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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

2-28-1909 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-28-1909 Journal Publishing Company

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MEXICO, SUNDAY, 28, 1909, It; Mall 50 a Month: Siiiah- - Copir. 5 rriils. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW FEBRUARY rt. t ' i, THIRTY-FIRS- T YEAR. Vol. CXXI, No. E9. To month.


' . - '- -i - t" 1 HALU ;, irír ' I X . PENSION omci' CITY r j , rU


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I flWW 1 'I, , (;;c)i'V!-irJIT- . I All !: J?RE5IDmTEU:CT. INAUGURA!. PARADE OIRDSE VU VIF.W OF WASHINGTON, SHOWING ROUTE OF EFFECTIVE! mm mm t everidge and lfeison Wm 1 leer rig, I ilUii i uimi LL 3 qi New Mexico P! ESSIVE Against the Admission MEMS Í i mm i on pirrriinpri!GOV. cuiiry declares BEAT Custom Handed Down Without Essential PI Change Since Days of Washington; II! i. Kir, if ? S IS ti ti I s Mil g íí ,--B V ViS-k- Sketch of Former Inmitjurations. I so u swww iVif ASIA Ll.V J I ica I 1 v a- - 11 t t'l- - BILL Hr Mnrnin Jt'tliHJtl Sn- tut ri'tl r in. i,,, u n. ev sMi ex3 ' . I... i.,,,i ii. , It fin .: of i ii I ' ,, ' ll,! I" . It It It. SSI'll h & f- y :í E V 1 t W INQU THOROUGH H - í'f f ,1 o,, ,i,- - ,, 1, lit ItiH ,i o- ira 'w u ; ll', mi , ,,l,- l;,i vi- Ili 111 5 ii:'-'- a1 ,,;... ,. , ... Hit', III" I'.'tllM.I,', ill I S i ,. ,.,;,,. ,, n,,,; tücvciiílm: Spline ;T,, fct?s i i .,1 I" ti- M..niint .i u:i ii" ir. ,:: .!, Hi" II :.., lis I n, I .I.Tiir- - h I fví x, .v: i... ., r:,.i . ,,iir ist Miiiuli: l'i 1" up oMtc ... li .1-- jiii.l ull. !ilt:;s I'hibor-- ; -- I ' .1 .1 ;i W.- Imiv.- ! r!,:W lo) r ., , H I. ,r lo t',. hirl, II... ,1, :, !; ...I" ,,:l .1 Itlilk- - . t O , h.,- - i.. in 01 INi'W IVH'XI' tliUiM.i-(- .1 ...,i.i i, im,... .,j hood ,,,,- o i, It , li;. li' ll- It 1 ill tltljlllt I M ilihl l'ol". i.l'.l q ? 1 in'. .ill. .'luí ;. : toVVll- - 1,11,1 till X p" rí'r5 s 1 fi,M.-.- ll. I'l llll"' (? fc f'! , .., .. AlloOa, F rti g j f ,,...... , .. ,;,v,. . .t f.,M.,.; hi-- I 8r a f. sad r t h v :i w mi si it ' .111,1 If. .'0-...- . I'V V. ..II" 11 ell lili v,;.';';.::!, '"X;:" I. t - ,11 v 11 1, ':;:: r,,,. .':;:';;.;";,hmi,:! interesting case "I III" ,, un llll.ltlt t::z::t" the 1,. .. I,. ., mi 1, -t ni i' 111 .f Hi,' fittth. : I. .III. ,': ; , ';:'"7:' ;; or santa FE::;':1.,,;;;,;,r.. ..t ..-- . .1, v. ..i ,1 1,1,1 t.'i- iti I... t!,. :;::;::;:: of wilcox ' ,11 "W I ' Yol k. It took l.lll.'O ,. I..-.- I., i,. ini:-- ..! :,nv ti.:..' lo not fen.,,, . ..'I,,,! ).;,,. ... '. ,h t .1 I'ltil-llli;- vv h i h ,,,, t ,, ,. n is ,nt t!..' .. , .1...11.. in... ., - ., ntl-- I ,.. I..I- th- n II'" .f tit" .'.iiltr.'.'S, ,. ,..,. lo "n.t.r.Mv' . ill tl. RrOOlf lUt lOlhll'l ll'IVCillOl 'l!- v. ... ."Itniiii-t- , l'",l l,v t'li-itt-- j ... ,l ,.r. 'i I ' It: In,, I'l ...l,, ..I .lit. I" l.'l 1. 1. . i J. li,l".lMlli.ll . i ... ,1- - i:..i- ni:: t ! ! lli'lhl'lt l..'i Til" ,.f. lit Com- , , ,. ti,- - I know ini f'f Before Senate i,, m i:,...r f i Charges Filed ;.l ..- - .... ili .! I y 11 . K Sensational ' ' 1,1 'o'l hp oh of 1,1. t . s r. :,.!v :.iiy ln -- l .i to Not ,'" -- !! S'.atcnionts (:Mi!toc I.. .Mlli:i,l :: It.. mi I " :it t"lil,t.- - Post- ' ' mil hN Fma .I i', ' .o . ., Cause "i ii." . Territories it. ... '. I,:, . 11 -i OI t on . l.i: li of mittee ! i .. . i vv . M l.'l .lo. I" tin, i t.L'i.t it, t h i. r jt'i,('C(l (;!'. m.i. ..: II : , 1. - ;, ..,, -' , '.. of the Measure n t iiioi - 1..11 I, tli. oitinii;!. t.. ;' Hi.. ,'- - ponement of Consideration in. ,1, In.'. "i. to t1'. " " III- V . .1'" 'i, 1,1. I? I', O. i ,, .1,1. ' - , ,1 .i 1" tofii, t oo, ll ;, . ,.. x. ,., v,.,. ,,, .,f hi !,v i,l . lis or of nn- Ki.pal.n lo M..rMii, .i.iur.11.1 '. l.i- ' !. t ,, ' , 11- .- 11 t h h. ' I I 1. ,.,,t of. lull" I, ... ..! vvill not I'' U .1 ....i .Illusion. I' i I" t 1. .... ;..'-- V, I,, 'ti t In Jlti Moll 11, I- r- - - t "I u ., v ., 11, .1. 1.1 v tor ..n:,' ignition of th- - It- 11, lini- I: o Hi. il. If..,.! lull TO v. , ,.,., t - MAY DECIDE ' 'll, h ..,... 11". Wt.üll- . i I'.,-- ,,, . , ! I," COMMITTEE ,., ) ,; ;!,. 's in,.t Mil, I MIL I., Ill, 111,1. ,11 I,. I! OH "" I...- ,. " - ,, ,1 1., tu, "hi ".::, I iotl vv lii.ll ... . ., " ... w M 'i .l'i M.llt. .1 .'ti , Ii' nl.ii.-- .' to '" '"' .. If ,, - t.:i Ii,.- 1. I t - I,. ,i,i lit of ,t-- .- ' .illy I v. h ,. . H I' tlo- ' l. ll' ),, iii:) l.iiiiv ..t.. un. l,. in. ll.l- -i t" ' INVESTIGATION :" ,, , t. hi, 11 11 ,t tnli- w j. it V si in inn CONDUCT RIGID ,,, ,, 111. i..- - It UP-..- lili OI.,.'.! tiltlll to 1.. " "- - ,.,,'.t Wii.t. !..p, t.oti t.i'i ll.-- . I..- i, ' '. t !.,. .!, n.'iv,- If in, . I, ,! run , .j , .;. -- !...- ...if lins v.i'l ,.... .1 t ,i:it It 11, o.". ' i'l- I" '" ' .... . 1. in, nst r.-- I V - I 1' .t.i:...... --'. - .".!. .1. ,,,,,, t ..,.. of tin- It. ON QUESTION I" .l.'ll '. s . .!. hv ,1 I,' ' iitol .itt BEFORE ACTION ,, - !,.,( "'III' lüM - t -- 1'' l.i r. If. 111.- - . tli.,,1.' ' ' I, "t '' i,(. w i - I t . .. k, 11 11 ,: - ' ' .'i ni,. hut ni;;ht ...... j:;.,-.- .. ... n, t t.. 1, 'i ,. n- tl - ' il l ' "I ' i ll .' ,' . i It ,'V!'l,l'liS. Hv inv.-v- t ., of I, ,,S !, of ... t mil Ml til. ir I"--, .,t .1:11 li " ' th" "! in,,", ' ,, i, 111 i, - . I i . il nit; .it ii of WjisIi- Ittr i..1 . , 4 ..I I. n .r ni;, t ..i .1 . .. Ii i .Mi.ron.K m..' i''t ,,.,)- '.v. i,tii,; ' ' ', I III . - ' , , , , i" til " lit v. r. .' ' I'' I ..' 10 . n.! .. 1. .. ,, ".,,. .1 ..t ll "! !m 11101 ' : - ' " l.i .1 ... f v. ,,, ,, ',,.," I .1" i .'H'" to til" ,,, , .1 .' . 1, - i:i .' ' ".i ,11, i 111, M ' ' ... hi l.tS till, It Jf , th. t "I i;- nuilt.'i- fin f tu.- v , f t ,.. t o. . "I .'.. . '': ..1 !' t,, ' ,1 -- . " 1, it ;,l l, S. Ill ,. . I. ,,, "I know I, .... tli:.t :. tl ..', I ,. ,. ol i I'll '' ' '," "' .t..t. ' !.' Mini - ., i : i" in. iiii; Intt.r.'S- . ;, I" i'ii. in: '.' "f tl"' to. m! i .,. .i.i- - - , " '. c 11 ,v . v . .1 ..I.-'!"- ' ' " a s ii to , t,."' ti," ;,,ll,lil"l, I!. . .lit t.i v "l-- ,.,,(i..f lot Hi ti.l-.'l- tl, i o.u-l- .. ., ,..v M i, , .. t" 111,0.11 K no i' vv w .' ,,, tot .1 ..!.. ."1 " '. ' , , . , . li,:,. s. Dm .v . " t ' ' " "1 ... :,.'!, hot . ' ,1 I 1? t 1,1 . . - I I. . m , ' "I ol lit. of , ni nr.. .i ,,,1,1,, I ' t . 1, "I I., tl, : ; . . ' !. i.l '. t : I'1- ' ill: li. v, Ii.,.,.i v.,,1 fof. iinotlior v hi- - ,. t tl'.-- ' "': "' ''' a i I " 11 - -. 1,..- -; - I tui.l ktil hat j 11,. l.iU I" I'- il. I" o " : hit '' j oii ' ' i t ' ' " '' ' ;.,i 1. '" ! 1, , r I1 ., m :s jolt ti Ailiim u.ta th" 1' ... 1.. " "II. ' ,.f :., . , - I,), Is,, 1 "i :..,..", Í h ', V I ! 1. - t.iivi III. 11. ,t 'I '"'' ' " " l.t :i in tl A ; h- ln- 11 ! ... : - - ::si "11 ll:o, t"X- - 11 s i':...i- ' II . ..I.-K- It -- :' - ; - 11 1 X It-.- Milu . ,1 t 1. H ..ft, "I t 1!, II t" O"' ih s.,1'1:' .". M ' ó -1 V...k 1" T.I.!. Hi, -- I .. .1, I ,', ' i V ' X f to till,, JS i.,,"" tint ' '",'-l' ' ., , hi.l.-nts- . !; t r, , I II I'- M- '. i I" .! ; : I."! .11.1.. 1.11 Ill.iKH o' l. .!!.' " t of hut f 1- i ,1 .,, ,,, I ...1 .- -1 j ' in. j n,.(l",k.- t II r "ii 'to V. M.I... ":' - M " "I .1. II. 01,1 , -- ' ',, f f - .: In.-.- v. . , ,1 '.! til,- . .1 " i: 'I''" ' ' in. Wuh- "tl ,'"! .it ot .v i.tii- t. i I: - m;i,i. a -- i. "it tin ( tin ... I ... :,, .,1,.! .., , tl oi l It:. '.I o,i il. I .lltlIUI . .1,10111. .1 00 l.i","- .! olmim i. hi ( l'.IS' .. 1. ' i Wiul.t Vn,.,i ... ,5. .1 oil I I limit, í


shot, Inslst'-- Unit prob- that Henator earmark had been New York number hlock, a block 1 1 ably some uf tin' in, oi Innocent he run from the nioitol T"1 away m ene of tragedy. - '' from the the i k "You came down Seventh avenue, !" i:i;i'iitrArvnvi: u II.AMIKS WITH si'i:aki;i! on the lde of Uf ntreet tlmt John Washington, Kill. 1'". A sharp Sharpe, one of tile defendants, claims intJArrfl i capítol?" oois clash between Itepres.iitntivc Haines, lie went up toward the Maraen of Tennessee, iiml Kpeak, r ('iiimoii oc- The defence iihjei ted und the court Showing Complete Line curred in the house tniliiy In the ruled that tlie witneHK could tell upon We Are a of walked ELIGIBLE FOR course of Which IK ll claimed to have TENNESSEE which nlde of the street he GROCERY CO biiil insulted !' tin- other. Ho per- nnd the Jury would decide upon which sistent wu .Mr. liiilms In addressing side John Sharpe said lie walked. tile chair when declined out of order "Wan It a smoky afternoon?" asked Shovels, Hoes, that Mr. Cannon lerliireil thai "hr the state's, attorney. would liflim hi in lo order. " WITNESS "Forest fins had been ragitiK and GOOD THINGS TO EAT RESTORATION The KiTKeiint for the first time In here wun no wind, so the pall ol years took the nutro from Its stand smoke burnt ov- -r the city." Spaces, 3 Piece 1111,1 HllViltieel) toward Mr. C.lllllOS llllt "Could ou I' ll or nee a blue steel f the Speaker eillleil ) tit hark Up, ,11 pistol half a block away?" the Tennessee ineinhi.'i' km y Ik "I not." lr aniiK IN couhl would le- In order. TESTIFIES TWICE "Hid you iite, an you approached, Spading Garden ARMY - refill-In- '.'" TO TIE Tin- lioitlile arose iliiiinir the TRIAL OF THE COOPERS anyone lit the scene of the tragedy We Want Your of the Ken, til clef lileni-- upprn "I saw a ttiniip of people indis prliilloii hill. Mr. (Inincs Insisting on tinctly." Forks, Sets, IlltemipttllK. "Conh 1 oil n ognlze any of "I did not lino 1 was not in order, " Tells of Conference in Executive them " Grocery and House Passes Senate Bill Giv- Mr Unities remarked. "Xu, sir ll was loo smoky nnd de-- , Mansion Attended by Him- The speaker wllh some warmth dark." Rakes, Etc. ing Op- n Discharged Soldiers hired Hint Mr Haines had been self and Defendants; Slate The oiientloiis of Hip state vent to (he long crinuish Bakery portunity to Prove Their In- no inher of house t show that it was Impossible for He! know Unit he was not In order Declines to Cross-examin- e, Coopera to recognize S, nator Carmack upon nocence of Shooting Up "It tiikeH ii Ktu, lent like the neurly a block uway, or for John retorted Mr. (laities, "lo know Sharpe to nee tile tragedy In every de- Brownsville, 111,', Business Whllt the titles lllld he hits to (By MnrnliiK Juurnul Hpfilnl I.m.m Wirt) tail from the collier of I'nlon street study them every minute with sumo Niinhvllle, 'I'enn., Keh. 'J7. - Two and Seventh as h- - Mvore lu- hodv to prompt him." feaiiireH nlood out la I'ooper-Sharp- e did. St ," the RJauger "The from reiinessee ., ol SOUTHERNERS BITTERLY of ltoscoe Mattliey.'S, tailor, told aabe trial today for the nuirdei the p'llll'T hotly replied "Is nbso meeting 1. Sharpe, In the Ar-cii- , W. John new by !X( I OIIS 111 l.Ht II ti'H 111' former fulled State .Senator li. Start the month OPPOSE THE MEASURE llltely It lllld a f I the traRi'dy 115-- facts' " I'lirinuek. One a the ealllnic hy the tención 1 17 North First Street Th In i Shnrpe'n testimony. letting our solicitor stop Ihor-oiiKh- M. iirrohoriitei l!y this lino- ohtli men were of iJoveiTior It. I'iitler,in. wun al- Dr. Itichard Pake, whose office ' up. The other wan the failure hy the nt Discharge of Alleged Rioters wron-h- arrows the street from the scene of at your home for your Tennessee," io i examine him, "The Keiilleinim from ni, Hie kllllinr, told oí lirarliiR the shots. "In Tile governor tentll'lrd twin.', onee orders. Pronounced Most Righteous ennie bark from Mr (billies, in I miw Hobin lean-iiii- f HKlllll the "I runhed out. more dlseourti oils than the h ,i n Ii i' l liefole the eolirt lllld helóle Colonel Cooper Action of Roosevelt Adminis- Jury. To the he told how lie analnnt tho pole. discourteous." IiIh arms around hln non atol WE CAN SAVE YOU Building Material at nil ti wiiK oyer tile pilone hy Colonel nltli Lumber and by Indignant Texan, "The ehnlr desires time Curniai.k'H bodr hi the street. I made tration ll h Ooper'H da lighter, Mm, laielun Huri'h. he an Impartial he can, hut tin a hasty examination of Caiinack's MONEY ON YOUR lian grown up nrciisionii ll What M i Iliiirli told him he did not prnetlee hody and found lilin to hn dead. ' ii iiiemher, on the supposition that uy. Whatever Mm. IPireh nald ho GR0CERYBILL (It Morolo Journal KfMrUI Wire) for "Did you nee n pool of blood and a Ia4 speaker's tnllRlle In tied, to II HII liiiprewi'il the Koveriior that he took the in It " Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Windows WuNliltiKlfili, P, K'l anil the speaker will pot submit hln private neiTetnry and heKHn a bullet him "I did, near the ,en,l man's mniitli" We deliver promptly fo all ii special I'uU- Ilic house loduy passed to II " three hours' m nreh for the eolotiel, you see a. revolver?" rtidliiH at Hie Maxwell hotel nt non, "Did parts of the city. Oils, Brushes the senate 1,111 Knititlim lo the "Near the seiiatorn right hand." Doors, Paints, (.1 SI Ii l 1)1 ;l'l I V HII I. where he found Colonel Cooper. lie negro soldiers of III, Twenty-filtl- i "Did you me anyone, break It?" V 1 of nt whirl) (1 MM I'ASM IIY IIOI SI told ilrreiii'e there body wan put in the We guarantee everything In fn nt ry said In have 'been himself, were prrNflll the l, "After the Cement and Building Paper V'iihliiKloii, li. f., 27.- - With lielile Lieutenant J'llcher broki- III III"' "shoot utr up" of Attorney Jamen Uradford nnd on sale to give sat- In hour" lifter It had lei n re It." three Cooper, lie ilem'i'ihed the l' I; nsvllle, Ti x . ll"' right to prove liohin you Mm. Kanlriiau '."' ported, the limine today, under n iois linger and hln derlarnt ioiin nnd "Ithl see isfaction. II,' II' Innocence nil,! thus Illlike 111' 111 did. I think she wun highly rx- - peiiKloii of the rulen, pawed the Ktt (old how they Hoothed the old Kohller "I J. C. Baldridgc, 405 South first l'i Htollltloll to tin' army. citeil." eltlhlo fur a ppr, la t loll hill, iilnl made I) in promlne to let friend elnl defleleniy ,pl Li. Dlllard, u lumberman, Your grocery troubles Mini)- npm ( h Mr. u. Hubert i"io tundo I irralllíe peaeel'ul Settlement. ii pproprln Ioiih npiiinximiitliii from l.ebiinon. Tenn testified he was you Klaydrn, of Tenii. spoke n opposi- After he had tohl hln ntory to the eliminated when M'vi-iii- mllll, ui of dollni-M- Five mil near avenue and Church roiilT, Judge listened to lll'lill-nieiit- Seventh ii, Unit KH Halt tion nml cluicd riitiui' ni m street when lie heard the shots. trade with us. lion il ,i la i for Ihe n mi mo eiiniil and Hint Hie Koveriior ll.V I, III Uslllc shoot HII'klllK lili I" 'l the the IlllKIKt Item. The expelí,' o need not repeat the eolivel'satlnn III Describe the lntf." t h Klrnt came two shots, then three IllOKt rlMlltl'OIIH Hi "f til'' HooHelcIt ixeeiiliiii; the president order trniih !he ciiiifi-- in-i- ' he attended, hut niiulit If you buy on credit and iiiiirliu-- the nhlpn P shotH much ipilikir. The two first iidiitinlstriitioii. ferrliiK the from i y what the result wan and denorihe GET TO USING shore iliitteü Is eslliiuile, at $Mni,(14i shots were much louder than the Inst can give satisfactory ref- Till' bill now ' only the prefi 'he eolnner inaiiner and ilemninor. I' for whh It a ilef lel"iiey iipproprliitloii The state ileellued to rrosn examine three." III ,'. Ik said erences we will be pleased ihllta hililllll In linked In i'íi fe the order to In, hill the I'IkIiI to rerall the On cross examination wittoss TIIF. l,e walked on r hearing the shots IhirlnK tli,' tlidc jan lllllril put lulo efl'eet. fiovellior. al, to open an account exp, and did not Irani for some time alter HtMtniESÍflf f confusion, especia !y llllll'ked III 11 The hill prmiileH for nien and The Mate lllllile It." InHt ÜKht lo el eoiiipeitntioti lor the eoiiiinlnsloii In ear- Senator earmark had heen killed, 1 with you. Mr. ('mili mi, uf New Vork. In wiip- - to the Jury the fart Hint Senator saw Hie exposition the flint of l looked up Seventh avenue and , Tokio until mark did not 11 11 icl putt.- Uouhle, Inufh-ei- pni lhiK the loll )iiended fur vml 1ml said Ills failure to see the pl "en! mouth hut illierl, no ni the Idea and only armed him- nothing, and JtlNtlee lo nil further xpeiixrM nhall Tie ineiirreil hy night have been due to the murky " hIiiiiiI-ll- self to Hut Inly or humor hln friend. f ZZZ3 the Jiipain .n l , i "Mow iiInuiI the i in "rl o ii unleHN ii ut hoi Ir.eil hy tato and atnioKphcre. Mr. Clnltlex, of Temo If the court mintaincil the were nre. eouur, m. lio.nun iipproprlule.l II Dlllard wan sure the shots re- .The permitted the testimony lo no In, "The KentleiiHin'H Interruption," t ntipit-Inlloi- for Hie Hern Hervlee hy expreH would lengthen the trial of the case from different revolvers. The Jaffa Grocery Co. plied Mr. t'lnkinn, n a roar of pnyiiiK you (ell those first eauiiot he ued for liny hy n week "Could whether Wlf'. at least linifc'htrr, ' l iiIvmivh pii liireH.pie. hut ir"-- ol Good Tilines o They Are the Best pet noli ih tailed or tra loo. rred from Attorney ral (arn-- r opened two shots came the revolver l't. wtnMihIe." den, UM not iilwny the Herrel niTlee lliVploll of Ule lien, ex Senator Curi'iick or from the revolver MUI Order I Hied Same Day they will all he tal.eii I'U' k hy asking that the further etosn For all Houghs and Colds, Diar- "lint m y ili'i'iiiuili ill. ilefratU'K 'he on of Colonel impel '" IteoclTCd. ad- Rolls That t amination ol T. lioinp.ion rhoea, both in children anil ' nrmy. Mark my pi edi, Ion," , $r,lll,-llll- 'l " in OS) of lollrillll. I'le llMolll post- "I could not l, on, tile mihject of the dispute lie ults. Uhcunint ism, Kidney and n inurked Mr. Hill of Texnv, Is III, 111 a h IK an Kivlngton. superinten- lulled, I'KKr' ipllr poned until Inter. In Ihe meantime l'rof. W. C. Stomach Complaints. There is Mother Baked Willi HOlMe ll'', U in t lull of J.MI.r.ilU.III'll for school, appropl t'e lie ipi, stioiii-i- Mr. Thompson on other dent of the slate industrial no more efficient Liniment and Will never he referred to if you TurnloK toward tie- Ti n meiiilii'r, a the prrweiit r points. was In Dr. Fort's Infirmary near Medicated Oil than the Iced him Willi those baked here. Mr. l,iir(ily d that II 111 - I'm kind I'torl' The lull xll tile plly of llielll- - shooting, and heard the shots. Cooper to come to the mansion within u "When you run lied Senator Car- Jnniiialiontil. Try them for supper tomorrow. "the Kilitleman limy he at Kood r- hIioIh loud hriH of the niilioiial moiieta : "There were two first, thirty minutes." i hut Ik uiaeli's hody did you lee II llllt '."' You'll sec them no more rapidly inoplo.-- us S.imni of old. tlirs lllissiilll Who Will eeae to hr IIMTIlllet'', but muffled Then came three shots, "1)1,1 ; ou w Mi to sec him nhoui this These remedies can be found we put the liody in I ev not a plaee proplie,-- eaii he 1 de- "Not until after " than hey er went before. where of i oiinre.i nfler Marrh Other more tnctallc, but not no loud trouble?" Kale hy nml wn-lo- ii w .some lllllld-I- I all liruuisls IjiihIh I the dead hell one you enjoy tunde the of leKlHlallon." ll, 111 111 Itf loll ire (lamer cross ex- Cooper was one Ilolh and he will really léñele llell,le ffr ) w Attorney Ccncral "No Mr: Colonel Dealers ill Medicine. r .Mr. Slrt-d.- n tile a lull nuil said 11s his." Kar hnek In the rh.iiuh, $ .linn, Olid army pn, $4IO.i,W; nnvy amined briefly. of my closest advisers. I waa tfoiiiK the cvcnhiLf meal. That means , ( 1.: Ho- hi." "Wan It Cnrmurk'n hut '.'" wa k ii ill pip of pny, I. ft lll,l:l(l. (lovetnor I'atierson, Mr. Sher- Hint ninht nnd wished to sec Compounded solely by heller temper for liiin, inore it wan netui-tor'ti.- " "Cull awity a peal to Mr. t,, "I understand nut tile Anilcr-.Hin.- íolee in un I'mKrnn iff," finally unnounred Judge " him before left." Tin: Mi:n- - strciis;ili fur you. n , ii "lion, liker all V 1U Y iM'i.ii.Mio.Mi lehl for llir p' II"TI;U IH IT NOW. IT Tlie Rovei'iior said he walked out ICINF. ' M W .M i:lCO piilllldlllM hlH AT TOO, AND "How did you know '.'" Hie lle vmill'illlfll IIAIIVK ttlAli YAltl. A ran over the com tt'oom of the mansion with one of his Muff Central,'. New Mexico. li 11 I "I never saw him wear n Ual inuriniir fciivrl. l'lnally Mr. Slavih Bin heard ASSI ltl: ItSI Ol'' YAM Rieen was quickly nuppresend as the and met Colonel Cox. They chatted Pioneer Bakery Mr and thai he wore u few liel'ore which to lii'inlre upon nhnt I'm Man l'i ut yoi'K moi:y. ahi:kh'AN hours boylnh-lookiii- gover- man- tall, slender, a while and then the i i T. tinned III" eouehi-io- n (I, at any of the III, K flV.MI. IIOMI SI It; l tOAl, was different. It wan a hrow n derhy." 2ii7 sot n iiist sn:i:i o liti nor walked Into the room, hat In one sion. A short while niter that White, (lieelinrip-- men ere in 'ill, Tli" 1.25 TOX. The w itness lold I upon f I'KIt u, hand, overcoat In Uf other. the porter, came In and told him In answer to uurstions (iovernor about the killing. i:i:mi:mi.i:i! tiik rr..Mi-- : Coopers sny you spoke of Colonel LIKELY TO Patterson said he knew tho "Von MEOLEfl CALL UP FURNITURE well. Cox. Had Cooper hrouiiht about tin THE on the day of the nliuolliig he had reconcilia! ion ?" HOSPITAL up Colonel Cooper "an a "Xo sir. We never had heen per- hunted tilings u may know it of a telephone message from his sonal enemies. We iIni spoke when Micii no fix GET JUDGESHIP i I - daughter, Mrs. Lucius Wurih." we met. W hen occasion demanded il is done ll Walk-Ove- r for Men, The governor told how, with his we shook hands. As far as political W. A. G0FF & COMPANY Oxfords $3.50 and $4.00 Scruggs, lie is concerned. If you call private secretary, Mr. reconciliation O.i Dust tViitral. 1'hone 568. hunted Mr. Cooper and filially found P. that. Cooper luid notlótiK to do w ith him at the .Mux well house. it." Albuquerque Man Said to Have The state began to object and the "What was llohin's manner in tins court ordered the Jury to retire. interviews '.'" Been Assured of Appointment CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO way." Judge very to effect n "I want to said Anilrr "lie was nnxloiii In Now Seventh District .of Siieet'Nh(.r tn Mt'linl Jt ioii. we propose to ask ipies peaceable .settlement nnd when hi- ii,l Itm lirchl Ci.imi. "that 1 l At I, UKAI KS IN ruled out. hut we in,- in Arcade he thanked in,-fo- lllll t lions heretofore- len the New Mexico, CIGARS want them on record, no tin- Jury hail w hat I had don, and his c fill- WINES, LIQUORS & We evri-vl'ii- In ear lln Writ better retire." ed Willi tears." lliii'-au- maf For Men .Morning- Journal tul i' Toggery I'T New tin llliisirainl I'ainlnsao Pint Afu-- Juty had gone out. At point Jiidne Halt indicated li i the this :i M utisi-- iluj Idini;, ISMleil In dfiili-r- i!y. governor was to tell all that had believed Hie results of tin r told that he Wnshinutoii. . ;. ' C. tr-- 1. en- admissible, not I ST. COI'I'KB ha pprii-,- conference hut Tin- bill fur the creation of a sev- lllltNUt lltsr AMI in "I found Colonel Coop.r the tlie lariKU.-i- usril hi thrtii. enth judicial district in New Mi xico 'wiitlng rmiiii. writing letter lie Tlie Jury v as recalled und the rov-- . lias passed both hous- sand the pn 1 .UST I sent Tor Ills THII".ST1C IMSII IS told me to wait a minute. rnor those portions of will Sinn it In lore the 4th of Orit Boy; Kobin. court Tin: AM) sA i isi n:s oris d Attorney James llrailford and previous testimony which the tiii(j BK an Then March IWTKOXS. IF Vf)I' WANT TO They In a few minutes. had declared nduiissalde. N- - arrived President Koosevilt has indicated I LAI I TO ItATK IIAVF. VOI It I Hie he had been resiri- of the court made I' learned that letter The thins that he will make in, more appoint-tin-lit.- I urged very ni:v dom: hy impfrhii These wann days of li;;ht writing was to Mr. the wiln, ss testimony brief and therefore, tip- JihIkc of tiikI'OSTOrfTC'E. aie surest ie it. so did Mr L.UMII1V, BAt k OF hi in sironglv not tn semi When tin defense was through the seventh ilistii. t will hr appi'iiitrd vu'K'.ht and We I'.ohii, agreed with uiideiwear suits. cany jr.radford. and Jtidue Can r said: by rresideiit Ta It. r WIMtOW SIIA1F.S US." Bov.-rno- may stand aside. full weight wool m derwear "The It Is now Ronero My concdetl In r. order, lowent a line if li:Jit ' on," on. Miotihl we to do so. In and inade to iio Iiter that 1.. of Allnuill. prices. guaranteed, was vn angry, cross-examin- e th,- " Satisfaction Colonel Cooper we will Will be appoilll'd to the place. Furniture Co. lie said he was 0 prl'ate cituni and Court until Monday. $2, $3 and $3.50 that the senator had no rUht to .. name, that lie felt as though a I imkmi:i.' Per Suit man was spilling in his tare cadi ll.lMs morning. llahluioie Special, m Sa ll I I II- - "I told him that if If sent that l. . ami lkrou It. a in- - ter it might provoke n encounter, Ilaltunoir. K. h. -- 7. The intense ROCKY CLIFF COAL Stein-Bloc- I k Nobby encounter, which told him 111 Work is personal Iciest tile Wonderful that Hardest must he avoided at all costs heiiiK a. coinplMicd III llaltinioie and Cleanest Hottest over to Mr i "The letter mi turned other it it's h William Cha, liedle, EGG $4.25 Suits I'.iiKlford. wlio promised to uiljut the president of ihe l.oiriniei Institute, LUMP per ton $5.75 per ton difficulty und asked if Colonel Cooper eontiiiuis unabated. Many cases oT Miiin-- í t j t baldness mul faded hair of years' Don't Forget, We Brought the Price Down. foi t'.nly aiui n wear j would let him keep the l. tt. r and aie standing have I it remedied by the meet him nt his office nt 3 p in. Ai tailv tion (if these ex-- ( rciuarkahb- preparation heiiiK dis- hm sVi "I then saw Mi. Williamson ami tributed from Mr. keene's laboratory. lusise p.útt'ins is advised, Soft shades 1.1 . linked if .'lie was I" take linn heoli and its l.nor is spi tar and w hie nd "lie ,,f ;.er.-.,,n- using Line Yard Hie said "'! are Coal Willi coh.n. l. and thousan.l Direct id ir, evidente, $18.00. rtó:4 it advisable for her this remarkable haa food with Kiati-fvn- m Fruit ,mcc;i aie ir.ost ituhl her would be Phone 29 First and 1 , ;tiii .: to remain to ar th- - colonel until 3 resuit $20.00. $22.50. $25. $27.50 and $30. uv What makes this treatment noo'e 'P. popular is th. t,n i that flee tiial out-til- s .11,1 I was '1 so he, us. knew she aie sent h mail prepaid. Those All we ask is a try-o- n. You'll do the rest. i good fii.nd of hi snd the eoloii.-- l who wish to try it ate slronlv ad- w ss ansr . vised to write lo Mr. K'- in- at "I left then, as It as near noon institute. Ilraiuh Int.. slid Hobin went with me up through M'l They will the . outlit free of ,harue and Ar.-a.le- I Hobin If I wen full trial the told mm h useful infoimaii,.n about 1 the Windows would near Colonel w !' !! Study Our 'hint remain tii- h to, " tu.u .,e oil tile road Co.. p.-- that l to a t.ipi.i und improvement. THE PALACE ' Did ou ami. ipnte any tn-iP- le "' "No sir. for tlf letter the . olonel l tai kin; llrsd-ford'- auoit wrot- - wms iiiiHiKii'.! ami in Me s ii:iiom: mu . oi k at wohk. n iiavk. Legislative Headquarters. pos.s-ion- not h.ivk i s its ixi so 'I was smtiinc soiif bonds whin NOW. IMrtKIM. I.AIviNllia. It At K Every detail of service first Attorn.-- v Itra.l'or.l t. I. phon-- .l and, Hotel Co. or to. L. Sal,! s. n the party j nt class E Washburn he had not t itioi class. The only first i mere pf.tkinic Ulal !' ioial SinsI 4'loif,' ( olt.ra.lo. Kao- Fe. Tally own he had dis. m-- .1 iai'. dining room in Santa IP and MMtl Nortlierii New dl9 West Gold tro-r- w lcitti. lin 122 South Second Street Avenue the .use and .lcnp.l that are all rtt leaiMI. l I tel. phon.-t- t no .laliit. of trouble. h' . U K, Santa Fe Uradford' of.'ivv-- and k' J Colon-- I t.0.' toil s. l irM M. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1909.

o, ( car-liaK- e by A noun report U'ti (lull former president that day updod the liad weather. notable feature i;iViTiiir H. J. Haiíermati hud made yonstrileteil from a part of the of (he ceremony vv'a: his escort of volun-h- e oppos-im- r of frlKale Constitution. honor, the Seventieth Indiana evenage Nelson ,i incut t.i tlif committee hull the ana . - not credited mi Twenty thousand spectators wi'i'i leer r which had eolil- - statehood inaiiih-- In war. disproved ninht puss hanked alón the line of inarch lit the the civil l'resident Viis vl'i'ti tlif inautrtiryl ad- Hint J. iiuuiiruratlon of l'resident Van lltircti. Harrison delivered his Against report carried til.' statement shelter-et- heir a bight ilrivinii; l yin (t Tlie ceremony Attendant upon Hie dress in rain, belnii J .1. HokwoII ti ii tit ii Ha.norinau of it some howev r, had no specially by an umbrella held by one of t'l.i;!iim t. th.' committee of war hi" distinctive features. his comrades. Admission of New Mexico tun. of Its members tsivinr Not probably in the history of in view statehood should lif post- At the liuiusurat inn of l'r.'Sidont that augural i ei'dipm les has the weather poned until after the next census. William Henry Harrison, fur the first soldiery from Hie various ever been so had as it was at the time' CM STATEHOOD IS-AI- EFFECTIVE MEANS HaKcnnan is now lime, citizen ACTION. Former ovdiior participated in the ceremonies. (if f 'lévela mi's second induction into j'i hi thr oust nml could iwt lm reached states j'Yi' P' ACTIVELY KILLED TO BEAT THE EiLL In the iniiimnral parade elaborate office. I'etinsyh aula avenue was En by wire but niKlit. II.' Has always lu prncte-- ly s'tatc-Iioi- were used, the lot? Inches deep slush nuil u of campaign devices bo. ii . consistent advocate Iht'oiiKliout the day rain and sleet fell SESSION ef-r.- H prominent feature, The Í L'.zA rOnTHiS and madr n siren?? personal cabin heiuK who) iMigiiS!Z3 i! I. Column .".) on which I'resi-de- to tlie serious discomfiture of all ConCniu IVcm l'av tin- - success of the joint protective doctrine, to secure eam-paiK- participated in the ceremony. measure when It was plac- Harrison had conducted his il t ':;!.'( ! : t M.ateliood en the contrary the day on which (Cell- hi Of tct'tl-i..ri.- was Illustrated by workiiiK - ' people oí tho two , h- - !! ! .M." ed before tilo huh-r- McKlnley was Inducted into office (he !' .!.- Vl - looni.s ma. illustrative lai-R,- ami oilier '' Is i inf Uunoo in ,t:.-- , i V. it a was one most beau- !:,:.:..--- lea ..n.I ca..l..v of the proHi'i ss of American Indus- first time of the - tin1- favorabli' vtiti' cast ear-rki- a i jaw ... X.-- A!. iin- hrinsint-- nit rode on tiful thai ever dawned. In a platomi-ii- l tries, iloiioral Harrison I, t in Mrxico. Tho that d by hlaelt horses, limits"; ; :a. Í in m,! hi' s ft d a in Vv horseback, to tilo capítol and return-i- dmwn four he ytati-mi'ti- t 111 opposi-ll.n- i . by it 'luí w til.. Hilly ihiv !i.. has mailf a in a pre- rode to the accompanied luü o ii.. (ffdlti-- lloro. to Hie White House conch a !. mIí to stati'lioud is nut e. Mr. Cleveland, under (he escort of 111' ii, ni ates . to him by the YVliis, of ilf Cu-- Wlli-ox- sented ; I,;- Mr. Troop A, Cleveland, Ohio's famoiix We rjvin?, one lown lot FREE to -- III, 1,1'., t', pl'n'.e til' II' Tho ir It was estimated Unit seventy-l- are slill away or loit.-- r of V, K. WiU detnoiis(ra- - 11 Tho uso the cere- black horse cavalry, The ive thousand witnessed the purchasers who to bmM, are not o, lot'in. rly of Ho' Santa Fo N't'W mony. Hon attendant! upon the ceremony a.roo M. xi.-- ii. show s how I'uiiiT tho son-toi- s was niníínii'lceni, neurly forty thou- B t It'. ..It" Scarcely H month later Vice l'resi yet cnoueji intimes in c Ion to supply the '! oppoMi'd to stati hnoil havo hooli sand men bciiiR in Ihe line of purado. o Ill, dent Tyler was called upon to taki. to i in. sumo for their - At his second inauKuruHon, rain tell lo rent. i:. 'ii the oath of office as resident, lTixsi- demand i Wilotix Is woll incessantly many were (he proph- Tho aso of ib nt having passed to Ills und on Harrison a i i, tnin f. ,1. Ho was a reporter ceremony of introdue-iii- esies of ill. as ctnist'iiiieiice. These r hi lit or - reward. 'Ihe v.-- Ft- hikI in !!; M. xiean at Santa Tyler Wk conducted in prophesies came too true, for the by lTcsidotit Sept M.'Khl'.cy "iii.lit to Inórense his revenue own in Washington without I'oHowlllK lllher fell he. The pi ices of lesidence lots ranr,e fiom $75,00 his home buiL of an assassin. vi Pin;; a lino of typical "tenderfoot" pomp or display of any kind In vh-- fore the i in Fiilln'.vlii;; death of McKinley at to This you save - i.s to small newspapers the coun the $150.00, means that ii'.-- ' tin- ..rci of the rief stricken city and i. si. 'ih'ox is not a brilliant writer, Hufful.i. Theodore Itooscvolt took the h. hi'. try. (ifl just thrit much at the start. uní his letters were rather more silly Inauguration of ('resident oath of 'e in the ilraw in loom of I ;i S I'i The folk Will-ox'- , a. Anslcy residence Inn ih:n i, I'i saMiiinii roiiiI thai was. to an ext. 'til. a personal disap essay. - liuffalo. at the simple rere-- j ..' he ihtli yrailo pointment to nun. li.i ine weaiuei w.i.- II,. su. . , .led. however, by an i, moliy were the members of President : t i u ' xecrable. Polk was fond ol display 'i " wom- - Me l inloy 's cabinet and about thir- .. lor refer, nre to the native his tastes were mil specially i. i,, Santa I'" hhoiiKli ty Assuming the presidency! We Offering Oar Best 11 the others. Are i".V Mivii'll, ill I of exeilillK Inaugural procession, ,'1 ill:'!! ...I. if'- military. The "the of a national! ,, p ane,. r of the pooplo of Sania Ke. was somewhat heteonen- - in shallow Ki'.at an-- half, i.laals lliiucfore tragedy, were 'I'ho huiiso of representatives passed not only the mili no spot laeiilar feutiiris II' In- if, til .!!"'! lt Included .Mr. Business Lots From a bitterly, anil cabinet, permitted, by Uooscvelt. lie camoj t resolution seorintv him tary, but members of his tho em- to Wushiniiton on 11 special train and Hereby placed the house In the Iet-K- of Columbia, of the District iliileHy nssuiiieil, made tloerne-tow- n and umisteiilatbuisl.v r. - barras nu. position of havhur professors and students of to i,r indiv i'i the hi this mlef slrlcken illy, Ihe duties' $350.00 a mountain out of a mole hill and It and what was known as of his hit;h oifflee. , is unders that Wib'ox was told Fairfax-- cavalry, a kid nlove Vir- v, "'-'. thi' Later, in HHia, elected to the presi- i '. a vo town. reiilment, representatives of the he- i.n ginia dency In his own und by an $500 ii;s life, however, was not tlitvateii- - In the ti!d llomlnion. rt;ht i: ,f ;,,ii f. .' i, ti best families ovcrw iiitr majority, lioosevclt .,t li. was at no time in ilan- - Zcchary Taylor was not hclni ., ,.,,. Tls.w. rresiilent aiiain look the oath of office, this time of busi- iol. nee. It is not snrprisiim ntetl on t he f.uu lli of March. nnd the outlook for almost any kind ., con .Lil'l, Inun'iui ill 111,, nleselico of n llll'iilllt of unite .'' hi rlrsi aet. after leuvins the Hint falllUK' on a Mimiay. t no v .h .'. vv th:t date (mo hundred thousand people on the ness is the Bii.e'jitesl, "I'I iter.' liaviiu.' been frii;ht.ned by hi fighter was fond of pomp and .i, 'f.itili'.i-- i 'ii st from of the capital. The day him, in- iiiaiiKiaal pro. cs- - ni. re. for.; .,f the an;:.!' aeainsl I'lvn y mi lb'' was lowerhu:, bul rain held off, and to to 1.1 '1'aso. was In write to imi was one of Hie finest, up lo that It" f" ...iiu (he i ni parade lollowinii the M' I',, ol' bis III 11 ee. Tlial lout neon seen m coun- ',,r, I",,- - hi Hi. in i! 'Ice time, that, ino ceremonies at the capital was one of There absolutely no lestiictions as to the , n, SllOlll.l fililí are Hie lili. S of statehood try. the most beautiful and piftiiresiiue ii n. e. Kwiry to HiiH letter as an of nor-th- 1 to"' Fillmore. thromth the ibalh ever witnessed in this country. class of building one shall erect ... V suf-- ... ;,-- nt against a, lion is taken as t u- - r l'resident 'J'uylor. came into Ihe in n r, í proof of the slim eroiiud left kind of business one shall engage H presidency, Wlllloilt su- - (II I l, M I H f ii, i,i or Un ir opposit ion to w fiee of the IK I' ceieiminy, ulihoii-.- li the oath ol I N At (.1 I! l, t Mil .;M)l.:s so long as it be legitimate, ,M ,. i.', .'." an mission. lal offiee was ndmlniM. red lo him in the W'asliltmloti, 1). ('.. L'T. -- The way before the onu'ress. usual joint ctiiii.',ressloua inanmiral comniK-Ic- e THE INAUGURAL CEREMONY I'letei' ami ltuchanan were Inaugu on , today aiinoiuic-ei- l Ñ rated in no distinctive lastuon, al arrantii'iiteni,-- Taking into consideration Belcn's future as an SIMPLE AND IMPRESIVE. though tho cereiiioni. s in bolii in- - the prouram I'm- - the Inaumiral in lancis were altelltied Willi rd'ellL ciremonles on Hie foiirlii of March. important railroad point, its location the demonstrallons. It provides that Senators Knov '"ul land in f f 'on hi l from 1. Column T.) prcsl-leiic- midst of the finest irrigable farming in I'iikc When Lincoln came into Ihe l.odK'e shall yo to the Whit.- House country thiounhont was cart-lau- passed of overn-ni- the in the president's and thai New Mexico, it offers opportunities for invest- iiiflon the reins Willi apprehension. I'm ''', ;. lo with Hie same tremldiiiK Senator liaeon and Kepresciiia live i i'i bis sueei'ss'ir time in the history of the ment anything else in tho Southwest, .1 it- the first llurko shall tall lor the vice presi- far above . "J ..'i ti i' priMv and wiHinnness and Slates, resillar troops had i'. wi.".ilom had e ha ra f his I'niled dent nnd escort him to the While that teri.ed been ordered to Washington, not lor pro tempore, '",'el" ,lhlh; IHtiiyll. House. The presiden! .lispl.ii. buffer ji.i'itocU"U. AllbmiBh Vuuiik and Ucprcson-tntlv- e 'i'ho test ol iroy. t nni. nt's lie presentatlve Jm real the no ex n iucolii himself expressed fear, Ciiiliies will for Mr. Slier-ma- iii.'t t utions eaine four years later, tall traordinary precnnlions were tnken to nnd him to White ii li''il Thomas .1. ffel son het ame pl'. sl- - escort the serve his personal! Mif'ty. When House. The procession will move d' "t. He was not eleel, ,1 hy the peo on delivered Ilia InatiKiiral address W House for Hie capítol ple. Illlt by the house of representa-- t from the hite Hie east front of tin- capítol in ine al !I.:í a. in. in the follow int; order: h s. The i lo, th.ii had resulted In a of an immense Hironu, his t priseiuo First larriat;.'. the president, the t'e, .'111, the hollso of 1', '1' I'Se ti a t 'es at For More Information, Maps, Etc, Address rival. Stephen A. slood pr. siileiil-cle- t 1, Senators Knox and ' isetl I ut iona preroga- iis eonsi his side and licit! his hat Kollowlm;;.'. tive of ehnosiim the president. The i I.ln- - Í '. b i, llo--- the formal inaugural ereniony. Second carriattc, the vice president "in lllioil st. in was .1 y tout. the house hitler; an elab v I t In teiiilci'cil to Ihe populace Si Itaeoii and epu si ul n c "i ,is oil Sneei eiled i.iil nalioii withstood the n.itor airain the orate reception at the w un- Mouse. Ihirke. THE BELEN TOWN & Ir,' in m.imiifieerilb'. His second inauguration followed the the vice president- - - Third carrlai;,', "I'ho S,i:;,- of Montlei llo," as ,1. Host Internecine cuil'let known to elect, the president pro tempore of w a tons el e I Í I t .h was f feet innately termetl, history. llalior.'ite precam the senate. e ' ft 'Sell a t s Voumfaiiii w.ei the first president to be iiiauuur-a- t' taken to insure the piosiih id's safely, t laiin-s- IMPROVEMENT COMPN'Y t d ov- - w i v mk-- to i.'il hp 'II in Washititim. the seat of yet many re the m is,; as At the coiiinieiicenionl of Hie eere-niotil- N ', M x- - l' u. 11 ae.ain having been ehaii;ed. the outcome. in seiiule chamber, (bo in- - the BELEN NEW MEXICO A. e un pa ni'il only by n few friends, Tile Induction of Andrew- Johnson vited quests bavin:;' been seated. Hie he rode t.n hofsehai It from his home into the office of presiden!, followhu; eiuniiiitli'e on arratup iiicnts will en- to Wash iiurl on. Ho w as hy u immediately upon the assassination of ter (he senate chamber follow oil in sneiH tleiatiiiiu'iil of (avalry whieh Lincoln, was ' onduetoil m Ihe private (be oitler named, by the vice presi- ceremony at- si nrt il him into the eh '. room of a hotel. No dent, v ire pi i iilelll-elee- l. Ihe preside- lb- W'.'it, iinaieompaiiied. In his tended it. nt-elect and Hie president, 'l lo vice I'.li' greatest spot display J hll li to Hie capítol, lint because The laeiilar prcshlehi will his chair ami (he - lake he ifitl no ire, lei cssor, but because made up to that time w is in mo m- Vice )il'l sillent-elec- t will he seated on It I'n I. iil Adams, etobitier.,,1 by Hio iiiKiiration of I'rc.sitlenl Craiit. was his ritilil. The president will be seat-e- l - fesfii of th" a. Hon of Hie house, left practically purely n. niilililiy ileiiifti- in front ol the vice president's THE EFFECTIVE RODENT ' ill in the tiiy early in tho day, tlecliniiiK stiallon and allhoiifth inaitiiilii desk, with the pr. siil. nl-- . lei t on his to ..wad the new president, ill of its features, was marred to an ritiljt. Three sitíate nieinliers will pre.! s- - The iifiuuufal ii'i'i miuiy took place xteiit bv Hie refusal of his sit on Ihe iii4 lit of the pfe-- ii Ion and in Hi.- - old senate chamber, tin' oath sor in ride with (irant lo the capítol the Hii'i e representatives will sil 01, a bleak. h.tioll of oiff c beiiiK administered by Chief in the same (arriace. it was the left of the pl'i Siiient-elec- f EXTERMINATOR .insli' o Marshall. At its "conclusion, eohl and dismal day on wlinli drum After the pr. siib nt-- i le. t has do. ,. second time. If I the new president proceeded to the wan in aimiiraled the liveicd his Inaunuial address th" While House.. Aeeoldim; to contem- Tin- - deiiionslrnl ion ntti'tulim; tlie Hl'itJK p resident ami vice presidí at poráneo s at counts "a Mist monies, liowevtr, was notably fine will leave Hie stand by way of th -' - Ve) not w intense eold. I I'I - íV of about a thousand pcoplf itlistainlinn the Supreme I'll ll'l cntt'lllee. thill- 'i W Moo. in the wardens, fields and strips Many i v i t tí oriianlznl ions ilccliiieil iliK to Hie W! He I louse Ihe president í"W..XÍV n of weather. I.,. I ... I... c... ,, t ,,r.j of woodland alnmr nve-nii- it, nt the repellan! ..ill l.'o..i HI panel", mi" alnl nasi- ,T' ill i nth usiast ic In paltlillflh the Loih;,. K, Cm'!. an many pi rsons who ilnl paii in u. vi e If, it a o M ui i. t ii- As WaihiiiKton was nearly take the pri siileiit Senator Cactoij pan! v ma. silde in tin so days. celebra- ncliidiuc siime naval cadets, I"t and lie pr. scuta cs Y.uite; f.ul tions on the inauguration wire held i' ia i iol with their lives. l ialiit s. I . , . Hi of r ol the in many cilios and towns i u: account the lllanin tloctii.ii of nulherforil It. Haves, it Hie i oiintry. I IT I'O LsS I'l.WS was necessary, as in nu- IIS For tho ib'striicllon of rr.ilrlc Tlo;;i, (lopln rs, StUirrcl.H, Hats and t Il is porte, l that ,'i thronir of leu deemed .l i: VI ION l v o(( litmn.-- t lllli Field Mice, mipplietl only by diiect mall order or Ice iippncaiion. tin-ea-- t of Lincoln, lo exercise the 1 !i'o I. II, people on Washiiit-'toii- , 1. , I'" b. y. In) l.áiiO 11 ii l Is. SpPclal thousand assembled saf- - l'ri I'll. SI. nil- liox Will ilesiroy more llinn ui.i i - to insure his personal ibnl-cle- I u, i It ' front of Hie ca. tol to wilmss pri aiulions an Mrs William II. Ta ft lírico on lar;i. ordciH for the desi ion of I'ralrii' Dos on nn ' of office was adminis i - If xt the inaiitfiit'ation of I'i . siib-n- Madi- The oath arrived in Washinelou from N.-v- Hivi' m ull'. Keeps iinleliniiely. asy (o liamllc. l'totect lain! in on Hie Ilnl of Hln-al- , bci-l.x- . son, An Immense crowd that was, tered to him private oi l; Into lodnv to remain here cropK of allulla, potatoes, corn, suuar pasturo and ;il- - unfl on your tin- - , March, hut tin- ceremony was ivi orchards, nnd destroy nil Hats premises most ilaiiKcrouu f u- W.ishim-ton- in I hoyo days. Konu-la- r no Ina nmirat ion. Mr T, was driv- d on a stand a! Ihe cast front of t lie pests. Prairie I'iu;s and Hats slum 1.1 be Uurlntf trooi s and niiiilia formed the un- en In (be Whit.- lloue wii. re " malic Is ; j. i i m: in apilol on March Mil. wilder inoiilbs when loud scan .Adilrosx all orders . t ci, us of a parade, whieh was the irst an eiuiauement for this evenint!, but i i i: m ' v' Wli'-- He' senate '.,h na proct ssioii. The cere- ihirri.ld entered mi bis arrival tin re In- d. t idtl to pos(- - ui; ufa on March 4th. just pii..r to ( u a hamhir pon Ills " with 1're.sith nt mony v a out ill with reception o conferetl. takini: the oath of oltice, one tile lomorrow. snb- - OTTO SCHN00R it tile White Hons,., at which former Cooseviit until The nn n to Kieet him was ib inial was a prominent first .I i t O be llis. usseil I', lall'N to the In M Jeff. I'snn th inoeral- - M I'AITI IllMi CHEMIST. Hancock, the lllislleeessful , i s. n . r,KH!'e. a ii'tiuati'in reiiiocii Mi '.Ii X-b- e n. v TI"' It.x.m :.0I X. Y. I.ll lllil. Oiunlia. 111.- - cniitlidale for the prrsl.b niu". will yo I'n si.b i t Monroe was first to Mr. Mrs. Tan to the 'creinouy of iiiiluelini,' darlnld in'" Kina-l- s of offi.e on n slanil 111 , While House as of l'l isiden! take the oath its tit-.- d'd iffiee with neeoinpaniile .1 11,1 M IS. C OOSeV eit ill,, east front of Ho- eapiiul. midway pr. not differ materially hum cus w Vork- - be- , m pat,, house of Mr. Tart b ft Nt shortly en the and the of Hie Kind. a functions ll', ,i e In o'eloi k tin- - Pis ", :.t ' p, i sentat s. Ho had a ti nouliccd i",,tr- - mornin. tin In siieeeedim; tnarlvrid I I lo- I ob!i:,i-- ! the way he f. y topped al be in, it lo proposed to have the s lo fi-- lil presidency. A 1! to the I'liei'-- H y, ' ill t bo ha II of Hie 'art studiii "f Hi i'i':'' Tniii win re 'on nihil inist. red H "i H' ' ' twice took ath of "' M ill (lis-- BECKER . Co. In.ii-'- e, .1. llilele is pol'llail oil of (be ' JOHN I. The ol.ji The but the senate III S of a r e I. I's receipt of the t i'i:,-'- ! wl,i, h h. Willie. I'oMitl oT tile wrollKle that lislled Wll-- i ,, al Pis i'h't! ii.::,at, ath. he took the ohtmatioii' s, , y - ci took place in the Mrs. Taf( lo Tin win- nicoiu- tint ihe lemony i w Vork Two il.ns homo in ciiv. i, anie, I by Sla!" Chaillllill Tilllnlhy L. op. ;i air. as it takes place now. It minister- lal.-- the oath ayain was ad W H ip tu Hí BELEN, NEW MEXICO l .1 n of K'iikI v hull. Tlf L'.itil' as mi: huh ed in Washington. "n i. e - to him was without Incidí ni. lb at. Alio eai;.s (low nia.ieH- - OH S. side of vi.-.-- "' president'-- lo'illl till'" J fULMVOMiamt Laying Food ,i! o r the ca i, il'd nt tin- timo of Shippers of "i r. '" i Denver Hie capítol The addi s M at Aitiiisi ii onroe's iliuu.L'ill ion. brief and was d, livr, d in tin- a rough Hint Iuib been h nn for i i mitlnc Tío- striiunb- ov.r Ibe h Hon of I i W " '' " pr"S'IIC" hf III p ll V f. mi r two monihs by tnklnt: ltallard'8 v Agatas by the house oi t imiin h.iis. No spt tacnlar CO! lll"lii"S Horehounil Syrup. If vim Trivi a r it ii s was so Ions tin' & n nl that his induction into ellfe. couch don't w ait stop It nt niiu with Alfalfa and all grades Native Hay orí ih.-i- un- aun ma ion bad lo b" postponed t t, t d ü at A p. If- tlav harm i,, Hi" ibis w ondet ful remedy. Splendid for X r i of M..r. but it - .'- it! ta. Ia:t ait l: first ina ut: ur at ion of (Ipiot CI. v- t I'lichs, cold on ch'-st- Inil in tc. i, bron- - ' ni- -- r n Ho- .st , 111 ii ' t i in. .ial.olat" ohninllt 1.11,1. The low d a ti.nilie'e '"it chilis nnd pulmonary troubles. I'rlcfi ' eil 1. . ii s- sci vlmr treaty oblifíationa it China r that s i lo !! in be ., rellnihV Was one of Hie ill. a'' st :.. r,n,. nnd I I I'll, s..., I, y J. II. RUSSIA MUST OBSERVE , upon raisini; tho question ot . r s," !; HI Waslllli Ktmi, nía the i Clf ily & Co. i A w .T.n k ' TREATY OBLIGATIONS iiiiinii ipitl control of llartuu. - i! S To" infiiL-o- "it 'f ndri parad w ,t- eiabora te n fid Id., u ti i' t'l ' ' 5 .... i a ble i er, liM'tlV - j o-- I. lift Tin in. i am. ra linn of I'li si, b id llar- ...j,iilill of 1 'II r in ' i ll.T-LL- I H i!,l have b. en vrn b. ,,ut j p A VP - . I ,,iol.abl risoli. while i labórate and iful The copartner-hi- of S"1KI(J -- , ,r. si- - i V L'T. Advio.-- ecived 'if , 3 mof" s... t.n el had ll"t the in ail lis al tatlK' nielil s. was alt. ml. il HCi l'IIFCS now .ot.sbtini; of .Non kill. Feb. ri ,i,t nii.r. 'l lb.- l"ss of his v if' laño Louis I 'f. i ben-b- from llaitiin stite that Ibo situation may r.!I l.e very a a Ear - . ' - j. nt, No. i ret ari-iiit- r As ii was. Iioucw-r- In nii't'iil cons iniuc. (here out of Hnsia'. ini.-t- . h.. illy b. lore. U t Jnin1 HIT crm-il- vi?;-i- t lin mir rr i llablipii s i . trusts are con, but Mt - ' p- - ,. . I.oiii-- lit. 'd assumes nil e a ' II i i II I , "' W e i III e 'if it' .... I,- ill. in (bat she r be local j as' 1'o.t oil ta id' I ,, ,,i -- ,r collet S llll debts due to lie old III III . anifi ' '?,' ! hospi- - t i:i a' muiiiiipal it'.v rnuie nt on aa mint of riiiiii's to rhllls an.l fever m Va - - , j ., j :. 'ation patriotism ,, ,i , .no It. ink- Nii k . -- - ' : II.FI.I.I. In-- s rc jl .i.n..r.--fi- . 1.1,-- X - lailio'nl inter, sta Quit the quinine and a -.- c. J .' lau.v I.OI1S lil.K. .tiiiaive larli. take - .....o.W O v w.ti.a I . ll.l II . I I - ,' i a pi. y in i i isi un. qui. k - ; .' :VV; ,. ' ,!is ioin- .,- at ins that Hal r ,,i ''em I' Webster 'i., ly .f- - n. - renl rim- lard's Ilcrblne. Con ' ;i! u i i action nn ) iiit tiic powers will , - 's( i i,t v. r has sin h a crowd been o,.,ri i it ASMiirnitáir i thf of Is J ...... ur .mi.ii - tain, no harmful drugs and at ' s, roust o- l .. liaei i. v,i i i VK.ITMtl,t:S IS A he n'. to prevent serious trou- ,f 'J i, l, There bave , II fji'Aia.r i '!.. ! I f, ' in .i .ii I'.riti-s- nilii-i-l.-- r. certain an taxes. If It doesn't cure, X HIT Th" mid Anu ii. an v. ... b. . 11 peop! the hn ble t : j . fe..-v- II i I von far t? aojz t lidien t O ,,l 'Pf lie ...i.i i vmiim: IT. I". . 11 ATT hivi notoie.l th ltoi.n ret vniir niicv J. MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, '.909. A THE ALBUQUERQUE T , i i Hi.' iii?'k 'if Uviity-"- !' nn,l mw I l! linn. ImiI mi'l '' ,i'"i 1'IIMK ''"'. - .'Ii ajiill,-an- hall i,m-a- in 'I'- . - WOULD PUT END K..n li.'fí.rc I In- - prnlial,' an utn- - DUNBAR'S m- ivlm iiinili-.- l hy bin iimili'i "'I'.', The Classified Advertisements . Journal Hll.-ll-l KillllHy IIIIIIKM.-1- t'i ih" ' '' Kianiimr ..i' húi'Ii lli''i""'. '" anil Loan iifflcr, - alH.i Ileal l'(ttt rati, ami tin- sii.alni" tjnlil Avenue ami Tlilnl I, i. I'V ,hl' . " You Will Have to Turn l'i'"iit" Mrr-- t or TH (.olil Aneuiie. Will Keep You Ahead in Business So That TO FUND Villrlli'l' llnil t'i" ii'ili'hl r. In mi ,r H"",t iiminl cliaiiii 1' Hi" For ! lit. hil.-- hmiKi' rm r Around and Look Back, If You Want to See Your Competitors . lit that Caiil in. Ih lint ha ll'i Al.'anlii- V". iiml ;ir.l si n t. ni.'Hii'f "f H'. tlmn hiiI, ll.i-ii."- may 11 looniK, imi."rn, pi r month nl In-',ii"il ti Hi" llnil'-- ' "I i"''' "! lililí HlKiialtir" Khali I"' m.'-- (, il nn linns", V"Kt Co.-i- Ave., Iilicmit. tnoih-ri- i CURIÜ5 i li'i'K In In on" STORAGE FOR RENT Rooms. .i-,- l.y Ih" iinihal" of thi-- lini'Kt hoiiKi'K in Ih" lH.'i-."- iirovhllnvt thai "iil.i .uní'"" oily col-I- r. i) wnr. vai.i.i:y land FOR KENT The moat sanitary an? In In f,ii " III" HrifchtTiieu" lo muke WANTED I'lanos, houerio:i Bixi, hall ii',i ar iii'ivnn hmiKi', Willi Klahl",!' reporta in (lltll'AW rooms at the Kio Grand. i ni'-'- i liona and mercantile atored packed aafely at "h rl:, a" In ' in l"'m TTnp-et'tli'- ate, and liriihiil" "hlrk'-- hoiis". it.-.- Willi on" every town and village; in. nine fZi Tamil Crania and Crazing 640. The 619 West Central. Shrnlhl Hi" n jM.lii ii nl im- i n. h 1" "Hi" re of ov,-- , I, mil, ii"ar reasonable ralea. Phone ai im).i ! M. A., Wai-ehous- - S- to Jl.'iij per month. Addresa lmprove- KKNT Furnished rooioa iiml MR, WOULD lia',-.- nli'-- iimHii'i'. nn, ii"i nam KilKU-l'K- ' -t s...nriiiv and STACKHOUSE m K'll'iol ; II. ix Hancock, Maryland. moi:y L t nwinA. t nnil 4. rooms lor light housekeeping, h loan ' o - linn lm ilia II iml '" m nf Furnltiheil room near In for 2, to nit III, wU. vuii-- i"""'10pnni. j lia THE TOURIST VA TI-;i.- m Kill our Im- i West Lead. PROTECT mi'l Hi tur ; uptn-dttl- o Iteliahlc imn $1000 to SID. 0110 tin (iiy Block, Third street and CeoUfti C.hkI nn nl I'h.ini. light ulo .Niir.sery Grant limit h" liianl'-i- a !l.i !i' mi'l. r Hi- iurninlicd room near In at hih fiiad" ineKoii Ktunii proved Iteuliv. iiml iiilcj avenue. FOlt KKXT X'h-fcl- furnished roonn slo, k. All Ihe Idlest priiilu. lions. 1 111 Ik . anils. und board. 221 lir.ivl.-hni- H f "l. viry renonriBble prlrua. a monlh c.iKily tnail". Call or South Edith St., '1 Jlun Bill Indeter- l'..- l) III'. 111'.- N.ll llll I'M' l phone 1568. House Passes For Kil Iff 8 room brlelt, modera ,i,i.:! i s OUT Xorth iscennd St. si,j; tf I, i'or tale, roí! ,r,n 1:1' art. a " ,'f -- AUCTIONEERS. JÍICJN1 mi "I till" In ovtry reKpert, on one of the tt'ANTKII- l!alliav mall clerks. JHlIU SHOO buya frame, l,nt Foil Any one wishing fur- minate Sentence and Paiole ,"- Kliall h" roll", ti ll lnllalK i.liiiillil beat corners In the city. llr.-- l ),''' I'l'oinoti'.n lo $181)11. 50x142 ft.; terms. jTFTTMTTMT:lCiii nished rooms where there is no ami K.l hi rli'I'k Kliall lili II m "I' I" in ion In Albii'iuei'qiie. May I a. or 422 by Unimous Vote. lh" Five room holme, modern, mal $1100 buys frame, $IUfl, All children sick call at North 6th. ,1 u- Ii ,..iii-- I.IIK'IV l,"t' I "III Wet Coininon eiln, i.m KiilTirient apeuka Knglish and Spanish. Coal avenue, price, ha la nee $20 mo. In Foil H1CXT Furnished rooms for li'.-'i- - II he ,...2,6M) of auctioneering done, both ,f mi ll i". K" hi h ha uilh our coaeliiiiK. W" litiaraiU"'' kinds corner ianicii-lar- s Sl'i.VI buys brick; ttrma light housekeeping. 724 S. Second. ,i'H"l',-- lllli, III" It' m lal I'nllil For sale, hrh k house, wh'T" nthrr jiromis". and out of town. Satisfaction .1 x i) ui I j K. W.. like rent. Mm niiiK hii'im, l.-- HoniH and Norih Dth II"". Ask for hoi.kl.'l. 1'hone. 414. F'Hi HKXT Three furnished rooms nl' ahl un, nl"'. i. lain aver.iin easy guaranteed. Tin- 1'nlace H"l.-I- .miiilv. Htniet; WashiniJlotl Chil Sellool, $1(100 buya frame; for light housekeeping; modern ml, liii-i- fur hi" $2100. J. mTTsuLLIK, xpert Auclloneel iin. At 2 7. J ,iil nl li'K Wawlllllk'lon. I). ('. t ei in . S;iitu I'V, N. . Feb. h- - busi- provenicnts; private batli; no invalids; h In I.'KiiIiik anil i ii' h HiiKlneiK t'liaiieei, i;,..'tiiii T.nla Many years experience In the ri IVKKKS r.N'STÍl I i'TIi i.V ill $2:100 buvs rine home in soulh close in. Telephone .14n4. The house of i .n si nial ves till Hi ven room tiousn, modern, up Kix ness. Salsfuction guaranteed. Call or ihiH. Sah'siiiaiiKhlp iiiiil iik trav-eliu- hihlands; trnna. 117 W. II hiiuU I'm to lot 68x142 feet nn address Sollie and LeKrrton. Foil KKXT Front rooms for house- morning passed Km in.letcnnlnnt,' Salil Ih'i iiki-- Kha h" In in. date; sal.-snia- with a reliable iirnl hiijs lecnted 16- - corner on South Kdtth $1150 rcniral Gold. keeping. 524 AVest Central nvenuo. .entonce mi.) in law iiy i m with ilii- ii"l'i.!4iaili m lh" h.'l'l' r o. serine, I. Write lor mir hook "How furnlnhed rooms; first class, !! $i,750 a KKXT Tw o coiiimunicaiing ttii' uln-- iiil'ij'llim neveial minor nn,' i' nuil hi" huí an lh atrret to Sik eeeil uk Salesman." lirmlKtrcet for Fill! V. rniKon ai.llinff. modern rooms suit- by Mr. nti'iiKiil'i'iiii'iil mi Ih" ..lli'-- Sytti'iu, Uoclif'Kler, .. property furnished front iimcndtiicnls proposed liobcils Any size residence FOR SALE Miscellaneous able for offices or dreaa making par- Ij I'li.-.- hi- n the The hill has (II h In! drawn hy Khali .lilry HArin:. wanted $:!,0OO to t la, 000. lors. Koom 5, Grant ITIdg. , Ibl'Vcy anil llllM ll.'lll 'iivi-r.-i- til Hi" tin n It i "f Ih" '"ai- of tent house. attorney general 125 arre about 6 mllea out on HELP WANTED Female. Viieant lots any pari the í'ílLlárfíréirróoiii TO I11C.NT 2 bedrooms and line par lllf approval nf IllM'NIKI- 'III l . iirnl Hi" iln'K ilii'filn. lili kiiU'I. clly. Apply J. B. Vaughn, Superior Lum- food ro8d; Improved partly iiou.e-wo- lor; line place lor two gents: rent .1 tin II Mi muí II hlaiili lm' h tv. .. nl.v-f'.ii- r WAN'l l';li i.irl "lor nenerul i company. Judge I'll' oilier. Hiiiiro "ai with hmmii and álable there- LANDS ber $.V00. MS South Ainu street. II li nii'-i- .i' In- - k in mnall family. Apply to 1AIIM Ih believed llm i III passed In limn . in Hi" iIIhiii $8,4100 4U0 2&0 :i I' on .'! I Full. SALIC Anrtora goals; FOlt KKXT FlllNlSIIlCD nice - South 7th SI. be (III- mil III" Here yen ure why l, council. tnvli hIIiik lliil'HK hliall nn:ii. 10(1 aerea, 4 mlloi out, well Kwes; COO wethers and 25 rams; rooms, rlghl close in, newly pnp-erei- t i' .1 1. u . 1..- I I... 1, .,!,- - WAXTKIi FiiBi class illiiliitf room lo a city, wlmn you can 'I'lic Ihiiibi- also passed under iii-- ... ,,,i.i,.i-..i.. - i,,,. $6,000 any city prop- (Jill. 00: apartment gas ,i,i,t , Rood bnlldlnitt. Will exchange or all for i .. I.., 1..,. Un- - Xn. Hi.-- . I'.lil. App'V ''oliiniliiiK Hotel. iniy a home on easy terms; In ranges, ni rules house hill rr i.f Kani iiiiiiKi- an,. .,,,,1 20 aere, 8i4 mile out, well Im- erty. AV. W. liaron, 717 K. Gold Ave. and coal modern, lirst class Ti-:- ír I eneruí liiuiai-wo- rk Valley, close to way. SL'O.iui; ISli Iiy Mr. St n l lio n nf Socorro, Ihin.'ln. kiiiIi imialliiiiK to h" n in In proved $l.0() W A for the I'.iu Cranile in every tent ornamental, Hnn-sake- r. unlm-provr- iiKKist or TKKF.S Fruit, shad" anil good $15. Lloyd Ih lourlnl i ;i i H.i t il ii"riii',iin;l 1" nil" 2 M, out, il and uilh cure two this cly. bouse, location. which mi nit In protect llif Inli. ami 16 aeren, mllea 11 ro'-i-- tc. Call lietwe.'ii ami l a Wc ZD s and up, at kinda of Ilrrry Jiij WGokb generally from Hi'' ilin.-ivil- MaiilH nf x all, ill nf Hi" $1111111 Vhllihen. hnve and ill'' Imyr ln, , I V, t All hi leal jiroiUi.tioiis now on hand. pnl-(ifllr- e. .Mar. in. . in.. It". :15, mill $,"0 viz.: KKXT rooms ami Imitations ul liuliiiii blankets, lml,!"t iik I''.I1,im; Fmir arre, mi ten from :(( tier ueie; imii X. Second. FOlt Furnished H ml '. XT 111 i in mil al once. L'O n s !t:l" per lu re, by a board: modern. 710 South llroa.l-wa- mil by east- . with (jood liininn in.. i. at pottery nuil curios turned li'inli W.-K- t SALF. A brand new jeweler's oiitbnlhllng $r.,000 l- Sliver. of $5 per acre and Kill! ern iiiifii'tni'i'i k mm i )'"' cash paynienl Albuquer- nin Fi.n.HTi.v irii.n'.Ti-:i- Here with good lot, KOx I'm it! show case, cheap. Apply New Mexico fur mili'. 'I'll'- lilll pro- Tn H AXTKIi Woman general limine. Ihe rent of the payments lilM'.VK. SO on Sonll'. lh oailwiiy: land f;i i ly two. Apply morii-injj- s 3 0 que 1'latiiiiK Mill. i' k umk. ni of SI K. lu re, miiiit lily for vides a line nf 125 against liny Al'li-- Kin h IIkh'Iiki ut Inliisl. iier FOR RENT well Improved In alfalfa. lo Mm. A. 11. IH'yn. South 'ih. Kii.iianieed; a F'Hi SALIC ICxtrii, led homy. 0 Dwellings. i'iiiiii.I selling It Imitations, unless ha-- , mil, i lii'i'iiK" months; tille sin liimiK rah WA.VTi:!) An apprentice in Ihe ntil-- , pounds $1.00; till lh. cat. for l minare ileal. Call and see our for LiC XT Lockharta rancri; nine thr wool Imitation Mntii'ieii mi Hi'' Imhl.'r iik in tin- tlili',1 "f Al- Foil V.. II- - IH'MIAIt & HitS, linm y ilepat tnienl. Thi- IQemioniiHt. $.',.00. tii'.lur hy postal of W. 1'. uili-l- ' In tin' .1 Ih w plan. It's a winner. room house and bath furnished or curio mi'l attached Inlnxli nlimi, lm nl In f .in nl mii-line- r) IV. ÑVA.N'ÍkT) - Appreiiiire ul! Ih ..r len. I". fl. Lux 202, Albuquerque, All ii ;. i n u ,,r Alhiiiiienpie, M. .IOIIN Acnt., thrudghou':. stock and poultry Ihinur Khali Hi him Z ItOltKADAII.i:. . Apply SI Went Cemral Cold. X. M. for sale; also ijO tona of first clan Tlll'l'l' was un Vulf URIllliKt III'' I'lll. ulv.' Hiviiy liny inmi' ilr(nkn imlil n a Oilier. Third ami t- .1 1111 v. Tif- SALIC l'alaiiil-CÍiln- iiogs; Inipilra 'a hull'--" puss. nly-fmi- r Alliuipielipie New .Meshii alfalfa. at Lurk hart ranch. Tin1 also house i"iiul nl' lui hmii'K liav W'.imali lo rare for chil- Iiy Mr Mi'lYi'll, nil I" III breeders. John Mann. KKXT Store room ana ware n. Mi ml I dren, al'li-- i tioon.K only. Inquire 5 ' FOR I ;one"20-- a ..mi n. the '..uhllf Iniiil law ri dating I" It Khali ha nii.lfi- th" W lloina Ave. KG It SALIC Cheap ere I'm m, house. North First street; Inquire tli' mili- - of timber mi lands owned Iiy irm IkIiiiik nl' thin ml, Hint m also 4V,-ac- farm, also one incu- at Albuopjerque Lumber Co. (hi' iiiiilmv, Tin' lilll allows Hi'' fi'l'' ih,, II In- Kianli'il a llri'iiy.' In1 bator, 2 brooder, 4n0 feet poultry FOK KKXT Good ti room house and WANTED Positions. Poultry and Pet Stock. gen.-ra- l tlitihi'r muí II riKiliiK f"i' domestic hi- m' linml III, .ral hal'iu nuil II wire. I!. 'McCliishiin, barn, eight acres of land on mesa, tiV Mll'.llll'lH llllll SI'ltl'TS. nny-iiii- i' expeii-eiie- near Fnlversty. Inquire office. use llnllll Khali h" ItirlhiT iiiiiHlihi-ii- Hint WAXTKII Job on ranch by i SAI. V- .- pure Hi d Ithiide la- - F( Ti SALIC An elegant. highest this 3 FOlt hill No l.y Mr. Sweeny, mi i i Ii Clear il steaily ymnm man. LiCXT two room llniiim nil, ttmil.l ii I'M' nn. anil land Hlaek Minorías and grade, tine toned, beautifully grain- Foil Comfortable iiil i muí I!. .1. nai HTice. 617 Mar- ,t which necks i'i niiii tin' Hi" iik Ii it-- ii K,'t Joui A'an.lolle $1,00 for. ed Sleek baby grand furnished house. Apply iiiiih'i' While . crks. mahogany. Ceo. i , Wai-lick- 10 Walter,! ble avenue. law nf IIH17, by niini'llim I'Ml'liiiti iImivii, Ik mil nf ituuil iimral 'ha ra it' r LI. W. C. S. piano, used but little, also an Angelus III' Iiii iii iiiruli-i- l I'llli'M I'rmn ia llirlll WANTED Salesmen, Agents. phone lfi.'.o. with organ a tlarlinieiit and phrasing FOlt KKXT A seven-roo- m house ih- - $3 iiiiniuil was ii'riiinmlit-- i kVi'h SAÍ.IC--2- I iliickeiis; Leghorns furnished, near park. John M. nf tai. t and Willi pieces of Title I) ICnertteiii .. inlelliKi-n- . lever, ninny Iii.'i W. il Hiiinii discussion. How's This? W ANTIC - and ri ttioiilh Moore Ilea. It y Co. after wo."k; nplemlld ' music at noli W. Tijeras. Atnn-iti- i saliKim'il. williiiK lo Huma. Thr house adjoin tied iinlll U''- - ; KKXT All eight-roo- m house, V nlT'T Dnf uu'lrr-i- II.'IIiiik il salary ami comm iKsion l!- SAIJC Due i'.ruiiKWick pool Foil 2 lin Thin Ik Hie nil Important opporttiiiiiy; FÍ Thm .Highbred H. I". - FOIl afternoon at n'i k. i Ii required. Box 7itSAiK furnished or unfurnished, with barn Hiiril fur any nrm nf i',iIhi-- that Ion In thn of references Address Cockrels, also boilers, triers iin,l table. Inquire No. 222 X. Hlght SI. 17'iu. i'oior,ido. ' and large chicken house. Ten lot, t lio iiir.,1 hy llallH 1'nliiirli ('iir. Heal Ksinlc. W" ui lrfpared Iicnver baby chickens-- some I'm hens and FiiK. SALIC- - Delivered aiiyivhere in .1. f to - It I barn-yar- orchnrd and garden under ditch. Last K. t'llKNKT "'.. Toledo, O. lo urn lili nbKti'nrt.1 or title 'ANTIC Salesmen lo sell l'.elKian llll res. '.HI'.I X. llll Si., 1'hone town; lirst olas d dressing In County. biKh grail.' grocerlen. "' 4 house on Soulh Second Street, close Wi', tlif iinihiKiKii'ii. have known all lumia Prriialllln line of . 2 rings. for lawns or llovvor gardens, inquire DRINKERS' LICENSE fai'iiiera, ami - cars. on prem- ,1. Clii'ii.y for Hip 15 a ml to liolels, Ktocknieii thorough- 0 1 ' ' '403. io street Call for terms K lust yiiir. - gumta l'i il! SÁLIÍ Kggs from h 'P 'iilliei- lai;,'i' eonsuineiK. inn- Langs-lungs- ; ises. L. F. Alhers. hcll.'Vii him nrifiM Hy lionnia hlo III nil bred Hlaek $1.00 lor Foil SALIC -- A Haifa hay, best quality. giiaranteeil lo comply witli the ICdil f I in-I- Bernalillo County Abstract jaie :: layers. Call X. b. made; 1st. ,'lni, or 3 IiiikIiii tiniiKiirlloiiK, iin.l nil naliimnl as well us all state pure food winter green, properly Folt KKXT and houses; Leg- - 4 1 Ii AV. lililí In rarry nut liny oIiIIkíiIIuIin I SALIC- - liose Clllllll Wllil" culling, as valuable as bran for furnished or not. V. Futrelle, & Title Company 'hue- - No Investment; commissions llll KSK. FAILS TO PASS niniln hy IiIb llini. WiihlhlK, Klnniiili advanced: experience unnecessary, horns. Kiilps strain nl' I'ottadown, cows. C, 1C. Gleckler, JllOm 500 s. 2nd. Marvin, Whnli'Rnln I iiugRlHt, VV. ('. OCSTUI It'll, Mgr. income assured limn-s- t ener-Igml- c I'a. i 'oi ner I It h ami ijera. Full SALIC X.v llxlll lilll limiS" FOK KKNT Modern tent house, 'liberal If 124 W. men. The hanner aciiaon Is now and f ainiture. i'1'v eheiip laken with screen porch; furnished. 1022 "l.l.i. Gold Ava. y A Hall Calfiith Curi Ih lukmi InliT-- l at hand. Write to, lay for partícula! a. at unce. ii t IC. Cra lid vi Sotilh Walter. I, I, Wholesale Hio-- I LOST nnlly, ii. ting illri'i-tl- iimri tlu h'mo.1 .lm Srxtnn C".. Foil KKXT New four room house, Lake un, Franklin Sin., Chi- - House Steps on Mr. Blattman's nuil nun mm Kiirfni " of tin ,vHtim. eeries. L( 1ST Hold pin. 1 garnet set, 1 inner. with large stable, carriage und other rri,-- 7 r por cal'j shape; FOR SALE Real Estate. outhouses; J12.50 per Ti'KHiimnlalK Kfiit I'rci'. $2.', ubi, 11 brilliant aria, oval month. Phone Bill Ailontii an Orna W ANTIC I) An, tils 1 3 E$-ta- te After s cl A'ilCNTS ''.irn receive s; S3, or apply Heal l.nllh'. Sn hi hy nil ril nl iti. sellinu: tic.v styles Under return to Journal Office, FolV"ÁL Two three-roo- Porterfield imlistl-luilinn- . I,, $:,ii weekly mental Amendment )y Mr, Take Hallx I'liinlly I'IIIm fur M. '"Merry Widow.'' Mexican and Swiss reward. to be moved away. B. H. Co. John Moore "inlil, ii,l"r, d waists, elc, catalogue . 1ST Sealskin neckpiece at Crystal Ives. FOK KKXT Two room and four c. Importing Co., Hesk -- room furnished Sweezy, Ir. National Tuesday; reward. lieturn i mod brick, flats and ranch. l theater, Hi SALIC romi in I i W.'il, llmik Mali iii. nl. 1, lililí llroadvv ay. .New York. 2 North Third street. to 13 West Cold aveiriie. in a b ir.iin at $:',r,oo. x. h Ktni"- - W( flat, ml,, :':, Tin I I'orlerlield Co., 210 st Cold. FOK KKXT furnished Realty Company I JTst A snílíl niive "watch; initial including light. Mm tun;! Journal llni'.'iiii, i.f hankK I'm- lh.-- SALÍC OlfniCXT 2, 3, 4, 5 and water and Inquire imiil iliariiU' linns" WANTED "S" on hack. Leather fob carrying FOR J''- Tin. I'aliii'i- Mm. 'I. 1 Miscellaneous. Schi'ole, 1024 X. 4th St. . houses. Cash or payments. J kIiouk llnil "W." Krward will he paid for santa F N. M ., 27. .Il ilaM. th"; torepüir, Joe Hlch- - initial Foil HKXT Splendid new. modern !". ;l '. 7 ". 219 West Gold Avenue. VVÑTkTiI'U"!' W. X. 600 South Second St. It af- hanl.H h.ihl 1 s 0 mm.' Hi, in In return to this office. Futrelle, dwelling ii $.15. II. 'f, n a, l"iii nhig nit Alomlav Cigar Slore. rooms and baths, ,,y arils' Cl'llulolil-Clivere- il Tiand (lm house "'f repioHinitunvi-- ri .lull ilni'iilK of Hi" ii'iil nil".! 1.1 1ST White hooks Ft TsXlTc scrip, ranches, per month; furnace, large porches. ternoon : a rugs the Hnb-hli- Il Is iih InlliniK: Ai. liiii-- iNsrit-- WANTIcn Chun collón at on Cold property. llosa, 209 West trees, lawn, stable, city water, sircet this momma nil ln- lonches iti Ivstaii'. hctwcen 1st and 2nd sheets city Tilt 1 ii. I il",r,a-- i I'ress llooi.,. Jmiinalifftee. upstairs. car. American Lumber Co. to Mr mailman's I. Ill providing l"i' Loans fS. i: am loans. avenue. I!i turn to Moinimr Journal. ('nitral I i allíl It I an 7 ii. T I ill N Ti i N "file" i lea n r, here, HKXT 4, 5 and houses, Hi, . sla Illinium III nl a .trinket's Full SALIC ranch on ditch; Foil Ihikíiicks at the aanie old nionth-I- v modern. AV. 11. MrAlillion, Ileal cune Ih l.ivini; H mi Hi" lal'l,' ii'inll.i I. .ills. 7S. Vim, ,1,,'nnK.'. n ady for mal- in with house, $1000; 4 Ilroker, 211 W. Gold. ta. I.MI. !.!''. I,.'mi FOR SALE si. mil. Call up Ü0. SANITARIUMS. payments. I'orlerlield Co., 21t W. ImlefHiltrlv HHrni' Ml'mir tin' " i T I FOK KKXT Good house near , - $ I . t .filio. 'ICUl"2nd hand gunny narks. on Gnlil. Imw mi it, Hi," limine ai,i,ii',l an "ina- ih'.l.aK. $7000.00 Hil.-- reKld.nire, 12 WANT HOSICDALIC FLACK Loeiitert shops, $13.00; modern. Sw.-cg- '. s. Coal Yard. ill SALIC A beautiful residence of nit, il nin, ii, tin. nl liv Mr Mi.i. rooiiiH, iiiinir. ilone In. Mod- Halm's Lm di hart ranch, near Indian school. Ft highlands, tlii.xo. Lloyd llunsaker, I K 7 inly Must eight rooms a bargain; $1500 111, It It I II lilil. MM' III' 'ua Jmi.;. 1. Mm. .h 2 WAXTto grain drill. manage- at lh WI'H t'.lltl ern, lot. Private porches. 1'niler Apply Forterl'kld, 205 W. Cold. I be ill good condition cheap lor down. $35 month. ti-- Hi,, mil. mlm.-n- lollows. ;7'i."im. VKino.OI) Frame realdenee, 6 un! ment of gradúate purses. Misses HUI. 81 Ii' .' '..''.'I J. ml. .I.'.n-- iih,. 3.. , ash. Address lib), cure Journal. 216 AVest Gold. Amendment In House lilll Nn. rmniiH and hiith; 4th Ward, 2 Moorman and llartlclt. FOR 1, I of S.ÁI.IC Com) iols. Ill cash. RENT Miscellaneous. T, M i lln' ',al si i I ,li 3 mi'l In"' 'I 7"" lot. IC CAN Hint acanl house l''lHl . , e Co., 21H W. lug ::.MI. 2ii liiiil. ih r, as, $10110.00 2 reKldriu-- lot, yours. Keller list It with us. South- per month. I'm terlield tin fiillntt TO LOAN Cold. FOK RENT Beat atandard makt . F"r Un- plllp".K nf Hii $Sil:',linii. clone In; Euat front; very western lieally Co., 201 KrtstVntral. pianos. Instruments In perfect con- l.i A live-loiil- il I'ufi . IIi-s- i m- i.-- Ii'. iil'.",. - KOII SALIC house, a i l llllcal,. a' h.n .n licnrl 'ihe, iiiir,-- $:it .'..' ih V sta- Hi iliSIC l.C'I'Txi '."iTli'iitterson Y 'TO LOAN on city property at- dition. Whttaon Music Co. , . m Sil- MONK AV. Tijeras, in one ol'lhe most flu, II In , ,n,-- ll ,1 ,,s ami I aKc 7. Mi" IC'NOO.OO bilrlt house ble. First class job. S1U West S percent. FJo Cran.le Valley KENT garden . . " ,1 ; - nt neighborhoods in Ihe city; Foil Alfalfa and I I,, a ll ll '.-- Ii, m.. Su id Sin .in :I,xT'.i.!i Iiii :!:'.! with I.i itrouiiilN, milliousea ver avenue Tims. Maiuis. tractive I. 'I' lilt: !'' Co., John Korriulalle. nuent. Of- light, etc, ranches with houses, cloae in. Call . issued !lilll for ÍICH IMCXT- - saddle Land bath, toilet, electric barn in;. shall ami fruit tiers. WAN 'In Nne ave tin a. . " - of Third mid Cold outside. The constant at Lockhart's ranch for particular. l.y , !,.,!. . I, .uiv inai,- nppli-In- i: s. ii j .'s.n.,11 in Kiihiiihan resltlptu't. 3 blmk pniiv al o.l.l times. W. I''., euro fice. and hydrant ,l, r. i'.imim in i i , advance in property values this FOK KKNT Store room for storing i ,,l urn .il a. i i In n a k.i I J;'. li. i fro in car lino. Journal. anl i..,i of here Tel- I i shirt section, the class residences Located down town. 'I'll. i i . .' ,,l a, u.,1 i W AN'TICU-- sewing. tailoring. FOR RENT Ranches furniture. l.s, Hie busi- . ., snltK. evening gowns. Work and the short distance from ephone 1558. ,,l Hi" .'I. ai ii'K h"lis" hank lay waist A lía fa ranch, close in. FOR RENT' eoaianleeil Komi! II. SO!)1. West Foil"liKXT ness part of town, makes this offer v, a :' i'. " Albiighi Studio. Central. Also store room. an unusual opportunity to get a good Tin- ni. nl nf hankK iiusl S'.'O do bi n k wlih c, :ii'd. For Rent OFFICES s;,,. TA .Vncli 'I and room in pri- 121 X. property at a small price. Call bt s ,,f Mt. r . V,,ik ii.'l bullí, In lllirhlaui!!, close In. Ad- .'"iiil'.inl. i. vate family be mill ami wife. the premises. FOK KKNT Offices store In Iiik Hi" ,' kIii W Her paid. and r.'ii, t" dress, K. T.. ' ai" "f J''."!'.".-!- KALES lo- Apply . SH oo near WII.K'Y IS JCICK If. line, " Commercial club building. Hi.-k- Iiiki il ill h.llK ;;.,!" mim house the 4rit Fl U SALIC a.:i;l A NTTC1 of Alares, .heap 1 W Team r.r.JM.ii r iMHTrs. lfl.T $0.",li. rorlerlield Co., Mí Secretary of the club. I I chi'i's lihiek from rnr. is cation. MALOYS ,1, .,.ils ,.f ..' li.ll 1. Hail. t'lal .all I'll., ne 242. II S. Hroiulway. 4i VK C.1.V SAVE I $S.OO Iioiiko on SHOW THAI' Wostjliild. i.i ', 4. anil, am h. am. Yl' ICK-- ...(. . 4iU04 I nmlli Ul. Sll.i-t- YOU MONEY ON YOI U Full SALK Lanches on easy pay- "mal ni k i.i 1 ,n T.ii.'l 7. :!"n. 21 S. FOR SALE Business SJ50 WANTED Boarders. I S. I '. 4i. riSA IT CO.. ments. Southwestern llealty Co., with hath, near l'ostiffii e. - SE4'41M. 201 lCast Central. FOK SALK A paying Es- WAXTKIi- llomu.-l- and hoarder- nusineaa. .mill to loan, X per cent, 2 A house Hint will pay tablished 1Í years. $2500 capital Is your stock of 300.000 FEET WATER PIPE 7 West Slale. Fill! SALK yi-- s 15 per cent on investment. Soulb- - required. Want to sell on account of CHEAP. llano to loan, 8 per cent, 1 western tlealty Co., 2l Kast Cen- - health. For Information address A., a r. WANTED Furniture. tnil. Journal office. I.'no to loun, 9 per cent. 1 A SHIPMENT Canned Fruits M I, MtX. year. lTltXITl'IMC WAÑT1CD Highest FRESH FÍHt SALIC Our modern home at Jo! t,.i. .ana of HiIk ""hli'iiU'iit Is sf.-- - cash pike for furniture, stoves, X. Kdith. AVe are leaving the city. t.'l We have imne bariraln In Furni- FOR SALE Furniture. .ml II, n K.'.'il a carpets, etc. Tel. 60S. Crown OF U. M. Stevenson. hai.'l .l". .l, ill Improved bisru's properties, 114 W. Gold. vv. l ii . w i.M hili il". ' ture and Auction Co.. SALIC- - beauti-- Foil SALE All kinds of household ll. all. lit un. I also In vni-nn- l"l In Fi'K Snap; I ..k-- Furniture , and Preserves hy th.- V.lai.lK Pipi' .' pari, of the city. fully furnished hotel; full guests. furniture. Futrelle l'" i'a -- Cu.i iiml .rh"K' ' Central Loi atnui; good reason for west end of viaduct. trul 'silling, office John P.oriadaile. Agt , n, h, : iii'l . iiii Ii. ; i m t?ALE Furnituie Company Getting Low? Ill" S Albuquerque Abstract GOLD SEAL córner .Ird and Cold Ave. Inli Siar ,. r t.,,,1 i... in h. . i. i nit t"T l""t . FOR SALE sell goods on easy terms or the 4 - SALIC .New house, 2 bus i. '.; 1 i . f.".l I In.'h. Fi'lt installment. i. nl. Company K moo frame. Iialh univmsitv. a bargain. I'ortei l . i i' I..-i- l rooming lions" ni f.... na h. I" r,o W. . Ii'K SALE C.x.d in'" ic liglits. ft. lm; 21 Port.-r-li- ' . . .. Cv. '"! can house. We have lots of them, all r.,.,1. i, '. 7 iiIk r Hun: Halles the record amine. furniture: rent 1'l-la- ld Co, 216 West Gold. n.h " .nl" ;. r t'."t: : ', in h, 10 an. I piop.ity of the tljioo iVrooiu brick, mollero. r, FLOUR 4i()VI HNMICNT UM) SCRIP. kinds and prices. - Ii . 1 nt i. u i,, f..,,i. un i"" run: (.iMitMii: . An- barn, full 50-f- t. lot. S. JKtfltli ...-i- . .. r o., Ii. 'j .mis :,.i'i II U I' 4 OHI'AM'. St. sí ; FOR SALE Livestock. I. :: j f..,n nil-rn- S. ins V ui,. pre ai r. I to furnlah ftl7iio4-riM,- frame, JUST RECEIVED. t;l i, an. I sin-- . delivery Ask us about them '!l ia.ij pi rmr. nt Ahsii.-i- t.s of Tille to any Ixllili St. We offer for Immediate FOK SALK Horse, buggy and har- ' i , , . ., r ii. In any quanti- wayon nis lo.'l n al prop. itv In I!' i naliilo S.'doo lirlcW. hath, clii'trir Government land scrip ness, also team Kmall mules, before you buy. I r, I S i 4 Ii . S tux ! r l....t, In, h. County en short lioll, e. llavliiif llglus, 41'inent walks; S. 4IIÜ St. ties from 40 acres to 10 000 acres; the harness or will trade for mares. H liroadway. mn ! r Tom. 3', mili. iniln I"' k"1i of Abstract 4 (ose (ii. 50 ih. Sacks $1.65 mot satisfactory Government patents Smith hui i"iiij.'.l. , t .l' i:i, h. 17 , i,'s i r l.iot. 4 of 4ihio J room. nialern rcslilenr-e- are oht.iined by ue of perfect scrip. Foil SALE Fine hois... in perfei hooks Ihe illy and county of . l"--r I, I ii Ik fei-l- W Is Indis- condition, weight SOD lbs. ni II. ;H HUI" i, All I'.-- luiUllo. to . ..mpure. It Iml itaier. lieai. lot "5x14 J 2'j Sacks 85 For title to townsitcs, scrip about li.liy ii. si...-- , t. ,1. n. . ...piiims 4 I.I.m poMoff h"p- - pensable. Scrip suited for townsites extra strong. prici" $4500. worm nit nn tira, y. an-- l etiahlr na ks from IH.i.iiO. Sewing Ma- - it,.! I.. v llil.H.I ,iil is our specialty. We guarantee all Inquire Singer A. J. Maloy ill.' mi ri,i to tlx i'il. es r than any one $.'n.Mi r"iii. fraiiic ttne. e Co. . !... s, . .Jun ry - .! I," m rip by us. I1.-- joint ki..ii alilt lo ., ran f. ! When failed modern romeniemf soul strong , . ' 1 V.. Foil SALK Fine horse, extra I..",, nl. pi(,.-- Xia:! ! ; I High- This a hard wheat IIIC W. MOsIS LAND SCKir .11 "l on for an A of Title net baile mi fruit tree; is uss-- . t . , for express or country in perf" ! . i ' li.h-.l- T" I ' in tl Ih.-I- . - l. III" Al Y 41). min our prl.-e- land!.: clo- In. l In- Phone 72 L.1JI íioia, the best in Hldg.. condition: a bargain for 40 00. I' olk hi l.os AliK'l.'. 5 room, nHMlern. cnent J.irohsion Denver. Colo. latt"i-son'-s ' lmi $J:o0 quire at Livery Siabl", , - Ú t''' I ak mr mark-- I ru- i!,,- r.,,uU- r culiagc, bou ill íaIIUi M. the maiket. K.USLK A few snap hurga ins ill tucen 3rd and 4'h, Silver Av I art I lis on str.-.- t . in loe It. h..u--.- and lots. W. H M. Million, good young suddo nl - Foil SALK one J t!la.iwa. Afk "ii. I il- lor 1" t n M. $ I too I -- room frames N. "th C, l;;l Hr-i'- r. 211 W Co'.d horse, good looker and perfectly i.ff at Ihiv n"t. n. I k. n.I half John Moore Ao-r- t. lot, cdy tuer; term Full SALK i 'ne nn and on.- -I gentle Apply 1415 S. Arno. l..n V. rh..n-- . FIU7, If ".ml hoiisp with ground 1 Mix 142 Hn.i.v iteslrrd. rt . 'flFREHCH PtilLE f.-- . IJ4 jBimv 5 rmtni frsiiMf, na I. ast front. nu .iti.'ti. $2"': f nmlern must "II Llovd HunK:ik"i-- 2"'. . KigtiUmls, n.uui. PERSONAL PILL S.I Realty Company tkwe la; rarf Irruía, W Gold t It UItH MOItK HVVT II l. T. UNYILLE tt. h-- . fl 1 AVU Ll) .M.VKKY SI feint un. AM I FoiC SALK i n nuiil-- Yol" IF tí IIH Ml lislri -- and rmactiea lot - iea flit 14 219 Gold Avenue. Ituslnea trorritr e a ,lrk--k Hie.-- i p ip, r ooruaiB'ns rmi- IIH V llllll lt KIMl. AMUll West Mle. Henry ! loan. e"b al; I.H..t,il i'é i v i-- ' ' " '' " I I I I THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1909.

FINANCE Vcbshpss- úüff Booübúbíbss DON'T Get Out of Sorts over 40 years Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines have kept the lead and still stand in the front rank as With your bookkeeper For If yuur statements are curative agents. not ready to send out COKIICE They are little advertised now, as compared with many others, resting, as they do for popularity upon the first of the month. their many years of marvelous cures and the grateful friends they have made. Get a Willi Street. STATEMENT New York. Feb. 27. Tho prolVa-hlcii- ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS contingent Was ucliv.; lUirliiK They must know of many cures of bad cases of Female Weakness and Kindred Ailments of Women LEDGER th.; short session of tlr.i sloe It due to the use of OUTFIT. which ended 'ho xiiurt week u tiicii opinions dlrnvcl grcil !tj'. The tro:i,f upward And your statements) during the first hour curried Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription would be ready for mailing the first of prices to the hlghoBt level since the every month with very opening of demoralized breuk ut the IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. 111 lie work on the part the week. As stock became dearer of your bookkeeper. there was some decrease in the buy- It's the only advertised medicine for woman's Ills which contains neither alcohol (which to most women Is way thus opened for re- ing. The habit-formin- g, or injurious drugs and the makers of which are not afraid Better look Into tills This was based on the dread worse than rankest poison) nor method. action. ? 'tlth cculuiy of the coming of Monday, set aside to print all Its ingredients on Its outside wrapper. Is that not significant by the supreme court, for handing down decisions and the expectation We make outfits in our shop to suit every size and style that the commodities clause test case would be included In the decisions. Behind Dr. Piare' Medicines Dr. Pierce9s Golden Medical Discovery of business. There seems to have Brown up a stands the Invalid? Hotel tad Sur- thor- Is its cures of Stomach Weakness, Indigestion, Torpid, or La.y, deep-seate- d conviction that this case gical Institute, at Buffalo, equally renowned for many equipped and a ail- will KO against the railroads. The oughly with Staff Liver and kindred derangements, as well as for Blood and Skin affections. In many a Specialists to treat the earlier .strength of the market was of Skilled ments of women the combined use of these two medicines is advised. Book uettlectlon, fur from foreign markets more difficult eases of Chromic H. S. LITHGOW Binder Med- a dishonest dealer, here and there, that will attempt to persuade yovi to accept where the brightening 01' the pros- diseases whether requiriag It's only III BllI-.- STAMP MAhKK. pects a settlement between Aus- ical or Surgical skill tor their a secret nostrum in place of these time-prove- n remedies OF KNOWN COMPOSITION. Resent the .lOl'RNAI Bl ll BlMi. 1'IIOM; fit. for cure. Write for free tria and Servia is hailed as a wel elsewhere. QÜIDK insult to your intelligence and trade come relict, operators w no proiess-e- d INVALIDS' BOOK. Medical Association, R, V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. to have read the inaugural ad- World's Dispensary I, dress of the incoming president ex- pressed satisfaction with its tenor and 3 I a belief that business confidence North American . 79 AVixoiui Commercial ?i would be fostered by its contents. Norl hern I'acilic .1.17', Atlantic professional cards -- 3 , DOOR THE Three were In circulation well de- I'aelllc Mail . 32 llutte- Coalilion 10 PIE All Way Up 9 prospects were I'eiiiisyhuni.'i . . 128 ti Calumet and Arl.ona the reports that fined ' BOO ASSAYKRH. From the foundation te the shingles on the roof, we are selling shaping for moderation in the reels 'People's (las .110 Calumet and llecla C. C. and St. Louis. . m u. Centennial 2'- W. building materal cheeper than. you have buught for maof reara. Ion or ami that he force of I'iltsburg, JENKS the tariff Pressed Steel Car . 3.TÜ i:o.per Konge 72 ' Assay or. Bata at least II par cent and events In the steel trade might be ex- I'ullmau Palace Car .Hilt Daly West " PANTRY IS HOW Mining and Metallurgical Engineer, pected to have their influence hi that Kailwav Steel Spring , 4 I Kranklln f . 0 West Fruit avenue. Postoftice Heading . 1 2 1 Vj llrunby "ii. 17!. or nt offl.-- of F. H. Kent direction. ' Bui I " The. small net changes at the end Republic SI. el . (Ireene C'ananea 111! South Third Streot Now 3 Build - . 72 Isl,, Itoyale 2S',j of the day, In spit'- of the consider- do pfd n Itoek Island C . 23 h Massachusetts MinlUK LOCKED UP or transactions offer 1 ' ATTOIINKYH. able volume . 61', " strong id' sales do pl'd MiehlKan presumptive evidence St Louis Southwestern 2 2 Mohawk fi' R. W. D. B It VAN Rio Grande Material and in account amongst the professional do old '. r.i Montanu Coal and Coke 20 Attorney at I4tw. traders on the floor of the exchange Sloss Sheffield Steel and Iron ., . 71 S NVvaüa 16 Office In First Nutonlal Bank build- Lumber Company 1 fi fii,,.i M as principal source of the activ- I'acilic . b North Ilulte ing, Albuquerque. N. B. Cur. Third and starfoetta. the Southern 3 Congressmen Begin to Feel Phone In hold- do pld .120 old Dominion WlESoN & WHITE ity. The large decrease the 12" ings the was reflected ip the Southern Hallway . 24 "i (Isceola They Are of No More Use in Attorneys at Law. of banks . 2 4 ;,1' do VI'd Parrot All business to our care will statement. Closing stocks: . 37 V, QuilK-.- Sti entrusted lis1 Tennessee Copper Cold, Cold World, Thanks to prompt careful at- Amalgamated Copper . 31 Shannon 13i receive and 4 7 and I'aelllc 1 Si 4 Rooms fj, 17 and American Car and Foundry .... St. Louis and Wesl . . 4 T11 ma rack tention. 1 Toledo. 'i Civil Service Reform. Building-Albuquerque- , pl'd I""1 . 117 ' INDUSTRY BY BUYING YOUR HOT do ,. do pfd Trinity Jj1? 1, Cromwell PATRONIZE HOME American Cotton oil .'.7rv I'nion Pacific .177 I'nlted Co.per New Mexico American Hide anil pl'd "T'l . ... Leather do pfd ' rnlted States MlniiiK 3J ' BED SASH OF THE American Ice Securities -- '.''i. . 3(1 States Dll 30'4 Morning Journal llun an. HKNTISTS. 1 ? I'niled Slates liubbcr I'nited American I.lnseed 1st pfd .1M2U 013 Munsey HulKling. do ' Dlt. J. E. KIlATi'T , American Locomotive ...... 4 States Steel 4, Victoria V. C , Feb. 33. ) pl'd I'IK'j I'ldled 5 ' Wushlnnton, Pental Surgeon. SUPERIOR LUMBER & MILL CO. do do j, I'd .110 Winona building--. Phone American Smelling and Helming xd . 41 u- - "There," suld a member of the Rnoma Harnett I't.lil Copper Wolverine 744. Apolntmenls made by mall. do pfd - Virginia Carolina Chemical ... . 4 31 house, handing out a printed letter Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sugar Helming . American lo pfd .112';; 4 T-- liiciio Honnl id department, "Is PHY8K1ANS ANI American Tel and . from the jiostoffice KHRGTONf 1:'' Wabash 27. Wheat ). rices Ml 4 4 ! Clilcaiio. Feb. I L.'BIJHTON, M. American Tbacco pfd do pl'd . the. hint evidence that have no reul SOLOMON í7 American Woolen advanced today to new high record Physician and Surgeon. Westlnghotise Klcl'llle May utility in Washington." He hud Just Anaconda Mining Co 4"; Western I'nion marks for the season when the Office Room Harnett Building CXDOOOO Atchison Wheeling and Lake Kri delivery sold ut 1 1! and July at left the chamber, where Colonel Hep- Residence rhone 1030. Office Phone do pfd 11 tm advance, however, was 617. Albuquerque, N. M. !) Wisconsin Central fl.O'i'n. The burn of iowu was fulminating "gainst Atlantic Coast Line 4 Total sales for the day 4 4 1.300 maintained, the market elosinK demonstrating to the A. a. KHOIITLK M. D. Lumber Co lialtimoro and Ohio luí!7 not the rules, and Albuquerque shares. t of 14 to f. Corn, outs Is really composed of Practice - do pfd idy- at net losses house that it lliiiuls were sti Total sales closed steady. Limited to Tuberculoid, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMUtn llrookvn Rapid Transit "'! coupons and provisions Joseph (!. Cunnon, o Illinois. 10 to IS; 2 to 4. 1 7 234, due 3's Muy lioura Piic-üi- 7 rnlted The market closed will) shown i"u;illiiii wheat "Colonel Hepburn has Just - - State Net. Bank BMg ilvanci r cent during the CT. 1 (it c. Ri?mJL'- Rex Flintkofe Booting Celral Leather iiit'a at 611! i' and July at nie that I am of 1)1 possible use ex- ' Glass, Cement, Wall Paper and I'0" l' eel-.- ' If May R. L. hi'.'sT d. pfd The corn market e'msed wit cept to name postmasters; and now Burgeon New Jersey , . . Z 1 u (u L'30 Physician and North Albuquerque New Mexico Central of lit and July at Wkf- 8, build- First Street. Chesapeake and Ohio fió 6!án '.'i look at this." Rooms 6 and N. T. Arm Jo HON IIS with May at post-offic- e ti HUSTON STOCKS AMI Tin- oats market closed He read the letter from the ing, Albuquerque, N. af. Chicago tireiit Western t losing I rices 4:i oooooocoooooc . uml July at Tc. In .gJ-lil- Chicago and North Western ..17I.' jj 'jc department. It set forth Í.Ü.! J I .1 i L ... . . 1 ' U...1 Chicago. Mil. and St. I'liul . , . . . 14 -- S Money 3 Ms respectful but conclusive terms that ('.. C. and St. Louis 7ó'l Call loans . 2 ii lytlllls Wool, Ifled or addicted to the habitual use C. (11 I St. (he of house would not 8 ai Tino- loans , 3 member the Colorado Fuel and Iron St. Louis, Feb. 2 7. Wool Steady; any more recommendat- of Intoxicating liquors, of their use to l- ISollds need to make MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY Colorado and Southern cloth-im- í fourth-clas- excess; who has been dismissed from :y . . 94 comblnR and s ido fcl Atchison Adjustable 4s medium Kiailes. ions: for appointment of 1st pfd 6 lil 20c; heavy the government service for delinquen- ; do 2nd pfd 7S Atchison 4s ion; 2ICil24c; llKht fine postmasterH, because the department ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO l 23(!i32c. cy or misconduct; bus been dis- Consolidated Cas 121? lüiili-oiii- fine 10 It 16c: tub washed would .run that business on the civil who .H'2 . or 177h At rson 'i hen-after- charged from the military naval Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 Corn I'rodiHts 1 plan I . t2 service iK 1 lil been Delaware and Hudson 'j 1 TI10 MetHls. 30. hist," reuil the service for desertion; who has 4:1 .13.-- '.i "On November (Irandc Huston and Maine . l or Denver and Itio .13,-- 27 The nn-ta- declared guilty of crime Infumous "' ' I'.ostn and Maine 'j New York. Feb. letter, "the president Issued an order INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS do pfd - or notoriously disgraceful conduct, . 12s nominally service Distillers' Securities 34 U limit. ll UleViltUd markets wen- unlet and transferring to the classified fuiirth-cla.-- s and who has Intentionally mude u -- 7 pfd ..133 copper ipilet, lake at service, L'rio ' with under the civil I'lmurpiiMMcd I 4 H. II i false statement in connection with his With Ample Meaas and iicllltle do 1st pfd --"a N. Y , N. and ..156 $I2.62!ai-12.87'i'- electrolytic .$21.25 poHtustcrs In certain states. The 1. ln-- .173 V 1 . or for position. do 2nd pfd Culón I'acilic iii; casting 2 1.1 2 i 2.S7 i change to take effect as soon as tho application the Electric IVt1 ,Mi ella j . pre- (ieneral . 3(1 Lead unchanKcd. $3.2 '.i civil servlcii commission could (ireat Northern pfd 140 American Arge. Chemical uiiehanir.'d, The Bank of Commerce of Albuquerque do pfd . !S Spelter H'Uiíu i.'ó. liar pare eligible lists of applicants: for THE SALVATION ARMY IN ireat Northern ore Cits fl V, 4 4. . Mexlali dollars department. s. Illinois Central 14' A meriea n l'lletl. Tu be silver 30o: the use or the postofflce Extends to Depositors Kvory rroper AccomiiiutlHtlon mi Solicita New ,,J .127" completed, ENGLAND. : Met American Sugar That work has now been JHnt-lorn- Solomon Interborough . 127 C&i.lUl, $1.",0.H). Officers ami Luua, Irea 40', do pfd ( unnecessary do pfil New Hli'Hiis olton. and it will therefore be ; V. K. Vice) I'rreld ent and CiikIiIct; W. J. Johnson, As- American Tel and Ti .12SU you to Ident btrlcklcr, International l'uper 1"!: . 27 New Orleans, Feb. 27. Cotton for the department to ask C. M. A ica n Woolen . sistant CaMlilrr; William Mtlutosli, titorge Amot, J. Italdridge, A. do pfd f'j'-- niel mid- any steps toward pro- "The Salvation Army does for 11 Tump ' do pfd . !di Spot steady and unihanRcd; take further Placknell, o. K. i'roinwrll. Intefnational . 31 V. '.' to fill vacancies 2." -- x Dominion Iron and Si. dling curing candidates what costs the guardians B,a Iowa Central .250 been csllcd to Kansas City Southern 1"' Kclison Klectric Ilium which have heretofore that Is not the only reason whl.h I?. ' 70 Massachusetts . 14 your notice." do pfd 4 St. loiils Spelter. SANTA FE TIME TABLE. . . A. McKcnzie gives in "Waste Human- Lmisvile and Nashville -- !!! .Massachusetts lias 27. weak It was nice, polite, way of telling . 127 U St. Louis. Feb. a B. 4 L. PUTNEY Minneapolis and St. Louis I'nitid Km $ I pi. or most ity" for the he for h . fi4 $4.117!-..- ; speller lower, SO. a statesman that all his admiration hie IV St. M....14iMi I'niteil Shoe Mai mu. Minn., St. and Saul! . 2 ! been away from the army and its work. What he do pfd of it had taken W r..ri.r. I I. .nr. l eed ant! Hole Missouri I'aelllc y y 4 I bllele . . apply to all the states feels Is that, while others talf of or Ai-n- l Mll.l.rll Missouri. Kansas and Texas .... 3 NTs I'. S. Steel . 'i ARE him. The rules tr tina. . 100 ''j DOMESTIC WOOLS of talk or AI.Rt gt K - - - - M.W MKSH'tl do pfd do pfd . . . east id the Mississippi and north feels Is that, while others of National Lead 7:'a Milling' SCARCE IN MARKETS the Ohio und Potomac: It will pre- the Salvation Army nets. 22 ' t Army the New York Central Adventure 4 0 sumably be extended to all the "The Salvation attacks 4 I Alloi'cz m New York, Ontario and Western US of the country In tact, It Is under- problem of misery and d genar.it1 ARTHUR E. WALKER Western Mi Amalgamated by Norfolk and Hum 1 to stood the civil service, commis- In its most vital point deallir; Attention or Triitlr Turin that Hr lniirnner. Hn rrtr Mutual llnllil-In- s sion has hastened the preparation of with the Individual lo the me .VIA. Aiwn4i.ill..ti. I'd. r cm-- run-..- NmrmlM-- H, hiime of Work In Mrailsirrrl's. lists in the communities already sub- streets of the great cities of the ill It Itnl (..ffeillo lt().) so It may ir. , indeed, of nations, l jected 'to the order, that an. olher rroni die l ui.1 Arilvp. Iiepart way so. agents working today. The i Drudstreefs Weekly Trade Kevicw be out of the and President Its are v.. .;..! i .il i:i.r.-ii- . " p says of wool situation during the Hoos.-velt- or his successor, Mr. Tart, servants of the community, lis w ot i- N., :;, i ni,. I. ii. hi. .1 ..IJ.:-"-tp P the ,. t . may a new- within a short léis have given up their llx.-- to fi.-.i-t & CO i.i M.ttl Hl.f... tin pant issue order M.-- 1 week: " 8. H. BRIGGS ,n,. ... i;i .v uii i ls.:o Htt.-utio- tin- h;is turn- to rest of the evils which threaten our nation The of tnide time, applying the the I rent lite tt rsl sternly Mr. M. Kenzle describís the work - ed to foreign railes, with states und territories. DRUGGISTS. ,. i i,i. M ill '' a I uioveinent iwaltiiiK the irrhal of About 10. 001) postoffices are affec- v I ich th army carries .in niq'it an s.. I . in. m I..I.....--- ' .: I. .Ja y ; m I 1 s. In A I lly 6 ') P ?VKRYnf)i)Y CAN HAVF. m.AüTl more of the foreinn kiíiiIcs to runi" ted by the order hist now going Into d.i. He shuws ii how nil v Met Proprietor him. l'.l. J.üll f- I Fill, HAIR NOW, .mil il 'Ut Grows to hand Domestic wools are very effect Some of the members of con- homeless men are warmed and d AfTMrn rhHrnmrr, (or, I.nltl Hiiri ra.1 rent jllry TriilllM llighliinil l'hriwMf, l or. l.iitat rulinl iiihI .. I, ,... I'"" scarce, uml wilh the Improvement in gress re much displeased with the n i re for the asking, how crcatuicM J.1 Aitetl ill... hmvr Inwstt wrrku aniliiMH rrwin . J. lillS lurifi-- huy- - us many i Ii . low are reformed end imp: the Roods mnrket, nil the rule, but probably quite air havi fallen I r ... "I. t'.i.rt- - eillirr. Ynu will nut ice marked vc Hair ,.. '. I'.i.l'l 'rt during lie, lion- Imlels save man n :.í V ai ers hovo been In the market glud to relieved of tlv ajinuvano the army's H .11 iin.l Amal III'. ...It ment the very hist npplu i.m. - alter onil wc con the sniiill iivuil-atd- e n n from the evil Influences, of tip- the past week. takhiK of making selection. DRS. COPP & PETT1T I rem Ihe N.mlll is mm-M- and grades. by request lodging houses. D&ndcrine lots of domestic Ainnntc Henceforth it will not be i'l nanaged common i ii I', ii r. i: .''i 7 ni fwalp n.i. i", i k liwrhril lv tlie recent sales were 10(1, Util) pounds of a member of congress, or on At first sight It almost seems DENTISTS. ... lu i.l l.itiny mi Irfllu tUr. Prove - tili-i- i.M .1.. I.- - o,.,.r, Wyoming fine staple nt '3 cents, that u people whom tin- army seek i to r..i- s and mi i.mIiiU .J of the referee tie i; .ii.-iii- oí wondrrfwMy e- - - ill-Ill- 12 N. T. Armijo Bldg. in .M.xuu. t. rrui.v. efferla its in.OUO puundH fine and fine medium fourth-d- a postmasters will lo-l- nr.- Irreclaimable, but tli, '' Room .i I . ? minranna anaill..nir.-- utím-n- ' jr. It! Wyoming at "0 cents, and smaller lots Kxu ruinations will be held r.c'1-- r 'osu t It piensan t no Phone 547. (jiiñlittcs. is of clothing wools at full pi le, s to secure eligible with which to fill "Hopeless?" Said SaKaii'm SI III. I I ami easy to use simfly i lililí Kleece wools were very unlet, though vacancies as tluy occur. The exam- Army officer In i hatg.-t- as t went up it lo scaip m.-d- ' " apply tc there was a Kood demand for Is will be prac- him. "rnh.-l- i ubi.-'- I dont w on and huir onrc a inations, it announced GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY MARKET ium and delaine, but the wools were character, and us fur as pos- - il.T that you think so. Itut you ate MEAT day until the tical in All Kind-- , id I uml Snlt &lcul. not available. About 5.000 pounds relate to mailers which wrong My companion who Is work Wholesales Merchants. ii'li hnir hrjma to L'3 isible Slcniii Suii..ue Incti.ri. fine unwashed Ohio sold at cents. test capacity and fitness of ing with me. distributing these licu- (row. then two fairly tl.e Wool. I'ide and Pelta I , m 1 , i'. with Ohio quarters at 29 rents and po.-tt-- : was himself standing ill lln !ik ki:inmi: a 'persons Tor. the position of éis, ftiwctaH - I Uln-f-t or tlirr timrs 1'8 Scour- a MiM.nii- Itiiil.Uiiz. N.ulli hi id till .Michigan quartern at cnts this i the line ol nun outside tn IiAH tvrck tlritcd - master. AIJtl'QrrilOlK VBA9 , ti ir-r- -f r ." ed wools were very firm, with hold- i waiting for re- rranlts aie oblinei) j The positions will be divided into shelter and buyers holding . n ers very strong two tint-.-- for which the lief. Several of mi i ornrades who Texas wools were lady íiom I alitrnia wriirs ..If California anil amounts to .00 or nior. nr.. tonight s. an bins lb.- streets for RICO HOTEL & BAR W. L.Trimb!oiCo Iqul'-t- m sulmtance íoltmv; In foreign grade, moderate annually, for which an edu' atlonal st.iivlng men en taken from I .i I ceil uml 'l" Slaldfs. Klrat I w .Hi'H r during ItriMI llü'na itnr isnles of i rossbreds wi re made on tin- v muí 111 Noi'lh . I Kin. . ii t test will be applied, due consideration the crowd Kmbankniint Uinei. Iiiiiui't rluurs I'm ut l:i ill l)ir lot - lnit: í i week, principally New Zealand, very was- . 1 at mu n"w I'" '"" " the being given the facilities which th" sr.- raisins up out of then- sirci-l- K.kmiis liy wrek r I' I'Iii.ik i. X. Second St. Iai h- being-pai- . a nderf-j- 133 Tor .'Itis. self-relia- cltlw-ns- a., llrst il, t'h "'t 11 cents trans- I - l"t t'1 applicant can furnish for the trels ."m- iM'urm ovfT Inch"" 3T 40 4s. 36ti3N cents liioiilli. rtct llli aK in Hie i II), up. 'ht 1U cents for to I 3 li II lo ik Vltfcth : tli t'l'Sld Ct action of postal business. The other will show you you come and 4IUUUd 44 cents for í'i to for to 4s. 3tfri4i grade will Include positions for which :it work ; TJ for iei long 60s Another Irom New Jerr 3is. and cents Is less Í5C a That Is wh.-r- the Salva Hon A'in.v ,rt - the compensation than After !ri(C m 'h w.-r.- qui. t. as manuta.-tur- .Merinos tli'-s- will of na- THE WM. FARR COMPANY Tit Itji r t I lia - year. Kor u fimpl.-- test has to be an hv itil ; th.- i m lit ers iHiught freely direct, and if tili ainuuo tional Importance It Is combatió?, Who!- Ull'l Nr due. South Anj'-rl- be applied Jit 1- " ' - wools are about per- th- ilang-- 1 .T M f.A IS - - i V I í v- - .V I'nder the new regulations no as no other body is. DKAI.MtH KkH AM i ii an wools sold quite freely, about pos- Thia Hair-Growin- g I son Is eligible to the position of the nation of the degraded populism Great 1. 000. OHO pounds changing hands. In- For Cat II an.! H tli Hificrat MArknl be ' at f'.iirtri-clas- s office who of the slums, and turning an e.-- ei Remedy can nuw Montevideo brought 3.'. rn 37 cents, bm tmaster a 1'iUm ara fa)U. had at a'1 druKp' m thrr is not a citizen of the t'nitcd States. creasing numb, r of men anil women bulk was Hu.-no- Aires at 2 ithre twenty-on- e except he no tc. 25c, 50c and Lin.olns, cents t Past years old. who would otherwise cents for 30'a31 by humanity good hoc1 $1.00 per bottle. l2't 33 34 women, whose lull age Is fixed tuan waste Into for low quarters, and ii cents for tb-i- GRAHAM'S CLEANING AND , citizens And Mr. Mr Ken n.H h"V Ul w - 4 lot or 1 no. won state statute at less than that nc csiful with- - convinced of the soundness of Its three-eight- sold 3 lio do.s not actually reside DYE WORKS. Til pounds blood at rrr iwim frw - - He ;h jse nouses in " e- general policy hopes that return mm ionT"Dwti" i cents. r.f the learlinir i'- l. Mil-ir- a' H Sim t I of w' cnifia t tu buyers where there.'.'"?i not a soffit num- who read his book will be led to ok .armenia all kindi aoai'irf withdrawn their from 1 I Cfl hsve and l.uliea rtraneil and IntwtlM ftaitrwt Cait. markets, und th contracting ber of applicants who do; who would t the army's work "apart from tenia thJ (western an 1 lireaeed. Mil SOt 111 SIX UNO ST., Oi i not personally conduct the office; prejudice or Idle calumny, ; n.l Uto is reduced to small dimensions. th . f - de..-r.- s I'IIUM: iirowcrs asking very high prices. w ho Is mentally or physically disquul- help it at It to be hrlpel.- JOiIrNAU'sUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1309. in i THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING at Ji:x3xcr4x ii jlornina lournal But Rather, Come and Avail Yourself of Our Liberal Offer fabllsbtd bj tin 1 - JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. u DV Wonder 2500 Yards Pure Linen Torchon r. a. MrrHEnHON i'rMnt w. m rKK ?!""r K. B HK.VINn (,lt Lace (Just in) worth up to 20c per P. S. Bt'WCHEll BuilnM Mniisr It ROSENWALD'S ' Do aocond (Iéii mnttr at th How EnUrfí We YardSpecial at at peat. .fflr t Allimilriil. N U., lindar e 5c per yard i Cmikm of March i, J1Í.

? THB Minimi joi n M. I Tur .VlhXi.rivn TUL ttlVI ll'l H4 zr.v.w ;.'iur : fu it ill "in Wed-- 1 ?itiKAMi tHie mrTHrto - Anthem "Kecessioiiul" Kipling There will also be services each of tub k;- stricken from the legal iiuallficiitlon the World know'H It. Jta traditiona Editors Ladles' Quartet "Child, He Afraid nesday evening during the season of) 10 HI'. of voters nan read. Mia. Teresfl hever would fit with ita legal appella What the Meredith Lent, beginning at 7:30 p. m. All urc; fa- TÍc demands Crowley, of llrookllne, lead the tion. that Misses Klwood, Frgnklin, Mordy cordially invited. RULING STYLES itMr dull otiui or M mrrio. vorable debatir, while flmrlea II. it return to the use of the latter of the Southwest and Mrs, Sutton. Mftwr. n ntnth. . la silly. If curiRresi" BAPTIST CIll KOH. !Tillr, 11. unta, und formar title Selected FIRST bjr " wntli Kaundeif hended the retuonuti Organ Solo Hroadwuy and Lead Ave.) feels that It miift take eonisiance of Mr. (Corner IN RELIABLE he repn Hentlnif an awtociutlon Aré Saying Schwintker. Itev. J. V. Sliuw pustor. the matter let It. pass a law to cull the jieautiful Home of ttia unr llir ntr to the exteilfloii of nif ft fine to Solo "The Sermons by the pustor at 11 a. hi. trcw House. - hi N.w Mallra. Tha lT aMT la ilaw women White Houkc the White rs ? Purudise" ... KiB and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at !i:4." Urllra iMm r T i in law to put In Mist. Lillian Klwood. rr. upeiikifK for the petition Our makers mid a. in. Young People's meeting ut ti:30' FOOTWEAR "Amonn '. . . . C.uilniunt v full time between now and time for offertory "iicrceuse" p. were the Itev. Anna II Shaw, proHl-den- t The number of IrrlKutlon ill. adjournment if they expect to make The public cordially invited. All cordially invited to these I "Th Manila Journal ha lilibr Suf- In hand In thl territory, urc to unr of the .Vutioiuil Woman themselves famous.. Willard liecord. ratina than la arraralMl dlniensloiiM and In various services. Wc sell the best makes aL thar papar In or any ollirr frage HHoelntlon; Misa Allee Stone of urious COXCillKGATIONAIj OllinCII. Naw AIIriM capable 4mr In Mrilre." Tha AnnrUaa Hlai kwell, John T. Tobln, preKldenl HtaacM of Ucvelopmi lit. Will he Hope I or the. Hot of I s. Hroadwuy and Coal.) UN CI". th o possible prices, fcrwanaiier I Hurtar. (Corner ClIIUSTIAN SCI lowest of the Hoot and Shoe Worker' union, of mid iti4, when completed, almost, If Jf (Jerónimo hua reached the happy Itev. V. J. tlarsli, iinHtor. (At the Public Library Hid;.'.) Is 1 1 We satisfaction rielKher. I'rof not (iilte. one hundred per cent to huntlntf roundH by this time there Hcgular preaching services at ut 11 o'clock, sub- guarantee 41.1)14)1 It ItQlK xnw mid Hnbbl t'liiiilen Sunday morning mino MllHHU-ehuHitt- hope (ill sor Is conditions of p. m. Sunday school William T. KedKewh k, of tl e the nroduciiiK iicreaKe of New Mex lor and' n. m. and 7:30 ject, "Christ Jesus." Sunday school' and only ask a visit of in- fu- - men u plciiHUrcublu hereafter. S. Lithgow, super- IriHtlttite of TeehnoloKV, an Id ico. That Is, we are provldlnu; the for at :4á a. in. II. at a:4."j. Testimonial meetings Wed- l'AY. l,us Christian Kndeavor at fl:4."i Heading to prove our I'ltHUIIKUS AMI T1IIJH rh iitifb'iill.v women HtiffrnKo cllltlcH for aupportliiK twice iih mnny titlc. intendent. nesday evening at 7:30. spection that p. m. All are cordially invited to Monday, Wednesday and , present nnd room open tl oMl u de. iiconle iim we have ut lyci'H wel- claims, No l I'or llim. these servicca. StrangerH made 2 4. A ugo llcv. V. S JiiMt up to the Friday from to itliort lliiio the "At the overflow nueliiiK on the capital Is only wuklnu: No the Czar did not fly with come. The following urc the musical Rockwell, pimtor of the Khoiiduii Ktepa und portleo of the Ktati hotiKf ai'iiml opportunities that me offered Wright. He prefer doing business on selections for the day: In AND BEAU- Colt Shoes Park Methodist Kplscopul church, WUH (ru;iiiii,i'd by the pie-t-- for Investments In this Hue. the ground floor and will avoid all Morning Anthem "God Is LoveA' RAILROADS THE Men's. Patent the crowd SJ.IM o SI. 00 ChlciiRO, rinlffficd IiIh charge and quit 11 in rial flights an long us the anarchists Shelly: quartet. Duet if of cnn i'iP'Ticy Htintdiirda. lien hy Harry Howe TIFUL SNOW. sultiry of auffrn-Rette- la- - will permit. El I'aso Tínica. up to Thee," by Men's Vici Kid Shoes the ministry, briuuao bin the lend r were two KukIIhIi T 'ere are a multitude of tlilim "My Fuith Looks .$l'.,--0 $1.0(1 Miss ..... lo 12.600 a ytflr wu not uffhicnt fur MIhh Km In t'oMtello and MIhs Hie present IcuJhIu t urc which tin Lachner; Mrs. Woodford and fire Horror! Itriilge? .Mill's Calf Skin Shoes hi Then llti iiucstloii was w HlldreHfed Hie good ,,,,. ,,f Heynolds. fortunatel- nerd. Kb iiiior Itemlell. ho bad public Kood and Slot machines lire turned to the by In Croat lliitain, where, ..".(MI to $ 1.00 "I)oc Income di nuiiul should be F.venlng Music furnislied y, frequency and magnitude of asked: the nu'ug'T a bia meitliiM at Kniieiibl hull the the legislature left; wall In Illshee now, and even wu in- Solo the Men's High Tup Shoes - chorus choir. Miss Strong, leader. a 0 Pfilll till' minister of llw gns- A women next time, ami there are III recent snowstorms arc not on so lavish $;l.,-- m.vno IVlTdKU nli(ht before. Boon iih the over till cus' clubs are Included the Thou My Hand." by C. S. to pcl Warrant lilm In iorMikliig his aooil sweeping; against gambling. "Hold sculc. except ill Hie far north iif Scot- wife ordered from the hIiiIi 1hiiih i, few IhliiirH which the tiublle order iiiggs und Miss Kva Mine. organ- Women's Patent Kid Shoes - '!' y land, us in America and many parts culling fui- another more lucrative HtepH, a parade wan taken up to Ho and the inline or the legislature cipiul-l- i:i I'aso Herald. Si. 75 lo $:.oti ist, Miss Da via. of the continent, it is not considered Tim Aotintlon tif Methodist Mln Common. for a meeting lure n !! dciiiuiul should be attended to this Women's A'ici Kid Shoes Keep Her and Welcome. necessary to organize a special plunt !M.'l to $3.1)0 laiein in Han Francisco utiawered this celiac had been obtained. For tm time. ST. JOHN S HI'ISCOVAL. personnel for fighting the ...;;', The London music hull that has and trained Low Shoes gucntlon at their meet lug lust Mnu honra the apcnker lit the othei (Corner of Fourth and Silver Ave.) railway man's worst and most dread- Women's Aunt Carrie Nation ought to Cook, I'll. I Héctor lo $1.00 day, by voting: ununlinouxly In the re adflreHHcd the crowd on tin As we look forward from tile l.,d !((. I'lrtclier ed enemy. Nevertheless, hardly a win- mcetlnirft understund that its popularity In this Today Is the first Sunday in Lent, AVoinun.'s House Slippers In pplte of fact : services of, Salive ntitt thl the Common." day of February we arc not iil.ll to country is bound to be measured go ter passes without the SI. HI nnd everybody should to church Rome-wher- e, lo $.00 i requisitioned the average aalury of mlnlst.. perceive anything very lion-lik- i by the length of time it has engaged wrong to open snowplnws being tilt somewhere. If It is or extensively. Shoes for Hoys and (litis of that denomination throughout tl our Citizen. It and more less i 1 1 :n the coming of Match. Hut, then her. Tucson tlie stores on Sunday then is Just regu- $1.00 lo $2.70 ex, ó mm;s a :it i The wedge type of plow is a state of California docs not ei ;hi:t ii how to get up :i wrong straighten up your books weather knows us to lar part of the equipment oí the In Sin eiity-foii- is $800. Not a Methodist minister creditable roar in I w .' Ikuii: Hill Ijiltlt. or attend your business mail. It companies. in one I WhkIi-liiKto- u northern railway ÍYontlfcco, atutoa, le It Ih cully reported from - The best Investment un earth is unnianly to violate one's own tin full rotii run when tin- occasion calls for II. just as form it is merely attached to the front HeiiHtor" The mall who is wise enough the law. Co found who thought Kockw ell's h'i that the democratic earth conscience as to violate of the locomotive, while In another, w to see tile possibilities of good Irriga- We will welcome you ill JiiMlfloblt. from inliilMti'iliil Hi.iiil- arc roIiik to be divided In n tin congress to church. which Is much stronger and more ef- Siniib.iy Is now observed in ble land nnd to secure some of It ut we holy com- uve- l i H In next scmhIoii St. John's, wiierc have a separate Iron- point; lluri' ttna not oin' who tariff bill nchi in presi- do-lii- fective, it constltutea iim 'obituary day." No doubt the present prices will never 1'ogTct munion at 7 a. in., Sunday school at lilm inornl muiporl. IIM lo the best policy to be pUI'Mlid clad vehicle of hugh dimeiisioiis, the dent would be with the so. French riiilndeiiler. 10 a. m.. worship with sermon on ml mil t 1. They a unit on uclieial prin- appearance of which resembles the All it.' wllllnir lo hut arc the plan, If he could be allowed to name Hlind Man at the Forks of the Hint Hlmuld be bused "The bows of a warship. liilnlwU'rliil cdllliiR iih tt profilon ciple the tariff 11 a. worship with .i" the men to receive the obituario. Correction. Hoad" at in., and The living-roo- in this type ot tin- - on the ili uiamlH of the overnmi nl Scan- woffully utuliTpnkt anil tlmt luk The Santa Fc New Mexican contains sermon on "How Jericho was plow contain an arsenal of tools; o-- ) revenue protection m.- ' ii'nüy money entailed it ilrinlm for rather than a labored editorial on the xlrtuc of dalized" at 7:30 p. nor are the necessaries of life for- If dcmocrati-themsehe- a Prickly which is rflld hsrd.ihln extremely iHffleui. to and apparently the Looking Backward, the "Spineless Pear" gotten, for us the plow llself not in- : In not merit. The M- ln(.l. All tiRieid w It ti hlni thut were the majority nnd without considerable t;ltNT ( IIU'llli A. - K CHt HCII. frequently gets imprisoned, food and were n bill it would be upon Plnindeulcr would suggest, however pastor.) plovers Mitir effort unit the ruine liuvller'ti.ii framing I From Morning Journal of Feb. (Ucv. Jus. Washington, drink sufficient to last the that "Spineless Prickly Pear" Is a :30 ! 0II10 thlM !jii.i!h. preaching at 11:4.'. a. m. and a week are taken. The rotary' type nernv would, If dlreiti toward :'S. lss.'l.i If the prickly pear Is believe In prncoodlno. misnomer j). m. (. lass nit-el- al i ni. ano of plow Is used on most American end, produee more profitable remilln; Sonic of tbein .. I'rospi good for building of a els spineless tt would not he prickly II meet- tall-wa- school at p. in. Prayer and many Continental railways, t'lit all were firm aualiift the'i;-nl- upon HiIh theory even thoiiKh the and thiiiy-fil't- Parallel n pear. Presenil pear hut prlckless French Wednesday at 7:1111 p. in. It not yet Into yogue In o: rcpiiKlliaiiH frame the hill. tllhera, ing and class though has conic theory nnd lln' luxuth Plnindeulcr. this Is super-lo- r mía 1" The W. M. M. society will meet in this country'. It Inlinitely n.uii ition a fowiul e xrejiUr n eomiiiK from ftateM In which there (iiianls under Captain lion ut dealing with six-da- uf-l- ut parsonage. Thursday to the wedge type in -- .'ill ride week the t tin it In the durdeiiH of t in are Inruc IihIiihii les which have here- return from mile shall Hie Uli'Uc) and Hie society will meet t'littoent minus Hie 'rustlers. Where 2 p. in. The literary serious blixkildes. tofore been Hie Mlllljltt.. Of protec rustlers Highball ApM-ar- ? p. m. The art and raging blizzards hill. Large und molley array of whiskers Friday at 7:3a ln Ameriia. after tion, lake the View that, an the hill twenty Shades ol Hacchns: iur legislature club will meet ut the purson-ag- e which left not a single wire standing, and mules have lust 1 will any cllvuniMtitiiccH be n noted propone tu eradicate the lemon Hum J p. All are cor- have continued to run oyer long IT W AS Ml ,M hl.T. under pounds In Weight each Saturday at in. trains - signaled protective nieiiHiire, It I In the Mm- id advertising bv requiring nil hibuloiisly Inclined dially invited and made welcome to stretches of automatically I .iih Vegas young nun puy u The block , liliczns to license fee. services, track in accordance with the of their duty to their ninstltiieiita to 111 wives t' those Ill leKponne to the addtv."" Kansas papers for plan may not be In strict harmony system. nil those re- , bent pro- .1. coun- Neicrtheless. at Hampton lloiidi-- Admluil tin niNch cH to obtnhi the Colonel A Hair appointed en- with scientific Ideas of taxation but KC1I. finements are as nothing if the AX AltlSTOCltATIC All! it ml poaslble In the new meamu'e ty attorney. CJIItlsTIAN Cllt Kperry, Npeuklng for the offleern tection ii.i a system we challenge compari- (South Hroadwuy.) gine driver cannot read the signals An Hit' of rehuí' incut muí lasic Carolina William lloivheii elected president ob- men of the (rent fleet, fu Id. Senator Slmiiioim of North son with many methods In vogue with V. Itryson, l'astor. and there is nothing like snow to can only ho had your t In- Illinois Min- Itev. i:. ultli In i Mini I of New Mexico and suggest, "Willie have heen emhi lliiK tin ti ti im Hie turn ilemocrnt" older commonwealths. We Sunday school, 10 a. m Morning scure the latter from vision. The only tit l in o looking at ils best. ing and Manufacturing' company. - who position that the Month-er- however, that the tax- should be 11 u. subject. Ser- reliable solution of this problem Is lililí"; us Ilia! has eiohe, r have douhled the uniré of take the At meeting of hoard oí trade Judge service. mi "The that soil properly graduated that the 'ordiliary beer the repetition of signals In the "cub" lost shape, Jut year's pfmllie. I'll producís should be taker I, s. declares tin- Denver vant Who Is (rcater Than the Lord lis wince damsels lret Trimble drinker would not be forced to pay locomotive. re basg). hosi-- ill of In a protective bill, and In Is im- - Isaiah 10:1.1. Christian Kndeavor. of the u coal lils so fleit'a rfflcleney hat iinTeiim'd cale It In (rumie contemplating the the-sam- license as those who lake 6:11(1 p. levelling service, 7:lbl On the Fairford brunch of the ami liaie us clean mil press it per hy ei of will devote special at lent Ion to tin iiMli'iu'tloti of an extension in. rent ononiy nicdlati mixed. French Plalndculcr. n railroad audible sig- mill it will be appre- A nnd theirs p. m.; subject. "The Strength of (roat Western returned in an eoiiHUniitloli, due to hard work lumber Mchcdiile, which he from Chama to Ibiuiuei'inie In "cubs" of tin new iol Three-Fol- d Cord ICcclesiastes, 4:12. nals are given the almost A trial . steps lo secure extension. and faithful men below When hend", yyill he vluoruiiHly iittin kml in hoard takes engines at the distant signaling poliu proves, Humored Frisco railway Is to com- Wednesday evening prayer meeting. a tonti ft eomi H u navy mind know the ift.ut to act new IcRiKlutlon. And to Worship Coday by means of a shoe on the locomotivi Wc make a specially of ladles' mence building line east from Albu- lUbcrc 7:30. Teacher training lesson V. get how to Ktay Ii be found when the time conies engaging with an Immovable, ener- gnriuciit.s. liow to there, and will querque. It member of both gized ramp between the rails. Tin there when Ket there that aemitoi'M nnd Santiago Haia goes to llnlbronU oil llltST MIOTHOOIST KIMsrOI'AL lll(. HI. AMI MKTHODISI'. SOt Til. m:nv x i'i:i:s-ii- ; vnt-Iu- were to receive their sis In y very i bury Itev. V. Kolllus. I). l'astor. ) drivers able i.i.i;company. "Now that the world partlea will be about J. !.. I A. Chirk, pastor. business, Ucv. C. a as if normal l ut 11 a. m. and "::! nuls in snowstorm just V. th neople nnd for the people. It for any Hint of "rev Islon" that Albuquerque llildg iipany re- Public services All services or the day ill their IH MI.VlvU. Phono 480. ! 4 prevailed. pnHie-tlo- p. in. Sunday school ut und condition not nufflelent a military m liiti ai y falls to Mrctih the blanket of ports big receipts from tolls over usual order, with preaching by the that Ü I is liable to inter- League at 6 p. ill. by Severe weather ahotild know on paper the ponrd- over thin"," that ale produced I" Klo i runde bridge. pastor. Solos at r.iorning si nice non- ruht At the iienlng hour there will be a rupt the performance of long lillltlix of a I'onteM and the quentloiio "our folks." Mrs. Collins and Mr. Davidson, and stop by freezing the contents of musliut irogniiii rendered b. Col- runs I siicial by Mrs. ductor becomes at lifiie. I'nder the i dim 1 ti t Ii tut Pluilogrupliois at the evening service troughs, and compelling coated with frozen the quartet. I'ollows the ord"l' for by the choir. the track snow. today. 1: good, prompt rctoiu bing. send : lins, with hvinn anthem stop specially for replenish- (orina wl'lih rule the world i i;t nr. "Tin: in hoi si: For the di.;-- trains to The difficulty grows engine-tende- r. Where traf- more acute MTti In ItUiwl. piihlU- aelltlmetlt 11la negatives to A. It. Wciscr, 111 N. Wul. Doxolomy. ing the when the I.MMACl'I.ATK liPTION. fic is comparatively light, however, "third" rail is protected hy fore a Into u war to keep him Speaking of ,111 effort now being ter, Albuquerque, N. M. Ilyiiin, "Mark. Ten Thousand Hai'pi U( a plank as fhen luhr Karly muss. 7 it. in.; high mass and troughs have stcum-plpc- s running the action of the shoo It. people committee :tnd Voices " the wedges (in- out of And finer the K' tnudo by Hie inauguration :30; welling service and so as to snow between them; arch- Apostles' Creed und (.".loria. sermon. through thorn, lender the ing follows, are only linpreffed by what tn Washington, to have Mr. Tuft Hii p. m. remote. which molts it. and the A lit "Arise, Shine, For conference, contingency more they are, tt Ih neeeiMiry. if yon dehlre lien he becomes president, ileslgnali lit in lyuartet) Turning to problems which resultant water freezes on the rail Sou thwest ern Thy light is Come." Hack the and the of the world, that lull bis ofliiial residence as the "Kxecll ST. I VAN(.i:i.lCAIi snow creates in the case oT electric renders the current Inaccessible. lori' Lesson .unl Pastoral Prayer. I'Al'l.'S II, O. Archer. your i t " Im-l- i of "Whit' a shoe which will uliow lb live Mansion," ml tin News Notes Choir Uc.Siiinsc and Offertory. l.l THIIHW. railways the lack of ! I á of Cart-wrig- Sunday at a. ni. (cri- contact In spite House," the Chicago liecord Herald Unci (Mrs Frank and Mr. school continue to make H l pioposed change nan service at II a. m. and Knglish the deposit It a serious hindrance to II HltohlA PIT protesta against the The Times has installed a I "My Faith Looks I'p to lltlM. Portales service ill the evening at 7:30 p. m. "third" rail traction, when that eon- - lournal Want Get It calls attention to the fact that when new Cranston cylinder press and the Thee," Pin k i n an Ads Results! . I II Tile fetllille MlllltMIlt llil-- l.luK'H out President Hoiifi-Vel- lOSIIIlleil office Tunes will be enlarged lo six column. Senium the I'astoii "W hat Is to In lioKioii. muí iiitrvins the war he bad all the letlelheiiils un Ule ex lie :i Christian?" . changed to lead real csl.tio dealers who Hymn. Into the my' l amp The fiilfi'UKi i utile stationery Tin Willard "Kw'iii-liv- e an enterprising bunch, have ef- Heeediction. THE LION OR THE LAMB booMi In at th "Hub." tt.iuiKh not i "White House," Instead of ale to fected an organization Willi W. M livening fervid et HB MlillUnU" Hlll'f TH Mansion." In his rrleiviice the itllte llf the Tailor, president and W. I.. Morrow, l All the evening hymns were mil- ls 111 Speeches lllld rlghl. I'i'il.) Rt!tf of I.oikIuii. pave JuM Rivill the ple-ldell- house secretary. ieu hy Isaac Watts ! .1. employed the satin world it putty 1.111 of their nis he has 11 y mu. His explanation, when loin Headings. 1111 tal form. Albert Wcstfleld. pinched las! week fi sponslve iioiihed h'. the Innovation.! "(loria, " from Twelflh - An ordiiiií In lo w "ii,i r a.ioiiots. incut was at Maxwell City for .tur.iiotig a board Anthem. - o state an M i s. Mass Mozart r When H bill KliilltlMi; iltfl,IKe lo was that eiely has .xnulii. lull at French, N aped from Is only one In ii-- . ijuurtcl. Wtirill n WUH llll.l- rell-lii- el .1 Itoi l.l- mansion. while there bis guards before being placed -. Is l'tayer. Ii W hile Hi. us- To gte distinction t", Union .tug and still at l.'ige. lore ii e.iiumitti e u( the nihhit hi Htiel (Mrs and Miss F.utlcri. of nation's executive b Frank Iilft tile .tut. hiill-- e w,is the home the Ilia-yon- " Tllealu. am-pio- 'C.od That Kurlli and ih signaling It It bad n Poll. ib s has guile dry an ordli lltllillly IxwlKeil nr.d o ! " lii lined fi.inuilli Uathbinnl was tin more iham Ming for the closing of the o, . .i.-- i i,l known popularly ( Cartw right 1. with women, and the !.. - having been passed hv the Haritoue Solo F. S. by ii en of common sense. Si hub. it In have prirntd t.n III" mu-- i the cxi tow n trustees This takes elici t March "Lltanei." Hoii.-- it, however, did not t tl f..i't.irv formidable demon.! i utiori in i.imm Mr i n end H have a thlrsi In Portales , , popular nf-p- i Mvi - Ho' xpi The i '., r Anthiin (yuaileti. "Hark. Hark. the eatise e,r wltneM,l on the en- out essioii i i. i .it ti ii" it is art. j iv.i'.i I. k so no one, - Soul," Mielly elowd llllllll.t d i I urn goes ai far that for oii is inelit The ti hi Aildress Uolliusl, "The . iginated, and th Uii.f i j t . - 11 .1 knows just how it in ilr. Two thiiii..anil. and tin Hiography of Hymn SV d stllihlllM an Immortal tnf-- fin let)' of ollftoll Tin pl.ii.eil present i olltl el el hil I' est ig.ition to de-- j Writer." liifH were peí fe, t iiroerli. hut of histoiy into an mi one id His Hymns. i) at the i row ,1 f.immi d the i nnioi:lt ti rinine Kpi.-toU- lidence is Solo, (Juaiti t H tiain. "White! Soprano with room to onrtlowlnu. iiiueiine- the! hand to show it was called (Mrs. C. A. Frank. "The Sang tin j ' In IM" - j rri'lotf lnip,n.".ible. i.od'x .mi House i.j its occupants FLAKE CELERY A ngels Si ng' j WHEAT inertiow inei tiiig v ,11. 01 .ir.'.'.. .1 on wh.-- Tiler i president. !l mu. enough Hi tile fti pa of the ft.iti boufe A sp.ri that sounds good in diction. ' is cordially invited to ull Thin meetln " I'.ro to, 1, the, to he Hue, giles the honor to pt'iM-- l The public H.-i.i- service. Nw York repot t ot the in-- 1 .but M.i.ii-o- n When the isritish' IF iri'nt. 'wan t.jmeil I. y old-r- ,f thf burned to. ex.-- utile mansion In I'M; llltST I"KI"MI Tt'.KI A V trilltCH. art at t no. !,. u.lU-- i I.- Utile .I.IUUged. Hlni: (i Jul .Iimi'.iI the l!,e ll. liv rp,-n- l tficiihtir vnpri. (Corner Vifth St. and Silver Ave.) IxiHi e to .bar the Mf, Tío mm idinioi ni.i.le an appropriation i . I Itev. llu;li a. Okhmt. l'astor. faillOUS 11 T:;til p. ete HURgitne o' II u .1 ft 't ti attltil- - painl th. in Tli. i m i,, painted, thelllClUS, Dr. the Seiiiees ut a in and m m Wuan tlnn In r'tiK'.nnrt Alter the t w. re color i.l.iiio.l since Madison 'flKhJ CXJUTt, llJS recently TO- - Sunday svlio-- at 8 41 a. Cht .it li ,. At Tila t lit it rltei1. Die miii n held a metlnt; on ln Kntbaior at i p. m s'" u"" "iduccd a Wheat Klake Celery Fol- - ...... will bt a spici. il service of nolig lluutoit Common. s.. ! in ,t la rsoiia'. tin nd shortlv utterwanl! . ... !. I. ...I . which IS highly nUtntlOUS, I O.H ii pi...... l..,ll.,ll (rufti u round tb" room w,,e Com. In and s. e any time jt"Ood, lot. Hie tue in imiiiitiic .XltM mug no- in at of digestion, and a most within the tmildin that puliré vou win iw!"s rind thr.casv Offcrtorv gin'a Prayer." were called to pret.t-rv- e oiibr. whit- - House delicious every day loud lor all "ii Massenet ... ..-- , ., "Muro han lonr hundred ,etotia ...... cUsscs Anthem "Lead Me Heiitly Home, wfrr in the room, wblih holdh nom- 11 la ine I ill uitir inn nuiiul. .in. Father," Thompson inally about two hundred. Then- - a around ant within ii walla have Piistludi "I'm onmion" ... Mycrhirr f hL-to- art- - petition of Mr. Julia Ward Howe, crown romani-- and thai Fit niiig A Question of by -- ' Precedenc. xklnf that tha word "mal" t Indelibly avtoeliitf 4 with thr name a For al all Grocers Prelud-- Siinonitte THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNJN.O.JWNAU.SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1909. 111 . ,. - Iai.ih vri:itvi i: s homi;. oi' mi: joi uvu, r.rin:i5i 1 FILl-- AHDPHffiORDERS PROMPTLY o HI PONGEE SILKS ate going to WHITE WAIST LINENS 36 be a strong favorite for Spring inches wide, fine, soft meadoy and Summer wear, We have bleached, round thread; extra exceptional good values at values for this at 50c, 65c $1, $1.25 and $1.50 the yard, and 75c the yard, w i mar a w i - DRY GOODS' NmrvvT. MILLINE ÍY II - .. n"7flJ.lWrr AND READY TO WEAft GARMEÍÍTS EXCLUSIVELYT THE ECONOMIST'S INITIAL SHOWING OF NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE The New Beltings Spring Wash Are Lovely Goods We continue our march as the style shop of Albuquerque, Years of earnest labors and the faithful exercise of busi- NEW A (real is in every shows gleamlnK ness principles were spent in attaining this supremacy, and the repiesentation of the SPRING MERCHANDISE rare store for you Almost line here, it will cost you nothing; f Interwoven gold und to thread cunningly whji which main-- v look. You will bo over or silver. lirilliant Persian effect, NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION, not only displays the zeal we have endeavored to enthusiastic appear boltings them as can be, for the patterns uro urn here niul there in so refreshliiKly new gold or weaves. The tail this achievement, but also serves to establish a new epoch Albuquerque's letailmg, and different of pure silver the coloring., so delicate and dainty range 1 v up to 12c an prices from and. too. the Ladles' Momo Journal inch. Patterns for Spring have a world of clever ideas for making them up. Let us help make spring sewing u pleasure. Fascinating Extraordinary Value Giving Ribbons Flaxon in Handsome Tailored Klaxon Is the Queen Fabric anionic THAT WILL PLAY SO IMPOIMANT Our the Wash Ooods. Uecause of Its A I'AHT IN DRF.SS (JAltMTXIiE. daintiness, durability, and perma- Director!,' Sash liibbons In all nence of finish, especially adapted New Suits at $25.00 for Waists or Sprlntc the new flunks: novelties In the and Summer Moire, Satin Stripes, Frocks. The next time you need a Dresden. really dainty, dressy try Checks, etc, for bows or sashes. material, A brilliant assemblage of Fashion's smartest and newest creations, We Klaxon: conn s In light ground with nent dots, figures ob- ac- and stripes, can not emphasize too strongly the merits of our $25,00 suits, They aie tainable at our Wash Omuls counter, tually the best values under $35,00 ever offered in Albuquerque, The styles are the yard 23o New Novelties of a character as one finds in the higher priced models, They are made of 8 Broadcloths, Worsteds, Plain and Fancy Panamas, French and Storm Serges, Buckles, In Hat Pins. Belt Pins and all fabrics, with superior linings and little es- McBride's Dimities Collar Supporters, Harrcttcs. lleauty Mohairs and the new uncommon Fins, Link Cuff Button Sets, Pack sentials, Come in plain colors, neat checks, stripes and two-to- ne effects in all tho Jew- Mcllrldes' Reel Irish Dimities, whito Combs, ele., to be found at ground cross Dept. blue, reseda, old rose, wisteria, rown, cedar, mode, taupe, with barn or stripes, elry the new shades of neat polka dots, dainty ilornl de- Tilo I'crsiau Grape Design Is New smokes, etc, We have started the season with the idea of making our $25,00 signs and stripes. The best Dlmllles ami made at, a yard 23c and Hoc Novelty In Hell Buckles' suits the talk of Albuquerque, and with that idea in view, we have priced suits . . . .Hat I'in. that formerly sold for $32,50 and $35,00, at this price ...$25.00 English Madras New Silk Nets, 75c 32 Indies wide, while round with neat dols, stripes or Usures, HUitnblo a Yard Up Display of Suits for Tullored Waists or Shirts. See Window $25.00 Prices, yard IdS-Sc- , 2."c, a."o

We have Just received a large as- sortment of 45-in- Silk Nets KilifC Spots and Solid Duta, in a great var- iety of patterns. These Nets are New Organdies shown In Black and Colors, ana aro tn (treat demand Just now for Square These, come 4S Inches wldn (full Veils. Waists and Dresses. Trices, 5c width of Shirts) and In pat- a yard up. terns, graduated polka dot and (loral designs; pattcrna entirely Stunning New Garments for Women Have Been Arriving Every Day new; price per pattern . .iM-o-

Neck Kuching An assemblage of garments that forcibly emphasizes the value-givin- g power of this organization, The excel- in values-Price- Dress Linens lence of the styles, the superiority of the fabrics and perfect workmanship combine making unusual s Just received a .shipment of Neck Kuchings In Kuchlngs. Crisp, Fresh Wash Suiis ore roIiir to be more pop-- ii the lutteHt and most becoming styles. Range From $17.50 to $75.00 to than ever this year. Make Some are all white and others mixed, yours In a slyhi that becomes you. ,jy half white and half colors. most from these, splendid linens; plain tans, blues, browns nnd the neat stripes; prices from 2,"o to Sod Shirt Waists at Best Fashion Artists in the United States New Spring Jackets Wash Batistes (And that means the world) draw exclusively for the manu- M'l.í IAI.I.Y I'ltlt I I AT $7.50, ,1.50 New Kl(curel Ilatisles, a very sheer facturers of LADIKS' llOMK JciCKNAL PATTKKNH. You They com :iO lo .11 inches in leiiKth. mado of shadow slrlpeil is material In exquisite Moral, striped may wonder: "Of what importance this to me?" . coverts, In Sergei I'runnellas. etc, the new SprlnR shades and dotted patterns, pat- In buying patterns you must depend ,",) daintier JLST THIS: different styles und colors to select from at... $7. All you WHOLLY on the illustration to convey to your mind exactly terns than are In a habit of will look. And therein lies the secret of fccelnif. It suggests the (lallltlcM nt how the Karment Dresses; a to the wonderous popularty of these patterns so perfectly are Wash beautiful line th"y lllutrated that you should never bu disappointed in a Skirts $5 to $20 Choose from at, u yard ...... l.lo when completed. "Tin? Sprint; JiiarHTly" la now Karment Kff-- ci ive styles of light weight serge, Punanuii and voile, every page out above statement. It is ready, and bears the gored models trimmed with narrow bands, self folds, fancy 161 pases, with I,5n0 Illustrations, beau- a work of art large loops, le. A great diversity of btylos, and all arq tly printed. The price Is 20 and bullón, tiful color pages and perfe, marked at modest prices. includes free any Kc patlern made by the Home Pattern Co. Seusine Silks for '09 llraiitlful collection of styles for Sprlnic and Summer wear of this, (th most popular Fabric). It conn s in plain rolors, also neat polka dots, figures, floral, Persian designs, and Foulard patterns; price, per vard .111 New Millinery for Immediate Wear , 17' ,u We are showing an elegantly selected line of fashionable new Hats in both Turban and Straight dimmed, all Wash Poplins trimmed in accordance with Fashion's requirements for the Spring season. New shades ate shown in dall So essential for Shit Waists or Suita: white, plain colors or two-tone- d blue, ashes of roses, navy, browns and ecru. Black and white are also prominent, Second floor, stripes, in all the best hades; pricu tier yard 3.u

Ther was (treat interest ahown last Black Silk Petticoats week during our Shirt Waist Sale at $1.50. This week we have added another shipment of those pretty, dainty Shirt Waists that we bought tn sell and 12.00 to the lot at $17. a wc art- - left from last week'a selling and A" bader sellinn a nol bin, k oilk Pi $& Oil ill continue to aeil them for (this worth In " regular way week) I THE ECONOMIST for 13. t THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1909.

FRENCH & LOWBER I ENDEJtTAKEHK AN II UCKvNSED GEO. W. HiCKOX COMPANY KM HALM KKS ! ! OLDEVT ami largest ii'ftn iiv liorsK i mew Mexico ! KKM K I OMI'l.ETE AMI M.W Attendant Announcement SI ,M IX Vlll K ATI Ills. WEEK-- III I'AI It III KM KlfUi anil Central Ilioue 500 SMALL Arel I'ront Hit S. sinful ureet Albuquerque S. M. vi fll rmnjiitny ,liiKlnl'iui. wmm We are now ready with our vUitr In i Hl'l llii . DEPOSITORS T N. :i tin- colilla, tm', Is new Spring Line of Men's and visit P. Tlicie are several reasons why enjoying from his brother, Youth's Suits. We want to call II 1Im luiiin, uf Frankfort, Pit. The State National Bank of tleorgo 11. Hl'ovvllc, manager if til your special attention to our I Best Lump $5.50 Per Ton Ranch Supply company, tit Magdn-li'tiii- , Albuquerque welcomes small wa. lii'le .yi'jiti-riln- 1111 11 nhui't depositors and considers it a Ton bUHint'NH ylnli. I Good Cooking CAL $4.25 Per pol- I i In k Mu. i lilif of in in a in y "matter of good business uf tin' I'nili'd StutrH fiii'ift mTvlrf, icy to give equal attention Clothes luiH Jilt fur llliniil.-- i lur u .iir t vlfll Hart Schaffner & Marx with nliitUi. to small and large accounts, V - Piujll-dr- handsomer than ever and we have JOHN S. BEAVEN L. IMxar. uf tin- lllia llal They are better and ' idiiipiiny. h it nlght for Ilidly-wun- Jn ihe lirst plací- - most of our larfcrP L- . i i .u i Bmti rim lat styles of them no others like them all - !:, Cal., li fe hr In railed by tin depositors started as small dcpoBHors. exclusive p: in hh id lire, k.i i". AYr have had the pleasure of Hecing new shapes and colorings. Prices from $22.50 to $30. Tin- Ouki- t'lty nltir tlir many accounts grow stiuillly over a most custom made goods. In addition to I ltd Tt ti Tlgi'id by (he Henri' of IT to period of yearn and me glad to Hay Better than I on the .New York itwnur illamonl that we have helped our customers to these we are showing a new line of ji'Htrrdn y iiltirnooti. Increase their buslncHji and dtposits. concerned, ( 'niitl'tu tor ti. J. .Mair, lias rci'i'in il So far us the bunk Is it Theater! Iho iiintiiirl fin Hi'' I'oiiMtitn thin of Is jtidi us HatiHfaplory to have sev-rr- al Crystal i ii Hindi rn t ''.ilili-n- for V' lilt in l.'hiip-lln- . üinall acfounts iigsregnting the Absolutely Guaranteed r I at tin' (orniT nf Koiulli trcnt Kami; im the larger one, becttusf, anil Komit iivi inn'. then' 8 thrre times the book- Mm. A. It. Ill ihviiIiik uf New ton, keeping Involved, that Is more than Clothing Kitn., In In tin' i lly the mil xt of lu r offset by the possibilities of develop- A Beautiful Ladies' Dressing Table f pari iiIh. Mr. and Mrs. (', j. Stoui ll, ment "f three different accounts, be- r. H well put up. The of 0 South Mroadway. sides tite value to the hank of three more moderate in price, stylish and Value $15, will be drawn for next Wednesday. On view K It .loin h. dlslrh t i f of tin' satisfied customer.!. The officers will bo line range from $12.50 to $20.00, and we B prices of this Piiili d Slali fon Kt m i nIit has h ft Kind to talk over banking relations In- for lii'iivrr, lien. by the them-selve- style and make. at Fabcr's Furniture Store. li railed with you at any time and pledge s warrant them as to quality, loilH HilUHH of 11 lIlelllhtT of III." you My, to servo faithfully when J . ' W. II. KERN, In, or. Illustrated Kong. ..' lam ' Nil. you intrust your business to this bank. WINDOW DISPLAY. . " 'I'lle Soul ll tte.-- el II lililí rlllb ivlllj SEE I i - , M It. .1. ROACH, Imilmiic. , bold lt lobular pnietlee liool al f MISIO IIV UIVSTAL Olt( III SIItA. Traction park at 2. 'An IIiIh nrtei iioon State National Bank Vlhltor.i are Invited lo wntih the, MATINEE EVERY DAT AT 2:15; Al l- - KKA'IU UH-- ; EVENINGS, J hllUOt. Depository H :,s- United States ,.I..LJ.I 1i: i: - There III be a ulaled inin bive ul I'llKi liit "m inn m li'i y Xo .1, K. T , Albuquerque .Monday cvi'iiltiK !'l 7 30 n'rliifh, fur ii'tliihir buMiiii'tiM All vlHltlIiK1 Sli SIMON STERN KnluhtH uro web nine; by order of the LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Kmliieni t.'oiiiiiiiinder. Harry Priiiliii, THE CENTRAL AVENUE CLOTHIER COLOMBO It.c'd. At the .MelhodlNl ehlltell Sllllilnv THEATRE I'V'IiIiik (lure will be ll Mpeiial liiltsl-'i- i In lli event IhMt yutt houit nut pi'oKi'ain. The pantor will nv- n J.IitiiwiI by I lif Mi'ili.n riil uro your iiiurniitt pr brief iiibtn'MK on "An iniuorlnl Hymn IC , H Alif Diamonds, Jewelry. Out Glaa. Onr 1'nli ills 4 oinpituy. lihunn die uKTAL '' MJ P Wilier." and the ipiarl' t will reiiib r '0 yhli-i- your mime ml ieeoiMl Co. BROTHERS xliJiai mu-Bl- Department li Laundry himI Hi tHptr will In dfilvt'i1 i by a ah ebiboliite pt'oKrinn of eholce WntWi Keplr Hubbs Exclusive Motion Picture ' 1 iiifimwiitr. TL itU'phuiit li The publle Ih cnilliilly Invited. lo none la tlie Southwest. Price th l I UU'A K 10 tS. No 8:15 and 9:15 P. M. .1. K. Campbell, of id W. Best for Which Perfect Gooda Mj s K. H. Pmioii, Laily K I" A ehlef urazlim Morris 00 U K Work is Best" I l3.(H. - "Our aiibaliner. it ttu i i lie pMht the Ilil'eMt Herviré hllH left for ll M'V- p Sold. Saturday and Sun- Tin mil will lie Siroii!; lUia k, Copper & 2d Matinees f ny-i- I for. for lli rrMi mi rnnviriion i 'iii week' ItiKpei'llon trip tbrouiih Phone No. 7a. raiJgli, copina nf thfi foriKtK of .Mr WHITE WAGONS day 3 P. M. Mmijiíuií mm fi the national Arizona. Join uni lh loor JEWELER SOS WEST CENTRAIi. HHi nf utia ri i. Ciiuipbell expeelH to mop ni Flafistulf Illustrated Songs by JiM'llNAL IM'ltl.lKIIINU CO. for (.I'Vet'al da.VH and tln-- proei'i-- to DoiiKbiN, mid utln r Koiithein Arl.oini MRS. HANLON. polntM.

CRAIG ha-,u- nt MISS JENNIE I IIHIII 111 Illli III ihll'lltMl I. If". MInn Jeiinnelte HhvIh Welvart KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS S EGGS. Is mv 1ii. Pay ret from the Ka.terii niar-ket- stl-Js- The Monarch Pull lux fur limn tuned Kansas Uaneli ;,0' Musical Directress ii lit I Mm absolutely lit I'unhnr's. ( in not Third mi'l lnlil with Hi' k of Home Itnmli i'ic lli'Hl quallty millinery, wbbli will be 1011 MOUTH MUST STUELT. Grocery Co. T. P. Tall.', slniilT ut Mi Klnl' v CHANGE EVERY NIGHT exlilblleil early next month In the TKl.l'.rilOMi: JIISÜ. DILL PICKLES. county, arrived I'r (ialliip hint room III; Central nveniie. L EASE RANCH FOR HEINZ'S at Wist r,c ADMISSION 10c. night. MIsh line, who I'oiniH highly reioin-niende- d :j for P. II. I'lor. c, of III'- A Mini fui'" Ironi Chb ntf". will be In Hole teiice was suspended on the promise CLOSING CMIIljiMMV nl I, Vegas, ÍS lll'l'l' lltelll- - ehni'Kc iim denlnner and irliiuner. She of the lad to mend his ways and en- Colton Brand Tomatoes. ii u a nnnibei of tin ported citi- ." k business matters. hrhmi with her SANITARIUM deavor to become a per en ii . k- - OWIl .selection. READ THE WANT ADS. J. W. Meeker, nf the It. rki bal of her zen. The Tolll Colwlne Coln'ert colll-pmi- y H. rtoni spent several months in the Eagle Brand Milk. before beliiK OUT SALE will lie III" iitlracllou nl the riernalillo county Jail per rn ii ' Santa Fe HihiIIiik Itooin tonlKht The brouiiht lor trial, the chaiK" against compound If roinpoHi il of Tom Cm Valmora Property at Watrous him b.'lnii niatthiR mi assault upon n NO. 92 SIX DRAWER was released Large Package Armour's wine, Hlimer ninl Imitator; .Mala for Institu- native Kill- I'.ertonl Buy Early Before Haines, render; ami Mix. Tom I'm-wi- Selected as Site from Jail three months ao and for Washing Powder, 15c. talker to women. Th" trio are tion for Treatment of Tuber a while atunipted to do the rixht REGISTER .said to be enlertalneiM of unusual thine; and keep out of trouble. It is the Best Bargains CASH is Wheat Biscuits. NATIONAL ability and iik Ihe iiroKiam olTei ed culosis, said, however that the hoy's home Shredded ilinei inlte wld'-l- from the not what It should be. and lacking 2 for -- 5l-' . Are Gone inuinrily of the Sunt. i l''e eiiiertaln-inciils- the guardianship of parents, he tell po- As NEW a crowd will doubtless (ara-lii- l CiirrnpiinHrni' to Morulas Jiinmsll old and l!ave the s i;iiiiii lame Into his habits C0TT0LENE. AT attend the alTalr VeKas, X. M., Keb. ;'7. Th" lice considerable worry. The boy was LOOK THESE PRICES. v WORTH $500.00 WILL SELL FOR . - KniKhts of I'ythlas uf New Mexico, committed to the penitentiary on the The balance of this week V huvu Jcasctl tile Valnioru ranch at testimony rendered before Judii'' Good, While the Articles Watrous for one year with prlvih ue Abbott by Police Judge Cieorge It. 4 lb, pails -- 50c Last. , "ZEKE''THEGOUNTRY of renewal to be used lis a sa natoi ium t'raiu. who stated that the police u $250.00 and hospital lor members of the or- was at Its wit's end to know 10 lb, pails ....$1.20 FLOERSHEIM MERC. CO.. SPRINGER, NEW MEXICO der sullei'liiK from the while plague. what to do w ith him. The ran. b limine at present will ac- llertoni is an Hallan, has very lit- BOY MONDAY comodate fifty uuests or patients, and tle education, but Is brlKht In many 5c per lb. off on all coffee. if necessary additional tent Iioums ways, spcakinii a number of will be erected for the present. anionii them hclnsr Kiwlish, Ward's Store lr. V. T. Hrown. owner id the Spanish. I'ortimiicse and Italian. The YOU PARTICULAR AS TO YOUR DRESS ranch, kocs to I'hicaiio this week to lad has a step-fathe- r, and. It Is said ARE Bo Followed by Black Patti establish hcad.iiiartcis ami work for his liomi) relations for the past two 315 Marble Avenue. BAKING POWDER. .securing funds and years been very un- Elks' Hie Indite la or three have Phone 206. Troubudouis at the patients to tin: institution. pleasant, fore i I) K the boy to make his Price's, 12 oz 30c he a temporary could of This is tindcislooil lo own llvhiK as Inst he $1-8- Your Store on the Fouith lb, 0 Then Make Our Slorc Theater ariaimcmeiit until the kniKhts can 5 March. erect the pr.'po-c- d sanitariiini at Liu-'- i i: c am; 6 oz 15c .ill Ih.- - ,'i.riM things lii Mena Stills Huí. Slihts n ui;( audition Shilling's We have Kas. stii.i. ui: in . ' - 'l hit t"t muí I'll' 111 Shilling's, 12 25c N,., 's The work of pi'e.seiitlni; evidence NEGROES TO GUILD oz.... krr d to Flor- Ihe ('oiililiy Ito.v," alb R' the cuse of J. F. l.uthy and Mrs. -2 "eke. - Shilling's, 2 lb.. 90c be imililnti on earth but mi niiln.- un-ut- l ence I'. Johnson, versus ttie Terrace BERTON GOES 10 company, was BROTHERS i I i t FRIED BERG ii It fun. will be the attraction Addition Improvement Shilling's, 5 $1.70 af- lb... at the KlkM' thcHlei Moiula.N nUbl I radically completed yesterday SEE WINDOW DISPLAY e 31G West Cential, very i iitcrtalnlim Miiiiim; ternoon, and Judge lia A. Abbott, NEW CHURCH ami some argued, -- : and d.inelnii ule promised, with a full whom the case is being is.i v ,1 Tues- band and on lie.-- ti a mid a IuiikIi i PENITENTIARY declared court ail.lourni until day inorniiiK. at which time the points CATSUP. llllllllte Congrega-VVi- ll Tin folio liiu atlracllnn at Hu of law involved will be tinally Mount Olivet Baptist A In of day yes- Blue Label, pints 20c limine w ill be " The Itl.ick I'attl rite part the ... la occupied in offeriHK testi- Erect New House of Triiubiiiloors." on March I terday was Youth of Scvcnteeen value of the Terrace 6 for $1.10 National Bank nine I'littl' bile triumph in all Wayward mony as to the Woiship on Lead Avenue, ..I... First at present time, com- ell leu ol liinopi property the -2 the tcailinx musical Tcrri-- wa-so- pints, Years Committtcd to i Its time It ld Blue Label, pared with value at the . OF ALBUQUERQUE a nil Amcilcrt me V Itbout paraltil w ill b, ominen,-!'- 1 M. I". Stamm by the board of t'ouslrui tion t ...... ,r Out! to 5c Mlc iu the most iionul.ii i.tima torial Prison to Serve ill the near future on a new church 2 for i I I i;i 'i; l' iM)l lo world, pronaoiv directors. I'otlBI'i-Hatio- n. ri iloiiniis in the and has Sentence of lor the Mount Olivet iiaptist nitiK b. fote the laiK'St and most Suspended Oncj now services in 6 for 70c. ii mu mix r.tii, lutm. RECEIVING which holds tlnmil.-ln- d iiudlemcH ever Year, McCORRISTON a residence on West Lend avenue. a Sin- has been lo- Monarch, pints 20c 1:1 sol IK i s. , to applauile eaiiatrlce. MANY LETTERS The new house of worship will be Von Un- recipient ot dlstiiiKiilslicd h 'ii.'is cated on Lend avenue, between Sixth f .os ri aiid i'.M mi h ' It 6 for $1.10 r.r 4 in. "4 p. I to by el Kmope ami and wiil he i(.iut- - and to ii" ii. her ioaH 11, alise he failed to take udwititai;" anil Seventh streets o, tlOU.IIO l re present at c IE e Biol . le-- to accommodate ihe i -2 lUnkil lloii-- V'Miu.f ,,..-,.- ... e.r nppoi Itniily extended to him Mbinpienpie Mail ill Anueh-j- t Mo arch, pints, 2 liinciil, lloiol- - " ..iX.illi.atlon III tile I'nil'd Stal.s his of the lis members of the church, nnd also to taurl ? 1, rtio.joo 4 a b, hoy." Judue Ira tm of ITiH-thi- il Joke: SuuiuikiI h iU -' b.iuii' iicknow I. d her omlciTul vocal to tier a number of new mem- 25c C.i lU. es-t- . care for lame for court With )elue of Kll-tl- e ITom Till" Kltli P the presentation ol ii.stiv A Abbott I" the district bers, which it Is expected, will join S3, VE8,060.D1 for Louis ( 111. Total .jais, diplomas ii ml decoration. In rday Issued a commitment the church before its completion. An 6 for 70c. of at.', and d 1 1 s. billion to biaiitilul voice and Helton!, seventeen .Ma" campaign will shortly be muí un her Ke to- active ono on has ell.l.uM .1 liol thu lad will be taken to Santa dally papers have by past.,,- - and u commit- Jllft c.l:l nl, alt. natllle .sen- Ihe l.os Annel.s the f..". J I and elllv morrow to serve out suspended disiovery by tin- hoard of tru-t.- f.l'all.lil- - I'lolHM i7 uiih a Pl lKbt Intellect ill. made tin that Janus tee appointed L 1 Hint no - vear penitentiary aim I if it were in .1 for the acil- tence of one in the of Albii.(UeriUe Increase the membership of ihi a N"t' " toi in. am Ab-l.o- to sent, need by Ju.Ue indi-volua- ls J i ts(.:o 1. in color, she vvoubl un I'.ertonl was more mail in one day ll an most Mt. Olivet v'otiKi'evrat ion, which al- ,l i..,.' and of to one doubtedly distinction In the at the Inst court do in three weeks Acenrd- - ready numbers a 11113. number of the $3,0l.00.01 fcain prison, hut sen- - KOI Id to v.-a- III the llljt t tile l.OS Alie.leS Kxpl'.SS of '1 olor, il population of Albmiii.'i.iie. MONARCH I) l HI Hr.lll.l open The I I'OMrultY .i been Mil lt ! Melb.l. 'alv.. Mballa and recent date. Mr. M, fori iston has l'lalis for the new editice Inn -- neibl-tamou- s iliMt whom r.ioi mce ar- completed Archi'.'-c- ll. J. Mj.e th. after r? 08TKOPATH. ov,r letters his l: V. s ii roVMn -- ground will be 11 l'"i the sh. llallled twelve al flic T, rival there two Weeks ame Seventy and look' K.Him 4 N. ArnUJo Bolldln. .1 ft vv l!H wen and nlotv with the nine weie received in one day at the Inundation within days. GROCERY CO. tame ' ri...k Vntti Ti ouha.lours the ni"st Nail, k hotel, vvh. re Mr. Mcl'.'iriston popular bi.nd of daily pho !' k. c.r is stopping. , CHARLES ILfELD CO. "1 ItU' d. A special bellboy has h, n detailed to b.ok alter the letters. The p.vt-oftii- e - " Is Precious ITS WOHTII 1IAMPMMG vv Hid. I ol I'W Time In l.os IF lo t Is. . Jotll the authorities Anudes aie Fee's Good Cold ofli.ei- - and s.alliiK up s. rionsiv , oiisld. rini! th. matter of M. i: GOT IT. GAI.I.IT ItLOt K. of Hi si- -. lass Wholesalers of Everything l.i March Is ur b in postofii,,- in i the charter Ttiur nulil. nr establishing a branch KUIM.OS UMf, AVniHAtTTK. lodge shape .' Is it inoie than year it Is be- - Root Beer tl lib. 4t Ot'hK'k at the Kiks' Mr M, "ol Tlstoll's room, us I. VMI AMI KINDLING. THE ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA ; u It If Mil LAS VEGAS no. inn The m. ml" i.-- list has now suue hid oiled? its lievfd this arrangement will work ALWAYS. AT THE LOWEST - I, t , duly lil'sr lb.- two .noli., mark ant slow ihe ban. re It's mol. satist.i. tonly than the present E. V. H. 1IAII.N CO. pa.d .. ritH Is In. r. asina rapntiv "nll f..r lit. and the oil guuiiuy. Hiinit it method of hav ing a half doit 11 I. tt. r vew health 111 I Will you K"od hauling b to ho- .el..n.l to me. give carriers the ttei the I WANT TO liCY 4.1! AlN Pltll L I re In t,f benefit tuo.t " It' Kkt. ll ad I. . tel a pushcart The deluxe mail HI'. IN 4.IKU C'ONPITH'M larv, II S" stie. t is soni. of a niyst.ry to the hold Mist .''I AND 4 IOU CASH. ADDRESS el. I ks and n portera at Los All!tl. ?. lli:l JUAN A. GARCIA JR. HO CAKE F JOt'tNAl. RESULTS! RESULTS! who r.. daily PM.klng for n big JEWELER, THE DIAMOND PALACE I i 1. 11 to ,1, Mel LEADING I I ITT (i.d.L v...e. Ml. 'orrlstoii Walton's Drug Store EVER 21 A' is .vtlltd "The lit King'" by the Pa.i.11 for Mrt at Martin' CMUral ln.Hsdor fcaaia It. R. denit hor"n 11 Ai, Allyurraa, Journal Want Ads Get Results j L"S Aug' - - papers. Rising S'.hool, CID North Third street. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1909.

day of Washington 'ns kíM'H in th.- i v v ------'Klk' Iminiut't hall. Momias ovoiilnn. CASHIER APPOINTED lWHri"l rT" irwy,nrj y 5 i tt.'N " i Covers wore for ninety tiests and 1 . CASAVERA a six course dinner sirmi Th.- tables b .u 1 v , J v o 5 were jiroittly decorated in Washhiu-- ' - s 1.1, I In ton ii 11 colors. Kirk Hryan. ..I' J( 'senior class, u t'! is loustmaster FOR THE LOGAL CREAM The responses wore . lever :uil inter- est tifr, iim.iiiB tin in "Tin- - tiicusion." Past ami Iiy llni'nld Marsh, ami "Tin' ' Is endorsed ly personal tin- tij nrovor I'lui untns. Putine." lr. i .'.'I 'I Si ,'1 M h Wruih save ,,n int. rostios ''" "" POSTOFFiGE ,i' letters as being llir most I 1.. Tif.;.!,"1 v ' r. 'Loyalty.' other talks .'IT liy tr 7 wonderful am! valuable skin i i i Albright. I'. Huí. II. KIw.miiI v , 1', W'rotli. l; T. Asnliiud ami Kirk f wliitetiing and presiTiing f.j.í.i.í-Sí- 5. ' I'.rya n. Officials Recognize That Albu- cream ever used by such .Mucphoi HuniUK í TI ball at tin- Commercial son. Mrs. Arno v ju-- i, ... .,.;.,:., .V.. ... At.,.-' fsmous artists as colonial w Is Doing ' i, 'if A. I!. Mitlaff.-y- W. 1.. Kduar. Mr. C. I hil y J is a querque Office the rli ih Tuesday was cite 01 in' Mrs. I. l W. (!. Hope Iter Tuesday en inii. must brilliant and enjoyable alluirs Mrs. O. Cornish. Mis. host Business and Provide Em- m-- Mrs. Mrs. .1. T. McLatiKhlin, lug tlllee j;llesls at tile Mrs. Leslie Carter ,,l In sorlal seu.-o- li ill A in n tij 'I'horinaii. W. J John- Lat.-- th, entire puny att iid.-- the Al! ai'iiiiiiitiin-nt- Mrs. Sam Mrs. ploye to Handle Cui rency, -- . í Yin- deem ations anil Y Is son. Mrs. W. If Halm. Mrs. Frank Washingt. hall at tin- t'diiunen ial ', yii were all in keeping with thi- costumes - Blanche Walsh 10. .1. i was elaborately de( l Wilson, Mrs. Smart. Mrs. lub. Th table nt" tin- Washington period, worn Ilohrrt 111 same Mrs. Milling Mrs. A. A. orat.-- carnations, and the - Al- - Ih, ladies. Saint. P. tin- fact that the in place . , ., í , Thurston Keen. Mrs. Wisn.-r- Miss Iiaisv Poyas. decoration was obs.lM-- . j , A i V Adelaide iiv-i- tltr hiíí fireplace in tin- lobby poatofflce is an important Itri-tlt- Those present hlliili nine an Miss Loo. Miss l.mi Miss cards ami souvenirs. ll dub wits ilrapril iniinetiso were: Miss l''eigitsson. Miss institution growing r.iri.hv in many l;i . Kina Madam Melba wliii'h was a por-- Me.Millcn, Miss I'alni Johnson, (in Monday afternoon in elaborate Kileen n;is, and that the postmaster should tieotrce Was! intnii. other Miss Carrol Jewell, Mi-- s Katlnrine reception was Ki"i-i- the homo of t and bunting were usi-i- in thi' at X. P. Field, he ahl give his ctiiii" time and Lady Adelaide Clarke n.iKs Mrs. J. p. I.uthy. r Arno street Strickler. Mr. and Mrs. decorations anil over tno doorway and Pi ami Mrs. J. F. I'earce. .itt.-nt- to the nianageiin-n- of the 4. t and Kasl Central nvenne. by the law London the main ballroom ami off i( c. tin- Washington "Un laK . . Of tin- a Wallace Chapter Daughters of the riinin of builditiR hum,' tin-- 'frwWft .,,-- I!' American Kcvolutinu in honor nt Mr. and Mis. Joe Alien entertained celltly the creation of V lul",o stuffed bald eaitlo rampant, Madam Sturtcvant Washington's birthday. The spacious a few Itii mis Tuesday ev.nin:! with otfic, for the Alhuipieriiie ' with whins outstretched anil lioariiifcT cashier j. I of I.uthy were he.inti-- ! progressive high live in c lehration TTieu; I'runcohf, flans. HrUhL rooms the home office, and Postofliee Ins .tor i:d- - i Of e in his talims liw smaller y (leeorated and of tenth wedding" anniversary. ''if 1 i i - with tluiis, roses their 3 nid fashioned i - w w ad- - Paris iris hlasiod in tin' Light ri Ireshnienis wcii served dur- ai d M vers, ho has nia.l is h rt ' carnations. icceivitifi the liitost.s were: i.', ii places. 11I helllsT .e'..i Mrs. II. It. Kay. the leifcnt of the ing tin veiling. Those lu re for tin n-- i í (Itiartifs ' I And hundreds of other li e cream and, ink.' iverc in chapter; Mrs. J. F. I.uthy and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.I Mr . ami :4 1 to '.he tu tin1 refreshments of ye F,. M Mrs P. Har-- vistcida.v appointetl posit ion. tJJS addition 1!. II. Lester. Punch was si i ved by Mrs. .re, Mr. and American and L'.utripeati ,,!,!, ti tyttii-- Tin- ttrtith'ttii-- all won-ih,- Mr. ml Mis, F. leiiiiliig, The appointment took eff oet yes Mrs. X. Stevens and Mrs. H. iniin, social and M,ute. (avotiles. convent ional cvenlnst iln ss, hut Tarns, assisted hv Misses Louise Kas- - Mrs. (!. Uiiiling and Mr William terday evening and 7'nsimasl pow dcrod. ilh wore their hair tor ami Stella I.uthy. Mrs. A. P. Hiñes. kins will lure lifter turn ove "Cflsavrrn Cream is the most wonderful compound lor rin- as very laiKi-l- attended " hall n and Mrs. li. F. Asplund ptesi.1. naneial mattelis to Mr lv. r whitening anil tirrttiiviiiK the skin t have ever It scene was a irtty and .J.' and the brilliant led over the tea and coffee tints ami re Mis. K ei s. of i Paca avenue, on Hop will now he i'l ihle.l to pay prriiervrs the complexion, keeps powder on smooth and Thi-rr- lis CASAVIRA CRfAM mud iniiK' after ninlniKht. freslimeiils wcresi-rvc- by Mrs. Arno Wedne day aflernooii entertained tin-i- morí attention to Die delivery of even, prevents wind cliapti and li.u'd water loutfhncic;. v, .i.- over fifty i ni i Us. on tlio floor' T. Mi the newly organized club oura very uly. lliinliili and Mrs. ti. I.amlress. ini'inli. of mail IH .'ilteinliug to muís detail--m- ti must of thi' titni- durlnir the eveninir. ISrailbnry, Met'l'v Those assisted by Misses McCain. known as the Poainers. in t onncct ioi with the uageinciit represents the very AnioiiK those (r Kent Wife: Sleinht. McMilb-- and Mrs. li lyniond liresent were Mrs. McXama. Mrs. ' of the office M HIT. FellX H. w eii- - W Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. llames Clark Stamm. Those ho assisted in Scott. Mrs. est. Mr. Myers, the new appointee, has perfection of derma- 1!. A. B. Mi sda Mrs. Zim- - tif. X.'ill Kield. Medaffi i: tfrtalnitii; the quests were: mes Clifford. Mrs. (lallier and y xpi'licllco in the w had many ca is' 1 I,. Chii-ajío- A, 1! Kodey. Wroth. 11. next meet ill;; ill lie larmless, of it'dera. liedient, merma The postal sen ici ami thoroiighp under- - tology. K I.uki-ns- !: V. lioh, rts. C. Mayo. Purke, Canil in and held Man h la. at the home of Mis. Charles Dunbar. stands postal conditions in he lerri- - A. M. 1.. M. Chad- - was cliirltiK Mi liL'H South Proadwav. Fragrant, Hygienic. Frank. Stern. o. .SIcIkIU. Music rendered Xama. lory. M rnoon bv M ida me Iionrne. HllRh D'Clllte. Mamb the aftc Frank. A Ini 11 p.-- 10 - y Tie business of tlie (MRS. PATRICK CAMPBELL) V. II. ill i lis, Miller and the Misses itey- A , Prolh-Pailwa- Simpson of Chicas;". li. largi iowiI altcnded the posioll'lcc lias been st.ailil growing .0' I'"- M isses holds nd lOtwood. annual The genuine guaranteed or money refunded, at Frost and John I'earce; of Traliunens' lor the past few years, each year Be careful to avoid substitute!. is FelBUSSOIl. McMillell, Knda 1 in the Plks' ball room, I'.il .IS. hall tilvi show ing a substantial in. rca.-- e in re- J.i ííamÍ M. Strickle!', II H.tIz- - i in Monday iifternoon at four e cning. The ball room was WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY Vv' íw. .Ji.hiisoii. Monday ceipts and In the number of pieces THE man. Hessle Paid- - o'clocli oictti-rei- the weddin;t of Miss tastefully decorated in national co 01 s. Minnie Tlolzman. of mail bandied. The pl- Rnomkrq COMPLETE PRtlSCIIPTION STOCK riilKi'. Jewitt of Hostoti, 1' orders, Mary Telfer. datiRlitcr of Mr. and The Cavanamth orclnstra furnl bed T&rd c - iers are cramped and ci and TOII.F.T K I I S M - Mis. T. W. Telfer, 10H2 North Second exii-llcn- music throughout the vell- 1'F.KPUMtúS AND AKI Srliilsti-r- Kclcller, (race Porra- iiiadciuate. il.'lile, IC. Telf'-r- KlIRi-ni- stri'i-t- to Mr. Archie Hall of Detroit. lug. 1 7 W.,t Onlral Avrnuf, Blue franl Al BUgUIRQIir. NfW MIXItO Keleher: This. however, will lie remedied .1. Michigan. The weddim; eeieiuony M.ssrs. Carry Johnson, J. Duffy. li was by the Itev. Iluuh A. t !M!i North wit bin t he in xt t vvo of t o' montlisj ('Ink M. Carr. Felix I. ester, performed Mrs Tlioiwas Passiiiore. - a by the completion of the llew Fed- Mc-Cal- In the presence of Iarn etiteriiiined at a thimble .N'.u.ll. II. M. McKinley, A. 1!. Cooper. Third street, loll, eonipli- - ral building", now umb r c list fuel Kim-la-- y. of C. circle of friends am! relatives. The jta rty Thursday afternoon, when Mi are liuried. W. H. Simiison chiea(i. prolidedj lil , was by sister,-- iss M. 01 n.m-ina- The new building will at rcsi-lo- 11. A. A. J. F. bride attended her nientarv to Mrs. r lioppe re: the Cihbons. Frost. I'earce. . retresh-nietit- s Telf'-r- was at- - with ample facilities for ipiiek and 11 k i: Fli.aheth The bride Michigan. Toothsome FILIPINOS ARE AFTER In Tuesday Price. Walter Allen. Finest i . UIiii- - Elks' w crepe directorio w eff ii 111a servil Th" v. of Theater In a hile satin re served. I liolllns, .Me John linrradaile. M. I.. Stern, tired tel noon. J. in lace and iIUT(ile postoffiee is the otll.V iffiee It, X. n, T. M liown. trimmed Duchess Met ho. list Inii' McCrnd l.eon Hertziw. L. u ellter-taine- d s. In hniKiiK't of Initio's of Auxiali ny in the territory in the first cla j. 1111 la r si IS lesblellce Panaliy. A Adams, liny A. The Ladies the Inn letal veil MONDAY, MARCH J. Stamm. is uh-o- 1 nfflce , r -. roses. Her bridesmaid wore a (inwn al a Ini Thursday afternoon fact the AlhU(ticriiie the ill A Mis. I.cainar.l m M. Mandell. I'- Landolfi. F.rnest S. E ie. of pale blue silk and curried pink rose at the home of Mrs. Ihlwin Sowers, highest (lass that (an he attain d h.v Mm a la rise number friends, who will Jones, C. A. Faher. an best poRtal mm buds. Mr. Will White acted 1K South .Arno street. An Interest- my office in the service and he HI leV eil lo In ir of In r death, Jallus Staab. H. Sihweiz.r. H. u. !' :.",c wp man. Mrs, Thomas H nnhes played ing program was given. (iIMCIll cntly on an eipial it inn mem hers of hi family who are Jaita, F. f Coekhtirii Ci. (1. Hair. C. el, M..rwl..ulwoi't. w eildiiiir march. The mil takes the Hiinic iliiik in thi li 'III II llle is of the wife l tHl Cv. i .1. . di ci '1. I. H. D'Clute, X. (.lladiliiiB. likens. re, croiole left for Detroit. F. I'earce. West Cen- f tin iiivi riinii nt offlclals 'with lf- - he IlllVe the sVIII .ath.v AVI' Mrs. John SCALP mot W. W. Iloherts. C. S. ite. T. P. ,tl,-- M ,,.;,; w h(.,.,. will make their tral avenue, entertained a number ficen in the laixe citieM. ..I lai l;e Itile of friends. S. K. J. AlR-- r. Waildell. Piekard. ,.1tu.e ,,.. of young people at an informal card The Alliiiiiier((ite office Is no Ilu- Poi rs ami Jamicsoii. ; 4 partv Fridav evening. dí punitory for nostal funilM for all the l or thai Terrible I felling. Tliuisilay afternoon, the Ladles Aid oftiecM in this territory, and t the I"cema, teller and salt rheiini keep nu n of Adobe Hall are in Mr. and Mrs. flcorjjc I.. P.ruoku Society, of the Cotini cijatioiial church. The young depository for money order funds for Resolution Introduced Porto tln-li- vl. tniM in perpetual torment. The fr, milking" interesting !in:: Wist Copper avenue, entertained nave a Washington tea at the home plans to ;;ive an most of the Xevv Mexico offices, and application of 'ha m berla In Malve Rico e Asking Monday (.vcniiiK at one of a series of ,,r M,s. W. .1. Hyde. North Hinh dance in tin- near future. quite a number of Arizona offices. will Inxlantly allay thin ltelilnf. Hinl eiiii ftainments complimentary to the street. The entire home was artistic-Misse- s This fact, more than unythiiiK else, President Roosevelt to Re- many iiises have been cured by Uh Johnson and Jew et t of Host. m, ;, lly decorated in Hans, flowers and was instriiini tita in seciiiiiift tin- ap- use. Fur sale by all ilruRKl.qts. ami Miss Katln-rin- Strickler. Prizes rents, red. white nnd blue forminR FLORIST pointment of h cashier for the office. move Foimer New Mexican, OLD lo-i- f..r highest honors in live hundred ,t- color scheme. On the reception 101 as the amounts deposited by the were awarded Mis s Johnson and Mr. coinmittee were Mrs. D. I!. ItichardT cal office, and other offices, luivc I'ickard. Mr. Pn itisoii eapturi-i- the Mrs. W. J. Hyde, ,!th. A. K. Walker creased to sin h an extent wit Inn tlle A( cordini! ' ,lis- - THE BIG BAND OUT by c present were: C. Mrs. A. K. Walker prize. Th and A. Shuoc past year or so, that the piísima, ter paleliei ri eellti) i coin Sua n .Mr. Miss lee Mr. and Mrs. di Wilson. and presided nt coffee urn, while U .1 - Flai the E XPAND was unable to bundle It and keep ua n. (II teres! ille sit J by WILL I'orto lileo. Mrs. M nun.-- Mr. Mrs. Hahl assisted Miss vv 0. Cliadb.i and Pessle ridiie vv itii his other 01k. nation lias developed Ill pa-- Mis. W. S. punch. Fav- I!aniomi Stamm. Mr. and I.aCharli-- Simpe, served I domain, in II. ' tide Sam's Inch T a s. I. .ss Mays wern FOB Hopewell. Mi. Merrilt, ors in tin- form of tiny silk Itoiley. ibdemite n l,e SIEIB - fol- UNIVERSITY NOTES former Mr and Mi-- 1. ester: Misses bestowed upon the Kuests. The New Mexico, and Ihe iell program was given: Compelled by En- from Holznian, II. Fox. lowing inlcrestiiiK Woodward iion in Hie bouse ol dele;: '.. ..I Schuster. Solo Mrs A. P. Pctz I II Siii.klei. Johnson Jewell, Piano Plan In- hill lllKlllK President loose I. "ZEKE" larging Business to TiKht was at Santa Childers. Fersiissoti; Messrs. Staab, Vocal Solo Mrs. t'ollhis rrcsidenl 'strip Kodey ol the Judlciil r lo in loyful Noise Hails Advent Into Miss I luntzinger last week in the ii telestM Of till' 1' Boy Hemictt, Jamison, Johnson. Hronson. Recitation in Capacity of His he cent I'll I'l. lilies. A i .line, l. The Country AlK'-r- Mrs. Cox crease verslty and ediuat iollal nuitleis Holers. Stamm. Piekard. piano Solo Assoela toil press "i .I.'lll II City of Famous Peace Officer t m M general. tlie i,i;vi:n; damInu on .Mrs. H Davis : Tuesday afternoon rooks Kecitatlon Plant, Sa n Juan, a idl was mi odu il. Uh hpi-- i iii s- -i Miss Reynolds of tho Pecos Valley From i;iii:s. iim ami oiti Mas hostess at anoth.-- of her ,,cal Solo el- t ll" b Ki'-l- II i N, "A l.uncb in the Suburbs" is a low house of it soi iiiM. m r i parties entertainiiif; some Itli of tills mouth, in th. Pe, folly lad- rap- Miss KraxbefRcr. of West Town play to he Kivcn by the Klrls in the Santa RUesls. Prizes wile Fmelie John Woodward, the old i resolution, Ih it Prices 35c, 50c and 75c I at her l.'strella societv before the end of the tured by' Mrs. li. W. '. Pryan and Central avenue, entertained a big greenhouse r. o Il t 'it- llorist. who erected be Idcd Koosev clt Willi onne - .Mis, i vetiinR In honor term. lioiid tnusie will proi c. Johnson. The decorations home on Monday .1 is necessary to I. Now on Sale year ago. has found liodi-- from tin- bench. Tie w ov fill noise Tickets at Matson's f'.i- The for this lunch and other things as Kl.ul and Imth Mondav eveniiiK and Tuesday of her birthday anniversary. capacity of his gardens hi i. f . able h j.bll-l- l increase the Santa I'.' si. 'li last lilglll afternoon were WashiiiKtonian, in entire home was beautifully decorated on account of his enlarging trade and niimlii r of panel - HiioiikI Hi. Washing-ion'- with iv from Santa lienor of hirtlnlay. the in national colors combined Is plans for a large addi- country. Indica l es Un si i u .. im .i to train No. an perfecting" 'Yutokla" is the euphonious jmd ap- - entire home making an interestiiiK: ap. lerns and carnations. The favor rv a motik" ol i lion CiTTro tion to he built Minn. liropriate name chosen by new xist in Porto Pico: inn FOR SALE CHEAP p. nance. Those enjoying- Mrs. Hrooks' were small silk Hans. Those invited contem- the . ,1 p. ace officer other Improvements are pu ory society San Juan. P. li th elel.ral hospitality Tuesday afternoon were: Misses Pauline Postal. Unir now prt rat literarv for bolli lined I'l valley. The An cvii'ii linn inipoiled ticrinin wire: plated by Mr. Woodward. He lution was hiln.diici far rrlcnlii'11-nioi- c, Krax-hei'Ke- liovs and ulrls The word s Indian oai Ii Stallion fouled hi Mis. Ma.v'nard c.unsul. Mrs. A. It. Solum Kramer. F.milie will 1. t. nl, IV No lo: s Ins nun tit musical nils Kramer. has six acres in cultivation and ..t i. ales aiim l i Klla in origin and means "the elver I- (.crinani. oe ib s( Ipt loll. ieih Frost, Mrs. K. W. p. pryan, Mrs. U. (ienevieve policy and líoOSí Veil illlllie, ii;. eh- lo till til. capable mu C.ard-etn-- increase this to fourteen acias. liK'ht." see of i Mrs. Max H '11. ll III .1 li r líones, till' well ami price or ciiiiili'i Mrs. Will Sprincr. Messrs. Fred Ileits. Mr. Woodward, previous to com- Illdlte It. S ItoileV. Of led 'ol lrcc Ho Mrs. w , I!. I'.rowii. OroKl'iiiiile, New .Mi'vlin. lrli Hunt. Mrs. W. V. Walton. Mrs. Armin Kramer. Mr. and -- III n W 11 il din let". lit' ing here, had fourteen liars' experi .Mr. (1. ftnd Mr. lates illstlict coin TIC' H. ow.-n- Mrs. o. il. irrison lil- a n l lie M r I', Mrs. P. S. Iloihy. Mrs. S. M. Albers and Mr. and mil's, mil seed s based on ilecl.iraliolis In at a ci., Ion . ence in tin- floral I'larke. two c Ke chums f I'r. F. H. Xoa Mrs. F. K rniiii-r- 11 ilí II. of couiiti who prepared Moore. Mrs. llfeld. -- lei;islal iVe Ileal U ell i b IIKes iul'Iii I'liion business in Fngland. or (Vnwcll, pped in on him par-sa- II. Kent. Mrs. Meill.-r- Mrs. v n v IC ! I'I'J.I on for Ale Slew, tit and MaiKant day vve( a Hiirprl 'I'll' icain-- t JiiilK'- Hod' "I in. alio Co. last as t Fuel I. ll Call Aztec n the - of Mrs. C. S. Mcl.amliess. rív. b' ,1 s.v li III d la u and lo ii the arrival tin Anderson. The annual hamtuel t d III sll.-l'- y mil II. e of llle old - iiel' letnen an tin ! w a Mis. Mrs. D. A. in honor of tin' birtb- WILL INSTALL ii - nt leincn mm Sa nl a e is Frank Ackermaii. Pnlversity liovs OWLS hii.- 111 h Ann all and porlo l!i. al iitor- and cattle ss the Ues it t K is Willi greal 251 for v - pultun; Phone OFFICERS THURSDAY in ys. .Indue Kod. lie- tin- himself. .Hid h - I Tin- minstrel sliovv to he uiven in oi matter Block w Ii American s older atiHinst tilos, in. April bv tlie voiniii men of the eimi-tu-er'- an y rbilcmb nl- - I Meet. Smoker ami school, is well under way. Th ta. k' d him to slum In tin Marl Ilium Sli Iiiiilatlim. Insinuation. J'.. Lump Coal $5.50 ai- u ii ilty en Houston, Te xas. Closing of linrter MeiiibcrshlK Pis proper thliiK In costumes will lie adopt not of llevi lonilH Ills lb- or up. rinteii-lelit-- Hi. Feature oí Meeting of Duke c( ami shipped in vv liile local tilt t 1'llltlHT Inr or Nut Coal in- w W ll .1 1. $4.25 l! It today cl will fall thick and fast. will a a ed n a. In re City H. w est in Alhil.iuel.ili. h .ludtif ii rout.- t N U Whel'e a a n ii o. te ell 's Ii W i;i newly iIa--s- . it. ..hv live. for is t.. b. bee inning All important inei tins of the Trie Method consisting of an iu..iin e - well -'. Pacitii An nppr nth in the millinery organized Huke Citv Nest of Owls will ven dozen vinillo ladies, spoilt Fridav and known March All Ih. in HERMAN . .1 1 - ,t ist. be held in Klks' lodKe room next aflernoou visiting a! the Third ward ble- are nl. pu tlletlt the i: llllolll Tliiiresday eveiiiiiB The most impor- - (hoi. where ProfcHsor I'lark and MRS. ELLA G. LEARNARD tant work of the evenlliK will lie UH' the tejcl('-- IK1!!' C'Uirtl'OUS am I ui - el(M TO REWARC installation of tin nevvlv ted offi i ommodai ing in Riv ine; opportunity for CALLED Clairvoyant, Palmist & Healer cers and thi' Initiation of about one observatory work. new mi ni hers, Kstablished - hundred In eonseiiuence of the fact that so many who appli il to see Her- in thlf citv only two we ks the Owls The Iiraiiuitic Club seemed t please i stiiiiablc l ady Ules Ml. r T'lti;! ll V Will Ih- - (I iluriiiR his gre ,(t ( tit in price during- the past ten day he already number iw hundred members. tiie audience at opera bouse Illness: alus Will MllpM Now till I 1 more Plant continue to mvi 1:1:1: i:sls. and have nearly one bundled Krhlay nielli In ".Meiis. Maiden and lo Michigan. . for icad.v for initiation at Thursdays Matchmakers." Put their best in-.- SPKCIAI. l.( iW FKK THIS WKKK to all who come prepared -- oreaiii-i.atio- diic-lio- All. suffering for tlie I year 'lie of djs ceielirate d readings he will tell your name and whit you nicotine. iiulicatiiiK that the is held lor the Hiinnal For Spring a chord ' 111 ll liles (, M ' Klla li. a reading, has struck responsive sion in May. Tlie club lias chosen Willi nine pr ailed for absolutely free before you decid to have Tile of the plav called, I., l!, I. w ile of J.i ni, s I". I.. arnard ha uml Hoar, I'l AVVliK of j.retemli is and partially developed médiums. They in A lhu(iieriile. class modern The Sitcnio' al Some of our Hardy Shut ,..,.,.1 tlu,t is beinir iralbered be 'be Life." Hhich nliout twer an I ll .tiler of A 1,1,-- II. ill P. opy his 1! nt and many smaller citti us.- hi- - name, r,(iiires These III noon b. in full bloom, uml your Owls compares most favorably vvili ( bariK ! is. and lias a complete colic d I'aptaill II l.eal 11.11 d passed PI. ase r. member. Prof. i can be sci n only at his office In the may i mbi.iI.Micd small ll Iln ,i 'i v I llitis-K- l home grounds be ul Wile that of aiiv other organization setting Tin- scenes are said to be a rt a' o'i lock l mol PoominR House. e - ' city, and it bids fair to hoi otn one lated at Itirkebv tin- Pnlversllv at tin family I csul. in e South cost by our s healthy i Innti ask rou My practice and j.rofessiona reputation are built upon honor.' ' ' irders Ca liforiiia W Mi s. I., ii n- - A will hi. 1. t ess, of the most popular fraternal alter drcet. Alt be.iüh PUK'K LIST. I" sin asonabl.. ehaiKes. fair di aliliRs. faithful and win .,iil..-:-e,- 11 AlbUllierqlle. Itesphs the ai l s i oliilitlici bad In i 11 l"i' my clients have won for 111.- the largest practice in th I'nited u hi. h Hon iiinl Initiation at the HAIIV HANDS -- el i.oj lor t he last w ei ll w.o states. Mv superior knowledge and power Rive me advantag s - Thursday n cliU t pen- w be a smoker will get Into mischief often it mean hoilKl't Ile loilll.l ev ' Ill ll.i linl'lov,--le-- me in gua ranteeing safer, surer ami more rapid results than - arrant of seal- Hal-lard'- n nii-ri- a and refreshments Tin ork i burn or cut or scald. Apply a ti. I t to- aiitioinie o d' llli be obtained elsewhere. erman stands alone. munbei-hii- 'in i list win Si'.avv Just as noon us i a t lo r m.inv Byron Henry Ives inii the charter l.inlmeit wili as surpi 1 will an xplaln. lor. a power, a Rift call it hut you that none It is -, also be a feature of Ihe cveninc the accident happens, and the pain ' f lends ill A lbl.Uer(ue. .Mr-- 11. en account for. t he last P 11 months I have lortignl 4fn and Santa Fe Ave. Phone 732 DnritiR " expected that before tin 1 mar-mutu- cnnfidentlv will be relieved while the wound will lived III Ih. round, power of personal control. on aid had Albinim i. in. throuch this wonderful wax is pot on iln- envelope heal qui, kly and nicely. A cure s, ti any came by tin sealine sure past SIX vein eotl.lllK hi ie fl iRes. separations, without alter trouble. i'l', ii will rarrv tin h.- a pt tainilili Ihe for Fp rains, and all ),,, ...n, M a h.. v 't h r 1.1(1 ' ouscnt .ir opposing located Hi buried treasures: o. ted , - parties; at st hundred bar- e 11 UO h'-- 1 - names of three pains. I'ri. ".",, á"c and a bom.- Sell. ".IN uní II deeds; ss In gaining; MO pensin is; reunited s sepa- make lei with slice t, r nn nib, rs. bottle, hinld by J. II. O'ltlelly A Co p I.e., i na i d A tml t son. 'apt . in I. mil; have bel; e.I Is!' Investors; there have been 714 cas- nf such - II II ii. I.e.ii n ird, Piii.'ed Si il. ai iny 11 vate nature 1 do not fell like classifying, in fact, it suffice- lo o remedy till n- - CliamlwrlidiK 'iisl ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A in ttie city d.. thi re Is no Inart so sad or wish too great that your botes j.iertvid t.n Miwt 'omlnr I5eriis It j hclsi.p. w li d. atb - power. I is present at the WOODWARD r aliy.- e I'l. - JOHN H"t be speedilv d bv the for, of this wonderful th.- s GOOD RANGE FOR YOUR I ll s.-..-ik lie. . Mrs .cm i nard was a in Mint i : y 1 vr 11 his i gi.M.. Chamherlain'n C ugh iiv; i.i.i:n.i: ihh "I bare soil ,,f Captain A C. I.l!.-ss- hi.-- FLORIST I proniU,- - to tell you whether your husband, wife or sweetheart is true past eight year and SHEEP? Remedy for the A Ihinpi.-r-pi- d 'U me nl . false; how gain of tin one you most desire: ev ii HHnK foe '! 't "r tell urn to the love one of the best I OLD ALBUQUERQUE - find It to be If so; the Ci. ,n de San Thego lj.n.1 I.. .,. n i:, I was Iniin ill pr ink-- PHONE 1373 though miles away. How to siu in hushn-sH- speculation, ia- babie Mi. medicines on the market. Fo C.i.lnt i the ,1. ce to find It. Plenty Ma liiean. .l suits; how marry of your choice: how to peain youth. I lin. I.eraway couliiv. .... to the oik nothing and yotrtR children there of ghaile, gra mil pure water; good I. h. r mutibti beinir Yea of expeiience has taught us the difference between Inaith end vitality. IiernOvi s all evil influences, 1 tire drink habit, cough (April 1M:. is Ir the line of vrui." ; i iinvenient to dip l better lambing ullo j I Packard, ami a m lie." lo. ute.s treasures, cures all nervous diseasi 1eallng. I.a I'll ti. :uu1 We only. ivs raul A'CtX I'!s:n ping pUnt. V. J Ite ta OIU for blank I. IMP. pncl bad, nursery stock; cany the hest only eongh Mr. l.eal rieid Aneii't This reme-l- not c'Jre the a ion. irre.init f ea, etc. . re.TV.Oe, ,.Ol - -- ''I I ... Li WILCOX ROOMING H O USE .; " '.: U' ' '"'sJid i;, íl. T31 --4 Vt i


5TIMFNT IIMVFPISERY FROM AN UPSET stomachi PRISONER ADMITS AINU MU (ib UN WILL Bt tWW c INSANE BY COWARDLY n Almost Instant Relief is Waiting tln n you will nniii - .0 Klun-- why I ysin pt ii- trouble of for Journal Readers Who Suf- kinds ii i ii m t itii iiiul ivhv liny iikuiiH.v MIIQDEQ HAZING relieve a mini stomach or Indigestion fer From Stomach Trouble, In five minuten. Met ii now iiml nil uní' Triangulo after your next ii UIIULII meal. TIh-- iiri- - hiiiinli-H- nuil tasl - pow . f Hlint you Juki Hi- I mulling on llkc candy, though each contains or sufficient to digest ii ml for JL2 your stoniin h or ' Ilk" ii lump of M, ff MU, ft Youth in O i ego n University ' khhIiiiIIhI Ion into tin- lilooil nil ill" Self Confessed Slayer of Miss - Ii ml, rcfUHlng to digest or you belch fooil you phi; besides, It makes you Hopeless Lunatic as Result of (ha nniiil Kructatc uriur Undigested in thi" tu I !' with ,i healthy Clara Rosen at Ottumwa, is will please y f nl or have n feeling of 1 ilz.lrieHH, appetite; hut, whm College mi 1m I w ill fi your Hurried Out of Town to Avoid Prank of Mates, llearlhiirh, Nausea. Hml i,,,, hut vim hut headache, Stomach nml inloHtlnes mi- clean and taste in inoutli liml Stomach i fi.-ul- i unit villi will not to Lynching, the Time Im tul ton . to liixmivi'N or liver pilln for UIMoiih Hr Morula Journal ocll l.jMd Wire J A full I'll!' nf I'apo'H Illupopsln y nr or CohHtlmition. I'orHand, Kch. a 7- I tíi f I!. only !)ij cents and will (linroutch-l- High Odd Dressers, Handsome Designs. Fine Select (lie, costs pIiv III luivf liwinv I)liiii't'nin Grade, (hi- - worst of 1 yn (Br Muralof Janriml NiMrlal ImhI Wlral Hrlxtnl, a Htndent of tlii- I'olv erdly of itli nine - will cull tlicin nuff Irli nl the house in an Komi- Mlilii. In,, 2H. Shortly after Beautiful Shaped" French Plate Bevel Mirrors. niiil about w III thin lili. Oak, In In u sani- - - lint von he cninkv uhout tiiegon. hopelessly Insane niRi- Home (mi- else in (In- family may midnight .hilikhl. (lit- - negro con 1 uinmiii-l- nrcficrliitlon. too, if John I. Miiffi-- lionlili- or ml - ...noi.t In city iim tin- li f rum Stomach - tarium lhlk result, i.,il ,'VPI- IlllVI- IlKlilfl'Htloll or (lllBtllllH fined In the Jail hero iimrgpil with m I loll, Dresser, value, this week .$17.50 J( k of hazing in which lii- wiih iiiIhci-v- hiuI cut Princess $20,50 ... to uliow you nv utticr Stomach the murder of Clara lliwrn, conleHH-e- d mihjeelril Inst ivlntor by his fellow Ask your pharmacist of llu- primed on these Jiict une TilniiKi'l" lliit'l"'l'i- tlint lie killed the young woman Princess Dresser, $17,50 value, this week . . .$14.00 i formula students uf the 'nh iimiy uf imgim. it otlumwa three week titto. He Home nf the hi inlc ii In, niMiinllrm to Htated that he nan ahine when the Golden Oak Dresser, $19,75 value, this week .$16.00 Hip rcnoi-- IihiI n( among tin- ImnkK mi'l Unit It OF BALKAN un iigivcnit In en to SOLUTION crime whh committed it rid Mint he hail t tiiimhci-li- Ill- till- liUllkH Golden Oak Dresser, $20, vi vak'o, his week .$16.50 hemclvr Unit miy of their HUH 1. lllHiBlcil tllllt no The confeaslon whh - PROBLEM DIFUCULT appeared liiti- for hioakf.isl would In- pti,iiiitly InforiiiPil of iirtinil made to Sheriff (Iriffln. The HherllT Golden Oak Dresser, $21,50 value, his week .$17.25 hf hazed, rti'lstol whh u victim because ThlH wijs ilone lit u whh called from bin lied to Unten to of bin till dilles it n I as punishment In Hie i lit in lit :i Nutloiuil his week .$24.00 inecl Inn - A.Klio-Scr-ilii- n the negro who whh in u hh;h Hlate of Golden Oak Dresser, $30,00 value, . n tr - i ii I'Iiim lo ItiUcvi- was i lulu lull uf Ice water hniik. tin- wiiiiikh lil. 'I'tic whole Dillnlie excitement mid cried that be wanted tln-ri-- In- In ' in llciili' iucMloii. week itlnl When was taken fllhlle of l iOliH,il-ir- tVHH to tell about the crime which luuinu-,- Golden Oak Dresser, $35,00 value, his .$23.00 nut of (hi- vvitler, It In nlli'Ki'il 111" h;ire unci (he lullirc of Hie KrcM llfll him. reason was gone. If- brought to mercy 1'Yh. - Th" nv e.'H u.e was i ii u liiiKiniKH tlirov.n on tic of London. Junkln Halil lie liad trailed M if h xcer, t I'm Hand fur treatment. Inning the the hnnki iH. For n month the ttot lliidlng Hi'- Holulion of the I'.alkan Tiosrn to the home of her Hinter the Mt tn hi eluded l(e-l- HollllK I, mouth WIIH Iroin Hie llllllllC. dlfficiilly an cay an I hey anl ipaled night of the minder, wln-i- he watch- - tin- titlciulurits nnfl tin- - ' CUSO. Wi.k;lií (' isiant'd from Wl-r- fiXeil lit ,000 ill d till nn rowes Feather a It 1h true that the her he inicrsed hour later Klllllllirllllll III- W II H found II fe ImhiiiI fulllKllly Imt week nso. eni'lilHiH were lo a KPttlcmellt have mid then sneaked ujion her mid Hti urk tiny Inli-- r roaming tin1 Htri-i-t- n It - . lookilltf ;! Tallies, snuare or louurl, were Hill in hoiiic ilirccllotiH anil Hint r a blow with IiIh lint, knocking ,'SH llllllltll'. advanced r to opliml-ll- c liciicf Unit war would the Hldeivalk. He then crtished an.,1 The regents of tin- university will the r Hkull a negro S4.50 iir SPECULATORS OUT he uverled, which Un- o ver ii mint with slone. The V in vest gm e tlii' i ase. PUTS claii-- hp haw nun held thrnuithoul. linn now t'nen robbed her of her IN (le- - pin-- nn din nn, nils OF BUSINESS STATE the other cujilialH hut ii Jnnkln lold of where the Htolen (Utile t,l(l M II) relieve till AuhI Folding Go like, :it. nitri'i'i) welry could he found In cait, i t, union han not yet and BOOTH INDICTED - Hi- Vi-- rim-- Hie of I'riink Weaver, Ot- I irii l,ii I :iiihi'iii'i'il In i upon. The forelKii office Htati-- that home at $2,00, s wee Uii i I ( Wn-liln- m uinwa, today revealed Clara Tioen'H oile of Il Is erroneous to nay that ItiiHHla has her- puiHe unit gold backed mirror nml j ! coiiMoiited lo the proposal that - by pow- - other stolen irlnketH In the utile. 2 7 vía Hhoiild he approached the lilvmplu, U'ii-- Ii . I'eh. Slock idled thrntigli a door In FOR CONSPIRACY I'H. Iran the i XclllltlKC HpecnlalolH Will he ill t oil! ItUHsIa, In wllh (iinn elllng. III tlll-- II W What coninion of hllHllll'KH Htale till rt J it ti k il be Hrltalii, ban ayii'ed to I Unit im will taken In Pes Molneu criminal coil,- niloptcil hy Hie today (Sunday) for nafe Hhotibl b- - made to Servia early in Hh prcHi iit form. The Hen-at- e "vo I'Xplli-ltl- lier cluiiiiH In the way Mem-he- is a il, . Inive toiluv milled to Hlate Serious Charges Against hv vole Krmicc ban pro- - tin- IhIom Unit hiicket HhopH of coiiincnsation. linn I'uln thcHc clalniH hball not of Insolvent Fish Firm In tin- felony cIiihh, ml ! IiiihciI that BATTLESHIPS LEAVE AL atneiidnient BERT FABER compciiHau r, IiimUcih who an- in, mheix elude any territorial by Federal Grand Jmy in cleil nl ihcv "he moderate ill twilnie and FOR VARIOUS NAVY YARDS ciiHlern hoai'dH of trade or hIocic ii,i -- of coupled wllh the atmouncem nt that 1Q hiiinp H Im hhliiiK them hi a rluHM - eM iircniiralloiiH lire licliiif made to iIIh- Carpets n il h lua In I Hhop proprlclorH. Furniture the ii and (Ireiit Mrllnln Sill lorn View Wllh I cure t llrniLlii; Tile n'liat, modified Hie felony rin. Fruncí.' partlcuhirly urgent efforlH to I'p of lliu Ih'i'l. I By Mornlnc Juunml Hpn lul 1 lVlrtl s, i lion ho that II appll-'i- II 111 ii Jicllcc. only o pithlli' nainhllim. Kri-nc- hiciiKo, III., I''eh. i'i W. Vcriiiiti I'aul Ciinihoii, the ainbassii-d.i- r Fort Monroe, 'n.. Feb. 27 llooth, pri'Klileni of A llootli Cu., lo (leal llrllaln anil Sir Kilwnrd errs nnd men who made the the fl.lll IniHt, "lll'll well! AMEN CORNER BRETHREN (rey, the HrlllHh forclmi Hecrctary. of the world viewed with keen re- F tin- of n r, Iv, r hint Sep- - HVENTORT linn HOLD JOYFUL REUNION have been in conference daily. Thc.v gret the further breaking up of the leitihcr, t lid i", U. liohliliiK, former IIiihhIu'h difficult pOHHltliin. today rcali.e American baHhshln fleet B treiiBiirer of tin- comiimiy, were out of the dcmatnl of her Slav uhlpM tn navy Llftú liCClltrl arlHinu Three sailed the yards, niM l.- iniliell-i- l toihl). 'l'lle "Willi ollli'M I' Servia shall I"' Hi'pa-ral- five, In big h. J 7 - I'.reihrcti subjects that making; gajiH till In the two (he uriiiiil Jury imlnon" ore cliiiiwil Xell Voik, The nn- inileuvoriim to RESOURCES S t hIh and tluv linen of Hiichori'd siiuailroiiH. Other ,1 ii i y hv of he Amen Ci ,rn, r and lu ir kih way ,w a Willi I'litertilK lulo il col reach a soliiUou Dial Hill in mi Hhlp.i, nn lo i'h tomorrow and by h Hecuiuil wijl'ul- - nil ihiivn Mui 'Iioiiu loiilchl ,.it Hie of meium of Mhu tiny omino the third member the It Ih 111, i I Hi,, cimpi Mmiilay thoiiKlit that only fililí), iouxlV. felonlolixh'.' HI Ml atiiiuAl illiiiii'i- iiHHoclaii.iii held l, the triple entente. eight shlpK that are to furnish a bri- W 5... of :till), IKK) from the l'i ml neo la here Iniiluhl al (he Waldorf .slorla. múlhh '5 11 i gade of marching bluejackets for the hunk ot I'hlniKo, Tin- two men With th, dlHtc(inl NECESSITY Ii I AID inaugural parade at Washington, will - ll h colivenl Hi" dim I'h made Hport of WANT FEDERAL un- Jointly Hull, ti in one true ill. ic--(- I, dilenl-i'lcc- t t fcir-- lie left In ihe roadstead. Tlimi lía- i the pre, nl and in of n it AOr"0 hi Ii i niiUiiiiK only iiuiiIh, IN r U I ml S, el, AND r hAu bAOLD The going away of the ships up luuiK of tin-i- tliffct'tiiK MuliKliitilmlly. iovcl lint llimhci iialoi it in , every u by meaiiH the last of the "great white For II, II W. Vi'inriii !oiilh Inherit, from limit mid of public mail ho Definite Plans Conservation is e or II II a i t ill fled." When the ships of the reor- i l, IS,-- Wllllt lH Kill, I to hllVC lie, ,11 inferen, rl could he ii i In, el hli luth.r - , - i lliisk--- Be Properly Made , nl.l. ,l K h lo the fainotlH polill- Allied Invesligiilr ganized fleet rendezvous nn May Cannot Ule Biack Pafii Hi I l, bee the In I'M fiMhlii, ImilniH.H In the I mallei , once made Hi h"ad- - In ii re lo i:lrinllli' mill till 17. they will appear In a neu dress hoi lil. The cliler Itoolh whs ;i lmi'd cal otcii,' hat Until Country Knows it Haste m noaoin-,,- ,', ll.lalioina Men. of Hcrvice gray. worklti huxiiii HR nmn who to lllH IIIHl '1'iailcfM uic It It island, , w .Jersey WAR S OU FOR fl-- defitii.-- Avenue led. The Ithode the Conserve, iliiy ciil'l un, w,,ii,C cle ,in ii h """ Mcnaior-eic- i i Wasblligloll. ;'7. Senators Kansas were ships to h,inill,, n siiil heal with any of Inn Aiiioiih lie kuchih vicie and the the 'AKE PROMOTERS llnoi, I'l.iiik II. Illlchi oi k. Tli.iiiiac 'ni t Ih a nil I .a llclle and liepteHcnta-- f leave today. The Ithode Island Is Troubadours i h, llirt William Vernon. Wu Ii , F-- b. iiniilnl xiin. I!. (1,1, II. o on Spokane, i 1.. IUhkcII, llelialllill TIlollKIH Hie Shcpperd Texan called the bound for the New York navy yard. upon IiIh iici-- SMioii to nno r. was one t (,, I'". I ; v n K. Hi e If It In poHsihle conser! ;i Ion cannot y n. Norman Muck. chailcH preNtitent to Ihe New Jersey for Host on and the of polo pliiyi'l'H in III,- iiinll-tr- l"ila' t the lull l ulT, I'm- ac- unless we know f ol ii, .ii IV c Original l K. Muiphy. Tiinolhi Woodi the federal governmcnl lo take K unmix for I'hllailelphla. The Ohio l",l i'i anil wan muially pi oniln, nl 11141 ,s fr, lies A 1 I I Henry Hall pri'Mdelll of Ihe iliidlrou tion iikiiIiihI an or twelve while men lt to null tomorrow strcuins and have snilal c. hlH lcilli-l',tlll- ,ú Co. under orders In- ,, ,sl the llootli Ie-pc- nn i of W'aHbiiiKloii. Chaiiiiccy M now In Oklahoma who are charged which siorng,' í a- - In-- ii Inh morning for New York. l Miu It: lie-- I lug of II, Uace. im In mil ami fteieral iciirn nun I l I I, r iiaklclnh wllh nil h and forgeries ngaliiHl the laiiied; fotecl oils, lllt eiillll'it A; Im I Ileimiinn lio and tin i" anil America' 'ol'clllost ttic loiiipiiiiy ha, (uowii to A of ly He ml ktnivil Tlliil 11, Kickui IniliaiiH number these Intelligent pursued ,n l mi ;!H limiK which attract,., the a nt Ion of Hi,- ii in it V went lo In Mcvini ami the CXtellt lllld Mll'l Inte:' .'! I lüllv ,1 lie 'ih.- i. orrtm, nl 'I Htate-boo- d l the Cnit, i- ko hf w mil lo colisel-va- Ion of tllillel , ( AMENDMENT PROVIDES when (iklabonia iih ad ted CASTHO DECLARES nnd the ,l;r ono. ill I ,c. iiiul a tint a hrout-'h- to trial lor mcepl t w w I. -- Co-c,- , t be men. ho are accused, ent rcsiiurccH is a hopeless '1' III, it'll. il inn f, hiili nml 'li mil (eulliy to mie , :it-ie- ,-l SUCCESSOR TO PRESIDEN, here lo secure tin' signatures of the we know their xl. nt. Th, bell 11 III, i,,a.,iy of ii il in ilit 'l'lii' ra',- ii conveyance colilil the ht ti In iim to deeds of to in the I'linsi'i'i ilion mover IS le hi ill im, h t Ion. In t THE BLACKVILLE valuable lauds tklnhoniu. take a rational inventory ( $MI Ih I ra h l im llHt II III J i iii-- t m E un for h I!, ml have been returned IS INNDCENG sources, upon llltiell del Ace;;,! ( W.ixhlnulnn, f pi it STROLLERS. I, I,, re MaHt. r of 'ha in cry llcin y against them In I'cmis and the Mexl-,a- n can live of WiHi uiihIii loday their economical I:,, "(Ii In ,,f the iivilitor Innkn k i ve i ii ii ii nl Ih threatening lo bring .1. C. trodiic-i- a jolnl lo sub mil Stevens., district Which company lllh'Keil I, i In, II, i,lv Urn, nmr Haskell of Ok- to the - tin, tin- Wiih-- r, sonreí s bran, a ant mini, nl I" Hie con- : Ml - Ii Oil,' l,ll,' K11I1IH. Til,' llahllllit'S lll'IP lahoma so far has refused to siirreii. geologi ;;! si n Hi i, Vllll- - rnlled Slates ll t ill t, be HUblllill.'ll lo the ili-- r..(iiui.iHMl, hut nn n to the Texas itulhorlUeH. Former Dictator of Venezuela i i , 111.? .Mtlnialc,! at over Ihe at . S HI- .- i, in Tin Icel-In- tioned I a- - ft, lie! for ni 11 is a , FÍ.ICF; I ihv null, tin- iii il million is said, and Hiere strong to li. Iiisinger. h li nt. ti .4. i i 111 Htl il I. Attempted a letter I - a ii mini. HUlilii Htat be brought Denies Instigating pl'lii ce, le, all,) hale officially heell II- Hint the! should in of , pr,.- - I, Hliall the local board control 'f t In-- i Unit tin ice lent hll,',',',', even if Ihe federal go eminent -- ti ni n Ion a il.iiini.iieii Thin trial of His Suc- i ,,tinr, s, w ell 1,1 I si, I, Assassination tional Irrigalieti i ,1 pi Hldency If lie or, lit die ke ii i li!atli,tl han not I" ll concliiih the has lo In hand August H I. ,1 b, meet in Spokane. I .1 .1 in Inca pin, fore hi S tn-- i lona l .tin, oni na'. ii in cessor, things; , pil'i'H. adds anioitg other ,111 U null, rni office II. l;.,IUIIH, lloll HUH WOMAN HELD FOR "This , ongi'i-s- inn re, tl- M r nkliiH coil, ml HiIh priv nh .Mr. I'.,,(h t,l.ii Th- - great, st service il ,t will mal l Ir- net vl,, I, In Un MURDER OF HUSBAND IIy Murnlng Boci-U- Wirt I I", ii, 'K tel'l a stailhiit; Hloi'l of fain.' clcarl! Jourul cialtv of the cm li! ucaii ir. M, item, hi- - pi , to the haul, (, ,.,11- t II III Ion. Dresden. Fell. 17. Cipriano asti which is today ! ! I r- I mm eineiit. K '1 !' r Up th, , ,ljt i oí I In- ki nniiil Mini th, ii mil, I" I'll W linlst. (,ni,iliiii i, of Venezuela, today au- - in the public mili, ' M í I late nresldcnt of aiic I'Af.fl Th, - no nt-;- . Mr. . i ti lio i, le- it ho coal, be inn in; in a t, d as Uockfold. 111., Feb. 2 ;. Mis. l.or.t si. id thoried the publication "f a deilara-tlo- n would favor I'luincliig Hi'1 na ., 2 (inn. on lAeclllh,' Hhoiild the pi, vi, (his in, ,tn iim ' v,i.. ixiii allay It, the cllhf but Kullmmi lias uiresc,l charge Irrigation iiiiit'.iv--tio- nal irig '((,1 ; is; , , lit-e- - of bis Innocence of the National I i.,11 Mate-Ill- . t Vli Hi,l, i t ill, , w It r lius- - Hue oil, lil of atlall'H Tile le. and til,' barged ll the lllllrde r of In bring- - about Cons, cmgre.-s- . .,1.1V- nioie - that he bad conspired to nation uf .1 Ml I, I, ,1 I., I c licet! I, , Ho- H, f,,i Ihe a ii u il ra II. Ki, u 11 in.i n bo died Id Ill I'l. ha f,oe time bind. niv Vincenle C.o-ni- orgniiiz. ilion in th.- pa si 111 III- . the nsiis.siiiation of Juan this UP ,1 i (',, ,1,111, Oil, H. he llll.v included The si, una, h analysed plex Co N'all.'llal dais lias th, president of the republic at en up Hie un, slioi.s iv h i. h IIIH II, -- In- - ii, Inn lit a ,i,nl-i"i- i ivliiih would b! n. II iliu s r ye tied strychnine bank f'.t .'I (...lal'i am. and preHenl lo the necessity tor l,r, ill, 111 pro I, III "f tin;;e l was on Mils in make tile pliMd. nl uiiantilies. "I know or later U- of Ihe subject w Ii i. h .1 t 111, M, that snoiior Ml ,1,1, II,. t l 1, Mr Hi,- i cvs,, r porl Unit Cm oner Oalllster swore v Hctinte rlKhtliil sin ntruth must shine forth and that Moil braced in a cons, t alien ,,otli I. II,.' liad .Ni,b it, y nt Ihe warrant fm lo r all, St. - pii will do me justice. I seek nothing believe the organization v H E i i T fiirihi-r.- he said i valion congress t Sciior Castro nipcni-e- to be in ex- ci pt the name. 1,11,1 cellent health. "Will 11 We review all., !í present conservation innvcii SUIT AGAINST BIG find that to this time it h M largely a matter of words and ommg Journal PACKERS IN. ARKANSAS Hons, and I believe this ,,,n..-- now take steps to crvsialh,- -- uii, It the sentiments that ha , 1,, n Little Lock. Ark.. Feb. 27 Suits pressed into definite it. s. vv h some mm.,! results can ne ,, a Job Róoms were tiled today bv the state lure in lumbering against Ihe Cndahy Fucking company. The wastes Provid Hospital i ill , Iv The Mioin.i St.ll.p. ience National king Jacob mining ln mining 1 pill UCIli. .,r!v & Morris I'acking com-- I mean Mold Co. Ihe o,l - - tion "f fu, ,.;,l. and El Paso, Texas- puny. Swift Co , the Southern 11. ef trai FrovisioiiH yonipiiny, asking peiial-- ' best method Ol teppmi; 11: r .1 bv !' It ties ngureg uing $.1.0iiO,iHlii each for an only be a crtaini s,t bill alleged v i, ,1.1 lollH of the stale atltl-- ' study of the .ilion I'l its trust laws. .,st week upheld bv the it (im he the pr ,,V ill. , of s i I ,. ,,r ., supreme of the Fniied Stales In to i r, at" a ni, in 1 curt , l,l,V l,. Offers a Two Ycars anc Six Months Course the vase a.'ü.iiiist the llamnioml r.u definite Hurt III lilt its comoinv. The slat.- - charges the it the pr, v '11 n ;,t EVERYTHING IN coiiipiini. s with being 111 an unlawful I bav, it le iin.,1 the Obstetrics, Young Women From s- - .kl li s . I, Including to cinnbiii, ilion lo control prices and vv it ti tlier pi !l"l discriminating ag ullst their l ompcti li.', n made cf tile Twenty to Thirty Years of Age, Who Are tors front January 1. IS7. uiilil Ki b oil, cas and c. ., 1 o rmiiy .'T, . are huge aleas ha e mu , t b Desirous of Entering the Profession of Nursing llllislWll. pro.liic.-r- ,.,f P líame K.'l, :'7 The pope was tn-i- v , oithl i r- al nntin dispose.) to.! and tins afternoon his for of inv . st ii;.it ALL bul, li. . f. It -- o ill w.m Mic-,- for si p.'Sils THAT'S t., sus,.. n,l lunb. r audi' nei s Tin f iirti-i- f il.'.tS For Information Apply to tt.n.loig i hv su lan do not consider them. IV b, lomi'l. fr. hii sn kinss giai. and thev l, 'In, 7-- '11 I'l th.,t his in ,sposii 1' laig. ly d,i ti.'lis. I I, Iba! ' I to tbi- p. i.l-l- n i bdiig.' o1" tin- - wcath. r b. tt. r . (isto ! of .- , Superintendent Providence Hospital I; s p,,s-,bl- that th. i op, thai! are in Let Us Figure on Your Next ma! In s I. ing li.-;.- no.. 1. wit! to the eoiisi-t.- -i y. III 1. li.IT '1 Ii vv No Matter How Smalt or How Large . whi. h it had b. i n il- -i ide.l to hold oil it is . v id. nt th.,t . ins u ": Apt II I s Tie us Im s( if t" flowing ,;, n a i We Will Always TreUT You Righf H tbL-- . f ! I ii,. i,.ht THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1909.




Astonishing Number of Inquiries Received by Real Estate Men Broke Loose Hurry and it is Believed That They Will Increase in Number Fifty Per Cent in the Next Few Months; Prospects For Sujar Beet and Cantaloupe Growing on Large Scale Encourage ftne cnocest Lts in tne Perea Addition facing on 11th, 12th, in Rural Properity in Rio Grande Val'ey. fDfTlOl Activity the J)S 13th and 14ih Streets, and Marquette, Roma, Fruit and New "There Is at least five times as and quite a number of them have people who contemplate much actiivty In real estate In Albu- been sold to improvements in the ad- homes on within the York $200,000 worth of new building vicinity as n tell building them Avenues. querque and first next two or three months. The buy- of .March, 1H08, a year ago." not con by ing of lots however, has been Lights, Telephones, Etc. This statement, made a veteran any part city. Tills Cars, City Water, Gas, Electric estate operator fined to one of tile ditionElectric and conservative real is a good indication that Albuquerque ix rep- in tile city to Morninc: Journal over. has been Is is growing all If there resentative yesterday. corroborated any noticeable advance during dealers, whose busi- the by other realty last year or two in any class of real the first two months of the in ness for estate, I would say that the lots in lesidencj section of the city. These lots have been held reseivc for four yeais, and are now turned current year Indicates that tin- - The aristocratic the business district hae taken the in order to do so, have marked them in valué In Albuquerque and Ihe lliu on Cell first time, We propose to sell them all within thirty days, and going lead. liusiness blocks Gold. loose for the Grande valley, which hits been Copper and adjoining streets fast, in many years will con- tral and plat prices. The grandest opportunity of a life time to make money sure and Other lots on steadily for could be bought in for down below original even greater xtent dur- that tinue to an low prices, are now being this addition are selling at from $250 to $750 per lot, OUR PRICE FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY ing 190. held for quite fancy figures with few The Morning Journal's Informant class of Albu- offerings. Holders of this mentioned above has lived in realty are not anxious to sell and since lots In the business cen- PER LOT querque' there Isa general disposition to hold $75 to $200 were being sold for a few hun- ter on to near-l- n city lots as long as poa-- I In at - - - dred dollars payable installments slble." ONE-FOURT- H DOWN BALANCE $10.00 A MONTH any old time without Interest, the time when William McGuinncss, the well known Old Town caipciitcr. was maw iMi n;;r.s nm urged to take the lot where the Dank VAI.I.DY l..MS of Commerce stands now for $500, Along wiiii tiie recent agitation for and time when a wi ll known mer- Die cultivation of sugar beets and can the valley Office 204 Gold Ave. chant of the present day bought two taloupes In the ltlo Grande F. H. MITCHELL D. K. B. Brokerage Co. acre at the corner of Tijeras and there has come a strong demand for Sellers Telephone 899 Fighth street for u team of horses. valley land from ull parts, of the In country. Ileal rute. to dealers who INVESTMENTS Automobile No. 9 The real estate man question has FELIPE GURULE REAL ESTATE seen Albuquerque grow from one make a specially o." valley farm lauda struggling street to the most modern hiive been swamped with personal and city in the south went and mail Inquiries, regarding farms, and his opinion is of value and there is every prospect for un- It is the more Interesting in view of precedented in this line with the general dullness that has prevail- in the next two or three months. One ed in all lines of business In the coun- great drawback the real estate agents try In the past year, and In view of experience in making sales is the fuel the fact that a year ago real estate that the present boundary lines are was especially lively In this section. Indefinite and indistinct. People from "I think It Is no exaggeration," he the settled farming districts In the said, "to say that the demand for east and middle west, long accustomed having lands distinctly mark- nal estate has increased five fold in to their military members of the ed out In sections or quarter sections, product of the Ar- visions. The the past twelve months. And as far favorably with the general council to he appointed by: 1 accepting the titles to Colorado the ns can see this demand for business hesitate about kansas valley In and PLAN advice ami Why Slave Your Life Away in the Service of Others, when In many parts of the Rio .New M.xi ,o. With OUTLINES the j. resident, with the and residence lots and farm lands will the lands Mesilla valley in a of valley, for the reason that canteloupes rais- consent of the senate, for period Be on increase fifty per cent within the next Grande the exception of the with exception You Can Independent com- they are not definite enough. It is and the south- three years and. the few months. The number of ed ill southern Arizona of l of the chief of the division naval munications received by the various-rea- believed, however, there are excellent ern portion of New Mexico, tly Hi'i for passage of the Now will be on the operalion. to be Ineligible for estate men every day, inquiring prospects the Grande valley product REORGANIZE intervening ACRES LAND UNDER DITCH of Mexico legislature or the bill provid- any other, thus ussur. except after an 20 is to climatic conditions, prices market before years. ing platting of county lands a good fumy prices. period of three city and country lands, and other like for the lug sale at the is really astonishing. A- in nil parts of the territory. In the The declares that Terms, $1.15 to $1.70 per acre monthly. information, South. of supplies and accounts lbuquerque is acquiring an enviable event the bill becomts a law, the CiiiImts lo l.ctuo lor die THE NAVY bureau as a place, where money work of platting Pernalillo county Panama. Keb. 27. The cruiser iiiould he divided. reputation now recognize," sa.vs the report, "in may be Invested with confidence, will be commenced Immediately. Upon California, and the Pennsylvania, "We the completion of tins important work here, will leave tomorrow for Ama- oriler to make these reeonuueiiiJa-- I jwliere. It will return dividends, and necessary E. to It "HI be ELDER people are beginning to sit up and the most objectionable ciruwuack pola. The departure "f the cruisers lions effective. J. BUILDING ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. llin Grande valley lands be- earnest consideration and care- 9 N. T. ARMIJ0 take notice of this fact. the sale of Tor that port follows Instructions Pit-side- Transmits Findings that best part of it is that Ill will have been removed and It is like- lieved to have been received from ful study be given existing laws, and "The 41- i In a big (section !- have not outrcached the II- - ly that it will result revival Washington because of the troubled of Commission to Congress; we suggest that the law prices ill a quine1-- Is. prices have not III the agriciiltuial industry this of affairs In Central revised Matutes) which gives bureau! ' that the condition - of reach, in spite o. the city. America. Many Changes Recommend- chief equal authority with the seci'e- untied out acer-ag- e LOCAL AND PERSONAL. buce number of people that are ask- - It Is quite likelv that n large ed; None of Them Drastic, lory. In his absence, be repealed. lug figures on property. Values In of sugar beets will be grown this PORTO WANT increased year, and, according to beet experts RONS As advertised, the drawing for the Albuquerque have steadily DAY IN years. who have nvule experiments PRAY FOR THE THE CONGRESS nuigiilf Icciit 'M Navajo blanket took for tile past fifteen There has WILL lily Morning .1. Special Leased Wlrel in valley, results obtained this place never been a Jump Just a slow, even the the Washington, Feb, "7 President at the John I.ce Clarke Curio rise, averaging about fifteen or twen- spring will surprise even those who The Senate. store last nltiht at I) o'cloc k. Number committee en naval re-- j ty per cent a year. Values have have the utmost con.'idei.ce ill the liooscvell's Washington, Keb. Ü7. The river TO ESTABLISH ;i(i l proved the lucky n umber, but as more within the past year ability of the Uio Grande valley to organization, whose final report went and harbor hill, carrying an appro- th. re was no name endorsed on the sac- LEGISLATORS de-- . than for the past five years combined, raise an excellent glade of the to congress today, outlines a new priation of about J!i,7iin.0il was pass- back the winner Is not known. If and still values arc not unreasonably charine vegetable. partmeiital system whic h the presi-- ! ed by the senate today. Kulogles (he holder of that number will call high. People who have a little ready The organization recently of the A- dent declares Is sound and ronser- - were delivered on the lives of the late REPUBLIC the blanket will be delivered. If the money are beginning to realize that lbuquerque Canteloupe Growers asso- vatlve and ill full accord with Anuri- - Senator 1(1 liner of .South Carolina call Is not made within one week the lie one Albuquerque is a good place to in- ciation also bids fair to of W, C, T. U. Issues Call to can policy. and the late Representatives Powers blanket will go to the second number es- In the de- secretary vest it. and that Albuquerque real the most Important factors It contemplates for the of Maine, Wiley of Alabama. Meyer I dra w !. iMo valley. Be Read Is as good as government bonds velopment of the Grand" Praver Which Will general round), a military council of Louisiana. Illicit of Indiana and tate organization Is The ariiigneiiient committee of the pavs larger dividends. Kvery member of Ihe the ti lbullon of the dullis. libo, Island. Would Federate Cuba, Santo and much cante-loup- Granger of association. of e by the Various Pastors of;;;" ili- - Theatrical Mechanical an enthusiastic advocate In - "1 can say for myself that since the the present bureaus five m i.i.-h m.- Hayti Under i w arranging Krand ban 1 a growing and they have Joined t, Domingo and first of the year. have received Albuquerque Today, visions, the chiefs of wliii h a'', The llou-- e. a of in- Inquiries regarding together with firm resolution componed gland council who :T.- - larger number of valley to the ale Washington. I). ('.. Feb. The One Government With United .oris a good demand for tickets and I during ducing farmers of the real estate than received six the 'to be the assistant secretary, three long light of the discharged negro v. Ill grow on a large scale this It Is quite likely that the uri'alr last year. pastors of the flag officers and another flag oril Twenty-filt- h Infantry States as Protector, months Knough canteloupes havB Today the various soldiers of the he attended by a large crowd. The activity is not confined to any spring. l',T- - or civilian, wun prove Ib. lr In "The past years to churches will lead from "aval contractor for an opportunity to members of the eiaft are using their one cías of property. City and val- been raised in the few Albuquerque 'technical training. ting lip" of be grown suc- noneence of tile "si mechanical knowddge to good effect show that they can to prayer issued by. ,,, Au- Moraine IhmíhI I.mm4 Wire) ley land Is alike in demand. There comparo the pulpit a call M,,mttliiK the plan the pies; Prow ns lile, Tex.. ,,n the night of III Jnml a of cessively and that they will J in P. 11. Fell Nine and arc planning number clever Is a special demnnd for residence lots d, nt gust lltlHi. was won today, when San ii. n the Woman's Christian Temperance sajs: IS. for the amusement and acconi-odatlo- i ;! t n of house of delegates stunts Nothing ili.iMic Is i lumen, the house. h, a vote of to members the guests. Ami, Hid I'nion as follows: ll have together In the presenta- of their Mr. as to the bureaus or other agencl passed the senate hill to that end. Joined arrange-nien- - Manibil, of tile t A Cull to ''"rr- purely bu - tion of a resolution before the house chairman :hv means of which the Violent opposition was encountered committee, Is busy arranging you w ill know. ,. of navy departan",: delega- looking to the confederation of Porto Dear brother, as rfalrs the from in, rubers of Ihe Texas a new lor the o, - Itlei, Santo Domingo and llnytl, to for number of features numv arc deeply desirous, and have jare now a.lininisicre u. lie pian tions and others. program, which will prove to any deficiency bill was be called the "West Indian Republic." dance efforts lays to "ue,l docs inn iinpiy, The general be decided Innovations. made earnest ...... r in,,, ll, ,ii ,i, tie, He aggregate It was also set forth hi the resolution , ...... in i.if taken up and passed, the a i;,w $71.-.',ii- lie giv- r secure the passage oi It provides merely that tile moil" amount carried by it being over 0. that the I'nited shales was to Poiiiau I. Ha, a, member the to In- I'V county, session of legislature, w men w in . ,(iul.l he spent w isely Instead if li (P.O. en mmil stations ami the right house from Santa arrived the hi ex- - a A Can- tervene In case of a revolution last night from Ihe Capital lily. give ..very voter a right to say wheth- ji.t present spending It so that lively (ill between Speaker Is Tennessee, fur- change for protection and free trade Fiza White, member of the sheep death-dealin- g sidera ble portion of it wast non and Sir. Cables, of er or not the saloon of delegates. Iiow ever, citl-- ., uHi'ii-s- work. " nished something of a scene. The bouse sanitary hoard and a prominent by side of his plac. having dis- yes- Miull be reared the li. A Joint resolution was adopted ap- met In secret session ami' a ,,r the Pecos valley, arrived home, ,. cussed the decided to take of business, school, church, and l;f ,n,M f.onniHssl..n. the pr. i l.l. proving plans reducing the size of the resolution terday morning from Itoswell. , v no action. ('. was In the city and there be protected by our glorious MMyH another committee must bouse chamber T. McConnell (ally be designated to take up lh The river and harbors bill was sent yesterday from Santa Fe on a short Hag., : poscd plan and complete it as to de In conference whereupon the hoisf SWINDLERS LOOT IS visit to his muí, Chalmers Mallei tULVJ Anti-Saloo- n League and the' The he recessed until Monday. of the university. i Temperance t'n- - tails, but no plan can satlsfa. try HELD BY AUTHORITIES Woman's Christian if then- is deviation from the essen- have been much in evidence, as ion specified in this report. Imprisonment lor ilaiuhl. have many other public spirited men tial details CONFERENCE REPORT life j The cominWion's scheme is mere 7. territory days -- Mont., Fell. The and women of the these not lav cup, I. Iow a, Feb. 7. Three Crent Falls. j ly an llustratlon of principies and ON ARMY BILL READY rights or every voter l. jury In case against Henry lighting for the ' packages addressed lo "Monty" the mal-- J a t u i sled plan. In this Important mutter. "With i npert. Iowa, c are lthciinis, charged with the murder of It contemplates that the nsslstai.l Oav the tl v.asiuiriiuii 'i ice toward none and with charity for and supposed to contain 16!!,-OI- William who was mortally App.irt I shall be a civilian; a "mm Conferees a all." secretary Washington. Feb. shipped here by the l.lttle Itock. wounded In the hold-u- of the Shel- he I this of affairs," who shall the offi bill coin-p- b May re- ought we not all at time on the army appropriation Ark , prisoners, arc being held here by train near this city last division and shall I upon Cod for His blessing oil these of the first hue te.l Its consideration today an. will under attachments riroeee, lings and turned a verdict tonight finding the charge lif of xards an i efforts to the end that our legislators the bureau report It to the senate and house on l lo lloek guiltv and fixing his pun- supplies will not returned l.lttle defendant may be Impressed with their grave docks, the bureau of and t" Monday The house conferees aceep-t.c- l until released by the colli t. J. K. ishment life imprisonment - surgery; the at responsibility, and that they be es- bureau of medicine and the v. senate amendments who says he was swindled klndr.-- l lions Cnvanaiiuh. matter emplo.Miieiit of civilians , When the Average Man i.eclallv voided when this alii loci asing the appi '.pilatlons for the out of $;I7.00! by the Rang, succeeded Culler Mohawk I loan el. upon by subjects. the- - cono s to be voted them? pay n. in thing up packages by court r naval of enlisted lin New York. Fe b L'7. The rev. To this end. we the members an1 The second, or dhisloii of The senate conferees recommend proceedings and hcipe to get his Ready to Buy a , Gets of Woman's Christian operations, whose cl.lef shall be b.,. k o.Mliawk which went aground officers the ' i, i.iiiendmeiit providing for retire money At j, resent the contents rt I.OV., tO 11 1'CC f Ii Ikfiil-l-- i 11 C i U I ail- - T. I'tll.O hi tr a ll.f IllllltlirV ment of r. uglar army ffieers with 'of the packages is only a mutter of yeste rday in II, II Ca'.c, was floated to- Ill,,.! s a day vi.--, tin- l without Spring Suit of thlu Lord llav he made r to secretary to and p.iv of grad they weiuld . onje etuie Th. v were sbljineil under of this 'functions, but to b rank day. of prayer for our legislators administrative have attain. ,1 if promotion bad been a nominal valuation of IlT each, territory so soon to be made a state. lo head of the general prepaid. "Monty" McCall When plu, eel in drj dock it was tlt. cal l i, d out by s. noi itv, (barges Clothes w Mexic o shall her eon-tr- tion. waa seriously that hen New take ' board and the board of was the name by which one of the seen that the cutter may. by t h t j among "stars" she (o war plans and was known, . He looks for style and pattern, if he's tasteful; place the supervise l.lttle Hock pilse, mrs damaged There t:v two had breaks firt awav saloon, hasten the 'gf.,.ri, poli, and have his WRIGHT NOT CANDIDATE n headquarte foi for quality, if he's particular; after putting the under llave port was their rs In hull, one on the ko, n few fee t then he looks glad day when our warcolleg. the tile conns fit. If he's discriminating and then the coming of that ,.,)ritrol the naval FOR THE SUPREME BENCH several .ars. under the water line and the oilier that fbig shall lie stainless, and )f intelligence and kin-nu- r matter of price, if he's economical Whatever the f(.,. naval lust below the' main hotel it great rous nation sa- - j ,ir(,, í Clerk Aetu-e- cl of Theft. desire or requil enicnnt may he relative to a Suit and pror B1,,J ts (..iirl No f Inspection.! o. Fe b. 27. The feel- - j met of clothing stores. loonless. The fourth division of Iti-ii- iiic Sun Fraiuisi r can be best at this ieilrhig Will - I.. A. HAltVKV. - c War Soirelur. granel two ln- how critieul or how fastidious or how exact- (Signed). MP.S. w bos.- hbf shall bo a flag officer. eial hirv returnee! matter C Ijtvv Prac-lle- In lcinplil. Kng-- i Superintendent. W. j le- per- today Fre,) II. ing or how economical you liny he. Sir. we can Territorial shall chai ge,l with the duties dlclinetits against Washington V. Kviingelfntlc f'ept.. Santa Fe ships, ( a former (i, In the t'nile-- serve von .. ynur eminent satisfjetton. taining to the trials of r. t hsh. rk WRIGHT'S TRADING POST. Washington. b ; - "The p.,i , c All our Spring Hats nr" In. N. M . Fchru.irv 2. 1" of and Inspection f navv F' Slates land office-- barging him with Clothing, none better. tion trials - yards end Madons. of stle for na- from that I am lo ),, "I' llh. - ni' lit e.f 111 I :nlli roned. Before I'ur basing Keawin Is j by re val stations and kindred s,,b). pointed a Judge of til. Mipreme court paid applleanls. Because meats ate so tasty they ,livi-i..- ,i The fifth. r technical In- - NAVAJO shortly r . In great This leads . hv Preside,,, Tali aff .m-Ml- consumed .. u I,...,. . l.i. f be M III, if offii r. II rMMT atomaeh troubles, biliousnesa and Is an dec lare. I Keb. ;7 Ail al- - BLANKETS to naval constrin ! or a h oh ailiruration I.h." llfiiaiuiiie.lls. i,i M. rnnjetination. your diet, let v. ,,,. , Mandell Revise - I.UK, r.. s., in.- r.gni. leu .,r -- training, shall he a swp.i- C V -- -- net a ' t.chnlci.l ...... - .. ,1 i ...... -- . .,r inp ( haiiiillo ludían .....r. nni riamnered aonetlte - .e . ,. -aluii for uiiv o,., t rvMiti , visor In , hnrae of business of (cur i . Tesjl ..i.- - . Ar,.,m f iv i in- - .. w I or- - gov ei no, t,t pos.tlo,, alter ui pulule III ine n an niiii iiii e.i llllw ,,l f o,,s uc J i. Stomach" ehni. Katk-t- Chamberlam's and J.ver f t. ntion lo return to Memphis a (e n.mitry Is said to be connected, was S1 .'nance. ..K.,,...T.,.- and equipme t you will anon be well .liselo-e- .l hv líobe-r- F.. "d - urt. r Marc h 4th and resume the Ihe arrest of .. v.- -- il .I,.,-- -. No chief of a bureau while- acting davs Cor. Gold Avenue and Third. - - Sc ott 'A a, t as , hie f of practice of law." telav ilste pimples free. n! "" h shall 8 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1909. Latest Sporting Events at ossip

'j'l.XV.'IM llUXo lllso Hllbhell tllel'C a lit- - 1009 In i ii only rcRU- - League Schedule, ON itle, Inil Ixixl has tin' CONSTITUTE Official American PIRATES STILL In:-- 1AÍ Fill fil'St llllM IMI II IlilVr ll Til fi)UIUl ru'i cmiirv tor Huston. I.n Chumo ' At SI. I.i, At De' At Cleveland. At Washington. Al. I'liilad, ilihla. A t ., v Vi.l'k. At i;,isi, KllXeil t In ! Ill I 0 II 1111,1 1M4. while At (!,! ills. IJ. Ul. ITi, muí "Htick" Freeniiin xvore ih, :o I.",. 1,,. Al i May 4, fi. II V .tin .Inn,' V. n. :. I". lun,' II. I. June ,i7i. HUNT FOR FIRST Criirixlmw TEAM WORK u. i;, K ii II. I!.' (.'.). .1 ': -, I,I S pt.' Auk. II. '. I. II. Ai.k. II. 7, ). ,i I', KlillO'M till! in t twn .'IIICAHO... luP. i,, r. V v. ;.s !'!,: Anu. s.i, si. 'm. July Hill lIlllillK '. ',1, 11,1. 1. pi. ,. 1,. ,, jii is. pi. y ti. i". 11. l; 'i. (1,1. 2.,,:.i. H.'in (1,1, hVpt. SI. 2 Villi's. I 'Imlllllll Mllll .IrllllSllUlV m. 17 11 1: ;. 11. i,, .inn, 4. lull,' 7. S. !l 1', t 1 li k III I!HI7. hile ,:. p,. l.,Apr ..:,:!.':(. Mav kin,, mi f (If Stahl Ar. .1 so ST l.'H IS Jlllll- - "I. .lull' THIS Mum. II, .hn. in. ,,k II. .'ii :u I in; hi 11b lookMl iiflir tin' first ;. IS). .'HI. 21. ST. s ami s, i.i. :. I S. no. !!.: IK HI, K. K I!, S, pi. I'l. IT epl. Ort. BASEMAN cushion fur the lied Fax duilim the 'ei feet LJndei standing Between T't. X II s. r, i I. I. II. ' L'H, L'T. 11. IS, J, I'l. inn,' ii. i H. Ml 111 Apr. :i t. pl. Jul .huir il of t!l(IS. II". ' in :: a 1. I!. V, v. ulv s:i. Ill Vuv. II. 4 Playeis Essential National I il ;TIL( ilT.. Mhv ., i.:ii .tun,, i. J PAPER 2. J',. Aim. 11. I!. j IHel'X Ice till- II ll'l. 1. t. III puilll ni' American Jllll,: L'T. 1, I. (M. it. pi. ... 11;. Sepl. 4. Sept. 21, SJ. is, l il).- IK' llrsl hun'im II I .ink this ix íi y : Game, jit. I. 17.. 17 Ill :'') : ::. i I'")" I!. 1.'. I. ;', Im, Apr. M.iv pr. II. PI. Mar Apr. inn.' ,i Jones, Sloviill, iiiinihiii', Stahl, '' IS, BRANSFIELÜ'S SHOES " .inn" :i. ii.i 4 '. .'7. L'S, 1. I',,!. ''.Ii, Mr FOR THE s. II. ni. IL IS. II. ( ci.i;vf:i.'M Jan. '(.'In. sr. ItiiHMiiuiii iiinl 'nrniu ri. ;,, .'. in. 11. j;. 1, i. il. Ki'i'i. 7. i. in. II. s,.pi. S'i. Ha. í DIFFICULT TO Fll "Wlnit ( iiiiiitiltili t J t n win k'.'" Is a ,Mav HI. II. I.',, hi, 17. .May :.'l. '',. SK. Mav )fl. ai. SI, .: pr. I'l. ' pr. ll'l. Mav I, II. I Mhv , ;, Sclirihilc. -- 17., íi. II. 10. J,;,!,. I'l I'l." SI. lulv S i, i; estéril .cum"' Ailnl. iiin nliiili nit, 11 axk, ,1. Tin' Inn an WASH Inly IT. .in:', : j i.i, Uiiiv in. ii, .lulv !'. LATEST ,,i. Tin- - W. slel n IlilHi'liiill blimlo lili Aun. II" "I. I.AHR. V, I'". Ill, il Alls. I'l, .'.V, lllllr I. II". Jul. I. inimtiiiilly ninlinli'il Hint Hi I.i fiatiiic the ,, in Amcncnn Mi'V It, In. I.', III. : in. II. .Mav SI, SI.. .',i, .r. V,r. III. M ' I. pr. SI S.'. .1!. SI. Numerous Chanp.cs 11 t In In tlm .Mav II, M,.,,M,,ii w t X u, of rllllin nnr of itm't II!. 14. I.'., LOCAL I. ill. I',. ,.,,iiu,. bete i ll 1. A July lulv IV. I). I'l. Ji). '.lulv V 'i I". 1.' .lulv in. lulv .Inr Ul),' .!!, - isHi'til la in, I. A ID. Si). .'I. '.'.;. IV .Sept. IS 'll, IV. ". .lulv I. s. LeagueL Teams Ihis Season; num. " ' "i"- liiiini'liiiit Au. .'HI. Auk. sr. I'll. Aim. .'!. S, Jil. UK. S,.,,. t i Niitor.illy ln y n ally ;i t'jnm- mh-- i m uumlrr wlnl ' 'April nun May :.'". l!i. "'I. M n- I'l, II I:', Mav II, II,. 17. is. II. 11, Hi. Apr. Be ,,, .,, riiMnlilllli s pla.V all, I In ,' tin' Ma, 'l. r. New Men to Given Chance ,. T....rk. m i.e NKW Inly I!. lull Ii. Id. II. IJ. .lulv IV. .lulv I'll. ill. SH. rili. ,11) June II. SPORTING " in. k. i.i Kli, ll Yullh. 1". 10. 7, S, 1 I I III,' IlllllVl' Ijlli in in f'i "I't' :.'l. iff., --'il. A :in. Ant; HI. Sept. 1. S. " p. II. INI. I)rl. at I, Inr, 'In, i una ha ni x nuT, n Auc. Vio:, III. lis. to Make Good. axkiMl. Tim ill wink ih iiolhin nnni ,M,in,K Slinix Clly (it II'.. lil. 17. I'l pr. I". II. II. r, al I'ticbh.. i Mhv III. I. Mav 21, '..I, : Mav It IS .Mav tn. II. pr. a ici 11 in ti ir-- :i in n li'tuii'M v S'I " limn fill Ill 1HT1 IN I' ,t ni ri, i. ir. '7. .lull .Inly 17. IÜ. ill. :(!. limr St. M. SS Ma III i.i I'l ulv NEWS Irhil.i. !. II i,,, r- - all the niciiilicm (if 11 Hub as In wh.'il A inc. :M. Ann. m. : I. A ut!. 27, IW. I'. Srpl. v. IL I. Srpi. I'l. I". it I, mill, llrlMlrf linlldiiy 1111111 HI" r t ' !.' III' (11 ui i'1 Since tin- rilteliiim gnlllK to llolln un rular ial.-- ' (IlKtlllilllrd h I'uIIowk: It Sut. I, Sua II.-,- ' II'ilav.i. J7 Him-- : 11 Halm,! ,v 14 Saturitnví. IS fin Ii,', la.vs. lili i" liliiy. Ml Hriucd),-- I" ti"' 4. ( 'i ,ii-- I ), a i, pres. tif Kilty i . urad'iii 1, ',,n ,la vn. J ,il. ,:il,,ir lay. nú t.inn liav. ur.llluli 'ay. Aia iiii'iii,,,,,,, Im 1111111 i".w Knr liiHtiini'i': Tin a on AT IIOMIO... MlrtlllK' ,1 Irs. ,M:t ,t,i!,s M:iv July 4. ( Hih. Iimncy I H.V, (It ii' lli'lilt'i ,;l,i.r (irxiilii'i) riiilu.leiphbi IJlimhl nin-lifi- - .1,111. 117. llav. lnt Sinus Mint nnr tin- haxi' hi. .Im l. Jul. II. a1, Hep. 2 l.ulMir Day. l' with hilt out. If IllK dille i 1 Itlnnít ut Drnvrr, Tuprk 1. Hi'pi. (1,1. n. linn prarllrullj hnii Mnlius. Wirhltd ih'rliii'H to try fur hr kIiuiiI,! S. pi. 111. I I. I,",. In "" Hi Impart HiIh Inl uinui inn In tin n llrsl rluss flint riel', nltliniinn I ' V .1 . I 4 4 N. Y U'l i',,1 inn Pay "l,,u ' liiniilia al irlivrf. I'llrhlo ... .i... .linn' ir ii rriral l,,n .i y Ht IV ru al lun I la v at'fi SniKlay :t t'lli. lulv al IL, si. hi July at 'rr irroral al I1' 1'O.I-- i " - 1 ashiir,'t.ui. riiila.i.'lpl.lii. I... Hli'll ..III OlKllt. mr.l ,. l , j .it.'""1',' A A I) t ,1 I'll, I. Cli limd.' !( 'Iiiei,,:,,. Jul. atU SuniUvS at St I. l.atinr )iiy al ni h .MiiiniH, Slnux .'Itv ,i n v Inlp him ftlii luir . v mi Irciliinalr I l.'ll-V- Ijilmr I). .y ,Si. I.. 4 Sun. al (.'lil.l I'llihidelplii.t. i.h. )'y at li,i;u' Hun. anil It I tliaii prnlnililr at IJiu'uln. ,.,,,,,, liilinr at rnoir wlrhllu. Tuprka ,,. p.,,. w,f,.y. or I let mil. 'il SlIlldH'.H Ml Si. I.i lili y I n 11 ) 'l Hint It Will til pr,'i in i' nf I'lllut' III Hrpli'ltllli f (Ullluf y r 1'nu , i ry plav wink .lU-lu-- ..r fl. ,m lb- - H.II1..I "''"" " This nniillr-- In cvi tciim Willi Itn nt hluiix li.V. 'lopcKa 1P11V IUi(,.. llu'i'i' arc Iwn or h thi- - Willi Hint euiiMcil tin- I'lr.itiM tn lose Inri' ioiulu- lili Hie jilny. liV II) ft'1" Mtirol.". iiiDi nun cuniirrtcil i'ivr ir'tí'iim'-n- iiiill ii mil the Kt't"'H8 ""' In i tin- nt '''' Hlnilx I'lty to Ion' Kiasun we will Miy tluit lili man oil Dirt SANTA FE BOYS WENT WHITE SOXTO OPE PR ESIOEHT PRAISES : s p:i jn'i t il.j. ct. I n tlillllll I.UKIIo n IlllKlil llll'l Hi,' ilkht I (imnlifi. I.liiruln nt Inn .MuliicH, iii-- ! (i,,, r,l In ii of Hie ynt k "dn litis Unit til- xxurbl kun it r him ;is d.i rihliictl to tiliiy Deliult Tli-- Inr tin' Ii ver Tupi-k- mul j'imtilo ut nun la n rhulii c to atril tin' In.- .s Hl'fli'H ni thrrr ,t.!t.' i!!.y nf suit. ll( K'ilKlllt. 'J rii' un ii U Hi"! dlHpoHi d nl iruiiniT it. .sii,:iii alii" t lint it in my uty hen I'llUhul'K i MlnnalH fl rut mu krr m illntrly ii i n I u i : l il l:,'i II ll Thr it ní '.! I'ii hi n fashion IllilllHrielil, hu il lllelliher In Hirow down on UP AGAINST THE BALL SEASON IN ornalil-catloi- llir iiitrhcr ilinr tiiis witli (he 1'lt.lte i hlllllpl'UiNhlp l "I'his' fomniantliT of Ili'Xt hull pilrlli'd. Ill nrilri' fur lllr '.'' llll'e-hniin- l till' Clmiev Hownril and hl.-- l.nrkHtop to In' Hum that i nnl uf thr t wen nl How- iamond TW :i h tit ll lí tOSKYKLT." IrhiJ out find play I.i ti'iitiK; to hi' inadr rixhl. In' (illl'l In ml and In- ard, wlm luiik li.llliel iiiiiHl t tin' pltrlirr kiunv "hat in! Is now a ullllty man on Hie WRONG BUNCH SIMS' ivlin Hlnr Gossip K"lnn tu ilu. tin tluit thr li'ix iirllil t'lihii, Hm hint work hut 111 D' did hull mi ldr nf plate w.p ran halul the lllr BROWNS ANO GRAYS Hiidfleld hlM hint i - i with lh that Hit- luiiirr "III md have i. lian,,' Ill Neil- - llut eiilmldelell Komi elluuxll. to hit Ilu' hall un, I thus spoil Hn al Inn, wliu wax Ii - Hi Hu iili.n, t'ullfoi Tin- While Sox have Flmu'd Sunt (,., j ,y. 'Seventy-Fiv- e to One in Favo. Arrival of Chicago AniericansiSignal Service Rendered by Late eil the followlim mi lliiill, It tt'llü ' Inn! hren , , ,,. ,. A 1(1 In- I IholiKht Hint Ihe Ulelinrv ...... '...... i..!,,!.. 'iirk ham, with ill nf, , hi ll'l IP III1. KPSIlt. w . m. Looked to With Inspector oí argot Practice TODAY eoilHl II ,ii; u r (nr., .w v. .i ')u.- v. t v Forward MEET filled Ne.ihui Inuki'd like ii wurlil . u n n Mrs! . Mummer Jue funtillun lum derided Uih'i. tenin play. With in lii WIef for a lime nuil lítete, t play M L..USI INIilllS RaclpHnll finiTlP tel est by Pacific Coast Fans, Recognized Emphatic Fas- nut tu mailt Ihe denuiiulH uf nny nfjoi ie mil, Ihe hil and run Ilu1 neiiMiill of Itflll) He fell oí. lltteinpled. hiH liiild-nii- t W'iihIiIiiuIuii phiyri'H. ot S, A, U. anü A, A, 0, hion hy Mr, Roosevel In IiIn pluilini In I HOT though, mul In, on hat KaiifiiiH City will havr outlaw Thai Hie hiltter deeldr ."vvsmlna nnd were jjhen ll hll it (lly Morning Juiirnul T.Q:ira ttlrr Barcias Line up Piofoimd Sec- Sloike Will plilee 11 (ilny mul lilve Ihe nIkiiiiI. lie lakes The llltel'Htl.te li'll(lle I'Ya iscn, ST. -- i limire to plinw w hat tin y euuhl do. fur Ihe mull ii llrsl Is ii"iiiK Sail ill l''eh. Willi the Sw uy, luriner uraiitrd tu cure, lili il hsulllU'ly ll?y Mernlng Jiu.ri.itl Spi'.'ial l.eiini'il H'iríl Exiiibition in liei hum, hI, k Inl' lentil there. Jink pltrln-d- llame the ret; Interesting Then .enlmi ume dm, ii un the next hall aiuij arrival of thr "White Sux ''special in I'N- llonlun Niitlonul iiiteher, In pretdileiit every WasiiiiiKiun. f',)i JT. w uy 01 t lio llohlen llnte end ri innlued In Ihe tn help hint mil al Un hall, un niilrlucsoil iiinl utitKetierallrd at l''r.inri--ri- i Na- of Hie h'HKlle. swlus San Monday ninlit ihe sijjna'i r ir,. hy Store fot- Followers of Went. left It III KlVdllrlUII In fill nr II Is. ('unt, the Ko (liiliutr to v r,.i,ri'rd Killer, or llruuklyn, will mult where sliKe of the si. Santa seas,, n in California, v. Ill he un- till, hill liml hut lie (il ul eil nil - Catcher Inst, ml ul the hasr l imner slurlli.R , ,.,, Comm.'. nder sin.s, th, in w i inn m;i tional Sport, Hril"ll. with Ir hla nderw. A)i,nr ( ,,ask,.M ,,..;,, t In fin I, he wax pKihnlily laud the onil, remain-- , lilued I,, tin. der way, althouMh Hir 1'ariiirs roasi ,,f halt h'i'lih, .Mi inrsnta, the e,unl tu the tnik. fur hn he I'lUIIIIIIllllU.-- : thr He luis limn turned nver In Newark ''"WI! tn delrllt at tin' - 111 ' lint Kiiii,! ellounh ful' LoillxV le. to halt simply lllKsed ll,,. IrilKlle will lint cumulen,',' its I'.'ifu- prrsid, .it has s' 11 sneehll r P urn 1. ci il It In heilllisr hv llruiiklyii ii uiuln tumi A - U hi1 n wild. After Swiiiu liui mIbii, The mail ni hut unes HiiiiiikIi IninilH of Hie ll.u(tierniu Athletic .M.ii'rh SO. illllll oil tile SUhi.rl. ir.11,1.' I'llhlle I'.'- 'I'his nil, ! at 2 :li'l oil 111,' liar-ela- s nhi'tn -- - ll. lar nrhrdulr of i.r:i,'s until - ."- ,ls-"N'l- t mi Antiulcer iii.iH- "... w... w .ilxsllily i h wim "I. Stork, ', l. ri; ith his end of Ihe piny and ,., hefnre a In n,' and nl ushisllo Sex will he at iii.i;lit. tn Srrrrtiiry Nrwhnry. The li, hi the iul Hrays will V. f'elder tur lililí, The White nnl llmrii were litlllnetl ut Ihe 1'lri.l ion tnlHses hltllim the hall. luise--hal- - inid-wint- Hill H rruwd uf funs at the Arnimv lust hy a (h lrKition nf local mrmuiiinilun. meet fur the fourth num.- Sf titv u Cnnrtncy. furmi r uh. A ..I' 1: ( ilslU HI,, .11,1 his work In ..I.,.,v l,ls hid mil,'' luse House, w J7. e.?'irM-tiu- Tluit untie nf the ' Nil, .1,1 1111,1 headed hy rrcsideiit J. "White cshiinit'in. srrit s. An intna sting and with Ihe I'IiIIII.'M Mine I As fur lis srlrliee pliirrs u , to Hull l.r. yfuHs Is Hit,. ti "ntler. II lllh Hie lillllle. nil, em tile !ini. of ha.srhiill is pronilsrd as tin. I'JiH, lil.H ,, u nil- - In playinu hnvkelliull Wiis ineertied, Cal. KwlilK of Ihe Coast lnmnr. .M.Klein. - been n Irusrd lu h r hl,y,nfí mh rsta ' t , fel-ir- 1), Na - l.y the fad Hull. the l'i'ui Ji')' Whit.- Sux Nu. I will commence Tu l.r H uf te. nus are evenly matched, hoth hav- nf the Santii Fe men were nut there, - ilcnce In liiletl rol' Ihe In hctwi eu every ineiuher the sillrilt w islirs it ti, ll, ,listil!rt- ing xxuii lirl Sun, and thr uine liciii a pi utrssional practice nil Ihe Sin Kraiicisen rn'oiltnlH Thr pf, williin the oust few weeks. 11,1s 1.0 .1 ll '''''"red lllir. hell, of the ll.'ll lx( I, - )eli vear. (III lierfectl lu,. I! Iv un, tin- navy r, Kulu- a u hitx'C fur was ii disu pimi Tuesday while tram No. will proceed rsLuod that .Manager l'adilla claims to S".'4. ut lint Spritms Rettlin; into st.iiid,oiii distinct Hi IdiiiR Hveruirc hut hutted inilv (..irriidy City unce tn tu gn In In tiuns xx, not cha ucnl ,,r am, ml, d In st ini;l hennl his team niatrrially ...... 11 11 I 'lllil In Ihe crowd. The Ancient at l.ns Anudes ir Inn ' t l.. llliu lti..L In Coin- - ,nUB ' Inst t rn n i ijr. nrder to einihle him t" api nint since Its last appearance hut declined . ..m..'m':.,"'T : I v v ...... vv i Is uf '"'.vs. huwevcr, weir tpime tn the ' ...... veteraiiH whohaie Ke iltecmrk nltcher inspector of tar - lust night to uly,. nut his line-u- II "' , , , Hi the ciiHlrrn iniiinlrr Sims, lair ...... i s .., v i,.:,.m. ..mi. mul fi.iiKtit Imek nil time, hut; The llrsl i;atne helweeii ,,, ,,, .... v,r ,, - ils inalia-:,'- !' mm, l n Fi a m nine will (ret to riunniaiul the hitlth believed the xxlhy Harelas uusriitru I'" I i v - i,,,, un f the lit ii Inn. The Irani ami the Sun Isrn i,rarti,r. , i ... are Scvhnl. I. Schretk. M '( ii II . a u attain nliiv with thai team lino n Halves twenty- - next Friday. I'he ship .Minnesota. Thr pr, siih ul h is a surprise up his slrcxe for the ColllliS, Ci,lll!ltlitl M- i- ecu- ,1, .serllun that he will , iMiur p.a.ven of plne,l Chicas. l.elim the Alliell, (III leuuue IV, or, for l"f. ltlllT, i, men neiweeu sinii.lx ihsir, h, loir haxlici office to llrow ns. The Mr, mus will line up 7 lie.-- live minutes caen and only succeeded sipiails will .'iiiernaie III, Hill, ll H .1 ' II ll II. mul r. lire from haseliall. Willis has , flisl has, il e lllr hamie I'll krllllfc. Niclllilin I r, as Clnimhers. ciitehei'i ile- Several In makliiK une jminl, un, thai un a l.ns Angeles ami San Francisco plu make practical ir mi ilion of Coin fulhius: 111 H '"III Ul' huldliiK "in for tnnre inunrv. ,1 i ulltpniirll pl I'MII piled up n tin tongue tennis of man. Sims' really invaluable M.r-li- c íble, pllchcr: (Irahain. lirst base; I foul K"iil. while Ihe locals Kiilnst cuasi l.r I in-'- Weeks ait'l Willis clltrilct , CIcm land un, - "" liuhul -, i Sac-fo- y in Furnish, srennd base; Allen. third II' hlssi.l- - .seventy-liv- e polnls. thiowiiiK lliirly- Sat) l''ra and Oakland and s ilitriim Die past seven ais Ira-hi.- jfioin I'resldent lirrvl'iiss ilxinu ca.l, haviiiK had .evil. I. (Mil TIVATINfi RI IMNESS unís I'uul K'uils. Altogether there will he 22 np a system of mimicry In; Curium. sliurtstnp; lloherls, V lisull ul $1.100. Held mul tu'Veii ranicnto. huihlinu .,,1 It, e Initial Much ivrllllivr uf nu'lll " for Ihe rumlin; si Dexine mul Mule In uuthold. Is wants They could have almost ilmihled the k.iiiich in S.m Franciscn anil Oakland Ihe I'nited Slut,- navy uhirh has won the pus!-I- I, (te refused to sIkii. It said he V liu hav e h, i ll nhlltcl In that line-u- mul same in l.ns Angeles, eux wuincii nmsl take this liijiinc- - r, out). Vrietidx of Willis say he mild scire hail they desired. The Ihe number for our seamen an tini,iuc and ill fur 11 few Rallies Us thr result nf fat n. to ( ilna.lii. II, If y m he Jl.Mlii and tin v thi and summary nf the name follow: r. putalimi us tuarksim which Ihiuscvch Invilcl a, hi, h Hlill't. ui lu heart tin want hiisinn for i( l,h uts h in erssilulrd a not hy ,ii, Santa I'V - MrConnrll. Cetiler; Villi has mad" possible rnoidili in I. it h. 27. w Hyle Inr the new modes will (inure will he seiiired the li'T. W'ushiimtnn, l'i Ft'cinirr Clevelioul luid Hickman. Keli urtir. til- drape over a fat titule. llutKc nuil tlildri'.slreve. furwnrds; tintr at luus raime hitherto iiiulr. a Kobhnr; and Minister uf I'uhlie Work" Can- un, I St, nail In ll.'ll, Sluiiill mul ( ra , , I Ihe tat has yot to tome oil (pilchix M,,,,,.,. I , ,1, mils. Franklin iiml Keith, guards; ndull. NEW AMBASSADOR ed and i nornioii' ly inn as, our l!o belts uf Mariltobn, throuKli II"' ):,,-in- n n and Lister ,.. ,,r 11,1s. in r.nid. Slovall Iil.,.,.l I..., ami suhstiiule, el'l ieirliex Aruliral) cupsul at Winnipeg tmlax' tl,'ln ,1 hasehall lean, huí , lit ll lit! M.n.lll, III, k tila II anil no uns only une can he'ih peinh Tl"'i '.''."''"y, C-- - Wiueh-y- I.I'. i to A. A. Skinner mind "I am liiiil ili. il by ofi'h ers. in. hid- I OI ISe C It ill upon. ( illellui- - I,,,,, illllll, 'II limine I'ictz of 'Incini.ull Xlrlldnl I'residrllt all Him hm.iii in Unix. Hi, Inst Im, uiih .'..i,l lire ' for- - , unilin; srn-.c- i liter; W. llallis and McMillin. ing Admiral We ir.x i ili hi . "in lo In In Iiuv. fat woman who wants lu iiiuiiukc tluit eluli lor the ' illation hunt bis mime the helm: In first nn account of The . , , I, 11. mía ds. mil .... r Id wards; Hales ami I.enihke, p.. wee Is now at least five xx In n turps Willi', l"U lll-- l HllKHIi; K"W11 llllisi man- sun. I'lei...i...... whs a in,' ' FRQm I'Uhtlni; of Multiloba, he n Jlll l, I,' S, .lull ,, 1,1 A . IV- VI. to UriiKK -l when Chi der I'll KOUIs .. - ...lues, tlm nit xxns hefnre nnr It,, in I, ,1 w il h an immediate trio Inr si l.eiils team linns Ki'cater his African trip, Wif hlnclon .Jal off I'lll a - II; Skiniiner. tl : .McMllllu. I'l. VIk BO hy Coin ma ml r and ruse ul Marinóla lrt'i.erii- ,,w cluh. rainiin; was Iinproxe.l ( I I w i;rt ' ned the "ai I., i, lid al'i In Hull hil'' Jake uní Tahleis, which will cust lur iihinit I. Sania F, - None. Intuí, Ainu- - Urn last year 1, U -. situs' methods, wtlliiu 4 ulli-i- ( lili Ive I ill Ii, "I Ho 11 In .', : I . II Steamers hi Stall) mid cents. Saul udtiii'-- ; in, r, as- - Slill I'llllforlll I'ileller. i i laimie. our rapldlty m Hill t Hi, A III.'., r i, n,. uf Ho se e.ieli on al lli, Feh. Since Inn, Luían. Taknnt alter 7 - I I Alhiuiueriine Foul K'.als. i. S;...t., . RoOSOVClt Marseilles. 27. Tit t ""i'l , , 1) vrlaipi, s h c her Hen prCS)t0t ÍUKI LllVOVL,, ,re II... per . . . . , ,, . Cl. Feh. than .. i ...... a I,'...... in, I, . . lie . Villi- ,l'Ali;i,ir. inhuund fruir. Aim''''. "'.' ""' ' - i r.,.,...... tu this, his spt Hienilusinu-l- l ,nun,I u. "In athliliuii cialt.v. i '"'"'e w ll hlll'B or to Ex nil id tuday a e X"x ha o Led oil lust tul ' A pleasant followed the from Southern Republic , rd with Ihe sti 'in j,l.,v h even case .lay was pmvluisril and sinned hy til v.rv dance has Ie n lari'rly nst i une lila by nn.., I" si,,;;, lore the llrsl I. nais, for ii'.' tl." .Nat ,,,, ,,. ., 1 1 , milhunnt tlert.i:. Tin ls, used no. It Is n. mux neiieiaiiu t 'te Vi la nd nail eiiin. ne nus change Coidial Expiession his rrromnirlniat nets, hi m pr, i ie H.e thill., I, An, lei soli, Chase, Mut iarit s In- d'Almer sunk hefnre r. n. hi: li ilrli,;httul can winning ll". nini-ot-u- that sic Raines for Stniktun. Hie lieslmi oí our partir Tivi, cr.-- il li .1 Stnhl lnie I,. en III, New Velll liud fur such 1 imiiskei I'liiM i'". In Omi.liu. wharf. of the were hilled , uhlainril witlunil harm of Fiicndship, Hi in hriiimue; alorl thr ,l,f;nit, I I. RU.IIil'all-- While I.US .,1 . 'I'he Nixi rnais was not scriuiisly til .Or Prtluit small sum hut Hun. I.ul I omiih i, N'rb Feb. Charles all-hi- leinils In Neil i.ik. adilili.'n of our lu xv type uf le II Tul mi Hick ui.t n, j Is than tlrtnm. .. , ... of Hi" Chican A inerien il C it". all Can. siranipr TN w .,.M, t'nniiskev I ' hv (,(,. I MM.,,,1,, v andllu.-s-- l Tr-- t ll." ''' ' "I lahhts ..., ,,.. nil nf hi" players " - has, bill learn with Mrnillu jrimi sue. Inl lei.sf.l Wlr I - ii, I ,n, An- " .ouisrll. eillur nn." . t f.,r sprlnc F-- shell, lio!. ,li. ll, .hue un, "'. ,. HtH V , ,, mute l.ns Ang les h 27 mill. .. vi i., i .nt i. i ie ii in i:ie eeui ', washuiton. I', c. ',v- - "'" "' s ,"''1 hy T. I!. I'cll of missed throuKh Oiii.ihu ut' (ri, nd.siiip ,,n I, GIANT BULGARIAN WRESTLER ,!""1 !,,,. Ir,,,,, u.iv druKmst. Th, v made rciment nrmr. ' ,ssi,,iis nth CI Ii. . n i op, , -- Main today. l,,,e,i has .llh'.l ni tu in"' ,xa, t n m da me Willi Ho- famuli x,.w Vmk. .1.'d the runnel their special v,,,. , Imraet, .he presetitnt ion - ll I, ,lc M I ...ilia has l"'ll eonlelil h M ., , m 1. Cl'.-se- h.lloll and ""'''- . , ShalTfll Of Columbia I'lllVel'- - today to resident of Semu' Don 1 the - .11 ',, - r- I. Is M il, h rn r.mi II i. ml ..... iml have any 4 Santa F,. X . Feb. 2á. !. w- joles ni. il hy - Flaiu is I. de la llalla, the le N,u, I; k, Notice Is hi rol, y trivcll Unit 1'rae- a I'.. X anihass.olor to the I'nile.l Stales. -- -- tinlial Townslllu ,i. Ill N. K. Hairy Ii,,, S ,. (. ., u ,,, ,,,,y ,,, u 1 Al Ml l:lV; I H IN "T 111'. !IISI,I.M k KU m nor nllIK ,,' .. M, I'. .11 Will he i n for entry on l.y .Secretary i.nrra s.ioi t !,';- -- !!, ll,, I I. Al!-- l, Ulll.ll' lil ti,htl,io AllliV lili MIIKI HIIITllil' tt.M' xl "ll'IIMT April his n., i riimnil anil peoule nave me . 111 IM K I,m had ni. tin u lists. Mil It IN AMI HI K ol t.K'l ir. AMI lib W MA.M'Kl. K t'TKKil. ill, artiest u isles fur the distant au-- I. ami" S' I'"'' oil, l"i i, nan. Islfl'S IS 1 Nsl HI'ASSI M. IMI'l lt. m; l l:!ll l S I I Ml' .V.V I'l ll llemslet. ... f ,i in mii.'í. w hue M ollui ,1 I IMHIV, l' I'l.M- - TON. Ml.tOMs V. II. II A II N VIIIIH MlT.l.KU. !.:rratll, ss is .cll, llK tt. He elver. Slaps, "whose all H.iiiii'i, tl,,r, in I', el ....i oí i u ic I'iioni; ti. i j and a stimulant and f,,r thr i h ipiCiiess ,, il,,. . ininriit statrsnian. its ,r, si.h nt. f.iitlifnl i pri rula ii e UKHL1AL INAI 1UINAL LL.ALUt. i)CHLUULL, lyuy ,,r thr manly and liiüli hai arter ,d pie." i A l CI, i, At Bt. I.ouls the Aninirali t W Al I'l, Ip u. i VI i. iti n. S. lIK I'illsfuiiM Th, a mb.iss.idur said: ' ' ' I ' !"!"'-'- !". '" n . xi,.. i i i X,i :.. .T M-- i 21 vv '" I. e,' : 6 '' '"'"' " " " "II is not a x,,in pin. sr. ii.i hi i,., .'. 14 '' '' ..... I - ', '. J.V , 1,1, - ALL ..... i J. .inr x:. i .n.ii '' k", WV , a- -, s like th- ,u s, nl. that h ;..'- ' " ' '; " ' " ' '" " ."::' .... " ""'' " - uruis h.s uf th,- ...... le and ' . ,r n.. I. is . , , .. - -- Xpr ; - i.' Xf. il i,. V" t ll 12 14. ti. " June u.,v,.,.,. ,,f M, i. t.. m ,k ,,ii.-s- -ss i ;v THE ;, ,;. i v,.-- V;;; v v. s v :;.;'.' ... - l.lti lis lift i tie two .ouetl'lrs I ' . t XI I I I ".lyS - ,, ' I - V" M,. .:.'!.:, '.. is. 'I s Si.h ti- said ,,lv that he - . í x, ,.IIJl.i'. j', -" ) Thr I'l, " SI - ' LATEST i,,ix .i..i. j.. it A. m s - tl . t , - . .:. s. p i:. .... -. I ",.,1 is), t!., m- J i ; 'i,,t pi. ml. ...i s ,,, it i. ,( . ;: x,m i: n s. ,u s s. ,.i si ml .lis. ; , . ",, i, r. ..sims m ... t :.v "t V.xi.n mil mi I ' i' i. -- .1 - .p,,., .. Í .' ; V, ;r , 1 ". '". v;: :. v , . .,V :r , local Z -. ,v- ;r,,r ,. - - ! ; ... ,. s : . I .. ,1 s.p, I ., S o ... " t" ...i-'- to !.... - p.-- .., ... 7 )... of ,.,,.,! r. and I v , ,., v,..- . 'in. his b.i'.I . ' ' V V, ' xVi 1'. . t w ,,11.1 - ' ", , )' "1 i',;' I:' 'i'..'- .' a:' Max M ish f..r 'i,s w,i,,,n- hnp- ."' " - SPORTING s " " 5 1.. II , "; x -. t " ' ' Srpi Is y ', ,, s 4 ' t. "" .,;,.ss. ji j "i " ''I" , ' I I' M.. " The sail , X,, I, ,'. M.v s X,r J. SI V..V ip,. ' ' I I "' - .1 ,; ,, .. , J, . .... I : th.- r. pit'd a n r J,; 's, , ; ,..") i, I,, 1, ... k s... NEWS in. ''I. 'For " i. ' V,K K ' " ' 'a ...... - " 21 .( S. pt S .'.l '1 s' ,,wn the Ani,'l','ii p. haxe ' I - . 2." x,.- . - I 27 a r. a..r l.'k- - in- .. , . .. , s,- I ;v .:. M. p, .2 rwrha.l ...ihai - . xi., Mux I, i; is M. ' . .: xl . - -' f- -r , - i,.-- ,iS on- - s 9. I" ,. i.luiir in-- J.,...- IN THIS .1. s, t'i.'!.! H- i- j'J ,". ", si - -. I, ,,i,,,is ami lik. lib -- t.- ";' ll x.. ., sv. . . '. ; s i' ' ' lei ;., i s. ut i, ; ..! Am sl s. pt !' .i ..f t.s.e.ire.s an.l tia.le ,v,' ... , x - 'X .1 ixpr 1.. - ' (1 T,.,;,.i - , , xt, . M I. VI ,. .. .. XI,. - SI . '"'M..x X,e 1" strul'B ' '1 " ' '.' " ' ,'. - ',-- . i , . .. 1'. ... .1 U I. i. XI. l.,' M.x PAPR ... ,.f tl- - .1.. I. . Jib .,.,. .,i, while like aims ' lux . 17 I p. ' . - 21 ss ;t s.,. s.., . a'.1," " ' m i o s..v. uts f..r t he ,,,.. rr..s. U. I ., , ' 1 ' ' . .,. ,..v ! I ., M a,. ,i : I ' ,' "' I' .4n.l ot r.pnh'.i- Ik,v i r l'4i M. i,...r,..i .a.i.p., r i'l- p.ri'v i',,ro. the :.. I.J..., I I ... I'x p. ."I I'x I.. i" i of Vni-- ri, ,i lax, .intl'.l l!n rni-.- - . ' ' "' ' " ,f ( ... -- I- u I . M'' '' " ", t.UMl .ui.l.M.- H il I 1 Vi in...,-:.- t.. I'a'.i '- f. n.i V, 'I' "' K Al; .41 ' " ,M ' is i V - ": '' .1 .. . , u V.o,. ..t i 1 " " wt , , j ... . S- ,,.-- u Hir,ilnin-- tn nuiur Kniiiiii-- '') 7.7 ii . .. .. m T' .. '" m í nn-- - A1.I-,.- t. .. .. I.' . ... tii .4 h. YL'ó.r 'MAHMOUT - ictirnii " . ' i F " it!i. In i,. li t tí i V t : 'll' r K ,e ' ' ..... 6ir-- e in An some t,vs b'g xrrr.t'-- - " " I it eivj' feci time aa. Si'lj;ni ic ,, i . ' MMtt iz A 11 .... .'t iti Mi.iiKili.n !!n' ni yi " h- - co-t- s tl - & "ct c t match .irrl ,s cred one of ti e liftt f2re;;- vresders . i. t - nf nnr ttunt r - e ' v- cou'dtry. ti-- he is i i. ' 'N' " 'N 'S'""--' " ' - t,v ".'o ': :"d t,s C'cí st'.'derts cf gi'.'e dcc''S '' I' lltcte is f. It ".n.i! xAOrthy foe Gotch. tne w.irid ' champion. - ' ' U..- ' r Frank - . - " '',',..- peí . 11.1,