and Significant Figures ( a short review )

Scientific Notation Expressesavalueasaproductofbetween1and10andtheappropriatepowerof10 ex: 27000=2.7 x10 3 0.000167=1.67 x10 4 5=5x10 0

Significant Figures (SF) 231 (3 SF) 3.6547 (5 SF) non zerodigitarealwayssignificant 1.3 x10 5 (2 SF) 2.0004 (5 SF) 9.901 x10 2 (4 SF) trappedzeroesarealwayssignificant 1000001 (7 SF) 073 (2 SF) leadingzeroesareneversignificant 0.00274 (3 SF) 96 00 (ambiguous) 9600 . (4 SF) trailingzeroesaresignificantONLYwhen 12000.0 (6 SF) thereisapointinthenumber. 12.00 x10 3 (4 SF) 0.001000 (4 SF) exact number and conversion factor are regarded as infinitely precise

Significant figures in calculation

Multiplication/Division : Thefinalanswermusthavethesmallestnumberofsignificant figuresamongtheinvolvedinthecalculation 24.015 x 6.05 = 145 3.105 x10 3 x1.43 x 10 2= 4.44 (5 SF) (3 SF) (3 SF) (4 SF) (3 SF) (3 SF) Addition/Subtraction : Thefinalanswermusthavethesmallestnumberofdecimal placesamongthenumbersinvolvedinthecalculation 493 + 2.3 = 495 6.500 x10 5 2.3 x10 6 = 6.27 x10 5 (3 SF) (2 SF) (3 SF) (4 SF) (2 SF) (3 SF)

Rounding off Usethedigitimmediately totherightofthelastsignificantdigit (the others do not count!) ex: roundoffthefollowingsetofnumbersto3SF 0.12748 ThenumberafterthelastSF(here4)islessthan5:noroundup. →0.127 0.0352 95 ThenumberafterthelastSF(here9)ismorethan5:roundup. →0.0353 In the case when the number following the last SF is a 5 2.14 58 IfthelastSFiseven(here4)followedbya5,noroundup. →2.14 4 443 51 IfthelastSFisodd(here3)followedbya5,increaselastSFbyone. →4.44x10 Problem set: Significant figures

Question 1 Whichnumberhasthemostsignificantfigures? a. 5.61km c. 1.000m 4 b. 0.00021L d. 2.3x10 m

Question 2 Howmanysignificantfiguresareineachofthefollowing? a. 203K d. 6.30x10 2 km

b. 300.00g e. 1000°C

c. 2.11x10 3M f. 0.0100L

Question 3 Performtheoperationsindicatedandexpressyouranswertothecorrectnumberofsignificantfigures. a. 27+37.29.06=

b. 28.7630.763=

c. 22.31+120.6542+0.002=

d. (65.2–63.6)x283=

e. 2.1x10 4x2.38x10 4=

f. 5.23x10 32.3x10 4=

Question 4 Roundupthefollowingnumberstothree significantfigures.Usethescientificnotationifrequired. a. 10002 d. 1.040x10 5

b. 56.078 e. 0.066559

c. 302.59 f. 2030

Answers Q1: c Q2: a. 3 b. 5 c. 3 d. 3 e. ambiguous f. 3 2 -3 Q3: a. 55 b. 28.000 c. 142.97 d. 4.5x10 e. 5.0 f. 5.00x10 4 5 -2 3 Q4: a. 1.00x10 b. 56.1 c. 302 d. 1.04x10 e. 6.66x10 f. 2.03x10