January 28, 1966

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January 28, 1966 fortas Stresses Human Investment In Education Rather Than Capital NEW YORK -- Supreme Court of trained people for Industry and Justice Abe Fortas stressed the government. need for new emphasis In foreign "The great lack of the na- aid, with education and training tlons that are tl)e generatlve_spots ("human Investment") getting of. world Infection ls, I suggest, priority over capital, In remarks not only cpaltal Investment, per- THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. made last week at the dinner- haps not primarily capital In- session ot' the 44th annual meeting vestment, butlnvestmentlnpeople, of the American Organization for their health, education and train- _v_o_L_._x_L_IX_,_N_o_._48____ F_R_ID_A_Y_,_J_ANU __ AR_Y_ 2_8_,_1_9_66_______ 1s_c_P_E_R_c_o_P_Y ____ 1_6_P_A_G_E_S Rehabilitation through Training. Ing." ORT, an overseas vocational He cl ted the work of ORT as training agency, has programs In "an example for the world of 21 countries. a fundamental truth, that first Thirty Reform Rabbis Announce Plans Justice Fortas appealed for and last, progress must come action "directed plainly, simply through the Improvement of the and Immediately to feed, house, knowledge and skll1s of people." To Carry Peace Drive To Congregations educate, train and heal the peoples The delegates adopted a budget themselves. of $12-mllllon, highest In the or- "We have too many examples ganlzatlon's history. This year Decision Follows of substantial Investments In cap- It Is designed to expand ORT Ital · goo.els to which we have con- programs for 50,000 persons In Goldberg Talk trlbuted, which have yielded neg- Its school s abroad. llglble results because of. the lack Dr. William Haber, president NEW YORK - Plans for a - of the_organization, announced the militant peace campaign were out­ adoption of a five-year plan to lined thi s week by 30 Reform rab­ 'Exam Days Var'1ed expand vocational and educational bis, who conferred for two hours services to Impoverished and dls- with Arthur J . Goldberg, chief United States delegate to the United placed Jews overseas. fOr Civil Service He said that key elements In Nations. WASHINGTON - The United the plan Include the following steps Rabbi Jacob J. Weinstein of States ClvllServlceCommlsslonls lncreaslns,; ORT trade and technl- Chicago said Mr. Goldberg wel­ maklng special provision !or cal high school facilities, estab- comed their remarks and agreed Orthodox Jewish applicants totake !lshlng a network of apprentice- that the American public mus, be examinations !or Federal summer ship centers In Israel to ~dmlt free ro speak Its mind. He reas­ Jobs on a day other than Satur- more Immigrant youth, creating sured them that United States peace day, Civil Service Commissioner reacher training. programs, and efforts wlll continue. The rabbis. John W. Macy said recently. constructing new trade schools In who Intend ro carry their campaign In a · letter to Sen. Hugh Scott, France to serve job training needs ro 640 Reform congregations, In­ he responded to the Senator's com- of 200,000 recent North African tend at so to meet with Protestant plaint that some applicants could Jewish Immigrants. and Roman Catholic groups. not take tests on the Jewish.Sab- Dr. Haber, Dean of the Uni­ - ... Speaking with Mr. Goldberg at bath. Macy said such applicants verslty of Michigan, said that ma­ THE NEMIROW FAMILY -- Martin, the older son, Is at left. Larry the Carnegie Endowment Interna­ will be permitted to !111 out Form jor Increases of the budget were stands behind his parents In this photograph taken on Mr. Nemlrow' s tional Center here, the rabbis had 127 which provides special exam!- assigned ro ORT programs In ls­ 50th birthday. expressed their doubts about the nations !or applicants whoobserve rael, France, Iran , India and Mo- American role In Viet Nam, their the Sabbath on Saturday. rocco. fears about the escalation of the The regular examinations will In a message ro the conven- Philip Nemirows Reluctantly conflict and their earnest hopes be held In various places through- tlon, President Johnson cited ORT !or the continuation of peace ne­ out the nation on a Saturday this for Its training progi;ams through­ gotiations. month or In February !or 1966 out the world, asserting that Leave R. I. For Canada Even If military necessity re­ Jobs In.the executive branch of the "amidst the' horrors of war and Not many people who " came" day wlll be 21 Frazerwood Ave­ quires a resumption of bombing Federal Government for positions upheaval, you have provided to Rhode Island are as reluctant nue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In North Vietnam, the efforts .to as clerks, stenographers, typists, strength for more than survival, to leave as Mr. and Mrs. Philip They came to Rhode Island 10 get negotiations opened will go on, o!!lce machine operators and some you have brought the hope of re- Nemlrow of 135 Rochambeau years ago when RKO Theatres Mr. Goldberg was quoted as say­ sclentl!lc assistants. newel to countless thousands." Street, whose annress after Sun- transferred Mr. Nern Irow to Prov­ ing. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, idence , to be manager of the Albee Rabbi Weinstein, Rabbi Mau­ Theatre. "My husband and I felt rice N. Elsendrath of New York we would live the rest of our and Rabbi Albert M. Lewis of If Orthodox Jew Doesn't Tell Reform lives ·here," said Sybil Nemlrow. Los Angeles acted as spokesmen "Phil loves the job up there be­ for the Reform group. Rabbi Wein­ cause o! the chaJJenge. It's a stein Is president of the Central tremendous undertaking, the kind Conference of American Rabbis. Neighbor How To Act, Unity Possible of thing you can sink your teeth All said they had carried away NEW YORK -- A symposium tory at Yeshiva University, wel- which Will eventually disappear" into, but he hated to leave." the Impression that Mr. Goldberg on Jewish ecumenism was told corned what he described as a as Its Jewish ethos Is "Withered" Philip Nemlrow Is now city blessed their efforts to Inform con­ ·last week that the religious unity "thaw" In the positions o! the by assimilationist forces. director of Loew's Th~atres In gregations throughout the country of Jews Is possible If believers three main denominations o! Jew- "This Will be a major tragedy Toronto. He had been with RKO on American policy and aims In accept God's commandments but !sh religious life. · In Itself," he declared, adding: for 35 years when the Albee was Viet Nam. As a first step, they refrain from telling each other He warned, however, that two "There Is a good chance, however, closed. Born In Hartford, he lived will send out copies of the 14- how t9 carry them out. Immediate crises must be dealt that the remnantcancometogether most of his life In New York City, polnt policy statement made Professor Jakob J. Petuchow- with, con!llct over marriage and around a mutual commitment to where his first Job, In his early earlier this month when Washing­ ski o! Hebrew Union College made divorce practices, and growing the Covenant and to the search !or teens, was as a nnmer on Wall ton sent Mr. Goldberg and others the statement at a forum of Reform, partisanship among the three ma- a Halacha which Is an attempt Street. abroad on a peace offensive. Orthodolt and Conservative rabbis jor wings o!rellgiousJewry.Rabbl to live lnthellghto!theCovenant." Mrs. Nemirow, a native New The rabbis said their own edu­ ., and scholars at Stephen WlseCon- Greenberg noted that Orthodox Yorker, prefers Providence to her cation campaign at home would be I gress House. The symposium was Jews follow Halacha (Jewtsh law) Rabbi Petuchowsld said that home town. She Is a graduate of waged with the same militancy that I sponsored by the quarterly journal and Insist that religious cere­ comblntng the three Wings of Ju­ Brooklyn College. "I was going to they had demonstrated In support of "Judaism," which Is published monies be performed If a mar­ daism In one would "of necessity be a French teacher, but · I met civil rights, where the support of by the American Jewish Congress. r)age ts to be valid. He noted, Involve some give and take." Phil and my career went out the religious leaders helped signifi­ Dr. Steven s. Schwarzscblld, edl- however, that most secular Jews, Reform Jews, he stated, would window," she commented. "After cantly. tor of the magazlpe, presided. Reform and Conservative, reject have to come to terms with the almost 27 years of marriage, I Rabbi Weinstein said religious Rabbi Petuchowsld, a Reform the authority o! Halachaand marry religious laws governing marriage just hope our chll dren will be as forces could be helpful In resisting spokesman, said the three wings and divorce according to civil and d,lvorce while the OrthodOlt happy as we, and have the same the pressures of the "hawks 0 - of religious Judaism In America law, Ignoring Orthodolt Jewish re­ community would have to acknow­ kind of relationship. He's so good. those who want to see bombing could unite I! all were Willing to qulrements. ledge the changed position of wo­ Ir's not natural to be so good - resumed, who favor a buildup of accept the principles of afflrma- As a result of the sharp dlf­ man In our society. and he Is." troops and who believe the war tlon of the personal God, revela- ferences among the three groups, They knew no one In Canada ·must be pursued with all vigor. Uon of Torah by God to man, "there Is a real danger that, In In matte.rs of"personalplety," when he went up there In October, and the central role of the oral a generation or two, Jews who the Reform rabbi said, "let us "bur we didn't know anyone when tradition.
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