Child & Youth Services FY 2018 Annual Report

Note: All Photos and Quotes have been authorized for use by parent/legal guardian. N The mission of the Army National Guard Child & Youth Services

O program is to positively impact Soldier and family readiness, resilience, and I

S retention by providing secure, timely, flexible, and high-quality youth

S development opportunities and resources which promote the overall well-being I of ARNG children and youth. M

Provide life-skills and peer-to-peer connections to increase overall Soldier & family readiness Build community capacity by developing partnerships with education & community G resources that support geographically dispersed military youth & families O Expand access to and awareness of Federal, State, and community benefits that A support military youth L

S Utilize leadership and service learning opportunities in ARNG children & youth Utilize research based curriculum as a means of increasing the resilience skills in ARNG youth to promote soldier and family readiness & retention CHILDREN & FAMILIES State Youth Symposium=1 Yellow RibbonEvent=1 Reserves Regional Youth Symposium=1 Family ReadinessGroup Events=4 Army Overnight/Residential Campexperiences=6 8th Annual“OperationPolar Express”=1 Total USArmy National 539.75 Total Programming Hours Guard Army Army 49 Total 25 (adults) 12 (13-18yo) 12 (6-12yo) 9th AnnualVTNG Family Camp=2 Community OutreachBriefings/Events =12 1,205 Day Camp&Youth DevelopmentWorkshops =6 Month oftheMilitaryChildEvents=3 1,106 Total 435 (adults) 294 (13-18yo) 377 (6-12yo) 50 Total 23 (adults) 10 (13-18yo) 17 (6-12yo) Force Air Reserve 41 Total 21 (adults) 6 (13-18yo) 14 (6-12yo) National Navy Guard Total USArmed Forces Air 15 Total 6 (adults) 4 (13-18yo) 5 (6-12yo) 690 Total 314 (adults) 128 (13-18yo) 248 (6-12yo) 1,964 Marine Corps

13 Total 6 (adults) 2 (13-18yo) 5 (6-12yo) EVENT SUMMARY EVENT families havereportedimprovedself-perception &management. Character, Self Regulation, Optimism, Mental Agility & Self Awareness. Both youth and This yearwewereabletodivedeepintoseveralFull CurriculumUnits: Strengthsof teens withtoolsenablingthemtomaintaintheiridentityasaproudMilitary Teen. ing societalsupportofmilitaryserviceiswaining. We chosetofocusonprovidingour Vermont has0.2379Militarydependentspersquaremile. Knowingthatandunderstand

VOLUNTEERS WHAT’S BEING SAID munity abouttheadded challengesofbeingaMilitarydependent. our attempttoengage newMilitary youth&families,aswellinform ourcom throughout Vermont. Their dedicatedeffortshavehadaforcemultiplying effectin Outreach Briefings &Events,MilitaryAppreciation Events,and Unit FamilyDays Volunteers havebecomeacriticalcomponentof ourEducatorandCommunity They’ve madethatconnectionwithotherchildren,alsogothroughthesesame awesome opportunity. After thefirstdaymydaughter camehome, and,justthat activities. Andmakeitthroughthoselongschoolbreaksanddrillweekends. really helpedmychildrenbecomemoreresilientthroughtheirdayto x eetn Ieeg/rbe SligPt t n Perspective In It Solving/Put Icebergs/Problem Detecting x 2 “The Child&Youth Services programhas “The Child&Youth Programthatputoncampthisweek,it’sareal tremendous growthinconfidenceandresilience. Thisisareal 71 Volunteers gave 618.5Hours 2 xMentalGames/RealTime Resilience benefit tohavethiscampformilitaryfamilies.” 8 Trainings to54Teens ~SSG Margaret (Molly)LaBonte, VTARNG challenges withtheirdaytolives.” 2 xCharacterStrengths ~ MAJJustin Quiet,VTARNG 2 xTwo-hour

- - RESILIENCE TEEN Trust Foundation, VTNGCharitable Foundation metroRock Vermont, VTNG RegionalTraining Institue, General Dynamics, VTChildren Additional Thanks: at schoolsandwithVTRegionalPreventionPartnerships. dependents arefacedwithduringadeployment.Thiscampaignhasleadto training to informstateeducatorsaboutthespecialchallengesandemotionsourMilitary VT Army National Guard’s DeploymentCyclebeingontheupswing,andneed “Educating theEducator” Vermont. Partners. We intendtocontinuethestrengthening ofourprograminSouthern participating inourprograms,aswellthedevelopmentwithnewCommunity Armory. Theseeffortshavebeenrewarded withnewMilitaydependents were grantedofficespace, fortwodaysaweek,intheVTNGWhiteRiverJunction after receivingfeedbackfromyouth&families.InNovember ofthispast yearwe Expansion PARTNERS TEEN COUNCIL days onacanoeexperiencewithhoursofembeddedResilienceTraining. Aviation Youth DeploymentSupport Events,three(3)Unit FamilyDays,andspent5 (three) “EducatetheEducator”Briefings, one(1)YRRPevent,two(2)VTARNG understanding ofmilitarychildren.Throiughoutthepast12monthstheysupported 3 Community Engagement tions withandobservationsofpeerparticipantsatourtrainingsprograms. leader totaketheirseatontheCouncil.Thiswasaccomplishedthroughconversa Throughout thispastyeartheywerechargedwtihfindinganemergingARNGteen Replacement Value They chosetofocuson toareasinSouthernVermont wasafocalpointduring thispastyear, support struggling youth. and othersubstance use;bolstersuccessinschool;provide jobreadiness; healthy, activelifestyles; discourageunhealthybehavior such asopioid for manyyears.Theyimplementquality activitiesthatencourage Vermont Youth Development Corpshasbeeninvolvedinourdaycamps Adventure Camp,andhostedourState Youth Symposium. partnered withthemforthepasttwo(2) years.TheyfacilitateourTeen Hosmer Point Campis oneofournewercommunitypartners.We have UVMExtension 4H,Greater Burlington YMCA, Vermont Lake Monsters, briefingswerebroughttotheforefront.Thisisdue 6 Trainings to154Educators waschosenbecause four(4)willbegraduatinginJune 2019. Replacement Value wasdecideduponduetotheirnoteddeclineincommunity , andincreasing

Community Engagement BEST PRACTICES BEST - .

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Brian Stoudnour Lead Child & Youth Program Coordinator O: 802-338-3369 I M: 802-310-6745 F: 802-338-3115 [email protected]