Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Community We come together in our common faith as God's Holy People. Strengthened by the Word of God and His sacraments, we go forth in faith to love and serve one another.

The Four Marks of the Church

It was the year 2015, and I was in St. Mary’s seminary and University in Baltimore, MD. I was a in the last year of my formation to become a priest for the diocese of Rochester. I Thirtieth was studying for the comprehensive exams, which was going to evaluate all my theological knowledges. I started to study, and I found the first question that I should know: “what are Sunday in the four marks of the Church?” Immediately I entered in panic. “When did I study this?” “I didn’t remember to study this in theology.” “O God, Help me.” This is what I thought when Ordinary Time I read this question. So, started to search for information in different books and theological 10-25-2020 dictionaries. Finally, I found it. I was surprise for the meaning of this question. It was so sim- ple. I say this every Sunday and in solemnities. How was possible I didn’t know what the question was talking about. The four marks of the church are One, Holy, Catholic, and Apos- Ordinary Time tolic. I said this in the creed, specifically in the Nicene Creed: “I believe in One, Holy, Catho- Mass Schedule lic, and Apostolic Church.” I know that for many people to talk about the four marks of the (see inside for any Church means nothing, but to talk that the Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic is Holy Day schedule something familiar because we say this in the Creed. changes) The Loyola Press has an interesting and simple article about the four marks of the Church. I want to share it, so you can know better what they mean. Daily Mass The Nicene Creed was written centuries ago to help Christians remember the important beliefs of the faith. In the Nicene Creed we identify the four marks of St. Michael the Church. The four marks of the Church are not characteristics that the Church creates or develops or learns. They are qualities that Jesus Christ shares M, T, Th, &F @8am with his Church through the Holy Spirit. The four marks of the Church are that Wednesday - Noon it is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. and The Church Is One Just as God is one in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so also is the Church one. St. Januarius The founder of the Church is Jesus Christ, who brought us back to God and M/T/Th @8am made us into the family of God. The Church is one in the Holy Spirit, who dwells in those who believe.

The Church Is Holy Weekend Mass The Church is holy because the Church lives in union with Jesus Christ, the Saturday source of holiness. Through the Holy Spirit the Church leads others to holiness. 5pm - St. Michael The holiness of the Church is seen in the love that the members of the Church & have toward one another and the many sacrifices they make for the sake of the world. Sunday

The Church Is Catholic 9:30 am - St. Michael Catholic means “universal.” The Church is universal in two ways. First, the 10 am - St. Januarius Church is catholic because all baptized people are part of the Church and the Church possesses the means of salvation. Second, the mission of the Church is Facebook - https:// universal because the Church has been sent to proclaim Christ to the entire hu- www.facebook.com/ man race. ourladyofthelakescc/ The Church Is Apostolic The Church traces its tradition directly from the apostles; therefore, the Church Volunteers to sanitize is considered apostolic. With the Holy Spirit the Church preserves and continues Church after Mass the teaching of the apostles. The and bishops are the successors of the apostles. urgently needed. Contact the Parish https://www.loyolapress.com/catholic-resources/scripture-and-tradition/catholic-basics/ catholic-beliefs-and-practices/marks-of-the-church/ Office to volunteer.

Fr. Jorge Ramirez 1 Mass Intentions Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Community To request Mass intention please call Parish Office Streaming Mass Schedule https://www.facebook.com/ourladyofthelakescc/ 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Daily Mass - 8 am M/T/Th/Fr Sunday Reformation Day Saturday - 5 pm at St. Michael 10/25/2020 8am @ St. P (St. P) † Nancy Pernicano by Sal Pernicano Sunday - Only 1 service will be streamed: 9:30am @ St. M (St M) † Jonathan Raymond 9:30 am at St. Michael 10am @ St. J by Les & Gail Raymond Or 10 am at St. Januarius (St J) for divided familes by private request

Monday 10/26/2020 (St J) intention available Please review our protocols 8am (St M) † Elsie Golden by Michelle Swartout @ St. J & St. M and procedures for attending Mass during this pandemic on our Facebook Page Tuesday (St J) Fr. Leo Reinhardt https://ourladyofthelakescc.org/bulletins-and-news/ 10/27/2020 8am by St.. Jan’s Morning Mass Group If you have any questions or to receive a copy of these @ St. J & St. M (St M) for the elections by private request guidelines by mail, please contact the parish office at 315- 536-7459. Wednesday Simon & Jude, Apostles 10/28/2020 REMEMBER IF YOU ARE AT RISK, Noon @ St. M (St M) Barbara Coriale by Sandra Moniot YOU ARE NOT UNDER THE OBLIGATION OF ATTENDING MASS. Thursday (St J) † Frank Clovis by Karen Schmidtmann If you are in disagreement with these mandatory 10/29/2020 (St M) for those involved in elections guidelines please continue to worship at home. 8am by private request @ St. J & St. M (StM) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament To reserve your spot(s) at Weekend Mass 315-536-7459 Friday If you have not been receiving the weekly email with the bulle- 10/30/2020 (St M) Eileen & Fred Giaconia 8am @ St. M by Eileen Schwarz tin, or would like to receive a mailed bulletin, please contact the office so that we can get you on our mailing /emailing list. Saturday 10/31/2020 (St M) † Donna & Anthony Pizzenti 5pm @ St. M by Mary & Bill Morich 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday 11/1/2020 Daylight Savings Time Ends 8am @ St. P (St. P) intention available 9:30am @ St. M (St M) Corry Stork by Gary & Carleen Pierce 10am @ St. J (St J) intention available Prayer requests:

Paul Leavitt / Steve / Mateo Tobar / Casey Doran / Dolores Lang / Maureen Doran Hendrix / Mary Doran / Kathy Stowell / Paul Hines / Daniel Ramirez / Marc De- Moras / Baby Claire Elizabeth / Cynthia Thompson / Baby Harper / Dave Grover / Laura Baum / Frank Stowger / Kathy Haight / Mickie Christensen / Patricia Curtin / Evie Worth (Please contact the parish office via phone or email to update/ add/delete names from the prayer listing.)

Requiescat in Pace: James D. Gilmartin

To volunteer to assist please contact M. Hanchowski ([email protected])

2 Readings for October 25, 2020 Next Weeks Readings 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time November 1, 2020 Solemnity of all Saints 1st Reading: Exodus 22:20-26 1st Reading: Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 2nd Reading: John 3: 1-3 Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40 Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12a

Parish Policy on Distribution of Campaign Materials During this election season, our parish will be utilizing materials from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizen- ship. Distribution of other election-related materials on church property will not be permitted. Among other activities, posting flyers or signs, passing out campaign literature, and leaving unauthorized materials anywhere in the building or on car windshields, are prohibited. We appreciate your cooperation with this policy

https://www.dor.org/giving/contribute-to-the-cma/ SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION When you give to the Catholic Ministries Appeal your gift is AVAILABLE SATURDAYS AT ST. MICHAELS joined with thousands of others to enable our diocesan community Beginning Saturday Nov. 6th the Sacrament of Reconcil- of faith to: iation will be celebrated in St. Michael’s chapel from 4 – • Fund ministries that nurture children and teenagers 4:30 PM. Please enter through the sacristy door & sit in in the Catholic faith and teaches values they'll carry the chairs provided. Social distancing & masks are re- into adulthood. quired. • Help pay for the proper education of our seminari- ans on the road to priestly ordination ANNUAL REMEMBRANCE FOR DECEASED • Ensure we can help struggling families find their NOVEMBER 7TH & 8TH way through economic crisis and back to stability Our annual Remembrance of parishioners who have • Prepare engaged couples for God-centered marriag- died during the past year (November 2019 – October es rooted in the 2020) will be held the weekend of November 7th & 8th • Educate and prepare those who wish to become at all Masses. Catholic for the fullness of life in the Church Unlike other years, because of space restrictions, there through RCIA will be no letters sent out to families. Families are en- • Enable us to promote Catholic values about the couraged to come but please reserve your seats sanctity of all life and make our voice heard in socie- through Event Brite or call the Parish office. ty If you have a family member or friend who has • Fund programs that give young adults on college died WITHIN THE PAST YEAR please fill out campuses a connection to the Church. the form below & drop it off in the collection bas- • Provide important services to your parish that it ket or the parish office by Friday Nov. 6th. Please would find difficult to afford on its own print clearly. • Support ministries that reach out with the hands and NAME(S) OF DECEASED heart of Christ to the aged, the sick, and the impris- & WHEN THEY DIED (MONTH & YEAR)

oned • Help fund the crucial work of Catholic Charities,

which serves more than 250,000 people annually • All funds raised in the CMA are used for programs, services and ministries. No CMA contributions are used for the settlement of legal cases. The Diocese of Rochester does not collect a cathedracticum.

3 ' Guide to Catholic Social Teaching: Principle 5: Love & the Common Good In his address, Pope Francis used the word love, over 39 times! Clearly, communicating God’s uncon- ditional love in all situations-- good & bad --relational, political and environmental, is our mission as disciples of Christ. "I love not only those who love me — my family, my friends, my group — but also those who do not love me. I also love those who do not know me and I also love those who are strangers, and even those who make me suffer or whom I consider enemies (cf. Mt 5:44)." Pope Fran- cis He asks “Are we constructing a “civilization of love?” “Without this inspiration the egotistical, indif- ferent, throw-away culture prevails — that is, to discard anyone I do not like, whom I cannot love or those who seem to me as not useful in society. " John Paul II When we love others, we listen to them, even if they hold differing viewpoints. We accompany them, through the easy and the difficult. Using the Corona Virus as an example, he said, “If a person only seeks his or her own good, that person is selfish. Instead, a person is more of a person when his or her own good is open to everyone, when it is shared. Health, in addition to being an individual good, is also a public good. A healthy society is one that takes care of everyone’s health." When we love, we generate creativity, trust, and solidarity out of which initiatives for the common good can emerge. “The common good requires everyone’s participation. If everyone contributes his or her part, and if no one is left out, we can regenerate good relationships within the family, the community, nations and internationally and even in harmony with the environment (cf. LS, 236)....With [God's] help, we can heal the world working all together for the common good, not only for our own good but for the common good of all." Pope Francis

Principle 6: Care of the Common Home and Contemplation "All forms of life are interconnected, and our health depends on that of the ecosystems that God cre- ated and entrusted to us to care for (Gen. 2:15). Abusing them, on the other hand, is a grave sin that damages, harms and sickens (Laudato Si, 8; 66)." -- Pope Francis In our Catechism we read, "Creatures have a value in themselves and each one ‘reflects in its own ray,’ a ray of God’s infinite wisdom and goodness.” (CCC 339) In order to discover its value and divinity, we must be still, listen for God’s voice and contemplate God’s answer. St. Teresa of Avila was a mas- ter at mindfulness/contemplation. When we put “I” at the center of everything, it overinflates our role as human beings, positioning us as absolute rulers of all other creatures, breaking the balance God intended. To counteract this, our contemplation of nature must come "from within, recognizing ourselves as part of creation, making us protagonists and not mere spectators...Those who contem- plate in this way experience wonder not only at what they see, but also because they feel they are an integral part of this beauty...If you cannot contemplate nature, it will be very difficult for you to con- template people, the beauty of people, your brother, your sister." (Pope Francis) “... what will be the legacy we leave, life for future generations? Let us think of our children, our grandchildren: what will we leave them if we exploit creation? ... Let us safeguard the heritage that God has entrusted to us so that future generations may enjoy it." Diedrick Bonhoeffer

This week, we focus on Care for God’s Creation. Beginning with Pope St. John Paul II through Pope Francis, care for creation has been an integral part of Catholic social teaching. “Everything is connected. Concern for the envi- ronment thus needs to be joined to a sincere love of our fellow human beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the problems of society…we human beings are united as brothers and sisters on a wonderful pilgrimage woven together by the love God has for each of his creatures.” (#92,93 Pope Francis) When we do things to pro- tect the earth and care for it, we show reverence for God, the creator of all. Under this principle fall issues such as laws governing corporate and individual use of environmental resources - including land, water, and air - which impact all living things. Find out more at www.iVoteCatholic.org.

4 Our Lady of the Lakes Parish Office OLOL Website - https://ourladyofthelakescc.org/ St. Januarius / St. Michael / St. Patrick Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ourladyofthelakescc/ 210 Keuka Street Penn Yan, NY 14527 Twitter: https://twitter.com/OLOLFLXParish

Reverend Leo Reinhardt, Pastor 1-607-279-3750 [email protected] Reverend Jorge Ramirez, Parochial Vicar 1-315-878-3332 [email protected] Deacon Tim Hebding 1-585-406-5200 [email protected] Deacon Roger Loucks 315-595-6133 [email protected]

Rev. Jack O’Connor, Retired Area Priest 1-315-694-2544 Got Questions? Business Manager Gary Pierce [email protected] Look online or call the Parish Office Religious Ed Coordinator Patty Larzelere [email protected] 315-536-7459 Maintenance /Cemetery Bonnie Basler [email protected] Registration Melissa Conrad [email protected] New Parishioner Baptism Anointing of the Sick If you have a Pastoral Emergency Marriage during non business hours Holy Orders call 1-607-279-3750 St. Michael’s School Or 315-878-3332 Phone & Fax: 315-536-6112 To make appointment for Reconciliation or Debra Marvin, Principal submit name for Prayer Line [email protected] 315-536-7459 http://stmichaelschoolpy.com/


Church Name: Our Lady of the Lakes

City, State: Penn Yan, NY

File Name: 06-0100

Phone: (315) 536-7459

Contact/Editor: Melissa Conrad ([email protected])

Comments: October 18, 2020 limited capacity due to Covid Restrictions