E1494 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 22, 2004 Rule of Law Center at the University of Rich- tions. He also indicated that Belarus would co- vorite son.’’ I think those are two fitting names mond as a program that will be actively con- operate with the OSCE and would allow inter- for Bubba, but I also think there are many sidered by the U.S. Agency for International national observers. more that we could add to that list: husband, Development. This is an important step for- At a hearing the Europe Subcommittee held father, grandfather, brother, athlete, patriot, ward in our effort to enhance fair and judicial in March on Belarus, this Member mentioned leader, believer, and always, great friend to systems internationally. that Speaker DENNIS HASTERT and this Mem- all. Today, one of the most pressing needs in ber met with the leaders of the Belarus oppo- Hilliard Judge ‘‘Bubba’’ Shands was born on emerging democracies is to educate leaders sition, collectively known as the Coalition Five- November 18, 1926 in Lufkin, . He grew who administer justice in the traditions of due Plus, to discuss the elections and their vision up as a highly accomplished student-athlete, process, transparency, accountability, consist- for a democratic future for Belarus. This group first at Lufkin High School and then at the Uni- ency, and judicial independence. Only with an of political parties has united in a common versity of Texas. understanding of such values can leaders platform in an attempt to bring democracy and Bubba began working in the banking indus- within a society go forward to create stable respectability back to the Belarus Parliament. try in 1958, and continued working in that in- and sustainable justice systems that are crit- Unfortunately, members of the opposition polit- dustry until 1991. He was a bank executive for ical to democracy. ical parties and participants in political dem- First Bank & Trust (formerly Republic Bank) With the aim of international stability in onstrations continue to be subjected to in- for many years, and he also served on the mind, it is in our national interest to foster a creased harassment, surveillance by govern- boards of several other financial institutions, crosscultural exchange and understanding of ment agents, arrests, and physical abuse. such as First Bank of Conroe, Angelina Sav- the importance of law. The International Rule For these reasons, it is important that the ings Bank, and Balcones Resources in Austin. of Law Center at the University of Richmond Government, including this Con- Bubba always realized the importance of will play a constructive role in accomplishing gress, continue to emphatically express our community service and was involved with this goal by supporting the education of future strong support for free, fair and transparent many volunteer and civic organizations judges in emerging democracies. elections and more definitive progress toward throughout his life. He worked diligently to- The International Rule of Law Center will establishing a functioning democracy in wards the creation of Angelina County Airport educate approximately 20 foreign students in Belarus. and the Salvation Army’s Adult Day Center in a 1-year program that culminates with the stu- In Europe, the situation in Belarus under- Lufkin, and he was also deeply active in the dents earning a master of laws degree. The standably seems to be of equal concern. The movement to fund and create Angelina Col- program will include many practical field expe- OSCE, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly lege. He served on the board of the United riences and trips, in addition to a curriculum and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Coun- Way of Angelina County, the Angelina College that focuses on judicial administration, con- cil of Europe have all expressed deep con- Board of Trustees, the Lufkin Rotary Club, and stitutional law, the theory of a sound and fair cerns over Belarus and its forthcoming elec- he was an active member of the First United system of justice, and elements of inter- tions. In fact, this Member is informed that the Methodist Church in Lufkin. national law. Chair of the Belarus Working Group of the We pray for God’s comforting spirit to be Mr. Speaker, I applaud Chairman BILL OSCE PA recently visited Minsk for additional with his wife, Ann; his sister, Mary; his daugh- YOUNG and Chairman JIM KOLBE for their ef- discussions on the elections. ter Becky; his son, Jay; and his five grand- forts, and I look forward to working with them Mr. Speaker, H. Res. 652 emphasizes that children, Matt, Hill, Rob, Richie, Annie and in the future. if Belarus is ever to become more integrated Hunter. f into the community of democratic nations, it Today, we honor the memory of a great must work toward the establishment of a East Texan, Hilliard Judge ‘‘Bubba’’ Shands, URGING GOVERNMENT OF genuinely democratic political system in which and we ask that we may all celebrate and BELARUS TO ENSURE DEMO- the freedom of association and assembly are enjoy life the same way Bubba did for each of CRATIC, TRANSPARENT, AND guaranteed. It also must be a fact that political his 77 years on this Earth. FAIR ELECTION PROCESS candidates from the opposition will be free f SPEECH OF from political harassment and intimidation as they campaign for office and in which the THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF HON. DOUG BEREUTER media is free to act independently, free from COPPER CREEK RECORDS OF NEBRASKA government control or intimidation. Finally IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES there must be a system in which elections and HON. BOB GOODLATTE Wednesday, July 21, 2004 the electoral process are open, transparent OF VIRGINIA and fair if Belarus wishes to be included in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, this Member community of democratic nations. Thursday, July 22, 2004 rises in support of H. Res. 652, which calls on The parliamentary elections this fall will be the government of Belarus to ensure that Par- a litmus test for President Lukashenko’s com- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, it is with liamentary elections which will take place in mitment to democracy and the direction he in- great pleasure that I recognize the 25th Anni- Belarus in October of this year are democratic, tends to take Belarus in the future. versary of Copper Creek Records. Copper transparent and fair. In closing, Mr. Speaker, H. Res. 652 rather Creek Records was formed in October of 1978 Thirteen years after the fall of communism, precisely explains the concerns and rec- when recordings were made to introduce an Belarus remains one of the few nations in Eu- ommendations of the United States House of up-and-coming bluegrass band known as the rope where the transition to democracy has Representatives. Johnson Mountain Boys, a group that went on not taken sufficient root. I urge the adoption of the resolution. to become festival and concert headliners as The current political leadership continues to f well as pioneers in the resurgence of tradi- rule in an authoritarian manner and its govern- tional forms of bluegrass music. ment continues to crack down on those indi- REMEMBERING H.J. ‘‘BUBBA’’ Early in the label’s career, documenting the viduals and organizations who are trying to SHANDS, JR. history of bluegrass and old-time music was of help build support for democracy and demo- paramount importance. The company docu- cratic institutions. HON. JIM TURNER mented such events as live concerts, field re- Unlike the situation in Ukraine, the govern- OF TEXAS cordings, and vintage radio shows by leg- ment in Belarus has thus far not given any IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES endary artists such as the Stanley Brothers clear indication that it is committed to free and and the Carter Family, as well as Reno & fair elections. However, in a recent meeting Thursday, July 22, 2004 Smiley. A number of these releases were cited with the Ambassador from Belarus, this Mem- Mr. TURNER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on by the Library of Congress for their packaging, ber was led to believe that the government’s June 19, 2004, the City of Lufkin and the state content, and historical value. position on the elections could be positive. of Texas lost a friend with the passing of Coupled with historic preservation, Copper The Ambassador gave assurances that the ‘‘Bubba’’ Shands, Jr. Bubba was an invaluable Creek has been active in developing new, up- government would enforce the election codes member of the community in Lufkin for many and-coming talent as well as providing an out- and would allow all political parties to have years, and he will be sorely missed. let to musically deserving artists who fly just representatives on the electoral commissions The Lufkin Daily News recently called under the ‘‘mainstream radar.’’ Most recently, which oversee the implementation of the elec- Bubba a ‘‘a Lufkin icon’’ and ‘‘’ fa- the label has been active in licensing vintage

VerDate May 21 2004 05:46 Jul 24, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22JY8.118 E22PT2 July 22, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1495 country, old-time, and bluegrass recordings for TRIBUTE TO GORDON AND MARY en that the presence of fire sprinklers signifi- the major labels. ELWELL cantly improves the chances of survival for Over the years, the label has released near- older adults during a fire, the GAO reports that 20 to 30 percent of the approximately 17,000 ly 200 different recorded projects. In addition HON. KEN CALVERT OF CALIFORNIA nursing homes nationwide do not have an to producing CDs for release on Copper automatic fire sprinkler system. While some IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Creek, the label has been active in producing states have already taken action to ensure historical reissues for other groups and labels Thursday, July 22, 2004 that their nursing homes are equipped with that have ties to the Commonwealth of Vir- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sprinklers, far too many lack such life saving ginia. celebrate a recent achievement of two people and common sense requirements. By sharing the history of bluegrass and vin- who, in celebrating their 50th year of marriage, Today, even after last year’s fires, there is tage music and remaining active in current have provided an inspiring example to all no comprehensive federal standard for the in- musical styles, Copper Creek Records has en- Americans. On June 5, 1954 at Holy Family clusion of sprinklers in the nation’s nursing homes. While the Center for Medicare and riched our nation’s cultural and historic under- Church, South Buffalo, New York sweethearts Medicaid Services last year adopted the 2000 standing. Again, congratulations to Copper Gordon Elwell married Mary Mattimore. With edition National Fire Protection Association’s Creek Records on their 25th year. not much more at the beginning to call their own except their marriage, their faith and vast Life Safety Code, which required that new and renovated nursing homes be equipped with f opportunities afforded by this great country, Gordon and Mary have come a long way in sprinklers, this new policy did not address the lack of sprinklers in already existing older ANTONIO CHAVEZ HONORED FOR the 50 years of marriage. Gordon became a respected house builder homes. As a result, thousands of homes are 30 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE allowed to operate ‘‘up to code,’’ yet lacking a COMMUNITY in the Buffalo, New York area. Mary ran the household and tirelessly provided a loving and life saving sprinkler system. Last week the GAO released a study on nurturing home environment for her husband nursing home fire safety which concluded that and eight children. Throughout their incredible HON. ZOE LOFGREN ‘‘the substantial loss of life in the Hartford and life together, Gordon and Mary have dedicated Nashville fires could have been reduced or OF CALIFORNIA their lives to each other, their and children and eliminated by the presence of properly func- grandchildren. To date they have been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tioning automatic sprinkler systems.’’ The re- blessed with twelve grandchildren to spoil as port also found that ‘‘federal oversight of nurs- Thursday, July 22, 2004 only grandparents can. ing home compliance with fire safety stand- In a society with one of the highest divorce ards is inadequate,’’ and has led to incon- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- rates in the world, Gordon and Mary have pro- sistent monitoring of fire safety standards, in- ognize the achievements of Antonio Chavez vided their children and grandchildren with a complete data on sprinkler coverage, and an and would like to recognize his extraordinary shining example of a successful marriage. It is alarming gap in nursing home fire protection. and tireless service to our community. all about hard work, a sense of humor and Above all, the report underscored the need for His first job with the County was in the Pub- yes, a love that will not quit. Gordon and Mary immediate action. lic Guardian’s Office in 1974. Later, he was have been truly blessed by the first 50 years To this end, I have introduced the Nursing hired by Tom Guerin to work in Personnel’s of this magical marriage, and here’s hoping Home Fire Safety Act to eliminate the threat of Affirmative Action Unit, and then worked in the that the best is yet to come. On behalf of my fire for the 1.6 million elderly and disabled Recruitment and Examining Unit as an Ana- colleagues, let me join the many friends and Americans living in nursing homes. Under this lyst. Antonio moved on in 1978 when he heard admirers in wishing Gordon and Mary, and bill, all nursing homes participating in Medi- his true calling—job placement at Social Serv- their family, all good fortune during the next 50 care and Medicaid would be required to be ices. During his 15 years with JTPA, he fo- years. fully equipped with automatic fire sprinklers cused on job development. In 1993 a new ad- f within 5 years. With 97 percent of all nursing venture began with the Gain Program, which WHEN ‘‘UP TO CODE’’ JUST ISN’T homes participating in these programs, this bill later became CalWORKs. Later, at 1888 ENOUGH would protect the greatest number of Ameri- Senter Road Employment Connection, he cans possible. earned the title, ‘‘Mr. Job Placement.’’ This bill also addresses what is generally HON. JOHN B. LARSON seen as the biggest hurdle to installing sprin- Throughout much of the time when he OF CONNECTICUT klers—the cost. Under my bill, any nursing worked with GAIN/CalWORKs, he also held IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES home that has to pay to install sprinklers to another position in the community for which he Thursday, July 22, 2004 meet this new requirement would be fully re- selflessly devoted long hours for many years: imbursed through either Medicare or Medicaid. President of the Personnel Management Asso- Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, These reimbursements would be for the total ciation of Aztlan (PMMA, now known as last year we saw an alarming increase in the cost of installing a sprinkler system, and would CHISPPA). This non-profit organization was number of fire related deaths in nursing in no way impact any payment, service or pro- truly a benefit to the Latino community, pro- homes. Fires at nursing homes in Hartford, CT gram already offered through either program. viding many professional development work- and Nashville, TN claimed the lives of 31 resi- Although the 108th Congress is winding to shops for job seekers and scholarships for col- dents, many of whom were elderly or bed- a close, I feel it is important to introduce this ridden. lege students. bill now and take this crucial first step to begin In both cases, these buildings were consid- a long delayed dialogue on nursing home fire That organization also developed a ered ‘‘up to code,’’ in that they met all fire safety. Many groups have been looking at this mentorship/internship program that helped codes and regulations applicable to their age problem for over a year now, and will all un- many college students and graduates gain val- and construction. These codes exempted both doubtedly have different ideas on an ideal so- uable experience and employment. Under An- buildings from laws requiring them to be lution. In light of the new information put for- tonio’s leadership, PMMA also played a major equipped with sprinklers because they were ward in the GAO report, I look forward to role in the planning and implementation of considered too old, and too costly, to retrofit. working with them to improve this legislation many of Jobs America’s Diversity Job Fairs. Most in the nursing home industry say this is and to find the best way to ensure that our Antonio Chavez has devoted his life to en- an economic decision, that homes simply can- nursing homes have the safety equipment rich and advance his community, and his con- not afford the cost of retrofitting their facilities they need to keep their residents safe from with sprinkler systems. The people of Hartford tribution deserves to be honored to serve as fire. and Nashville, however, would say that this an inspiration a new generation of San Jose Mr. Speaker, the federal government has gap in fire protection is too high a cost where turned a blind eye to this problem for far too residents. the safety of their loved ones is concerned. long. ‘‘Up to code’’ is simply not enough when I want to thank Antonio Chavez for his many With reduced mobility and heath related im- it comes to protecting the lives of our nation’s years of service to our community and wish pairments, the nursing home population is sig- nursing home population. The fires in Hartford him nothing but the best in this next phase of nificantly more vulnerable in fire related emer- and Nashville demonstrate the terrible and un- his life. gencies. Although it has been repeatedly prov- acceptable consequences of allowing nursing

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