Mechanisms of nitrogen deposition effects on temperate lichens and trees 1,2, 3 4 5 6 THERESE S. CARTER , CHRISTOPHER M. CLARK, MARK E. FENN, SARAH JOVAN, STEVEN S. PERAKIS, 7 8 9 10 JENNIFER RIDDELL, PAUL G. SCHABERG, TARA L. GREAVER, AND MEREDITH G. HASTINGS

1US Global Change Research Program, ICF Contractor, 1800 G Street NW, Suite 9100, , D.C. 20006 USA 2Department of Chemistry, Brown University, 324 Brook Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02912 USA 3US EPA, Office of Research and Development, Global Change Research Group, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington, D.C. 20460 USA 4USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, 4955 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside, 92507 USA 5USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 620 SW Main Street, Portland, 97205 USA 6US Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA 7Sustainable Technology Program, Mendocino College, 1000 Hensley Creek Road, Ukiah, California 95482 USA 8USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 705 Spear Street S, Burlington, Vermont 05405 USA 9National Center for Environmental Assessment, US Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711 USA 10Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences, Institute at Brown for Environment and Society, Brown University, 324 Brook Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02912 USA

Citation: Carter, T. S., C. M. Clark, M. E. Fenn, S. Jovan, S. S. Perakis, J. Riddell, P. G. Schaberg, T. L. Greaver, and M. G. Hastings. 2017. Mechanisms of nitrogen deposition effects on temperate forest lichens and trees. Ecosphere 8(3):e01717. 10.1002/ecs2.1717

Abstract. We review the mechanisms of deleterious nitrogen (N) deposition impacts on temperate for- ests, with a particular focus on trees and lichens. Elevated anthropogenic N deposition to has varied effects on individual organisms depending on characteristics both of the N inputs (form, timing, amount) and of the organisms (ecology, physiology) involved. Improved mechanistic knowledge of these effects can aid in developing robust predictions of how organisms respond to either increases or decreases in N depo- sition. Rising N levels affect forests in micro- and macroscopic ways from physiological responses at the cellular, tissue, and organism levels to influencing individual species and entire communities and ecosys- tems. A synthesis of these processes forms the basis for the overarching themes of this paper, which focuses on N effects at different levels of biological organization in temperate forests. For lichens, the mechanisms of direct effects of N are relatively well known at cellular, organismal, and community levels, though inter- actions of N with other stressors merit further research. For trees, effects of N deposition are better under- stood for N as an acidifying agent than as a nutrient; in both cases, the impacts can reflect direct effects on short time scales and indirect effects mediated through long-term soil and belowground changes. There are many gaps on fundamental N use and cycling in ecosystems, and we highlight the most critical gaps for understanding potential deleterious effects of N deposition. For lichens, these gaps include both how N affects specific metabolic pathways and how N is metabolized. For trees, these gaps include understanding the direct effects of N deposition onto forest canopies, the sensitivity of different tree species and mycor- rhizal symbionts to N, the influence of soil properties, and the reversibility of N and acidification effects on plants and soils. Continued study of how these N response mechanisms interact with one another, and with other dimensions of global change, remains essential for predicting ongoing changes in lichen and tree populations across North American temperate forests.

Key words: acidification; eutrophication; forests; lichens; mechanism of effect; nitrogen deposition; trees.

❖ 1 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL.

Received 25 September 2016; revised 19 January 2017; accepted 20 January 2017. Corresponding Editor: Debra P. C. Peters. Copyright: © 2017 Carter et al. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. E-mail: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION Trees, the dominant life form in forests, can also be sensitive to excess N, whether alone, or in con- Historically, nitrogen (N) supply to most ter- cert with other air pollutants such as acidic sulfur restrial and aquatic ecosystems was low relative (S) deposition and ozone (O3) exposure. A recent to organismal demands, but anthropogenic influ- study found that of the 24 dominant species ences on the N cycle have greatly elevated reac- across a 19-state area in the northeastern United tive N (Nr) inputs from atmospheric deposition States (U.S.), three showed a net negative growth over pre-industrial levels. During the last half response to N deposition and eight showed a century, the production of Nr by humans has reduced probability of survival (Thomas et al. outstripped that by the natural world (Galloway 2010). Trees are also inextricably linked to the et al. 2003). From 1860 to the early 1990s, land- health of another sensitive life form, lichens, by use change decreased the natural terrestrial pro- serving as the substrate on which they grow and duction of N by 15% (from 120 Tg N/yr to ~107 by altering local N deposition via capture of aero- Tg N/yr), while anthropogenic production of Nr sols, gases, cloudwater, and precipitation. Lichens increased tenfold (from ~15 Tg N/yr to ~156 Tg and trees also provide a variety of ecosystem ser- N/yr; Galloway et al. 2004). Much of this addi- vices to society. Epiphytic lichens are an impor- tional Nr (in both reduced and oxidized forms) tant source for nesting material for many species has accumulated in the environment as natural of birds; they provide key winter forage for spe- processes for converting Nr back to unreactive cies such as caribou, rabbit, and vole; and they are N2 gas were unable to keep pace with human used by various native cultures for medicinal production of Nr (Galloway et al. 2003). properties and are increasingly being studied by The accumulation of Nr from anthropogenic Western medicine for their pharmacological prop- sources impacts both ecosystems and humans erties (Brodo et al. 2001, Rankovic 2015). Forest (Compton et al. 2011), with disproportionately trees also provide habitat for many species of large impacts because one atom of Nr can cascade game and non-game animals, substrate for nest- through the environment in different molecular ing material of many bird species, timber for fire- forms, potentially affecting the atmosphere, ter- wood and commercial production, carbon (C) restrial, aquatic, and estuarine ecosystems, and sequestration, climate and water regulation, as human health (Galloway et al. 2003). Reactive N well as various medicinal uses by traditional cul- is often limiting in terrestrial systems, and this N tures (MEA 2005, USDA FEIS 2016). scarcity matters for Nr responses. In fact, terres- To better understand the impacts of increased N trial organisms and communities are often deposition on temperate forests, this paper adapted to low N and have responded to this via reviews the underlying mechanisms at the cellular, a diversity of N acquisition strategies, including individual, and community or ecosystem levels of the efficient retention and recycling of N among organization, which determine how N deposition biota and new, but often limited, N inputs from affects species within forested ecosystems. We fixation. While many effects of N on aquatic sys- focus here on temperate forests, and while some of tems result from non-point sources of N (e.g., the mechanisms may be general, tropical (Huang from fertilizers), N deposition to landscapes can et al. 2015, Chen et al. 2016, Li et al. 2016a)and also have a variety of effects on terrestrial sys- boreal (Fleischer et al. 2015, Binkley and Hogberg tems, including nutrient imbalances in leaf tissues 2016) forests are not covered here. Throughout, (Schaberg et al. 2002), changes in plant commu- the degree of observed response to N will be a nity composition (Stevens et al. 2010, Simkin et al. function of N status, the status of other nutrients 2016), and soil acidification (McNulty et al. 2007). (e.g., P, Ca), and other ecosystem factors such as

❖ 2 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL. stand age and composition. We focus on trees and pollutant affecting U.S. forests as a direct toxicant, 2À on lichens that live on trees (epiphytes) and rocks sulfate (SO4 ) deposition does greatly contribute (epiliths); though, some of these mechanisms are along with N deposition to acidification. Accumu- 2À relevant to other forest life forms such as the lated SO4 in soils is a legacy of much higher S understory herbaceous or shrub layer and, to a les- deposition in past decades and continues to affect ser extent, epiphytic vines and herbs. Many of soils and watersheds in certain areas of the eastern these mechanisms and responses also apply to United States (Rice et al. 2014 and references bryophytes (e.g., mosses and liverworts) such as therein). When considering the effects of chronic N competition for light (Van der Wal et al. 2005), and deposition, integration of responses to multiple we refer the reader elsewhere for syntheses of N factors is needed because ecosystems respond to cycling and deposition effects on bryophytes the totality of environmental stressor exposure (Soares and Pearson 1997, Turetsky 2003). Our rather than to just individual factors. focus on epiphytic and epilithic lichens reflects Nitrogen is an essential biological macronutri- their utility as bioindicators of air quality in for- ent, and N limitation in terrestrial ecosystems ests; bryophytes can also be used as bioindicators broadly constrains primary production (LeBauer (Mitchell et al. 2004). Lichens are particularly sen- and Treseder 2008). Accordingly, increases in N sitive to air quality because they have no roots and availability typically increase the productivity take up water, solutes, and gases over their entire and growth of some tree species, with cascading thallus surface (unlike other epiphytic plants), so effects that often increase total forest C sequestra- they subsist almost entirely on atmospheric mois- tion. Recent syntheses of N effects on boreal and ture and nutrients (Hauck 2010, Jovan et al. 2012). temperate sites indicate aboveground stimula- These lichens are more likely to suffer certain tion ranging from 25 to 61 kg C/kg N (Thomas acidification effects than higher plants because et al. 2010, Butterbach-Bahl et al. 2011, Pinder the plant leaf cortex and endogenous polyamines et al. 2013), with broad evidence for increases in (organic compounds that contain at least two soil C storage in organic horizons, although min- amino acids) may act as a barrier to the direct eral soil changes are more difficult to detect (Liu effects of acidic deposition (Pirintsos et al. 2009) and Greaver 2010). unlike in lichens. Our focus on trees reflects their While increased N deposition in forests stimu- dominant role as the defining structural and func- lates growth of some species, N availability in tional attributes of forests, and in connections to excess of biological needs has also been associ- other ecosystems and global processes that regu- ated with reduced productivity and increased late biodiversity, climate, and other ecosystem mortality (e.g., Aber et al. 1998). It is this latter services (Fenn et al. 1998, MEA 2005). circumstance of negative consequences that is the The N cycle to varying degrees also shapes focus of our review. cycles of other essential macronutrients like phos- phorus (P), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg), so OVERVIEW OF NMECHANISMS AFFECTING increasing N can affect other cycles (Perakis et al. TREES AND LICHEN 2006, Vitousek et al. 2010). Furthermore, natural systems vary in their ambient N availability, which The mechanisms by which N deposition affects contextualizes their responses to Nr, and when Nr lichens and trees display both similarities and is added to systems with high N, more immediate differences. Bobbink et al. (2010) identified four negative effects may be observed (Fenn et al. main mechanisms through which N deposition 1998). When discussing the effects of N on ecosys- affects terrestrial ecosystems: direct toxicity, tems, it is also important to keep in mind the ways changes in plant–species interactions because of in which other pollutants such as S and O3 deposi- more bioavailable N compounds and eutrophica- tion, and other environmental stressors like climate tion, soil-mediated impacts of acidification, and change, may affect similar systems or act synergis- increased susceptibility to secondary stressors. tically with N on already-stressed plants. Ozone is Competitive interactions between and among a widespread phytotoxic pollutant and contributes lichen, herb, and tree species also play a role in to widespread harm in U.S. forests (Karnosky et al. biodiversity loss—mediated by increasing bio- 2007). While sulfur dioxide (SO2)isnotamajor mass of nitrophilic species that leads to shading

❖ 3 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL. and light competition (Fenn et al. 2003a, Hauck symbiotic partners, and their joint life form, and Wirth 2010, Johansson et al. 2012, Munzi respond to increasing N deposition. In the Mech- et al. 2014). anism of Effect section below, we review recent The central mechanism affecting lichens is literature detailing the ways in which N deposi- direct toxicity from Nr gases and aerosols (both tion directly and indirectly affects lichen species, oxidized and reduced forms of Nr, explained in and in the Research Gaps section, we have identi- more detail below) and, to a lesser extent, fied areas in which further work could improve changes in species interactions. Because lichens our understanding of mechanisms of effects from consist of symbiotic relationships between fungi the cell to the ecosystem. and algae or cyanobacteria, it is also important to determine how the symbiotic partners respond differently to increasing N deposition. Cyanobac- Mechanism of effect teria, sometimes called blue-green algae, are At the tissue and cellular level—physiological prokaryotic organisms, while green algae are responses.—Under natural conditions, lichens eukaryotic, potentially leading to different mech- show a high efficiency for simultaneous uptake anisms of effect for the symbiotic partners (see of both oxidized and reduced N species. How- Fig. 1 and “Lichen” sections for more detail). ever, when lichen species were exposed to N con- The primary mechanisms through which N centrations in excess of their needs, reduced N deposition affects trees are mostly soil-mediated; was taken up more efficiently than oxidized spe- though, some evidence suggests that aerial imp- cies (Hauck 2010). Thus, it has been argued that acts, secondary factors, and competition also reduced N is a more important N source than contribute (Bobbink et al. 2010, Thomas et al. oxidized species (Hogan et al. 2010a). While it is 2010). Such mechanisms can include acidification indeed likely that lichens respond to multiple effects like base cation depletion and aluminum forms of Nr, Hogan et al. (2010a) reported that + (Al) toxicity, or eutrophication effects, or both. lichens take up ammonium (NH4 ) more quickly Importantly, soils can display wide natural varia- than oxidized forms, which indicates that the tion in background N availability and buffering responses of lichens to Nr pollution may depend capacity, even in relatively small geographic on the relative abundance of oxidized and areas (Hynicka et al. 2016) that determine which reduced Nr species (Hogan et al. 2010a and refer- mechanisms of effects may occur (Clark et al. ences therein). Multiple studies have also shown + 2007). Soils also differ among regions, wherein that lichens are very sensitive to NH4 concentra- regional differences in water balance or under- tions, which can affect their ability to assimilate lying geology modulate the extent of soil acidifi- C, and that the proportion of atmospheric depo- cation (Fenn et al. 1998, Grulke et al. 1998). sition as reduced N in the United States is Increased susceptibility to secondary stressors increasing (Du et al. 2014, Li et al. 2016b). (e.g., low or high temperatures, low moisture At the tissue and cellular level, it is commonly availability, and insect herbivory), and changes thought that the ability of lichens to tolerate high in ratios between above- and belowground net Nr depends on whether they can provide enough + primary production are other important mecha- C skeletons to quickly convert NH4 into amino nisms through which N deposition can alter tree acids, thus avoiding the buildup of toxic + health and productivity (Grulke et al. 1998, Fenn amounts of free NH4 but incurring a metabolic et al. 2003a, b, see Fig. 1 and “Tree” sections for cost (Hauck 2010; Fig. 1.1.3). Consistent with this more information). idea, Hauck and Wirth (2010) showed that shade-adapted lichens, which are mainly found MECHANISM OF EFFECT FROM ATMOSPHERIC in N-poor environments, respond poorly to DEPOSITION ON LICHENS eutrophication (Hauck and Wirth 2010). They suggest that low light leads to lower photosyn- Background thetic production of C skeletons critical for effi- Because lichens consist of symbiotic relation- cient N assimilation (Fig. 1.1.2). ships between fungi and algae or cyanobacteria, Depending on the species (Johansson et al. it is important to determine how the individual 2011, Paoli et al. 2015) and certain climate factors,

❖ 4 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL.

Fig. 1. Conceptual diagram of the effects of nitrogen deposition on epiphytic lichens and trees. Major areas of effect are separated by straight lines clockwise for lichen (1.1–1.6), for leaf and aboveground tissues (2.1–2.8), and for belowground tissues and processes (3.1–3.7). For lichen, included in the diagram are a decline in the number of carbon skeletons from acidification of photosynthetic pigments (1.1) and reduced light levels from nearby + plant growth (1.2), a fewer number of carbon skeletons reducing the ability to assimilate NH4 leading to an accumulation of this toxic compound (1.3), the magnified effect under drier conditions (1.4), greater membrane leakiness to K of the photobiont and mycobiont (1.5), and possible parasitic attack (1.6). For the leaves and above- ground tissue, the diagram shows foliar leaching of Ca and fixation of Al to the cell wall and/or cell membrane (2.1), subsequent damage to mesophyll cells (2.2), increases in foliar N content (2.3), decreases in foliar Ca content (2.4), reductions in the leaf-level stress response (2.5), changes in the production of polyamines (2.6), increases or decreases in photosynthesis (2.7), and increases in allocation to aboveground biomass (2.8). In the soil is shown acidification through enhanced nitrification (3.1), increased aluminum mobility (3.2), reduction in base cations on the soil exchange sites (pentagon, 3.3), and subsequent loss via leaching of nutrients and base cations (3.4). All of this along with other factors can lead to reductions in the BC:Al ratio in the root (3.5) and reductions in carbon- rich root exudates (3.6) which can affect soil microbial communities, especially for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM)-dominated systems that cannot access complex organic N (3.7). Also listed but not detailed are several other stress factors that can modify the response to trees and/or lichen. Several processes are not included, including modifying factors from P, possible reductions in belowground biomass, and other factors mentioned in the text.

❖ 5 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL. the acidification of pigments from increasing N lichens respond to additional Nr. Increased + À + deposition (in the form of NH4 ,NO3 ,and losses of K were observed with longer exposure organic N) can harm lichens’ photosynthetic abili- and greater dosage of Nr (Riddell et al. 2008; ties and therefore their ability to capture energy Fig. 1.1.5 and 1.1.6). and C (Fig. 1). The acidification of pigments, Phosphorous limitation is another possible which also occurs with exposure to SO2,removes mechanism for the negative effects of excess N the central Mg ion from chlorophyll molecules on lichens. Phosphorus limitation is often deple- (green pigments), creating phaeophytin (non- tion-driven, which means that due to low P photosynthetic) pigments (Fig. 1.1.1). For exam- inputs, cumulative P losses over time (e.g., ero- ple, in a study by Riddell et al. (2008), lichen thalli sion) contribute to a terminal steady state charac- were fumigated with nitric acid, and an increase terized by significant P depletion and limitation in the percentage of phaeophytin pigments was (Vitousek et al. 2010). In an N addition experi- observed from 0% to 65% (wet conditions) or ment, the co-addition of P (using sprayers) 100% (dry conditions). A consequence of this loss enabled lichens characteristic of nutrient-poor of photosynthetic ability is that lichens lose the habitats to tolerate heavy N loads (Pilkington capacity to photosynthesize or fix carbon dioxide et al. 2007). The more recent work of Johansson (CO2) into energy-storing sugars, restricting the et al. (2011) suggested P additions may mitigate ability of both symbiotic partners to carry out or intensify the negative effects of N depending basic metabolic processes like cell repair, growth, on species, symbiont, and their N:P ratio. and reproduction (Riddell et al. 2008). This loss of In simulated N deposition studies (Hogan photosynthetic ability thus limits the amount of C et al. 2010a, Johansson et al. 2010) and N gradi- + skeletons available to assimilate NH4 into other ent studies (Hogan et al. 2010b), increasing N metabolic compounds like proteins. Lichens with was associated with increasing N:P ratios in cyanobacteria as the photobiont may be more sus- lichens, suggesting excess N-induced P limita- ceptible to these effects of acidification (e.g., tion. While the physiological consequences of P decreases in both N fixation and photosynthetic limitation in lichens have not been explored to ability). This is because their reproduction, which the same degree as vascular plants, a general includes both the germination of ascospores and hypothesis is that sufficient P is needed for the abundance and the dispersion of free-living lichens to invest additional N in new photobiont cyanobacteria, is more acid sensitive than green cells (Johansson et al. 2011), thus increasing pho- algae (Hallingback and Kellner 1992). tosynthetic capacity and the provision of C skele- Phaeophytin production increased more tons needed to fix excess N (Palmqvist and rapidly under dry conditions than under more Dahlman 2006). Increasing P supply has been humid ones, suggesting that climate may exacer- shown to greatly increase lichen productivity in bate acidification effects (Riddell et al. 2008). some cases. For instance, one study reported a Lichens in humidified chambers had slower doubling of annual biomass in the cyanolichen declines in their C exchange capacity (net photo- Lobaria pulmonaria after just one application of P synthesis and dark respiration) and fewer decli- (McCune and Caldwell 2009), with additional nes in their chlorophyll content (Riddell et al. work demonstrating that responses to P varied 2008; Fig. 1.1.4). If chlorophyll-bearing cells in with background levels (Marks et al. 2015). Ben- plants were acidified, similar results would likely ner and Vitousek (2007) observed a “bloom” in be seen (Riddell et al. 2008). However, this is less canopy lichens, including both cyanolichen and likely to happen to higher plants than to lichens green algal species, in tropical forests where soil because the plant leaf cortex and endogenous was fertilized by P. In high N environments, polyamines may act as a barrier to the direct studies have shown increased investment in P effects of acidic deposition (Pirintsos et al. 2009). acquisition in both plant and lichen systems via Humidity may have a mitigating influence on increased activity of the enzyme phosphomo- lichens’ abilities to tolerate excess N by allowing noesterase (Hogan et al. 2010a, b). the lichen to repair some of the cellular damage At the individual level.—In N bioindication stud- during the treatment period (Riddell et al. 2008). ies that use lichen communities to estimate N Potassium (K) ion loss is one indicator of how deposition, two or three groups of lichen

❖ 6 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL. indicator species are commonly used: oligo- lichens more susceptible to structural damage trophs (i.e., acidophytes; highly N sensitive), (Johansson et al. 2012). eutrophs (i.e., nitrophytes; highly N tolerant or Most work supports the claim that Nr toxicity “N-loving”), and mesotrophs (species of interme- to lichens mechanisms, and not competitive diate sensitivity; Jovan 2008, Geiser et al. 2010). interactions among lichen, drives the observed Research suggests that oligotrophs have limited losses in lichen biodiversity with added Nr—at + ability to compensate for increased NH4 levels least on the shorter time scales that studies typi- with more C assimilation, while eutrophic cally cover (Johansson et al. 2012). The capacity lichens may actually increase their photosyn- to handle higher levels of Nr does allow specific thetic ability at Nr levels where oligotrophs can- lichen species like Xanthoria parietina and other not survive (Gaio-Oliveira et al. 2005, Hauck eutrophic species to live unaffected by competi- 2010). Additionally, it has been proposed that tion from oligotrophs in certain ecosystems. eutrophs have a lower cation exchange capacity, Thus, additional N does have an indirect positive an “avoidance” mechanism that helps prevent effect on some lichens like X. parietina, shielding Nr uptake (Gaio-Oliveira et al. 2005). them from competition from more sensitive Added Nr can also change the ratio between species (Munzi et al. 2014). symbiotic partners in lichens, disrupting the sym- At the community and ecosystem level.—Research biotic relationship, causing cellular membrane suggests that competitive interactions between damage, and increasing the potential for parasitic lichens and vascular plants may stress lichens by fungal attacks—all of which lead to reductions in limiting their access to light needed for photo- the stability of lichen thalli (Fig. 1.1.7). Based on synthesis (Johansson et al. 2012 and references observations of diminishing photosynthetic abil- therein; Fig. 1.1.2). While lichens are inherently ity, decreasing respiration, and cellular membrane shade-tolerant with trees and higher-level plants damage detectable through K efflux, multiple often providing that shade, increased vascular studies have shown that acidic deposition may plant biomass in response to N is altering these harm both the photobiont and the (Riddell dynamics. This mechanism of light limitation et al. 2008, Munzi et al. 2009). However, studies after eutrophication has been seen within also show species-specific responses in which the herbaceous communities—where increased plant symbiotic partners respond differently to altered biomass decreases plant biodiversity because nutrient supplies, leading to imbalances in their shorter plants do not receive adequate sunlight relative biomass (Gaio-Oliveira et al. 2005). With (Bret-Harte et al. 2008, Hautier et al. 2009, increasing N deposition, lichens may invest more Johansson et al. 2012). Ground-dwelling lichens N for photosynthesis, likely in order to replace may be easily outcompeted by vascular plants in damaged pigments and other tissues. This can dense vegetation, while shade-adapted lichen potentially explain the improved growth of the communities on bark, wood, and rock are most photobiont over the mycobiont (Johansson et al. sensitive to eutrophication (Hauck and Wirth + 2012), which reduces the stability of lichens 2010). Because the ability to assimilate NH4 because the mycobiont is the symbiotic partner depends on the availability of C skeletons, it is to responsible for the structure and stability of the be expected that shade-adapted lichens are more thallus (Johansson et al. 2011, 2012). vulnerable to eutrophication since their photo- The intensification of parasitic fungal infec- synthetic capacity, and thus production of C tions could be another factor in the decline of skeletons, is limited (Hauck 2010). lichens in some instances (Fig. 1.1.7). One study Interactions with other factors.—As mentioned, found that at least one species of parasitic fungus lichens may also respond to types of Nr—wet vs. increased with the addition of large applications dry deposition and oxidized vs. reduced—in dif- (25 and 50 kg N/ha) of N (Strom€ 2011, Johansson ferent ways; although there is stronger evidence et al. 2012). This parasite destroys the cortex of for the differing effects of wet vs. dry deposition the host and exposes the medulla. During than for oxidized vs. reduced forms, an area extreme weather events like heavy storms, these requires more research. A study in southern Cali- parasites, in combination with imbalances in fornia by Jovan et al. (2012) suggests that total N lichens’ symbiotic relationships, could make deposition measured in canopy throughfall is the

❖ 7 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL. best predictor of eutroph abundance, indicating cells have higher osmotic potential (Frahm 2013). that eutrophic species respond to many forms of The conductivity of eutrophic lichens is higher N. A study by Giordani and Malaspina (2016) than oligotrophs, and so the higher osmotic pres- supports this hypothesis as well. Several studies sure permits the intake of water vapor at lower taken together suggest that community changes levels of relative humidity (Frahm 2013). This might be more drastic if Nr is added as dry depo- author also suggested that it is this osmotic toler- + sition of NH4 , as gaseous HNO3, or as gaseous ance against the salt effects of N compounds, NH3 than as wet deposition (Sheppard et al. 2011, instead of the ability to metabolize, assimilate, Johansson et al. 2012), in agreement with the and detoxify larger quantities of N that enables humidity-regulating vulnerability mechanism dis- eutrophic lichens to be more N tolerant. This is cussed above and below. Dry deposition accumu- advantageous because it allows eutrophs to sur- lates on thallus surfaces and can then be very vive in dry habitats where those species with concentrated when precipitation occurs. How- lower osmotic pressures cannot. ever, this is dependent on the location and event These insights suggest the need to better as fog and smog can have very high concentra- understand the impact of N concentration vs. tions as well. In addition, Pearce and van der Wal total N loading. For instance, it has been pro- (2008) show that the concentration and not just posed that in the arid forests of southern Califor- the amount of wet atmospheric N deposition can nia, dry N deposition builds up on the surface of strongly impact moss, and this factor should be lichens all summer and then dissolves in incom- evaluated for its applicability to lichens as well. ing water during pulses of low-volume rain Precipitation and humidity levels affect how events at the end of the season. This results in a lichens respond to elevated N deposition. Incre- damaging, high concentration of N that then is ased precipitation has been shown to increase the passed through the thallus (Jovan et al. 2012). critical load of Nr that lichens can tolerate presum- Pearce and van der Wal (2008) also suggest the ably because precipitation dilutes or leaches need to differentiate between dose and concen- depositional Nr (Geiser et al. 2010; Fig. 1.1.4). tration of atmospheric wet N deposition as it Additionally, moisture may be protective because affects plants. While the study by Pierce and Van it allows the lichen to stay physiologically active, der Wal is based on work with plants, the issue allowing them to fix N into less harmful forms to also likely applies to lichens, especially consider- prevent their accumulation. Temperature could be ing they receive all their N from the atmosphere. important in similar ways as it affects wetting and drying processes as well as metabolic rates. There Research gaps—lichens is also evidence that at the same N pollution Although much progress has been made in levels, lichen communities in the driest climates recent years, many gaps in our scientificunder- tend to be better adapted to high nutrient concen- standing of how lichens respond to increasing N trations than those in wetter climates (Root et al. deposition remain, and here we focus on gaps 2015). In particular, when N concentrations were that are critical for understanding potential delete- at background levels, lichen communities tended rious effects of N deposition (summarized in to be more eutrophic in water-stressed areas (Root Table 1). Many questions remain regarding the et al. 2015). Highly N-sensitive, N-fixing lichens mechanisms behind lichens’ tolerance of increas- are among the most drought sensitive. ing loads because Nr as a macronutrient is essen- Frahm (2013) offered a possible mechanism for tial and thus naturally occurs at fairly high the theory that eutrophic lichens are more concentrations in the thallus (Hauck and Wirth drought-tolerant, which would also help to 2010, and references therein). The molecular explain why more eutrophs than oligotrophs are mechanisms controlling how lichens metabolize found in dry climates. They posited that drought Nr are not yet well understood, in contrast with exacerbates lichen sensitivity to N (and vice the extensive literature available for vascular versa) because deposited N acts as a salt in dry plants and free-living algae (Hauck 2010). Lessons environments, drawing moisture out of lichen can be learned from work done on vascular cells. Eutrophs may be more drought and N plants, but results from ongoing DNA sequencing resistant than oligotrophs, in part because their of the lichen-forming fungus X. parietina are

❖ 8 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL.

Table 1. Summary table of the prominent knowledge or data gaps regarding nitrogen deposition and mecha- nisms of impact to lichens and trees.

Research gaps regarding lichens Research gaps regarding trees

How climate and human factors interact with N-induced The western U.S. and semiarid forests in general are mechanisms and other factors understudied Effects of N deposition on symbiotic relationships Critical loads for individual tree species Variation in N uptake among different species of photobionts How chronic N deposition induces effects on trees (e.g., thresholds, mechanisms, and interactions with other stressors) Molecular mechanisms for how lichens metabolize N How do other nutrient cycles respond to N deposition to shape long-term effects? Connections between metabolism and physiology of lichens Are soil changes important more in terms of nutrients (Ca, Mg) and N tolerance or toxicity (Al, Mn)? In what geographic regions and why? Interaction of N tolerance with light influx and humidity How do background soil properties predispose trees to effects of N deposition? And how does this change through time? Protective function of lichen secondary compounds and role Some evidence that reducing N inputs lowers N availability, + À in NH4 and NO3 uptake and tolerance but less evidence that soil buffering also recovers The effects of N addition within canopies, as most studies are soil N additions Pathways of transformation and assimilation of reduced and Relative impact of reduced vs. oxidized N for direct foliar oxidized N effects and soil-mediated effects + Separation of NH4 and pH effects Better understanding of the mechanisms and thresholds of response of mycorrhizal types to N deposition and the ecological significance of such responses. Do mycorrhizal community changes in response to N affect tree vigor and forest sustainability? + Interactions of NH4 adsorption with apoplastic pH and More research on how reproduction and seedlings are affected metal concentrations for species other than sugar maple Note: More details on selected topics are provided in Research Gaps sections for lichens and trees, respectively. needed before these lessons can be fully inte- that the mycobiont is more affected than the pho- grated with lichen work (Hauck 2010). Genomic tobiont when exposed to excess Nr. The mecha- analysis can provide insights into the genetic basis nism for this is not understood, but the biomass of the symbiosis that forms lichens, adaptation to of the fungus dominates in the lichen thallus, so harsh environments, secondary metabolism, and the greater sensitivity of the mycobiont could be the control of growth rate (Dyer et al. 2006). simply because it has more surface area exposed Other hypotheses have been suggested to to the additional Nr (Gaio-Oliveira et al. 2005, explain connections between the metabolism and and references therein). Phosphorus may also physiology of lichens and their tolerance or sen- play a role as Johansson et al. (2011) showed that sitivity to Nr. Preliminary work has shown that the mycobiont proportion in the thalli decreased mannitol may be important for N assimilation in more when both N and P were added than when at least some lichen species, but more work (e.g., only N was added, and responded negatively involving the isotopic labeling of reaction inter- when P alone was added. + À mediates) is needed (Gaio-Oliveira et al. 2005). While the transformation of NH4 to NO3 is Another area that needs more exploration is the also observed in some vascular plants tolerant to + role of apothecia as N and C sinks in lichen spe- excess NH4 supply, the mechanism has not yet cies with a tolerance for N (Gaio-Oliveira et al. been elucidated for lichens (Gaio-Oliveira et al. 2005). Like in vascular plants, polyamines play a 2005, and references therein). Understanding how ’ + protective role in lichens tolerance of N, but the NH4 and pH separately affect the ability of protective mechanism is unknown (Hauck 2010). lichens to handle increasing Nr loads is an impor- À Little is known about whether direct NO3 tant research question. The effects of both may uptake differs among species of the photobiont of impact the acidity that the lichen experiences and, + lichens and about the NH4 uptake behavior of when acting in concert, may reinforce each other. photobiont cells living within the lichen thallus However, the two arise from different sources (Hauck 2010). Previous studies have indicated and may have different mechanisms of effect.

❖ 9 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL.

More research is also needed to further eluci- limiting nutrient for primary production and date the relationship between eutrophication and added Nr often stimulates growth (LeBauer and shaded environments (Hauck 2010) and humid- Treseder 2008). However, added Nr can become ity. If increasing Nr leads to more plant and detrimental to trees particularly at levels that biomass growth, it might aggravate competition exceed ecosystem sinks (Aber et al. 1998). Most for light and space, potentially causing slow- of the mechanisms of N effects on vegetation growing species of lichens and plants to be out- identified by Bobbink et al. (2010) apply to trees, competed (Johansson et al. 2012, and references including direct damage, increased susceptibility therein). Cyanolichens also tend to need more to secondary stressors, and long-term negative water than green algal lichens to start metaboliz- effects of reduced Nr (i.e., NHX; Stevens et al. ing, so it would also be insightful to explore how 2011, Van den Berg et al. 2016). It is likely that N light and humidity interact to affect different deposition also affects competition among tree lichen types. To better understand and differenti- species, potentially altering forest composition; ate mechanisms of action, experiments are though, field evidence is scarce. Soils are the needed along light and climate gradients to sepa- largest N reservoir in terrestrial ecosystems and rate the influences of Nr and other factors. are the dominant immediate source of tree N A study in the Los Angeles (California) Air uptake—via roots and associated mycorrhizae. Basin hypothesized that the loss of habitat and Soils can modulate the effects of N deposition on lower humidity levels in inland areas driven by trees and forests, and this in turn may depend on urbanization coupled with increased fire inci- how persistently excess N causes soil acidifica- dence may be important factors in the decreases tion and declines in essential base cations (e.g., observed in lichen biodiversity, so more work on Ca, Mg) that are required for tree health and pro- this interaction is needed (Riddell et al. 2008). ductivity (Aber et al. 1998, Hawley et al. 2006, Similarly, Fenn et al. (2003a) showed that Schaberg et al. 2006, Pardo et al. 2011). increased N deposition over time leads to greater A majority of foliar atmospheric N uptake and fire frequency in certain areas and habitat assimilation in trees seems to be the uptake of N changes for already-threatened species. Syn- gases (NH3, HNO3, and NO2) mainly by stom- ergies with O3 (Riddell et al. 2008) and SO2 near ata, although HNO3 is also taken up transcuticu- point sources (Ra et al. 2005) could also be con- larly (Bytnerowicz et al. 1999, Sparks 2009). founding factors. Roughly 20–40% of inorganic atmospheric N is Research gaps remain in our collective under- often retained in forest canopies and not col- standing of the mechanisms through which N lected in throughfall (Friedland et al. 1991, deposition affects lichens. Table 1 summarizes Lovett and Lindberg 1993, Fenn and Bytnerow- these research gaps and more beyond the icz 1997; Fig. 1.2.3); though, not all of that N is narrative text provided here. As our analytical assimilated internally through foliage and bark. techniques improve, researchers will be better Much of the retained N may be converted to equipped to investigate the complex interac- organic forms or assimilated by other canopy tions that influence how lichens deal with organisms (Rennenberg and Gessler 1999). How- excess N both physiologically and within their ever, 15N label studies in the field indicate that ecosystems. some N uptake occurs through the bark during wet periods (Dail et al. 2009), and the review by MECHANISM OF EFFECT FROM ATMOSPHERIC Sparks (2009) provides in-depth analyses of the DEPOSITION ON TREES many mechanisms controlling these different forms of uptake and assimilation. Background Nitrogen deposition affects trees in multiple ways that often occur over a longer time frame Mechanism of effect than for lichens, and these effects—both as the At the tissue and cellular level—physiological accumulation of additional N (eutrophication) responses.—Much of what happens in above- and as acidification—occur aboveground and ground portions of trees originates from changes belowground. For trees, N is commonly the in the chemistry and ecology of soils and the

❖ 10 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL.

Fig. 2. Conceptual diagram of how nitrogen deposition alters calcium cycling and dependent tree and ecosys- tem structure and function. Modified from Fenn et al. 2006. roots that reside therein. Because it is easier to Some of the best-understood and most persis- measure aboveground than belowground, N- tent tissue and cellular mechanisms of N effects associated changes in aboveground physiology on trees occur via soils. Excess N deposition can are more studied, but throughout this section, it acidify soil (Fig. 1.3.1) by accelerating the leach- is essential to keep in mind that changes in soil ing of base cations, in particular Ca and Mg (see chemistry and function serve as an important Fig. 2), major buffering agents to soil acidity. His- precursor to other mechanistic changes in foliage torically, most Ca and Mg depletion (especially and other aboveground portions of trees. For in the eastern United States) was attributable to S example, laboratory and field studies have deposition, though in the past 10–15 yr, N has shown that atmospheric N taken up by the increasingly become an important acidifying canopy is transported to the phloem of roots, agent as S pollution has decreased by more than which can cause a decline in root N uptake 35% (Greaver et al. 2012, Lajtha and Jones 2013, (Rennenberg and Gessler 1999). Vet et al. 2014).

❖ 11 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL.

Acidic soil conditions mobilize potentially leaches Ca associated with the plasma membranes toxic cations (notably Al and manganese [Mn]), of mesophyll cells or the membrane-associated whose impact is first noted at the root level (roots Ca (mCa) from foliar cells (DeHayes et al. 1999, have various mechanisms to exclude or sequester Schaberg et al. 2001, 2002, Borer et al. 2005; phytotoxic cations belowground as a protective Fig. 1.2.1 and 1.2.4). Biologically available Ca is mechanism [Cronan and Grigal 1995, Marschner concentrated in cell walls and associated mem- 2012; Fig. 1.3.2]); though, this acidification also branes, and this Ca is vulnerable to leaching loss affects other parts of the tree, including foliage. through the cuticle and stomata. This Ca loss can As acid conditions persist and base cations leach alter the composition of the cuticle and destabilize away, Al and Mn availability and uptake increase membranes (Fig. 1.2.2). Acidity associated with and can accumulate in leaves, causing physiolog- additional N deposition has directly induced foliar ical dysfunction (St. Clair et al. 2008; Fig. 1.2.1). Ca leaching in many north temperate forest tree Al and Mn are strong binders to negatively species, including Picea rubens (red spruce), charged structures in leaves and are considered Platismatia glauca (white spruce), A. saccharum functionally immobile in the phloem. Multiple (sugar maple), Acer rubrum (red maple), Betula mechanisms of Mn toxicity have been suggested, alleghaniensis (yellow birch), and Pinus strobus including that Mn toxicity occurs in leaf apo- (eastern white pine) (Schaberg et al. 2001 and ref- plasts where it impairs photosynthesis and erences therein, Pardo et al. 2011). growth through a combination of reduced car- Reductions of mCa, both from foliar acid boxylation efficiency because Mn competes with leaching (discussed previously) and via N- Mg as a Rubisco activation factor or by disrupt- induced soil Ca loss (Dauer and Perakis 2014), ing the photosynthetic electron flow in chloro- destabilize cell membranes, decreasing the pool plasts (Fernando and Lynch 2015). Excess Mn of messenger Ca that triggers biochemical stress also competes with the transport and metabolism response cascades. Reduced stress response pre- of other cations, which induces nutrient deficien- disposes trees to greater damage when exposed cies (Fernando and Lynch 2015). For example, to internal and external stresses, and increases increased Mn levels result in low Mg:Mn ratios the likelihood of reduced tree growth and that are associated with reduced chlorophyll con- increased mortality (Schaberg et al. 2001 and centrations, carboxylation efficiency, photosyn- references therein; Fig. 1.2.5). Movements of thesis, and growth (St. Clair et al. 2008). labile messenger Ca also act as important regula- Accordingly, physiological dysfunction for sensi- tors of various aspects of C metabolism tive tree species (e.g., sugar maple [Acer saccha- (McLaughlin and Wimmer 1999), so that limita- rum]) has been associated with Mn accumulation tions of this Ca may downregulate net C assimi- (St. Clair and Lynch 2004, St. Clair et al. 2005). lation. Consistent with this possibility, low foliar Overall, although Mn toxicity is an important Ca is associated with reduced photosynthetic contributor to tree decline at least for some spe- capacity (e.g., Ellsworth and Liu 1994; Fig. 1.2.7), cies and locations, it does not appear to be as and mitigation of Ca limitation through Ca addi- prevalent an issue as the more widely docu- tion has been shown to increase the photosyn- mented Ca and Al impacts. thetic surface area, wood production, and Acidity associated with chronic N deposition aboveground net primary productivity of trees can directly affect foliage and aboveground bio- (Battles et al. 2014, Mainwaring et al. 2014; mass, and acid-induced foliar Ca leaching and Fig. 1.2.8), in part because improved Ca nutrition reduced Ca incorporation within leaves are partic- may trigger a shift in C allocation from fine roots ularly important (Fig. 2). Acid conditions also to aboveground biomass (Fahey et al. 2016). leach Mg and K, but these are better retained due Low mCa concentrations may also be mecha- to the possibility of resorption via the phloem. The nistically related to changes in respiration pat- particular relevance of Ca depletion to reduced terns for trees already suffering from other tree health has been verified, in part, because Ca stressors (e.g., thin/rocky soils, drought; Sch- addition has been shown to reverse these declines aberg et al. 1997, 2002). Increases in respiration (Green et al. 2013, Battles et al. 2014). Acid deposi- have been documented in a variety of plant types tion reduces soil Ca, limits root Ca uptake, and and tissues and could also be attributed to the

❖ 12 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL. associated reductions in membrane integrity. Carmichael 2000 and references therein). Clarifi- Arguably, cells utilize more energy to maintain cation of the mechanistic role of Ca:Al ratios to ionic partitioning when a lack of mCa hinders summarizing the health, productivity, and man- membrane structure and function (Schaberg agement of forests is another research gap that et al. 2002 and references therein). Another study would be useful to address. showed that differences in foliar nutrition and At the individual level.—At the individual level, physiology were not related to the form of N (re- N deposition has three potential effects on trees: À duced or oxidized) or anion (chlorine or NO3 ) (1) elevated growth and increased biomass allo- applied, but depended on whether the impacts cation aboveground as N is a limiting nutrient, were direct or secondary to N deposition (Sch- (2) soil acidification and all the subsequent effects aberg et al. 1997). Declines in mCa may be the (i.e., reduced growth, changes in C sequestration cause of increasing respiration in trees, but how and allocation), and (3) effects on biotic inter- treatments of additional N perturb soil, root, and actions (e.g., effects on mycorrhizae and predis- mycorrhizal processes, instigating foliar mCa position to pests and pathogens). deficiencies, dysfunction, and decline, remains a Individual reports suggest mixed impacts of topic of further research (Schaberg et al. 2002). soil N increases on root morphology and lifespan Nitrogen deposition also affects amino acid (Peng et al. 2017), including evidence of biomass production and utilization in trees, which can increases (Brunner and Godbold 2007) and influence the abundance of polyamines and the reductions (Grulke et al. 1998, Nadelhoffer amino acid arginine as bioindicators of tree stress 2000), no impacts on lifespan (Guo et al. 2008a), (Minocha et al. 2014, Veresoglou et al. 2014, Pal likely increases in root turnover (Nadelhoffer et al. 2015; Fig. 1.2.6). Large and persistent 2000), and species-specific changes in root sys- changes in the biosynthesis of polyamines can tems (King et al. 1997). On the whole, however, force significant homeostatic changes in cellular evidence suggests that N deposition can increase metabolism that perturb the overall cellular bal- photosynthesis, the shoot:root biomass ratio of ance between C and N (Minocha et al. 2014 and trees, and decrease the absolute root biomass references therein). Modified metabolic home- (Grulke et al. 1998, Tateno et al. 2004; Fig. 1.2.8). ostasis can maintain elevated polyamine levels, These changes can increase susceptibility to wind making them useful indicators of long-term for- throw damage, particularly when combined with fi est stress, including Ca de ciencies (Minocha stimulated shoot production, O3 damage, and/or et al. 2014). For example, a study involving six in drought years (Grulke et al. 1998). This red spruce stands in three northeastern U.S. increase in aboveground biomass is also strongly states showed that the concentration of the poly- influenced by biotic interactions, which are dis- amine putrescine in foliage could be used as a cussed in more depth below. reliable indicator for early detection of stress As discussed above, N deposition acidifies from Ca deficiencies in trees before any visual soils and leaches base cations, which causes Ca signs of damage, and provided indications of and/or Mg depletion that can reduce tree growth species-specific sensitivities to soil Ca levels and increase mortality, particularly in naturally (Minocha et al. 2014). acidic soils (Driscoll et al. 2001, Schaberg et al. The long-term consequences from impacts on 2001; Fig. 1.3.3, 1.3.4, and 1.3.5). The effects of foliar and soil Ca pools are not yet fully under- soil acidification on plant response are discussed stood. Calcium disruptions and changes in Ca:Al in depth in the preceding section (At the tissue ratios (Cronan and Grigal 1995, Magill et al. and cellular levels—physiological responses). 2004) and other ion ratios (Schaberg et al. 2001) Heterogeneity of soils or the potential of micro- seem to be linked to reduced tree growth. How- site effects could impact trees at the individual ever, while some studies have linked altered Ca: level even if the whole community does not Al ratios in both soils and foliage to the reduced experience significant negative effects, though growth and vitality of trees (Schaberg et al. 2001 such fine-scale information is scarce. and references therein), other work has shed Another mechanism by which N deposition doubt on the relevance of this ratio and the basis affects forests is by altering biotic interactions for its use as a risk indicator (Larssen and between host trees and symbionts, pathogens,

❖ 13 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL. and pests. Changes in the diversity and function et al. 1998). The significance of thin-mantled of mycorrhizae in response to increased available mycorrhizal morphotypes for trees has not been N are perhaps among the most important mecha- examined, but it is expected that the absorption nisms that contribute to N deposition effects on capacity of fine roots is reduced (Boxman et al. forest health (Lilleskov 2005). Mycorrhizal fungi 1998). The absorption capacity of fine roots is one are important symbiotic organisms that are asso- important pathway through which trees take up ciated with the health of most terrestrial plant nutrients (Guo et al. 2008b), and so damage to species (Smith and Read 2008). Trees can form the mycorrhizae that support this mechanism with ecto- and arbuscular mycorrhizal forms, could be detrimental to tree nutrition. whose physiology differs substantially. Increased At the community and ecosystem level.—The N deposition can lead to a reduction in C alloca- response of forests to N deposition depends on tion to tree roots, including a decrease in their which species are present, which in turn may carbohydrate content (Fig. 1.3.6). Because mycor- impact tree diversity through differential tree rhizae depend on roots for soluble carbohy- growth and survival responses (Thomas et al. drates, N deposition and mycorrhizal physiology 2010). Tree nutrient-use strategies provide one are inherently linked (Wallanda and Kottke way of assessing responses to added N, wherein 1998). NITREX (a consortium of N saturation trees with low nutrient-use efficiency (i.e., high experiments in Europe [Wright and Rasmussen N uptake per unit C capture) are thought to bet- 1998]) studies show that the development of the ter exploit high N conditions than species fruitbodies of ectomycorrhizal fungi is especially adapted to low-N environments (Chapin et al. sensitive to increased N and that the species 1986). There also has been particular recent inter- diversity of fruitbodies decreased 30–40% after est in understanding whether these responses 3.5–4.5 yr of N treatment in the plot at Gardsjon€ may depend on the type of mycorrhizal associa- from 1990 to 1995 (Boxman et al. 1998). How- tions, wherein trees with arbuscular mycorrhizae ever, due to the enhanced production of nitrophi- (e.g., A. rubrum, A. saccharum, Fraxinus ameri- lic ectomycorrhizal species, total aboveground cana, Liriodendron tulipifera, and Prunus serotina) fruitbody production can increase even with the that produce lower levels of proteolytic enzymes loss of species (Boxman et al. 1998, Lilleskov respond positively to increased N deposition et al. 2002, Gilliam et al. 2011). It should be when compared to ectomycorrhizal species (Tho- noted that these readily visible changes under N mas et al. 2010, Phillips et al. 2013; Fig. 1.3.7). loading rarely capture the full extent of species Individual species departures from this pattern, loss that occurs belowground (Lilleskov et al. however, suggest that combinations of traits and 2002, Sirajuddin 2009, Cox et al. 2010). site-specific conditions may affect mycorrhizal Mycorrhizae with different hyphae extents responses to N deposition (Thomas et al. 2010). respond differently to increasing atmospheric N These responses may also be mediated by the deposition. Mycorrhizal fungi with limited soil ability of mycorrhizae to access other non-N exploration ability have been shown to respond nutrients in soil. While mycorrhizae (especially positively to increased N loads and lower pH, ectomycorrhizae) are clearly important agents of while mycorrhizal fungi with medium-distance mineral weathering that can improve host plant soil exploration abilities consistently exhibit nutrition, current evidence is equivocal as to decreased production of mycorrhizal hyphae whether mycorrhizal access to rock-derived (Suz et al. 2014). NITREX studies also show that nutrients is directly sensitive to host plant nutri- chronic N additions can decrease soil densities of ent demands (Rosenstock 2009). both fine roots (Boxman et al. 1995, 1998) and Community-level shifts in response to N deposi- mycorrhizal fungi (Boxman et al. 1998). This tion are often a product of species-specificfunc- impact of N pollution is the reduced develop- tional differences. In both American and European ment of mycorrhizal mantle thickness and exter- studies, beech and oak were found to have no nal mycelium along N gradients (Boxman et al. foliar response to varied N availability, while 1998). Among NITREX sites, the two with the spruce, pine, and Abies (fir) species all responded highest ambient N deposition levels had consid- negatively to N gradients (McNeil et al. 2007). erably lower mycorrhizal root density (Boxman Species-to-species differences correlated with two

❖ 14 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL. functional characteristics—leaf mass per area and cations in soils, a result of soil acidification and shade tolerance—so that species with high leaf base cation leaching loss (Aber et al. 1998). While mass per area and high shade tolerance are less reducing N inputs can lower N availability to sensitive to elevated N deposition (McNeil et al. some degree, there is, however, less consistent 2007). Among N-fixing trees that can convert evidence that soil buffering recovers to the same atmospheric N2 gas into plant available forms, it is degree. Decadal-scale N fertilization experiments possible that species with actinorhizal N-fixing in Europe have shown that soil base status and symbionts that do not downregulate fixation pH may increase when N inputs are reduced under high N supply may be less sensitive to N (Hogberg€ et al. 2006). However, reductions in deposition than species with rhizobial associations acid deposition to northeastern U.S. forests that that regulate N fixation rates (Menge et al. 2009). have increased soil O horizon pH and reduced Nitrogen- and S-related changes in other ele- exchangeable Al have not also consistently ments may also shape forest communities. For improved soil Ca availability (Lawrence et al. example, declines in Ca availability can reduce 2012, 2015). Studies along natural soil N gradients sugar maple seedling regeneration and survival, further raise the possibility that long-term soil N and lower sugar maple crown vitality (Juice et al. enrichment can cause persistently high N avail- 2006, Halman et al. 2013, Sullivan et al. 2013, Tal- ability and N saturation (Perakis and Sinkhorn, helm et al. 2013). The near-complete dearth of 2012), ultimately depleting weathering sources of sugar maple seedlings and saplings in acidified, Ca and increasing forest reliance on atmospheric base-poor hardwood forests in the Adirondack Ca inputs (Hynicka et al. 2016). area could indicate a community shift toward Interactions with other factors.—Nitrogen deposi- other species (Sullivan et al. 2013). Indeed, some tion affects tree responses to stressors like shifts have already been reported in Quebec, drought, climate change, invasive species, biotic where acid-tolerant American beech (Fagus gran- pests/pathogen, fire suppression, and other land- difolia) is expanding in forests once dominated by use history and management practices, and to sugar maple (Duchesne et al. 2005). Evidence of other pollutants like O3 and S deposition the role of Ca in affecting seedlings of other spe- (Fig. 1.4). In nearly all cases, the most severe cies is lacking in the United States. However, impacts of N deposition occur in concert with some work has shown that with N amendments exposure to multiple factors or stressors (Bal et al. and other vegetative growth enhancements, the 2015). For example, nutrient stresses increase the reproductive output of dominant oak species risk of injury or mortality from other biotic and increases, but not the quality of the offspring (Cal- abiotic stressors (Bal et al. 2015). If N deposition lahan et al. 2008). Studies in the Hubbard Brook simultaneously increases aboveground biomass Experimental Forest in the White Mountains of and water demand (Grulke et al. 2009), drought New Hampshire have also shown an increase in stress likely worsens. If O3 is also elevated, stom- aboveground net primary production and tran- atal response is diminished, which likely increases spiration in response to watershed-level Ca addi- vulnerabilities to drought stress. tion (Green et al. 2013, Battles et al. 2014). Nitrogen addition is theoretically expected to The ecosystem consequences of long-term N exacerbate O3 sensitivity because N deposition deposition and enrichment on trees can be partic- leads to more leaf tissue, which is the sensitive ularly complex via interactions and feedbacks organ to O3, but studies on herbs have not found that involve other biogeochemical cycles. Phos- much evidence for this (Bassin et al. 2007, 2009). phorus is often thought to limit plant growth The combined impacts of increased N deposition when N is abundant (Vitousek et al. 2010). There and O3 may cause increased physiological dam- is also some evidence that low N deposition may age by reducing fine root biomass and carbohy- initially increase P availability, whereas high N drate allocation belowground (Fenn et al. 2003a, deposition may lower P availability, changes that b). In addition to having fewer roots from O3 could result in complex yet currently unknown exposure, the benefits of N addition on root responses in forest composition (Crowley et al. development was lost at higher O3 loads, and the 2012). There is clearer evidence for long-term impacts of O3 exposure increased as N deposi- effects of N deposition on Ca and other base tion rose (Watanabe et al. 2012, Mills et al. 2016).

❖ 15 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL.

Some research has shown that trees, like deposition increases tree susceptibility to bark lichens, exposed to increased N deposition have beetle attack. Possible mechanisms include either an elevated sensitivity to drought; though, the decreasing resistance to other pests and patho- mechanism of effect differs. Because of higher N gens or changing plant growth characteristics loads, possible mechanisms of effect for this and nutrient quality. Another possible mecha- increased sensitivity include larger leaf areas for nism through which high N deposition increases potential water loss and a larger fraction of total tree susceptibility is direct acid damage to cuticu- biomass being aboveground. Another mechanism lar surfaces (Jones et al. 2004). High foliar N may in winter drought could stem from soil freezing also predispose Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas- (Britton and Fisher 2007 and references therein). fir) to infection by Swiss needle cast, a native fun- However, some studies have also shown that N gal pathogen (Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii) that addition increases drought tolerance (Villagra decreases CO2 uptake and tree growth in forests et al. 2013). This occurs by increasing water-use across large areas of the Pacific Northwest (War- fi fi ef ciency via higher ef ciency of CO2 uptake with ing et al. 2000, El-Hajj et al. 2004). Declines in smaller stomatal openings. This nutrient water foliar Ca associated with high N that reduce response appears to vary across species in a range foliar membrane integrity may also increase sus- of ecosystems (Hubbard et al. 2001, Buckley and ceptibility to Swiss needle cast (Perakis et al. Roberts 2006, Villagra et al. 2013). 2006, 2013). Elevated N can also lead to greater Increased N deposition may also alter the sus- production of N-rich defensive compounds, ceptibility of trees to pests and pathogens, in which can reduce tree vulnerability (Throop and part, because of the increase in the N content of Lerdau 2004). foliage and the overall increase in foliage due to Atmospheric CO2 concentrations and subse- eutrophication. Combined exposures to insects, quent climate change also greatly influence the drought, and increasing N deposition can lead to response of trees to N deposition. However, tree mortality, even when N deposition levels are these interactions are not the focus of this paper below calculated critical loads (McNulty and and have been thoroughly addressed elsewhere Boggs 2010). In apple orchards in the Okanagan (e.g., Reich et al. 2006, Arneth et al. 2010); thus, Valley of , , an eight- we only briefly discuss the main components year N addition study showed that Phytophthora below for this important modulating factor. As fi crown and root rot signi cantly increased under CO2 concentrations rise and climate changes, the this amendment (Utkhede and Smith 1995). Spa- interactions between C and N in terrestrial tial analyses near poultry operations found that ecosystems will impact terrestrial productivity, higher levels of N deposition produced by the future atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and poultry operations did not increase stand volume climate feedbacks in complex ways (Luo et al. growth because gains were offset by elevated 2004, Reich et al. 2006). In addition to the interac- pitch canker-related mortality of slash pine trees tions of the C cycle with N deposition and con- (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii Engelm.) that correlated tinued changes in interactions of N with other with increased N loads (Lopez-Zamora et al. nutrients (Ca, Mg, P—discussed previously), 2007). The implications of this relationship there is emerging evidence that novel nutrient between higher N loads and greater incidence of interactions, such as with K, for example (Sar- pathogens are that additional N may predispose dans and Penuelas~ 2015), may warrant further trees to increased infection because plant tissues study. Climate change is expected to exacerbate are fairly succulent (higher water content), which many of the effects discussed above and mitigate may facilitate fungus entry because a higher vol- others by influencing factors such as water avail- ume of water crosses cell membranes, bringing ability, habitat changes, and increased levels of pathogens with it. The plants’ ability to inhibit other pollutants. In European forests, direct tree pathogen development may also be reduced, and damage due to water scarcity, hail damage, and nutrient conditions are more favorable for the uprooting by wind will likely be the most visual invading fungus (Lopez-Zamora et al. 2007). In effect of climate change (Lamersdorf et al. 1998). conjunction with drought conditions, Jones et al. Climate change may also increase forest fire risks (2004) also suggest that high atmospheric N and increase the frequency of pest infestations.

❖ 16 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01717 SYNTHESIS & INTEGRATION CARTER ET AL.

Increased N deposition, both alone and when A study by Thomas et al. (2010) examined 23 interacting with other factors such as climate individual tree species’ growth responses in the change, elevated CO2, elevated O3 exposure, northeastern United States to increased N depo- drought, and bark beetle outbreaks, can lead to sition, but for most other species (and especially many of the effects explained above (see Individ- those in the western United States), essential ual Responses). A small number of studies have remaining questions include the following: What looked at some of these interactive effects in are the mechanisms resulting in widely varying small controlled plot studies (e.g., Zavaleta et al. responses to N among forest tree species? and 2003), but more work is needed to better under- what are the N critical loads for each species? stand these interactions and to understand for Thomas et al.’s (2010) study also suggested that what species N deposition or climate change is mycorrhizal type may be an important determi- more influential. nant of tree response to N. Phillips et al. (2013) Research gaps.—Research gaps (see Table 1), suggested that this key finding deserves further both methodological and content-based, con- study and incorporation into a framework to tinue to limit our understanding of the mecha- better understand nutrient dynamics and plant– nisms through which N deposition affects trees. soil interactions. Here, we focus on those gaps that are critical to Little is known of the N critical loads at which understanding the potential deleterious effects of trees become predisposed to pests and pathogens N deposition on trees. Much of the body of litera- or increased drought stress nationally; though, ture on forest response studies and critical loads some studies in California have shown that trees relies upon N fertilization treatments that aim to face increased mortality from bark beetles at crit- À À replicate N deposition but apply N only to the ical loads at or above 39 kg NÁha 1Áyr 1. How- ground. Other gaps include the complexities of ever, this preliminary critical load value is likely critical loads, the differential effects of reduced an overestimate due to the low number of sites vs. oxidized N, and the potential reversibility of studied along the deposition gradient (Fenn et al. many of these effects for recovery to pre-indus- 2011). The difficulty in setting critical loads for trial conditions, among others detailed below. such effects arises due to the involvement of mul- An important caveat to many experimental tiple stressors, which are affected by climatic and studies is that N fertilization treatments used in other environmental conditions and by the inher- forest response studies and to establish critical ently unpredictable and episodic nature of insect loads are nearly always applied to the ground (as or disease outbreaks. solution or N granules). This application of N to An associated research gap is the differential the ground does not replicate atmospheric depo- effects of reduced vs. oxidized forms of N on sition to tree canopies, especially in gaseous and plants generally (Van den Berg et al. 2016); particulate pollutant forms, and it is unknown though, it is likely that these responses depend how the effects of ground application of N differs on soil pH and nitrification rates (Stevens et al. from chronic atmospheric N pollutant fluxes to 2011). A better understanding of the mechanism the canopy. Furthermore, differences in effects and thresholds of response of mycorrhizal types probably vary depending on local conditions. to N deposition and the ecological significance of Canopy treatments may be essential to address- such responses would also be important. With so ing this discrepancy and to more fully replicate many confounding factors, it is often difficult to mechanistically N deposition in the field (Nair assign causality to specific individual mecha- et al. 2016). Even treating canopies with nutrient nisms or stressors (McNulty et al. 2005). solutions does not approximate ambient long- Understanding how natural background N term forest exposures to the multiple pollutant availability (and soil nutrient availability overall) and nutrient compounds that occur in the atmo- predisposes forest responses to N deposition sphere in a wide array of physical and chemical must be better evaluated. A case can be made forms. Still, to the extent that the effects of N are that forests that are naturally N-enriched are primarily soil-mediated in some situations, N acclimated to additional N, or near their tipping amendment treatments can be useful in simulat- points of change, and that the response direction ing N deposition responses. depends on the variable examined. We only have

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European NITREX studies to draw conclusions prominent example of this is their greater sensitiv- from regarding this topic, but those studies are ity to N deposition under arid conditions. The confounded by specific historic land use and spe- primary mechanisms by which N deposition cies differences among sites, so it is uncertain affects trees in the United States also vary by how generalizable these results are. region, primarily as a result of associated geologic There is a need to better understand how other and climatic differences. In the northeastern nutrient cycles equilibrate with increased N over United States, where many soils are prone to acid- time, particularly P and Ca, as these nutrients ification and low base saturation, Ca depletion can become limiting under chronically high N and resulting physiological effects on trees are of supply despite vastly different biogeochemical considerable concern, although eutrophication response mechanisms (Vitousek et al. 2010, effects also occur. In the more arid climates Perakis et al. 2013). Interactions among these throughout much of the western United States, elements also involve feedbacks with plant pro- eutrophication effects on trees are prevalent and ductivity and soil C cycling that ultimately deter- may depend on natural N levels in the soil. mine whether and how N switches from a The most damaging effects of N deposition to limiting nutrient to a cause of nutrient imbal- trees result from acidification and widespread ances. With chronic N deposition, K and Mg may cation imbalances. Interactions with other stres- also become limiting; though, the extent of this sors such as freezing injury, drought, pest out- phenomenon is unknown. Magnesium leaching breaks, low nutrient supplies, and O3 also play a is seen commonly in Europe with Norway role. Nitrogen-fertilized plants are often predis- spruce (Picea abies), but does not seem to be as posed to pests or diseases, and a similar phe- important as Ca and Al in the United States. nomenon has been shown in lichens. Questions Magnesium limitations have only been sporadi- remain regarding the relative toxicities to lichens cally noted in the United States for species like and trees of chronic N deposition in oxidized vs. sugar maple (Schulze 1989, St. Clair et al. 2008). reduced forms. This question is particularly rele- The reversibility of soil acidification and recov- vant as the proportion of N deposition in ery to pre-industrial conditions are also compli- reduced forms will likely continue to increase in cated because different compounds (in particular, the future (Du et al. 2014, Li et al. 2016b). 2À + SO4 , N species, and H ) respond along different Large reductions in emissions of SOx and NOx time scales. Thus, for slow-acting chemical pro- in some areas of the United States may lead to at cesses like pH changes and chemical and biologi- least partial ecosystem recovery from soil and cal processes in ecosystems, reversibility may surface water acidification over time. However, occur very slowly or not at all in some regions climate change looms large as another environ- (Beier et al. 2003), yet more quickly in others mental factor expected to affect forest responses (Hogberg€ et al. 2006). This, in turn, may depend to N deposition in unknown ways over time and on whether essential base cations to neutralize across regions. For example, increasing tempera- acidity originate from large weathering fluxes or ture and, in some instances, more frequent stag- from limited atmospheric inputs (Hynicka et al. nant atmospheric conditions as a result of 2016). Research gaps remain in our collective climate change are expected to result in increased understanding of the mechanisms through which O3 and particulate pollution exposure in some N deposition affects trees. For a summary of these areas (Galloway et al. 2014). Under changing air research gaps and more beyond the narrative text pollution exposures such as these, N deposition provided here, please see Table 1. exposures and fluxes are expected to change as fi well. Already, trans-Paci c transport of O3 from CONCLUSION Asia to the western coast of the United States is increasing background O3 levels (Zhang et al. While N is an essential nutrient needed by all 2008). These and other environmental changes in lichens and trees, our review focused on the dele- the future will alter environmental conditions in terious effects of N, which suggests that environ- forests and interact with N deposition, thus mental factors are important in modulating the affecting the mechanisms of forest responses to response of epiphytic lichens to N deposition; a N deposition.

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