Entertainment for all the family Admission £10 · Parking FREE

Children under 14 FREE

9am - 5pm

For online facilities and more visit Further information available from the Secretary: Tel: 07910 072409 Email: [email protected]       EdZKE>/Edǁǁǁ͘ĨŝĨĞƐŚŽǁ͘ĐŽŵ   WĂLJĨŽƌĞŶƚƌŝĞƐ͕ŵĞŵďĞƌƐŚŝƉƐ͕ĂĚĚŝƚŝŽŶĂůƚŝĐŬĞƚƐĂŶĚ ǁƌŝƐƚďĂŶĚƐ͘            dŚĞŝůůƵƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶƐŽŶƚŚĞĨƌŽŶƚĐŽǀĞƌǁĞƌĞĚƌĂǁŶďLJĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶĨƌŽŵƌĂŝůWƌŝŵĂƌLJ^ĐŚŽŽůĂŶĚ ĐŚŽƐĞŶ͕ǁŝƚŚŐƌĞĂƚĚŝĨĨŝĐƵůƚLJ͕ďLJƚŚĞ&ŽŵŵŝƚƚĞĞ͘dŚĞŽŵŵŝƚƚĞĞDĞŵďĞƌƐĂƌĞƉƌŽƵĚ ƚŽ ĞŶĐŽƵƌĂŐĞ ĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶ ŽĨ Ăůů ĂŐĞƐ ĂŶĚ ďĂĐŬŐƌŽƵŶĚƐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚ &ŝĨĞ͕ ĂŶĚ ĨƵƌƚŚĞƌ ĂĨŝĞůĚ͕ ƚŽ ďĞĐŽŵĞ ŝŶǀŽůǀĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ^ŚŽǁ ĂŶĚ ƚŽ ůĞĂƌŶ ŵŽƌĞ ĂďŽƵƚ ĂŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĞ Θ ŝƚƐ ƚƌĂĚŝƚŝŽŶƐ͘ 


 d,&/&'Z/h>dhZ>^^K/d/KE ŝŶĐŽƌƉŽƌĂƚŝŶŐ d,^dK&&/&'Z/h>dhZ>^K/dz ĂŶĚ d,&/&'Z/h>dhZ>^K/dz ƉƌĞƐĞŶƚƐ  dŚĞ&ŝĨĞ^ŚŽǁ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJϭϴƚŚDĂLJϮϬϭϵ WƌĞŵŝƵŵ>ŝƐƚ ƐĞĞǁǁǁ͘ĨŝĨĞƐŚŽǁ͘ĐŽŵ ĨŽƌĞŶƚƌLJĚĞƚĂŝůƐĂŶĚŽŶůŝŶĞĞŶƚƌLJĨĂĐŝůŝƚŝĞƐ  d>K'hEdZ/^>K^ϭϯd,WZ/>ϮϬϭϵ  ΎΎ“Late” Entries will be taken from ϭϰƚŚƉƌŝů–ϭϬƚŚDĂLJΎΎ ĨŽƌĂƚƚůĞ͕^ŚĞĞƉΘ,ŽƌƐĞƐ dŚĞƐĞŶƚƌŝĞƐǁŝůůŶŽƚďĞŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞĂƚĂůŽŐƵĞĂŶĚǁŝůůďĞ ƉĂLJĂďůĞĂƚĂŚŝŐŚĞƌĨĞĞ͘  “Show Day” EntriesǁŝůůďĞƚĂŬĞŶĨŽƌ>ŝŐŚƚ,ŽƌƐĞƐŽŶůLJ dŚĞƐĞĞŶƚƌŝĞƐǁŝůůďĞƉĂLJĂďůĞĂƚĂŚŝŐŚĞƌƌĂƚĞƚŚĂŶ>ĂƚĞĞŶƚƌŝĞƐ  ŶƚƌLJĨĞĞƐǁŝůůďĞƐŚŽǁŶĂƐƚŚĞĨĞĞƉĂLJĂďůĞƵƉƚŽϭϯƚŚƉƌŝů͕ƚŚĞŶĂĨĞĞŝŶ ďƌĂĐŬĞƚƐǁŚŝĐŚŝƐĂƉƉůŝĐĂďůĞĨƌŽŵϭϰƚŚƉƌŝůͲϭϬƚŚDĂLJ͘>ŝŐŚƚŚŽƌƐĞƐĞĐƚŝŽŶƐǁŝůů ĂůƐŽƐŚŽǁĂϯƌĚĞŶƚƌLJĨĞĞ͕ƉĂLJĂďůĞĨŽƌĞŶƚƌŝĞƐŽŶ^ŚŽǁĚĂLJ͘    dŚĞ&ŝĨĞŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĂů^ŽĐŝĞƚLJ͕^ĐŽƚƚŝƐŚŚĂƌŝƚLJEŽ͘^ϬϭϭϬϭϲ  3


 RULES 2019 1. To enable the Committee to make the necessary arrangements, all entries for inclusion in the Catalogue (excluding Show Jumping classes) must be made on or before Saturday 13 April 2019. Late Entries (until 10th May) of sheep, cattle, horses, poultry and home produce and entries on Show day (Light Horse only) will be taken by payment of increased entry fees plus Membership of the Association if not already paid. Late and Show day entries will not be included in the Catalogue. Entries will not be accepted unless accompanied by the appropriate entry fee and documents. 2. No refunds will be given for entries after 13th April. Refunds will only be given when notified to the Secretary in writing (or email) before 13th April and a £5 administration fee will be deducted from the amount paid. PLEASE NOTE – this does not apply to Showjumping entries, where BS Rules apply. 3. All exhibitors of cattle, sheep and horses (except for showjumpers) must be members of the Association. 4. Animals can be entered in more than one class, if eligible, but no guarantee can be given that they can be judged in all the classes entered, due to the timings of the various sections. 5. To enable the Committee to make necessary arrangements in erecting the showyard, exhibitors are requested to specify when any animal is entered in more than one class. 6. All stock shown must have been TWO MONTHS AT LEAST in possession of the exhibitor. Any infringement of this rule will render the exhibitor liable to be expelled from the Association, and all prize money gained will be forfeited. 7. The ages of all animals shall be computed from 1 January in their respective years, except in the cases especially mentioned in the Premium List. 8. Cattle entered must be from accredited or negative herds or have been individually tested as BVD negative if they come from a not negative herd. 9. BVD negative status forms to be supplied by cattle exhibitors at the time of entry. 10. All calves born on or after 1 July 1999 must have a properly completed passport, which must be available on request during the period of the Show. This is the responsibility of the keeper of the animal. Cattle Passports must be presented by the exhibitor at the Secretary’s Tent before 11 am on Show day. 11. Bulls of 1yr old or over must be ringed. 12. Breeding cows must be in calf or have had a calf within the 12 months previous to the Show. 13. Animals of any age that have had a calf must be shown as cows. 14. A miracle milker will be available to assist in milking dairy exhibits. 15. Brood mares must be four years old and upwards. Foals must be at least three weeks old on Show day. 16. Substitutions will be permitted, at the Secretary’s discretion. 17. Exhibitors with MV/CAE Accredited sheep herds must give an SAC valid Certificate of Status to the Steward on entry to the showfield BEFORE unloading any animals. These will be validated and returned to SAC. 18. All stock eligible to compete in Open and Confined classes shall be entitled to win prizes in either. 19. Where only one competitor is entered in a section the Show Committee reserves the right to amalgamate sections. 20. The Committee reserves the right of refusing any entries they may think fit, to exclude or cancel any entry made, or to prohibit the exhibition of any stock, and also to cancel any class, or to withhold any of the prizes if there are not sufficient competitors, or to make enquiries into a breach of the Rules and Regulations without any protest from any exhibitor. 5

 21. It is solely the responsibility of the exhibitor to present his/her animal for judging at the appropriate time. The stewards and/or show officials will not be held responsible should an exhibitor fail to present his/her animal for judging at the appropriate time. 22. Should an animal appear to be uncontrollable, at any time, the Convener will have authority to inform the exhibitor/handler to immediately return the animal to its pen/lorry. 23. As an exhibitor/owner, you are personally responsible for damages to third parties caused by you, your employees, support personnel, your agents or your animals. All exhibitors/owners, therefore, must have valid third-party liability insurance. 24. All livestock must be supervised at all times by a person over 16 years of age and experienced in the handling of such animals. 25. No person, with the exception of the competitors in a current class, Judges, Stewards, Members of Committee, Stock Leaders and the Secretary is to enter any of the rings. 26. No animal will be taken out of its stall or pen after the judging has commenced, except by Order of Committee, or with the permission of the Secretary. Stock will not be allowed to stand about the Showyard in groups. Those infringing this rule will be liable to a fine of £10 or may be expelled from the Showyard. 27. The judge’s decision will be final. 28. Any objections must be made to the Secretary within 15 minutes of the completion of judging of the class concerned, accompanied by a deposit of £25, which will be returned if the objection is sustained. The referee and Acting Committee will meet to consider protests, and their decision will be final. 29. Prize Money Vouchers will be given to prize winners along with the Rosettes and must be exchanged at the Secretary’s tent before 6p.m on Show Day. Except in classes where an unresolved objection has been lodged, or where classes are still being judged, any Prize Money not claimed on Show day will be forfeited and no claims will thereafter be entertained. 30. All prize winners to be paraded when required under penalty of forfeiture of all prizes by the owners of any animal not paraded when required. This rule will be strictly enforced. 31. Stock handlers must be in attendance at the animals’ heads 15 minutes prior to judging and 15 minutes prior to the Parade. 32. Stock is not to be removed until after the Grand Parade without prior permission from a Committee Member. 33. The Association complies with and follows the ASAO guidelines on Animal Welfare and has a Plan in place. The welfare of livestock is also the responsibility of the owner. 34. A fully equipped Paramedic Ambulance will be on the showfield from 8.00 am on Show Day. To help defray this additional expenditure a fee of £2 per ring handler/rider/driver of livestock and per exhibitor in other sections and trade stands is charged (as noted on Website Online System, Entry and Application Forms). 35. Competitors will not be notified of any change of judge after publication of the Premium List; changes will be noted on the website where time allows. 36. The winners of Trophies are to give security to the Association for their return on or before next year’s Show. Trophies must be returned to the Secretary by Show day each year. 37. All persons in charge of stock and other exhibits, and all persons admitted to the Showyard, shall be subject to the Rules of the Association and must obey the Order of Committee, Secretary, and other Officials of the Association. 38. Exhibitors shall be answerable for the conduct of their representatives. 39. The Association will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever 40. The Officials have power to enforce these Rules. 6

 DDZ^,/WK&d,^^K/d/KE KƉĞŶƚŽĂůůŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚĞĚŝŶŝƚƐĂŝŵƐ͕ĂŐĞĚϭϴLJƌƐŽƌŽǀĞƌ͘ dŚĞĂŶŶƵĂůƐƵďƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶĨŽƌĂůůDĞŵďĞƌƐŝƐάϭϬƉĂLJĂďůĞŝŶĂĚǀĂŶĐĞĨƌŽŵϭ:ĂŶƵĂƌLJ͘ >ŝĨĞDĞŵďĞƌƐŚŝƉŝƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞĂƚάϭϬϬ͘ ůůĞdžŚŝďŝƚŽƌƐŽĨĐĂƚƚůĞ͕ƐŚĞĞƉĂŶĚŚŽƌƐĞƐ;ĞdžĐĞƉƚĨŽƌƐŚŽǁũƵŵƉĞƌƐͿƉůƵƐ ĐŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŽƌƐŝŶƚŚĞĂŶŶƵĂůŐƌĂŝŶĂŶĚƌŽŽƚĐŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŝŽŶƐŵƵƐƚďĞDĞŵďĞƌƐŽĨƚŚĞ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƚŝŽŶ͘  WƌŝǀŝůĞŐĞƐŽĨDĞŵďĞƌƐŚŝƉ͗ ϭ͘&ƌĞĞĂĚŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƚŽƚŚĞ^ƵŵŵĞƌ^ŚŽǁ͘ 2. Automatic dispatch of the Association’s Premium List. 3. Access to the Members’ Marquee at the Summer Show. This marquee, where refreshments are available, will be situated next to the Secretary’s Office at the DĂŝŶZŝŶŐ͘ ϰ͘dŽĂƚƚĞŶĚĂŶĚǀŽƚĞĂƚ'ĞŶĞƌĂůDĞĞƚŝŶŐƐŽĨƚŚĞƐƐŽĐŝĂƚŝŽŶ͘ ^t^/d&KZDDZ^,/WWW>/d/KE&KZD сссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссс >KE'^Zs/D>^  dŚĞZŽLJĂů,ŝŐŚůĂŶĚĂŶĚŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĂů^ŽĐŝĞƚLJŽĨ^ĐŽƚůĂŶĚ>ŽŶŐ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞDĞĚĂůƐ ĂŶĚĞƌƚŝĨŝĐĂƚĞƐĨŽƌĞŵƉůŽLJĞĞƐǁŝƚŚϯϬLJĞĂƌƐƐĞƌǀŝĐĞŽƌŵŽƌĞĂƌĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĞĚĂƚ ƚŚĞ^ŚŽǁĞĂĐŚLJĞĂƌ͘ ƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶĨŽƌŵƐĨŽƌDĞĚĂůƐĂŶĚĞƌƚŝĨŝĐĂƚĞƐĐĂŶďĞŽďƚĂŝŶĞĚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞZ,^^ ǁǁǁ͘ƌŚĂƐƐ͘ŽƌŐ͘ƵŬͬĂǁĂƌĚƐͲĂŶĚͲŐƌĂŶƚƐͬƌŚĂƐƐͲůŽŶŐͲƐĞƌǀŝĐĞͲĂǁĂƌĚƐĂŶĚĨƵƌƚŚĞƌ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶŝƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞĨƌŽŵƚŚĞ&ŝĨĞ^ŚŽǁ^ĞĐƌĞƚĂƌLJ;ĨŝĨĞƐŚŽǁϬϭΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵͿ͘  ŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĂƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐŵƵƐƚƌĞĂĐŚƚŚĞ&ŝĨĞ^ŚŽǁ^ĞĐƌĞƚĂƌLJďĞĨŽƌĞϭƉƌŝůϮϬϭϵ  EKd/dK>>KDWd/dKZ^ ĂƚƚůĞ͕ƐŚĞĞƉΘƉŽƵůƚƌLJŵƵƐƚďĞŽŶƚŚĞ^ŚŽǁŐƌŽƵŶĚďĞĨŽƌĞCattle, sheep & poultry must be on the Showground before 8a.mϴĂ͘ŵĂŶĚŶŽƚďĞ and not be ƌĞŵŽǀĞĚďĞĨŽƌĞϯ͘ϯϬƉ͘ŵŽƌƵŶƚŝůĂĨƚĞƌƚŚĞsŝŶƚĂŐĞWĂƌĂĚĞŝƐĨŝŶŝƐŚĞĚ͘removed before 3p.m or until after the Parade is finished.   >>WZ/t/EEZ^Dh^dEdZd,WZK&^dK<;ƐĞĞZƵůĞϯϬͿ  dŚĞŐĂƚĞƐůĞĂĚŝŶŐƚŽƚŚĞ^ŚŽǁŐƌŽƵŶĚǁŝůůďĞůŽĐŬĞĚĂƚϴƉ͘ŵŽŶƚŚĞĚĂLJďĞĨŽƌĞ ƚŚĞ^ŚŽǁĂŶĚŽƉĞŶĞĚĂƚϳĂ͘ŵŽŶ^ŚŽǁĂLJ͘ 





MAIN SPONSORS Galbraith Kettle Produce Ltd Clydesdale Bank Rollos

PLATINUM SPONSORS Branston Ltd Crop Services () Ltd NFU Mutual Cupar Walker Snack Foods

GOLD SPONSORS Blackadders LLP East of Scotland Growers EQ Accountants LLP Gillespie Macandrew Grainco Lawrie Estate Agents Sinclair Photography SRUC St Clair Veterinary Clinics Thorntons Solicitors & Estate Agents Wilson Steven Transport

SILVER SPONSORS Clayton Caravan Park Double A Trading Kingdom Carpets KM Duncan Agricultural Engineering Netherton & Westbank Equestrian

BRONZE SPONSORS Angle Park Sand & Gravel Co Ltd James Hair & Co W Walker Livestock Top Tyres

SECTION SPONSORS Bank of Scotland Campbell Dallas Conchie Saddlery Gardens Mowers & Tools Kingdom Agribusiness Kinneston Starlyne Feeds Strutt & Parker

CLASS SPONSORS A&J Nelson (Haulage Contractor) Ltd Deebees Rosettes The Forfar Mart Harbro

SHOWJUMPING SPONSORS Cults Mill Livery D-Mac Tanks & Construction Eden Veterinary Practice Mandy Haig Gordon Harley Hutchinson Networks


The Association is grateful to all sponsors for their support of the Show, whether financially or in kind. 9

 CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS Judge: Mr M. Black, Nisbetfield, Letham

Start: 2 pm in Main Ring. £100 will be awarded to the Champion of Champions, kindly sponsored by Walker Snack Foods Ltd, Cupar. The champion from the following sections will compete for this award: Sheep, Pedigree Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Commercial Cattle, Poultry, In-Hand Horse/.

Grand Parade of Livestock will be at 2.45 pm in the Main Ring, kindly sponsored by Kingdom Carpets.

OVERALL CUPS The Ladybank Burgh Victory Cup (Perpetual) - presented by The Town Council, Merchants and Traders of the Burgh of Ladybank. Open to all competitors at the Show. The Cup to be awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in the Horse, Cattle and Sheep classes. The Colin Wallace Trophy - re-presented in 2018 by the Wallace family, Kincaple. To be competed for annually and awarded to the Overall Champion from the Cattle, Sheep, In-Hand Horse/Pony and Trade Stand sections on a rotational basis. 2019 - Sheep

CATTLE Senior Conveners: B. Brown; E. Lang Conveners: C. Mylius; R Dewey

Start: 9.30 am. The Interbreed Cattle Champion will be judged by Mr M. Milne, Lhanbryde, Elgin at 12.30p.m. The Champion will receive £70 and the Reserve £15.

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Montrave (Perpetual) Challenge Cup - presented by Sir John Gilmour Bt for the exhibitor gaining most points in the Cattle Section. Class awards only. First - 3 points, Second - 2 points, Third - 1 point. The Nickersons of Rothwell (Perpetual) Challenge Cup - presented by Nickersons Seed Specialists Ltd, Grimsby, for Overall Champion Pedigree Beef Animal. The Nitrovit (Perpetual) Shield - for the Overall Champion Pedigree Dairy Cow. The Cameron Cup (Perpetual) - presented by the late Mrs Peggy Cameron, Balbuthie for Best Beef Interbreed Pair owned by the exhibitor. If more than one pair from a section is eligible for presentation of this cup, pairs will be judged initially within their sections. The Royal Hotel Challenge Cup (Perpetual) - presented by Mr A Williamson, Royal Hotel, Cupar for Best Pedigree Beef Animal bred by exhibitor.

PEDIGREE CATTLE Note: Pedigree Cattle entered in this division must be registered in the appropriate Herd Book and cannot compete in the Commercial or Fat classes.

SHORTHORNS Major JP Gibb, Blairgowrie (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Piper Second Challenge Cup - presented by James Piper Esq, The Grange, Burntisland. Won outright by Messrs H W Melville & Sons, Balmullo and re-presented by them as a Perpetual Trophy for the Best Animal in the Shorthorn classes. The J B W Smith (Agricultural Division) Ltd (Perpetual) Shield for the Best Shorthorn bred by exhibitor. 10

 PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per class, excluding Class 7

ENTRY FEES: Classes 1-6 £5 per entry (£8) Class 7 Free

Kindly sponsored by Strutt & Parker

Class 1 Bull born before 1 January 2018. Class 2 Bull born after 1 January 2018. Class 3 Cow in milk or in calf born before 1 January 2017. Class 4 Heifer born between January 2017 and 31 December 2017. Class 5 Heifer born on or after 1 January 2018. Class 6 Bull or heifer calf born on or after 1 September 2018. Class 7 Pair of animals included in separate classes, the property of the same exhibitor. No entry fee, no prize money, rosette only.

ABERDEEN ANGUS Mr Ian Anderson, Cumnock (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The J B Crichton Second Challenge Cup (Perpetual) - presented by the late J B Crichton Esq, Luthrie Bank, Cupar for the Best Animal in the Aberdeen Angus Cattle classes, male or female, any age. The Aberdeen Angus Society offers a Champion rosette and sash.

PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per class, excluding Class 14

ENTRY FEES: Classes 8-13 £5 per entry - (£8) Class 14 Free

Kindly sponsored by EQ Chartered Accountants

Class 8 Bull born before 1 January 2018. Class 9 Bull born on or after 1 January 2018. Class 10 Cow in milk or in calf born before 1 January 2017. Class 11 Heifer born between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2017. Class 12 Heifer born on or after 1 January 2018. Class 13 Bull or heifer calf born on or after 1 June 2018. Class 14 Pair of animals included in separate classes, the property of the same exhibitor. No entry fee, no prize money, rosette only.

BELTED GALLOWAY Mr Ian Anderson, Cumnock (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Beltie Cup - awarded by the Brown Family, Radernie for Champion Belted Galloway

PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per class, excluding Class 20

ENTRY FEES: Classes 15-19 £5 per entry (£8) Class 20 Free

Kindly sponsored by KM Duncan Agricultural Engineering Ltd


 Class 15 Bull, any age. Class 16 Bull calf born on or after 1 July 2018. Class 17 Cow in calf or in milk. Class 18 Heifer any age. Class 19 Heifer calf born on or after 1 July 2018. Class 20 Pair of animals included in separate classes, the property of the same exhibitor. No entry fee, no prize money, rosette only.

ANY OTHER BREED (CONTINENTAL) Mr Martin Irvine, Keith (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Adamson (Perpetual) Challenge Trophy - presented by Mr & Mrs A S Adamson, West Friarton for the Best Charolais, either sex. The Campbell Cup (Perpetual) - presented by Hector Campbell, Balthayock for the Best Charolais bred by exhibitor. Rosette for the Champion Pedigree Charolais is presented by The British Charolais Cattle Society Limited in association with the Scottish & Northern Charolais Breeders Association Limited. A bag of Starlyne Minerals to the Champion, presented by R Nicol.

PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per class, excluding Class 26

ENTRY FEES: Classes 21-25 £5 per entry (£8) Class 26 Free

Kindly sponsored by Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)

Class 21 Bull any age. Class 22 Bull calf born on or after 1 June 2018. Class 23 Cow in milk or in calf. Class 24 Heifer any age. Class 25 Heifer calf born on or after 1 June 2018. Class 26 Pair of animals included in separate classes, the property of the same exhibitor. No entry fee, no prize money, rosette only.

ANY OTHER BREED (NATIVE) Major JP Gibb, Blairgowrie (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Haig Dimple Trophy will be awarded to the Champion Hereford The Langraw Trophy will be awarded to the Best Hereford Bred by the Exhibitor A bag of Starlyne Minerals to the Champion, presented by R Nicol.

PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per class, excluding Class 32

ENTRY FEES: Classes 27-31 £5 per entry (£8) Class 32 Free

Kindly sponsored by Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)

Class 27 Bull, any age. Class 28 Bull calf born on or after 1 June 2018. Class 29 Cow in milk or in calf. Class 30 Heifer, any age. 12

 Class 31 Heifer calf born on or after 1 June 2018. Class 32 Pair of animals included in separate classes, the property of the same exhibitor. No entry fee, no prize money, rosette only.

SIMMENTAL Mr Martin Irvine, Keith (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Association Cup will be awarded to the Champion Simmental. Rosettes for the Champion and Reserve are presented by The British Simmental Cattle Society Ltd.

PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per class, excluding Class 39

ENTRY FEES: Classes 33-38 £5 per entry (£8) Class 39 Free

Kindly sponsored by W Walker LLP

Class 33 Bull born before 31 May 2018. Class 34 Bull calf born on or after 1 June 2018. Class 35 Cow in milk or in calf. Class 36 Heifer born between 1 June 2016 and 31 May 2017 in calf or eild. Class 37 Heifer born between 1 June 2017 and 31 May 2018. Class 38 Heifer calf born on or after 1 June 2018. Class 39 Pair of animals included in separate classes, the property of the same exhibitor. No entry fee, no prize money, rosette only.

HIGHLAND CATTLE Mr C.D Ormiston, Ballater (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Carphin Quaich (Perpetual) - presented by the late Mr J G Wemyss, Carphin, Luthrie, Cupar for the Champion Highlander. A rosette for the Champion Pedigree Highlander is presented by The Highland Cattle Society.

PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per class, excluding Class 46

NOTES Winning exhibitors at this Show will gain points for The Highland Cattle Society's annual Show Fold of The Year competition. All animals must be entered in the herd book fully or registered in the Appendix register. Females entered in the appendix register of our Herd Book, either Appendix B or Appendix A, are eligible for entry and are identified by the letter 'B' or 'A' tattooed in the ear or written in waterproof ink on an eartag. Bulls under the age of 14 months must be birth notified to the Society.

ENTRY FEES: Classes 40-45 £5 per entry (£8) Class 46 Free  Kindly sponsored by Gillespie Macandrew

Class 40 Bull, any age. Class 41 Cow in calf or in milk born before 1 January 2016. Class 42 Heifer born in 2016. Class 43 Heifer born in 2017. Class 44 Heifer born in 2018.


 Class 45 Calf born on or after 1 January 2019. Class 46 Pair of animals included in separate classes, the property of the same exhibitor. No entry fee, no prize money, rosette only.

LIMOUSIN Mr Martin Irvine, Keith (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Association Cup for the Best Animal. Special rosettes for Champion and Reserve Limousin are presented by the British Limousin Cattle Society. A bag of Starlyne Minerals to the Champion, presented by R Nicol.

PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per class, excluding Class 52

ENTRY FEES: Classes 47-51 £5 per entry (£8) Class 52 Free

Kindly sponsored by Crop Services (Scotland) Ltd

Class 47 Bull born on or before 31 December 2017. Class 48 Bull born on or after 1 January 2018. Class 49 Cow in calf or in milk. Class 50 Heifer, any age. Class 51 Calf born after 1 June 2018. Class 52 Pair of animals included in separate classes, the property of the same exhibitor. No entry fee, no prize money, rosette only.


BEEF CATTLE Mr M Durno, Ballindalloch (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The J & H Hamilton (Perpetual) Challenge Cup - for Best Exhibit in the Beef Cattle section. The Rintoul Challenge Cup - for Best Female in Beef Cattle section. Confined to Fife and Kinross. The Maund (Perpetual) Challenge Cup - presented by Maund Bros for the Best Pair of Bullocks in Class 62. The John Kinnear Memorial Cup (Perpetual) - for the Champion Calf, born after 1 September 2018, in the Beef Cattle section. The David Henderson Memorial Trophy - for Best Bullock in Beef Cattle section, confined to Fife and Kinross. The Jas G Dobie, Largoward (Perpetual) Challenge Cup - for Best Group of 3 Animals, made up of any 3 entries in the Beef Cattle section. The Roe Park Trophy (Perpetual), presented by Mr & Mrs S Brown, for the Reserve Beef Champion. 14

 The Drumrack Jubilee Cup (Perpetual) for the best animal in the Beef Cattle section bred by the exhibitor.

AREA AWARD CUPS A Silver Challenge Cup (Perpetual) will be awarded to the Best Exhibit from each of the following areas on a points basis of First 3 points; Second 2 points and Third 1 point. Cupar Area - Parishes of , Auchtermuchty, , Ceres, Collessie, Creich, Cults, Cupar, Dairsie, , Falkland, Flisk, Kemback, Kettle, Kilmany, Logie, Monimail, Moonzie, Newburgh, Strathmiglo. and Anstruther Area - Parishes of Cameron, Dunino, Ferryport-on-Craig, Forgan, Kingsbarns, Leuchars, St Andrews and St Leonards, Anstruther-Wester, Carnbee, Crail, Kilconquhar, Kilrenny, Largo, Newburn, Pittenweem, St Monans. The rest of Fife and Kinross.

PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per class. £20 and £15 respectively kindly donated by Lawrie Estate Agents will be awarded to the Champion and Reserve in the Beef Cattle section.

NOTE No cattle to be shown in more than one class.

The Beef Cattle classes are kindly sponsored as follows: Lawrie Estate Agents A & J Nelson (Haulage Contractor) Ltd, Kelty: Class 57

ENTRY FEES: Classes 53-63 £5 per entry (£8)

Class 53 Cross cow nursing her calf. Class 54 Cross heifer (calf teeth). Class 55 Cross heifer born between 1 September 2018 and 31 December 2018. Class 56 Cross heifer born after 31 December 2018. Class 57 Steer born between 1 September 2018 and 31 December 2018. Class 58 Steer born after 31 December 2018. Class 59 Continental Cross bred bullock - showing 2 or more broad teeth. Class 60 Limousin Cross bred bullock, calf teeth. Class 61 Any other Continental Cross bred bullock, calf teeth. Class 62 Pair of bullocks - no more than 2 broad teeth. Class 63 Group of 3 animals (made up of any 3 entries).


TROPHIES & PRIZES The John Letham (Perpetual) Challenge Cup for Class 71. The Pittendreich Baron Cup (Perpetual) - presented by Colin & Alister Laird, Blyth Farm, Peebles for the Best Pedigree Animal in the Holstein Classes. The Championship Cup (Perpetual) awarded by the Association for the Best Pedigree Animal in the Holstein classes. The R E McKendrick Salver - won outright and re-presented by David Alston, Usan, Montrose as a Perpetual Trophy for the Best Pair in Class 75. The McGregor Cup - presented by Messrs McGregor & Co, Quayside Mills, Leith. Won outright by C & A Laird, Blyth Farm, Peebles and re-presented by them as a Perpetual Trophy for the Best Group in Class 76. The Championship Cup awarded by the Association for the Best Pedigree AOB.


 PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per class, excluding Classes 75 and 76

ENTRY FEES; Classes 64-74 £5 per entry (£8) Classes 75, 76 Free

Champion & Reserve Interbreed awarded for this section. Champions from Holstein and Any Other Dairy Breed to compete.

Kindly sponsored by Bank of Scotland


Champion & Reserve Holstein awarded for this section. Class 64 Calf born 2019. Class 65 Heifer free of bull. Class 66 Heifer in calf under 3 years old. Class 67 Cow in calf having completed 1 or more lactations. Class 68 Heifer in milk calved before 3 years old. Class 69 Junior Cow in milk having completed 2 or 3 calvings. Class 70 Senior cow in milk. Class 71 Female in the Holstein Classes subject to the following rules: A. Bred by exhibitor. B. Fully pedigreed. C. Production Qualified all at no less than 3.5% butterfat in 305 days, First Lactation, 5000 kilos; Second Lactation, 6000 kilos; Third and later Lactations, 7000 kilos. Heifers can qualify on Dam's record. D. Lactation certificates to be shown to the Class Convener at the Show. NB: Placings in this class do not count towards points prizes.


Champion & Reserve AOB awarded for this section. Class 72 Heifer any age, not served. Class 73 Heifer in milk, in calf. Class 74 Cow in milk, in calf.


Class 75 Best pair, in milk or in calf. Class 76 Group of 3 females, or 2 females and 1 bull, the property of the same exhibitor.

YOUNG HANDLERS (Cattle) Mr S Wilson, Glasgow (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The NE Farmers Trophy (Perpetual) for the best exhibitor in the Young Handlers (Cattle) section.

PRIZE MONEY 1st £10.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £6.00, 4th £4.00, 5th £3.00, 6th £2.00 per class Rosettes to all exhibitors

NOTE Classes to be judged on the basis of presentation of the stock, knowledge and skill of the handler. These classes may be split according to age of handler if entries warrant, at the discretion of the convener.


ENTRY - FREE. Entries on the day are welcome.

Kindly sponsored by NFU Mutual, Cupar

Class 77 Calf born on or after 1 June 2018 to be shown by handler less than 12 years of age on the day of the Show. Class 78 Young Handler aged 12-18 years of age on the day of the Show.

HEAVY HORSES Conveners: Mr W Allan, Freuchie; Mr B Duncan, Balmalcolm; Mrs L Wilson, Ceres

The Fife Show is affiliated to and/or holds qualifiers for the following Societies/Championships: Blair Castle Series; British Ridden Heavy Horse Society; Society; Society; NPS Scotland; Stud-Book Society, Caledonian Showing Championships and The Showing Register. See Notes below for further information.

All classes are open to members and non-members of these Associations and Societies. If entering qualifiers, please ensure that you comply with the Rules & Requirements of the individual bodies.

Animals entered in Clydesdale, Highland, Shetland Classes must be registered (or eligible for registration - foals) in the pure-bred section of their respective Breed Societies.

All animals must be named on the entry form, with the exception of foals born after the entry is submitted. Foals must be at least three weeks old on the day of the Show. NOTE: Brood Mares who have lost their foals in the year of exhibition may compete in the class on provision of a Veterinary Certificate stating that the foal died or was prevented, owing to illness or accident, from being shown. Substitutes, for the same class ONLY, may be made if an animal entered is unable to come forward. The Secretary MUST be advised by noon on Friday 17th May of the new animal's name.

Hats: with regard to British Standards please follow the rules of the affiliated body connected to the section in which you are competing. If a class is not affiliated to any particular body, then current British standards apply: All PAS 015; VG1; (BS) EN1384 2017; ASTM F1163 04a onwards; SNELL E2001; SNELL E2016; AS/NZS 3838 2003 onwards.

IN HAND CHAMPIONSHIPS The Gavin Reekie (Perpetual) Challenge Cup will be awarded for the best animal in the In-Hand Native Pony sections (Highland, Shetland, and Registered Pure-Bred Mountain & Moorland). Judged Ring 6 at 1p.m by Mr I. Harley, Rosyth.

Supreme In-Hand Championship - £70 to Champion; £30 to Reserve. Judged Ring 6 at 1p.m. by Mr I. Harley, Rosyth. Supreme In-Hand Champion goes forward to Champion of Champions judged in Main Ring at 2.30p.m

Grand Parade of Livestock will be at 2.45 pm in the Main Ring. All Prizewinners to parade.

AFFILIATIONS & QUALIFIERS CALEDONIAN SHOWING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2019 To be held on 12/13 October 2019 at Highfield @ Howe EC, Ladybank, Fife. This Show is a qualifier and every horse & pony placed 1st and 2nd in all Inhand, Ridden Showing classes (not fun classes) & Working Hunter/Pony classes will qualify to compete in any appropriate class at the Finals. Qualification will be from placings, no qualification cards will be awarded in the ring, and no qualification can go down the line. Qualification is for the 17

 Horse & Pony except for Adult/Young Handler classes, where the Handler qualifies. All qualified horses and will be listed on the Caledonian Showing Show's website where you will also find a regularly updated list of qualifying shows and a wealth of other information. NPS SCOTLAND FINALS (BLAIR CASTLE) 2019 To be run under NPS SCOTLAND FINALS (BLAIR CASTLE) RULES 2019 which are on the NPS Scotland website These rules clarify areas particular to NPS Scotland. Also run to the Rules of the NPS and again these can be found on the website. Exhibitors are deemed to be conversant with these rules. TSR SHOWING FINALS This show is a qualifier for the 2019 TSR Showing Finals. Qualify and enter ANY of the Finals: Central, East Anglia, North West, North East, South East, South, Wales & South West or Scottish. You do not have to be a TSR member to qualify or enter a final. The Rider/Handler qualifies and can enter any horse/pony in any number of Finals! TSR Riders Finals - 1st & 2nd riders qualify and will receive a qualification card in the ring. TSR In Hand Finals - The two highest placed Handlers with a TSR In Hand Card will qualify in any In Hand class. Handlers MUST have their cards signed in the ring by the judge/steward, cards are available FREE from the TSR website. Full details at TSR Medal Awards - TSR members can collect qualification cards & signatures and redeem for a TSR Medal. See TSR website for details.

HEAVY HORSE TURNOUTS Mr M Bedford, York (Judge)

Start: Singles will be judged at 1pm in Main Ring, Pairs and Championship at 3pm in Main Ring

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Baird Shield - for the Best Heavy Horse Turnout.

PRIZE/APPEARANCE MONEY 1st £20.00, 2nd £15.00, 3rd £10.00, 4th £5.00 per Class, Appearance Money - £15 per yoke; £5 per horse.

NOTES These classes are open to the following breeds: Clydesdales, Percherons, Shires,

ENTRY FEES - £5 per Entry (£8)

Kindly sponsored by Clydesdale Bank

Class 100 Heavy horse turnouts - singles. Class 101 Heavy horse turnouts - pairs.

CLYDESDALE HORSES Mr M Bedford, York (Judge); Mrs M Durno, Ballindalloch (Ride Judge)

Start: 9am in Main Ring

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Nairn Challenge Cup (Perpetual) - re-presented by the Association, for the Best Clydesdale, male or female. The East of Fife Agricultural Society 1938 Perpetual Challenge Cup - for the Best Animal in draught horse classes The Meiklem Cup - presented by the late Mr William Meiklem, Bennochy Park, for the best Clydesdale Gelding, any age. The Cup to be won 4 times, with different animals, before it becomes 18

 the property of the exhibitor. The Brewster Shield - presented by John Brewster & Son, Bandirran, for the Best Clydesdale Mare in Foal or with Foal at Foot. Cup to become the property of the exhibitor winning it 5 times altogether; must be won by different animals each time. The Newton of Collesssie (Perpetual) Challenge Tray for the Best Female Clydesdale, any age. The Crichton Victory (Perpetual) Cup - re-presented by the Association, for the Best Clydesdale, male or female, bred by the exhibitor. The Robert Lang Rose Bowl (Perpetual) - presented by Robert Lang, Rosewells, for the Best Yearling or Two Year Old Filly, bred by exhibitor and shown by exhibitor, resident in Fife. The Scottish Central Horse Breeding Society Trophy (Perpetual) for Best Clydesdale, 3 years old or under bred by exhibitor. The Clydesdale Horse Society Shield (supplied & engraved by CHS) awarded to best yearling or two year old colt or filly, registered or eligible for registration with the Society, not having won a Shield before in its lifetime. The exhibitor must be a current member of the Clydesdale Horse Society.

PRIZE MONEY Classes 102-109, & 111 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per Class Class 110- 1st £10; 2nd £8; 3rd £6; 4th £4; 5th £3; 6th £2.

NOTES First and second prize winners in classes 102-109 compete for Champion and Reserve. Prizewinners to Parade at 2.45p.m. The Champion Clydesdale competes for the Supreme In-Hand Championship to be judged in Ring 6 by Mr I. Harley, Rosyth at 1 pm.

CLYDESDALE HORSE SOCIETY YOUNG HANDLERS CLASS Class 110 - An engraved medal is presented by The Clydesdale Horse Society to the best young handler aged 12 to 16 on the day of the show who has not already qualified. That person will also receive a Young Handler qualifier rosette on the day of the show. Qualifiers from the period 1 May 2019 to 30 April 2020 will qualify for the finals at the Royal Highland Show in 2020. Handlers may still compete in the final at the Royal Highland Show although they may be aged 17 by that point. A merit rosette will be given to all entrants in the class. Only animals that have already competed in the normal show or driving classes may be used. Entire colts are not allowed. Judging of this class is not to be on the merits of the animals - it is to be on the quality of the stockmanship and handling in the show ring by the young handler. BIDWELLS BLAIR CASTLE RIDDEN CLYDESDALE CHAMPIONSHIPS Class 111 is a qualifier for the Bidwells Ridden Clydesdale Series to be held at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials & Country Fair on Sunday 25th August 2019. To be judged as a Ridden Hunter class. The first two in each class to qualify. Qualification may go down to fourth place, if horses placed 1st and 2nd have previously qualified. Registered Clydesdales and those eligible for registration may qualify and enter for the Championship. BRITISH RIDDEN HEAVY HORSE SOCIETY Class 111 is a qualifier for the Kilmannan British Ridden Heavy Horse Championship to be held at Equifest Extravaganza 2019. Open to pure-bred horses registered in the main British Stud-Book of the Clydesdale Horse Society. Horses must be entered in the name and ownership they are registered in.Held under the Rules of the BRHHS. To be judged on type, ride, manners & conformation. Qualification to go no lower than 3rd place. Qualifier to receive a Kilmanna qualifier rosette and Prize Card. The Kilmannan Junior qualifier card to eb presented to the highest placed junior rider aged between 14 and under 21 at Equifest 2019. Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry Fees: £5 per Entry (£8) Class 110 - Free

Kindly sponsored by Clydesdale Bank


 Class 102 Gelding, 3 years old and over. Class 103 Eild mare, 3 years old and over. Class 104 Mare in foal or with foal at foot. Class 105 Foal. Class 106 Filly, 2 years old. Class 107 Filly, yearling. Class 108 Colt or gelding, 2 years old. Class 109 Colt or gelding, yearling. Class 110 Young Handlers between the ages of 12-16yrs on the day of the Show. Class 111 Ridden Clydesdale. Pure-bred Clydesdale, registered or eligible for registration, mare or gelding. To be judged as a Ridden Hunter class.

HIGHLAND PONIES IN-HAND Mrs V Fletcher, Kippen (Judge)

Start: 8.30 am prompt in Main Ring

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Gavin Reekie (Perpetual) Challenge Cup for the best animal in the In-hand Native pony sections (Highland, Shetland, and Registered Pure-Bred Mountain & Moorland). The Association Cup (Perpetual) for the best animal in the In-hand Highland Pony Section. The Millfield (Perpetual) Quaich - presented by Millfield Stud - for the best one, two or three-year old Highland Pony filly bred by exhibitor. The Achnacarry and Craigiebrig Stud Trophy (Perpetual) for the Reserve Highland In-hand Champion, presented by Mr and Mrs TWP Connell. The Highland Pony Registered Championship Rosette will be presented to the Best Animal shown in- hand.

PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per Class

NOTES First and second prize winners in Classes 112-119 compete for Champion and Reserve. Prizewinners to Parade at 2.45p.m The Champion In-Hand Highland Pony competes for the Gavin Reekie Challenge Cup and the Supreme In-Hand Championship to be judged in Ring 6 by Mr I. Harley, Rosyth at 1p.m

THE HIGHLAND PONY SOCIETY This Show is affiliated to the HPS. Ponies must be registered in the full body of the HPS Stud-Book (including appendices A, B & C). All competing Highland pony stallions in affiliated shows (In-Hand, Ridden & WHP) aged 4yrs & over must be licensed with the HPS. Please note that Highland ponies entered in Appendices A, B or C are not eligible to qualify for the NPS Scotland Championships. Classes 115, 116, 117, 119 are qualifiers for the Highland Pony Society Youngstock Championships 2019. The Champion animal from these classes will qualify. TSR Qualifier - See Notes at start of horse section Caledonian Showing Championships - See Notes at start of horse section NPS Scotland Qualifier - See Notes at start of horse section NPS Scotland/Townhead Pet n Pony In-Hand M & M Championship - Classes 112-118. Handler any age, except stallions (see rules). Foals are not eligible. The Champion & Res. Champion will qualify for the Final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 23rd August 2019. Qualification may go to 3rd in the Championship (ie 1st Reserve Champion) Entry Fees: £5 per entry (£8)

Class 112 Licensed stallion, 4 years old and over. 20

 Class 113 Gelding, 4 years old and over. Class 114 Eild mare, 4 years old and over. Class 115 Filly, colt or gelding, 3 years old. Class 116 Filly, colt or gelding, 2 years old. Class 117 Filly, colt or gelding, yearling. Class 118 Mare with foal at foot or due to foal before 31 December. (SEE NOTE Brood Mares) Class 119 Foal to have been exhibited with its dam in Class 118.

SHETLAND PONIES IN-HAND Mrs M Sargeant, Nr Liss (Champlers) (Standard Ponies Judge); Mrs J Jones, Pevensey (Buxted) (Miniature Ponies Judge)

Start: 8am prompt in Main Ring

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Association Cup (Perpetual) for the Best Animal in the Shetland Pony section. The Cassindilly Stud Shield - presented by Mr & Mrs Wilson for the Junior Champion in the Shetland Pony section. The Gavin Reekie (Perpetual) Challenge Cup for the best animal in the In-hand Native Pony sections (Highland, Shetland, and Registered Pure-Bred Mountain & Moorland). The Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society offers rosettes for both Standard and Miniature sections as follows: Champion and Reserve; Junior Champion and Reserve for animals 3 years and under (excluding foals); Best Foal and Best Gelding. A rosette will also be awarded for the Best Young Handler. Central Scotland Shetland Pony Group offer Special Rosettes for all placed in Classes 130 & 131.

PRIZE MONEY 1st £15.00, 2nd £12.00, 3rd £9.00 per Class except Classes 130 & 131 Classes 130 & 131 - 1st £10; 2nd £8; 3rd £6; 4th £4; 5th £3; 6th £2

NOTES First and second prize winners in Classes 120-124 compete for Standard Champion and Reserve. First and second prize winners in Classes 125-129 compete for Miniature Champion and Reserve. All Prizewinners to Parade 2.45p.m Main Ring. The Standard and Miniature Champion In-Hand Shetland Ponies compete for the Gavin Reekie Challenge Cup and the Supreme In-Hand Championship to be judged in Ring 6 by Mr I. Harley, Rosyth at 1pm.

SHETLAND PONY STUD-BOOK SOCIETY Classes confined to SPSBS Registered ponies. Ponies must be named on the entry form. Society rosettes only awarded to registered or eligible ponies i.e. foals. Three-year old fillies with foals at foot may not be shown. Entire males aged 2yrs & over must display a stallion disc. There must be no colts or entire males in Classes 130 or 131. Children under 14 years old may not show colts (excluding foals) or entire males, and hard hats must be worn. Exhibitors should not kneel but remain standing while in the ring. TSR Qualifier - See Notes at start of Horse Section. Caledonian Showing Championships - See Notes at start of Horse Section. NPS Scotland Qualifier - See Notes at start of Horse Section. NPS Scotland/Townhead Pet n Pony In-Hand M & M Championship – Classes 120, 121-124, 125, 126-129. Handler any age, except stallions (see rules). Foals are not eligible. The Champion & Res. Champion in both Standard and Miniature sections will qualify for the Final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 23rd August 2019. Qualification may go to 3rd in the Championship (ie 1st Reserve Champion)


 Entry Fees: £5 per Entry (£8). Classes 130 & 131 - free.

Class 120 Standard Mare, 4 years old or over, with or without foal at foot. (SEE NOTE Brood Mares) Class 121 Standard Foal exhibited with its dam. Class 122 Standard Yearling filly, colt or gelding. Class 123 Standard Filly, colt or gelding 2 or 3 years old. Class 124 Standard Stallion, or gelding, 4 years old or over. Class 125 Mare not to exceed 34" (86.5cms), 4yrs old or over, with or without foal at foot (SEE NOTE Brood mares) Class 126 Foal not to exceed 34" (86.5cms) at maturity, exhibited with its dam Class 127 Yearling filly, colt or gelding, not to exceed 34" (86.5cms) at maturity. Class 128 Filly, colt or gelding, 2 or 3 yrs old, not to exceed 34" (86.5cms) at maturity Class 129 Stallion or gelding, not to exceed 34" (86.5cms), 4yrs old or over. Class 130 Young Handlers aged 11yrs or under on the day of the show. Class 131 Young Handlers between the ages of 12 to 16yrs on the day of the show.

LIGHT HORSES & PONIES Light Horse Convener - Mrs K Waterston, Cupar. Committee - Ms R Copland, Kingskettle; Ms D Haig, Cupar; Ms N Motion, Craigrothie; Mrs M Snow, Leven.

The Fife Show is affiliated to and/or holds qualifiers for the following Societies/Championships: British Driving Society (Osborne Refrigerators); BHS Scotland, Blair Castle Championships; British Show Horse Association (RIHS); British Show Pony Society; Caledonian Showing Championships; Equifest; Ingliston Elite Showing Championship Series; NPS Scotland; Retraining of Racehorses; The Showing Register; the Veteran Horse Society and Victoria Food Company.

All classes are open to members and non-members of these Associations and Societies. If entering qualifiers, please ensure that you comply with the Rules & Requirements of the individual bodies.

Animals entered in Open M&M Ridden, Novice M&M Ridden, Registered M&M In-Hand and Open M&M WHP classes must be registered in the pure-bred section of their respective Breed Societies. Animals entered in M&M Part-Bred classes must be registered in the Part Bred section of their respective Breed Society.

All animals must be named on the entry form, with the exception of foals born after the entry is submitted. Foals must be at least three weeks old on the day of the Show. NOTE: Brood Mares who have lost their foals in the year of exhibition may compete in the class on provision of a Veterinary Certificate stating that the foal died or was prevented, owing to illness or accident, from being shown.

The Show Committee has endeavoured to schedule several classes for each exhibitor. However, classes will not be held up, nor will the organisers be responsible if exhibitors miss classes that they have entered. Exhibitors must have an attendant with each exhibit during judging, otherwise the stock cannot be judged. An attendant must also be with each exhibit during the Parade. Classes will not be delayed for exhibitors competing in other classes. Classes may be split at the discretion of the Show Officials.

Hats: with regard to British Standards please follow the rules of the affiliated body connected to the section in which you are competing.If a class is not affiliated to any particular body, then current British standards apply: All PAS 015; VG1; (BS) EN1384 2017; ASTM F1163 04a onwards; SNELL E2001; SNELL E2016; AS/NZS 3838 2003 onwards.


IN HAND CHAMPIONSHIPS The Gavin Reekie (Perpetual) Challenge Cup will be awarded for the best animal in the In-Hand Native Pony sections (Highland, Shetland, and Registered Pure-Bred Mountain & Moorland). Judged Ring 6 at 1p.m by Mr I. Harley, Dunfermline.

Supreme In-Hand Championship - £70 to Champion; £30 to Reserve. Judged Ring 6 at 1p.m. by Mr I. Harley, Dunfermline. Supreme In-Hand Champion goes forward to Champion of Champions judged in Main Ring at 2.30p.m Grand Parade of Livestock will be at 2.45 pm in the Main Ring. All In-Hand Champions & Reserves to parade.

AFFILIATIONS & QUALIFIERS BRITISH SHOW HORSE ASSOCIATION - RIHS QUALIFYING CLASSES Held under the rules of the British Show Horse Association. Horses must be registered with the Association and all Owners, Exhibitors and Riders must be Association Members. Riders must be 15years of age or older. Registration numbers must be quoted on entry form. Classes 194-195 & 197-199 are qualifiers for The Royal International Horse Show. The first prize winner will qualify to compete at the final. If already qualified the second will qualify, if the first and second are already qualified then the third will go forward. The three highest placed prize winners in each Open Affiliated class will qualify to compete in the BSHA Classic Supreme classes at the National Championship Show September 2019. The BSHA offer a Novice, Young Rider and Amateur rosette in each Open class and a Champion rosette for each section. The Association will also award an Amateur Home Produced rosette in all Affiliated Open (Light & Heavyweights only) classes. These rosettes have been kindly sponsored by TSG, Mr L Turley. The awards will go down the line; there is no limit on how many of these rosettes can be claimed in a year. BSPS QUALIFIERS This Show is affiliated to the British Show Pony Society ("BSPS"), affiliation number 19-001, and all persons entering, competing, showing or otherwise taking part in BSPS classes, whether or not members of the BSPS are subject to the Rules of the BSPS, including the disciplinary procedures, and shall be deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction of the BSPS. BSPS Rule 21: Ponies must be registered before the date of the Show at which they qualify for the BSPS Summer Championships, except in the case of exhibitors who have never been members before who are allowed 7 days in which to become members and register their ponies. This Show is a qualifier for the 2019 BSPS Championships Show, to be held at Arena UK. The 1st and 2nd prize winners only from Classes 163-166 and Classes 168-171 and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners in Classes 167 & 172 will qualify, provided the animal is registered in accordance with BSPS Rules 21 & 26 and ridden by a BSPS member. This Show is a qualifier for the BSPS Classic Security (UK) Ltd Challenge. Animals competing in the following Open classes will qualify:- Lead Rein Hunter Type, SHP, Cradle and Nursery Stakes, WHP, Intermediate WH. (Classes 161, 163 -172). Animals must qualify for the Challenge by attending any B.S.P.S. affiliated show and competing in the appropriate class. Ponies must not have qualified for the 2019 Horse of the Year Show. This show is a qualifier for the BSPS Binks Family Champion of Champions The 1st prize winners in the following classes will qualify :- Lead Rein of Hunter Type, SHP, WHP, Intermediate WH. (Classes 161-166; 169-172) This show is a qualifier for the BSPS The White Company Mini WHP Champion of Champions. The 1st prize winners in Open Cradle and Nursery Stakes will qualify (Classes 167-168). This show is a qualifier for the Black Country Saddles Best Rider of the Year. The Best Rider in the Open Lead Rein Hunter Type, the 122cms. 133cms. 143cms. and 153cms. SHP., the Cradle and Nursery Stakes, the 133cms. 143cms. and 153cms. WHP., the Intermediate Working Hunter classes will receive a Card and qualify for the final at the BSPS Summer Championships Show. (Classes 161, 163-166, 167-172).


 CALEDONIAN SHOWING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2019 12/13 October 2019 at Highfield @ Howe EC, Ladybank, Fife. This Show is a qualifier and every horse & pony placed 1st and 2nd in all In-Hand, Ridden Showing classes (not fun classes) & Working Hunter/Pony classes will qualify to compete in any appropriate class at the Finals. Qualification will be from placings, no qualification cards will be awarded in the ring, and no qualification can go down the line. Qualification is for the Horse & Pony except for Adult/Young Handler classes, where the Handler qualifies. All qualified horses and ponies will be listed on the Caledonian Showing Show's website where you will also find a regularly updated list of qualifying shows and a wealth of other information. EQUIFEST 2019 This Show is affiliated to Equifest, taking place at the East of England Showground on the 29th August - 1st September 2019. The two highest exhibits not already qualified in each affiliated class will qualify. Black Country Saddles/Equifest Ridden Hunters: Classes 139-141 R Crabtree Agri Services/Equifest OpenSmall Hunters: Class 142 Cavernoma Alliance UK Mountain & Moorland Lead Rein: Class 149 The Jungle Hutt Mountain & Moorland First Ridden: Class 150 Mountain & Moorland Open Ridden: Classes 151-152 Spillers Mountain & Moorland In-Hand: Classes 143-146. Ridden Part-Breds: Class 160 KBIS Ridden Show Hunter Ponies: Classes 163-166. SS Landscapes Show Hunter Pony Lead Rein: Class 161 Nupafeed Riding Horses: Class 196 NEDZ Mountain & Moorland Working Hunter Ponies: Classes 154-157 KBIS Working Hunter Ponies: Classes 169-172 Nupafeed Ridden Cobs: Class 200 Open Working Hunter: Class 202 INGLISTON ELITE SHOWING CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES 2019 Ingliston Elite is a new, prestigious, showing championship for Scotland and the UK. The finals will be held within Ingliston Grand Slam, at Ingliston Country Club, Bishopton, Renfrewshire. Sunday 22nd September 2019 Excellent prize fund of £350 for each final- 1st- 6th, £1000 to the overall Elite Champion…Winner takes all! Elite Hunters, Elite Riding Horses, Elite Cobs, Elite Coloureds Each final pre judged in their appropriate sections with the top 5 in each going forward to find the top ten, champion & reserve. This Show is a qualifier and every horse placed 1st or 2nd in all specified classes will qualify to compete in the appropriate class at the Finals. Qualification will be from placings, no qualification cards will be awarded in the ring, and no qualification can go down the line. All qualified horses will be listed on our website. NPS SCOTLAND FINALS (BLAIR CASTLE) RULES 2019 To be run under NPS SCOTLAND FINALS (BLAIR CASTLE) RULES 2019 which are on the NPS Scotland website These rules clarify areas particular to NPS Scotland. We also run to the Rules of the NPS and again these can be found on the website. Exhibitors are deemed to be conversant with these rules. TSR SHOWING FINALS This show is a qualifier for the 2019 TSR Showing Finals. Qualify and enter ANY of the Finals: Central, East Anglia, North West, North East, South East, South, Wales & South West or Scottish. You do not have to be a TSR member to qualify or enter a final. The Rider/Handler qualifies and can enter any horse/pony in any number of Finals! TSR Riders Finals - 1st & 2nd riders qualify and will receive a qualification card in the ring. TSR In Hand Finals - The two highest placed Handlers with a TSR In Hand Card will qualify in any In Hand class. Handlers MUST have their cards signed in the ring by the judge/steward, cards are available FREE from the TSR website. Full details at TSR Medal Awards - TSR members can collect qualification cards & signatures and redeem for a TSR Medal. See TSR website for details. 24

 PRIVATE DRIVING Mrs E Russell, Glasgow (Judge)

Start: 11.15 am in Main Ring

TROPHIES & PRIZES Scotbeef Challenge Trophy - presented by the Late Mr I J Galloway for the Overall Champion. The British Driving Society Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes. Osborne Refrigerators Rosettes for each type-section The Victoria Foods Qualifier Rosette.

Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES First and second prize winners in classes 132-133 compete for Champion and Reserve. BRITISH DRIVING SOCIETY Run under BDS Rules. BDS Rules appertaining to Young Drivers and also the wearing of hard hats will apply. Classes 132 and 133 are qualifiers for the 2019 Osborne Refrigerators BDS National Championships in September. The highest placed turnout owned and driven by a member of the British Driving Society and eligible for the following Type-Sections, disregarding those already qualified down to 6th place in the class will qualify for the 2019 Semi-Finals. The Championship will immediately follow the Semi-Finals. Type-Sections Qualifiers: Class 132 : c) Single, non-hackney type (exc. pure-bred registered Welsh) over 13.2hh; d) Single, non-hackney type (exc. pure-bred registered Welsh) 13.2hh & under; e) Country turnout - single, pair or tandem; f) Single pure-bred registered Welsh Cob - Section D; g) Single pure-bred registered Welsh Ponies - Section A, B & C; i) Pairs & Tandems - Open. Any height. Class 133 : l) Single or Tandem Turnout driven to a two-wheel exercise vehicle; m) Single, Pair or Tandem Turnout driven to a four-wheel exercise vehicle.

This Show qualifies for the BDS Scottish Branch "Whitehall Cup" and "Chairman's Cup", which are presented annually to the member with the most points gained throughout the season in a Private Driving Turnout and an Exercise Turnout. This Show qualifies for the BDS Scottish Showing Awards which reward drivers who support and compete in driving classes at shows throughout Scotland. This is open to all turnouts - those who compete at 3 or 4 shows will receive a Bronze award, 5 or 6 shows will receive a Silver award and 7 or more shows will receive a Gold level award.

Victoria Food Company Class 132 is a Victoria Food Company Open Private Driving Championship Qualifier. The Champion will qualify for the Grand Final to be held on Sunday 15th September 2019 at Wellington Riding Centre, Heckfield, Hook, Hampshire RG27 0LJ. In the event that the Champion has already qualified then the Reserve Champion is to qualify. If the Reserve has also qualified, the rosette is to be awarded back to the Champion. Once qualified, the horse, whip and vehicle may not be changed.

Entry Fees: £8 per Entry (£12 - 14th April - 10th May)

Class 132 Private Driving. Horse or pony, 4 years old or over, driven to a traditional or traditional type vehicle. A traditional vehicle means a vehicle of traditional profile and identifiable type to resemble the design of a carriage built prior to the First World War. The vehicle may be made from modern materials but must have traditional style springing and carriage lamps. Pneumatic tyred vehicles, trade turnouts and show wagons are not eligible. Class 133 Exercise vehicle class. Open to horses & ponies, 4 years old or over. A single, pair or tandem driven to a carriage of non-traditional type design and includes those with pneumatic tyres specifically designed for carriages (i.e. not car tyres). 25

 Lamps need not be carried. Judging will include general cleanliness, safety of turnout, correct fitting of harness and vehicle suitability. (Depending on number of entries, this class may be judged alongside the Private Driving Class.)

SHOW HUNTERS Mrs A Hodgson, Lockerbie (Ridden Judge); Mrs M Durno, Ballindalloch (In-Hand Judge)

Ridden start: 8.30 am prompt in Ring 3. In-Hand start: 8.30 am prompt in Ring 5.

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Fife Hunt Challenge Cup for the Best Hunter. The Teases Challenge Cup for the Best Hunter, 4 years old and upwards, shown in saddle, confined to Fife and subscribers to Fife Fox Hounds. The Countess of Lindsay Cup for the Best Weight Carrying Hunter, shown in saddle, confined to Fife and Kinross and subscribers to Fife Fox Hounds. The Lt Col R G O Hutchison Challenge Cup for the Best Brood Mare, presented by D Brown Esq. of Thornton as a Perpetual Trophy. The Barham Challenge Cup for the Best Hunter In-hand, presented by Major Sir Robert Spencer- Nairn Bt. The W P Roger Memorial (Perpetual) Trophy for the Best Hunter Brood Mare shown by an exhibitor resident in Fife, presented by Mrs M Roger and Miss L Roger of Boarhills.

Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES First and Second prize winners in Classes 134-138 compete for In-Hand Champion and Reserve Hunter. Champion & Reserve to Parade at 2.45p.m Main Ring. The Champion In-Hand Hunter competes for the Supreme In-Hand Championship to be judged in Ring 6 by Mr I Harley, Rosyth at 1pm. First and Second prize winners in Classes 139-142 compete for Ridden Champion and Reserve Hunter. In-Hand and Ridden Champions and Reserve Champion Hunters compete for Overall Champion Hunter and Reserve Overall Champion Hunter (Ring 3).

Equifest Qualifier - Classes 139-142. See Notes at start of Horse section. TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Ingliston Elite Qualifier - Classes 139-142. See Notes at start of Horse section.

Entry Fee: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Class 134 Brood mare with foal at foot or due to foal before 31 July in the current year. (SEE NOTE Brood Mares) Class 135 Foal to have been shown with its Dam in Class 135. Foal must be at least 3 weeks old on the day of the Show. Class 136 Hunter filly, colt or gelding yearling, foaled in preceding year, to be shown in- hand. Class 137 Hunter filly, colt or gelding 2year old, foaled 2 years previously, to be shown in-hand. Class 138 Hunter filly, colt or gelding, 3 year old, foaled 3 years previously, to be shown in-hand. Class 139 Lightweight Hunter, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, capable of carrying up to 12.7 stone. Class 140 Middleweight Hunter, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, capable of carrying 12.7 stone but not 14 stone. 26

 Class 141 Heavyweight Hunter, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, capable of carrying over 14 stone. Class 142 Open Small Hunter, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148 cm but not exceeding 158 cm. Rider any age.


Start: 8.30 am prompt in Ring 6.

TROPHIES & PRIZES Balone Cup (Perpetual) - presented by R L Graham Esq for the Best Welsh Pony (Section C or D) in class 143. Balone Bowl (Perpetual) - presented by R L Graham Esq, Balone Farm, St Andrews, for the Best Welsh Pony (Section A or B) in class 144. The Gavin Reekie (Perpetual) Challenge Cup for the best animal in the In-Hand Native Pony sections (Highland, Shetland, and Registered Pure-Bred Mountain & Moorland).

Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES First and second prize winners in Classes 143-146 compete for Champion and Reserve. Champion & Reserve to Parade at 2.45p.m Main Ring. The Champion In-Hand M&M competes for the Gavin Reekie Challenge Cup and the Supreme In- Hand Championship to be judged in Ring 6 by Mr I Harley, Rosyth at 1pm. Run under NPS Rules. All ponies to be registered in the main body of their Breed Society Stud Book. Please note that Highland ponies entered in Appendices A, B or C are not eligible to qualify for the NPS Scotland Championships (Classes 143, 145)

Equifest Qualifier - Classes 143-146. See Notes at start of Horse section TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section NPS Scotland Finals (Blair Castle) Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section. NPS Scotland/Townhead Pet n Pony In-Hand M & M Championship - Classes 143-146. Handler any age, except stallions (see rules). Foals are not eligible. The Champion & Res. Champion will qualify for the Final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 23rd August 2019. Qualification may go to 3rd in the Championship (ie 1st Reserve Champion). Entry Fees: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Class 143 Colt, filly or gelding, 3 years and under. Connemara, New Forest, Welsh Section C & D, Fell, Dale, Highland Class 144 Colt, filly or gelding, 3 years and under. Shetland, Exmoor, Welsh Section A & B, Dartmoor Class 145 Stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years and over. Connemara, New Forest, Welsh Section C & D, Fell, Dale, Highland Class 146 Stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years and over. Shetland, Exmoor, Welsh Section A & B, Dartmoor




Start: Not before 2p.m in Ring 6.

PRIZES Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES First & second prize winners in Classes 147-148 compete for Champion & Reserve. Run under NPS Rules. All ponies to be registered in the main body of their Breed Society Stud Book. Please note that Highland ponies entered in Appendices A, B or C are not eligible to qualify for the NPS Scotland Championships

TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section NPS Scotland Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section NPS Scotland/Kilmannan Stud Novice Ridden M & M Championship - Classes 147, 148. A pony is not eligible to compete if, before 1st January in the current year, it has done any of the following: i Won an open affiliated mixed M&M Ridden class ii Qualified for Horse of the Year Show, Olympia or RIHS Open M&M Ridden classes iii Qualified for the M&M Novice or Intermediate Ridden final at the NPS Summer Championship show and the NPS Scotland/Kilmannan Stud Novice Finals (Blair) (N.B. Ponies can compete as novices in this competition for two consecutive years provided they do not submit an entry to the final in the first year). iv. If a pony qualifies for Horse of the Year Show, Olympia or RIHS in its second year it is de- noviced and cannot compete in the Kilmannan Final at Blair Final.

The 2 highest placed ponies, not already qualified, in each class will qualify for the Final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 23rd August 2019. Qualifications to go no lower than 4thplace

Entry Fee: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Class 147 Novice stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years and over - small breeds (Exmoor, Dartmoor, Shetland, Welsh Section A or B) registered. Snaffle bridle only. Class 148 Novice stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years and over - large breeds (Connemara, New Forest, Dale, Fell, Highland, Welsh Section C or D) registered. Snaffle bridle only.

OPEN MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND RIDDEN Miss J Furness, Lauder (Judge)

Start: To follow M & M In-Hand in Ring 6.

PRIZES The Highland Pony Society offers a Rosette for the Best Ridden Highland Pony.

Prize Money 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES First and second prize winners in Classes 149 and 150 compete for the Mini Champion and Reserve. This Championship will be judged before class 151 commences. First and second prize winners in Classes 151-152 compete for Champion and Reserve.


 Run under NPS Rules. All ponies to be registered in the main body of their Breed Society Stud Book. Please note that Highland ponies entered in Appendices A, B or C are not eligible to qualify for the NPS Scotland Championships.

Equifest Qualifier - Classes 149-152. See Notes at start of Horse section TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section NPS Scotland Qualifiers - see Notes at start of Horse section NPS Scotland/Kilgraston School M & M Lead Rein Championship - Class 149. The owner does not have to be an NPS Scotland member for the pony to enter this competition, but the owner must become a member to enter the final. Ponies will not be stripped. Ponies must be shown in a snaffle bit with the lead rein attached to the noseband. Ponies must not be cantered. Ponies may not be ridden side saddle. Handles on saddles are permitted. The 2 highest placed ponies in the Lead Rein Class not already qualified will go forward to the final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 23rd August 2019. Qualifications to go no lower than 4th place. NPS Scotland/Kilgraston School M & M First Ridden Championship - Class 150. The owner does not have to be an NPS Scotland member for the pony to enter this competition, but the owner must become a member to enter the final. Ponies must not be cantered except in their individual show. Ponies will not be stripped. Ponies may not be ridden side saddle. Ponies may be shown in any suitable bridle. The 2 highest placed ponies in the First ridden class not already qualified will go forward to the final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 23rd August 2019. Qualifications to go no lower than 4th place. NPS Scotland/Baileys Horse Feeds Open Ridden M & M Championship - Classes 151,152. Rider any age, except stallions (see rules in section A 3.2). The owner does not have to be an NPS Scotland member for the pony to enter this competition, but the owner must become a member to enter the final. To be shown in any suitable bridle. A minimum of 6 ponies must be stripped in qualifying rounds. All ponies must be stripped in the NPS Final. The 2 highest placed ponies, not already qualified, in each class will qualify for the Final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 23rd August 2019. Qualifications to go no lower than 4thplace.

Entry Fees: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Class 149 Lead Rein pony, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 122cms. Shetland, Dartmoor, Exmoor, New Forest, Welsh Section A or B. Riders must be at least 3yrs on the day of the Show and must not have reached their 9th birthday by 1 January in the current year. Class 150 First Ridden pony, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 128cms. Shetland, Dartmoor, Exmoor, New Forest, Welsh Section A or B. Riders not to have reached their 12th birthday by 1 January in the current year. Class 151 Fell, Dale, New Forest, Highland, Connemara or Welsh Pony Section C or D, Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over, registered in the main body of their Breed Society Stud-Book. Class 152 Exmoor, Dartmoor, Shetland, Welsh Pony Section A or B, Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over, registered in the main body of their Breed Society Stud-Book.



 OPEN MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND WORKING HUNTER PONIES Mrs C MacMillan, Airdrie (Judge); Mrs K Slight, Cockburnspath (Judge)

Start: To follow Open WHP/WH in Rings 2a+b.

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Aytounhill Cup Trophy for the Champion Mountain & Moorland Working Hunter Pony. The Highland Pony Society offers a Special Rosette for the Best Highland WHP. Run under NPS Rules. All ponies to be registered in the main body of their Breed Society Stud Book. Please note that Highland ponies entered in Appendices A, B or C are not eligible to qualify for the NPS Scotland Championships. Ponies may be measured at the judge's discretion.

Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES Course Builder: Mr G Barclay, 30 Bryce Avenue, Carron, Falkirk. The following shows the minimum height, maximum height, maximum spread for each class: Class 154 - 55cms; 70cms; 55cms Class 155 - 65cms; 80 cms; 65cms Class 156 - 75cms; 90cms; 75cms Class 157 - 85cms; 100cms; 85cms First and second prize winners in classes 154-157 compete for Champion and Reserve.

Equifest Qualifier - Classes 154-157. See Notes at start of Horse section TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section NPS Scotland Qualifier (excluding Class 153) NPS Scotland/Kingfisher Building Products M & M Open WHP Championship - Classes 154-157. Rider any age, except stallions (see rules). Riders may only ride one pony in each class. The owner does not have to be an NPS Scotland member for the pony to enter this competition, but the owner must become a member to enter the final. The course will consist of a minimum of seven fences, one of which must be a spread, a change of direction must be included. If a hazard is included, it will be numbered and judged as a fence. A water tray jump will be included at the final. Ponies may be shown in any suitable bridle. All ponies forward for final judging must be stripped.

The 2 highest placed ponies, in each class not already qualified, will qualify for the Final which will take place at the Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Friday 23rd August 2019. Qualifications to go no lower than 4th place.

Entry fee: £10 per Entry (£14, £18)

Kindly sponsored by Top Tyres

Class 153 Nursery Stakes, Mare or Gelding, not exceeding 128 cm. Riders not to have reached their 12th birthday by 1st January in the current year. Class 154 Pure Bred Registered Mountain & Moorland pony, Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 5 years and over, not exceeding 122 cms. Class 155 Pure Bred Registered Mountain & Moorland pony, Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 5 years and over, exceeding 122 cms and not exceeding 133 cms. Class 156 Pure Bred Registered Mountain & Moorland pony, Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 5 years and over, exceeding 133 cms and not exceeding 143 cms. Class 157 Pure Bred Registered Mountain & Moorland pony, Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 5 years and over, exceeding 143 cms and not exceeding 148cm (no height restriction for Welsh Sec D/Dales). 30

 PART BRED MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND Mrs J McNaught, Darvel (Judge)

Start: To follow In-Hand Hunter in Ring 5

PRIZES Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES Run under NPS Rules - see Notes at start of Horse Section Classes 158-160 to compete for Champion & Reserve. If Champion comes from Class 158 or 159, winner to go forward to Supreme In-Hand Championship to be judged in Ring 6 at 1p.m by Mr I Harley, Rosyth and to Parade in Main Ring at 2.45p.m.

Equifest qualifier - Class 160. See Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry Fee: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Class 158 M & M Part Bred In Hand. Yearling colt, filly or gelding, 2 or 3 yr old filly or gelding Class 159 M & M Part Bred In Hand. 4 yrs old or over, mare or gelding Class 160 M & M Part Bred Ridden. Rider any age.

OPEN SHOW HUNTER PONIES Mrs H Outram, West Lothian (Judge)

Start: Not before 2 pm in Ring 4.

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Pilkington Challenge Cup (Perpetual) - presented by Miss Maude Pilkington of Whincraig, Newport-on-Tay, for the Champion Show Hunter Pony.

Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES First and second prize winners in classes 161-162 compete for BSPS Open Mini SHP Champion and Reserve. First and second prize winners in classes 163-166 compete for BSPS Open SHP Champion and Reserve.

BSPS Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Equifest Qualifier - Classes 161, 163-166. See Notes at start of Horse section TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry Fee: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Class 161 The BSPS Open Lead Rein Pony of Hunter Type, mare or gelding, 4years old and over, not exceeding 122 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 9th birthday before 1 January in the current year. To be shown in a suitable snaffle bridle. Class 162 The BSPS Open First Pony of Show Hunter Type, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 122 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 10th birthday before 1 January in the current year. (See BSPS Rule 418). To be shown in a suitable snaffle bridle. 31

 Class 163 The BSPS Open Pony of Show Hunter Type, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 122 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1 January in the current year. Class 164 The BSPS Open Pony of Show Hunter Type, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 122 cms and not exceeding 133 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 14th birthday before 1 January in the current year. Class 165 The BSPS Open Pony of Show Hunter Type, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 133 cms and not exceeding 143 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 17th birthday before 1 January in the current year. Class 166 The BSPS Open Pony of Show Hunter Type, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 143 cms and not exceeding 153 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 20th birthday before 1 January in the current year.

OPEN WORKING HUNTER PONIES AND INTERMEDIATE WH Mrs K Slight, Cockburnspath (Judge); Mrs H Metcalf, Carlisle (Judge)

Start: 8a.m. prompt in Rings 2a+b. Course will be available for walking at 7.45 am, Ring 2a. Conformation to be judged in Ring 2b, starting at 8.00 am.

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Marjorie Wilson Challenge Cup (Perpetual) - presented by Mrs Marjorie Wilson, Hilton, Cupar, for the Champion Working Hunter Pony.

Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES Course Builder: Mr G Barclay, 30 Bryce Avenue, Carron, Falkirk. First and second prize winners in classes 167-168 compete for BSPS Open Mini WHP Champion and Reserve. This championship will be judged before classes 169-172 compete. First and second prize winners in classes 169-172 compete for BSPS Open WHP/WH Champion and Reserve.

BLAIR CASTLE WORKING HUNTER PONY SERIES Classes 169-172 are qualifiers for these Championships. Ponies placed 1st to 4th in the qualifying classes will qualify for the Championships held at Blair Castle International Horse Trials on Thursday 22nd August 2019. Qualification may go down to 6th place if higher placed ponies have previously qualified.

BSPS Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Equifest Qualifier - Classes 169-172. See Notes at start of Horse section TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry Fee: £10 per Entry (£14, £18)

Class 167 The BSPS Cradle Stakes, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 122 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 11th birthday before 1 January in the current year. Riders 5 years to 8 years old will jump first; the course will then be increased by 10 cm for riders 9-11 years old. Ages are as on the day of the Show. Class 168 The BSPS Nursery Stakes, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 133 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1 January in the current year. Class 169 The BSPS Working Hunter Pony, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 133 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 14th birthday before 1st January in the current year. 32

 Class 170 The BSPS Working Hunter Pony, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 133 cms and not exceeding 143 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 17th birthday before 1 January in the current year. Class 171 The BSPS Working Hunter Pony, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 143 cm and not exceeding 153 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 20th birthday before 1 January in the current year. Class 172 The BSPS Open Intermediate Working Hunter, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148 cm and not exceeding 158 cms. Suitable to be ridden by a rider not to have attained their 25th birthday before 1 January in the current year.

FIFE PONY CLASSES Mrs H Outram, West Lothian (Judge)

Start: To follow Veterans in Ring 4.

PRIZES Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTE First and second prize winners in classes 173-175 compete for Champion and Reserve. TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry Fee: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Class 175 kindly sponsored by Deebees Rosettes

Class 173 Leading Rein. Open to riders resident in Fife, not to have reached their 9th birthday by 1 January in the current year, riding a pony not exceeding 138 cms. To be judged on dress, turnout and manner of going of pony and rider. Class 174 Open to riders resident in Fife, 8-12 years old and under on the day of the Show, riding a pony not exceeding 148 cms (no leading reins permitted). To be judged on dress, turnout, manner of going of pony and rider. Class 175 Open to riders resident in Fife, 13-16 years old on the day of the Show, riding a pony not exceeding 158 cms. To be judged on dress, turnout and manner of going of pony and rider.

FIFE RIDDEN HORSE Mrs K Stephen, (Judge)

Start: Not before 2p.m in Ring 3

Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES This Class may be split by height, if numbers dictate. TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry fee: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Class 176 Fife Ridden Horse. Open to horses and ponies of any type and height with riders resident in Fife, over 16yrs of age. To be judged on dress, turnout and manner of going of horse and rider.



Start: Not before 2.00 pm in Ring 5.

PRIZES Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES Horses and ponies enter the ring individually and will be judged following Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain, Flat Ridden Sport Horse Classes, Rule 56 General. Individual show of walk, trot and canter (60 marks). Conformation assessment (50 marks). The individual free style show must include the following movements (arena no larger than 40m by 60m). Halt, walk on a long rein, 3 loop trot serpentine, lengthened trot across the diagonal, 3 loop canter serpentine with change of lead, lengthened canter across the diagonal. Not to exceed 2 minutes and absolutely ONLY snaffle bits permitted. No doubles or pelhams, bitless bridles or Wilkie snaffles permitted. No martingales, but neckstraps may be worn.

First and second prize winners in Classes 177-178 compete for Champion and Reserve.

TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry Fee: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Class 177 Competition Horse, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148 cms. Riders any age. Class 178 Competition Pony, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 148 cms. Riders any age.

COLOURED HORSES Mr J Simpson, Preston (Judge)

Start: 8.30 am prompt in Ring 4.

PRIZES Prize money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES First and second prize winners in classes 179-182 compete for In-Hand Champion and Reserve. In- Hand Champion & Reserve to Parade in Main Ring at 2.45p.m. The Champion Coloured In-Hand competes for the Supreme In-Hand Championship to be judged in Ring 6 by Mr I Harley, Rosyth at 1pm. First and second prize winners in classes 183-184 compete for Ridden Champion and Reserve. In-Hand Champion and Ridden Champion compete for Overall Coloured Champion. TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Ingliston Elite Qualifier - Classes 183, 184. see Notes at start of Horse section.

Entry Fee: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Kindly sponsored by Sinclair Photography

Class 179 Non-native In-hand. Any height, sex or type, 1 to 3 years old. To be shown plaited and trimmed. 34

 Class 180 Native/cob/traditional type In-hand. Any height, sex or type, 1 to 3 years old. To be shown in natural state or fully trimmed and hogged. Class 181 Non-native In-hand. Any height, sex or type, 4 years old and over. To be shown plaited and trimmed. Class 182 Native/cob/traditional type In-hand. Any height, sex or type, 4 years old or over. To be shown in natural state or fully trimmed and hogged. Class 183 Non-native - Ridden. Any height, sex or type, 4 years old and over. Display required, judge will not ride any exhibit. To be shown plaited and trimmed. Class 184 Native/cob/traditional type - Ridden. Any height, sex or type, 4 years old and over. Display required, judge will not ride any exhibit. To be shown in natural state or fully trimmed and hogged.

VETERANS Mr J Simpson, Preston (Judge)

Start: To follow Coloured horse classes in Ring 4.

PRIZES Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class

NOTES First and second prize winners in Classes 185-187 compete for In-Hand Champion and Reserve. In- Hand Champion & Reserve to Parade in Main Ring at 2.45p.m. In-Hand Champion competes for the Supreme In-Hand Championship to be judged Ring 6 at 1p.m by Mr I Harley, Rosyth. First and second prize winners in Classes 188-190 compete for Ridden Champion and Reserve. In-Hand Champion and Ridden Champion compete for Overall Veteran Champion.

VETERAN HORSE SOCIETY - QUALIFIER 2019 This Show is a qualifier for the Veteran Horse Society Supreme Final: SCOTTISH VETERAN HORSE OF THE YEAR 2019. Kindly Sponsored by Allen & Page. VHS Scottish Supreme (Pre-Judging) Final qualification. Only Members may qualify. Qualification is given to the highest placed VHS Member in each age category no lower than 3rd place. VHS Show registration Card is to be produced and handed to the judge in the ring as verification of the qualification. VHS Membership to be applied for no later than 1 week prior to this show, to avoid disappointment. Mountain & Moorland. The highest placed Member in each age category exhibiting an M&M will receive entry to the pre-judging of the Mountain & Moorland Supreme Final. This may-be carried down to 4th place. To be registered with a Breed Society and hold a current Breed Society passport. Show Registration Card to be signed by the judge in the ring. Young Rider & Handler Championship qualification - a young rider/handler (14 years and under) qualification will be awarded to the young rider/handler of the judge's choice (one per class), entitling them to enter the young rider/handler pre judging championship prior to the Supreme Final. This award is given at the judge's discretion. One qualification per age category.Non Members to receive an orange card. Members must only have their card signed and not accept the orange card as this is for non-members. You must then enter on-line within 21 days or qualification is not valid. All competitors and grooms must adhere to VHS Rules in all circumstances. Failure to do so may result in immediate disqualification. TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry Fee: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Kindly sponsored by Blackadders 35

 Class 185 Diamond Veteran (25 years and over) In-hand. Open to horses and ponies any breed or height. Class 186 Veteran (20-24 years) In-hand. Open to horses and ponies any breed or height. Class 187 Pre-Veteran (15-19 years) In-hand. Open to horses and ponies any breed or height. Class 188 Diamond Veteran (25 years and over) Ridden. Open to horses and ponies any breed or height. Class 189 Veteran (20-24 years) Ridden. Open to horses and ponies any breed or height. Class 190 Pre-Veteran (15-19 years) Ridden. Open to horses and ponies any breed or height.

RETRAINING OF RACEHORSES Mrs J Fox, Hawick (Ride Judge); Mr A Bowie (Conformation Judge)

Start: To follow Part Bred M & Ms in Ring 5.

PRIZES Prize Money: 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 per Class Class 191 - RoR Rosettes 1st to 6th place, Prizes 1st £30 plus RoR jacket, 2nd £20, 3rd £10, 4th £10 Class 192 - RoR Rosettes 1st to 6th place, Vouchers 1st to 4th place. Veteran prize, £25 voucher to be redeemed from RoR office and qualification for the Veteran final at Aintree. Prizes 1st £60 plus voucher for jacket, 2nd £40, 3rd £20, 4th £10. Class 193 - RoR Rosettes 1st - 6th place. Prizes - 1st £40 plus RoR jacket, 2nd £30, 3rd £20, 4th £10

NOTES All entries should include their Show Registration Number and state sire and dam on their entry form or by email to the Secretary before the day of the Show. First and second prize winners in Classes 191-193 compete for Champion and Reserve. If Champion comes from Class 191, it will go forward to compete in the Supreme In-Hand Championship to be judged in Ring 6 at 1p.m by Mr I Harley, Rosyth and to the Grand Parade in the Main Ring at 2.45p.m

RETRAINING OF RACEHORSES Class 191 is a qualifier for the RoR OPEN In Hand Showing Series Final. Blemishes caused through racing will be ignored. The first three go forward to the final at the RoR Goffs UK National Championships at Aintree in August 2019. Class 192 is a qualifier for the RoR Tattersalls Scottish Show Series 2019 The first three go forward to the championship at the Royal Highland Show 2020. In the event that the first three are already qualified, the qualification will go down the line to fourth. All entries MUST be registered with the RoR and have RACED in GB. There will be a prize for the highest placed veteran 15 years or over. The class will be run under the rules of RoR. Horses to be ridden by the judge. All those entering horses and/or participating in the show agree to be bound by the Retraining of Racehorses Rules and Regulations from time to time in force. Competitors must wear a safety/kite mark hard hat with a chinstrap. Racing injuries and blemishes will NOT be ignored in this series. Class 193 is a qualifier for the RoR Amateur Ridden Show Series Final. The Series is open to AMATEURS only - those employed in racing will be allowed to compete. Class will be judged under 'riding horse' format without 'type' being taken into consideration. Racing injuries and blemishes ARE IGNORED in this series. The Judge will not ride at the qualifier but will ride in the final. The first three go forward to the final at the RoR National Championships at Aintree in August 2019. Amateur definition: An amateur is a person who for the purpose of RoR classes does not/has not during the current season or previous season: Engage (d) in breeding, livery, buying or selling, dealing or hiring horses (for the show ring) in a 36

 commercial capacity. Horses must not have been stabled at or reside in a Professional Producer's/Trainer's yard (in the current season or previous season). Riders must not have ridden any animals produced by a Professional/Trainer in the current or previous season. Horses and riders must not have received any help from a Professional Producer/Trainer at a SHOW in the current or previous season. Horses must not have been ridden at a show by a rider who has ridden for a Professional/Producer Trainer in the current or previous season. Any breaches of this ruling will be taken seriously and will result in disqualification from future classes.

RoR OPEN In Hand Show Series Final qualifier - Class 191 The RoR Tattersalls Scottish Show Series 2019 qualifier - Class 192 RoR Amateur Ridden Show Series qualifier - Class 193

TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry Fee: £8 per Entry (£12, £15)

Kindly sponsored by Kinneston

Class 191 RoR Open In-hand Show Series. Open to all RoR and NR registered horses, 3yrs and over, fillies, mares and geldings. Class 192 The RoR Tattersalls Scottish Show Series 2019. mare or gelding, 4years old or over, any height. Riders must be 15 years or over on the 1st January of the calendar year holding the classes. Horses should be ridden in a snaffle, pelham or simple double bridle with a plain cavesson noseband. Horses should be plaited. Class 193 RoR Amateur Ridden Show Series. Open to all RoR and NR competition registered horses, 4yrs and over, mares and geldings, owned, produced and ridden by an Amateur. Riders must be 15 years or over on the 1st January of the calendar year holding the classes. Horses should be ridden in a snaffle, pelham or simple double bridle with a plain cavasson noseband. Horses should be plaited.

RIDING HORSES Mr R Mills, Kirtlington (Judge)

Start: To follow Ridden Hunters in Ring 3.

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Anthony's Boy Cup (Perpetual) presented by Mrs Hilary Mactaggart, for the Champion Riding Horse.

Prize Money: Open 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00 RIHS 1st £25

NOTES First and second prize winners in Classes 194-196 compete for Riding Horse Champion and Reserve.

BSHA RIHS Qualifier (Classes 194, 195) - see Notes at start of Horse section Equifest Qualifier (Class 196) - see Notes at start of Horse section TSR Qualifier (Class 196) - see Notes at start of Horse section Ingliston Elite Qualifier (Classes 194-196) - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry Fee: Classes 194 & 195 - £30 (incl RIHS Levy) (£38, £45) Class 196 - £8 (£12, £15) 37

 Class 194 RIHS Small Riding Horse. Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148 cms but not exceeding 158 cms. Rider to be 15 years and over. Class 195 RIHS Large Riding Horse. Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 158 cm. Rider to be 15 years and over. Class 196 Open Riding Horse. Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, any height. Riders any age.

RIDDEN COBS Mr R Mills, Kirtlington (Judge)

Start: To follow Riding Horses in Ring 3.

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Tinnakill Trophy (Perpetual) - presented by Mr & Mrs ID Elliot, for the Champion Ridden Cob.

Prize Money: Classes 197-199 1st £25; Class 200 1st £12.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £5.00

NOTES First and second prize winners in classes 197 - 200 compete for Ridden Cobs Champion and Reserve.

BSHA RIHS Qualifier (Classes 197-199) - see Notes at start of Horse section Equifest Qualifier (Class 200) - see Notes at start of Horse section TSR Qualifier (Class 200) - see Notes at start of Horse section Ingliston Elite Qualifier (Classes 197-200) - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry Fee: Classes 197-199 RIHS Entry Fee £30 (incl RIHS Levy) (£38, £45) Class 200 £8 (£12, £15)

Class 197 RIHS Lightweight Cob. Mare or gelding - 4 years old and over, exceeding 148 cms, but not exceeding 155 cms, capable of carrying up to 14 stone. Rider to be 15 years and over. Class 198 RIHS Heavyweight Cob. Mare or gelding - 4 years old and over, exceeding 148 cms, but not exceeding 155 cms, capable of carrying more than 14 stone. Rider to be 15 years and over. Class 199 RIHS Maxi Cobs. Mare or gelding - 4 years old and over, exceeding 155 cms - to be judged as Cobs. Judges must pay particular attention to type (i.e. short legged animals of COB type). To be shown hogged. Rider to be 15 years and over. Class 200 Open Ridden Cob. Mare or gelding - 4 years old and over, exceeding 148 cms, any height. Riders any age. Open to traditional and hogged horses - this class may be split if numbers dictate.

WORKING HUNTERS Mrs A Hodgson, Lockerbie (Judge); Mr A Bowie (Judge)

Start: Not before 2p.m in Ring 2a

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Dunvegan Equestrian Training Perpetual Trophy - presented by Mr & Mrs J Armour, for the Best Open Working Hunter in Class 202. The Bruce Sutherland Hair Design Perpetual Trophy - presented by Mr & Mrs Sutherland, for the Best Novice Working Hunter in Class 201


 Prize Money: Class 201 1st £15.00, 2nd £10.00, 3rd £7.00, 4th £5.00 Class 202 1st £25.00, 2nd £15.00, 3rd £10.00, 4th £7.00

NOTES Course Builder: Mr G Barclay, 30 Bryce Avenue, Carron, Falkirk. To be judged 60% for Jumping - of which 40% to be for actual jumping and 20% for style - the remaining 40% to be for ride and conformation, allocated 20% to each part. Penalty points incurred as follows: 1st refusal 15, 2nd refusal 20, 3rd refusal Elimination; fence knocked down 10; fall of horse and/or rider Elimination. First and second prize winners in Classes 201-202 compete for Champion and Reserve.

BOTANICA/BHS SCOTLAND WORKING HUNTER SERIES 2019 Class 202 is a qualifier. The first THREE qualify for the final, even if they did not jump clear. If one of the first 3 has already qualified the qualifying card can be passed down to 4th place provided the 4th placed rider jumped clear. Only fully qualified combinations carrying a Signed Qualifying Card for the current year may enter. All cards must be carried in the ring and produced on request. Run under the rules of Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain. Please note Rules 46 & 50. Maximum height of jumps - 3ft 6ins; maximum spread - 3ft 9ins.

Equifest Qualifier (Class 202) - see Notes at start of Horse section TSR Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section Caledonian Showing Championships Qualifier - see Notes at start of Horse section

Entry Fee: Class 201 - £10 (£14, £18) Class 202 - £15 (£18, £20)

Kindly sponsored by Netherton & Westbank Equestrian

Class 201 Novice Working Hunter - 4 years old or over. Riders to be 14 or over on the day of the competition. Horses to be over 153 cms and not having won more than £15 in jumping competitions. Jumps approximately 0.84 m (2'8") in height. Class 202 Botanica/BHS Scotland Working Hunter Series 2019. Horses must be 15hh or over, 4 years old and over. Riders must be 18 years old or over. To compete at the final, either the rider or owner of the horse must be a member of the BHS.

MOUNTED FANCY DRESS Mrs K Stephen, Edinburgh (Judge)

Start: To follow Fife Ridden Horse in Ring 3

PRIZES Rosettes and prizes in kind to sixth place.

NOTES ENTRY FEE - FREE! But please complete an entry form to ensure your inclusion in the catalogue. Class 203 To be judged on originality and comic appeal. Rider less than 12 years of age. Riding hats to current British Standard must be worn. Class 204 To be judged on originality and comic appeal. Rider over 12 years of age. Riding hats to current British Standard must be worn.

SHOWJUMPING Please see separate Showjumping Schedule.


 SHEEP Senior Convener: J. Smith Conveners: M. Black, C. Maitland

Start: 10.00 am Interbreed will be judged at 1.00 pm by Mrs C. Milne, Kennieshillock, Lhanbryde, Elgin. The Sheep Interbreed Champion will be awarded £40 prize money.

OVERALL TROPHIES The John Bell (Perpetual) Challenge Cup for the exhibitor gaining the most points in the Sheep Classes. Class award only. First - 3 points; second - 2 points; third - 1 point. The Angle Park Sand & Gravel (Perpetual) - presented by Angle Park Sand & Gravel Co, Ladybank for the Best Exhibit in the Sheep classes.

NOTES No approved facility exists at this Show for exhibits from Scrapie Monitored flocks. Exhibitors must have an attendant with each exhibit during judging, otherwise the stock cannot be judged. MV Health Declarations will now be collected before sheep are unloaded, validated and returned to SAC.

Grand Parade of Livestock will be at 2.45 pm in the Main Ring.

Entry Fee for Classes 250-312: £5 per entry (£8 - 14th April - 10th May) NO Entry Fee for Classes 313 & 314

PRIZE MONEY Classes 250-312 1st - £15, 2nd - £12, 3rd - £9 per Class. Classes 313 & 314 - 1st £10.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £6.00, 4th £4.00, 5th £3.00, 6th £2.00

BORDER LEICESTER Mr J Douglas, Fraserburgh (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Markinch Burgh Cup (Perpetual) - presented by the Town Council, Merchants and Traders of the Burgh of Markinch and District for the Best Exhibit in the Border Leicester classes. The Willie Adams Memorial Cup (Perpetual) for the Best Pair of Border Leicester Lambs (Tup and Ewe) bred by exhibitor. This Show qualifies for the Exhibitor of the Year Award. The Society of Border Leicester Sheep Breeders offers a Rosette for the Best Exhibit.

Kindly sponsored by Angle Park Sand & Gravel Co Ltd

Class 250 Border Leicester Tup one shear or over. Class 251 Border Leicester Tup Lamb. Class 252 Border Leicester Ewe nursing or having nursed its lamb. Class 253 Border Leicester Gimmer. Class 254 Border Leicester Ewe Lamb. Class 255 Group of 3 Border Leicesters - 1 male and 2 females.

SUFFOLK Mr J Douglas, Fraserburgh (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The George C Knight Cup (Perpetual) for the Best Exhibit, male or female, in the Suffolk Sheep classes. 40

 The Suffolk Sheep Society offers a Rosette for the Best Exhibit from a Registered Flock. The Scottish Area Branch of the Suffolk Sheep Society: Exhibitors can compete at various qualifying shows throughout Scotland in order to gain points to win £250 cash for each section, Sponsored by Roxan. The branch will supply a Male Champion and Female Champion Rosette which will be awarded to the highest placed MV Accredited Scottish male and female forward at each show, selected by the show judge. Each animal winning either of these rosettes will be allocated points and this will be continued throughout the show season and points accumulated. The Overall Male and Female Champion of the year will be decided on the basis of the number of points an individual animal wins at the conclusion of the last show. Class 261: The Tayside Suffolk Breeders Club offers rosettes for 1st-3rd placed pairs. Entrants must be members of the Tayside Suffolk Breeders' Club, lambs must be bred by the exhibitor, entries in this class must be different animals to those entered in classes 257 and 260.

Kindly sponsored by Kingdom Agribusiness

Class 256 Suffolk Tup one shear or over. Class 257 Suffolk Tup Lamb. Class 258 Suffolk Ewe nursing or having nursed its lamb. Class 259 Suffolk Gimmer. Class 260 Suffolk Ewe Lamb. Class 261 A Pair of Untrimmed Suffolk Lambs. (SEE NOTE) Class 262 Group of 3 Suffolks - 1 male and 2 females.

TEXEL Mr J Black, Lockerbie (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES SAI Trophy (Perpetual) for the Champion Texel.

Class 263 Texel Tup one shear or over. Class 264 Texel Tup Lamb. Class 265 Texel Ewe nursing or having nursed its lamb. Class 266 Texel Gimmer. Class 267 Texel Ewe Lamb. Class 268 Group of 3 Texels - 1 male and 2 females.

AOB Mr J Black, Lockerbie (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Wellside Trophy (Perpetual) - presented by the Maddock Family, Wellside Ryelands, Kingswells, Aberdeen for the Champion in the Any Other Breed section.

NOTE: AOB Classes 269-274 will be split into long wool and short wool breeds if numbers forward warrant it.

Class 269 Any other breed Tup one shear or over. Class 270 Any other breed Tup Lamb. Class 271 Any other breed Ewe nursing or having nursed its lamb. Class 272 Any other breed Gimmer. Class 273 Any other breed Ewe Lamb. Class 274 Any other breed group of 3 - 1 male and 2 females.


 BLUEFACED LEICESTER Mr D Moir, Fraserburgh (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The J G Riddell & Sons Trophy (Perpetual) - presented by Messrs J G Riddell & Sons, Ladybank, for the Champion Bluefaced Leicester.

Class 275 Bluefaced Leicester Tup one shear or over. Class 276 Bluefaced Leicester Tup Lamb. Class 277 Bluefaced Leicester Ewe nursing or having nursed its lamb. Class 278 Bluefaced Leicester Gimmer. Class 279 Bluefaced Leicester Ewe Lamb. Class 280 Group of 3 Bluefaced Leicesters - 1 male and 2 females.

CHEVIOT Mr D Allen, Alnwick (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Association Cup (Perpetual) for the Best Exhibit, male or female, in the Cheviot classes. Champion & Reserve Champion Rosettes from North Country Cheviot Sheep Society.

Kindly sponsored by Thorntons Solicitors & Estate Agents

Class 281 Cheviot Tup one shear or over. Class 282 Cheviot Tup Lamb. Class 283 Cheviot Ewe with Lamb at foot. Class 284 Cheviot Gimmer. Class 285 Cheviot Ewe Lamb. Class 286 Group of 3 Cheviots - 1 male and 2 females.

HALF BREDS Mr D Moir, Fraserburgh (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Association Cup (Perpetual) for the Best Exhibit in the Half-Bred classes.

Class 287 Half-bred Ewe nursing or having nursed its Lamb. Class 288 Half-bred Gimmer.

CROSSES Mr D Moir, Fraserburgh (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Bob Graves Memorial Trophy (Perpetual) for the best non pedigree ewe with pair of lambs at foot.

Class 289 Pen of 3 Gimmers, any cross. Class 290 Continental Cross Gimmer or Ewe nursing or haing nursed its Lamb. Class 291 Down Cross Gimmer or Ewe nursing or having nursed its Lamb. Class 292 Ewe, non-pedigree, with pair of Lambs at foot.


 FAT LAMBS Mr D Moir, Fraserburgh (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Scottish National Fat Stock Club (1916) Trophy for the best pair of lambs by a native sire. The James Gray Cup (Perpetual) for the Best Exhibit in the Fat Lamb classes.

Class 293 Pair of Lambs by Native Sire. Class 294 Pair of Lambs by Continental Sire.

SHETLAND Mr P Cowan, Bishop Auckland (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Wine Byre Merchants Quaich (Perpetual) for the Champion Shetland. The Rothes Plate for The Champion Coloured Shetland. The Sharp Trophy (Perpetual) for the Best Patterned Shetland. The Shetland Sheep Society offers a Cup presented by Kate Sharp for Best Patterned Sheep not entered in any previous class and a Rosette for the Overall Breed Champion and Reserve Champion, Young Handler (under 17) and Novice Handler (first showing season). NOTE: Entry forms for Shetland Sheep must state if exhibits are White or Coloured.

Class 295 Shetland Tup one shear or over (White). Class 296 Shetland Tup one shear or over (Coloured). Class 297 Shetland Tup Lamb (White). Class 298 Shetland Tup Lamb (Coloured). Class 299 Shetland Ewe (White). Class 300 Shetland Ewe (Coloured). Class 301 Shetland Gimmer (White). Class 302 Shetland Gimmer (Coloured). Class 303 Shetland Ewe Lamb (White). Class 304 Shetland Ewe Lamb (Coloured). Class 305 Patterned Shetland sheep - open to any Shetland not entered in any other class. Class 306 Group of 3 Shetlands - 1 male and 2 females. (SEE NOTE)



 JACOB Mrs G Fletcher, Co Wicklow (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Dawson International Trophy (Perpetual) for the Champion Jacob. This Section is run under the rules of the Jacob Sheep Society who provide a rosette for the Champion Jacob. All sheep to be shown to Breed Society rules.

In 2019, Fife Show is hosting the Jacob Sheep Society National Show. Jacob Sheep Society trophies will be presented as follows: The Arnydie Perpetual Cup presented by Miss Linda McKendrick will be awarded to the Champion. A Crystal Bowl, Champion Sash and £100 prize money kindly donated by the Carochy Flock will be awarded to the Champion. The R E McKendrick Perpetual Trophy presented by Miss Linda McKendrick will be awarded to Best Opposite Sex to Champion.

Class 307 Jacob Tup, one shear or over. Class 308 Jacob Tup Lamb. Class 309 Jacob Ewe nursing or having nursed its Lamb. Class 310 Jacob Gimmer. Class 311 Jacob Ewe Lamb. Class 312 Group of 3 Jacobs - 1 male and 2 females.

YOUNG HANDLERS (Sheep) Mrs C Milne, Elgin (Judge)

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Fergusson Cup (Perpetual) presented by W Fergusson for the best exhibitor in the young handler (sheep) section. Class to be judged on the basis of presentation of the stock, knowledge and skill of the handler. The winner of Class 313 will compete against the winner of Class 314 for the Fergusson Cup.

PRIZE MONEY 1st £10.00, 2nd £8.00, 3rd £6.00, 4th £4.00, 5th £3.00, 6th £2.00 per class

ENTRY - FREE. Entries on the day are welcome.

Kindly sponsored by NFU Mutual, Cupar

Class 313 Lamb born on or after 1 January 2019 to be shown by handler less than 10 years of age on the day of the show. Class 314 Lamb born on or after 1 January 2019 to be shown by handler less than 16 years of age on the day of the show.

HOME PRODUCE Mrs M Lawson, Mrs J. Straith (Judges) Conveners : Mrs M. Whiteford & Mrs C. Williamson

Start: 10.00 am in the Home Produce Tent Under 9 Years Classes 350-354 9-15 Years Classes 355-359 Open Classes Classes 360-371

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Perpetual Cup - presented by the late Mr M B Danskin, Strathkinness for the Exhibitor gaining


 the most points in the Open classes (360-371). The Association (Perpetual) Cup for the Exhibitor gaining the most points in the Under 15 classes (355-359). The Alston Doig & Smith (Perpetual) Trophy for the most points gained in the Under 9 classes (350-354). The Reedieleys Rosebowl (Perpetual) presented by Mrs Posie Arbuckle for the most points gained by a Bell Baxter YFC female member. The Ovenstone Quaich (Perpetual) presented by the Wilson family for the most points gained by an East Fife YFC female member

PRIZE MONEY 1st £2.00, 2nd £1.00, 3rd £0.50 Each Class + First to Third Prize Cards £5 for person with most points in each of three sections.

NOTES Members of the East Fife and Bell Baxter YFCs are welcome to enter the Open classes. Class points: First - 3 points; Second - 2 points; Third - 1 point. Cups Presented at 3.00 pm. All Entries to be collected by 4.00 pm. Exhibitors in the Under 15 Classes will compete for Champion and Reserve. Exhibitors in the Open Classes will compete for Champion and Reserve. All baking entries must be placed on either a white doyley or paper plate, supplied by the exhibitor. All entries must be named on underside and placed in the Show Tent by 9.45 am. Exhibitors are restricted to one entry in each class. Catalogue Entries must be submitted to the Secretary by the closing date - 13 April. Late Entries (non Catalogued) will be taken until May 10th. Entries on the day will NOT be accepted.


Under 9yrs Class 350 Using a breakfast cereal box make a decorated photo frame Class 351 Pom Pom animal Class 352 Two decorated digestive biscuits Class 353 A monster made from vegetables Class 354 A pencil/crayon holder using recycled item Under 15yrs Class 355 Healthy eating wrap Class 356 Two chocolate chip cookies Class 357 Funky necklace made with buttons Class 358 Handbag charm - any craft Class 359 I Phone cover - any craft Open Classes Class 360 Flask of tomato & red pepper soup Class 361 Two slices meat roll Class 362 Ramekin of mackerel pate Class 363 Three white chocolate muffins Class 364 Three short crust pastry macaroons Class 365 Jam swiss roll Class 366 Three gypsy creams Class 367 Three gluten free biscuits Class 368 Non-alcoholic cocktail Class 369 A fresh floral arrangement in a box Class 370 Sewn item in tweed Class 371 Knitted novelty hat


 POULTRY CLASSES Mr K Gardiner, Lanark (Judge); Mr W Gardiner, Lanark (Judge) Convener: Mr D. Durie, Boarhills

Start: 10.00 am in Poultry Marquee

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Association (Perpetual) Challenge Cup and Rosette for Best Bird in Poultry classes. The Forthside Cup (Perpetual) and Special Prize of £5 for Best Bird in Poultry classes, confined to County of Fife. The Robertson Cup (Perpetual) presented by Mrs Helen Robertson for Best Wyandotte Bantam, male or female. The Rettie Cup (Perpetual) presented by Andrew Rettie for Best Large Soft Feathered Bird. The Patrick Cup (Perpetual) for Best Plymouth Rock. The W Smith & Sons Knightsward Trophy for Best Waterfowl. The Paterson Cup (Perpetual) for the Best Exhibit in the Young Fanciers classes. The Lang Spoon presented by Mr DM Durie for the Best Eggs. The Sturton Cup (Perpetual) for the Best True Bantam, presented by Ian Sturton, Ceres. The Poultry Club of Great Britain offers rosettes and Certificates of Merit for the Show Champion, Reserve Show Champion, Best Juvenile Exhibit and Best Egg Exhibit.

PRIZES - First to Third Prize Cards. £10 to Best in Show, £5 to Best Waterfowl, £5 to Best Large Fowl, £5 to Best Soft Feathered Bantam Light, £5 to Best Soft Feathered Bantam Heavy, £5 to Best Hard Feathered Bantam, £5 to Best National Breed, £5 to Best True Bantam, £5 for Best Soft Feather Bantam overall and £5 to the Best Young Fancier. Harbro offers three £10 gift vouchers, redeemable in their Country Stores, awarded at the discretion of the Convener.

NOTES HELD UNDER POULTRY CLUB RULES. The Fife Show is affiliated to the Poultry Club of Great Britain. No feeding allowed in pens until after judging. Birds must have been in Scotland for a minimum of 13 days before the date of the Show and have shown no signs of illness in that period. Late Entries (non Catalogued) will be taken until May 10th. Entries on the day will NOT be accepted.

ENTRY FEES £1 day Membership and £1 per bird. Young Fanciers Classes FREE

Class 400 Half dozen bantam's fresh eggs - any colour Class 401 Half dozen hen's fresh eggs - brown Class 402 Half dozen hen's fresh eggs - tinted Class 403 Half dozen hen's fresh eggs - white Class 404 Half dozen hen's fresh eggs - any other colour Class 405 Half dozen duck's fresh eggs Class 406 Three fresh goose eggs Class 407 Goose or gander. Class 408 Aylesbury duck or drake. Class 409 Rouen duck or drake. Class 410 Runner duck or drake. Class 411 Call drake. Class 412 Call duck. Class 413 Drake, AOV. Class 414 Duck, AOV. Class 415 Miniature duck or drake, AOV. 46

 Class 416 Khaki Campbell. Class 417 Non Standard Shetland Duck, Male or Female Class 418 Old English game large, any colour, male or female. Class 419 AOV hard feather large fowl, male or female. Class 420 Leghorn, male or female. Class 421 Rhode Island Red, male or female. Class 422 Sussex, male or female. Class 423 Wyandotte, male or female. Class 424 Maran, male or female. Class 425 Orpington, male or female. Class 426 Australorp, male or female. Class 427 Welsummer, male. Class 428 Welsummer, female. Class 429 AOV, male - soft feathered. Class 430 AOV, female - soft feathered. Class 431 Utility, AOV, male or female. Class 432 Crossbred laying female. Class 433 Silkie, male or female. Class 434 Scots Grey male or female - large. Class 435 Dumpy male or female - large. Class 436 Old English Game bantam Spangle, male or female. Class 437 Old English Black Red, male or female. Class 438 Old English Clay or Wheaten, male or female. Class 439 Old English Game bantam Black or Blue, male or female. Class 440 Modern Game bantam, any colour, male. Class 441 Modern Game bantam, any colour, female. Class 442 Any other colour Game bantam, male. Class 443 Any other colour Game bantam, female. Class 444 White Wyandotte bantam male. Class 445 White Wyandotte bantam, female. Class 446 Wyandotte bantam AOV, male. Class 447 Wyandotte bantam AOV, female. Class 448 Rhode Island bantam, male. Class 449 Rhode Island bantam, female. Class 450 Sussex bantam, male. Class 451 Sussex bantam, female. Class 452 Black Leghorn bantam, male or female. Class 453 White Leghorn bantam, male or female. Class 454 Leghorn bantam, any other colour, male Class 455 Leghorn bantam, any other colour, female Class 456 Australorp bantam, male. Class 457 Australorp bantam, female. Class 458 Scots Grey bantam, male. Class 459 Scots Grey bantam, female. Class 460 Dumpy bantam, male or female Class 461 Ancona bantam, male or female Class 462 Buff Rock bantam, male or female. Class 463 Rock bantam, any other colour, male. Class 464 Rock bantam, any other colour, female. Class 465 Minorca bantam, male or female. Class 466 Silkie bantam, male. Class 467 Silkie bantam, female. Class 468 Poland bantam, any other colour, male or female. 47

 Class 469 AOV bantam, heavy breed, male - soft feathered. Class 470 AOV bantam, heavy breed, female - soft feathered. Class 471 AOV bantam, light breed, male - soft feathered. Class 472 AOV bantam, light breed, female - soft feathered. Class 473 Crossbred bantam, male or female. Class 474 Hamburgh Spangle, male or female. Class 475 Hamburgh Pencilled, male. Class 476 Hamburgh Pencilled, female. Class 477 Belgium bantam, male or female Class 478 Barbu d'Uccle bantam, male or female Class 479 Barbu d'Anvers bantam, male or female Class 480 Rosecomb bantam, male or female. Class 481 Dutch bantam, AOC, male. Class 482 Dutch bantam, AOC, female. Class 483 Serama bantam, male. Class 484 Serama bantam, female. Class 485 AOV True bantam, male. Class 486 AOV True bantam, female. Class 487 Pekin Black, male or female. Class 488 Pekin White, male or female. Class 489 Pekin, any other colour, male or female

YOUNG FANCIERS (Under 16yrs) Class 490 Any variety Game bantam, male. Class 491 Any variety Game bantam, female. Class 492 Any variety Soft Feathered bantam, male. Class 493 Any variety Soft Feathered bantam, female. Class 494 Any variety true bantam, male. Class 495 Any variety true bantam, female. Class 496 Any variety Waterfowl, male or female.



 DOGS Mrs Carol Mackenzie, St Andrews (Judge)

Start: 2.15 pm in Dog Ring, in Game Fair area

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Farquharson Cup for the Best Dog in the Show. PRIZES - First to Sixth Rosettes.

NOTES The following classes are Companion Dog classes held by permission of the Scottish Kennel Club, and are subject to Kennel Club Rule A42. Dogs competing do not require to be registered at the Kennel Club, but entries in these classes are only accepted on condition that each exhibitor agrees to exhibit under the regulations of the Scottish Kennel Club for Companion Dog classes. Dogs which have won any of the following awards are not eligible to enter the Pedigree classes: Challenge Certificate (or any award that counts towards the title of champion under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club); Reserve Challenge Certificate; Junior Warrant. Only undocked dogs and legally docked dogs may be entered for exhibition at this Show. Dogs must be 6months old or over. Entries only taken on the day of the Show at the Game Fair Marquee from 11.00 am-1.30 pm.

Kindly sponsored by St Clair Veterinary Clinics

Pedigree Classes (Pedigree Dogs ONLY) Entry Fee £1.50 Class 500 Any variety puppy (6-12 months) Class 501 Any variety sporting dog (terriers & gundogs). Class 502 Any variety non-sporting dog (any other breed). Class 503 Any variety open dog. Class 504 Any variety dog shown by an exhibitor under the age of 18 and owned by the exhibitor or the exhibitor's parents. Novelty Classes Entry Fee - £0.50 Class 505 Any mixed breed pet dog Class 506 Any variety dog with the most appealing eyes. Class 507 Dog with the waggiest tail. Class 508 Dog in best condition. Class 509 Best six legs. Class 510 Dog the Judge would most like to take home.

PETS Mr A Kennedy, Cupar (Judge)

Start: 11.00 in the Pet Show Tent in Field 2

TROPHIES & PRIZES The Ogilvie Shepherd Silver Cup (Perpetual) for the Best Conditioned Rabbit. PRIZES - First to Sixth Rosettes. FREE ENTRY. Entries only be taken on the day of the Show at The Pet Show Tent from 9-10.30 am

Class 525 Best conditioned rabbit, owned and exhibited by a Juvenile aged 16 or under. Class 526 Pet Guinea Pig, owned and exhibited by a Juvenile aged 16 or under. Class 527 Open class, any pet other than rabbits or guinea pigs, owned and exhibited by a Juvenile aged 16 or under.


 PROVISIONAL HORSE RING RUNNING ORDER RING 2A RING 2 B RING 3 WARM UP Start 8a.m prompt Start 8a.m prompt Start 8.30 prompt

OPEN WHP/WH RIDDEN HUNTER jump. OPEN WHP/WH conf. Classes 139-142 Classes 167-168 Classes 167-172 Ridden Hunter Champ BSPS Open Mini WHP O/A Hunter Champ Championship Classes 169-172 BSPS Open WHP/WH RIDING HORSES Championship Classes 194-196 Riding Horse Championship OPEN M & M WHP OPEN M & M WHP jumping conformation RIDDEN COBS Classes 153-157 Classes 153-157 Classes 197-200 WARM UP RING M & M WHP Ridden Cobs Championship Championship


WORKING HUNTER FIFE RIDDEN HORSE jumping. Collecting Ring for Classes 201-202 Class 176 Working Hunter WORKING HUNTER MOUNTED FANCY conf. DRESS Classes 201-202 Classes 203-204 WH Championship RING 4 RING 5 RING 6 MAIN RING Start 8.30 prompt Start 8.30 prompt Start 8.30 prompt Start 8a.m prompt

COLOURED IN-HAND HUNTER REGISTERED M & M SHETLAND PONIES HORSES Classes 134-138 IN-HAND IN-HAND Classes 179-184 In-Hand Hunter Classes 143-146 Classes 120-131 Coloured Championship Reg M & M In-Hand Shetland Ch’ships Championships Championship HIGHLAND PONIES In-Hand, Ridden, Overall PART-BRED M & M IN-HAND Classes 158-160 OPEN M & M RIDDEN Classes 112-119 Highland Ch ship VETERANS Part-Bred M & M Classes 149-150 ’ CLYDESDALE Classes 185-190 Championship M & M Open Mini HORSES In-Hand & Ridden Championship Classes 102-111 Veteran Championship RETRAINING OF Classes 151-152 In- M & M Open Ridden Hand Champ’ship RACEHORSES before Class 110 Championship FIFE PONY Classes 191-193 PRIVATE DRIVING Classes 173-175 RoR Championship Classes 132-133 Fife Pony Championship 1 P.M. SUPREME IN- HEAVY HORSE T/O HAND CHAMPIONSHIP Singles Class 100 NOT BEFORE 2p.m NOT BEFORE 2p.m CHAMPION OF NOT BEFORE 2p.m CHAMPIONS RIDDEN BSPS OPEN SHP COMPETITION/DRESSAGE Classes 161-162 PARADE OF HORSE/PONY NOVICE M & M BSPS Mini SHP CHAMPIONS Classes 177-178 RIDDEN Championship Ridden Comp/Dressage Classes 147-148 Classes 163-166 HEAVY HORSE T/O Championship Novice M & M Ridden BSPS Open SHP Pairs Class 101 Championship Championship and Championship



8.a.m Shetland Ponies -­‐ In Hand All Day Game Fair Marquee Open

8.30a.m Highland Ponies In-­‐Hand Throughout the Ferret Racing day Angling 9a.m Clydesdale Horses In-­‐Hand 11a.m.-­‐3p.m. Gun Dog Scurry 10.15a.m Ridden Clydesdale Class 10.20a.m. Working Highland Pony 11.15a.m Private Driving demonstration

12 noon Cupar & District Pipe Band & 10.45a.m Quack Commandos Mounted Pony Club Games 11.30a.m Raptor World Falconry 1p.m Heavy H orse Turnouts -­‐ Singles 12.30p.m Working Highland Pony 1.45p.m Long S ervice M edal Presentations demonstration Quack Commandos 1p.m Mordor Gundogs 2.30p.m Champion of Champions judging 2.15p.m Dog Show 2.45p.m. Grand Parade of Livestock TIME AROUND THE SHOWGROUND 3p.m. Heavy H orse Turnouts Pairs and Championship 9.30a.m Cattle judging starts – Cattle lines

3.40.p.m Parade of Fife Foxhounds 10a.m Sheep judging starts – Sheep lines

4.10p.m. Vintage Parade 10a.m Home Produce & Poultry judging starts -­‐ Craft & Poultry marquees 4.40p.m Young F armers Tug O’War 11a.m Pets judging starts -­‐ The Pet Show marquee

ALL DAY Kids Countryside Marquee Open

10.30a.m, 12, Storytelling in Kids Countryside 1.30p.m, 3p.m marquee

Throughout the Scottish Farrier Team demonstrations day – near Sheep lines

Throughout Cookery Demo -­‐ Cookery Theatre the day

51 MAP













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