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, , Page Three' .l Thursday, January 5, 1950 THE JEWISH POST • Page Two 'I •• l.lnS. pon' Thursday, January 5, 1950 V()§T personal, human, self-sacrificing involvement in her struggle than by any amount of gifts in kind Newsy Not~s or cash. The Jewish communities should be By BORIS SMOLAR 'Dream No More' Fine Film lEWiSii PeST . cognizant of this service rendered by their youth, (Copyright, 1950, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc,) !.~I~IT~:~:'::L~~: .. New York (JTA) - Issue with the Christmas message of Pope Pius and feel proud to accept the new organization. ' xn was taken here by Rabbi Louis I. Newman, a leading Reform rabbi, The Oldest Anglo-Jewish W ...ldll in West.".,. CanaM Public "debut" of MAHAL here took place at ZIONIST AFFAIRS: The future of the "DREAM NO MORE" a feature film produced in by Joseph Krumgold and Norman in a sermon to his congregation. The Pontiff's message, calling for a fight (lSlUed weekly in the intermt. .f ,;r...... h Community aeti...... last Sunday's Mass Rally for , which L9urie; music by Lahn Adomian; English narrative; released by Palestine FilpIs; opening at Ambas­ on atheism, was also addl'essed to those "who adore Christ - not excluding in Winnipeg and W..t.rn Canana) world Zionist movement is now being mapped sador Theatre, New York, Jan. 6, 1950. those who sinccl'cly but vain.Jy await His colming - to join the common Member of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency opened the Histadrut conference at the Playhouse. The community's declaration on Jerusalem was quietly in New York by the Jewish Agency. By DAVID R. WAHL battle." ... Two committees have been set up by the Vatican sources were reported as viewing this reference as a "con­ Publkbed eT8I'J' TbandaJ" by read by the president of the MAHAL association, TIlE JEWISH POST LTD. Agency in New York to prepare a program "Dream No More," Israel's first post-statehood full-length film to be released in the. ciliatory gesture" toward Jews at a time when the Vatican and Israel arc Pahl.hen a most significant gesture, since no one more U.S., is in the very best tradition of movie-making in America, Britain and Italy of recent at odds over the safeguarding of the Holy places in Jerusalem. Rabbi suitable could have been found for this task than for remolding the Zionist movement through­ BEN M. COHEN out the world.... These committees are years. A fortunate combination of a human story and a. document of life in Israel, it was Newman declared: Btuin.. Manaa'u and JlanaeiD.. Editor a veteran of the war that kept Jerusalem Jewish · I . . . b k'll d' t" "The supposed l·eference to the Jewish people in the Pope's Christmas rna d e- en tIre y With a non-professional cast. Seven of Its mem ers were I eln ac IOn message is unfortunately worded, and if it were not for an explanation Phone 54 400 EveniDp 111112111 so recently. also to define the relationship between the MELVIN FENSON, B.A., Editor Israel Government and -the Jewish Agency. during the war in Palestine. All in aU, it is a film to be seen and raved about. given by Vatican circles and headlined, by some of the press it would If LEO J. L!lZACK ... The relationship between the two is today The story of "Dream No More" is a simple one. It begins shortly before the end of have passed unnoticed. the reference to 'those who sincerely but vainly Advertlli~ Xene .. not entirely as some members of the Agency the. Mandate, and its hero, Shlomo Vollmus (played by Avraham Doryon, who almost lost await' the coming of a Christ or Messiah is intended to apply to adherents Phone 54 400 Evenings 402 9111 his life in the Ben Yehuda street bombing in Jerusalem) is a. young man whose life up to of the Jewish faith, it is a regrettable approach .. Head Office: 213 Selldrk Ave., Winnipeg, Canada Israel: Rock of Strength would wish it to be .... The issue will now A . . "If, moreover, the item was included as 'a conciliatory gestul·e' re- .A.uUaoriHd .. IM!COIld el_ mall,. P.t: OUJ. Dep&l'tJunt. Ott.,.. come under discussion before the Jewish this period has been spent d9dging death in several concentration camps. rrlvmg on lating to the Vatican's role in the effort to intemationalize Jerusalem, it Agency executive which will hold its session a refugee ship, he experiences all the emot ions appropriate to one reaching the Holy also will lind no response either in Israel or among Jews throughout the He came from Podolia; his geshmacke Yiddish this month in Jerusalem ..•. A final decision Land after years of wandering. " world." Midpoint Inventory was peppered with nostalgic (for some) Russian on it will be reached at the forthcoming World An inner struggle develops in SliJomo when he sees a poster which makes him LEARN FRENCH TO ORDER EINSTEIN'S NEW ESSAYS phrases. He was clever, realistic, sharP and Zionist Congress. . . . question whether he 'is "good enough" for Israel. He goes through the routines of medical GEFILLTE FISH IN ISRAEL! MEANT FOR COMMON MAN dynamic. But above all else, Meir Grabovsky, In preparation for the fight at the Congress, examination,. labor office interviews, and finally is settled on Kibbutz Gedania in the Galilee. New York (Special) - Chaim New York - A collection of For two reasons we, as Jews, cannot take this Israeli M.P. who delivered the keynote address American Zionists are now making a strong effort Moved by his doubts, Shlomo develops an ex traordinary zeal, trying to be heroic in even Greenberg, Am e ric a n Zionist new essays by Prof, Albert Ein­ half-century business ,too seriously. As stodgy at the Histadrut conference, was a Sabra. for a maximum sale of Shekolim in this country. the simplest situations - when no more is asked than that he carry his normal share of leader, told newspaper men in stein who yesterday announced old journals point out, the half~century ends and ' He infused his every remark with the Sabra . . . The more Shekolim sold, the more American the common burden. ~srael recently that on the menu his· new formula about gravita­ starts a year from now. And then it was only flint-like quality that has proved Israel's salva­ delegates will go to the Congress. . . . And if Too Mu ch Zeal of the Waldorf Astoria, New tion, will be published' on April ten years ago that we celebrated the end and ' tion. He was hard as nails in his frank presenta- there will be any. fight at the Congress,. it, is , Thus, when he digs holes for fence posts, he makes them four feet deep instead of York's premier hotel,. one can 24 by the Philosophical Library, beginning of a new century in our Jewish reckon­ tion of the realities. - expected to develop chiefly between the American eight inches. In the kibbutz chorus he contributes a strident solo and the director explains find HGefillte fish" written. In entitled "Science and Life.'~ ing ., .. we passed from 5699 to 5700. Most memorable, most typical of his state- and Israel delegations. . . . The Americans will ,that a chorus means· teamwork. In the Eden hotel in Jerusalem, O~e· of the essays set down "in ments was that despite the rains, the mud, the probably be outnumberell by the Israelis inasmuch · maneuvers, he heroically wovep. naturally into its story. If gala premiere at the Ambassador however, this dish could be simple 1enns," the basic con­ January 1, 1950, therefore" represents only crawls 50 yards ahead of his com- the midpoint in a year thus far not particularly . tents, the lack of medical care, milk and mat­ as the Shekel system permits Israel twice as many it is typical of the kind of movies we theatre in New York on Jan. 5, and . f01;lnd only written in French. cepts of his theory of relativity. distinguished in any manner in Winnipeg's his­ tresses ... the hundred thousand new immigrants delegates as any other country for the amount of · pany and the commander explains can expect from Israel, a rich,· new will be shown to the public start­ tory. In prospect ahead there are great plans languishing in Israel's reception camps are one Shekolim sold. . . . The only way for American · that he cannot expect to win the field of education and entertainment ing Jan. 6. Release dates in other KEEPS MUM ON GERMAN JEW HATRED hundred times better off where they are now ... 'war all hy himself but that he will will hav been opened to the public. cities will be announced later. u.s. and projects. Winnipeg Jewry in 1950 will have Zionists to have as many delegates as the Israelis r Fl"8nkfurt, (JTA) - The staff of U.S. High Commissioner John J. have the help, 6f ,many comrades. - Israel Speaks. a new North End Synagogue; ~he will launch her than to be back where they were. is, therefore, to seII twice as many Shekolim a~ 'IDream No More" will have a McCloy has decide.d,to pursue a "hands-off" policy in the case of WoHgang It is an easy statement to make ... for any­ One of the pretty girls of the Hedler, right-wing member of the West German parliament, who has first joint UJA drive since major amounts have the total sold in Israel. ... It must, of course be kibbutz cLecides that Shlomo is the been collected here; she will have a handsome one who has not seen the camps. And it is also remembered that the American delegates com~ to been suspended from office for anti-Semitic fulminations. man she wants to marry, and, to­ "Under the circu,mstances it is far wiser to let the Germans handle new Y.M.H.A. - Community Centre; her ne~ easy to say ... for anyone who has seen all of t~e C_ongress not as a solid unit but as representa­ BRANTFORD ASKS PROVINCE TO RULE Israel.. Because the suffering cannot last more gether with her comrades, she helps the problem without Allied interference," James R. Riddleberger, political Shaarey Zedek Synagogue will have completed tIves of different groups in . . . _ So do adviser to the U.S. Commissioner declared today. "If we stepped in, we than one generation. Admittedly, these immi­ him find his proper ·niche in the ON DISC TORY BYLAW would never really be able to tell to what degree what Hedler is sup­ a first year of new, vital educational work and the delegates from Israel. ... However, the latter life of his new counh-;" .iIi~ final general community revival. grants are the new Dor HaMid bar whom Moses represent mostly the labor wing in the Zionist BRANTFORD - "Jim Crowism is slowly becoming obsolete in the posed to have said reflects the opinion of other German spokesmen." led through deserts for forty years till from cure, in fact, comes when she does , , The first half of the organizational year has movement.... Southern United States, and in Ontalio, which offered· sanctuary to GREEKS FORCE RESIGNATION U.S. ISSUES GOMPERS been distinguished for its cultural dullness if them were born the generation of free me:n. And the prop~sing and he q-q~stions Negroes before emancipation, it should not now be tolerated," the city all youth in Israel , .. from all quarters and all COMMUNAL ISSUES: The year has whether he is suffi~iently respon­ OF JEWISH MINISTER TO ISRAEL STAMP ON CENTENARY little else. A campaign, formerly responsible' for shown a great deal of activity among Jewish council declared last night in a resolution asking the Attorney-General Athens (JTA).- Joseph New York (Special)-Samuel sections of the population ... are sons of freedom. s"ihle to take on the duties' of"mar­ to rule on a by-law passed recently in the town of Dresden forbidding a small cavalcade of guest speakers . . . (even c~mmunities i~ this country in the reorganiza­ riage and a family. Mallah, chief of the Greek dip­ Gompers, the late pioneer labor Grabovsky disguised nothing. Perhaps he service in some restaurants to Negroes. "culture" with ulterior motives is better than tIon of governmg bodies to allow for broader Shlomo's would-be bride now ex­ lomatic mission to Israel, who is leader who was born to a Lon­ , none at all) ... was inactive this fall. A program shattered whatever shreds of illusion remained The by.-Iaw could, "in effect, be a direct conh'avention of the spirit to sta.rry--eyed Zionists who can't move the figs, r~presentation .•.• Detroit, Denver, Jackson­ plains to him that even these· re­ now on Leave in .Paris, has ex­ don Jewish family, will be I of public forums that had almost become a tradi­ vIlle, l,Iar~ford, Houston and Elmira have of the Racial Discriminations Act of 1944, which is deSigned to prevent pressed a wish to resign his honored by the United States dates and palms to make room for ugly barracks. sponsibilities - in Israel - are discrimination against any person of cIa·ss, because of color or creed" the tion, was suspended. The mode of adult educa­ made slgmficant changes in this direction.. _ . post. government on the lOOth anni­ But his firm~ess was all vigor; he sunk deep and shared by the entire community. council's resolution said. It asked that the Attorney-General of Ontario tion in Jewish circles seemed to suffer a setback Thus the talk one hears now in New York She explains to him how the prob­ Attacks against the appoint­ versary of his birth... A three­ as inexplicable as changes in milady's fashions sure ~oundatlOns for a record fund-raising drive consider the Dersden action. for Hlsta~rut and Israel. Winnipeg was privileged ~bout the ,!ecessity for "democratizing" Jew- lems of raising children are under­ ment objected to the fact that cent s.tamp, bearing a picture of ~rom year to year. Three struggling young Zion­ ISh fe~eratIons, welfare funds and community The resolution followed a letter to the council from the United Textile a Jew was appointed as the first Mr. Gompers, will be placed on to hear hIm. taken in common by the kibbutz, Workers, A.F,L. Ist groups with pretensions to culture, quietly counc~Is t~roughout the country sounds like how the KupatCholim (medical Greek diplomatic· representative sale by theU,S. Postoffiice de­ gave up the ghost. ''This cOWlcil endorses the sentiments expressed by the Textile breakmg mto an open door.••• The truth service of Histadrut) operates, and to Israel. partment. Workers/' the resolution asserted. Winnipeg Jewry seemed to be besieged by a of the matter is that these central Jewish many other aspects 9f social security p~ralysis of effort. They were busy building Einstein' 5 N~w Theory ~ommunity bodies are themselves now seek­ in Israel. She makes him see that AUTHOR OF FAMED sein of Mecca between July, IL.IOO MILLION FOREIGN FUNDS NEEDED PIth om and Raamses as usual. A minor Moshe By DAVID SCHWARTZ mg a br?ader base from which to draw their children are· not a burden but equal McMAHON LETTERS, DIES 1915, and March, 1916, when Sir Jerusalem (lSI) - ISi·ael will need one hundred million pounds in Rabbenu seemed to be called for to wake them (Copyright, 1950, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) leadershIp ••.. They realize that one import­ members in the kibbutz with their Henry was high commissioner foreign excha~ge during 1950 to fulfil the government's development out of their lethargy. ant a~pect of any central community body is parents and that old age is also pro­ London-Sh' Henry McMahon, in Egypt, program, Finance Minister Eliezer I{aplan told the Knesset last week in introducing his "Bill for the Encouragement of Capital Investments." that .It mu~t b.e ~epresentative of the corn. vided for. During her narrative the who passed on in London, Dec. Ab~ut 20· years later he wrote They tell a story about Einstein. Once he was' mumty whIch It IS serving 29, was· author of the famous In the Iirst eleven months of 1949, the balance of payments was 80 in a dining car. He looked at the menu but then AMONG ..•• film flashoes beyond the kibbutz to to The Times, of London, deny:.. million pounds, half of which came from the National Funds; payment . LITERATI: The first American show how these institutions work, "McMahon Letters" which Arabs ing that he intended to include . for exports, investment transfers and gifts and immigrants" belongings. New Veteran's Club Formed realizing ~e had forgotten his glasses, ~alled one ~ewlsh au~hor to have her book translated into claim promised them Palestine. of the walters and asked him to read the bill of and thus, with grace and humor, the Palestine in the area in which AREA OF JEWISH "VOICE OF AMERICA" fare. . apall~se IS Mrs. Lucy Robins Lang . The theme is carried out. (And, of The letters were a long corre­ . Arab independence was prom- JERUSALEM ENLARGED STARTS ARAB BROADCASTS Mac~lllllan Publishing Company, which 'la~t' year course, the girl gets her man.) spondence with the Sherif Hus- ised. Jerusalem (Special) - An ex- New York (WJA)-The "Voice A new Jewish veterans' group has been formed ~. "Sorry, boss," said the waiter, "I'm as ignor­ ., ' fUlb,~lshed Mrs. Lang's book, "Tomorrow Is Beauti- By the close of the story, Shlomo, tension of the municipal area of of America" has started broad- in Winnipeg, one bound to become an integral ant as you." " part of the community, and certainly a great u, an~ou1!ces that it has made arrangements now the assistant baker of the Jerusalem has been announced casts in Arabic to all countries 'i. It's only a story, but it points up the moral. for pubhcatr?n of a Japanese edition of the vol­ SCOUTS' HIGH AWARD TO N.B. JEW 'I· asset on the Zionist side of the ledger. The The world seems to recognize Einstein as its kibbutz, is voted into permanent , St. John N.B. (Special) A Jewish citizen of st. John, New Brunswick by the minister of the interior of the Arab world. "The program, . . ;: ?m 'k . It WIll be brought by the Hokuseido Press membership and sent to represent in the Official Gazette. To the consisting of news) eonimen- i MAHAL association is composed of 'volunteers greatest mind of today. No less a thinker than t has been awarded the highest prize in scouting by the Boy Scouts of • from overseas' who fought in Israel's War of L 0 yo ..... ¥rs, Lang is the wife of Harry his settlement at a meeting with a Canada. The man, 55 year old Eli Boyaner received at Ottawa the "Silver municipal area the following· taries, features and m~sic, is Bertrand .R.ussell has remarked on one aspect of Wolf" for service. He is the only Jew' in Canada to have attained this Independence, and the name is an 'abbreviation the relatiVIty theory that "it is the greatest . ~~1!~,ubg~~ edlt.or of the Jewish Daily Forward. number of others in th~ Galilee. His coveted Boy Scout prize.. quarters have been added: Bait scheduled to be on· the air for 'th J . ,whIch deals to a very great extent moment of triwnph comes when he Vegan, Belt Hakerem, Mizrachi· 30 minutes daily and is c~rried of those words in Hebrew (Mitnadvei mi'Hutz intellectual contribution to human history." W I eWlsh life' th' Mr. Boyaner, an optometrist by profession, was in April 1948 elected L'aretz) . When men like Bertrand Russel! tel! us this evoked much .Ill IS c~untry and in Russia, stands as an equal among his fellows, president of the Canadian Association of optometrists. Workers' Quarter, Moshe Monte- by four shortwave transmitters About forty Winnipeggers took part in the we must ~ccept it. I must say that I have just It ,. praIse when It appeared last year. casting a proud ballot to establish a Besides his work with the scouts and the Optometrists association, fiori Quarter, Hamekasher Quar- in the U.S.A., one relay trans- fight, forming an honorable percentage of the . .. carnes a preface b W'll' co-operative flour mill for _ the Mr. Boyaner, who was born in St. John, and lived there all his life, has tel', Ye£e-Nof, Workers' Quarter, mitter at Munich (Germany) b~en l?o,kmg at the mathematical equations in dent of th A' y I lam Green, pres i­ for. over 30 years devoted his spare time to public enterprizes.. He is active total Canadian contingent. In numbers, quality ~mstem s new theory and I find nothing wrong cha tel' e. merICan Federation of Labor and entire area. with the St. John Red Cross of which he is now honorary president and Giv'at Shaul, Dir Yassin, Lifta~ and three relay transmitters of and total overall contribution, it is generally held f X s. of"lthave been broadcast by the "Voice At all times the film is deeply Mekor-Hayim, Ramat Rahel, and the Briti~h Broadcasting cor- m them. I am not sure Prof. Einstein will be o menca to many countries formerly president. He was also president of the City Rotary, and has in Israel that Canadian MAHAL vied closely for reassured by my fihding. And k' .... human and its educational aspect is been president of the Shaarei Zedek synagogue for the past seven yea1·s. the Jewish part of Zefafa_ poration. first place with South Africans ... who generally I remember as a boy we used to be asked such from al~pe~ Ing of w~men authors, we hear . ... I . . -S aTe unbeatable where Zionist activity is' concerned. ma~~ematical. questions as the following: L . SI es comphments for Leah W , It is regrettable that so little has been told I~ X tral!! travels at 50 miles per hour and C~~~:;d ,I,n .connecti~n with her book "Jewish here of MAHAL's contribution to the Israeli fight. Y tram 60 miles per hour, what is the name of in y, .lust publIshed by Crown Publish- Certainly, this Was the first occasion on which the engineer?" w~~ ·a~.~,I t~ll :r~ ~hi~r~e~n5~~oking, but tho~e Israel had seen such a floodtide of Anglo-Saxon I couldn't even answer that question. the best ever published on J-pa~ehvolul~e IS SHOLEM. ALEICHEM'S "ITS HARDlO,; BE A JEW"., immigration, and while most MAHAL men have How.ever,. I know and. the world knows that art It· eWIS cu mary :! .Je~i~h '. cO'!tams .recipes for hundreds of PRESENTED BY HILLEL DRAMATIC SOCIETY' returned; the contact was fruitful for both. An when Emstem says anythmg he has it al! figured SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, AT THE PLAYHOUSE THEATRE, 8:30 P.M. unusually large group of Anglo-Saxon Jewish Ol~t. We are pr?ud of the fact that this greatest the sab~~t~:Sj~~~~~dh01i~hose associat.ed with you th ::met Israel . . . and Israel, we imagine, is mmd of today IS a Jew. brations Th ~YS and famIly cele­ Advance Sale of Tickets Only Tickets Available at: now reassessing her conception of absorbing and Perhaps one might infer that Einstein is tested f~r' ~c~u' ese. reCIpes have alI been $1.00 - 75c - 50c Peoples' Book Store - Y.M.H.A. - Jewish youth Centre and the Hillel House ittracting Anglo-Saxon . carrying on in the tradition of Moses, For in­ Uchniques for of m?ddertn . Israel was ,more heartened by this display of (Cant. on page 10) f~!jp:~!~:ti~~ht.. " l nCI en - (C onto on page 10)

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