Review pISSN 1738-1088 / eISSN 2093-4327 Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience 2021;19(1):26-45 Copyrightⓒ 2021, Korean College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Second-to-Fourth Digit Ratio (2D:4D) in Psychiatric Disorders: A Systematic Review of Case-control Studies

Laura Fusar-Poli1,*, Alessandro Rodolico1,*, Serena Sturiale1, Bianca Carotenuto1, Antimo Natale1, Davide Arillotta1, Spyridon Siafis2, Maria Salvina Signorelli1, Eugenio Aguglia1 1Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Psychiatry Unit, University of Catania, Catania, Italy, 2Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, School of Medicine, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

The second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is an indirect, retrospective, non-invasive measure that correlates negatively with intrauterine exposure to . The present meta-analysis aimed to evaluate if 2D:4D differs between patients with psychiatric disorders and controls. In September 2019, we searched in Web of Knowledge, PsycINFO, Embase, and CINHAL, and retrieved 619 papers. We finally included 43 case-control studies which compared the 2D:4D ratio of patients with disorder (ASD) (n = 16), (n = 8), gender non-conformity (n = 7), addic- tions (n = 5), attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (n = 4), mood disorders (n = 2), and intellectual disability (n = 1) to non-clinical controls. Meta-analyses showed that, overall, psychiatric patients had lower 2D:4D than healthy controls (n = 43, overall sample = 9,484, mean difference = −0.0056, 95% from −0.0093 to −0.002, I2 = 74%), with more pronounced differences in the right , males, and children. Considering psychiatric disorders individually, significant differences were found in the ASD, ADHD, and addictions groups, in which 2D:4D was significantly lower than healthy controls. Conversely, the right hand of males with schizophrenia showed higher 2D:4D than healthy controls. No other significant differences were detected. Although our results need to be cautiously interpreted and find limited applications in clinical practice, they may suggest that 2D:4D is altered in some psychopa- thological conditions, underlining the role of prenatal exposure to sex steroids in the etiology of psychiatric disorders. KEY WORDS: Meta-analysis; Mental disorders; Testosterone; Autism spectrum disorder; Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity; Substance addiction.

INTRODUCTION exist around the reasons why 2D:4D could be considered an indirect marker of the prenatal, but not the present, tes- The second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is a biological tosterone level [5] and even more strongly, a marker of the marker, defined as the ratio of the length of the index ratio between prenatal testosterone and levels. (second digit) to the length of the ring (fourth digit) More evidence is provided by molecular genetic associa- of the same hand. 2D:4D is constant throughout life [1,2] tion studies, relating a polymorphism of the re- and represents an indirect, retrospective, and non-invasive ceptor gene to individual differences in the 2D:4D ratio measure that correlates negatively with intrauterine ex- [6]. posure to testosterone, i.e., a lower 2D:4D is the result of In humans, the 2D:4D ratio has been assumed to reflect increased levels of fetal testosterone [3,4]. Many debates the exposure to testosterone during the second trimester of gestation, because of the sex difference detectable in Received: May 7, 2020 / Revised: July 24, 2020 childhood, and because of postulated mechanisms regard- Accepted: July 26, 2020 ing digit development [2]. Prenatal exposure is Address for correspondence: Laura Fusar-Poli critical for sexual differentiation and masculinization. In Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Psychiatry Unit, University of Catania, Via Santa Sofia 78, Catania 95123, fact, males are exposed to higher levels of testosterone Italy than females, particularly from about week 8 to 24 of ges- E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: tation and week 2 to 26 of postnatal life [7]. This is con- *These authors contributed equally to this study as co-first authors.

This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 26 2D:4D as a Biomarker for Psychiatric Disorders 27 firmed by the observation that the 2D:4D ratio is sexually guage, reference type, or year of publication. The elec- dimorphic: generally, females have a higher 2D:4D than tronic search was supplemented by hand-searching of ref- males and this effect is more pronounced in the right erence lists of the included review articles to identify any , although the reasons still need to be clarified [8]. additional sources. Digit ratio has been reported to correlate with a wide number of traits and conditions, ranging in almost every Study Selection field of medicine, with particular regard to sex - We selected all the studies published in English on dependent conditions, i.e., [9], prostate can- peer-reviewed journals, which fulfilled the following in- cer [10,11], [12], and osteoarthritis [13]. It has al- clusion criteria: so been associated with physical characteristics, such as (1) Participants: Individuals of any age and gender, di- facial shape [14], sperm count [15], age of menarche [16], agnosed with any psychiatric disorder according to valid and penis size [17]. Of interest, scholars have also inves- international diagnostic criteria (e.g., Diagnostic and tigated the association between the 2D:4D ratio and be- Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; International havioral features, such as [18], stuttering [19], Classification of Diseases), or with validated scales (e.g., visuo-spatial ability [20], handedness [21], schizotypal Hamilton Rating Scale for and Positive and [22], sporting ability [23], successful financial Negative Syndrome Scale for schizophrenia), or followed risk-taking [24], and [25]. by clinics or mental health services. Studies with patients Given the findings obtained in the field of behavioral recruited through web-surveys or subjects divided into sciences, over the last years, many researchers have sought groups according to scores obtained at self-reported ques- to examine potential links between the 2D:4D ratio and tionnaires were excluded. psychiatric disorders, aiming to find a significant correla- (2) Controls: Individuals with no psychiatric disorders. tion between intrauterine exposure to testosterone and (3) Outcome: Measurement of 2D:4D ratio through di- those conditions. Since the amount of available literature rect or indirect tools, and availability of data. has been constantly growing, we aimed to perform a sys- (4) Study design: Case-control studies. tematic review and meta-analysis to examine if the 2D:4D ratio consistently differed between people with psychi- Data Extraction atric disorders and non-clinical controls. Second, we Couples of researchers (SS, BC, AN, DA) independently aimed to investigate potential mediators of 2D:4D differ- reviewed and extracted the information from the included ences, such as gender, age, and hand. articles. Discrepancies were solved after consultation with a third reviewer (LF). We extracted data using a for- METHODS mat which included: (1) Study characteristics: author, year, country. Search Strategy (2) Participants’ characteristics: type of diagnosis, diag- We followed the PRISMA Statement guidelines to per- nostic tool (only for psychiatric patients), sample size, form a systematic search [26]. The protocol was registered mean age, age range, proportion of males. on PROSPERO, an international database of prospectively (3) 2D:4D measurement tool. registered systematic reviews in health and social care (4) Mean and (SD) of the 2D:4D managed by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, ratio. If reported in the studies, data were extracted sepa- University of York (Registration number: CRD42019124184). rately for left and right hand, and for males and females. In September 2019, we searched the following data- We contacted study authors via e-mail to request miss- bases: Web of KnowledgeSM (including Web of Science, ing data or for clarification, providing an individualized MEDLINEⓇ, KCI−Korean Journal Database, Russian Science data table for reporting the requested information. Citation Index, and SciELO Citation Index), PsycINFO, Embase, and CINAHL. The complete search string can be Appraisal of Quality found in the Supplementary Materials, Appendix 1 (available Quality of the included studies was assessed by two re- online) [27]. The search was not restricted to any lan- view authors (AR, DA) using the Newcastle-Ottawa qual- 28 L. Fusar-Poli, et al. ity assessment scale for case-control studies [28]. Any dis- stantial heterogeneity [30]. Small study effects as a proxy crepancy was solved after consultation with a third re- of publication bias were explored with contour-enhanced viewer (LF). The Newcastle-Ottawa comprises eight items, funnel plots for the visual detection of asymmetries. Egger’s categorized into three groups: the selection of the study regression test was used to detect asymmetry in the funnel groups; the comparability of the groups; and the ascer- plots. tainment of either the exposure or outcome of interest for case-control or cohort studies, respectively. Stars awarded Subgroup analyses for each quality item serve as a quick visual assessment. For each psychiatric disorder, we conducted subgroup Stars are awarded such that the highest quality studies are meta-analyses on males and females and left and right awarded up to nine stars [28]. hands, separately. In the main analysis of the overall sam- ple, we conducted a subgroup analysis also on children Statistical Analyses and adults. Chi-squared (2) was used to test differences between subgroups. Meta-analysis calculations Analyses were conducted using meta package (v.4.9-9) The primary aim of this study was to compare the within the open-source software environment R (v3.6).  2D:4D digit ratio in all psychiatric conditions, regardless was set at 0.05. of the hand measured and the gender of the included subjects. Most of the studies reported the means of 2D:4D RESULTS divided by hand and gender. Some studies reported re- sults only for the left or the right hand, while other studies Characteristics of the Included Studies reported aggregated data for left and right hands. Thus, we Our search yielded a total of 619 articles, while four ad- decided to combine the data to have a common estimate ditional papers were retreived from other sources. After of the digit ratio, regardless of gender and hand. First, in duplicates removal, we screened the titles and abstracts of order to combine the measure of right and left hand, we 399 papers and read the full texts of 96 papers. We finally calculated the averaged means for left and right hands included 43 articles, evaluating the 2D:4D ratio in pa- digit ratio. To avoid an underestimation of the SD, that tients with the following psychiatric diagnoses: might be the case in within-subjects data combination, (1) Neurodevelopmental disorders, specifically atten- we used the formula suggested by Borenstein et al. [29], tion deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; n = 4), ASD (n = setting as a correlation coefficient 0.8, as proposed in pre- 16), and intellectual disability (ID; n =1) vious literature. Then, we computed a weighted mean for (2) Schizophrenia (n = 8) each study, in order to combine males and females digit (3) Addictions, specifically alcohol dependence (n = 3) ratios, while we calculated SD according to the Cochrane and heroin dependence (n = 2) Handbook formula for grouping independent samples (4) Gender nonconformity, such as gender dysphoria, [30]. In case SD was missing [31], we replaced it with the gender identity disorder, transsexualism, or transgenderism mean of the SD among the same diagnostic category (i.e., (n = 7) autism spectrum disorder, ASD). (5) Mood disorders, specifically bipolar disorder (n = 1) and depression (n = 1). Effect size and heterogeneity The study selection process and the reasons for ex- We used mean differences (MD) as effect size, being the clusion are reported in the PRISMA Flow Diagram (Fig. 1). 2D:4D always measured in the same unit. Studies were pooled using a random-effects model since a consistent Neurodevelopmental disorders heterogeneity among observational studies was expected. Twenty-one studies evaluated the 2D:4D ratio in neu- Between-study heterogeneity was assessed using the I² rodevelopmental disorders, such as ADHD, ASD, and ID. statistic. According to the Cochrane handbook, an I² of 0− Thirteen studies were conducted in Europe, specifically in 40% represents a low heterogeneity, I² of 30−60% is the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, moderate heterogeneity, I² of 50−90% indicates sub- Greece, Slovak Republic, Sweden, and Turkey. Six stud- 2D:4D as a Biomarker for Psychiatric Disorders 29

Fig. 1. PRISMA Flow Chart of the study selection process. 2D:4D, Second-to-fourth Digit Ratio. ies were conducted in Asia, specifically in Japan, Iran, China [54], and one in Singapore [55]. Moreover, two Saudi Arabia, and Thailand. Finally, three studies were studies were conducted in Turkey [56,57], one in Spain conducted in the United States. Participants were chil- [58], and one in Germany [22]. All participants were adults dren in all the studies involving patients with ADHD and with mean ages ranging from 22 [57] to 47 [58]. Samples ID. Moreover, five studies evaluated 2D:4D in adults with generally included both males and females, apart from ASD [32-36], and two studies included mixed samples of Bolu et al. [57] that recruited only males. All papers have children and adults with ASD [37,38]. Four papers in- evaluated 2D:4D in both hands, apart from Collinson et cluded only males [36,39-41], and in two articles [31,42], al. [55] that has measured the ratio solely of the right the proportion of males represented almost the entirety of hand. Measurements were always direct, except in two the sample. Five studies evaluated the 2D:4D only in the cases [22,54]. Characteristics of the included studies about right hand, twelve studies in both hands (left and right). In 2D:4D ratio in patients with schizophrenia are reported in one paper the mean between the 2D:4D of left and right Table 2. hands was calculated, and in two studies it was unclear which hand was measured. Measurement of 2D:4D was Addictions mostly direct (14 studies). Two papers recruited individuals with alcohol depend- Characteristics of the included studies about 2D:4D ra- ence and were conducted in South Korea [59] and Germany tio in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders are re- [60]. Moreover, we included three studies involving par- ported in Table 1 [31-51]. ticipants with heroin dependence, which were conducted in Turkey [61,62] and Germany [63]. Participants were all Schizophrenia adults, with mean ages ranging from 22.8 [61] to 51.2 Eight studies measured 2D:4D in patients with schizo- [59]. Three studies included only men [59,61,62], while phrenia and controls. Half of the studies were conducted in the remaining two articles samples were mixed. Three in Asia, and particularly two in India [52,53], one in papers measured 2D:4D ratio in both hands; one paper 30 L. Fusar-Poli, et al. 2D:4D agnostic Interview measurement tool measurement (indirect) scanner (indirect) scanner Scanner (indirect) Scanner ionnaire; DSM, Diagnostic and and Diagnostic DSM, ionnaire; R (indirect) Camera Digital L, RL, (indirect) Photos Digital Hand / Male, n (%) n Male, 55) (53.85) 14 R23) (43.53) 37 (direct) Ruler R (direct) Caliper Digital 15) (84.78) 39 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital 17) (50) 72 R (direct) Ruler 8) (100) 29 R (direct) Caliper Digital 8) (75.61) 31 R L, (direct) Ruler 47) (52.83) 28 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital 49) 0 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital 15) 17 (51.51) L, R Photocopy or digital 21) (45.40) 79 R L, (indirect) Tape 5) (53.14) 431 R L, (indirect) Scanner − 13) (100) 96 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital − − 17) (55.04) 240 R L, (direct) compass Digital 12) 25 (54.35) / Scanned photocopies 15) (86.11) 62 R L, Mean (direct) Caliper Digital − / − − − − − Controls Mean age Mean (range) ition; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; DISCO, Di DISCO, Diseases; of Classification International ICD, ition; Number Male, n (%) n Male, sm sm Diagnostic Observation Schedule; ASQ, Autism Screening Quest 55) 14 (53.84) 26 41.44 (20 − 15) (84.78) 39 46 (1.5 5.25 17)(63.10) 106 144 14.01 (8 − 8) (100) 31 29 (3 5.59 8) (79.17) 38 41 (7 7.46 49) 0 60 27.8 (18 − 18) 47 (47) 85 19.24 (18 − 15) 34 (73.91) 33 10.6 (7 21) 178 (82.40) 174 11 (4 − 31) (85.71) 82 89 47) 26 (52) 53 30.3 (20 − − 5) (81.30) 487 811 / (2 14) (100) 24 96 (6 9 − − − − − 17) (74.03) 77 436 / (7 12) (73.44) 47 46 / (7 15) (86.11) 62 72 / (2 (/) (100) 56 32 (/) 12.1 (100) 32 R − − − − Scale for Children-Third Ed − − − − − Patients Mean age Mean (range) tal tal disorders, i.e., attention disorder deficit-hyperactivity (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and intellectual 64 / (7 46 9.83 (7 48 7.38 (7 52 (/) 28.5 (67.31) 35 116 (/) 27.74 (42.45) 59 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital 50 (20 30 28 (/) 12.7 (96.43) 27 28 (/) 12.7 (96.43) 27 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital 23 (/) 10.8 (95.65) 22 23 (/) 10.8 (43.48) 10 / (direct) Caliper Digital 60 27.5 (18 72 / (2 26 42.86 (20 20 (/) 26.75 (100) 20 14 (/) 26 (100) 14 46 5.25 (1.5 − 98 12.7 (5 104 / (7 168 (8 12.71 599 / (2 100 17.4 (14 Number Country Year it Ratio ADI-R, Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised; ADOS, Auti ADOS, Interview-Revised; Diagnostic Autism ADI-R, it Ratio Baharara 2014 Iran Hauth 2014 Netherlands The 216 (4 11.6 Lai 2013 UK Manning 2001 UK Ypsilanti 2008 Greece First author First Characteristics of studies evaluating 2D:4D in neurodevelopmen Diagnosis (tool) Diagnosis ADOS) ICD-10) (WISC-III) tatistical Manual of Mental Disorders; L, left; R, right; WISC-III, Wechsler Intelligence Intelligence Wechsler WISC-III, right; R, left; L, Disorders; Mental of Manual tatistical ADHD (DSM-IV)ADHD Buru 2017 Turkey ADHD (DSM-IV-TR)ADHD Lemiere 2010 Belgium ADHD (Clinical)ADHD Martel 2009 USA ADHD ADHD (DSM-IV-TR) McFadden 2005 USA ASD (DSM-IV)ASD Al-Zaid 2015 Arabia Saudi 31 (3 5.59 ASD (DSM-IV-TR, ASD (Clinical, ADOS) (Clinical, ASD Bejerot 2012 Sweden ASD ASD (DSM-IV) De Bruin 2006 The Netherlands 24 9 (6 ASD (ADI-R) ASD ASD (DSM-IV-TR)ASD Falter 2008 UK ASD (DSM-IV)ASD ASD (DSM-IV-TR, Krajmer 2011 Slovak Republic 56 11.2 ASD (DSM-IV)ASD Milne 2006 UK ASD (DSM-5, DISCO) (DSM-5, ASD Masuya (ASQ) ASD 2015 Japan ASD ASD (DSM-IV) Noipayak 2009 Thailand ASD ASD (Clinical) (DSM-IV-TR)ASD Rohde disability Intellectual Togo 2018 Germany 2019 Japan ASD (ADOS, ADI-R) (ADOS, ASD Schieve 2018 USA ASD (DSM-IV)ASD Sugie 2010 Japan for Social and Communication Disorders; /, not available. /, not Disorders; Communication and Social for Table 1. (ID) disability 2D:4D, Second-to-fourth Dig S 2D:4D as a Biomarker for Psychiatric Disorders 31 available. (indirect) (indirect) 2D:4D 2D:4D measurement tool measurement measurement tool measurement Scanner (indirect) Hand Hand Male, n (%) n Male, Male, n (%) n Male, 55) (52.08) 25 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital 63) 218 (59.73) L, R45) Photography (indirect) 23 (45.10) L, R Scanner 65) (62) 31 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital 45) (100) 50 R (direct) Caliper Digital Controls 56) 133 (55.42) L, Mean R Scanner (indirect) 77) 83 (44.86) L, R Scanner − Controls Mean age Mean (range) ructured Clinical Interview for DSM IV Axis I Disorders;not /,I Axis IV Clinical ructuredInterviewDSM for Mean age Mean (range) Number Number 51.90) 75 (/) 31.1 (49.33) 37 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital Male, n (%) n Male, Male, n (%) n Male, 45) 24 (47.06) 51 24.98 (18 − 55) 25 (52.08) 48 39.73 (18 − 62) 76 (42.70) 365 33.16 (17 − 65) 33 (64.71) 50 45.5 (18 − − − − − (/) (53) 106 177 (/) 33.82 (51.97) 92 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital rders; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; L, left; R, right; /, not available. /, not right; R, left; L, Diseases; of Classification International ICD, rders; Patients 45) 62 (100) 50 24.42 (18 − 54) 113 (56.50) 240 48 (39 − − 77) (66.41) 87 185 / (24 − − Patients Mean age Mean (range) Mean age Mean (range) Number Number Country Country Year 2010 Singapore 64 (/) 30.5 (51.56) 33 64 (/) 27.4 (51.56) 33 R (direct) Caliper Digital 2017 Turkey 48 39.85 (18 2018 Spain 51 (18 47 2015 Turkey 103 (/) 22.73 2014 (100) 103 Germany 100 51 (18 26.49 (/) 21.98 (100) 100 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital 2012 India2016 China 200 178 31.61 33.8 (15 Year First author Qian First author First Han 2016 Korea South 87 (/) 51.2 (100) 87 52 (/) 48.32 (100) 52 R L, Lenz 2017 Germany 200 48 (42 Kornhuber 2011 Germany 131 / (24 Canan 2018 Turkey 150 (/) 22.8 (100) 150 266 (/) 23 (100) 266 R L, (direct) Caliper Digital Cicek 2017 Turkey 62 24.09 (18 Characteristics of studies evaluating 2D:4D in schizophrenia Characteristics of studies evaluating 2D:4D in addictions Diagnosis Diagnosis (DSM-IV-TR) (DSM-IV) (DSM-5, ICD-10) (DSM-5, (ICD-10) (DSM-5) (DSM-IV) Schizophrenia (SCID-I)Schizophrenia (DSM-IV)Schizophrenia Bolu Collinson Schizophrenia (DSM-IV) (DSM-IV)Schizophrenia Divakaran Paipa Schizophrenia (DSM-IV)Schizophrenia Venkatasubramanian (SCID-I)Schizophrenia 2011 Zhu India 79 (/) 24.4 ( 41 Schizophrenia (DSM-IV) Akgül Alcohol dependence Alcohol dependence Alcohol dependence Heroin dependence dependence Heroin Heroin dependence dependence Heroin tical Manual of Mental Disorders; L, left; R, right; SCID-I: St SCID-I: right; R, left; L, Disorders; Mental of Manual Statis DiagnosticSecond-to-fourthand tical 2D:4D, Digit Ratio;DSM, Table 2. Table 3. it Ratio; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Diso Mental of Manual Statistical and Diagnostic 2D:4D, Second-to-fourth DSM, Dig it Ratio; 32 L. Fusar-Poli, et al. 2D:4D 2D:4D (direct) (indirect) (direct) (direct) (indirect) Scanner (indirect) Scanner (indirect) Scanner measurement tool measurement tool measurement available. R Photocopies Hand Hand left; R, right; /, not /, not right; R, left; 1 (42)1 R L, (indirect) Scanner Male, n (%) n Male, M-to-F, n (%) available. 63) (35.8) 49 R L, (indirect) Scanner 65) (48.08) 176 R L, Caliper Digital 60) 0 R L, Photocopies Controls Controls Not reportedNot (51.35) 19 Dominant Caliper Digital Mean age (range) age Mean Mean age Mean (range) Number Number M-to-F, n (%) n M-to-F, Male, n (%) n Male, 65) (69.64) 39 366 − (18 37.1 45) 0 20 35 (23 − − − 65) 49 (35.3) 137 28.74 (18 − rders; L, left; M-to-F, male-to-female; R, right; /, not /, not right; R, male-to-female; M-to-F, left; L, rders; rders; MINI, Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview; L, L, Interview; Neuropsychiatric Mini-International MINI, rders; Patients − Patients Mean age Mean (range) Mean age Mean (range) 37 27 (19 56 37.1 (18 106 (/) 37.24 (59.53) 63 123 (/) 39 (47.15) 58 L, 118 Not reported 68 (57.62) 37 Number 50 (/) 52.9 (42) 21 50 (/) 48.6 2 h gender non-conforming identities non-conforming gender h Number Country Country Year 2012 Japan 2014 Serbia of Republic 80 (/) 31.25 (52.50) 42 93 (/) 29 (48.39) 45 R L, Caliper Digital 2009 Switzerland 2017 USA Year ć First author First First author First Wallien (study 1) (study Wallien 2) (study Wallien 2008 Netherlands The 2008 Netherlands The 147 101 (/) 40.53 (/) 8.29 (65.30) 96 (66.33) 67 202 146 (/) 41.25 (44.55) 90 (/) 7.8 R L, (50.68) 74 R L, Kraemer SchneiderVujovi 2006 Germany Hisasue Characteristics of studies evaluating 2D:4D in individuals wit Characteristics of studies evaluating 2D:4D in mood disorders Diagnosis Diagnosis disorder (DSM-IV) disorder (DSM-IV) (Clinical) disorder (DSM-IV) disorder (DSM-IV) Gender identity identity Gender Gender identity identity Gender Transgender (Clinical) Leinung Transsexualism identity Gender Gender identity identity Gender it Ratio; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Diso Mental of Manual Statistical and Diagnostic 2D:4D, Second-to-fourth DSM, Dig it Ratio; Table 4. Table 5. Bipolar Disorder (MINI) Disorder Bipolar Tegin 2019 USA Depression (DSM-IV) Diso Mental of Manual Statistical and Diagnostic 2D:4D, Second-to-fourth DSM, Dig it Ratio; Sanwald 2019 Germany 139 39.4 (18 2D:4D as a Biomarker for Psychiatric Disorders 33 considered the average between the left and right hand −0.002, I2 = 74%). The forest plot is presented in Figure 2 [60] and one measured only right hand [62]. Measure- and the funnel plot in Figure 3. ments were indirect in three papers [59,60,63], and direct Then, data extracted from included studies were pooled in two articles [61,62]. See Table 3 for details regarding by hand, gender, and age. No differences were found be- studies evaluating 2D:4D in addictions. tween left and right hand in any psychiatric disorder (2 = 0.85, df = 1, p = 0.36). However, considering each sub- Gender non-conforming identity group independently, it could be observed that the 2D:4D Six papers (including seven studies) measured 2D:4D in the right hand showed significant lower 2D:4D in psy- in people with gender nonconforming identity who had a chiatric patients than controls; conversely, no differences psychiatric diagnosis or were followed by specialized between psychiatric patients and controls were detected clinics. Particularly, in four studies participants had a di- in the left hand. Moreover, no significant differences were agnosis of gender identity disorder, in one study a diag- detected between males and females (2 = 0.44, df = 1, p = nosis of transsexualism, whereas they were defined as 0.51), even if both groups showed significantly lower transgender in one paper. Studies were conducted mainly 2D:4D in psychiatric patients than controls. Finally, dividing in Europe, specifically one in The Netherlands (including the studies by age, it could be observed that both adults two studies) [64], one in Germany [65], one in the Republic and children showed significantly lower 2D:4D ratio in of Serbia [66], and one in Switzerland [67]. Moreover, psychiatric patients than controls, with no significant dif- one study was conducted in Japan [68] and one in the ferences between the two groups (2 = 0.77, df = 1, p = United States [69]. One study involved children [64]; all 0.38). The forest plots are presented in the Supplementary the other studies recruited adults, with the exception of Materials, Appendix 2 (available online) [27]. Leinung and Wu [69], where the age of participants was not reported. All studies evaluated 2D:4D in both hands; 2D:4D ratio in autism spectrum disorder Leinung and Wu [69] have measured the ratio only in the The analyses of the 2D:4D ratio in ASD, with data dominant hand. Measurements were conducted directly pooled by hand and gender, showed a statistically sig- in half of the studies, and indirectly in the remaining nificant difference between patients and controls (n = 16, articles. Study characteristics are reported in Table 4 [66]. overall sample = 2,981, MD = −0.006, 95% CI from − 0.0119 to −0.0001). Heterogeneity was moderate (I2 = Mood disorders 53%). The results of the meta-analysis are presented in One paper [70] recruited patients with major depres- Figure 4A. sion in Germany, and another study recruited individuals Subgroup analyses with studies divided by hand and affected by bipolar disorder [71] in the United States. All gender did not detect any significant difference between participants were adults and mainly women. In the two ASD patients and controls. The forest plots of subgroup studies regarding mood disorders, 2D:4D was measured analyses are presented in the Supplementary Materials, in both hands and using indirect measurement tools. Appendix 3 (available online) [27]. Details regarding the study characteristics are reported in Table 5. 2D:4D ratio in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder The meta-analysis of 2D:4D ratio in ADHD showed a Meta-analyses of the Included Studies statistically significant difference between patients and controls (n = 4, overall sample = 1,128, MD = −0.0124, 2D:4D ratio in all psychiatric disorders 95% CI from −0.0188 to −0.0059). Heterogeneity was To evaluate the global differences of 2D:4D in psychi- low (I2 = 0%). The results of the meta-analysis are pre- atric disorders, we conducted four main meta-analyses. In sented in Figure 4B. the first one, we pooled the data of all 43 studies, finding Subgroup analyses revealed significant differences in that psychiatric patients had significantly lower 2D:4D the right hand of both males (n = 3, overall sample = 526, than healthy controls (n = 43, overall sample = 9,484, MD = MD = −0.0198, 95% CI from −0.036 to −0.0036, I2 = 65%) −0.0056, 95% confidence interval [CI] from −0.0093 to and females (n = 3, overall sample = 382, MD = −0.0245, 34 L. Fusar-Poli, et al.

Fig. 2. Meta-analysis of the 2D:4D ratio pooling all psychiatric disorders (n = 43). 2D:4D, Second-to-fourth Digit Ratio; SD, standard deviation; MD, mean difference; CI, confidence interval.

95% CI from −0.0451 to −0.0039, I2 = 66%). No sig- 2D:4D ratio in intellectual disability nificant differences were found in the left hand, neither in Only one study [48] evaluated 2D:4D ratio in ID, with- males nor in females. The forest plots of the subgroup out detecting any significant difference. Forest plot is pre- analyses plot are presented in the Supplementary sented in Figure 4C [27]. Materials, Appendix 4 (available online) [27]. 2D:4D ratio in schizophrenia The meta-analysis of pooled data did not show any sig- 2D:4D as a Biomarker for Psychiatric Disorders 35

2D:4D ratio in gender non-conforming people No significant differences were found between indivi- duals with gender non-conforming identities (n = 7, over- all sample = 1,725, MD = −0.0051, 95% CI from −0.0131 to 0.0028). Heterogeneity was substantial (I2 = 65%). Forest plot is presented in Figure 4F. Subgroup analyses did not detect any significant differ- ences according to hand or biological sex (see Supple- mentary Materials, Appendix 7 [available online] [27]).

2D:4D ratio in mood disorders We found no significant differences between patients with depression or bipolar disorder and healthy controls (n = 2, overall sample = 342, MD = 0.0027, 95% CI from Fig. 3. Funnel plot of the included studies (n = 43). −0.0071 to 0.0125). Heterogeneity was moderate (I2 = 49%). Forest plot is presented in Figure 4G. nificant difference between patients with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders and non-clinical controls (n = Quality of the Included Studies 8, overall sample = 1,700, MD = −0.0012, 95% CI from The quality of the studies included in the systematic re- −0.0129 to 0.0105). Heterogeneity was high (I2 = 86%). view and meta-analysis has been reported in Table 6. Two The forest plot is presented in Figure 4D. studies were judged with a score of 4 out of 9 points Subgroup analyses with data divided by gender and [41,42], four studies with 5 out of 9 [49,55,65,66], ten hand did not reveal any significant difference except for studies with 6 out of 9, four studies with 7 out of 9 and the the right hand in males: in this group, the 2D:4D ratio was the remaining papers with 8 or 9 stars. As concerns the significantly higher in patients than controls (n = 6, overall study selection, we have found a relatively low risk of bias sample = 882, MD = 0.009, 95% CI from 0.0004 to in diagnostic criteria: in fact, we included only studies in 0.0177, I2 = 64%). The subgroup analyses are presented which participants had received a psychiatric diagnosis in the Supplementary Materials, Appendix 5 (available by a clinician. Only two studies were judged as having online) [27]. high risk: first, participants recruited by Manning et al. [50] were members of an autistic society and the diag- 2D:4D ratio in addictions noses were confirmed only using the Autism Screening Pooling data of patients affected by addictions, we did Questionnaire (ASQ), which is not intended as a diag- find a significant difference, as patients had a significantly nostic tool [72]; second, in Schneider et al. [65], trans- lower 2D:4D than controls (n = 5, overall sample = 1,423, genders were followed by a specific clinic for transition, MD = −0.014, 95% CI from −0.0199 to −0.0081). thus we assumed that a clinical diagnosis had been per- Heterogeneity was moderate (I2 = 50%). The forest plot is formed, even if not explicitly reported in the paper. As for presented in Figure 4E. the remaining items of study selection, the most problematic The subgroup analyses revealed statistically significant criterion was the representativeness of cases, as in most differences in both the males right and left hands, while studies the authors did not report consecutive recruitment for females the difference between the patients and the of patients, thus raising concerns regarding potential selection control group was limited to the right hand. In all cases, biases. Ten studies did not match patients to controls ac- the patients suffering from addictions had a smaller cording to socio-demographic variables, while in seven 2D:4D ratio than controls. The analyses are presented in study only one variable was considered (age or gender). the Supplementary Materials, Appendix 6 (available on- Regarding exposure, we did not find major biases, since line) [27]. the 2D:4D ratio was measured in cases and controls using the same methodology with direct or indirect measures. 36 L. Fusar-Poli, et al.

Fig. 4. Meta-analyses of the 2D:4D ratio in individual psychiatric disorders. 2D:4D, Second-to-fourth Digit Ratio; SD, standard deviation; MD, mean difference; CI, confidence interval. 2D:4D as a Biomarker for Psychiatric Disorders 37

Fig. 4. Continued.

However, in five studies [35,41,42,51,65] concerns were tween-groups differences were not statistically significant. raised because of missing data. Our finding is important because, on one hand, it may propose 2D:4D as a potential biomarker for psychiatric DISCUSSION disorders in general; on the other hand, it highlights the role of prenatal exposure to hormones, specifically testos- The present meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the differ- terone, in the etiopathogenesis of psychiatric disorders. ences in 2D:4D ratio between psychiatric patients and Interestingly, prenatal exposure to may explain controls, and thus to explore its potential usefulness as a the different sex ratios encountered in several conditions clinical biomarker for psychiatric disorders. The first and (e.g., schizophrenia, ASD, addictions). main finding of our meta-analysis is that the 2D:4D ratio is As shown by the number of studies included in our significantly lower in patients than controls, indicating ex- meta-analysis, the literature has extensively evaluated the posure to higher levels of prenatal testosterone in in- 2D:4D in ASD for which we have included 16 case-con- dividuals with psychiatric disorder. The effect seemed trol studies. Nevertheless, the effective measurement of more pronounced in males than females, in the right than sex steroid levels in the amniotic fluid with a prospective the left hand, and in children than adults, even if be- follow-up has been performed by a few researchers. 38 L. Fusar-Poli, et al. (n) Total (n) Total / 2 4 / 2 6 / 2 7 * 3 6 * 3 5 ** 3 3 8 9 ** 3 3 7 8 * 3 7 * 3 6 * 3 7 * 3 8 * 3 6 * 3 6 * 3 8 Missing data rate data * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Exposure Same Same method of ascertainment for for ascertainment cases and controls 2D:4D ment of ment Ascertain- 2* * *38 2* * *39 1 * 2* * *38 0 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 0 * 0 * (n) Total / / / Comparability Comparability non-verbal ability) reasoning CEOAEs) full scale IQ) scale full (n) Total Definition Definition of controls of Selection of controls of Selection -Ottawa Scale the cases tiveness of Representa / / * * 2 * (age) * / / / 1 * (age) * / / / 1 IQ) gender, (age, ** 2 * * * / / 2 ** / ***/*3 / 0* * **//*2/ * 0* *36 ** * /24 * 3 / 4 ** (age, gender) ** (age, gender) 2 / 2 * * * 2 ** (age, gender) 2 * * * * * 4 * (age) * * * / 3 * (age) * * * * 4 ** (age, gender, * / / / 1 ** (age, gender) 2 * * / * * 3 * / ** * / 3 sex, (age, ** * * 3 ** (age, gender) 2 * ** * * * * / 3 * handedness, (age, ** 4 * / * * 3 ** (age, gender) 2 * adequacy Diagnostic Country Netherlands Netherlands Republic Year 2018 Germany * * / * 3 ** (age, gender) 2 * 2006 UK 2010 Japan 2017 Turkey 2010 Belgium 2012 Sweden 2006 The 2014 The 2011 Slovak 2015 Japan 2008 Greece 2008 UK 2013 UK 2019 Japan 2009 Thailand 2009 USA 2001 UK 2015 Saudi Arabia * / / * 2 ** (age, gender) 2 * 2018 USA 2014 Iran 2005 USA Study characteristics First author First Quality assessment of the included studies using the Newcastle the using studies included the of assessment Quality Schieve Sugie Manning Bejerot Bruin De Falter Hauth Krajmer Lai Masuya Milne Rohde Nojpayak Buru Lemiere Baharara Al-Zaid Togo Ypsilanti Martel McFadden nosis Diag- Table 6. Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder disorder deficit-hyperactivity Attention Autism spectrum disorder Intellectual disability Intellectual 2D:4D as a Biomarker for Psychiatric Disorders 39 (n) Total (n) wo or moreor wo Total / 2 5 * 3 6 * 3 6 * 3 8 * 3 5 * 3 5 * 3 6 * 3 9 * 3 6 * 3 7 * 3 8 * 3 9 * 3 8 * 3 6 * 3 9 * 3 8 Missing data rate data according to theof number * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Exposure Same Same method of ascertainment for for ascertainment cases and controls ***39 2D:4D ment of ment Ascertain- 0 * 2* * *39 0 * 2* * *38 2* * *39 0 * 1 * 2* * *38 0 * 0 * 1 * 2 * (n) Total ts' group according to one parameter; two stars (**) indicate t indicate(**)stars two parameter; one to according groupts' / / / / / Comparability Comparability dominant hand) hand) dominant sexual orientation) sexual handedness) sexual orientation) sexual education) ** (age, gender, (n) Total ligence quotient. Definition Definition of controls of Selection of controls of Selection the cases tiveness of Representa the sum of the stars. the of sum the dicates that the control group has been matched with the patien the with matched been has groupcontrol the thatdicates * * * * 4race,gender, (age, ** * * * * 4 * (age) * / * * 3 ** (age, gender, * / * * 3 * * / / 2 * / * * 3 ** (age, gender) 2 * **** * * * * 4 ** (age, gender) 2 * * * / * 3 ** (age, sex) * * * * 4 gender) (age, ** 2 * * / * * 3 ** (age, gender) 2 * * / * * 3 * (age) * * / / 2 * (age, education) 1 * * / / / 1 gender) (age, ** 2 * adequacy Diagnostic Country Netherlands Year 2018 Turkey 2016 South Korea * / * * 3 2014 Serbia 2017 Turkey 2017 Turkey 2009 Switzerland * * * * 4 ** (age, gender, 2015 Turkey 2010 Singapore * / * / 2 2011 Germany * * * / 3 2017 USA 2014 China 2016 China 2006 Germany / * / / 1 ** (age, gender) 2 * 2012 India 2019 USA 2012 Japan 2018 Spain 2019 Germany * / * * 3 ** (age, gender, 2017 Germany * * * * 4 ** (age, gender) 2 * Study characteristics ć First author First Continued Cicek Vujovi 2) 1, (study Wallien 2008 The Tegin Sanwald Schneider Canan Hisasue Kraemer Leinung Kornhuber Divakaran Paipa Collinson Lenz Zhu Han Bolu Qian Venkatasubramanian 2011 India Akgul nosis Diag- it Ratio; CEOAEs, click-evoked otoacoustic emissions; IQ, intel IQ, emissions; otoacoustic click-evoked 2D:4D, Second-to-fourth CEOAEs, Dig it Ratio; One star (*) indicates that the item is satisfied, while a slash (/) is assigned when the item is not fulfilled by the study. Comparability can be judged with up to two stars stars two to up with judged be can Comparability study. the by fulfilled not is item the when assigned is (/) slash a while satisfied, is item the that indicates (*) star One in (*) star One researchers. the by reported parameters control control parameters. The total score for each study is given by Mood Mood disorders Heroin dependence Heroin Gender nonconformity Table 6. Alcohol dependence Schizophrenia 40 L. Fusar-Poli, et al.

Auyeung et al. [73] positively correlated fetal testosterone phrenia and controls, thus suggesting no differences in levels with autism-related behaviors at 18−24 months empathizing and/or systemizing traits, neither in prenatal and at 6−9 years [74]. Elevated fetal steroidogenic activ- exposure to sex hormones. In fact, a significant difference ity during the prenatal masculinization window in the was found only in the right hand of males with schizo- amniotic fluid of autistic boys was confirmed by sub- phrenia (MD = 0.009). sequent research [75]. On the contrary, Kung et al. [76] The evidence on addictions was quite robust, as 2D:4D recently found no relationship between prenatal an- resulted significantly lower in patients than healthy con- drogen exposure and autistic traits in typically developed trols (MD = −0.014), indicating exposure to higher levels children nor in young children with congenital adrenal of prenatal testosterone. Even if no specific studies have hyperplasia. Of note, 2D:4D has been negatively asso- evaluated the levels of sex steroids in the amniotic fluid in ciated with [77], which is typically lower in peo- people with addictions—due to the obvious difficulties in ple with ASD [78]; conversely, it seems positively corre- following up the subjects for many years—some studies lated with systemizing traits [79], which are more pro- have linked several typical features of individuals with nounced in autistic individuals [80]. In 2002, Baron-Cohen substance misuse to the digit ratio. For instance, it has developed the so-called theory of the “extreme male been shown that 2D:4D is negatively correlated with brain”. This theory assumes that women tend to have risk-taking [18,86] and sensation-seeking [87,88]. Such more social intelligence (i.e., empathizing ability), where- features have been in turn linked to a higher vulnerability as men tend to excel at following rules and recognizing to addictions [89]. 2D:4D appears also negatively corre- patterns (i.e., systemizing ability). The “male brain” is typi- lated with aggression [90] and impulsivity [91], which are cal of individuals in whom systemizing is significantly in turn connected to the use of illicit substances, partic- better than empathizing, while the “female brain” defines ularly alcohol and heroin [92], such as those used by the the opposite cognitive profile. Using these definitions, groups of patients included in our meta-analysis. Other ASD could be considered as an expression of the authors [93] have argued an association between 2D:4D “extreme male brain” [81]. The potential role of fetal tes- and externalizing behavioral symptoms in young boys: it tosterone in the onset of ASD is further supported by the is well-known that conduct disturbances confer an in- link found between autism and maternal polycystic ovar- creased risk for substance abuse later in life [94]. Notably, ian syndrome, a condition associated with androgenic ex- this negative association between 2D:4D and externaliz- cess [82]. Moreover, both autistic women and their moth- ing behaviors may partially explain also the significant ers have elevated rates of steroid-related cancers, such as difference found between children with ADHD and breast and ovarian cancer [83]. In summary, our findings non-clinical controls (MD = −0.0124). reflect previous literature: subjects with ASD have sig- Our meta-analyses did not retrieve any significant dif- nificantly lower 2D:4D than controls, suggesting higher ferences between people with non-conforming gender levels of fetal testosterone exposure. identities, mood disorders and ID, and non-clinical controls. Contrary to previous studies [84], our results did not The case of gender identity might seem surprising since in support the notion that patients with schizophrenia would the imagination sex hormones are strictly connected to be exposed to lower levels of prenatal testosterone. In gender expression. However, it has been reported that fact, it has been hypothesized that schizophrenia, in op- gender identity is not exclusively related to prenatal ex- position with ASD, could reflect the “extreme female posure of androgens [95,96], but appears to be strongly brain”, with higher empathizing and lower systemizing influenced by genetic and social factors, with adoles- abilities [81]. However, as underlined by other researchers, cence being a key period for the development of non-con- this theory might be erroneously based on the presump- forming identities [97,98]. As far as concern ID and mood tion that “hyperdeveloped theory-of-mind skills” in psy- disorders, it is worth noting that we have retrieved only chotic patients “would be accurate and adaptive, rather one and two studies, respectively, and thus it is too pre- than pathological” [85]. Indeed, our findings did not con- mature to drive to any conclusion. firm the theory of the “extreme female brain”, as 2D:4D To our knowledge, this is the most up-to-date and com- did not significantly differ between patients with schizo- prehensive meta-analysis examining the 2D:4D ratio in 2D:4D as a Biomarker for Psychiatric Disorders 41 psychiatry. However, some limitations should be discussed. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS First, we have included only papers in which psychiatric diagnoses were confirmed by clinicians or valid interna- Supplementary data is available online (https://do- tional diagnostic criteria. Therefore, we have excluded papers reporting analyses about 2D:4D in self-diagnosed individuals, or individuals which were classified as having ■ Conflicts of Interest a disorder only according to self-reported questionnaires No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article [99,100]. Also, we excluded papers about new addic- was reported. tions, such as videogames or computer addiction, which have been instead considered in a previous meta-analysis ■ Author Contributions [101]. A second major limitation is related to the different Laura Fusar-Poli conceptualized the study, supervised types of measurement used by the authors included in the data extraction, and wrote the original draft of the manu- studies. In fact, some authors have suggested that indirect script. Alessandro Rodolico performed statistical analyses 2D:4D measurements (such as in many of the studies in- and participated to write the first draft of the manuscript. cluded in the present review) may overestimate the length Serena Sturiale, Bianca Carotenuto, Antimo Natale, and of the ring finger thereby distorting the 2D:4D ratio [16]. Davide Arillotta performed data extraction and edited the Another limitation, directly related to the meta-analytic manuscript. Spyridon Siafis helped in statistical analyses approach, is the presence of clinical heterogeneity which and contributed to write the manuscript. Maria Salvina could not be controlled as for statistical heterogeneity. Even Signorelli and Eugenio Aguglia supervised the project and if we tried to reduce clinical heterogeneity by selecting edited the draft of the manuscript. All authors have read patients with standardized diagnoses, we could not ac- and approved the final version of the manuscript. count for the presence of individual or genetic differences, as well as for the influence of environmental factors. ■ ORCID Finally, the number of studies included in the meta-analy- Laura Fusar-Poli ses were generally small. Alessandro Rodolico In conclusion, our results are promising and highlight the importance of prenatal hormonal factors in the etiopa- Serena Sturiale thogenesis of some psychiatric disorders. 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