ISSN 0041-6436

Food and Agriculture An international journal Vol. 65 Organization of and of the United Nations industries 2014/1 242

A new dynamic for Mediterranean © Pilar Valbuena Pilar © Fourth Mediterranean Forest Week – IV MFW Improving livelihoods: the role of Mediterranean forest value chains in a green economy 17-20 March 2015, Barcelona

The Fourth Mediterranean Forest Week will focus on the contribution of Mediterranean forests to people’s livelihoods and the economy. Aimed at experts and key stakeholders involved in the integrated management of Mediterranean woodlands, it seeks to contribute to a greener economy by tackling environmental and social challenges.

Sessions will include: Who is it for: • Water and forests • National and local governments • Energy and forests • Technical and scientific organizations, forestry • Tourism and forests experts and managers • Forest products • Forest services and forest owners • Entrepreneurship, innovation and • Environmental organizations and other NGOs industry • Experts from other relevant sectors: water, • Tools and initiatives to support tourism, agriculture, energy forest development • Investors and key donors • Education and knowledge transfer • Young professionals and students • Media

Languages: English, French, Spanish Registration fees: €250 – regular / €100 – MENA country participants rate (Algeria, , , Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Turkey) / €85 – Daily rate / €50 – Students and unemployed rate Contact: Full programme and registration: ISSN 0041-6436

Food and Agriculture An international journal Vol. 65 Organization of forestry and of the United Nations forest industries 2014/1 242

Editor: S. Lapstun Editorial Advisory Board: P. Csoka, L. Flejzor, T. Hofer, F. Kafeero, W. Kollert, Contents S. Lapstun, E. Rametsteiner, S. Rose, J. Tissari, P. van Lierop, P. Vantomme, M.L. Wilkie Editorial 2 Emeritus Advisers: J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, V. Garavaglia and C. Besacier C. Palmberg-Lerche, L. Russo The state of Mediterranean forests in 2013 3 Regional Advisers: F. Bojang, P. Durst, M. Saket C. Besacier The Strategic Framework on Mediterranean Forests and the is published in English, French and Tlemcen Declaration 14 Spanish. Free subscriptions can be obtained by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Case studies on Mediterranean Forests 16 Subscription requests from institutions J. Suárez Torres and F. Navarro Baixauli (e.g. libraries, companies, organizations, Improving fire management in natural parks in the Valencia region 16 universities) rather than individuals are preferred to make the journal accessible to F. Besse, M. Conigliaro, B. Fages, M. Gauthier, G. Mille, F. Salbitano and G. Sanesi more readers. Montpellier, green city 23 All issues of Unasylva are available online M. Bugalho and L. Silva free of charge at Promoting sustainable management of cork oak landscapes through unasylva. Comments and queries are welcome: payments for ecosystem services: the WWF Green Heart of Cork project [email protected]. 29 FAO encourages the use, reproduction and P. Valbuena, O. Aissaoui and M. Segur dissemination of material in this information Establishing a Model Forest in the Tlemcen region, Algeria 34 product. Except where otherwise indicated, M. Qarro, P. Valbuena and M. Segur material may be copied, downloaded and printed for private study, research and teaching Managing cedar forests in Morocco’s Middle Atlas mountains 40 purposes, or for use in non-commercial M. Özdemir, P. Valbuena and M. Segur products or services, provided that appropriate Tourism and non- forest products in the Yalova Model Forest, Turkey 45 acknowledgement of FAO as the source and copyright holder is given and that FAO’s The Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests: a tool for endorsement of users’ views, products or improving technical cooperation in the forest sector in the southern services is not implied in any way. and eastern Mediterranean 49 The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information Major ongoing projects in the Mediterranean 51 product do not imply the expression of any F. Ducci, V. Garavaglia and M.C. Monteverdi opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food Conserving marginal populations of forest in Europe 51 and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or C. Besacier and C. Gallo Granizo development status of any country, territory, Exploring REDD+ opportunities in the Mediterranean – a regional project city or area or of its authorities, or concerning funded by the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM) 56 the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. R.A. Kastl and L. Liagre The mention of specific companies or products Adapting forest policy framework conditions to climate change in the of manufacturers, whether or not these have Middle East–North Africa region: a GIZ regional project 60 been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in I. Martínez de Arano preference to others of a similar that are EFIMED: Strengthening the research–cooperation and science–policy not mentioned. interface in the Mediterranean 63 The publications reviewed in Unasylva are L. Amandier, A. Khaldi and S. Vallée available on the FAO website ( The International Association for Mediterranean Forests: tackling publications) and can be purchased through climate change and integrated land management in the Mediterranean [email protected]. 65 C. Farcy, P. Plaza and G. Scarascia-Mugnozza Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions–Silva Mediterranea of FAO: review and prospects by 2020 69 FAO Forestry 74 Cover: Pine (Pinus pinaster), near the World of Forestry 77 beach of Corrubedo in Galicia, . © Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez Books 78 editorial

editerranean forests are interwoven with the lives of and economic incentives may be a viable means of improving the people of the region. They provide wood, cork and sustainable in this region. other products, as well as being a source of income Three examples of Model Forest initiatives wrap up the case Mfor many. They contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, studies, each with a different perspective on the Model Forest capture and store carbon, protect soil and water, and offer areas approach, which combines the needs of local communities with for recreation. the long-term sustainability of landscapes. In Tlemcen, Algeria, Yet they are under increasing pressure. This includes pres- P. Valbuena, O. Aissaoui and M. Segur look at how the approach sures from humans, whose needs are growing and shifting, and is being used to address changes in forest use and threats to cork stresses due to climatic changes including temperature increases, oak. In the case of , Morocco, M. Qarro, P. Valbuena and reduced rainfall and prolonged periods of drought. This makes M. Segur describe how the Model Forest aims to safeguard it all the more important to look holistically at the goods and the region’s cedar forests while catering to the economic and services that Mediterranean forests provide and define sustained subsistence needs of local people. M. Özdemir, P. Valbuena and and integrated solutions. M. Segur show that in Yalova, Turkey, the main focus of the Model The positive message that emerges from this issue of Unasylva Forest initiative is to sustainably develop income-generating is that there is a strong technical basis and political will across activities including the production of non-wood forest products, the countries of the Mediterranean to find such solutions, and to recreation and tourism. tackle these issues collaboratively. A number of initiatives, born The final section in this edition presents the Collaborative Part- at different times and in different contexts, are coming together, nership on Mediterranean Forests and a series of related projects in particular through the work of the Collaborative Partnership carried out by its partner organizations. The partnership, set up in on Mediterranean Forests, to ensure that both research and policy 2010, brings together a range of regional actors concerned with are tying in with a regional approach and translating political improving forest management and enhancing forests’ benefits. will into action. F. Ducci, V. Garavaglia and M.C. Monteverdi showcase the In the first article, V. Garavaglia and C. Besacier present an work of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology overview of the current situation of forests in the Mediterranean (COST) framework in conserving and sharing knowledge on region, drawing upon FAO’s ground-breaking 2013 publica- forest genetic resources and the adaptive traits of species popu- tion, State of Mediterranean Forests. Requested by members lations that manage to survive in marginal environments – of of the Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions–Silva potential for climate-change adaptation strategies. C. Besacier Mediterranea at a meeting held in Antalya, Turkey, in 2010, this and C. Gallo Granizo describe a regional cooperation project, body of knowledge sets a baseline for the gathering of relevant funded by the French Global Environment Facility, that explores data over time in order to adequately monitor and manage forests REDD+ opportunities in the Mediterranean Region. R.A. Kastl in the Mediterranean. Both the article and publication highlight and L. Liagre present a GIZ (Germany Agency for International climate change as the major challenge affecting the region, and Cooperation) project on adapting policy framework conditions to emphasize the importance of establishing regional strategies. climate change in the Middle East–North Africa region through The Strategic Framework on Mediterranean Forests, described capacity building and intersectoral collaboration. EFIMED (the in the second article, seeks to do exactly this. Besacier presents Regional Office for the Mediterranean of the European Forest the main lines of the framework, which aims to provide a com- Institute) is also shown to have an important role in coordinating mon policy direction across the region and serve as a tool to research across the region, through for example the Mediterranean improve coordination. Forest Research Agenda 2010-2020, produced via an extensive Several case studies give insight into what different Mediter- consultation process. L. Amandier, A. Khaldi and S. Vallée present ranean countries are doing today to meet the challenges they two initiatives of the International Association for Mediterranean face. J. Suárez Torres and F. Navarro Baixauli describe measures Forests (AIFM), which focuses on the exchange of knowledge, being taken in the Valencia region, Spain, to deal with fires, over covering climate change and integrated land management. 75 percent of which are caused by human activities, from the The issue closes with a report of the independent evalua- burning of agricultural or gardening refuse to apiculture and tion carried out on the Committee on Mediterranean Forestry recreational activities. Questions–Silva Mediterranea. The report highlights the history In the case study on Montpellier, F. Besse, M. Conigliaro, of this statutory body of FAO, created in 1948, and its poten- B. Fages, M. Gauthier, G. Mille, F. Salbitano and G. Sanesi look tial to play an even stronger role if the recommendations of the at another important area, i.e. forests and trees in the urban and evaluation are taken into account. peri-urban setting, describing the innovative “green vision” of Many of the themes coming through in this issue of Unasylva the City of Montpellier and its improvements to quality of life will recall questions already raised in Unasylva No. 197, on thanks to efficient planning and full involvement of civil society. Mediterranean Forests, published in 1999. Fifteen years later, M. Bugalho and L. Silva, in their article on the Green Heart it is timely to take a fresh look at these questions in light of the of Cork project, highlight the specific problems affecting cork ongoing social and environmental transformations in the region, landscapes in Portugal, showing that the use of certification and the measures that are being taken to tackle them. u 3 ravaglia a G a © V LENTINA The state of Mediterranean forests in 2013

V. Garavaglia and C. Besacier

A new report examines the effects he Mediterranean region encom- are strongly interconnected with urban of climate change, shifting passes 31 countries (Table 1) and a and agricultural/rural areas (Figure 1). demographics and other social wide range of political, economic, Mediterranean forests and other wooded and environmental pressures on Tsocial and environmental contexts. It lands in the region make crucial contri- forests across the Mediterranean has an extremely rich natural and cul- butions to rural development, poverty region. It highlights the need tural heritage, and human and economic alleviation and food security, and the for better monitoring of development is largely dependent on agricultural, water, tourism and energy Mediterranean forests and sometimes scarce natural resources and sectors. Such contributions are difficult greater regional cooperation. a vulnerable environment. Today, human to quantify, however; moreover, changes activities are creating substantial environ- in climate, societies and lifestyles in the mental pressure, with significant dispari- Mediterranean region could have serious Valentina Garavaglia works in FAO’s Forestry Department for the Secretariat of Silva ties between the northern, southern and negative consequences for forests, with Mediterranea. She is coauthor and one of the eastern subregions. the potential to lead to the loss or diminu- coordinators of State of Mediterranean Forests The Mediterranean region has more than tion of those contributions and to a wide 2013. Christophe Besacier is in charge of the Secretariat of the Committee on Mediterranean 25 million hectares (ha) of Mediterranean range of economic, social and environ- Forestry Questions–Silva Mediterranea forests and about 50 million ha of other mental problems. and of the Secretariat of the Collaborative Mediterranean wooded lands (where for- Partnership on Mediterranean Forests. He is coauthor and one of the coordinators of State of ests and other wooded lands are defined Mediterranean Forests 2013. according to FAO, 2010a), and these lands Above: Forests of Djelfa province, Algeria

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 4

A tool for monitoring and assessing the state of Mediterranean forests, in changes and risks to Mediterranean collaboration with other institutions. It forests and other wooded lands is needed, was agreed to use already available data therefore, to help ensure the sustainable collected by regional and international management of Mediterranean forest institutions in the context of other ecosystems. With this in mind, members of environmental assessment processes, the Committee on Mediterranean Forestry such as the state of the environment Questions–Silva Mediterranea requested and development in the Mediterranean FAO, at a meeting held in April 2010 in process (Plan Bleu, 2009) and FAO’s five- Antalya, Turkey, to prepare a report on yearly global forest resources assessment (FAO, 2010a). TABLE 1. Mediterranean countries* The proposed approach and structure grouped into eastern (EMC), northern of the first State of Mediterranean (NMC) and southern (SMC) subregions Forests report was presented and for- mally approved by member countries Classification Country

at the 21st session of the Committee on KI © Iñ

Silva a EMC Israel Mediterranean Forestry Questions– R

Mediterranea, also held in Antalya, in e

Jordan lanz Lebanon February 2012, and the report was subse- ó Palestine quently compiled under the coordination Syrian Arab Republic of Plan Bleu and FAO (see box on next The first edition of the State of page). This article presents some of the Mediterranean Forests report Turkey is a collaborative effort that will main findings of the report. provide a basis for monitoring NMC Albania forests in the region Andorra THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION Bosnia and Herzegovina This article considers the Mediterranean forests of Q. robur, Q. petraea, Fraxinus Bulgaria Croatia region to comprise the countries sur- species, Populus alba and Populus nigra Cyprus rounding the Mediterranean Sea (i.e. those can prosper. France shown in Table 1). A Mediterranean cli- In some areas, human influence has Gibraltar mate is one characterized by mild winters modified Mediterranean forests, producing Greece and hot and dry summers, with precipita- areas of sparse woody vegetation known as Holy See tion concentrated in autumn, winter and the maquis and the garrigue. A multifunc- Italy early spring. Total rainfall varies strongly tional agro-sylvopastoral system known as Malta from year to year and violent precipitation the found on the Iberian Peninsula Monaco events and dry winds can occur. Winter is characterized by pastures with scat- Montenegro temperatures occasionally fall below tered oaks, both evergreen and deciduous, Portugal 0 ˚C at sea level, and snow and below- sometimes mixed with Pinus pinea. San Marino zero temperatures are common at high Many Mediterranean countries also Serbia altitudes (e.g. the Alps, the Pyrenees and have areas that do not have a typically Slovenia the Atlas mountains). Mediterranean climate: for example, north- Spain Typical Mediterranean forests are ern Mediterranean countries (NMCs) such The former Yugoslav composed of broadleaved species (mainly as France, Italy and Spain have substantial Republic of Macedonia oaks), both evergreen and deciduous, such temperate areas, while many southern and SMC Algeria as Quercus ilex, Q. suber, Q. coccifera, eastern Mediterranean countries (SEMCs) Egypt Q. pubescens, Q. cerris, Q. pyrenaica, have large deserts. Many of the data used Libya Q. toza, Q. calliprinos, Q. ithaburensis here were available only at the national Morocco and others, and conifers such as level, making it difficult to distinguish Tunisia Pinus halepensis, P. brutia, P. pinea, between biogeographic zones. This article *Countries officially involved in the Barcelona P. pinaster and Juniperus species. covers all forest areas in the Mediterranean Process in the context of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement (Barcelona Declaration, 1995). Where water availability is not a limiting region, focusing wherever possible on for- Source: EU, 1995. factor in plant growth (e.g. along rivers), ests growing in a Mediterranean climate.

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 5

Note: Gradient of green = percent of Mediterranean forest cover; beige = other wooded lands (wooded areas with less than 10 percent canopy cover); brown = non-Mediterranean forests; grey = other land uses. Source: FAO and Plan Bleu, 2013.

1 Distribution of Mediterranean-type forests in Mediterranean countries

Contributors to the first • Consiglio per la Ricerca e la • Instituto Superior de Agronomia – ISA State of Mediterranean Forests Sperimentazione in Agricoltura – CRA (Higher Institute of Agronomy, Portugal); 2013 report (Agricultural Research Council, Italy); • International Union for Conservation of • Corpo Forestale dello Stato (State Nature – IUCN; Under the coordination of Plan Bleu and Forestry Corps, Italy); • Joint Research Centre/European Forest FAO, the following organizations contributed • Forestry Timber Section and Trade and Fire Information System – JRC/EFFIS; to State of Mediterranean Forests 2013: Timber Division of the United Nations; • Mediterranean Model Forest Network • Haut Commissariat aux eaux et forêts – MMFN; • Association internationale forêts médi- et à la lutte contre la désertification • Mediterranean offices of the World terranéennes – AIFM (International (High Commission for Water, Forests Wildlife Fund; Association for Mediterranean Forests); and Desertification Control, Morocco); • Mediterranean Regional Office of the • Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation • Institut méditerranéen du liege (Mediter- European Forest Institute – EFIMED; (IUCN-Med); ranean Institute of Cork, France); • Office national des forêts (National • Centre Tecnològic Forestal de • Institut national de la recherche Forests Office, France); Catalunya – CTFC (Forest Sciences agronomique – INRA (National Institute • UNECE/FAO partnership; Forest Centre of Catalonia); for Agricultural Research, France); Research Centre (CIFOR-INIA); • Centro de Investigación Ecológica • Istituto di Genetica Vegetale, Consiglio • Università degli Studi di Bari y Aplicaciones Forestales – CREAF Nazionale delle Ricerche – IGV-CNR (University of Bari, Italy); (Centre for Ecological Research and (Institute of Plant Genetics of the • Università degli Studi di Firenze Forestry Applications, Spain); National Research Council, Italy); (University of Florence, Italy).

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 6

THREATS TO FORESTS considerable changes in the environment 2007, projected climatic changes will The Mediterranean region had a popu- that in some cases may be irreversible strongly increase in the Mediterranean lation of 507 million people in 2010 (such as desertification and soil erosion). region by 2100. across three continents (Europe, Africa Numerous essential economic activities Risks throughout the region, but and Asia). This population is expected (such as agricultural activities and graz- SEMCs particularly affected. Table 2 to increase to 625 million inhabitants by ing) in the region are and will increasingly shows the projected changes in temperature 2050 (Plan Bleu, 2009; see also Figure 2), be affected. and precipitation in the Mediterranean mainly in SEMCs and in urban and coastal Climate change is thought to have region in 2100. The most significant areas. Human activities pose an increasing affected the Mediterranean throughout the temperature increases are projected threat to natural resources, raising ques- twentieth century and has clearly acceler- to occur in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, tions about the sustainability of current ated since 1970, with an average warming Palestine and the Syrian Arab Republic. uses of Mediterranean landscapes. of nearly 2 °C in southwestern Europe There will be changes in precipitation (specifically, the Iberian Peninsula and throughout the Mediterranean region, but Climate change southern France). The exception is Greece, the projected increase in water stress in The effects of climate change can be seen where, until the early 2000s, the average most SEMCs is alarming. Models project in the Mediterranean and have begun to annual temperature declined. There may more frequent and serious continental exacerbate already existing pressures and also have been warming in northern Africa, droughts (fewer days of precipitation and degradation phenomena, increasing the although this is difficult to quantify due to an increase in the length of the longest vulnerability of the ecosystems and popu- a lack of data. Rainfall decreased by up to periods without rain) (IPCC, 2007). lations that depend on them and leading to 20 percent in the twentieth century in some Average annual river flow is projected parts of the SEMCs (IPCC, 2007). Based to decrease, despite possible seasonal 2 on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate redistribution (e.g. more water in winter Urban population distribution and increase Change (IPCC) scenarios published in and less in spring and summer). It is also in Mediterranean countries, 1975–2025

Istanbul Nice Rome Marseille

Barcelona Izmir Naples Adana Algiers Palermo Aleppo Athens Damascus Oran Tunis Tel Aviv Tripoli Amman Alexandria No. of inhabitants 100 000 Year 1 000 000 1975 Cairo

5 000 000 2000

2025 10 000 000

Source: FAO and Plan Bleu, 2013. Based on information from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2011.

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 7

projected that extreme events will become TABLE 2. Projected changes in temperature and precipitation in the more frequent and intense. Mediterranean region in 2100 Impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity. Season Temperature variation Precipitation variation Occurrence of extreme events Climate change could affect ecosystems (°C) (°C) (% increase) in multiple ways, such as by reducing or Min. Max. Min. Max. Hot Humid Dry expanding their extent and distribution, Winter +1.7 +4.6 -16 +6 93 3 12 changing the behaviour of species and their Spring +2 +4.5 -24 -2 98 1 31 interactions, and changing the risk of fire, Summer +2.7 +6.5 -53 -3 100 1 42 diseases and species invasions. Autumn +2.3 +5.2 -29 -2 100 1 21 Rising temperatures may displace vegeta- tion types and species in latitude and Annual +2.2 +5.1 -27 -4 100 0 46 altitude. In the Mediterranean region, it is Source: IPCC, 2007. estimated that a 1 °C increase in tempera- ture could cause certain plant species to could increase the risk of extinction of (Badeau et al., 2005) suggest that, in France, migrate approximately 180 km to the north, a wide range of species and ecosystems. areas favourable to mountain forest and or 150 m in altitude (Plan Bleu, 2009), as A number of studies predict changes higher latitude species will be lost by 2100, well as alter the distribution of pathogenic in certain environments. Safi (1999), for while areas favourable to species adapted species and their vectors. Combined with example, predicted changes in bioclimatic to hotter and drier conditions will expand. periods of more severe drought, warming areas in Lebanon by 2080 and suggested Water scarcity. Water resources are lim- could lead to an increased frequency of fire, that there would be an expansion of arid ited in the region and unequally distributed: which may hinder the regeneration of spe- zones and a contraction of cooler and more in 2012, four countries (France, Italy, Spain cies and, combined with overuse, lead to humid zones. Forecasts made within the and Turkey) accounted for 67 percent of the accelerated desertification. Such changes framework of the CARBOFOR project region’s renewable fresh water resources (flows available within their own borders on an annual basis), while the SEMCs held Others only about one-quarter (27 percent) of the Slovenia region’s water resources between them Bulgaria (Figure 3) (FAO and Plan Bleu, 2013 from Albania FAOSTAT and AQUASTAT databases). Turkey Forest management approaches are needed Morocco that increase the resilience of forests to Bosnia and water stress and help meet demand from Herzegovina the various economic sectors. Croatia . Over millennia, human activi- ties in Mediterranean landscapes have Portugal modified natural forest fire dynamics and the capacity of vegetation to respond to disturbance (i.e. its resilience). The climate Greece also plays a major role in fire dynamics and risk: for example, the moisture content of litter is reduced by the generally prolonged France hot and dry season (generally between about June and October), when the aver- Spain age daytime temperature is often above 30 °C, there is little rain, and winds are characterized by high speeds and strong desiccating power. Italy

3 Source: FAO, 2012. Share of the total volume of Mediterranean water resources, by country, 2012

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 8

Burnt area/year/10 km2 (2006–2010)

0.1 0.2 0.5 1.6 1.8 3.7 4.3 9.5 ------0.07 .701 0.101 0.201 0.501 1.601 1.801 3 4.301

No data

Note: Data on wildfires are available at national level. Countries shown in grey did not provide complete data on burnt area for the period. Burnt area = ha burnt per year per 1 000 ha of wildland area, where wildland area is the area potentially affected by (i.e. land area, excluding urban areas). Source: FAO, 2006a; FAO, 2006b; FAO, 2010a; EFFIS European Fire Database; local authorities.

4 In the period 2006–2010, over 2 million ha Forest Fire Information Systems, a new Area burnt by wildfire per year, Mediterranean region, by country, of wildlands (not all forest) were burnt in common classification scheme has been 2006–2010 the Mediterranean region, an average of proposed. This project aims to harmo- more than 400 000 ha per year (Figure 4). nize data across countries, facilitate the Climate change may lead to greater In the same period, about 269 000 wildfires identification of the main drivers of fire weather extremes (e.g. droughts and heat were reported in the region (an average of ignition and make it possible to improve waves), exacerbating the threat posed by fire about 54 000 wildfires per year). reporting on forest fire causes. (FAO, 2007). An overall increase in burnt The limited information available The temporal and spatial distribution areas and a rise in the frequency, intensity about the causes of fires suggests that the of wildfires in the Mediterranean region and severity of wildfires are expected in Mediterranean region is characterized by a is influenced by several factors and there the next decades. In addition, human influ- prevalence of human-induced wildfire. In is considerable year-to-year variation. ences, such as land abandonment and a the case of Algeria, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal Nevertheless, Mediterranean forest eco- lack of land and forest management, can and Turkey, which reported statistics on systems are particularly prone to wildfire, increase the incidence, spread and severity fire causes (European Commission, 2011), as demonstrated by the case of France. In of wildfire. The consequences of such an “unknown” accounts for 51 percent of the the period 2000–2010, wildfires in the increase in fire frequency and intensity are total (ranging from 88 percent in Algeria French Mediterranean1 (which represents likely to be almost entirely negative, both to 14 percent in Bulgaria and 12 percent less than 20 percent of the total area of in Turkey). This confirms the need high- France) accounted for about 49 percent of 1 lighted by the European Commission the total number of wildfires nationally and The French Mediterranean zone as defined by the French forest fires database for the (2011) for improved knowledge and 69 percent of the total burnt area. In most Mediterranean area (Prométhée) includes reporting on wildfire causes and for more years, about 70–80 percent of the area the following departments: Alpes-de-Haute post-fire investigation. burnt by wildfires each year in France is Provence, Alpes-Maritimes, Ardèche, Aude, Bouches-du-Rhône, Corse-du-Sud, Drome, Gard, In the context of a European project led in the Mediterranean part of the country Haute-Corse, Hautes-Alpes, Hérault, Lozère, by Cemagref (France) and the European (FAO and Plan Bleu, 2013). Pyrénées-Orientales, Var and Vaucluse.

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 9

Forest area affected by disturbances (1000 ha)

65 - 122 1 - 10 - 1845 11 - 66 123 - 843 844

No data

Note: Data on disturbances are available at national level. Source: FAO, 2010a.

5 Total forest area affected by 5 million ha of damage is estimated to occurred in the Mediterranean countries of disturbances in Mediterranean countries, 2005 have occurred in Mediterranean coun- Europe (WMO, 2011). Drought can affect tries, which was almost 6 percent of the forests in various ways and can lead to socioeconomically (e.g. increased damage total forest area of the region. Figure 5 increased mortality, declines in productiv- to infrastructure, the loss of merchantable shows the countries in the region classified ity, dieback, and increased susceptibility forest goods and ecosystem services, and according to the reported extent of forest to insect pests and pathogens. deleterious effects on human health) and disturbances in 2005. Biodiversity loss. The unusually high ecologically (e.g. increased forest degrada- Woody are increas- geographical and topographical vari- tion and biodiversity loss). ingly recognized as a major problem in ability (e.g. irregular coasts and many Forest health threats. The Mediterranean the region, with a range of negative eco- mountain ranges) and a pronounced forests share many common features, nomic, social and environmental impacts. climatic bi-seasonality have had a strong including climate, soils and forest compo- For example, Ailanthus altissima, a tree positive influence on species richness and sition. As a result of these similarities, they species native to China, is a significant distribution in the Mediterranean region, also share many forest health problems, invasive plant in the Mediterranean region. which is a biodiversity hotspot with high including those associated with insect It is an aggressive, fast-growing tree and endemism (Myers et al., 2000; Médail pests, disease, other biotic factors (such as a prolific seeder that may overrun native and Quézel, 1997). Twenty-five percent of woody invasive species, wildlife browsing vegetation; it also produces toxins that the approximately 200 terrestrial animals and grazing), and abiotic factors (such as prevent the nearby establishment of other found in the region are endemic to it, and air pollution and storms). plant species. 350 species of bird are also found in the Although data are incomplete, outbreaks Droughts occur when precipitation is region. There are more than 25 000 plant of forest insect pests were estimated to lower than usual over an extended period species in the Mediterranean region, com- have damaged 35 million ha of the world’s of time (usually a season or more). Often pared with about 6 000 in central and forests annually in the period 1988–2007 associated with the arid regions of Africa, northern Europe. Mediterranean forests (FAO, 2010a). Of this global total, over in recent years drought events have also have nearly twice the number of woody

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 10

species as central and northern European management encompassing the environ- offers potential for the production of a forests (247 vs. 135), and 158 of the woody mental, economic and social dimensions wide variety of non-wood forest products species in Mediterranean forests are exclu- of sustainable development. (NWFPs). Some countries in the region sive to those forests or largely preferential, have specific legislation governing the compared with 46 in central and northern GOODS PROVIDED BY use of certain NWFPs, but generally European forests. There is a similar differ- MEDITERRANEAN FORESTS the diversity of products and a lack of ence in terms of genera: 34 are exclusive Wood products clear definitions of NWFPs hinder the to Mediterranean forests and only 7 to The socioeconomic importance of regulation of their cultivation, extraction central and northern European forests Mediterranean forests is less about the (Figures 7 and 8), marketing and export. (Scarascia-Mugnozza et al., 2000). wood they provide than their non-wood Nevertheless, the high biodiversity in forest products and ecosystem services ECOSYSTEM SERVICES the Mediterranean region is threatened (Merlo and Croitoru, 2005). Nevertheless, The relationship between people and by habitat loss (Myers et al., 2000). such forests do contribute to meeting forests is continually evolving. The socio- According to the EU’s 1992 Habitats regional demand for wood products. economic changes of recent decades Directive, 386 endangered species and Because data on , con- triggered by urbanization and rises in 142 habitats in the Mediterranean are sumption (Figure 6) and trade in the living standards have increased the in need of protection. Anthropogenic Mediterranean are reported at the national importance of the ecosystem services of pressures such as habitat loss, land- level, they do not show the relative import- Mediterranean forests (Palahi et al., 2008). scape degradation, fire, soil erosion and ance of Mediterranean forests compared Some of these services are discussed below. climate change are some of the drivers with forests in other biogeographical of forest biodiversity loss in the region. regions of the same countries. Erosion control and water supply Implementing concrete measures for bio- Vegetation plays a crucial role in prevent- diversity and forest genetic conservation Non-wood forest products ing erosion by decreasing the effect of is a difficult challenge that requires an The impressive diversity of species that erosive forces and physically keeping the integrated approach to land and forest characterizes the Mediterranean region soil in place. The erosion of forest soils

Mediterranean stone pines are the source of pine nuts. The Mediterranean region produces approximately 6000–9000 tonnes tke

u of pine nuts per

M year, not including

ven domestic or local

© S consumption

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 11

6 Average apparent per capita 250 consumption of wood and wood products, Eastern Mediterranean countries by Mediterranean subregion, 2010 Northern Mediterranean countries 200 Southern Mediterranean countries can be exacerbated by, for example, the

inhabitant) 150 loss of forest cover, wildfire and storms. per

In the case of extreme rainfall events, trees, shrubs and herbs can significantly 100

reduce the kinetic energy of raindrops (tonnes (Albergel et al., 2011) and therefore the Average apparent consumption apparent Average 50

risk of erosion. per capita of wood and wood products The importance of forest cover in ensur- ing high water quality is increasingly 0 Industrial Sawnwood Panels Cellulose pulp Newsprint Other papers recognized: for example, between 1990 roundwood and boards and 2010, the area of protective forests 3 (forests primarily designated for soil and Note: Pulp, other papers and boards are expressed in tonnes per capita; other values are in m per capita. Source: FAO, 2010b; UNECE/FAO, 2012. water protection) increased from 15.2 mil- lion ha to 15.9 million ha in western Mediterranean Europe and from 2.1 mil- photosynthesis, respiration, decomposi- 2 IPCC scenarios: “The A1 storyline and scenario lion ha to 3.1 million ha in southeastern tion and combustion. family describes a future world of very rapid Europe, including Turkey (FOREST According to an evaluation made in 2005 economic growth, global population that peaks EUROPE, UNECE and FAO, 2011). (Ding, Nunes and Telucksingh, 2011), the in mid-century and declines thereafter, and the rapid introduction of new and more efficient economic value of carbon storage in technologies. Major underlying themes are Mediterranean forests ranges between convergence among regions, capacity building Forest ecosystems play a key role in US$37 billion and US$63 billion in the and increased cultural and social interactions, the global carbon cycle and climate IPCC global emission scenarios A1 and with a substantial reduction in regional differences in per capita income ... regulation because carbon is exchanged B2,2 respectively, with 2050 as the horizon. “The A2 storyline and scenario family naturally and continuously between veg- The economic value of carbon is smaller describes a very heterogeneous world. etation, soils and the atmosphere through in Mediterranean forests than in forests The underlying theme is self-reliance and in central–northern Europe, but higher preservation of local identities. Fertility patterns across regions converge very slowly, 7 than that of forests in northern Europe which results in continuously increasing global NWFP removals in the and Scandinavian Europe. population. Economic development is primarily Mediterranean region, 2005 regionally oriented and per capita economic growth and technological change are more 1 000 000 fragmented and slower than in other storylines.

900 000 “The B1 storyline and scenario family describes a convergent world with the same 800 000 global population that peaks in mid-century 2005 and declines thereafter, as in the A1 storyline, 700 000 but with rapid changes in economic structures 600 000 toward a service and information economy, (tonnes),

with reductions in material intensity, and the 500 000 introduction of clean and resource-efficient 400 000 technologies. The emphasis is on global removal

solutions to economic, social, and environmental 300 000 sustainability, including improved equity, but without additional climate initiatives. NWFP 200 000 “The B2 storyline and scenario family 100 000 describes a world in which the emphasis is 0 on local solutions to economic, social and environmental sustainability. It is a world with Southern Mediterranean Northern Mediterranean Eastern Mediterranean continuously increasing global population, at a rate lower than A2, intermediate levels of Note: Pulp, other papers and boards are expressed in tonnes per capita; other values are in m3 per capita. economic development, and less rapid and more Source: FAO, 2010b; UNECE/FAO, 2012. diverse technological change than in the A1 and B1 storylines ...” (IPCC, 2007)

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 12

Social services greater part of the Mediterranean region in and assessment of regional strategies and Social and cultural services provided by coming decades, with potentially serious coordination between national approaches. forest ecosystems include recreation and consequences for people, local economies The improved sharing of information on ecotourism; the maintenance of cultural and forest health. Unmanaged – or poorly forests in the Mediterranean region would heritage values, cultural diversity, spiritual managed – forest stands may be more vul- help increase regional cooperation among and religious values, aesthetic and edu- nerable to natural hazards such as pests, the Mediterranean countries, mobilize cational values, and knowledge systems; disease, drought and forest fires. financial resources to reduce the impacts inspiration; social relations; and a “sense Given the importance of Mediterranean of climate change on Mediterranean of place” (Alcamo et al., 2003). Overall, forests for local people, their contribution forest ecosystems and other wooded however, data on the social ecosystem to rural development and food security lands, and foster the development and services provided by forests is scarce in (in some countries more than others), and implementation of a shared vision on most countries. the wide range of goods and ecosystem Mediterranean forests. u services they provide, strategies for the CONCLUSION management of Mediterranean forests The Mediterranean region is likely to be are needed that increase resilience and strongly affected by climate change, the equitably distribute their benefits and costs. effects of which will exacerbate existing To promote such strategies, ongoing pressures on Mediterranean forests and monitoring is required. The State of people. Water scarcity is likely to affect a Mediterranean Forests, if published every five years, could provide an overview of References 8 the situation of Mediterranean forests NWFP removals in the and assist in the development, monitoring Albergel, J., Collinet, J., Zante, P. & Mediterranean countries, 2010 Hamrouni, H. 2011. Role of the Mediterranean forest in soil and water Raw material for utensils, Fodder; 19 051 tonnes (1%) conservation. In Y. Birot, C. Gracia & handicrafts and construction; 23 999 tonnes (2%) Raw material for colorants and dyes; M. Palahi, eds. Water for forests and people 7 000 tonnes (0.4%) in the Mediterranean region: a challenging Wild honey and beeswax; 47 884 tonnes (3%) Exudates; 6 349 tonnes (0.4%) balance. What Science Can Tell Us No. 1. Helsinki, European Forest Institute. Wild meat; Living animals; 2 634 tonnes (0.15%) 69 565 tonnes (4%) Alcamo, J., Bennett, E.M. et al. 2003. Ornamental plants; Ecosystems and human well-being: a 434 tonnes (0.03%) Raw material for framework for assessment. Washington, medicine and Other edible aromatic products; animal products; DC, Island Press. 72 100 tonnes (4%) 37 tonnes Badeau, V., Dupouey, J., Cluzeau, C. & (0.002%) Drapier, J. 2005. Aires potentielles de répartition des essences forestières d’ici. Fôret Entreprise, 162: 25–29. Food; DeGroot, R., Matthew, A.W. & Roelof, Other plant products; 717 686 tonnes (42%) 249 598 tonnes (15%) M.J.B. 2002. A typology for the classifica- tion, description and valuation of ecosystem functions, goods and services. Ecological Economics, 41: 393–405. Ding, H., Nunes, P. & Telucksingh, S. 2011. Hides, skins and trophies; European forests and carbon sequestration 483 713 tonnes (29%) services: an economic assessment of climate change impacts. Ecosystem Services Economics Working Paper Series No. 9. Division of Environmental Policy Implementation. Nairobi, UNEP. EFFIS (European Forest Fire Information Source: FAO, 2012. System). European Fire Database. URL:

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 13

Reforestation near a High Atlas village, Morocco rlis e P drea n © FAO/FO5631/A FAO. 2010b. FAOSTAT (database). URL: http:// Palahí, M., Mavsar, R., Gracia, C. & Birot, Y. technical-background/european-fire-database/. faostat/. 2008. Mediterranean forests under focus. EU. Barcelona Declaration. 1995. Final FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT (database). URL: International Forestry Review, 10: 676–688. declaration of the Barcelona Euro- Plan Bleu. 2009. Etat de l’environnement et Mediterranean Ministerial Conference of index.stm. du développement en Méditerranée – 2009. 27 and 28 November 1995 and its work FAO & Plan Bleu. 2013. State of Mediterranean Athens, Plan Bleu. programme. Available at: Forests 2013. Rome. Safi, S. 1999. Assessment of Bioclimatic legislation_summaries/external_relations/ FOREST EUROPE, UNECE & FAO. 2011. Change – Lebanon Case Study. In First relations_with_third_countries/mediterranean_ State of Europe’s forests 2011: status and trends National Communication on Climate partner_countries/r15001_en.htm (http://www. in sustainable forest management in Europe. Change. GEF, B1. Beirut, Ministry of Oslo, FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit; Environment, Lebanon; UNDP. European Commission. 2011. Forest fires in Geneva, Switzerland, UNECE; Rome, FAO. Scarascia-Mugnozza, G., Helfried, H., Europe 2010. EUR 24910 EN. Luxembourg, IPCC. 2007. Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Piussi, P. & Kallipi R. 2000. Forests of the Publication Office of the European Union. Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, Mediterranean region: gaps in knowledge FAO. 2006a. Global Forest Resources II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report and research needs. and Assessment 2005 – Report on fires in the of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Management, 132: 97–109. Mediterranean region. Fire Management Change. [Core Writing Team, Pachauri, R.K. UNECE/FAO. 2012. Market Working Paper 8. Rome. and Reisinger, A. (eds.)]. Geneva, IPCC; Review 2011-2012. Geneva Timber and FAO. 2006b. Global Forest Resources Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Forest Study Paper 30. New York and Assessment 2005 – Report on fires in the Médail, F. & Quézel, P. 1997. Hot-spots Geneva, United Nations. Balkan Region. Fire Management Working analysis for conservation of plant biodiversity United Nations Department of Economic Paper 11. Rome (available at: in the Mediterranean basin. Annals of the and Social Affairs. 2011. Urban and rural forestry/site/fire-alerts/en). Missouri Botanical Garden, 84: 112–127. population database. URL: FAO. 2007. Fire management global Merlo, M. & Croitoru, L. eds. 2005. Valuing unpd/wup/unup/index_panel1.html. assessment 2006. Thematic study prepared Mediterranean forests: towards total WMO (World Meteorological Organization). in the framework of the Global Forest economic value. Wallingford, UK, CABI. 2011. Website (available at Resources Assessment 2005. Rome. Myers, N., Mittlemeier, R.A., Mittlemeier, Accessed 12 June 2012. u FAO. 2010a. Global forest resources C.G., Da Fonseca, G.A.B. & Kent, J. assessment 2010. Main report. FAO Forestry 2000. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation Paper No. 163. Rome. priorities. Nature, 403: 853–858.

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 14

The Strategic Framework on Mediterranean Forests and the Tlemcen Declaration

C. Besacier

This regional policy agenda, which he Strategic Framework on The main objectives and strategic lines of was endorsed by Mediterranean Mediterranean Forests aims the Strategic Framework on Mediterranean countries in March 2013, will help to provide a common policy Forests (SFMF) are as follows: align national policies to promote Tdirection for the integrated management 1. developing and promoting goods and sustainable forest management in of Mediterranean forest ecosystems. On services provided by forest ecosystems the region. the basis of information drawn from the and other wooded lands in the Medi- 2013 publication, State of Mediterranean terranean region: Forests, it focuses on the need to develop • improve sustainable production of goods and services, promote resilience, goods and services [by Mediter- and strengthen both capacity and resources. ranean forests]; The framework is the result of a regional • enhance the role of Mediterranean process initiated in April 2011 at the forests in rural development; Second Mediterranean Forest Week in • promote forest governance and land- Christophe Besacier is in charge of the Avignon, France, with a first draft prepared tenure reform in Mediterranean Secretariat of the Committee on Mediterranean by an expert workshop convened in Chania, landscapes; Forestry Questions–Silva Mediterranea and of the Secretariat of the Collaborative Partnership Greece, in September 2012. on Mediterranean Forests. House of Tlemcen National Park, Tlemcen, Algeria RCO © FAO/M a P e rri

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 15

The Third Mediterranean Forest Week, held in Tlemcen from 17–21 March 2013, was attended by from across the Mediterranean region

if necessary, adapt their strategies and policies, including governance, for the sustainable development of Mediterranean landscapes. It exhorts forest managers, experts and the scientific community of the forest sector to develop and implement, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, innovative and sustainable management of landscapes, and to disseminate related rri e

P information in the Mediterranean region.

a It also requests the implementation of the main recommendations proposed in the

© FAO/M RCO SFMF, taking into account the character- istics and needs of each country. 2. promoting the resilience of these forest during the consultation process and The Strategic Framework on Mediter- ecosystems and other wooded lands endorsed by countries at the high-level ranean Forests1 should become an efficient in the Mediterranean to face global segment during the Third Mediterranean tool to: changes: Forest Week, organized in Tlemcen, • improve the visibility of the forest • promote wildfire prevention by Algeria, on 17–21 March 2013 by the sector and promote the mobilization integrating the increasing risks Committee on Mediterranean Forestry of financial and human resources; associated with ongoing climate Questions–Silva Mediterranea, with • provide a consensual framework to change in the Mediterranean; the support of the Algerian Ministry of improve intersectoral coordination • manage forest genetic resources and Agriculture and Rural Development and and foster partnerships between the biodiversity to enhance the adapta- several other members of the Collaborative various stakeholders involved in the tion of forest ecosystems and other Partnership on Mediterranean Forests. management of forest ecosystems and wooded lands to climate change in The meeting, on the theme of “Mediter- other wooded lands in countries of the Mediterranean; ranean forests for sustainable development the region after its integration into • restore degraded Mediterranean of landscapes: strategies of mitigation national policies (public/private); forest landscapes; and adaptation to global change?”, was • contribute to better coordination in 3. enhancing the capacity of stakeholders a landmark in regional cooperation on the development and implementation and the resource mobilization neces- Mediterranean forests. In addition to the of subregional and intersectoral sary for the sustainable management endorsement of the SFMF, the meeting programmes and/or projects; of forest ecosystems and other wooded included the launch of the first edition of • facilitate the identification and lands in the Mediterranean State of Mediterranean Forests and the promotion of common positions on • develop knowledge, training and celebration of the first International Day Mediterranean forest ecosystems and communication on Mediterranean of Forests on 21 March, which highlighted other wooded lands in international forests; the importance of forest ecosystems and fora; and • reinforce international cooperation other wooded lands for Mediterranean • provide the Committee on Mediter- on Mediterranean forests; landscapes. It also saw the adoption of ranean Forestry Questions–Silva • adapt existing financing schemes the Tlemcen Declaration. Mediterranea with a common vision and develop innovative mechanisms The Tlemcen Declaration calls on and roadmap. u to support the implementation of political and administrative authorities forest policies and programmes on at the national, regional and local levels 1 To consult the text of the SFMF, see http://www. Mediterranean forests. and all other stakeholders involved in the 2304068d43763.pdf (Rationale) and http://www. The SFMF was shared with foresters management of forests and other wooded throughout the Mediterranean region lands in the Mediterranean to develop and, f72a22c0b0775.pdf (Strategic Lines).

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 16 ISTINA © C r C alder ó n M a rtorell

Ce as StUDY Improving fire management in natural parks in the Valencia Region

J. Suárez Torres and F. Navarro Baixauli

A project funded by the European n Spain’s Valencia Region, forest fire European Union between 2007 and 2013 Union has helped improve fire is an important factor in landscape and implemented in four countries to help prevention in natural parks in and vegetation dynamics (Figure 1) improve the governance and management this Spanish region by boosting Iand strongly influences the services pro- quality of natural protected areas. local participation. vided by forests and other wooded lands. This article describes these natural parks The Valencia Regional Government (also referred to here as “pilot areas”) and (Generalitat Valenciana) participated in their governance systems and examines Jorge Suárez Torres is head of the Subdepartment of Prevention and a QUALIGOUV project with the aim of the role of the project in improving fire Suppression of Forest Fires at the Regional improving forest-fire prevention in four of management in them. Ministry for Governance, Valencia Regional the region’s natural parks: Turia, Chera-Sot Government, Spain. Francisco Navarro de Chera, Puebla de San Miguel and Sierra Above: Panoramic view of Baixauli is project manager, VA ERSA Puebla de San Miguel village (environmental services company), Valencia Calderona (Table 1 and Figure 2). The and its surroundings, Puebla de Regional Gover nment, Spain. QUALIGOUV project was funded by the San Miguel Natural Park, 2010

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 17

160 000 1 000 Maximum number of fires in 1991 900 140 000 Peak in 1994, when more than 138 000 ha were affected 800 120 000 700 No. (ha) 100 000 600


80 000 500 fires affected

400 60 000 Area 300 40 000 200 20 000 100

0 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Area affected by wildfire (ha) Trend line, area affected by wildfire No. of fires Trend line, number of fires

Source: Generalitat Valenciana, 2013.

1 Number of fires and affected area in the Valencia Region, 1991-2010 in the vicinity of the Turia Natural Park 97 000 inhabitants of Sierra Calderona, have a population of about 200 000 inhab- which is also close to the Valencia metro- itants, and the park is also close to the politan area, live near the coast. THE NATURAL PARKS Valencia metropolitan area (which has There are differences in the types of Climate and geography over 1.5 million inhabitants). Most of the settlement, from densely populated towns Over one-third of the Puebla de San Miguel Natural Park is 1 400 m above TABLE 1. Description of the study area sea level or higher. Its highest point (and Puebla de Chera-Sot Sierra Turia the highest point in the Valencia Region) San Miguel de Chera Calderona is 1 839 m, and it has a Mediterranean Landscape area, ha 6 390 6 451 18 019 4 692 Population 66 1 000 97 000 200 000 mountain climate (Figure 3). Located on Forest area, ha a seismic fault, the Chera-Sot de Chera (percentage of total Natural Park has uneven and mountainous landscape) 5 879 (92%) 5 806 (90%) 15 856 (88%) 2 768 (59%) terrain; it was the first area in the Valencia Agricultural area, ha (percentage of total Region to be declared a geological park. landscape) 511 (8%) 645 (10%) 2 162 (12%) 1 924 (41%) The Turia Natural Park is characterized by Main tree forest species Juniperus thurifera, P. halepensis, P. pinaster, P. halepensis Taxus baccata, P. pinaster, P. halepensis, a less abrupt topography, proximity to the Pinus nigra, Quercus rotundifolia, Q. ilex, sea and the presence of riverine vegetation. P. sylvestris Q. faginea, T. baccata Q. suber The Sierra Calderona Natural Park is part Main forest functions Recreation, amenity, scenic beauty, protection, biodiversity and and uses production of a mountain system that extends from Main risks and threats Wildfire the coastal zone to the interior of the Private forest, ha Valencia Region, reaching a maximum (percentage of total forest altitude of 1 012 m. area) 765 (13%) 464 (8%) 10 148 (64%) 1 384 (50%) Public forest, ha (percentage of total Demography forest area) 5 114 (87%) 5 342 (92%) 5 708 (36 %) 1 384 (50%) The four natural parks have very differ- Management framework Natural park ent population dynamics. Puebla de San Forest-fire prevention plan Yes Number of forest fires, Miguel and Chera-Sot de Chera have very 10-year period 9 7 107 84 small and relatively isolated populations Area burnt in 10-year (66 and 1 000 inhabitants, respectively). period, ha 0.18 2.5 5 303 363 Collectively, the rural and urban areas Source: Adapted from Gasc et al., 2012.

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 18

2 Location of pilot sites in the Valencia Region

to gardened residential areas and scattered settlements. Some inhabited areas are close to the forest, thus increasing fire risk in urban and peri-urban interfaces. The socio- economic situation also varies between pilot areas. On average, those natural parks with smaller populations (i.e. Puebla de San Miguel and Chera-Sot de Chera) have stronger economic links with the surrounding landscapes than those with larger populations (i.e. Turia and Sierra Calerona), whose economy is more closely tied to industry and to services unrelated biodiversity conservation services are Governance to the forest. gaining in importance. However, the The Valencia Regional Government is burning of agricultural and garden waste responsible for the management of the Role of forest and different uses and certain beekeeping and recreational natural parks. Each park has an execu- Forest-based productive activities (e.g. activities increase the risk of human- tive director appointed by the Regional hunting, fishing, mushroom-picking, and induced forest fire. In fact, only 23 percent Ministry of the Environment, who makes cane- and wood-cutting) are decreasing, of forest fires are of natural origin in the the management decisions. In each park, while water regulation, recreation and Valencia Region. a consultative committee (with advisory functions but no decision-making power) meets once or twice a year to discuss current and future projects and activities in the park. The consultative committee is composed of representatives of local and regional authorities, universities, and associations and organizations related to, for example, conservation, hiking, sports, culture and hunting (Figure 4). The management structure is similar in all the four natural parks except for the composition of the consultative com- mittees, which differs depending on the organizations present in each area. Management problems are usually discussed and solved by the consultative committees or the park directors, and there is no other established structure for conflict resolution. Special working groups can be created (comprising representatives of the parties involved) to address specific rtorell a

M conflicts. However, so far there have been n ó no significant conflicts among stakeholders

alder about forest-fire prevention. C r

© C ISTINA Chera-Sot de Chera Natural Park, 2009

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 19

Responsibilities and obligations for TABLE 2. Action on water tanks and forest roads the prevention of forest fire are shared Type of work Chera-Sot Puebla de Turia Sierra Total de Chera San Miguel Calderona among the various stakeholders – local Road maintenance (m) institutions, the regional government, river (executed) 25 562 7 480 21 212 81 030 135 284 authorities, private owners, local residents, No. of new water storage visitors, sports promoters, farmers and tanks (planned) 6 2 0 4 12 agricultural cooperatives, researchers and No. of water tanks maintained (projected) 0 0 2 6 8 hunters – and coordinated by the Regional Source: Data compiled by authors. Ministry for Governance. Each natural park has a fire-prevention plan, which is applied locally through local wildfire FIRE PREVENTION AT THE LOCAL entire Valencia Region. Their transfer to prevention plans. Actions set out in these LEVEL and implementation in other areas would, plans include surveillance, the prevention Within the framework of the QUALIGOUV however, require a preliminary analysis of fire ignition, and the construction of project, several activities have been and an adaptation of the approaches and infrastructure such as firebreaks, water undertaken with the aim of improving tools used. tanks and forest roads. Once approved, forest governance in the pilot areas. In and after a period of public consultation, particular, forest-fire prevention plans have Fire-prevention plans for natural fire-prevention plans form a framework for been developed for each natural park, and parks the implementation of prevention activities planning, information, communication Drawing up plans to prevent forest fires by all stakeholders. and participatory tools have been used to in each natural park is a way to establish increase community empowerment. These a shared vision among stakeholders. In 3 activities have improved the governance of this way, a single document covers all the Temperature and precipitation, the natural parks and, in some cases, of the preventative actions to be carried out, such four pilot sites

Chera-Sot de Chera Sierra Calderona 90.00 40.00 90.00 40.00

80.00 35.00 80.00 35.00

70.00 Temperature 70.00 Temperature 30.00 30.00 mm) mm)

( 60.00 ( 60.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 40.00

( (

15.00 °C) 15.00 °C) 30.00 30.00

Precipitation 20.00 10.00 Precipitation 20.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00

00.00 0 00.00 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D

Turia Puebla de San Miguel 90.00 40.00 90.00 40.00

80.00 35.00 80.00 35.00

Temperature 70.00 Temperature 70.00 30.00 30.00 mm) mm)

( 60.00 ( 60.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 40.00

( (

15.00 °C) 15.00 °C) 30.00 30.00

Precipitation 20.00 10.00 Precipitation 20.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00

00.00 0 00.00 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D

Precipitation (average 1951–2008) Temperature (average 1951–2008)

Source: Generalitat Valenciana, 2013.

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 20

4 Governance system, Valencia Regional Government Valencia Region

Department of the as vigilance, detection, information, igni- Natural Environment Town halls, (Dirección general del medio natural) tion dissuasion measures (e.g. warnings local and patrols) and the development of infra- organizations structure. Once this planning structure is Subdepartment for the Regional Management of Protected Areas decided, municipal plans for the preven- Ministry (Servicio de espacios naturales protegidos) tion of forest fires are developed locally, of the – Management plans Environment – Specific services within the park (visitor reception using a participatory approach (Figure 5). centres, instructors, park warden services) Awareness-raising is also needed at the Consultative committee – local level to prevent forest fires. Executive director of natural parks participation – Management decisions on the issues not of groups ascribed to other bodies Fire-prevention infrastructure with social – Issuance of statutory reports Action has been undertaken to improve or economic interests Regional Department of Fire Prevention and and maintain fire-prevention infrastructure Ministry Suppression and Emergencies such as water storage tanks (for helicopters for (Dirección general de prevención y and fire engines) and forest roads (Table 2). Governance extinción de incendios y emergencias) The maintenance and improvement of forest roads is expensive; three projects Farmers, Subdepartment of Prevention hunters, and Suppression have been developed to upgrade important ecologists, (Servicio de prevención y extinción) roads, and stabilization trials using lime universities, or cement have been conducted with the public use, etc. Preventing fires in natural parks aim of obtaining maximum durability of Fire prevention plan the road surface. In total, in the four pilot areas, these projects include up to 135 km Source: Adapted from Calderón, 2010. of forest roads as part of efforts to mini- mize the risk of forest fire. Actions have Participants/ been planned for the installation of up to Phase Actions eight water tanks, including functional parties involved issue analysis and other environmental and Technical partners, executive Meetings director of natural parks, security measures. For example, measures Development of environmental rangers are needed to prevent animals from drown- the document Presentation of the Consultative committee ing in water tanks; escape ramps have been draft document of the natural park designed and adapted to the various tank diameters and can be fitted without the Department of Natural need to empty the tanks. Revision of the draft Parks of the Regional Review phase and production Ministry of the of the report Environment (Valencia Promoting fire-prevention plans at Regional Government)

the local level General public Although the development and implemen- Stakeholders – affected councils, local and provincial tation of fire-prevention plans has been a Information to Dissemination of the associations, forest owners, the public plan through the web cooperatives, etc. legal obligation at the municipal or local Consultative committee of level for almost a decade, they have started the natural park to be drawn up only recently thanks to the Council of the Meeting QUALIGOUV project, which provided natural park Approval phase Valencia Regional Final approval by law 5 Government Stakeholders and actions in different phases of the development of fire- Source: Adapted from Calderón and Suárez, 2010. prevention plans for natural parks

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 21

River vegetation in the Turia Natural Park, 2008

Volunteer force for vigilance and prevention of forest fires Involving local people in voluntary activi- ties is a way of harnessing local concerns for active participation in forest-fire preven- tion, as well as of increasing the resources available for surveillance. Volunteering is supported by funding from the Valencia Regional Government within the frame- work of the QUALIGOUV project. It is rtorell a being integrated into the region’s preven- M n

ó tive actions, thus facilitating coordination with other measures, creating an optimal alder C use of resources and complementing the existing structure of surveillance. r © C ISTINA CONCLUSION supportive funding of up to €6 000 per and prohibitions are insufficient and may The aim of the QUALIGOUV project plan to 15 municipalities. Five of these have negative side-effects, such as the dis- was to help a range of stakeholders to plans had been approved and 10 were being appearance of traditional activities carried develop governance processes, test tools processed at the time of writing (Table 3). out by local people in forest ecosystems. for managing natural parks, and exchange A methodological guide for the preparation The Manual of good practices for the experiences between the four pilot areas. of fire-prevention plans was also developed prevention of forest fire, which has been Among other things, the project enabled to assist in transferring knowledge and prepared to support the work, acknowl- the diagnosis of the wildfire situation tools from the regional to the local level edges the many legitimate activities that in the pilot areas and the identification and to encourage greater coherence among take place in forests and the presence of a and roles of stakeholders and promoted local plans. wide range of legitimate forest users – such a shared vision of the actions to be as farmers, foresters, residents and tour- undertaken. Moreover, it promoted the Manual of good practices for the ists. For each activity, the manual presents development of common goals related prevention of forest fire measures that can be taken to reduce the to firefighting, fire prevention and sus- Most forest fires in the pilot sites are risk of starting forest fires, with the aim of tainable development, and the collective human-induced (caused mainly by neg- raising awareness about safe forest prac- identification of the actions required to ligence rather than arson). However, tices and promoting shared responsibility achieve them. u coercive preventative measures, limitations for fire prevention.

TABLE 3. No. of municipal fire-prevention plans in pilot sites (made and approved by the Valencia Regional Government before 2006 and in 2012) Pilot site No. of Prior to 2006 2012 municipalities No. of plans made No. of plans approved No. of plans made No. of plans approved

Turia 9 1 0 2 2

Puebla de San Miguel 1 0 0 0 0

Chera-Sot de Chera 2 0 0 0 0

Sierra Calderona 14 0 0 8 3

Total 26 1 0 10 5 Source: Data compiled by authors.

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 22

Wildland–urban interface, Sierra de Calderona Natural Park, 2013 rtorell a M n ó alder C r © C ISTINA

Generalitat Valenciana. 2012. Atlas climático de la Comunitat Valenciana (1951–2008) PATFOR. GVA. Unpublished. Generalitat Valenciana. 2013. Base de datos References de incendios forestales. GVA. Unpublished. Gasc, D., Bonnier, J., Montgolfier, J. & Calderón, C. 2010. Prevención de incendios Veyrand, R. 2012. Final capitalisation book. forestales en espacios naturales protegidos. QUALIGOUV (available at: Una gestión compartida. Marco de sites/default/files/Final%20book.pdf). acción y colaboración. QUALIGOUV. Navarro, F. & Moreno, R. 2012. Thematic GVA (available at enlightening No. 3. Active social participa- prevencion/guatlla30/web-2520exportar/ tion in forest fires prevention. QUALIGOUV. indice.aspx@nodo=71800&idioma=c.pdf). GVA (available at: Calderón, C. & Suárez, J. 2010. Forest default/files/TE3.pdf). u fire prevention plans in protected areas. GVA (available at prevencion/guatlla30/web-2520exportar/ indice.aspx@nodo=71803&idioma=c.pdf).

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 23

Ce as StUDY Montpellier, green city

F. Besse, M. Conigliaro, B. Fages, M. Gauthier, G. Mille, F. Salbitano and G. Sanesi al S © BITANO

Green governance and urban ities investing in a “green vision” THE MUNICIPALITY OF forests are improving the quality have made enormous gains in MONTPELLIER of life in a Mediterranean city. improving the quality of the envi- With about 260 000 inhabitants (Table 1), Cronment and therefore the quality of life Montpellier is the eighth-largest city in of their citizens. Montpellier has adopted France. It lies on the southeast coast of such a vision, following the fundamental France in the Department of Hérault yet simple rule that eliminating or reducing and Languedoc Roussillon. Its average the area of natural and agricultural land elevation above sea level is 64 m and the can no longer be regarded as the best path municipality covers 5 688 ha. Sixty per- for urban development. The city adminis- cent of municipal land is urbanized, and tration has encouraged the improvement urban development is ongoing; the other of urban forests, green spaces (i.e. parks, 40 percent consists of parks, protected flower gardens, castle parks, private gar- areas, forests and rural areas. François Besse and Gilles Mille are FAO dens open to the public, neighbourhood Montpellier is situated between two consultants based in Montpellier, France; Michela Conigliaro and Bertille Fages work squares, etc.) and biodiversity conserva- rivers: the Lez to the east and the Mosson for the FAO Forestry Department, Rome, as tion by establishing long-term partnerships to the west. The city has been expanding did Michelle Gauthier at the time of writing; with citizens and efficiently managing the Fabio Salbitano is with the University of Florence, Italy; and Giovanni Sanesi is with city’s urban and peri-urban spaces. This Above: View of the tower of the Maison the University of Ba r i, Italy. article describes Montpellier’s approach. Rimbaud in the forest on the river Lez, 2011

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towards the coast (10 km from the city TABLE 1. Data on the city of Montpellier centre) through the development of new Population 2009 258 366 districts and the absorption of neighbouring Land area (ha) 5 688 municipalities (e.g. Lattes and Pérols) in the eastern and southern sectors. The city Of which forest area (ha) 390.2 (6.9% of total land area) has a typical Mediterranean climate, with Of which agricultural area (ha) 775.84 (13.6% of total land area) the highest frequency of rainy days in Main urban tree species Platanus x acerifolia, Pinus pinea, Celtis australis, autumn and spring. Rainfall can be heavy, Quercus ilex, Melia azedarach, Sophora japonica particularly in autumn when “Cévenol” Main functions and uses Beautification, greening, recreation, social life, events (violent storms that can last several education, agri-park, biodiversity conservation days) may occur (on average, 2–3 times Main risks and threats Changes in urban strategy (replacement of “green” infrastructure with “grey” infrastructure) per year), frequently causing flooding in low-lying parts of the city. However, summer is very dry, with occasional in France. To help meet the needs of its In 1994, the city adopted a charter for thunderstorms in August. Montpellier is growing population, the government of the environment consisting of five main the least windy city in the Gulf of Lyon, the agglomération is implementing a “ter- elements: 1) conservation and improvement thanks to the Cévennes mountain chain, ritorial coherence scheme” (Schéma de of the urban landscape; 2) ecomobility which protects the city from the north– Cohérence Territoriale – SCOT), which (prioritizing environmentally friendly northwesterly Mistral and the northerly aims to assist spatial and temporal planning and barrier-free mobility, including and Tramontane winds, although sea breezes for sustainable development by fostering combining walking and cycling, supported help mitigate extreme summer heat. the protection of natural and rural areas by integrated and adapted infrastructures); (Reygrobellet, 2007), the location of new 3) conservation and better recognition URBAN POLICY urban development close to public trans- of natural resources; 4) environmental Montpellier is a well-known historical city port, and the efficient management of space education; and 5) development of tools and and unique cultural capital with a high using the compact city approach – an urban indicators for environmental management. standard of services. Its population grew planning and urban design concept which Since the 1990s, the city of Montpellier by 22.5 percent between 1990 and 2012 promotes relatively high residential density has developed tools to promote public and is projected to continue to grow, posing with mixed land uses. SCOT also provides a participation in the governance of the infrastructure challenges for the city. In framework for urban plans at the municipal city, taking advantage of communica- response, the city has developed a sustain- scale. As an example of urban develop- tion technologies to promote dialogue. able urban strategy, including an action ment, the city started working in 2010 on a Nowadays local involvement and stake- plan for the management and preservation participatory design for the replacement of holders’ engagement are supported by a of green spaces and biodiversity. old military barracks. The project, entitled number of initiatives carried out by the The French national strategy of land use Devenir du site de l’École d’Application local municipal and metropolitan admin- and urban planning has led to the creation d’Infanterie (EAI), aims to implement a istrations (Agglomération Montpellier). of metropolitan regions (agglomérations), new urban development approach involving Consultation and participation processes which are conceived as the strategic level a wide set of stakeholders and combining include surveys, interviews, events, inter- at which sustainable urban development urban renewal, sustainable development active websites as well as the development activities are planned. This type of ter- and social cohesion. of specific long- and short-term projects. ritorial organization is governed by a Since the 1970s, the city of Montpellier For instance, since 1998, a toll-free tele- council, composed of representatives of has developed tools and actions to regulate phone number and (subsequently) an online its constituent municipalities, that has the growth of the city and to ensure a high form (Montpellier au quotidien) has been jurisdiction and responsibility over mat- quality of life for its inhabitants. This has available for citizens to ask questions, to ters such as urban development, land use involved a policy of setting land aside with inform local authorities about daily prob- policies, environment, water management, the ultimate aim of creating a publicly lems, and to provide suggestions and ideas economic development, etc. in the agglo- owned “pool” of land to promote urban for the development of further initiatives, mération. Montpellier Agglomération, the development based on ecofriendly prin- etc. A range of communication tools to overall metropolitan area of Montpellier, ciples. This has enabled the city to acquire provide inhabitants with transparent and consists of 31 municipalities, with a total private green spaces, including properties comprehensive information on the city’s population of 419 000. Moreover, it has one and areas with forests and vineyards, that facts and figures has also been put in place of the highest rates of population growth could be open to the public. over the past years.

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Parc Rimbaud in the morning, 2012 © A ngelian

MONTPELLIER, THE GREEN forest area of 500 ha and more than 37 m2 wooded spaces in French urban areas could ECOCITY of green space per inhabitant. The city’s be defined as such. As for Montpellier, Montpellier is building its future according aim is that, by 2042, no home will be more however, the term “urban forest” is to a green vision. By 2011, the city had than 500 m from the closest green space. explicitly mentioned in the city’s plan- won eight awards for its efforts to protect ning documents as well as in those of the environment, including the Ecocity Green governance and the the wider urban region, and the benefits label for its plan, “De Montpellier à management of green spaces of green spaces, including urban forests, la mer” (from Montpellier to the sea). Many French cities have peri-urban wood- are taken into account in the implemen- According to the city’s land-use plan, lands that are managed either by the city tation of urban development projects. Montpellier has 741 ha of public green or by the National Forests Office, a public The Montpellier City Council even has a space (including 412 ha of municipal space institution responsible for the national forest councillor for biodiversity, urban forests and 329 ha of protected woodland), which estate and for providing advice on com- and the quality of public and green spaces makes up 13 percent of the total area of munal forest management. In Montpellier’s to facilitate related policy decisions. The the municipality. According to the tree case, urban and peri-urban green spaces are management and design of green spaces inventory, which is updated annually, managed directly by the city itself. Urban is the duty of a specific administrative the city has over 80 000 trees. Species planning in Montpellier includes plans, unit, the Directorate of Landscape and diversity is high: more than 205 species, actions, management tools and communica- Biodiversity. The development of green subspecies and varieties are found among tion initiatives specifically for green spaces. projects is initiated via meetings at the the 24 000 trees growing along roadsides Although the term “green space” is district level, and the participation of and the 5 000 trees in city parks and school widely used in French urban planning, stakeholders is then organized through gardens. In 2012, Montpellier had a total “urban forest” is not, even though large briefings and thematic meetings.

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Historical centre of Montpellier. Urbanscape with olive trees for recreational activities, 2012 alia t I udio t S eet r T , S c © S ALABRIN

Regarding its green areas, Montpellier has has been set up to allow the population design and management, based on 30 indi- adopted the principles of adaptive manage- to upload data on their nature-related cators organized into 9 areas for action: ment, with management varying according observations to an online database, thus 1. neighbourhood (proximités sociales – to the nature, location and function of the contributing to the monitoring of envi- i.e. population density, social diversity, area (Aggeri, 2004). All management ronmental integrity. These networks also variability of urban structures and land approaches aim to minimize the use of propose structured, semi-structured and uses, and type of housing); chemical fertilizers and to replace them informal activities to promote the sustain- 2. functional proximity (proximités gradually with recycled compost. The use able management and design of urban fonctionnelles – i.e. proximity of of pesticides and herbicides is banned. spaces (Mairie de Montpellier, 2013a). public transport, availability of pub- A large number of actions taken by Data on Montpellier’s green spaces and lic spaces for social activities, access the city contribute to its “green vision”. urban and peri-urban forests are also to community-based services and For example, the city is promoting the constantly updated and made publicly facilities, proximity of and access reintroduction of native Mediterranean available (Mairie de Montpellier, 2013b). to sociocultural and/or sports facili- species that are suited to the climate and ties, proximity of shops and markets, resistant to disease by producing about AURA: a strategic tool for the and land area devoted to economic 160 000 plants per year in its plant nursery. implementation of a green, activities); Moreover, abandoned and neglected spaces sustainable Montpellier 3. citizen participation (proximités are also included in the management of the “The management reference to improve citoyennes – i.e. concrete opportunities city’s green spaces. Accordingly, a major urban planning” (Améliorer l’urbanisme for citizens to be directly involved in project for the identification and evalua- par un référentiel d’aménagement – AURA) decision-making and implementation tion of these areas was launched in 2009 is first and foremost a handbook providing processes); following the precepts of the “Manifesto guidelines for the sustainable development 4. networks (réseaux – i.e soft mobility, of the Third Landscape” (Clément, 2004). of Montpellier. It comprises a complete private parking, bicycle parking and Furthermore, an observation network set of working tools for spatial–temporal street lighting);

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5. blue infrastructure (trame bleue – i.e. structures” are related indirectly to the with at least one green space in an rivers, lakes, ponds and associated presence of green and other open spaces. adjacent district); vegetation); Other indicators specifically address trees, • maintaining high-conservation-value 6. green infrastructure (trame verte – i.e. forests, nature and biodiversity: ecosystems. gardens, parks, woodlands, farming • the coefficient of soil permeability – AURA considers the tree canopy not systems, meadows, roadside trees, the ratio of areas with permeable soils only as an ecosystem in itself, but also green corridors, “green” roofs and to the total area; as a provider of ecosystem services for walls, etc.); • green spaces – the ratio of the area of pedestrian routes, bike tracks and rec- 7. sustainability and design simplicity green spaces to the total area; reation areas. Tree canopy must also be (conception et sobriété – i.e. bio- • tree/forest canopy and summer cli- designed so as to provide summer shade climatic design, plant integration, insu- matic comfort – the ratio of the total and to save energy on air conditioning, lation and thermal inertia index, etc.); canopy cover generated by medium-to- thus encouraging outdoor visits, even at 8. energy efficiency efficacité( énergé- large trees to the open area in a given the hottest time of the day. tique – i.e water and energy consump- sector of the city; tion, greenhouse gas emissions); • biodiversity – the number of plant spe- The long-term biodiversity strategy 9. renewable energy (énergies renouve- cies per hectare in green spaces; Following the recommendation of the lables). • plant integration – the ratio of eco- national Grenelle Environment Forum in The AURA approach, through a scor- managed area to the total area of 2010, Montpellier adopted the Biodiversity ing system for a wide range of indicators, private land. Plan 2010–2014. The plan is organized can help assess the sustainability of In addition to indicators for scoring into three key areas: observation and development projects, and it enables the the environmental sustainability of a learning; conservation and restoration; community to choose interventions with project, bonus points can be obtained by, and education and awareness. The plan the least negative impact on the environ- for example: was developed with the aim of building ment. Ultimately, its objectives are to: • providing connectivity between green networks between local residents and the • preserve and promote the natural heri- spaces within a district (if at least scientific and academic communities. tage of Montpellier; 80 percent of the green spaces are Among the projects developed under the • value “wastelands” as pools of bio- connected by habitat corridors with a Biodiversity Plan, a series of inventories diversity and connecting elements minimum width of 5 m) and between between green spaces; neighbouring districts (if a district’s • protect, promote and enhance green network of green spaces is connected View of the woodland in front of the new Town Hall, 2012 corridors along rivers, fostering bio- logical connections and improving the habitat for fauna and flora; • develop a sustainable green transport infrastructure, integrated at the scale of the greater city area and includ- ing bike paths and walkways in green spaces (Malhey-Dupart, 2006); • promote sustainable urban devel- opment aimed at improving social equity, quality of life, biodiversity conservation, energy efficiency, the

use of renewable natural resources and ALABRIN © S minimizing negative environmental c and social impacts.

All 30 AURA indicators refer, directly , S T r or indirectly, to sustainability and to envi- eet S ronmentally friendly urban development. t udio For example, the indicators on “public I t open spaces supporting social uses” and alia “proximity to sociocultural and sporting

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and mapping exercises is being conducted vision” is truly improving the quality of life Malhey-Dupart, C. 2006. 130 ans de trans- that will provide an interactive map show- of its inhabitatants. In line with its politi- ports dans l’agglomération de Montpellier. ing the city’s significant trees. Activities cal commitment, Montpellier is currently Transports de l’agglomération de Montpellier. within the framework of the Convention engaged in developing a collaborative plan Ministère du Logement et de l’Égalité des on Biological Diversity (CBD) tree- of development of the city towards 2040 Territoires. 2013. Le Schéma de Cohérence planting initiative, “Green Wave”, were (“Montpellier 2040”), on the premise that Territoriale SCoT – Un projet stratégique also included in the Biodiversity Plan working for the city of tomorrow is every- partagé pour l’aménagement durable d’un and resulted in the planting of more than one’s business. territoire (available at: http://www.territoires. 1 500 trees in the city. According to the Biodiversity Plan, and Tribute strategique_partage.pdf). Accessed 31 in line with the concept of green and blue Michela Conigliaro, Bertille Fages, Gilles October 2013. infrastructure at the national level, the Mille, François Besse, Fabio Salbitano and Reygrobellet, M.B. 2007. La nature dans Montpellier City Council also initiated the Giovanni Sanesi pay tribute to Michelle la ville biodiversité et urbanisme. Avis et “Green Network” project, aimed at con- Gauthier, who passed away during the rapports du conseil économique et social. necting 210 ha of the city’s green spaces preparation of the study on which this Les journaux officiels, No. 24. u while protecting and improving river article is based. Michelle was a respected banks. This ecological network approach professional who worked tirelessly to is enabling the creation of new biological promote and . corridors and better interaction between She was greatly appreciated and admired land and rivers, , parks, squares, by her colleagues at FAO and by experts gardens and wetlands that host a large and practitioners globally for her experi- diversity of species. A 42 km network ence, expert contributions, commitment, of pedestrian and cycle trails in natural analytical skills and intersectoral vision. u settings called “the Marathon” is also being developed.

CONCLUSION Investing in a “green vision” can pay divi- dends when there is a high commitment from all stakeholders concerned, and full References involvement of civil society. Also, good planning and management of urban green Aggeri, G. 2004. La nature sauvage et spaces may require a considerable initial champêtre dans les villes: origine et financial investment, while the benefits – construction de la gestion différenciée des whether income or ecosystem services and espaces publics et urbains. Le cas de la ville products – are reaped only after several de Montpellier. PhD thesis. Paris, ENGREF. years. Thus a viable urban development Clément, G. 2004. Manifeste pour le tiers plan, based on sustainable development paysage. Paris, Éditions Sujet/Objet. principles, should be part of an agreed long- Fundación Biodiversidad. 2011. Capitales de term vision and financial commitment, in la biodiversité: villes européennes pionnières order to ensure efficient management of dans la protection de la biodiversité locale. the green infrastructure over time. After Madrid. all, investing in urban forestry and green Mairie de Montpellier. 2013a. Réseaux initiatives means investing in the quality d’observation citoyens (available at: www. of life of present and future generations. Montpellier is one of the best examples of citoyens.htm). Accessed 31 October 2013. a Mediterranean city where effective social Mairie de Montpellier. 2013b. Espaces involvement in the governance process verts, les coins (available at: www. is part of a bottom-up problem-solving approach, and where the investment in, montpellier-ville-verte-.htm). Accessed 31 and commitment to, a long-term “green October 2013.

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Ce as StUDY Promoting sustainable management of cork oak landscapes through payments for ecosystem services: the WWF Green Heart of Cork project

M. Bugalho and L. Silva

Financial incentives for ork oak (Quercus suber L.), is an landscapes through financial incentives landowners may be a viable endemic species to the western to cork oak landowners for adhering to means of promoting the Mediterranean Basin. Due to its Forest Certification. sustainable management of cork Cconservation and socioeconomic value, oak landscapes, as shown by this cork oak is a priority species for WWF, 1. ChARACTERIZATION of project in southern Portugal. a non-governmental global conservation pilot area organization. Well-managed cork oak Site name: Rivers Tagus and Sado landscapes provide valuable ecosystem watersheds Miguel N. Bugalho is Researcher at the Centre for Applied Ecology, School of Agriculture, services and hold important biodiversity The study area (Table 1) is located in south- University of Lisbon, Tapada da Ajuda in Lisbon, values. In November 2011, WWF launched ern Portugal, in the provinces of Ribatejo Portugal and consultant Forest Officer for the the Green Heart of Cork (GHoC) project and Alentejo, comprising the watersheds of WWF Mediterranean Programme, Rome, Italy. Luís N. Silva is Forestry and Land-Use Adviser in Portugal. The project aims to promote for WWF International, Gland, Switzerland. the sustainable management of cork oak Cork oak, near Vila Viçosa, Alentejo, Southern Portugal galho u B i © M GUEL

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TABLE 1. Site description In December 2006, WWF launched Site name Tagus and Sado watersheds Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) cer- Landscape area (ha) 500 000 tification in Portugal which subsequently expanded rapidly across the country. By Population 1 000 000 December 2013, there were 339 000 ha Forest area (%) 60 of FSC-certified areas and, among these, Agricultural area (%) 30 100 000 ha of cork oak landscapes certified Primary: Quercus suber; other: Pinus pinea, Main forest tree species for cork production (Table 2). Pinus pinaster, Eucalyptus spp. Main forest functions and Cork and livestock production, hunting 3. HiGH conservation value uses Overgrazing and consequent lack of oak regeneration areas Main risks and threats in localized areas; generalized oak mortality, lack of FSC management standards include management and abandonment in other areas the need to identify high conservation Private forest (%) 85 value areas (HCVA) in certified forests Public forest (%) 15 (Auld et al., 2008). HCVA is a global Management focus Cork production and multiple use standard tool, based on a set of six dif- ferent attributes, used to identify areas Project thematic focus Payments for ecosystem services of outstanding conservation value (see the High Conservation Value Resource Rivers Tagus and Sado. The largest contin- of trees reaching their age limit; a history Network website: uous area of cork oak landscape in Portugal of inadequate management practices such An area can be classified as HCVA on the is situated in this region, covering more than as the use of heavy machinery to control basis of its importance for the conservation 0.5 million hectares. The area is mostly shrub encroachment that compacts soil and of biodiversity (e.g. if it is located within flat to moderately hilly and characterized damages surface tree roots; and pests and a protected area, or harbours endemic or by low fertility sandy soils. The climate is diseases (e.g. the fungal disease caused critically endangered species) or because Mediterranean, with hot and dry summers by Phytophthora cinnamomi), the effects it provides ecosystem services of signifi- and moist and mild winters. Average annual of which may be exacerbated by climate cance for that particular area (e.g. carbon temperatures vary between 15˚C and 18˚C, changes such as an increased frequency storage, watershed conservation or soil and can reach over 40˚C in summer; average of seasonal droughts. protection). The concept also includes con- rainfall varies between 600 and 800 mm/ servation attributes relating to basic needs year. Cork oak is the dominant forest 2. ForEST Stewardship Council (e.g. subsistence or health) and traditional tree species in the area. Cork oak occurs (FSC) certification of cork and cultural values of local communities together with maritime pine (Pinus pinaster oak in Portugal (e.g. sites of religious importance). Aiton), used for wood, and stone pine (Pinus Cork oak occurs in southwestern Europe The HCVA concept is adapted to national pinea L.), used for edible seed production. (France, Italy, Portugal and Spain) and contexts through the public participation of Eucalyptus spp., used for northern Africa (Algeria, Morocco and of stakeholders. In Portugal, the national pulp production, are also found in the area. Tunisia).1 Well-managed cork oak areas interpretation of the HCVA concept, led Cork oak is primarily exploited for cork. have high biodiversity, including endemic by WWF, involved representatives of Other activities relating to cork oak land- and endangered vertebrate species. They scapes in the region include cattle grazing, also provide important ecosystem ser- TABLE 2. Certified oak cover in hunting and agriculture (Bugalho et al., vices, such as long-term carbon storage, relation to overall forest cover 2009). Approximately 85 percent of the and generate cork, the sixth most signifi- in Portugal as of December 2013 land in this region is privately owned and cant non-timber forest product globally the main economic incentive driving the (Berrahmouni et al., 2009). Portugal is Site Area (ha) management of cork oak landscapes has the country with the largest area of cork Continental Portugal 8 896 847 been cork production. Lack of oak regen- oak, representing 50 percent of the world´s Forest cover 3 000 000 eration, associated with overgrazing by cork production (Barreira et al., 2010). Cork oak cover 736 700 cattle, affects localized areas in the region FSC-certified forest cover 339 000 (Bugalho et al., 2011). Oak mortality has 1 See EUFORGEN distribution maps (http://www. FSC-certified cork oak cover 100 000 been increasing and has been attributed to several causes. These include: cohorts pdfs/1323.Cork_oak__Quercus_suber_.pdf). Source: Forest Stewardship Council, Portugal.

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1 Map of southern Portugal (yellow) showing cork oak distribution (green) and cork oak certified areas (blue)

landowner associations, national authori- ties for forest and nature conservation, research organizations, and national environmental NGOs, among other entities. In 2010, WWF and the University of Lisbon (School of Agriculture, Centre for Applied Ecology “Baeta Neves”), under the European Union-funded project “ligouvQua : Public Participation for Better Management of Forests in Protected Areas” (, produced regional maps identifying poten- tial HCVAs occurring within the main area of distribution of cork oak in Portugal, the region of the Tagus and Sado watersheds (Figure 1). Regional mapping of HCVAs for this area involved the identification of attributes related to biodiversity and eco- system services by analysing all publicly available information on the distribution of endemic and threatened birds, reptiles and amphibians, and on the location of the main aquifers and carbon storage in the region (Branco et al., 2010).

4. HABEaS: providing data to facilitate payments for ecosystem services for Certified area Cork oak cover Portugal cork oak Source: Portuguese . Geographical and digital information on biodiversity, forest cover and location of main aquifers was integrated into a Web- storage was taken from the Portuguese been used extensively by landowners and GIS platform (Figure 2) denominated Forest Inventory (http://forestportal.efi. cork oak producers involved in FSC certi- HABEaS: Hotspot Areas for Biodiversity int/view.php?id=502&c=PT) and on the fication for identifying potential HCVAs and Ecosystem Services (www.habeas- location of main aquifers and aquifer within their estates. The information on biodiversity water recharge rates from the Portuguese The information generated by HABEaS was drawn from sources such as the Institute for Water Resources (http:// was also used to set up the WWF Green Portuguese Atlas for the Distribution of Heart of Cork project (GHoC). This proj- Birds (Equipa Atlas, 2008), the Portuguese Portugal/Pages/ADPNacionaisINAG.aspx). ect relies on a Payment for Ecosystem Atlas for the Distribution of Reptiles and The WebGIS Platform was made available Services (PES)-like scheme and on vol- Amphibians (Loureiro et al., 2008), and to the public in September 2010 and has untary market approaches to promote the Red Book for Portuguese Vertebrates been updated with more recent informa- the sustainable management of cork oak (Cabral et al., 2006); information on for- tion since that date. As HABEaS generates landscapes within the region of the Tagus est cover and above-ground forest carbon maps identifying potential HCVAs, it has and Sado watersheds.

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The main aquifer in Portugal, the Tagus WWF has been collaborating with APFC amount to APFC, which is then distributed aquifer, spans 764 000 ha, 40 percent of since 2008, providing technical assistance to landowner associates who are FSC- which is covered by cork oak. This aquifer for the management and conservation of certified and located in “hotspot areas for provides water to 1 million people living biodiversity in cork oak landscapes, and water and biodiversity conservation”. This south of Lisbon, to more than 100 000 ha of has had an international partnership since commitment is mediated by WWF which agricultural areas and to several industries. 2007 with the Coca-Cola Company, for identifies the hotspot areas for payments HABEaS was used to identify those areas which water is a strategic resource. This through the WebGIS HABEaS. After iden- of cork oak located within the area of the partnership aims to conserve priority tification of eligible APFC associates, the River Tagus, with above average water river basins around the world (including fee to be paid was established at 17 euro/ha. aquifer recharge rates, and that also had the Mekong, Yangtze, Danube and Rio In this PES-like scheme, FSC certification high biodiversity value (e.g. concentration Grande/Bravo river basins, as well as the is used as a proxy to validate sustainable of endemic and threatened species) and Guadiana river basin, in Portugal) and to management practices in hotspot areas. could thus be considered as “hotspot areas integrate sustainability initiatives into the The financial incentive aims to promote for water and biodiversity conservation”. company’s operations worldwide. adherence of cork oak landowners to FSC The PES initiative for the conservation of certification, and thereby good forest man- 5. InVOLVING all key cork oak in Portugal was one of the results agement practices. The first payments were stakeholders to promote the of the partnership in Portugal, as water from made in November 2011 and have been conservation of cork oak the Tagus aquifer is used by Coca-Cola for maintained until the present date. In November 2011, based on the infor- its bottling industry. Sustainable manage- The impacts of the GHoC project have mation provided by HABEaS, WWF ment practices in cork oak stands, validated been positive, both for the ecosystem mediated a pilot PES-like case in the through forest certification, include mainte- service providers and for potential buyers. cork oak region of the Tagus and Sado nance of adequate forest cover, reduction or Indeed, the project is helping to increase the watersheds between the main Association exclusion of grazing to protect oak regenera- awareness of cork oak landholders about of Landholders and Cork Oak Producers in tion, and long-term rotational clearance of the importance of sustainable management Portugal (APFC) and Coca-Cola, a global understory shrubs. When located in areas practices and certification for the conserva- industrial bottling corporation which also sensitive for aquifer water recharge, the tion of the cork oak landscape, the products operates in Portugal. stands have the potential to contribute to the it generates and the biodiversity it harbours. quality of the water recharging the Tagus Concerning potential donors and ecosystem aquifer. Based on this premise, and through service buyers, other companies have been 2 Printscreen of HABEaS WebGIS showing its corporate and social responsibility policy, contacted and are also becoming engaged (in blue) areas of interest for the protection Coca-Cola committed to paying a fixed in the project. There is untapped potential of birds in southwestern Portugal

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 33 galho u B i © M GUEL Serra de Grândola, Alentejo, Southern Portugal to involve yet others that are seeking to AIFM (Association Internationale Forêts mitigate their carbon footprint. This could Méditerranéennes). Qualigouv project contribute to the further promotion of good web site (available at de portugal. Instituto da Conservação da management practices in cork oak “hotspot qualigouv). Natureza e da Biodiversidade. Lisbon, areas for carbon and biodiversity conserva- Berrahmouni, N., Regato, P. & Ellatifi, M., Assírio e Alvim. tion” in the region of the Tagus and Sado et al. 2009. Ecoregional planning for bio- Equipa Atlas. 2008. Atlas das Aves Nidifi- watersheds or similar regions elsewhere. diversity conservation. In Aronson, J., cantes em Portugal (1999-2005). Instituto Pereira, J.S., & Pausas, J.G., eds. Cork oak da Conservação da Natureza e da Bio- Acknowledgements woodlands on the edge. Washington, DC, diversidade, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Thanks are given to Filipe Silva Dias Island Press. Estudo das Aves, Parque Natural da Madeira for preparing Figures 1 and 2 and to Branco, O., Bugalho, M.N., Silva, L.N., e Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar. Valentina Garavaglia, Christophe Besacier, Bareira, R., Vaz, P. & Silva-Dias, F. Lisbon, Assírio e Alvim. Marion Briens and Edouard Michel who 2010. Hotspot areas for biodiversity and EUFORGEN (European Forest Genetic greatly improved previous versions of ecosystem services in Montados. Technical Resources Programme). Website (available the manuscript. u Report. Lisbon, WWF MedPo and Technical at University of Lisbon. Forest Stewardship Council, Portugal. Bugalho, M.N., Plieninger, T., Aronson, J., Website (available at Ellatifi, M. & Crespo, D.G. 2009. Open High Conservation Value Resource Network. woodlands: a diversity of uses (and overuses). Website (available at In Aronson J., Pereira, J.S. & Pausas, J., eds. HABEaS (Hotspot Areas for Biodiversity Cork oak woodlands on the edge: ecology, and Ecosystem Services). Website References biogeography, and restoration of an ancient (available at Mediterranean ecosystem, pp: 33-45. Loureiro, A., Ferrand de Almeida, N., Auld, G., Gulbrandsen, L.H. & McDermott, Washington, DC, Island Press. Carretero, M.A. & Paulo, O.S., eds. 2008. C.L. 2008. Certification schemes and the Bugalho, M.N., Caldeira, M.C., Pereira, J.S., Atlas dos Anfíbios e Répteis de Portugal. impacts on forests and forestry. Annual Aronson, J.A. & Pausas, J. 2011. Mediter- 1st edn. Lisbon, Instituto da Conservação Review of Environment and Resources, 33: ranean oak savannas require human use to da Natureza e da Biodiversidade. 187–211. sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services. Portuguese Forest Inventory. Website Barreira, R., Silva L.N. & Fonseca, P. 2010. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, (available at The present and the future of responsible 5: 278-286 (accompanying podcast inter- php?id=502&c=PT). markets for cork. WWF report. Mediterranean view at: Portuguese Institute for Water Resources. Program (available at beyond/?p=275). Website (available at http://portaldaagua. fazemos/rede_de_comercio___florestas/ Cabral, M.J., Almeida, J. & Almeida, P.R. recursos_publicacoes/publicacoes_estudos/). et al. 2006. Livro vermelho dos vertebrados ADPNacionaisINAG.aspx). u

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Ce as StUDY Establishing a Model Forest in the Tlemcen region, Algeria

P. Valbuena, O. Aissaoui and M. Segur TERINA © C a M a rchetta

The Tlemcen Model Forest he establishment of the Tlemcen 2. agricultural lands to the north of should help improve the Model Forest process in Algeria is the town of Tlemcen, the capital of management of local cork oak an important step towards sustain- the province; forests, currently under threat. Table development in the region. It is a means 3. the Tlemcen mountains, which are of raising awareness about sustainability part of the great chain of the Tell Atlas, within communities and encouraging crossing Algeria from east to west and responsible environmental behaviour. separating the Mediterranean biome in the north from the Saharan biome TLEMCEN to the south; Climate and geography 4. the steppe zone, which occupies the The wilaya (or province) of Tlemcen is southern part of the region and rep- located in northwest Algeria (Figure 1). resents the pre-Saharan transition or Its 900 000 ha can be divided into four buffer zone between the Saharan and Pilar Valbuena and Miguel Segur are with geographical units, which are (from north Mediterranean biomes. the Mediterranean Model Forest Network to south): Secretariat/Cesefor Foundation, Valladolid, Spain and Omar Aissaoui is with LASTJ-Tlemcen/ 1. the mountainous area formed by the Tlemcen Model Forest Initiative, Algeria. Traras and Sebaa Chioukh mountains; Above: Tlemcen National Park

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Rainfall in Tlemcen province ranges Ampelodesma mauritanica (International 2010). In some municipalities, forests between 260 and 540 mm; the main Model Forest Network, 2010). comprise up to two-thirds of the territory, bioclimatic zones are arid, semi-arid and Although forest accounts for 24 percent while other municipalities are almost com- subhumid. As in other Mediterranean of the land area of Tlemcen province, it is pletely deforested (e.g. less than 2 percent areas, forests in Tlemcen province are unequally distributed: more than 80 per- forest cover). subject to a range of pressures, such as cent of timber production potential is clearing, overgrazing and climatic change, concentrated in the Tlemcen mountains 1 which have led to the substitution of the (International Model Forest Network, Location of Tlemcen province, original mesophytic vegetation with xero- Algeria phytic vegetation.

Demography Tlemcen province has a total population of 969 000 people, of whom only about 7000 are rural. The largest towns are Sabra, Imama, Mansoura and Tlemcen.

Role and uses of forests Estimates of forest area should be treated with caution because they include veg- etation that is not necessarily forest. Nevertheless, it is estimated that Tlemcen province has a forest area of about 225 000 ha, comprising forests, scrub and degraded forest landscapes (ANDI, 2013; International Model Forest Network, 2010). The General Directorate of Forests, a national governmental body, is respon- sible for forest management and the fight against desertification. Alfa steppes (Stipa tenacissima) occupy an area of 154 000 ha. The main forest stands are dominated by Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) (83 000 ha), holm oak (Quercus ilex) (82 000 ha), cedar (Tetraclinis articulata) (16 500 ha), juni- per (Juniperus oxycedrus) (13 000 ha) and cork oak (Quercus suber) (4 800 ha). Other vegetation formations derive from degraded forest stands, especially oak forests, Pistacia lentiscus maquis and oleaster (Olea europaea subsp. ole- aster ), formations with Chamaerops humilis subsp. argentea, and garrigues1 of

1 UNEP-WCMC (2000) describes garrigues as discontinuous bushy associations of the Mediterranean calcareous plateaus, often composed of kermes oak, lavender, thyme and white cistus. There may be a few isolated trees. Garrigues are found on dry, filtering substrates (usually calcareous).

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The Third Mediterranean Forest Week was held in Tlemcen in March 2013 TERINA © C a M a rchetta

Agriculture and pastoralism are also • ; Territorial governance and significant activities in Tlemcen prov- • the use of fertilizers that remove spe- different uses ince. The gradual settling of nomads has cies that do not tolerate high levels of The relationship between the General increased overgrazing and led to degrada- nitrogen and promote the development Directorate of Forests and users (the owner tion, which has been further amplified by of nitratophilous plants (Loisel and of the forests in Algeria being the state) is wildfires and the general abandonment of Olivier, 1987); subject to three types of regulation: rangelands. At the same time, increased • the urbanization of garrigues, includ- 1. the right to use, which authorizes demand for woodfuel has led to a reduc- ing those occupied by the palm species people to carry out certain forest tion in the area of forest and scrublands. Chamaerops humilis; uses under certain conditions, to be Major environmental issues in Tlemcen • the overuse of these fragile ecosys- renewed each year; province are: tems, with a potentially irreversible 2. authorization to use land managed • climate change; increase in garrigue shrub formations by the General Directorate of For- • overgrazing; (Bouazza et al., 2001). ests outside the actual forest area for

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certain purposes for a specified period Several studies aimed at improving these fragile, human-shaped ecosystems (20 years for livestock, 40 years for the management of cork oak forests in (FAO, 2013). orchards and 90 years for forests) – Algeria have been undertaken by uni- this authorization is tacitly transferred versities and research institutes. These Tlemcen Model Forest Initiative to descendants unless the state decides approaches include restoring and improv- In the context of the Mediterranean Model to appropriate the land; ing the management of degraded forests Forest Network, the process to create 3. concessions for investment in recre- and ecosystems through forest landscape and develop the Tlemcen Model Forest ation and leisure – this is an almost restoration actions that resemble garden- began in late 2010. The initiative is part unique case of investment authoriza- ing or agroforestry (Letreuch-Belarouci of a new programme administered by tion and is limited to uses in recre- et al., 2011). the International Model Forest Network ational forest in suburban areas. The University of Tlemcen has studied Secretariat that aims to improve the the cork oak forests of the Hafir-Zariffet conservation and sustainable manage- Cork oak under threat massif in the Tlemcen National Park with ment of forest resources in francophone In western Algeria it is estimated that cork the objective of predicting future dynamics Africa, including the Congo Basin and the oak forests originally covered an area of and proposing appropriate adaptive man- Mediterranean region (Algeria, Morocco about 14 000 ha (Boudy, 1955), but they agement approaches for a range of stand and Tunisia). had declined to 9 400 ha by 1948 (Thintoin, structures. Thus, managers can choose the This initiative is led by the General 1948) and 6 500 ha by 2003 (Bouhraoua, type of intervention that best suits a given Directorate of Forests of Algeria, the 2003). In 2010, only relicts remained, stand (Letreuch-Belarouci et al., 2011). In Tlemcen National Park and the Institute and these were seriously threatened by the Hafir Zariffet massif, Ghalem (2011) of Wildlife Resources of Tlemcen. Other pressures such as climate change, loss of studied the effects of fire on cork oak partners include the Moutas Deer Park, soil permeability, fire, overexploitation, stands. Forest fire has become a major con- municipal assemblies, the University Abou clearing, and pests and diseases (Varela, cern in Algeria, with an estimated 8 000 ha Bekr Belkaïd of Tlemcen, the National 2008). There has been a decrease in the of cork oak burnt each year. Institute of Forestry Research, the IPADE health of cork oak trees and in regenera- Although cork oak forests are the result Foundation (Instituto de Promoción y tion of the species, and cork oak forests of centuries of human management, today Apoyo al Desarrollo), the association for have been invaded by species such as they are faced with substantial socioeco- the conservation and protection of the Quercus faginea, Arbutus unedo and nomic changes as well as climate change. environment of Tlemcen province (known Phillyrea angustifolia. Innovative conservation and management as ASPEWIT), and the Tlemcen University The national production of cork (which approaches are important for conserving Science Teachers’ Association, with a total takes place in about 50 percent of the biodiversity and the multifunctionality of of over 30 partners. total cork oak forest area in Algeria) has experienced strong annual fluctuations, and is not only an environmental issue Model Forests in the Mediterranean but also an economic issue. An analysis of the value of Algerian cork products Model Forests are forest areas that are managed according to best management practices on the world market shows a low market and serve as a model of exemplary forest management that can be emulated elsewhere. value compared to that of other countries. The Model Forest concept is based on an approach that combines the social, cultural and Despite its potential, the local sector has economic needs of local communities with the long-term sustainability of large landscapes fallen into a state of stagnation, making in which forests are important features. By design, Model Forests are broad-based initiatives it difficult to meet the demands of global linking a diverse mix of stakeholders and sectors and a range of values and interests (such competition. In order to address this as forestry, research, agriculture, mining and recreation) in a given landscape (International situation, a set of key actions have been Model Forest Network, 2013). suggested in order to stimulate the sector A Model Forest is a voluntary association of people who live in a particular territory and at the national level and ensure a place are interested in discovering, defining, enhancing and guaranteeing its sustainability; and in on the world market (Moussa and Chehat, sharing their experiences and their knowledge to contribute to global environmental goals 2011). Algerian cork oak forests are also ( used to produce woodfuel, including char- The Model Forests share their knowledge through the International Model Forest Network coal, as well as for livestock grazing, and ( and via several regional networks (Mediterranean, Canada, Iberoamerica, improved management could increase their Africa, Northern Europe and Asia). importance in local economies.

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partners, enhancement of the value of natural resources (including timber and non-timber forest products, with a special focus on cork), education, communication, and networking. This initiative has the objective of solv- ing the problems in the territory through cooperation, networking and joint initia- tives between partners, not only inside the territory itself but at a regional (Mediterranean) and international level. Learning from each other’s mistakes and successes, and joint initiatives with other cork oak territories in the Mediterranean, will help ensure better use of resources and a bigger impact. u


ANDI (Agence Nationale de Développement de l’Investissement). 2013. Présentation de la wilaya de Tlemcen. Web page (available at component/content/article/86-guichets-de- l-andi/109-gud-tlemcen). Benabadji, N., Bouazza, M. & Mahboubi, A. 2001. L’impact de l’homme sur la forêt dans la région de Tlemcen (Oranie-Algérie). Forêt Méditerranéenne, XXII(3), November 2001 (available at 2042/39401). Bouazza, M., Mahboubi, A., Loisel, R. & Benabadji, N. 2001. Bilan de la flore de 2 la région de Tlemcen (Oranie-Algérie). The Tlemcen Model Forest area The establishment of the Tlemcen Forêt Méditerranéenne, XXII(2), June Model Forest represents an important 2001. contribution towards sustainable devel- Boudy, P. 1955. Economie forestière nord In 2011, the partners agreed on the opment in the region, and should both africaine, Volume 4. Description forestière institutional and geographical boundar- raise awareness and encourage responsible de l’Algérie et de la Tunisie. Paris, Ed. Larose. ies of the Tlemcen Model Forest, which environmental behaviour. The partners of Bouhraoua, R.T. 2003. Situation sanitaire de consists of three major and very differ- the Model Forest have already defined the quelques forêts de chêne liège de l’Ouest ent ecosystems (Figure 2), including the Strategic Plan, the governance structure algérien. Etude particulière des problèmes Tlemcen National Park. The total area and the lines of work of the initiative posés par les insectes. Doctoral thesis. of the Tlemcen Model Forest Initiative for the next 5 years, including: build- Tlemcen, Algeria, Department of Forestry, is 156 000 ha. ing the capacities of the population and University of Tlemcen.

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FAO. 2013. State of Mediterranean Forests Deuxième Rencontre Méditerranéenne (Nord de Tlemcen – Oranie). Master’s thesis. 2013. Rome (available at Chercheurs-Gestionnaires-Industriels sur Forest Department, University of Tlemcen, docrep/017/i3226e/i3226e.pdf) la Gestion des Subéraies et la Qualité du Tlemcen, Algeria. Ghalem, A. 2011. Impact de l’état sanitaire de Liège. Jijel, Algeria, 18–19 October 2011. Thintoin, R. 1948. Les paysages géographiques l’arbre sur la croissance du liège de deux Letreuch-Belarouci, A.M., Letreuch- de l’Oranie. Bulletin de la Société subéraies productives de l’ouest algérien: Belarouci, N., Benabdeli, K. & Medjahi, B. Géographique et Archéologique d’Oran, 58. Zarieffet (Tlemcen) et M’Sila (Oran). 2009. Impact des incendies sur la structure UNEP-WCMC. 2000. European forests and Deuxième Rencontre Méditerranéenne des peuplements de chêne-liège et sur le protected areas: gap analysis. Technical Chercheurs-Gestionnaires-Industriels sur liège: le cas de la subéraie de Tlemcen report. Cambridge, UK, United Nations la Gestion des Suberaies et la Qualité du (Algérie). Forêt Méditerranéenne, XXX(3), Environment Programme–World Conserva- Liège. Jijel, Algeria, 18–19 October 2011. pp. 231-238 (available at www.foret-medi tion Monitoring Centre. International Model Forest Network. 2010 Varela, M-C. 2008. Dépérissement des (October). IFMA - Mission diagnostic en MED_2009_3_231-238.pdf). peuplements de chêne-liège et changement Algérie. Technical report (unpublished). Loisel, R. & Olivier, L. 1987. Elément pour un climatique. Forêt Méditerranéenne, XXIX(2), International Model Forest Network. bilan de la flore varoise en France. June 2008. u 2013. Website (available at Mouussa, L. & Chehat, F. 2011. Le marché international-model-forest-network). mondial du liège et les déterminants de Letreuch-Belarouci, A., Boumediene, M. l’insertion de la filière locale dans la chaine & Letreuch-Belarouci, N. 2010. Stratégie de valeur mondiale. Deuxième Rencontre de développement et conservation des Méditerranéenne Chercheurs-Gestionnaires- suberaies des monts de Tlemcen (Algérie). Industriels sur la Gestion des Subéraies et Revue Forestière Française, 62(1), pp. 25-42 la Qualité du Liège. Jijel, Algeria, 18–19 (available at http://documents.irevues.inist. October 2011. fr/handle/2042/32972). Parc National De Tlemcen. 2000. La subéraie Letreuch-Belarouci A.M., Medjahi, B. & de Hafir Tlemcen (Oranie Algérie). Rapport Letreuch-Belarouci, N. 2011. Utilisation du Parc National de Tlemcen. de la typologie des peuplements pour Seladji, A. 2006. Aspects écofloristiques et un aménagement et une gestion durable propositions d’aménagements au niveau des subéraies du Nord Ouest algérien. de la région de Honain «Monts des Traras»

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Ce as StUDY Managing cedar forests in Morocco’s Middle Atlas mountains

M. Qarro, P. Valbuena and M. Segur

The Ifrane Model Forest aims to orocco’s Ifrane province is of different sizes: the North Moroccan Rif safeguard its cedar forests while located in the Middle Atlas mountains (160 km2 of forest area) and the catering to the economic and mountains, ranging from low Middle and Eastern High Atlas (1160 km 2) subsistence needs of local people. Mhills in the northwest to peaks in the south- (Navarro-Cerrillo et al., 2013; M’Hirit, east; the highest point in the province is Jbel 1999). The distribution of these forests Hyan, at 2409 m above sea level. The varied in Morocco is strongly linked to climate environment of the Middle Atlas has given (Navarro et al., 2013). rise to unique ecosystems, including Atlas The Ifrane Model Forest is an initiative cedar (Cedrus atlantica) forests, although to support the sustainable development these forests are now under threat. and conservation of cedar forests. It was Despite the ecological and economic declared a candidate for the International importance of Cedrus atlantica in Model Forest Network (IMFN) and the Prof. Mohamed Qarro is with the Ifrane Morocco, little information exists on the Mediterranean Model Forest Network Model Forest Association, Morocco, and structure and dynamics of both undis- (MMFN) at MedForum 2010 (follow- Pilar Valbuena and Miguel Segur are with turbed and managed populations of this ing the creation of the Ifrane Forest the Mediterranean Model Forest Network Secretariat and the Cesefor Foundation, species. The largest stands of C. atlantica Valladolid, Spain. are located in two highly fragmented areas View of Ifrane Model Forest LAR © P i V a lbuena

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Association and the approval of its statutes TABLE 1. Forest types, by area, Ifrane province and Strategic Plan) and became a fully- Stand type Area (ha) fledged Model Forest at MedForum 2011. Pure cedar stands (Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carrière) 10 000 Mixed cedar (Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carrière) and holm oak 38 000 C lIMATE and geography (Quercus ilex L.) stands The province comprises three distinct Pure holm oak stands (Quercus ilex L.) 44 000 types of relief, depending on altitude: Pines stands (Pinus sp.) 3 500 the central plateau, the tabular Middle Mixed holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) and Algerian oak (Quercus canariensis 3 000 Atlas, and the folded Middle Atlas. The Willd.) stands central plateau has hills (commonly called Spanish juniper (Juniperus thurifera L.) stands 2 000 azaghar) up to 1 300 m altitude, which are Secondary and pastoral species 15 000 separated by wide valleys, often crossed by rivers. The azaghar are often stony and Total 115 500 colonized by shrubs and grasses, which Source: Ifrane Model Forest Strategic Plan (Association Forêt Modèle Ifrane, 2010). provide food and shelter for diverse animal species. Crops can be grown in the valleys’ compared with other rural mountain areas forest revenues in forests. The protective rich soils. of the Rif and High Atlas). functions of forests are perhaps even more Ifrane province has a Mediterranean The traditional pastoral system of the important than their economic and social climate, but there are significant differ- region is based on transient grazing, roles. The Middle Atlas is considered the ences between the azaghar and the higher with people and herds moving season- “water tower” of Morocco: rivers (which tabular and folded reliefs, due to altitude ally between the azaghar and the higher supply some of the country’s largest dams) and other features. Moreover, the Middle mountains to exploit well-defined pastoral in the region include Sebou Moulouya, Atlas is the first line of mountains facing areas. Over the years, however, changes Oum Er-Rbia and Bouregreg. the humid winds coming from the Atlantic. in the practice of transhumance and There is a proposal to create what would The bioclimatic environment varies from use of established paths, as well as in be the Ifrane National Park in the region in temperate and semi-arid on the central pla- pastoral agreements, have led people to order to protect the important ecosystem teau to wet and cold or very cold at higher bypass these agreements, their traditional made up of the cedar forests, and to safe- altitudes. The summer drought tends to tribal arrangements, the laws governing guard the Atlas cedar; to ensure that the last longer in lower-lying areas, and snow the use of common land and forest ten- region continues to perform its ecological can occur on the higher peaks in winter. ure arrangements. roles (especially in regulating and pro- tecting the country’s water resources); to H uMAN activities, demography F orESTS and their use and help combat degradation processes; and to and economic activities management ensure the region’s continuing economic Ifrane province has a total land area of Forests cover one-third of the province. role, especially for the rural population. 355 000 ha (Table 1) and is composed of There are seven main forest types, com- About 71 500 agricultural holdings are eight rural communities (Tizguite, Dayet posed mainly of cedars, oaks and junipers situated close to forests in Ifrane province Aoua, Tigrigra, Ben Smim, , Sidi (Table 1). Pure and mixed cedar forests (Allaoui, 2004). Forests are a crucial com- El Makhfi, Oued Ifrane and ) occupy a total area of about 48 700 ha ponent of rural livelihoods, for example and two urban centres ( and Ifrane). (38 percent of total area of cedar forests as providers of forage. Local land man- The population of the province grew from in Morocco). agement integrates forest with other land 81 200 to 128 000 between 1971 and 1994, Forests in Ifrane province play an impor- uses and enables the temporal and spatial with an annual growth rate of 2 percent, tant economic role. Cedar wood is in high organization of various rural activities. which was relatively high for a province demand, and the province produces 30 per- Moroccan forests are by law owned by the with a mainly forest–pastoral economy. cent of the national production of this wood state, but individuals have usufruct rights. Just over half of the population (51.4 per- (Allaoui, 2004). Average annual indus- Farming is not allowed inside forests, but cent) is urban. With a population density trial wood production in Ifrane province nevertheless takes place (FAO, 1999). of 21 inhabitants per km2 outside its towns, (cedar, plus woodfuel from various spe- The forests of Ifrane province are con- the province can be defined as sparsely cies) amounts to 30 000 m3 (HCEFLCD, sidered a national treasure because of the populated compared with the overall 2004). Income from wood production is cedar stands and the biodiversity hotspot Middle Atlas region (37 rural inhabit- returned to rural communities, who are they represent, but are under serious ants per km2, which itself is a low density legally compelled to reinvest 20 percent of threat from degradation (Allaoui, 2004).

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Cedar stands are particularly threatened, Overcutting for fuelwood is a threat to the hunting associations with 20–70 mem- not only by human pressures and pastoral region’s forests (HCEFLCD, 2004). bers each. activities but also by the Barbary macaque Ifrane province has potential for the (Macaca sylvanus), a protected species that development of hunting-based tourism. Territorial governance has proliferated in recent years (Maghnouj, Hunters and their organizations are work- The population of the province is com- 1999). In addition to its consumption of ing with the High Commission for Water, posed of three major tribes – Bni-Mguild, seedlings, which peaks in April, the Forests and Combating Desertification as Bni-M’tir and Ait Seghrouche – divided Barbary macaque consumes the leaves and key partners in the management of game into a total of 15 fractions (or clans). In seeds, bark and branches of young trees or through the regulation of hunting rights Morocco, forests and rangelands are adult cedars (Ménard, 1995). Oak forests and concessions. In Morocco, the involve- subject to forest law and, among other are threatened by overgrazing by sheep ment of hunting associations is essential things, to pastoral rights. They are part and goats and overharvesting for woodfuel. for the management and preservation of of the national public domain, and are Livestock grazing in rangelands (within the resource and to ensure sustainability. defined and managed by the Water and and outside forests) plays a considerable Ifrane province has three hunting areas Forestry Service. In the forest, the rights socioeconomic role in the region. It is with a total area of 9 665 ha and three to graze and gather to satisfy family needs the main source of income for more than 8 245 households and extends over 79 per- cent of the total land area of the province (364 358 ha) (HCP, 2009). Traditionally, land has represented life, both materially and spiritually, in the region. However, the current pattern of exploitation is unsustainable and cannot meet the needs of local people. Increases in agricultural production are being obtained through the expansion of cultivated areas rather than by intensifying production methods and techniques.

Forests as a source of income for rural populations Rural people in the region depend on forest products (lichen, mushrooms, woodfuel, herbs and medicinal plants, which are likely to generate significant revenue) (HCEFLCD, 2004), including for their food security. The contribution of forests to livelihoods in general is important and goes beyond timber production. For exam- ple, most rural people rely on woodfuel for their cooking and heating. An estimated 100 000 m3 of woodfuel is harvested in the region each year, with an average house- hold consumption of about 7.2 tonnes of woodfuel per year at an estimated value of about 6 600 dirhams (about US$800). LAR © P i V a Men working at a with lbuena Cedrus atlantica timber from the forests of Ifrane Province

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View of the landscape of the Ifrane Model Forest are recognized, and use may not exceed sustainable levels. Beneficiaries of this right are tribal people living near the for- est or who usually practice transhumance. The forest regulations set out the tribes and tribal fractions who may enjoy these rights, which are not transferable. In practice, regulations pertaining to rangelands are not applied. Indeed, the rangelands in Ifrane province are expe- riencing problems related to changes in pastoral traditions and demography.

Management of the Atlas cedar forests The Middle Atlas, located between 1 000 m and 3 200 m above sea level, contains some of the most beautiful cedar forests in Morocco and the Mediterranean region. This ecological heritage is of economic, social and cultural interest, including for tourism, and the need for its conservation and development is high. A multidisciplinary study published in 2011 investigated the causes and symptoms of the decline of Atlas cedar in the Middle Atlas (Linares et al., 2011). Thematic stud- ies (e.g. in , entomology, ecophysiology, phytosanitary and dendro- LAR © P metric inventory and pedology) have also i V a

been undertaken to explore the decline, lbuena management and of cedar for- ests. An action plan has been prepared that calls for the establishment of a monitoring system and other measures to ensure sus- to the ageing of cedar forests (Allen et al., Ifrane Model Forest tainable forest management and protection. 2010). Studies conducted by FAO have The African Model Forest Initiative Concurrently with the multidisciplinary enabled the development of a management (AMFI) was established by the Canadian study on the decline of Atlas cedars, in 2006 guide by the High Commission for Water, Government in 2009 as a follow-up to com- the High Commission for Water, Forests Forests and Combating Desertification. mitments made at the 2008 Francophonie and Combating Desertification, with the Changes in management practices (e.g. Summit in Quebec City. With a budget support of FAO, initiated another larger dynamic silviculture practices that avoid of $15 million over 3 years, the AMFI study to develop a national phytosanitary clearfelling) have begun to be implemented supports efforts by the IMFN Secretariat monitoring system, using the Middle Atlas in the Middle Atlas, and regeneration and to develop Model Forests in francophone as a pilot area (TCP/MOR/3101). programmes are contribut- nations of the Congo Basin and parts of The studies described here have improved ing to restoring the forests. Reversing the Mediterranean Africa (Morocco, Tunisia knowledge of cedar dieback: its main decline of Atlas cedar is a long-term goal and Algeria). It also promotes rural sustain- causes are changes in climatic conditions that requires the establishment of forest able development and good governance, and a lack of stand management that has led stands adapted to the new conditions. encourages biodiversity conservation, and

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helps these nations build effective networks energy and housing, and diversification HCEFLCD. 2004. Études d’aménagement with other Model Forests around the world and improvement of incomes. concerté des forêts et des parcours collectifs (IMFN, 2010). One of the activities being launched by de la province d’Ifrane. composante I: Within the framework of the AMFI the Ifrane Model Forest is the implemen- Études générales, études socioéconomiques. programme, the IMFN and MMFN tation of sub-programmes 22 and 23 of Haut Commissaire aux Eaux et Forêts et à Secretariats visited the Ifrane Model Forest the Plan for National Parks Development la Lutte Contre la Désertification, Direction in Morocco, as a candidate Model Forest, and Management for the Ifrane National régionale des eaux et forêts de ; in February 2010 in order to participate Park (HCEFLCD, 2007), in collaboration Service provincial des eaux et forets d’Ifrane. in the development of processes locally with the National Park. This activity is a HCEFLCD. 2007. Projet d’aménagement et and to help draft the corresponding stra- “contribution to the sustainable manage- de protection des massifs forestiers de la tegic plans. The work carried out during ment of the cedar forests of Ifrane National Province d’Ifrane. Plan d’Aménagement et this period focused in particular on the Park”, and aims towards an “improved de Gestion du Parc National d’Ifrane. Haut creation of the Articles of Association economic value for the benefit of the local Commissaire aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Lutte of the Ifrane Model Forest, which led economy”, including an analysis of the Contre la Désertification (available at http:// to the Incorporation Meeting held on situation, support mechanisms for strength- 13 February 2010. ening the capacities of the population, and nat/parc_nat/fol117596/PNIfrane_rapport-_ The objectives of the Ifrane Model Forest enhancement of the value and traceability final-strategie_V_07.pdf). are: of products. u HCP. 2009. Monographie de la région Meknès- • to contribute to establishing mecha- Tafilalet, 2009. Haut Commisariat au Plan nisms and methods for sustainable (available at management of natural resources and IMFN. 2010. Regional and Sub-regional Input to landscapes; UNFF9: International Model Forest Network • to preserve and enhance biodiversity (IMFN). UNFF Secretariat Note 10.03.2010 and natural ecosystems; (available at • to contribute to improving the living national_reports/unff9/IFMN.pdf). conditions of local people; References Linares, J.C., Taiqui, L. & Camarero, J.J. • to promote heritage values and local 2011. Increasing drought sensitivity and products; and Allaoui, M. 2004. Étude de cas. Forêts et decline of Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica) in • to educate and raise awareness on développement durable dans les prov- the Moroccan Middle Atlas Forests. Forests, environmental issues for sustainable inces de Chefchaouen et Ifrane. Haut 2: 777-796. development. Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Maghnouj, M. 1999. Quelques espèces de Several activities have been carried Lutte Contre la Désertification; Plan Bleu mammifères de la cédraie au Maroc, cas out since then, including a seminar on pour l’Environnement et le Développement du singe magot. Forêt méditerranéenne, Amazigh poetry (forest conservation: cul- en Méditerranée. XX(3), November. ture and behaviour), forestry and pasture Allen, C.D., Macalady, A.K., Chenchouni, Ménard, N. 1995. Ecologie du Magot dans management activities (profit generation H., Bachelet, D., McDowell, N. Vennetier, le Moyen Atlas Marocain: observations for the inhabitants of the mountain areas M., Kitzberger, T., Rigling, A., Breshears, préliminaires sur son mode d’exploitation in the province of Ifrane), more efficient D.D., Hogg, E.H., Gonzalez, P., Fensham, d’une cédraie-chênaie. Rapport préliminaire, distribution of ovens, valuation of products R., Zhangm, Z., Castro, J., Demidova, CNRS, URA 373; Université de Rennes 1. such as medicinal plants and wool, and N., Lim, J.H., Allard, G., Running, S.W., M’Hirit, O. 1999. Le cèdre de l’Atlas à travers awareness-raising actions on the value of Semerci, A. & Cobb, N. 2010. A global le reseau Silva Mediterranea ‘Le Cèdre’. Bilan the environment. All these activities are overview of drought and heat-induced tree et perspectives. Forêt Méditerranéenne, 3, aimed at improving the living conditions mortality reveals emerging climate change 91–100. of the inhabitants of the area of the Ifrane risks for forests. Forest Ecology and Navarro-Cerrillo, R.M., Manzanedo, R.D., Model Forest. Management, 259(4): 660-684. Bohorque, J., Sánchez, R., Sánchez, J., de These activities are defined in the Association Forêt Modèle Ifrane. 2010. Ifrane Miguel, S., Solano, D., Qarro, M., Griffith, Strategic Plan (Association Forêt Modèle Model Forest Strategic Plan (available D., Palacios, G. 2013. Structure and spatio- Ifrane, 2010), and are included in the at temporal dynamics of cedar forests along a following lines: capacity building for mod%C3%A8le-difrane). management gradient in the Middle Atlas, governance, communication, sustain- FAO. 1999. Forestry policies of selected coun- Morocco. Forest Ecology and Management, able management of natural resources, tries in Africa. Forestry Paper 132. Rome. 289, 341–353. u

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 45 © P. VALBUENA © P.

Ce as StUDY Tourism and non-wood forest products in the Yalova Model Forest, Turkey

M. Özdemir, P. Valbuena and M. Segur

This example of sustainable he Yalova Model Forest (Figure 1) Climate and geography in the forest management focuses on in Yalova, Turkey, covers a total area Yalova region recreational activities and non- of 79 185 ha, of which 46 613 ha The Yalova region (Figure 1) is charac- wood forest products such as nuts, T(59 percent) are forested (Figure 2). The terized by plains, plateaus and mountain mushrooms and honey. forest is publicly owned and managed areas reaching an altitude of about 800 m by the Forest District Directorate, and above sea level. The climate is predomi- was accepted as a Model Forest by the nantly Mediterranean in character: the International Model Forest Network in summer season is generally dry and hot, Mehmet Özdemir is director of the Marmara February 2011. The main aim of the Yalova Forestry Research Institute, Turkey, and Model Forest is to demonstrate a sustainable Above: A paraglider launches Pilar Valbuena and Miguel Segur are at model of forest management, paying par- from a hilltop in the Yalova Model the Mediterranean Model Forest Network Forest, which among other things Secretariat and Cesefor Foundation, ticular attention to the relationship between is supporting the region’s effort to Valladolid, Spain. the environment and human activities. develop sustainable tourism

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whereas the winter is warm and rainy and orcharding), and the coastal areas are (Figure 3). important tourist destinations. According to Turkey’s State Meteorologi- cal Service, the mean annual temperature Demography and economic activities in Yalova is 14.6 °C, with a mean of 6.6 °C The main economic activities in the in February and 23.8 °C in July. Average Yalova region are tourism, agriculture annual precipitation is 726.5 mm, dry and industry (the manufacture of textiles, periods are common and, on average, there chemicals and paper). The region has about are 11 snowy days per year (Süheyla Balcı 207 000 inhabitants, 66 percent of whom Akova, 2011). live in urban areas and the remainder These distinctive conditions have in rural areas. There is a large seasonal produced a rich flora in the region. increase in the size of the population in Forests have both Mediterranean and coastal areas in summer. subtropical influences, and consist mainly The Yalova forest is located near three Agricultural area (ha) of broadleaved species. The most com- large cities (Istanbul, Kocaeli and Bursa) Forest area (ha) Other (ha) mon are Fagus orientalis, Pinus nigra, and is therefore strategically placed for Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Q. cerris and commerce and tourism. At the same time, Source: Yalova Model Forest Association, 2010. Q. frainetto. Castanea sativa, Carpinus these urban areas generate air pollution betulus, Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudo- that could negatively affect forest health, 2 platanus, Platanus orientalis, Alnus and increasing population also represents Land use in the Yalova Model Forest glutinosa, Tilia tomentosa, T. platy- a potential threat. phyllos, Taxus baccata, Prunus avium the Yalova forest is natural and 15 percent and P. domestica also occur. Role of forests and different uses in consists of plantations of Pinus pinaster The region’s limited areas of plains are the Yalova Model Forest and P. pinea. P. nigra, Fagus orientalis used mainly for agriculture (, In the Yalova region, 77 percent of the and Quercus species are those used most kiwifruit-growing, greenhouse production forest is set aside for production. It is commonly for wood production. Some available for the production of wood and mixed conifer–broadleaved forests in 1 non-wood forest products (NWFPs) as tourist areas are protected as recreational Location of the Yalova well as for tourism. Eighty-five percent of zones and are therefore not available for Model Forest wood production.

Territorial governance of Yalova Model Forest In Turkey, all forests belong to, and are administered by, the state. The General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) is the authority that applies the rules established by the country’s Constitution and publishes statues, codes and policy papers. The GDF is also responsible for the regulation of production and the sale of wood and non- wood forest products. Local forest users must obtain permission from the GDF for their activities. The Yalova Model Forest Association (Figure 4) is a transparent and partici- patory non-governmental organization (NGO) formed with the participation of NGO representatives, organizations and institutions operating in the Yalova region. Source: Yalova Model Forest Association, 2010. It is organized as an independent structure

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3 Climatic data, Yalova region 50 110

37,5 82,5 (for the extraction of edible seeds), mush- Precipitation rooms, fruits of arbutus (Arbutus unedo), °C) ( rosehip (Rosa spp.), chestnuts (Castanea 25 55 sativa) and the flowers of linden Tilia(

( mm) cordata) and daphne (Daphne spp.) are

Temperature among the products gathered in forests. Apiculture, for the production of organic 12,5 27,5 honey, is practised in the villages of Elmalık, Esenköy, Geyikdere, Güneyköy, Kocadere, Kadıköy, Sermayecik, Sugören

0 0 and Teşvikiye. The collection of some JFMAMJJASOND NWFPs has contributed to the develop- ment of ecotourism, especially in off-peak Record high (°C) Average high (°C) Precipitation (mm) times (seasonal mushroom-collecting, for Record low (°C) Average low (°C) example, is an important tourism activity). Among the projects encouraged in Source: Turkish State Meteorological Service, undated. the Yalova Model Forest is the cultiva- tion of beech mushrooms (Hypsizygus but, in accordance with national laws, increasing attention to biodiversity in tessellatus), supported by the East collaborates closely with the Ministry management plans. It is expected that Marmara Development Agency. About of Forestry and Water Affairs and the more accurate national information on 15 000 logs were inoculated in the forest GDF. Its executive committee consists of NWFPs will be available in coming years to boost production. Plantations of stone seven people, representing the manage- to facilitate their sustainable use. pine for the production of pine nuts have ment body of the forest, the Ministry of The economic potential of NWFPs is also been established. Forest and Water Affairs, the provincial considerable: for example, Turkey exports In the Yalova region, tourism is an administration, Yalova City Council, 10 tonnes annually of essential oils (pro- important source of income. Attractions agricultural development cooperatives duced by 230 growers, representing a total include its nature and coastal areas, as and producer unions. The Scientific and area of 648 ha), flowers and dried plants, well as hunting and sports activities. The Technical Advisory Committee is struc- with a total revenue of US$150 million. region’s thermal springs are world-famous, tured so as to contribute to Model Forest Collection in the wild is common in attracting tourists from across Turkey and activities and to research and development. Armutlu and Çınarcık districts. Pine cones the Middle East in particular. Its membership is drawn from universi- ties, agricultural and forest research, the TABLE 1. Wild collection of forest products in Yalova, 2009 East Marmara Development Agency and District Village Product Area other stakeholders. (ha) Mecidiye Pine nuts, mushrooms, arbutus and rosehip fruit 23 679 NWFPs and tourism in the Yalova Hayriye Pine nuts, mushrooms, arbutus and rosehip fruit 14 779 Armutlu Model Forest Selimiye Mushrooms 21 586 Mushrooms, honey, medicinal and aro- Fistikli Peanuts, mushrooms 25 057 matic plants and fruit are among the Esenköy Chestnut, arbutus and rosehip fruit, daphne and linden flowers 14 910 NWFPs produced in the Yalova Model Forest. A 2010 inventory of NWFPs Kocadere Chestnut, arbutus and rosehip fruit, daphne and linden fruit 14 960 Çinarcik mapped the distribution of the main Tevikiye Chestnut, arbutus and rosehip fruit, daphne and linden flowers 24 440 Pine nuts, chestnut, arbutus and rosehip fruit, daphne and NWFPs and their main habitats (Table 1). Ortaburun 8 420 The GDF is preparing to undertake more linden flowers accurate inventories and is paying Source: Yalova Model Forest Association, 2010.

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4 The Yalova Model Forest Executive Committee Assembly of Yalova Model Forest organizational structure

Representative of Forest Department General Directorate of Forestry (1 member) (3 members) Regional Forestry Headquarters, Bursa Representative of Provincial Special (1 member) Administration of Yalova Directorate of Yalova Forest Enterprise Representative of municipalities (7 members) Representative of cooperatives Provincial Directorate of Environment and Representative of producers Forestry (2 members) Representative of industry institutions Provincial Special Administration of Yalova Representative of NGOs (3 members) Municipalities (5 members) Cooperatives (5 members) Producers (3 members) Industry institutions (3 members) NGOs (5 members)

Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee

Regional Directorate of Forestry of Bursa East Marmara Development Agency Office of Yalova Model Forest Yalova University Ataturk Horticultural Research Institute Coordinator of Yalova Model Forest Forest Research Institute of Eagan Accountant Forestry Faculty of Düzce University Officers Izmit Forest Research Institute

Source: Yalova Model Forest Association, 2010.

The Yalova Model Forest has begun medicinal plants, mushrooms, rural at DOI: to promote thermal tourism, rural tour- tourism and wild fruits) with the aim of 10.4000/echogeo.12481. ism and ecotourism. The East Marmara increasing knowledge and sharing it with Turkish State Meteorological Service. Development Agency has supported the other Model Forests in the International Undated. Website (available at http://www. mapping of trekking trails and the creation Model Forest Network. u of an urban forest in the thermal area, with Yalova Model Forest Association. 2010. various activities related to the forest eco- Yalova Model Forest Strategic Plan 2010- system (e.g. forest adventure, food forest 2014 (available at http://yalovamodelormani. garden, educational forest, and botanic u gardens). Educational projects have also been established to develop an aware- ness of the potential impact of tourism on the environment. References To achieve the goals of the Model Forest, networks of research institutions IMFN. 2013. International Model Forest and universities – national, regional and Network website (available at: www.imfn. international – have begun to be set up. net/international-model-forest-network). Working groups have been established Süheyla Balcı Akova. 2011. Yalova: poten- to address specific topics (beekeeping, tial organic agricultural land of Turkey, and sustainable wood produc- EchoGéo [Online], 16. Online since 04 July tion, climate change and renewable energy, 2011, accessed on 27 January 2014 (available

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The Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests: a tool for improving technical cooperation in the forest sector in the southern and eastern Mediterranean

The Collaborative Partnership Mediterranean forests and other wooded The Collaborative Partnership on Mediter- on Mediterranean Forests lands require special attention due to their ranean Forests (CPMF), set up in September brings together institutions unique natural heritage and the essential 2010, brings together various institutions concerned with improving forest contribution they make to populations’ wel- (Figure 1) concerned with Mediterranean management and ensuring that fare. They play a particularly important role forests and involved in regional cooperation forests also provide benefits for in maintaining biodiversity and landscapes, aimed at improving forest management and the people of the region. regulating water cycles, protecting soils enhancing the benefits of forests for society. and storing carbon. The many services and Through this voluntary partnership, members products they provide to society support aim to coordinate their activities and seek various economic activities (from grazing and synergies to strengthen countries’ capaci- farming to crafts and tourism) and generate ties and support their strategic orientations substantial income in rural areas. However, towards the sustainable and integrated forest ecosystems and related services management of forests. are threatened by increasing climatic and The CPMF is particularly focused on anthropogenic pressures. Management technical cooperation in Algeria, Lebanon, strategies at the regional, national and local Morocco, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia levels need to better integrate climate-change and Turkey, and the governments of these concerns with socioeconomic issues such as partner countries are actively involved in poverty, rural unemployment and demogra- CPMF activities. With a view to protecting phy, especially in the southern and eastern Mediterranean forest ecosystems and Mediterranean countries. enhancing the vital services that they provide, Mediterranean landscape in Tunisia vaglia ara G


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Algeria Improve the implementation of policies Turkey for sustainable forest management and environmental services provided by these forest ecosystems in the context of climate change

Tunisia Lebanon

Syrian Arab Republic

1 the partnership aims to address the following • Association of Forest Communities Members and partner countries of the CPMF challenges in these countries: (COFOR International) • strengthen the capacities of forest • Food and Agriculture Organization of the • Mediterranean Model Forest Network administrations; United Nations (FAO) (MMFN) • intensify intersectoral cooperation with • Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia • Mediterranean Regional Office of the other relevant sectors of the economy (CTFC) European Forest Institute (EFIMED) (e.g. agriculture, tourism, water and • French Ministry of Agriculture, Food and • National Forests Office (France) – Inter- energy); Forests (MAAF) national (ONF-I) • improve communication, knowledge and • French Development Agency and French • Plan Bleu, a regional centre estab- information on the importance of sustain- Global Environment Facility (AFD/FFEM) lishedn i the framework of the United able forest management, forest-based • German Agency for International Nations Environment Programme’s goods and services and the potential Cooperation (GIZ) Mediterranean Action Plan impacts of climate change; • Global Mechanism of the United Nations • Turkish International Cooperation and • mobilize external support and partner- Convention to Combat Desertification Development Agency (TIKA) ships. (UNCCD) • United Nations Development Programme The nature of members’ contributions to • International Association for Mediter- (UNDP) Turkey the CPMF varies according to their missions ranean Forests (AIFM) • WWF Mediterranean Programme (WWF and skills and can be achieved in different • International Centre for Advanced MedPO). ways (e.g. through the provision of knowl- Mediterranean Agronomic Studies The Secretariat of the Committee on edge and expertise, networking and financial (CIHEAM) Mediterranean Forestry Questions–Silva support). • International Union for Conservation of Mediterranea serves as a communication The CPMF currently has the following Nature (IUCN) – Centre for Mediterra- hub between CPMF members and partner members (see also Figure 1): nean Cooperation countries. u

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 Unasylva 213, Vol. 55, 2003 51 dy a F r © B UNO Conserving marginal populations of forest trees in Europe

F. Ducci, V. Garavaglia and M.C. Monteverdi

A key area for understanding onserving forest genetic resources populations with high levels of marginality forest adaptation to (FGR) is crucial for forest eco- and differentiation. Its forests, therefore, climate change. systems and people’s well-being. are likely to be highly vulnerable to climate CPopulations of species at the edges of change, and there is an urgent need to their distributions, known as marginal/ conserve its MaP tree populations as a peripheral (MaP) populations, may contain part of adaptive forest management efforts. unusual adaptive traits that make those COST (European Cooperation in Science populations able to survive in marginal and Technology) is an intergovernmental environments. Such traits may be par- framework that facilitates the coordina- ticularly important for adapting forests to tion of nationally funded research on a climate change and for use in silvicultural European level. Established in 1969, it Fulvio Ducci is chair of COST Action activities to develop climate-change adap- FP1202 MaP-FGR/CRA-SEL Arezzo; tion and mitigation strategies. Valentina Garavaglia is scientific secreta r y The Mediterranean region is subject to Above: A marginal population of Abies of COST Action F P1202 MaP-FGR at FAO alba on Montagne de Lure in the south of Silva Mediterranea; and Maria Cristina highly variable climatic regimes and is France: recolonization on former grassland Monteverdi is a resea rcher at CR A-SEL. characterized by the presence of forest tree habitats (125–2506 m above sea level)

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is one of the longest-running European taken into account in forest management engaging a range of experts and stake- frameworks supporting cooperation and policymaking. The conservation of holders (e.g. geneticists, tree-breeders, among scientists and researchers across FGR has been insufficiently dealt with in sociologists, economists, ecologists, ento- Europe. This article reviews a COST proj- national forest plans (NFPs), in national mologists, climatologists, forest managers ect designed to conserve MaP populations strategies for climate-change adaptation and policymakers), and incorporating in Mediterranean forests. and mitigation, and even in practical new tools and methodologies. The COST The ranges of many species worldwide aspects of forest management. Strategies Action FP1202 project was launched at are shifting to higher latitudes and eleva- for the use of “pre-adapted” southern MaP the end of 2012 and will continue to 2016. tions in response to climate change. The FGR for dealing with global change in It involves 30 COST member countries limits of species ranges have not been suffi- northern forests remain controversial. (Figure 1), as well as seven non-COST ciently studied, and the need for long-term Information on FGR (and their adapt- countries (Algeria, Lebanon, Montenegro, conservation of the genetic diversity of ability to future conditions) is needed Morocco, the Syrian Arab Republic, MaP populations remains underestimated. to prepare and implement conservation Tunisia and Ukraine) and five interna- Although it is known that MaP popula- strategies at the national and regional tional bodies: Bioversity International; tions generally encounter more extreme levels. Projections of future distribution FAO; the International Centre for conditions than those at the centre of of species with relation to climate change Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic the species’ range and have adapted to (i.e. envelope models) need to be improved Studies – CIHEAM; Working Group them, there is no agreement on the crucial by integrating information on evolution- 2.04.02 of the International Union of Forest mechanisms that govern the resilience of ary processes based on knowledge of the Research Organizations – IUFRO; and MaP populations, including the role of species’ genetic diversity. the Mediterranean Regional Office of the local adaptation, demography, population European Forest Institute – EFIMED. dynamics and migration. A multidisciplinary approach This project is: i) helping to reduce Current knowledge on MaP tree popula- The issues outlined above highlighted the the fragmentation in European research tions is, at best, fragmentary, and is rarely need for a multidisciplinary approach, around the key problems of conserving

1 COST (dark green) and non-COST (light green) countries involved in COST Action FP1202 MaP-FGR

Unasylva 243, Vol. 65, 2014/2 53

through existing databases. For this COST Action FP1202 MaP-FGR will combine outputs purpose, experience gained at the from several European Union projects European level from the work of the European Forest Genetic Resources AGORA – Advancing Forest Research Capacities Programme (EUFORGEN), the COST ESSEMCLIVAGRI – Earth System Science and Environmental Management, Impacts TREEBREEDEX database on for- of Climate Change and Variability on European Agriculture est genetic resources, the European COST FPS-ECHOES – Expected Climate Change and Options for European Silviculture Information System on Forest Genetic EUFGIS – European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources Resources (EUFGIS) and the EVOL- EVOLTREE – EVOLution of TREEs as drivers of terrestrial biodiversity TREE (EVOLution of TREEs as FORGER – Towards the sustainable management of forest genetic resources in Europe drivers of terrestrial biodiversity) LINKTREE – Linking genetic variability with ecological responses to environmental changes: network will be of major importance. forest trees as model systems 2. analysing this combined information NOVELTREE – EC-funded project for better understanding of the biology of forest tree species to increase knowledge on the rela- TREEBREEDEX – Database on forest genetic resources tionship between genetic diversity TREES4FUTURE – Integrative European Research Infrastructure project to integrate, develop and adaptation to global change and and improve major forest genetics and forestry research infrastructures particularly to climate change; 3. identifying gaps for future research and providing tools for forest manag- and using MaP-FGR; ii) generating new a basis for guidelines and recommenda- ers and decision-makers (guidelines, knowledge and identifying gaps to inform tions at different levels (forest management recommendations, methods, decision- future research on the relationship between plans, national forest plans and climate- making tools, etc.); genetic diversity and adaptation to climate change adaptation strategies, regional 4. training and networking researchers change; iii) highlighting the importance of strategies or initiatives relevant to forests through the organization of annual MaP-FGR for countries further north with and climate-change adaptation). training courses and the establishment relation to climate change, given that these of active and efficient exchanges among resources are often adapted to warmer and Generating relevant knowledge on scientists (workshops, conferences, drier climates that are expected to extend MaPs and climate change working groups, publications, etc.); further north; iv) providing researchers The main objective of the Action is to gen- 5. combining information on the cur- across Europe with the opportunity to erate relevant knowledge on the role and rent conservation status of FGR and observe forests undergoing climate-related use of MaP populations to adapt forests identifying gaps related to tree species stresses, with a view to understanding pro- to global change. Because they emerge and, in particular, MaP populations. cesses likely to affect forests more widely from different processes, not all MaP tree The project will be implemented by four in the future; v) supporting European and populations may hold the same value for Working Groups (WG): non-European countries in establishing or adapting forests to climate change (Lesica • WG1: Gathering of data already avail- improving their climate-change adaptation and Allendorf, 1995). Some may have little able and compilation of ecological, and mitigation strategies; vi) integrating value for conservation and use if they are genetic and global change information skills, knowledge and tools in order to the result of maladaptive gene flow from – particularly climate effects – on FGR develop efficient and common strategies central populations (Lenormand, 2002). and distribution of MaP populations to preserve FGR; vii) developing clear and Other MaPs, particularly those in (e.g. climatic scenarios and models, readily applicable guidelines and tools southern Europe, result from long-term forest decline maps, lists of endangered for forest managers and decision-makers evolutionary and adaptive processes genetic resources). WG1 includes (expert-based recommendation methods, (Hampe and Petit, 2005) and their FGR climatologists, soil scientists, ecolo- decision-making tools, etc.); viii) enhan- may contain original genetic combinations gists and geneticists. cing collaboration among countries in the of high value for climate-change mitigation • WG2: Evaluation and analysis of WG1 field of MaP FGR. and adaptation. information (e.g. genetic diversity Fostering a dialogue among scientists The objective will be achieved by: maps per species/population, meth- from different disciplines and other stake- 1. combining existing information from odologies for evaluating FGR diversity, holders will provide new insights into the several sources on FGR and ecological use of relevant databases, genetic adaptation of MaP FGR to climate change. conditions in MaP populations and material, trials and networks and The results of this dialogue will provide making this information available information gaps). Standardization of

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 54

Pinus heldreichii, Mount Pollino, northern Calabria, Italy: an isolated population at high altitude LVIO © F u D ucci

methods. Meta-analysis of the data to Liaison and interaction with other project FORESTERRA (Enhancing identify common and divergent trends research programmes FOrest RESearch in the MediTERRAnean of FGR response to global change. At the European level, the COST Action through improved coordination and inte- WG2 includes ecologists, geneticists will combine outputs from several EU gration), currently under preparation. In and silviculturists. projects, including AGORA, COST addition the COST Action programme is • WG3: Mainstreaming genetic diversity ESSEMCLIVAGRI, COST FPS-ECHOES, operating in synergy with several initia- into sustainable forest management in EUFGIS, EVOLTREE, FORGER, LINK- tives such as: the context of global change, consider- TREE, NOVELTREE, TREEBREEDEX • EUFORGEN in the implementation ing both conservation and use of FGR. and TREES4FUTURE (see Box). Tools of Resolution S2 of the Ministerial WG3 includes breeders, geneticists, and methodologies provided by these proj- Conference on the Protection of ecologists, silviculturists, forest man- ects and networks are used in this COST Forests in Europe (Strasbourg, 1990); agers and policymakers. Action and serve the goal of strengthening • the Work Plan of the working group • WG4: Coordination and organization cooperation and the exchange of informa- on Forest Genetic Resources in the of networking, database management, tion between countries. framework of the FAO Committee on training and communication activi- Moreover, the Action is in line with the Forestry Questions-Silva Mediterranea; ties through conferences, workshops, priorities included in the Mediterranean • training activities of CIHEAM; training schools, web toolboxes, open Forest Research Agenda 2010–2020 • activities of IUFRO – Division 2 access databases, reports, publications (EFIMED), agreed to by the European WP 2.02.13 “Breeding and genetic and short-term scientific missions Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform resources of Mediterranean conifers” (STSMs). WG4 provides the Action’s (FTP). It is particularly complementary to and WP 2.04.01 “Population, ecologic overall, integrative approach. the ERA (European Research Area)-net and conservation genetics”.

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At the global level, the COST Action under climate change’’ was organized at FP1202 will contribute to several inter- the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute national initiatives: of Chania (MAICh) (Crete, Greece). • It is consistent with the needs identified Twenty-one grant recipients were selected References by the United Nations Framework Con- to participate and lectures were given by vention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) six European experts on FGR. COST. Undated. Action FP1202 website (avail- for adaptation and mitigation to climate Each working group then began develop- able at change (Intergovernmental Panel on ing its tasks, objectives and workplan. In FAO. 2014. State of the World’s Forest Genetic Climate Change [IPCC] scenarios November and December 2013, respec- Resources. Rome (available at http://www. for the Mediterranean region will be tively, WG1 participants met in Madrid applied to the COST Action). to develop their activities and WG2 and Hampe, A. & Petit, R.J. 2005. Conserving • It contributed to the State of the WG3 organized a joint meeting in Aix- biodiversity under climate change: the rear World’s Forest Genetic Resources en-Provence (France) to discuss common edge matters. Ecology Letters, 8(5): 461–467, report (FAO, 2014). steps and the exchange of information. May. • It is in line with the International Lenormand, T. 2002. Gene flow and the limits Union for Conservation of Nature Next steps to natural selection. Trends Ecol. Evol., 17: (IUCN) priorities and IUFRO goals In 2014, two plenary meetings are foreseen, 183–189. proposed during the last World Con- in Portugal and Romania respectively, to Lesica, P. & Allendorf, F.W. 1995. When are gress held in Seoul (2010). present the activities and results of 2014. peripheral populations valuable for conserva- Two new calls for STSMs will be tion? Conservation Biology, 9(4): 753–760, Activities of the first year of launched and a training programme will August. u the project be organized in Spain. During the first year of the project, two The first results produced by Working general meetings were organized. The Groups 1, 2 and 3 will be shared with first kick-off meeting was held in Rome the support of Working Group 4 and new at FAO in January 2013, concomitantly information will be made available on the with the meeting of the Intergovernmental COST Action FP1202 website (http://map- Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources (23–25 January 2013). A Given the increasing number of coun- second meeting was hosted by Hungarian tries involved in the project (30 so far), partners in Eger in September 2013. it will be important to include these new During the year, two calls for STSMs were partners in the ongoing activities of the also launched. These missions (exchange four working groups; to further enhance visits) are aimed at strengthening existing the mobilization of young researchers; networks by allowing scientists to go to an and to continue to promote collaboration institution or laboratory in another COST among institutions. Key objectives are to country to foster collaboration, to learn a share current knowledge about MaP-FGR, new technique, or to take measurements with a focus on the Mediterranean using instruments and/or methods not region as a hotspot for MaP-FGR, and available in their own institution/labora- to thereby encourage the implementation tory. The main objective is to promote of evidence-based recommendations that scientific collaboration and exchanges incorporate genetic diversity into sustain- between the institutions participating in able forest management. u the MaP FGR Action. Fifteen applicants from eight COST and non-COST countries were selected and visited other institutions for a total number of over 365 days. From 15 to 19 July 2013, a training pro- gramme focusing on “Genetic, ecological properties of marginal populations and their importance for conservation and use

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 56

Exploring REDD+ opportunities in the Mediterranean – a regional project funded by the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM)

C. Besacier and C. Gallo Granizo T © M ura T ur kes

An ambitious project examines n coming years, Mediterranean for- Furthermore, in the Mediterranean region, whether REDD+ is a relevant ests in Europe, North Africa and forest administrations and managers also mechanism for the Mediterranean. the Middle East will be increasingly face significant technical and financial Isubject to human pressures (such as over- difficulties in sustainably managing grazing, fuelwood collection, wildfire and forest ecosystems. In this context, a land conversions) and the effects of global regional cooperation project, prepared by changes (including rising temperatures, the FAO Committee on Mediterranean declining rainfall and pests). Deforestation Forestry Questions–Silva Mediterranea, and will be especially took shape at the end of 2010 as part of significant in the MENA (Middle East and the new Collaborative Partnership on Christophe Besacier is in charge of the North Africa) countries. Mediterranean Forests (CPMF). Secretariat of the Committee on Mediterranean Such phenomena are all the more Forestry Questions–Silva Mediterranea. Carolina Gallo Granizo is also working with evident where human populations are Above: Canyon with Pinus brutia at Silva Mediterranea. strongly dependent on forest ecosystems. the pilot site of Düzlerçami, Turkey

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TABLE 1. Pilot sites and activities selected for each component by the Steering Committee (Beirut, 6 June 2013) Countries Algeria Lebanon Morocco Tunisia Turkey

Sites Djelfa Chrea Jabal Moussa National level Maamoura Barbara Siliana Düzlerçami

Component 1 1 1 1 1 1

Component 2 1 1 1 1

Component 3 1 1 1 1 1 1

Component 4 1 1 1 1 1 1

FFEM Steering Committee (Representatives from 6 countries and the FFEM Secretariat) CPMF Direction of Steering the project • Supervision of the project Committee • Political and institutional follow-up bodies • Liaison and synergies with the CPMF

COPIL observers

Plan Bleu Silva Mediterranea (FAO)

Project • Coordination GIZ management • Methodological and technical assistance • Capitalization and compilation • Coordination and participation in studies • Communication and information-sharing

Regional and international actors Members of the CPMF National and local forestry services National research institutes Realization of Associations and local members of civil society the project • Implementation of activities in the pilot sites • Methodological and technical assistance • Organization of workshops • Production of studies

1 This project was presented by the This FFEM-funded project is co- Project structure French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable financed by the German Agency for Development, Transportation and Housing International Cooperation (GIZ), the In general, the project aims to promote (MEDDTL) to the FFEM Steering European Union (EU) and the French the sustainable management of forest Committee in November 2011. It aims to Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests ecosystems by maximizing the production “maximize the production of goods and (MAAF), with an estimated total budget of of goods and services (including carbon services provided by Mediterranean for- 8.5 million euros for four years (2012-2015). sequestration). Its ambitious main goal is est ecosystems in the context of global The financial support provided by France to explore REDD+ opportunities in the changes” in a total of five countries, situ- (AFD1/FFEM) represents 2.65 million Mediterranean region. The project is made ated in North Africa (Algeria, Morocco euros. The project is managed by Plan up of five major components: and Tunisia) and the Near East (Lebanon Bleu and FAO under the guidance of a Component 1: Production of data and and Turkey). The forest cover (including steering committee made up of members development of tools to support decisions both forests and other wooded lands) of of both organizations, with the support of these countries represents altogether nearly the Silva Mediterranea Secretariat, located 1 Agence Française de Développement, France’s 19 million hectares. within FAO (see Figure 1). national institution working for development.

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on and management of vulnerable Medi- Component 4: terranean forest ecosystems affected by What are the REDD+ opportunities for the Mediterranean? climate change and the ability of these for- est ecosystems to adapt to global changes; Mediterranean forests are recognized for their multifunctionality and especially for their Component 2: Evaluation of the eco- provision of goods and services. Their beneficiaries range from local populations (non-wood nomic and social value of goods and forest products, fuelwood, etc.), to the country or the region (water systems, soil stabilization, services provided by Mediterranean etc.) and the world at large (biodiversity, carbon storage, etc.). forest ecosystems, in particular through REDD+ is a mechanism that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions due to deforestation the study of multiple issues related to and forest degradation.* REDD+ projects aim to optimize carbon storage by reducing the environmental changes and their potential drivers of deforestation and degradation. Originally designed for tropical regions, the REDD+ effects on the socioeconomic development mechanism could also legitimately be applied in the Mediterranean region, particularly in of Mediterranean landscapes; the less developed countries of the region, in which wildfires, overgrazing, unmanaged fire- Component 3: Development of participa- wood collection and conversion of forests to agricultural land or urban areas are sources of tory and territorial approaches to forest greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Although REDD+ is primarily governance in these Mediterranean forest focused on reducing carbon emissions, the activities within REDD+ programmes will also ecosystems; indirectly help safeguard a wide range of goods and services which stand to benefit from Component 4: Optimization of the envi- activities designed to optimize forest carbon stocks. ronmental goods and services provided However, the Mediterranean context is very distinctive, and current REDD+ methodologies by Mediterranean forests and valoriza- are not necessarily directly applicable to it. Thus, the implementation of REDD+ projects in the tion of these efforts (including carbon Mediterranean needs to be carefully studied, in particular as regards their feasibility, method- sequestration); ologies and long-term sustainability. The development of pilot activities under Component 4 Component 5: Support to the coor- of the FFEM project described in this article will help assess the relevance of such a strategy dination and communication activities at the local level and, if successful at that level, whether it could be replicated on a larger scale. of the Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests (CPMF). *See for example Several actions have been implemented within the different components in selected pilot sites in the five countries involved (see Table 1). The actions currently implemented in these pilot sites are: 1. a regional study on the impact of cli- mate change on the range limits of the main Mediterranean species present in the pilot sites (French National Insti- tute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Avignon); 2. a state-of-the-art document on adapta- tion and mitigation research available in the Mediterranean region (Italian Agricultural Research Council (CRA) Arezzo, and FAO); 3. five climate change vulnerability assessments carried out in the pilot sites selected for implementation of Component 1 (Djelfa, Maamoura, Jabal

vaglia Moussa, Düzlerçami and Siliana); ara G

al Aleppo pines (Pinus halepensis Mill.)

© V ENTINA at the pilot site of Siliana, Tunisia

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 59 eil j O l © O iver Panoramic view of the Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve, selected in 4. a regional study on “Methods and tools ecosystems in the pilot sites selected Lebanon as pilot site for the project for socioeconomic assessment of goods for the implementation of Compo- and services provided by Mediterra- nent 4 (Djelfa, Maamoura, Düzlerçami nean forest ecosystems”, led by Plan and Siliana); 9. a road map for the development and Bleu with the support of the Mediter- 7. a regional study on “Cork oak land- implementation of national mitigation ranean Office of the European Forest scapes, their products and climate strategies in the forest/agriculture sec- Institute (EFIMED) and the Forest change policies”, to better identify tors (including REDD+) in the five Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC); the potential of several carbon finance targeted countries; 5. a regional study on participatory gov- instruments in pilot sites with cork oak 10. a road map for the preparation of ernance for the multifunctional man- (Maamoura and Barbara); pilot projects to mobilize innovative agement of Mediterranean forested 8. a road map for the promotion of Medi- financing mechanisms for Mediter- landscapes, led by Plan Bleu with terranean ecosystems in the context of ranean forest ecosystems, based on the support of CTFC and COFOR international negotiations concerning a portfolio of project proposals in International; the forest/agriculture sectors within the the pilot sites selected for the imple- 6. a regional study on the main drivers of United Nations Framework Conven- mentation of Component 4 (Djelfa, deforestation and degradation of forest tion on Climate Change (UNFCCC); Maamoura, Düzlerçami, Siliana and the National Programme in Lebanon). This project should demonstrate the potential for regional cooperation between different forest stakeholders in the Mediterranean. It will strengthen the new Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests (CPMF) and the administrations of several key member states of the FAO Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions–Silva Mediterranea, by giv- ing policymakers some eagerly-awaited answers on the opportunities for REDD+ in the Mediterranean. u vaglia ara G

entina Panoramic view of the Djelfa forest, al Algeria, consisting mainly of V

© Aleppo pines (Pinus halepensis Mill.)

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 60

Adapting forest policy framework conditions to climate change in the Middle East– North Africa region: a GIZ regional project

R.A. Kastl and L. Liagre

This project focuses on the he conservation and management Development (BMZ), was launched in sustainability of forest goods and of Mediterranean forests has an 2010 in conjunction with the establish- services in a region particularly impact on the availability of soil ment of the Collaborative Partnership on affected by climate change. Tand water, two resources of prime strategic Mediterranean Forests (CPMF). importance for Mediterranean societies, The six project partner countries – particularly in the Middle East–North Algeria, Lebanon, Morocco, Syrian Arab Africa (MENA) region. With the additional Republic,2 Tunisia and Turkey – agreed Reinhard Alexander Kastl, forest expert, has been Chief Technical Adviser of the regional GIZ pressure of climate change and unsustain- to develop joint solutions to sustainable project on “Adapting forest policy framework able use of forest resources, regional and forest management. Their common goal conditions to climate change in the Middle national approaches must be developed to is to safeguard the numerous goods and East–North Africa region” since June 2010. Ludwig Liagre, economist, specialized in maintain and develop the socioeconomic services of Mediterranean forests, such international and national forest financing benefits offered by forests. as the supply of timber and non-timber mechanisms, has been collaborating on the This GIZ1 project (see Table 1 for the proj- regional GIZ project since 2010, and has been working as an independent consultant since ect specifications), funded by the German June 2014. Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Degraded cedar forest bordering a lake in the Middle Atlas, Morocco ROLIN © C a W e inkopf

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 61

products, protection against wind and TABLE 1. Project specifications water erosion, carbon sequestration, bio- Head office of the regional project c/o High Commissariat for water, forests and diversity conservation, and the availability combating desertification (HCEFLCD) in Rabat, Morocco of natural spaces for recreation. Sponsor and funder BMZ – German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development P rOJECT objectives, strategy Implementation Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale and key activities Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH The project aims to improve the framework Partner countries Algeria, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey 2 conditions for the sustainable management (and Syrian Arab Republic ) of forest ecosystems in order to preserve Partner organizations Forest administrations, ministries that are partners of the forest sector, member organizations of the supply of goods and services in the the CPMF, ONF International, MMFN, COFOR face of climate change, and comprises six International, CIHEAM, the Global Mechanism, strategic components: CTFC, UNDP, TIKA 1. Capacity development of forest Area concerned Middle East–North Africa (MENA) region administrations with regard to Project duration 2010–2015 climate change and enhancement Source: Project website ( of the value of goods and services provided by forests Examples of activities: 6. Gender advocacy Examples of activities: • assistance to communication units Examples of activities: • training on adaptation to climate recently created in forest adminis- • promoting gender balance as a change with relation to forests trations of Tunisia and Algeria cross cutting issue in all project • analysis of the integration of climate • training of journalists from Algeria events change into forest policies on the importance of forest goods • award of MedFor Master’s schol- • evaluation of the costs and benefits and services arships to female students from of REDD+. • support to the creation of the Forest CPMF countries 2. Interinstitutional relations with Communicators Network for the • organization of events for capacity partner sectors to increase the Mediterranean and Middle East development of women working in appreciation and acknowledgement • collaboration on the organization the forest sector of CPMF countries by these sectors of the goods and of the Mediterranean Forest Weeks. • integration of gender concerns into services provided by forests 4. Mobilization of external support the Moroccan forest administration. Examples of activities: and partnerships • training on intersectoral dialogue Examples of activities: D eVELOPING capacities for • promoting and facilitating of • development of the CPMF better intersectoral policy intersectoral and interinstitutional • capacity development on innovative dialogue communication and cooperation financing mechanisms By inviting key stakeholders to round- • economic evaluation of goods and • support to the creation of national tables and workshops bringing together services provided by forests in funding schemes the political, scientific, and technical actors Lebanon and Morocco. • exchange on good practices with in charge of forest administrations and 3. Communication, information and Costa Rica, a pioneer in terms of their partner sectors at the national and awareness-raising, particularly on innovative financing mechanisms. regional level, the project aims to con- the expected impacts of climate 5. Development of value chains for tribute to intersectoral and transboundary change and the socioeconomic non-wood forest products communication mechanisms. In develop- importance of the goods and ser- Examples of activities: ing and implementing their forest policies, vices provided by forests • training on the development of value forest-related institutions of the MENA chains for non-wood forest products countries are drawing up methods which 1 The German Agency for International Coopera- tion (GIZ) operates in more than 130 countries, in • exchange of experiences between are adapted to the specific challenges that the Mediterranean region, the Middle East, Africa, CPMF countries on the management they face and based on the principles of Asia, Latin America, Europe, the Caucasus and of value chains such as the pine nut civil society participation and a gender Central Asia. As a federal company, it supports the German government’s international coopera- value chain approach. In the words of a project part- tion in the area of sustainable development. • studies of specific sectors and value ner, “This project goes beyond the simple 2 Cooperation temporarily suspended. chains. dimension of forests.”

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In line with the strategy outlined above, given particular emphasis. Furthermore, the CPMF supports an approach based the project activities focus on improving support to partner countries will enable on cooperation and convergence, and the capacities of governmental and non- them to better position themselves in aims to give effective responses to the governmental players (including the media) international negotiations related to forest– multiple pressures faced by Mediterranean that can influence policy decisions related climate and forest–biodiversity themes, forests today. u to forests. namely to mobilize additional external Through training activities conducted at financial resources for the sustainable the national and regional level, the skills management of Mediterranean forests. of forest administrations in delivering services are being strengthened; inter- Te h CoLLABORATIVE institutional and intersectoral learning Partnership on processes are promoted and other sec- Mediterranean Forests tors partnering with the forest sector will Beyond the circle of its main institutional become more aware of the importance partners, the project contributed, together of the goods and services provided by with other organizations of the MENA Mediterranean forests, taking into account region, to the creation of the CPMF. By the context of climate change. The contri- mobilizing (to date) 16 stakeholders from bution of forests to a green economy, to different backgrounds (research institutes, poverty alleviation and to food security is non-governmental organizations, inter- national cooperation agencies, etc.), all Shepherd in a green oak forest, operating in the Mediterranean basin, Morocco ROLIN © C a W e inkopf

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 63 a l e r a Va n i l o r í r © Ma a Ca EFIMED: Strengthening the research–cooperation and science–policy interface in the Mediterranean

I. Martínez de Arano

A reference in the FIMED was established in EFIMED has become a reference in the Mediterranean forest research Barcelona in 2007 as the Regional Mediterranean forest research and policy and policy landscape. Office for the Mediterranean of the landscape, having promoted relevant tools EEuropean Forest Institute, building upon and initiatives covering a common for- work carried out in the previous decade est research agenda, the coordination of through other less structured cooperation research funding, successful developments efforts. Since its inception, it has focused in mobility and capacity building and the on creating a smooth and balanced forest policy–science interface. Some of these research area in the Mediterranean to help highlights are summarized below. better inform management and policy deci- sions. It brings together a large network of forest researchers, practitioners and policy- makers, and promotes capacity building, Above: Cork oak landscape in Portugal. Inazio Martínez de Arano is Head of Office EFIMED works actively in areas such as at the Mediterranean Regional Office of the mobility, higher education programmes entrepreneurship concerning non-wood European Forest Institute (EFIMED). and multilateral knowledge transfers. forest products, including cork

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Cover of A Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda – MFRA: payment of ecosystem services as well 2010–2020, EFIMED as innovation and entrepreneurship con- cerning non-wood forest products and environmental accounting. Currently, some of this work is being pursued duplications, complementarities, gaps and within the framework of the Collaborative synergies between the different research Partnership on Mediterranean Forests or programmes and has analysed research as part of other arrangements involving capacities in order to eliminate duplication multiple Mediterranean partners. and address neglected or emerging topics. Facilitating the policy–science inter- It has produced the first transnational face is the other key activity of EFIMED. call for forest research projects in the EFIMED regularly produces policy briefs Mediterranean, pooling resources from or more extensive knowledge syntheses 10 countries to address forest resilience such as Water for forests and people in through management of biodiversity the Mediterranean Region – a challenging at multiple scales. Future steps include balance,1 published as the first volume of the incorporation of more countries and the EFI series “What Science Can Tell”. areas, including those with similar climatic However, a fluent dialogue between sci-

© EFIMED conditions outside the Mediterranean such ence and policy requires more than just as Australia, Chile, South Africa and publications. For this reason, EFIMED The Mediterranean Forest Research California (United States of America). cooperates with the Committee on Agenda 2010-2020 is the result of an EFIMED offers support for research Mediterranean Forestry Questions– extensive consultation process involving visits and internships across the Silva Mediterranea, the Collaborative researchers, practitioners and policymak- Mediterranean and this has been the Partnership on Mediterranean Forests ers in the Mediterranean. It is used by focus of the recently completed AGORA and other stakeholders in the organiza- EFIMED partner institutions to advocate (Advancing Capacities in Mediterranean tion of the Mediterranean Weeks that research priorities and provides the frame- Forestry Research) project. Funded by have so far been held in Antalya (Turkey) work for balanced research cooperation the European Commission, AGORA’s in 2010, Avignon (France) in 2011 and efforts. It has identified the following key objective was to advance forest research Tlemcen (Algeria) in 2013. The next one priorities: 1) How will climate and land- capacities in two southern Mediterranean will take place in Barcelona in 2015, and use changes impact Mediterranean forest countries by establishing dynamic and represents an opportunity to work together ecosystems? 2) How to address forest and transnational research partnerships. For for healthy, resilient, diverse and valuable fire management concerns in a context this, it implemented a twinning action plan, Mediterranean forests that contribute to of global change? 3) How can gover- linking research organizations in Morocco the wellbeing of their peoples. u nance, policy, and economic instruments and Tunisia with selected forest research ensure the provision of valuable forest centres of excellence in France, Italy, goods and services? 4) How to manage Portugal, Spain and Turkey. Over the proj- multifunctional forests and woodlands ect’s lifetime, over 50 exchange visits took in multiple-use landscapes? place, along with targeted capacity-build- FORESTERRA, an ERA-NET action ing activities. Partner institutions included funded by the European Commission, the National Research Institute on Rural coordinated by the Spanish Ministry Engineering, Water and Forests in Tunisia, of Competitiveness and supported by the Karadeniz Technical University EFIMED, involves 14 countries from in Turkey, the University of Padova in both sides of the Mediterranean, includ- Italy, the Portuguese Instituto Superior ing Algeria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, de Agronomia and the French National Greece, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia, Institute for Agricultural Research. Spain and Tunisia. Its goal is to set up EFIMED has developed its own research a permanent structure for joint research capacities in the field of forest socio- 1 Available at programming and funding in the Mediter- economics and works actively in areas publications/efi_what_science_can_tell_us_1_ ranean. In order to do so, it has identified such as the valuation, accounting and 2011_en.pdf.

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 65

The International Association for Mediterranean Forests: tackling climate change and integrated land management in the Mediterranean

L. Amandier, A. Khaldi and S. Vallée

Facilitating the exchange of he International Association for AIFM has been involved in several knowledge and experience in Mediterranean Forests (known by cooperation programmes, including the the Mediterranean. its French acronym, AIFM) is a FOR CLIMADAPT and MEDLAND 2020 Tnon-governmental, non-profit organization projects presented below, and the facilita- established in Marseille in 1996. Its goal is tion of a network of managers, researchers Louis Amandier recently retired from his position as forest and environmental engineer to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and and experts from various areas (including with the Centre Régional de la Propriété experience relating to forests in the Medi- foresters, agronomists, ecologists and Forestière (French regional centre for terranean basin. This knowledge exchange geographers). AIFM is also a founding forest-owners). Abdelhamid Khaldi, forestry researcher and should contribute to informing policies, member of the Collaborative Partnership engineer in agronomy, has been President of decisions and concrete actions, from the on Mediterranean Forests (CPMF). AIFM since June 2013. international and national level down to Sophie Vallée, forest engineer specialized in the management of natural environments, the local and individual level, particularly has been working as project manager and with regard to the environment, sustainable Effects of climate change in coordinator for AIFM since February 2013. development and regional planning. Solsona, Catalonia, Spain (October 2012) © AIFM

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FOR CLIMADAPT project: Methodology • synthesis and reporting by AIFM: “Adaptation of Mediterranean The project methodology is set out below: drafting of progress books and the woodlands to climate • establishment of a peer group, con- final capitalization report. change”1 sisting of independent representatives Project objective appointed by each partner and chaired Conclusion The overall objective of the project, which by AIFM, with support from interna- The FOR CLIMADAPT project has was implemented between 2010 and 2013, tional experts – including EFIMED, focused on strengthening techniques for was to improve the adaptive capacity of Plan Bleu and the Intergovernmental the observation of the evolving Mediter- Mediterranean forests to the risks asso- Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – ranean climate in forest areas, as well as ciated with climate change, particularly providing expertise, critical thinking development of tools and implementation erosion, fire and dieback, using four and collective reflection; of methods for the adaptation of the for- complementary approaches: • literature review by the peer group ests to these changes, according to three • development of observation sys- in order to collect data on the initial major axes: tems and monitoring of changes in state of the various pilot sites (bio- • development of adaptive silviculture; ecosystems; climatic context but also geophysical • anticipation of crises and restoration • development of adaptive silviculture and economic context and regulatory of degraded areas; and to protect biodiversity while maintain- framework) and the activities planned • awareness-raising and improvement ing the economic value of forest stands during the project; of governance. (e.g. by promoting mixed and irregular • reflection and development of field The final technical recommendations stands, adapted species of local ori- activities for each of the selected made by the partners and peer group can gin, etc.); pilot sites; be summed up as follows: • development of methods for ecological • site visits and presentation of pilot restoration and reforestation of land actions during seven project seminars;

degraded by erosion, fire or dieback; • review by the peer group of the actions “Terra delle Gravine” and implemented in the pilot sites; and Regional Natural Park, • information, awareness-raising and Province of Taranto, Italy improved governance.

Partnership The project brought together, between 2010 and 2013, eight organizations from five different countries, including local authori- ties, managers of natural forest areas, and associations: • Vesuvius National Park – Campania region – Italy • Umbria region – Italy • Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC) – Spain • Mediterranean Directorate of the National Forests Office (ONF) – France • North Aegean Region – Greece • Association for the Defence of the Her- itage of Mértola (ADPM) – Portugal • International Association for Mediter- ranean Forests (AIFM) – international • Forêt Méditerranéenne – France. AIN © A l C h audron 1 The section on the FOR CLIMADAPT project was written by Louis Amandier.

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1. Adapt forest management to the the facilitation of firefighting: the relevant international, national and expected changes, at stand scale, prescribed burning, forestry inter- regional institutions. at massif scale, and at regional scale ventions for example in order to This is one of the objectives of the • Improve stands’ resistance and resil- avoid crown fires etc.; and Declaration of Herculaneum, signed dur- ience to climate change by: –– developing synergies with breed- ing the project’s final conference, which –– playing on stand density; ers, in order to encourage grazing translates the partners’ commitment to –– making forestry rotation shorter, by cattle, which contributes to ongoing collaboration and continuity of –– fostering irregular stand struc- maintaining a “clean” understo- the actions undertaken. ture; and rey and to the control of organic Moreover, the capitalization project, –– promoting tree species combi- fuels accumulation. MEDLAND 2020 “Design of a future nations. • Prevent soil erosion and desertifica- common integrated land management • Enhance genetic adaptation of local tion. scheme to protect natural resources in tree species by: • Contain localized erosion processes. synergy with their social and economic –– stimulating natural regeneration 3. Transfer knowledge, raise aware- valorization” (2013-2014), also constitutes through seeding; ness and improve participatory an important means of enhancing the value –– planting adapted local tree spe- governance of the knowledge acquired through FOR cies; and • Improve knowledge transfer from CLIMADAPT, via a network of institu- –– identifying more southern prov- specialists to managers. tions concerned with natural resources enances of local tree species. • Inform and raise awareness of the management, and notably forest resources • Possibly replace declining spe- populations most exposed to the in the Mediterranean region. cies with exotic species, although impacts of climate change. Finally, addressing the question of this remains a matter of debate • Encourage decision-makers to con- adaptation to a changing climate should between forest owners and environ- sult experts. not undermine the importance of tackling, mentalists. • Reach out to policymakers and in parallel, the factors that are at the origin • Adapt reforestation techniques by: institutional decision-makers. of the changes. In particular, the limitation –– loosening soil to a certain depth It is obvious that not all of these recom- of greenhouse gas emissions by saving to favour root growth; and mendations can be followed to the letter, energy and moving towards renewable –– using accessories (soil overnight and regardless of circumstances. energy sources is a global challenge to mulching, shade nettings and Firstly, because the costs and technical which everyone must contribute within green houses, irrigation, etc.), barriers related to local conditions can their capabilities. This has a direct con- bearing in mind the high costs sometimes be overwhelming. Secondly, sequence on Mediterranean woodlands of these actions. because rushed decisions can lead to mis- whose values, in terms of both biodiversity 2. Anticipate dieback, prevent fires, takes, the impacts of which may not be and economic production, depend upon a fight erosion and rehabilitate dete- noticed until years later. Serious reflec- fragile natural balance. riorated lands tion, validated by experts from all areas All project deliverables are available • Monitor and manage stands die- concerned, is therefore crucial prior to any from the FOR CLIMADAPT website back, which requires: large-scale initiative. (FOR CLIMADAPT, no date). –– learning how to observe dieback; The main source of satisfaction for the –– mapping the affected massifs; and partners involved in FOR CLIMADAPT MEDLAND 2020: “Design of a –– taking the right decisions in the has been background work carried out future common integrated short term, and pre-empting die- these past three years to build knowledge land management scheme to back in the medium term. and experience. It is a modest step forward protect natural resources in • Observe accurately the dynamics but a sure one towards increased atten- synergy with its social and of the vegetation. tion to issues related to climate change economic valorization” • Address the increasing risk of wild- in the policies and management methods The MEDLAND 2020 project (timeframe: fire by: applied in Mediterranean forests. In the 1 July 2013 to 31 December 2014) aims –– learning how to “live with fire”; long run, it should help limit the nega- to promote sustainable land and natural –– improving knowledge of the vul- tive impact of these issues and prevent resources management in the Mediter- nerability of the areas concerned; huge crises. The project’s conclusions ranean basin through good practices, –– creating and maintaining equip- therefore need to be brought to the atten- innovations and recommendations concern- ment for fire prevention and tion of both stakeholders in the field and ing governance and forest management.

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 68

MEDLAND 2020 is one of 13 MED2 • Smart natural resource manage- capitalization projects selected through a ment through innovation and the call for capitalization projects funded by promotion of new emerging markets the European Union. The project involves (from emerging uses such as biomass, 14 partners3 linked to MED projects from to new challenges such as payments References seven northern rim countries (Croatia, for environmental services). France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain Projects: WOODe3, PROFORBIO- AIFM. No date. Website (available at http:// and Slovenia), and one invited country MED, OSDDT, SYLVAMED (Albania), as well as collaboration with In particular, the project has five specific FOR CLIMADAPT. No date. Website the southern and eastern rims. objectives: (available at These 14 partners have participated in • to create synergies among projects and en/content/elements-capitalization). 13 projects on Mediterranean forests and partners and build up a network of IPCC. 2007. Climate Change 2007: Synthesis natural areas, grouped into four main networks in the Mediterranean; Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, themes: • to develop synergies between opera- II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report • Integrated management of natural tional tools, models and good practices of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate protected areas as a tool for rural implemented by relevant projects; Change. [Core Writing Team, Pachauri, R.K development to improve economic and • to advocate for the protection and and Reisinger, A. (eds.)]. Geneva, IPCC; social conditions of the population. valorization of Mediterranean natural Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Projects: QUALIGOUV, 2BPARKS, resources vis-à-vis national, European MEDLAND 2020. No date. Webpage (available FORÊT MODÈLE and Pan-Mediterranean institutions; at • Natural risks management (espe- • to identify the challenges faced by a cooperation-projects/medland-2020). u cially wildfires), increasing the effi- common integrated land management ciency of fire prevention, protection of scheme, in the context of the Europe citizens and infrastructure, and general 2020 strategy; and awareness-raising. • to contribute to the elaboration and Projects: PROTECT, CYPFIRE, FOR promotion of a shared vision among CLIMADAPT Mediterranean peoples about their • Social and economic valorization of woodlands. the area to reinforce local develop- In practice, the expected results are: ment through sustainable tourism and • creation of a presentation and capital- marketing of local products. ization website (http://www.medland Projects: 2BPARKS, MEDIS, SusTEn,; RURURBAL • development of databases of transfer- able elements (tools, methods and best practices) and stakeholders; 2 The MED programme is a transnational • creation of an e-book on best practices; programme of European territorial cooperation. It is financed by the European Union as an • publication of a policy brief covering instrument of its regional policy. See http://www. protected areas, natural hazards, inte- grated land management and intelligent 3 The Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), management of natural resources; the Barcelona provincial council (DIBA), the • organization of a conference in Brussels Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh), the Province of Turin, the Province for Mediterranean Members of the of Macerata, the Italian Institute for Plant European Parliament in October 2014, Protection (IPP), the International Association to relay the conclusions and recom- for Mediterranean Forests (AIFM), the Regional mendations of the project, present the Center for Forest Ownership of the PACA region (CRPF PACA), the Chamber of Commerce and policy brief, and raise awareness; and Industry of the Drôme (CCI Drôme), the Euro- • organization of a final interna- pean University of Scents & Flavours (UESS), tional conference in Marseille in the Development and Innovation Network September 2014, within the framework (RCDI), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Primorska (CCI Primorska), the region of of the Collaborative Partnership on Istria, and the Regional Council of Shkodra. Mediterranean Forests (CPMF). u

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 69 nciarelli e C o © FAO/R BERTO Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions–Silva Mediterranea of FAO: review and prospects by 2020

C. Farcy, P. Plaza and G. Scarascia-Mugnozza

An independent evaluation of technical FAO statutory body either bordering on the Mediterranean Sea, Silva Mediterranea, carried out at established in 1948 as the succes- part of the Mediterranean Basin, or, as the request of members, confirmed sor to an association founded in stipulated in its statutes, with an economy the need for such a forum to A1911, Silva Mediterranea1 is an intergov- (in terms of forestry, agriculture or range- ensure international dialogue on ernmental forum composed of 28 members: lands) closely associated with that of the forests in the Mediterranean. the European Union and 27 countries2 Mediterranean3 region. Like other bodies of this type, it is a 1 After successive names, its official name is now: neutral forum for promoting international Committee AFWC/EFC/NEFRC on Mediter- dialogue in support of countries’ efforts ranean Forestry Questions–Silva Mediterranea (the initials are those of the regional forestry to develop relevant policies, practices and commissions within FAO). institutions. Its terms of reference, formally Christine Farcy, engineer in agronomy, is with 2 Albania, Algeria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, reviewed in 1970, are divided into three the University of Leuven, Belgium. France, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, components: i) technical intelligence to Placido Plaza is with the International Centre Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, better evaluate methods of forest land use; Studies (CIHEAM). Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza is Director Yemen and European Union. Above: Christophe Besacier, FAO, reports on of the Department of Innovation in Biological, 3 Report of the 8th session of the Committee Silva Mediterranea at the 3rd World Forest Agro-food and Forest Systems at the University on Mediterranean Forestry Questions–Silva Week organized during the 21st Committee on of Tuscia, Italy. Mediterranea. Forestry meeting at FAO headquarters, 2012

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ii) identification of priorities for forestry M eTHODOLOGY Combat Desertification Conference of the research in the Mediterranean region; and Conducted by a panel7 set up in such a Parties (COP UNCCD), the United Nations iii) identifying and implementing studies way as to ensure institutional memory at Framework Convention on Climate on forest policy.4 the same time as an objective vision, in Change (UNFCCC) and Convention on The specificities of the Mediterranean order to ensure the required neutrality, the Biological Diversity (CBD), and a more region and the need for appropriate evaluation process was conducted through- sustained and continuous mobilization responses are recurrent themes in the his- out 2013. The methodology for assessing of decision-makers in the region, which tory of the Committee. The Committee, the Committee AFWC/EFC/NEFRC on is essential for the Committee to develop which was for many years the main regional Mediterranean Forestry Questions–Silva politically rather than just operationally. cooperation body for Mediterranean for- Mediterranea, which is a complex entity, However, the efforts required for this ests, including on research questions, has was primarily qualitative and based on evolution will be justified only if they are gone through both dormant and more triangulation (or duplication of informa- based on a real interest from Committee dynamic phases, as has been the case in tion) and on saturation (i.e. the collection members for regional cooperation that recent years. Its situation and context have of information until no significant new takes into account their own concerns. The evolved with the gradual emergence of elements emerge). Literature reviews panel encourages stronger ownership and new actors, partners and donors, and new and interviews with members, experts, mobilization of member states around a issues have arisen in recent decades. In this partners and other relevant stakeholders common vision and the identification of context, members of Silva Mediterranea were the main components of the process. priority areas among the strategic lines and FAO (which provides its Secretariat) The recommendations were tested on the and/or recommendations of the Strate- requested an independent evaluation in occasion of an internal brainstorming ses- gic Framework on Mediterranean Forests order to assess the need for a possible sion within FAO (July 2013) and during (SFMF). It believes that this is an essential strategic repositioning. a presentation to members and observers starting point. Such an evolution implies an This article presents some of the main from the Enlarged Executive Committee adjustment or even a revision of the man- results of this exercise, clustered according (December 2013). date of Silva Mediterranea, particularly to five areas: operation and governance; with regard to its role in the facilitation added value of the Committee and its R eSULTS of the Mediterranean forest research subsidiary bodies;5 positioning on the Towards a renewed framework agenda and a better balance between dia- Mediterranean scene; coverage of key Forest administrations in the region seem to logue on forest policy, on the one hand, issues; and sustainability. The article demonstrate a real interest in having a neu- and identification of priorities for regional focuses in particular on the question of tral forum dedicated to intergovernmental cooperation, on the other. A periodically positioning, but a full report, presented exchanges, and an urgent need to coordinate updated State of Mediterranean Forests during an extraordinary session of the on forest issues in the region. The panel report would be particularly useful within Committee during the FAO Committee considered that such a forum would have this renewed framework. on Forestry (COFO) in June 2014, is to be created if it did not already exist. The panel believes that a reflection on the available in English and French and can There were also explicit requests from composition of Silva Mediterranea should be downloaded from the website of the members for more effective linkages be undertaken after a systematic tour of the Committee6 on Mediterranean Forestry between Silva Mediterranea and inter- capitals of the current member countries to Questions. national high-level bodies dealing directly ascertain their continued interest in being or indirectly with forests, in order to high- members of the Committee. 4 Report of the 11th session of the Committee light Mediterranean forestry questions and The panel recommends that the Com- on Mediterranean Forestry Questions–Silva better address social and environmental mittee keep a close eye on the progress Mediterranea. specificities. The panel considers that the of negotiations for a legally binding 5 For the period 2009-2012, six working groups were launched: WG1: Forest Fires; WG2: Cork alignment with the Forestry Department agreement on forests in Europe. If the Oak; WG3: Mediterranean Forests and Sus- of FAO, worldwide leader in forestry and current text were to become definitive, it tainable Development; WG4: Forest Genetic chair of the Collaborative Partnership on would enable non-European members to Resources; WG5: Mediterranean Forests and Climate Change and WG6: Sustainable Financ- Forests (CPF), is in this case a major asset. join the Silva Mediterranea Committee, ing Mechanisms. Greater visibility of Silva Mediterranea and facilitate the further development of 6 in the CPF and during COFO should specific protocols dedicated to forestry 3973e4853881fb38fbe95fc.pdf. however be considered because it could issues in the Mediterranean region. A 7 Christine Farcy (President), Alain Chaudron, Ameur Mokhtar, Placido Plaza and Giuseppe contribute to a stronger positioning vis- link could be considered with the Silva Scarascia-Mugnozza. à-vis the United Nations Convention to Mediterranea Committee.

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More readable links with partners The panel strongly encourages stake- specificity of this instrument, which makes In the absence of specific terms of ref- holders to develop initiatives to better its transformation into a structure with erence and, in some cases, of a specific clarify the situation and considers that broader goals difficult or inappropriate. strategy, the respective positions of the this is particularly important in the case As shown in Figure 1, the panel recom- different actors involved in Mediterranean of the Collaborative Partnership on Medi- mends the creation of a light coordination forests appear unclear. The evolution of the terranean Forests (CPMF) whose implicit Committee into a more political (rather objective of technical cooperation should 1 Proposal for a possible positioning than operational) body should allow it to be clearly identified and displayed. The of the Committee AFWC/EFC/ better demarcate its scope with respect proximity between the CPMF and donors NEFRC on Mediterranean Forestry to its partners. involved in development cooperation is a Questions–Silva Mediterranea on the Mediterranean forest scene

Mediterranean Inter-institutional coordination Information providers on forest research platform on Mediterranean forests Mediterranean forests

Genetics FORESTERRA Cork Chair FAO Rotating Soft Fragmentation Soil degradation Secretariat meeting

EFFIS CC models Chair EFIMED Strategy Shared vision


Mediterranean Forest Week (2 years) Results Needs Open forum for all stakeholders

Regional commissions COFO Info and modelsNational data

Biennial session

Task Force Silva Mediterranea Committee Task Force Great Green Wall Communication Inter-governmental forum SOMF Initiative SFMF National focal points Members Chair Secretariat FRA team

Forest Training Water WG Restoration Observers WG Research SOMF

Genetics WG NWFP WG (Peri)urban forest WG Fire WG Rangelands etc.



Feedback Information Feedback

Mediterranean Cluster on cork GIZ project Collaborative Partnership on Steering forest training Mediterranean Forests Committee Coordinator Technical cooperation forum FFEM project FP1203 Strategy Star Tree Secretariat Chair 6 beneficiary countries Private and public MMFN Upstream and downstream Chair AGORA Financing platform CIHEAM CE ... CIHEAM ...


Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 72

structure among key intergovernmental panel suggests that on this occasion, based initiatives, programmes and projects in organizations with a mandate for all or on limited-term mandates and a principle progress or planned concerning Med- part of the Mediterranean forests, including of rotating coordination, flexible solutions iterranean forests, including within FAO, EFIMED, Plan Bleu, CIHEAM and could be put in place to avoid conflicts relat- FAO. These clusters could contribute the Union for the Mediterranean (UPM). ing to vested interests and to benefit from to feeding and to running the net- The idea is that, based on a shared vision, the efficiency generated by the necessary work of national focal points during these organizations will be able to find a coordination that such an option requires. the intercessional period and could space for dialogue within which they can Given the involvement of FAO in various constitute the thematic interlocutors align their work and their respective fields partnerships and committees and bearing of the Committee member countries of action and thus reduce or prevent both in mind the widespread use of the concept during formal sessions. the fragmentation of efforts and duplication. of national focal points, the panel consid- This more flexible and lighter option This structure could for example endorse ers that it may be appropriate to exchange should allow the Committee to expand its the place currently occupied by EFIMED experiences on this issue within FAO. thematic scope without diluting its efforts. in coordinating Mediterranean forestry However, the panel finds it useful to The establishment of better coordina- research and clarify its role at the inter- recall that these statutory bodies are at tion between the Silva Mediterranea face between research and capacity building the service of the member states and, con- Committee and its partners, as mentioned on the one hand, and research and policy sequently, at the service of the strategies above, as well as the monitoring work of development on the other. This would be a and projects that they have found it useful the thematic groups, should contribute permanent structure for dialogue, indepen- to develop jointly. The panel encourages to expanding the range of opportunities dent of any external influences. Chaired by a renewed mobilization of members in available to member countries without FAO with a secretariat that could rotate, it order to foster ownership of the Committee overburdening the functioning of the would work on the basis of an equal foot- AFWC/EFC/NEFRC on Mediterranean Committee or requiring additional funds. ing between members and would comprise Forestry Questions–Silva Mediterranea. If we take for example the creation of a representatives from different organiza- cluster on cork as mentioned in Figure 1, tions involved in Mediterranean forestry Interface subsidiary bodies such an initiative could be developed by questions. The objective of the subsidiary bodies, private and public partners involved at The regular organization of a Mediter- which do not have decision-making power, various stages of the cork value chain in ranean Forest Week, jointly held by the is to facilitate the Committee’s work and collaboration with research entities and different actors involved in Mediterranean the fulfilment of its mandate. In order some member countries of the Committee, forests, would serve as an open forum for to maintain consistency and avoid any but without the direct involvement of the different sectors, stakeholders and sensi- possible imbalances, the Panel considers Committee itself (or only upstream at the tivities and should allow the Committee to it important that the subsidiary bodies initiation of the project and downstream cope with realities and expectations while established respect the geographical scope in the sharing process of lessons learned staying abreast of new and emerging ideas. of the Committee and focus on issues of and results dissemination). A link would A brainstorming session within FAO at the interest to all members. be established with the thematic group same time could also be useful to clarify The panel therefore recommends in charge of the issue within the Silva or review the currently ambiguous role of an explicit link with the strategy to be Mediterranea Committee. observers within statutory bodies such as developed by the Committee. Without A gradual transition from the current Silva Mediterranea. anticipating this process, the panel sug- working groups of the Committee to the gests two types of subsidiary bodies: new task forces/clusters should be orga- More fluid internal functioning • task forces mobilized around highly nized. Some should be able to evolve The panel believes that the efforts of Silva targeted issues or specific projects of quite naturally in this direction while Mediterranea, and especially its Secre- the Committee. As set out in Figure 1, others should probably undergo a pro- tariat, should in future focus more on one task force could focus on com- found change. strengthening the internal dynamics of munication at specific events and one the Committee. It encourages thorough, on the regular updating of the State of Opening up progressively to other creative and innovative thinking on the Mediterranean Forests; and sectors and disciplines interaction between instances of the Com- • thematic groups or platforms provid- To face ongoing changes and deal with the mittee and its members, in particular the ing, for priority issues identified by complexity of many issues, but also taking methods of functioning and facilitation of the Committee, a technology watch, into account the often difficult but reward- its network of national focal points. The monitoring, and an interface with the ing periods that the Silva Mediterranea

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Committee has gone through, the panel relevant ways of functioning. Mandate Acknowledgments would like to draw attention to the oppor- changes, cohabitation between active and The panel thanks the Committee on tunity of working more closely with social dormant members, transition between pres- Mediterranean Forestry Questions–Silva and human sciences experts. The panel idencies with different personalities or even Mediterranea, its President, its Bureau and refers in particular, but not exclusively, to projects, a stronger or weaker presence of the Enlarged Executive Committee for communication and political science, not the Secretariat, and difficulty in maintain- entrusting it with this study. The panel also to mention the valuable contribution of a ing involvement of members during periods wishes to thank the Forestry Department of historical perspective to anchor projects of waning interest for the Mediterranean, FAO and the Secretariat of the Silva Medi- in reality or plan for the future. Progres- are all factors that have regularly tested terranea Committee for their effective sively better linkages between forestry the resilience of the Committee. collaboration, responsiveness and excellent and related sectors and areas (agricul- In recent years, new challenges have working atmosphere. Finally, the panel ture, water, city and tourism) may also appeared and a new dynamic has been thanks all those with whom it interacted contribute beneficially to the progressive set in motion by new actors, partners and during the course of this evaluation for the development of more comprehensive solu- donors. Grouped within the Collaborative quality of the exchanges and rich discus- tions. The panel encourages the Silva Partnership on Mediterranean Forests sions held throughout the year 2013. u Mediterranea Committee to be creative (CPMF) or within other initiatives led in this respect. by EFIMED, they have combined their As stated above, this article includes efforts with those of the Committee and only some of the key recommendations contributed to increasing visibility on proposed by the panel. The full report pro- Mediterranean forestry questions. vides more structured recommendations. Heir to a long tradition of coopera- tion between foresters from around the C oNCLUSIONS Mediterranean, Silva Mediterranea is During its 65 years of existence, Silva now at a crossroads. The recent renewal Mediterranea has gone through several of attention and interest in Mediterranean phases of questioning about its future or issues should offer an ideal framework survival. It has shown real resilience, but to rethink the strategic positioning of has also often sought more effective and the Committee.

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fao forestry © Meine van © Meine N o ordwijk

Field trip, Costa Rica, International Forum on Payments FAO and ITTO highlight the potential of payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests for environmental services for the conservation of tropical forests FAO and the International Organization (ITTO), landowners to protect forests, plant trees and apply sustainable together with the National Forestry Financing Fund (FONAFIFO) forest management practices. For example, in 1989, Costa Rica’s of Costa Rica, organized an International Forum on Payments for forest cover was down to 29 percent of the country’s territory. Environmental Services of Tropical Forests from 7–10 April 2014 Eighteen years after the establishment of the PES system, forest in San José, Costa Rica. cover has increased to 51 percent. The forum highlighted the potential of payments for environmen- If PES schemes are to fulfil their potential, however, they tal services (PES) in tropical countries as a tool for conservation need to be accompanied by clear land tenure, sustainable land and sustainable use of forests and other natural resources, and management, updated forest information systems, efficient public how to better incorporate them into national policies. It shared infrastructure and consolidated funds to foster reforestation on a best practices and lessons learned, recommending actions large scale. at local, national and international levels for the development In countries where PES is an important policy tool for implement- and effective implementation of PES mechanisms in support of ing sustainable forest management, such as in Brazil and Costa sustainable forest management (SFM) in the tropics. Rica, significant ecological and socioeconomic outcomes have The event brought together policymakers, researchers and been noted. In addition to their direct financial benefits, PES academicians, practitioners, civil society, the private sector, schemes were also reported to have widened livelihood opportuni- and regional and international organizations engaged in the ties for participating communities, including the diversification of development, implementation and support of PES mechanisms. their activities and sources of income. With a majority of tropical forests located in developing Costa Rica’s PES programme, which was started in 1996, rec- and low-income countries, these resources are particularly ognizes four environmental services provided by forests: carbon vulnerable to land-use changes. Tropical forests are found in storage, watershed function, biodiversity and scenic beauty. The 65 tropical countries and cover about 1.66 billion ha. FAO, in its programme enables farmers who own forests to receive payments recent assessment of global forest resources, noted continued for the ecosystem services their forests produce. conversion of tropical forests to agricultural land and other land The Forum organizers acknowledged the groundbreaking work uses, for example for mining, infrastructure expansion, and of René Castro Salazar, Minister of Environment and Energy of urban development. Costa Rica, for having pioneered the PES system in Costa Rica, PES schemes may help to reverse deforestation in tropical the first in a tropical country, almost two decades ago. forests by creating appropriate economic incentives for forest Adapted from a press release issued by FAO on 11 April 2014.

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FAO launched new satellite-based data on forest forest area), about one third in the boreal domain (31 percent) resources on the International Day of Forests and smaller amounts in temperate (16 percent) and subtropical New data released on 21 March, the International Day of Forests, (8 percent) domains. This is the first consistent survey to show the confirm that forest areas continue to decline globally, with the biggest changes in forest land use for those four main ecological domains losses of tropical forests occurring in South America and Africa. over the past 20 years. FAO used this year’s celebration to discuss ways to improve To develop the survey, FAO worked with more than 200 experts the availability of information on the state of forests at all from 107 countries. The work is the result of a partnership levels – nationally, regionally and globally – noting that improving between FAO, its member countries and the European information on forest resources is a key means for halting illegal Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC). deforestation and forest degradation. FAO’s Director-General, Graziano da Silva, also took the The updated findings of a global remote sensing survey show opportunity to underline that local forest communities play a that total forest area as of 2010 is 3.89 billion hectares, or crucial role in responding to two of the major challenges that 30 percent of the total land area of the Earth. forests are facing today: deforestation and forest degradation. However, the new assessment of changes in the world’s At the same time, he noted that they are among the world’s forests shows a decline of forest land use between 1990 and most vulnerable populations. He urged governments to support 2010. According to the updated survey, the area of forest cover vulnerable populations and adopt better governance policies to decreased by some 5.3 million ha/year, corresponding, over the enable millions of people who rely on forests for their livelihoods to period 1990–2010, to a net loss equivalent of nearly four times the benefit from numerous forest products and services. size of Italy, or the size of Colombia. “In 2014, we are celebrating the International Day of Forests Worldwide, the gross reduction in forest land use caused by in the context of the International Year of Family Farming,” said deforestation and natural disasters over the 20-year time period Graziano da Silva. “Forest people are part of this group of family (15.5 million hectares per year) was partially offset by gains in farmers, pastoralists, artisanal fishers, and indigenous and forest area through afforestation and natural forest expansion traditional communities. They represent hundreds of millions of (10.2 million hectares per year). However, there were considerable families that play a key role in guaranteeing food security in many regional differences in forest losses and gains. The area of tropi- countries. In many cases, they are also directly responsible for the cal forests declined in South America, Africa and Asia – with the sustainable management of forests and natural resources. But, at biggest loss in absolute terms in tropical South America, followed the same time, they are among the world’s most food insecure.” by tropical Africa – whereas gains in forest area were reported for The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March subtropical and temperate Asia. the International Day of Forests in 2013. The day celebrates and The world’s forests are distributed unevenly, with just under raises awareness about the importance of forests. half the world’s forests in the tropical domain (45 percent of total Adapted from a press release issued by FAO on 21 March 2014. berto Cen o © F A / R o c i International Day arelli of Forests 2014, FAO headquarters

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 76

Poster produced for the twenty-second Committee on Forestry meeting

Goals as part of the post-2015 development agenda and the review of the international arrangement on forests at the 11th session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) in 2015. The meeting also discussed progress in implementing earlier decisions and considered FAO’s programme priorities for forestry in light of the Organization’s new Strategic Framework. It specifi- cally addressed work on climate change, REDD, boreal forests and dryland forests. For the fourth time, COFO was held in conjunction with World Forest Week – a series of meetings and events sponsored by FAO and its partner organizations and institutions. This enabled participants to benefit from opportunities to meet and discuss forest-related issues in more detail. Highlights from the event can be found here: forestry/cofo2014/highlights/en/. The COFO documents and background information are available on the COFO website:

Mountain communities highlighted at Environment Day On 5 June, 2014, FAO co-organized, together with Earth Day Italia and the Mountain Partnership, a seminar titled “Intelligent ter- ritories: opportunities for future investment – social, environmental and financial innovation.” The first roundtable highlighted the role that mountain and rural communities can play in future scenarios Twenty-second Committee on Forestry held with of social, environmental and financial innovation. fourth World Forest Week Panelists included, among others: Eduardo Rojas-Briales, Over 600 participants attended the twenty-second session of the Assistant Director-General, Forestry, FAO and UN Commissioner FAO Committee on Forestry (COFO 22), convened from 23 to for Expo 2015; Pierluigi Sassi, President, Earth Day Italia; 27 June 2014 at FAO headquarters in Rome, to address FAO Renato Grimaldi, Director General, Nature Division, Ministry of programme priorities and member countries’ concerns in forestry. Environment, Italy; and Rosalaura Romeo, Mountain Partnership COFO 22 saw the launch of the State of the World’s Forests Secretariat, FAO. 2014 report (SOFO 2014) on the theme of “Enhancing the socio- Eduardo Rojas-Briales emphasized that forests and mountains economic benefits from forests”, which was also the main focus can be important social and economic drivers, as proven in of the meeting itself. Discussions covered forests’ socioeconomic those countries where they have been sustainably managed. benefits and related questions, including income and employment; Rojas-Briales reminded the audience that FAO is supporting mem- ownership and management rights; wood energy; and the use ber countries in drafting the targets and indicators for achieving of forest products in housing. They also examined forest policy and monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals, so that the measures that promote sustainable production and consumption; process towards 2030 can be a truly universal development path. access to resources, markets and financing; equitable benefit Mountain peoples’ relationship with the environment, their sharing; and valuation of forest products and services. sustainable management of the natural resource base, and a As the full range of forests’ contributions to sustainable develop- balance between traditional knowledge and capacity to adapt to ment are often not recognized or properly valued, they are not global changes make them more resilient than communities who always reflected in the broader development agenda. COFO 22 live in the lowlands or in cities. Their ability to work in groups, provided an opportunity for member countries to consider ways of such as cooperatives or farmers associations, and their tendency promoting forests’ contributions to global developmental objectives to diversify their income is a model that could be applied and and ensuring that they feed into global negotiation processes. replicated elsewhere. These include the development of the Sustainable Development

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world of forestry to i m s ni Sa e D / O F I © C R Sigit Mangrove canopy photo taken during CIFOR study Forests Asia Summit: Sustainable Landscapes for on above-ground and below-ground biomass in Green Growth in Southeast Asia mangrove ecosystems, part of the Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP). The Forests Asia Summit was held in Jakarta on 5–6 May 2014, Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan, Indonesia bringing together representatives from government, research, civil society and the private sector in a regional multi-stakeholder dialogue. and Mark Burrows, Managing Director and Vice Chair, Global The aim of the summit was to lay the foundations for continued Investment Banking, Credit Suisse, all addressed the summit. dialogue, transitions toward sustainable investments, and further The reporting from the summit concluded that: research to support evidence-based policymaking, all directed • to achieve equitable and sustainable green growth in toward achieving equitable green growth and more sustainable Southeast Asia, all stakeholder groups must strive to management of landscapes across Southeast Asia. overcome communication barriers, engage in continued, par- The Forests Asia Summit was co-hosted by the Center for ticipatory dialogue, and act together within a landscape and International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Indonesian multilevel governance framework; Ministry of Forestry, in collaboration with coordinating partner • government, the corporate sector and the finance sector must Global Initiatives, seven supporting partners and eight funding work together to create enabling conditions to unlock private partners. Its 31 sessions included discussion forums and high- capital and support investments in sustainable landscapes level panel discussions on: governance and legal frameworks to and smallholders; promote sustainable landscapes; investing in landscapes for green • the scientific community, with support from the public and pri- returns; climate change and low-emissions development on the vate sectors, must engage in integrated and targeted research ground; forest landscapes for food and biodiversity; and changing aimed at increasing understanding of the dynamics that shape communities, sustainable landscapes and equitable development. landscapes and communicate findings to government and The summit was attended by Indonesian President Susilo business in a way that supports evidence-based changes in Bambang Yudhoyono, and ten government ministers and deputy policy and practice toward a sustainable future and action on ministers from across Southeast Asia. Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chair the ground. of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Manuel Pulgar- Adapted from the Summit Outcome Statement (see also Vidal, Peruvian Minister of Environment and President of COP20,

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Shifting perspective from trees to people The first comprehensive overview of forest

State of the World’s Forests: Enhancing the socioeconomic benefits from forests. genetic resources 2014. Rome, FAO. ISBN 978-92-5-108269-0 (print), E-ISBN 978-92-5-108270-6 The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources. 2014. Rome, FAO. ISBN 978- (PDF). 92-5-108402-1, E-ISBN 978-92-5-108403-8. Across the world, forests, trees on farms, and agroforestry Forests and trees enhance and protect landscapes, ecosystems systems play a crucial role in the livelihoods of rural people by and production systems. They provide goods and services which providing employment, energy, nutritious foods and a wide range are essential to the survival and well-being of all humanity. Forest of other goods and ecosystem services. They have tremendous genetic resources – the heritable materials maintained within and potential to contribute to sustainable development and to a among tree and other woody plant species that are of actual or greener economy. Yet, clear evidence of this has been lacking. potential economic, environmental, scientific or societal value – This evidence is critical to inform policies on forest management are essential for the continued productivity, services, adaptation and use, and to ensure that the benefits from forests are and evolutionary processes of forests and trees. This first volume recognized in the post-2015 development agenda, not only with of The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources constitutes respect to the environment, but also for their contributions to a major step in building the information and knowledge base broader social issues. required for action towards better conservation and sustainable This edition of State of the World’s Forests addresses this management of forest genetic resources at the national, regional knowledge gap by systematically gathering and analysing and international levels. available data on forests’ contributions to people’s livelihoods, The publication was prepared based on information provided food, health, shelter and energy needs. Crucially, the report by 86 countries, outcomes from regional and subregional also suggests how information might be improved and policies consultations and commissioned thematic studies. It presents adjusted, so that the socioeconomic benefits from forests can be definitions and concepts related to forest genetic resources enhanced in the future. and a review of their value; the main drivers of changes and Also available online: the trends affecting these vital resources; and key emerging technologies. The central section analyses the current status of conservation and use of forest genetic resources on the basis of reports provided by the countries. The book concludes with recommendations for ensuring that present and future generations continue to benefit from forests and trees, both through innovations in practices and technologies and through enhanced attention to forest genetic resources at the institutional and policy level. Also available online:

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Concrete guidance on the genetic aspects of Managing forests to prevent landslides and successful ecosystem restoration mitigate their effects

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources thematic study: Genetic Forests and landslides – The role of trees and forests in the prevention of landslides considerations in ecosystem restoration using native tree species. 2014. Rome, FAO. and rehabilitation of landslide-affected areas in Asia. Second edition. K. Forbes, ISBN 978-92-5-108469-4, E-ISBN 978-92-5-108470-0. J. Broadhead in collaboration with: G.B. Bischetti, F. Brandinoni, A. Dykes, D. Gray, There is renewed interest in the use of native tree species in F. Imaizumi, S.L. Kuriakose, N. Osman, D. Petley, A. Stokes, B. Verbist, T.H. Wu. ecosystem restoration for their biodiversity benefits. Growing 2013. Bangkok, FAO Regional office for Asia and the Pacific. ISBN 978-92-5- native tree species in production systems (e.g. plantation 107576-0. forests and subsistence agriculture) can also ensure landscape In recent years, a number of devastating landslides in Asia functionality and support for human livelihoods. have resulted in major tragedies and enormous destruction. Achieving full benefits, however, requires consideration of Considerable economic losses have also been sustained due to genetic aspects that are often neglected, such as suitability of the profusion of smaller landslide events throughout the region. germplasm to the site, quality and quantity of the genetic pool Current rural development trends and predictions of more used and regeneration potential. Understanding the extent and extreme weather events will increase the probability of such nature of gene flow across fragmented agro-ecosystems is also disasters in the future if efforts to prevent landslides are not crucial to successful ecosystem restoration. stepped up. Better understanding of the roles that trees and This study, prepared within the ambit of The State of the forests play in preventing landslides and rehabilitating landslide- World’s Forest Genetic Resources, reviews the role of genetic affected areas will be critical for a safer, greener and more considerations in a wide range of ecosystem restoration activities prosperous future. involving trees. It evaluates how different approaches take, or This publication outlines the extent to which sound could take, genetic aspects into account, thereby leading to the management of forests and can reduce the identification and selection of the most appropriate methods. incidence of landslides and how can assist in land The publication includes a review and syntheses of experience rehabilitation and stabilization after landslides have occurred. and results; an analysis of successes and failures in various It aims to bridge the gap between science and policymaking to systems; and definitions of best practices including genetic improve management of sloping land both in Asia and elsewhere aspects. It also identifies knowledge gaps and needs for further in the world. research and development efforts. Its findings, drawn from a Also available online: range of approaches, help to clarify the role of genetic diversity i3245e.pdf. and will contribute to future developments.

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Supporting mountain communities and All about trees and forests – for young people

protecting mountains Forests Challenge Badge. Rome, FAO. Youth and United Nations Global Alliance Mountain farming is family farming – A contribution from mountain areas to the (YUNGA). YUNGA Learning and Action Series. ISBN 978-92-5-107973-7, International Year of Family Farming 2014. S. Wymann von Dach, R. Romeo, E-ISBN 978-92-5-107974-4. A. Vita, M. Wurzinger, T. Kohler (eds). 2013. Rome, FAO. ISBN 978-92-5-107975-1, The purpose of the United Nations Challenge Badges is to raise E-ISBN 978-92-5-107976-8. awareness, educate and motivate young people to change Mountain farming takes many forms – forms as diverse as their behaviour and be active agents of change in their local the world’s mountain landscapes – yet largely remains family communities. Badges are available or being developed on a farming. These mountain farming activities have traditionally number of other topics including: agriculture, biodiversity, climate fed and supported individual households although, today, they change, energy, governance, hunger, nutrition, the ocean, soils, have begun to expand increasingly toward global markets. Yet, and water. mountain farmers still tend to be driven by familial, cultural and The Forests Challenge Badge is designed to help educate ecological values rather than solely profit maximization. children and young people about the crucial role that forests play This publication, featuring 25 case studies from across the for life on our planet. This booklet includes basic educational mountain landscapes, gives an overview of the global changes contents on the different types of forests and where they grow. affecting mountain farming and the strategies that mountain It explains how forests provide essential ecosystem services communities have developed to cope. Each study also presents a such as clean air, water, and climate change mitigation. It also set of lessons and recommendations, meant to inform and benefit describes various forest resources and explains how millions of mountain communities, as well as the policymakers, development people worldwide rely on forests for their livelihoods. experts and academics who work to support mountain farmers The badge describes the threats to our planet’s forests and and protect mountains. Enabling mountain communities to learn what is being done to protect them. This material is appropriate from each other’s experiences and gather inspirational ideas from for use in school classes, Guide or Scout groups or youth around the world will help enhance their resilience. meetings generally. It includes a wide range of activities and The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed ideas to stimulate learning about the importance of forests, while 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming. Thus, the motivating children and young people to help protect forests and Mountain Partnership Secretariat in collaboration with several become aware of the impacts of their actions on the environment. Mountain Partnership members presents this publication for this Also available online: International Year to shed light on the merits and challenges of i3479e.pdf. family farming in mountains. More information: Also available online: i3480e.pdf.

Unasylva 242, Vol. 65, 2014/1 Forestry communication toolkit An up-to-date information resource for the forestry community

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Use the toolkit to explore in-depth the Or browse by resource type. You can full range of forestry themes: choose from a range of materials, including: • biodiversity • videos from the field detailing • cities macro issues and individual projects • desertification • expert interviews on key • climate change forestry topics • energy • comprehensive statistics and maps • food security • images • mountains • press coverage of forestry issues • sustainable forests • relevant FAO publications • watersheds I3837E/1/06.14