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The BG News November 1, 1972

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 1, 1972" (1972). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2770.

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ByJackO'Breu working relationship, but will give the The greatest support and voter turn- electors permission to amend the out for the charter came in areas Bowling Green voters yesterday administrative organization when where members of the University decided hi law of "eeeae nit M necessary faculty reside they passed the proposed city charter "I'm extremely happy that it did This includes precincts D. E. F la in a special local election. (pass), being in the position to see its Ward 3 on the city's southwest side. A With all 27 precincts reporting, the advantages." said Bruce If. Bellard. total of 415 persons in the area voted, unofficial count shows 1.235 in favor the city's third ward councilman. "It's with 267 in favor of the charter. a progressive move." and 998 persons against the charter. A In the predominantly student off- total of 8,981 persons are registered to "1 couldn't see any disadvantages to it." he added. "It really doesn't make campus housing area-Ward 2, pre- vote in the city. cincts B and C located south of East "I'm pleased." said Mayor Charles the mayor any stronger, as many people believed lit would)." Wooster Street between the Penn E. Bartlett in reaction to the charter's Central railroad tracks and South passage "1 think that this will mean Bellard said the charter will enable the city to take more actions that the College Dr.-the voting was meager. that we'll have an improvement in city A total of 230 persons voted in this government in the long run present form of government would not have permitted. ward. 123 in favor of the charter. "I'M OVERJOYED." said Allen R "IT GIVES you an opportunity to AS A RESULT of the charter's Baldwin, a member of the commission handle things in the community that we passage. Bowling Green will soon have that proposed the charter "We've couldn't do before." he added. "It'll a municipal administrator who will be been working a year on it We had really put economy in city govern- appointed to an indefinite term by the scores of meetings on it. I'm very ment." mayor with the approval of council happy." The electors decided in favor of a The municipal administrator will re- Under the charter, the cltv fovern- form nl fnvemment which they had place the safety-service director and win retain the mayor-council rejected 10 year' earlier will be called on to head committees whenever the need arises. In addition, the charter staggers the four-year terms of the three councilmen-at-large, while ward councilmen retain their two-year terms. The charter provides for a director An evening walk through mitt and driulo...what a perfect time to ju»t stroll of finance, who will "perform those Walk and lot your thoughts wander. But there's work to bo dona inside that building functions performed by the auditor and you're passing. Somehow, midterms have crept upon us (so soon?) and time is treasurer, and will be appointed by the mayor with council's approval. on running short. Assignments are piling up and you just can't put off that The charter will give city council studying any longer. But with the night so quiet and your thoughts so's additional power of investigation and by.. a time like this that tempts you to just walk on by. require it to elect one of its members as president Final peace talk date still hazy

PARIS (AP) • North Vietnam has yet Washington agreement They declined by the Saigon government for this and talks said. "All pretexts invoked by the to set a date for resuming peace nego- to specify whether this activity was other reasons. are indefensible. tiations with 1 'fin \ A. Kissinger, with the North Vietnamese, with other The sources said it was expected that The Viel Cong said that the U.S. sources close to the U.S. delegation to Communist governments, or merely the semipublic Vietnam peace talks refusal to sign by this date "seriously the Paris peace talks said yesterday. between the United States and its allies would continue for some time after the threatens' the chances of ending the The North Vietnamese were noncom- in Vietnam signature of a cease-fire agreement. war mittal on the question, but assailed the The four-sided talks have continued United States for failing to sign an Kissinger has said he needs one more in stalemate for four years and played In Saigon, a television commentator accord worked out between Kissinger secret session with top North Viet- no role in the agreement drafted in declared that Nixon has advocated peace with honor "and this we shall and Hanoi negotiators yesterday as namese negotiators to finalize the draft secret sessions between Kissinger and originally scheduled. agreement the North Vietnamese. have, not peace in humiliation " The sources stressed that the presi- Blaming the "nonserious attitude of The sources disclosed that one of the The commentator reported the South dential advisor's remark that "peace is the Nixon administration" for failure Vietnamese government had been subjects under discussion was the with- at hand" remained as true now as to have a peace agreement signed yes- advising the United States against '*ewpBe^#e# Bper o*t^PV^Sfl s>. r^esw^aeawi drawal of North Vietnamese troops when he made it in Washington last terday. North Vietnam demanded that haste in signing an Indochina peace from South Vietnam. Folksingois Steve Addis and Bill Crofut, once sent on a world Thursday. the United States "proceed rapidly" agreement. tour as John F. Kennedy's goodwill ambassadors, performed The sources said a great deal of acti- The agreement apparently contains with the signature. The political future of South Vietnam vity is continuing behind the scenes to at various locations on campus Monday and yesterday. no specific provision for such a with- A statement issued by North Viet- has always been a major issue at the clarify various points in the Hanoi- drawal and has been sharply criticized nam's delegation to the Paris peace peace talks Funds essential for arts complex 1 ^M BJBwa^gJI ByJeHJoba legislature for the 1973-75 biennium. complex," Dr. Fulton said. "If the tax for preliminary architectural plans, he cpsjaj BJBL. \ 8Jk Construction of a fine arts complex BOwEVBL Dr. David Fulton, is repealed, all bets are off." said. could begin by the summer of 1974—if chairman of the Fine Arts Complex Dr. Michael Ferrari, acting provost, Dr. Fulton said the fine arts complex the $6 million needed for the building is Planning Committee, said the alloca- said if the legislature allocates less is at the top of the priority list because allocated by the state legislature. tion depends on the state budget for the than 86 million, plans for the building the present facilities are overcrowded. The proposed complex would house next two years, which in turn will be in- would be changed to fit the amount of additional facilities for music, art. fluenced by next week's vote on the money given. THE UNIVERSITY has no dancing theater and dance. state income tax. Because the complex is Ijigh on the facilities, and the capacity for theater The Ohio Board of Regents is "There's no doubt about a correla- University's priority list. 880,000 ha* productions in the Main Auditorium of expected to request the funds from the tion between the income tax and the already been allotted to the University University Hall may be cut to about 650 seats because of the renovation program for the building, he said. Election margin slim Carl Kail, an art professor and mem- ber of the planning committee, said the Wv' 11 1 art building is also overcrowded. HI II ' ^SaSssflaH B^BafcaVam ( at I aaaafl This year drawing, painting, and art history lecture classes are held in the Stanfield apparent victor main art building. Sculpture, ceramics and glass blowing classes are held in going to independents or undecided. the art department annex on East Reed For the time belag Trudeau TORONTO (API -The Conservative A new federal election is probably Street party led by Robert L. Stanfield, remained prime minister, although the just around the corner, perhaps in the "We lack office space, student space emerged yesterday as the apparent voters had given his party only 40 per spring. It is dolorous news to the politi- and creative space," Hall said. "You winner of an election which repudiated cent of the House of Commons seats it cal parties, already nearly broke from can't feel free in terms of art with the administration of Prime Minister sought the expenses of this campaign somebody on your elbow." Stanfield is a former premier of Pierre Elliott Trudeau The hair- 1 breadth margin at latest reckoning . As a graduate of the The Canadian system, like the Bri- DR. FULTON said the new complex tish from which it is derived, requires was 109 to 108. Harvard Law School he is the first would be used in addition to the present Backstage at 'Superstar The result, leaving the major parties Harvard man to be in line for leader- the party with the most House of Commmons seats to form a govern- facilities. at almost a standoff, was one of the ship of the Canadian government. Tentative plans for the complex Jesus Christ. Superstar, do you think you're what they say you i re?" Stanfield is 58. Trudeau 53. Trudeau ment under the party leader, who most incredible in Canada's political include music rehearsal rooms, a he Christ story has been dramatized in music by Bach, by Ham lei and told supporters he was sorry things becomes prime minister. T history. recital hall, and facilities for metal mo it recently by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice turned out as they did-and advised With recounts to come in some work, drawing, printing and painting. he original concert production of "Jesus Christ Superstar" was in IN 1888 a political bulldozer powered T areas, it remained to be seen whether them to cheer up and hope for better edo recently, playing to record-breaking audiences by a fuel called Trudeaumania The speech department would also Tol Stanfield could form a new government days. have areas for acting and video taping, B ackstage after a performance of the rock opera, the stars of th e show flattened the Conservatives in a displacing Trudeau's Liberals. dance and performances, Dr. Fulton dis< ussed their concept of the production, traveling across count ry and THE ELECTION was for 264 seats in triumphal sweep that left the Liberal IN AMY CASE, the Liberals had lost rel gion the House of Commons. Late standings leader in command of a majority. said. the majority they had in the last In addition, the complex would have T um to the Arts and Entertainment section, page seven. A so see gave the Conservatives or Tories 109, The Trudeau magic disappeared this Parliament and could rule only with classrooms and possibly an audi- rel led story on page six. time and the result is political chaos, at minor-party help. That was true of the the Liberals 108, the New Democrats least temporarily. torium, ha said. Conservatives, too. 30 and Social Credit 15-with two seats Pag* 2/The BO News, Wednesday, November I, 1972 eDITGRiaLS on the right george mcgovern grounds for optimism By William F. Berkley Jr. coalition will take charge of the should there be an end to the tenacity forward, and let us proceed on the provinces and hamlets; and we can of the South Vietnamese resisters? following presumptions. One: that The mysterious developments in then, finally, relegate Vietnam-in the Richard Nixon is not engaged in Vietnam have the world on edge, and words of Mr. John Kenneth Galbraith- FOR ALL THAT Thieu may betraying the central commitment of understandably so. The speech by to that obscurity it so richly deserves. aggravate the House of Commons, the his Vietnam policy. President Thieu. far from clarifying The trouble with the script is that it Stock Exchange, and Olaf Two: that Nguyen Thieu will finally the situation, deepens the mystery. isn't true. A word on the subject: Palme, it is HIS country he is fight- balance the prospects at home, with Mr Thieu is given to Those who believe that Richard ting for. HIS country that has been the realities abroad extemporaneous speeches, which Nixon will suddenly, abruptly, alter his brutalized. HIS countrymen who are Meanwhile the apparent anxiety of however well they may succeed in policy so as in effect to become an threatened by massive retaliation and the North Vietnamese to conclude the giving the flavor of the man. do not instrument of the North Vietnamese bloodbaths and tyranny, and the grisly war may finally justify the succeed in communicating exactly the disparage Richard Nixon to the point of presumption must continue to be. as cautious and incautious vaticinations situation he finds himself in. identifying him with the caricature regards Thieu. that he is acting as one of those who have said, right along Meanwhile. George McGovern and popularized by such as I Vr block would wish an American leader to act North Vietnam can't keep it up his boosters (at this point that is the They see him as a scheming, under similar circumstances: with forever. best word for them i are doing what conniving, unprincipled politician who that eternal determination to protect There are grounds for guarded they can to plant an image of the thinks nothing at all of his word. Next Tuesday, the voters of the nation will choose the man in his country and his people from optimism deadlock in the public mind That word was given to the South subjugation whom they wish to place their trust for the next four years. Vietnamese, and backed by mountains Let the deliberations then go N. This is a vital trust and the man who receives it will be THEY ARE asking us all to believe of American grief and money, shed and • ■*■«■ expected to lead the country on a path of improvement politi that the Nixon Administration has spent for the maintenance of an cally. socially and economically. achieved an understanding with the American credibility which is the We support a man whom we believe can be entrusted with the North Vietnamese which we might vertebra of world stability. opinion future of this nation. We offer our endorsement to George have achieved four years ago, but for Nixon's transigence. McGovern for president of the United States. I SAY FLATLY: it is implausible to The McGovern script puts it this think this of Nixon. Nixon is not going McGovern is no stranger to politics. He served in Congress for way Richard Nixon, egged on by the to dump Thieu. Thieu may go. in the m is unders ton dings 13 years in such capacities as chairman of the subcommittee on bloodthirsty element of the American long run, for complicated reasons Indian affairs, director of Food for Peace and sponsor of community, refused to accept terms which may or may not lead to By Dave Pltu executions.) since the United States numerous bills such as the McGovern-Hatfield Amendment and that the North Vietnamese would strategically disastrous developments Gaeal Calaoulit had imprisoned innocent American the Food Stamp Reform Act. gladly have accepted at the beginning for South Vietnam. Some of William F Buckley's recent Japanese in World War II simply on the basis of race. The strength of McGovern's beliefs is rooted in his conviction of his term of office. The British people, in their wisdom political columns point unerringly to Now. anxious to make points with a or lack of it. overthrew Winston one of his crucial shortcomings - the What nonsense! There is a point that the country needs leaders who place "high values on public progressively disillusioned by Churchill at war's end. and. not much complete misunderstanding and where history and the present must be humanity, on human relationships, on the dignity of the person." the war. Nixon has capitulated to the later, the French shed Charles De complete abuse of the historical distinguished, but Buckley does not I 'is view of life includes the importance of family, the depen- North Vietnamese terms, but is now Gaulle. But Nixon is not going to serve parallel. seem to see it. dence on nature, the strength of community and the worth of finding it difficult to bring Thieu as Executioner, surrogate for the Mr Buckley seems to sense a The Buckley column that appeared living things. around. Vietnamese people deterministic authority in history, as if in last Thursday's BG News shows In 1963. as a Senator, he made his first congressional speech These terms (according to Why then did President Thieu give we can neither presume to rise above it again this lack of perception. He is opposing U.S. involvement in Vietnam, a year before anyone else McGovern's script! call essentially for the impression that he was being nor dare to strike a break from it. This criticizing McGovern's use of Nixon's the following: Thieu must step down. pushed around9 It is hard to say famous "October 9" statement (on the spoke out against it. notion is essentially somber, All American forces must instantly exactly. The Vietnamese are. just to essentially Republican, and essentially folly of reelecting those who blew their As he became more familiar with the war (particularly after a withdraw All the bombing has to stop. begin with, inscrutable stupid. four-year chance for peace). visit in November, 1965) he became convinced of the waste and A coalition government, composed of The advantages of his posture are The most irritating point is reached To a certain extent he is tragedy of the conflict. two or three elements, only one of obvious. IV will solidify his position when Buckley justifies present wrongs comprehensible The statement In September, 1970. the McGovern-Hatfield Amendment which them headed by Thieu. will then rule among those of his countrymen who with past. certainly has been overused, and been called for an end to U.S. involvement, went before the Senate for the country That coalition will would rather resist and resist and IN HIS "PLAYBOY" interview of made to seem much more sensational a vote and lost. eventually preside over elections of resist, than surrender 1970, he stated he could not bring than it actually is. some sort or other. But before the vote was taken, McGovern told the Senators It is often remarked that there is no himself to criticize the Thieu regime's apparent end to the tenacity of the BUT TUBE it cads. Buckley tries that their "chamber reeks of blood." He indicted every Senator practice of imprisonment and REPRESENTATIVES of the North Vietnamese invaders Why execution without trial (40.000 civilian to justify Nixon by citing other with responsibility "for sending 50,000 young Americans to an presidents who couldn't bring peace early grave." inside four years. He mentions I!is priorities have always been directed toward the preserva- Lincoln. He mentions FDR tion and betterment of life rather than the destruction and degra- Leirers Now. what have Lincoln and dation of it. Roosevelt to do with Vietnam'' They never claimed they'd have peace in Under the Kennedy administration, McGovern was appointed four years. director of the Food for Peace Program that donated surplus They weren't presiding over the American food to needy countries. killings must stop now same sort of war They weren't As a result of his work in this program in South America. propping dictators. Just what is school attendance in Peru rose 40 per cent. t Buckley driving at? ...O Lord our God. help us to tear McGovern has said that although the concerns of the nation and whose existence is necessary to the combination of previous international The rest of this column is sheer their soldiers to bloody shreds with our survival of Vietnam's staple crop, rice wars. drivel, and extreme even for Buckley. of the people are with Vietnam, the economy, law and order and shells; help us to cover their smiling The most hideous and reprehensible Nixon equates withdrawal of mili- When, for instance, he declares that urbanization, the basic source of their uneasiness is that they fields with the pale forms of their fact is not merely that bombs are being tary support of Thieu and South Viet- "producing peace" really means have lost faith in their government." patriot dead; help us to drown the thun- dropped, but that a major object of nam with surrender, and to surrender, "producing peace for the United der of the guns with the shrieks of their He wants to return the government to the people so that it that bombing is to terrorize and he tells us. would be to betray those States." he has reached such a peak of wounded, writhing in pain; help us to benefits and aids the people as was the Constitution's original demoralize the innocent people of Americans who have died in Vietnam. bleak silliness that we can't even laugh intent lay waste their humble homes with a North Vietnam by the wholesale use of at him. hurricane of fire, help us to wring the He is concerned with labor. He proposes a cut in military anti-personnel devices, whose sole pur- The Vietnam dead are certainly a hearts of their unoffending widows tragedy, but not justification to per- spending by ending the war. reducing the number of troops in pose is to destroy, disfigure and disable NOT EVEN Nixon says that! And with unavailing grief; help us to turn the vulnerable civilian population. petuate killing. Kurope and cancelling the anti-ballistic missile system < ABM). when he says it is only "technically" them out roofless with their little true that Nixon has failed to achieve- He then proposes to invest this money in housing, hospitals, It is absurd to sacrifice the unity and children to wander unfriended the IT SEEMS incomprehensible that peace, he is mind-numbing wastes of their desolated land in rags basic principles of America for misrep- public transportation, schools and environmental protection, thus one's own country could inflict such Technically!" Lord! Nixon is ONLY resented goals and usurped authority moving toward a full employment in a peacetime economy and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun cruel and vicious punishment on in command of the most devastating in Vietnam. He also wants to adjust the tax system so that the full burden of flames of summer and the icy winds of innocent human lives. But it is so. bombing operation in history winter, broken in spirit, worn with taxation does not fall on the middle income people, but allows the George McGovern promises to end Speaking of which-history-there is a travail, imploring Thee for the refuge The bombing, however, instead of this war of inhuman torture and na- rich to pay their fair share. dangerous misunderstanding that of the grave and denied it-for our weakening the people and diminishing tional disgrace, not in four years, but seems to have been commonly formed McGovern supports day care programs for working mothers morale, has drawn them into solidarity sakes who adore Thee. Lord, blast immediately. on it, due in part to such self- and expanded educational, nutritional and health programs for against the murderous policy of their hopes, blight their lives, protract His is not a policy based on belli- consciously dazzling writers as America and for the reunification of children. their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy gerance. but on a realistic and Buckley. their nation He calls good health care "the right of every American their steps, water their way with their humanistic interpretation of the situa- His analogies are often fast and citizen" and proposes a federally-funded, guaranteed system of tears, stain the white snow with the tion and the desire to apply America's clever, but they are just as often blood of their wounded feet! We ask it. The lives of those killed in bombing comprehensive health insurance. raids have not been lost, but seared energies to domestic improvement misleading. And though my personal in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the The war must end The American reactions to the man must now be - McGovern also bemoans the treatment of the aged. Source of Love, and Who is the ever- into the memories of the North Viet- "The lest of any society is the way in which it treats its older namese, never to be forgotten people have the opportunity to stop the well- perfectly clear, there is more faithful refuge and friend of all that are killing now. If we do not, Nixon will than partisanship to it members and we have the resources to provide an income for sore beset and seek His aid with hum- Any war is dehumanizing and is. in fact, the negation of human worth. The end it when HE pleases. It is a dangerous situation for all our senior citizens so they can live their retirement years in dig- ble and contrite hearts Amen around when the past is believed to nity and comfort." -Mark Twain air war being waged by Nixon is also the negation of our national honor and David Brand have mystical significance and McGovern said. "It is time to recall that the promise of 1129>2 Washington Ave. absolute moral compulsion upon the This moment. American bombs are the principles of self-determination America was not a pledge to the privileged, but a covenant with Findlay. Ohio present falling on North Vietnam. Innocent and liberty, so often espoused by all our people Let us keep that covenant now " human beings are being murdered and America. We need a man in the White House who is concerned with the maimed. Long after its termination, it will people and puts the people first. Bombs fall not only on industrial cen- remain as a bleeding sore in American We urge you to vote for a man who will restore humanity and ters, military targets and supply and world history. justice to the American Democratic system. routes, but with uncanny frequency •me BG news IN THE FOUR years since he That man is George McGovern. into large residential districts, smail country villages and onto the dikes. pledged to end the war, twenty thou- sand young American lives have been An Independent Student Voice forfeited and more tons of bombs have been dropped on Vietnam than in any Editorial Staff

editor katharina I. batten panty raid managing editor j. scott tcreden newt editor kathleen m. fraie editorial editor ann m. hofbauer Regarding the October 24 panty raid on McDonald West, we feel that it was makeup editor rose m. hum* carried to an extreme. Panty raids are sport* editor frederic r. ortlip usually harmless and should be. photo editor mania j. lamer Common courtesy and consideration copy editor joanc. geitl should prevail. entertainment editor patrkia I. bailey During this panty raid a group of guys stormed through McDonald West. Unlocked rooms were entered and Business Staff articles of clothing (bras and pantiesl were stolen. business manager vouohn e. rockhold As anyone knows, clothing is advertising manager John g pollock expensive. We are requesting that the tales manager mkhaei j. votentini stolen articles be returned to the main lobby of McDonald West or Editorial and Business Offices 106 University Hall contributions made to cover expenses Phone 373-2003 No questions asked. n»e»«—.fcuw^iii nii|i«i Mt*p4myt*mitmMm*iim.m*mm Future panty raids should see locked *% *» ■— ■. «eso <■ —*W| «i -iw » Mhiiim ci in ■* oi n«m o— doors. erdw. o»i»iwi — - I — IILI ■■-■- »«n»nii ■ !■ n» m*m 4» mm !■ . ■!■■.■ *.!>■* .m II li Illit|»«^l«*»—.^0>I.O)M Kristine Siesel —■»■■<.— m, «■«..».—».m»«»lfc^.M»»fc...>.««lfc~ Christine Bid YOU'VE SUFFERED ENOUGH, GENERAL LAVILLI CASI DISMISSIDI 237 McDonald West W«dn«day, Nov.mb«r 1, 1972, Th« BG N

WASHINGTON (AP) - Henry A. Kissinger. Presi- drawal of all American supplanting the old. in- like to see the International Hanoi's Politburo member The tentative, nine-point dent Nixon's chief foreign- troops within 60 days, effective commission Control Commission put in who has negotiated for agreement to end the war in affairs advisor, said last accompanied by release of created under Geneva place at the same time the North Vietnam in Paris, will Vietnam remained unsigned week that one more meeting all prisoners of war over the agreements and made up of Vietnam cease-fire is meet again this week The yesterday but plans went of three or four days with same span India. Canada and Poland promulgated. final accord could come by forward lor having a 1.000- the North Vietnamese is At the State Department THE TIMING of the Sunday, according to some man lorce in place to super- required to iron out all the THE REPORTED new spokesman Charles W. Bray cease-fire announcement diplomatic sources. vise the possible cease-fire international policing neither affirmed nor denied appeared to be drawing In Japan. South Vietnam's details of the agreement. agency would line up two the new watchlog com- nearer. According to special envoy Pham Dang Canada. Indonesia. It would provide for an in Communist nations with two mission is taking shape diplomatic sources lam, Saigon's chief delegate Hungary and Poland have place cease-fire and with- noncommunist countries. The United States would Kissinger and Le Due Tho. to the Paris peace talks told agreed to provide 250 Deputy Prime Minister officers each for what is Takeo Miki there are still expected to be the complex some points to be ironed out and difficult job of seeing before the cease-fire agree- that terms of the peace ment could be signed accord are carried out in the lam said the Saigon field, informed diplomatic newsnoTes government wants further sources said yesterday clarification on the with- Mental Health and Mental Egypt with offensive weapons by the Retardation, Dr Jaffe said at a drawal of North Vietnamese AS THE OCT. 31 deadline Harris poll end of 1973. the Beirut newspaper An forces from South Vietnam originally set by the North, meeting at Ohio State University. Nahar said yesterday Vietnamese for signing of' NEW YORK (AP) - President The contract provides for ex- But deliveries depend on the out- the pact passed, the White Nixon increased his lead over Sen. pansion of treatment programs in come of the next summit meeting Moore accepts House continued to withhold George McGovern in the presidential Akron, Canton, Cleveland. Dayton. between President Nixon and Soviet any hints on when this cere- campaign this month, apparently due Toledo, and Warrensville Heights. Communist party leader Leonid I coalition post mony might be carried out. to negotiations to end the war in Five hundred additional patients will Brezhnev Dr. Iwiity Duncan of tft* soiloUgy Presidential press Vietnam, the Harris Survey reported be treated in this expansion. Dr Jaffe If the_two leaders reach an agree- University President yesterday. said department at th« Univertity of Michigan secretary Ronald L Ziegler ment to settle the Middle East con- Hollis A Moore Jr. recently Between mid-September and mid- accepted an appointment to •poll* ynlarday en "ProbUmi in Coding told newsmen that the flict, the Soviet Union will cancel the October, McGovern had cut the Nixon projected shipments, said An Nahar's the board of directors of the ■•spent** le Open-ended Questions in objective remains "'to achieve the right kind of lead from a spread of 34 to 25 points. Chilean leftists Egyptian affairs specialist. Fuad Coalition for Rural Replication Studies: Restriction on Women's In the latest survey of 1.648 likely America. agreement-one that will SANTIAGO. Chile (AP) - All 15 Mattar. in a report from Cairo. Work." The speech was held in the Alumni last" and one that "does not voters nationwide Oct. 24-26, Nixon The coalition is a national widened his lead to a 28-point spread. cabinet ministers in President Sal- organization acting as a Room, Union. leave the seed for future vador Allende's leftist government conflict." Skyjacking spokesman and advocate for resigned yesterday after three weeks • the broad interests of rural of strikes that have crippled Chile's America. economy. Drug program DETROIT (AP) - All departure Edward T Breathitt. Linguist proposal ok'd The Cabinet resignations were led gates at U.S. airports will be former governor of Ken- COLUMBUS (AP) - The State of off Monday when Interior Minister equipped with metal detectors by the tucky and chairman of the Ohio will receive federal funds Jaime Suarez. a Socialist, gave up his first of the year in an attempt to coalition's 48-member amounting to $663,000 to expand its post reportedly to seek election to reduce skyjackings. says the chief of Board of Directors, said he By Dave Kimpel hire the consultant through The proposed Office of Congress. the Federal Aviation Administration the American Embassy in International Education, program on drug abuse treatment. is "convinced that the Dr. Jerome Jaffe. director of the Allende has accepted the resigna- John H Shaffer, FA A admin- coalition is needed and will The University yesterday Japan, which will screen under which this program White House Special Action Office for tions of Suarez and Pa I ma There was istrator, speaking at a conference in advance the overall develop- approved a proposal to hire candidates will be located, is being no word immediately whether he suburban Troy Monday, said the introduced to oversee all Drug Abuse Prevention, said yester- ment of this country as well a Japanese linguistic consul- day. would accept the other resignations detection devices will not be able to tant for the proposed Office THE COUNCIL on Inter- international programs as rural America halt the kind of hijacking that "It is only with the of International Education national Studies has asked within the University. The funds are the result of a con- occurred in Houston. Tex., Sunday, A matching grant of about for a person knowledgeable The Council on Interna- Soviet weapons achievement of a balanced tract between the National Institute when four armed men killed one national growth that this $10,000 from the in the areas of education and tional Education is now of Mental Health and the Ohio Bureau airlines employee and wounded business so as to be useful to looking for a director for the BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) - The country can make best use Department of Health. of Drug Abuse in the Department of another while taking a plane to Cuba. of its resources-human and Education and Welfare other colleges at the Univer- office. Soviet Union has promised to supply physical." Breathitt said I HEW I is needed before the sity. program can go into effect Only four students have If approved by HEW. the declared majors in Asian proposal would commit the Studies to date However. University to paying one half Dr. Edward 1-Te Chen, assistant professor of his- Nothing sacred to Lampoon editor of the consultant's salary for 10 months at an estimated tory, said because of a lack cost of $5,700 Approval Of' of a language, it is impos- Is anything sacred to the staff of lism of provocation and another way tion was issued in April. 1970. but issue the same." he said. "The top repeating." he said. "We cannot be- the proposal would also be sible for student to declare a the National Lampoon? to make people hear or face reality. Miller said it "landed with a thud " editors decide on the themes and let come predictable, or fall back on taken by HEW as an indica- major in Asian Studies, "There is nothing the Lampoon Miller said the idea for the Na- "The Lampoon's biggest problem each writer or artist handle it in his the same old stuff " tion that the University except in the College of won't touch," said Chris Miller, tional Lampoon came from "a in the beginning was winning back own way." Miller said the only court action intends to continue the pro- Education. contributing editor of the magazine brilliant group of humorists" who its initial support." he said. The magazine's contributors work against the Lampoon has been about gram after the grant is "Our students can't Speaking at the University were working on the Harvard Lam- He attributed the current success together, but also try to outdo each copyrights. exhausted compete in graduate school Monday night. Miller described the poon of the "multi-faceted personality other. However, he said the staff once The Council on Interna- with students from other importance of satire in journalism magazine" to its unpredictable received a threatening telephone tional Studies, in coopera- universities" because so "We are in a period of media THE MAGAZINE first hit the nature. MOST OF THE staff is under 30 call after publishing a "dead kitten tion with the Asian Studies many other universities overkill." he said. "We are all news stands in the mid 1960s as an "The Lampoon doesn't have the years of age. he said. calendar" and a box of dynamite program which originally offer a Japanese or Chinese numb experiment and promptly sold out strong central editorial board that "The problem with this type of sent to the office by an irate sub- submitted the proposal, will language program, he said He described satire as the journa- The first real issue of the publica- other magazines have to make each magazine is trying to keep from scriber. WE NEED THE DEN — announces BALFOUR'S PAUL GILLMOR RING-A-RAMA THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 2nd AND 3rd STATE SENATORS IN OHIO - SEE JOHNNY BENCH'S WORLD SERIES RING

• Senator Gillmor sponsored the bill and led the effort to WIN A B.G.S.U. CLASS RING ABSOLUTELY FREE authorize scenic nver areas in Ohio. The first "scenic river area'' in our state was dedicated on the Sandusky River in - SEE THE NBA "KNICKS" CHAMPIONSHIP RING Gillmor's district. - SEE JOE NAMATH'S SUPER BOWL RING • Vice-Chairman of the powerful Senate Ways and Means Committee WIN FREE FOOTBALL JERSEYS AND T-SHIRTS - SEE BRONCO NAGERSKI'S SIZE 19 RING i Member of the Judiciary Committee and the Elections and Retirement Committee. Previously served on the Urban and Highway Affairs Committee. WIN FREE PIZZAS - COLUMBUS CITIZEN JOURNAL - SEE NEBRASKA'S NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP RING (August 4. 1972) Original appointee to the Interstate Commission on Lake Erie, a "Best bet in the Ohio Senate to get a four-state body (New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio) bill enacted into law is Paul Gillmor, organized to combat pollution in Lake Ene. NO soft-spoken lawyer Irom Port Clin- SIGN UP AND WIN ton Gillmor is batting . 733 this ses- ' One of three Ohio Republican officeholders selected by the PURCHASE sion. Eleven ot the 15 bills he has Republican National Committee to participate with ranking • carried as chief sponsor gained final officials of the Nixon administration in a three-day national REQUIRED FREE, FREE, FREE passage." affairs seminar.

• Attendance record is 98.6. participating in 211 of 214 roll call A B.G.S.U. CLASS RING, T-SHIRTS REPUBLICAN votes. FOOTBALL JERSEYS AND PIZZAS

JUST STOP AT THE DEN, SIGN UP AND VIEW Paid for by Students To Re-elect Paul Gillmor OUR COLLECTION OF CHAMPIONSHIP RINGS Bill Fruth Chairman Poo* 4/The lO News, Wednesday, Nov.mb«r 1, 1972 Issue Five may benefit mental health workshop Issue Five on the Wood THREE-TENTHS of a tained our own facility and in enrollment at Wood Lane County ballot (or the up- mill is equal to a total of we need the levy to cover bringing the total to 90 coming election marks the three cents per hundred tax extra and unexpected children. first time in six years Wood dollars. expenses." '•ane School and Sheltered Ray Anderson, adminis- He expects an enrollment Workshop for the Mentally trator for the Wood County "WE HAVE ADDED of nearly 200 students by Retarded has asked (or an Board of The Mentally three teachers-bringing the 1975 additional operating levy. Retarded, said the revenue total to nine-a cookT an The issue calls for .3 mills from the levy would pay assistant cook and a main- "YOU'VE GOT to keep in additional tax for Wood operational expenses at tenance director to our mind many of the kids here County to maintain and Woodlane facilities," he said. are completely different. operate schools, training For instance we have two centers or workshops for "This is the first time we Anderson said there has children in wheelchairs, a mentally retarded children have operated and main- been a 27 per cent increase few in leg braces and a few kids between 16 months and -Meeting slated today eight years who are not even toilet trained yet." he said Anderson said he is con- fident the measure will pass and that no one is speaking GSS to choose officers against it.

The second meeting of the POSITIONS which must Council (two delegates), "We've always been an Graduate Student. Senate be filled include: Bookstore Advisory Com- open organization and we've i GSS l will be held today -Offices: president, vice mittee, Library Advisory never closed our doors to Mowa^ho## my StWeMl I from II a.m. to 1 p.m in the president, secretary; Committee. University anyone who has had any If Issue Rvo en the Wood County bollot posses, Wood lone School and Sheltered Taft Room. Union -Steering Committee, Union Advisory Committee. complaints, "hesaid Wood Workshop for the Mentally Retarded wl receive an additional opoioHno. levy including senate officers, Carol L. Sloman. acting Faculty Senate. Human This ii the first time administrators at the school have had to maintain then representatives to Faculty president, said the primary Relations Committee. Lane own localities. purpose of the meeting is to Senate and Graduate Coun- I.'ealth Services Advisory choose senate officers, cil and two members at Committee (three dele- steering committee large; gates). members, and graduate stu- -Councils and commit- dent representatives to tees: University Budget Parking Services Two vie for sheriff position several University councils Council (two delegates). Advisory Committee. and committees Academic Council, Graduate By Fred R. Ortlip Research Advisory Com- "I think I'm a dedicated has moved around to better University for Institute on ment of Liquor Control, _J mittee. Council on Instruc- law officer." said Coller, himself and his education. Narcotics Investigation and 1972. In the Wood County "There are only two tional Services, Committee who has served for 26 Science in Law Enforce- Coller said if elected there sheriff's race, one candidate Winthrop Terrace on Long-Rangc Planning. continuious years in the departments that I've been ment School. 1970. Toledo would likely be changes in Committee on Under- believes he has more exper- Wood County Sheriff's in." he said. "I've been in Area Metropolitan Council the sheriff's office, but he ience while the other thinks NOW RENTING FOR WINTER graduate Advising. Environ- office. (The last 12 as chief the sheriff's department for of Governments Search and said he wasn't sure what. mental Studies Cente. he has more training deputy) "People have a 17 years. Seizure Institute. 1970; "I can't say and I don't Republican Raymond E Advisory Committee. better sense of security by "I left the sheriff's depart- North Star Council of think he iMcGiffin) can or Honorary Degrees Commit- Coller. chief deputy sheriff, ment and came to the pro- having one man serve in the Government's Emergency anybody can," Coller said Quarter - Rates Start At is running against Inde- tee. Budget Sub-Council for same spot so long " secutor's office as a special Situations. Search and "I think you have to work in the Allocation of General pendent Cloyce McGiffin, investigator Here I've been $50.00 Per Person For A Arrest Seminar, 1972; the office before you really Fees. deputy sheriff and investi- COLLER SAID he thought able to learn more of the know."' 2 Bedioom - 2 Full Baths gator in the Wood County McGiffin is not as dedicated legal aspects of the law. I TOLEDO COUNCIL of However, McGiffin GRADUATE STUDENTS prosecutor's off ice "He's moved around so feel this has helped me and Governments Drug Abuse offered some changes he OFFICE AT WINTHROP SOUTH interested in these positions Incumbent Sheriff Earl much. Where I have 26 not been a detriment to Seminar. 1971, graduated would make if elected. or wishing to suggest areas Rife is retiring me." continuous years of service from the U.S. Department of i want to set up a 352-9135 in which GSS may be able to Coller said he has more The following are each in the sheriff's department, Justice's Bureau of Nar- training program for my better deal with the con- experience, which he con- he's moved to different man's qualifications cotics and Dangerous Drugs deputies. The training is for cerns of graduate students siders is the biggest factor departments." he said (besides formal training): School, 1971 one reason That's the ex- OPEN TUES. & THURSDAY TILL 9.00 P.M. are urged to attend the involved in the selection pro- McGiffin, who has 21 McGiffin-Police Science Coller-Police Science In- perience in handling all meeting, Sloman said. cess. years of experience, said he Institute at the University stitute. University. 1965; phases of the job and the Police Training Political Science Institute. "I want to be able to see Course at Toledo University. University. 1964. Ohio the deputies go out and pro- 1965; Small Arms Firing Regional Crime Control cess a crime scene I which School of the Department of Clinic. Defiance. 1967; Ohio hat been done by calling in a In Wood County The Domino People the Army. 1963. certified as Law Enforcement Institute. man from the Bureau of an instructor by the Columbus. 1970; Criminal Investigation)." are Pizza People, Period. National Rifle Association. Civil Disturbance; Ruck- 1965; Ohio Peace Officer eye State Sheriff's Assoc- MCGIFFIN SAID he Training School. 1966, iation, 1971, Ohio Civil Dis- wants to see more than just licensed as a certified REMEMBER FOR TREASURER turbance Training School. the required training. instructor in the program. 1968. Organized Crime "I feel there should be U\jmm\JO Bowling Gr.en 1967. Seminar, Toledo, 1971 some specialized training,' Case Western Reserve Re-elect PIZZA 3W°5221 Juvenile Delinquincy and he said "Photography is a Narcotics and Dangerous basic thing that should be Drugs: Pizia delivered hot. Pizza delivered great. FUTURE CPA'S done-mugging prisoners, EDWARD N. NIETZ North Star Council of photos of crime scenes, Pizza delivered fait. Pizza delivered free. Learn Now About the Government's Emergency accidents next CPA Exam. Situations. Search and "Being able to have a man HOURS! Becker CPA Review Court* Arrest Seminar. 1972; who can process a crime Correction seminar. Toledo PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Sunday thru Thursday 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. C01UMBUS 614 224-3290 scene is a speciality we University. 1972; Depart- Friday and Saturday 5:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. CINCINNATI 513651-4487 don't have.'' CIEVQAND 2166860969 OAYTON 513 24*5087 OUR SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS REPRESENT 1/5 OF USA Compton Batchelder DOMINO'S COURSES BEGIN JUNE 111 DEC I 3 MENU BEER BLAST!!! Our Superb Cheese Pixza INFRA-REDS AT COMPTON 12-inch Regular Pizza $1.55 Antique Clothing FEATURING 16-inch Super Pizza $2.50 From the Additional Items Ham Olivfi Ptppsroni Sublime to the ARGYLE Mushroom* GrMn Psppsrt Ground o««l Onionl Bacon Fresh Sausage Ridiculous 12-inch Regular Pizza each 30c FRI.. NOV. 3. 9 P.M.-1 A.M. 16-inch Super ,., each 50c "Grand Opening" TICKETS: 75c IN ADVANCE AT COMPTON Our DeLuxe Pixxa—Pepperoni, Mushrooms, .. NOV. 1st Ham, Green Pepper, Onion 1 00 AT THE DOOR 12-inch Regular Pizza $2.75 16-inch Super Pizza $4-50 501 Farnsworth Soft drinks also available. Waterville 878-4711

On ths |ob in Columbus, studying lagisla lion, solving a constituent's problem Back home with his family, mailing votais. find- ing how ha can basl lapiasent you CHERUBS — WERE FLYING HIGH! (GLAD YOU'RE IN THE FLIGHT) THE ANGELS

Re-elect Republican U.A.O. Campus Flicks & Cartoons CHARLES F. KURFESS Willard Fri Nov. 3-6:00 and 10.30 STATE REPRESENTATIVE - 83rd DISTRICT Sat Nov. 4 - 8:30 MONDAY - NOV. • - 8:00 P.M. AND 10:00 P.M. F ov BOWING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY BALLROOM The Boston Strangler »- J J JJJ STUDENT TICKETS S2 00 ADVANCE AT STUOENT UNION BIDG Swdtim In Kurliu COMIMIM c ' Sat.-Nov. 4-6:00 and 10:30 KNim 6mm DOWNTOWN t STUOENT SERVICES BLOG Alton* Soltei Chi*min S2 50 AT THE OOOR PAD FOR BY CITIZENS FOR KURFESS COMMITTEE Main Auditorium - U. Hall. Free with I.D. All NON-STUDENT TICKETS - $3.00 W»dn«»doy, Novmbr 1, 1971. Th« gg N«w»/P»fl« 5

'ft here Thrifty Shopping is H Pleasure " Dil I

•' lit Dk)it6 lo ICCtQl Great Scot U.S.D.A. FOOO STAMP NNCNDIY FOOD STORES lltUti, I COUPONS







S WHITl * ASSORTID oi« LB. , FACIAL TISSU1S ~w.«Rl« PUFFS -15c BA6 491 WITH IHtl OBI*! »COT COUPON OOOO IPHTU NOV. • ttTl afimttmcoMMfieeiMftfi WE RESERVE QUANTITY RIGHTS PRICES GOOD THRU NOV. G. 1972 GreatScot THANKS FOR SHOPPING GREAT SCOT! FRItNDlY FOOD STORES */The BO N.wi Wodnotdoy, Nov.mbar 1. 1972 Saroyan philosophy Play depicts love of life'

Rick Crouse, graduate student in man His belief is not "based on the his short stories than for his plays ture, it has no theatre, he said Pulitzer Prize because he believed speech, proposes that a new job be Christian man. but on what he In addition to short stories and "There are no playwrights for the he had been struggling for years and established by Congress and he says believes man was and should be." play aroyan has alto written counterculture." no one paid any attention to him. he has the right man to fill it. "He's the kind of guy you would novel., songs, and six autobiog- "And yet here's this guy Why all of a sudden should he gain The job: lover of life. like to meet in a bar somewhere and raphies (Saroyan) with roughly three dozen recognition. The man: William Saroyan. just sit and drink and talk." Crouse "He's an egotist in a nice sort of plays that could be used and the "He lives what he preaches. author of "The Time of Your Life." said. way," Crouse said. people in the counter culture have William Saroyan is the best opening tonight in the Joe E. Brown Crouse said he is more hung up on "His style of writing sort of never even heard of him," he Mid. example of William Saroyan Theatre in University Hall. Saroyan himself than he is on any precedes absurdist playwrights. That is why Crouse chose to do plays," he added. Crouse. who is directing the one of his plays. ' The Time of Your Life.'' this year. The play, which has a cast of 26. production, said Congress should "IT'S A VERY romantic style, "I picked It because I wanted to takes place in a waterfront dive "pay people to do nothing else "I WAS FIRST exposed to him his characters do more than just expose that milieu (the alternate called "Nick's Saloon. Restaurant except love life." four years ago and his works and his look at life, they get involved in all lifestyle) to him." be said. and Entertainment Palace." life have changed my life." he said aspects of it. "His audience has arrived but "The bar is a microcosm of the "THEY DO it in Canada," he "I think of Saroyan as a combina- "He seems like a prophet in that they don't know him." United States, it has people from all said. tion of an Armenian elf. Santa in many of his plays from the '30s he walks of life. The play has some of In that country, people are paid to Clause, and Bacchus, the Roman saw the materialism aspect of "THE TIME of Your Life" was the most unique and original, stand on the steps of buildings or on god of wine and fertility." society coming." chosen for a Pulitzer Prize but imaginative characters ever street corners to just talk about life. Saroyan, 64. lives in Fresno, Crouse added that what Saroyan Saroyan refused it. The same year written in dramatic literature." "Saroyan would be the most Calif., and can occasionally be seen seems to be saying in many if his the play won the Drama Critics Crouse said. logical person to hire for the job," on a television "talk" show. Crouse plays is the same thing the "counter award which Saroyan did accept. "It's a comedy, but a different he said. said culture" of today is saying. Crouse said Saroyan accepted the kind of comedy William Soroyun Crouse contends that Saroyan is a He was extremely popular in the But whereas the alternate culture drama award because he was "It's funny, but it's so damn firm believer in the brotherhood of late 30s and early 40s. but more for has its own music, art and litera- judged by his peers, but refused the true " Ellis concert...unique jazz

Review by and his 2'2-piece orchestra The concert itself began at the start that the band had high, especially in the per- Dong Norwlae showed a crowd of about 8 p.m. with the Ellis band mastered the time so that it formance by pianist Milcho 1.300 why his group is recog- hitting hard with an never became forced and Leviev and altoist Vince Last Sunday night in (he nized as "the most inno- arrangement of "Superstar" swung naturally. The Denham. Grand Ballroom of the vative big band in existence in seven. time served as the medium Ellis was impressive University Union Don Kllis today " It became obvious from of expression rather than the through his use of the ring expression itself. modular and echoplex, It never stood out front as enabling his trumpet to a circus attraction-it just sound like a Moog syn- Scholarship Fund series slowly tore down the pre- thesizer. conceived notion that jazz Occasionally during the can't swing in any time extended works there was other than four. not a lot happening and some presents first concert The time concept is not of the audience became the only thing that makes bored. "A Gala Evening of Song." the lirst con- Kdge," for tenor, string quartet and piano the Ellis band innovative. It also seemed strange cert in this year's Scholarship Fund Concert Operatic selections will include the The orchestra utilized an that even though Ellis does a Series, will be presented Saturday, at 8 30 Quartet from "Rigoletto," the Sextet from amplified string quartet, all job on the drums, he didn't p.m. in the Recital Hall. School ol Music "Lucia di Lammermoor," and duets and the woodwind instruments leave that assignment to the Bldg trios from "La Forza Del Destino." except bassoon, a French master Ralph Humphrey. tOwnehoH hy Om J. Pedal The opening program brings together the "Faust." "Madame Butterfly." and "Don horn, tuba and electronic- After three extended entire voice faculty for a presentation of Pasquale " synthesizers. encores the concert ended. f^^%M KfiM one) Ma bood poefoffnoa noro Sunoay. Prior to ffiaw chamber and operatic works, augmented by The crowd knew it had been porformonco the group h*M o dink aaaaian during which piano and small instrumental ensembles OTHER programs scheduled in the series THE LEVEL of the band's given something honest and ■H>c student* war* aide to moot individually with the performers composed of faculty artists. include the University Symphony Orchestra, musicianship was extremely sincere. and oak questions. The Scholarship Fund Concert Series is a Emil Raab, conductor, with David Pope, group of four concerts to be presented pianist, as guest soloist on Dec. 10; the through the academic year to raise money University Symphonic Band. Mark S. Kelly, for scholarships for talented music students director, with Norwine. saxophonist, on Feb. The current award recipients will appear 25. and The Bowling Green String Quartet in solo performances in two of the planned with Anderson, cellist, on April 14. concerts this year. Douglas Norwine. saxophonist, and James Season subscriptions for the series are Producer explains role Anderson, cellist, are this year's School ol available by mail from the School of Music. Music Scholars They will be performing in Adult subscriptions are $10. and students By Patty Bailey He established himself in presenter in the winter and a the Saturday program. $3 50 Eatertaiameat Editor the entertainment field producer in the summer Also featured will be chamber selections After the first Scholarship Series concert, following a career as a radio As a presenter. Shaw by Beethoven, including his Scottish Songs. single admissions will be sold at $3 for adults When "Jesus Christ personality at WCWA. books legitimate stage and Ral Vaughn Williams' On Wenlach and $1 for students. Superstar" closed Sunday Toledo shows, guest speakers and night. Ken Shaw had broken Shaw said prior to 1966 some concerts into the an all-time box office record there was no professional Toledo area. Festival slated by making it possible for theatre league in Toledo "You buy a package for a more than 66.000 Toledo He founded the American flat fee. then you sell it to A folk festival, featuring top Bowling Green acts that area residents to see the Theatre League of Toledo, the publ ic." he expla ined. appeared at the Ohio unit meeting of the National Entertain- rock opera. building a subscription "It's a relatively boring ment Conference two weeks ago. is scheduled for this Satur- It was the third time Shaw audience which enabled him job in the winter Summer day. brought the production to to bring first-class touring stock has become my The festival, sponsored by Cultural Boost, will be held at 8 the Toledo Masonic Audi- attractions and name stars thing." he added p.m. in the Grand Ballroom, Union. torium. Every one of the to Toledo As a presenter. Shaw said Highlighting the festival will be McCracken and James, three presentations was sold a person can't let his the duo composed of seniors Chris McCracken and James out. THE TOLEDO Masonic personal taste rule his Rosenberger They took first place at the Ohio NEC meeting "I think if we can bring it Auditorium opened in decision of what to book and will compete at the national convention of the NEC in back, we will." Shaw said. October. 1969. Shaw pro- "You can't be successful February. duced the first show on the in this profession and be a Other acts that competed at the NEC and will also appear AT M, Shaw is one of the Masonic stage. fan." Shaw said Saturday are Pam Dinerman. Sam Wenger and Dan Kimple youngest theatrical pro- "Everyone wanted to be "I'm not a fan. Half of the ducers in the United States. the first one in there, but no stuff I bring in I don't really ALSO APPEARING are 35 Strings and a Tub." a blue He produces and promotes one really wanted to be the like." he added. grass band, and Craig Kopp and Dave Hazard. a "Summer Star Theatre." first simply because of the For instance. Shaw said Each act will do a 30-minule set. the "American Theatre history of construction the first time he saw the The festival is a benefit for the American Cancer Society. League of Toledo", the companies for getting show "Godspell." he hated Anyone attending will be asked to donate 50 cents at the "Town Hall Lecture Series" finished on time." said it. door. in Toledo, and other one- Shaw Admission receipts will be used to pay the performers, night attractions featuring The building was com- "I ALMOST didn't bring it who will then donate a percentage of their salaries to the well-known names in the pleted a week before the in. but I looked at the Stophon Si*. Mononai w* be S^4»IIWIH*I a* the Unwonwy American Cancer Society Donations for the society will entertainment field show opened. business it was doing and of Toledo RoMhou*e en Saturday, Nov. 4, at lt> 13 p.m. TKo also be accepted during the festival In addition, Shaw co-pro- The "Town Hall Lecture decided to try it." he said group recently released a double album entitled "Mananas" Bowling Green is surpassed by no other Ohio school in folk duced last year's National Series" consists of five However, he added that if Coming b^"' around a matrix of pure country musk and rock and reN. music talent, according to McCracken. who is also coordina- Touring Company of speakers who lecture on a another suitable show had Pictured behind Stills left to right, ant Paul Harris, Chrie tor of Cultural Boost. "Butterflies are Free" variety of topics. been available, he would starring Jan Sterling. HUlman. Calvin "fully" Samuel., Al Perkim, Joo lota, and McCracken said this concert will be more professional Last year 3.000 people have taken it instead were packed into a 2.500 seat DoNas Taylor. than some folk festivals in the past Both the lighting and "It was phenomenal when sound system will be more than adequate, he predicted. auditorium to hear Arch- it opened, what it did to the bishop Fulton J. Sheen. crowd was unbelievable." "It's become one of the he said. more successful town halls Shaw makes the decision people to see... places to go ... things to do ... in the country." Shaw said. on what to book entirely by Two summers ago Shaw himself. began the summer theatre "No one wants to take the I Members of the Univer- instructor of voice, and Dr sit on a panel moderated by contemporary music scene. Scripts are available in 322 formance," tomorrow at 9 program with three responsibility for making aity music faculty and the Vernon Wolcott. associate Dr. Donald M Wilson, South Hall. p.m. offerings. He expanded to the decision and I don't want New Music Ensemble will professor of performance, assistant professor of music BUFFALO BOB Smith of "THRONE Or Blood." a The fast-paced operetta is five programs the next anyone else to." he said .perform four original com- will perform the work. and director of the New Howdy Doody fame will film which transforms one of the best-known works season and last season he "Now that Superstar' is a positions in the Recital Hall. Music Ensemble. appear at Franklin Park Shakespeare's "Macbeth" of the prolific and popular produced 10. success, they tell me that School of Music Bldg "Dedication" is an aria Mall. Friday. Saturday and into a wild and brutal Japan 19th century French com- they thought I was crazy to j The three student com- from the "Wedding Scene" THE BOWLING Green Sunday. ese tragedy, will be aired to- poser Jacques Offenbach. SHAW SAID he bring it in in the first place." positions include "Fantasia of Dr DePue's opera in-pro- SUte University Collegiate J* • night at I 30 oa WBGU-TV, ;Ior Brass Quartet" by Ann gress. Dr Jekyll and Mr Chorale will present its first Now on a nationwide tour. Hyde " fall concert at 4 p.m. next Buffalo Bob Smith returns Channel 70. THE FIRST episode o ;Girten. senior; "Septagon The film, a "Playhouse "Cousin Bette." Honore 4 :for Mixed Vocal Ensemble." The entire Wedding Scene Sunday at St. Mark's with an updated and New York" presentation, is Balzac's chilling story o is scheduled for per- Lutheran Church on South polished version of his :j>y Glen Kirchoff. graduate Akira Kurosawa's 1957 jealousy and revenge, wll formance next May in a College Drive. children's show of 20 years Student, and "A Pail of Air motion picture classic be telecast Sunday at 9 p.m. special concert of works by ago ■ffor Chamber Ensemble." by Conducted by Dr. Ivan starring Toshiro Mifune as local faculty composers. ^Dennis Wilson, senior. Trusler, director of choral Performances will be Macbeth's oriental counter- "Masterpiece Theatre.' ', Also featured will be In addition a composition activities in the school of given at 4 and 7 p.m. on part. Washizu. is presenting the five-par :' Dedication for voice and by Mortoo Feldman. music, the 48-member Friday and Saturday, and at dramatization which star 'organ by Dr Wallace entitled "Between Cate- chorale will be assisted by a 1 and 4 p.m. on Sunday. "LES BRIGANDS." a Margaret Tyzack as Coast ?DePue, associate professor gories" will be on the student instrumental AUDmONg for "The comic operetta about a Bette Fischer. Tyzack wa ""of music and chairman of program ensemble Entertainer" are being held group of l«th century Italian named Actress of the Yea the composition depart Following the program, The program will range in 106 South Hall tonight bandits that wind up being last year for her pet meat. listeners may ask questions from composers of the early from 1:30-10 p.m. and robbed, will be featured on formance as Queen Anne i - Andreas Poulimenos, of the composers, who will Renaissance to the tomorrow from •: 304 p. m. "International Per- The First Churchills." -l Sha - Wodnoedey, November 1, 1972, The BO News/Pago 7

Willie Windsor, who portray* Jesus Christ, 11 botoigod by autograph seekers outude tho (toga door following the opening night performance. Jesus Christ Superstar

By Patty Balky THE ORIGINAL concert that the performers are paid bell in his dressing room "The show has been. Eotertalnmeal Editor presentation of "SuperBtaf" completely in cash or before the Friday night termed anti-religious' but I returned. to the Toledo partially in cash with a show don't find it a challenge to Jesus Chris! is an atheist Masonic Auditorium last check lor the remainder Pe is 21. which is about any group of people." she But despite his claim to no week and presented six per- The company is also the youngest age of any of said religion. Willie Windsor says lormances in lour days to unusual in that it travels the company members "IT'S NOT an evangelistic , he finds no great contra- standing-room only aud- with its own orchestra Prior to joining the show." said l.yle Country-/ diction in playing the iences national touring company man. who plays Pontius I leading role in the national "Most groups don't bring about four months ago. he Pilate Windsor described it touring company production their own musicans with was in the Broadway pro- BACKSTAGE after the as "a ceremony that's per- of "Jesus Christ Superstar them, they just bring a ductions of both "Super- formed " curtain nosed, the company nucleus band and add local star" and "Pair." Before Countryman is understudy "I can identify with the manager. Allan l.a Magna. talent." l.a Magna said that he was in the touring for the role of Judas things he went through, his was standing on .1 table, l.'e said the necessity for company of "Pair." Iscariot. humanistic side," Windsor passing out pay checks bringing an entire orchestra "Pair" is a good back- said. the company is unusual in THE PRESENT Judas, Qtriotwio AvBa, Mory opplies makeup before going onttoge. originated when the com- ground for "Superstar." One Christopher Coan. said he is pany started doing one-night leads into the other very having the time of his life stands in different towns and naturally, Windsor said. touring with the show. didn't have tune to train The present "Superstar" I'e said the biggest musicians in each place cast (meaning all the criticism that he receives on The group also carries six national productions! is his performance is that he technical stage crewmen composed of about 50 per makes people feel sorry for with it and enlists the help of cent former "Hair" people. Judas Ideal people to set up and Windsor enjoys traveling I take that as a compli- take down the platforms and but he said it can get lonely ment." he said. electronic equipment used in at times. "I try to play to Christ the tha show. "I have some people in the way I think Judas would THE PEOPLE involved in company I'm closer to than play to him." he added "Superstar" are casual others, but it still can get Pe said he experimented before, during and after the lonely.'' he said for a week with playing a show Kut there's an abun CHRISTINE Avila. who really mean Judas but dance of reminders of who plays Mary Magdalene, said dropped that interpretation they are. the way she feels towards because it's what people Crew members wear T- Mary is what is really im- expect shirts lettered across the portant in her portrayal of I back with "Jesus Christ the role. WHAT PEOPLE might-' Superstar" and the super- "I see her as someone who not expect is the complete; star symbol has gone through humaness ol Jesus. Judas, The stage manager tremendous change." Avila and the others in the, carries a briefcase with the said. She added that she national company. Windsor; same thing lettered on it and thinks Mary loves Jesus as a admitted the first time he Robert Brand, who plays man heard the "Superstar"! Peter, has a leather belt And does Jesus love overture he felt "tremors." with a solid silver buckle in Mary^ Coan was dancing in the the shape of the superstar "It really doesn't matter wings while other actors symbol. if he loves her or not." she were performing and every- Windsor was wearing the said. one drank coffee between Avila said she is not a their scenes onstage. religious person and she When the show ended both Newsphotos doesn't think "Superstar" is Windsor and Coan were a religious show. literally mobbed at the stage by "It's an important show in door by "groupies" seeking that it takes a subject autographs. AAarcia J. usually treated in 'high' Somehow it seemed out of music and brings it to col- place to hear a girl's voice; Lanzer loquial' terms -in other asking: "Jesus, could I have What, tho Bun, tell mo what's happening?" Tho chocu» of "Supereter' doubled in tho role* of tho apostles and maidens os well. words, rock. your autograph''"

-"Sristopher Coon, Judos Istariot Lyte Countrymen, Pontius Pilote Willie Windsor, Jesus Christ •>•*• S/Tlv» SO N»w», Wednesday, November 1, 1972

72 funl Fcarum Corp White House foresees wired nation' ACROSS wpPSite of a Clown in "As Maine™ minulir ™ Roosevelt Yon Like it." turina town. reeldeocc. Roatine. WASHINGTON lAP) - A Moorhead. a blueprint for a stamped '' Administratively Office of Science and Tech- social services through a could be launched by 1V7S S Fresh-water (iih ahoeatrina* Baaeball name. government-operated propa- Confidential" on each of its nology (OST) which David public broadcasting with two fulltime broad- 9 The 43rd state. Camper, craft. Cat of meat secret White House study of 14 Scot** aroap. Have to ifeel I.eialee. plans to wire every Ameri- ganda and spy system. Ke 300 pages. It is dated August heads said he had checked network; alerting the nation casting channels, expanding 15 ABO. | am.!. inrlinod to). City on the can home, car and boat into asked Nixon to inform the 1971 and is described as a the file and if Moorhead has or any locality to an impen- to six channels by 1973 and to 16 Sprint. Lair*. a central communications nation about the administra- preliminary response to a the copy OST thinks he has, ding disaster, and providing 10 by 1980. One channel 17 BIIR. Rellf. song. Note. II Rnidral of 1974 happening. tion's intent and to make request for the study by Dr. it is a rejected one. local police with information would be devoted entirely to Handmaid of system under government Central America. Tenets. Sank., control was made public available more information Edward E. David Jr.. The study contains de- they need to combat crime. children's programs, the 20 Member of the Swill". "Tale of Rlak. yesterday by Rep William about the plan. Nixon's science advisor. tailed descriptions of study says, and the others COP. Bloaoa. 21 Nolhina. Make wall. Flaah. S Moorhead (D-Pa > Al the White House, press David was unavailable for systems for sending letters THE BASIS of the could be targeted to special 22 Unpretentioas. Normandy Of the blrda. The study, prepared (or secretary Ronald L. Ziegler comment. by satellite; disseminating disaster-warning system groups. 23 Go ahead, at department. Like a beanpole. President Nixon's Domestic said he was unaware of any A spokesman for the educational, cultural and discussed in the study is the planned. City: I at 25 Spanith rope of Mary Tyler Council, envisions a "wired such report but declared. "I required installation of a Moore"a TV Rake. Era., fiber. German nation'' that would provide am sure this administration special receiver in every Dr. Pallister rbuli friend. Vermont organisation. will not even propose or pro- home radio and television 27 Aiirib.t. of 42 the government with a re.idem. Scottish seaaide Aeroaa. disaster-warning system ceed with something like WBGU schedules set and in every car and boat releases new Part of an apple. lawn. 31 Deer: Kr. that ." sold in the United States Fi.h hook River into the and a means of dispensing a 33 Dim with water. book of poems attachment. Vol... wide variety of services and The receivers could be 34 Third quarter 27 Anrient Troy. 57 Rove. information THE STUDY in Moor- pre-election special turned on by the government Dr. Jan Pallister. acting score. It provides also, said head's possession is to broadcast; warnings and 35 Miaa Keller. chairman of the department 3« — Abner. President Nixon's director candidates and their advice about disasters of romance languages and 37 Rerdora on. of communications, Herb issues. The study contains also professor of French, has just 1° Sardine ran THANKS, OVER 200 PEOPLE Klein, and Gordon Weil, Newsmen Mel Martin and charts of a proposed televi- released a new book of additive. 10 Evil .pirn David Mathews will host the sion network linking every poems entitled "the AT OUR FIRST MEETING! executive assistant to Sen. 42 Mu.iral direction George McGovern will dis- hour-long special. state, city and home which planting to bo aileni. cuss the Vietnam peace pro- Other topics to be dis- would be the heart of a wide- The book revolves around 41 Announce MSWII 10 MfVIOUS PUHif officially. posal and the Watergate cussed are the press and ranging system of public- the themes of love and P 0 I | » R 1 ' ■ » 5 C H SKI CLUB MEETING 45 Sound of sorrow. H A affair on WBGU-TV's "Ohio Nixon, McGovern and the service programs, including friendship f *l ±J+L L 1 I 0 46 Witrhea. T M HTA.N A This Week.'' youth vote, corruption in the special educational It has been published by 47 Of the tonaue. *J. 5.' 1. os U K R » l;N EHG * N T government and the organi- programs for children. 50 Illinoia rlly. s the New Voices Press in ■ ! ! N IBIS 1 TONIGHT 53 Wife in The ■ The program will be zational problems of the Flushing. NY. 81* N J 0 P" IT SAYS such a system Good Earth." PlAlP ■ 1 broadcast tomorrow at 7 McGovern campaign. Dr. Pallister is also the * I i EIM s ■GTE c LB I A 54 Mnarle Shoal. S p.m as the station takes a Both representatives dis- author of two previous power project. .'Q, M ITN E M Elf » M EflE I 0 M 1 M 6:30 115 ED. BLDG. pre-election look at the cuss their hopes for Ohio. Ballots works. "The World View of 55 Type of petition or letter, SI r| y 1 T 1 • M| « R A B 1 Beroalde de Verville." a 57 Enter. fr|» i M The Office of Voter The Man with Experience to Cop*- with Tomorrow's Problems in Govtmmtnt critical study of a French 58 Actor Alan IN ■ a Facilitation will be open baroque author, and "Mon 59 German R I ■ • rsrR c w M 1 T D tonight and tomorrow autre lyre." a collection of Ehiloaopher. L 0 i V I A night from 6-9 to ibltcal .i.m E D 0 «■■< IT C S N W|T original poems in French 61 Passover service • Former Washington Township Trustee notarize absentee and Spanish 62 Inaerta. ballots All ballots must Most of these works have 63 Gainaay. • Present Washington Township Clerk be notarized to be valid been published in various DOWN • Secretary-Treasurer Wood County Trustees and literary journals 1 Steep deaccnl. 2 To jo: Fr. Clerks Association [1 |— 1 p r— r- T7T 11 \\ rr • Chairman Wood County Planning Commission Scientist to speak ' 14 • Active in County. State and National Civil Defense " IJ 119 • Vice Chairman National Civil Defense Shelter Com- on psychobiology " 20 ■1 Baa: mittee Psychobiologist Dr. Roger W Sperry. Ilixon professor of 2) 24 • Former Administrative Assistant to Wood County Psychobiology at the California Institute of Technology, will talk on "Cerebral Function Following Separation of the ■ 128 29 30 Sanitary Engineer ■ 1" Hemispheres in Man" at 8 tonight in 112 Life Science Bldg. 31 32 33 • Successful Farm Operator for 25 years with first VOTE Dr. Sperry. whose talk is the second in 1972-73 colloquium I series sponsored by the department of psychology, has been hand knowledge of problems of Farm Families 35 U 38 able to communicate separately with hemisphere of a " • Active in Church and Community Affairs IXlGEORGE M.SCOTT i human brain. ")9 ■to 11 He has shown that only the left hemisphere "can talk." " • A Life Long Resident of Wood County, he resides for although the right hemisphere has some language compre- 13 44 B with his wife Donna, and two daughters, Nancy and hension. ■46 48 49 Susan at 20850 Kellogg Road, Grand Rapids, Ohio Wood County Commissioner Pis research shows that the two halves of the brain have separate thoughts and perceptions F.ssentially there are SI ■ REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE So 52 m ■j two minds in one head, according to Dr Sperry. Hrurr Kiwiiarnion, i: j. J Gam. D. Chester Fast - Committee D Chester Fast, SSS1 Eagleville Rd.. Btoomdale, O Dr. Sperry has published more than 100 scientific papers u IJS in his field and is a member of the editorial boards of \ 58 99 PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT "Experimental Neurology." "Brain Research," "Neuro- \ psychologia." and the international Journal of Neuro- 51 62 1 • science"-all professional magazines 1 For College Men -«*®fe~ CLASSIFIED —«®*~

Who Think They Can Lead, travel Perfect summer job MEETING Thursday 7 30 CAMPUSCALENDAR or career Send $2 for info UCF icorner of Ridge & Thanx for the bubbliest 21M SEAFAX box 2049-OB Port Thurstin Two. Shirley. Kalhv Rodn.. Wednesday Nov 1.1972 Angeles. Wash 96362 It was far-out' Nat And Are Willing To Find Out For Sure Pommerette Info Night KKI' i ROSS BLOODMORll.K I0am-4pm. liuntl Wanted waitresses and or Interested" Come to 115 Ed Alpha Sigs we had a great Hallroom Make an appointment Call t'AOOffice 372 2343 delivery men Apply in Bldg 9pm Wed Nov 1st lime at your OPEN BAR person 1004 S Main Thanks The Phis I'M Chi. 4pm. 106 Psychology Bldg Colloquim with Dr Pagliai s GET PIGP FOR COMPTON Jack Mynatl. Dr Douglas I'hlm.inn Open to all interested BEER BLAST1 Argyle Laurie, so glad to be your Freshmen, No on-campus training ■ Eligible members receive persons Freshmen «V Soph bus and 16 kegs of beer Tickets link to our chain of ivy Phi Sophomores & Juniors SI00 a month for each of the 9 months of the school majors Acquire valuable 75c in advance or 11 at the love. Beckv year ■ Free civilian flight instruction for eligible Students International Meditation Society 6pm. 103 experience working as an door 9pm Friday Nov 3. Platoon Business Bldg Advanced lecture IM those who practice advertising salesman tor the Compton Main Lounge FOR SALE OR RENT members of PLC Air program ■ Freshmen and Transcendental Meditation BG News 106 University Leaders sophomores attend two six-week summer sessions Pall Paula and Pam. your sisters For sale sweepers, new Sociology Undergraduate Interest Group 6pm. Taft are glad that you kept used & rebuilt Reasonable (lass at Officer Candidates School, Quantico, Virginia ■ Room. I'mon COLLEGE STUDENTS ■ trucking for first and third prices ph 352-9188 Juniors take one extended session in summer before need money" Montgomery in the dance marathon - The Ground or Air Women's Intramural Volleyball 6pm North Gym, Ward & Co requires Xis Round 42' vtnvl top table senior year ■ Commissioning on day of college Women s Itldg progressive sales people on $30 352 9254 graduation ■ All officers then attend six-months of the campus Work your own KAPPA ALPIVA PSI and advanced leadership training at The Basic School, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. PrwM Chapel. * 15 hours Obtain commission The Funky Zenith Band a RECORDS TAPES Everyone welcome on over 130.000 items Commons Saturday Nov 4 Best selection lowest Quantko ■ Aviation officers report directly to flight Outstanding opportunity lor 1972 50e in advance, tickets prices best service al school for jet or helicopter training after Basic School. Ski Club 6 30pm 115 Educat ion Hldg right person Apply may be obtained (rom the Finders Records All 65 98 Montgomery Ward 178 S brothers list LP s only IS 59 New hot Alpha Kpsilon IVlta 7pm 129 Life Science Hldg Lecture Main Bowling Green Ask LPs Carol King. Peter by Dr Sperry on Psychobiology for Lois Kaialia REEFER MADNESS IS Townsend. Yes. J Geils COMING' Bread. Moody Blues & Collegiate DBCA, 7pm. 102 Business \ilm Bldg Guest SERVICES OFFERED more, just 13 59 Diamond Seniors & Graduates No on-campus training ■ After college graduation, speaker Seniors • Senior pictures are siereo needles Finders candidates attend Officer Candidates School, Watch cleaning, repairing at being taken now - call the Records & Tapes 128 N Officer BGSl' Law Society. 7pm. 110 Business Bldg Speaker the Working Pand Craft KEY office today for an Mam Quantico, Virginia ■ Upon commissioning, all Charles Kurtess All interested welcome Center 515 Conneaul 353-9932 appointment 372 -0066 Candidate officers report to The Basic School, Quantico, for six 1969 Charger RT clean make months' advanced training ■ All Marine ground Rowling Green People for Peace 7 30pm I'nion PERSONALS Palefaces you're offer - 707 B Third St Call Class welcome" We want to go 352-9233 officers state the occupational fields they prefer, Bowling Green School of Self l>efense 7-9pm. Student Special 8 lb dry cleaning active • so make-up Weds Ground or Air 68GMC >< ton panel 307 V-8 and in three out of four cases they get their first Services Forum 12 25 Stadium Plata 6 00 DC Pledges Laundromat. 2 doors from automatic reasonable - new choice ■ Aviation officers report to flight school for Jewish Student Rap Session. 8pm. Offenhauer West Urns PPI PSI LITTLE SIS Rl!SP paint call 352-6681 between jet or helicopter training. Lounge WED. 6-9 30pm 9am -7pm This Xmas give of yourself BGSl* Flying Club. 8pm, Taft Room. 1 mon to those you love Portraits I'ey Bod. the number one 1*68 MGC i rare i 35.000 mi Unlimited Photography 352 Charleston dancer Your low price, must sell, call Students International Meditation 8pm. 220 Math Science 9227 sisters are all proud of vou 352 5761 after 5pm Preparatory lecture on Transcendental Meditation TheXis Weekly earnings Male and Austin Pealy Sprite hard lop for sale 175-100 call 352 — leather cull.n limps found Female Blood Plasma CONGRATS ZETA BETA 3239 after 5pm Ask Major Wood About Leadership... RIDES at University Square - full Donor Center 610 Monroe St TAU ACTIVES LIL SIS ~„™„„ grown male mixed breed. Toledo, Ohio hrs Mon-Fh6- LUV For rent 12 *I5 1 needa ride to Chicago lany rust spots blk patch on tail, 5 Open Thurs Nites till 9pm housetrailer in excellent weekend I call 354-6695 choker & flea collars. Called ph 255 3535 Pikes, thanx for the groat condition, renting from Jan • And Learn Something About Yourself -«--■ Butch, found on campus time drinking and dining Sepl $165 mo Call 2 girls urgently need ride to Call 353 2982 CUSTOM ENGAGEMENT The AI ph Gams Perrysburg 874-7366- aller Warren anytime Fn Nov 3 — RINGS your choice ol gems 5pm Will pay Pam 352 7454 Purple crocheted purse lost by PI'lLIP MORTON at the Diane, we are all excited and proud for your being a|ter (ootball game Need WORKING PAND CRAFT Large house near campus LOST AND FOUND urgently Reward Diana 2 CENTER 515 Conneaul 353 chosen for ihe homecoming for rent $250 mo The I'utch - 3314 9932 court Congrats The Xis Pet Shop 354-9603 Lost tilver Timex watch 10 26 REWARD 2-5215 PELP WANTED Wondering about an Actives • thanks lor the American small QOjti Tesl warm welcome into the den One fm roommate lor iwo- REWARD* for info leading Mother s helper needed • drive a Vega with Janet L and L. the fifteen new cubs man apartment for winter The Marines and spring qts $70 mo Call UNIVERSITY HALL to recovery of Black male newborn infant, light Wilson • Ralph Thayer Becky after 3pm 352-6760 cal long hair, gold eyes housework Morn or afl 3 Chevrolet What is love. Kathy" Being 9A.M.-4P.M. are looking for Pasha friend to 3 yr boy' hrs4or5d»vs wk 352-6265 pinned to I'ank Come lo Green view Apis 1 Toad First 302 S Proop. 353 Sparkling clean. Stadium Congratulations The Dells. L 2 bedrooms available NOV. 1-2 3631 or 3544055 MEN WOMEN work on a Plaia Laundromat 2 doors a few good men ship next summer' No from Lum's Congratulations Alpha Gam Low rates Stop on bv or call 352-1105 Found 2 dogs 1 full grown experience required Neo's. BUT. voa'll never go male Dalmat-on brown Excellent pay Worldwide GAY LIBERATION active' Wedneiday November 1, 1972, The BO Newi P09. 9 Methods students to organize An information and regis- and operation will be dis Project is an optional pro- tration meeting for all cussed at the meeting furnished for students Science Bldg 1372-27341. gram in which juniors or students wishing to partici- assigned to schools outside before the meeting. Students planning to seniors in elementary edu- pate in the Methods Exper- Bowling Green. Names of the selected attend the meeting should cation receive credit in five ience Project during winter Those unable to attend the participants will be posted be certain whether they subject matter methods quarter will be held want to participate They meeting should contact Dr in Dr Fyffe's office by the courses 1 Education 351- Tuesday. Nov 7. at 8 p.m. in should also know the total Darrel W Fyffe. 126 Life morning of Nov 9 social studies. 352-mathe- 210 Math-Science Bldg number of credit hours they matics, 353-science, 355- The project's organi- have earned through fail reading. 356 language arts. I zation, student selection quarter While enrolled in these Marathon speaker procedures, classroom courses, each student has assignments. registration The Methods Experience the opportunity to observe and participate in an elementary classroom about to head symposium TV stations to air half the days of each quarter. F.dw.ird R IVvilingrr of the Marathon Oil Company The students are assigned economics division, will speak on. "Energy and the tax repeal program in pairs to an elementary Economy."' today at 4 p.m. in 114 Education Bldg classroom and. in close The economics symposium is first in a series sponsored by cooperation with the Omicron Delta Epsilon. economics honorary society An issues and answers TV Robert Netziey li l..nn .1 ■ teacher, have opportunities I'eydinger graduated from Miami University with an show concerning the repeal In favor of the income tax to test educational theory economics major He later earned a MBA degree in finance or non-repeal of the state will be Toward Collier, and practice by working in from the University of Pennsylvania In 1967 the Toledo income tax will be shown former finance director most of the roles of a class native attended the Advanced Management Program at this week on two area during the Rhodes admini- room teacher Harvard University. stations stration and now repre- Schools now operating Peydinger has been active on many national and interna- WGTE, Channel 30. in senting Ohioans for Fair under this project include tional petroleum and economic committees, including the Toledo will air the dis- Taxation. An on-the-ipot chexk of a Chicago commuter train crash ones in Toledo. Bowling Petroleum Security Subcommittee of the Foreign Petro- cussion at 7 30 pm tonight Al Golberg. from the Green and Sylvania Four leum Supply Committee of the Office of Oil and Gas. US Commuter Monday killing 44 porsont, showed thai now lightweight It will be shown at 8 p.m. Columbus Bureau of the professors work with the Department of Interior •tool railroad can "didn't measure up 10 the old equipment," Friday on WBGU. Channel Toledo Blade, and Roger staff and students in each Business publications Oil & Gas Journal" and the Wall according to a federal safety official. The accident involved 70, in Bowling Green Weber. State News Editor of train crash school in a supervisory or Street Transcript'' have featured Peydinger's forecasts and two Illinois Central Gulf Railroad trains and left more than Speaking for repeal of the WBGU, will question the consultative role. views on U.S. energy consumption as related to the nation's income tax will be Rep speakers 100 persons injured. Transportation is growth through 1980 'Peace...they just talk'

ON HIGHWAY 13 stopped to give him a ride 10 Washington anil Hans cease-fire would be a good Vietnam (API -Pvl Nguyen the nearest aid station "I hear talk of a cease-fire thing, but 1 do not think it Trong Thanh killed three "The enemy talks about tut no one slops shooting." will happen " North Vietnamese soldiers peace but makes war I do Thanh continued, fingering Bullets whistled overhead yesterday before a grenade not understand.'' said his bandage My officers as the jeep careened down exploded in his face Thanh "Yesterday then- tell me to tight, so I fight A Highway 13 It was the day North were no enemy soldiers Vietnam wanted to sign a here Today there is much BM|MI TIM Stmaay aeeiwii 'Id 7 30 AMI 1 00 i>n patten cease-fire agreement, but fighting for Thanh it was just another dirty little firefight "1 KILLED three North OPEN FRI. SAT h SUN only on this sorrowful strip of Vietnamese soldiers with JOIN OUR POUR BEAR ClUB FOR IRft ADMISSIONS' asphalt north of Saigon my machine gun They were Sopei Hot In Cai Healir* optional Holding a blood-stained hiding in a house, shooting at bandage to his check, he me Everything went black SHOWN AT walked out of a holocaust of I woke up with blood on my small-arms fire and face and much pain." 7:30 9:00 recoilless shells THE RUNAWAY is binned In Just when you thought Thanh is 29-year-old Mexico. France, Spain, Bra you d seen it all... A LONELY figure in olive machine gunner with the ill, and 19 other countries. Now you can tee ; drab fatigues, stumbled 25th Infantry Division He it without a tingle cut! - through the rubbled ruins of fights on the front lines for a hamlet called BungCao $30 a month and knows little He smiled in gratitude of the complex political when a newsman's jeep wrangling in Saigon. Honorary sponsors STEPHEN STILLS health center tour Psi Chi, the psychology to the center should check honorary, will sponsor a with the receptionist on the mmmv visitation trip to Toledo second floor of the Psy- MANASSAS Mental Health Center chology Bldg •V*HK*ilf'. "

■ No date has been set-kit rm x The trip will be a "it should be decided within "learning experience'' 3rd BONUS FEATURE FRI & SAT only "GIRL GRABBERS CHRIS the next two weeks. Karen DALLAS showing students what a Kox, senior t A&S 1. said mental hospital is like, and The trip will include a tour what a psychologist at a of the center with a staff mental hospital does, she THURSDAY IS STUDENT NITE • ll.M - I.D.'S REQUIRED' psychologist, and talking to HILLMAN TAYLOR said patients for one to two SUNDAY - OPENING TIL 3 P.M. - ADULTS fl.OO hours, she said Persons with any Fox said any psychology questions should call Fox at STADIUM students interested in going 352-7388 Cinema U% FUZZY PAUL

—liimn nun «i»itt MO "on ocjwpNTAMJ H'HH'B'B'H OONCIPT o» luximv INIIATAINMIHTI NOW En /2b 9 30 Sal A Sun 2 3 4b b 30 1 7b 9 30 '.\ I I*. 1. THEATRE SAMUELS HARRIS


.^re. the WIltlAH WYltR RA> S1ARK NOW E.e 7 30 9 30 Sal A Sun 2 3 40 b 20 7 30 9 30 SAT.f NOV. 4- 10:15 P.M.- ITS NOT WHAT WE DO... BUT HOW OFTEN WE DO IT! TOLEDO UNIVERSITY FIELD HOUSE PRE-SALE TICKETS ....$5.50


Dr. Chas. A. Barrel Chm. SHIRLEY J. MILLER 722 N. Grove St. Bowling Green, Ohio Democrat For MILLER FOR CLERK COMM. Clerk of Courts PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Poga 10/The SO N»w», Wadna.rloy, Novtmbtr 1, 1972 BG, Spartans tie 1-1

ByBeoMeoa a rifle shot from 35 yards Mickey Cochrane. "We game. Several Falcons left Sparta Writer out. should have won it. but we the field but all soon By scoring the 2Jth goal of didn't We had opportunities returned There's an old football the season, the 1972 Falcons but couldn't make good of The tie ended the Falcons' cliche that says that the best now own the all-time school them four-game shut-out streak, offense is a good defense record for most goals in a "It was, however, our but Coach Cochrane said Bowling Green's soccer single season The old mark best-played game of the earlier in the week that team put the opposite into was set in 1969 season,*' he added. winning the game, not the effect, yesterday enroute to The second half was "Everyone did their job." streak, was important. a II overtime tie with dominated by the Falcons as As for those missed oppor- Two games remain on the Michigan State University. they resisted the temptation tunities, one prime example Falcons' schedule, both Mid- The Falcons put constant to rely on the defense to hold happened late in the second American Conference pressure on the Spartan their lead half contests. Saturday, they defense and consistently Instead, they kept their meet Ohio University in kept the ball in the Michigan offense in operation and WITH THREE team- Athens followed by the State end Unfortunately for although the Falcons didn't mates right behind him. season finale next Tuesday the Falcons, the Spartans score, they forced the Falcon Norm Dykes went at Toledo. were equal to the task and Spartans to concentrate on streaking down the sidelines It had been assumed that thwarted many Falcon defense, thus keeping them without a Spartan defender yesterday's game would scoring opportunities. from mounting any serious in sight. I'e cut to his right help decide whether it would Only once did the Spartans attacks and. took a shot which came be the Falcons or the allow a lapse in their At least that is what within inches of going into Spartans getting a berth in defense that was rosily happened through 44 the upper left corner of the the upcoming NCAA soccer That came late in the first minutes and fifteen seconds net tournament. The decision is half when Chris Bartels of the second half The game was played in a just a little tougher after the scored the Falcons only misty rain which took its toll tightly-fought battle the two goal WITH TIME running out in minor injuries late in the teams played. in the game, the Spartans COMING DOWN the left converted a corner kick into side. Bartels caught the a score shattering the Perry wins Cy Young Spartan goalie out of Falcons' hopes for victory in position As the goalie raced regulation time Paulding NEW YORK (API - committee, two from each •nrout. to Mi beat «Wy toward Bartels to block the As it turned out. that goal Gaylord Perry, rangy Cleve- AL city, and finished with a TD, Fa* Mi shot. Bartels lofted the ball permanently ended their land righthander accused by total of 64 points compared bockfiaU-W-rha-w***. over the goalie's head from victory hopes because Bullet opponents of throwing spit- with 58 for Wood 30 yards out It bounded into neither team was able to balls, was named yesterday Perry's achievement was the right corner of the net score in the two overtime winner of the 1972 Cy Young remarkable because it came Kenny White says' The goal was remeniscenl periods Award as the best pitcher in with a losing club. The of his score against Ball "What can you say about a the American League Indians finished fifth in the State when he gave the game like that.'' said the The 34-year-old Indian ace Al.'s Eastern Division. Falcons a three-goal lead on disappointed Falcon coach. had a 24-16 record and an Besides Perry and Wood, earned run average of 1 92. four other pitchers received Greathouse adds punch second to the league's best. first place votes for the Cy the 1 91 by Luis Tiant of Young trophy They were By Kenny White wheel and deal and have a "It is very hard to come this year. It seemed that Euan Boston. Mickey Lolich of Detroit, Assistant Sports Editor good time off of the bench and be when 1 was rougher, I ended Perry narrowly edged who got three and a total of "Us tough to keep going sharp, he pointed out "I up at defensive end and ^ Falcons get Wilbur Wood, Chicago White 27 points for third place: Around the conference out to that field knowing that found that it takes at least that's an experience I would Sox knuckleballer. in the Jim "Catfish" Hunter of they call him "Tombstone" you aren't going to play." one series to warmup and in rather forget." Greathouse vote of the Baseball Writers Oakland, two, for 26 points; because he is the absolute Greathouse said. "The that set you can get said nc cnance Association o( America. Jim Palmer of Baltimore, end of Ihe line . stars- hardest part about being a burned." I.'e said he liked the rover vVSr ^ * I.'e received nine first two. 20 points and Tiant. ville the death of MAC utility man is when you try Greathouse hasn't been spot because there was one. 16 points. **?. place votes from (he 24-man kick-off return specialists. to keep from giving up " doing much chasing this more action there. "I feel Greathouse has been the year because he hasn't more comfortable where This is the kind of terror victim of a lot of bad luck logged a lot of playing time I'm at because I know that By Fred R. Ortllp, Sport! Editor that Jesse Greathouse. the the last two campaigns r.'is best contribution to the wherever the ball is. that's Falcons junior roverback. Ruggers win After having a good spring team has been his deadly where I'll be. And once the has been spreading through- You don't get many second chances in the Mid-American practice in 1971. it looked tackling on the suicide ball is stopped, your job is Conference. out the league for the last like he was well on his way squad done " The Howling Green rugby crushing contest that saw all seven weeks In the 2S-year history of the league, only three teams have to stardom suffered one conference loss and still won the title outright. team returned from Akron of Ihe Zips' points come on Even though he is still But as luck would have it. A one-man gangbuster in THE FACT that he isn't Bowling Green did it in 1964 and 1961. Ohio University won in with 2-0-1 record for the menial lapses on the part of playing the role as a utility Julius Livas was switched to his own right. Jesse is playing much is not making 1963 and Cincinnati won in 1947. weekend the Falcon players man. the Falcons' version of monster with the emergence usually the first player to him lose any sleep In two of the last three seasons. Bowling Green found out The A squad playing with Hookies Hob Hreger and the skull and cross bones of Paul Miles reach the ball carriers and "I worried a lot when I first hand that one loss was one too many. Last year, the out several regulars had to Jeff Gatli put the ball over goes about his routine of Then at the start of this apply his fatal hammer blow was a sophomore and that' Falcons lost their only MAC game to Toledo. Likewise in eoOW I rum behind to scratch the goal line for four points playing football as though he year a player named Dave that stops them dead in their caused me a bunch of pro- 1969 out a 6-6 lie with Akron U each and soccer style kicker is having more fun than a Turner started Jesse's woes tracks. blems." he said Coadl Hill Morgan sum Jerry Duncan added a con- THIS YEAR AFTER Bowling Green appeared to be all barrel of monkeys. again "Being physical is part of But this year was different nied it up when he said. "We version and penalty kick to but "in" after beating preseason title pick Miami. Kent the game, but lor me it and with it came a new were flat and they were give BG a 13-8 win The six-foot. 175-pound State got in the way of the Falcon express The bright hopes ONE of the hardest pro- comes natural because this Greathouse who formed a really up to knock us off The C unit evened its head buster has learned to of a title were quickly dashed There was no way Miami blems Greathouse has is Ihe way I learned to play new philosophy he abides by BG iiad beaten Akron 52-3 record at 1-1 with a 6-0 vic- live with Ihe many frus- would lose, that's what BG needed experienced is that of being when I was in high school.'' everyday. last spring tory over Akron. BG scored trations of football, such as I'owever, the Miami-Toledo game last weekend put new a substitute. Greathouse said if I'm going to play. I The Falcon ruggers' only on a tackle breaking run by warming Ihe pine (bench), faith in Ihe old axiom "anything can happen." In perhaps It has been noted thai will and I will do my belt one of (he biggest and most decisive upsets in the history of points came on a sideline Scott Pummel and Doug even though one has the Jesse is by far the most when 1 get in there because the MAC. the league's defending champs crushed Miami. 35- run by Rick Griswald Mick Stantial added the con- ability to be an outstanding physical player on the squad that's all I can do." he said. 11. Dwyer added the conversion version player. and when there is an oppor- The words are neither The feat was deemed prior to the outing about as possible to give the lie The ruggers are on the tunity to ring someone's bitter nor cynical-just a as the sun setting in the east The Kedskins absorbed a The II team also had to road again tins weekend as GREATHOUSE nowadays bell. Greathouse shows no statement of fact from a humiliating 45-6 loss to the redoubtable Rockets last year at come from behind to beat they travel to Kent Stale and is making football a big remorse in giving out player who is still fighting to Akron 13-8 II was a bone Elyria ferris wheel, in which he can Miami Field and had a score to settle. They also had the Excedrin headaches. reach the realms of respect- incentive of an MAC title dangling in front of their noses "I've gotten a lol softer ability THEY WOULD SPEND the afternoon letting Bobby I'lichens the nation's leading rusher, do his tricks against Players achieve awards the Rockets, who are only fourth in the league against the run With his best-ever day as a (•.lines while producing four It was the fourth award OFFICIAL OFFICE TYPE BALLOT But Miami went home feeling the same queasiness the collegiate running back. TD runs of 29. 62. 42 and four for Czerwinski. who re- Falcons felt after losing what looked to be the MAC title Paul Miles became the yards to tie another BG ceived the highest rating of against Kent State University's first five-time mark an offensive lineman with As ■ result. Bowling Green-deservedly or not-is getting winner of the weekly effi- CUr" •**'• •*•<. *»!•*• •* errwaly math ih.. balkH, . Pelping Miles to his 87 5 per rent • -«.».( .let..— •*•••■ —4 a*!..- .n-tke, balUl another chance at the MAC flag, one the team didn't expect ciency awards passed out by greatest day were senior eil -I' OMLY I" lOBKINO MUOI I'ere's why Western Michigan is tied with BG with 2-1-1 Ihe Falcon football coaching Junior Tom Fisher from tackle John Czerwinski of Ja»»a GrantKOUM Fo* Kfilieirntalive to CongTtM For Orl. ol Court cf records The Broncos, who won't have the services of the Salem, who scored a TD staff Port Clinton and junior end irifTM DISTRICT) Curunon Pit*. league's No 3 rusher Larry Cates after he broke his hand from his defensive end spot, The Paulding junior set a Greg Meczka of Seven fills. DKLBEKT U LATTA against Ohio last weekend, travel to Miami Saturday No and senior middle guard SHIRLEY i MIIXER BG single-game rushing who tied for "Mr Block" RTuWu-an ■Vnwrral elaboration needed there Earl Pargrove from Bulletin record ol 217 vards in 27 honors ma i t EDWARDS FLOYD I *>. W I Ki KENT STATE. WHICH has not been playing good football Youngstown iSouthl shared TVmorrat . Mr|.M„,n lately, has a 2-1 league record and can claim the title out- "Mr. Tackle" honors. Both Paul Miles was named to right by winning its final two games lineman were honored for the United Press Inter- Fo* Slot* Snwtor GIMKI the third time. Fo. Shmff luck national (UPII Backfield-of- ISCCCMD DISTRICT) The Flashes-giant killers against Bowling Green-must Ticket info Winning the "Mr Inter- the week Monday for his CLOYCE Mrt.lFFIN rise up again in Miami Nov II and against Toledo at home ception" award was non- performance against Mar- ROBERT A SMITH A total of 618 student p.m or until the ticket rVrnarroi Nov 18 KSU coach Don James is running scared, justi- starter Jesse Greathouse shall University. KUMMND 1. ( OILER exchange tickets for supply is exhausted I'AULE. CILLMOR Itrr-utilpr-an fiably The junior roverback from It marked the second time RepwblHOn Friday's hockey season Student hockey ID cards, Both the Kedskins and Rockets have two league losses, Cleveland iGlenville) re- in his career that he has opener against Notre Dame priced at $5 each, will which all but eliminates them Ohio U is last with three ceived a 96 per cent rating been honored. Last year he For Count* RrcoroVr were still available as of 8 remain on sale until 5 pm. For Rrpmcntalivo losses and a win and made four big plays as a received the award after his am today Friday Pockey IDs will not ■•it* DISTRICT' THAT BRINGS US TO Bowling Green in simple lan- member of the kick-off | PAUL H DAVIS be available after this date. outstanding showing against RrraiNK-M guage, the Falcons play Ohio this Saturday at Perry Field The student hockey ID ex- Tickets for Saturday's team. Kent State. CHARLKS F. Kimm for the MAC championship Seldom do you gel a chance at change continues today at football game against Ohio two title games in one season After flunking their first test. WILLIAM I. ARTINO the Memorial Pall ticket University are also on sale Or t For County Tiruurar I'm optimistic, the Falcons won't make the same mistakes office from 8 am to noon at the Memorial Pall ticket MoififdlUona Artl). Have 3 son. twice Time will tell. and 1-5 p.m. office. Tickets are priced at A Lifelong resident eV former of Perrytburg Township. Mm MMi Y NIETZ Should the Falcons win. n would give them a 3-1-1 record $1 for students. $3 for Perrysburg Township Trustee, serving third term. Tor Count* Cowman Western would HAVE to win Kent State would HAVE to t FREDH. GF.RKEN EXCHANGES WILL visiting students and $5 for Member Perrysburg Township FWe Department. IVm...ji win both its games continue until tomorrow at 5 adult general admission. School Bus Driver 19 years. CHARLES E. BROl'GH Even if Western did win against Miami to tie BG for the Member Chamber off Commerce. Perrysburg. RrpupUcoji championship, the Falcons would doubtless gain the vote of Member of Wood County, Form bureau. JOHN C. AULT For Count i Engirtoor Df-imvrol the league's athletic directors for the Tangerine Bowl berth Member Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie No. 2322. Red Cross MAXL ROTHSCHILD on the basis of the schedule Director of Perrysburg Groin & Supply. feowbitcM Served with United Statei Armed Forces in Japan. Frankly, I don't think we'll be needing a vote to determine For County I the Bowl representative Bowling Green beats Ohio U and it's all over BLOOD BANK GEORGE M. SCOTT Rr?MNIf*n STUDENT UNION FRANKLIN RADELOFF PHI TAUS: Dpmocroi WED. NOV. 1 THUR. NOV. 2 E JOHN G. AULT 18 OR BUST— Call 372 2343. Anytime DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR AlLortM* WOOD COUNTY Today or Tomorrow for an DANIEL T. SPITLER A Phone Booth That Is! appointment Commissioner JOHN R. CBUTWOOD YOUR SUPPORT APPRECIATED THANKS FOR CRAMMIN "Give the Gift of Life CAPABLE EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED

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