Acknowledgments xiii Introduction: Comparative World History 1 part i: River Valley Civilizations, 3500–1000 b.c.e., and the Classical Period, 1000 b.c.e.–450 c.e. 11

1. Creation Stories 14 A Kabyl Story 15 A North American Version 16 The Haida Story 16 A Babylonian Story 17 An Egyptian Story 20 The Mayan Story, from Popol Vuh 21 2. Comparing Laws: The Importance of the State 25 Mesopotamia: Hammurabi’s Code 26 Jewish Law 31 3. Political Ideals in and Greece 34 Confucianism: Chinese Political Values 36 Athenian Democracy: Pericles’ Funeral Oration 38 4. Social Inequality 41 India’s Caste System: The Laws of Manu 43 Roman Slavery 44 5. Conditions of Women in the Classical Civilizations: China and India 48 China: “Mother of Mencius” and Ban Zhao 50 The Mother of Mencius 50 Ban Zhao’s Admonitions for Women 52 India: The Ramayana 54 6. Military Roles in China and Rome 58 Sun-Tzu, The Art of War 59 Vegetius, Epitome of Military Science 65


7. Buddhism and Christianity 68 Buddhism 70 The Four Noble Truths 70 The Way, from the Dhammapada 73 Christianity 74 Letter from Paul to the Romans 74 Vincent of Lerins 78

part ii: The Postclassical Period, 450–1450 79

8. Religion and State in Islam and Christianity 82 A Muslim View: Nizam al-Mulk 84 A Christian Debate: Canon Lawyers in the Twelfth Century 87 9. Conditions of Women in Islam, Byzantine Christianity, and Western Christianity 90 Women in Islam 92 The Quran 92 The Hadith 94 Rules for Muslim Government 94 The Byzantine Empire 95 A Marriage Contract 95 A History of Anna Comnena 96 Legal Status 97 Western Europe: City and Canon Law 98 A German City’s Laws 98 Church (Canon) Law on Marriage 99 10. Feudalism in Western Europe and Japan 100 European Feudalism 102 European Feudal Documents 102 The Magna Carta 105 Japanese Feudalism 106 Japanese Feudal Documents 106 11. The Crusades: Muslim and European Reactions 111 A Christian Account 113 The Crusade of Richard I 113 Muslim Accounts 116 Beh-ed-Din 116 Usamah Ibn-Munqidh 118


12. Merchants and Trade 121 A Muslim View: 122 Characteristics of Traders 123 A Christian View: Reginald of Durham on Saint Godric 125 A Chinese View: Chang Han 127 Essay on Merchants 128 13. The Mongol Era: Conquests and Connections 131 Mongols in China: Li Chih-Ch’ang and The Secret History of the Mongols 133 Li Chih-Ch’ang 134 The Secret History of the Mongols 135 Russian Reactions: The Novgorod Chronicle 136 The West and the Mongols: Marco Polo 138 14. Africa in the Postclassical World 142 Abd al-Aziz al-Bakri 143 Ghana and the Customs of Its Inhabitants 143 147 Anecdote concerning the Massufa Who Inhabit Iwalatan 147 Africa through the Eyes of a European Merchant 150 Antonius Malfante 150 15. Chinese and Portuguese Voyages in the Fifteenth Century 154 Ma Huan 155 Vasco da Gama 157 part iii: The Early Modern Period, 1450–1750 161

16. Europeans and American Indians: Explorers, Conquerors, and Aztec Reactions 163 Spanish Reactions: Chanca and Cortés 165 Dr. Diego Alvarez Chanca on the Caribe Indians 165 Cortés in Mexico 166 French Reactions: Champlain 170 French Encounters in North America 170 Aztec Reactions: The Broken Spears 174 17. The Spread of Slavery and the Atlantic Slave Trade 177 The Slave Trader’s View: John Barbot 179 The African Slave Experience: Olaudah Equiano 184

vii • CONTENTS •

18. The Scientific Revolution and Global Impact 190 Galileo 191 Galileo’s letter to the Grand Duchess of Tuscany 191 Condorcet and the Enlightenment Idea of Progress 193 Father de Halde and Science in China 197 Science in the Ottoman Empire: Lady Montague 199 Reaction in Japan: Sugita Genpaku 200 19. The Gunpowder Empires 202 The Ottoman Empire: Busbecq 203 The Mughal Empire: Monserate and Bernier 205 Monserate 205 European Awe at Other Empires 206 Bernier 206 The Russian Empire: Peter the Great (1682–1725) 207 20. Coffee in Early Modern World History 211 A Middle Eastern Account 212 English Accounts 213 Two Descriptions of English Coffee Houses 215 The Character of a Coffee-House 215 Coffee-Houses Vindicated 216

part iv: The Long Nineteenth Century 219

21. The Age of Atlantic Revolutions 222 The American Revolution 223 Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress 223 The French Revolution 225 Declaration of the Rights of Man 225 Decree Abolishing Feudalism 227 Edmund Burke 228 The Haitian Revolution 229 From a French Newspaper 230 22. Nationalism 232 The French Revolution and Nationalism: A 1792 Decree 234 Fichte 235 A Proclamation by the Prussian King, 1813 236

viii • CONTENTS •

The King of Prussia Rouses His People against Napoleon 237 Bismarck 238 Political Ideals and Nationalism in Latin America: Simón Bolívar 239 The 1813 Proclamation 239 The 1819 Proclamation 240 23. The Opium War: Chinese and English Views 242 China: Official Statements 244 Imperial Edict to the Grand Secretariat 244 Reports by Kiying, Imperial Commissioner 246 Britain: A View from a Participant 247 Wei Yuan’s Defense Plan, 1842 250 24. The Emancipations and Their Consequences 252 The Emancipation Manifesto, 1861 254 The Emancipation Proclamation, 1862 256 Joachim Nabuco and Brazilian Abolitionism 257 Brazilian Abolition Law No. 3353, Abolishing Slavery in Brazil 259 Russian Peasants after Emancipation: Peasant Petitions 259 Petition from Peasants in Balashov District 260 Petition from Peasants in Podosinovka 261 African Americans after Slavery: Petitions in the South 261 Joint Affidavit from George Underwood, Ben Harris, and Isiah Fuller 262 Memorial from Alabama Negroes 262 25. Russian and Japanese Conservatism 265 Danilevsky 268 Pobedonostsev 271 Yamagata Arimoto 273 26. Business Values in the Industrial Revolution: Western Europe and Japan 278 Business Ideals in Britain: Samuel Smiles 281 A French Businessman: Narcisse Faucheur 284 Praising Individualism: Fukuzawa Yukichi 286 On Education 286 On Business 287 A Japanese Businessman’s Views: Shibuzawa Eiichi 288 From the Autobiography 288


From “My View of Life” 290 From “Independence and Self-Reliance” 290 27. Women and Education in the Nineteenth Century 291 France 293 The United States 296 Eliza Duffey 296 Elizabeth Cady Stanton 297 India 299 part v: The Contemporary Period, 1914–Present 303

28. Twentieth-Century Revolutions 306 Mexico 308 Francisco Madero: The Plan of San Luis Potosi 308 The Plan of Ayala 309 China 311 Proclamation of the Abdication of the Manchus 311 Sun Yat-sen: Fundamentals of National Reconstruction 312 Russia 314 V.I. Lenin, What Is To Be Done 314 Lenin’s Call to Power 315 The Fundamental Law of Land Socialization 316 29. Authoritarianism on the Right: Italian Fascism, German Nazism, and Argentine Peronism 318 Italian Fascism: Mussolini 320 German Nazism: Hitler 324 Argentina: Peronism 327 30. Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japan 332 Dropping the Bomb: Truman, Tibbets, and Akizuki 334 Harry Truman 335 Col. Paul Tibbets, USAAF Pilot of the Bomb-Carrying Plane 336 Dr. Tatsuichiro Akizuki 337 The Controversy over Memory: John Dower 340 Remembering the Bomb 341 31. The Spread of Democracy at the End of the Century: China, Africa, and the Middle East 347 Chinese Democratic Dissidents: Han Minzhu 350


South Africa: Nelson Mandela’s Address 353 The Palestine Liberation Organization: Proclamation, 1988 355 32. Issues of Cultural Identity: Africa and Latin America 357 Nigeria: Chinua Achebe 359 Things Fall Apart 360 No Longer at Ease 364 Mexico: Octavio Paz 366 The Labyrinth of Solitude 366 33. Women and Global Change 370 Fourth World Conference on Women 372 Beijing Declaration 372 Village Women 374 Interviews with Mexican Peasant Women in the 1970s 374 Interviews with African Peasant Women in the 1970s 376 Upper-Class and Scholarly Views 379 India: Madhu Kishwar on Love and Marriage 379 Nigeria: Ifi Amadiume 381

34. Global Consumerism and Its Discontents 384 Consumerism on the Internet 385 A Michael Jackson Fan in Slovenia 385 McDonald’s and Love in China 387 Global Web Postings by Americans 389 Anti-Globalization Protest in Seattle 390 Americanism and Consumerism 393

35. Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism 397 Osama bin Laden’s Decree and Thoughts by 9/11 Terrorists 398 Osama bin Laden’s Decree 398 Thoughts by 9/11 Terrorists 399 Prime Minister Blair’s Speech and President Bush’s Speech 400 Blair’s Speech 400 Bush’s Speech 401 Leslie Palti and Tariq Ramadan 402 Leslie Palti 402 Tariq Ramadan, “The Global Ideology of Fear” 403

36. Global Warming and Global Environmentalism 405 A Basic Debate 407 Julian Simon 407 Norman Myers 408


Policy Views 409 United States 409 Japan and Europe 411 Greenpeace 413 Environmental Data and Opinion Surveys 414

About the Editor 417
