emDers bascn; ...... iL __ m jHarid dook' Booklei for | 1 m ‘pa-je'i(s w tC on New ju.uu- 34tJ(_ 0 0 2.06 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 2.06 • i :^s£iaao.;v -...... -i...... ] P a g ^ o ta l 1 39.32 9.32 39.32 1 30.78 15.8 30.78 6 25.78 1 198.1# Scheduling of Physical Targets to oe Achteveo ! - ...... - t ------J Physical Targets for Different fears I I ! t I Physical 1 1 1 i ! 1 ; Budget 1 Unit Cos*: | i 1 Target for 1 1 i 1 I I * Activity Name of the Activity 2001- j 2002- 1 2003- I 2004- j 2005- j 2006- j 2007- | 2008- j 2009- 1 the Total Code j Lakhs) 2002 j 2003 j 2004 j 2005 I 2006 1 2007 ! 2008 j 2009 i! 201Q 1 Project i l l i

News teller Arona, or, j jClassroon', issue ;p ^eacnersj^ 12000 2000 I ,2000 duOG 'B R C s & CRCs ^quateriy/ 4 | “' ?.PPLper year; .______t

ilraininQ of SI. HM on 110 i school Management 7 days 1“^'^ batches 10 110 '10 dC

Need Based son term onentation at duster ievei 0 .084 242 75 175 75 |17 242 on special themes,______Parateachers tratning on 0 084 300 100 100 30C New pedagogy (7days; Trainm g of S R C , C R C on accademic ^onttonng 0 196 5 oatch ______!_____ Booktet on success stories ’n Pedagogy aoc* sc^'c-'' ih UU 1400 manaaen>e'^’ Callende^' for Derta^ogsr jo 0002 12000 2000 2000 activity (or each schooi TLM kit for rnuittgrade m anagem ent for each 00 5 20 0 20C 200 schooi. BRC and CRC Prmirng o' •eacf>e'‘5 handbook 2000 sel hvo 0 n005 4000 2000 2000 4 0 0 0 times Yearwise costing for Physical Targets r " I ^ ...... 1 Physical Targets for Different Years I ! 1 ! 1 ! 1 I I ! J«: Physical I ! 1 Budge' U n i t Cost I I i 1 ( Target for ! Activity ; N a r n e of the Activity I (Rs. In 2001- 2002- I 2003- 1 2004- j 2005- 2006- { 200'^- 2008- 2009- m the Tota- ^ i Code i Lakhs) 2002 2003 ! 2004 1 2005 2006 2007 2008 1 2009 2010 Project 1 : 1 1 i m ! ! i i j I i 1 I 1 I ’ 1 News ietter Aroha on m i i ! .classroom issue ;o teacners 1 0.0004 .2000 I 0 0 1 0.8 i C 0 0.8 0 0 8 24 ! |b RCs & CRCs vquaterly,' 4 1 0 m i I ! copy per y^ear; 1 l— ... ------1i I I 1 - 1 j iTraining of S! HM on A 0-196 40 batches 0 rg e 0 ! 1.96 U 1 96 0 I 1 96 0 7 64 >- I I school Management 7 davs r...... i - } ' jNeed Baseo son term « 1 ! jonerftaticn at cluster levei 0.084 1 -73 0 6 3 0 0 6 3 0 '1 1 428 0 20.328- j 1 i i jon special themes iI i \ M 1 1r 1 1 c>ar2 ieacriers trarrung o r j 1 i0.084 ii300 0 0 1 8.4 1 0 8.4 0 8.4 0 0 25.2 ' 1 pedagogy (Taays,. ji -• , ,! 1 [ j^'-aining of BRC, CRC or | [ 1 'accaaer'ic rnonitonng j ■0 196 5 baich 0 1 0 392 0 j 0.392 0 0.196 0 i1 0 0 0.98 - j ! ^(^davs; j * f 1 '5oo^^»* on success stones | j ’ ^ ^eaagog'j ana schooi | 0.0001 1400 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.14 * j ^'^araaerven} j I1 ...... j 1 1 jCaHe-.de- pedagogical - j 2000 0 0 j1 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 4 >act!Vi*.v ?or each school ---- £B------f 1 ;TL.M “■H. for muMigrPide 1 for each 0 005 ! 200 0 0 0 'I 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 : ! 1 'scnool, 3RC and CRC i ------A ------j i I \ : P'-intmg of teachers 1I' I ihandbooi'f 2000 se' two 0 0005 14000 0 ( A 1 1i 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 M i ! [Itmes i 1 ...... i i , i ! Page Iota! ■ n i 8.652 1 '>0.34 1i 9 652 8.8 9.256 1 9.4 3.388 0.8 j1.... . , 5 0 : 2 ^ ^ j ...... 1 1 ’ ...... 1... i 11 j 1 5054.9? ! ! 1 Total ! I 478.37 I 756.37 619.70 I1 598.53 I 541.69 j 522.53 I 540.25 487.83 509.65 i ii____ J 1 1 i 1 - ! 1 ...... 1 .... - ...... i .. i M ! 1 T ...... Physicai , i Budget i ! Unit Cost 1 j ! I 1 ! 1 1 Activity i Name of the Activity ! (Rs Jn 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- j 2006- 1 2007- i 2008- ! 2009- 1 ^ Code 1 Lakhs) ! 2002 2003 2004 2005 j 2006 2007 i 2008 I 2009 ! 2010 i Project I i i j i ' I ( 1 ...... ! ! i ...... i Comnnunity leaders 1 1------r ' ...... ■' ...... I 1 j i > and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ! Opinion makers i I ! t i meeting 1 0.025 50 gps 1 1 15 ! 15 10 i 10 1 50 1 1 1 in selected Tribal 1 ^ ' ! f 1 dominated Gram 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 Panchavats 1 i Engagement of | i SC/ST voulanteers in 1 ^ ( 1 i i 1 i-_i * 1 1 1 2.0g I oO 15 j 30 40 50 1 1 1 '3 5 j Educationally ! ! 1 i 1 1 backword GPs ! ! ! [ . i 1 i i j Teachers Requiring i ^ 1 ^ ■ ...... ! ■ '■ " ■ t 25 I 25 50 i Attitudinal Training i ! i ! ! I 1 1 I! 1 Orientation program 1 1 i for 1 1 1 ! ! t i CRCCs with higher 1 1 0,025 j 12Ccrc 3 i 3 j1 1 1 ! concentration of 1 1! 6 I 1 1deprived i 1 1 I 1 ! 1SC/STs at GP level 1 i 1 f f\ i Research work oh . 1 0.3 j 4 stuaies 1 1 1 1 1 Ispecific SC issues j ...... 1 ! * ! 1 1 jMaterial development | c qq 1 4 q i 1 i j 10 10 10 , 10 i 1 i 4C' jand aissemination j i ...... i i 1 I i — ...... "I Special Hostel ' 1 1 i 1 t facilities for Girls in ! i i i 1 1 ! I existing Ashram ' | ^ finn i 1 3 1 3 1 3 ! 3 1 3 3 3 3 24 Schoois (25 Girls X * ^ ! 1 1 ! 1 Rs 50^^ - per month X 1 ! ! 1 ■ ( ! * ! ...... <...... ! ...... - ...... !______L . -....i. t 1 i Costings for Different Years m I ! 1 Physical 1 Budget 1 Unit Cost Target for i : Activity Name of the Activity 1 (Rs !n 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004. 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the T»tai j Code Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project 4* 1 i1 L ...... ;i ..... - . ^ i —...... m Community leaders i1 and m ! Ooinion makers m meeting 0025 50 gps 0.375 0.375 0.25 0.25 0 0 1^5 0 1 ^ m in selected Tribal m dominated Gram 1\ m Panch avals h...... - ___j 1 1 Engagement of i m ISC/S'^ voulanteers sn 0.06 50 0 0 9 1.8 2 4 3 0 0 0 0 I SLl j 1 Educationally 1 .411 ibackword GPs ' !'^eachers Requiring ^f"...... 1 0.2 50 0 5 ! 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 JO j' Attitudinal ■’’ratninq ! ------1 m 1 'Orientation orogram ' m '^or !i i® CPCCs witH highe*- i 0 0075 0 0 0 £ i 5 i 0.025 120 crc 0 0 0 1 ° i concentration of !! ! r m 1' deprived i j 1 i m 1 1 i SC'S'^s at GP level 1 1 m ‘ Research work on 1 n 0 0 0.3 j 0.3 !I 4 studies 0.3 0.3 0.3 i 0 i ° 'i J -2 i‘soedfic SC issues ' 1 i ______ij------j '■»»' ...... *1------^— ------1 ( :I 1 - ■ ...... 1 i 1 1 : Material aeveiopment | 0 ' I ■ 5 i I 40 0 i 50 50 iI 50 50 0 0 0 ^0 0 ana aissemination | j 1 i i t_ _ ------i 1...... [ Special Hostel | 1------11 1 i 'facMies for Girls ;n | 1 i i I ;existing Ashram i 3 600 11 0 9 Q 9 9 9 9 9 Schools (25 Girts X “ 1 1! - Rs,500/- per month X , ! 1 ! 2 fv^onths') ------1 ______i ------i------61 65 52,625 9 9.3 1 ; Page Total 1 0.375 65.275 36.475 ^ I 9 1 3 1 1 ! i1, 1 . ii intervwwwPTSC/ST Education

T r~...... ■■ ■' Physical Targets for Different Years ! 1r f ■ Physical Budget 1Unit Cost i 1 Target for ! Activity Name of the Activity 1 (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- ! 2004- 2005- 2006- 1 20Q7‘ 1 2908- 29C9- ! the Total Code Lakhs) 2004 2005 2006 1 2007 Project 2002 2003 j 2008 1 2909 291^ ! 1 • L Identification of ' 1 ...... 1 1 r ” ...... I...... 1 schools with ' I I i 1 Language ' ! 2 blocks 2 i 1 I 4 0.025 2 1 understanding I orog ! ^ i problem with ! 1 1I mennbers I ! 11 1i 1 Training of Tribal ' ! I 1 voulanteers and ' I ii 0.15 j 4 I 1 4 1activists(2 days> and ’ 1 1 1 sahayiles | ! i iDissemination of | i I I DISE reoort on 1 1 242 nos 1 i 0.025 j 6 i ■2 language problems in 1 f 12 orog ! ! sdTOOIs (per GP) j 1 ffibal Convention 0.025 1 10 2 2 2 2 2 to 1

Special hostel — r maintanace cost for ( ! 50 j 3 j 1 1 1 10 13 SC/ST giris oer year ! for 3 yrs ? I 1 ! 1 Costings for Different Years 1 Physical \ Budget | Unit Cost Target fo r Activity -Name of the Activity \ (Rs. In 2001- 2002* 2003- 2004- 1 2005- 2006- 1 2007- 2008- 2009- the Totari Code i Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 j 2008 2009 2010 m Project i ** i ' m.< I Icentificatior. of ...... I I scnoote with i\ L.anguage 2 blocks 2 0 0-1 1 0.025 0 0.05 0 iI c j 0 ■ 0.05 0 0 uncersianding prog ! prob«err witr- 1 ; i memt>efs Trammg of Trtoai voufanteers and 0 15 4 0.15 0 0.15 0 0.15 0.15 0 0 0 activfsts(2 days) and i sanayiies m Dissemination of m DiSE report on | 242 nos. i i0 025 0.15 0 0 0 0 0.15 0 0 0 o j ianguage problems m j 12 proQ 1 ij scnools (per GP) i j[ , ...... j L...... !Tnoal Convention 0.025 10 0,05 0 05 0,05 0 0 5 0 05 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 5 (Special hostei j 1 1 - 1 mamtanace cost for j 3 i 0 50 50 50 0 0 0 500 0 I 55o 13C/ST gitls per year j ' j 1 - ! 1 ! j i or 3 yrs. i i ! ...... ,Ji______I,. - 1 ( ^ °aae total | 0.35 50.1 50.2 i 50.05 j 0.2 0.35 0 500 0 I 65T.25 ...... i|I . .. 1 ■ ...... — -'i ;------... .,,,1{ ------L1 _ ------i 1 ^ Totaf I 0.725 115.375 116.675 i 111.7 j 62.825 9.35 9.3 509 ! 9 i ...... -J------i------! 1 r Physical Targets for Different Years Physical Budgeft j j Unit Cost Target for! Activity ‘ Name of the ActivityHRs. in the I 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- Code I Lakhs) T o t a l Project 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2037 2008 2009 2C10

! Training to Seiected (Anganwadi Workers jon preschoof education 0.C34 42 42 (3 days)(1655 Awe in 42 batches)

Indepth sfudv on I preschool education ) 0 300 20 20 and health in the district!

iFormatbn and i orientation to 24 0.060 24 |DRG(ECCE){40 batches imemDers. 2 days) • Opening of New ECCE I Centers (Salary and 0.010 300 50 100 100 50 300 conligences/

Orientation to C DPO/supervisors 0,050 8 prog. and seiected NGOs Toys and fearntng 0.005 1655 maleriais to AWCs Hand txx>k on ^re 0.002 1655 school to AWWs Meeting of MTAs .lady PRIs ana AWWs on he^th, education 0.005 12 *2 matters(3! GP (eve!) in 26 batches I Sharing experiences I between escort 0.005 242 mothers, AWWs, fvfTAs( at GP le>^el) Esst. Ot ECCE centre 0.06 300 50 100 100 50 300 I (Monthly hor>orarium to I j supervisor. ECE 0 01 330 330 I 330 ! 330 330 330 330 ! 330 33C 330 2970 I i workers ana neipers j______[purchase of kit 0.05 1655 331 331 33" I .655 i Physical Budget Unit Cost 1 1 i ! ! i Target for Activity 1 Name of the Activity {Rs. In 2001- 2002- I 2003- 1 2004- j 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- 1 2009- 1 the Total Code Lakhs) 2002 1 2003 j 2004 1 2005 j 2006 1 2007 2008 2009 ! Project 1 2010 I 1 i j ! i 1 ! Ilratnif^ to Seiectec 1 ! \ ' ' ' 1 ’ |Ar>ganwadi Workers i j j Ion oreschool education 0084 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 I 0.00 1 0.59 i 0 59 0,00 0.00 i 3.53 1 1(3 davs)(1655 Awe in j 1 1 j42 batches) 1 j I. i ilndeoth study on 1 j, jprescnooi education 0.300 .0 0.90 0.90 1 0.90 0.90 0.60 0.60 0.60 j 0.60 o.co I 5.00 j jarw heattti m the drstnct t j jForm^fon and j jonentaHon to 24 i 0.060 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 j 0.18 0.00 j 1 1.44 ! !drg«ecce)(4o batches' ! iT>emt)efs, 2 days) i 1 j • -ODenHTg of New ECCE f I j i Cenler*; (Salarv and 0.010 300 0.00 0,50 ! 1 00 1 00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 i 3.00 1 i tcontigences) 1 i 1 i 1 i Orientation to i !i 1 1 j jCOPO/supervisors j 0.050 1 8 prog. o.oc 0,10 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 j 0.10 0.00 0,00 1 , 0,40 ; i ,and sefeaed NGOs i ----- —11: 1 iToys and ieamtng | ! ^ 1 0.005 1 1655 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 j1 0.01 1 innster^teDAWCs ! * 'Hand book on D*-e i 0.002 1555 0.00 O.OC' 0 00 0.00 0.00 j 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! 0.00 1 1 school to AWWs i 1 ^ \ Vteeting cf M^As ,lady i ii i !p*P!s and AWWs on 1 i 1 1 health, education 1 0.005 12 0.03 0.00 iI 0.00 o.oc 0.00 1 0.03 0.00 0.00 000 0.06 I jmatlers(ai GP level) m j 11 1 i j j26 batcnes | j i .1...... _1 j i Sharing experiences i i i 1 ! 1 i ! j jtjetween escort ooosi 242 0.01 0.01 1 0 01 0 01 1 0.01 1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 j . im o th ^ . AWWs, j 1 i i 1 i MTAs{ at 3P level) ,. J ....--4 * -Esst OfECCEcsntre 0.060! 300 3.00 6.00 ! 6.00 3 00 ! 0.00 ! 0.00 I 0,00 0.00 0.00 18.00 1 1 !Mcr>thiy honorariurn to \ 1 1 1 1 i i Isuoervisor. ECE j 0.010 i 330 3.30 3.30 i 3.30 3.30 3.30 j 3.3G I 3,30 3.30 330 29,70 j I j workers and helpers : j i ...... i _____ 1 ------j- ...... ^ 1 Purcnase ot Kit i 0.050 1655 i 0.00 16.55 : 16.55 16.55 16.55 1 16.55 s 0.00 0.00 ooo ; 82 ^5 1 — I 1 I 1 Provisiwi of funds for | I 1 I ^ovs »Td other i 1 G.02C 1 1655 33.10 i 33.1C 1 33.10 33,10 j 33.10 j 33.10 33 10 33 10 33.10 297.90 1 I coniiogefx:y } t 5 1 i , ...... i expenditure j i I I ...... J- ...... i ...... i ______J ...... i -- 1- 1---- IB ^ B o n 'o fT u n d s for toys and other 0 02 1655 1655 1655 1655 1655 1655 1655 1655 Jcont nqericy ! 1 1! !! j1 f lexpenditure 1 r------—1 1 1 Developrnen! of toys H ...... ! ' ■■■"1 1 1------"■ .....1 and supply to Distt. | 0.020 41 41 0 i1 0 0 1 1 0 1 ° 1 0 ' 0 ' : .1’ I Worth Rs. 2000/ i ] 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 ! Worshops for sfiartng oIi 1! 1! ' t 1 1 1 i1 1 evalusalion eporf aid ;i ! development of new ! 1 1 I 0.01 I 20 4 4 'i 20 ‘ ! i! evaluation Drogramme ! 4 1 1 ^ I i to assess learners | ! i I I 1 ! 1 !; -'i? j achievements jA study on role of AW j jwoTKers ariG suggestion j I for transforming AW j 3.050 20 nos 20 i centers mtc betle^ ECE I centres ^ “Njnno3TTDTT3nn------1- irefresher training to I I ECE woTKers i per oay j 0.03) 40 nos 0 I 10 10 10 10 jio pprliCipanis per , j Training of 0 ^3 ' - D'c-c jBRCC/CRCC on ECE in s ^ ic e training :o , 4 prog ) 2 i 1 ! 2 1 « ^ ^ ; ECE supervraof ; L i £ i i Tramtng of DRG 1 1 ! ! ! ’ I members and ECE ! 1 I 1 ! ! - ^ 0.10 18 prog. 6 1 workers on scfKXDl 1 ! ' ( i 1 " ! ! i '8 ^ jrendinnss ( per day) ______i 1 ill! * ! 1 jSensitisadon of DPOs i j 1 i 1 1 1 i ! i i joT iCDS. DSWC. 1 ,| i ^ 1 0.20 1 , 1 ! • 4 j jCDPO, supervisor. RTs, ! ^ 1 1 1 i 1 land CPCs ^ per m y ) 1 i ^ i. J I ...... "!j 1 1 i j Refresher Irainmo to | 1 1 1 j !1 i ! jAW workers and j I 1 1 1 1 |s<3uper>^tsors on activity i ^ 1 42 prog 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 1 ! 42 ! jtiaseC pre-primary i 1 ! j ’ i ' leducation ar>d .school I

jreadiness ( oer dav^ ! ! i 1 1 1 I _ 1 1 Trairwng :ro?ne' j . i i I ■ ^ i arOuD p*' ' ;-.r- i i j t 1 1 ! i 1 I day sncfoi'' 1 1i! i r Orientation of moitier of 1 [ f < t ^ 1 pre-primarv children at | 1 ! ! 1 i * ' : [School level ( per day j U 005 j 2000 j ^000 1 j 2000 ! i 1 1 jnno ! ! ! one prog Per yr Per j 1 1 1 III! 1 ’ ! sector) i i______1I___ _i ______iI...... J 1 i . I . I i ! ' i Development of toys I ...... ! I and suw5*y *0 D»st1 0.020 41 j 000 j 0.82 000 OoO 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 82 j Wortn Rs 200CV- j 1 Worshoos far sharing of 1 1 t evalusalion reoort and i development of new 0.010 20 0,04 I O'OC 0 04 0 0 0 0.04 00 0 0,04 0.00 004 0.20 i evaluation programme i to assess learners 1 acfBevements j j1 j jA study on role of AW i i ti 1 1 jwoTHers and suggeston 1 i t 1 transtorming Av‘»' 0.05C 1 20 nos ^ 1 ur> ,..-tc O.OG C.25 0.00 0.25 0,00 0.25 0.00 1.00 ( I centers fnto better ECE ^ 1 ! i 1 1 i i jcentres ’ 1 t i ■■ 1 j 1 i FouncatJon and 1 ' I j |refrest>er tratning to (e CE workers ( per dav 0.030 j 40 nos 0.00 1! 0.30 0 30 ! 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.30 0.00 0.00 1.20 jto oarticioants oer 1 1 L if>! ‘ . pwx -lay per r j ______Posters fcrfctersand stickers on ECE prepared for 0.5 encouraging (he enroimeni di giri ichjitffer pe'Ciay;

Audto and \/(aeo cassettes on ECE is tO be purcfiasecl and 0.50 10 1 I supplied to dts'i programme coordinator

Child »vis€ evafasa*ion cards is to be used > 0.0001 42000 42000 ; 42000 340C‘0 per child)______Mothers group a. Track atienaance of chiiaren ■ian

I Sensitisation of DPOs jot ICDS, DSWC. 0 200 one 0 20 0 00 0 20 000 0.20 0 00 0 00 i 0 eo i CDPO, supervisor, RTs arK3 CPCs ( per (Jay)

Refresher training to AW workers and j^Hupervisors on activity 0 200 42 prog. ; O.OC 1 40 1 40 1 40 ! 1-40 1 40 0 00 0 (X) I 8 40 based pre-primary education and sdiooi reactiness per day)

Training of mottier group memtDers ' per 0 j 12 242 0 O C 2 BQ J OC : 3 00 0 00 ! 2,90 0,00 0 00 1 0 00 5 81 dav sector! Orienialion of -nother of pre-priman/ children at (school level ( oer day 0005 2000 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 i 20.00 jone prog. Per yr. Per iseaor)______iOrtentation traintng to ilUahtla Samiti and SRG 0 050 2C ! 0 00 1.0C 0.00 00 ooc 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2,0l I members f oer dav oer vr.^ Posters, folders anc St waters on ECE orepnred for (i fiOC 10 i 0.50 O GO O.OO j 0 00 j 0.50 0.00 0 00 0 00 000 1 00 i:-;tcouraging !f»e enrolment of girl children I per day)

Audio and Video cnssotlps OP ECE is to lie oufctiased ,'ind 10 I 0 50 j 0 00 0 00 j 0.00 0 00 0 50 OOC 0 00 0 00 ,00 supplied lo aisi I programme coordinator

Child wise evalusation cards IS to be usee ( GOOO 42000 I -2 C i 0 00 0 00 0 00 O .OCi 4 20 0.00 000 0.30 8 40 per child,, I— Mothers group a Trackf

attendance o f children j ar dworker b Celebration of birth 0010 1655 I 16.55 0.00 0 00 0 00 j 0.00 16.55 0.00 0 00 0.00 33 10 days of children in ECE cwiters (per Tx>nif! per

r Totnl 63 11? 78 3R7 R3 753 60 973 56 963 91 864 40 413 37 435 36 445 529 345 ! 1 Physical Targets for Different Years ! Physical I i Budget 1 Unit Cost i Target for I 1 ! Activity Name of the Activity {Rs. in i the 2001* 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- Code 1 Lakhs) Total 1 Project 2002 2003 2004 1 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 { ...... -...... 1 ______------1...... - -i-. 1 ...... “ I I ...... Onentahwn of DiET/ ST i ...... !...... I I 9 schoo!, HMS. SIS. I programm 10 j 10 10 j 10 10 1 10 BRC. selected j I '0 10 90 I es I CRC fl day) i j ! I I i1 ...... J i 1i Workshop on use i 1 t 1 of distance ieaming j 0.03 18 2 1 2 2 2 j 2 j 2 I 2 2 18 i material (i day) \ i 1 ______[ _ 1 lEouipments lor ' ^ r 1 ■ .... . 1 ‘ t 1 jteleconferencina ^ \. ^...... _• ...... L ! [ i 1 ] j jPrmting anc Disfnbutioni 1 1I 1 : i 6000 1 1 I of self Instructional qogI copies to 1 1 5000 5000 6000 6000 I 6000 6000 6000 5000 materials (Primary) 1 1 1 48000 teachers j! (per teacher Rs 100/-) | i j1 1 - - - ...... - - Printing and distribution 1r' ! 6000 i of SfM for Upper I j 0.0015 copies to 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 1 5000 48000 i pnmary (per teacher i teachers 1 J Rs,150/-) i I Radio Shows (per yr) 0 15 24 shows 3 3 3 3 i 3 3 1 3 3 24 1 1 i "n/ shows (per yr) 6.3 24shows 3 3 3 i 3 3 3 1 3 3 ■ 24 1 1 1 i T etecontermtng 40 1 i Programmes 0.15 teleconfer 5 5 5 1 5 5 j 5 1 5 5 40 ) (AH types) ences j 1 1 ...... i 1 i 1 j f Documenlatron 1 5 i - ■! 1 1 5 Video Programme 0.4 40 5 5 5 , 5 5 15*5 5 40 ( ! !AudsC' P''ogr.?>"'rie j 0 005 80 10 ,0 ’ 0 1 10 10 I 10 I 10 ’ 1C 80 1 ! ______i - _ i _____ i ...... i J ______1. ______,.l * r - ...... 1...... ! Costings for Di#erent Years f 1 ! 1 I I I ' Bitxigei unacost|;^y®if 1 1 i Name of the Activity (R s .ir j 2001- 2002- j 2003- 2004- j 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 1 Total Cyd€ Lakhs' ^ ® 1 20G2 2003 j 2004 2005 j 2006 2007 2008 1 Project 2009 2010 i { ...... 1 ! ...... i i 1 1 ^ * Orientation of D IE T/S T 1 1 ! i 9 i ijvchool, HMS SIS, 0.1 prograrnrr <1 , ' ^ 1 1 1 1 ! 9 j i BRC, selected 1 * i es i ^ 1 - j jCRC (1 day) 1 t 1 1 'Workshop on use i i of distance learning 0.03 18 0.06 0.06 0.06 0,06 0 06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.54 { 1 material (1 day) \ lEquioments for 1 j1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 iteteconferenctng 1 1 ! 1 Printing and Distribution 6000 i i of self (nstaictional 0.001 i1 copies to 0 5 6 s 6 6 6 6 6 48 1 j matenals (Primary) * teachers ! i j(per teacner Rs.100/-) i 1 IPnnting and distribution 6000 1 \ jof SIM for Upper 0 0015 copies to 1 0 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 72 j j pnmary (per teacrie'- teachers i ! 1 1 ;Rs.150/-i . i i . * Radio Shows (per yr) 0.15 i24shows I 0 0 45 j D.45 0.45 045 0.45 3,45 1 0.45 0,45 ! 3 5 0 I |t ^/ shows (pe-- yr) 0.3 !24shows * 0 0 9 I 0.9 0 9 0 9 0.9 0 9 0 9 0,9 •^2 ^ [Telecopfeming i40 1 1 Programmes 0.15 jteleconfer j 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 6 i l(All types) . Sences \ i i Documentatron i1 |5 i 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 5 , i Video PfXDgramme |0.4 !40 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16 i Audio Programme ' 0.0*35 [sO ' 0 0,05 0.05 0 05 0,05 0.05 0.05 005 0.05 040 1 I Totai I 1.06 22.21 j 21.21 21.21 21.21 21.21 20.21 20.21 20.21 168.74 j ______1 i Physical Targets for Different Years 1 1 ! 1 ! r f \ Budget 1,, _ ! Physical 1 unit Cost _ ^ 1 ! Activity Name of the Activity j (Rs. in j 2001- 2002- ( 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- I 2007. 2008- 2009- ' ^ ' the Total Code 2002 2005 t I Project 2003 1 2004 2006 2007 < 2008 2009 2010 1 ! I i j ii I 1 1 Training to MTA memoers 0.015 ! 50 50 50 50 i 200 j batches i (50 members 1 day) 1 Training to lady PRI r t i i member. MT A. women i 0.015 1 SObatches 10 10 j 10 10 ! 10 10 ! ! 60 groups ! ! 1 1 (50 members 1 day) ! t i 1 — ------^------Women convention at ...... 1 ! 0 0‘S h^conventij in Block Level ‘ 10 10 1 10 10 1 10 1 10 1 80 j ons 1 ("100 members) ' 1 1I i Seminars on Girl's ! ...... t...... 1 i Education ( 2days) 0.15 Is seminars 1 1 1 1 1 i 8 1 - - 1 ' ^ (40 members) ! i 1 1 Special coaching j j 300 ! ! ! ! camos for girls ! 0.“* j programm 25 50 1 50 50 25 j 25 25 , 2 5 25 j 300 1 (1 month, 40 girls) j j es 1 > 1 I 1 jCommunitv mobitisor ! 0.96 | 120 ! 1 1 1 1 .1 .... 1...... ^...... i 1 i 1 ! 9 Costings for Different Years [ i I Physicai Budget ! Unit Cost i 1 1 Target for } Activity iNa^e of the Activity (Rs !n 2001- 2002- 1 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the Total Code 1 Lakhs^ 2002 2003 ! 20G4 2005 ! 2006 200*^ 1 2008 2009 2010 Project 1 1 1 ! i 1 I i i ...... (Trairxng to MTA i I i1 1 20.'' ' 1 imembers io.015 ' 1 0.75 0.75 0 i 0 i 0.75 i 0.75 0 1 0 3 batches j 1 0 1(50 members 1 day) ) i (Training to (ady pRI ! I 1 i 1 member M^A,women , 1 , 0.015 SObatches | 0.15 0.15 0,15 1 0.15 0.15 J.15 0 j u ^ 3.9 1 groups 1 j !(50 members 1 day) 1 1 i SWomen convention at ! I BOconvent! ! 1 Block Level 0.05 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 i 0.5 0 4 ons !(100 members)

i Seminars on Gir's ! i 1 1 i Education ( 2days) lO 15 8 seminars 0 0.15 0.15 i 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 i 0.15 0 15 1.2 1 ‘(40 members) i 1 Special coaching | i 300 1 icamos for girls 0.1 orogramm | 2.5 5 5 I 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 30 • fim onth 40 ains^ es 1______i jCommunitv moDilisor (0.96 1120 1 0,96 0,96 i 0.96 1 0.96 0.96 0.96 j 0.96 0.96 0 96 6.64 'Page Total ' i 4.86 7,51 j 6.76 i 6.76 4.26 5.01 i 4.86 j 4.11 3.61 1 47.74 Budget j Unit Cost! Physical 1 Physical Targets for Different Years A ctivity Name of the Acttvfty 1 (Rs. In Target for 1 2001- 2002- i 2003- 1 2004- i 2005- 2006- ! 2007- ! 2 0 0 t - 1 2009- Total Code i Lakhs) i the i 2002 2003 2004 I 2005 j 2006 2 0 0 7 ! 2 0 0 6 ! 2009 2010 Obser/ation of Girl ! II ...... 1 1 I 1 I ! child v s ^k at j O.Ol j 2000 nos. | j 2000 2000 I 2000 1 2000 2000 ' 2000 ■ 2000 2000 16000 1 selected CRCs. ! ( 'I 1 i_ ! ! 1 1 .... Awards to Schoofs T 1 ! ' ! * * i showing improvement in i 1 ! 0.05 1 1 200 200 i 200 1 200 1 200 200 200 200 1600 1 100% Giris Retention (in 1 schools J ! \ kind) 1 ! ! '1 ! ! 1 . 1 \ ■■ f ...... r Adolescent Gins camp | 0.5 | 125 camp | ! 5 ! 5 ( 5 ! 5 ! 5 ' 25 Health Education co | ( i 1 I ! < ' MIA and adoiesceni i 0.05 j 242 gp i 30 1 30 30 ! 30 I 30 ! 30 30 32 242 girts at GP levelv | j 1 I 1 Improvement of class ] 1 ! 1 i 0.25 1 2 °°° 250 250 250 250 1 250 j 250 250 250 2 D 0 0 room culture on gender ) schools i i ■ ■ Innovative projects ror f I uroan area slum girts ! 5 ! 1 1 0 5 j innovative 1 1 1 1 5 ana difficult rural ! 1 1 1 1 projects pocKets 1 ! i

Model duster aoproach 0.2 1 150GP j 10 j 20 20 10 20 j 20 1 10 20 20 150 ...... i. „ , , 1______1 1 Costings for Drffefwit Years | \ Physical Buaget 1 Unit Cost i 1 1 T a r^ t for 1 i f 1 Activrty |Name of the Activity (Rs. In the 2001- 2002- i 2003- 1 2004- j 2005- j 2006- 2007- 2008- 1 2009- Cod€ j Laiiths) Total Projec! i 2002 2003 j 2004 1 2005 | 2006 j 2007 2008 2009 1 2010 i f i i ! >...... - i,..... -...... , „____ „ ,t ______i i ..i r “ ...... r ...... T------1 T...... r ' 2-day Onentation i 1 i i programmea for VECs ! \ 1 1 ! i (Functions ofVECs and i 50 orog x i i i ccrnmunity partiapation 0.03 D.ac 1 1.50 j 0.00 1.50 j 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 i 2 rjles 2000) Atfeast 5 1 schools to be covered at i 1 i 1 one time) 1 i i 1 1 i ...... i MTA, Sett nelp group i 1 and iady PRi members 1 0.015 8 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 002 0.12 meeting at GP ievet (50 i memt)ers) 1 aay ! ! Women Convenjtion at ! 80 0.00 I 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 4.00 I j block level ! j Exposure visit to VECs L 8 0.00 j 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.CKI 16.00 I 1 @2.00 per year j 1 jCommunitv 1 1 i j Sensitisation 0.2 9 i 0.20 \ 0.20 ! 0.20 0,20 0.20 0.20 0,20 0.20 0.20 ti 1 30 j Programme "NINAD" j ! 1 !I 1i f jipef block; j .....1 1 rj j Interaction between 1 wiltage and 3P core 1 1 i 1 lolanning Members 0.01 9 1 0.01 1 0 0" 0,01 0 01 0.0-! 0 01 0,01 0.01 0.01 0,09 1 f Cluster Resource Group 1 i i ! ! i 1 lOerGP' i ! I 1...... 1 iWall Pointing in 0.015 2000 0.00 ! 15.00 ! 1500 0.00 0.00 0.00 D.OO 0.00 0.00 30.00 1 1 selected schools 1 1 1 [...... \ j 1 jTratning VEC/PTA/ MTA 242 nos I (at Cluster sevei 10 aays 0.15 0.00 3.75 3.75 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.50 j 50 orog j jtratnmq . ... i I 1 i i______i 11 1. . , -J j Tracing VEC/PTH MTA ! \ jor» a>rn'minity 0.9 ^242 0.00 j 22.50 22.50 j 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 45,00 ; jnr»obifirsa^n 3 days Total 1 0.21 j 45.48 } 43.98 | 4.23 2-73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 [ 107.51 ...... J ------i------1 - ...... J______1 _ „_..j Budgef r “ '" Unit Cost! Physical r ...... Physical Targets ^or Di^erent Vears Activrty ^^ame o f the Activity (Rs. in j Target for ( 2001- 1 2002- 2003- ^ 2004- ' 2005- ' 2006- 2007- 2088- j , 2009- 1 Totai Ccxde ______Lakhs) , tt^e 1 2002 1 2003 2004 1 2005 ! 2006 I 2007 2008 2009 L 2010 j j Media Equipments at ! II!''; 0 3 f *0 j 3focK ^evei(per Diock) ) j ! ! ! ' 10 1 1 ______i I ! ' ? r j Leaflets (or spreading 1 ! i1 t j awareness ;or 0.025 j 242 1 242 1 242 1 242 1 T26 I j jeducatior. per gp i I J 1i 1 ------[...... 1 f------Traditional Folk Meaia 1 ! ! i i 1 Activities Promoting 0.05 j 242 242 ( 242 242 ' i 1 ! j awarenes s f pe btoc^ ; ‘ t — ...... J i r"'~...... f ■ 1 ■ ■ --r-“..... — ~ 1 i 1 ^ j Snaring Workshop andj i j j Dissemination of j ! 1 t 1 1 01 ! 20 nos 1i !^ 10 1 * ' ^0 ;EdL.cat^o^al j 1 ! i ! 20 1 1 ! ! llnfomationf oer biocV’M I 1 I - ! 1 ! 1 1 ! [ ( ------r------1------( BioCK specific Annual | I ooe ! 10 1 10 10 , 10 1 10 i 10 i 80 Reports o( progress | 1 1 I — ' f 1L } i 1 Annual report ) 1 ' 1 0 01 I 9 1 j 1 I 1 i 9 Seminars . 1 1 1 I ' !1 ' 1 PAS to DPO & BRC ! 05 11 2 2 • 1 1. 1...... 1 .. J 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ^ 1 1 r ! '■/isua / Video shows .; 0004 1 16 i 2 2 } 2 1 , ) 2 j 2 16 Radio talk, seminars ' " i . 1 ^ 1 ^ ! 1 1 ------1 1Posters and hoardings. 1 r 0 1 1 ! in ! 3 yrs i 10 1 10 j 30 (per block) ------in- ..... —...i —i ,-.,L 1 ...... i ------; dostings for Diffemnl Years ! ...... ^ ...... I ^------Physical i I f Unit Cost ! ! I Target for i I 1 Acllvrty |Nam« of the Activity { (Rs. Jn 1 the ■ 2 0 0 1 - ' 2 0 Q 2 - 2 0 0 3 - j 2 0 0 4 - j 2 0 0 5 - | 2 9 9 6 - 2007- 2008- 1 2 0 0 9 - Code i j Lakhs) 1 Total Profect > 2 0 0 2 j 2 0 0 3 2004 2005 2006 * 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 j 2 0 0 9 1 2 0 1 0 i 1 ' ! ! 1 i i i ! i ! ? 1 ------1------'------1 jMedia Equipments at j j 1 nn I qo 3 C.OO ^ O'X 1 0 00 j atocH ueveHpert>^ock)p^ j | ^ 0.00 0,00 OQC 1 0.00 3.0C- i ! i 1------^Leaflet'; for spreading ! I 1 I i 1 T"...... 1 awareness for lo 025 242 1 0.00 i 6 05 1 0,00 0.00 1 5.05 000 I 6 05 0 00 0.00 18,15 jeducation per gp j I i 1 I *Traditionai Fotk Media | i ! 1 ! Activities Promoting i0,05 242 ! 0.00 ! 12.10 0.00 0.00 12.10 0.00 12.10 0.00 0.00 36.30 |awareness(per block) I I1 1 1 I ...... i__ .. i i i .1 f I 1 ■ 1 Sharing Workshop and! i I Dissemination of L , L „ 0.00 100 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Educational 0.00 2 . 0 0 tnforrnation( per block) j j i • ! t ( I ; iBiocK Speafic Anrujai ^ 1 0 0.00 1 0.80 1 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0 . 8 0 640 1 ! Reoorts of orogress !

9 0.01 j 0.01 1 0.01 I 0.01 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 9 !PAStoOPO& BRC io.5 11 100 ! 100 ! 0,50 ' 0,50 0.50 0,50 0.50 0,50 0 5 0 5 5 0 1 i' 'isual ' Video shows ! i 1 i 0.004 i 16 i , c j 0.01 G.01 0.01 0.01 j 0.01 0.01 , 0.0*1 j 0.01 j 0.06 iRadio talk semtnars 1 00 1 1 i i i 1i i Posters and hoardings ! f 1 1 1 0.1 3 yrs. O.OC 1.00 j O.OC O.OC 1.00 0.00 0.00 1 1,00 j 0.00 3.00 (per block) Page Total | j | 1 01 j 2 4 . 9 ? 1 . 3 2 1 . 3 2 2 1 4 7 1 . 3 2 1 9 . 4 7 ! 2.32 ! 1.32 7 4 . 5 0 ...... i ------i ‘ 1 1 i Physical Targets t ...... - 1— ------r 1 Budget 1 I ' Target for i I \ Activity Name of the Activity 2001- 2002- 1 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- j 2007- 2006- j 2009- 1 1 ‘he Total Code j 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 1 2008 2009 2010 1 1 Project I 1 1 i 1 1 ...... Distnct level cofivention for PPxIs j 8yrs. 1 1 1 1 8 and Functionaries I i 1 ' I 1" ...... ActfvtJy calenders T' ! 1 r I j preparation for school I 0 002 ! 3 yrs. 1 2000 j j 2000 2000 1 6000 1 ' 1 committee 1 1 1 1 I . ]1...... 1 1 r 24 ! ' Nev^re letter publication! 0.05 ! 24 3 1 3 3 3 3 j 3 3 3 i [ Devetopments of I ...... i ■' posters,pictorial 1 0.0005 2000 2000 1 2000 200C 200C 2000 1 2000 200C 2000 ; 150(K) moauies to monitor 1 avthnrorxs !or VEC j 1 1 putjlication of annual A 0.5 8 1 1 i 1 1 ( 8 reoort ' 1 1 Dist. Level photo ( i lexnibition/ j 0.05 1 1 1 1 1 8 j !' documentation i ! ® 1 i ...... 1cassettes on DPEP t“ ..... 'i 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 success stories 1 i 1 [ ' 1 ^ ^ Stall St different fairs 1 0,14 1 9 1 11 1 1 1 I' 1 1 1 1 jI 1 i! « ii 9 disi. (.evei i 1 J‘ i Hoarding on DPEP 20 10 10 ! '1 ;: 20 h ...... Workshop/training for i I i preparation of 1 matenats for girls i ! ( 0.5 8 i 1 1 1 8 i education .poster, self ' 1 help group for dist. 1 1 • 1 1 1 Level media officers ( ' 1 ...... i i 1 I ' jBook lets/ I ! 1 ! I j ' jMagazinespubiication j 1 ! ! 1 j , jon at QPO level on | ! i I 0.005 4000 4000 4000 1 4000 j 4000 j 4000 1 4000 4000 4000 i 32000 1 ^ p P E P news, painting 1 i ' !by chikfrer civil work | i i i 1 1 ' ietc. 1 i i 1 i ...... J 1 dostmgs for S#erent Vears \ i Physical I i ! 1 Buctg«t Unrt Cost ! Target for 1 ActMty Hame of ttw Activity (Rs. fn 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 200€- 2007 2008- 2009- the Total j Code Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 ! 2008 2009 2010 Projea j i ...... i DNstnct leve! convention few PRIs 0.5 8 yrs 0.00 0.5Q 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1 0 50 0.50 4,00 ! and Functionaries r Activitv calenders j 1 preparation for sctroot j 0.002 3 yrs. O.DO 4.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 O.OU 0.00 4 00 000 12.00 committee j iNews letter putJhcafanjO.OS 24 o.oc 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 1.20 Devefopmems of pCKtws.prctonai 1f 0.0005 2000 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 s.oc moduies t o monitor dvilworks for VEC f ...... oubfication of annual 0.5 8 0.00 1 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 4.00 report DisL Level photo I e*hit»tion.' 0,05 0 0.00 005 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 i! 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.40

documentation ______i ...... ■ -- ■■ 1 cassettes on DPEP ^ 16 ! 0.00 1 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 i 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 1.6C 1 Isuccess stones • 1 I ...... i1______i______s . StaM si different fatrs . . 9 0.14 j 0.14 0.14 j 0.14 0 14 0.14 0,14 ! 0.14 0.14 : t 26 idist. Level ° i ii______i______1 1 Hoarding on DPEP lo.l 20 0.00 j 1.00 0.00 i 0.00 i 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 ; 0.00 2-00 Worfcsttoo/training for 1 1 1 i Dreoaration of j 1 ii matenals for girts ^ 8 0,00 i 0.50 0.50 0.50 i; 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 C.50 4.00 education .poster, seif i fieip gnsip for dist. ! ! Leve! nnedia officers j t i I ------f 7 1 j jBook feis. ! ? sMagazinespubhcation i ! |on at OPO level on 0.005 4000 1 0.00 ; 2C 00 * 20 00 20 00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20,00 20.00 160.00 1 (DPEP news, oainting 1 j t jOy chitdren.^avii worv 1 jetc. ! jPage Total 0.14 1 28.04 I 23.04 23 04 27.04 24.04 22M 27.04 23.04 198.46 .J _____ i Total ! 1,15 i 53.01 i 24.36 j 24.36 } 48.51 25.36 42.51 j 29.36 24.3fi 272.96 i Physical ! ! ! 1 r 'r " " r ..... ■ Budget ! i Unit Cost 1 i ! 1 Target I 1 1 1 A ctivity i ! (Rs.ln for 2001- 1 2002- 2003- 2004- j 2005- 2006- 2007- i 2008- ! 2009- I 1 Code 1 ! ta kh s) the 2002 j 2003 2004 I 2005 j 2006 2007 2008 2009 i 2010 i j Project I 1 i ! i ! ! ! i ; Diasabiiity Survey in ! ! 1 i i Blocks (including 1.00 10 10 I I printing of formats I 1 i • Training regaroing f I 1 ...... H ------0.2 10 5 5 Disability Survey 1 1 1C ; r"' ...... jCapacity ouilding of 3 ...... 1 ------i j member Block 0.01 4 1 1 1 1 ! 4 1 Resource Group (FD 1 1 1 J 45 aaysTraining of 3 1 1 — ■ “ 1...... trs of each oIock at ! 0.50 30 trs. i 1 , ‘ 1 1 1 1 OPEPA on (ED i I 1 i i t 1 Equipment for j ! I 1 t f ! r '■ ...... :j jidentified disaoiea j 2.5 10 10 1 i ! i i 10 jchilaren - | .... -..... 1!...... __ .11 1 ! ! I 1 1 ! 1 1 I T...... T...... i f Theme based tamos ^ 0 ‘'0 10x2 10 ( 2H i. - ...... 1 , -..- ...:...... 1 . 1I ! * * 1 i ! j ! * ' i Medicai Assessment | 1 30 10 i 10 1 i 10 1 1 30 1 camps 10X3 | 1 III!* 1 i! ! !i t 1 Instructitxiai materials j ! 252 252 252 252 ! 252 I 252 252 1 252 1 252 252 2266 . to BRC, CRC (Set) | i1 ! 1t .. » I I Hand books to I 2000 0.001 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 I 2000 1 2000 2000 i1 i8(X)o : schools ' schools t I1 1 ( Counselling of 25 50 ? ! 0.005 25 25 i parents i ...... ![...... ! 1' ...... I------,.... TA, DA for ID staff 0 15 9 1 1 1 1 1 - * ..... i ' 1 1 L ^ 1 j 9 i j Survey of Disabled 1 1 I I ^ Children within 14 i i1 years age group & 0,0015 10 ,0 1 10 i 1 ( Pormal Assessmen’ 1 1 i ! ! 1 j t———TTT..— o< Disabled Children 1 i 1 ...... J i 1...... J, ...... i 1 ...... -,.J T------r Costings for Different Years Physical i“ j Budget Unit Cost Tarqet Nam€ or the ! ActivHv (Rs. In > for 2001- ! 2002- 2003- i 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- < 2009- Activity Total * Code l.akhs) > the 2002 ^ 2003 2004 ! 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 i 2010 i 1 f 1 . 1. i i ...... i. 1 i 1 i 1 1 i i I iOiasaDilitv Survey in ! 1 i . I Blocks (incluaing ! 1,00 10 0.000 10.000 0000 0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 lO.OOfi Drinting of formats ! 1

Training regarding | ^ 10 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000* DisabHitv Survey \ ...... f"...... Caoacity building of 3 ! member Block I 0.01 4 0.010 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.040. Resource Group lED ! i .! L...... ------m ( 45 days Training of 3 | I trs of each block at j 0.50 30 trs. 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 i 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 i 0.000 0.50C 1 OPEPA on lED 1 Equioment for 1 i I Identified disabled ! 2.50 10 I 0.000 0.000 25.000 i 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 25.000 1 1 children 1...... i ...... 1 rnr ^ j Theme basec camps 0.10 10x 2 i 1000 0 000 0 000 * 0 000 1 000 oooc 0 000 0.000 25.200 25.200 25.200 25.200 25.200 25.200 226 8 ^ tO BRC, CRC (Set) I __ Hand books to 2000 J 0.00 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 j 2000 2.000 2.000 2.000 1800© schools 1 schools I. ------1 n.M Counselling of ^ 25 0.125 0.000 0.000 0.125 0.000 0 000 0000 i 0.000 0 000 0.25Cr parents ! j H a . DA for !D Staff ! 0.15 9 0 150 0 150 0 150 f 0.150 0 150 i 0 150 0.150 \ 0.150 0.150 1.35a Friendly support to 1 ! r ! ! i D/sabiea Chfidren at 0.005 1 I ! 2000 2000 ! 2000 2000 1 2000 i' 2000 ^j 2000 200C i 16000 schools j 1 Schooi . I i T------■■ 4 ------1------^ Barrier free access / 1 i j environmeni lo 1 1 1 I I 1 J ; r 0.1 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ! 1000 100C Disaoled Children at j 1 ^000 j 8000 i School 1 j Module for Teachers 0.10 2 1 1 2 (Training i. M 1 i ^ ' 1 1------. ( ! ! 1 i ; 1 raining to formal j i j j ! } . schooiteacners for j 135 1 ) handling chiiaren with j 0.14 programm 15 15 15 I 15 15 15 i5 1 15 1 '5 j 135 > special neeas (40 Trs j es 1 1 j in one batch) | 1 1 f ------1...... 1 ! Orientation to A.S. : r~ ...... I 13 I Instructors on i i 0.14 programnn 4 4 13 i !.E.D.(40 trs In one ! > i es 1 batch) iI ! \i 1 Onentatiorh to VEC 1 10 i BRCC / CRCC on lED 0.14 programm 10 10 to 30 * 40 trs in one oatch | !1 I es i i i 1 ^Preparation of ’ | Activity Barik for | 0.0007 1000 1000 j 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ^000 8000 I } Disabled Ch^drer 1 i .....-"■■” 1 Supply of Atds & i i Appliances \o the 1 I i 1 i identified Disabled j 20 5 1 1 1 1 1 ! 5 i Children on'a 1 i 1 i covergence mode • | ...... I ! i 1 ! 10 ( i Monitoring with the 1 . . ^ 1 10 10 10 10 j 10 10 ! ^0 ! 10 10 90 i 1helpofSRG/BRG ! ‘ ! L...... i 1 es 1 , „ . J ______...... 1______I j St /rvev ofDisahi^d [Children W ithin 14 j nrna: Assessmeni

1------4------^------j------1------i _ .... i______------^nendly suppon to r ...... - 1 I 2000 1 1 i 1 Dts^3ied Children at O.D- 0.000 10.000 10.000 ' 10.000 1 10.000 10.000 j 10 000 .0.000 ! "0.000 80,00^: * sct^oo^s Schoo! Ti 1 L-..... jm \ j Barrier free access / 1 1 1 ef'.vironment tc 1 ! 0 10 1 lOGO 0 000 100 000 100 ooc ^ 100 000 100 ooc j 100.CCG 100 000 100.TO D!sat)ied Children at i ! School 1 > i 1 Module for Teachers 0 10 * 4 i 0.200 0.000 o.oco * 0 000 I 0.200 i 0,000 ! 0 000 0.000 0 000 OAOCr Training 1 ..... _ ...... [.-...... Trafnmg to formal ) 1 (1 m scTKXJfteactiers for , 135 1 1 ii - 1 I handling ctiiioren with 0.14 jprogramm 2.100 2.100 2.100 1 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 1 18.900. i I special needs (40 Trs I es i i - 1 i !H one batch j 1------i I— , ... I 1...... i i 1 i Orientation to A S j i if 1 1 1 - f j (instructors on j 1 1 1 0 14 jprogramm 0.000 0.560 0.000 j u.a60 0.000 0,700 0.000 0.000 0.000 j •i .820* 1 1 li.E.D.(40 Trs in one j !t ■ M .) batch 5 I ! “ i 1 I j1 1 r' M 1 ! ^ unentation to vtC < | 10 . 1 1 ^ 1

’ jBRCC / CRCC on iEDj 0.14 programmj 0.000 1 .400 j 0.000 I 1.400 0.000 j 1.400 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.200m 1 j j40 trs in one batch j es 1 i ! 1 i - i 1 I i HI 1 j 1 Preoaration of ^ 1 1 J 1 1 ! jAclivitv Bank ^or ! 0 00 1 1C0C 0 ooc 0700 j 0 ^00 1 0 700 1 0 ^0 0 0700 j 0 700 0.700 0 700 s.soo"* : 1i j m ! iDisabled Children | i I L.....- ...... i 1 r j 1 m 1 ! jsupoly 0^ Aids S- S 1 1 i 1 I M ! AoDiiances to the i ! identified Disabled | 20.00 5 1 0.000 20.000 j 20.000 20 000 j 20.000 20 000 1 0.000 0.000 j 0 000 1 0 0 .o o f ' 1 |children an a | - 1 1 1i I i i ! jcoverqence mode i ..■■■ ...... 4 1 1------) m 1 ! ■" ...... t 1 0 I i Uvlonitoring with the I 0.01 programrTi 0 1 0 0 j 0 .1 0 0 j 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.100 1 0 1 0 0 I 0 . 1 0 0 0100 1 0,900"* ' i Miptp ot SRG / BRG 1 ^ 1 1 . . ------L t es 1 .. i 1 ------' j j'ceniers openea for ) I jimpariing pre j jintegralion skins to |0.3 48 48 iiaentifiea aisabied j I Children ( Scfiooi j (reaainess) I I Parent counseling 2 3.005 45 j to 3 days______

Observation of | enroiment week and " j 0.0001 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 ^80C ieoo 1800 14400 World Disaoiiity Day 1

Booklets, posters, leaflets on disabilitv vj. I u 10 10 Ion Genera! 10 I Awareness______I Construction of !Ramos. Handrails. I Learning Corners & u. 50 10 10 j Special toilets for the 10 10 50 i (children with soectal ! need Acndemic S'r'jf'tij'-p Drovide ^esoti''C‘^" I u 1 10 suDPort to children 10 with special need Deveiopnent of Se!^ 6000 0 1 Learning Matena's' copies De^ "*000^ C^'entation to pgrer.ts J tescnef on 10 50 I 2 0 0 0 nos 10 10 ou 1' pnc* rra 1.njen3 .nce ; 0 D5 10 10 I SJ 50 prog cajidsancS j appliances______I______I Hand books fot j

• ir> irhfHv nr' ' I t»denf(fication p .n r * n n n 1 f ! 7nnn ! I ' Materia! for early ...... !■■■- r ...... "■?...... i ' i fidentfftcafion 00028 242 ^ 249 ! ! 242 j ! 1 242 726 1 ! ! ! ! Disabled Children f ' ! f ! 'Ooenina Special 1 j iO.GG j 0 1 0 ! 1 ! 2 1 1 1 0 0 “ 0 0 5 Schools 1 i i 1 ------— 1 1 1 J _____ r 1! 1 ...... ! ' ! j 1f I 1 1 1 1 1 !( : Strengthening Special 1 i i Schools/ NGOs :c ac*. 0.15 [ 10 1 'G 10 j 10 I 10 j 10 ! 10 10 ;1 10 *^ SC i : as Resource Cer'tres. i :! ! 1 ! ! I! i j : i i L,.,. , , _. 1 ! 1 1 i 1 i I „■ ...... ,„,JI „ .J1 / Printing of information 0.00 2000 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.000 booklets 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.200 Impact assessment 0.20 3 0.200 0.000 0.000 0.200 study on l.E.D. 0.000 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.000 0.600 Material for earfy identification of 0.00 242 0.000 0.678 0.000 0.000 0.678 0.000 0.000 0.678 0.000 2.033 Disabled Children Opening of Special 10.00 5 0.000 10.000 20.000 10.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Schools 0.000 50.000 Strengthening Special Schools/ NGOs to act 0.15 10 1 500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 13.500 as Resource Centres.

TOTAL 33.785 193.858 211.680 178.905 181*073 172.320 145.380 143.208 142.730 1402.938 Budget Unit Cost Physical Physical Targets for Different Years Activity Name of the Activity (Rs. In Target for 2001. 2002- 2003' 2005. 2006. 2007. 2004- 2008- 2009. Total Code Lakhs) the 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 MIS Equipment to the cell including softwares and IQ 1 set 1 1 training AC to MIS 0.4 1 1 1 Strengthening information 1 5 nos 5 system of Dl office 5 Training to District Level 6 batches 0.28 6 6 6 6 54 Officers every year 6 6 6 6 6 Furniture for MIS Room 0.15 1 set 1 1 2300 OISE for primary and Upper schools 0.003 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 20700 primary Schools (EGS) including AS 2300 every year Sharing Workshop and 2 workshops 0.1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 18 Dissemination of DISE per year Telephone Charges for 0.2 8 years 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Data Communication MIS consumables 0.5 8 years 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 Maintenance and 0.5 6 years 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 contigencies 1800 "Anusandhan" study. villages COHORT and Child 0.005 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 16200 including Tracking urban arear Computerisation of Child 4 3 1 1 1 3 tracking System Office Automation System 5 1 1 1 Geographycal Information 3 2 1 1 2 System Costings for Different Years j 1 t ! 1 Ptiysicai ! i Budget Unit Cost 1 i 1 I f 1 Target for Acttvity Name of the Activity (Rs, In ! 2001- 2002- 2003- < 2004- I 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- j 2009- j the Total Code 1 Lakhs^ 1 2002 2003 2004 ! 2005 \ 2"'” .. 1 2007 2008 2009 1 2010 Project 1 ( i 1 ...... -,J 1—, . ..J i 1i i i MIS Eauioment to the cell i ! i i 1 including softwares and ,0 1 set 4.00 0.50 1 1.50 1j 1.50 1 0.50 , 1.00 0.50 0.50 I 0.00 10.00 i training ...... _Ji i I i AC to MIS 0.4 1 0.40 0.00 0.00 ,1 0.00 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 O.OC 0.00 0.40 j Strengthening information 1 5 nos 5 » 0.00 0 00 '1 0.00 0.00 * o.oc 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 i system of Di office ! i (- -J r""i ...... I Training to Distnct Level 5 batches 0.28 1 S8 1 58 1 58 1 58 1 68 * 1.58 1 68 I* 1.68 *1 1 68 15 12 1 Officers .. every year I . i Furniture for MIS Room t_... 0.15...... 1 set 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 j O.OC 0.15 2300 1! 1i DISE for Dreary and UpDe-- schools 1 i C.003 5.90 5.90 6.90 6.90 5.90 6.90 j1 6.90 6.9C ,1 6.9C 52.10 1 DTTi3"v School? ^EGS) ' I including AS i 1 1! every year 1 ij i! 1 1 1 ij 1 r I i[ 1 1 Sharing Workshop and i 2 workshops 0.20 1 0.20 0.20 3.20 0.20 0.20 020 0.20 j 3.20 i 1 ac ! Dissemination of DI‘^E ! =■ i! D9r year i 1j j i 1 1 j 'Teiephor>e Charges for 0.2 ! 8 vears si 0.00 i 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 1.60 . Communication ! i j 1 MIS corrsumaDies j. 0.-!5 , 8 years 0.':'5 ; 0.-5 3,15 0 ^5 0.1-5 0.15 0.15 0 15 0.15 1.35 !■' — ..... 1 ! j Maintenance anc j i 0,5 6 years 0.00 ! 0.00 11 0.00 i 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 j 0.50 3.00 ; contipencies i J 1 ....j1 1 1! 1 1t 2000 ! "Anusandhar" study i 11 1 ! villages j COHORT and Child 0.005 9.00 1i 9.00 i 9.00 j 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 j1 9.00 81.00 including , r ! ■’■'■acking Ii iI urt)an arear j 1I 1. 1 j!1 1 Computensation of Chrla i 4 3 4.00 I 0.00 1 I 0.00 i1 4.00 1 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 i iracKinq Systerr: 1 ______j - ■—J ...... 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 i Office Autom.afion System 1 i 2.00 1 0.00 ( 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 j 0.00 j O.OC 0.00 2 : 1 ^ ... i ------j ------a ------1------. 1! ' 1 { ! i Geogra p r. y r, :■) i t n form at i on i 3 i 2 i 3.00 j 0.00 j 3.00 j 0.00 0.00 j 0.00 1 o.oc 0.0® 0.00 6 o ystprr ...... 1—...... — i r ------j i Total 1 31.48 . 18.63 j 19.63 , 24.13 is .i: -3.63 1 23.13 19.13 18.63 193.52 ______1 ( 1 > i - i^e a r wise Costing 4 i SI. No, Intervention Total Costing! 1 2001- 2002- 1 2003- 2004- ! 2005- ( 2006- ‘ 2007- [ 2008- 1 2009- 1 i .* 1 2002 2003 2004 2005 1 2006 1 200^ • 2008 * 2009 ' 2010 I 1 i ------...... f : ' ^Tojec: Managemef.; 75.560 106.330 114.780 114.730 112.980 j 100.980 I 90.980 j 90.980 i 90 980 i 899.370 t 1------j------i 1 ' tI ...... i t ...... 2 Civii - 'vorks 1473.000 1944.000 1227.500 604.100 490.000 1 434.500 j 346 000 j 219.000 ! 0 000 6743.100 i 1 1 t Planning and ...... j— ...... 3 2.472 136.100 0.700 j 57,450 368.044 1 Manaaement 21.200 j 75.072 1 0650 ! 73750 ! 0 650 j ------f— ...... i I Planning for Pedaoogica! h " ...... 4 473.370 756.372 619.698 j 541.686 I 522.532 Irnprovement 598.528 I 540,246 1 487828 i 509 650 * 5054.910 i1 ------11------1 1 Acceess for Deorived ! ! ... 260.C70 306.910 304.070 j 304.070 308.270 309.430 j 307.430 1i 307,430 ; 259.430 i 2667.110 ' Children 1 1 i i SC/ST (Focus GrouD; ...... ! ■*"...... "1 6 0.725 115.375 116.675 I 111.700 62.825 9.350 j 9 300 1 509.000 9 000 ‘ 943.950 I Education ! li 1I 1 i ■...... ! ['” ■ ...... 1...... 1 *- " ■ ■ f 7 Girts' Education j 6.86C 108.510 107.260 1 105.760 104.750 106.010 100,860 102 610 ? 102.210 1 844,840 i < ! ...... Early Child Care I 1 ! 8 63.112 1 78,387 j 63.753 I 60.973 56.963 91.864 1 40.413 1 i 36.445 ' 529.345 1 Education | 37.435 1 1i ! i i fntecrated Education for ^ 1 ...... 1...... ! 1 ...... * 33.785 193.858 j 211.680 1 178.905 181.073 172.320 !j 145.380 1 143.208 !1 ■'.12:^30 ^402.938 ^ 9 f Disabled • J jf : 1 i 1 i ...... f '0 1 Mecia . ■ 1 i . 150 1 53.008 j 24.358 |. 24.358 48.508 25.358 42.508 i1 29 358 ! 24 358 272.964 ? ! ’ 1 1 i ...... ! Comn^unitv Mobnizat'on "T ! 1 0 210 j 45 475 j 43,975 I 4.225 2.725 2 725 1 2.725 i 2 725 i1 2 725 '’ 07.51Q ? * ' ■■'J °artlciD3t^■,.t^ ! 1I 1 * ! t f 1 ! 1“ ■■ — ...... "t ! I '12 j Research and tvaiuaiion j O.juO I 125.524 i 20.340 j 46.924 95.440 1 54.424 1 16,840 1 119 524 1 16 8^0 ! 496.15€ ^ 1 ■ , ■ I \ 1 1 1 . ! 1...... "'■"1 ...... 1 1 1 13 i Distance Education | 1.060 j 22.210 j 21.210 1 21.210 21.210 j 21.210 1 20.210 ! 20.210 i 2C.2‘'0 ' 168.740 I t - ...—...... -T1 !i 1 Managemen' Inforna^ior * \ 14 i 31,480 j 18.630 j 19.630 1 24 130 19130 1 19.630 1 23.130 * '!9'!30 * ^8 630 193.520 System '' ■■ ■ - " 1 i i 1 !...... r I i Total i 2434.174 j 4010.689 1 2895.629 ( 2220.863 1 2120.642 I 1927,78: '«<^fl6.672 i 2162.188 1 1233,858 20692.497 1 ------i ______1