OUR MAY d a y m es s a g e IS... Power APRIL 26 1969 Vol 30 No 13 to the People i

EVERYWHERE t o d a y power men called a Government, or a handful tionary government’. Power to the people CIVIL RIGHTS of men called a board of directors, or a means refusing to obey, refusing to be D is with employers, with landlords handful of men called a local authority, led, refusing to be commanded. That is and with Governments— especially should be able between them to decide why May Day is so important It is a with Governments. They do all the what we should cat (and how much), day when we live for ourselves and not deciding, give all the orders and we, whether we should have a house to live for our exploiters. It is a day when we the millions of working people in and what rent we should pay, how show our real strength by refusing to whose daily labours keep society long we should work, how much tax we work. NOT CIVIL WAR should pay, and whether we should go Of course a one-day stoppage won’t alive, are just expected to obey and get on with it. It is so in the capi­ off to fight and die in some horrible war stop a Government passing laws against which is none of our making. us, it won’t stop the employers from ex­ r* APT. TERENCE O’NEILL, clinging meaningless reforms as the cost of talist West and it is so in the ‘com­ ploiting us, and it won’t get the rents ^ on to his power by every sectarian preserving O’Neill’s political neck. munist’ East, the only difference WHY DO WE OBEY? down or house the homeless. But once manipulation in the book, has gone too The people are being battered every being that in the East there is only We are millions, they are few, so why let us refuse to obey the masters and a far for even the long-suffering people of which way. They need all the help thatone landlord and one employer, the do we obey them? It can’t be because new world opens up before us. Indeed it Ulster. His Orange Tory hacks have they can get. Libertarians have to help almighty ‘communist’ Government. wc agree with what they are doing to us. happened exactly like that in France only got up to every terrorist trick in the those who are being confronted by Discontent is rising on all sides—with a year ago. book, blowing up power transformers, sectarians of every political hue and Nowhere arc the people free. high rents, with low wages, with soul- IN FRANCE IT HAPPENED now a major water pipeline and scream­ religon who are deliberately manipulat­ VV’c work, we pay taxes, we pay destroying monotonous labour, with ris­ ing TRA’ in the best traditions of ing the religous issues of the North. rent, we keep an army of rich para- ing prices and with being eternally The same kind of discontent we are Balkan politics. But they know the pushed around by petty officials. The all experiencing here in Britain was felt surest way of all is to baton and baton GRINS & GUNS fact is we obey because the habit has by our brothers in France . . . discontent again the people. Twice in six months been bred into us by hundreds of years with low wages, with high rents, with they have turned old Derry’s walls in _of serving masters and taking orders. rising living costs and with being gener­ to carnage point that would shame M^Once lose that habit, once decide NOT ally pushed around by petty tyrants. And Mayor Daly’s police. TO OBEY and the order-givers are lost, suddenly it all erupted into a massive The sectarian thuggery that goes by the spell is broken. general strike sparked off by students the name of ‘law and order’ now screams For sure, Governments have behind who were challenging the purpose of at the top of its voice for British troops them the forces of coercion, the police, capitalist education. The strike spread to get them out of the graves that they the law, the prisons, and the armed throughout France and within days the have so willingly dug for themselves. forces and, indeed, this force is ruth­ workers had chucked the employers and Wilson has obviously agreed. He has in lessly used to compel obedience from their hirelings out of the factories and effect released another 2,500 sectarians the rebellious minority. But could it be occupied them. The whole climate on to the streets to beat up any whose used effectively against the majority’ if changed. The slaves had refused to obey face or opinions do not suit their ideas the majority once decided NOT TO any longer and De Gaulle and his great which would be more suited to Calvin’s OBEY? If, for example, council tenants state apparatus faded away as if it had Geneva. refused in their mittions to pay these, never existed. De Gaulle himself fled— But there are Tories of every brand extortionate rents, what force exists that and the army of Fttnch conscripts was to match the bigotry of the Orange could evict millions of such families? locked in its barracks in case they should Tories; there are the Green Tories to The Government now wants to decide be infected with the revolutionary spirit. match and inflame the bitterness. Men by law when and under what conditions But, as always, the politicians saved like Mr. Vincent O’Dowell, vice-chair­ we should be allowed to strike. If we the day for the exploiters. The ‘left man of the Civil Rights Association, strike against their wishes they intend to wingers’ and ‘communists’ eventually who fled to crave an audience with Mr. fine us and collect the fines through the persuaded the workers to hand back the Lynch, Eire’s Premier. He said, ‘This courts. If we don’t pay, then they say factories in return for wage increases and is no longer a political problem but a they will send in the bailiffs to distrain a general election! De Gaulle returned military one’. His solution, it appears, on our goods and chattels. But if the and the French capitalists breathed is to ask for a Free State military working force decides to strike in de­ freely again. What a lesson for us all. presence. Some people are bent on fiance of this law, where are the courts Beware the politicians—no matter how civil war and to hell with civil rights. that could impose fines on 24 million revolutionary they sound! Trust only in Green and Orange Tories of every working men and women? Where is the your own strength and your own organ­ description everywhere are determined 0 villain, villain, smiling, damned villain’—LURGAN 1969 army of bailiffs that could invade the isations! Be prepared to do as the to sit on the people by exploiting the homes of the entire working class? The At a meeting in London last Satur­ sites on our backs, we fight wars, we French workers did. Occupy the fac­ divisions between them. idea is laughable. If we tell Mr. Wilson: tories when the time comes and then run The Catholic and Protestant workers day, a support for the People’s Demo­ go hungry or we live reasonably ‘Stuff your laws, we won’t obey them,’ cracy was formed along libertarian lines. them for the benefit of the people them­ must unite to get the things which matter well—but nowhere do we DECIDE he is finished. That is the real power selves. Then will this Government fall —the houses and the jobs. The action We hope every comrade will help in ANYTHING OF ANY IMPORT­ that we have. such organisations and react as fast as and so will the very institution of govern­ must be against social injustice. The ANCE. Yet with colossal impudence ment fall. Then shall we become men Civil Rights Association have ducked they did to the news when they managed THE MEANING OF MAY DAY an ad hoc picket on Monday morning the politicians blame us, the wor­ and not slaves. Then shall we become this issue as have O’Neill’s Government. kers, whenever things go wrong. Power doesn’t mean marching around new men, men who want neither to Now they scream for troops and civil immediately after the news from Belfast We’re not working hard enough or demanding another set of governors to govern nor to be governed. And that’s war while the people suffer. An and Derry. The sectarians can smell the replace this lot. It doesn’t mean replac­ long enough, we’re eating too much, what the world needs today—a new breed exchange of masters will do none of the scent of civil war: we must help the ing Wilson with a Heath, or a Powell, of MAN—not a new management. workers any good. But the wrath of the people not to turn to this alternative out or spending too much, or having too or a *left wing’ Wilson, or even a ‘revolu­ J.L. people of the six counties is justifiable. of despair by supporting their struggles. many babies. They treat us not like They are faced with a disgusting band Disarm the police—Green and Orange human beings but like ‘things’ fit of sectarian thugs in uniform. O’Neill’s Tories out. Civil Rights not Civil only to take orders and to be chas­ answer will certainly be to implement War. tised for all the mistakes made by they were ready to strike if any of the There are ‘Ulster’ weeks throughout liberal leadership were removed. There certain sections of the Special Powers our lordly masters. The Screw Act. He’ll need more than his pigs to England coming off at the moment. Get is no sign yet (Monday) of even a squeak help him then, and Godfather Wilson out there and picket and tell the truth When you sit back and think about it, from the unions over Mr. Dubcek’s dis­ will no doubt step in and insist on some about Fascist Ulster. isn’t it truly amazing that a handful of missal. One of their leaders has joined Tightens Husak’s politburo. Russia has accom­ plished a peaceful ‘Hungary*. That leaves HINGS ARE SWINGING back into Romania next on the list. T line in Czechoslovakia. The Russians M.M. now have a policy which is more than they did last August. This policy is to L8E BOYCOTT tighten the screw bit by bit. The ice- accepted and nobody realised exactly hockey match incidents were merely a MONDAY, APRIL 21, LSE Union we could all get together ‘with the staff what this solidarity entailed. A sugges­ sop to public opinion outside Czecho­ LET MAY DAY passed a motion by 468 to 42 that to consider the radical revision of all tion that this AD Alliance slovakia. ‘in view of the arbitrary dismissal of the forthcoming exams in view of the diffi­ is an SLL front was speedily lost in the (Thursday, May 1) two lecturers, Nick Bateson and Robin Czechs have been found willing to do culties of studying under present condi­ general havoc. Now they have realised the dirty work of the new government BE RESISTANCE DAY! Blackburn, Union calls for a total boy­ tions’. So after all this placating no what happened and since support for the cott of all lectures and classes until these of Dr. Husak, who has replaced Mr. wonder the very ‘nice* majority. Workers’ Mutual Aid May 1 demo, to Dubcek. Not so surprising, really. It is Rally against the wage freeze, penal two have been reinstated and a guarantee The resolution was then amended to Victoria Park has been expressed all given that all further discipline be less than two years ago that informers, taxation, high rents, homelessness, call on NUS to give massive organisa­ along, we may expect LSEV continued and the increasingly sinister State dropped’. The resolution went on to call tional support for a national demonstra­ bureaucrats, the police, and the army, support. were serving the Stalinist regime of for general support from the LSE acade­ tion on May 1 in support of Bateson and We voted. They expelled. We waited. direction of o p lives, mic, research and administrative staff to­ Blackburn, together with the All Trade They sacked. And now we strike. So say Novotny. They came out in ‘Dubcek’ gether with other university staff and Union Alliance’s May Day strike against the posters. Well, we will see. Bate^n '■colours in the first half of last year. Now TOWER ffiJJL—1130 a.m. students. Pious clauses (c) and (e) de­ they are returning to their old jobs in the anti-trade union legislation. Well, has been sacked for stating bis v*ews on Then m a rc h with us to VICTORIA manded the resignation of the standing well, how come we get the IS supporting the matter prior to the actual removal the censorship, the secret police, etc. The committee and democratic control of all of the riot control gates. Blackburn has ^restored apparatus of the Czech state f XRK (Bethnal Green) and join this? Funny really how student assem­ now ready to join the Ku»i*n troops in future appointments and dismissals. blies can be so easily manipulated. An been sacked for stating similar views in the Union emphasised that it would prefer amendment was proposed including this after the event had occurred. In other crushing the remnants of t!Te ‘January ‘reason and persuasion’ to force, and clause which was highly coloured with Words public statements of personal spirit*; MAY DAY FESTIVAL expressed ‘willingness to negotiate to jargon about solidarity from workers and views on matters relating to the policy of So the future is pretty bleak. The Music, dancing, games, plays, etc. achieve these aims’. suppliers ‘blacking’ LSE, etc. Students the school can result in dismissal if the support of non-Stalin ist mjcwP Stress was placed during debate on like this sort of worker fervour (have a school so desires. A dangerous precedent tne journalists, TV men, students, (Refreshments available) how students wishing to study could get conscience about not knowing any7) so and something must be done. We must are under heavy attack now. The on in the library and clause (d) suggested the amendment was enthusiastically stop resolving and actually do something. unions too, are muted. Back in T 6 A.M. TODAY (April 21), 30 A plus bailiffs forced their way into SQUATTERS EVICTED BOOKS ON 43 Cleveland Read, Ilford, and evicted Mr. and Mrs. Flemming and their three children by brute force. They rushed ANARCHISM them into the street, frightening the children sick. The bailiffs even refused to Greenwood Gives the Game Away and kindred subjects leave the bedroom, while someone calmed invasion of property. the children, and to allow the family to are sheltering behind Authority acting hours after the evictions of'w se on orders—>on.lyI doing their job don't A Ministry spokesman said the ‘real families shows that they are co»ering We can get books to order (school get dressed. Our comrade Jake Brown hardship’ warning was not a veiled threat and technical books included). blame us mate. |; - their full knowledge of wh*i was brutally attacked by the bailiffs and that official action was to be taken happened. Please supply name of publishers. his jaw was broken. He is now in King It can also be no coincidence that 9 a.m. of the samfe morning Mr. Anthony against them but a 'piece of friendly In South London the Squatters Group Where is Labour Going? (1927) George Hospital, Ilford. has organised a public meeting at Batter­ These gangsters then went to 18 Greenwood, the Housing and Local advice’ that homeless families are often L. Haden Guest 6/- sea Bridge Buildings (south of Battersea Grosvenor Road, Ilford, from where they Government Minister, issued a warning better off if they are in halfway houses U.S. Foreign Policy (1943) that ‘real hardship’ could result for or other accommodation. Bridge, 19 bus route) on Saturday, April Walter Lippman 3/- evicted Mr. and Mrs. Beresford and their 26, at 2 p.m. seven children, again using violence. families persuaded by squatters organisa­ The fact that the Ministry should The Politics and Dynamics of tions to take part in 'indiscriminate’ issue such an ingenious statement three Jo h n R ety . Human Rights Moses Moskowitz 15/— Then they went to 26 Britannia Road What Life Should Mean To You from where they evicted Mrs. Pat McNeil Alfred Adler 6/- and her three-year-old daughter. This W HAT HAS HAPPENED in Ilford is Journey into Chaos Charles Wollf 3/- house was repaired by a squatters’ work- only too well known to anarchists. The Violent Society This I Have Seen Judith Listowel 3/6 team, only a day before, who replaced We exist within; a mire and are daily and repaired floorboards previously sickened by the^rottenness of the world work is microscopic, we may be killed The squatters in Ilford can only des­ First Things First Frank Tilsley 3/- pair yet from this despair they can draw The Constitutional History of taken up by the council. and the patent injustice in our lives. We for sport, and there are few to mourn. England Henry Hallam (2 vols.) 7/6 In all three instances the families’ work for freed we fight for justice From Ilford to Derry, Berlin and strength, for they have laid bare the Ramshackledom: a Critical Appraisal furniture and belongings were dumped and we argue about the irrationality of Paris, Vietnam and Biafra, there lies a warring authoritarian monster, and this of the Establishment L. G. Pine 10/— outside and left in the drizzling rain. our society. Atltimes we may feel our a thin veneer of the liberal-democratic should only confirm them in their beliefs General B.O. Roman Gul 3/6 We need not elaborate the circum­ efforts are bringing real change, and at tradition. Yet when this tradition is and their struggle for the anarchist Hie Proletarian Revolution and the stances. Our readers are already well others they m al appear a mere droplet challenged, there emerges a monster of society will be that much greater. The Renegade Kautsky V. I. Lenin 2/6 aware of the heartless attitude of the in the ocean, and we despair of the authority and violence with every Ilford squatters should not have to ask The Good New Days authorities towards the homeless. It world’s sickness&nd our own powerless­ known means of killing, destroying and for solidarity, they should take it for Marjorie & C. H. B. Quennell 6/- should no longer come as a surprise that ness to alter it; we may in faot give up repressing life and its beauty. The granted that anarchists everywhere Sex ore ism John Payne 6/- 30 bailiffs (men!) can be found to do this the fight and; fun to some darkened bailiffs in Ilford symbolise the under­ realise the enormity of their struggle for Germany's Hitler dirty work or that corporation workmen corner and hide our eyes from and lying violence of society where the freedom and that real commitment to Heinz A. Heinz (faded) 4/- take pleasure in ripping out floorboards close our ears to the incessant riot of might is right and the homeless are the the fight for a Libertarian Society is England and the Continent of unoccupied houses so that nobody life. We are me}e flies on the monster’s weak and the vulnerable, the cannon- part and parcel of being an anarchist. Carlo Scarfoglio 5/- should live in them. All. these creatures back, and we jmust realise that, our fodder.1 D.B. Sbort History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Authorised version 1943) 5/- the CP have always been afraid of free G ould have questioned the police himself The New Spirit (1890) Havelock Ellis 4/6 in the court, and cross-examined them Brick Upon Brick discussion because it causes doubt, and THE ANTHONY ENGURUBE CASE it is incidents like that that show a without mercy. He would probably then Albert Mansbridge 3/- have been less aggressive before the Women of Today Margaret Cole 6/- A NTHONY ENGURUBE ASKED me clear similarity'between them and those him out of Sweden because he was Court of Appeal, as it was he only to attend a meeting he had arranged appealing to the) moral consciousness of very fascist forces that A.E. says he is in Stockholm the day before the Court against. irritated the judges and prejudiced them Freedom Bookshop the people on the Vietnam issue. His against himself. Finally, A.E. has been of Appeal announced its verdict after a talk was interrupted by an African who On 28.2.69 the same verdict was four-day hearing. Poor Anthony has said, to use his jown words, ‘Somebody brought in against. A.E., that is to, say plugging the CP line on the Vietnam issue, and the trade union evening paper been used like shuttlecock by the propa­ is using the starving masses of Africa for prison and deportation. With the bias Aftonbladet, which had been giving him gandists, and has been dragged through their own pers£ADJER‘S- W XLI^t^M -EM ‘BErR»JD_J^. JRa r.t...ftf ^ thefc-o b je o tio n w a s haspH r»n (h e (Express Printers) other cSses many have been suspended •AA/ Rogahv w*ifjse window display in fact that there is a school close by, How temporaryaddress: for much less. This is to my mind almost 'his Doncaster*shop brought him a £20 and the children have been seen . to Support 84* WHITECHAPEL HIGH STREET, a signal for the police (with prejudice at fine, and a suspended sentence of three pay a great deal of attention to these e-jo Express Printers. the top) to continue without fear of months,' somet time ago. He is now pictures, which it is claimed are corrupt­ (w tru o i Angel Alky), serious criticism froln the ‘free’ press, appealing. The case should be heard ing, and endanger the very structure the Squatters! WHITECHAPEL, E.l. whom one expects to get up to every on or about May 29. The authorities of society. Danny Rogan, however, says (Underground: Aid gale East Exit: conceivable trick in pursuit of their claim that the ^pictures displayed in the that he believes the real reason for the Protest against Whitechapel Art Gallery. Turn right interests. shop were ‘indecent’. The pictures they prosecution was that it was an anti-war oa emerging from station.) During the meeting A.E. gave a short objected to were those displaying nudity. exhibition, based on the slogan ‘Make intimidation and arrests! Temporaryopening times: talk telling us, among other things, that They did not object to pictures of Love, Not War’ (or more pithily, ‘Fuck, Tneeday-Friday,2-6 pm. he was in Europe to see that African people starving or wounded in war, but Not Fight’). The sexual pictures were Saturday,10 am-4 . p.m. students returned to Africa after they to those which showed either nudity, used by the authorities merely as a Saturday April 26 had finished their studies. He said he or couples engaged in sexual intercourse. pretext to close the exhibition down, in believed that the police wanted to get The word ‘Fuck’ was also objected to. his view. A.W.U. 3pm Ilford Town Hall

FREEDOM PRESS projects. LLANELLI: Contact Dai Walker, 6 Llwuynaaody Anarchist Federation of Britain ? “ °a*LEaori?yOTtaCt KeVi” Lynch' 6 Glrfeld Road, Llanelli, Carm. Tel: Llanelli 2548. are the publishers MORECAMBE. Contact Les m Ike m on th ly m agazine Smith, 30 Dunkeld Street, Lancaster. Meetings LONDON FEDERATION OF ANARCHISTS Meetings as above Fridays, 8 p.m. ‘Freedom’ Monday at 8 p.m., Phil Woodhead’s, 30 Dunkeld SCOTTISH FEDERATION ANARCHY All correspondence to LFA, c/o Freedom Press. sales. Regular literature sales. en d the w eekly journo! Sunday evening meetings at the ‘ Metropolitan ’ CORNWALL ANARCHISTS. Contact Arthur MANCHESTER ANARCHIST GROUP. ‘The All correspondence to Bobby Lynn, Secretary, 12 (corner of Clerkenwcll Road and Farrmgdon Jacobs, 13 Ledrah Road, St. Austell, Cornwall. Ross Street, Glasgow, S.E. FREEDOM Road), 7.30 p.m. Meetings on the second Friday of each month at ^ c h S U r .T a * Phaiips' 6 Draycott Street' ABERDEEN ANARCHIST GROUP. Bob Comrie, LAVENDER HILL MOB. Contact C. Broad, 42 Pendarves Street, Beacon, Camborne. 7.30 p.m. R ^idar weekly meetings. Contact Secretary for 288 Hardgate spec imen copies wlU 116 Tyneham Road, S.W .ll (228 4086). Visiting comrades very welcome. ABERDEEN FREEDOM GROUP. All those he gladly sent on requ est. LEWISHAM. Mike Malet. 61B Granville Park, CROYDON LIBERTARIANS. Meetings evey MERSEYSIDE ANARCHISTS. Meetings every wishing to sell both national and Scottish editions S.E.13. (852 8879). 2nd Friday of each month. Laurens and Ceka of ‘Freedom’ contact lan S. Sutherland, 8 Essie- MALATESTA GROUP. Contact Reg Broad, Otter, 35 Natal Road, Thornton Heath (LTV pool 8. Contact:n 8 p na Jenny Tat 118Rathbane, Hi*h Park 20 Streot.Sefton Park Liver- mont Avenue, Aberdeen. 5 Welbeck Court, Addison Bridge Place, W. 14. 7546). Road, Liverpool, 8. GLASGOW ANARCHIST GROUP. Robert Lynn, 603 0550. Meetings every Thursday at ‘The Cedars’, EDGWARE PEACE ACTION GROUP. Contact PRESTON ANARCHIST GROUP. Contact J. B. 12 Ross Street, S.E. (upstairs room), next to Baron's Court library, Melvyn Estrin, 84 fidgwarebury Lane, Edgware, Cowburn, 140 WatUng Street Road, Fulwood, EDINBURGH. Tony Hughes, Top Flat, 40 Angle Subscription Rates 8 p.m. Middx. Preston. Meetings: ‘The Wellington Hotel’, Park Terrace, Edinburgh 11. (Per year) PORTOBRLLO ROAD ANARCHIST GROUP. HERTS. Contact Val and John Funnell, 10 Fry Glovers Court, Preston. Wednesdays, 8 p.m HAMILTON AND DISTRICT ANARCHIST Contact Andrew Dewar, 16 Kilbum House, Mal­ > Cheil*. Stevenage. .. STOCKPORT. Dave Crowther. 1 Castle Street, GROUP. Robert Linton, 7a Station Road, New vern Place, N.W.6. Meetings 8 p.m. every LEICESTER PROJECT. Peace/Libertarian Edgeley, Stockport. Stevenston, Motherwell. Tuesday. action and debate Every Wednesday at 8 p.m. FIFE. Bob and Una Turnbull, 39 Stratheden •FREEDOM' ONLY £1 iU. 4d. FORWARD WITH FINCH’S ANARCHISTS. at 1 The Crescent King Street. Leicester. SURREY FEDERATION Park, Stratheden Hospital, By Cupar. 'ANARCHY' ONLY £1 7i. Od Regular meetings. Contact P.P., 246 PortobeUo NORTH SOMERSET*ANARCHIST GROUP. MONTROSE. Dave Coull, 3 Eskview Terrace, Road, W.1J. Contact Roy Emery, 3 Abbey 9trsci Bath or G. Wright, 47 College Road, Epsom, Surrey. Ferryden, Montrose, Angus. COMBINED SUBSCRIPTION BEXLEY ANARCHIST MOVEMENT. Steve Meoffrey Barfoot, 71 St Thomas Street, Wells. Groups and individuals invited to associate. £2 14s. 4d. Leman, 28 New Road, Abbey Wood, S.E.2. Tel.: N O TIN G BHLL. Meetings at John B^anett s. NORTHERN IRELAND ET 35377. Meetings every Friday, 8 p.m,, Lord Wit 4, 88 Clarendon Road , W .ll. Every Monday SUSSEX FEDERATION Abroad Bexley, Bexleyhcatb Broadway. Groups and individuals invited to associate: c/o BELFAST ANARCHIST GROUP. Meetings every •FREEDOM' ONLY S S I b l A ^ T GROUP- Knocltholt, Eddie Poole, 5 Tilsbury, Findon Road, White- Saturday, 2 p.m., 44a Upper Arthur Street (top hawk, Brighton. floor). ’Freedom’ sales. b EA8T LONDON ** fcwaweaks, Kent pvery si* surface mail £1 10.Od. Kneokholt. 9%.^. fCnockholt 2316. Brian BRIGHTON & HOVE ANARCHIST GROUP. airmail (US$8.00) £2 J6f. 0d. LIBERTARIAN FEDERATIBN Contact Nick Heath, Rat 3, 26 CUfton Road, SOUTHERN IRELANO REDDITCH1 R1& arc HI 8TS AND UBER- Brighton, BN I 3HN. Regular fortnightly meetings. ALLIANCE OF LIBERTARIAN AND ANAR­ 'ANARCHY* ONLY Support wanted for numerous activities in area. Contact Secretary. Secretary: Anthony Matthews, 35 Mayvilie Road, X**/ANS. Contact^bove Uoyd, 37 Feckenham CHIST GROUPS IN IRELAND. Please send aH eurface mail £1 6s. Od. Headle** C ro J Reddlleh. Wore*. CRAWLEY ANARCHIST GROUP. Contact communications with stamped envelope to The London, E ll. Meetings fortnightly on Sunday* J*E®T HAM ANARCHISTS. Rogular rnoetinga Richard Ashwoil, 87 Buckswood Drive, Gossops Secretary, c/o Freedom Press. airmail (US$7.00) £2 It. Od. N Ron Bailey's, 128 Hainault Road, E.11 (LEY Green, Crawley, Sussex. 805F). Tan minutes from Ixyumstone Under­ s * jKtlv.t.es contact Mr T PlanL IP Thackoray COMBINED SUBSCRIPTION Road, Eaat Ham, 0.6 tL .. 552 4162. SUSSEX UNIVERSITY ANARCHIST GROUP ground (see details under Student Groups). ABROAD surface mail £2 10s.Od. Active group* in JLEYTONSTONE, STEPNEY, Both by airmail NEWHAM. ILFORD, DAGENHAM. WOOD­ EB8EX 4 £A8T HERTS YORKSHIRE FEDERATION AUSTRALIA. Federation of Australian Anar­ FORD and LJMEHOUfE. chists, P.O. Box A 389. Sydney South. NSW 2000. {US$12.50) £4 5s. Od. f e d e r a t io n Meeting* every 8 week*. Next meeting in Hull, Phone No. 69-8095. Open discussion and litera­ 'Freedom' by airmail, OFF-CENTRE LONDON May 4. Secretary! Colin Beadle, c/o Oukwood ture sale in the Domain—Sunday. 2 p.m. Call at TVae-meatbly <”2*lhUR Ore.,.* and Individuals Farm, Cliffe-cuni-l.und, Selby, Yorkshire. 59 Eveleigh Street, Redfem, NSW 2015 for per­ 'Anarchy' by surface iuvilad to associate: c/o P ttS jlew d l (see N.E IIAKROGATE. Contact David Howe*, 16 Park DISCUSSION MEETINGS Esees Group) sonal discourse, tea and overnight accommodation. mail (USS 10.50) £3 17t. Od. Group Address** Parade, Harrogate. BELGIUM. Groupe du journal Le Libertaire, 220 Every Wedaaaday at Jack Robinson’s and Mary HULLt Jim Young, 3 Frederick* Crescent, Haw­ rue Vivegnis. Litge. Casupa's. 21 RunaboJd Rond, S W 6 (off Kbit's Or**. ® i S thorn Avenue, Hull. USA. James W. Cain, secretary, the Anarchist Road). 8 p.m. m m M * *aat t t u r j t . 01 Brook KEIGHIJKYi Steve Wood, 26B Cavendish Street, Committee of Correspondence. 323 Fourth Street. PUBUCATIOMS include SIEGE OF SIDNEY STREET APPRECIATION i^jd^Tnlleebunl Knights. R?gSl£ Keighley. Cloquet. Minnesota 55720, USA. SOCIETY. Frances Cooper, 2a Fairfield Garden*, LEEDSt Direct Action Society. Contact John TORONTO LIBERTARIAN - ANARCHIST Borknum s Hornsey, N.8, Wednesdays. 7 p.m. ■ rS h OPS STORTFOBI). Vic Bout wood. 142 Brudenell Road, Leeds, 6. GROUP. 217 Toryork Drive. Weston, Ontario, At Jeannie McLean's McLean’s and Jim HutS°«iM»*7 HuggonjL^ —• ■u>fiford/nil1; PONTEFRACT. Contact Mike Stroud, 144 South- Canada. Weekly meetings. Read the ‘Liber­ ABC of ANARCHISM 276 (-+ 5d ) Peck tiara Rye. S.EJ5 (Top Bell). Ti/today CHELMSFORD. W « .j\ Bv, iL . A . *^*,*rta. w V gate, Pontefract. . _ ...... tarian'. Third issue now out and it was well worth R o c k s /s at 7.30 p.m. (184 bus from lube.) PurWgh.KS3^CBsMdr/\~ CbaJn»«°rd, Essex. Essex Arch" ■ .M l | i l l House, SELBY. Contact Colin Beadle (address above). waiting for! RATIONALISM AND y yrw C . Jobo Berrlck, M f Regular activities, ‘Freedom’ sales. RE8MMAL FEDERATIONS gpplna,Pppfng, EeMEssex tH onlr* Avenue, SHEPFIELDi Dave Jeffries, c/o Students Union, CULTURE 21/- (+4/6) fCARMJW. I*** gallax, 18 Brook] I Western Bank, Sheffield, 10 Harlow and Annette Gunning, 37 Fidd, YORK3 C/o Students’ Representative Council, Richards’ AH* OJMUAD* Harlow. ^-tegbanks, Ooodrlcke College, University of York, Heeling- MALATESTA: His Life and Ideas i m MINCH AM ANARCMIBT CROUP, Secretary LOUCHTON Croup c/o Students* „ . I ton, York. PROPOSED GROUPS J S tT lji More. 22 H.lleweU Road. E d g JS Z ’ 1 ouglitou Collrf* M I urtfler Education S 8l° n Ckrtfa bound 21/- (+1/3); j£Sflgh»ro, 16 roS Lougbtod. Baser ’ ®o»der^Orders WELSH FEDERATION g p.m. on each Tuesday at ‘The > READING. Libertarian and Anarchist group paper 10/6 (■‘■1/-) fclfporatlon Street (Opp Law Courts), ABERYSTWYTH ANARCHISTS. Contact Steve would like to contact fellow anarchists in the dis­ Mills, 4 St. Michael’s Place, Aberystwyth, Cardi­ trict and in the university. C /o 57 Kiln Ride, B em erfs rf^ fc ity s.a.e to Secrotary tor detall* W7nin*' NORTH-WEST FEDERATION Wokinsham. Berkshire. ^ J trNKMOUTH AREA. Local jinarchki ... Secretary: Phil. 9 Boland Street, Manchester ti ganshire. Wales. NEITHER EAST or WEST 6/- ( + 9d.) J^V ontactad through Nigel Holl o-jjjf CARDIFF ANARCHIST GROUP. All cotmj - NORTH DEVON. All those interested in forming Next federation meeting Saturday. April §1 a local group please contact Hugh Bensley, ‘Boet- «0 list on application Contact Sec. for address. 26 pondeuce lot—Pete Raymond, 11 Merlon Street, ' Ctatord' W bo' n,■ hyde*. Northam. Bideford, Devon. W oodcoc k s BLACKPOOL. Contact Cliriatlne Saddon. 11, S W ANSEA^AN ARCSBTST GROUP. Contact MONTREAL. QUEBEC. Anyone interested in bor^&nLEY BLACK FLAG. John I | | Harcourt Road, Blackpool. 1,1 forming a Montreal area Anarchist group please THE WRITER A POLITICS 7/6 * * rw M om *. Susan Wood, BOLTON. Contest John Hayea, 51 Rydal contact Ron Sigler. Tel. 489-6432. and Coup d’Etal ARE OFTEN 1 OLD that there has never been a successful before the revolution, f these nobodics away, Wc should never theless so effective that their ideas and 'Anarchist revolution’, whereas there have been successful ‘Socialist THE SOVIETS have allowed them to divert us, should revolutionary experience spilled over revolutions , the implication being that this is due to some inherent fault in In 1917 the soviets appeared again and have occupied the Ministries and public into the streets and factories’ (Cohn- buildings, not to put in a new lot of “revo- anarchism itself. But nowadays almost any event, ranging from a spon­ the Bolshevik Party t0°k the same atti­ Bendit). . taneous armed uprising by masses of workers to the take-over of a state by tude as the Social Democrats before the tionary” bureaucrats, but to smash the While the revolution is in progress the Bolshevik-Menshevik split. The astute entire state apparatus, to show the people job of toe Anarchists should be to wam a group of generals, gains the title of revolution. It might be worthwhile, how well they could get on without it, Lenin, however, realised that such was the people Of the methods that the therefore, to state briefly what Anarchists mean by revolution and what we and bow the whole of society had to be authorities will use to defeat them, and see as something else which goes under the same name. the strength of the soviet movement that the Bolshevik Party would not be able to reconstructed afresh on the basis of of the dangers of pseudo-revolutionary workers’ control. The kings of France and their ministers, in order to increase their own take power unless it appeared to change parties and groups, their would-be rulers. power in their struggle with the nobility of the regions, had worked for its attitude. And so, to the horror of his ‘It is now clear that if, on May 25, This must be explained, moreover, in centuries to build up the state, that is, to increase the centralisation of the Bolshevik contemporaries, Lenin turned Paris had woken to find the most im­ language that all the people can under­ ‘Anarchist’, taking up the Anarchist slo­ portant Ministries occupied, Gaullism stand, a terminology that is only for the political, administrative and social life of the area around themselves, their would have caved in at once—the more courts, and their capital. One of the results of this was the rise of an gan ‘All power to the soviets!’ intending initiated should be done away with. all the while to create all power for the so as similar actions would have taken How should the Anarchist movement administrative middle class which eventually became involved in a struggle place all over the country.’ be organised to prevent it degenerating for power with the monarchy and nobility. The administrative section of state. By such lies the Bolsheviks were able to gain a respite after the coup But if the people themselves are cap­ into another bureaucratic group? the middle class, being bom of state centralisation and state power, knew able of making revolution, what is the The movement should be decentralised; - d’dtat, which gave them time to build up role of the Anarchist movement? what was necessary for increased power. So-the Jacobins, after they had the Red Army and the secret1 police; without hierarchy and without permanent. , defeated the monarchy and the nobility, increased state centralisation even which then proceeded to destroy the in­ BAKUNIN secretaries, „ equipment being held in further, systematically destroying local initiative and autonomy where it dependent soviets and defeat the Anar­ Bakunin said that revolution ‘can only common and its use available for all. had still remained under the monarchy. 'Everything was centralised: chist Insurrectionary Army which was take place when people have a general Each group should be autonomous; each government, legislation, public administration, religion, language and legal operating in the Ukraine. The last idea of their rights’. Anarchists should group and individual being able to take murder* (R. Rocker1). attempt of the workers7 to re-create free propagandise these natural, as opposed the initiative, for the revolutionary im­ soviets was crushed by the Red Army at to legal, rights, by the spoken and petus always comes from the base, and Such was the belief in the power of the law and the centralised state that Kronstadt in 1921, in which campaign written word. in a libertarian organisation it can be Babeuf, one of the forerunners of the socialists, believed that society could Trotsky took a prominent part on the The movement should be ’a catalyst expressed and acted upon. Co-operation be given any desired form, provided that one controlled the political Bolshevik side. activating a larger section of the public’ between groups and individuals is ex­ power of the state. If all that was necessary was the take-over of the tremely important: ‘One has to know' bow, when and where to find one another state, the relevant instrument to do this was a small group of dedicated and whom to turn to for possible co-, militants who would strike at the centres of power and create a new operation. We are not rich, and it is only government, a new power. Thus the idea of the revolutionary dlite arose. when we unite and co-ordinate-our means Babeuf s group, under the utopian assumption that they expressed the will and joint actions that we shall be able to, of the majority or knew what was best for the majority, intended, once create the power of organisation capable they controlled the state, to confiscate all individual property and administer of competing with the combined forces it in the interest of all, allotting to everyone equal shares. The attempt of ouradversaries’'(Bakunin). If this co­ failed and Babeuf was executed. operation is,based solely on ideology it creates within itself the seeds of authori­ BLANQUI tarianism; the movement must be linked These ideas were developed further by cession, expressing a revolt by the poorest with chains of a genuine fraternity, and. Blanqut, who organised conspiratorial against the hardening power of the solidarity, for these- chains are the societies of a self-appointed revolutionary middle class. The militants were known strongest: of all. dlite who would "represent* the prole­ as the Enrages.5 They took an opposite .'^Anarchists are not for; the coup diktat, ; tariat, establish "working class’ rule and view on the nature of the state and the or for af" condition of chaos that facili­ usher in socialism through the state. revolution from the Jacobins and the tates the take-over of the state, but for At one stage (1847-50), Marx Vwas Babeuvists. They were not organised as the destruction o f ' the state itself, all strongly influenced by Blanqui and even a party but as a movement:- a loose states, and their replacement byT a free agreed to set up an international organ­ group of like-minded revolutionaries who society organised industrially ]t>y federa­ isation with the Blanquists in 1850.5 co-operated with each other. They were tions of workers’ councils and geogra­ Later, however, this extreme authoritarian opposed to the idea of state authority, phically by federations of free communes standpoint was quietly abandoned by and said that ‘every kind of government or autonomous districts. The revolution Marx, but the influence of Blanqui was must be proscribed’ as they had learned cannot be made to order by a self- felt for so long that it enabled Leninism that a revolutionary government, like appointed revolutionary 61ite, but arises to be accepted by most Marxists,^., any other government, produces a ruling from an objective -situation and needs But with Marx and Engels the state Class'and is" the ~ negation" of “freedom, th e conscious and creative participation - was still to play an important role in the equality and justice. of the working and peasant classes’. __ creation of socialism. Any tendency to­ The idea that the state must be de- HUNGARY *56 (Cohn-Bendit). Anarchists shouldTfc’prex’ wards state centralisation was described - molished was developed further by sent whenever and wherever the people Proudhon, the first person to call him­ But the Bolsheviksfcad to fight the •NQTESr^' | as progressive, which provided the revolution again in lp6. The workers are engaged in a struggle with th e . Marxists with some unusual allies. Thus self an Anarchist: but it was Bakunin, authorities. Provocation also is the task, tRocker: Nationalism and Culture. the man who might be described as toe of Hungary rose in pyolt against the Engels wrote that Bismarck served the Communist bureaucrSw. Once again but provocation ’can only be used to -G. Lichthcim: Marxism in Modem cause of revolution because he unified founder of the Anarchist movement, who arouse feelings that are already present, ... '-frante'."~: combined the need for the abolition of ‘There were no governmental directives and strengthened the German state.3 or any central leader&p. • . . Workers’ albeit submerged’ (Cohn-Bendit). The *Bakunin: Marxism, f reedom and the Capitalism itself is not so afraid of the state with the realisation that toe aim is to bring out the latent libertarian State. ■ state can be abolished only by revolu­ Councils took over the management of revolutionary groups that wish to take the factories. . . . In Hungary they were tendencies within the people; to he one *Trotsky: History o f the Russian over die state. And so, when an Indian tion, that is by toe people as a whole, step ahead in action, but not sp far that '''Revolution. for if the people are not to have rulers bom of a spontanecSi popular move­ MP tried to get a bill passed to make a ment, and they soonlSecame the living the people fall to capitalist propaganda PG. Woodcock: Anarchism. communist party illegal, he was told that no one can abolish the state for them, and turn against the revolutionaries. In '••'4V,' Richards: Malatesta: Life- and for a minority can only run the state and organs of a rising cEmocracy and the this was unconstitutional: only groups effective instruments o&a fighting revolu­ order to know how the people feel and : ideas. that planned secession could be pro­ not society. Only toe people can run tion’.8 when and where to act, knowledge must 7And they were workers! See Ida Mett: scribed. The rulers of India know that society and only toe people can make be used, knowledge that 'can only bp : The Krondstadt Commune. revolution. Part of the workero? programme was the state is the foundation of all power: the 'Constitution of Workers’ Councils gained ( through arduous and intensive “Hubert Ripka. Quoted in A. Anderson: the real and effective revolutionary threat But are the people themselves capable study, ‘The revolutionary study, groups - Hungary of making revolution? in all factories to establish (a) workers’ comes from those who wish to break up management and (b) af radical transfor­ of Paris and elsewhere . . . of which no “Andersop: Hungary ’56. the state. How much more revolutionary THE COMMUNE mation of the system Sf central planning one took toe slightest notice, were never­ so Cohn-Bendit: Obsolete Communism, would be a threat from those who wish and direction of thdreconomy by the to break up the state, not to create other In 1871 the people of Paris rose up state’.9 states under the guise of ’national libera­ against their rulers to create toe Com­ tion', but to abolish the state altogether. mune, to make Paris a free city, not to FRANCE *68 rule the rest of Fiance as toe state cen­ In France last year flje workers brought RUSSIAN" STATE tralists wished, but to be an autonomous to life the classical.anarcho-syndicalist VIOLENT PACIFISTS pan of a federation of free communes, weapon of the general strike, with a The Russian state in 1917 was in a each city m France being autonomous. minority occupying tfie factories, and a condition of disintegration. A revolution The risings in toe other cities such as tiny minority beginning to apply workers’ THE DOUKHOBORS, by George Wood­ mass revulsion they piled all their arm*: was in progress and ’the masses at the Lyons were easily crushed however, and management, yet few ff them could have cock and Ivan Avalcumovic (Faber & together and burnt them in great bonfires. turning point were a hundred times to the come into contact with anarcho-syndi­ Faber, 55/-). Later, in. Canada, some of them went left of the extreme left party’ (Trotsky*). Paris later fell to Jfacobin rule, a danger that is always present, as Malatesta ex­ calist propaganda. TV movement was : so. far as to become vegetarians, and Lenin realised this and engaged in a H H E DOUKHOBORS are jpi Russian liberated their horses and cattle. They struggle with the 'revolutionary van­ plains: ‘Revolution is the destruction of spontaneous: no one gave the order for all coercive tics (and] lasts as long as a general stride, The Revolutionary Elites T sect of Christian pacifists who: arose seem always to sink slowly into con­ guard’, the Bolshevik leadership, to push formity year by year, till a sudden wave them to the left. In the end Lenin was freedom lasts, that is until others, taking of the JCR, etc., wee? swamped by the in conditions of extremo obscurity in the advantage of the weariness that overtakes size and ovena)(j?n byjthe impetus of the eighteenth century. Their history has of reforming zeal sweeps over them and forced to go over the head of the Central movement. They werf only able to lead -• they strive to return to their ideals, which' Committee, against the principles of the masses, .of the inevitable disappoint­ been one of constant persecution, first by ments that follow exaggerated hopes, of in certain sectors for certain periods of the Russian and then by the Canadian they succeed in doing for a time, only democratic centralism. The October time. Cohn-Bendit b(amcs their leader­ gradually to fall away again. Sometimes, coup d'diat took place and the Bolshevik the probable errors and human faults, Government, whon they migrated to succeed in constituting a power . . . and ship, at one of the times when people North America at the end of the nine­ having accumulated goods and posses­ Party took over the reins of government, teenth century. They have often- boon sions, they burn, them all, setting fire to or what was left of them. From then on then begins the reaction.’* toe* notice of them.; for the failure of But in spite of defeats the people the revolt to go further than it did. He favoured by anarchists and pacifists, and their own houses, so as to return to their the Party worked to increase the power by people like Tolstoy, and held Up as Original simplicity. of the state it controlled, Within a few always prove themselves more revolu­ described the situation on May 24:>° tionary, practical and determined at the •Paris was in the hands of the demon­ examples of the simple life, non-violence At the present time the forces of the years its grip on the country was greater and the Christian virtues. In fact, al­ modem world seem to be overcoming than that of the monarchy, which was a height of toe revolutionary impetus than strators, the Revolution had started in the left panics and even toe Anarchists. earnest! The police Could not possibly though they have always eschewed mili­ their resistance, and it looks as if the remarkable feat. All opposition outside tarism, they have often been violent, in sect will pprish, but, since - this sort of the Party was crushed, and later die Jxx 190$ the people ruled by the Osar of guard all the public buildings and all the all toe Kussias rose up in revolt and strategic points: the Elyacc, the Hotel de Canada some of them took to terrorism, thing has happened before, it would b®:., Party turned upon itself, and the dic­ and they have been ruled by a whole reckless 'to prophesy. There may well be tatorship of Stalin was the result. Today spontaneously created something new— Ville, the bridges, the ORTF. . . . Every­ the soviets or workers’ councils. These one fell it and wanted to go on. But series of divine kings and queens, whose some surprises still to come! the socialist stales have all the basic then the political boys stepped in. It was power was inherited >n many cases. George Woodcock and Ivan Avaku­ characteristics of capitalism: bureaucracy, wore formed in factories and communi­ ties and federated industrially and a leader of the far-left JCR who, in the They used formerly to abhor books, movic, who also collaborated, in writing wage differentials, armies, police, censor­ and their traditions were passed on orally the biography of Kropotkin, The Anatm ship, neo-colonial territories and rockets geographically to run society on free and Place de 1’OpOra, took charge and led us egalitarian lines. The Anarchists and back to the Latin Quarter—when most from generation to generation, thus chist Prince, have given us a most lively to the moon. The Babeuvist ‘revolution’ of us thought we had done with the fatal creating an institution known as The and interesting account of these complex bad been a success and the results of this some Marxists (particularly Pannekock and toe council communist movement) attraction of toe Sorbonnc. It was Living Book. They have passed through simple-lifers, authoritarian anarchists and method are there for all to sec. officers of UNEF and PSU who stopped phases of communism, returning .each violent pacifists, They are sympathetic to However, since the French Revolution, realised that these councils could be the basic structure of a future free society, us taking the Ministry of Finance and time to private property. At one time, them, but without idealising them, in any an alternative principle and method has when still in Russia, and exiled in .the w ay.,. been proposed. whereas Lenin declared: *Thc participa­ the Ministry of Justice. These ‘‘revolu­ tion of Social Democratic organisations tionaries’’ were quite incapable of grasp­ mountains of the Caucasus, they even The Doukhobors must often, in their THE ENRAGES in councils composed of delegates and ing toe potential of a movement that had took tq carrying guns, for hunting ,and heroic-days, have been frightening; or at Workers' deputies without distinction of left them far behind and was still gain­ self-defence, and were in the process of least disconcerting, neighbours. The name .... During the period that the Jacobins party . . . or the creation of sueh councils ing momentum- turning into another Caucasian tribe, like they bear means ‘spirit wrestlers’, and were in power in Franco a movement cannot be countenanced unless we can ‘As for us, we Jailed to realise how the local Moslems, with whom they’were was originally applied to them by emerged during a time of economic re­ be sure the party can benefit.’ The Party easy it would have been to sweep all on friendly terms. Then in a .sudden, Conthmed on page 5 of his anarchist views on other subjects, train are railway workers, or that readers vigorously advocated the traditional say about forms of co-operation and par­ T TIMES, Freedom ’s comments on I am surprised that P.S. advocates that of Freedom are anarchist publishing anarchist view that those who do a job ticipation other than control? (P.S. urged A student dissent seem dangerously control of the universities should not be near to the attitude “When a riot breaks workers. A university is an institution should control it, inviting others to join students to reject ‘participation’, but was devoted to the advancement of learning them in the work when they had proved by the workers on the basis of their in favour of consultative meetings be­ out, our side are the ones with long work, but by non-workers on the basis hair’. In proportion to this the editors and the workers in it are the academic themselves able and committed to doing it. tween the Freedom Press group and of their political views. I also remember readers.) have been neglecting the prime function staff who are actively contributing to The composition of the student body this objective. In practice there is prob­ is analogous to that of the readers m that that when LAG meetings were being dis­ Finally, anarchists and current student of the journal, that of giving a detailed rupted by a group who attended them and critical analysis from a specifically ably a larger degree of workers’ control, it includes those who will one day make propaganda usually envisage control in in the sense in which syndicalists use the their own contributions to their subjects, not to hear the speaker, but specifically terms of numerous committee meetings. anarchist point of view of the issues to cause trouble, he advocated that these raised by social phenomena of this kind, term, in the university world than in any many who quite' legitimately want to Most real control, however, particularly people should never have been allowed where neither of the opposing sides in other extensive sector of British society. accept what is being offered without hav- in the anarchist propaganda world and the clash are anarchist, where only a The workers’ councils go under non­ values, or perhaps even being hostile to in to the meetings. The parallel here the academic world, is achieved by in­ small number of the individuals involved revolutionary titles such as Academic them, and some jwho compensate for might be too explosive. dividuals and small informal groups are, but where anarchism clearly has a Boards or Faculties, and their area of their lack of ability with an aggressive The fact that this controversy has deciding what they want to do and going contribution to make. control is circumscribed by the pressures desire to direct everyone: else. It is open arisen perhaps indicates that anarchist ahead with it, without anyone else being Despite their importance I will make of the outside society, but it is effective to the first group to take a share in the ing a strong commitment to academic involved, although the possibilities for my first two points quickly. Firstly, by in day-to-day matters. The precise com­ control of the academic environment views on workers’ control need elaborat­ doing this depend on the existence of a publishing without editorial comment position of such councils differs from when they have pfoved their ability and ing. A passenger who finds a train ser­ certain social organisation. Is not this the accounts by ‘Freedom Reporter’ and one college to another, but the principle desire to become workers in it. vice inadequate is no better off if it is the real object of anarchism, and one of ‘Leeds Direct Action’ of their activities is the same, that control rests with those I would have thought that that was in run by workers’ control or the state. the features which distinguishes it from in violently breaking up meetings ad­ who have proved themselves able to con-, line with anarchist thought, and • in view Should anarchist theory have more to politics? Philip H olgatb . dressed by Mr. Powell and Major Wall, tribute to scholarship in their chosen in Exeter and Leeds respectively, you field, and have indicated a commitment condone and seem to take for granted to devote a period of their life to that it is appropriate for anarchists to doing so. A Reply to P. Holgate by ‘Digger’ use aggressive violence to suppress the The demand for student power is not that one leg is shorter than the other and freedom of speech of those with whom therefore a demand for workers’ control, ERHAPS THE MOST pernicious lots of students want to sit down and you feel a bit of a fool wearing it; you study one particular philosophy (even if they disagree. Leeds Direct Action speci­ but a demand that control should be P thing to be seen in Philip Holgate’s are, you should have had it changed they did, it would be a mirror image of fically told readers not to listen to ‘the removed from the workers and taken letter is the influefce of the mass media. before you took it. what they are forced to do today). Their mouthings of those who talk about free­ over by another body. Since this control The students injthis society are mis­ The students, incidentally, hardly ever curiosity and persistence in discovering, dom of speech’. Since many anarchists could not be exercised in a functional represented and ijjisunderstood—not just use the term ‘Student Power’. They re­ and translating, what has been deliber­ in the past have considered this to be an way as a person is only a student because by the irate colondis in Bournemouth but ately buried in the thought of the left, important concept, I would have thought he does not yet know very much about more astonishing!)' by the people who cognise its limitations and dangers. This leads one to suspect they would not some comment was called for. his field, it would tend to be exercised, work with them Jnd do not trouble to is why the term ‘free university’ is often tolerate the closing of any areas of Secondly, although here the blossom­ and student propaganda indicates this, know what it isltbey want. The mass used simply because it reflects, in the ing of student politics has merely made on a basis of political opinions. media has the advantage of being con­ main, what it is that they want. A thought. Their minds are too open and a long-standing attitude more obviously From time to time agitation springs sidered superior to experience and that university free from the overwhelming that is a challenge to this closed society. As for Free Speech, this is the last grotesque, why do anarchists refer to such up demanding that Freedom should be is nonsense. The letter also shows a pressures of state and capital to turn out extremists of authoritarianism as Trot­ controlled by its readers rather than by charming naivety’which, as anyone who their skilled automata for , them. They and biggest lie of them all. The plaintive skyists, Maoists, and other revolutionary the Freedom Press Group. The readers knows any academic institution, is imme­ do not seek to eliminate the teachers cry of the politician in the popular press socialists, who seek to replace the pre­ include many passive anarchists, some diately dispelled by the facts. and researchers; they realise, full well, who goes out of his way to stir up sent state by a more dictatorial one, as who will one day take an active part in The workers’ . councils, so touchingly their importance; indeed it would be racialism in a bastion of tolerance is sad if they were somehow rather close to writing and join the group, some who do portrayed as being under ‘non-revolu­ unjust not to point out the role of the to hear. What is sadder is that Holgate anarchism? not wish to be active but have strong tionary’ titles asj the academic or faculty academics in demanding the change in swallows the lie whole. The entire stu­ Most important, however, is your views on what others should be doing, boards, are hardllpepresentative of the orientation of the universities, not just dent movement is misrepresented in the adoption of the demand for student con­ some whose interest lasts only for a mass of academics, certainly not in the militants but many who have the gravest mass media. Are Powell and his lunatic trol of universities, and the equation of short time, and others who are equivocal huge mind-millsjof London and the pro­ reservations about the modern role of lieutenants so misrepresented? No, every this with workers’ control which is made or antagonistic towards anarchism but vincial universities. The boards are the university. nuance of their racialist ideas comes in recent front page articles by P.S. and who are interested in reading a point of selected, professorial and appointees. Perhaps if Philip Holgate thought a across. Not one undistorted concept of ‘Justin’. view. Even if it were feasible it would They are at the apex of a hierarchical little more about his argument he might the revolutionary left comes across. To claim that students are the workers be absurd for the readers, merely be­ structure; perhaps, in the informality of see the dangerous implications of what What would you have done at Olympia in universities is like saying that people cause they were readers, to issue direc­ smaller institutions; where the bureau­ he has said if it is extended into industry. in 1936, Philip? Well, make no mistake cracy cannot be|so rigid, this is not who eat the produce of a farm are agri­ tives to the writers on what they should Does he want the trainee and the appren­ about it, it’s happening now, Powell is apparent. Elsewh*e it is utterly obvious. cultural workers, that passengers on a write, and I recall that P.S. himself has tice to have no say in their education? just a taster. This isn’t a question of free It is of intereffl that this letter treats And where in this modern automated speech, this is a question of opposing the students with much the same attitude world of ours does education stop and as the mass media did two Vt:ars ago the attempt to impose racial discrimina- work begin? tion by law in this coup try. For that is -(eve'if they’ve be«W educated a bit nSw)*" AX fcSnT‘",EsseA*-ancf-'-freevta, dt-mends- wnat’r^veiPTsarRoourLn^oTH'fltnR, The student is lucky he is stuffed full of were placed that not only students should saleable knowledge ‘Why is it complain­ too, that if you can go to one of his have representatives but that the workers meetings that there is some gentlemanly PROBLEMS OF COMMUNISM ing, we’ve tailor-made and cut it so that it should also sit on the joint participation way of confronting the idiot with his can fit into a £1,000 a year rising on a bodies. Perhaps that smacks too much sliding scale when it leaves?’ sins? Go, and when you come back with PROBLEMS OF COMMUNISM, the has more political than literary value like the- real thing for comfort. a mouthful of teeth and your glasses It is not by choice that this revolt is The last part of his argument is a sad a remarkable bi-monthly magazine pro­ but all of which is interesting to read. strongest amongst the social sciences, pushed in your face by some National duced by the United States Information The most significant items are those comment on his understanding of syndi­ Front steward, tell me your point of view they have to suffer three years of a man’s calism. Does he seriously think that no Agency in Washington, devoted two issues which show that intellectual dissent is life with rubbish rammed down their again. Don’t, incidentally, think that the last year to the current struggle for intel­ not just an individual matter, as is one has ever thought about systems of Labour Party stewards are very kind throats, and Contradictory rubbish at workers’ control? Does he really think lectual freedom in Russia, under the suggested by some comment on such that. The argument is not just with the when you heckle their darling boys; if general title ‘In Quest of Justice’. It is writers as Pasternak and Solzhenitsyn that there will be no difference in the anything they’re worse. Free Speech! university; it is with the society that worker-consumer relationship? To sepa­ of course necessary to recognise the or Sinyavski and Daniel, but is often a creates such an institution. The only You cannot heckle or ask questions. No, propaganda purpose of the magazine in collective matter. Groups are formed to rate their interests is mystification ably it’s ‘shut up and listen’ to the mighty way that they can escape the straitjacket performed by capitalism and the state. general, but it is also necessary to hold regular discussions or to publish is to challenge it in a way that makes words of wisdom. acknowledge the high quality and lasting magazines, just as in the days before They are identical. Surely what workers’ sense, is to challenge the concepts of such control is about is the collapse of this Free Speech I always understood meant value of these particular issues. the Revolution, and some of them a society and reject the conceptual having to put up with hecklers and ostentatiously use names taken from myth and the creation of a society where After a brief preface by Abraham notions that they are taught where they there is a speedy co-ordination between allowing opposing points of view to be Brumberg (the editor), there were five revolutionary heroes or well-known are taught. They must reject the r61e put forward—which in any student meet­ exiles, such as Ryleev the Decembrist or production and need and the passenger anicles on the struggle, more than eighty allotted to them in the very place the falls into this relationship. We do not ing takes place. I don’t think fascist documents of the struggle, more than Berdyaev the Chistian. Here is surely attempt is being made to mould them Enoch would stand up to Hyde Park the greatest hope for the future, for need small committees ‘4 la Parkinson’ fifty examples of writing from the into something they do not wish to be. for this need. We .are not trying to re­ conditions for five minutes. struggle, and biographical notes on 140 rebellion begins as an individual act That is not to say that they reject educa­ but can only continue as a collective form a bureaucracy, these things can and D igger . people in the struggle. tion or learning; what they reject is this will be speedily rectified under a need/ The preface stressed the special action. society’s concept of that education. After One of the most astonishing things production economy simply because they Editorial note: Owing to continuous importance of the documents and all, if you don’t like a way the tailor included in the selection of underground are integral to the orientation of such a pressure on editorial space we had. to writings involved. They ‘have not been makes you a suit, then you go out and society. writings comes from a magazine called delay printing comrade Holgate’s letter circulating clandestinely within the complain in the street to your friends It. is again a sad misconception that by three months! borders of the Soviet Union, nor have Tetrad, which in 1965 printed autobio­ they been smuggled out anonymously to graphical fragments by Anatoli Levitin, the outside world'. On the contrary, they who writes under the name Krasnov. have been distributed openly as a Levitin is the most striking unorthodox deliberate public action—a form of what religious figure in Russia, and one of the we would call civil disobedience or direet extracts included was his piece ‘But action, but demanding courage which we Every Authority Must Fall’, in which RUSSIA—Anaroh.sm Attacked can scarcely begin to appreciate. he argued in Marxist terms for the The article covered the political and destruction of the state! This, together NCE AGAIN the spectre of Anarchism economy and State organisms’. And of The Workers’ Opposition. ‘The anarcho- cultural background,' the legal aspects with things written by such people as O is haunting the Russian Communist course any opposition to such ‘labour syndicalist platform was expounded in its of the recent trials of writers, the effects Yesenin-Volpin and Galanskov, suggests Party. More than once recently, Soviet discipline’ could not be tolerated by good most complete form in A. Kollontai’s of the official censorship, the Ukrainian that the idea of anarchy still exists in newspapers and journals have attacked Marxist - Leninists. Unfortunately for booklet, The Workers' Opposition, issued underground, and the religious under­ the minds of Russian dissenters a century ‘petty bourgeois’ anurchist and anarcho- Lenin and the Communist Party there before the Tenth Party Congress (March, ground. They are all interesting but tend after it first appeared there. syndicalist trends in Czechoslovakia. was opposition. 1921)’. All of which ‘was a complete to become merely propagandist, which These two issues of Problems of Now, It sccins, anarchism may be rear­ First, at the Ninth Party Congress repudiation of communist principles in lessens their value. Communism amount to 240 pages of ing its ugly head a little nearer at home, (1920), there was the group of Demo­ favour of anarcho-syndicalism’. But, ar­ The documents included most of the mostly first-hand information about one lierliaps In Moscow or Kiev, cratic Centralists, who, though they were gues our Communist writer, Lenin ‘con­ item* mentioned at various timet in the of the most important events In the In a very lengthy article entitled communists, opposed centralised State vincingly’ showed that the views of the Western press—not just ‘documents' (in., world. The magazine costs 50 cents in ‘Lenin’s Battle Against Anarcho-Syndi­ control and the ‘principle’ of one-man Workers’ Opposition were a reflection of careful analyses of various aspects of the United States, but in other countries calism: Tantamount to (He complete management of factories. Lenin argued the ‘petty bourgeois anarchistic element’, the situation), but police records, trial It can be obtained free. AH you need to negation of socialism’, Sergei Titarcnko, that their position was incompatible with which as every good Communist knows statements, petitions, appeals, open do is write for Problems of Communism, in Pravda (4.3.69), pnee again stalks the the so-called ‘dictatorship of the prole­ is ‘counter-revolutionary’. Such views, letters, private letters, diaries, proceed­ volume 17,. numbers 4 and 5 (July- ghosts of Makhno, Kollontai and the tariat’ (actually the dictatorship of the said Lenin, would undermine ‘democratic ings of meetings, verbal statements, August and September-October, 1968) ‘Workers’ Opjsosition’. He reminds (?) leading members of the Communist Party centralism’ and the State—and would written statements—all kinds of expretw- to:—The United States Information the Russian workers of the struggle over the workers and peasants). ‘In prac­ cause Anarchy! ions of personal opinions of a kind Service, The American Embassy, P.O. waged by Lenin and the Communist Party tice,’ writes Titarenko in a revealing * * * which we are familiar with but which Box 2.L.H., Upper Brook Street, ‘against the anarcho-syndicalist deviation passage, ‘the activity of the Democratic By now you may be asking: ‘Why seems to fill the Russian authorities with London, W.l. which manifested itself during 1920 and Centralists boiled down to a rejection of should Pravda waste so much space shock and horror. The most interesting N.W. 1921’. The tasks of the Party at the end firm Party and State discipline and the digging up old history, and remind (?) refer of course to the various trials of of the Civil War were, says Mr. Tita­ leading role of the Party in the Soviets Soviet workers of the activities of such f the last three years, but perhaps the rcnko, to restore and advance the eco­ and Trade Unions. It was not accidental renegades as Makhno or Kollontai?' Mr. most valuable refer to the Solzhenitsyn WE GO TO PRESS ON MONDAv nomy; and this called for a high level of that Lenin said that the Democratic Sergei Titarenko tells us why. Centralists’ arguments were associated affair and to the protests against the LATEST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF organisation and unity of Com­ ‘The lessons of Lenin’s and the Party’s MSS., LETTERS, MEETING NOTICES munists term the ‘proletarian vanguard’, with the Makhnovites’ views.’ struggle against anarcho-syndicalism re­ Russian intervention in Czechoslovakia. Second, says Titarenko, the position The examples of writing made up a IS THE MONDAY IN EACH WEEK in order to ‘establish labour discipline main topical in our day, too. The in­ of the Democratic Centralists was close fluence of jjetty bourgeois views, tradi- brief anthology of underground litera­ OF PUBLICATION. and introduce firm order at factories and to that of another ‘anti-Party’ group— Continucd on page 5 ture in Russia today, some of which plants, and in all the links of the Soviet Apart from the ‘humane and orderly* each other in spirit and culture blended expulsion of ‘coloured’ immigrants from together as harmonious twigs of a family Britain, the Front seeks, in the words of tree. . . . We therefore oppose racial in­ the Observer (30.3.69), ‘a “white dominion tegration and stand for racial separate­ power block” incorporating Britain and ness, that is the separate development of the white Commonwealth — including the different races and nations along lines The Nml Front South Africa and —and our corresponding to their differing qualities.1 withdrawal from the United Nations’. Tyndall, like all Front members, It, naturally, considers ‘race mixing’ stresses the need for ‘strong government*. notorious members of thq National Front. JjK)R SOME TIME NOW an organisation calling itself the National Front treason, and claims to have ‘expert’ evi­ Putting the usual eiitest arguments, he Recently the Front has peen desperately has, on quite a number of occasions, hit the headlines in both the claims that ‘At the root of many of the trying to improve its im^ge. I can quite dence which it interprets as showing the national and local Press. Last December about a dozen-and-a-half Front ‘congenital superiority’ of the white man ills of government in Britain lies our well understand why. members heckled the Archbishop of. Canterbury at a church hall in (Caucasoid?) over the rest of humanity. system of equal franchise. Under this Basildon. In January of this year a group of Fronters attempted to break POLICY The National Front is a ‘parliamentary’ system everyone over 21 has one vote, up a meeting organised by the Free Schools Campaign, and at the end of The National Front I has a list of party; and aims to contest a considerable and everyone's vote is worth the same. March about forty of them were involved in persistent barracking, flour- thirteen objectives, or to use Stalinist number of constituencies, particularly . . . In such circumstances it is inevitable and tomato-throwing and some scuffles at a Labour Party by-election phraseology, immediate demands. They where there are relatively large numbers that the power of government, such as meeting in Walthamstow. Again, at the end of March, forty members of include: ‘To establish in Great Britain a of ‘coloured* immigrants, at the next it is, accrues not to the most capable and strong Government. . . . To preserve our election. principled men of the nation, but the the National Front attempted to gatecrash a Co-operative conference on British native stock ... fo eradicate race­ Although not actually published by the most articulate at “selling themselves” to racism at Kingsway Hall. On this occasion, however, the Co-operators hatred, by terminating non-white immi­ National Front itself (but sold and dis­ the voter. . . .' So Tyndall proposes that were able to prevent them from entering the building. gration, with humane and orderly repa­ tributed by the organisation) John Tyn­ ‘government should be elected and judged Who, then, are these people? What is the National Front? And what triation of non-white immigrants (and dall’s booklet British Nationalism contains by an informed and responsible public are its aims? their dependants) who have entered since a lot of information on how the domi­ opinion . . . that once elected it should The Front came into existence in February, 1967, through the amal­ the passing of the British Nationality nant leadership and faction think. It was be given the power necessary to properly gamation of the British National Party, formed by wealthy Norfolk farmer Act, 1948. . . . To give unremitting sup­ published in 1967. In his chapter *A tackle the most essential national tasks, Andrew Fountaine and John Bean (Britain’s Goebbels) in 1960, and the port to British and other European com­ Nationalist Economy’, Tyndall argues, long term as well as short term. . . League of Empire Loyalists, led by A. K. Chesterton, a South African. munities overseas. . . . To ensure that very much like Mosley did before the How can we do this? By reforming the War, that ‘The British world must be franchise so that those who are most fit Some time later most of John Tyndall’s Greater Britain Movement, much just profits, salaries and wages, founded on a fair partnership between employers freed from the clutches of the inter­ could have more votes than those who of Colin Jordan’s National Socialist Movement, large numbers of the and employees, are guaranteed by main- national financial system, and must firmly are less fit. This could mean some kind crisis-ridden Racial Preservation Society, the Birmingham organisation, the of occupational or professional status and Association of British People and two small radical-right ‘parties’, the franchise—shades of pre-War BUF policy! English National Party and the Liverpool-based People Progressive Party, Tyndall is in favour of what he calls joined. Of the National Front today, John Tyndall, writing in the January/ the ‘moral regeneration’ of Britain. February, 1969, issue of his journal Spearhead observes: Moreover, ‘The first necessity is a clear ‘After a series of teething troubles, mainly involving the purging of programme of legislation which will elements who wanted to put the clock back and return to the days of render liable to prosecution all persons or agencies responsible for the pro­ splintering, the National Front has now grown into unquestionably motion of art, literature, or entertain­ the largest and most powerful patriotic movement in Britain, with a ment by which public moral standards membership many times greater than any other.’ might be endangered*. Existing laws In its early days—and even to some extent today—the National Front must be strengthened. Patriotism must was indeed an unholy alliance of radical-right, neo-Fascist and Nazi group­ be encouraged in our schools. ings, with perhaps the Nazi element and ideology predominating over the purely nationalist and High Tory. Like the pre-War British Union of BACKWARD-LOOKING Fascists, the Front appears to attract membership from the two extremes The National Front is not, as has been of the social spectrum—the aristocracy (including some Top Brass from suggested in some quarters, a revolu­ tionary organisation. It is a reactionary, the armed forces) and the lumpenproletariat. The National Front, how­ backward-looking, totalitarian one with ever, is hostile towards Sir Oswald Mosley, the ageing ‘leader’ of Union a predominantly ‘Nordic-style* Nazi ideo­ Movement, whom it claims is not a genuine nationalist or National Socialist. logy. It believes in ‘leadership’ and a Mosley is, says Tyndall in Spearhead, by inclination \ . . a European inter­ highly centralised, £litest, and hierarchic nationalist rather than a British Nationalist.’ To many of the National socio-political structure. It advocates Fronters, the Mosleyites are as ‘left-wing’ as the Communist Party! strong government, elected largely by those What is the numerical strength, of the National Front? whom it considers most suited. It would, Mr. Martin Webster, the national activities organiser, and one-time friend taming the principle of private enterprise control all the financial forces through within a capitalist system of ‘national and associate of Colin Jordan, says: ‘We boast 8,000 members, but a more within a framework of national guidance. which its economy is fed. This means guidance’ (shades of Hitler Germany), realistic claim would be 7,000.’ The Front is, of course, growing. It claims • .* • To create a national movement to strong government direction of financial ensure ‘just profits, salaries and wages’— 150 applicants for membership a week. And it is, as Tyndall boasts, far give guidance for the healthy mental and enterprise within defined national and but ensured by whom it does not say. physical development of British youth’ Commonwealth bounds. . . .’ In his sec­ Obviously not by the workers. larger than any other of the far-right splinter groups—-including Mosley’s (emphasis mine). tion on ‘Race Preservation*, he says: ‘We At the moment the National Front is somewhat ailing, and ageing, Union Movement. But I doubt whether its The National Front also publishes are British nationalists first and foremost ‘riding high*, its members enthused by actual paid-up membership is 7,000. Activists number less than a tenth numerous leaflets (often show ered indis­ and are determined to preserve our some success and notoriety. This is not o£ that figure. About fifty or so members of the Front, however, can criminately at oprpon egfSr*>tneeti ngs) on British civilisation in the many areas of surprising, considering the ineptitude of generally be called upon—often at quite short notice—to attend other various topics. In onasuch leaflet, the the world where it has taken root. . . . Britain’s traditional reformist parties and people’s meetings or demonstrations in the Greater London area. The Front proclaims that ‘Britain’s entry into We don’t want to change our national politicians, and the political and social National Front could, therefore, become a potential danger if not exposed the Common Market jrould mean dig­ character and assume a new and different backwardness of large sections of the in good time. ging her own grave,’ and asks: ‘Do you character; we want to stay as we are, working class. I am not going to suggest, year-old men. We succeeded in disrupt­ want foreigners to go\Sm our country? giving to the world those particular however, that only the building of a SOME ‘LEADERS’ ing the meeting—that’s all I was there Do you want them lofering our living things that our inborn qualities as a strong and influential libertarian move­ Probably its most notorious ‘leader’ is for.* Obviously not the type to invite to standards?' And in mother leaflet, it people have fitted us to give.’ And: ‘It is ment in this country can stop the march the already-mentioned A. K. Chesterton, tea and crumpets with Admiral Sir Barry demands: ‘UNITE th« nation—instead no refutation of this to trot out the old of such an organisation as the National ‘Chairman of Directorate’ and editor of Domville or Lady Elizabeth! of waging the “class war” . . . PUT Bri­ tale about the British being a mixed Front; but, at least, it could make a lot Candour, which he has edited for many Of the same stamp as Wade are people tons first. . . .’ And yetlih another: ‘Sup­ stock. Our only mixture is of stocks of of difference: It’s up to us. years. Formerly one of Mosley’s BUF like Ron Tear and John Cook. Tear is port the Police and the Brison Warders’. North Western Europe closely akin to P. ‘intellectuals’, and one-time editor of the also a former member of the British BUF publication Blackshirt, Chesterton National Party, and a one-time candidate broke away from the British Union of in the Goodmayes area of Ilford in Fascists just before the war, presumably Essex. According to Andrew Kitt of the THE D0UKH0B0RS restricted to the Sons of Freedom, which promising on the matter of schooling, because of Mosley’s ‘moderate* attitude Guardian (26.3.69), ‘At one time the most Continued from page 3 has brought them much unfavourable and seems to have won on this point. towards Nazi Germany. Before that, noticeable decoration in Mr. Tear’s home, Orthodox Russian bishop as a term of publicity, has been the naked march, con­ One of the characteristics of the sect Chesterton worked with the late A. Raven in front of which he proudly posed for'a abuse. He meant that they wrestled ducted through the nearest town or has been the liability to sudden waves of Thompson and the notorious William press photograph, was a shrine to the against the Holy Ghost, but they have village. So puritanical are the Canadians enthusiasm for migration to a better land. ‘Lord Haw Haw* Joyce, BUF director of late Adolf Hitler.’ Ron Tear is highly adopted the name for themselves, re­ that they found this deeply shocking, and Even at midwinter they have been known propaganda. Undisputed ‘leader’ of the thought-of by A. K. Chesterton, ‘the garding themselves aslwrestlers in the a law was passed making it an offence, to abandon everything, and, men, women National Front today, he is able to spend leader*. He is Area Organiser of the spirit’ against the forces of evil. We to be punished with three years’ imprison­ and children, suddenly set off across the quite a considerable amount of time in West Essex and East London National anarchists have also adopted a name ment, to strip oneself naked in a public prairie on foot. Various schemes have his native South Africa. Front, and is a member of the Front’s given us by our enemies. place. been started' to leave Canada and go to Membership of the Front’s National National Directorate. Tear was also at In fact Doukhobonsm is a many­ In Russia the Doukhobors’ trouble was South America, dr even back to Russia. Council looks quite impressive—if one is the Walthamstow fracas. Admitted Ron headed monster, rathe®,as anarchism is. mainly on account of their rejection of So far little has come of these plans. impressed by aristocratic titles, DSOs, some while ago: ‘I frankly admit that we There are Doukhobors fwho have always almost all religious rites, and their refusal Until recently mariy of the sect, although MBEs, MCs and the like. Perhaps the are National Socialists.' Closely asso­ been prosperous, individualist farmers, to do military service. In Canada their born in Canada, still spoke Russian, and most well-known is Admiral Sir Barry ciated with him is John Cook of Ilford. their only nonconformity being their religion was their own affair, and they knew little English. One gets the impres­ Domville, KBE, CB, CMG, a founder of He is Deputy Area Organiser in East pacifism. These Independent Doukho- were not compelled to do military ser­ sion of a nation of wanderers, at home the pro-Nazi ‘Link’, and a guest of honour London and West Essex, and is a member bors have steered clear 5>f the millenarian vice, but they got into trouble because, nowhere. With the dawn of space travel —together with Sir Oswald Mosley—at of the National Directorate. He was enthusiasms of their co-religionists. The with their taboo on books, they did not there can be ho doubt that some will a large 18b Detainees’ rally in London formerly with Colin Jordan’s National bombing and incendiarism in Canada allow their children to attend school. take advantage of the opportunity to in March, 1945, and again in December Socialist Movement. And, according to has been the work of a toall section only There was also a muddle over the mar­ escape our over-populated planet, and -of the same year. Other Top Brass in­ Tom Iremonger, MP for Ilford, he ‘infil­ of the Doukhobors, the Sons of Freedom. riage question. Doukhobors do not have recommence their voyaging, ever on­ clude Major-General Richard Hilton, trated* the local Tory association, and They have striven alv/ays to bring the state or church marriages, but in the end wards to some land or planet where they DSO, MC, DFC, Air-Commodore G. S. actively promoted the cause of racial sect back to its pristine virtue, by force the Canadian Government came round can live their lives free from the inter­ ference of earthly governments. Oddie, DFC, AFC, who said recently, ‘Of separation. A. K. Chesterton also thinks if necessary. to recognising the Doukhobor marriages course I am a racialist,* and Lieut.-Cdr highly of him as well. And he’s welcome One form of Doukhobor protest, not as valid. If remained, however, uncom­ A rthur Stone . G. K. Rylands, OBE, JP. Then there is to him. Elizabeth, Lady Freeman, MBE, and a According to the Sunday Times (30.3.69), couple of parsons, the Rev. Sidney Atherly there are twenty-two members of the and the Rev. G. H. Nicholson, vicar of St. Directorate, whose previous affiliations ANARCHISTS ATTACKED swearwords, used partly to cover up the dual needs, but to the ‘maximisation of Mary the Virgin, Barfield, near Reading, were: Greater Britain Movement, British ( ontinued from page 4 obvious fact that Russia has nothing in profit'. Russia, like 's a supporter of lan Smith and writer of National Party, League of Empire lions and prejudices on the working class common with freedom or the ‘free com­ Britain, is not socialist by any stretch of various tracts and articles purporting to Loyalists, the Racial Preservation Society is felt not only in capitalist States, but munism* advocated, in various ways, by the imagination; it is a bureaucratic form show Bible support for racial segrega­ and, the Communist Party (!). The Times, also in countries which have stepped on such people as Makhno, Kollontai, Med­ (obviously) of State Capitalism. It has tion. To complete the list there is a lady however, omits to mention Colin Jordan’s to the socialist road. We often hear vedev and others during the Russian nothing in common with the free, State­ with the very English name of Mrs. von National Socialists. The paper does men­ utterances and witness practical actions Revolution and after the coming to less, moneyless society advocated by Goetz. Of course, most of these people tion John Tyndall, ‘former GBM and which do not differ in essence from power of Lenin and the Communists. Russian and Ukrainian anarchists and are just important-sounding names to Nazi leader*, and Miss Rosine dc Bounc- anarchism.* Indeed, says Pravda, ‘There And, of course, Lenin and his adulators such Communist ‘anti-Party deviationists' decorate National Front notepaper. None vialle, an ex-Leaguer. The inner leader­ are also in some countries today anarcho- in present-day Russia learnt well from as Kollontai and, indeed, Lenin himself are known to have been particularly ship of the National Front, according to syndicalist sentiments in relation to Pleckhanov when it came to misrepre­ at one time. active throwing rotten fruit or bags of the Sunday Times, is the Leadership Trade Unions. Statements that Trade senting anarchism. Much to the consternation of some of flour at opponents. This they usually Council, comprising Chesterton, Aidan Unions must be made “independent” of Modern Russia is the world’s second Russia’s rulers (and their paid scribes) a leave to Stephen Wade of Forest Gate, Mackie, Frank Clifford, a former Mos- the Party are nothing but a direct repro­ most powerful State, and the world’s few workers, as yet, in the so-called ‘leader’ of the Front’s Newham Branch, leyite, Denis Pine, a former National duction of the views of the Workers’ most totalitarian; there is only one poli­ socialist and communist countries appear and a former member of the British Socialist, and another former National Opposition.’ All which, says the tical party, the Communist Party; the to be groping towards a rather vague National Party. It was Wade who denied Socialist Movement member, Martin Communist writer for the umpteenth means of production are owned, not by anarchist, anarcho-syndicalist or ‘free’ kicking Arthur Bottomley, MP, in the Webster. Andrew Fountain, the former time, marks anarchism as a system of the Soviet people, but by the State (of communist position. Hence, the attacks groin at the Walthamstow meeting. Said president of the British National Party, petty bourgeois views and policy. Top People, of functionaries and bureau­ on ‘petty bourgeois' anarchism in the Wade after the meeting: ‘There was a has now resigned from the National Of course, such phrases as ‘petty bour­ cratic parasites) who pay the workers Soviet press. struggle, but I only brushed against Front. geois’, or ‘anarchist deviation’, or ‘pseudo- wages; and the productive resources are __f__* I t __• a Bottomley. I don’t go about kicking 62- These, then, are a few of the more geared not to the satisfaction of indivi­ P eter E. N ewell. Party. This pamphlet exposes the myth of nationalisation as a step towards a new society. It argues the case for workers' control against those who say that ‘it won't work' and outlines how it ‘Direct Action’ Library will be achieved through Syndicalist (Revolutionary Industrial) unions. The “C^OR a number of reasons the Syndi- jailings in the Gold Coast, Nigeria and cracy/ He quotes the strength of the structure to pieces as being too big and pamphlet also cites the cases of where ^ calist Workers’ Federation have been Kenya. Peacetime conscription and a Russian Anarcho-Syndicalists at the time unwieldy and branch organisation the workers have seized factories in Italy unable to publish Direct Action for some foreign policy supported to the hilt by of the First All-Russian Trade Union bears no relation to the place of work. and France, of social revolution in Spain months and comrades might be excused the Tories. Diplomatic relations est­ Convention in January 1918 as 88,000. The pamphlet calls for revolutionary and the Kibbutz movement in Israel in for thinking that we had packed up. ablished with fascist Spain, and deporting ‘The Hungarian Workers Revolution’, industrial unionism and cites the many which workers* control is the central That is certainly not the case. We believe of escapees from Franco's terror form price 6d., is an account of the heroic forms of strike action introduced into pivot of their administration. that in the face of attacks by the the sad tale told in this pamphlet. effort of the Hungarian workers to throw the class struggle by Syndicalists. The ‘Smash the Wage Freeze’ by Bill Government and employers on the trade In ‘The Unholy Alliance—the 1966 off the rule of the Russian-placed lightning strike, the guerilla strike, ‘work Christopher, price 2d., analyses and union movement, as witnessed by the Seamen’s Strike; an analysis’, price 6d., bureaucracy and to create a society to rule’, the boycott, the sympathetic exposes the myths of the Prices and notorious legislation proposed in Barbara George Foulser, seaman and author of based on the Wprkers’ Council. The strike, the ‘good work’ strike and the Incomes Act. He describes it as a Castle’s White Paper ‘In Place of Strife’ The Seaman's Voice tells of how the pamphlet traces the events that led to stay in strike. Each one of these forms WAGES and Prices Act. He exposes and the Ford’s court case, that Anarcho- leadership of the National Union of the famous march of students to the of industrial resistance is examined in the inability of the present trade union Syndicalism or revolutionary industrial Seamen betrayed the members during radio station in Budapest on October 23, this pamphlet and their efficiency in leadership to smash the wage freeze unionism can provide the weapon needed the strike of 1966. He gives an* account 1956, and the events that followed the different circumstances has been proved because of their unwillingness to chal­ by the working class. Accordingly we of how the General Secretary Jim AVH (secret police) opening fire on the beyond all shadow of doubt. If every lenge the freeze in the one arena where propose a propaganda campaign to get Hogarth led the men out on strike in students. First, { the Hungarian Army trade unionist underwent as part of his it can be defeated—industrial action on our ideas -out through our existing stock face of the threat of rank and file action went over to the revolution and then the apprenticeship a detailed study of these the shop floor. Recent events in the of pamphlets and some others yet to to form a breakaway union. He points workers. Thesi workers organised forms of non-violent industrial resistance motor-car industry and the Government’s come. out how the activities of the Com­ councils federated into regional councils then capitalism might well be part of White Paper ‘In Place of Strife* re­ The Syndicalist Workers* Federation munist Party in the docks through Jack and the CentralfCouncil of Hungarian history, indeed the wage slave system inforces the common sense argument of has over the years published pamphlets Dash and through Gordon Norris at sea Workers. The ^pamphlet tells of the of any description would be part of this pamphlet. The anti-trade union dealing with a variety of aspects of the sabotaged the strike in alliance either industrial struggle which followed the history. legislation will only be defeated by labour movement. Broadly speaking, consciously or unconsciously with Jim brutal repression by Soviet armour. ‘The Social General Strike’, priced at industrial action. they may be divided into those dealing Hogarth and the NUS leadership, because The isolation ofi Imre Nagy and other 2d., is another of Tom Brown’s ‘Strike Strategy’, price 2d., is a guide with historical subjects in Britain and of the CP’s hostility to breakaway Hungarian ‘Titoipt’ politicians from the pamphlets dealing with the Syndicalist to effective strike action. In this case, abroad and others on the industrial unions. A point-by-point criticism of main body of struggle by the workers Social General Strike or General Lock- as in the case of 90 per cent of strikes, struggle and the ideas of Syndicalism. the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 is also is shown. Mention is made of the Out of the employing class which, as it will be unofficial strike action. Three The British General Strike 1926’ by included. gestures of Solidarity with the he says, is a more apt description. This points should be clear before taking Tom Brown, price 4d.p is an account ‘Lenin and Workers* Control’, written Hungarians ini Romania, Bulgaria, strike is intended to be the curtain- strike action, the pamphlet states: (i) it of how the General Council of the by Tom Brown and priced 4d., is an Czechoslovakia, ^Poland, East Germany raiser to the social revolution, the ‘grand must be a working class issue; (ii) the TUC led the British workers into the account of the rise and fall of the and the Soviet Union itself. finale’ of capitalist society. The workers decision to strike must be taken by the General Strike in much the same ‘soviets’ in 1917 and the spontaneous In retrospect Jhc events in Hungary would take control of the means and workers concerned; (iii) striking manner as the Generals led the troops actions of workers and peasants who at that time canlbe seen, to be a sequel instruments of production and distribu­ frivolously must be avoided. The pam­ into the muck and dirt of Passchaendale seized factories and lands without the to the present struggle in Eastern Europe tion. They would supply their fellow phlet goes on to deal with the topical some ten years earlier—from behind, aid of the Bolsheviks and subsequent particularly in Chechoslovakia where the workers with his or her needs but subject of agreements. Apart from the and to defeat. Tom Brewn has numerous to October, in spite of their opposition Czech Trade Union movement is waging would lock out and boycott the capitalist election of a Strike Committee, three quotes from the memoirs of J. R. Clyne and also the various controlling boards a struggle for greater independence from class. He cites the occupation of other sub-committees are suggested in and from the speeches of Ramsay which they established. He quotes from State interference the right to strike and factories in Northern Italy in 1920 and order of importance: (i) Picketing; (ii) MacDonald in the House of Commons the books written by the Stalinist a recognition of genuine Workers’ in France in 1936 and the social Propaganda; and (iii) Finance. to prove his point that the General apologist M. H. Dobb, MA, Russian Councils. Thel current events in revolution in Spain of the same year. This selection of pamphlets should be Council called the abortive General Economic Development Since theCzechoslovakia live this pamphlet a * ‘Workers’ Control’, priced at 6d., in every readers’ library. Order from SWF Strike to ensure that others did not seize Revolution and Soviet Economic Devel­ new relevance. clarifies the meaning of these two magic National Secretary, Bill Christopher, the reins of social revolution, neverthe­ opment Since 1917. He quotes from ‘What’s Wrong with the Unions’, a words which have currently become the 34 Cumberland Road, London, E.17. less the workers did show splendid Lenin to show how the Bolsheviks Syndicalist answer by Tom Brown, mascot of many groups including a solidarity and their improvised local became the counter-revolution and priced 4d., takes#e present trade union pamphlet published by the Labour D avid P ickett . Councils of Action federated in North­ created a repressive machine greater than umberland and Durham into a Regional that of the Czarists to impede the devel­ Council of Action. opment of the revolution in factories and countryside. author does is another matter—whilst ‘How Labour Governed 1945-1951*, saying he does not wish to force his- price 6d., is a very well-documented The SWF published the pamphlet ‘BUT, MR. SPEAKER . . pacifism on to others (and omitting to account of how the Labour Govern­ ‘Syndicalists in the Russian Revolution’, notice the essentially authoritarian basis ment, during the post-war period, used price 6d., in October 1917, to com­ ‘BUT MR. SPEAKER | , Jim Huggon without great result; indeed, without last­ of Gandhism), he does not perceive that conscript troops to break a number of memorate the great events in Russia (6d.) c/o Freedoa Press. ing result even when it has become piost people are neither ‘non-violent’ in strikes in the docks and sent gas-workers 1917. The pamphlet is an extract from violent. Something more is needed; the Gandhian sense nor ‘violent’ (which to prison for striking for a pay increase The Guillotine at Work by G. P. OOD of its type, this pamphlet does NVR would appear to be a good break­ is not the opposite). They are, in short, during the wage freeze. At that time Maximoff who edited the Anarcho- G not. escapejgfrom the joy-joy-joy fast but a poor supper. Jim passes neither Mahatmas nor Krays, nor is it at the wage freeze was supported by the syndicalist paper Golos Trouda (Voice schdol of' writioit'5nareftfsm w wm?n laughingly'"-over -such mattersr— sayrrrg aU—desirable that they should be. (He TUC. How the Labour Government of Labour) in Petrograd during the the duplicator i^ioften prone. There is airily that ‘work will become play’ and should read that theorist of guerilla war­ became involved in a number of wars Revolution. This pamphlet traces the no relation to any economic factors gaily defying one to say otherwise; one fare, and opponent of established to bolster the failing fortunes of activities of the Russian comrades which (one presumes) all will admit are feels it is only his sense of humour that Christianity, L. Tolstoy.) It is accepted Imperialism in Indonesia and Indo­ during the period between February and at the basis of present-day society, and prevents him clothing the New Jerusalem that there are usually considered to be china is told and how Jewish prisoners October and quotes Stalin’s dictum need to be tackled if it is to be over­ in white nightshirts. only two logical alternatives—‘one’s own, of the German concentration camps ‘through federalism to centralism’ used thrown (but of course not if it is not to It is true that some pacifists are anar­ and some far point of inconceivable were interned in British concentration so successfully by the Bolsheviks. be). Jim Huggon plugs away at ‘non­ chists (though it has been recently held folly’—but there is no reason why the camps in Cyprus. The use of British Differing attitudes among the Anarcho- violent resistance’, apparently not realis­ in your columns that to say so precludes anarchist movement should be saddled troops to suppress the Jewish national Syndicalists to the role of the Factory ing that this is what the people have one saying that some pacifists are not with the alternatives with which the struggle in the then Palestine. Gunboat Committees is blamed by Maximoff for adopted for centuries (induced enthusi­ anarchists!) but to equate ‘non-violence’ roneovedantic school would present it. diplomacy in Persia, shootings and the subsequent victory of the bureau­ astic co-operation is a modem invention) with anarchism as completely as the A lbertos M agnus .

T ET’S STOP DEBATING about whether good folk for life and hooking them on The Wednesday programme, ‘My Kind this singer is more commercialised the ersatz bluegrass from the rootin’ Of Folk’, is more of a step in the right than the next, what constitutes ethnic tootin’ backwoods of Huddersfield. One direction. This all too short half-hour music, etc., and just be realistic and state can almost imagine the whining country gives us everything from the most tradi­ the truth—FOLK MUSIC IS DEAD. FREEDOM FOLK groups wearing ten gallon hats and spurs. tional to the latest. No one wants to ban It just no longer exists. Before the The ‘folk music’ purveyed by this dreary C and W, jazz or anything else. All folk, time of mass communication and enter­ programme is of the lowest kind and music needs is equal rights with the rest- tainment, people had to entertain them­ what sensitivity any song may have is Especially when it happens to be a damn selves, the ceildidh reigned supreme. A blunted by the thud of an apparently sight more popular than the all-of-a-same i.e. the issuing of the Caedmon series, working class, an outlook scarcely in­ obligatory double bass accompaniment. country stuff. The BBC is a bureaucracy get-together would be arranged to take ‘Folksongs Of Britain’, has probably tended to endear him to those bourgeois place in someone’s house and all the This arrangement, whereby a brilliant and, like all bureaucracies, does what no­ been the most important thing to have elements who seek to deny what folk guitar player is saddled with a bass body wants. A few sharp, letters might neighbours would come—each one pre­ happened in the folk scene. Another really is. For that alone Lloyd deserves pared to do his bit, by telling stories, player, seems to be the rule on both budge bumbling Auntie. item which shows the folk fad to be a reading. radio and TV. It’s about time that per­ ‘M ac ’ and Ian S. Sutherland . singing, playing an instrument, reciting worthwhile after all is Archie Fisher’s One hates to moan about a painstaking poetry, etc. Folk music was alive at that formers told the BBC to stuff it. The first solo LP. life work like this, but why, oh why, has time. Ordinary people were creating compere of the programme reviews folk TREEDOM FOLK’ is envisaged as a This record basically demonstrates how an alleged ‘socialist’ publishing house put music and, in some instances, developing records right enough, but Topic and the fairly regular feature. If you have a genuine folk music, were it still alive, this volume out at such a price? It it to the stage of a fine art, e.g- pibroch. other small companies scarcely get a record that you’re in love with, or a Each new development in mass communi- would have sounded. All the tracks are strikes me that the least they could have mention. Comperes should also compere book that you’re mad about, send 'us a cation/entertainment was another nail in traditional songs, except for McColl’s done would have been to issue it in and leave disc jockeys to plug their own review. If you just' want to make a point, ‘Terror Time’—a song about the hard­ the coffin of folk music. paperback form* or in say three volumes records. Wally Whyton always has a send it in. Material to . . . Ian S. Suther­ Today people have poor quality pop ships of Britain’s travelling people dur­ at 10/- each. Outraged folk fans might good word for the latest product of land, 8 Esslemont Avenue, Aberdeen* ing winter. Anyone who thinks that music sold to them by the high pressure ring up Lawrence and Wishart, whose Wally Whyton. AB2 4SL. traditional music means a 90-year-old salesmanship of the Radio One disc Communist outlook is well known, and peasant croaking about maypoles and jockey. ‘What about the folk boom?’ I tell them there’s a freeze on! Groans hear someone say. My answer is, ‘What marrow-dangling, should listen to the apart, get round to the library now, beautiful love story of ‘Matt Highland’, there’s 433 pages and 100 songs for the happened to skiffle, the Trad Fad, and and think again. the sack dress?’ drooling over. There are comparatively few people There are some popular songs, but they arc sung accompanied so well that THE BBC AND FOLK left in Britain who like to hear and to participate in traditional music. Pub it is like listening to brand new material. Most music lovers would agree that In fact my favourite track is the other­ jazz has, as a popular craze, had it. Our audiences roar out the ‘Wild Rover’, wise hackneyed ‘3 Gypsies’. week after week, until you wish the local jazz club folded the year I got long trousers. The local folk club still thrives. bloody thing had never been written. But FOLKSONG IN ENGLAND by A, L. have you ever tried to get them to sing, From what I can see the same goes all Lloyd. Published by Lawrence and over. Why then, ’docs the BBC devote even listen to, anything else? Wishart, 63s. The Pibroch Society, and similar or­ three times as niiich air space to jazz This is the last word in folk books. as to folk? ganisations, do great work in preserving A. L. Lloyd, not nearly as well known It wouldn’t be so bad, except for the traditional music, but having your girl as he richly deserves to be, is one of the fact that another, even less popular friend stuffed in a glass case is hardly the small band of people who flew the flag music, synthetic Country and Western same as having her alive. Sing what you of folk whence all but he had lied. He (which, apart from the horrible Jim like. I know what I like to listen to, has long been one of my disc favourites Reeves, is scarcely bought in this and you have your favourites. But folk and his book will, henceforth, be me country), gets about the same airing as music is dead, and we are the poorer. bible. Lloyd tackles the subject from all jazz. ARCHIE FISHER LP XTRA 1070 angles, musically and historically. He One of the most annoying things about traces folk music from its primitive stage, the whole business is the weekly pro­ Although the ‘folk boom’ was just an­ through feudal England, into the crucible gramme ‘Country Meets Folk’, recently other fashion craze, a lot of good came of the Industrial Revolution, and takes rechristencd ‘Country Swamps 'Folk’, by out of it. Topic Records would have bit a sharp look at the product of the present Karl Dallas writing ,n the Melody the dust years ago had it not been for day. He firmly relates the development Maker. The whole tone of this hour- the ‘revival*. As it is, their latest venture, of folk music to the development of the long drag is aimed at putting people off rotten regime must fall. The NI CRA has just issued a state­ FIFTH COLUMN ment that next Saturday all 14 members of its executive and the North Derry committee will march over the banned Police Riot (again) in Derry route from Burntollet. They say that ‘Schemer1 Wilson Porter’s ban was a complete capitulation HDHE LOGIC of the two-party political to the open threats of the unionist N JANUARY 4 the People’s Democ­ unable to control their people’ and so trying to break in while the police system is that ‘controversial’ legisla­ extremists. ‘This type of partisan law O racy march from Belfast to Derry the march must be banned. Once more cowered inside. Throughout the evening tion is more conveniently introduced by was ambushed and attacked with clubs, the ‘Government’ has given in to the the casualties mounted on both sides as enforcement cannot be tolerated any the party whose members can be rocks and petrol bombs at Burntollet bully boys and extremist Protestant the wounded were carted off to longer. There may well be a danger of expected to oppose it. As Ivan Yates Bridge, some seven miles outside Derry, elements. Altnagelvin Hospital. Latest figures are serious assault upon the marchers, but remarked in the Observer last Sunday: by a large crowd of thugs led by Major That afternoon, while another peaceful (from police sources as usual) 216 police the responsibility is Mr. Porter’s. It is Just as it was easier for a Conservative Bunting. Young girls and old women CR march was going on in Lurgan (it and 79 people injured and 13 police and his clear duty to crush this armed Government to respond to the wind of as well as the main body of the marchers too was restricted to the RC ghetto 8 civilians detained in hospital. Police conspiracy and we intend to force him change and leave Africa, so it makes who had walked the 70 miles from area, like the PD march of Good brutality has of course been denied to do his duty. He says he has clear some sense for Labour to be the first to Belfast were badly beaten up by Friday), a crowd of jubilant Union Jack- officially but eye witnesses describe it as evidence of an armed conspiracy take on the unions. ‘loyalists’ wielding iron bars, clubs with waving people gathered on Burntollet some of the worst yet, and the prepared to use guns against CR The Tories are of course in favour of six-inch nails in them and an assort­ Bridge and jeered at passing cars. Mean­ authorities are embarrassed by the police marchers, we are giving him adequate any attack on the working class—if it ment of home-made weapons. Many of while in Derry itself several peaceful admission that a sergeant fired shots over time to arrest and disarm these extrem­ can be mounted by other people so the attackers were ‘B’ Specials and many sitdowns to protest against the scandalous the heads of a hostile crowd during the ists. If he is not prepared to do this much the better. The Tories stand on prominent ‘respected citizenry’, including ban were held in several streets. height of the riots. By 1 a.m. the police he must accept the responsibility for any the touchline content to watch ‘Babs’ MPs and JPs, were present. The local Paisleyites returning from Burntollet had retaken the Bogside area after a assault that takes place. The march will Castle score the goals. JP meted out justice by fining Bunting provoked the passive demonstrators, and terrifying baton-charge down William proceed, ban or no ban.’ ‘Harry’ Wilson’s control is far stronger £45 and a handful of others £10. the police, wearing riot gear, moved in Street, and indiscriminate use of the It’s going to be a long hot summer in in government than in opposition: the The North Derry CRA announced its between the two factions. Then inevit­ water cannon; but the mood on the fascist Ulster all right. government is a first team; the opposi­ intention of holding a march from the ably they baton-charged the CR streets of Derry from now on will be tion only a reserve XI. When you are bridge to Derry on Saturday, April 19. supporters, ignoring the ‘loyalist’ group very tense. The Unionists have tried to R e v . Berke . in the team you don’t take risks; you The night before, the Minister of Home as usual. From 5 p.m. onwards the city deal with the undeniable demands for are afraid of losing your own place—or Affairs, Mr. Robert Porter, announced was the scene of countless baton-charges social justice by using the police to seeing the entire team replaced by the that he was banning the march because as the people hurled rocks, petrol bombs baton down the people and those in reserves. *were it to take place I am given to and anything they could lay their hands Derry have been the victims for too Flags Frame-up Wilson has of course promoted a believe that it would be violently on at the armed police. For an hour long. Last night for the first time the number of Left Wingers and compelled opposed and that firearms might be the Strand Road Police Station was cut people beat the police back into their rpHE CHAIRMAN OF the March 30 them to accept the strategy of his team: used’. He admitted that the local Orange off and surrounded by the people who pens. Once again the people have ad; hoc committee for Solidarity they now have to play on the Right. order had told him that they would ‘be beseiged it, smashing windows and shown that enough is enough and this with Vietnam, Norman Temple, was ‘Babs’ Castle is a good example: having arrested 2£ weeks after the demonstra­ spent the best part of her career streak­ tion for allegedly taking 3 flags (includ­ ing down the Left Wing she was moved ing a Union Jack and the Stars and by the skilful manager Wilson. Now Peterloo Massacre Stripes, value' £30) from the Royal she often leads the attack from the Right POLICE PREJUDICE Leicester Hotel. though retaining her zest for the game. RIGHTON & HOVE Anarchists and Two other people, Rodney Jenkins ‘.Harry’ like ‘Sir Alf’ Ramsey prefers B the Sussex University Anarchists are A COMPLAINT was made to the Home lodged, facts apparently unknown to the and Robin Shaw, were arrested on the players who can switch to any position taking part in the re-enactment of the Office by Albert Meltzer, on be­ Home Office. The second] stated that demonstration. Will anyone who can and who have a high work rate. Peterloo Massacre, with other left wing half of the Anarchist Black Cross. He bail was ‘entirely a matter for the appro­ give useful evidence please contact As an ex-Lef-t Winger ‘Babs’ Castle groups. pointed out that the political bias dis­ priate judicial authorities’ (Supt. Phillips Norman Temple at 51 Brookdale, N.ll will be specially useful in the forth­ There will be a march through the played by Supt. Phillips in the witness objected to bail for anarchists) and that (ENT 2506). The case comes up at coming match against the workers’ team. town followed by shows on the Level. box had prejudiced the Barlow-Carver the Home Secretary could not intervene Marylebone Court on Monday morning, This has been organised by Wilson to Comrades will be running a free soup case, and cited the precedent of Sir John ‘while the matters were pending before May 5. distract attention from the series of Gilmour, as Home Secretary, defending the court’. It added that the Commis­ humiliating defeats by teams like The stall. Help is needed with supplies of tsmsamsmmmsBmmBmasmmBtuummm food for making soup, e.g. lentils, toma­ the dismissal of a detective-sergeant who sioner of Police for the Metropolis was Gnomes (Zurich), The All Whites toes, etc., or supplies of paper and plastic had openly expressed anti-fascist views. ‘responsible for the disciplinary control (Salisbury), and the Common Racketeers cups. Surely this argument applied even more of members of his force’ and copies of BLACK FLAGS FLY (Paris). Victories over The Anguillans, Comrades are welcome to come down strongly to a police officer who expressed the correspondence had been sent to him. who were playing without boots, and and help, accommodation available. See anti-anarchist views in court and in fact No answer has been made to the DECENTLY THERE HAVE BEEN The Kenyan Asians, who suddenly found Brighton Group’s address in list. opposed bail for anarchists, because they various points made in the original occupations of university^ admini­ in the middle of the game that the rules were such. letter, which many will think unanswer­ stration buildings at Sussex and Geneva. had been changed by the crafty Wilson Two replies have been received. The able in logic or law. It was reproduced Black Flags were flown on both oc­ (not for the first time playing a double first asked for further particulars of the in the Bulletin of the .Anarchist Black casions. The Geneva occupation resulted game as referee and manager), are not Anarchist Ball- prisoners and the jail in which they were Cross, No. 4 (latest available). from a reluctance of the administration considered significant by the pundits. to reconsider the function of the Only a dramatic success, will revive the Students’ Union; neither student in morale of the Labour team as it looks Mark II composition, nor a union in nature. ahead to the pext round of Election CufT April 3, 1969 Also there is an intolerance on the matches (played between the first team Dear Comrades, part of the administration to allow and the reserve XI with catcalls supplied As reported in F reedom , March 8, 22 political activity in the university. At by various amateur sides). Already The people, including several anarchists, were Sussex the occupation was initiated by Tories have won most of the close arrested on the Vietnam Demonstration University Technician Strike season friendlies between themselves and an institutionalisation of direct action in Sheffield on March 1. Not all the procedure by the Students’ Union as Labour including several on grounds in cases have been tried yet, but the fines H H E ‘RATE FOR THE JOB’ is a basic 4.4%, while technical staffs in other sec­ well as a dislike for internal discipline industrial areas—traditionally Labour’s total nearly £300 so far. We are collect­ TI must. The technicians employed in tors of public service had had increases and examination procedures. The stronghold. ing for a fund to help pay the fines, and our hallowed seats of learning have, for of 14%. That new shining light of union Geneva occupation lasted four days but Hence the forthcoming game against as part of the campaign we have a folk/ many years, received a great deal less militancy, ASTMS, must-have been hid­ the Sussex event was ended by self- the workers, which Wilson is determined blues concert, starring John Martyn and than their counterparts in hospital labs, ing its red flag under I a [bushel. Their styled Marxists whose desire for revo­ to win both to encourage his own team Andy Fembach, at the above address at for doing very similar work. A quick shadow boxing, culminating in this use­ lutionary action is obviously tempered and to discourage the Tory spectators. ‘8 p.m. on Friday, May 2. I’m very sorry look at the extent of negotiations over less one-day holiday, has been a disgrace by a stronger desire to recruit innocent And it’s obvious that if the players keep that it clashes with the Anarchist Ball! the last three years shows what univer­ and shows the difference|tetween the fast liberals, as they decided that a protracted within the rules—and the fans don’t Tickets will be 5s> each, available at the sity, college and similar employees have talking, jetset, tough Qjve Jenkins we occupation would offend someone. intervene—Wilson’s team will win. Not door, or by post from me. (Please enclose had to put up with from the college see on TV and the pussyfooting to the only does he have under contract many S.A.E., and make cheques/P.O.s payable authorities -and bears tribute to their universities we have seen in our fight. star players who have in the past made xo Sheffield Vietnam Campaign.) patience. Union leaders talk militant when they guest appearances for the workers—the* Thanks, In 1966, the universities were told that are seeking recruits, Jenkins is picking brilliant ball-player ‘Dickie’ Crossman, Robin Lovell . the union, ASTMS, was claiming entry up a current 2,000 per jnonth. For the One and All the careful defender ‘Tony’ Greenwood Students' Union, scales of pay which would put the univer­ airline pilots, whom Jenkins sees as a and ‘Babs’ Castle for example—but the Sheffield University, sity people on the same grade as those in new field for recruitments, nothing was /”\NE AND ALL is a new Cornish rules say that, only elected members of Sheffield, 10. the NHS and similar employment. The too good. For us it haa j)een three years " magazine ‘dedicated to life, liberty the parliamentary club can play. So demand was also for a rational grading of wait, wait, wait. Maybe poor techni­ and the pursuit of happiness’, an The Workers* Representatives will take system for promotion, based firmly on cians can’t pay such nice fat union dues objective it attains by embracing all the field with a seriously weakened qualifications. They got a wage increase as rich pilots, you can’Lhave silk socks elements of the libertarian movements team: they will have few stars and they MOVING FUND of 3.5% in April 1966, which was soon on your feet and expansive abstracts on without sacrificing quality or quantity. will be several players short. swallowed up in higher prices. Such a the office wall off the union dues of the There is in the first issue an appreciation What’s more the Tories on the touch- Target is £500. niggardly increase should never have poorly paid. Jenkins paid recently on of the social consciousness of the Front line are eligible to be brought on as Donations to date: £446 19s. 7d. been accepted by ASTMS anyway. By TV: ‘I have never settled a claim yet for the Liberation of Britanny; an substitutes for Wilson’s team if they’re December 1967, ASTMS told the univer­ which fell within the Bpcomes policy.’ attack upon the money-grabbing intoler­ needed. The ref’s bent and the rules PREMISES FUND sity authorities that they would now re­ We got 3.5% and 4.4%l[Once more, the ance of local councils and police in of the game are fixed in Wilson’s favour. ‘Big Jim' Callaghan, veteran Right Target is £1,000 per year. gard themselves free to take any action old tale, one face for the cameras and Cornwall who discriminate against less they felt necessary. another for the workers. wealthy summer visitors; and various Back and a key member of the Wilson 1969 Pledges honoured and donations team ever since he failed to be elected The academic bureaucrats scuttled off, What technicians and all workers in other local topics which the established Jto date: £187 18s. 7d. manager instead of Wilson, sent every in some distant committee to digest education must do is unite in the one big local press refuse to discuss nor even educational union. Think of the strength consider. It is pleasant to note that these sports reporter in the country hurrying union proposals for salary increases and to his typewriter the other day. While rational grading scales, and for a whole we would have then. a dispute any local magazines and broadsheets are Wilson was away making a guest year they sat there, and finally gave birth one section of the employees could beginning to blossom all over the count on the support of catering staff, countryside. •appearance as referee in the violent Better! to what is politely called a pup. The Nigcria-Biafra tussle 'Big Jim’ suddenly working party set up by the college porters, lecturers, oflico staff, etc. An important issue is to get support from appeared on the Left Wing in a practice FINANCIAL STATEMENT bureaucrats bad only considered one liny game. He was clearly defying the Estimated Expenses: aspect of the grading issue, and com* the students. A one-day walk-out by one isolated section of the staff can do no­ manager’s orders. However there is no 16 weeks at £90: £1,440 pletely ignored the union demands. May­ How Dare they Use doubt in the minds of most com­ Income: Sales and Subs.: £1,154 be if we had put them in Latin, or had thing. To the universities it’s like an ant attacking an unfeeling elephant. mentators that on the day ‘Big Jim’ translated them into ancient Egyptian will be back in defence—on the Right. hieroglyphics, they would have read them- Unity is strength. And, how to stop the Connolly's Name P DEFICIT: £286 now union acting like|A.STMS? Easy, To stop the Labour team’s victory Faced with anger from the long-suffer­ m H E CONNOLLY Association’s march over The Workers Representatives the ing technicians, ASTMS put in a further apply the anarchist and syndicalist prin­ PR ESS FUND ciples that all officials ire but delegates ■R in London in 'support of civil rights fans—who after all pay for both teams— claim in October 1968, asking for an in N. Ireland’ on Sunday, April 20, was can invade and occupy the pitch. Or Edinburgh: T.H. 10/-; Nottingham: of the people they represent and thus are H.T. increase of £100 per annum. The learned marred by the Stalinist attitude of the they can take industrial action now and £1; Wolverhampton: J.K W. professors offered £40. They were, oh so subject to the right of j |p ® | recall. No * 4/•; J.L* stewards who tried to force the force Wilson to call the game off. Or «/-; K.F. & C.F. I S Fift: generously, prepared to consider the official should be allowed to cam more J,D. £1/9/2: anarchists off the march. The chief after Wilson's victory they can refuse Oxford: Anon* 5/-; Miami: B.Y. grading issue . . . some time around than the average wage pf the members. £46; steward also asked for police help to to accept it r industrial action again. Bow: D.B. £1; Taunton: D.F \ £1. APRIL 197011 So now it stands and a As a first step, university workers should remove Libertarians. The attempt One advantage the fans have is that TOTAL: £51 16 2 one-day national stoppage has been called learn from their comrades in industry failed. The organisers also refused Wilson’s primary objective must be the Previously Acknowledged: £212 19 1 by ASTMS on April 29. Very militant and should commence the selection of permission to a PD delegate from Election Cup series against the Tories. of them. shop stewards, democratically elected by the workers themselves,\ Then, and only Belfast to speak from the plinth of Wilson of course chooses both the 1969 Total to Date: £264 15 3 There have been signs of support from Nelson’s Column. Deficit B/F: £286 0 0 Aberdeen's Association of University then, can battle commence. date and the ground for these fixtures. A berdeen ASTMS Member. I his sectarian and stupid attitude must He is now at work preparing a new Teachers, which Is a step along the road be fought by Libertarians, especially TOTAL DEFICIT: £21 to- joint action by all underpaid univer­ (Aberdeen Anarchists arc in touch with super ‘Boom Economy’ ground with 4 9 that in their public speeches the sity workers. The bitter truth of this dis­ rank and file ASTMS members who special (temporary) amenities for the ‘♦Denotes Regular Contributor. pute is that the university technicians agree with these ideas, contact lan S. organisers appealed for help from 'all fans. Major industrial action would G ift of Books—Nottingham: H T* Lon­ have not had an increase since 1966. The Sutherland, 8 Esslemont Avenue, Aber­ shades of opinion’. . . disrupt his building plans. don, N .l: M.W.K. total Increase they have had amounts to deen.) John R ety . W ynford H icks . Where We Ml Came In!

A T LONG LAST the Government mics. These boys really have got power but their services were not has discovered who and what is the whole system worked out just needed at this time. ... thlk responsible for the ever recurring like the ‘ooslam bird’, if we left it And so we stagger on with the APRIL 26 1969 Vol 30 No 13 financial crises. I suppose capitalism to them all would be right with the politicians ever eager to score party in one form or another has been country in time for the next edition points. They all know the answer, with us for the last couple of of their papers. promises flow in ever-increasing hundred years, give or take a few, As is usual with budgets, cash can but it takes a Wilson Government only come from one source—‘Joe Don't Say Brown to discover why we periodically but Soap’—no matter the many and w/. consistently find ourselves in the devious routes it has to travel before ‘red’. It is all the fault of the reaching the Government coffers. ‘bloody workers’ and their ‘irrespon­ Money is given back to Joe with sible industrial action’. Our Chan­ one hand and while he is in fact still Say Bastard cellor announced this amazing looking, the taxman takes it back discovery in his Budget speech. with the other—plus. The OAPs are HE UNION of General & Municipal members and that won’t happen until The Budget received its usual given a miserly increase, which is in T Workers is known to be a bit of a the membership rid the unions of Party attention from the press, the Finan­ fact spent before it is received, rising r l bum union! And last week, as expected, politics and politicians. cial and City Editors earned their cost of living alone takes care of *© T each the union failed to get Bamford, the The Manchester May Day Campaign corn explaining to the public at that problem. Increased purchase auordiny victimised shop steward, reinstated at Oommittee, seeing that the Government tax on listed commodities all help to Dunlop, Rochdale, which only goes to is keeping wages down while prices and large their vast knowledge of econo- cunryjn p j show that if you want a proper job the push up the cost of living even if rents run wild, has decided to call on lads must do it themselves. workers to stay away from work on the whole of the tax is not passed on ecu ‘Dinner Brown’, the local union Thursday, May L The Dunlop lads to the consumer. To make doubly :b

Prlnud by Expreii PrinUn. London. B.I. PvMMnd h r f m dsm turnI. London. H.'