Sintered us Second Claaa Matter Published Poat Office, We«tn

loading 9- 12 and ft Months SIZES: 1 to 3 Priced f7.SO lo $8.95 •carding to si» 95 m TAKE TIME TO SEC WAT YOUNS KEI r»A ME CASER1LW HTTED 179 ems SCOTT'S rie« Inciudej Delivery and S«rvi QUIMBY AT CENTRAL WESTFIELD STORE HOURS: USE THE CONVENIENT PARKING LOT BEHIND THE STORE AUSTER'S 9 to 6 Doily 9 to 9 Mondays 143 I. iROAD ST., WESTHEID Open This Friday Evening 233-5-7 E. BROAD ST. i THE WESTFTFXD <>.'. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. MARCH 2f>, 1959 Four your loved on ienl case recently before the Fed- salesman first tell* the mother tho price te not reduced, but is the does, adopt that she has been "especially BB regular price. you want, eral Trade Commission involving "Anyone of these methods may OBITUARIES Chamber of Commerce Warns misrepresentation in the relative- lected' to receive tbe album as a whom you free gift. Tht>n she is told that bt> used UgrUimntely," Mrs. Wilson y ly new altmin-ecrtiflcttU* deal, it stated. "They become rackets only was noted that salesmen contact tho certiftcate entitling her to 14 "2. Deal with Mrs. Esther i Mrs. Etla S. Preston Residents on Photo Schemes portraits is $49.95, a promotional when they employ tho abuses de- mothers soon after * blessed event known to you l, Mrs. Esthur M. Christi'ii 71, or reduced price. scribed. Consumers can protect y c I 1 f Mi ir.g pSK>».,»jrraphy schemes, MM. usins a "smooth approach on a themselves from tho photography utstlon t o llle Of 141 Elinor xtrunt, dioil ye.-U'r- 4 s\rc-a Chamber of Commerce, subject then emotionally close to The facts are, the FTC examiner . , PliabPliablle II said, the mothers are not specially schemester by observing the fol-rnpher's reliabiliteliability ^ "' day in Overlook Ilo-pit.-il after a tin i T t^rn f&wvrab'e nv^nition in them—their baby's progress thru lowing rules: long illness. She was the wife of ' the WO-TU ar*i customer satis- selected; the album is not "free," M h 1- childhood by portrait." According "1. If you desire photographs of the late Paul 11. Clinsti.-n»<>n who ivailfni by a minority to tho trial examiner in this case, Lut i-> included in thu $19.05 pi ice; died June 15, 1957. \ pi vo f \ s! h 1 Born in Sweden, ..•);<• hail livrd in pareist that she sAoulj have this country for 51 year*, and inU e t ' o r&.tou*^iftd and colored town for 40 yeary. Sin- was a mt'ffi-j ^ submitting them to model bet of Woodaidc Chape], Fanwood. j g* He may also falsely state Sho h survived by thret? :;on?t «.**-<#* c-t-v (hat s*rue big name advertisers are Edwin P., Lima, Peru; Carl P., ^ interest*^, but need ad- Cranford, and Paul J., Wrstfield; KKi. A TiV •3 ittonsl "folios of pictures, thhe costt two daughters, Mrs. Clara C. Zim- of which She parent must pay. mcrll, Stony Brook, L.I., and Mr>. i To show his "gratitude" to the Esther C. Brooks, Manila, Philip-! parent, she salesman {lines; oiglit (jrandchiliiien, and j Ki r that the studio has made up four sisters in Sivi-fien. a MS of the proofs to keep in its Services will be Saturday in modeling file and would be willing Gray's at 11 a.m., with Dr. John :ri'tlie dotted line, she is com- 13 preat-jrrand- ficiating. Interment was in Rose- a contest. If the mother -will co- mitteri to buying the enlargement one niece and one nephew. dale Cemetery, Orange. operate the "studio" will reward suitably framed. Victims of this WESTFtELIT--CRANFORD • GARWOOD • SCOTCH PLAINS • PLAINFIELD her with a "free" photograph. If scheme have found to their dis- member federal deposit Insurance corporation she falls for this line of bunk, the may that in order to retrieve a Mrs. T. M. Stepniak priceless family pioturo they were SCOTCH PLAINS Private usual high pressure selling follows services were held Tuesday for and she is apt to wind up with an obliged to buy an expensive and Mrs. Edith Sinon Stepniak, wife of expensive array of photographs. over-priced frame. To compound Thaddetu M. Stepniak of £36 Phony model agencies: Many the outrage, the finished job, in Hunter avenue, who died Sunday proud mothers are easy marks for many cases, has borno little resem- in Muhltntterg Hospital, Plain- the solicitor who announces that blance to the subject. field. She was 32. he understands they have an un- Album-certificate deal; In a typ- usually beautiful baby, or child, A granddaughter of Louis Wiss, WY ATI'S = founder of the Wiss Sons, Inc., and would like permission to pho- jewelry trm, she wa3 born in Ma- tograph it without obligation, for plewood and moved to Scotch submission to local end national Plains 18 months ago. Mrs. Step- model agencies. Apart from the In time for Spring niak attended the Putney School, anity appeal, the solicitor playa Putney, Va., and was graduated up the tremendous profit possibil- from Bard College, Annandale, ities that will result from each and MIAIIMO AIDI* N.Y. every use of the child'a photograph JACKETS She is survived by her mother, in national and local advertising. irs. Grotchen Wis» Sinon of But again, when the proofs ar- rive, the high pressure proof-pasa- UNLIMITED!! ilaplewood; a brother, Frederick , g p pp W. Sinon Jr. of Maplewood, and wo sisters, Mrs. Paul Merrigan er will attempt to convince, the gul. >t Newport, N.H. and Mrs. Carl Sayer of Beaumont, Tex, SPRING HEARING AID CENTER Westfield Artists Of PLAINFIELD CRUISES TO YOU* ftU-TUM Our moit UNLIMITED selection of tin. mm it PI s-3317 To Have Exhibit rAVOMTI TROMC-ISU S*rvif to the Bonn" PORTS by Mra jackets lor boys ... all completely Plans are under way for the mmr MIM Wettfleld Art Association spring • AM* n» am* •how which opens to the publi ^NASSAU Washable . . . designed for comfort April 13-». Mrs. Carl Pfister is in charge of the annual member 1MOO MM exhibition. The »how will be held and freedom' and action and good in the Wateunk room of the Me- •Mil 7 morial Library, and will be judged by Loualla Burps, Al Heimrod, NASSAU looks ... by such famous makers as and Armando So*!o. Pictures will b* received April 10. Members HAVANA will be advised by mail. 10 PAYS->2SO-> McGregor, Mighty Mac, Oxford, Wil- A reception will be held April IS for members and guests. Cer- MAT1 tificates and prizes will be awarded FOR BOYS liam Barry, Spatz, and Sport Chief. this time. The show will end with a critique given by James Carlln SAN JUAN DRIZZLED of Newark. GOLFER We have them lined, unlined, reversi- Members of Mr*. Poster's com- ST. THOMAS mittee are Mrs. I/orraine Doerr, World'* greatest action ble, short or suburban length, and receiving; Harold 'Simmons, hang- jacket of wind And ,ng; Jill Dlsquc, prizes; Jane KRMUDA weather-resistant Rayon- "BARAMAC" by Spate Depp, refreshments; Betty Lang- those with the amazing Velcro Closure. str.ff, publicity; Al Crosby, lights, 11 DAYS . m$* Cotton twill. Wash and und Dorothy Bjrwaterg, hostesses. drip dry! Hugger waist, Smart continental JaekW. WWrthW proof comM There will fee no admission Miftt "grow-cuf Is," tab collar, Sizes 6-20, Students 36-42, charge to the show. Hostesses will mag-free zipper. cotton poplin with red paitliy lining- N<*»«* be on hand during visiting hours NASSAU only. to answer questions and provide 14-20 $8.98 612 $7.98 from $4.98 lista of the exhibitors. 10 DATS • •250'* Ample MHMMIIM In Mch Iowa, Nebraska, North and S««s 6-12 . "* * uP-9* 1 South Dakota have only 4 pet cent of the nation's school population 14-20 . . . r $1.98 1 but 25 per cent of the school dis- tricts. ""74AYCRUISiS Shidenfs 5, M, I* $10*8 f MNAtMt»-firO»|> YOU ARE SAFE fee* N. Y. rt * P.m. '«!» BoywUtuieRlsSliip I ftm Hay tttm «•. » Tint MomnnifBt win k« IS 18 ELM ST., WESTFIELD § wMi UOYCS OF LONDON LINCOLN MONUMENT CO. INCHES LINE ADams 2-2701 41lHM*«y,M.Y.4,N.Y. - 104 GWMBY ST. oven soo uockt, s«f ERBNCES !-- iWYATTS THE WE5TFTELP (y, J.) LEAPBBR,' THUHSPAY, MARCH 19.1959 Civic Council Reviews niiai Reports Tennis Court Problem MOUNTAINSIDE — Tho Civ iven Before Council, March 19, reviewed tl: problem of where to find $3,50 ilson Board to start the tennis courts plunnc! for the DecrflcM School nronoit poll'* were prcscntei Councilman Lyman Parrigi Lirnien of the various com u-ho is the Borough Council's 1 before the executive com uUon on the Board of Educatio * f tt'oofiww WJl-"j'J" Sclioo and the Civic Council, was to tal , |«st week in t"e teachers to tho board Thursday about th »f tho school. Tho president, financial predicament. Ralph Stalbnum, conducted The council set May 23 for th board meotiW- bicycle safety course to be he m.s f- Burke, representative on the Deerfteld School ground S Wilson PTA on the educa- Bikea will be inspected, a vode ,1 facilities committee, ropoi-t conducted, riding ability testci he results of the ffiwth rate and literature and licenses will b e, nude in Weatfield, point- issued. * the need for an additional MAY THE JOYOUS SMftU Of nmtory school by the year 1961. Plans for tho Saturday Easte •ASTIR MAKI THIS SIASON A oujhout the year the commit- egg hunt were set. The competi Won is for children through th HAWV ONI fOR YOU AND YOURI. vrorked closely with the Town ,' \ wing Board. third grade and will be held a Echobrook School at 10 a.m. ma W. 5fnddox reported on \ ) of the tenchers' salary «ittce and its recommenda- Striking Officer s fa the Board of Education. Maddox discussed the salary It used in Wcstflcld aa com- Costs Man $305 (j to surrounding communities comparable communities in the James N. Ridge of 111 Green place was fined $305 In Municipal toman 0. Stcengrafe, prlnci- Court Tuesday night He had been Miwunced a total of 126 fa- charged by Officer Kobert Eclcert i visiting classrooms fathers' with assault and battery under tho AMI AIM* pf PINMllt rOW MIKHMT ling day, Feb. 12. disorderly persons law. a possible project for the „ nest year, Mr. Steengrafe According to Eckert, Ridge hi rested a school library spon- him Feb. 22 over a difference o j by the PTA. opinion on the position of Ridge' irl Scout chairman, Mrs. E. automobile registration license le Malkin, stated a total en- The credentials were bolted to th teitt of 109 girls of Wilson buck of the car's license plate »1 participating in the pro- Jckert stopped Ridge for not hav- «. Thirty-two new Brownies ing the plate properly attached anticipated for next year. In the first place. yntership chairman, Mrs. H. Magistrate William Beard su: Ml;, announced a total PTA Ml UMIfMCn MEMKfrft. LEU MM KM MM ibership of 94 per cent. pended a 60-day jail sentenc ke safety committee met last against the, defendant. R«ady-T4-Cook-U*S. Cow't IRS ptcf«d Recording to Mrs. R. G. Bau- John Heyder and Prank Jan- ill AM *raiDiR [lo plm spring testing of bicy- kauskus of Winfteld were lined $25 i far the fourth, fifth, and sixth each and given 30-day suspended SMOKED ail terms for possession of alco- i. io!ic beverages two months ago. , John Bnrba spoke about HANI Lenience was recommended by De BIRTHDAY J benefit movie to raise funds tective Sgt. James Moran because • • mrmm W • "SiMr-IUltt" Quality |th teachers scholarship. The of the boys' cooperation with the , "The Yearling," will be (littie senior high school April luthorities in another municipality in testifying, agajnst the person ifct" Qatllty i 15, Tickets will be sold at who sold them beer, but Beard in- L dicated that the offense couldn't be TIN FhNtll e simmtr round-up commit- 29: 39 olerated for any reason. [idedl)r Mrs. F. B. Allen, f been at rork canvassing the Carrying a concealed revolver %tm wHh Tutluy M •wBUhiida Troop 425 a community service project. Af WHITE EGGS imtainside third grade Brown- ter filling them with goodies, the GRASS SEED •»••» '£1.59 NOW IN LOWIR eti *P 425, led Uy Mv3. Leonard girls will.deliver them to the Chil- FANCY SHRIWPV^r 79*3.1 TMM TMR MO! VndHn, Frederick Missen- dren's Country Home, in time >f or ", made Easter baskets, us Easter. TOMATO JUICE UMy'llTMMl 25 Pa«tEg|Dy«t •-"" NOW AT Froxtn Food Favorite I TAYLOR HARDWARE PINEAPPLE j^'i-wHiim DOWNYFLAKE ^" 2 W 25' NEW ALCOA WRAP "'.V, BIRDS EYE PEACHES 2 - IV PIUFFO rim THfiMvtfi e FASHION COLOR" BLENDER LEMON JUICI REAUMON WESSON Oil ' 29 - 53' Tarty t««ai THRIVO DOG FOOD WISE POTATO CHIPS 4eo«l>l»ll Hl-C ORANGE DRINK : llcrl.|.t EASTER EGG ICKIN NOODLl BOSCO Dmmt'*—Ftenn A f«- tour MIX Con«r Itland 4 H^t*. SLICED PEACHES 2 :: 49* SWEET POTATOES - 2'!: 43' SUCCOTASH 1•- %T IIBBY'S PUNCH " ^ 2": 4r TOMATO PASTE 4t^35c COCA-COLA 6^.39* KRISPY CRACKERS Sunthliw OREO COOKIES 33* Premium Quality CoH—t ttmn4 Obnkf Gftiu Omtaml Ni Ortan EifM0'0rO«k MIMM<.M.«.W *%»'£ <<««• v NI-OOrMWtlriik • ft* «• Rifl GircU »—»-**- -** £ Hawaiian PiMfc ^PMw^^n ImrrHlMfEilrael Mardffai Buy • Cmrf»» Hr fait«r J 20 M. Olarn Wutd Faptr p 9 C«m.l>, Cb«t>*rlitM, Koets, L«Vy S+r!k», Old Sold, Will, M«rh COLOR AT JUST THE PRESS lNf I * • • Hartal SaiM* Bags . hM y Priew tff«tiv« ihrMtfh Saturday, Match. 28th in Super Marinrtt and Sclf-Semce ttorM Filter Tips £r ,0X2.54 Jf** p wily in MafNawlitM N«w lenay and Kichmond, IUCUMMI and Orartf* Coantim. Hit Parad*, Kant, «%fiKssl,, S UM. Marlbsrs, Nawpsrf, OaiU, OM 6«M, the pre** of « batten with fifender. Will mix an unlimited Mttltlinii Itttli Wit SwiH'iakatj HiUri QUM.TEO TrMtf forlabiat Far diihsi «ti i fin* fabrlei Strain^ Chopped AlnRiiinFtll CtasMaT #A. aka a> aaf9 fi«»if 2 4S« Mft.roll •» BluiRiklK• Hiisei Oakttt IvalM PapirNapk TaMt Napkins Toilet Tissue w*H> «id tilt Vinyl S*MfM '«•«• •'«•§!•


C. B. SMITH, JR. NANCY F. REYNOLDS PEARSALL EDWIN O. EDWARDS BARRETT & CRAIN RANDOLPH-WIEGMAN HARRY H. MALLETT RK41T-OR $17,900 Realtor Realtor Realtor* CO. eators ~. & U2 Elm St. [Exceptionally clean, bright, cheer- 003 Ba.l Ilruad »«.. ear. F.lmcr St. — AD 3-BOS1 AD 3-55S5 ntmtiarm ful u't'Jl miiliKdinpa home. 2V ltv- Member of AD 1-6300 Mounlairutda 1(117 room with fireplace, dining Member ol FRANKENBACH Maltlplr Llsllat; Mrmbers ' room, kitchen with eating space, »> ijeilroom split level. Plus Venetian blinds, Hteam oil heat, automatic device thnt will Hike recreation rooni, Hcrccnoil Hiln low taxes. Closo to school any down your im'H»»K»'. Muny of our 115 Elm St., AD 2-4700 KlHHKfMt porch. Convenient to. ull truntj|)ortatlon. ruwtomorK tlnd tllif n very handy FEATURED THIS WEEK llB servli-e. which they UB<- nt night or EXPANDED RANCH HOME early In the morning. And at thy Member* COLONIAL HOMES * * * Meltlple Muting Nratem $21,500 $17,900 root of thin nd you win IInd our WeatBeld—Kanwood—Scotch Ptala IN WKTREID $25,000 home 'phone numbers for evenings % $16,900 •when you \vs*nt tn ri'«i't\ one of UB —Mouatalnilde \* t r+ Rind, Indrcdi. tn JUHI liHled, on one of WesttlelU'n WIE for immediate Information or help. •tftrr Ihc Mlfinliisc oal- t'onvpntional 7-room honie on cor- prettiest streets, near all schools This homo is nine yearM nlil and ner plot. I'lus an addition tu reijr and transportation.' Muster bed- hiiH ou thtf first floor a 20' ltvti.K room nnd buth in on the first floor. Bom* might}' flnt holm's an- on the room hi.*- »t North iipt,; «imSo* ' ft r*t pr ri \t-rn i room, ttltslriB room, modern kit- of ni-vv kltclu-n, den ttnd full bath. market. Among them an' those: .Mirny possibilities— for the pro- There Is a 20.6' living room with . l red GcriMn COBP:( BARN RED chen, two liedroohiH ami a tiled fenslonal man, for in-laws. Conio fireplace; dining room; attractive BUNGALOW Jivmp ro-'iTi, d;rn.i£ r.^rn. j.«n.SJ*>.>m.*, j ished bedroom, a half bath, ami on second Moor; garage, deep lot. Died l>«:h PrfUy I^CHU^T, aboul i Hjmoe for an rulriitionnl bcilroom. •ninelj ,M 4 BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL the Jefferson hrnooi ftrfa. Vir* Custom built for present owner In The lot Is large ami th« f;araice their "PUIIBHS j i, $31,000 ot jrlck and (rame construction i WHITE CAPE COD IH detached. Located In the Jef- $29,900 11*50, thin Is an Ideal home for first t(lrM floor contains five rooms and t'»t ftrson School nrfa. floor living. ON H ACRE Dutch Colonial. a. „, ldrnlly situated on n landscaped Itu-iudinK two bedrooms. Thfr •» ith ! f, bedroom Colonial In the dartlens. plot lu w very popular section ot are three bedrooms anil Lath o the second floor. Attached g&r«|;* H r?huliful a2? PINE PANELLED KITCHEN W living room, 17' dlninK room, Ing room, profess I Weatfleld near Wyihwoort. 6 yiars TIJIS d*-is it* ju*n*!i< d iri i ywr*-*?, CONVENIENT CENTER HALL 1«' den. Plus 2 full baths, 2 half- $29,500 olil and In tl|»-t"p eondltlon. ICx- nil heat, Immediate i>oflfif'Pf»iitn. - h**-- it* OWT! ftr*pl«o<-. *p#vi;»i An- $17,900 naths, modern kitchen, porch, now modernized kllch,, ,„ ccllenl closets. 2 buthK, U-car ga- I1T.900. Atmc-n i»\TJfic* *.. An.i is- ih** fftm- heating system. Solve the in-law problem! Or may- ralre. Hot water-Bas hent. Fire- tiy ioc&t r»MRl, The living nn>ni $21,500 be you would like to use the two- breakTant nook. Strw place In the living room. Screened hi.s & pr*Uj- KNW window, the "Jn*t •••(rd nnd noon to porcti. Recreation room. flu'ms rc»i>m *x full sii*-. Ther*- is family feature already in this ( BUNGALOW be *t>l«t" muMt br Ihr slu- l^ots of house for the money in home! With extreme flexibility of and BI«S8 Iwrchi Bi(' A K'»'4fk# fri»sn W**hinirton School. reation room with fireplace, Jalou- Well built, well Kept, conveniently Julnlna; arras (Cr«Mt* are three bedrooma, a nursery and ing room has been undisturbed. pxeelient condition Inside and out- wood), hut hoa«tM • two tiled baths on the second aied porch, flagged terrace. 2-car A 51' porch, more than half of located. Full basement. Big attic First floor contains living room, I;*«,{*(!—A compact beauty in the garage. where you can store all the things double lot and n really floor If you need additional Bpace which Is screened, adds to the Hv- » w i m c Iu i, , modern kitchen with rating- spaci-. »Anklin Scft.-.ol »re». Perfect con* benuttfal pine pane I lea there Is a finished third floor bed- nbilfty and charm of the first floor. that you will move from your big dining room, bedroom, hsth «not over 200' deep. This property school In Bcreened porch. Second fl&or has an-3 th# kitch*n just done over. w(U «1*o flnd (on (he tmt and It Is located In the has been well, maintained and Ii part with them yet! Modest taxes two additional bedrooms and £>**&. Fall *it* 5rtt floor rooms with a $44,900 that will flt in tbe new budget. floor) two Kood b*d- Franklin School area. worthy of your inspection. There In A panelled gmmcroom In jK}w,-i3>r room. You will be sur- riiomn, comfortable U%- 1 Purchase price that will slve you the Im it*1 merit- as an added *ttr*r- pTtseG xx the generous eixe of the Inp; room, dinette and NEWLY LISTED and actually bet- a happy sense of economy and tlon. Attached garage, oil heat. four second floor bedrooma. The thnt "Moon to be apprc- ter than new. Owners have Just Justify some of the trips you want Priced, at I1S.900. exoeTltnc* of pre-war buitdlne is fin ted" op#n sereenett MOST UNUSUAL SPLIT LEVEL about "Bettled Jn" and are Helve to take. *16,750. more than evident in this Hne transferred. Gracious 4 bedroom C. B. SMITH, JR., Realtor orctai pnrtlally HnInked Colonial with 2',4 baths, nicely Maltlslc M.tlas; Member horn*. g a • e m e • t recreation $24,400 MODERN CHARM room i rxpa«»loa npnee placed on approximately % acre. lit Corral An. AD S-MM TWO GOOD LOTS $32.500—Built In I9w living Ht Ita but Pij. MOM IN MOUNTAINSIDE darn aio. brlam tal* AD I-9O0O — AD *-M01 Tho lent word In luxury Id a joy $26,500 O g 1S $2S,3OO to behold In thin new brick and elled wall behind in. Seldom do we have an opportunity WlBlf r*< H. F./waras"..,, AD I-MTB My Mpactou*. neves room A pre-war home In one of the to on>r a home with such a com- frame home. Beautifully planned home on the market. BvcatlaaVI WASHINGTON SCHOOL manding view—and so much pri- upaeioun room* throughout, En- Hsr T. Csssrli AD 3-O3M most desired locations In town, •tanr H. Mallctt AD Z-4M4 place in living room, trance hall, living: room with bijr Lie H. Cfcavlp AD MM TatV lmt floor arraajffe- nnd on one of the prettiest streets Jeaa I. G raw vacy. Center hall, very spacious IIM H. MaeLaasalla AD S-MSZ mcat InclttdM a larxr In town. It has a living: room with AO S-4TM New listing! It is not often We dlnlnir room, 8J' j if living room with Colonial fire- fireplace, dining rootn, panelUo Uvlafr room (24' x lit'} Rabcrt Datum AD 1 »••• place, dining room with a pano- library, ultra modern kitchen, Prntaa In PI/B-Ml* fireplace, den with fireplace, din- can show you a home In the apot- family room, lavatory and porch with flrralacri nuaroom- Ing: room, modern kitchen with less condition of thte lovely 3 b«d- family room plui j KJ. ramic view, master bedroom and «t*n, K«tod>»l»e& kltchcm breakfast bar and powder room on room Hpllt level located In one of bath on the first floor; two bed- complete the flrst floor arrange* with brvakfaat no nic fireplace. RBALTOR INSVltOlt dow, dining room and kitchen with storage. Attaches p. veal careful planning and duality aad hatt private powder 5 B. Bro«4 Sfc AI) 3-T4M dining: space arid Screened and workmanship. Valuable piece of room , . , fall feata glassed porch. Attached garape rago from rnr «IU property ^beautifully planted. Fine nerved other two bed- and plot over 88' front on deftd- rooms * . » Sturaice oa NEWLY LISTED LARGE HOME end street. Many extras—please hard top drive. Builnn AIAN"DEKE "JOHNSTON llrdi detached Krtra«ct FRANKLIN SCHOOL call us for details. PEARSALl plot with tree* and transfer to St Loato. HtOHLAND AVENUE nkruhn deep eanttKh for $49,500 It la going to be a pleaaure to ...... REALTOR. IKSCftOR ehlldrea'H play aad very show thia brand new listing. This t mavrnteat fur Parochial This la a home for a larpre family tine home has had wonderful care. $19,900 This well-located English home AD 3-MM School** wanting gracious living tn a fine has had auch good maintenance FRANKENBACH location. It lias a total of six that It's a Joy to show It. Entrance The entrance vestibule opens Into Is*. bedrooms and three baths on the a real hallway (through to the FRANKLIN SCHOOL lull, 2a' x IS' living room, family THIS OUT second floor, plus a huge finished kitchen). The large living room alee dining room, lota of cup- third floor. The first floor den lo buarda and counter apace In the lla ELM STHBET — AD I.47** has a fireplace and wonderful wall Owner transferred. Clean older Here's a 2-family homo exquisitely panelled. Could also up nee. The famlly-slxed dining home located on the fringe of the kitchen, a TV room and a study tie used us a professional's home room has French doorB leading to "VidrdenB" offern 4 bedroomii and with & full bath on the first floor, RrfdlSKl oalri wtth fin Income of over LIKE "CURRIER & IVES" and office. three In rti uoma. AraMlng room Evtnws P. Pranall AD2.WWI $200 a month In addition H side screened porch, ami located sleeping porch on the second floor $M,»0fl and 2 baths u^stalra, I3&.900; Cki». H. Prnakra>Mk.Jr..A1l3-MHU to the apaclouB 4-ro3»TMT apartment bn the- first tremely attractive "step-doyen" third finished off very nicely. First VACANT Hani 9. Cnn ,.,. Alt 3-H44U floor which the owner $17,290 clen with a large bay window. floor had flpaclous SB' llvlnfr room C. Blair Ummmwrn.. AII3-43M ocrtipieH., An a r ran Ke- B«tty 1. Wlnpman wtth fireplace,, family size dinirtdinirtK VWY GOOD RENTAL lt, en t hard tb bent. 2-cn.r Upstairs there are three well- roomroom , kitchen with en,tinentinss arearea garage*, big lot with Tae owner nf thin plc- Ivtitings, t«i. AD 3-3354 planned bedrooms (all twin sized) plufl playroom adjacent to kitchen Side of mountain 4 M< In excellent condition, nnd very ft|itide.trees; close to alt tiireNMque "aide of the f3vealaa*si and a tiled bath. HO that "5Iom" can keep hep eye attractive. 7 i*ooms Including a tr A n a p A r tatlon,' Tho hill" I'oionlnl type home Iscrt II, O. Wlecmaa, flea. AI) ,1-MIH on the small "fry" while prepar- room, 3 tat* ran Ijirif* drn on the flrat floor. 3 bed- price if) 118,500 but own- atnted a pivturv of h*r lair Barker Rea.ADa-X3W The neat nnflement has a laundry ing- meals. Fairly new gafl-flteam rooms, 2 bat hi, powder room. Well er wants offers, ' ' Some la a wlatwr blan- area with plenty of light, a work furnace. Garngre to rear and prop- bungalow. Rolling. IT- equipped kitchen* with dishwasher PUIRTO RICO BOUND ket of aaow which looka shop, and a lavatory. erty In 150' deep wtth fine shade «nd breakfapt space which 1B of for all the world like n trees for summertime. raced, wooded mrrui counte In addition to the pretty Near grade ftnd Junior high "Currier A Iveii" print Fine location and a beautiful yard, dining room. Oil heat. 2-car g&- Mchoofs is thU older home 5 MDROOMS nf bj'Koae New Kaslaad . two-car garage with hard top 2-car garRgeii* rare attached, f275 per mon th. that haa renlly bpen brought Any » , . It knit the »ae- drive, Full storms and screens, 230 Immediate possession. up to date. IJIVIIIK room 14x liut not an old house. rlnl IndeRanhle exterior wiring, outdoor barbeque. $10,900 $22,900 house on side frawi* 25, dlninir room 12.8 x 15.8, ThlH home built in lflfio appeal lomrtlmci TV room 9x25, modern nll- UiiB 8 rooms which In- thouKat of M "Charm.'* ONE FLOOR UVINO venlent drive. HUB"). A1»o. older homo well located at elcctrlc kitchen, and nowilpr clude 3 bedrooms find The Interior I* aim* CHARLES C. BAAKE $185 If you will do your own deco- room on 1st floor. 3 bed- bath on first floor and 2 henrtwnr twin a; with EXQUISITE LINCOLN SCHOOL unusual featurti »< rating. rooms and -' tiled t>atH" 2nd bedrooms and bath on practical aad quite apa- REALTOR MOUNTAINSIDE RANCH noor; bedroom ard floor. Oil second floor. The living VIOKB room arraaajrmeat. Another owner transferred. There found In even *<•» lieat, 2-car s&rage. 930,800. room nan fireplace ami The tlntt floor dan with maker MalUpIc Ltstlac i are 3 twin bed titxe bedroomii and NANCY F. UYNOLOS there's a, full dlntng Ita bullt-la bed aad This Is the answer to the dream 2 very lance tiled bathrooms all Just reduced to HS.8* room: the kitchen has bookraaea really ajvra a of tho couple who have been look- on th** first floor. In addition to dUhwABher and electric fourth bedroom, for ing for something really speolal the TV room, there in a fleldntone Inspect, then offer. W R*+a. n4 •«•. call HOW AIOUT nitte, Screened poroh: ml tlvltll n UTTER THAN NEW) In a one-floor home. The exterior fireplace In living- room, large din- li ADI A lOVItY HANCrl ? 2 . c*r ft*r*f e. A jtood room meaaurea <2a* x Is a masterpiece In design and Ing room and kitchen with break- alone valued In """ •m» takaMt ADI •chool location. Price 13') with open fireplace Perfectly kept, cheerful home has this charmer has been placed well fast nook. To build all this mod* (mella atutau AD f and maay toachea of laftte living room with fireplace, back on Its acre lot to take full of 110,000. Mas Graf On« block from (rade achool SJ5.900.' . advantage of the fine view. em today would cost eas|ry 936,- ADI •n•dd shorsht walk to new jjun- at—a remlader of Co- attractive dining room, spacious 000. The basement has, playroom, ior high and senior nigh Kalal daya. Opca porch modern tiled kitchen plus a sepa- laundry room and Dad's workshop. Messker overlooka a woodlaad la rate breakfast room, and rear Beautiful large living room with Deep yard 170' with Harare, Lo- schoolshools . CombinationCmbinti ItItvlngl - COLONIAL AVf. rear, aeparat* d I a I a m screened porch on the first floor. >anelled wall and llreplace. Din- -*f*«ea Natea dlnlndll e room 22 x 2244, kitchekitchenn, us room, kitchen, two bedrooms. cation Is exceptionally handy to 49 panelled den or bedroom IN THI OAROINS room and modem kit- 3 twin slsed bedrooms, 2 tiled f bus. grade school, junior high and with rull bath. 2 bedrooms chen complete the lat baths on the second, CKJU of closet Spacious panelled recreation room, senior high. floor. Sevond floor baa space. Cypress panelled recreation powder room, two patios, two-par and tiled bath, large screen- You couldn't find a bet- three aleely decorated attached garage. 134,500 ed porch, OH heat, fully In- ter neighborhood for bedrooma i while there are on a quiet North side street on p. ditioned. 2-car garage with to be frroud of. It's spa- atalra to atoraaje oa 3rd. beautifully wooded lot. Offered for UT'S HAVE A PARTY NORTH-SOW tool room in tut rear. A bar- clous with Us 29-foot Uaalat bnaemeat reerea- Immediate possession at' a real- LEE K. WARINO, REALTOR gain at t34,SO0. living room and 17%- tloa area wltb wnctd- istic 130,500. Llatlas Mcastor $29,900 IAST-WW •MICK AND BTUCCO hoUBe and B" foot ntnlng room; T,v. bMralna; fireplace . * * IB B. Pnai »1. AD*-74*1 race. Nice yard, lluses 49 and 54 room; lovely kitchen has two car attached ajaraare, KvcBlaaT pass door. 4 blocks to station. dish washer I four bed- Sloplna-'^alfle of the bill" Iraa War* FRANKUN SCHOOL THOMAS O, YOUNO, Realtor rcromii on second floor wooded plot com pie tea CHARLES C. BAAKE .."??! Ana-TMM Cloa* to all schoolB. Hcasonable. and one more on third Harrr Bums A0X-T4M PROPRTY I00I22« Your houte »"»""' Call AD 3-0284. ZM North Attnt • ADsiai 3-1113 thla moat attractive pic- Bartta MscfesB ADI-M1I floor: tU'o ftil 1 baths and ture. REALTOR problem Ii o"» b»il««* two hcklf baths; screened HBA1, BSTATB HriTRAm __ Do you entertain very often? Toll porch; a carefully ninln- MORTOAGBi SOTAMT PUSJLIC could really have a ball In this About 200 spdM w' tnlned home. Price |28,* 437 a*B» Av». W. Wr.tlrld, S. 1, MOVING—Two year old split level, 28xS3V4' living room with Us rustic 000, Telt > ADasu 2-THM_T!Ull center hall, living room with fire- beamed ceilings. The 16x14 dining- ings Just waltln. W * place, dining room, complete O.E. room in In keeping- with the ««t TNE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. kitchen. Recreation room, four 1 ROWED PICTURE WINDOW hedrooms, 2\4 baths, large screen- of the house. The batler's WUitry aold. 9».9% covenl" MALTOM Klta. Aaarrwa Pl/aa. *.. .JDIklHW will come in tiandy, too..Upstairs MODERN COLONIAL Hlaara Wimr •aalta An 1-TCM ed Porch, 2-car garage, aluminum are 4 bedrooms (master 20x15) Westneld. ?««»••'• trs twin L.BIM M. Baakc AD 3.1533 combinations. Choice Westneld lo- With 2 bath*. The large plot i» Tmmaculate 4-room iEAUTIPUL RECREATION ROOM cation near all schools. Been by pleasing to the eye with all the Scotch plain*. »•»"• AD2-M00 bungalow, just a short appointment. |43,,O0O. AD 2-3718. beautiful shrubs, etc. Two-car «a- walk tn stores, trans- $30,500 rage. Let us tell you morel talnaiae. Booklets, MI» portation, all public and SIMMKH and/or year round ranch OWMRn THAN«VK»HKI>. Split lev home. Ideal for retired couple. parochial • schools: well fl, S years old, 3 bedrooms. 1% buylne aW« o» «'»(* •UOOffTMINDEOf built In 1942; full base- Thla modern colonial baths, recreation room, Ijot 100' LAUB Seneca, Sussex Co. Mvlnff ment; nlGe yard; at- home with Ita aaaaaatly room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and Bound older home offers the yuuRE family with children the taehed garage. Price larKe bedrooma, two by 125', 923,900. bath, largo screened porch. 2 fire- WIUIAM A. CLAWC Call today. moat In living-. Attractive front elevation. Hne neighborhood, 116,760. bath* aad expeaalvely 43 Waoaknxrit Circle AD SI-MM Orant School. Chwrful lunroom den off the. twenty-four foot flnlahed (JPvrfcy Cypreaat 3-26-4t i to beaoh cIub llvlnc room with fireplace; lovely dining room boattlna- a bay baaemeat- recreation SKr%tf°;& &8i - window; r«ar flawed and screened porch: family sited kitchen room with bar la one which would Tend Itself to 1859 streamlining, Three second ALAN "MM" JOHNSTON thnt few will be able to Am tie sarklas; t* rear •* ftrmla** floor bedrooma and clasaed sleeping porch; tiled bath; paaa by without a aafrk- Realtor enlna; of the aalae ... IN MOUNTAINSIDE walk-up attic to another finished heated room. New steam I-Vnrn the enrvftl, •mull Evealaa; flusw ojl rurnac*; two car detached nmt, hard top drive. Only *M Elss llml AD pane picture window aad *aiella Raaaacra svltk r>t/S-tMt P18,900. old fnahloaed looklaa; (_aarles w. R.knar Ant-IW brick rront to tae very WllHaas A. Clark... AD»-T. RINTAU Mr*. Aleila , .AD2-SM4 mortem kltcbea with HOME AND INCOMIT Mrs. M«rrM .KA 2-AT 11 break flint room, apa* Carl TeaehMMefecr. Jr PL 5-MN elt»nH, rrlaplr decorated llvlaa; room aad fflnlar Hern are two excellent suggestions for comfortable living AIM* JvkBBfva All 8-124*1 IN SCOTCH rums Living room, «> and an Income besides, located In a two family xone In a room to the at^-eeaed Mnltlpic Llallas Memkcr porch and nlcrtr wnmled room, kltcnen. gooil north side section, this well maintained older home offers plot, tbla borne la boand DANKER A DANKER, Inc. jevm bedrooms between the second and third floors, ZH bntha. to appeal. >ew1y Hated 1 Thla would make an excellent rooming house besides affording Realtors — bnnn , roent with two I** ** you a complete first floor apartment of four roans and bath aad traly apeclal. Mcsikcn af Malll»l« Ms«f 1& -tar garage. JustE listed. and tile W"> « for your own use. Heautifuf lot. 131.500. The other Is a two- S!i I? l>ou*5 tn \h* boulevard and has Bve rooms, modern house, $23,500 Klienenn ni, tanv db oattn h oon nth tho e first floor; four rooms, modern M. A. MERCNER IN FANWOOO ».'!f *« , 5 ". ? " «econd with Its own «lde entrance; Messlwr A three bedroom, brlck-fron* no- fully Bnlahed three third floor rooms. If needed. Thin property Wca«*«M-raBWM4WHe«tcli Plalaa * * * $21,900 lonlal. vVashlngten School vicln- , pie* for IJtSo"" on a large lot ivlth a detached two-car garasre. M««a(alaslae ?u*i?kFy.'IITn"s homi'Vfayan°au'blf0rnl'a" Ssya "Sel1 my h<""e 1st floor panelled den, 1st floor able April 5- Maltlalc Llstla* trmltm powder room. The master bedroom s IS'10 x U'l. House boilt In BARRETT A CHAIN 1939. Asking 125,500. JUST UJTID PANWOOD: Maltlple Li*tins Member* IN WESTFIELD $24,900 ^t this time of tho year, pardpnen $44,900 ar^ pheokinK toot*, taking Inven Another three bedroom, brlelt tory of supplies and generally Bet front colonial, built in 1941. Thlt tins ready for SprinR. What pleas a srsw OTDE^rG nousc has a 12'3 % 2fe living room tire they eouH have trying " iC»r. Mt. Are.) )V'tn nreplace, a fall dtnlns room. 80.1,1. H. Kueaa ail the colors of hundreds V'eo\ kltchfn, screened porch ami buths ftnd perennials planted h: 1st floor powder room. Also an ex- b. »».'.- present owner in extra large f?ar AD 3-1 §00 cellent location. , ; v den. House has ft 21 -ft, ltvin possession. room. HH-ft- dininff room, mod fiay n. mmttari Ee»m_ $21,250 orn kitchen wtth efttlnff apac An 2-T83 Three bedroom, 1»£ bath Split- per month. second floor has 3 Iarffe bedroom J'lart Ilrarlrs: All 3-4TSA level. N'ear Tamaques Park. Ex- ptuH tiled bath, itttafhed tfstra (iriiritf p. Hall ceptional financing arranK^mema. Owner anxloa« to sell. Askl Mil 8-127 WAITER KOSTER, Inc. (.round level MRec." room, alu- price 518,300, Quick uosseHHlon. R. R. Barrett, Jr AD 2.7SM minum combination windows, at- P«mbrook M. t, Rauta 2J, Mauntaintid* AD 3-5»OO tached garage. Other properties from SSS.oon Living room I3'4 % 19*2. down in Westfleld, Scotch Plains, Offit* JPanwood un& Mountainside. Oaea Focala*. oa wetadars ".^ SSif"" I1"' '?,«lViWlmr room with AD 2-1 MO •r can DANKER & DANKER, lnc enrlosoe porch used as den, sunny dining Call for an appointment. .«..»; siMtn kitctchph n with iinunual amount of storaue) evptM»iri*s; three twwln-slzed heoronmn, two tiled n«th«. TTO- A VKIIY H.*PP>' KISTKR TO ALL Mr. Phillips, CH 5-7342 Mr. Maaee FA 5 5 -.— st^ ear attaches gsras«er , well planted tree sltadod lot. »42,,soo. C»a». B Mrlrraierek, Jr. AD S-9SS4 *ataga Oalr '«« J Darlau* An M« Mr. Schlenker, K 4-7482 Mr! tS^Jri S l>. Wellla« M. A. MltCNW Ktlna W. Mlno«r»* AD 2-S323 Mr. Munch, AD 2-1109 n. puw, uix. Imimrm A. (lorpoole FA 2-7SZ1 Afcert «3. Oaaker .pi, 3.3SM *'"»" « «»« Mnlttpf, UmUnm i»i Harry T. Daaker THf JOHNSON AGENCY, INC, Court AD 2--I140 G«rtfoa F. Crala .AD 2-7S82 ra G. H, MMefj#tla:lionetli>. AilultH. On l'rli-nt (rum M.VH In »13,!>H Kim 81. All -•l n'ltli t'i'anlif I.I» All 2-IH7 4. *•:•* 3-6- > IUIIIHKII '111111:10 to»m minrlmrnt, nil utll l' uritlciii'i* In t I'IIIIKII, I.IIIIHBIUMI. JWUIIUWO May 1, Hi I'llllll HU5 Pinko |>i., Weatnulii; N. J. WANIIDHN — NOHT niwl UMOII, ru sta 11,,1 1 mi', t MODERN BUNGALOW KUiimntt'tnl. ituusoiinliU. Sno Ulili •I. 3-la- IUMI ApilllauceB, 431 North Avo. \ Scotch Plnlna. Flvo ucdrooma, DON MAXWELL'S WA«ITMI> — yonngTjacholors lute Al) 2-U-ltll. il-8 8NR MOUNTAIN AVIO. 111." II MMll.lNII M'd, nil tlueo upatnliH, two on first Hour: L'Dll .1 ^-9727. ""' AT LOW PRICE entranco to iloop basement, ecu. buBiium men. Servloes of nm systeni. Public a.iltlron» syston]] domical oil heat anil attached Rn- nnd ooak ttio i.iDvHrt 0 days Tt\»« an\\ <1IHC ri'uorilliitt also nval] FURNITURE REPAIRS lli;i IKH.i',r, 1 >.i r, s 11. • 1,. 11 , JI5.800, HMO roeo *18 ">'''«•„H'lUlroB Club. 545 Uoulovan abfo. Town Sound, WAkaull 6-IIOO1 VS llul.ili.'il nii'lnllli.'-Miiii WuBtllolii, N, J. AD 3-6101. 3-B ADams 2-0226 power Klliln. U&1I, low m 3-19 prlvutu iiwni'r. Al> 3-17DS. Antlnurs isxp, four mom Harden apt. avail NelMim nniip IF YOU NEED MORE ROOM T41 Clark Bt mm ciii'.vmii, I'l' ctuui, tiol . .. ftole May l«t ut 142 wr mtv. IMenH ALTENBURG'S Ultlitii and mlb.-r, J60. Al> 2-0460. Older typo homo In Rood condition. - call Uarrett & Cniln liunltorH, A Wmlllt'lil . 2-UOO (nslt for Mr. Davldaon.) 3-r, RIilSiAIII'iTII, N. J. Four bedrooms nnd bath on soc- OPJSN DA11.V "I'll* »—HAT. 'TIL 6 1IIIII Ol.llKMOlHI.M, KV.,11, •ond floor. First floor, large UVIIIK Wcdnn 'lnrnt NflccUnn of \t>w ntul AT MEDIUM PRICES Best prices. L'Rt'd PlnntiM itnd OruiiUM tiuii. Horn oiToi', All :i-4S7ii. |D full fllzo illnlnu room, Innre en- lintji, nil utflltli'H. will furnlflh ll.viiuux l-iiK i:s closed porch, ent-ln kitchen, pow- dvHlrcil. Cnll Al) II-021U. 3-S0- DUDKIN PIANO CO. dor room ana laundry room. Brand IlirfnMe Hlicfrl< OrKi 1IIR7 1(111" Ciiiititry Ki|Uhv tnti 11111I HOUSIS (formerly CranTord Piano Co.) lliMiiimind HOIOYOY ... 15(1.111! cri'ani. l'Milly .'i|ulln'ii. INnvi'r MUMT- new ill! burner nnd two-car Ba. M'l£STI<'ll£l.l) HOTl!!!.. '2 roiniH n 437 North Ave. W. All 3-881 <'liur 2-SllHJ, »"J, ,<,lI* locations, nlc. portatlon. StS North Ave., Weatllold. Kee Mi 3-5- Mlnler spinel I'lnnii.. "''ilon rooms, some wltl Smith. * <'nlilf ConpiuU* rlnnii.,, "«'* ml\nM bath, on6 wlt for lamps and sha TlKimm (I,..1,1 Oi'Kim.. I'OVfHi: nir.s 2 tmiii, IU-II, now ' m d pprivar c RENTALS Al'AIITJHRSiT^or ront, throo rooini Visit our showroom and you wl] iuiiMtiul Chord OrKnn lrcN, lidlti'ry, puililH * IdilKH. Mi- .ifnllv lled famil find the moHt carefully selectci •.'Ib'llt ciiMitllloli. a 1,1101) miles. ,,; with «"» I'"'"-' find bath. 2nd tloor. CIHHO to trans lel/l) ) nkliiK JS7S.0I1 1'ull AD ,'1-];14I). S Two family house, firat floor 0 Donation. Avnllabln Mny iBt. Ca lnmna And fthadOB. 1001 ahados li '"""i most attractive live bod rooms and bath, Modern knotty after OiOO P.M. AD 2-28IJL'. stock nt nil times. Shades re F,o\vrt*}' Mpiiiet Oranti H.%o.tio • ' AI,!II«V mar parochial nni nine Kitchen. Convenient for all 3-20-: pluccd and made to order. Com Ilnldnln (••erriiHsliin) Omnii. I111.I.1111 transportation. Utilities sunnlied. plotB repair department. Tttirgi 1'I.linilcm 1-U(N)II $100.00 IIOOM apartment. Heat and ho stock of replacement glassware ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE, Inc. WANTED B. T. Williams, ?5B Central Avo Three room apartment, share util- wntor Huppliod. UUBIUVBH illHtrlc HBO 13. Jrrspy St., lOllxnbilli, N, J, HEAD OF HARMONY—Dr. F. Kennutl. Berrien. R t(»» «»«. ities. I8G.00 ovor store. Hont rcRHonahlo. Ca nue, near Qrove St.. Wostflold. At OANII roil .IIICN'S ci.iirinx;. rld- u Four room apartment .share utili- AD 3-5009. 2-2158. Excellent parking:. FOIl WOHRII who nro luirtlculnr Ini? hubits, boots, antlquoK, curluK, ninjr coiloge piycholoty profeiior, inyi IhU carving Irom illky ties , $126.00 3-5- nnd ltlcc lo bo dlffurcnt. Suo nur ruruituro, bruHMWare, KIIIRH, , line Hi'loetlon or d^NlKner snmi>lo W.iln-'B, US Mndloon Avo, Tel. PI. oak driftwood illuilratei harmony of polynnilnm «nd uueaiUns UNKinMsmcn apartment, bod fabrics. Low, low prices. room, Itled batli, largo livlnir room INVIST IN SUCCESS B-mriO. 3-B-tf in tha Hawaiian liUnds. ; With adjoining kitchen. No pets, THE REMNANT MART nSHR ACINCY no children. 627 Uoulovard. 2nc »3 Kamrrset St. I'lnliillrhl, N. J. HO (IKS wantontedi , 1 or 1,000, Please 1O3O Soatli Ave. w. ADwaa t MM floor front. AD 3-0749. Th« World Book Eneyclop*dio PI. 7-0.1B» Oiirn 'I'liiirs. i>ve. call for letallsd . P.M. Book Shop. »«t to HHkn'i OiHu Ceitii More people buy the World Bool 3-'i6-tf PL 4-31)00. 3-5-lt than any other encyclopedia. Hawaii Seen As Ex ample of How W. A. I,i>Cn«e ADaaia a,K«lia CIIKIIOENT AVB, section ill Plain uditct Plaim Choice l. Chlldron In cnlltfr«7 Movlln Olty, also scouts aonio of the main cjothefl dryer. 18 Button Place. *\v*nHh|nK mnchlnc. Available nov 3-2li-4t IIODICR for olonicntury RCIIOOI ohll- according to Dr. P. Kennoth Bcr- arguments wore advanced Ankliijt 113,900. Make an otter. Call Buslnees ajultn. AD 3-5739. dren are .needed for Franklin inn, Rutgarg psychology profes- nRninat Hsiwnlinn stnteliood. Theso BR S-3341 cor appointment, prin- ASSOHTID FLAVORS 8'1'Alt siilnot plnnn, ninliOKnny lln- School Library. Call Mm. AHKHII cipals only. 3-2G-St Brsyer's Special Isll' good condition. AI3 2-3087. nt AD l'-f»3S8 or Mrn. Ilowltt nt sor who specializes in group fce- include on allefrad problem in the IHSUROR • WAlTOt RQOMS FOR RENT • AD 2-8(197. 3-lH-2t iiviov. defense of the islands, possible ln- MIDRNB T- Pretty four- JOltONA portahla tyitowrltor, com- 1 >m colonial. l*r«e living; arid Half Gallon ntotc with carrying case. I'rlco OOKIJVfi .for 11 mi in mot « Bt y°u t.rset, nun iniina OR BUYING A dentlal section, near all trannpor 741 flronlacc Items, !S0 ruKs, 2 reports. waii. ,.. cleaner liorae on the, m«r Compllmintgrr Pictorial Boo; tatlon. AD 3-2C80 evening!! pi silver tea sets, antiques, curioi TWO rormalB, size 12 and 14, blue FEMALE t. Hi a brick front horn* pn » •howliiK hornet (or sale. 1 weekend. • 3-6-t pafntlnirfl, three horso sleigh, har and yellow, Rood condition, . $8 Ho ndds that "all live Bido by Dr. Berrinn noted thnt while Ha- * lot *W> white birch trail booklet outlining celling; alda ness, and station wagon, each, AD 2-3811. i:\M8Tlir.SS, must linvo liiid retail slilo In ponco" dosplto a racial waii is economically dependent up- ad toll of "opennfiM for tonth* —-T.—,-r -~ furnlahetl front room Mn«l*»n naileries Htorro explnexperlonce. . FFuji orr part time, — elthtr or both on request. lnixtuio of population which in- on the United States, its mnjor In- •mm" It las a very nttrUetlve Barrett * Grain, Realtors, 43 Kim with family of adulta, near town 350 Mnln Slrrct, Madlaoa K/roitlAN child's desK, 110; "Pos- Very Rood Hillary t rl^hl^ht tparty t . IriK room and dining room, •• Street, Vcatfleld, N. J. (AD 2- and tranBDortatlon. Business man Appl; pormin only to ilndo cludes 30 per cont Japanese, 30 rtnstry, tourism, is fjrowlnj? nt •liu Ulth«n with a wall oven isocn 3.«.tf only, Dm WestHeld Ave. 3-5-t; ture" chair. $5s 2 portable type- """ Qulinby St., Weal wrltora, |l>6 and 16. Call Al) 2- iioid. jier cent Caucasian, 10 por cent braak-neck speed. In 1942 tourists id uble space. The game room Mnr/ripiat*R6 POn I.KSS THAN 4c A r>AY. GET ^IV capable of running1 homo t for storage or work< elKhborhood. 7 room Colonial, 3 boilroom, private bath and 6xQ OAPBTS MirtjTIVITAMIN CAP IfOOVKd vacuum cleaner with K at- per cent part-Hawaiian ond three lands. Today tho figure is closer Gedrooma, 2 baths, modern kit- aiir.Ba. 101) FOR I1.9H- tVWRI.AN nnd carlim" for 3 clijlrirnn—13, 11, chen, enoiosed porch, den. 2-car walk-In closet. Complete privacy tachlnenlH, excellent condition, ISO. 8, in parent's absonco. AD 3-1752, ]ior cent pure Hawaiian. to $77 million. Raragc, slate roof, oil-steam neat, Redecorated. Nice residential nntto STORTO. PREH OEUVETIT, Call AD 2-6U72. a-io-a taxes |2«4. Asking $16,000. Prin- neighborhood- No other roomera. A former profossor of psychol- WHAINS cipals only. FA 2-C482 after 4 Pit. Near No. 49 ftnd No. 54 bunes. Call COCAMW o,r A horfiD G3-2H2 manure, , rotted3-5-8. 1 rPKIl HCrcons, $1 each, alxtean WOMAN wanted to rto bonUltppplnft ogy at Colfrnte University, Dr, after $;3Q ^V0 ^-ER74. 3-2fi-t 311x55; thlrty-slx--.lOxCD: elBht 20x iart tlmo. Cull AD .1-1111, Mi 3-19,tf rich roses, flower beds, shrubs, INSTRUCTION Borrian has been conducting a re- / one of the outept homes trees, lawns and Hardens, $6 do 43; eight 24x37. Cnll Al) II-6B13. v'arter. . • lXftm or double furnished rooiti 3-2(1- hnwnh'nwn,, and itit'ii much larger llvered. Ton soil. 24 hours. Chest Raymond Young-Piano Studt* search project in group effective- ^ttbinmisht ftppear.tppear. Tbsre'a JUST MOVI |N for business man. References ex nut Farms, HO 8-4888, MATHMIi; woman,, iiloRKant voice fo: ness for the U. S, Navy for tho a attractive livin-*g —mroom , with OTIIINn else to do In this cocomm changed. Phono AD 3-5565. OIIIVAMKNTAL firecil jar, suitable doctor's ftllHWeiM'inK spwloe, Tw tplicf, panelled diningp': room pletely redecorated white colonial . . 3-28-5 • 3-12-t for UHG on porch or in garden, cimmH«)k H»(iri t ¥••«, Ml. past two years. datd whit li niiproximately 23" lilyrh; l>luo mot- nllirtn open! 3-7 P.M. 7-11. I'loal n Sw wner cupboardsr T ., lairgre kit- built 1950. Franklin School. Pretty HEW send Girl Scouts to Europe— ant HUrrotindliiKH. Vacation. Wo Call .r Writ, far l1 rery goodd bedroomsbd , rear setting In excellent school and EXY iurnlnhed room, near bus LJltcs, tulips, hyacinths, ami aza- tled i-UK, apttroxlmfttoly D'xlO', wltl will train. Call AP 3-0100. l Nil. KIII-IU *»r. ilmillM At tho University of Hawaii, ttlo, nrage, and apace In the residential area. Entrance veatl and aohoolB; for a buslueBs person. leas—76c to $3, On sale March 21 rujf cushion; blue ruw, 4'xfl', with the Rutgers professor found 0,000 nttt tor a frame room. It's bulii. well lighted living room References requested. Call after and 28, behind Jennnette's and a rug cushion; Ozlte rue CUHIIIOM ton redecorated Inside and with nreplaoa, (amllir ajae dining 6 P.M., AD 3-4957. railroad station, 3-10-2 approximately 7'3xlO'3j also n«v iiiATiH Homo Bciiin E. n. IHOlVNIST'r, teacher of piano. students tnking programs in liberal isjhaa a O.I. mortgage that room, modern kltphen with breftfc- era! odd din Irs, mil table for us iluyn Mon. t2 l II l'.M., othe ilay T-.B.teat methods. CClassicaall Una pop p arts, agriculture, engineering, edu- ' iMUtned, You'll love the fatt area *nd aAiolnlng po*wder at a bridffo table. AD 3-&H7. 10 to 5 I'.M.WIMIH. oft. Clarn ularul . LLesson s IInn your hhmehome.. 69 1 room. Tljree. twin , sized second sond Cllrl Bcouts to Hurope- I.ouisc, Oul'nli strt'ot. pporlil m RRa. ,W Wetlnold. Call AT cation, law and business . He fer. *olioolfl, stores and • SUMMER RENTALS • IJIIPS, tulips, hyacinths, and aia r Cll A uiportation, and will enjoy the floor bedrooms' {master bedroom leas—75o to |a. On sale March 3' INI3 r-(f|*ii*r lOlflaat, tt-po. llowol Ssno • '.•••.• -,.••. $-5-{ taught four psychology classes, M-ihaded lot this lummer. Will Ilitl), tlU* b»th. Btreened porch, kitchen «et». cr-laktQ c:halr, boudoti attached dursgo, oil heat. New HOI'IEKBRPIJO OOTTAGRS. 'tw< and 28, bohind Jeannette's and n chair, drapes uu'd fireplace BCT two elementary classes ond one sfeat m (18,900. rallrpad station. S-19-2 • PAUL KUETW, wall to wall carpeting. Complete and three bedrooms, eompletcls AD 2-6SO9. HELP WANTED- ench In industrial psychology ond storms and screens. »24,«00. AD S electrified with all modern conve- Dae to 8l»nH PIANO INaTR OAYFRIIDtlCHS, Inc. 2270. niences, Located on three mile Clenrnnce flsli* nt IIINON crib, Monde, excellent con MALE AVB abnormal psychology. Jake (lliy mllos northweBt of Port Aiinmirs IIKHAMC HiHiioi i dltlon. Coil AD 2-7.13'J. Mi 3-S47S 4114 Ml', S-fi-tt Two very great differences be- lana. excellent fishing, boatlnf? 25% dlflrount nh'nil sales of $H o w 4vcH FMWWNI and swimming. Oolf and rldlnB A.\lllll;.\ TV, talilo model, 17", line H'I'ISrT mifl Inyniit man wanlcl fo ifn — iiiKb Nchooi Hud <;oi- tween college classes nnd those of INSURANCE Available aearpy. Season June la over will run an exira 3 days, 1 part t|rno n.d vorl iMf nK cloDnrttnnn 1«'K« HUhjeats. Carolils T. Clark, March 3d—3T-JS eondltlr>n, $4r,: \Vftlu;or turntabh the mninland stand out in his mind: iH«.Bf«y Hampton FA — , to Sept. 80th. Special rates for 3-H|lncu\ |25. Cnll AD,,r»9. for local rminufHcturor. dill HU 9 H. A. (YttlO), IAJ. U., Eil. M. ni »«. R.ik T.yl.i pg «-*TO8 June and Soptomber. will taks NerrrarUlx 114., M<-T*rarillc 1200, oxt. 4. Mountain Avo., Wesifleld, 'phone The great size of tho former and HAROLD E. YOUNG CO. Open dnlly 10-8, except Tuesday AD 2-34114. 3-B-tf caro of limited numhor for enrly I FOOT Whirlwind bont, Mnrk 25 the* lack of elnss discussions. Col- Aatn — Fire — Ufa salmon, fishing. Motors and Ruld- MIIMKliiB 7-1 KB Meri-ury inolnr, MttBtercrnft trail loK avallnbie. Camplnff lot for OltfiAJV — Ijeasons In your home. W - MODMN COIONIM INSURANCE 3-19-2 er, plus many extras. $475. Call Al lege classes on the islands enroll single occupancy, 100 ft. shore 2-711)5. , 3-2B-t HELP WANTED- Modern methods. All makes and $19,500 . frontage. >7J0 per wek. Refer- Ar.K—Selling out. Furniture, wlass, nioacls (except .chord .or^an). fi'om 45 to l!50 students, which ac- ences eyclinriged, call 'PX^alnnel'1 clitna, many Interesting Items. THISO. II. AIIHAIV/I nic white frame modern CO 11:80 A.M. to 4 :30 P.M. Closed Mon- MOVINn, muBt B«11 Cliljijicndnlo nm- MALE OR FEMALE counts in some measure for the >l»l. IMne room, full dining 4-S6RO or write Walter A. aarilojl hoffany drop-leaf tnble and four 1.11 I-Vrrl« l'l. Wr«(ll<-lil E. ^ateefnrd. Maine. S-12-8t day. Oranam's Antiques, 127 Mnln lack of class discussion. But there ™.»clence kitchen, 3 bedrooms, St., Oliatham. 3-19-2t clinlrfl, like new: walnut eor- Al) 2-7H44 — A I) 3-1170O i baths, attached garage. Con-, • RIAL ESTATi-RENT* table; natural rancli mink t*klnn, OPPORTUNITY 3-6-tf s n deeper rennon, ns one student n»M by local builder, now 'HBKCII Provincial leatlier top cof- four; TV, 21"; 8x12 rUB. Bit (i- for perHonabln woman or man to explained to the visiting professor: decort•oratedd and readdy for FUUY FURNISHED • GARAGES FOR RENT* fee talilo, $4ot eoltl and whit*1 nftflt call on busineaB executives. A A* IVELYN W. MOTT ... Waiting cllatanoi pub- of tnbleH, Italian mnd*\ cuHt ?70-- vertlalngr background hflpful. Mai ART CIAIIIS "Wo are taught to respect our ra parochial schools. QR UNFURNUHED GARAGE for rent, 636 Summit Ave. wlll sell for *27: black and irnlrl uncoil (MuHicalocalo)) vtreoord plnye, r^Bunio to Box 420, care WestfleM iWers and, neeomlly, we cannot UY M. STIWAUT Four bedrooms, $ bath*, 2*c4V> g#.> VTeatfleld. Call AD 2-6005. cnnflplaora. $20; marble top clicHt, hi nnd korin_a„ wivnort.. >d, ,p mierfec _ _ t i tnd Pearler. 3-12-31 Chlldron and adults, Instruction In rag-e. Lease for 1 year or longer. 3-12-tf 127: lnrge mahogany dining room tion, scarcely used, prica f60. AD nil modlums. Anulla' outdoor oso face by admitting we do not •"••••1 ' Our or ETMI«K 1250' per month. tnhle with table pads, 140. AD 3- 3-3340. palntlnK olass startlnif April ]3tli. know and have to oak. 1*hat wouM S8» KIKST IT™ corner Hysllp. AD JSSfi. 447 Ave. All 2-11:17 MARiORIE MYAN S-19-St llHi:i; Wclman mahogany leather • EMPLOY. WANTED • 3-S-it bring shame to our parents anld (AN0KW HOMK ?-5518. top tables (2 lamp, X cocktail), our iiome." ' AD H.331T AaTBll COAT for Kirl about 10-12; oxeejlent condition. Can be pur-ALTERATIONS and mendinfir done at 1 10 1 bullt 3-18-tf AVAtl.ABI.K April 1st. Short block also wool Ralmnllne Ineket suit, chased separately. Original coat L'."*. ™? ? wt t*«i from station. Call AD 3-486B. n>e»«<-», skirts, etc.; lady'" light home. N, Marc&ntonlo, 827 (Jrand TAX RETURNS ill. i •elM*lo» of distinctive , . . 3-18-St f325. Call AD 2-111*5. view Ave.. Westfleld, N. J. AD 2 "» in in excellent location. 'K lAVP three ?ood homes for blue topper, size H-10. AD 2-6456. 4036. S-B-tf rpn». Two at $160 per month and I.MMVIDIJAI, Income tax returns 1I.VIJJ1 fox acarf. two lar*?e Hkins, carefully prepared at your home. Chamber of 0 one* at ID0O' per month. Please call Sired" ^"H* ^"' • *>"broom«, MIVK! Silver blue, 4-skin scarf, per excellent condition. Asking {35 CAHI'BNTER will help or contract It. llusactl PAmwoiMI 1-8MM iHH .?*"•• H'eplBee«, dans Barrett * Craln. Realtors, AD 2- STORES FOR RENT feet condition, tremendous bargain flail AD 8-&161 after 6 P.M. to ljulld, remodel or repair youi 'BpJMlou roams, sorcW. mod- or n-1800 (ask tor Mr. Davidson at 135. Call AD 3-1772. i-8-iat or Mr. Hall.) home. No Job too small or lar^e (Continued from page 4) •TOBH OW OPTICB, 10'l4S', with or HOHSR*nanure free. Come and get Call AD 3-399B. . 3-6-tl 1NCOMH TAX — All type* returns ithout eiddftlonaditil l reaar space.A Ann %CCOJllIll»!»—JJoncr, concerto pl- It. 881 Ilnhway Ave., WestneH. prepared in either our. office or you personally, make Inquiry about AD 2-4J30. 8-5-tf um). Brand new, with ense never MATI'HK woman deslroff baby sit-' your own hon)«. Hours: dally t. Ask your friends nnd neigh- LOTS FOR SAW • ticen used. 1185. nlohard Wllhelm, OAT, 8' pram, needs minor repair ting evenlnBS. Call AD 3-S8B4. 10-G, 8:ataadiMir enmrr. BEI.fJIAS blocka, gae range, chinfo- OtR»KlK fur Hcarf, Stone Marten 10-5, evenings by appointment. you to believe that you can fcuy a robe, wine press, chairs, drape- bfautfful condition. $100, Call AD EXTERIOR nalntlni?. Will paint S-6-4t $3,sciO and op. V»«MicMtt«M «4v«rlllKir «! ries, slip covers; boy's suits, sport small 1-fajTilly house for J1G0, one single photograph for a very low (•Kahle tlat. doftor, arekltrrt. a843 coat. AD 2-2276. 3-12-tf mm »tli«r arfffeaalovfll offlrc jacket; men'l.ttomen 's coats, lM)lvinL'Ai> and smalt price. They, too, usually subject clothlngr; children's boolis, games, income tax returns re 1 •* rtiwlwu. Hit. «• Irllcana toys. At) 3-3033. IHI/H dremnBB, eUefl 2-5, |8-f S; I.OOKINCI AIIKADI Now Is the time you to hig'h pressure attempt ) to I, J. TOKAU girl's wool suits, size 4-8, |5; to have your nerpens repaired and prepared, AD 2-HS1. tl l 4 m-SS, An. NY PP. «-mm coats, site 6, ?7.5O ea^ch. AD 2-789Q painted. Work done In my shop sell you a quantity of photographs. L.AW1* roller. Call AD I- Also lawn work. Interior and ex- "5. Avoid contests whose spon- CAMPS Aftafj maple record cabinet. Ideal OVffttt out of town—Couch, break terior pglnting, and odd jobs. Time • LOST ANP FOUND • Srtl.lOt front, pictures, bric-a-brac. AD 8 and material basis. Call AI> 3-0512 sors require you to have a picture for collector. Call AD »-*J^ 6586. C»EATITr: ART* day camp for boys after « P.M. 8-19-21 LOST—Tiger cat, male. Vicinity of taken by them. They usually in- IEAOCR CLASSIFIED APS and Klrls. Horseback riding, awlra- tEFHIGEIlATOR* — Ber'vcl, $20; Al »TOVE, good condition, $35. Kim and Prospect Streets. Anyone volve a scheme to Ret you to bay »tn«, unnli, archery, fcadralnto- Ceneral Blectrln, (19. Both In Boo* ti Tuesday, Wednesday and hnvfriK aeftn him -please rail Ah AD 2-4287. Friday. AD 3 • 8-19-21 2-0C48 after S:30 or all day Sat- prints. I-I-W ' „*)a»rtsll . June 2S-Jol_. y._ •f si ." "ca "n condition. 856 North Ave. urday and Sunday. MING RESULTS T-O10S or evenlnss a-ftar 5 f.s/i,, An e-84«i t-S-tl LIGHTLY used photocopy machine. . !SR Freshman wishes sum- "8. Be on guard against the tel- Copycat model taking 8H*11 pa- • PETS FOR SALE • mer Job as waitress, receptionist. LOST — Valuable parakeet — gold ephone pitchman who offers 'some- per. Completely equipped with cbftmbermRia, anything-. • Write with fsreen markings, Talki "~ STATI FOR SAL! J.ynne Willl^ma, 4B81 DIcltBon freely nnd known hirt nnme "IJiH.. y thing-for-nothing.' His purpose us- extra paper and paf>"r rack. Avail- . DOG TRAINING COURSI • WANTEO TO RENT • able for 175. STORR TRACTOR Hall, Cornell University, Ithn™. VanMeU'r." Prerlomlnant Chan ually is to gst a' photographer In COMPANY, AD 2-7800. im Doatk P1«I«S»M N. T. 3-12-31 terintlc IK he will flutter a few HOUSB — 2-3 bedrooms, automatic V.F.W. Hall, I5S Frout »t. inchffl from face of one who lflyour iivinf? room and lat«r to sell starts Monday, April 8, 1958, 7:30 _ - gardening. I.awnH Hpeaklnif. If found telephone AD Beat. Anywher* in Union County. I1GGR sewing machine; oaK li- T 2-fmse. Reward. 8-26-2t you as many prints can he can In- J108-J110, reiponslble family from brary table; phlleo radio-plionn; P.M. For information and enroll- rakfd, roljed and ffrtlllzed. Pall ELSIE tITZ, mC, ••oher Vilwaulree. 2 bays age 1 and 3. bahy Mrnller; double chcul of ment contact AD S-4fl20. ' 3-26-21 duce you to buy. Call Newark, BI S-S460 aays, or drawers and matching sll'Ilng door TECK" DOG TRAINING SCHOOL I.OUT—Diamond ring. Reward. AT) '••»« •* «• ••itt»ic LtPtta* Iritta Hotel, MI 2-4408, ask for Borkee cabinet for small modern room or MIMBOSC.'OI'B work —MlmBosrraph- 2-MH. "7. Watch out for solicitors wlio or leave mesaa^e. 3-S-tf Karl If. gek«l)l, Director tnc arid typinK to do at home. falsely state that your local hosjil- nareery; unfinished S-drawPr PLainletd B-49SB Beautiful work, reasonable rates. I.OJ4T---A silver dangler eflrrlns be- chest; Warlne: blender; Blectroluj 8-12-4t AD 2-S797. 8-26-41 tween Mountain Ave. and Prospect tal or a diaper service has author, OF-F1CR or desk space 10 1 Si or vacuom: Hamilton Beach mixer: MONIES IASKITC lONNITS St. Finder please return to 311ized them to pliotograp-ii your baby larger. Parking facilities eniwn- ftorey knife sharpenfr; Sunbeam Ot'TfO paraKeets, home rained, J3. •H'O!«A.¥ desires day work, Monday prospect St. ttar LoeRtlon Weatfleld vicinity. deep fat cooker; waffle iron; (J.E. Few to elve away. AD 3-4698. and Thursday. Call AD 3-5T29. at their expense. Such offers may Manufacture™ agent. MArk«t 2- steam iron: vaporizer; lampB; bar- 3-lS-2t a" thi» •WFW «"«•. but if you would 2551 or ADauw 2-195S evenln«|. bequs *rlll; electric spit; Chrlat- be a prelude to a Wgh pressure at- ma« lljnits and. decorations. AD 2- HFM, AKC reglstfreil, II.RAWIMO work wanted, available ANTIQUES tempt to Induce you to buy 1 get your handi out of the egg dy»ing and 741». male, 4*£ months old. champion any day. AD 3-2855. 4 *OOM8 near the center of town. bred. Reasonable. ED 6-2169. ity of photographs, ^ 2-8598. eellent pedigree. Not Rheap. Wood- Friday. Call AD 2-S9II. •INVESTMENT AD VICE • lanri Poodles. PL, 5-7479. satamwn who offe-<< tn folding carriage, walker, m3»T& and e»tw it fatoil * f nr yon tpeter-bftbe, and wood na**y sxrlne-. r^T^fWO Chihuahua paps for Eaa- riflh foU fmrttetion of the CUSTOM-TAILORING all reasonable. Call AD 2-3458. ter! AKC. Ijonjr and short hMr. THE LOIS SHOP From $50. AD 3-17CH. -- - -• - til 'o«r konr trmiil inweriu mrfce That la one of the benefits of pro- TUCK Engrlish Mke, 28" s1z<>. ex- — 1(IHW fessional investment advice. As a cellent condition, two new tires. dle, 13 mo. old. male, BegiBtered* Investment Adviser I bunt-In generator and Iigfit, S30. escf-ixionany fine black coat, af- Expert fining and-altera- ani custom-tailoring Investment Call AD f-rm. f<-otionate, registered A.K.C., a!1 programs to th« afms of each m- shots. hooset>rolcen. $200. Call AO RSI! iETZ, In*. diTidnal client, both Jarse and ICTOR addlne machine felectrlc), 3-38S0. tions on women's apparel small. Some invest only |SW at a esc^Uent condition. J1S5. Phon^ 2W Mountain AVMW* time; others & ltimp-8tim nfist effg" AD 2-1S50 until 6 P.M. by Lois and Katherine, of a few thoosand dollars. Re- • BUSINESS SERVICES • rark) eardiesB of the size of yoar o»a AOSiTOX—lAstweclt Annual f»«!- ADam« 3-1421 account, the same careful per- tnry authorized cl^argnc^ sale sonal attention fm available to you March 2 through March 21. May- IEBCI AllVEBTMIWC. Offset 101 Centra! Av*. "* •*» «»•«*. *T *mm*tatmumt and at a lee you can afford to fair Kftflio, Inc., 107 QufcmY>y St., j>r!s\f.En£, Mimftoigraphini?. Sale a Westfleld. caflipaj^ns planned, printed and pay. May I tell you more? produced. .II.»ES. 45e a Moom; hyacinthn. *">c; lo* Csmrty Prl»«»l! * StiHHos F. L Farr, ADams 2-7916 tiirpB, S*ci sreratHums. 50c. 1815 233 Jfortli A«_ Wntlidd AO 3-1393 2-26-5t Mountain Ave., Scotch Plains. AD 2^;«M PUi Paoletti. S-5-tI P«|« Eight THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, MARCH 26,



•r hr Colwrina Hi ^nHWt 4 to 9 ClOVERMOOK-GltADE "A" ROLL Avtragt! Inl Kuwa If** to BUTTER 59 tk« U.tJL Ib. Ftotn *r Buttoimilk Bordei's Bisciifsr • •- 9' SWOT'S PtIMIUM PVM POtK FAMOUS ESSXAY WQVff I III UVK MgWi Sharp Cheddar Cheese - Sausage Meat ^ 39 Polish Keilbasi'b 69

AlWn't Ov»n Fresh HotCrotsBiis YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE AT NATIONAL! Allen's Ovwi hwtfc , • •

FraitStoHen-- Whit* or Celortcf Soflwaav* mr Gavmrat'i Daticiaut—• Inch Coccant Custard Pies •• 43' ASPARAGUS Scottissues roll 1O CAW. TENDER Bahy Ann Frath Enriched Don't Gambia O*t Compb«IPt White Bread All ORfEN CARROTS Tomato Soup can- 10 LARGE SHRIMPft. 8 9 WMTIKM, MIW, TtNDR U. CIUO 8 HU'I Ot IIHV1 Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink .32 01. cm PINEAPPLES PetatoiaW *W UIOI, fUOAR 1WHI U. Sliced Piacapplc IS •». cm HMI and tot UNUN MOUH GRAPEFRUIT C-30c 3 2* w. Ceifish Cakes -5* •OAMHM AC1ION WITH 111ACH Smalwd Fish «••«•*••••••« 2 «.. Smekey Joe Whiting «• 49" ARTICHOKES 2-29' AjaxFoamiag Cleanser ZISTY AND TANDY 9. 01c FROZEN FOOD FAVORITES SCALLIONS tr RADISHES •atateStiaks 2**-• 21a E*t>« Inai SAVE-MIX 'EM AND MATCH 'EM CANNED HAMS Rii* Olivas ».» «.«-«• » ta Ghias •«« *,. Ma tta »to nib. MVER VAUIY Easter in Full Bloom at National Grand** Imported N«fa[tea*» V«rl Tbta tt SINOU PUU BLOOM Hallaa4 Oalaat • - 1- Jla rratials • -. i»» 3I« Fordhook or Bafcy Limas Fraiarfia » «. 1- 21a Tamata Julct 2 1™,;1- 2Sa Imtonf, . _ . Jamar UHu .»- f H« Sliced Strawberries ^5 J»«fi •.••••!»-.» HawliaaTaTaU «".«. aia „ „ 10 k HYACINTH -*"r r™" ' k «_^ •MDIV-C.IV. Rtaaafa. Any 2 "' » 35' Bring th» flary, •< tartar Into jl ^| Dalitlrot '••****•• Fl| Juiat u «. kt. 2ta yut IIWIM with «n« •( «ur H«w< _^_ #1 ^J • . . ««^ H" W«t» Up Drink ehii %H variety !• *"^ <••*"* Taaf ...»« i« lla Manicotti *• ^ 39' firahaM Craakara *• *•• tia latiaiii Taag ••" « i» lla TO '"*" Un»« *« If WaMaia «. <«. 11 a Snarl* Calfaa««.«-'! FLORIENT au«M 2 1* «• <«™ IN Camaaall Saap -2 <«» 21a >r«ai J«iaa 3Bt KRAFT'S Imtart PACQUIN'S For Upof Stomach Try K«'~a' • A * ' MO Dk*d, Cnalicd Royally AM Purooa* ITALIAN AEROSOL BOMB MataaM l Caffia •«« toTla SaMtrkravt..2No.ic»^j llu,, tight M»ol llfid.n Hsu» Kounly Kill All furpbi. PEPTO BI§MOL DRESSING TMM Fith • ..u-A... t»n 4fa AaaU Jaiaa ....•••»«<• 21a Swaat Nat 2 " °<«-» 25a WHMI Oil ••••=•• Sla 1*1. »r 36* Mott' -79* A 2 15... ion 3|( BaajpNII Saap -2 —• 3Sa Fraaa Jaiaa •»«. 41a llaak Fappar ••» lit ^. - i.08 ' r 49* KIRKMANS AJAX BORAX SOAP 138 CENTRAL AVENUE • WESTFIELD N J CLEANSER — 10' • -"' HUDSON'S HUDSON'S Burry's HUDSON'S HUDSON'S SATIN FINISH PALMOLIVE PALMOLIVE CASHMERE Oxford Creme* DINNER NAPKINS NAPKINS HANKIES "FAMILY PACK" SOAP SOAP BOUQUET •*» «M«i 31* 2"»* 37* 3 *~ 25* 3 »• >»™ 31* 2 fc>Hi ban 31* 3 -. ^« 3V

I, • 1. . — CASHMERE VEL SUPER SUDS VEL VEL FAB AD OCTAGON BOUQUET BEAUTY BAR DETERGENT POWDER LIQUID DETERGENT 1 DETERGENT to. rt», 35* h. •*« 33* IX ex. cm 39* 1. rt.. 32' SOAP 2 fc«*> km 3V 23* »»»it». 37* «.«... 8V •t. rfcs. 79* •*. Ft*. 83* -10' THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1969 P«t|« Nltfa locial And Club News Of The Week In The Westfield Area Carolyn Loveland Bet rallied N.J. RadcliffeClub Engaged Allan Cook 2 Area Artists Win at \ bout Town with Sally AAPL Member Show z louse, Watchung. 1 lie hon- Wed Saturday to Active in Drive To Wed Canadian Two iiITU nrtists won priziM in* Alliso nrrow at Saturday a luncheon for the *•»" wedding party and out-of-town Ilm nil member show at tho Amei-I f,. Country Club by ii'ini Aitlsts Professional League^ ickerty oi uests will be held at the Echo Thomas F. Hyslip Mrs. Robert G. Ilooke, Upper Air. nnd Mrs, Uichnrd Alexan- '"nine C Lo ,akc Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Montclair, has recently been mimed der iStewurt of Toi'ontu, Canada, Ini'., New Jersey chupter, nt Draw; William Moore Stilwell of 23 Faliv chairman of the northern New Jer- nmiounco the engagement of their University, March 24 through; iill road will give a party Satur- Miss Carolyn M. Loveland, sey Council of the Kiuk'HITc licvel- daughter, .loan Dalian Honuforl, to April 4, I day afternoon for the members of daughter of William M. Lovelnnd opnient Fund, a ten-year drive to Allan Fniri'hlld Cook 2nd, «on of Hert Snmler, 1547 Colus uvi'nucZ B«ttf.idantS»thCTWcd- of 302 Harrison avenue and the Mountainside, won first prise ln« ,„., William Ilutch- the wedding and guests. •nise $10,000,000 for building and Mr and Mrs, Allan nohrends Cook t0 late Mrs. Loveland, und Thomas endowment purposes at the college. of 251) Tuttle parkway. oils, and Miss lloiioiific liudell,* . I/ III in the Prcsby- Mrs. Robert Bottorff of 926 F. Hyslip, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Northern New Jersey shares In Mr. Cook is II irrailuato of Prince- «'27 Fourth avenue, took tliii'il* Church. Wyandotte trail entertained her Thomas D. Hyslip of 875 North the greater New York goal of $1,- ton University and is currently a prlsiu in oils. From this show they; bridge club yesterday evening, nvenue, west, were married Satur- research associate in Harvard CO. will cuter the Grand National: the bc ven 800,000 in 10(10 Mild $2,700,000 in 'iimer will K' -••- day at 2 p.m. lflfiB. Miss Stewart Is n graduate of American Artlata Professionnp by Mr. und Madeline Wiest, daughter of The ceremony was performed in Of the funds, $3,040,000 is to be the University of Toronto and has ajfiio show April J6-26, attht*; at the Washington Mr. »nd Mrs. John Wiest of 017the home of the bride's brother-in- allocated for Rudcliffc buildings; boon on the staff of tho Dominion Nntlonnl Arts Club, 15 Grain-:: East Broad street, celebrated her law nnd sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- $2,050,000 for student aid endow- Observatory in Ottawa, Canada. mercy park, New York. • tenth birthday Saturday with a ter A. Reinhart, 346 Locust ave- ment; $510,000 for scholarly proj- The mnrriagu will take place party for 12 of her girl friends, nue, Garwood, by the Rev. How- ects' endowment; $3,300,000 for Saturday, Sept. 12 at 7:30 o'clock Mrs. Mott's Children - ard .Smith, pastor of the Metho- college operational endowment; and Miss Alice Helen Methfesael, dist Church of Mt. Ephralm, broth- In Trinity College Chapel, Toronto. daughter of Mr. and Mis. P. E. $500,000 toward a new Harvnrd- Pupils to Exhibit Work \ er-in-law of the bridegroom. Undcliffe Health Center and a now Methfessel of 624 Carleton road, The children art students of; was hostess to a large group of The bride wore a waltz-length Harvard-ltadclitTe Theatre. Har- Service League to gown of organza over light blue vard is at present conducting1 n Mrs. Evelyn \V. Mott, 447 Longfol~ friends Friday evening at a din- MISS ELIZABETH BECK MISS LOIS S1EFERT Hold Tea Dance Saturday low nvenue, will exhibit their Rrl? ner-dance held in her home. taffeta, fashioned with a sabrina drive with $82,500,000 as its goal. neckline, embroidered hem and a Uudcliffe- has received or , Vieen work in the window of Dr. Ber-5 Among the guests were Miss Meth- The' Wcstflold Service Leaguo nurd Fohlman'8' office", 39 "Elnt fessel's brother and sister-in-law, blue cummerbund. She wore a net pledged $4,000,000 of its total ns Lois Siefort to will hold n tea dance Saturday nt chin-length veil and carried a email Elizabeth Beck to of March 5. street, beginning tomorrow and; Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Methfcssol the Colonia Country Club from continuing for a week. t of Lansdale, Pa,, who helped her Bible adorned with eucharist lilies Associated with Mrs. Hooke is Wed Pfc. Home 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. The music will receive. Miss Methfessel is a stu- and stephanotis. Marry in June her council of: Mrs. Robert Kuv- be by Jay Warga's orchestra. The art work consists of land- Mrs. Reinhardt was the only scapes, still life nnd pictures work* dent it the Hartriolge School. esh, Upper Montclair; Mrs. Arn- 'Mrs. Richard Mnxweli Jr. is from memory ami imagination ini attendant for her twin sister. She old Lerncr, Tenafly; Mrs. Edwnrd Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Siefert of chairman of arrangements. She is wore a sheath dress of lace over Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Beck of 151(1 Boulevnrd announce the en- oils, pnstels, crayons and poateiC The Highland bancfi Group will A. Reisen, Summit; Mrs, David assisted by Mesdamos John Ash- paint • have its last dance of the season blue taffeta. John Dngastnro of 833 Fairncres nvenue announce S. Roberts, Wcstfielci; Mrs. Eli Sa- gagement of their dnughter, Miss baugh, Hunter Grant, Everson Saturday evening at the American 501 Central avenue was best man. tho engagement of their daughter, gnn, Englewood; Mrs. Roger A. Lois Mildred Siefert, to Pfc. Ilob- Pcarsall and Gilbert Samuelson. The children range in age fron£ Legion Hall. The committee in After a wedding trip through Elizabeth Jean, to Donald £. Bick- Barton, Oaldwell, president of theert M. Hornc Jr., son of Mr. and 8 to 11 years old. J charge of arrangements for theNew York State and iNew Eng- ncll, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Radcliffe Club of New Jersey; Mrs. Mrs. Robert M. Homo Sr. of 2518 affair is comprised of Mesdames land, the couple will reside in Gar- K. Bicknoll of Barton, Vt. J. A. Aeschliman, Montclair, rep- Mountain avenue, Scotch Pining. Norman Van Leuvan, Stan August, wood. Miss Beck was graduated from resenting parents of Rtulcliffe stu- Miss Siefort is n grndnuto of Burt Clarkson, Herbert Gage, Wil- The bride attended CJarwood Wostfteld High School and the col- dents; and Mrs. Henry Mnhncke, Wcstfield High School and is em- liam Rosenvinge, Dave Armstrong, schools and Jonathan Dayton Re- lege of agriculture and home eco- Morristown, representing graduate ployed by Penrsnll & Frankenbboli, and Steve Van Hoesen. gional High School, Springfield. nomics of the University of Ver students. Inc., of Westfleld. Pfc. Horno attended PJainfield She is employed as a receptionist mont where She was n member of The members of this committee Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kice are re- by Boyle-Midway, Cranford. Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She and Scotch Plains High Schools, from this area, in addition to act- He Is now serving with the Marine turning to town this week to make Mr. Hyslip, a veteran of 18 Is" presently teaching home econom- ing us area chairmen, will nssist in their home at Westfield Manor. ics at the Chester High School, Corps nnd will be leaving shortly months of service in Korea, at- the actual soliciting: Miss Jnnet for duty overseas, i Mr. and Mrs. Rice have been liv- tended Westfield schools. He is Chester, Vt. Douglas, Mrs. Henry A. McCashin, ing in Daytona Beach, Fla., for employed by Donald M. Snyder, Mr. Bicknell was graduated from No date has been set for the Mrs. Kenneth \V. Oberlin of West- wedding. the past few years, but prior to Westfield landscape architect. Richford High School, Richford, field. that were residents of Westfleld Vt, and the college of arts and for many years. sciences of the University of Ver Kersting Brown and Co., Inc.,Raritan Valley Mount Harvard Concert Band mont, where he was a member of of New York, is directing the cam- Mrs. H. A. Halsey of 539 sophomore in the college of medi- pnign through its vice president, Holyoke Club Plans Tea Shackamaxon drive entertained at To Begin Spring Tour sophomore in the eollecjr of medi- Kendrick Smith. Consultant for a. neighborhood coffee recently. cine at "the University of Vermont the firm, Robert P. Duncan, out- The Rnritan Valley Mount The 70-piece Harvard Univer- lined a program for the solicitors Holyokc Club will entertain pros- sity Band opens its annual nation- and a member of Nil Sigma Nu . Religious Figurines Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison medical fraternity. during a recent briefing session at pective students at a tea Tuesday and their children, Jimmy and wide spring concert tour at Mont- the Newark Museum of Art. nt the home of Mrs. T. Scott, 210 Beth, are at home at. 1S3 Arch- clair State College memorial audi- A June wedding is planned. Canterbury rood, Bone China Cups and Saucers torium, Monday evening. In addition, (in all-out effort has S.VHH... bold place after moving from 800 Glils from this nrea who are Tickets for the forthcoming On Committee been made this week to rally all Itfefcn jacket, Forest avenue. New Jersey alumnae, graduate stu- now attending Mount Holyoke will Spring Costume Jewelry ' . New Jersey appearance, which be present to talk about the col- ihrti from will be held 'at .8:30 p.m.,. can Bastian Knoppers, 1535 Coles dents and parents to the support Also at home on vacation from of the campaign. lege nnd show movies. Simmons College in Boston arc DO obtained at the door or in ad-avenue, Mountainside, is a mem Lenox China, Crystal, Glassware ber of the student planning com- Bally and PrisciHa Haines, daugh- vance from George B. Wendell, 6 Federal government employees ters of Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Che'rry line. mittee of the Pinery School Chris- Massachusetts and Rlhodo Island smith tian conference Friday, April 3. are the only U. S. states that have arc paid an average of $90 a week. ocmntAiAvt. Haines of 117 Harrison avenue. been completely mapped. The average in private industry is Hundreds of other gift items Trucks haul 89 per cent of all Deer antlers, are solid and are $78. M 2-4800 farm products from farm to initial Easter Cards in every theme — (Please turn to next page) market. ihed annually. "STAR" IN THE EASTER PARADE Religious, Sentimental, Humorous, etc. See Our Spring Collection of Small Furs We offer you the Finest Selection of Tradition Since 1899* Quality and High Fashion Engraved or Imprinted at Lowest Prices Wedding Invitations, Announcements, etc. FURS Wralllrhl'a I'ur «li.>|i of DUMnntlim MADK TO OtlDlm H13AI>Y-TO-VVUAn Jeannette's Gift Shop UKMObtSt&NO' , HKPA11UNO 227 EAST BROAD STREET SCIENTIFIC 8TO1MOJ5 CUSTOM ci.UANINO 249 E. BROAD ST. Open Mon. Evei. AD 2-3423 Optn Mon. * Fri. Eves. AD 2-1072 CONVERT YOUR OLD FUR COAT INTO A Rear Entrant* to Municipal Parking Let Flowers from Doerrer's FASHIONABLE NEW CAM - STOLE - OR BOLERO


A Beautiful Selection of all Easter Newest, eurviest, cutest, Plants, Arrangements, Cut Flowers Wvelest, bestest little heels you ivw did Be* And see and Corsages in a wide price range them you will... because)1

they're major shoe mw»t as only Sandier makes it THOUGHTFUL CASH & CARRY CORSAGE SPECIAL Inventive fashion, just meant (of * WEEKLY FLOWER shoes like these. Exceptional Value 1 0* PLANT ORDtR As advertised in Seventeen, 2 Beautiful Cymbidium Orchids • your order lor a**

y * $2.50 and $3.00 a pr. *• r»<« you choose. Many Beautiful Colors to Choof* From S*«**foraslittlew$iO


SCOTT'SOF .WESTF1ELD QU1MBY AT CENTRA!, W9STF1ELD,NBW JEBSBT 167 ELM ST. WESTFIELD Open this Friday Evening 'tit 9 TJTE WESTHEU> (N..T.) t,EAnKH. TITtm?SPAY, SALLY Sidney L. Cohen Borough AA(J Wedgwood (Continued from previous page) Awarded Grant New Handbags for Spring Mr. mill Mia. A. John Acoola Branch Holds | Jr. of 720 Dartmoor will huve us r Sidney L. Cohen, son of Mr. and Marvelous bags of magnificent leather. ... a living tradition tlwir uui'sts t° Master Ml'. Ac-Mrs. Charles A. Cohen, 831 Nsmcy First Meeting ouln's putt'iils, Mf. uml Mrs. A. J. way, IH one of ten scholars who Superbly Crafted Acoola Sv. (if Pelhnm Manor, N,Y.; ha;i been awarded a fellowship by Mrs. Aecoln'n parents, Mr. uiul the American Numismatic Society Mis. H. II. Mills of Si'invsiliilo, 01' wa Magnificently shaped! for study at a summer Institute Mountainside b N'.Y.; and MM. Aocola's nunt, Mrs. to be held at the Society Museum ranr George Cornell of Hound Brook. in New York City. tan Association -•- Women was held Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Booth of The institute is for historians •'l«K«tthhV 131 South Euclid avenue have na and archaeologists who trace his- 3'M their houaegueat Mrs. Booth's tory through the study of old coins. was attended by\7 mother, Mrs. J. N. Cloybrook of A 1957 graduate of Rutgers members. Tampa, Fla. University, Mr. Cohen (spent last Mrs. Harold U »„, year at the University of Copen- Lonjrview drive, chai™i Dr. and Mrs. J. Pennlngton hagen on a Fulbright scholarship. duced the Kuest; CS CHARNWOOD Waiter of 541 East Broad street He is a graduate of Roselle Park Mrs. Abbott Abori, entertained their bridge group High School. ' the .Plainficld bti ' $18.75 and Mrs. Avais , Saturday evening. Mr. Cohen presently is attend- • of the newly-. 5 Pc. Place ing the graduate school of Yale Heights branch Mrs. P. T. Hahn of B15 Sher- University and i& a member of Phi Setting Mrs. Calais dU wood parkway entertained a group Beta Kappa, the Mediaeval Acad- aims and purposes of Aid of friends at luncheon in her home emy of America and a Feliow of pointed out some «f&] Wednesday. The group comprises the Royal .Society of Antiquarians. ages of belonging to & J a.mothers committee which is ar- 11 o n a 11 y recopr- ™* ranging a forthcoming dance. vhich include the Susan Clark, daughter of Mr.Oratorio Society to mrticipato in study and Mrs. F. R. Clark of 645 St. lesigned along^th* «,« Marks avenue, arrived home Sun- Present Final Concert late college courses. «,' day from Washington, D.C., where •eady ha.? the necetim j she ia a student at Marjorie Web- Thedfatorio Society of New lumber of member, Ll ster Junior College. Jersey's president, Mrs. William bartered sometime in J C. Mulertt of, Montclair, and its Mrs"- . John Millet, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porter of conductor, Peter Bozio, announce APPLEDORE "oad, was nppointed «aj 228 Grove street entertained a that the third and last concert of :ho by-laws commit^. few friends for brunch Saturday this season's series will be "Israel Be assisted by Mm j. $27.25 morning in honor of their house- in Egypt" by George Frederick Srom, 7 Bayberry \iti, 5 Pc. Place guests, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Handel. It will be performed in Mien Rehbock, 1170 F«a Davidson of Rosemont, Pa. collaboration with the Muhlen- Setting 4. nominating committee a berg College Choir and their col- jf Mrs. P. Krystow, Join In bone, Mrs. Carleton H* Bunker of 800 Kunball avenue was hostess at a lege music director, Cudwig Lenel, •oad, chairman, Mrs H« and will include chorus and full Boise Jr., 276 Bridle red, navy, These are but two of over 80 patterns of fine dinnerware surprise birthday party last Wed- nesday in honor of Mrs. H. D. symphony orchestra conducted by Charles Scheidecker, BJ black, birch, which we carry in open stock. Here you'll find all the Merrill Jr. Peter Sozio Sunday, April 12, 8and Mrs. P. L. BoekiuiiJ4,, famous names: p.m. at Montclair State College Hill-road will present,i and beech. Mrs. Stephen G. Cox of 21 Haw-Memorial Auditorium, officers at the next tern ROYAL DOULTON LENOX thorne drive left Tuesday for This will be a repeat perform- ing which will be ield iB April 23. Eligible Bomal MINTON CASTLETON Ames, Iowa, where she will spend ance. April 6, the Oratorio Society Easter visiting her parents, Mr. •w,ill be guest performers with the jraduates desiring mort i SPODE , SYRACUSE and Mrs. Arthur Willits. Mrs. CoxMuhlenberg College Choir at Al- :ion on AA'UW mar ( and many more. will be gone about two weeks. lentown, Pa., with Mr. Lenel con- Perrine, membership dun, ducting the Oratorio Society's those joining the organis, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Poppele chorus and the Muhlenberg Col- fore May will bewnn, and their son, Donald, of 605 lege Choir with the Allentown members. Ardsleigh drive recently were on Symphony. • Mountainside women i a cruise to Nassau and Havana the Thursday meeting m via the SS Nassau. Tickets and reservations for jane smMt tickets may be made by writing Mesdames W. P. llets,)! AD 2-4*00 to P.O. Box 152, Montclair. enquest Jr., N. A. Witt /ane 129-139 CENTRAL AVE. (Please turn to next page) C. Scheidecker, John MiJe Open Monday and Friday 'til 9 Weeks, Roger Turing, A6— 13*141 CENTRAL AVI. Sbcrg, P. Krystow, E. SJ Customer Parking at 132 Cuttomwr Parking at 132 ,flmw St. I. W. Boise, R. P.\&ilJ 'rank Elwood, A. Retl alwsty* ohtKe Bockius end H. M.

Plainfield Antiqwi] Show Set for Apr! The largest antiques! sale in Plainfield iriS April 1, % and 3 ia»| piscopal Church, nue at Eatt 6th si a.m. to 10 p.m. « Fifty estabilsheii - exhibit. Those from We! XVGL Don Maxwell, Dorofty M| CENTRAL AVENUE son and Marjorie WsA WESTFIELD rith exdu»iv* VENTILATED lOOT will bo served. Mrs. Oscur 0.1 man of the shos.jil ginia Brown is i Guest at Miss Maud Austin, W( ton road, chairman »!&' Park social studies ^ wassn invited guest rtth] son State College W«MJ institute for Social SUtoi era recently. She repiHWj New Jersey Council to 9, cial Studies of -which sta »| dent.

MILUNEIY Spring-Summ«r material or b«M>uliful Imperil

•ltd. Color tiolty. AD2-66M

The Indisposable Bag For Easter and All Spring

In pure silks, sheer worsteds, Gleaming Mack soft woolens, and imported fin- Mastic Patent Leather ens. From a collection of lovely spring ensembles, in sizes 8 to 20 from $5.00

39.95 to 195.00 A complete Rang* of Styles by Ingber, Mock, imprest, Virginia Art ami Coronet

Budget Priced $3.9t Offwts Schaefers Ho Poor Goods At /r/Pnce

AD 3-0800 DAllY OEUVBtY THE WESTFIELD (N, J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1059 Page Eleven SALLY To lie Wed Newcomers to Charles Brower CAR Group Schedules Anniversary Celebration Pretty Shoes for (Continued from previous page) Botte Ann Uiilliiml, iluughlur of See Play Scenes b Be Honored Your Princess )r. and Mrs. A. O. llcilliiml of S.'il Members of the toen-nge group, ast Uroail stiwt, urrtvfil home The Westllelcl Newcomers Club At Rutgers Dinner liobi'i't French Socibly, -Children Friday evening finm Moston, will hold iu regular monthly )f llu> American Revolution, will ilass., where she is (i stmli'nt ;it lunehenn meeting a! 12:45 p.m. in .•eiehratc the 2i)th' annivei'sary of Siinmnns CIIIU'KI'. Uetto Ann was the YWCA Wednesday. After the lie foiintlinit »f the society Uila t'ocnlly chosen to rcprusutit the. business meeting conducted by tho Chiirk's II. Hrowi-r of .10!) Wuud- evening at a meeting ut thu home L'IHSS of '112 of tho school of nurs- vice president, Mrs. U, Untune nnd uveniie, trustee uf Hutgers nf Ciiroi mul Dean Vanderbilt, 244 ro-tek-tiv ing in the college's student gov- Waring, the program chairman, luiversity, will he uf honor \vlviinia place, at 7:J5. ernment body. Mrs. Vincent Carter, will announce it the school's All-Alumni dinner Vpril 4 ut Far Hills Inn. Honored guests will include Mrs, Little ladies love their —•— the presentation by members of the Mnlconi Mcftrido Panton, organiz- Tomorrow, I,.,., I;.oMiirti, son Community Players of scenes from Mr. Hrmver, president (if Batten, inn president, and Mrs. William fancy looks. Mothers >f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brassard the play, "The Women" by Claire Burton, Dnrstine & Oshurn, New Idinc Dolce, retiring sonior regis- of 714 Fallacies avenue, will ar- York City advertising firm, will i'c- love the way their good Booth. trar. Junior members of thp aoei-< ive home far the Easter vacation Hostesses for the day will he teive tho A 1 u in n i Federation ety who will enter the teon-ago looks last. Fine and rom Ocnison University in Gian- Mrs. M. A. Carbett and Mra. Ar- ilnuue, given each year to an Hioup next fall aro invited to at- ville, Ohio. thur J. Menzie Jr. lumnus who has .served his pro- tune! the meeting. feminine, and they have -*- The new directory has been com- 'ession, his community and the uni- the famous fit of all Mr. a ltd Mrs. Victor N. Kruse of pleted by the directory committee versity with distinction. Officcm for the coming year will 418 Washington street will have and will be distributed to members U. S. Sen. Clifford I'. Case, he installed at the business meet- Pro-tek-tivs, Let us try heir daughter, Margie, home from at the luncheon. lnssmate of the guest of honor ing preceding « program of Amer- a pair on your Raclcliffc College Saturday. Their Tickets will be on sale for the DK. ALLA.N CARTTEH mil also a recipient of the uwuvd, ican music, pri'senteil by Carol Vamlovbilt, music chairman, und daughter, Helen, arrived home for —AllKIIHtH Ui't'Tis sumi-formal spring dinner dance vill he toastmaster «t the dinner. princess-today! her Easter vacation from New May 2 at 7 p.m. They may be mothers of tho society. Roehclle College yesterday. Also MISS CLA'IRE MINNICK Former Resident Other winners of tho nwnrd cx- purchased from members of the |)ected to pay tribute to Mr. Brow- visiting the Kruses' is their daugh- social committee. 1 Priced According to Size ter, Mrs. Henry S, Johnson Jr. of a ut the hc James and Robert Coats, sons Wed Mr. Wilson meet Tuesday evening at 8:15 in University of Rhode Island. of Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Coats of the home of Mrs. iBdwin Wood, 834 Dr. Allan M. Cnrtter (OQ), for. Mr. Brower wns named an nlum 727 Fairacres avenue, are at home Harding street, to make the table tner Wostftelder, has been appoint- i trustee of Rutgers in 1040 and for a week's vacation from Coe Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Minnick decorations for the luncheon. The :d dean of the Graduate .School of dis a charter member of the board College iii Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A of 126 Pearl street announce the committee will nlso plan the table Arts and Sciences nt Duke Uni- jf governors, formed in I960. He uest of the Coats is Robert's fi- engagement of thoir daughter, decorations for the neighborhood ersity, succeeding Dr. Murcus E. :ontinues aa n trustee. ancee, Miss Karen Anderson of Claire Diane, to George Albert Wil- meeting of the YWCA April 3. Hobbs who recently was appointed son, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Newcomers are requested to dean of the university. He resigned from the board of Cedar Rapids, who is also a stu- governors in 1057 because of in- SCOTT'S dent at the college. B. Wilson of Middlebush. keep in mind tHe "Galloping Presently on leave with the Ford OF WESTFIELD Breakfast" in the nenr future, the foundation in New York, Dr. Cart- creased business responsibility. Ho Miss Minnick is employed by the iva? one o£ the key figures in guid- QUIMBY at CENTRAL, WESTFIEVD Mrs. J. E. Holaey of 665 Birch Suburban Trust Co., and was grad- date of which is always unan- ter has been a member of the Duke avenue was hostess to three tables uated from Westflcld High School. nounced and to look for their invi- department of economics since ing tho university through tho 1957 Open this Friday Evening 'til 9 of Skidmore alumnae Wednesday She also attended Barbizon School tation cards in the mail next week. 1052. His leave began in Janu- reorganization. at a bridge party in her home. The of Modeling and American Insti- The next prospective luncheon ary of lust year, when he became A member of the class of 1926 affair was.fov the benefit of the tute of Banking in Elizabeth. meeting for new residents in town nssocintcd with the foundation's r. Brower taught for a year at newly formed central Jersey Alum- Mr. Wilson was graduated from will be held in the YW April 15 program in economic development Bound Brook High School before nae Club of Skidmore. Scotch Plains High School and has at 12:45 p.m. This will be the ami administration. going to BBD&O as a writer. Ho just served four years in the Air last prospective luncheon of the Dr. Carttcr is the,author of a became president of the firm early Mrs. John D. Rabin of 753 Oak Force. spring season, so if you are a new- recent book, "The Theory of Wag- ast yenr. Mr, Brower is a,former avenue entertained her bridge A fall wedding is planned. comer to Westfleld and would like es and Employment," which repre- resident of the Westflcld Board group yesterday evening in her to attend, which is a prerequisite sents the first general reassess )f Education. home. Your Easter Bonnet >efore becoming « member, contact men.t of wage and employment the One of the features of tlic dinner Two Club Members the membership chairman, Mrs. ory to be published in this nation will be music by Miss Marilyn The board of directors of the Dermot Rcddy, 830 Kimbull ave- Mountainside Newcomers Club will Have Winning Paintings since the miri-1930's. He also is Rockafcllow of New Monmouth meet Wednesday at the home of nue. the author of another book, "The iliss New Jersey of last year nn« Mrs. Harold Nelson Jr. of 1324 The social service committee met Redistribution of Income In Post i Douglass College junior. Two members of the Westficld last evening in the home of Mrs. war Britain," and of articles which Stoney Brook lane, Mountainside. Woman's Club placed winning —•- Donald Bowie Jr..of 835 Embree have appeared in numerous pro- landscape paintings at the sixth crescent. The chairman, Mra. Sam fessional publications. Mrs. Norval Loftus of 825 district spring conference of the rilK CORSET MIDI Harding street was hostess to a Sidorakis, announced that clean A member of the American Eco- New Jersey Federation of Wom- and serviceable used clothing will group of eight neighborhood an's Clubs, held in Cranford Mon- nomic Association, Dr. Cartier al- friends for luncheon Thursday, be collected in the YW during the so holds membership in the Royal day. The subject was "Historical week of school vacation in April. after which the group went to the Points of Interest in New Jersey." Economic Society, the Southern There Is NO SUBSTITUTE N The clothing will be given to the Economic Association, ami in oth- Shackamaxon Country Club for Mrs. Kenneth C. Griggs placed the Republican Club affair. confined in the K. J. Neuro-Psy- er professional organizations. second with her painting, "The chiatric Hospital from ages five A native of Westfield, he taught for EXPERIENCE The Reverend and Mrs. Richard Last Covered Bridge." Mrs. Al- through adults. at Colgate University before go- L. Smith of 830 Stevens avenue bert D. Ross was third with "First Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of 800 ing to Duke. He was a research had as their houseguests last week Presbyterian Church." Mrs. John Forest avenue, Apt. C, and Mr. asosciatc for the iSurvey of Busi and it takes EXPERIENCE to FIT the PROPER Mr. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Yechel of .Hahway was first, and and Mrs. William Pepper of 417 ness Education, conducted under V. Lloyd Smith of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. James Harkay of Fords was Tuttle parkway will be hosts and the auspices of the Oarnegie Corp. GARMENT for the INDIVIDUAL FIGURE. fourth. hostesses for the Friday evening in 1050-57. Sue Knight, daughter of Mr. and The judges were Rachel Sulli- Mrs. A. B. Knight of 844 Dorian bridge group tomorrow evening at Dv. Cartter studied. at Cam EACH FITTING hat it» own PROBLEMS . . . van of Westfleld, Bert Souder of 8:30. bridge University in England aft road, has as her guest for a few Mountaiusjde and Joan Priolo of days Miss Bonnie Krone of BilcJ The music committee will hoi or receiving the BA. degree fro: and the LONG YEARS of FITTING have Fanwood. its regular meeting Tuesday at 8 Colgate and the MA and Ph.D win Manor, Pa. The 'two girls mrj These pictures, along with othei taught us the KNOW HOW. on vacation from Ohio Weslojii p.m. in the home of Mrs. Louis degrees from Ynle University. winning art projects, will be in Suriani, 812 Coolidge street. where they are roommates. competition at the .state federation conference at Atlantic City in Roebling Scholarship WE HAVE A GARMENT (Please turn to next page) May. Mrs. Reagan's Pupils To Be Given Tuesday for EVERY FIGURE. Presented in Recital Twenty-two young artists fron' Piano pupil.i of Mrs. Joauph the state of New Jersey are final- OUR POLICY IS Reagan, 700 Central avenue, were ists in the competition , for th< presented in a recital Saturday Mary Roebling Art Scholarshi 'The RIGHT FOUNDATION afternoon, Award which %vill be given Tues- for YOUR FIGURE" Five Westfleld pupils played day at the 'New Jersey State Mu- rruinurt Betty Greco played "Sonatina in seum in Trenton. This is "Fed- and THIS IS THE F," Beethoven, and "Albumleaf, erated Art Day," sponsored by th( Aiftgturtd in GLAMOUR Grieg. Gail GreenberK played New Jersey Federation of Worn FOUNDATION of OUR BUSINESS "Loop the Loop," Nevin, and an's Clubs. "Rainbow Gavotte," Landau. The award, a scholarship fo FLOWER BASKET., Sheila Greenbeig presented •no year's tuition for art trainini MARTIN JEWELERS PROTECTS YOU 6 WAYS1 "China Doll," Eckstein, and will oe presented by Mrs. Mar, Kocblirig at a lunchova Twa»»j, Betmar'i Jup-aowntd PtrU 1. RELIABILITY . Proven ny years uf satisfaction. "Chimes," Hardinjf. Leslie Gros' Thoae 'entered trom VvesLUek 9 «rnvirF * ^° Be£vlt'e everything we well. played "Solfegietto," C.P.E, Bach THE CORSET SHOP Viaca etr...garJU» fu$h and "Grandmother's Minuet,' aro Blaine diver of Weatficl *. 3E.nviv.r- . . Wc s|_n n|]|y dlilttnffll|B|)0l, |)ran,i Grieg. Lynne Jacobs played High School, and Fred Gajewsk 3. QUALITY . . nier.:handl»e. 1 with Spring', hnghut IJoemft SlnBO stoi-k and disuluy at nil "Bource," Bach, and "Pixies, of Holy Trinity High School. 148 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD 4. SELECTION . . 'lines. Spence. 98 • rurniT -Oinr^tii or budget accounts These pupils will all play in March 25, 1861, a Confederat ADami 3-2615 »8 5. CREDIT . . . invited. auditions at the Music Educators Marine Corps was organized i w Drlce 8. ECONOMY • • °'"' '" Pulley Is always Association meeting next month. Richmond, Va. Ship'n Shore* FOR A LIFETIME no-Iron ] 4 * OF LOVE :"4h ' 4- Choose the perfect blouse with symbol of love— Keeptake , . . the felicatt engagement ring with a perfect center diamond. Keepsake P i N G

AW irkal>l« «5% Dicron-35% Pim« W«nd! jy*auttful Ship'n Shore Travelmate* with new fashions,, ^W^stWrin-embroiderefl flower arrangement L S500 MIAMr .... $225 New accessories spiak of spring, in the pret- also $300 and $570 ; also $450 and $675 p tiest ways. See our handbags, belts, gloves, I Wedding Ring only $150 Wedding Ring $125"> Jewelry Repair* • Surprisingly Low Prices. • Fast Service. • All Work Guaranteed. jCcnxXAt Schaefers 121 Quimby St., WmtfieM KENILWORTH STORE: Boule«riJ at No. 20th St. Open Men. and M. . Official OW fcwrf OAIIY DEUVfRY fvanmgs 'fit 9 Eqafpmant Page Twelve TTIg WRftTFIRLp LRADRR, THURSDAY. 1959 nluirk-s Mutltm Jr. of 700 We» Shackamaxon ntiques Department Woman's Club Member In Hospital SALLY Hroud street, Mr, and Mra. &u»t Mrs. S. A. Brailove to Speak at Has Illustrated Lecture Places 2nd in Contest Mittino of tlm Downer Htrei-l ml E. fi. ran (Continued from previous diiMH, mid Air. nlid Mra. Churles 1 Garden Club Tells On Pennsylvania Dutch d, local Z Mr. mid Mra, li. (3. Krui'.il of liifnutliKi of K2, ) North Hcotcl Women's UJA Luncheon Tuesda Mrs. Rolfo E. Chrlstofferson of d O 881 Iii'lnr patch, MoiinluiiiMdc, on- I'lnina jivemie. JIIH M Ki'Oiulcliil 118 Mnzel avenue, n member of {he The nnliquns department of the tortolncd Ihc uuMiihure of theii- we cj jtiso Mrs. ,R, Alexander HruHwve•, elmirnmn of U\e II ited Jewish Show Chairmen Woman's Club of Westfleld, won dancing clous in ihuir liumc Sal- Apticul's lflfil) Nntionul Woman's nivi«ti'»k iMtfield Woman's Club had an second place in tho book revie\y urdoy oveni Mis'* Miirjorle Stiuih, daughter at the Initlul (lifts' Lunchuim <>f the Wi'ntfteld area Woi len'n Jewisl xhibit lecture Thursduy with de- section of the state creativo writ- 1 Millmann SCOTCH PLAINS—The Shnek- urtmcnl chuivman, Mvs, I. P. ins contest, sponsored by the New of Dr. and Airs. Milton iStnub ol »IHM*1 Tuesdiiy «t l'J i4f» JI.UU in the home of Mra. Kn "The C«at Z Mr. and Mrs. ,T. Russnll Free- f)0;> Hroiwl atreet, was honor l Shrtckamaxon drive. am&xon Garden Club of Scotch omtldsmi, presiding. Jersey AR Chapter to Hear $10 chairman of the local women's ect, initiated four years ago, has fit ...->•- 'Hungarian Dance," Engelmann been handled by Don Snydcr, land- inference Reports Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Doerr nd "White Sails," Lane. campaign. Co-chairmen I of the scaper. of 954 Kimbnll avenue have re- Meg Duncan will play "Two hiitial gifts' luncheon are Mrs. Al- Qi**ty bert cSchitzer and Mrs. Howard Mrs. J. C. Bishop was announced April 3. at 2 p.m. will be the FathierrCut $2 turned from their trip to Los Dances," Beethoven and "Mis- ext meeting of the members of Angeles, La Jolla and Palm hievous Elf," Bentley. Dimond. as chairman of the nominating Springs, Cal. ommittee. Elected to the commits YestBeld Chapter, NSDAR, which Fashion Kcnney Walkey will play "Sona- tee were Mrs. Henseler, Mrs. Pub- all be held at the home of the ;ina, Op. 30, "Clcmenti, Minuctto Pianist and Violinis licover, Mrs. G. Griffin, and Mrs. last regent, Mrs. James A. Moss, ORT Chapter Plans n G," Mozart and "Album for H. Hlanna, The slate of officers 14 Larned road, Summit. It -will ;he Young, Op. 68, No. 2, Soldier's To Appear in Previ W Tha new -ifiicK" permaiMM it i "Rumor Clinic" Program will be presented at the April lso be the occasion of the cele- fdmards March," Schumann. meeting. iration of the chapter's 39th birth- •oft and natural it never looblh Charlotte Martin will play Paul Kueter, pianist ani teach- lay, postponed from the anni- The "Westfeld chapter of Wom- er, of Westfield, and Jose )h Mal- The regular i>usines3 meeting permanent. It'* the only NU we en's American OUT will meet this Two-part Invention, No. 4 in D ersaVy date of March 3. minor," Bach and "Album for the fltano, violinist, of New Yc rk, will was followed by a corsage work- that-double conditions yourholrtrl evening at the Temple Emanu-El appear in a concert of puna and shop conducted by Mrs. J. Ocello Reports of the recent annual at 8:30. Mrs. Charles Sensky, Young, Op. 39, No. 10, Mazurka," ew Jersey spring conference will ' ialf•cleaning action and evwy «• Tchaikovsky. violin sonatas at the home of Mv. and Mrs. F. Murray. president, will preside. Kueter, 424 St. Marks avenue, to- given by the regent, Mra. it guaranteed. * Mrs. William Bachles, program Pamela Whitcford will pipy The garden circle of Westfield redexick W. Marzahl, Mrs. Ar- Fur Elise," Beethoven and "Pas-' morrow evening at 8:30 p. n. This will be the guests at the April 6 chairman, and her co-chairman, concert will be a preview of one lur J. Grincr, vice regent; and Mrs. Sanford Ohernin, will present luinata," Ambrose. meeting to hear the guest speaker, he chapter's delegate, Mr3. ,Joa- which the two artists \v H per- Dora E. Young. a demonstration and discussion on Stephen Atwood will play a form April 5 in . uim J. Llanao. "Rumor Clinic," sponsored by the, 'Two-part Invention in P Major," Refreshments were served by Jach and "Arabesque," Heller. The program will consist of the MTS. Ocello, Mrs. R. Dougherty The program will consist of a anti-defamation league of. the Bach "Sonata in E majo:," the alk on "Historic Churches of New B'naS B'rith organization. The program will also include and Mrs. A. Tucker. erscy," which will be given by flute solo, "Gayotte," Gossec Brahms "Sonata in A major," and ORT will observe the month of the Beethoven "Sonata in C irs. Edward tj. McAllister. Hair Fashk March as "scholarship month." It played by Jean Loge3| a pupil of Helene Ueiter, accompanied by minor, Op. 30, No. 2." Columbian Squires to Mrs. Philip A. Swart and Mrs. sponsors a scholarship program Mr. Kueter, who maintains Richard E. Richter will assist the 806 Mountain Av«. AD! THE HEATHER SHOP which affords the moat qualified Glenna Loges, a violin pupil of Sponsor "April Fling" nsstess. Madam Sophia Pantazi. f piano studios in Westfield a[id New RHOBS FOR C1IH.DRRX students at the , various OUT York, is also an accompanist for Saturday, April 4, the Colus|-i schools the opportunity to receive SI RM ST., WCSTFIELD First candidate: "There's'only thh Metropolitan Opera Associa- bian Squires of Immaculate Con- advanced technological and peda- tion in New York. Mr. Malfitano ception Circle 1081, Scotch Plains, gogical training at ORT's teachers' ne honest way to make money." ADomi 2-5735 '. Second candidate: "And what's is a member of the Metropolitan will hold an "April Fling" at the Dear Neighbors, training institutes. Opera Orchestra. The two artists Knights of Columbus Clubhouse, that?" ATTENTION: Mn., Milt and Junior MIMI First candidate: "Ha! I thought appeared in a debut concert in 2400 North avenue. ou wouldn't know!" Carnegie Hall in October, 1957. Designed as a "lenten letout" Did you know that tlwra are nine botlc fifur* tvpM , . • that aach «•» Those wishing to attend the for all teens, dancing and enter- na«lt a definite style ef girdle and bra? The next time yew are in Hie 44 The federal government esti- concert, which is free, should call tainment will be provided begin- ar brassiere fitting mood, please drep in and let eur twe profeuional com*** CUSTOM-CONTOURED*"1NNER SECREr SKIRTS mates it will be another SO years Mr. Kueter to make reservations, ning at 7:30 p.m. Attire will be before the entire United States has since a limited number o; seats dressy and a donation will be adviie yeu en your proper figure type garment*. been adequately mapped will be available, collected. • Sinterely yourt, THI CMSiTORIUM PS. All garment* are plushed, altered and fitted free «f charge. opin Mondays to 9fjm7] GARMENTS from $3.95 HOSIERY from $100

TO TH(R JBRIDE-TO-I HOUtS: ottentien given UrHe Sis. A.M. ptan for plenty of Yeur comfort it always thought of I Tues. thru $«rt.-»;30 A.M. STKRLINO S. CORSETQRIUM Select and Register , v , MWL SAWUIl B. MARX, Mar. I Ye«r. in MMburn-Marx Department $tofeT-"$r»re of Famoui •hMMH" YOUR Pattern Now! 10t QUIMBY ST., WESTFIELD AT LKABT • WIBNSX MFOMC YOU* WIOOM*/

I frim MMrt, yooil make k real eaqr • for frieads and family to gfce you your Oorham Sterling. How? Simply by setec*. futeringyour pattern well before the wedding day... at least 6 weeks be- fore. Come in and have one of out eiperl- il Counsetoti auiet yoa ia design... and later guide to select yoav mott needed. pieces first Why not start today with |M a single teaspoon? CNfck th«

Gorham Surfing t for a gteiit new-season end sirring fleett Umn look. WepiefctitfipAmel under $$. Fed. triacetate and cotton with a new penchant for shape and a generous sprinkling of gray ot brown miniature Print *mn «ra far • mate checks. What a grand way 4ip pl 9, TwfM, plot* k«if., sbn fart, and to show off a hand-span »lad fort. Offer pothrni from 7 to 15 figure. If.95 »»7S FA t iM. and phone oreVr Mho*

The perfect fitting skirl $8.98 Free gift wrapping and delivery (OiywJiere < ADamt 3-0529 MARCUS BEST & GO bchaefers 2O6 E, BROAD STREET, VVESTriEtD ALIO •uTxnrcna » mootwooi." WATCHUNG~5lcrt« Highway, Iwt, 22 DAflY DEUVERY TOE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCTT 2C, 1969 Paid Thirteen Alumnae Elect Junior Women 300 Attend Republican layers Have Women's Clubs jeers; Name Delegates Women's Benefit Dessert OPEN DAILY TO 9 P.M. • ., Have Old, New Hat and Coiffure Show 25th Anniversary Aid Campqign SAT. & SUN, VO 6 P.M. Norton J- F'iliont of "felil hns been eU-cted pi'osi- Hat Fashion Show "Its Buster Again" was the theme of a benefit dessert hat nnil ^fVni'Mu1"!""™'1'- Mr*. SGOTCrt PLAINS—SUto legis- 2 ( k coiffure show ni'vspntt'il Tuesday, Alfred Smith, Frederick Porter , A livers of -I" -'"" FANWOOD--Tlw ammnl guest Murch It), in Shncbamaxon Coun- and George. Johnston presented a lators throughout the nation will night of thu Funwoad Junior Wom- try Club by the Westfiehl Wom- skit "This Is Your Life, Coinmun- be alerted to feminine concern over an's Club wus held Wednesday at an's Republican Club. About 300 ty Players" at the group's 25th statu driver licensing laws us tho tile Fnmvood bank. The president, persons uttcnileii. Mrs. Gordon result of n unique "Ballot for Bet- Greenfield was chairman ami Mvs. ight at the Shackamaxon Ooun- Mrs. John Lanning, extended a tor Driver Licensing" campaign to welcome to the guests, Mrs. John A. J. Bonder was in charge of anniveranry dinner dance Friday M. Alton, the stnte federation pres- tickets. try Club, Scotch Plains. he conducted by tho General Fed- I,ivinK* eration of Women's Clubs, accord- ident, Mrs. Clifford Johnson, north- Local models modeled Sally Vic- During the skit, written by the Essex County ern district vice president, Mrs. ing to Mrs. B. V. Todd, national tor hats for afternoon, travel, three men, four of the founding George Nnhe, niltfisor to tho Dov-vacation and street. Mrs. Harriet safety chairman. The Scotch , William J. Johnson of Don- members, Mr, and Mrs. 'Edward H. er Junior WJoman's Club, Mvs. Miller was fashion coordinator. Plains Junior Woman's Club, a i, the chapter delegate to Drew Hall, district vice president, Smith, Tnlbot W, Malcolm and | Miss Ella Mills was in charge of member of the General Federation ,,. IV convention to bei he d and Mrs. Robert Boyd, president music. Miss Frances Stiles wore honored. ' o 11 and 12 at the Molly of the Fanwood Woman's Club, of Women's Clubs, Is also sponsor- Models for the fashion hat show The group also paid tribute to ,r Hotel and Dickinson Col- There were representatives pres- ing this campaign. ent from our sixth district clubs. were Mrs. Donald Bagger, Mrs. Maj. Herbert M. Dawlcy of Chat- outjmt... C,rlisle, Pa. Mrs. John La- C. E. Thomns, Mrs. Stewart Mor- ham who has directed 20 of the The general federation, which n,»f 1208 Maple hill, Scotch An appeal was given from the ul aa ton, Mrs. Polan Bunks, Mrs, group's 47 productions; Mrs. Wil-numbers more than aevon million W Banter farad* will »tte' nlternate Girl Scouts for funds to help send Lewis C. Davis. Each of the models liam Taylor, who played in the members In this county, recently lit. . , three girls from the .Scotch Plnins- had her coiffure executed by drat major production 25 years adopted « "Passport to Safety" oiir Plomlngton fur le-atea and members of all Famvood area to tho Girl Scout Moison Antioines Salon represen- ago, and Norris Enrnnrd, who was program to alert its members to ,i("te and alumnae chapters In jamboree in Colorado in July. Itative, Pierre Henri of New York. in tho stage crew. the necessity for driver license leg' Nothing will compliment your ilunntna Ivlvania, Delaware and New There will be 7500 scouts in all at C

the shoe that understands childran of Complete Safety See our ehmy new Stride Ritee... all dnesed «p for Spring aad EaXw! at Westfield Federal

ANTICIPATRn AWNPAl. DIVIDEND BATK FOP. PKRIOD STAFITI.VO JANUARY 1, 1959 WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS r™^..^— Corrfuljy rrfled tim *f Orthopedic ShtMS at PROSPECT RANDAL SHOES, Inc. formerly KADSN'S SHOES WESIFIELD'S LARGEST SAVINGS IRSTIItlllON ST. ADams 2-4500 Open Men. eve*. Fourteen THE WESTFTCLD fN. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY MARCH 26, 1950 Ron CamiiUH of Cranford BPWC Philathalians Name Five Area Boys Are Patriotic Group On Wardlaw Honor Roll Crcativ,. Art AM.?,i e! STORK CORNER 1 Spring Play Cast Tin Wardliiw School for Boys h Holds Meeting Plans Career Day in PliiinAvId hus reli-'UHcd the ««Uwr,nft.;ve W« hon»r roll for 'he fourth marlclfifr • Mr. anil .Mrs. Hugh I'latt Jr. .if IANWOOU — At tilt' March piTind. The students from this LEADER ' ' Pnrkrriihurg, W. VII., are pan nl» Th, Now Jersey chaV-n ', mcctini: of the 1'hilnthaliuiis, ForUC arm who wi>rn uf the National Society, Daunhtfrs ; Fanwood'a little theatre group, 1 March Hi in Vavkerthurg. The i.f Founders and Patriots of Amer- j An invitation has been extended Producer Mrs. John Hohart report- Steve Marti", son of Mr. and ! paternal trrandparents are Mr. and icu, met March 17 al the home of jI to the Weitfield High School girls ed that rehearsals had begun for Mis. I'lank I). Martin Jr., 1U07 1 ! Mrs. Hugh Platt of 52rt Wychwood Mr». Mftlfom MoBride Pnninn,,. I bv the l)usim>ss and Professional the upcoming .spring production. Sleepy Hollow lane,'Scotch Plains, Jioad. The maternal pratnlnmthcr EIni street The president, Mr3'| Women's Clubs of Cranford to Under the direction of Spencer first honor roll, Form II; Stan- J is .Mrs. liober! Montrevale Urwn William li. Morrison of I join with nine other high schools Steenrod, the club will present, ley L. Paulson, son of Mr. and Brunswick, presided. For Easter choosejj I of Broofcline, Mass. iin Union County In the Cranford April li and 4, "The Happiest Days Mrs. Stanley R- Paulson, 61G Han- our ford place, first honor roll, Form large se|ec)i D; Robert Anderson, son of Mr, SO SOFT... nci Mrs. Leslie G. Anderson, 628 Gifts: [rove street, second honor roll, SO LI6HT... 'orm II; Hugh McFliec, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan C.1 McPhee, SO SPR1NSUKEI 1358 Stony Brook lane, Mountain- Bookends- side, second honor roll; Thomas Beck, son of Mr, and Mia, Thomas -Towels and Ha^ A beautiful tapered 1. Beck, 545 Lawrence avenue, toe pump of chiffon straw... 'orm C. Shelley Bone Chin, set off fay a high read-of-a-heeL The school's annual spring vaca- March 18 in Muhlenberg Hospital. y ^ cafeteria, the girls will split into Biyan and Chct Allen, two male Hummells - jewe lacey loveliness in the most Announcement was made wf the ion began Thursday. Classes will • • • i rti. . groups of 25 with BPW members teachers; Barbara Benedict and resume at 8:30 a.m., Wednesday. elegant pump you en l conducting panel discussions on Carol Vogel, two female teachers; Personalized Stalio, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Edwards, j societfilst Generay i l Court of the nationap l find for jwur spring 434 Edgar road, are parents of a j society which will be held April fields of endeavor in business and John Bryan and Judi Miller, two 15 and 16 in Washington, D- C, Enter Scrapbook - Cards - ty fashions.. son born March 13 in Overlook at the Shoreham. The New Jer- the professions. Panels will con- students; and in supporting roles, ropi Hospital. sey chapter will be represented by sist of four BPW members for Bryant Brennan, Vera Morris, each group with a question and an- The 1958-1959 scraphook for Ribbons Mr. and Mrs. Helmut F. Geiger, Mrs Morrison, Mrs. Walter B. John Jensen, Estelle Woliner and She Junior Woman's Club of West- ,19*-*Wyembig.,ide, are parents of a son born sion. leld is in the process of comple- ident, and Mrs. Roderick Donley j Handling the technical end of tion, and will be entered in state- flarch 14 in Overlook Hospital. of Plainfield, delegate. Those serv- Twenty-four fields of service will the production are: Mrs. John Ho- wide competition to be judged at EASY PARKING * * • ing' as alternates to the general be covered; namely, secretary, real bsrt, producer; Kenneth Berg, as- the state junior convention in At- A daughter was born to Mr. and court will be Mrs. Russell F. Bark- estate and insurance, journalism, sistant producer; Mrs. H. P. Un- antic City May 16-17, Mrs. F. SHOP WESTFIEID kfrs. Raymond Lock wood, 760 er of Atlantic City: Mrs. Walter personnel work, chemistry and gar, play selection and casting; oss Webber, who directs the *rospect street, March 1G in St. H. Kitchel of Plainfield; Mrs. Pan- physics, social welfare, airline per- Robert Faulks, stage management; 'eter's Hospital. ton; Mrs. Folkert P. Vander Meu- sonnel, commercial art, modeling, Mr. and Mrs. Pauy Haines, proper- icrapbook committee, has re- * t * len of Scotch Plains; Mrs. Mary beauty culture, interior decorating, tics; Harry RandeJ, scenery, light- lorted. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brian Hamil- C. Fawcett of Ardmore, Pa., and receptionist and telephone opera- ing and special effects; Mrs. Clay- ton, 207 Timberline road, Moun- Mrs. Frank B. Whitlock of High- tor, accounting and bookkeeping, ton Myers, make-up; Mrs. Albert tainside, are parents of a daugh- Painting Chosen land Park. • librarian, teaching (elementary Vogel, costumes; Mrs. John W. 309 South Ave. W ter born March 14 in Overlook Those serving at the tea were and secondary), teaching (special Paardecamp, publicity; and, John Named "outstanding" among the hospital. Mrs. J. Allison Janney of New services), law, home economics, ad- W. Paardecamp, ticket chairman, aintings exhibited on the Madi- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hope, Pa., and Mrs. Fawcett. vertising and sales promotion and who may be contacted at 109 North Henry Johnson, 418 Washington The annual meeting will be held pharmacist. avenue by anyone desiring tickets street, March 17 in Overlook Hos- May 12 at the home of Mrs. Good- or group ticket information. lital. At the conclusion of the after- man. Members are asked to bring noon forums, a fashion show will At the regular club meeting * * * a box lunch. The co-hostesses will Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Byram, be presented by the Clara Louise March 13, Torrence Smith gave a 31 Scotch Plains avenue, North, be Mrs. Donald R. Palmer and specialty shop in Westfield. Mrs. comic reading of the "Life of Wil- ire parents of a eon born March Mrs. William A. Furrnan, both of Clara Pickering, moderator, will liam Shakespeare" and his drama 2 in Muhlenberg Hospital. Trenton. present teen-age clothes, ranging Hamlet" MATERNITY * * * from sportswear to prom formals. Mrs. Kenneth Berg was in A daughter was born to Mr. and Professor Speaks at Two models will be chosen from charge of entertainment. Hostess- FASHIONS rs. Arthur G. Tressler, 425 South Mothers Guild Breakfast each school by the guidance direc- es were Mr. and Mrs. M. Stewart ihestnut street, March 22 in Muh- tors to appear in the fashion show. Burns and Mrs. Malcolm Lowen- ;nberg Hospital. The Rev. Professor Vincent haupt. • DRESSES Mr. and Mrs. Ellis S. Quimby Monella, Ph.D. from Seton Hall Evening Dept. Members • SKIRTS r., 608 Lehigh drive, are parents University, was the guest speaker 163 E. Brood St. We»tfi«ld a daughter born March 22 in at the Holy Trinity Mothers Guild To Attend Conference Arthur Homer Is • SUCKS Doorors PRESCRIPTIONS HUID annual communion breakfast Sun- uhlenberg Hospital. SCOTCH PLAINS—The mem- Honored at Reception • LINGERIE OKN MONDAY EVENINO * * * day following the 7 a.m. Mass. Father Monella is a graduate of bers of the evening department of • SMOCKS m A daughter was born to Mr. and the Scotch Plains Woman's Club Arthur Homer of 308 Hyslip the University of Messina in Italy. rs. Charles Braxton, 114 Scotch will attend the district spring con- evenue, recently "appointed council- • SPORTSWEAR fains avenue, iNbrth, March 22 in He has been a teacher of phil- man for the fourth ward, was the osophy at Seton Hall since 1957. ference April 7 at 8:15 p.m. in the • BRA'S - GIRDLES [uhlenberg Hospital. Diamond Hill Community Church guest of honor Sunday at a recep- He spoke on "The Philosophy of tion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. * * * Values." in Berkeley Heights. The Berkeley Mr .and Mrs. John A. Salomone, Heights Club •will be the hostesses A. B. Cagnassola, 299 Hyslip ave- 501 Rahway avenue, are parents Guests at the breakfast were for the evening. nue. of a son born March 22 in Muh- the Rt. Rev. Henry J. Watterson, All reservations must be made Mr. Homer was appointed by enherg Hospital. the Rev. John L. Flanagan, mod- with Mrs. E. C. Evans, 2521 Mayo* Thomas to fill the unex- erator. Sister Miriam Bernard, Birchwood court, not later than pired term of James P. Mitchell, Sees Demonstration principal of Holy Trinity High Tuesday. who resigned. He was sworn in at School, and Sister Marie Louise, The Union County Legal Sec- A committee meeting of the the Town Council meeting Monday principal of Hely Trinity Gram- evening. etary Association saw a demon' mar School. Mrs. Oscar Klein is group , was held Tuesday in thft Brood at Elm St. st rat ion of the drunkometcr by home of Mrs. Robert Moe, 2429, Among those present were Coun- president of the guild, and Mrs. WESTFIEID he Cranford police Thursday William Brown was chairman of Mountain avenue, to plan a caVd cilman and Mrs. Lewis B. Ever- in'oj pti» 'qs%63 aqj m the breakfast. Mrs. John O'Brien party May 6 at the Scotch Plains ett and the committeewomen and Cranford. was toastmaster. five house on Kavitan load. committeemen of the ward.

Sunday there will be Flowers in the churches, in the home, as gifts Bright and Gay as spring Flowers... IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO ORDER dresses by .. We will be open today and tomorrow from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Celeste

Saturday from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.

' Easter Sunday from 8 A.M. to 12 Noon



If Dreutt could talk, thty*d all My O. O. Ktlhr's R«H«r Cleaning ft lh« bt»t riling that •v«r happened lo th*m. CORSAGES - GARDENS - ARRANGEMENTS • BETTER PRESS • SPOTS GONE Our Own Delivery to Nearby Points " «NO ODOR • MORE SOIL REMOVED F.T.D. Wire Services Everywhere

ONLY l.M f»r o Woi"


INC. 321 SOUTH AVE. AD 2-2525 Celeite now makes SHOP THE SOUTH SIDE dresjes for girls fO* FAMING CONVENIENCE from size 1 to size 14 , jane smmUh 133-141 CfWRAl AVE AD 2-4S00 Customer Porting at J32 Bmer Stre»f THE WESTFIEIP (N, J.) LEADEB, THURSDAY, MAKCH 26, 1950 Page Fifteen unco director, not Inter thim May 15. Violet Society Chapter Welcome Wagon Club Bucknell Alumni Union County WOA HasMrs. Leedom Is Area Boys Named Tills will bo DID seventh consec- Hears Mrs. Ward Hears Sanford Picard All-Day Work Meeting; > Pingry Honor Roll utive year the club )ins granted /ard Scholarship the numlnir scholarship to a local The Union County chapter of On Interior Decorating Announce Dinner Hears Officers' Slate Show Winner Seven nreii bays lmvo been hlffh uchool (flrl. the African Vlolut Society mot unii'd to the honor roll of thu The March mvvtiiiK of the Wel- Mrs. Willium"~MpCormick of Scotch The. acliolnrsliip eommltteo met Thursday ill the liuptist Church, Mvo Buckncll University Alum- Winners In the Garden Clubs Ty School fur the fourth In the home of the chairman, Mrs. Scolcli I'lnins. Mrs. N. I. Orr of onic Wagon Club of Wi'stiU'ld W'estflold was hosto.sH .Monday to :iir)tinj? period, c]uh w d •as held nt the Mulisiml Inn in ni Club of northern N«\v Jersey un nll-duy work meeting of the 'Kun With Klowera" contest were "! T"' Klcyd Worts, 1907 ParkwowLilrive, Westfifld introduceil Mrs, C. B, hn» announced plniw for n spilni? Eiimouuerd Monday by Mrs. Ilnr- Thi'y ni'u: Form VI, second 4 ,,ui- recently to nmhe tentative plans Wind of Florhnm Park who spoke Uinlielil. Union County Women'« Osteo- onor roll, Ilaslinn Knopjiera, 1G35 of dinner meeting to lie held l<'ridfty pnthlc Auxiliary. Tho members i>ld S, Mack Jr., who was In charge tliis June for the honcfit card party. Others im "Grooming, Wrnppinir and Thirty-eight mpmbors Mid guests evening, April !i nt Friur Tuck Inn, of tho Palm Sunday flower HIIOVV oles iivonue, Momitnlnaldo; Form - on the committee aro Mrs. A. Oram Methods of Transporting Plants voro present, Flowcra woro a gift brought sandwiches and coflTco mid II, llvst honor roll, WlUlnm Lycnn, Cedar Grove. dessert were served by tho hostess for (Jrny's Florist on lioutu 22 in terjBted In Davies, Mrs. Rudolph Dormnier, for Shows." from Doen'er Florists. The door Wntchung. U Fair 51111 road; Form I, first ia 1> ac(1 m Dr. Herbert L. Spencer, former and Mrs, Joseph Dorchek, assist- v araree clif!"*- " Mrs. Clarence G. Landeek and Mrs. Mrs, E. L. Klotz of Scotch prize wns won by Mrs. Kriiest president of Buckncll ami now ex- Representatives of nine gnrden onur roll, Daviil Patterson, 540 1L li-a.lor.ship, citizenship William W. Wright. Plains, general chairman of the Unger. The president, Mrs. Ku- ing hostess. iirliland nvemm, and Edwurd Sa- 1L ecutive director of tthu ^Snmuel H. Mrs. Robert' Lnler of Cranford clubs arranged flowers before the The scholarship may he violet show May 15, IB at the o Barry, presided over a short Kress Foundation of Nvw York public in tho flower shop during iiKe, A24 East Dudley avenue J ^y qualified school of HUM- Mnsonie Temple, Weatfteld, an- business meeting. !onductod the business meeting. >eond honor roll, Joey Monier, Truck mnnufacturers in the ILS. City, will ho guest speaker for the Mrs. Joseph Feeher reported the the competition Sunday. n by the recipient. each year use about 118 million nounced that the theme would be Mrs. John Wilson, secretary of occasion. , In first plnca was Mrs. Harring- ll'i Trt'.mont avonue. rs of application mual bo "Violets Through the Window." bands and shirts had been dellv- Also Grade 6, ftrst honor roll, board feet of lumber and 24 mil- :he Westftcld Chamber of Com- One of the country's leading ed- red to the Memorial Huspltnl in ton A. Lecdom, Westfield Garden VRobWt E. Smith, 8Uld- lion sauare feet of glass. Mrs. J. .1. Couser of Berkeley nerce and un honorary club mura- ucators, Dr. 'Spencer served us Club. Mrs. J. j. Donovnn of Wat- tenneth Wiichter, 550 Clnrk Heights, chairman of scheduling, er, announced that the Girl Elizabeth this past month. itrcet, secoml honor roll, Samuel president of Bucknoll from 1945 The nominating committee re- clrang Gnrden Club won second gave o report on the new schedule icout flower sale would be hold until 1949, when he resigned to ac- prize. In third place was Mrs. >, -2(i«8 Crest lnno, Scotch and arrangements. ;omorrow and Saturday. Proceeds port was read by Mrs. Jean Faa- IIH; and Arthur Kura, 10 High cept his present post. J[c is con nncht. Those nominated were: Kobert Weyker of Home Garden- The National Violet Show will if this sale go to pay expanses of tinuine to serve the university us ers of Bound Brook. Mrs. Ken- it drive', Mountninsiilc. -.always i trip to Europe by the scouts. President, Mrs. Lnier; vice presi- be held in Detroit, Mich., April a member of its board of trustees dent, Mrs. Fecher; treasurer, Mrs. neth Creo wns fourth. She is n 10-18. Mrs. C. E. Howard and Mrs. Pnt 'Kavannugh, supervisor and is director also of several oth- Harry Axtt of Green Island, Toms member of the garden department To Attend Dedication Mrs. Glen B. Hudson, both of if Welcome WHBTOH 1" Union er institutions, including tho NewKlver; secretary, Mrs. Vincent of thu iNew Mnvkot-DunoUen Wom- Westfield, are delegates. County, was a guest, York University, Bellevue Medical Kersting of Mountainside; record- nn'a Club. Mrs. Gordon Groonfloid and The state violet meeting will be Mrs. Barry Introduced Sanford Center. IIR secretary, Mrs. Robert Pickard The contest was judged by Prod Mrs. Clinrlea McCulloch, olliccra [he Halfway House held April 21 in the Grange Hall, ieard of Picard Interiors of Cran- The dinner ot which Dr. Spencer of Cranford. Installation of tho P. Trnut of the Dean-Trout School f the WosttU'ld Women's Hepub- Hightstown. ford as guest speaker. Ho dis-will speak Jins been scheduled for oilkers will be held nt the May 25of Forestry Inc., New Yovk. icmi Club, will attend the dedica- Route 22 The hostess for the meeting was cussed window and floor treat- 7:30 p.m. It will be preceded by meeting, a picnic at Mrs. Pechcr's Prizes included a baakct oC tion ceremonies of tho ltobert A. Mrs. D. W. Williams of. Union. ments, furniture groupings, color a social hour, Starting nt 0:30 p.m.,home. blooming plants, «i Swedish copper Tnft Memorial on the Capitol Mountainside The next meeting will be schemes and suggestions on the nccording to sPeter Weidenbacher container, a philodendron plant, rounds, Washington, D.C., Tues- April 9. use of "what you have" for a more of Westfleld, the club's president Leper dressings wore made at and a. vase. day, April 14. Under Managemtnt of appealing room decor. Kis talk Other officers of the club are the meeting and shirts needing re- Tony Petroiiiello ncluded the showing of draw Robert List, Westfleld; William pairs were mended. They will be Local Boy to Sing in ngs, color and fabric samples and Davenport, Boonton; and Hobort sent next month to Dr. and Mrs.Ex-Resident Appointed Cornell ©lee Club Show accessories for the home. A ques- Hunter, Oradcll, vico president; B. V. Herbold In Nigeria, . Hospital Dept. Head You will enjoy dining tors tion and answer period followed. and Jeffrey K. Thompson of Liv- Present from Westfleld wore Among members of the Cornell ingston, treasurer. Mrs. David Hadsall and Mrs. Chas. Dr. Charles A. Stevens Jr. ha wh*r* you will find th» Nine new members joined the Kern. Shopping University Glee Club who will take club. Anyone interested in joining Parents of Bucknell students been appointed chief pf obstetric . finest of, foods, Mrvad In part in & concert to be held Fri- the club should call cither Mrs. from northern New Jersey have and gynecology at thb Champlain a rtlaxad, congenial day, April 10 at Millbuvn High Valley Hospital, Pittsburgh, Now Starts John Dauster or Mrs. R. W. Young been invited to attend the dinner, Temple Sisterhood Hears York. Dr. Stevens is the son 01 afmotpht**. School, will be David F. Craver of to make reservations for the next along with nil Bucknelllnns from 806 Mountain avenue. meeting to bo held April 17 at 2 the area. School Psychologist Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stovons 0: |NTHEPA

Dorothy Dennis MILADY'S SHOP Restaurant Sundays • Helidayi as seen O-JTY 12:30 to 6.30 a whole hew idea : "" "Weekdoyi l.imttHISOlS — Ul.'lO til 3 in bra design/' r.iTO to Tl.lO

llcromtncnitrd hyt Oiinnan IttMl1*, Cu« A tiourinvt Mnv* playtex" Elizabeth 3-9872 Any Jiving* bra WESTFIELD S BLANKET with SUNDAY DRUG DRAPES STORE SCHEDU1E beautifully beautifully beauty-shape' cleaned cleaned flMN THIS SUNDAY cups WESTFIELD PHARMACY and and • A. «. to • P. •• fluffed finiihed pre-shaped \

to shape you naturally CtOSED THIS SUNDAY for new young Baron's & Jarvis Whelan's SLIPCOVERS loveliness Beautifully ClMuwrf and MnfehMl Christian Science can make life worth living Beyond the demands of just "making a living" every- oae wants to feel his life has purpose and usefulness. We ail encounter this question: "What am I here for?" Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy shows whete the answer lies — in an under- standing of what God is, and therefore what man, made in God's likeness, must be. This book shows the way to satisfaction, health and abundance as we lean) how to live 1 •UU,O00,00O in 11)50 l infr JieuUhy tis.sui' \vh.Ju only ttup- liance? o (i,250,000,000 in the year 200(1. Scit'nti«t«, nwtjix' of bask: nutri- jilyiiiK 1<> pi'icent <>f the rvcom- "Land of Monana" Just look «t the opportunities The U. S. Treasury, through Inx- ent requirements, recommend that DKMidod daily rulorien foi* men am which the violet gives unemployed for trim, healthy figure:*, oontuim- children, iiml just uvur 1/5 of a !S, isjnroro heuvily interested in MOUNTAINSIDE —The ie),'ii- actors. Why, "My Fair I/iuly"—the eta should follow a diet hi^h in woman's ruiiuhcmcnU'i. Ait tin? Kami.' musical version of George Bernard orporate profits thun ull private protein *tnd low in iv-in ami calo- tiini!, it supplies moro than 50 per- ).'ir monthly meeting of the Moun- lockhoUiurs combined. tiii/isiiU' Woman's Club was held Shnw's "Pygmalion"—gets its start rics. Broiler chickens, whii-h mo LTiit nf 1I10 phosphorus needed t from the violets which Miss Eliza ivonomiial ami m:>y to, Tit help calcium build strong bones; all March 18 at the Mountainside Inn. REPORTS TO YOU Mrs. Hichurd Knpke, president) DooliHle sells in the opening tnti. this modern fumily-ilit'l pic- of the niaciri requirement, and [ scenes. ture. conducted the meeting. Speaker New Classei B« to 40 percent of our daily iron in- Anyway, it's early spring; the In recent losmm'h at Cornrll take, foi the day was Or. Harold 'N. University, Professor Kolwt C Moltlcnkc, director of the Trail- violets will be out soon and this Week of Aprili Another point that snouh! be em- Hide Museum, who cave an illus- modest flower won't be concerned PRIVATE BilS SERVICE 'Baker stated that the fat ronlrnt in phasized is the fact that the fat in over the controversy. It will go on broiler chickens is extremely low— trated talk on his travels through n — Beginners 0^1 fveiRfins only 8 percent. The pi-r- broiler meat is hitfh In the- essen- Central and South America, en- being beautiful and being cherish- •UMMIT-MAPLIWOOD pound proteiii-fiit ratio of broiler tial fntty acids. By "essential," it titled "Land of Monana." 'FROM WASHINGTON ed whether or not it's the national AND VICINITY TO Advance 1 Chickens is one of the most f*woi - i.¥ meant fats that cannot he Members of the club were invit- flower. synthesized by the body and, there- ed'to the N. J. State Federation of t KATHARINE GIBBS able, with 75 percent mure protein ~ la MONTC1AIB Dr. Dillard E than fat, Tore, must he included in tho diet Woman's Clubs' letrislative lunch- j Bills I recently introduced: if proper nutrition is to be main- eon in Trenton Monday. Mem- ' Spring is fairly close to bust- Downtown: National Airt Gal- Constitutional Amendment which I O*l awl Twa^Tvar Ciwial ^ Certified Goren T In addition to its low l'al con- tained. beis have also been invited by the ; inp out all over your nation's cup- lery, National Archives, FBI, Lin- ivould limit the right of New York • lONITAIllAU tent, broiler meat is seoonil only to coln Museum (Ford's Theatre), A.C.B.L. Certified Dt« Low in calories, broiler chickens music departmenp t of the sixth dis- j ita!. Thousands of you will be com- and other states and Philadelphia iurkey in its concentration of hijrh- " in? down here in the next few Smithsonian Institution; iNational and other cities to tax incomes of wm»or tMphona do an outstanding job of supplying trict to attend the spring festival for full Inromutloa Adorns 3-3633 .quality protein. Broiler miHtt !>• must of the essential protein, vita- „, , „ months to enjoy first-hand the Symphony Orchestra free concerts New Jerseyans working there. also low in calories—just 401 cal- t Metuchen April 9. Any money (evenings); mins, and mmcrals required by «.^ove.r ,.-*,,*..<...expense« willl e« to sriris ma- j drama and the history of this love- (Public hearings assured me by ories per pound, as compared to healthy people. joring in music at Douelass Col- j ly city. Others who won't make the Monument Area: White House, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, be- over 1,000 calorics for n compav- Kc. j 'rip will be treated by press and Pan American Union, Washington ginning income tax day, April 15.) Monument, Bureau of Engraving Mrs. Albert Marehetto, member- j television tO| seasonal pictures of Amendments to Transportation ANTIQUES AND ANTIQUE JEWELRY ship chairman, introduced two new j blossoms in full bloom. and Printing, Jefferson and Lin- Act of 1958 to insure commuting embers to the club, Mrs. Doug- ' Traditionally, spring festivities oln Memorials; public adequate-time to defend begin with Cherry Blossom Week. against rail service discontinuanc- From Plain to Fancy - an amazing assembly ofunwj las Beam and Mrs. Charles Lester, Nearby Virginia: Arlington Na- Bracelet*, Brooches, Earrings and Charms. ' 1 for Easter and presented them with corsages. This year, it runs from April tional Cemetery, Iwo Jima Monu- es ; provides- fairer procedures by Mrs. John Suski, program chair- 7 through April 12 and features ment, Custis-Lee Mansion, Mount Interstate Commerce Commission The fashion look — the femi- the delicate blooms from the Jap- iu such cases. (Public hearing ex And, as always, our off the beaten path collection of oJ man; Vernon; Glass, Lamps, Silver and Furniture. nine look — the way you bee Massachusetts Avenue: Foreign pected.) want to look this Spring Bus embassies (exterior view only), Integrity-in-Government bill to require public disclosure of income IT'S FUN TO LOOK - COME IN AND BROWSE AT ty members have made reserva- stretch of pink and white-blossom- Washington Cathedral, Islamic — in an exciting array tions for the event. Center; sources of members of Congress ed cherry trees fringes East Poto- and many government officials. THE IENNARDS of fashions lovely in Mrs. George McComb, ways and mac Park nearby. Northeast Washington: Francis- nienns chairman, announced that can Monastery. Puts all contacts between Congress 401 Morris Ave., Springfield, N. J. Dfttxali every detail. the benefit dance, scheduled for the The City of Tokyo made a gift, and regulatory agencies on public of the trees to Washington in 1912 record. Requires publication of ex- Half Sizes—Juniors—Misses Baltusroi Golf Club April 11, is a as a gesture of friendship. Presi- The advent of spring has coin- 6.98 to 24.98 sell-out. Two hundred and thirty dent William Howard Taft's wife cided with an outbreak of Sena- tickets havo been sold for the event torial speech-making about flowers. Whit* Angel Uniforms planted the first tree, and the num- and the entire club has been re- ber has now grown to about 600. Spirited discussions have taken Maternity Fashions served {or the dance. S. Grauso place on the Senate floor in the past and his orchestra from Plainfield The trick is picking a cherry weeks over which species ... Silver that will provide the music. Proceeds dossom festival date which brings should become our national flower. Wonderful the tourists and the blossoms at Wright's of the event will go to the "Save Senator Keating' of New 'York Bargains on the Child Federation." the same time. Local officials coax doesn't need the trees into bloom with the aid and .Senator Scott of Pennsylvania Our Sola Rack Mrs. Louis Jubanowsky, in f' everything short of electric are for the rose. Senator'Allott of Ch«ek y Dress Shop, charge of policies, announced that blankets. Colorado is for the carnation, Sen- j polishing!! 53 CUM ST. AD 2-3418 he has received the names of'four ator Douglas of Illinois has pro- •-•tfc«B el«Mt. Mountainside girls who are being Hormones keep the buds on the posed legislation too make the corn In ant-war I© your aaar«k (or Jlr« y«ar ••»• considered for the nurse's scholar- ;rees for a bit longer than nature tassel the national floral emblem. "tomorrow'! heirlo .m«," Ma- ship which is offered to an out- might permit—about two weeks in And Senator Morton of Kentucky hogany Houaa MiBgottt tk* •11 m«8h tk« itandlng senior girl in a Union all. But only sun, warmth, smudge is for gTass. f»bu!ou> Ikon •iW*rw»ra- County regional high school. An- >ots and the hopes of festivaf fath- t didn't want you to think that plate, with tk* tterat fini.h HOTEL nouncement of the winner will be :rs >and 'hotelmen can make the the violet, New Jersey's state flow- that resUta tmtth. A damp made some time in June. luds open in the first place. Some- er, is going ito seed. My favorite, cloth >ufficaa on tk* rara Mrs. Fred Wiildauer, with the imes the buds don't pop until May of course, is the violet. Senator occatian wk»n Ikorm war* • •trip*. help of Mrs. William Dttzel, are .. But, fortunately, they average Douglas has abandoned the cause neada eUa*in(. • ibout April 5. MI|«T heading the Community Achieve- of every violet lover. In so doing, See that* and othir beautiful You'll frt toast ment program which will be work- he Has passed over his own Btate articlci fatherad from the Hurt's aUfwrMrt. ing toward the betterment of the When you are in town, please flower of Illinois, the same violet stop1 by my office in the Old Sen- ends of th* aarlh far dis- community in conjunction with oth- which New Jersey officially em- criminating patBle by i er forces. At present, members are te Office Building for passes to the braces. The violet is .also the Btate assisting at the library, doing ther- Senate sessions. Visitors are al- flower of Rhode Island ond Wis- SPRING, apy at the Children's Country ways welcome. We also have a va- consin. John franks KAUTIFUl Home, and trying to aid the Res- riety of pamphlets describing what What would the eastern part of cue .Squad's building fund. A spe- to see in town, where and when. the United States be like without cial appeal was made for volun- They can save you steps. the graceful violet? Ita growth is teers at the home for the month Here are Washington's gener- ssured without the necessity of INTERNATIONAL GIFTS of April. ally preferred points of interest: eclamation projects, indeed, of 57 Elm St. . W««tfi*ld Mrs. Kapke announced that Mrs. Capitol Hill: Capitol, Library of arm price support programs. Royal Zeitjer was the recipient of Cohgress, Supreme Court, Robert an award made by Hahne Co. on A. Taft Memorial, Folger Shake- Club Woman Day, March 5. speare Library; s The nominating committee, head o

OPEN 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. SAME DAY DRY CLEANING SERVICE n h PAN AMERICAN- a?.t Souti ? h Ave.-Westfield 244 lost Brood Sf. Tel. AD 2*8214 THE WESTFIELD (N, J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 26. 1959 Page Seventeen sentee Ballot law, Before 1853 uouucil Citnrt $70 Stolen from you couldn't hltvo obtained one. Cites Benefits Ijcnguo members worked long and istcci in Wnril Order Haii-dresslng Suloti Letter From Lizzie hard for this lnw na they hnvo for other changes |n the state's elec- Of New School Republican eiuulUlnttM for four MOU'NTAJINISIDE—Julos' Hnir- PERCE STRINGS> STORR%Mt<»iA tion Inws . . . thr-re still is mm* to own Council Beats will bo listed In Iressing Salon at 00 Mountain ave- he done unit the league counts elec- MOUNTAINSIDE—Opening of iml order on tho April Primary nue was broken into Weilmitwlay mary eotivoly, will be Nothing elso was known to bo member in time, TAho law states own egg-rolling contest. high schools, according to Dr. War- Isted In order on the ballot, New- that «ny properly registered vot- Love, missing, Jules Petruw.icHo, the rtn M. Davis, superintendent. mier Arthur Horner'a luitno will shop's owner, said. er who may be out of the state, or LIZZIE. But he told the Kiwanis Club in allow. because of observance of & re- P.S. Congratulate your friend on Mountainside Inn last week thnt The Democrats did not file any ligious holiday, or illness or phys- being sure she votes In tho pri- there was a need for A post-hiffh landidates, On Escort Vessel ical disability will be unable to cast mary. So mnny people fail to real- school program of vocational and a 'ballot at the polling place, may, iz; the importance of tho primary. technical training. James P. Oilliffjin, radarman BOC- not leas than eight days prior to I plan to vote . . . early ... so my Davis was introduced by 2 Cars Collide ond class, UiSN, son of Mr, nnd FORD SELECT-O-SPEED an election appltf for a civilian ab- voting won't interfere with the Charles Wndas, superintendent of Mrs. F. J. Gllligan of 3 Woodbrook sentee ballot. commuting husbands' voting. Mountainside schools and chairman Cars driven by Mrs. Evelyn M, circle, serving aboard tho escort ALL-PURPOSE TRACTORS That would moke April 13 the (Lizzie is a composite of the of the Kiwanis educational and vo- lungle of Clark, nnd Misa Vii-ginin vessel USS Cromwell, arrived at lost date for applying for an ab- Westfleld League of Women Vot- cational guidance committee, who iach of 841 Shackamaxon drive, Buenaventura, Columbia, Feb. 10, sentee ballot for Ac primary if my ers.) culled attention to the survey con- ollided Thursday morning nt after crossing tho Panama Canal, Tractor Shifts Oa-The-Go ai'ithmetic serves me . . . eight ducted last October in Union Coun- Jcotch Plains avenue and Shadoiv- on the first leg of o goodwill tour days before April 21. ty showing the need of expanding uwn drive. Misa Bach suffered of tho west coast of South America. . The law goes on to state that Pearson Named to New vocational and technical training iruised ribs and shock. tho applicant shall apply in per- PS Laboratory Post programs. son or in writing to the county Ckarter No. 1014a 1 Iltiem DMrlct Wo. t SNOW WHITE clerk for state and countywide Davis said 4G per cent of the Olf CONDITION OK Edward T. Pearson of 311 Scotch two present regional high schools elections and to the municipal clerk Plains avenue has been appointed THE NATIONAL BANK OF WESTFIELD ENAMEL for town elections', stating home enter institutions of higher learn- OP WE8TFHCI.U, IN TUB STATE OP NEW JKIISUY, AT TUB Cl.ii(.ui»»t*. kith |l»l fit- assistant engineer in the Maple- ing, another 20 per cent go into OK BUSINESS ONV MAIll'll 12, ln.Mt. PI IIMHIIi:i> IN MiHVONHK '!'» CAM. address, address to which ballot wood laboratory of Public Service MADK IIV ( DM I I ll(>l.I.I)lt OP TUB VV1IUMSW. VNUHll MKCTtO\ 51111, St *M should be sent and the reason why offices as clerks and stenographers, . S. HlOVISKlf STATI TIOS. Electric and Gas Co. 10 per cent take up "distributive" ASSETS' he will not be able to vote at his aah, balances with other bank!*, Including1 reserve balance, usual polling place and signing Mr. Pearson started with the occupations and the rest go into nnd cash Items In proccsn of collodion., » 1,8*9.516.62 company in the laboratory July 21, tho armed forces or follow other -"- • State* Government obligation:), direct and gunmntccd ,)l»7.21i!l.KN with the same signature he uses :H>llKiLt!unH of BIHtcti nml iwlltlcal «ubS,S(7.aO $2.35 at the polls. 1927, and was assigned to the me- trades. Other bonda, nutcR, nnd dpbcnturt'n. , 237,482.60 chanical division. In 1935, he was Corporate stocks (Including 522,500 stock of Federal Ro- The voter shall mark his absen- Guests of the Mountainside Ki- uerve bank) ,, 3S.S9U.00 transferred to the electrical divi- waninns were President J. A. — ha and IIISCOIDUM (Including $23,6- ovcrdraftR)...... 31314060 tee ballot secretly and in'the pres- sion, electrolysis group where he Bank pramlaoa owned S81,073,47, furnlturti and llxturcH ence of a notary public. Spaeth and 12 members of the Un- $6e,R66.5a 137.6)0.0.1 has held various positions. At the ion club, four members from tho Other itBHets ..,..,,,,...,.. 224.34 •The law further requires that time of his present oppointment, the voted ballot be accompanied by Clark Township club and Jonathan TOTAL, ASSETS }13,258,fl?7.l7 he was a test engineer, to which Dayton Regional High 'Sohool Key a certificate of a duly licensed phy- position he had been promoted May sician or duly accredited Christian Club members Paul Siock, Thomas Demand depoalta of tndlvldunls, purtnerBhlna, Rnd oorpora- 17, 1946. Casslo and Arthur von der Linden. tlnna !.! ) 7,OB!>,138.00 Science practitioner certifying that Time dcooRltn of IndlvliHinls, partucrahlnH, anti corporatlono. WIN A TRIP TO CUROPE OR HAWAII ... NEW FORD the voter is confined, by reason of He is a graduate of Stevens In- lOoltM of United StateB Oovornmc»t (Including postal aav- sickness or physical disability and stitute of Technology, a charter •Soaking rains, frost, heat and lllBH) 7... ,.. 81.942.04 RANCHERO OR SmtSIDE PICK-UP TRUCK I member of the National Associa- rapid temperature changes break KopoBlta of States nnd political nulnllvlaloim, ...,.,.. 8119,537.56 will be unable to cast his ballot at Other dejmHltft (certlfWM ljoan« n» RIIUWH above are after deduction of roBci'ven of 20!l,a3" " (c) Scctirltlpn HH shown ahovo nro'Hfl,ir drduetlon of reKervoH of 3[i,fills.II I, FRRD n. DO15URRU. Preatdont of tho abovo-namod bank, do B61 cmnly awcar that tho above statement la true to the best of my kttowledg. and bollef. FIIKD H. DOHTtniBIl. PrCBider Correot—Attest: TRACTOR Boor Wh#w oiM ROniSHT S. RNKV11A', U3U1H 3, 1M1OHI. ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCIHO H. EMBItHON THOMAS, Dii'oetorH GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING STATK OF NEW JRttSET, COUNTT OF UNION. BB! 469 SOU 1H AVfNUtf ''/..„., AD ^ 7800 • WE XH II ID N J Sworn to ami nubucrtnod licroro mo this IStli day of March, 1959 rics — cAmmtmwrou * mmoi and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or illroetor or thin toanK VIOLA. W. mlNHAJl, Notary Publt' (SBAI,) Sly commlBBlon ojtnlrcn July I), 11)0 N'S GARAGE 3-26-1t ITeoa- Matte* ' as seen on i HORTH AVE., E. TEtAD JM»»S

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f"**IienBGRTS. at BIB, Weata>!4 TRUST COMPANY \ Pleaae aeatf tke foltewlag; Wtmyttx hnwt i t »E5TtKL0 • CRANF0RD • MRWOOD • SCflTttrfUtiS • PUJIFJELi iiuw- * " I •Ma*:.. •-.• *• _ Page Eighteen THE WESTFIELD .(N, J.) JUjjAPg R,, THE WESTFIELD LEADER taxes for state and local government EASTER Many No than Now Jersey. y However, New Jersey's average top- THIS WEEK D ped the $160.98 imposed in Pennsyl- —In Washington Died During] vania. The mcdiun for atute and loenl t th* Pint otrica at WMtflaid, N, 1., taxes among all states also was $100.38. With Clinton Davidson New Jersey also was higher on the com- throw of Cuba, JhVw.itfl.Vd ii".f.r PrlniTn* in« rubllihln, bined tax list than Maryland with a Batista, the'™ COmfif&f pi;iBr*%'rdtRl STWttl.U M« FARM BATTLE ith Borough of Mountainside.8 $158 annual per capita load and Ohio BuTuolptlon; M,00 * year In adv«nc«. Davldion SLOWS Ejtabllahed IJ»0. with nearly $153 in state and local taxes

Office: 60 Blm Street, W«Mfl«ld, I*. J. per man, woman and child. argues, consumers would soon be- J-""» • i-aruook wete f.~ All of the debate over farm thev Tel, AD 9-H07 — AD 1-4408 legislation which you will be heat- gin to buy more and thus eat up died—others w While the advance release of the Cen- ing for the next few months out the surpluses. For every dollar Memoer The deaths of ™* sus Bureau's average tax load nlloca- of Washington will be interesting, less received by farmers the cost quality Weekllei of Neir lereejr Mike Todd an? S 24ew /srgey Press Association but of no importance so far as of food to consumers would de- National Editorial Association tions did not permit a distinct division made the headline, 19B9 crops are concerned. cline by 38 cents, thnt being the known perh "' NATIONAL EDItpRIAL between state and local taxation, it amount farmers get from every ap9 showed New Jersey, with nn average of Congress and the Administra- the inventor of the, tion have been unable to resolve dollar spent by consumers for of the Brst BU| UsftJ $110.99, stood third in the country be- their differences over farm legis- food. i ,' ture projectors, hind Massachusetts and California in lation in time to make changes Congress Sayt No may not havi that would apply to crops being property taxes per capita. In state and grown this year. Plantings already Farm critics of the Secretary in taxes other than property, New Congress say he is mistaken; Jersey's with a per capita of $63.20, was 46th, ahead of New Hampshire and THUKSDAY, MARCH 26, 1969 time-consuming procedure at best. the hands of the big operators— The sports world liw Nebraska. The U. S. median in this classi- It becomes exceedingly slow when the so-called factory farms. • who hit 811 home run TJ. fication was $88.51. there are deep and fundamental One of the most; caustic of his York Giants, rankins'ay- The Promise of Easter differences between the sincere critics is Rep. Jamie Whitten of baseball greats. Basff Easter and spring are almost synony- friends of agriculture. Mississippi, Chairman of the House Leon Cadore, the Brooklm The question which divides Appropriations Subeommit- pitcher who hurled ill «1 mous in our minds . . . both epitomize Congress on one side and the tee which recently completed hear- in the longest game hi the resurrection of life. Merchants of Menace President 6{ the United States and ings on TJSDA's 1960 fiscal year . league history in 1920 * As we, in these early days of spring, Did you ever hear of "merchants of the Secretary of Agriculture on budget> . "While the music the other is very simply this: Whitten points to the record blues for W. c. watch first one and then another green menace?" sprout appear through the seemingly Are farm prices too high? that shows farm production, in- Alley noted the , A pamphlet recently issued by the Bcntofk S«y» Yet stead of going down when sup-, dian-born Alfred Br lifeless earth or observe the buds open Secretary of Agriculture Ezra ports were reduced, actually ha3 £j r Pe// on the apparently dead lilac bush, so American Medical Association tells who Taft Benson says that "high prices increased,. The result has been that and "There's Danger in til Christians everywhere on Easter Sunday they are. They're the lineal descendants being paid to farmers," some of costs of operating the USDA have Cherie." Ath which are guaranteed by the Gov- increased by over 400 per "cent in died was British-bora*™ will remember that their Saviour dem- of "the frontier medicine man whose po- ernment, have encouraged farm- the past six years. ling, who wrote the U.&l ers to produce excessively, re- onstrated a similar victory over death. tent snake oil and wolf milk elixirs were "Many of us," Whitten said in Academy's official ainj sulted in costly support programs, Point Forever." '• The great importance of the day can always 'smuggled out of the sacred and caused high food prices. a recent House speech, "tried to tell him that farmers, like others, be seen at any church in the land. With- tombs of ancient Egypt.'" Nowadays, Benson points to the steady in- Nationalist ohlna!«( had large investments, high oper- in General Claire Chen out question it is on Easter that more the pamphlet goes on, "The top hat and crease in farm production which, ating costs; and that farmers in 1968, set a new record 11 per "Flying Tigers" made „. persons attend services than any other torchlights are gone—but the medicine faced with increasing costs and China during World War day of the year ... Christmas included. •YlAlMfcMK* cent above any previous year. lower prices, have to try to make man is still with us, and now he's beat- Some S3 billion worth of those Pangborn, who flew froa The social aspects of the day cannot be up the- difference with greater Washington etate in U31 ing the drums for his potions and reme- INFLATION LINES BEGIN Increase-spending for military crops have gone, or Trill soon go, production." denied since to many it means an;oppor- purposes; into government storage. the first non-stop Pitj« dies at youf doorstep, on lecture plat- TO HARDEN passed away. And while tunity to parade new spring clothes and It is becoming increasingly clear "Cut back on business and farm Lower price supports would This year may tiecide which— Benson or Whitten—is correct. West were launching that Easter bonnets. The first warm days of forms, and through the mail. He's the that there is a deep and probably subsidies and use the savings for cause prices to farmers to decline the producer of the first i irreconcilable difference of opinion alum clearance, depressed areas, and thus discourage them from From 1953 to 1958 price supports 1 spring bring a brighter note to the whole sophisticated salesman who bleats warn- were reduced by an average of powered aircraft, Germim ! on the issue of inflation and prop- schools, hospitals, medical research producing too much. Benson con- tteinkel, died. world and the happiness and joy en- ings against 'that tired feeling,' 'sub- er government policies. The dif- and a more equitable farm pro- tends. If farmers reduced their 20 per cent and production in- clinical deficiencies,' 'devitalized food,' ference is not only between vari- gram"; , production by only about 10 per creased by 17 per cent. For 1959 Glamorous women MOB compassed in the true meaning of Easter supports have been lowered by and 'aging before your time!' " ous members of Congress, but also "Provide substantial federal as- cent the government would be world will long remereW; serve to make the holy day one of opti- exists between one large segment spared the expense of storing the another 15 per cent average. What fashion designer - Lntlu ! sistance to the states and localities will the effect be on farm produc- mism ... a spot of sunshine in a world of the Congress and the Admin- for expanding school construction excess production he believes. While Frederick Wiertkbj This modern medicine man offers— istration. tion, and on food prices? too long drab and dreary. at handsome prices—pills, capsules, programs and for Improving stand- If food prices were lower, he tnlized by the ungtonorrai Most recent evidence of this ards of instruction"; huts he designed for World Easter and spring mean that winter Gold was so plentiful in Colom- powders and other preparations which, split is contained, in the report of "No curtailment of our foreign servicemen. and the seeming absence of life are be* he swears, will compensate for deficien- the Joint Economic Committee projects in areas of high and per- bia in the early days that fisher- economic assistance programs or men used it for making fishhooks, In a class by himself *B hind us. The earth reawakens and some- cies in your diet that are causing your on the President's 1959 Economic of our participation in interna- sistent unemployment." Pereira, a Colombian !i Report. For the first time in years, The aggregate coat of these according to the World Book En- how its people feel a wonderful stirring ills. Usually his products are harmless in tional programs to promote eco- cyclopedia. claimed to be 16T yearetM members of the Joint Committee nomic development abroad"; and, ideas would be billions upon bil- when he visited the UnW: of new life within themselves, too. Per- themselves, but they won't cure any- lions of dollars. If we are to pre- were unable to adjust their opin- Undertake the "numerous op- New York doctors, haps the explanation is this easy: Life thing. So tragedy may befall an ill per- ions sufficiently to make a unani- vent inflation it is not possible to more conservative • portunities for expansion of eco- adopt such a program, as the min- LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS begets life. son who is duped into believing in the mous report. In today's column nomically sound natural-resource- was "perhaps" more ttua we shall outline the views of the ority points out most effectively, BRING RESULTS old. Jesus' resurrection opened the way efficacy of the concoctions—and doesn't majority of the Joint Committee, development and public-works und as we shall review next week. to everlasting life for mortal man. And call a qualified physician until it's too Next week we shall review the con- each spring we once again see with our late. clusion of the minority. own eyes the proof, tjjj pjorMse,,. ^the Two preliminary points need to The AMA pamphlet points out that a be made. First, by law the Joint hope. ..•>••-•••••*'-»;.-- ;;;";»- -\* well-balanced daily diet should include Committee is required to make an appraisal of tho President's re- M M m milk and dairy products, vegetables and port; and it is standard procedure fruits, meat, fowl, fish or eggs, and bread for the Committee, shortly after Exporting Mistakes cereals. If we use these standard foods the report becomes available, to Ask a Federal bureaucrat if economy in reasonable balance and quantity, have a aeries of hearings from is possible in his operations and he will ' which it presumably gets aid in therr's no need for supplements unless, preparing its own analysis. The answer you in Samuel Goldwyn's fa- personal money orders of course, your doctor recommends them practice was followed this year. mous "two words": Im Possible 1 and tells you what kind to get. Don't The first witness waa Dr. Ray- But dig around a little, and you'll mond J. Saulnier, chairman of the That's right, If your savings account at First Federal patronize the medicine men. Council of Economic Adviaera often find that answer Un Satisfactory. which ha3 responsibility for pre- has a balance of $100.00 or more you may have as We taxpayers are often told that the paring the first draft of the Presi- many personal money orders as you wish, FREE. foreign aid program is sacred, and that dent's report. The second witness Creeping Nightmare was Budget Director Maurice H. Just ask MS. No red tape. not a greenback can be spared from the Stans, and he was followed by a $4 billion a year we're shelling out. It's Washington columnist William S. long list of other authoritative for peace, we're told, and as we're all White writes: "Federal expenditures spokesmen. in favor of peace we sigh and pay up, are becoming so vast and so diffuse in Disagreement within the Joint surrendering money that would have purpose as to raise a serious question Committee came on the second day bought a new set of tires for the old car. of hearings. The chairman, Sena- whether any President or Congress will tor Paul Douglas (D-IU.), opened Now, we find we've bought tires any- be able within a few years actually to with a statement which brought way—12 per truck for one foreign motor control any budget. May not internal •a immediate response from pool. Thomas Curtis (R-Mo.) to the ef- events, as for illustration sudden busi- fect that it was improper to draw This Is an example of waste in the ness recessions, or external events in- conclusions before the evidence foreign aid program turned up by a stantly requiring vast outlays in the cold was in. This was the sharpest House subcommittee headed by Rep. flair-up during the hearings, but war, become the real future masters of the difference of opion persisted. Thomas E. Morgan (D-Pa.). the budget? The second preliminary point is Other examples: e Using military aid funds to build "This » the creeping nightmare of }***£«iona expresse• «d i *•n th£e majority re- ;'• private planes for officials. tome fiscal conservatives. It is not BOport The difficulty is that practic- ! Using American military aid mate- much the level of present spending that ally all of these were given a rials to build apartment buildings for they fear. It is the possibility that men secondary place, with the main , foreign civilians. may lose to the robot power effectively : Records that show an Inventory of so to control spending at all." "Until evidence of an Imminent Mr. White here highlights something inflati°nary «>««t can be clearly 7 many cases of "This Side Up" resulting tw«i t.j i. , , ., j . , ... "een ... a reasonable and sane from letting non-English speaking hired that students of federal fiscal affairs public policy aimed at promoting hands keep the books. have long been deeply concerned about. maximum employment and produc- The budget has become less and less tion and vigorous expansion of the Enough ammunition to last 18ft yean economy should not be unduly stocked at a single American aided for- manageable, and there is a real and deterred by the possibility of fu- eign base, present danger that before long it will ture inflation." use this safe, convenient, accepted way to: It's hard to s«e how wasting our re- become totally so. The Hoover Commis- There are two basic errors in sion dealt at length with this, and pro- that statement: 1. While it is true sources like this can make peace any that currently prices at both re- r more likely. Waste doesn't arm our al- posed basic administrative reforms tail and wholesale are reason- 1. Paybffls lies. And it decreases their confidence la which would make it possible for Con- ably stable, and there is general 2. Remit money gress and the Executive to deal With the agreement that such stability will us. We can't afford to export mistakes. continue for several months, the 3. As a gift for birthdays or other special occasions budget as a whole, rather than as a lack of either an upward or down- hodge-podge of separate appropriations. ward movement in the indexes is But nothing has been done. the Tesult of declines offsetting Where New Jersey Stands increases, something which is not another service offriat Metal Savings The size of the budget is a bad enough indicative of long range stability. How does the tax burden fof state and 2. History proves fliat the time to local government in New Jersey com* matter. But the ever-increasing difficulty prevent inflation is before it gets Of controlling it is infinitely worse. rttrrted. Most of the loss in the pare with that in other states? •value of the dollar has resalted Combined state and local taxes aver- Whether we like it or not the time is approaching when we will not be able from policies, both gotttnmental aged |174.l6 per man, woman and ani private, wnieii sad a delayed UtUidpaled dividend rote child in New Jersey in fiscal 1957, plac- to throw out our political pipe dreams etfect. Tkis is tt» time, therefore, savt does make a difference- ing this State 18th among the (then) 48 and admit the government can't live be- when it is of utmost importance ^starting January 1,1959 yond its means forever. not to adopt policies or programs States. The total, from which Federal which will have an inflationary taxes are excluded, wal reported on the Ik H M impact. fint in friendly service I>a«is of the U. S. Census Bureau's latest The majority report completely "If politics is dirty, we must ask our- refects this point of view and rec- tabulation of "State and Local Govern- selvea, how Much of that grime comes ommends: ment Finances." f rfens each *f iis—for special favors we Extension of unemployment * New Jersey'* |174 figure compares m«jr h«Te sought or, more importantly, compensation with an increase of both coverage and payments; First Federal S with nearly $238 per capita reported for stubbornly refusing to have anything An eating of the restraints on ' for California, f229 for New York State to ds with it lest we, to©y become con- money and credit by the Federal ISO EL.M STREET, and 9210 for Massachusetts. They were taminated.—the Bir&boro, Pa., Dis-Beser*# System; Setting op a itptttl budget for amo»» the 17 states collecting more patch federal expenditures; I THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 2B. 1959 Patre Nineteen trillion requested was ISMOUKII, (luld OUt Guui'd," written l>y Krn-Oil tf(ill Coii8lrii(!lion was reported Thumlny night, plotlon (Into, orlginttlly not for the Oimural (juesailit contended, to Old Guard Told i>st Unllnm, 80, 'who, with his Nemly 10,701) fcot of tho total full, inny ui'Lually ha in mid-July 0RT TO THE PEOPLE moft the ruul and diwonstrittod wife, h living In thi> Odd M- idcil by Weather lcuiirth of the 10,[i()0-foot-plu» linn 119 11 l'UHUlt, 'nouila for airport construction, lo\v« Homu m Trt>»ton. •hiiH hiu'n luld nnd tho pllu driving nml at tliu time they nra most ur- Of Space Probe John Uuth led Ihu chorus, Tho construction of the Uahwny htus been completed. Hard ground Y0URC0N6RESSWOMAN Ho maclo the further point which snnR l'urcell's "Passing nlley iSewerniro Authority's Kill caused by cold weallinr onnblo Somo 25,000 communVties in W AmoHca dopund entirely wn truck that civil avlntion Is no longer in The Old <]unnl Monday honrd By." Ralph Hudson sotuoil on nn Kull outfall ayalvm has been honvy vqulpinont to (jot in to ita infancy, that much of it has "Pnlms" ax\d C. J, .Tohivnsen play* > aided by weather conditions ninrjiy liunl In I'occnt months, ttc- tnuinportntiun for dclivuricM of ov- Dean Easton, chairman of tho ory item needed for daily living. RENCE P. DVMR maturuil to tho point whora it Is electrical nnglncerliu! department el« in Temple place, sprang A leak Wednesday afternoon, setting off a blaze that cover*! the floor and sent smoke throughout the first floor, Firemen, with C«pt Fred Oftfc- wJti in chare*, octlnguiatied Hie blue with • booster line. Smoke tEN'S MENU *2.25 damaged two rooms. JmporfJ C«**H TO BUY OR Silt, US! Just ask us Althoufli we tnjoy serving yon in person, ._ CHOICE or LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS we welcome your telephone "visits", too. I Ttmcrto Juiw diktat Uv*r Fat* You'll find w ready to fully explain... ' Krintfi (2Sc ntra) *»» Ci»p Suprtim Fh U* il in person, by 'phone, or by letter., how our complete banking services C——mw Vf mlfW Protekthfi BUT COPWWItMT OITKES can help you keep moving ahead financially, STtAK, rV.nch PrW Quit* * MAW 61 M0A0 STKCT Umon lwWr... „„ $3.00 11. BfnfeMI) 4-MD0 • ^ IAYWAY OmCE TURKEY, 0IM*t IMMI Banra A»«. o» Mgar M. T*k Mnbdk 4-M00 ^ fIMOIA OFFICI WEAK, p» 0mm An. at W«f C«.n • FfO8CUJl PAMK wetMETMCTOSa T.I, Dfc*.l <-t442 ^ SUMMIT OFFICE • SUMMrT • KENJUWOrTTH . THMWXJIMFKT f Mcpl. Str«t or Condiarf fwwt PMotOM TA ei«i»iw 7Jooo rttuu itntn iiiinitt raacii Dr«iiina ^ KENILWORTH OFFICB ChHf«n PS* Imtarard at South Twenly-i«ond wt C—«wm Qrwwn Pi« SCOTT'S T«l. Midfl« 2-SW ke Cr«om Slice ^ WE5TFIEL0 OFFICE TM Milk QUIMBY AT CENTRAL 1 Elm Sfreet WESTFIEID Tel. ADomi J-4000 STORE HOURS: HILLS INN 9 to 6 Doily North SwnerviHe,N.J. 9 to 9 Mondays _ Westfield Office — Opposite Railroad Station RAndolph 5-2644 Open This fr'utaef Evening Paga Twenty TIIEWESTFIRLD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 2(5, mere fact that you fool that you can you furnish small tools you can deduct to have reliable information ~ do not have ruluvant information service. / tho cost of such tools. You can hdurii u day to remain on ttiu to give will not excusg you from your teslTmon?' *'*' ulso deduct thu cost of safety right rourne. The "system" ir* »t:i 3hit Xegal Column » romwso obeying the subpoena. You must y siimt* by rolli'i'litm frmv A summons, on the other hand, excuso yo.u. customers, ami fees to employ hi'ailli«hlK ill night as they ii« dur- JTI3DES10NEDTO INFORM cmatNSOP TUBE gives notice that a civil action has Contribution* inent nKenriuH. Seat ing 'lhe day. Tho iriildinir philos- BI0WT3, DimES, AND OBLIGATIONS UNDER OUR been brought against you. A sum- * Rules for deducting charitable -Law LAWS BATHER THAN TO ADVISE CONCEaXlHO "It's a "If you are divorced or legalli ophy is to carry over into night SPEOfiC UOAl PROBLEM! mons sets forth a time and place to contributions on federal income separated, ond uro making peiiotiit driving till) slums fnniiliur s'K» appear and answer the complaint tax returns for 19B8 were explain- payments of alimony or sopuruti The unfortunate mid traffic1 color Identification and lilirli visi- made against you. Should you ig- id, like ai ed today by Joseph P. J. Mayer, maintenance? under a court decree crush of a turbojet airliner cm ability of directions that make day- nore a summons or fail to appear not let its director of Internal Revenue for committees nlno have subpoena you can deduct such payments, ri'i'viit niKht In Ncvv York carrirs time driving and perception 3i> SUBPOENA vi. SUMMONS you may lose the lawsuit by desomethin- g in tho Newark District. "Also deductible are noiioilic a Krini lesson for driver* too. much easier am! wafer. powers. A subpoena issued by afault. Journal. He said deductible contributions Should you ever receive a sub-state court is not valid if served payments madu after August 10 It pointed up the fact that when This is encouraging progress i" poena it probably would frighten must be itemised on page 2 of 1954, under cither a written sepa- you cunnot see where you arean important highway .safety area, outside tho state. Generally speak- Failure to ooey a subpoena may Form 1040. you and perhaps bewilder you aing, a subpoena will state when hove dive consequences. Such fail- ration agreement entered into ing and thei'u arc inadequate but it aUo abows how much needs bit as well. A subpoena is simply a ure constitutes a contempt of court Deductible contributions, he after that date or a decree for sup- provisions to toll you how to «etto be done to help guide drivers legal document issued by a court and where you are to appear to said, include gifts to religious, port entered after March 1, 1964 there, you are headed for a seri- more safely on the remaining; 99 testify. for which you may be fined or charitable, educational, scientific, ordering you to appear at a trial even sent to jail. You would also But any such payments must bo ous accident. per cent of the roads. or hearing to give testimony as a Either side in a law suit or crim- be liable for similar penalties or literary organizations, and or-reported as income by the wife The pilot and the driver arc inal case has the right to issue ganizations for the prevention of witness. A subpoena docs not ac- should you appear and fail to re "You cannot deduct any volun- both in the same driver's seat X-ruy examination is important cuse you of a crime, or name you subpoenas nt will and thereby main at the hearing1 or trial for cruelty to children ov animals, so when it comes to night operations: in the study of arthritis. With its compel necessary witnesses to ap- long as the organization to which tary alimony or support payments as a party in a civil action, Gen- as long as your presence is re- not under a court order or a writ- Eyta, no matter how perfect, just help physicians such us the radi- erally a subpoena simply requires pear. Just anyone cannot, however, quired or until you are dismissed the taxpayer contributes is not op- aren't good enough by thcmsulvca ologist can tell more easily what be forced to the witness stand in erated for personal profit and docs ten separation agreement, lump- you to uppear and testify as a wit- or excused either by the court or sum divorce settlements, or pay-to do the whole safety job of see- kind of arthritis a person may ness. this manner. The person who sub-the person subpoenaing you. not carry on propaganda or other- ing well in the dark. Both pilot have and how far advanced it is. poenas you must be prepared to wise attempt to influence legisla- ments for the support of children. The form of a subpoena varies You can deduct ordinary and and driver are dependent on a prove that you have relevant in- You can not refuse to obey a tion. He added: "system" that does the seeing What with withholding taxes, according to state or federal law. formation to give, otherwise you subpoena or refuse to give testi- necessary expenses in connection may be issued in either civil or "Gifts to veterans* organiza- with thu production or collection for thorn and guides them with payroll deductions and now credit may go into court and probably mony simply because of personal tions, or to governmental agencies absolute reliability to their destin- cards, ordinary dough soon will criminal court cases. Certain arbi- get the subpoena set aside, The of taxable income or the manage- rators, referees and legislative feelings or inconvenience, .nor are deductible if used for public ment of property held for the pro ations, night and day. join the dodo.—Changing Times purposes. So also are gifts to fra- duction of taxable income. This What adequate beacons, radio ternal organizations if used for include* amounts spent for a* safe signals and runway lights are to charitable^ religious, or other pur- deposit box* for taxable securities, the safety of the airborne pilot poses already listed. investment counsel fees, tax coun- and his passengers at night, di- "But keep In mind you cannot sel'and assistance fees, custodian ectional and guide signs are to BUSINESS DIRECTORY deduct dues or other payments to fees, clerical help, etc. the earth-bound driver. Here the VrVra At M|t the organizations to which you can Aatkorlaed PONTIAC court. system now under construction. Balu * Ren-lea ALMA'S COIFFURE SALON ELECTRICIAN • Rubber ItaaBi contribute and claim a deduction: Those i-oads are utilizing very Vaazhall aad Hair Stylist, • < eat t» eleetrleal war* at Ike CAM. . . "Churches and church organiza- large, green-colored guide signs Easll.h Fora llae OC Distinction Icaa.t eaat <• 7«a. tions; nonprofit schools and hospi- FOR BEST RESULTS USE ADaaia 1-SMT CARTER'S •OMM LEADER CLASSIFIEDS placed at all the key points along Gooa Will mi( Cars Lasting Pernmncnts tals; community chests and United the way whore the driver needs 43S Harm Avc. WnlltH Alma De Sanctin, Stylist Me Eaaar lUaa EXPRESS SERVICE e Givers Fund's; American Red lOau 1-37OS Cross; Salvation Army; Boy ADams 2-2519 MOVING & GENERAL TRUCKING Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other sim- 207 Elm St. WolkM FUEL OIL LOCAL ft LONG DI8TANCB ilar organisations; veterans' or- PACKARD WESTFIELD CO. AD 14Ot Beaaaaakla Bates ganisations such as the American 35 Elm St. INC. OIL HEAT SERVICE Legion and Veterans of Foreign aaaaaaataataaaVaafaaaaaBj ANDREW HAIR STYLIST Bat. ar r. B. MrDaweU flaca IBM Wars (but not membership dues); Aatktrla** YMCA and, YWCA; American Hair Styling FUEL OILS 14 Hoar Metered Serrloe STORAM Cancer Society,, National Polio STUDEBAXER Permanent 'Wavlnc Deloo-Heat Oil Burnara OPTICIANS Foundation, Tuberculosis Societies, PACKARD Air Condition** •, ... ,,• • ADAMS 3-3213 Muscular Dystrophy Society, and Open Mondays .!",...';.';."' in Praa»ac« B«. other similar nonprofit organiza- Sale* and Servle* ADams 3-4090 ROBERT F. DAY HENRY K. tions. . ^|__ SOI Cumi An. Weatltli INTERIOR "You cannot deduct gifts to any •MUM KOBTH ATM. •. of the following, no matter how AD worthy or deserving: DECORATORS eaU i "Relatives, friends or other in- « W.rta Ate.)i:f dividual-; social clubs; political • BOOKS CHARLES LECHER, INC. parties or candidates; Chambers BERSE BROTHERS OF of Commerce; labor unions; prop- Authorlitd Don't Run All Over Tows , , , WESTFIELD aganda organizations. f DM SOTO — PI/TMOCTM Stop At • PHOTOGRAPHERS As a general rule, your deduc- B»l«» * Sorvlc* Interior Decorator tion for contributions may not ex- LEEDS Upholsterer ADaan a-l*M Draperies, Slip Covers STATrONI ceed 20 per cent of your adjusted I llartfe AT*. W. WeataelcTa Hsok * Car* «eater WESTFIELD STUDIOS gross income (the amount entered Caa Pill Voar Every IVee« and Pine Furniture TELEVtMKj in line 11, page 1 of Form 1040). Made to Order Take Advantage of FINE PORTRAITUW "For example, if the amount on mw* BM ajra. Airrea s. noon Jr.. ar# BOW IIVIBB' •• fhl* honte at inefl AOams 3-1437 line 11 of your return is |6,000, Ma* Grave •>«» which (her recently aareaaae* trial Mr. »«a In, REILLY Our Long Experience E. Baraua* Gnaw. Thl> me a •>altls>l« listed aroaertr aa* tka sale Car. Saata A«. w. roMssaetea «***•*» you may not deduct more than f I,- was unlUM Arma* tk« aMec of Alan Jokaetoa, Rcaltar. W» Hava One of the Larfaat aad Caatkcrlaad St., WeftlcM 800 for charitable contributions OldsmobikCo. Selection* of no matter how much you gave. A«tt|lss« Greeting Cards In N. J. "There is one exception to this • LAMPS AND SHADES (e •aita A santoe ADamt 3-4967 general rule. You may deduct up i Hartfc An. •. ADaau MM 16 30 per cent of your adjusted A IMADV MIXID WaataaM. Haw 44 El* ft. WMtltM gross income if the extra 10 per JERRY CARVELl cent consists of gifts to churches Cotallho lamp Mounting Shop r tax-exempt educational institu- e ..LAMPMountlnaS- e RacoveraSHAbBdS • PHOTO SUPPUES tions, tax-exempt hospitals, or cer- GOODWIN MOTOR e ConvertinConerti g e Cuitom to • BRIDAL SHOPS e- -nwlrlnsBewlrln i Ordar tain medical research organiza- CORP. lU: mpa In stoek • Ihailea la stack WESTFIELD STUDIOS tions." ACTHOIUZBD "If you have any other ques- tions about your Federal income ^ VOLKSWAGEN JO LYNN tax return, phone your local In BRIDAL SHOPPE, Inc. ternal Revenue office," he advised. CONCRETE •Ullr*r«JtB • BUILDING MATERIALS CMK ana Carry 1 Watanet tn. page 1 of Form 1040. For ex- AOAara ample, U your job requires you to WESTFIEID-CRANFORD BUILDING SUPPLY CO. • SERVICE STATION! RAWSON MOTORS, INC. L v m • K n LUMBER Authorised Dealer A Complete Wne of REMADLT •ciLDine atTEsuu J. S. IRVING COMPANY CANTLAY BROS. •T/aMt Svtlaa PEPOBOT IUM»« 4 MIllWOM Sales and Service « «w» Daiolanaa Plala*«M Keepera Cake - Fuel OH ABa*n*.|4fl • CORSETS tW iartk Am. W. MAR Harry MilUr WE5TFIELD-CRANFORD THE CORSET SHOP ibdrkal - BrftkM - "To Sell Coraeta BUILDING SUPPLY CO. Motors, Inc. Ia Sa.Hsmin.hla" •> V M • E II A Gomptata Aofo S«rvWnf "To Fit Them Is Art" A Complete Una of A*ecf St. AOams 3-f72l • AS PLYMOUTH «aata AT». Satca mm* • SHADE AND LAMP 54 Elm Strwt ADaau S»H • DELICATESSENS For REPAIRS Wi JTartk Arts. B. OT«ata«M UMFS AND LAMP SMADB IS PARKING A PROBLEM? ElM DELICATESSEN Advertisements sis s»«<» *r*; We can duplicate any e}>*4* — Roa- Horn! Cooking ON THIS PAGE dreaa In *to• B*»t Jn eha4«l ana ravUueartBi TO BUY OR SELL, USE Tempting Salads Dirta. ADams 3-0662 — 3—4 Gonrmet Specialties Call t. T. WiUIAMS LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS 2-33X1 TH Otatral A-rcaa* St. Wants*!*1 AD 2-4407 (Hew «me at,, fxi«U«at 1 ilWaTl tfADi* THE WESTFIELD (N. .T.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 10(59 JP*ge Twenty-One to talk positively on these prob- lofo sports news (all good I HO-SIO million workers nnd their ile- Stamlcr Seeks lems. opu) within a short while. Al- denls ami uim'fh'iwii'.H covered TTiere'j only one sure way ill preparing for tho "My committee on vacancies is gh tho uRsUvHball anil -wvest- iiy tiro Act. JOTTINGS by OBSERVER ns follows: F. EdwurtI Uleituemp- ,H(? seasons are completed, bn»e- SiMiretnvy Mltehull pointed out GOP Bid For fol of Union, Carl S, Hulett Jr. of all and trade haven't bvgun a« thnt form^ fur filing tht» rciniirtHl COLLEGE BOARD TESTS Summit, and Everett C. Slier. et. Mou nl nuisuiu's itthlvtvi are Tlie AptiUide Section tests reaionlng power, infovmi\tion arc obtainable five by nnt kno»Mge. Riling U hilled on tow many DQ, Eft., Sit. Coultii In M. book nalist." Ho edits "Drum," a nntive bourne of Westfleld. ust warnilng up. writing the VJ. S. lVpiirtmeiit of Queitlnns ara insnered coifeclly wilhtn lima :q newspaper for (non-whites nnd N. J. Assembly Ah, this is tho season for think- L«Uir'» Wages ami Hour I-UIJIIIIIII! lullil. Out SCIIHTtflC 3UH0US COURSE helps : • ft from «h« library you yuu iesd latter with BETTER compfeheniioft, SPECIAL EASTER WEEK Kll acriiki^of Urn some non-Europeans). K About the Junior Prmii. My fe, 3-H Nintii nvi'nup, New York, rcncentratiiM, tetention... developi law VO* book- reviews I CQII sympathise with Nadine Nelson P. Stnmlor of Union, rst tux! (Parents should tulk! CABMIAM (hiough masteiy e! bnlc litin and 1COURSE Mcr. 30 lk,» April J I i f bk reviews N. Y. Gfeek roots...rreplie! you lo answer MORE i f Gardiner and her interest in the former New Jersey deputy attor- r, doesn't seem possible to me quesl'mns tORRECTLV. The skills are permit, In addition to tho plnn descrip- ncnt, (or alt tutute studies and tests. . seemingly impalpable injustices ney gonernl, nnnounced his can- At Regional ther.) tions required by April 1, amninl JMIO Cturlll In BaSIC MtTH, ««»MMt« MU [KB. COMP., lly th« buyer pays heaped on the black man in South didacy for the Republican nomina- Last but certainly not lenst on fnmnt*ial reports are nlso required ». M. I. B!«PINC STUOY SKILLS Africa, but to get the- other side tion for the New Jersey Assembly By KEN BEN-ARI 7and takes his choice. If he agenda is tho beautiful, frlpri- by the new law. These must be S'W COLLEGE SKILLS CENTER taking that choice at the of the coin one must read the ar- from Union County. us, awe-insptiinK, spring vaca- filed with the Labor Dopnrtniont ticle on "The Blacks" by Poter Olr. lack Youimsn kssot. Dir. Allan S«ck In the announcement of his There's one part of the Kegional ;on, beginning today. within 120 days from the timb tho 12)4 Broid*iy (31st St.), N.r. 1 ie for April and I will toll Abrahams, educated in England, a candidacy Mr. Stamlor said: High School program, of which policy or fiscal year of n plnn ends Africa is a hot spot now friend of both Rwanta Nkruniah "I have been honored in recent most people are unaware or know mployers Musi File in 1959. Forms for the financial bo so for a long while to and Johnatone Kenyatta in their weeks by having many poisons ap- very little about. This is tho driv- filing arc also available* nnd will /tlifa tew »f Holiday!* London school days, probably the proach me on the possibility of er's education program. I would Welfare-Pension Plan automatically be sent to every plnn tar to that topic alone. The most revealing article on African my becoming n candidate for the ^y that I am nn exception to the administrator who files the re- 2'ull u« that the issue was tribal life that could be put in so New Jersey Assembly, rule and I, mysolf, just completed Descriptions by April 1 quired plan description, Secretary few pages. Belts — Buckles — Buttons, Made to Order. Sn«o and a half years ago. "While my law practice and the the six-weeks period. Besides be- Mitchell explained. ". Of African languages (that is Most every employer of more 't know when they were go- various civic and fraternal under- ing a much anticipated class each Requests for plnn description or Shoulder Pads, for Coats — Suits — Dresses. spokten oh that continent) most of hnn 25 workers in the United .press, but the present mo- takings with which I am associated day (n» it is with anyone who financial report forma or questions us hnvfe only heard grunts coming totes has a date on April 1. Blanket Binding, all Colors. Men's Shirt Collars, Kith the hub bub Koing.on In, have taken much time, I believe takes it) it is one of the m,ost reKnn!inn: the forma or tin? new off u movie screen and to cap the Belgian COHKO and Rhodesia sincerely that if a man can con- practical. Theory, familiarization By that day, administrators— Welfare nnd pension Plans Disclo- all Sizes. Knee and Elbow Parches, in Twill — cliriax in this issue of Holiday, i not have been more oppor- tribute something to the well-being with rules, and the actual behind- ost of them employers—of wel- sure Act should be addressed to Mario Pci has written about Swa- Corduroy — Leather. Men's Pockets, Pajama of his government he is duty- the-wheel practice, arc all integral 'are. and pension plans are re- Division of Welfare and Pension hili and nine other languages, but -I, «titers on the various as- bound to do so. Since there ap- parts of the course. We can be luirexi to file n description of such Plan Reports, Bureau of Labor Cords. Knitted Cuffs, for Coats, Adult and Chil- he enthuses on Swahili and its fine ,,(life on the continent of parently are many who feel that proud that the program at Region- lans with the U. S. Department Standards, U. S. Department of vocabulary distinctions. ' (the Colonials) RomaiB I can be of service to our govern- al is recognized throughout the if Labor, Secretary of Labor Labor, Liberty Loan BuildinR, dren Sizes. Zippers, all Sizes, for Coats — Suits '.'(Ajartheid) Nadlne Gordi- Of the pictures of personalities, ment I have decided to become a atats as one of the finest in New ames P. Mitchell emphasized to- Washington 25, D. C. — Dresses — Jackets. Flowers — Veiling — Fruit (Continent) L. van der Fasti the ones thnt caught my eye were candidate. Jersey. ay. Thousands of employers have Jluka) Peter Abrahams,«« I've got quite a few items here, ircady filed but many additional The silkworm ond printing aren't and Leaves. Cotton Prints, 3 yds. $1.00. Off-Ike Hon. W. V. B. Tubman of "I am determined to wage as m\e who at first hand, have sp bear with me as I run down the thousands have still to report. the only things the Chinese have Liberia in the principal reception aggressive campaign, dedicated to pledge of the things on list. This requirement is contained in introduced to the world. The World room of. the palace, with magnifi- the principles for which I have (they write, a far cry frort ;he new Welfare and Pension Book Encyclopedia says the Chi- WESTFIELD SEWING CENTER cent carpeting and crystal chan- fought all of my life, I am con- Louis Caruso demonstrated an «ple who land In an African lans Disclosure Act passed in the nese used rockets in warfare more deliers and French brocade arm vinced that within the framework other of his many talents Friday 110 E. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD fct'the Irst time and can't ilosing days of the last Congress than 700 years ago, before 'Western ehiira, and of Haile Selassie, em- of the Republican party we can when this year's senior play, "Star- •m («st enough to ; write us a means of protecting benefici- Inventors knew how to mako gun- peror of Ethiopia, seated on his develop the progressive, dynamic dust" was performed. aries against abuses, waste and powder. itt ih7 impressions. Witti throne in the throne room of the programs necessary to cope with Several members of Regional'! mismanagement, Mr. Mitchell said. i to the Colonials the edl> palace carpeted by teeming miles the demands of modern govern- NFL made the annual pilgrim- And there are estimated to be some. tdl (is that one it th«lr_ toft of" .Aubusson ; ear|>ets, crystal ment. age to Temple University in Phila- LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS PAY LET THE LEADER PRINT IT itolotrjphers covered .25,000 chthdetiera, and brocaded chairs. delphia last weekend, for the "I believe that taxation, educa- tail to photograph i "hind* Pictures which t hare seen of eighth annual speech festival. Par- ifjkb h»naful" and another tion and law enforcement are ticipants from Mountainside were Meitem women wearing the veil among the most pressing and com- ;SUf weeks in North AfrlM Tim Duffee, Rich Van Horn, were not very attractive, but there plek problems facing each level Mphologtaphs of which only Ken Ben-Ari, and Bill Van Nest, is one on page 148 taken head on, of government, and it wilt be my d At most rereallnf ire {four such ladies, and the veil v mi 11 the present issue. purpose if elected to devote my Seniors closed the book on in these seems to smack of attrac- utmost efforts to the equitable so- "College boards" this year, when rtk»n, «11 added together, iveness, like fine lingerie, and iftttts jive a more tip to the lution of those jrobleAis in, the they completed the testing pro would not deter a Hoalem gentle- kejiciuM.of Afric« th«n you New Jersey Legislature. In the gram March 14. Now they'll just ]pt from volumes of Ency- Man rooking for a bride, from rnalt- campaign that approaches^plan sit back, relax, and wait! 'ng a good guess of the charm You should be getting some which the veil tried to hide. hrotitd hive enjoyed a more .1 am sort of a frustrated travel- jicil article on the Colonials T and not every one may be in- know in the English colonies erested in my review, but as we givesyou inm the remittance. man "' who pulled up stakes in ire-the only country, with a large „ md but all their money >opulatlon of African descent, , ty and went out 'to cul- aVing vexing problems to solve li» virgin lands which had in certain sectors, it is good to iave clear thinking1. all I oiij roaming cattle before, . Lastly: This is not what is these advantages , to isolation and battles imp Mores, but I will settle mown as a "plug" for Holiday. }I to's fine story. One You don't even have to >buy it, be- ij>11 - Irom Mr. ftml Mr*, lloltprl ihowing ^American •'. homes and S. Blilller. Thehnm* w«« innllliilr Muted with the WfMllrlll llonril of 'ashions. , llrnllom lUMl »«>lrt by the offler of llnrrrtt A Urnln, llnnltora.

Four home ia §o comfortable when heated with Oil. Yon enjoy the temperature of your choice, evenly distributed throughout the house, regardless • of the weather. Fully automatic operation insures care-free heating.

When baying, building or remodeling* house, If in doubt, comport) Oil call your friendly neighborhood fuel oil dealer for factual information on low-cost Oil Heat* with ofhor hooting futlt. ing, Noobligatoi,«fcowse,but beat inmlMH Oi down tMa MM futii wac The happiest homes MMIMI I" M Mhk to ito pt yet M •re heated with Oil Me JrM M yt» Ttat Is th« raal.meaning of Easter. Net new clothes; Qm jrti yes M not tvtfi th« promise of bright skies and welcome warmth, Dmndehli yet M yts jre» flowering shrubs ond birds singing; not «ven full churches yet w torn. UttC with magnificent music. n# •• ye$ M . "Sad is the world and cold and gray Oi«k*((StJfa«w M If this is all of Easter Day." rvvffflfiroi MffnCI y«v m FREE Easter reiterates for us that love is stronger than hate; 100% 40% 50% that faith and hope are eternal. 'GUtOETO He roMl FUNDS And with Him, hope arcHp, and lift and light. Haw a Happy Home - a Healthy Html Men said, "Not Christ but death di«d yttrarnight Change to OU Heat now! And joy and truth and all things virtuous Rose wh«n M« ros»." OIL HEAT COUNCIL OF NEW JERSEY NATIONAL BANK CLEMENTS BROS., Inc. HUGO J. FUGMANN OF WESTFIELD 450 North Ave. E. AD 2-2200 641 Kimball Ave. AD 2-5272 7he Friendly Bank Wtii the Clock J. S. IRVING CO. OIL HEAT SERVICE *D 2-95U «•«* FEDCRAl. VEMBEIt FEDERAL BCPOSIV 600 South Ave. W. AD 3-1492 121 Prospect St. AD 3-3213 •CSCWE SYSTEM msmmcE cowawxwii "Dedicated To Community Service1* •VtNMeS *O» TO «-00 POLING OIL CO. 2285 South Ave., Scotch Plains AD 3-4141 it m Page Twenty-Two THE WESTFIELD I. j.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH_26, 1959 Realtors Plan tnct, N.1AKR1) Rooievelt School Psychiulric Clinic Miss Barbara Cairns aubmitU'd Hold* Session Here Sales Clinic WESTFIELD SCHOOL NEWS tlio following article: Club. -""WWnoj, " 'The History «f Mathematics," Plans for the annual sales ellnlr Jefif«r«on School *chon} on Haflsrofim viHita which Abrnm l,ondn of ElUaboth was K. U. Haivctt Jr im annual project of Mrs, Flor- ..f the eighth district, iNew Jersey Mrs. M«iy Ixiu Beiiiicr'n SCCOMII they tfrhedulefl. The program \vn* ileetisi president of the Board of the Westftelii BoW ' arniiiKfd by Kijmk Almroth, prin- ence Jiorireson's seventh-grade Trustees of the Union County Psy- Association of Real Estate Boards, roprosenU.,1 the local ,' (Traders' iUHlei\stnniin&r of in;mi- liiimci-riiiiii chins, 1115, was com- were discussed at a meeting of niQls and leptik's win1 increased cipal, through Columbia Univer- hiatric Clinic at a meeting lust »t the nuHing V pleted recently. The ns-.i);nllU'llt board presidents March 1(1. The Suburban i as 8 result of n March '.I vhlt to sity. eek in Temple Emanu-EI. Mr, to write the history wa* made last onda has long been nctive in com- group was convened by Elmer the Newark Museum. Wlii'ii thuy j For I!»• second rnnsvrullvo yrttr, September and was to be com- Houston, vice-president, elirhth dis- I arrived at the museum Ihi- . The purposes ounty, having played a leading dren were (fiven an opportunity ! certificate of excoptionnl merit and of the juojeel were: To enable, (o sfp a live .iiwlii' mi'l turtle iiinl was piaced on the national school o!e in the Community Welfare pupils to appreciate the growth of louncil of that orea. He was a KCP some stuffed mammal speci- safety honor roll of the National mathematics from ancient to mod- ember of the social planning com- mens, Safety Council, Mr. Alnnoth an- ern times and its effects on the :ittec of the Community Welfare Franklin School nounced today. "We are proud of progress of civilization; to learn Jouncil which made a survey of WHEN ITV A)) classes at Franklin and our safety education program and how to gather and organize infor- isychiatric needs in the five com- Franklin Annex were visited by are pleased that the National mation; ami to gain experience ir Kvans D. OrTori, ft science teacher Safety Council has again recog- preparing a bibliography. Some o unities in eastern Union County from Ghana, Africa, recently. nized our efforts," Mr, Almroth the topics covered included: Early hich resulted in the Community TIME TO MOVE Wearing Dio 11.i.liliona) "kente," said. "As Jong as accidents are Number Systems, such as th Welfare Council inviting the clinic a hand-woven cloth, Mr. Oflfori the first ranking cause of death Mayan and Arabic; Egyptian open an office in Elizabeth to ^demonstrated the proper method among school-age children, all of Babylonian, and Greek Mathe- ierve their area. This office was _ THINK Of of wrapping it. In addition to an- us on the staff of Franklin School matics; the Use of Squares and ipened April 10, 1957. Mr. Londa swering of questions at two as- will continue nur organized safety Circles; and Famous Mathemati- been an officer of the clinic TOWNSENt sembly programs and during class- program to teach the young peo- cians. iiice that time, as well as ehair- room visits, he sang two sonfps in of .the eastern Union County ple of our community to protect "After doing research in th Ewe, his native language, and ex- themselves and their fellow stu- ommittee of the clinic. When you move, I plained that there arc five other fieM of mathematics, the pupils The annual meeting was presid- dents." learned that without the assistance languages now spoken in Ghana. d over by Henry G. Coit, outgoing of past learnings, mathematics us do the comply Mr. Offori, commented that he is Fifth graders in Miss Lina iresjdent. t'ouid not have progressed to such used to the tropical heat of Ghana Carl's class recently presented an Among those elected to the Board and that he is cold with tempera- original play to a school assembly a highly developed stage, and tha — from packing! this progress continues today. The f Trustees was Dr. Sol., J. Cohen, tares in the fifties. The fourth culminating a social studies uni Westfield. ••••••• grade classes of Misses Esta La- on "Making Our Nation." The uture may hold even greater dis- Other local members of the board dishes on. Near or I, zarus and Geialdine Norwell in- play dealt with the dreams of a overies than any made so far. As re Mra. Frank J. Feeley Jr., Mrs. troduced the visitor to assemblies young girl who met a series of me report stated, "From the Daniel Hackett, the Rev. Eugene you can rely on wi, and guided him through the American heroes in heaven. •aveman's first exchanges of three aubach and Rabbi Jack Stern Jr. urowheads for one deer to the THE KISS—Tiny Eric Schultz took one look at Llinda, a moving satisfaction,! nost-complex missile launched at Mrs. A. J. A'heran represents llama in New York, and was immediately inclined, to bestow riountainside. Cape Canaveral, man has needed his affection upon her in this manner. The lad is featured ' mathematics and will always need on a daily daytime TV show and Llinda is one of the many ; it. The world could never exist if Frey Notes 25 ROBBINS & ALLISON, Inc. there were no mathematics, for performing animals owned by Bern and Lonaln D'Essen. mathematics is the basis of the Years With Merck HENRY P TOWNSEI > W2 - WM. G. MUU**, Pr orld." Numerous reference books were Fred Frey of 1026 Union street MOVING L STORAGE nvestigated by the pupils and in recently completed 25 years of serv- LOCAL L LONG DISTANCC Local and Long Distance Moving •hided in a bibliography. Among ice with Merck & Co., Inc. A na- hose used were: "The Wonderful tive of Newark, he started with the ALLIED "VANUNEb MouwhoW Goods Exclusively Vorld of Mathematics" and company March 14, 1934 as a 24INORTHAVE. «f* Mathematics for the Million," weigher in the packaging depart- mttcn by Lancelot Hogbenj ment, where he has been employed Geometry for the Practical Man," in various capacities. - STORAGE SHIPPING rritten by J. E. Thompson) "The Mr. and Mrs. Frey are the par- istory of Elementary Mathe- ents of a married .daughter and latics" by Florian Cajor; "A have one granddaug'Mer. hort History of Mathematics" by r PACKING era -Sanford; and "One-Two- LEADER CLASSIFIEDS hree Infinity," written by George BRING RESULTS IIS Swfh Avo. IM amon. • • „ The- Memorial Library has is- Caliahan; The Life of Robert sued its new book list as follows: Burns, Carswell; To Appomattox Oivwt «i> Any One report, prepared by .Mich- :•• atanfert torn el Frantz, also used a primary Fiction: Epitaph for an Enemy, Davis; Venice, Decker; The Great ource; He attended two lectures Barr; Eight Days, Fielding; Tell Oildorado, Dolson; The Connois- SERVICES i mathematics-delivered by Pro- Me, • Stranger, Flood; The seur, Edwards and Ramsey; Van All essor Stephens at Newark State Shanghai Item, Gardner; Runway Gogh, Elgar; Good-bye to Ithaca ollege in Union. Zero-Eight, Hailey; Duty Free, Golding; War Fish, Grider; The Battle of Gettysburg, Haskell; WSSA Manning and Coles; The Achilles FORMS Affair, Mather; The Fig Tree, The Will to Live, Hutschnecker Telephone AD 2-0003 The Wcstfield Schools Secre- Elizabeth the Great, Jenkins; Re- WATERPROOFING iries Association held a business Menen; The Enemy, Meray; The Bespoken Mile, Morrison; Doctor lections on Lei rninf, Jones OF ieeling March 10 at Edison Jun- Streamlinging Your Executive BASEMENT DRAINS AND SUMP PUMFS High School. Preceding a talk and Son, Ostlere; Florida round- about, Pratt; A novel of Thank Workload, Josephs; Ihe Merri INSTALLATIONS - THOROSEM. WAllS y Mra. Marguerite Kimball, vice mack, Holden; The Creativi INSURANCE resident of the Westfteld Board You, Stein; A ' Wolf at Dusk, TRIMMING Thomas; Solomon and Shcba, Wil- Yeai-s, Howe; But I Wouldn' WE RECOMMEND '. Education, the members took a Want'to Live There, Jimenez. KNOWN DRIVEWAYS AND CURBING tur of the school. liams. LEADER DRAINS CONCRETE WORK Wtthiniton School Also, non-flction, Agec on Flm, Also, Successfully Finding Your Agee; Book of Modern Kitchens, TO MAN! STONE AND MASONRY WALLS PATIOS Third graders in Mrs. Frances self and Your Job, Magoun; Las' CENTRAL JERSEY ard's class were given it lecture American Builder; Composition in Essays, Mann; Secular Journa" vith colored slides of a Florida Pictures, Bethers; An Apache Merton; Man Among the Stars rip taken by one of their claes- Campaign in the Sierra Madre, Muller; Mahatma Gandh), Nanda WATER COND. CO. A. S. MANN1NO & SONS lates, July Henning. While Judy's Bourlce; Gold In Your Attic, Brad- Safe Conduct, Pasternak; Cry 01 Serving WeMfield for 25 year* other, Mrs. Elwood Hennfng, ley* Your Gifted Child, Brum- the Heart, Pauli; Select Problemi 120 W. Seventh St., Plainfietd AD 3-4935 AD 2-WIS howed slides of the Everglades baugh; We haye a Gospel, Brewis; in Historical Interprcation, Potter REAL ESTATE National Park, Palm Beach, Bok Legal Status of Young Adults, Panorama of Austria, Reynolds 'ower, the Parrot Farm and Miami A Treasury of Science, Shapley leach, Judy described each scene, Soviet Writings on Earth Satel If you are not now enjoying the M he children were especially in- terested in the Seaquarium and lites and Space Travel; Thought VHIkELvNHIRKEV the shot of flamingos. for Buffets; Tho Last Days of benefits of soft water then call* Lincoln, a Play in Six Scenes, Incorporated Van Doien; Diabetic Menus, experienced firm at once. You'll W» Meals and Recipes, West; King 113 MI1N ST. George VI, Wheeler-Bennett; A CRANFOKD glad you did. - Book of Pictorial Perspective, White; In Flanders Fields, Wolff. Til. M 4-2474 \m CM Mh tar ADdiM J-51M Freight moving between cities In trucks is hauled an average dl«- y A SItVICI KM NIWCOMKS TO tance of 230 miles according to re- Call TOM MARKIY ports made to the Interstate tynv S41I4 Heating Dollars merce Commission. Soort«-car style to suit your ta«te...Wg-oarcomfort with family size •poo»«

Yes, the money you spend for home heating goes fur- ther with quajity oil. Besides, when you heat with quality oil you enjoy all the other feature* that make it so pop- wwit In m new imr... ular. Less oil burner trouble, UHiMUQYlD ityhi... fmmUy-ita* rti* . ,, greater1 efficiency, more heat puwHvl, Monemlcerf »wf»nwiMe.. . for the tame cost. you'll find It it ert y ur OM» ti—U»'» teXteyj

Choose Clements'quality oil. r » n«u S / «g«f This rematkablr roomy new model l* designed lor the eJrtile family. The Celeb f«»lufe» *xtn head room, more leg room. Now is a good time to con- "W« have had experience in finan- toma ... and up io 6t% more Un sider it. cing homes, car*, business inventories there's new visibility (ot driver and and just about any item which requires a large cash outlay. "Best references ... and we work at low bank rates. "May be hired at The First State 24 HOUR SERVICE Bonk of Union. Call today!"

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»way from the oriniir/? Seal yonraelf ™'"^ ^ HIGHWAY BRANCH •leekncM of Ae smartest combtnaUon oi "°V. ...r Safe D«*mM «oif« A*«H»»1» In All s{»> Here's * MI designed tot action! too *T YOUR LOCAL £UTHORIZID One at ike (ntnt mttmlmg tub !• tkc V. 8. Invited l» take ike wheel-gel Thai Ntm« ICtemeitts BROS.IMC. ^^ JFmsT STATE BANK OF UNION DSMOBI E4M5O NOftTH AVE. CAST • WESTFIELb. N. J. . AD 2-3200 OUALITy IFUEL OIL and BURNER SERVICE Main Office —J^^^^BJBS— Highway Branch Morris Avenue at S^ iBWEsJj*1 ' '*> Rnute It at Burke Parkway **"*'' Monroe Street REIUV OLDSMO IC«mfc«r F» »»«, INC., 560 NORTH AVE. E. THE WEBTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, MARCH 2G, 1959 Page T-wenty.Three luiiguuije, teaching them the alpha- were mixed nnd Ignited with ma»- om a recent trip to Argentina. University from June li'i to AUK. 17 year old Evelyn Wilson of bet anil some simple |>hnist/s. Dr, riL'Hlum ribbon, resulting in molten Franklin School 14. Ho will be enrolled in biology, k'lleville. Kvulytii who Is u nn- Sweet is «Uulyin|f the language. In iron after an explosion. George The workings of a biir city nature study, und Indivlduul re- ivt of Jersey) attends Hellovlllo order to rood some scientific jour- Hess demonstrated the fact that swspapov were made veal for search. High nnd Is currently modeling for niilb connected with his work us a « handkerchief sonked in nlcohol isa Llna Carls' fifth (jradci'tf on Mr, Stephens will nttenil mnthe- In; Harbison Model Agoncy In chemist. will not burn completely when act recent trip to tho New York mntics classes nt KutKerti Collcgu •flow York. RJHS on lire but will continue to burn Times" In New York City. Tho from June 28 to Aug. 8. Such In addition to tho holiday pre- An (issembly nrofrrani of science until the alcohol is us«d up. David itial interest in the trip develop, courses us calculus mid ulgvbrn lentatlon for the children, New- experiments was held lust week at Kelly showed, by blowing- into u d from a current events period in will be included In her study. rkor Ohef Fred Platzer and Man- i for Drives, Walks, Roads, etc i Roosevelt Junior Hijfh School. bottle and increasing the air pres- rtlh the New York "Times" was Mrs. Young will liuve charge of ger A! Ciiuettii have combined The'atoeas of the Muteviula and their properties sure on the inside, that the air sed as resource nitttcriai. ten Ameiii'nn high school seniors heir tiilents to prepare the Enstcr f|i' • as well «« u "I08" were shown through experiments pressure in the bottle, after he Senior High School in France Uiis summer. After liv- llnnvr menu, h »f some of the Russian set up on three tables on the stopped blowing, forced the water ing separately in French homes, stugu. Four Westfleld Senior High iNeurly U0 purcem of nil fresh in the bottle up through the tube ehool teachers have recently rc- the group will tour the country. FANWOOD 2-7840 and out the top. Mrs. Young, who visited France in fruits and vegetables now deliv- \ htt -" A. miniature volcano was pro- ived scholarship awards for sum- ered tu muvkota in Lus iVngclea av- *• ° '. .1... children, gave duced by Bargara Tenny when A largo gasoline can that had ,er study. 1954, will be abroad from the and VAMWOOD cmxmmw aluminum powder and iron oxide been heated was used by Richard of June to the first of September. ive by truck. Birchall in his experiment to dem- Bart A. Ellia, Clarence A. Jones, onstrate the effect, of unequal air nd Mrs. Kathleen B. Stephens LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS pressure on. objects, which causes ave accepted stipends froin the Offer Children Etister them to cave in and collapse. The National Science Foundation. Mrs. BRING RESULTS illustration of changing colors and eanor C. Youngf has qualified Trent at Newarker converting them again into color- or a leadership position in France less liquids was produced by ith the Experiment in Interna- Continuing its annual tradition, George Bogatko and Jack Irwin in onal Living. the Newarker Hestjiurant at New- the mixing of various cheemical3. Mr. Ellis, mathematics instruc- ark Airport Terminal will again Call PL 6-3274 and SHOP AT HOME for )f Course present n special trent for the kid Fluorescent and neon lighting by r, will study various mathemntics means of a telsacoil were exhibited oursea at Montclair State Teach dies Easter Sunday. Easter bas- by Preston Hadley. rs College from June 28 to kets, colored eggs, candy, and other it it up to you where you place your in- ug. 8. items will he presented to nil the CUSTOM-MADE REUPHOLSTERY, Other participants were: Janet children by the Easter bunny. Humphrey, Tom Phelan, Bob Boy- Mr. Jones will undertake an Dressed in the bunny costume will ivrance - but we hope you will consider er, and Robert Chambers, narra- ight week session at Kent State tors, who explained the proced- SLIPCOVERS & DRAPERIES ures, techniques and results of the the EXTRA advantages in insuring oxpeiiments, and Linda Mathis who demonstrated optical illusion Choose Irom our beautiful Spring selection with two equal size diagrams. through a LOCAL INDEPENDENT AGENT. The program was directed by :^f li:3 ;•' of fabric samples right in your own home* Michael Barba, of the science and mathematics department. Construction in our awn workroom*—guar- For one thing, he it not bound to write An assembly program for sev- anteed for 7 years. enth grade geography pupils was held March 10 In the auditorium. insurance in any one company, which During this time Mrs. Alan Thomp- son, a sixth grade teacher at BUDGET TERMS TO SUIT YOU Franklin School, showed slides and it he can pick what is best for you. spoke on her travels up the in , OPEN TUESDAY A THURSDAY IVENINOS land waterway to Juncau and Fair- banks, Alaska, and scenes and pco are other advantages, too. May pie in Hawaii and Japan. The program "was introduced by tell you about them? Miss Elizabeth Collins of the so ONS. cial studies department. S INC. One hundred ten science stu dents, accompanied by their teach- ers, John Jeskey, Miss Gretchcn Fin* Fomoiu Brand flolonkfc OnlfrnH Schueler, Michael Barba and Tradition^ A Nodtr* rurnltur*. Indmpmmlitl Agttt parent, Mrs. E. H. Stachel, jour- neyed down to the State Museum MO MMlMIT M» Can Dltptof Ttrim a—I at Trenton, to see the "Big Pic- ture," a story of the Jupiter C project. In addition to the pic- ture which described the project from conception to the successful launching of the Explorer, the students also saw actual models of many of the latest satellites and THIS MESSAGf SPONSORED Vt missiles. EJHS PARDON THE DIGGING FOLKS ... Mis. Mildred Fullard's ninth grade civics classes have a better \um\m understanding of the work of tho Westfleld Planning Board as a re- We're building a sult of a series of two lectures 19NU1IU 9F given by Miss Nancy Reynolds, chairman of the board, March 11 NEW ADDITION and 18. Miss Nancy Imlay, Charle ntua mm M Covell, Chester Bright, Miss e , liasa Fouratte, Irvin Bickel un( FOR YOU Mt mb«rs of Nafionol, State and County Samuel Jones, WestfteUl st»IJ members, recently attended a Association •flmuranc* Aftnts: statewide conference at Montelai at WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS State College to discuss the theme, "Social Studies for a Changing S JOHNSTON FRED MULLER World." PFAHSALL * FRANKBNBACH, I i. WILLIAMS AGENCY Jeffer.on School INC. Sixth grade classes at Edison •BIT * PARKER, INC. M3TRII SON -111 Mi 1,15-N t)W MA Ji - School, recently heard from Mrs. ATWOOD 'MD A, CAMILLO Victor Bonic and Mrs. Morlci HHAUNSDORF ASSOCIATES, IM. Eddy, who shared some veecn KE» « DANKER GUY D. MVILFOUD travel experiences with the chil- dren. Mrs. Bonie showed ft film on < H'GBl ACEKCY HAMPTON HANNA A BON WILLIAM a. ESTWICK, JR. "Freighter Transportation b FREEMAN AOBNCT South America by Way of th NANCY P. BEYNOLDi Panama Canal," and' Mrs. Eddy lectured and showed some exhibits

You're looking at

THE WORLD'S DOUBLE-VALUE Business going on as usual, of course SALES LEADERS!

•WIT rot IAVINOS BUILT von worn Trie !M» Fordi or« beautifully proportioned (or Ywi ion when you buy • new Ford . . . ond people-built lor comfort. Wider door openings 1" k«p right on wving 01 you Jriv» It, too. moke It eoiier t» gel into ond out of a Ford. WHIN DO Wl Oil TOTHI WORMIf . . . Slumlord Ford engines, Six end Thunderbird V-8, *iive on lowwtoil, reotilol goi . . . »«>v« yog There's more rfrelch-ovt room for six big peopto m lo (1 a lonklul. full-Bow fllltoHon stretches , . . more room for elbowf, legi, hipf, hots. oil tkongei 4000 milei opart. New aluminiied. Anil everybody, even the middle m, rid« an ••"Wi normally last twice at long. a deeply podded s*ar.


«• THIY'M TNI LOWIST-FMCD OB OF TNI MOST FOfUUI THHE jj™ "H theii glamour, all their extra com- Come in and get acquainted with the ~^»* their saving ways, Fords are still many additional quality feature* you get in Jr\lo*est of the most popular three. a new Ford. Then take one out for a drive; f*u™y <•«/« priced as much as $102.75 YMI like the way Ford is budt... youl "*\™n Ford's nearest competitor (or some like *e way it goes ... and yool! «reJy j™***, equipped with radio, heater, and lite the money-saving bade you 6m get a*. jr*?* transmission. Fad right now! J*™1 Ford engine is built to s*tisfy ft JTTS, Pow« need, with maximum econ- SEE rOUR fOUO OtMOt FOft A *»&M wWe"base hame< exclusive in DOUBUVAWE DEAL armor. There's more sound and »w]aBon for your comfort than OM TOM CHOKi OflMMNB* r ear HI Fords feM. j^ n»ak«s handling earie* 1 FOUNDED 1888 WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS

r ' Brood garnish turkey, make egg chocolates with a variety «T the house. the high crowns and large brims, tional Church; horticulture bunnies. Shell hard-cooked eggs; Alkyd flat enamels are highly softness and lightness character- flower show, theme- "Spring cut a slice from small end for flat •erttb resistant and tend to collect izes all snrlng millinery. Beauty." bass; insert carrot-slice ears into fillings. 28—DNA expectant mothers class. Its* dirt and grime than »ume oth Soft) crushable straws are ma- tuts made in large end of eg; fas- 4T painta, She says. They can even 7:30 p.m. ten olive eyes, mouth, and chive nipulated! like fabric into interest- 29_Westfield College Woman's Ik tinted with colotvin-oil up to ing shapes. 'Silk prints, chiffons whiskers with too'.hpick. •he-half pint per gallon. And Club, current events group, and organdies give an airy look to meeting place to be an- (hmw «m white enamel* in sheen many silhouettes. Flowers mount- MM flats that remit in a dull rub- nounced, Mrs. Eleanor Young, ed on net or lightweight straws "Experiment in International ktd effect that are nan-yellowing. are feminine and flattering. Many You can now obtain semi-gloss Living," look *s though they had been pluck- 29—DNA annual meeting. •hits paint that does .not yellow, ed from « Renoir painting. For daora and trim in kitchen Veiling does its bit for feminity. •rid bathroom areas, an alkyd Colors Irt bats are more vivid and Fish Beauty Treatment Mtni-glom enamel or alkyd Riots stimulating than ever before and •namel is suitable. art emphasized as an important . Fresh and peppery watercress, THE WHOLE FAMW The color can change the appar part of the costume look. curly endive, big wedges of juicy Hit size or shape of the room, the lemon, tiny beet pickles and fluted WILL ENJOY New Jersey atate university gpe- Slices of cucumber are "selling slaligt points out. If Hiere are Toatted Frankfurter •tools" for the cook when she serves many openings and the room Is fish. Fish varieties that are low •Anil, It -will appear more unified to produce mouth-watering in fat will have more appeal when • Chocolott Eg* if the walls, doors and trim are "franks," preheat the oven to 450 served with melted butter of highly •boot the same color. The room degrees. Remove crusts from slices seasoned sauces. For perfect melt- •kpeare Ur«er if a light tint of a of soft bread, spread the bread ed butter, turn the automatic top • Chocolate •fayed eotor hi u«ed. with mustard and wrap it around burner heat control to 150 on your a slim frankfurter that has been range. Place butter in a small iron To tray or dull a color, mix n heated In boiling water. Secure the •mor with the one exactly opposite skillet and forget it. You won't bread with a wooden pick, top with hay« to worry about its burning. • idly Btans •n the cocolorr wheewheell . Gr»y4ny4n« mi* y y g •opoeites instead rtaff. Along wfch hfefc crowns and _TKE WESTFIELP (N. ,T.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 2(5, 19B9 Page *f wenty-Ftve ims beon aprayor with iv tliin CIHVV Board of Km liars Ini? of DOT, the beetles will be STOFFA ART STUDIO quickly killed. If not, apores «' To Move Office tho fungus will bo i-uljt»l oir in 36 PROSPECT ST., WESTFIELO YOUR GARDEN . ll'o chewing wounds mul curried Wllllnm Mnidnient, executive »oe- into tlio vnsculilf tissues of thu I'fltnry, iinmninri'il today tliat thu tree. There the fungus i;ro\vs, ART CLASSES by Dr. Peter Asgrow —— offlro of Ihu Wcstfluld Board of spreads, weakens and kills. itvnUora will move to now nmirn- y INDOOR PUNTING FOR BARLY HARVEST Prune amt Sj>i-n|/ Too niodntioiiM April 1. • LANDSCAPE innts indoors is easy, interesting and profitable. If III New Knjrlnml, the 'Midwest, The new duitc is located nt 200 • STILL LIFE I Sired of this long winter, you can begin the garden ttcros sthu Mid-Atlantic Mates, nnd East 'Broad street and consists of throe olliecs ami a conference room. • FIGURE • ht now By having seedlings ready to set out when now deep in Virginia and Tennes- see the buttle anainst Duteli elm Alterations, presently in progi'ftss, Monday Morning 9-12 uias gone*' you can gain weeks of an earlier, longer disease is being waged with Inten- are in clinriro of Dnwson nnd Co. s sive force. The move was desirnblo, Mv. Monday Evening 8-11 Mnidmcut said, becauae of greatly ling season, But spraying is only part of it. Tuesday Morning 9-12 More Important in sanitation: The .accelerated honrd activity in the removal and burning of all disonseri recent past and consequent demand Wednesday Morning elm trees and dead nnd dying limbs for expanded facilities. As an in- 9-12 dicntion of this growth, tho secre- nnd branches in live trees before Wednesday Evening leaves open in spring. This will tary said, the-multiple listing op- eut down the number of overwin- eration hna advanced from gross 7:30-10:30 tering elm bark beetles. Healthy aales of $5 million in 11)53 to $!) elms should also be pruned to pro- million In 1058. Aggregate snles Telephone LI 8-0118 mote vigor. of multiple listed properties since inception of the system in 1041) or Visit Studio Then feed. Feeding pops up now total over $00 million. health. It enables o tree to "fight back"—to better ward off attack by insects and disease. Lawn Seed Offer Made 'Early Birds' D. To encourage home owners to derive the benefits of early lawn FOOP CHAIN HONORS FOUNDER AND SONS—A It * Food Slant officially teunehetl IU IMOI care, Garfield Williamson, Inc., anniversary with the unv*lltn» of a 15-inch bnaxt medallion, a memorial to George IftmthigWH of raising seedlings. A. Wooden flats, with open- makers of Wondorlawn lawn seed for drainage. B. Marking little furrows for the Hartford, who founded the pioneer food chain In U5». Md his two MM, Qwp L. HMttewA and lawn food has announced an John A-. Hartford. Shown with the medallion at the A * P headquarter! In Ji«*_X«tk'» Ora Treat the Family he seeds gently from picket to flat. D. The flat "early bird" offer. bulldlnc Is Ralph. W. Surfer, president and chairman of the board. - -...-..• "with" sneet of paper. "Feed your lawn at our ex- bi making a plan of your organisms and are available at your pense" is the theme of its spring ,Lwwhal plants you will garden center. ' | reeting from Governor jRobejpt B. to Fine Food i how many. This gives Larger seeds, should be well cov- '59 program. The offer, specific- A&P Formally ally, ia this: With every "early Scout Roundup ileyner and a fow words from Dr. atui to aim for. No two ered. Mix small ones, like petunia, "Lnwaon, president of ypsala with sand to get even distribution bird" purchase of Wonderlawn lire exactly alike, fortu- College nnd Robert Bockwitn,rpros- The>r»'» something on our menu ud there is plenty of room and then cover lightly. Powdered lawn seed (2500 square foot size,) Launches 100th sphagnum moss is very suitable for Plans Outlined klent, Now Jersey Branch, AAiUN. »your .own preference. the purchaser is given, ree, a 25 to ntaka «vtry member of th* mir plan, make a list of this topping, as it is dark when lb. bag of Wonderlawn lawn food Following a selection by the Up- damp,, light when dry, showing atotasttfled indoors now. (2500 square foot size). Home Birthday Program SCOTCH PLAIN1S—Mrs. John sak Collage choir there will be family "Ooh" and "Ahh" with tsMW that can be grown when' moisture is needed. Keep flats moist but not flooded. owners are urged to "buy now— Snyder of. Scotch PInlns outlined talks by representatives to> the lhal way. For vegeta- delight. Price* are thrlftyl Nothing more is needed until the even though you won't use the The A&P food chain formally plans for the '^Second International United .-Nations on "Human Rights „._* cabbage, eggplant, round the World," "United Na- [unions, onions, peppers tiny seedlings come up, usually in seed 'til later"—in order to get launched Its 100th birthday anni- Girl Scout Roundup" in July at , Flowers: alyssum, a week or two. They will push their full supply of lawn food as versary program last week with Colorado .Springs nt a meeting of ions Problems In the " .jto, dahlias (dwarf), roots down in search of food, a gift from Wonderlawn. the dedication of a wall-mounted the Fanwood-Scoteh Plains Rotary nd "UNESCO at Work." :, w which you can supply by adding a OMN 34 HOURS DAI1Y ' L petunias, phlox, verbe- Why consider lawn care early— medallion honoring the founder Club last week in the Maison Blllln. Anyone interested to Attending Oiually it takes six to spoonful of regular fertilizer per Mrs. Snyder is a member of the mny contact Mra. T. K. RosSiter. quart of water. Set the flat or con- before the last snowfall ... or the and his two sons. for plants to reach Top offleinls of the Great Atlan- board of Trustees, Washington Kile, so don't start tainer where the plants will receive first robin? According to leading plenty of sunlight; otherwise their garden authorities, the results of tic & Pacific Ten Co., headed by Hock Council, Girl Scouts, and past cr plants loo early. stems will grow spindly and weak. president of thq Fanwood-Scotch Training Course For irtievcral ways lo start early lawn care tell the story vivid- Ralph W. Burger, chairman of the At this point (he seedlings are board and president, participated Plains Council. Girl Scouts from Fire Officers Held ; nlings. You can begin by ready for transplanting to another ly later on In the season. Experi- torn, using shallow, top- ence has shown that a doso of In the unveiling f>,.-iJ< V.AIIKOAD STATION ers prefer to transplant into indi- Although the company has fea- f I trial supply shop or summer, least affected by climatic tured A&P's Centennial theme of cil $220 for each girl or approxi- end public speaking at the ofllcon • am. vidual containers, set in flats, using mately $7,000. The delegates will training courso lii Town'"Hall paper plant bands or pots made of conditions. Also, with early feed- "Thank You, America," sinco the • IttM start your secd- ing of high organic food, crab be selected on the basis of profi- Thurstluy night. Elittibn from your gar- pressed peat moss or dried manure. beginning of the year, the dedica- This way roots aren't disturbed grass and weeds have leas oppor- tion ceremony officially set in mo- ciency in scouting plus outside ac- The group represented ill 21 ni ilrst, either with a tivities. MKtJ from your gar- when plants are set into the garden tunity to get started. tion the 100th anniversary which Union County municipalities. later. You can find all these ma- will be celebrated throughout 1958, FanwoodiScotch Plains Council Westfiold'a fire chief, Martin sky baking it in the terials at your garden supply store; IrMamutes at about 200° but many gardeners have used pa- officials said. will send three girls. They are Reta Burke, is tho dean-of the school. Ihtknued by the odor! It's the Season Again Rnnucci, ROOT Leo Meal'and Susan All town officers wore- present. • bib the fungi in the er cups successfully, punching Mr. Burger told those attending oles in the bottom. < Lor Lawn Spread Gyps the ceremony that "our company W/alters, There are approximately •e'damping-ofT, seen 1,000 .Scouts in Fanwood and s shrink and die. grew from a single store selling Beginning the third or fourth Scotch Plains. get good results week after transferring, the young While you're watching for the tea to become tho nation's largest BRING RESULTS jbunum moss, ground plants should be ready for barden- first robin of spring,, keep an eye food distributor." Forty-four members and guests attended tho meeting. Laurence An- lakligtd tor this job. Ver- ing-oflf. Give them, little by little, peeled for lawn spread gyps. "I wish to pay admiring tribute LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS kimraly form of mica, is a dally increasing amount of ex- Take it from a man wfto has had drews, vice president,' presided al J pod medium. Both are posure to the outside air in a ' to the foresight and vision pf the the business session. The llev, V long experience with lawn Bpread mesn.who,made this growth possible 1*1 free from damping-oft sunny, sheltered place. peddlers, a hint of balmy weather old A. Scott, pastor of the Fan thttoogftoit our history — to the wood -Presbyterian . Church, gftvi •1. NEXT WEEK: Early lawn Cart f Is likely to bring them out, eager founder, Georgo H. Hartford j to as ever to turn sawdust, tea leaves the invocation. Group singing wai Iwwenloyment from your garden send for Gifu from Your his two sons, George 'h. Hartford led by Russell Scott. Eyesore??? or other worthless stuff into dol- nnd John A, Hartford who until \«fret booklet of vegetable recipes. Address postcard to Asgrow, lars. James W-lndler reported that th' i«KH. New Haven 2, Conn. recently guided us—and to tho gen- group's bowling team is in thtr Or. Stacy B. Randle, state chem- erations of employees whose devo- Some advertisements seem to jst at the Agricultural Experiment plnce, only 1H games out of firs tion and skill have made possible place. bruise the eyeballs . . . Station, Rutgers University, has the public service that has won for had occasion to test lawn spreads The birthday of Dr. Theodon Others are watery weak. us the patronage of millions of Cowell was celoUruted. down through the years. The result American families," he added. We strive «lways to give our la always the same: The rich-look- The 15-inch bronze medallion, clients advertising that's ing stuff has practically no value as LRDENER'S NOOK bearing the likenesses of the foun- Local Residents To distinctive, imaginative , . . fertiliser. der and his two eons, was designed Attend VIS Parley In a try for quick riches, the by one of America's foremost me- and above all ... produces dallic sculptors, Arethony de Fran- the results our clients want. lawn spread crew may stop Its A large number of Westfleld res mate" of the soil for growth. truck in front of your home. One clsci. ^c^^fflmS) toiicli of Beauty ge h Drained soils In April may he Idents hai-e made reservations foi man may spread a basketful of thu annual United Nations confer- Rttmce n three to ten degrees warmer dark material on your lawn while -nan undrained soils. Tbe temper- N. J. Park Association ence to be held Thursday, April 9, ROBERT B. the head salesman talks glibly at Upsa'a College viking Hal PLANT upionte ature difference may mean sur- abdot "fertilizer" at so much a bas- Sets Annual Session vival or death of a large trans- Prospect street and Springdal HacPllr-RSOY I* ketful. avenue, East Orange, from D:3l FOODS 1 m«y be Innocent- planted tree, one with a four-inch FANWOOD, ;N. J. -AGRICO If you give this fast talker any Allen T. Edmunds, regional r tem of thousands of trunk diameter or more. And a.m. to 4:30 p.m. encouragement your lawn .will soon chief, Division of Recreation Re- The program will open with Adverli$ing — I'uhUe Relations HtWkaSPKML » petj before summer. spring root growth may be two bo covered with' a fantastic num- source Planning, Region Five, Na- t ire transplanted to three weeks earlier. ber of basketfuls and you'll have a tional Park Service, will discuss i and shrubs ex- bill that will stagger you. But the Conservation as a Basis for an in waterlogged Battling Beetles With bill will mention "lawn spread" in- Adequate Recreation Program," at IWJ Winter plantings in stead of fertilizer, a legal gimmick the 22nd annual meeting and din- WONDERLAWN <['"tea may be dead be- DDT Curbs Progress Of that the salesman uses to protect ner of the INtew Jersey Parks and * Mrts unless soggy himself. Recreation Association, Tuesday at f "» promptly corrected, Dutch Elm Disease To avoid any complications with 7 p.m. at the Winfield .Scott Hotel, "in u Jacobs, research Elizabeth. £#r/y Bird Qpeciak' 1 lawn spread salesmen, just'say no »• D«vey Tree Ex- The spread of Dutch elm disease and mean it, Dr. Randle advises. Salvatore A. Bon tempo, commis- :an be extremely aerious this year. Established dealers in the commu- sioner, Department of Conserva- ««ire»tlie and the tree Elm bard beetles that transmit this YU nity can supplppy all youy r gardeg n tion and Economic Development, * K soil ia saturated, deadly fungus infection built up will discuss "The Future of the owj destructive to high populations last fall. The needs, and at reasonable prices. GET And from long contacts with the State Parks" at the dinner. d growing are»ii warmth at spring will trigger *"•»> police in lawn spread cases, he Frederick C. Sutro, president of WON OKU LAWN •MMMONN py pore space into action again. knows that the authorities will ap- the association will serve as toast- *«tw. And shortage Now, says Edward J. Dud* of preciate a phone call if you hear master. A short business meeting VMt fwr AO8C0 CHOI 1NUMI OWH ^'wits in harmful de- the Bartlett Tree Research Labor- of a lawn spread salesman at work will include election of officers for LAWN FOOD ™ « organic matter. M start tat \mmfftm t» mkt jour tw» mi «**• ««• atories, »s the critical time to save in your neighborhood. 1959, and action on a revised con- 2900 t% ft. »iz«~25 lbs., R«f. ,'2jf5 !t*»s harmful to plant America's elms, the time to eont- stitution and by-laws. IK NMWM MMNUNft CKMM M, Km Yort 7, NLI bat these insects before their lethal C»ts were mare than household Dinner reservations may be made M simplt test for drara- work is done. pets to tiie ancient Egyptians. With Rudolf* Krestan, dinner Aria Plant: — carteret, New Spray every eJm with DDT. They Were worshiped as gods, ac- chairman and secretary of the as- WHENX a day. All he March is the time «o start. Do it cording to the World Book Ency- sociation, at PO Box 275, Eliza- YOU X. Buy Agrico Now At These Fine Stores: MuaII ! before the leaves open, before the clopedia. The punishment for kill- beth. wat« beetles arrive. ing a cat -was usually death, WOMDCNLAWM How Tree* Art Infected a cat was usually death. LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS PAY Westfitld Point and Hie beetles are overwintering LAWN SEED a mar-made beneath the bark of diseased and Hardware Co., Inc. to djrf»8f elm trees. When they emerge 2500 »q. ft. siz« only *5.95 is to spores of tiie Dutch elm disease 233 ftotHi Avt. W«»» 12s IIM sram byi fungus are carried on their feet •••• ' and body narts. ORDER NOW W«ttfl«M, N. J. AD 3-JOOO tile. FBID YOUR LAWN AT OUR — •arkinej in Rear — ADAMS 2-1 SOB Tfliey fly to Jiealtny elms and feed Be an early bird! Buy your lawn aeed vow—and let th* - outlet. in tiny twig crotches. If an elm SWAYING SCHIDUUS NOW KING TAKEN 2S lb. $2.50 bag of lawn food ABSOLUTELY FREE with 8 «orra sewer, aide each package of Wonderlawn @ $5.95! That'* an IS.4S Meeker •Mountainside Paint J*0Pen ditch where IVftY TIKE HAS ITS ENEMIES value for only 15.95. Wonderlawn Lawn Seed sivn yon *~ ' freely. a lawn of permanent beauty. Wonderlawn Lawn Food "constant feeds" —turns grass grreen, kitpt grass great. Garden Center the "en- Ttita H lru» wh«fi It H ff»wlnf raraM* conditions. & Hardware TOUTS HYACINTHS Quantity limited 1 ACT NOW ! Wh«r* iMMf apMwftla ar prevail a »yit»- If00 South Aw*. W«M •» Mountain Av*. W«»tfi«W, N. J. AD J-t717 h ^aMAMlt^Bl £*M Ska* MBMBftMtftSMM *JL wMaimkto, N. J. AD 3-5655 Award Winning WONMRLAWM UTILITY LAWR MCO WIL- EASTER FLOWERS thMk and frail »«N» Hyde and Bib, Inc L. Bartell Farm & GRO A PLANTS Call er writ* for fr*e information. SAVE 540 S«urti Av» W«t Garden Supplies SPRAYING • FEEDING BRACING HUBS ROSES Reg. $4.95 Pay only $3.95 N. i. AD 24760 140'Ctnfrat A««< PRUNING SURGERY (No fret itwn foot wltft Mlty offer) ! Clerk, N. J.

SAMtU »t leading garden lufcpfy, i««d and ftardwsrt store* tudor THE LITTLE FARM Boyle Tree Surgery Company lilt CENTRAL AVE. WONDERLAWN Hardwore Co., Inc WESTFIELD, N. J. Elizabeth 2-4124 for (awni of PERMANENT KAOTY sminHB'»m.i.i*iiiss!t,mc..i«2 wfst siat »«*«, «««• » * i AD 2-3154 N. }• State Certified Tree Surgeon I Quality Saadsmen Sif c* 1876 WettfteM, H. I. AD 3-0»» THE WKSTWKM) CN. J.) LBAPBtt, TUESDAY, MARCH 26 P.g, Tw.nfr.Sfc Activities In The TRINITY Augmented «hni»ri UcM'i'ive Ni'w Members :1 Senior Highs Sunday Maa!ev Lutherans Plan On Palm Sunday 3, in, •• a'ln' Sermon of the Week a.m., chll In the swtmd oi' the U\r*.'« I'uliu To Interpret "TO BE CONTINUED" Four Services 10, and Sunday services u.1 Redeemer Luth- Holyduy Masasm The Rev. CUrk W. Hunt, Miniitcr Easter Sunday eran Church, new members were Last Supper Fir.t MethodUt Church formally received lit the altar. The FIRST METHODIST CHURCH TEMPLE EMANU.EL •>"-; in chapel, «.„ Four worship services liave been Rev. Walter A. Reuning conducted AT WESTFIELD Rabbi Jack Stem, Jr. Weekday Mass*, tiit. ceremony (If reception by trans- An original interpretation of the Today: 8:30 p.m., ability-to-pay scheduled for Easier morning at events of the last supper of Jesus MinUtem :«, 7:15 and 8 a,, If uny of us hod been standing at the foot of the cross on that Redeemer Lutheran Church. Tlie fer from other Lutheran churches mmittee. rwisc announced first Good Friday, we should surely have been as discouraged nnil with His disciples will be portray- Tho Rev. Clark W. Hunt sunrise service will be held at U:15 and by confession of faith. Tomorrow: G p.m., beginning of Confession: Sa{urj. defeated as were those first followers of Jesus. If there was "dark- ed by the young men of the senior The Rev. Karl E. Wright a.m. to be followed by other serv- A group of applicants for mem- high department of the Bible Tho Rev. Eugene E. Laubach iring conclave of Jersey Federa- ;••« P.m.; 7:30 to"?; ness^ over the whole land," there ices at 7:45, 10:15 and 11:30 a.m. bership after instruction in the Toduy: 10 a.m., the Christian lon of Temple Youth; 8:15 p.m., !«y before the ftrsW was also gloom and darkness in School of the Presbyterian Church n The sermons in all the services fundamentals of the Christian on Good Friday evening, at 8 . jllowship Hour of the WSCS will bbath service. Sermon topic: s Saturday, j[oljI the hearts of the disciples. They will be delivered by Pastor Walter faith will begin the series of dis- K held ill room 208, Wesley Hall, The Time of "youth." An Oneg aeh morning Mia had left their fishing nets and cussion periods with tho pastor on o'clock In Westminster Hall on tho habbat (delight of the sabbath) their tax-collector's booths to fol- A. Reuning. The lust in the series campus of the church at East ilrs. J. R, Yocom, spiritual life Evening devotion,., of eight sermons on the Passion Wednesday, April 1-1 at 8 p.m. Tho Broad street and Mountain avenue. ecretary will be in charge. All nd program will follow the serv- lonor of our Lady ,' low one whom they supposed and Resurrection of Jesus Christ next reception of members will I'omen of the church are invited. ce. !ous Medal and Sair should redeem Israel. And while take place in the church Sunday, The script was written by Mrs. has been announced as, "What Louis R. Quad who is also direct- 12:45 p.m., circles 1 through fl Saturday: 10 a.m., sabbath aerv- Monday at 6 p.m they had sometimes been mystified June 14. e. Rabbi Israel Dresner, advisor and confUBed by Jesus' words and Happened There—In Joseph's Gar- ing tho production, assisted by f the WSCS will meet in the den?" The Rev. Arthur L. Krey- Miss Lorinda Mahony. ionics of its members. f JFTY will speak. Following deeds, they had never really unch, the young people will hear doubted but that their discipie- ling, assistant pastor, will serve as The young men who are in this 8 p.m., the traditional Holy Week liturgist. Plan Devotions jommunion service will be held in Jnbbi Joshua Haberman of Tren- ship would have a happy and tri- dramatic presentation are: Nar- on speaking on "The Task of Be- umphant ending. And now, this! In the siinrise service the junior rator, Raul Carlson; pilgrim, Rob- .hn sanctuary at 8 o'clock. The choir will present "Christ Being meditation will be given by the ng a Jew"; 8 p.m., evening pro- U a.m., Death, failure, shame. "Simon Good Friday ert Duncan; Simon, called Peter, p-am for JFTY at the Jefferson, Peter said to them: 'I am going: Raised From the Dead," by Healey Paul Orme; Andrew, David Chris- v. Mr. Hunt. -8:15 p.m., WdW WiUuu^ -Organistg : Mrs. Raymond tian; James, Gilbert Templeton; Tomorrow: 12 to 3 p.m., the School, testimony mcetine Th. fishing.' They said to him, 'We are The observance of Good Friday invited.. 1 going with you.' " Hess, Choir under direction of at Redeemer Lutheran Church will John, Neil Prudden; Philip, Carl ;hree-hour Good Friday service Sunday: 10 a.m.-3 p.m., conclu- Mrs. Walter Reuning. include the traditional three hours Peterson; (Nathaniel, Jack Fish; vlll be held at the First Congrega- ion of JFTY conclave; 9:45 and The only thing was that where In the second service at 7:45 ionnl Church. Ministers from the 1 a.m., Sunday religious school. their script read, "The End," of devotions from 12 noon to 8 Matthew, David Newbert; Thomas, a.m., the day school ohoir will sing, p.m. The devotional guide, "The Jon Teeple; James, the Less, Fred ocal churches will have the medi- Monday: 8:30 p.m., religious Affili.ted Unit, j God's script read, 'To be con "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" tations. :ommittee. Christianity (no.., tinued." Easter, above all else, is Way of the Cross," will provide for Disque; Thaddeus, David Mayne; by Robert Williams. Orgnnist: periods of hymn singim?, prayer, .Simon, the Zealot, John Griner, 3:30 p.m., the Wesley boys choir, Tuesday: 1 p.m.,' golden age L"'« SMMH,,.- a word about a God who is no re- Miss Jean Fisher. Choir under di- group; 7 p.m., post-confirmation specter of the exclamation points the reading of the Passion History and the man in the street. fifth through eighth grades, will Meetings: Monday nri rection of Miss Carol Spitzer. and silent meditation. Distinct de- Ushers will be other young men •ehearso in the choir room; the :lass; 8:30 p.m., adult education o'clock at Woman's CM and periods that men put at the In the third service at 10:15 2nd of their sentences. votional periods will begin at 12 of the senior high department. ruaader choir girls, fifth and sixth lecture: "Isaiah." field, 318 South Bid a.m., the Luther choir will sing noon, 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. The high Dr. George William Volkel, or- grades, will rehearse in Wesley Wednesday: 8:30 p.m., board of corner of Tremont are There are many ways'ih which Easter says "To be continued." the anthems, "Come Ye Faithful, school singers will lead in the first rustees; discussion group at home Leader is Mrs. Kathu For one thins;, Easter always comes at the beginning of spring-time ganist and director of music of the Hall; 4:30 p.m., the antiphanal Raise the Strain," by Johann Horn, period; the day school choir in the of Mrs. Jack lEdge. ( The discus- man, tcacner of tTnil;."j and reminds us of a power at- the center of the universe which de- church, will be at the organ. Miss hoir will rehearse in the choir setting by Ludwig Lemel, and "I second period and the junior choir Kathy Quad has been the rehearsal oom. sion leader will be the Rev. J mon topic March 30 '^ clines to recognize the finality of winter. For another thing, Easter is Know That My Redeemer Liveth," in the last period. Organ accom- Trapp of the Unitarian Ohurch of have seen tho Lori" i God's answer to the paragraph endings that men put after death. accompanist. Saturday: 9:30 a.m., the Wes- by George F. Handel, arranged by paniment will be provided by Miss Other details of the production ey boy3 choir, third and fourth Summit. study class from ( Taken seriously, Easter cannot help but confirm the "soul's invincible William Y. Webb. Organist: Mrs. Jean Fisher, Mrs. Raymond Hess precedes the regular surmise" that there is more to follow beyond this life. «re being handled by the follow- grades, will rehearse in the choir Thursday:' 8 p.m., men's club Edward Wente. Ohoir under direc- and Miss Carol Spitzer. ing: Secretary, Mrs. A. T. Sand- oom; the crusader choir girls, duplicate bridge. Monday night. Yet the first Easter was not primarily a celebration of spring's tion of Mrs. Walter Reuning. Friday: 8:15< p.m., sistcrhooc rebirth—or even of man's hope of personal immortality. It was more Worshippers may share in the quist; costumes, Mrs. Mason Tur- ,hird and. fourth grades, will re- In the Inter service at 11:30 a.m. devotlpns of the entire period or ner and Miss Joyce Turner; prop- learse in Wesley Hall; 11 a.m., the sabbath. An Onegr Shabbat wll! COMMUNITY than therfe. For the participants in the first Easter parade, there was the Luther choir will present the erties, Miss Sandra Boynton; herub choir, first grade boys and follow the service. PRESBYTERIAN d an assurance that they had received a Kingdom which could not be anthems mentioned above. any part as desired. Pastors Wal- shaken. It Was that they knew that there was a power at the center of ter L. Reuning and Arthur L. make-up, Mrs. T. Barr Stevenson girls, will rehearse in the social Rabbi Jack Stern Jr. and Can Mecliaf HMM 1 The regular Sunday School ses- Kreyling will conduct the devo- and Miss Sandra Stevenson; stag- hall; the carol choir, second grade tor Sidney Reiser officiate at al! Mouabiuid, the universe that was in control. sion at 9 a.m. will include an as- tions. ing and lighting effects, T. Barr toys and girls, will rehearse in the services with the participation o: Rev. Delwyn R. Rirm,J Easter paraders in the year 1969 should understand that even sembly of «U classes from second .Stevenson and David Sandquist. hoir room. the temple choir and Mrs. R. C Sunday: The Rev. Jf., better than those first Easter paraders. We can look back and realize grade to high school Bible classes, The calvary service of Good Fri- r day evening at 7:30 p.m. will in- The public is invited to attend. Sunday: 9:15 a.m., departments Lauver, organist. preaching; 6 a.m., joulij how often the so-called defeats of good men and good causes have to view the color film, "The Lord sunrise service; 9 and I] been but Good Fridays before an Easter morning. Again and again, Is Risen," in the church at 9:20 clude meditations on "The Seven hrough the juniors of the Church Words" by Pastor Reuning. The School will meet. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH identical services of wiii the good has been crucified, placed In a tomb, with a stone rolled a.m. Willard Dunham, superin- Nursery School rament of baptism, I across the door, and men have said, "There, that's that." And lo, and tendent, will be in charge. Luther choir will sing the short 9:15 and 11 a.m., the cradle and (Epitcopal) cantata, '"The Words on the Cross," :rib, first floor, Wesley Hall; wor- The Rev. Richard J. Hardman "Death and Resurrection";! behold, something has happened: "Truth, crushed to earth, will rise Offers Open House School for nursery mi •gain." Who would have supposed that the name of Jesus would sur- by Matthew N. Lindquist Organ- hip services in the sanctuary. The The Rev. Charlei R. Lawr«nc« ist: Mrs. Edward Wente. Choir Rev. dark W. Hunt, minister, wil' The Rev. Robert H. Wilkinton gartcn only. Other chiltjj pass the name of Herod—or that the name of George Washington The Roger Williams Nursery to attend church with would one day mean more than the name of George III—or that the St. Paul's Sets under the direction of Mrs. Walter School will hold open house Tues- preach on "When Easter Becomes Today, Maundy Thursday: name of Anne Frank would one day be honored above the name of Rouning. day, April 14 at 8:15 p.m. in tho Personal." Special Easter music a.m., Holy Communion; 9 a.m 2:30 p.m., adult stt'ij Adolph Hitler? Special Music children's building of. the First will be sung by the choirs. The morning prayer; 9:30 a.m., Hoi; ogy of Paul." I>o we see then what Easter means, taken seriously? Easter Memorial Park Baptist Church on Elm street. sanctuary choir -will sing for both Communion; 8 p.m., Holy Commun Monday: 7:30 p.m., The St. Paul's choir of men and services "Since by Man Came >n. assembly room. means that Communism can never ultimately win. It may have its Will Be Scene Hope Pfaffle, director of the Death" from Messiah (G. P. Han Wednesday: 3:30 regional triumphs, and its. shadows may stretch ominously over the boys will sing at the 10 and 11:30 school, is in charge of the work- Tomorrow: 7 a.m., Ante Com a.m. services Easter Day, and the del), "Ea&ter Anthem" (William munion; 9:30 a,m., litany and An choir; 4:30 p.m., junto whole world, but do you really think that a system built upon atheism Of Sunrise Service shop display, assisted by the nurs- Billings), "Easter" (Ralph Vaugh p.m., study for youth t and materialism and ruthless. disregard of the human personality girls choir at She 7:45 a.m. serv- ery school staff: Mrs. Kenneth te Communion; 12-3 .p.m., three ice. At the identical services of NEW MARKET — The second on Williams). J. Prentiss Haworth hour service; 8 p.m., evening pray p.m., chancel choir. contains In it the basis of permanence? Easter means, too, that the Medearis, hostesses and Mrs. Ken- will be the baritone soloist for this distorters of truth and justice, wherever they may be, at home and Holy Comunion at 10 and 11:30, annual Easter sunrise service will neth Strandberg, publicity. r, Thursday: 9-9:30 abroad, cannot ultimately win. They may do incalculable damage, the choir will sing "Thou hallow- be Sield at .the Lake Nelson Memo- last selecton. Ait the 11 o'clock Saturday: 7 a.m., Ante Corn cessory prayer group. but there 5s at the center of the universe a fundamental insistence ed chosen morn of praise" hy Leo rial Park, South Randolphvllle Mrs. N. H. McGnflin, who has service, the youth choir will join munion; 3 p.m., Easter baptisms Friday: 7:15 p.m., ( upon troth and fair, play and integrity -which finally stands in judg- Sowerby, and "Jesus Ohrist Is Ris- road at 5:30 a.m. Sunday with spe- foi years directed her own nursery the sanctuary choir in the first an 4 p.m., Church School pageant. , 177.. ment upon men who trade truth for expediency. Easter means, too, en Today" toy Stanford. The com- cial music by the Westminster school in Summit, will be the dis- them. Following the benediction Easter Day: 6:30 a.m., Hoi; that profiteers and' profligates do not succeed in breaking the moral munion setting is the collegium re- Chapel choir of Princeton. cussion leader for "New M*y4 tot the choirs will sing "Hallelujah Cotnmunion; 7:45 a.m., Holy Com laws of th« universe. They may escape the consequences for a time, gale service of Herbert Howells. Although the park association Working With Children." Chorus" from Messiah. munion and sermon; 10 n.m., Hoi; playing fast and looje in their moral courses, their family relation- The organ prelude and postlude, wants to hold the service as near to The parents of the Roger Wil- • Ohoralc Introit by the quartel Communion and sermon; 11:31 Mort Chunk, ships, their business practices. But man never finally outwits this both by Sir William H. Harris, the traditional resurrection time liams School and all who are inter- and antiphonal choir: "In Joseph'] a.m., Holy Communion and ser- universe and its inevitable process of cause and consequence. will be "Flourish for an Occasion" us possible, an effort will be made ested in a nursery school for their Lovely Garden" (traditional Span mon. ntxt p*, and "Fantasy on 'Easter Hymn.'" also to schedule it so that wor- children are invited to attend the ish, Dickinson). Prelude and post Easter Monday: 9:30 a.m., Hoi; There Is both hope and judgment in the Easter fact that God At the 7:45 a.m. service Easter does not respect man's chapter endings. The Communist may say, shippers may attend the special discussion and the social hour lude: "Choral in A Minor" (Ceso; Communion; 3:15 p.m., Senio Day, the girls choir will sing morning services in their own which follows. Franck), "Toccata on 'O Filii e. YPF play rehearsal; 7:30 p.m. "Did yon know we've done away with God? This religion h just an "Come Ye Faithful, Raise tho opiate of the people/' Or we may say, in support of some self-centered, churches. Filiae'" (Lynwood Farnam). Boy Scout meeting. fitrain" by Bender, and "Awake, John V. O'Neill, manager of the 5 p.m., chapel choir rehearsal in Easter Tuesday: 9:30 a.m., Hoi; self-indulgent -way of life, "This is the way I'm going to live my life, Thou Wintry Earth," Dutch carol, Program to Air and that's that." In both-instances, God has a habit of saying, "Is park, said tho more than 60 voice the choir room; 6:15 p.m., interme Communion; 3:15 p.m., Senio arr. Davis. The organ prelude choir would be under the direction Hour' Easter Music diate meeting in Wesley -Hall; jun YPF; 3:30 p.m., confirmation class, HOW that so? To be continued." will be Howella' "Saraband for the of Robert Simpson. T>he choir al- ior high meeting in Wesley Hnll young people. For us, as well as for those who attended the first .Easter dawn Morning of Easter" and the post- service, Easter is the guarantee t>f God's dominion over sin and death, so appeared at last year's sunrise Special Easter music from th< 0:30 p.m., youth choir rehearsal in Wednesday: 7 a.m., Holy Com CHRISTIANI lude "Christ Lay in the Bonds of service at the park, which attract- Lutheran Hour will be carried by the choir room; 7:30 p.m., senio munion; 8:30 a.m., Holy Commun •nd his complete refusal to recognize even the most terrifying final- Death" by Bach. ity that man can conceive. Easter, in this age of great power and ed more than 2,000 peraons. the National Broadcasting Co. on high meeting in Wesley Hall. ion, Altar Guild corporate com SCIENCE great perils, puts new meaning into the declaration' of the' Psalmist, Today, Maundy Thursday, at the Tho Rev. Harold Gumblin, min- Its weekend monitor program dur- Monday: 7 p.m., Boy Scou munion; 7 p.m., Men's Club di "Therefore will we not fear, though the earth be removed, and 8 p.m. service of Holy Communion, ister of the Dunellen Methodist ing the Easter weekend. Troop 78 will meet in the socia ner. HEALS though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea ..." the motet .group of the choir of Church, will read the scripture and The music will include hymn! hall. Thursday: 10 a.m., YDS work "Hallelujah, the Lord God,omnipotent Teigneth." men and boys will sing the How- deliver the benediction. sung by Lutheran choirs from Bie Tuesday: 6:45 p.m., the reg- meeting, home of Mrs. Clinton Tur- ella' "Collegium Regale Service" The service will be held at the lefeld, Germany; Madras, India ular meeting of the Men's Club ner, 40 Surmywood drive; 10:30 WRCA640U] and Byrd's "Aive Verum Corpus." flagpole near the new administra- being considered for addition to Tokyo, Japan; and the Fort Waym Police Chief Albert Pftrrmann \vi! a.m., Woman's Auxiliary board Sunday The organ prelude will be "La tion building. Ample parking Is Choral Society.. Arrangements fo: be the speaker. His subject: "Juve meeting; 12:30 p.m., Day Auxil- the organ. Banquet Culoats" by Mossisen and available. Organ Recital In the four years Dr. Volkel has furnishing the music to monitoi nile Delinquency." Also include iary; 7:45 p.m., adult confirmation the postlude "Elevation III" by After the program members of were made by Pan Americai in the evening's program will be class. Station been the church's organist and Dupre. the ohoir will be guests of the Scheduled April S choirmaster, there has been a Broadcasting Co. of New Yori travelogue, showing movies takei Sunday/ The girls choir will sing at the park association at breakfast In City, Lutheran Hour agents. by Bill Pfaffle of ghost towns on. FIRST UNITARIAN SOCIETY steady growth of interest and ap- service of evening pr-ayer tomor- the Roger Smith Hotel, New Indian villages. All men are in 724 , Plaiafiald "The fourth and final organ re. preciation of the oratories and or- row, Good Friday, at 8 p.m. A .Brunswick. Monitor's Lutheran Hour hymw vited. The Rev. H. Mortimer Gnur , eital by Dr. George William Volkel gan recitals presented. plalnsong Magnificat and Nunc Lake Nelson Memorial Park may will include "Ohrist Jesus Lay ii miniitcr A brief discussion of each piece Death's Strong Bands" in German Wednesday: 6:30 p.m., famil irill be/t'vren in the Presbyterian Mimittis will be sung, snd the an- be reached from Washington ave- church night in the social hall. The Rev. Nicholas C. CarMI Church in Westfteld Sunday aft- by Dr. Volkel precedes the musie them will be "There Is a Green Hill nue, Dunellen, where signs will be "Amen, Hallelujah" in Tamil atraeiat* minisMr i crnoon, April 5, at S o'clock. The which will bet Concerto in D Far Away," arranged by Healy posted, directing .motorists to "Lift Your Glad Voice in Triumpl There is no genius in life Sunday: II a.m., Church School WO« 710 Mj 'if- public is invited to attend. Minor by Vivaldi; Colloquy with Willan. The organ prelude will oSuth Randolnhville road. It can on High" in Japanese, and "Th the genius of energy and industry session; service of worship with trie Swallows, Boss!; Scherzo in Lord Is Arisen" in English. Donald Grand Mitchell Sunday •;-•' The church hai t 3-manua] G Minor, Bossi; Reve antique be Brahms' setting of "O Sacred be reached from Metlar's lane, Fis- sermon. CaMvant org-an. Installed some (Kamonnol-Ostrow); Rubinstein; Head, Sore Wounded," and the cataway Township. From Metuch- M»en years ago .upon completion the Squirrel, Weaver; Fountain postlude Brahms' "Ah, Holy en, motorists should follow New of the restoration of the church Reverie, Fletcher; On hearing the Jesus." Durham road to Stelton road edifice, the organ has since been first cuckoo in spring, Delius; Two The dioir of men and boys will where signs will also be posted. added to ind hi* a memorial set Preludes on Welch Hymn Tunes— sing at the Easter festival of nine of chlmt«, a celesta, trumpet, and Bryn calfaria and Rhosymedre, lessons and carols to be presented Communion Service Mcently dedicated, an orchestral Valighan Williams; Sportive fauns, at 10 a.m. Sunday, April 5, and Bt At Baptist Church oboe «top., Other stops, are now D'Antalffy. 11:30 a.m. Sunday, April 12. The annual Maundy Thursday Methodist Men communion service of the First Set Dinner Session Baptist Church will be held today at 8 p.m. in the sanctuary. The The Men's Club will hold its pastor, the Rev. Elbert E. Gates Clothes lines are monthly dinner meeting Tuesday Jr., will conduct the service as- at 6:45 p.m. at the First Metho- sisted by the Board of Deacons for the bird*! dist Church. and the chancel choir under the Police Chief Albert Pflrrmann direction of the Rev. Jet E. Turn- will' lecture on "Juvenile Delin- er, associate minister. quency." Members of the Baptist Church The second part will be a 16 mm will join with fellow Christians in travelog™ movie taken by William the three hour Good Friday serv- Pfaffle, "Journey Into Yesterday" ice to be held tomorrow beginning showing ghost towns and Indian at noon in the First Congrega- ruins of the southwest | tional Church. 1*4 WDtMty drudgery by Mmiin« the whole family'» laundry to u»l We handle REDEEMER •II your nice thing* with LUTHERAN CHURCH Ctfr* .., mate* them really Clark Street and Cowperthwaite Place tpfc V span! Try uil Westfield, N. J. Walter A. Reuning, Pastor Arfhur I. Kreyling, Assistant DOGLEY COLONIAL HOME GOOD FRIDAY-HOURS OF DARKNESS B "The Way of the Cross" in three sections 556 WesHiefd Ave. • AD 3-0255 ot 12 Noon, 1:00 P.M. ami 2:00 P.M, A Fwwrat Hom« of homelike atmojphsre, eomptahsly modern, «fr conditioned. Three Choirs participating. IVORY DRY CLEANERS GOOD FRIDAY EVENING-7:30 P.M. off-street Parking Facilities Meditations on "The Seven Words." licensed Staff Abe Cantata —"The Words From The Cross." Ch«rles E. Dooley AND LAUNDERERS Frank J. Dooley DOOIEY FUHERAl HOME . EASTER DAY SERVICES 218 North Ave. W., Cronforo ttntospfcrir. AD 2-5020 6:15 A.M., 7:45 A.M., 10.15 A.M. end Carolyn M. Ooohy 11:30 A.M. BR 6-0255 THE WESTFIEID (N. J,> LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 105?

MOUNTAINSIDE UNION CHAPEL The Roy. Millnn P. Acliey ctivitiesInThe Churches! T*>>l»y: H p.m., choir reluwsal tlu> iMmpi1!. psion p in the sixth gradg e THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tomorrow: 2:30 p.m., tlood Krl- 3om; 3 11,111,, GirGill ScoutsS , Troop IN WESTFIELD i«y scvvii'o; 8 p.m., t'nwil Krldny ^8; 8 p.m., special meeting of tho Miniftteris Mutnuhion swvico. P»ilor ureh In the chapel. Dr. Fredrick E. ChrWtl.n Sunday: (i p.m., Raster s«iirlsi> clurk street nnd Cow Rev. Richurd L. Smith *rviw, »:8O «.m., Suiulny School "",L nlacc opposite lloose- FIRST CHURCH OF R«v. Jarnci D. Colo asses fur sill i\Ri> gi'iiups from '*' •KW. School. Main CHRIST, SCIENTIST Roy. Otvil H. Auttin urscry through adult. Rus trans- 422 E.ll Bro.d Street Easter Sunday; 7 a.m., men's ortation to un Sunday School. 11 a.m. Triangle Bible class Easter serv- clioot is available for children liv- Nur«ryi 11 a.m." ice ami breakfast. B in Mountainside. Sundfty Services! 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m., Bible SUIU and li a.m., duplicate East- 9:30 and 11 a.m. School through the junior depart- worship sevvices with sevmon . Arthur Krey- Wedntiday Evening Tetlimony ment; church-hour nursery. Wor- / tho Uov. Mr. At?hoy. Nuvsory hl Mcclingt: 8:1S ship servces in Westminster Hall, jpervision will he provided to ci\- Christ Jesus' mission to reveal topic, 'He Is Risen:" tho Wet. 3. ble parents with »mnll children le true nature of God and man D. Cole preaching ut 8:30; tlw attend the service, („" the three hoursJ>f ll Le brought out at Christian Rev. R. L. Smith pronchm« at 10 7:45 p.m., baptism of immersion Devotion..! guide: 'The clence services Sunday. and the Rov. 0. IT. Austin preach- orvice. "3:l5pmJ'»;- Highliffhtihij the' lesson-sermon ing: at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday: 7 p.m., Pioneer ntitled, "Reality" is the golden 8:30, 10 ond 11:30 a.m., wor- iris meeting »t the chapel; conftr- •«*e. Meditations on ' Tllo ixt from Mark: "Jesus came into ship services in the sanctuary. Dr. ation clans meeting at the par- rfford.:" Choir onntata, alilee, preaching the gospel of Christian prenohing on the topic, liiaKC! 8 p.m., prayer anil Hible [Words on tho Cross. a kingdom of God, ond sayinpr, 'Ho Is Risen—WJiyt" Dr. Volkcl tudy meeting nt the chnpcl. IL Day at fi:15 a.m., sunrise c time is fulfilled, and the king- will be nt the organ and his pre- "pestir Feuning will preach loni of God is at hand." lude and postludc will be "Easter TERRILL ROAD BIBLE Selections to be read from "Sci-1] CHAPEL a PP Mornnp on Mt. Rubidoux" by Hnr. ice ond Health with Key to the vey Gaulj nnd "Carillon" by Rich- Fanwood P Garden?" The crlptures" by Mark Baker Eddy ard Keya Bigirs. Thp chancel choir "Now is Christ Risen" will bo vill rinB the Easter iclude the following: "Let us and soloists will sing from Bach's he theme of John Smart's mes- Cam of the real and eternal, and cantata "Praise Be. to God," the age Easter (Sunday at the 11 repare for the reign of spirit, the bv tiie three services of the anthem "Awake, Thou Wintry >ck sorvice. Special musical :tigdom of heaven,—the reign and lumbers will bo presented. Sun- L Sunday schedule, «t 7:45, Earth"; and Brahms' "Here On ule of universal harmony, which Earth Have We No Continuing ny School classes will bo in ses- ,nd 11:30 a.m. Identical Innot be lost nor remain forever ion nt the same hour. , will be preached in the Place." in inseen." Today! Maundy Thursdny: 9:30 A* the 7:30 p.m. service, Mr. ^ service,. The Rev. Ar- imnrt will preach on "W)int the win Bervc aS From the Bible will be read the a.m., circle of prayer in tho chapel; I Klin blowing: "For God, who com- 3:30 p.m., junior choir in die choir Resurrection of Christ Gurantoes o the Believer." .daysdiool choir will sing at anded the light to shine out of 30ms. »nd the Luther choir at arkness, hath shined in our 7:45 and 9:15 p.m., Communion During the Bastcr vacation, be- Rejoice and hearts, to give the light of the services in tha church. Dr. Chris ginning Monday for five nights, • Sunday School BBS- inowledgre of tiie glory of Goil in tian's meditation will be on the Melvih Wistner will have a series ViBta'teW at 9 a.m. Classes ie face of Jesus Ohrist." topic, "How D» You Measure Suc- if meetings for children with the •umble In the ohurch at 9:20 cess?" The organ prelude will be heme, "Treasure Island Adven- , the color film "The Lord Is FIRST CONGREGATIONAL "I Call to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ" ures." Mr. Wistner will Illuatrato CHURCH (Choral-Preludo) by Bach. The Bible* stories with colored chalk drawings and "lilnck light," Sing- give thanks lay. 8:30 p.m., Board of 12S Elmer Street chancel choir will sing on anthem Ke Rav. J. L. MeCoritan Jr., D.D. from Handel's "MessiaJi," "Surely ng, contests and prizes for nttend- •nance. Today: 8 p.m., Maundy Thurs- He Hath Borne Our Griefs"; ond ance and memory work will be fea- _siiaj: 8 p.m., Women's Eve- day Holy Communion and recep- "He Was Crucified" from tho "B tured. Meetings will start nt 7:30 13 meeting Topic discui- lon of members into fellowship, Minor Mass" by Bach, and end at 8:30 p.m. Transporta- "Cilled to Witness In the he sanctuary. The chancel choir, tion may bo arranged. ,* suggested by the Luther- Good Friday: 12 noon to 3 p.m. •ivturing Msvcelia Hall, soloist, three hour service at the First for Easter (fomen's Missionary League. 111 sing selections from Faurc's Congregational Church, WOODSIDE CHAPEL r- Mrs. Eric Orling. Film - Mor*e Avenue, Fanwood if, "This Is New Jersey." cqulem, accompanied by Evelyn i p.m., dramatc presentation in leeke, organist. Westminster Hall of an original Tonight: 8 o'clock, tho Ladies y; 11:15 a.m., chapel Missionary sewing class will meet. for the Christian Day Tomorrow. 12 noon, three hour Interpretation of the events of th levotional ocuvicc, the sanctuary. Last Supper, "Day of Decision," Mrs. Linda Sorenson and Mrs. Parents invited; 8 p.m., Kntherine Morgan will bo the janl! of Parish Education Sunday: 6 a.m., Easter service, presented by the young men of the ttlndowaskln. Park; 1:30 a.m., senior high department. The pub- speakers, in your ji tnattes will meet. Tomorrow: Good Friday service jj". fi'.3O p.m., conflrma- 'outh Fellowship breakfast, First lic is invited. laptist Ohurch; 9:30 a.m., Church Monday: 7:30 p.m., Boy Scouts with Brnm Reed as speaker; 0:30 i « A, Pastor Reuntng; 7:80 p.m., junior young peoples group i extension fund com- ichool, Center for Christian Edu- Troop 72 in Westminster Hall. cation; worship, the sanctuary. Tuesday: 3:30 p.m., primary supper nnd Deerfoot Lodgo reun- |«8p.nii, Luther choir; 8 to ion at the chapel; 7:30 p.m., happy i,6ffic« hours in the church 10:50 a.m., Nursery School, the choir in nursery department roorn mrsery; •worship, *e sanctuary, 7 p.m., kindergarten dcpartnien hour for boys and girls. Church Sunday: 11 a.m., Dr. Alan Flem- n., junior choir; r, McCortaon's sermon topic at tenchora pot luck supper in assem- ing of Plainneld will bo tho spenk- i,iprii$ rally of the.Luther- he identical soryice3 will be "Vic- bly hall; 8 p.m., chancel choir in er at the family Bible hour serv- e'l Missionary League, ory." Selections from Ihe Resur- tho choir room. ice. Sundny (School with classes j Lutheran Ch«reh, Ver- rection by Manney will be sung by Wednesday: Jl:30 e.m., churcl for oil ages will >be In session nt \i pi, Baatd of M issionS will he chancel ohoir, featuring as so- staff meeting in the lounge; 7:3' ists, Marcelia Hall,soprano; Don- p.m., Cam Twisters Club in West- the same time. 7:30 p ,ni., Dr. Fleming will be ij: 10 a.m., confirmation ild Bleeke, tenor and Robert El- minster Hall; 8 p.m., meeting i hinstoric, tenor, accompanied by tht lounge for parents desiring tc the speaker ot the worship serv- |B.Kr. Stage; 10 a.m., to 2 . 1 Peal-Teacher League pa- trelyn Bleaker, organist. have their children baptized, Mr, Smith will discuss "The Meanini Tuesday. 8 p.m., tiho regular te. Bring paper, tied in 6 p.m., Pilgrim PoUovrehip, COB prayer and Bible study Mmo. btotlwohurch grounds, dur- PellowSfelp room. "Symbolism in of Baptism." ! hours; 6 p.m., Walth'er iv* Church" V*H be discussed; 7:8O Thursday: B:3O a.m., circle; jo (basketball tournament mt >.nt., pattotil supply comrnittoe prayer n the chapel; 10 a.m., Worn Curia Council leld Junior High School. neeting, Henry Neill room. an's Association executive boari Monday: 3:30 p.m., Mayflower meeting in tho lounge j 3:30 p.m, Communion Breakfast | GRACE ORTHODOX iholr rehearsal, Coe Fellowship junior choir in the choir room; In Church on Eaiter Sunday morning/ tht shining glory of the :SBYTERIAN CHURCH room; 4:30 p.m., Leyden choir re- p.m., chancel ohoir in the choi The annual Communion bronk- J. i. Lulit A, Dunn, mialaUr iearsal, Coe Fellowship room; 7:30 fast sponsored by tho Cnna Coun- I1D0 Boul.»»rJ cil of Holy Trinity Church, undor Day enters every heart. You tee it in the profusion of Eaiter flowers, so beau* ,ra., Boy Scouts, Troop 74, Center tho direction of its Cnm> Rplrltunl : 8 p.m., Good Friday 'or Christian Education, WILLOW GROVE chairmen, Mr. and Mrs', John Do of worship, Sermon, tlfully symbolic of spiritual rebirth. You hear It In the joyous Eaiter hymns. Tuesday: 8 p.m., men's Bible PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wan, will take plnce after tho 8:30 k Way to Paradise?" ilass, the library. Old R.rit.n Road n.m. Mnss Saturday, April 4. >: 9:30 p.m., Bible School , Wednesday: 3:30 »p.m,, Girl Scotch Plaint You express it in your own prayers of thanks for the Eatter promise of life program, "The Court According to the breakfast Scouts, Troop 625, Loomis Hall; 8 The R*r. Julian AUxandar, Jr. chairmen, Mr. and Mrs, Itlchnrd. |" presented ty the adults of .i.m., chancel choir rehearsal, Coe Miniitar eternal. You become as one with family, friends and neighbors in partaking of l>y School for the youth Fairchild, about 400 persons tire Fellowship room; Board of Dea- Thursday: 8 and 9:30 p.m expected to attend tha affair which *& cons, Henry .Nitill room. Maundy Thursday Communlo: the deep and abiding spiritual inspiration that Eatter offers to all. You return lun., TOrjhlp. Eaiter ser* will be hold in tho Holy Trinity 'Robert G. Elphinstone, elected services. Hllfh School cafeteria. The plans |"TM.«dr»f Ewter"; 6 chairman of the pastoral supply Tomorrow: 8 p.m., Good Fri |»»4#i League meetings; include a speaker for the children. to your work-a-day world, Infinitely refreshed in mind •.. heart lifted anew committee, will preside at the Sun- (lay special musical service. Th John Redmond, a composor, aong 1«w*l|>. aermon,»"lt DM day evening meeting of that com- chancel choir, under the dirsctioi T writer and singer, who la known with all the age-old wonder of Eaiter! Urn," mittee. of Mrs. Arthur Cannon, will offc for his rellgtlous records for chil- ft 8 p.m., midweek Maunder's "Olivet to Calvary." dren. FANTVQOD PRESBYTERIAN j Easter Sunday, 0:30 and 11:3 S S #il) be Communion Sun CHURCH Further Information or tickets a.m., worship services and Sunilu; may be obtained from Mr, and |«*smi «nd reception of R*V. Harsld A. Scott School classes. The Rev, Mr. Ale '' «ini>ter Mrs. J. A. McAlvanah or Mr. and ander will conclude his Lente Mrs. John Herron, [Cwdon College choir wil. (•rtiM and LaCraade Avcaan series on The Lord's Prayer, wit "rf in a sacred concert In Faairoad his Easter message, "God's Orel Genius is eternal patlutice.—Ml- »School Saturday, April Mlundy Thursday: 10:30 a.m., Amenl" chaelangelo women's ptayer group; 3:15 p.m., mtlrtty. choirs, grades two and The greatest genius is never »T SAPTIST CHURCH three. /hurches of all denominations throughout our town hav« ar- MiaUteri, great as when it Is chastised an Afore Church Newt 8 p.m., -worship service, com- subdued by the tnghmt reason. • *«. ClUrt E. Qata* munion -will be administered and Caleb C. Colton the young people's communicant on Page 28 ranged special services for the celebration of Easter, Lovel/ floral decorations CIMI will be welcomed publicly **! P.m., Roger into the church. ... Inspiring musical programs , .. stirring sermons . , . will be featured, w rehearsal) g $.«„ Good Friday: 8 p.m., service at y. Jrarsday Communion which rtnctuarjr choir will sing the All that remains to complete the picture of foster Is YOUR presence In the ^» the sanctuary. r«n LMt Words of Christ by """"• !2 noon, community Theodore Du Bob. . Church of your choice, ' Cow-..._„„.„„ Saturday: 10 a.m., noel choir j « «»«r«gat!onal Chuttk 11 lit a.m., c«rol choir. Easter Sunday: 9:30 and 11 p a.m., worship services with the rian, Mrs: tfce- R«V. Htrold A. Scott preaching; n. John Cento, Church School for nursery through ar festival wrvie eof eighth grade, . taptism. Sermon b Mo' Fellowships will meet to- « the ReV EUwTt E night, Instead, they will meet at f }he subject, "Ac the church at 5:30 a.m. to partici- pate In the Washington Bock sun- r*te the direction of m rise »e#vle*. They will return to , Twner; Chtitci the social hall for breakfast. « division. Tuesday: 9:30 a.m., women's ST. PAUL'S iPiSCOPAL CHURCH chorus; 1:16-2:45 p.m., parent dis- J*** festival servte.!. oi- cuttien (rroup; 7:30 p.m., Cru- dF WESTFIELD INVITES YOU Want Bertloa by sader choir rehearsal; 8:15 p.m., pre-kinderg»rten meeting in Room TO THE :30 *.«., women's tel 4. CHAPEL O MMH Offly, 3tad*«t m*frtn Sunday: 9:45 a,m., BibJe School; U tuvu. Barter worship serviee. Mr. OriBf will prawn on «ie topic, Good Friday teacher iimny wiilk- ttMirhlnt-r children a|>prcelutlu» fov nimi Jamt's .1. Kiniu'ally's nim»- C. Cmm- of WestfU'ld; A Uu1 value «f money, culiuinRtetl Rev. George A. Aitchcton, D.D. 1 4 10 7 li li 2 inr mirrors nf you," eommentui! MinUter nian ortfinizntiun slat* won the — Mrs. June Melru-lii of + K J 7 tin- lU'v. Frimris J. Houirhton in Today: 7 p.m., visitation pro- top line on the Democratic pri- vinK I four candif-iiites linu'k- WKST KAST addressiiiK tipproxiniutuly I"11 VQi'~ A soi-iul hour followed. Kefresh- gram; Buy Scouts; 8 p.m., Board mary election lmllot Thursday lit Nt'l.ioii V. StnmliT of Union, A » 5 * J 10 8 li -' sons who attended the Cniin II con- mtHiU were twrved by Mr, and Mrs. ot Trustees. the drnwinir for position conduct- | Itichunl P. Mu.tintcllo of Elizabeth, » JS?65 » IDS feri>nce of Holy Trinity Church, Lawrence A- Diriilwrgcr, confer- Tomorrow: 8 p.m., Good Friday cil by Comity Clerk Henry 0. Nul- i Honuli! .!. Forsythe of Railway and • A K S • Q -J Sunday afternoon. ence couple, cm«. subscriber, ing. ston of Hillside, John C. Demos of j Easfs njne spot win. .• Tuesday: 10 a.m., Borfrd of Dea- dren must not be permitted to Rowland de B. Wlckerahanr, as exec- iifluflinniflnuiuiflinMuiWHflHinriiiMiM^^ conesses. An independent Republican As- Union and Edward Murawski of East continued hearts at thu utor and the flrst Intermedlato ac- LiLindend . manage the parents. count an trustee under the last will Tuesday-April 6, special serv- sembly candidate won the first po- second trick and South took with and testament of NATHAN R. | WISE BIRDS | ices with the Rev. C. J. Mason, sition in the six-way race for the On the second line of the Dem- the queen. Now the jack of dia A limited period of time is given WICKERSHAM, JR., deceased, will to parents to train and develop be audtteil and stated by the Surro- pastor of the Simpson Memorial four nominations. She is Mrs. ocratic ballot: j monds was led, We?t played small gate, and roportGd for settlement to Church, iSt. Paul, Minn. Services Jane Meineke of Roselle. The or- Senator—Anthony D. Rinaldo of ian< j ga5{ was in with the queen. children. Children will be beyond tho Union County Court—Probate parental influence when they leave Dlvlislon, ctn Friday, April 10 next buy TAX FREE nightly through Friday at 8 p.m., ganization's bracketed four choices Elizabeth; Sheriff — Walter J. ! East had no hearts, at that point at 10 A.M., E.8.T.. Sunday at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. follow her. Mitchell of Roselle; Freeholder— i and therefore exited wfth a spade. for their chosen vocations. In or- Dated March 4. 1969. MUNICIPAL BONDS In the GOP freeholder drawing George R. Walsh of Elizabeth, Sal- The ace in dummy won and ,an-der to see children objectively and Rowland dcB. Wlckersham vatore J. Migliore of Union; John diamond was led to West's thus to help them, parents need to Board aurl McGall, Attorneys CALVARY EVANGELICAL for position the bracketed trio other «6 Elm St.. interest or more C. Boyle of Elizabeth, Stephen j y _ "step back" in evaluating them. Wi-Btnold, N. J. at LUTHERAN CHURCH (ULCA) supported by the organization drew ng 3-13-41 Fees $8.76 Cranford the post position, with two inde- Redzinak of Linden, John W. Mor- j We3t came" out with another Parents must learn to be detneh- pendents following. ris of Elizabeth, John M. Malone j,e«rt. South won and led the KOTICR OK KKrLONNT J« ' The R«r. Arnold J. Dthlquiat and to realize that children are of Hillside and William A. Young NOTICE 16 HER15BV GIVEN, that / P**tor The Republican ticket will read third round of diamonds. That es- raised in a possessive sense for the first and final account of the because:. 108 Entrain •trect, Cranford of Plainfield. tablished the suit while declarer God. The problems involved in HUbHerlbcr, JOHeph J. Clarlck, as- as follows from left to right: HlKnee for the benefit of creditor!* of (Oppoiile mr of Poit Office) On the third line of the Demo- still held the master heart. South raising children are many and -var- WBSTl'-'IRJ-.D ; PANTRY, INC. As- • MttHli>lpNl H«H4|M offer grltf roliH >'lrldn thai nrp FRKK ' The Rev. Arnold J. Dahlquist, ratic ballot: j thus mads three notrump, losing ied; however, the sacrament of signor, will be- audited and ntated f rum ITrileTat lapunir laxrttt by tho SurroBBte. and reported for • rn>m»»« «f lnt«r«t l>lu« |irliivl|>n\ In miitraaltrd k. ";paBtor, will administer the Sacia- Freeholder—Charles C. Basaman only one heart and three diamonds. marriage fortifies -parents with settlement to the Union County munlrlpKlll)! ' ••tnent of Holy Communion at the Church School To of Elizabeth, Charles E. Leonard If South wins the first heart epecial grace which is the moving Court—ProbaVo Division, on Friday, of Linden, Joseph A. Neabor Jr. May S next at 10 A.M., B.S.T. Explore the advantages of investing .Maundy Thursday service tonight Have Special Programs trick the defenders have no force in coping with these, prob- Sated March 11, 1969. 'at 8:15. His sermon will be, "Be- of Elizabeth, James W. Mulligan trouble in setting the haVid~ After lems. . • Joseph J. Clnrlck in lief and the Color of My Life." of Elizabeth, Rocco M. Stango of East takes the first diamond trick Seymour .1. Solomon, Attorney Till Fftt Municipal Bonds. CKANFORD — Miss E. Jane A question and answer period, Ttt Broad St.. dm* raniion.hrlow for KBKE 1(1 pmtr i-nl«loi okltk' •Mrs. Louise Hausmann will sing Elizabeth, S. Charles Giglio of he leads his last heart. It does Newark, N. 3. itencrlbrii fa 12 uadcrNtaiadttblr qnrHtlonH nail luwrti :»s the Boio, "Peace I Leave with Jeeman, director of Christian edu- Elizabeth and H. Frank Fettit of South no good to duck because covering the sex education of chil- 3T1!1-U Peon $9.75 how "hicamt C«» H» TM Pr««" . . . »r call Mltckrll **. ction, has announced the depart- Westfield'. 4IW4 tottar. for y'f»ur vopy. :You" by Thompson. ncnts of the CalvaryBible Church West will overtake and continue • 'Good Friday will be observed Ichool will meet at the usual •Several days ago when It became I hearts. That way South's three <»t a service of tenenbrac, which lours Sunday, with departmental apparentA. it_thai t *_!.__.ther_ e _. woul._•» dt_ b!.___e * hearj t stopper_. -_ _ s * ar. c_ t _. knocke1 __-•. d out •includes scripture readings, pray- three Democratic lines on the bal-before he can get a diamond trick. ;er, organ music and anthems by irojframs as follows: Creative Arts Day Camp J. •. HANAUIR * CO.J - The nursery, at both the 9:30lot. , several of the freeholder can- the senior high and adult choirs. didates indicated they would with- There will not be any sermon, nd 11 o'clock sessions will center LEGAL NOTICES Entitbllshcd In 19.11 draw If they were assigned poor • ' ' • ' For , '•• .' . '•' .' Easter will be celebrated at ts lesson around the fifmstrip, NOT1CK TO CRKlllTOns » VMNTON STHBBT MOWAIIK S, S. 1. The Caterpillar's Journey." ballot positions. Retate of SADIE L. HOLLOWAY, ;three services of worship Sunday. dcocftfled. 'All services will be held in the Both sessions of the kinder- Nulton said the primary ballot purmmnt to the order of EUGENE Boys and Girls ages 4 to 14 rten will have the Easter story was now in its "proof" stage and J, KIRK, Surrogate of the County J , AddrcBB •church. A dawn communion serv- o( Union, made on the ninth day of jce will be at 6 a.m. with the ser- ramatized for them by the that therefore he could allow no Mnrch. A.D., 1BBD, upon tnc applica- pacher-training class and the sen-candidates to decline. tion of the utulcralgned. tifl Kxceu- limited Registration * * * "tnon, "When the Lord Calls You tor of the cRtato of nal<] (leccafldt, by Name." The junior and senior ir Luther League. notice In hereby given to the credi- Genius is but a mind of large tors of oatrt (IocPRflcd to exhibit to SWIMMING CANOEING ." high choirs will combine to bring Easter customs in connection the subscriber under oath or affir- the anthems, "Early in the Morn- 'ith the story of the Kesurrec- general powers accidentally deter- mation their clalmB antl demands HORSEBACK RIDING BADMINTON mined in a particular direction.— Rlfatnst the estate of aald do ceased ing" by McCormick, and "O Come, ion, will be discussed by the within Rlx months from the date of TENNIS ARCHERY Loud Anthems Let Us Sing" by :hildren in the primary depart- Samuel Johnson naiti order, or they wilt toe forever barred from prosecuting or recover- Kirk. A light breakfast will be ment. ing: the name aRalnst the subRcrlljer. served in the fellowship hall at The juniors, intermediates, sen- BankerH Trust Company, of Call World's firstlasting the conclusion of this service. Two iors and the pastor's adult class * New York, N. Y. AHce S. Marsh, CR 7-O1OI Idna M. Keith, AD 2-6483 TO BUY OR SELL, USE Executor ;• -identical festival services at 8:15 will meet together in the church at William Piekson Cunningham, and 11 a.m. will have the sermon :30 to view the filmstiip, "The Attorney, LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS25& W. Steams St. color rinse '•'The God Who Is the Problem of ilcaning of Easter." Highway, N. J, Life." The children's choir wil 3-12-4312U t Fees $14.00 ting at the 8;15 service, ."Easter Hymn" by Mason, and "Children's Hosanns" by Mozart. The adult choir will bring: to the 11 o'clock service the anthems, "Come Chris- THE FLOOR SHOP tians Join to Sing" by Tours, and TERMITES "Love*la Come Again" by Grove Mrs. Marlin Sieg will direct all the music and George R. Lachenauer are flying again. Watch for will be the organist. "Swarms" of "Hying Ants" COLOR which come with Spring, Ereats for the coming week in- thed their wings, then dis- clude; appear. These wood de- LIFT ' Mondiy, United Lutheran stroying intects cause much Church Men regular meeting at damage to property. Build- 8:15 p.m.; Tuesday, Christian edu ings not protected during cation committee, 8 p.m.; Wed nesday, junior high choir rehear construction usually require You Just Can't Beat A sal at 3:30. it Inter, Thursday, children s choir at HAIR 3:30, senior high choir at 6:« W« Specializt Exclu- RINSE and adult choir at 8 p.m. Bo LEES TWIST Scout Troop 84 meets at 7:3 tivdy in protection p.m. In the fellowship hall. of property against * OURAILE * CLEARAIU Hr. nail Mr.,, TonThouin r aa IDtnm, tnrnu rl) off I uiiihrrliinil, , II. I., nrrr mmmm i! i"^v """ "f* '"""••• I-™™I I «h"ekninn\o«h"ki n ilrhrlh , «< rr.rntl) purikniia-d fnini Mr. Hnil Mr., liorilnn Hrn.nn * PRACTICAL * MOTHPROOF W. A. n«m.«r thriiniih tht nlTIrr »r IVI«.r»o«-lllH»l.-->.«i r«H-A1rr<. ^. Wood Destroying In- ' "Christ is the Victory," the Rev i o t>t, Oswald Hoffman summarize: StCtf, wing dependable in his Easter Sunday message, oi tb<> Lutheran Hour, heard ove are not simply extermina- WRCA. at 1:30 p.m. and over WO WHERE WILL YOU BUY tors. Ivory job is supervised »tgp.rn. by an experienced, techni- cally trained, deemed en- i Natural history is richly endow YOUR NEXT BUICK? gineor* id by the labors and jrenius grant men.—M*ry Baker Eddy Will You Buy It From: - We are a Now Jersey or- <- * * * ganiiatton, employing New Helena Rubinstein's * Genius finds its own road, am JUST ANY BUICK DEALER - ienitt its own lamp.—Robert Ari, Jersey residents, and we JrVJIJmott OR FROM ONE OF THE FINEST? have served New Jersey property owners success- new COLOR LIFT All •uick M »jpjt 54 Elm St. THE WESTFIELD (N, J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1969


JC _ Lancaster Brand ^W SHANKLISS SMOKID

Lancaster Brand SlaiUtM Ptrttoi litt Ptrtiw ,; Lancaster Brand Hams are nam \i* hickory-smoked and mild- cured ... wonderful from first C OVEN • READY bite to last. Try a Lancaster Ik. Brand Ham soon... you'll say, EXCESS FAT 35:45 "Finest, quickest ham,...ever." AND SKIN ttuidN( i*K Sold only at Acme Markets. t REMOVED- ' ' V c urkey4 M If da. s 11 Ib. Boneless Hams LANCASTER BRAND I Mivlll* II. WHOLE or HALF 59$ 65 ••Ntr ««t tti« llnut (at ,y*«t hilii f.ait—A Isntottar %tmi "IrooJ" LANCASTER «3/n, ,._ $C.99 3(ran AOM9I Thh «.ady.ToCo«k buuty hot mari mt4 th> lutcul.Bt3, l.nd.r whit* Center Slices *99« Canned Hams BRAND °/4*>.ean ^ mat—man «t Hw |ulcy dark m.ot (ton ehxnkj, ttndir !•»•— l«i ban* and wail*.


7 ox. uts and Ue^etabltA Tuna fish SOLID WHITI 3 MM CALIFORNIA LARGE LOOSE FRESH CORN 12 oz. Niblets Corn OFF THE COB 3 cant ASPARAGUS EXTRA Del Monte Peas 3 "™ 49* FANCY Ib. 25 KKAL Sauce STRAINED EXTRA LARGE OCEAN SPRAY Pineapples - 29« Whol* or Strained Cranberry Sauce 2 JERSEY SWEET lib. EklerY Coffee ALL GRINDS an 73 Potatoes 3 25 GOLDEN RIPI 40 or Bisquick pkfl. 39 Bananas2-2S

3. broods aJUeparlntent < VIRGINIA LEE IDEAL-ALL FLAVORS OT CROSS Ice Cream 89 EGGS BIRD'S EYE SLICED IDEAL FRESH BUNS LARGE WHITE Strawberries 2 39c GRADE A 49 pg SNOW CROP of 8 35 Orange Juice 3tr59« GOLD SEAL € want to serve delicrou* .overi-fresh Virginia Lee Hot Cross lims! IDEAL LARGE VIRGINIA LEE 45 AAppll e or Blueberry Pie ****A9

inK Hit' ye»r; and the typca uf. pro- School Group Knims uiul (srojoeta, A ealXve hour will !>t> held fol- ... vi .HUM; A\|> .. --.-•- lowing the meeting under the t-»-lv. d by th." Maynr mul iNtuivll »f Notes Addition (•huirman*M[i uf Mvs. A-ftlmr Kiuu- thf> Town »'f Wi'HiflolU, at tli" Munl- Housecleonl mi'rmun and Mr.s. Preston Iludloy a^fiirttoii by Mrs. Uichurd llt'nja- 'iV.nlMv ^iiMiiriK.' AnVu III*. 'l£t5!i a( •mi P*M Ka»t»T« Hlnndard TJiin- Specials Of 145 Members iirin and Mr.i, Curl Zei.-i. Mrs, Hur- r th*j t**mstvm'ti«n <"( t*ui-liliig ami ry W. Ti'WH'y, president of. the. ex- " * In varioua s*-;ti»n« uf rhe euutivu board* of the Westfield YW FANWOOD—One hundred and 1'ropnnMs must Vie nrronipnuWMl by Nusbaui, forty-flvo new momhvrx have join- CA, will pour. Mrs. H. Willnrd i-i..|'lllli'il i-li«>iiue iniyubU- 1" ed the .Scotch Plains-I'"nnwood As- Kichter and Mq\H, tSUnk-y J, Brit- liuiMfnjr nli-r nf th<> Tri'asurfM "f il»> Tn quii.m<-nt tui-t t Wcirtni-Ul. in nn nmount fn«»l TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ANNUAL OL sociation for Good Schools in the ten will act aslhoslessea. Flower . thi(• rti'llveroil nr tho placo n SALE! TERRIFIC VALUES! SHQP EARLY Unybprry vate club" BWlmnUitK P"I»1M. >fure the hour nbnve mc^ntlniiRU. according to figures presented ot Edward CofFey. "!'.'. 3. Said improv.-nn-nt nil- m rlnnn nnrt npcdnrnllmis may the meeting of the executive com- p:irks, rp\H'iit provenn-nt wlilrli may IM* benvhU-t. the Utirt»uKb "f Moimtainfltle from In the IntoreBt of the Town It In DUST RUFFLES herewith he.a been llnully lmased by 'fined ndvlwnblp to do so. which will continue until April 8, the UtmiUBii Council uf the linruUBh hy said improvementov»m "f Hit •'' N* 3. All ortUnano*-s or r.txnsAV M. (WU.1XS, Reg. to $9.98 is under the direction of Mrs. Roy of .VuunUiliiHido, In thu County uf Town Hnplnepr Union. In tile Htntc uf Xi'W Jersey, vlhtl trttuU N* Jy All part« ot orilinanceH tncunHistent Hamilton (Worth Scotch Plains), anai-KHnu'iits levind fi'r s.-iiil liupruve- with this ordinance art- hereby re- 2o-;t Fees 512.04 • Full or Twin Siz» on the 17th day of March, U*S!t, mill ini-iit Hhnll In each cai.>' l>" ;i« marly Mrs. Michnel Antai (South Scotch tin.- twt'iity tiny periiiil uf limitation aa mny !><> in nroportimi In rmj not SKCTIOX i. This ordinance shall «ithtn wliicli a suit, notion (ir pro- In excesa of the petullur bt-nc-nt, • Solids, Prints, Stripe*, Antique Taf- : Plains), and Mrs. William Lukens ei'tMllny; qufcHtlutilns the. valUUty ot take fffeet linmediatt-ly upon final NOTICE TO CnROITOIlS uiich ordinance can \>t comnit'iiccil, a'dvnntiiKo or Increase in value fetat, Chinti, Percale (Fan wood). which th« respective lots »i\il I'sr- .tili pu^sav;*.' and p«hlteati«»n according TCBtnte or JOHN W1RTIS SAXE. ni* iJPJYlriPd In Ui<* I>ucal lloiul Law rels of real eatnn* shall In- .Hc-mul t« lau. K0M1CII, • Fitt«a and Str«»eh Leonard Risley, program chair- IIUH IJ«-KUI* to run from the dult; of oimpllcM with th Jf)SEpn A c PuVsun'nt to the order of KUOKN'E 3 the first publication of tn!n Btatc- to i-*'i<-ive by liason ..f such 1m- and reKulatfonf. Mayor. KIRK, Rurroffntc of the County : man, announced that at the April imit..m>iil. Tin- total nmount uf the further Hint tn<» sanu' II 1 I'nlon. mi* on tho scventeelltn inenll. a.'*«t'M.1m^llts fio lt-vipil Khali n"t cx- Klmer A. HofiTarth, Clerk ; 8 meeting Mrs. John K. De Vried, ELMEIl A. HOFFAfiTH, aiiproved bv the lionpl «f H S-^rt-n Pees $21.CO lay of March. A.D., 1959, upon tho cciil the cost "f caid improvement. A fi-e *ha\\ l>.' charped by the ,»pllra«on of tho unilerslBnod, ds Iforoimli Clerk. The portion **f sucii v'-st which fluvll trustee of the New Jersey Citizens' AN OIIOISANCB TO Al 11101117.1: DuUdlnfr Inspector in flccnnlnnc<- ixeoutors of the efitnte of salt! de- not he eo nfispssod shall l»f- pah! by with the provisions of the Staml- PHOPOSAL FOIt I1IIOOK KVCI.OS- Committee for Public Schools and THE <.O.\"STIllC1ION OK A I'AH- the lioroueh, as in the case of a I Ri:, WTCMTFII2M), \% J. nscd. nollco Is hereby slvon to T1AI. SEWEI1 SVSTBM IN CKB- rtrd PuiMfn*? ("O'it> of tho Itnrnuph he creditors of said deceflHen to former president of the Essex Fells general imiirovt-ment which ia to on of Mount a Ins Id*1. Tlit-rpafior. a 8BAM3D PHOPORAtS will bo ro- BEDSPREADS TA1S l'l.ACEH IN TUB BOROl'CH paid for by sfnif-nil taxation. ooivtnl by the Mayor and Council of •xhlbit to the subscribers under Board of Education, will talk about OF MOL'VTAIWSIDB, IS THE fee ot m'fl.oo for a Public or "Pri- the Town of Wentfleld jointly with >ath or affirmation their claims ana SiH'tlon 4. It is her^liy dt-termined vate riub" Su-rrnminjr Pool shall he- iemnnttfl ftKainat the estate of anla Re«. te $8.98 JiGr trip to last summer and COUNT!' OF HMOS, AS A 1,(11 A1. and stated that (11 the Borough will the Uoard of FMueatton of tlie Town IMl'HOVKMF.NT. AMI TO I'KO- payable annually mi January 1. of Weatfleld at the Municipal Dulhl- ecensed within BIX montlm from contribute no part of the coat of to the Knrmipli Clerk and a li- he CoStipr»t»ly Waihabl* no special afisespments for paid pur- parts of nMinancei* inconsistent with for the enclosure of from pose have been levied or confirmed, 4 First Street southerly about 52G feot Lorraine Brooke Saxo ior School, Park avenue, at 8:15 this vvrilinancc nr* hereby repeftlffl. John Brooke Snxe. » Foil or Twin Six* . WHEREAS, the State Department and (3) such special asuensments SKCTION 4. This ordinance nhall through Block 611. f p.m., is open to the public. Plans of Health of the State of New Jer-may be paid In ten UU> install- Proposals must be accompanied by Kxecutors take f ffr-ct fm mod lately upon final •otter &. FlRhe-r, Attorneys . were made for invitations to be sey, nctlntf pursuant to Subdivision ments. , . napRape and publication lU'corilinB .- certified cheque payable to the Is) of Section 40:1-16 of the Local Section 5. It la hereby determined order of the Treasurer of th>e Town 95 Broadway : scut to the Board of Education, tO laV ,nng Branch. N. J. — ... .« lion (I Law of New Jersey, has duly and stated that (1) the maHtnB of " JOSEPH A. C. TCOMirM, of Westfield and the Board of Edu- ~ school principals, and teachers. found b>* an order dated February such Improvement (hereinafter re- cation or the. Town ot WestfleM, In Ifl-4t . Fees JI4.00 4, 1959, that the expenditure for the ferred to as "purpose") Is not o Mayor an nmount equal to ten percent of Dr. iSamenfeld announced the purpose hereinafter described, au- current cxp«nBe of fittld ISorougn, Klmrr A. Hoqnrth, Clerk. the amount bid. Said proposals must DACRON thorised by thi8 ordinance, and ev- and (2) it iVA\rK BXTmrav*!* on- the right to reject any or all bids, BARROWS, resnec-Uvely. tee and a committee to attend Section 1. For the purpose ot Im- to finance (a) engineering and in- nts*A\cr. TO f.iM«T AMI nrc-U, in the Interent of the Town It Is Civil Action — PINAIJ JTOOI3- tirovtne the sanitary newer syatem spection costs and legal expenses deemed advisable to do BO. BNT. Board of Education meetings will of the Borough of Mountainside, In UTRirT. TO SPKCIPV 1HSTMCTS and (b) the cost of issuing the obli- OII 7.OXKS AJfP TO HK«T7I,ATK LINDSAY M. COLLINS, HBIDE-MARI15 in.nlK'R HATl- ^be formed in the near future. the County of Union, the Borough gations authorized by this ordinance TIIRItRIN Btllf.niNfJS A\O Town Knfflneer TEXTURED shall construct a partial sewer sys- and (c) interest on such obligations, ~- Plans-were formulated for the sTitrfTinKs ArronniMS TO TRANCES PEIBCR tem on New Providpnce Road from to the extent permitted by Section THBin rox»Tn**rTiov AMI Secretary, Board of tARKOWS. their nnrent and natural -Z' first monthly newsletter which will Dunn Parkway to Southeast 1358'; 40-1-&S of said Local Bond Law. uardlan. have thlti 20th day of on New Providence Road from exist- TUB XATinE A\l> F.XTRVT OV Education Inrch, 1959, made application to thla FURNITURE THROWS £ contain news pertaining to the ing- Manhole Apple Tree Lane, to Section G. To finance said pur- THttnt t>K. iv TUB nnnormi 3-2G-2t Fees 119.80 pose, bonds of said Borough of an ourt by duly verified comolalnt for R*g. $4.49 -* public schools and the Board of Ed- Northwest 850'; on Dunn Parkway OF MorsTAiNMnn. OOWWTV ludcment to ftHsumeanothe r namp. from New Providence Road to West aggregate principal amount not ex- OP I'XIO X, N R XV .IKRSFIV." noposAi* roa coNSnu wit: HBIDB MATttW BAnnOWS ucation) as well as information 230'; on Dunn Parkway from exist- ceeding 1110.000.00 are hereby au- ADOPTRt) BV THI-3 MAYOR AM) d HENnV BARROWS, renn(>otlve- 0 Mochip* WathobU ing manhole on Right-of-Way to thorised to be Issued pursuant to OV l'*VK«i:\T AMI CIHHING : about the next association meet- said Local Bond Law. Said bonds covNGiK OP TIIR iionorr.n OF BBALKD PROPOSALS will be re- , and It aonearlnK to the Court • No Ironing North 580': on Fernwood Road from MorxTAUvsinrc ox nECRMnnn ceived by the Mayor rtnd Council of at they have compiled with all of , ing. Mrs. Watson announced that New Providence Road to Mountain shall bear interest at a rate which 16 provisions of the New Jerney shall not exceed six per centum 13. tftXl. the Town of Westfield, at the Muni- • lint Fr«« -x . ihu newsletter will be delivered to View Drive 510'; on Greenwood Road cipal Kuildinfh 425 Eaiit Broad ntutofl 2A;S3-1 ot Beet, fl-nd R«vUed from R.ght-Gf-Way to West 190'; (3> per annum, All matters with BE IT OUDAINED by thfl Mayor iilen, and the Court belngr satisfied respect to said bonds not deter and Council of the Borough of Moun- Street, West field, Now Jersey, on • Pra.Shrunk . . ^ 2 fill members of the association be- on Greenwood Road from Rlgrht-of- ereof and that tliere are no rea- mined by this ordinance t*ha tainside that the ordinance of which Monday evening, April 13* 1969 at - fore the April 8 meeting. Way to East 224': on Right-of-way 8:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time for mable objections thereto: from Greenwood Hpud to New Prov- determined by resolutions to be this ordinance \H amendatory Is Tt la on this 20th dav of. March, hereafter adopted. hereby amended as follows: the construction of; modi fleet pene- 72x90 . . . .|3.f7 idence Road 342'; on Central Avenue tration macadam and bituminous «», nilJndKeA that Heldfi-Marle VI- from Old Tote'Road to existing man- Section 7. To finance said purpose, SECTION 1. Section io.3 of the ke Barthel and Holnz-Ounter Bar- bond anticipation notcp of saUi Bor- above entitled ordinance Is amended concrete pavement and curbing In hole Creek Bed Road 420'; on Cen- Pennsylvania Avenue, l be and they hereby are author. 7axio». . . .$5.97 tral Avenue from Bedffe Row to ouiyh of an aggregate principal to reiul an follows; ;ed to assume the name of Melde amount • not exceeding f 110,000.00 Tho following" will not bo per- Proposals must be accompanied by Went 4SC; on Central Avenue from - certified- cheque payable to tho arie Barrows and Henry Barrnu'R, League to Hold Hedge Row to East 323'; on Right- e hereby authorized to be Issued mitted In any zone: All manufac- •snectlvely. from and after the 20th turing, assembly, treating, proc- order of tho Treasurer of the Town of-way from existing Manhole Dog- mreliant to said Local Bond Law, 1 ijr of April, 1859. an" that within n anticipation of the Issuance of CHSinp, servicing or repairing of of West fie! tf,i n an amount equal to wood Way to'Outlook Orive 1457'; ten percent of the amount bid. Said I rtays hereof, said Plaintiff* cause on Outlook Drive from Rlgfht-of- sair d bonds. Said notes shall bear in- poods or morchandine which cre- conv of this ludrmpnt to be pub- Annual Luncheon terest at a rate which shall not ate or constitute public nulnanee roposala must nlso be accompanied Way to New Providence Road 518'; y a surety company certificate atnt- islied In the Westflcld Leader, nnd on New Providence Road from Out- exceed six per centum (6%) per by reason of odor, noise, fumes, K Ithln 20 days after entr" of Iuder- unnum, and may be renewed from dust or HmoUe or which constitute Inp that eald surety ."company will look Drive to Bayberry> Lane KaHt provide tho bldiler with the re- lent he file Judqrmeht and nftdnvit . "Town Government and Charter Son*; on Bayberry Lane Kant from time to time pursuant to and within unuaual hazfirdfi of flro, explosion f t>uhllcation of Juflprment .with the or chemical fumes or cases, In- quired bond, and must be delivered Revision" will be the subject to be New Providence Road to South 617'; the limitations prescribed by said l Jnlon Countv Clerk, and a cortlfled Law, All - matters with respect to cluding but not being- limited to: at the plnco and before the hour on Bayberry Lane West from New above mentioned. oov of the JudBment with the See- NUSBAUH discussed by Dean C. Willard Hec- Providence Boad to Southeast 732'; said not^s not determined ny this slaughtering of animals p»iul poul- •etary of State, nursuant to the nro- ordinance shall be determined by try; manufacture of commodities Plans and specifications may be kel of tfbtgers Law School at the on RlKht-of-Way from Bay berry seen or procured at the office of Msions of the Statute nnd Revised Lane Kant to Bayberry Lane West resolutions to be hereafter adopted. of which tho principal Ingredients rules In such ease made and pro- Elm & Quimby Stt., W«rfield AD J •nnual luncheon of the League of ""**; and on New Providence Road In the event tnat bonds are iBBUed are refuse animal matter; the tttmleay M. Collins, Town Engineer, m Barberry Lane West to North-, pursuant to this ordinance, the ae> manufacture of acids or other cor- 126 East Broad^ Street, W^tflld • Women Voter* of Westfield Wed- 1 (jrepate amount of notea hereby &\»" rosive cYiPrntcal^, ftbraRives, nm- ae'' H/ Walter T.: Hetn^Jff III • OPIN MONDAY EVENINGS TU, f « -* ••*/• a* itiqvn on white'prints, Tfp^BlfeyoB ^afl* nesday, April 8 at 12:45 .p.ra.' at nnobw. tout entitled; **PMtai tborixed, to be tttau«d shall b» ife- monift, anphdH. caustic aodn, cellu- \ • • • ni • .., i . .T.S.O. ; Jofle,* oolluloid, Vemont, chlorine. the irlK-ht 4o"-"r*J*e? a "' Washington School."'" ** ; idles for Sanitary Sewer Con- duded by ah aniount equal *td "*tW On Motion of Srievlly nnd Ely, tract No. 12 Situated In Borough ot principal amount of the bonds so clean inp;, bleach InK or wnshlnp if, In the interent of attorneys for Plaintiff, ! The local league has been study- Mountft1nsM«*, "Uftlon Co.1, 1*. J;'V and issued* If the aggrr-gate amount of compounds, coal dlstillnteH, coke, deemed atvlsable to do «W -20-;t , ' Pees |11.70 cork or cork products, cotton seed LINDSAY M. COLLINS, _ in; Shis topic for the last year un- nix .entitled.: "Plans an.! Profiles for outatAndtnS bonds and notes fssued Sanitary Hewer Contract No. 13 Sit- pursuant to thla ordinanco shall at products, creosoto or crwoaoted Town Engineer • der the chairmanship of Mrs. Wil- uated In Borough of Mountainside, any time exceed the sum first men- products, fertilizer, fireworks, 3-2fi-2t • Fees - liam C. Osborne. Dean HtcJtel has Union Co., N. J.", three dated No- tioned fn this section, the moneys vember 21, 1958; two dated Decem- falsed by tne Issuance of said bonds ; been uked to speak with particular ber 16, 1958: and five dated December shall, to npt lens than the amount of ; reference to Westfield. 1, 1958; all received by the state such excess, he applied to the pay- Department of Health on December ment of such notes then outstand- " U58; and according to npeclftca- ing- « SERVICES YOU NEED' Mrs. H. E. Gen-en i« in charge 8; and according to n of arrangements for the !unch«on ttons on Die and approveappro d by the Section 8. It Is hereby determined WEATHERCOCK FARM State Department of He of the .anjd rteoj&rjed that the period of - and last week visited each of the State of New Jersey on August 31, usefulness of/eaUl purpose, accord- ' units to take reservations for ttie 1955; a copy of which prints, plans ing to Us reasonable Hie, Is a period OLDWICK, NEW JERSEY t BLD6. CONTRACTING • MOVING-TRUCKING •LANDSCAPE and profiles and specifications are of forty (40) years, computed from • affair. league members and guests flaw on file'la the office of the Iior- thp date of nald hnntln. - MODE8N4ZINO h Clerk and arte open to public Section 9. It is hereby determined who have not yet reserved places and Rtntetl that the .Supplemental •nd movlnt. 8m»ll lob* aoliclte BURGDOMIKa may do so by calling Mrs. Gfxten. Debt Statement required by saUl Reopening — Wednesday, April 1, 1959 Trip, to Jhora. T.I. WICK 203-J Ejtpert repairsJMd eomstrnotlon, • REPAIRS J gram which begins at the ninth 6. Oreenwood Kond from Right- NOTICH GIFT SHOP Iris Veit carpentry, maBonf*, electrical and Box 4t4, r grade level. oC-Way lo Went 1B0", * The Drdlnatice'pubnsndd herewith plumb in. (jo Job too •tna.ll. All wan Introduced at a m«ettntr of the Import* AccMtorln *ort Buartnteed. Rattii re.»"n- : Mrs. William L. Riederer, Y- T. Qreftnwoocl Roaii from Hight- LUOOAOf RIPANUNO of-Wny to East 224'; Mayor ma Council of the Borousrh »ble. Call A. tu Smith, AD 2-2M8. or Mountainside In the County of s-5->tr - Taen chairman, will preside dur- 8. RlBht-of-Way from Qreenwoofl Union, New Jersey, held March 17. Road to Now Providence Uoati H42'; £ inf the program. Other commit- 1959, and will be further considered S. Central Avenue from Old Tnte tor final passage after nubile hear- *OO«N0 REPAIRS i tac members who -will speak are: Hoftd to existing manhoU Creek Be* ing of Bald Mayor inof Council to Bond 420'; bo held Aprll-2», 19S9 at 8:30 P.M. OUTTIRS 1IADERS ' ~ Mrs. Robert Warner, Y-Teen di- 10. Central Avenue from AN OHUINANCF, TO AMBKO AN , c netor, and Mesd»mes Howard PM- Bow to West 451)': OHniKANCB BNTITI.KO «AIC OR- 11. Central Avenue from Hedge aMM :. dy, Wiinthrop Johns, and Howard Row to East 323'" a-5-tr £, Codet. Their cubjaeu «iU ia- CARPKHTHT Jobs: ante rooms, ~ elude: The purpose and emphasis clonetB, porches, ceilings, etc. Rea- WHO sonable. Call Mr. A. V. Strand af- :. of the Y-Teen progMa; how girU ter 6 P.M., AD 2-0256. 3-5-tf UPHOUTWf : join and when; what clubs do dur- REPAIRS All TYPIS OP TRtNCMNO PWWflUM R»AH8 W. O. HEBIER AD J-11M YOURBUICK? 3-5-tf 8-5-tt STAR BUILDERS WATCH RIPAWINO w0 Are you enjoying the kind of quality that was ., RB4 Maawiirr tsnance nlah. annu originally engineered into your Buick or have Hnlara, Garairr'. Palloa, Ma)aea«a«a ClOCK mrAIRIO Little Far"- ep you progressively tolerated inefficient and 3-5-tf •Ss-iSfsJf.uSls.'e'y* room Ineffective adjustment* by unqualified CHARIES ROTHROCK COMPLRE MASONRY WORK hands? 124* Rak«?T Are. AD H around Ceramic Tilt—ratios—Flr Member U.H.A.A. AlCOHOUCS ANONYMOM N. J. SHARKEY =^ AIJ 1 Each manufacturer's product is different and • SNOW PLOWING VWANH* *! a picture only those who ore factory trained in thn JOHN C. SAVOCA mechanics of each make and in possession of SNOW PLOWING the required tools and shop equipment can HOME IMPROVEMKNTS properly maintain that product. free Estimates color guide tells how •WT Dowaer Strer*. WetMeM, jr. J, P. O. IOX 111 AD 3-4(119 AO J-14J5 WKTMIO, N. J. Build a color scheme around the colors in a Why don't you do with your Buick as any S-U-4t ff NOAMSWW Mtrill t foe painting! In this remarkable color guide, successful dealer has learned to do with his A0S40M NCTWAN ROCKWELL has chosen 12 fine other-make used ears that are in need of • t-V, RADIO REPAIRS 8-5-tf paintinfs, around which a leading decorator corrections — he sends them to the shop of ra* created complete room color schemes. TELEVISION SNOWPIOWINO the agency of that make — he saves money r mHUmlt See how you can use these color secrets in CAR-HOMf RAWO t H and he gets the job done properly. W. O. HtMiR your own home. Leam hdw you can get AD i-iin reproductions of theie tin* paintings *t 8-S-U •mazing savings. Come in—ask for your - Think it over and please call on us for your IIM RADIO t T.V., IMC. NOTARY PUBLIC SNOW REMOVAt copy of "PU^m Rooms Fat Yom Home." TbranaHakwel Buick needs, whatever they may be. • EI.M un ft t 1 itH)—Sun. ,& Ilitllilit>N I'ltnllnitoMtt rr>'' »nnII,nI win and S. W. DuPuy of West- f n division of Ilheem Manufacturing The Piipor Mill box office is open The film tells uf six hours in the nightly at 7:.'!0 and I):!H) p.m., LAST TIMES THURSDAY, MARCH 26th 1 ' , hunt, thiit "11 wn» In fli'ld and Mountainside, respec- Co., the I'ompuny announced to- lives of its pusMui^urs t\iu\ crew, ;W tively. daily fronxIO a.m. to 10 p.m. for ivcokduys and eonttmtnlly on Sat- Vr h« hunt to take day. He svill be in the division's Icket reservations. their courage and cowardice, their urday and Sunday from 2 p.m. "Bell, Book and Candle" "The Restless Years" Mi Both men are members of tho general offices at Metuchen, wheiv patience anil panic, their hopivs and tfy * i'.«>- '" '"New Jersey Mineralogical Society. he will be in charge of advertising, despair, the socialite millionaires, Sl/coi, ch.lrn..n ,°f th° Their hobby is one of searching sales promotion and field market- Begins Training the 'honeymooner.s, people in steer- FRIDAY-THURSDAY MARCH 27-APRIL 2 W.\, auction sale »n- quarries and mine dumps, and ing. n9 many of their crystals have been "THE 7th VOYAGE OF SINBAD" 'jf." the event would ten- Mr. Beam has had experience in Pvt Douglas W. Chnttin, son of Kerwin Mathews — Kathryn Grant *X place Saturday, May found in New Jersey. Ml. and Mrs. Joseph 0. Chnttin, STRAND manufacturing and distribution in PARAMOUNT Shown^Weekdays at 3il5, 7:10 and 10i05 fn,strcet,Anyo,.ehavms The variety of minerals to be 295 New Porvidence road, Moun- the plumbing fixtures industry and Shown Saturday at 12.00, 2:55, 5:50 and 8t45 st0 donate 13 naked to call found in New Jersey makes this most recently was in an Oklahoma tainside, has begun basic training IW.nlnllrlrt (l-:ltlO() state outstanding in the opinion City, Okla., regional marketing at Fort Dix. ART CINEMA Shown Sunday at 2>50, 5:45 and 8:45 „« State Senator, and nowof many collectors. The fluorescent position for another firm, the an- NOW THRU SAT. On the Sama Program r,f the Superior Court in materials to be found at Franklin nouncement said. llnvld Mii>ii—Dchornh ICvrr C are known far and'wide and are Cagney Film Now lllln UltMvorlli "THE WORLD WAS HIS JURY" k Kenneth Hand of West- • NOW SHOWING • Hurl I.titionNt^r ..'< introduced as speaker of mentioned in mineralogical text- with Edmond O'Brien and Mona Freeman books. The annual cost of federal pay- At Liberty Theatre Shows 7:15 and 9:30 In "SEPARATE TABLES" J 4"b y William S. Schoef- rolls has risen in the last 10 years Z, Hand cited the advan- Thb loan exhibit will be on dis-from $162 per American family to "Never Steal Anything Small," -STARTS SUNDAY STARTING FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd "{ the new court system play until April 15. $255 per family. waterfront story, starring Jns. SUSAN HAYWARD, nominee for Best Actress, In ,a with the adoption of the Cagney and Shirley Jones, is now "I WANT TO LIVE" ute Constitution passed by More than half the patients in FRANK SINATRA playing at the Liberty Theatre, Nominee for 5 other Academy Awards ,„ jersey voter and put in LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS V. S. veterans' hospitals are being Plainficld. treated for non-service-connected DEAN MARTIN : n u, 1948- Judge Hand had In the movie Cagney wears n Plus i t contacts with the de- BRING RESULTS disabilities. nc pair of shoes he has worn for ev- SHIRLEY MacLAINE "CHINA DOLL" with Vic. Mature ienl of a new constitution; ery dance he has done in films •nltor he served on the com- "Fanny," Hit Musical Play, Will Open since 1947. He wears them in this ' which prepared the Judi- March 30 at Paper MM Playhouse one when he docs the Allio Wrubel- rticlc, and later when the Maxwell Anderson number, "Sor- institution was implemented In "Fanny" there are no less ry—I Want a Ferrari," with Cara Slate Legislature. than 20 set song-numbers, in con- Williams. MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW ,e H»nd briefly spoke • on trast to the ten, 12 or at most 14 Also on the same program nt the FOR EASTER DINNER •uc'wri! of the court system that are found in most musical Liberty is "The Remarkable Mr. mjw in order of their high- shows. < Pcnnypacker," starring Clifton at , down from the Supreme Originally, the story of "Fanny" Webb, Dorothy McGuire and Chas. SOME Superior Courts, County uoburn. i, District Courts, and the was told in three separate novels CAME i'pil Courts. . by Marcel Pagno), a Frenchman CHI-AM CHATEAU, Inc. Who hacl been born «nd come to RUNNING! 'Night to Remember' MintOCOlOR -ClNEMAScopc U.S. Highway 22 Mountainside, N. J. maturity in the locale • in which Opens at Paramount MARTHA HEYER "Fanny" is set—the seaport of ARTHUR KENNEDY Complete Chinese and American Rettaurant and Suppor Club Marseille. Pnjrnol is best known Art Cinema, Plain field E, GOSLING to Americana for hia hit French COMING SOON: "GIOI" Spatial Price, for Children films "The Baker's Wife" and "The The Rank organisation's "A Order* to take home FLORIST Well Digger's Daughter." Night to Remember," opened at large Private Banquet Room the Paramount Art Cinema, a Wal- tOX OfflCI OHN DAILY t ION. The story of "Fanny" is con- ter Readc Theatre, in Plninfield 10 A.M. TO 10 PJW. JOHN JOSA AND HIS SIX-PIECE ORCHESTRA mn f» All Occailom cerned with young love, old love, Now Entertaining Fri., Sat., and Sun. Nights long deep friendships. At the cen- yesterday. The film, which has been placed on the "best ten" lists PAPER MILL TOIIAY THRU SATl!IH)AVi KOR YOUR RiaSKIlV.VI'lONS ter of the story are two old cronies Paul NHWMAN of six out of seven New York crit- PLAYHOUSE .liinHni- WOODWAlin of the Marseille waterfront. One Mllll.lirn, N..I. DHrvil (1-1.14:1 Phont ADams 2-3873 WO Springfield Ay. ics, has been called the most un- "RALLY ROUND EDWIN STEFFE, who will be of them is Cesar (played by Henry forgettable epic of tJie Titanic and IIIA.Mt < AKIilXi'l'ON, lllrri'lnr Paniuc, on* of thit' •tarring Michel), owner of a barroom and OPENS MON., MARCH 30 THE FLAG, BOYS" father of a son Marius, (to be act- Edwin Henry OlnenitiHoniii^Oolor . rolet in "F.nnr," which will, ^ llllIM K— open the iprihf lUlon at th« ed and sung by Jack Washburn), PLAINIWGLP «-MTT Steffe Michel Ai'nilemy A^vnrtl KtMiilnre BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAYS Paper Mill PUyhome EaaUr whom he is hopeful of training to la (he Ninnnh Mimlcnl lilt Sualtn IIAVWAHI) E Monday evening, March 30. mix drinks with the same skill that LIBERTY "WHITE GAS STATIONS The S. N. Bshrman-Joahua Lo- he has developed, and so enter his WITCH DOCTOR" PARKING AREAS MCOME TAX prosperous business. His warm old CLIFTON WWB FikKNY' Color gan - hit mu'tical-play will re- N7N!ri nonreturns prepared main at the Millburn theatre friend is Panisse (played by Ed- THE With loiiriim urrr RESURFACING AND Oman office or your for >iii weelci. win iSteffe) who is as jolly as most REMARKABLE Jdck Wcuhburn-Carolyn May* Mummy l>AM.«. jr. • all f»t men are, but who is con- Hook by PENETRATION WORK nhm. Hour.: dally 9 MR S. H, ndirmnn nml tonliun 1-nKiin "ANNA LUCASTA" cerned because he is growing old 1 i ftfttrMM. "Fanny," the musical play that *l*vI1 oii'v 1)v I^lftri't ! 1 ^IIKIM* I itliiM — I 'lni'i>iii!H*'oin *~c'»l(ir without ever having been married, PENNYPACKER MunltMLiul l.yrleH by Harold llomii .liiiiim <\<1M'.V was one of New York's biggest hits Nlilrlry JOM3N WM. A. PARKHURST ittCHUNG AGENCY foi more than two years, opens the and so will never have an heir for IIIHIM; "M:\I-.II NTKAI, Hat. Morn., Apr. 11 — 11 A.M. CONTRACTOR IhiAve., Scotch Plaint spring season of the Paper Mill his prosperous nautical - supply AKVTIIINU SMAI.I." Playhouse in Millburn Easter Mon- business. The show centering Paper Mill Children's Theatre Phone ADomt 3-1738 Ret. Mill Lane Call ProHcntlim' day nifrht, March 30, according to around these two genial old cod- "THIS MTTI.KXT CIIICIW E TO P. O. Box 334, Weitfi.ld Mountainside, N. i. Hnwood 2-5602 JAMES CAGNEY Tickets 11.25—}].00—T5f! • luntftian 55 director Frank Carrington. It will gers i s entitleld "Fanny" because Cull or Wrlln llox Oltlfii II90 NRMtrrr cull bring to New Jersey theatre-goers a girl of that name (to be por- SHDOZY JONES Nutwood 2-4645 notablb e cast hheaded by Edwin trayed at Paper Mill by Carolyn Henry Michel, jack" WasK- Mayo) brings them into an even bunj,_Car«Jjrn,«M»ye, Wade Miller closer relationship than they had Hayden Griffin, Mary Dyer, Rob- Celebrate Save-orirStereo Days! ert Eckles, Judy Guyll, and young The production is ho(ng staged Kit Cutkin, along with a singing by Frank Carrington and Agnes and dancing ensemble of 30 GET AN RCA VICTOR LIVING STEREO" RECORD WHEN YOU BUY ONE AT THE REGULAR PRICE batttr remits if you FOR ONLY (ET Choose from the world's largest selection of over 200 stereo records by the world's greatest qggte-^. MUNIANKINBACHJM. RID MAI "UVINO STIMO" ALBUMS um^mm^mmmmmmmmmimmm^mim

n HOMO CONCERTO Nt. 1 (Tchalkov- n SYMf HOKY IN 0 MINOR (FrancM. D CONCERTO ft* ORCNEtTRA • STARS AND ITRIKSi CAHWAW iky), Van Cllburn, Pianist. LSC-2252 Munch, Boston Symphony. LSC-2131 (BarMk). Fritz Reiner, Chicago Sym- ~ Fiedler, Boston Pops. LSC-2240 phony Otctmtia. ISG-1934 n SYMPHONY Nl. 1 ("Eulea") n »ICTO*Y »T StA, Vel. II Robert • PIANO CONCERTO Nl. 5 ("Em- Russell Bennett, Cond, LSC-2226 n SVMf NONY Nt. 7, riDElW OVER- (Beethoven). Munch, Boston Sym- peror") (Beethoven). Artur Rubinstein, phony. LSC-2233 Q UMSMIOPUCUUION-Maitan Pianist. ISC-2124 TURE (Beethov«n). Rtintr, Chicuo •1705. Gould. LSC-2080 Symphony. LSC-1991 • THE NUTCRACKER (Tchaikovsky). n MARCHES IN Hl-ri—Fiedler, Bos- Fiedler, Boston Pops. LSC2052 n VIOUN CONCEKTO IN D (Tchaikov- n CONCERTO Hi. 2 (Sllnt-Siint)i ton Pops, LSC-2229 INTEREST PER YEAR thy). Heifeta Reiner, Chicago Sym- SYMPHONIC VARIATION! (Frinck). n HI-FI FIEOLER - Flidler, Boston 7-DAY Pops. LSC-2100 phony. LSC-2129 • mW - Reliwr, Chicago Sym- Artur Rubinstein tSC-2234 D JTMf HBNY No. 9 ("Frtm till Ntw phony. LSC-2230 D NITON TEA PARTY - Fiedler, • PICTURES AT AN EXHIIITION CRUISES WtrM") (Dvorak). Reiner, Chicago Boston Pops Orchestra. LSC-2213 (Moussorgsky-Ravel). Reiner, Chlcige n IILlY THE Hit; RODEO (Copland). O 1000 MUSIC Tf HAVE KM WITH Symphony. LSC-2201 Symphony. LSC-2214 Morton Gould Orchestra. LSC-2195 n ON ma WITH KOKIIT SMW- - Fiedler, Boston Pops. LSC-2235 a VIENNA - Reiner, Chlcigo Sym- 1 phony. ISC-2112 the Robert Shaw Chorale. LSC-2231 D THE RITE OF S*RINI (Stravinsky). n "ITALIAN" t "RErORMATION ' n U m»; (SMIES (Ibert). Munch, Pierre Monteux, The Paris Conserva- SYMPHONIEt (Mmdalssohn). Munch, n IAION AW MWt-MortM fivuhf 'NASSAU Orch«str>. LSC-2217 Boston Symphony. ISC-2111 toire. ISC-2085 Boston Symphony. LSC-2221 s "UVINO *m:o" ALBUMS a UTUROAY NIINT WITH MR. C.~ n FANCY MEETING YOU HERE-BIni n 1SMOOCWN' TIME-Amet Brothers. n THE TREMHINI flf «Ittf «Nt Pirry Como. ISP-1971 Crosby, Rosemary Clooney. LSP-1854 ISP-P-185- 5 THE SOVM Of TNC SU-Rqr Hartle* D MEMORtES Or mNNEIEWERET- Pianist. LSP-1659 NASSAU D KUrONTE SINU THt OKIES - n IIVE THE LADY WHAT SHE WANTS TAS - Georjl Fayer, Plinlst. D S9METNINI HI, MW, MRUMf ON ALL SAVINGS BALANCES Harry Belafonte*. LSP-1972 - Lena Home. LSP-1879 LSP-1M2 Wo HUE - New film Mlllw » n WHEN YOU COME TO THt ENO Of n 17 FMOWTEt 1H IANCIHO - chestn. LSP-1978 OVER *25.00 THE DAY - Perry Como. LSP-1885 n MUSIC FOR RELAXATION - Mala- Frankit Carle. LSP-I86I n THE THINtI IIMIM* cHrino Orchestra. LSP-lQOt n MKf MANM - Tit« Puente. UHAMAS n STRAWS WUTZES - Melachrino The Three Sunl. L5P-1543 Orchestra. ISP1757 n THE KINf PLAYS SOME ACES - &1692 n THROWN TNC TUM - teoM Xavier Cugat LSP-K82 p raw CMNCM or TM •roRii- leveriy Sha», OrchMtra MNI Onnt> There is no limit on how much you can save P 9TNER WORLDS, OTHER SOUHDS- tSP-1642 Ggulvil (group). LSP-1749 Esquivel Orchestra. LSP-1/53 at The National Bank of Westfield and still O MUSIC FOR BINIHI-MelsctiriTO O MUSIC F«R tm. 1AM0OM AW D CANASIMt SWtSn - EM* Mpk wood,Plsnlit»ndCompoi*.LSf-IS» • ••.* O DESTINATION MOON-Ames Broth- Orchestra, tSP-1000 HARP - Dick Jctiory. LSP-IM6 ' earn a high 3% interest on your savings. ers. LSP-1680 D MVRW A IAU WITH TINE THREE n A TOUCH tf TM Km » Hi n MUSIC FOR REABim-Melachrfne Wiley. ISP-tSM With us — your 6very dollar works for you. O POP IOES THE SWINSIN' MARCH- STriFriflgr s and• Orchestra" • • . LSP-1002 SUNS. UP-1734 W I4W - Ray Martin. LSP-1771 ywrlMlel. n WAITEWALTER SCNUMASCHUMANN N PRESENTS I »•• Ml ymii ttiifm Mr Hiirtni »T mdll n JAMAICA-Originsl Broadway east. Pttnst 84nfi w# th* *iU*iwt f"t^Hr^ at .. — ""•MitmajW. OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT—TODAY THEI VOICESKOICES. LSP-155LSP-15S8 thttkei I *»i tnehnd t>.»». ($!•>> I or tht frtl, UM Mend, tl«.) ICIAl n SOUTH PACIFIC - Original movie Q , LENA NORM AATT THE WALOORT JL soundtrack. IS0-1032 «TiTORIA0 . LSO-1028

NATIONAL BANK Order now! tNMtt- OF WESTFIELD This offer good for a limited time only. LIITT ____. RM ""» -

enris*, The MUSIC1STAFF BARMIIARYAN "Dedicated To Community Service' 27 ELM STREET WESTFIELD. N.J. JPige THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEftDER, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1959, Inspection Of Bicycles Held At Lincoln School

The annual inspection of bicycle t)e1ottging to Lincoln Scliool pupils took place at the school Tuesday morning. Joel LaniflioHx, bicycle safety cbalrmnn; Mrs. Harry Hooper, chilli welfare and safety chairman •anil Tosopli Conncll, principal, made the arrangements with the assistance of Lieut Thomas Cala- lon, gnfety officer. "Written tests on "Knowledge of Bicycling Rules and negulations" were given in the classrooms Mon- day to pupils ol the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades who had not been tested previously. Outdoor tests Tuesday included proper fittinu of each child's bi- U.S.D.A. Inspected & Graded A eycle to his body build, as well as a meehanicnl inspection. Safety SAFEWAY features and performance and skill were also tested. Bicycle inspection forms have been sent home to all parents of J>upll3 who have keen tested, speci- fying any necessary adjustments or replacements to insure better bi- cycle performance. These forma •re to be signed by the parent and returned to the school. •Lincoln pupils successfully com- pleting the program will be issue*} ARealTasteTreat! 0*vbhprottettoii for yytu! Safewayy sells oily |KH#Hrywkl

Mariner Tropp Plans fM5 Bajtt Half '5S Bake Sale Saturday Cod or Haddock » Halibut Steaks Mariner Troop 896 will hold a hake sale Saturday at the Na- tional Grocery Co., Central avenue, from 9 a,m.-12 noon, The girls will Check TMsUsi Frozen Fowfe •el) cakes, ,pie» and cookies. Lynn Laundenberger, 814 Shad- ! Whiting owlawn drive fa chairman, assist Bab-O «ACHB A* R «**»• 2 «'™ 31 ed by Pat Sfceehan, publicity; i»pt Mary Lou Hoekrlsh, pick-up. Mrs. Cod 1Fill J. A. Laudenberger Is assisting th t^ buy ASPARAGUS Tuna Fish «JTj?Bf« *««-3* S" .** «lrl ' T C Perch Fillets Cake Mix «CA TH ^?OOO V. 5S I**1 Bon-Ami Asparagus Fruit Punch **WA«AN- 5-«*39t Orange Juice, »*• Broadcast totmn Broccoli Spears «- CAMfORNIA SPEARS ^'* ^^JST* if** 39« YOUNG and TINDER Hawiipn ^inch . Sandwich Steak: TMePe FAVpMIE WASHOA' Nabisco Ritz Crackers •«. **• 23< Burry'i Butter Cookies * « **• 29« 19 oz. Bananas Gaines Dog Menu 32£'47« a fkgs. 5 Apples 2?J Orange & Grapefruit Tpmatpes 19« Grapefruit - Sections SWnach "p Oranges Easter CITRUS GARDfNS SAVE 7c 011 LI. Strfeway your Garden Headquarters. See the large selection of Shrub*, Shade & Fruit Trees, mm, FLORIDA WAND Seed, Fertilizer and Peat Moss at money-saving price*. CQMHEIE YOUR SET AT SAFEWAY - Chicken Dinner WILL TAKB IUCKYWHIP lb* m»*> p** of IS calories i Already todted and qukfc frezen. • *' •*» SriS rou Ahmntok, Vat £49' PAY • N.HJ 0N« GET A "BOOK A WEEK" AT 99c EACH Garment Bag UNTIL YOUR SET IS COMPLETE KING SIZE-TRIPLE PIV-QWITH) TOP VOLUME No. 3 ON SALE THIS WEEK STURDY STEEL FRAM£-54* LONG -99. THE WESWIELB (N. J.)- LEADE-Ry THURSDAY, MAHCH 26. 19B! Page Disaster Relief Report Given Potor Du^lii, cliainnun of iho W«stflol million for itlsnstcr relief In bho Hvo ntatci BiTceted by major floods onrllcr this yenr. In n voport to Mr. DufrW, Gcn« era\ Alfri-d M. Grucnthsr, presi- dent of Uie Anicrlcnn Hpd Cro9s( snld that 10,00(5 families 1n Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ntew York, IndiiinR, mui West VirRinin lmtl rocolvod outright Kifta totnline $2,424,-18n from the orennizntion. "All of these people," said the Red Cross preaitU'nt, "would have boon unnlilo to recover from the personal losses they suffered with- out U10 holp of tho contrihutlons given by the American people to the Ucil Cross in regular cam- ptUCTs ns well as special dwnstor appcnla." EGGS The floods, which struck In late Jnnunry mid early February, were Selected termed "tho worst to strike the midcaat atntea In almost half n contury." At tho hoipht of the Perfect For Dyeing cntnstroplio, snid General Gruen- thcr, tho Hod Cross was curing for 2U,21!1 people and operating 82 BREAKFAST GEM emergency nheltcrs throughout the five affected states. "Far too few Americana are nwaro of how much their Red Cross does to alleviate aulTerlnir followinR disasters like tliia," said Mr. DuKhi. "Beaidos providing food, clothing and shelter durlnfr the initial emergency, the Ued Crosa gives victims outriRht gifts of financial aid for the repair and 0'THE CROP rebuilding of homos, replacement of furnlshlnRa, nursing «i>d medi- lUTIA LARGE cal care, and other basic necessi- Easter Candies ties." filADEA - In Ohio, most severely affected Family Pack m L EGGS of the five atntos, 7003 disastor- doz. pkgs. , Jelly Beans ~ R o& «-*» atrlcken families have, alroady re- k 4« Off Label I I of 200' ceived nearly $2 million in free 4 Cream Eggs^oX \&2h*&& Red Cross aid. In Pennsylvania, bister Egg Decorating Kit grants up to 1,387 famlllos total PAAS CQIORS" Jelly Bunnies «HOCOU« Ito pkg. 33. $20(1,755; in Indiana G12 'families \mia COMPLETE J(S have received $112,514 in assist- Chocolate Rabbit «* »'°w »« 47« ance, In Now York 121 families have boon glvon $44,13(1 and fn Lucerne Egg Nog ^63< Marshmallow Eggs »2 <* pk« 29« West Virginia 83 families hove been awarded a total of $5,954. When the organization winds up Check This List Its two months of relief, activities In tho five affected states later this" MRS. WRIGHT'S SWEtT MILK Peter Paul Mounds ' orlUnERMtLK month, total Rifta to flood victims Ice Cream --* ^'l^^'^S are expected to rise well over ?2,- 606,000. IMPRESS 4 or.. A * J«t. or Almond Joy MARASCHINO l»r 21 Missionary Circle is wi»h Stems JSo ',«39' 3 25 Sets Easter Program Creoni Cheese •«**&* 2^27 7 VASEUNE CREAM - SEE 4 oz. bol. CQ. C Peter Paul ^IATURE Mounds *l 29« SCOTCH .PLAIN®—An Easter LAIEL FOR ^SPECIAL OFFER plus I.«:J7 program will be Riven by the mis- sionary circle of St. Jota'a Baptist Church Sunday nt 3 p.m. IC CANNED DRINKS 3 t,£25« The men's chorus of tho Bethel SUFiRWARE CUTIIRY— Baptist Chureh will sinpr with the DEl M0NTI 46 cin e Strawberriel Rev. Robert Smith In charge. AJI Juice «• 33 missionary circles fire Invited to participate In this program, './"Y.'.L S€t IAML fOR •"•OR. Stalntoss S V^UIK POSTAGE STAMP OFFER cm -t Je Cream l All Hollow Ground Op«n 24 Hours a Day Juice X sS* , V.t.«.39«- with G«nuin» BAKELITE En|oy Lucern» Fresh Cream. Light or H«avy, Cheese with your favorite dessert. H«at Rtiiitant Handlei til rvni HTfii I Cheese DUTCH MIU Strawberries l!l«zw 28£4*" n. MOM JppleJuice lAIRD'S «iwt«hi.29c GUARANJEED QUALITY Strawberries "^KT C 1 Dressing MAFI I at. M. 33 Won't Rust or Tarnish. Reddiv/ip D«y and Nt«M Wrap r»240" «*». 21« Mad. in U.S.A. Short Cake Shells «»*•« DU<3A J OIL MONTI ,k 01, Sponge Layer Cake N fre«n Beans ItUi IAKI ^^ BUILD A COMPLETE SET KOZAK S^, 5n«. «35. : Cheese Bt ADO A PIECE EACH WEEK FRESH COFFIE VACUUM REPAIR 1 SERVICE . 1 Cheese "««NI O««I»25« Airway Mll° k . On Sab Thit W**k . . . lib. 2lb.-I «)C S«rvl«lng All Mak«« Butter MSCOM 79« NOD Hill AROMATIC bag I .*3 Pick-up - Delivery 1 Dairy Butter «EAMMY nk.mifl.81< , VACUUM PACK-MX. GRINDS I 59* Phon* il Dog Food. 3^.43. UTILITY FU 8^977 I Margarine 2^*,45< Libby'j Peaches Now l« th« Tlm« Margarine 2,*£.39< Will ink SLICED 0* HALVES (a Buy and Repair Margarine i»n*»2S 59 2nd Week ftrlig Knife 2^65' Lawn mowers 3rd Week Frtwh Coflk K*Ht '^ StK omato Juice 4th Week French Ciok KNif•s^ 39< 1 House, A Refreshing Drink h Orange Juice 5th Week Run Slieer ICnift .; 59^ JtU 46 or 6th Week Rtttt Nrk ' SCOTCH TRE^7rFR0ZEN cans - 45 7th Week firaptfmtt Knife -=h 30> Effictiy* Thfii March MA. COMMUTE Sweet Peas Niagara Starch Swift's Meats Pineapple Bosco Boned Chicken UWY'S- CHUNKS O* Mt fO^MM MMH * 'AMI GREEN GIANT COtO-WATER FOK IAIIES HEP-MINTED MILK AMPLIFIER R&R-SOLID PACK 20 c WW CHAM SAWI 6 oz. ^35 can 69. •Udtmtw We Couwrn Al Safvwat AWnfif**'* Pound Cake Mazola Oi 260MO«THAVi. AND SARA LK-FROZEN FRyiNG. BAKING. SALADS . STAMPS c SAflWAY *& 79 THE WRSTFTELP JN.£.) LKADRj^TlIURSnAY, MARCH 26, MM Page Boys Basketball League Bonnetti Slices WO Clubs Sweeps F Knicks, Pistons Battle For Senior Three Teams Post Westfield Girl Swimmers Score Well 'lace in Tourney eaty Liberty Margin Two Westfleld swim teams Fabett Sweep Victories At Philadelphia Interscholastic Meet^ need in their divisions of the 21st e's Title in Westfield Boys Cage Loop iiinual interacholastic tourney Four swec, A tenm of Westfleld Hlifh School In Rec League noiisored by the Philadelphia' The Westfleld Hoys Basketball Baseball Deadline lourd of women's oruciata at the League championships will be de- WHS Basketball In Sports Loop tfirls placed third in Its division League Fridti and a team of Westfield Junior Bonnetti sliced the Liberty Jniversity of Pennsylvania Satur- and Pusrman cided Saturday morning with the Set For Saturday lay. Knlcks and Pistons in the Senior Dinner Monday Hunnerup Mannino swept Oil High School Kirl? piaced second in Glass lead to four and one-half tions in the Heat in one of thrre shutouts in its group at the 21st Annual In- jtames Friday with two wins Teams of Westfleld High and rs were E Division playoff final and the The annual recognition din- Registration ctoiei SKur- nior high girls finished third and Bruins and Tigers in the titular the Sportsmen's Bowling Leajjue vitation Intel-scholastic Swimming d»y far the eighth ««»«oo of against Tomciyk in the Recreation "n Liquor, ner for the Westfleld High Meet at the University of Penn- 1 econd, respectively, in the team Hats, Mahog round of the Junior Division. Friday, but it is still five and one- tho Wettfield Boyt Ba«eb»H Bowling League as the number Ho , basketball team will be held half games oft* the pace beinff set sylvania in Philadelphia Saturday. one team lost twice to Golden itandings. ments and UM Monday at Chi Am Chateau L»gu«. All W»tfi«l 32 W 1(1 209, Laurent 204, Ferry 202. 3 The Westfield School Boosters even if they are not ia the Uonnelll Occo -"OH ''\l! Cline 7V M. Srhwefw 111 away from the Warriors, 60-31. school scoring. M 30 Association is holding its 15th an- »- I. Pony Leafue. stranich Covera 48 J» Cluiiulierltn 46 Totnls .. Thus, the senior division's first nual dinner for the coaches of Metropolitan Door . 68ft -sV.t First pieces in the high school Ciolden Dawn Dulrj- M *3 ZelM-lok . . . IS an "ia round followed form because the R, ilannino * .Sonn. 53 • 3t section were scored by Wcstfteld Julm Franks 43 41 Tarry 4< 40 I Westfield Senior High School and FuBtnann Fuel Oil. <7 40 Shamrock Motors . 1- 4J Kraft 41 40 ' UQU S Khieks and Pistons finished one- DeMartino L/iunge . 46 41 girls in the diving—Uth grade: Andrew tfhoe Store 37 i»0 Toss 42 42 CI,u;S S «»|.j junior high schools this evening .19 4.1 two during the regular season. Hanks BarbcrB ... 4 5SVS. Morton C^lilllHUfrl in Y' \ at Dan Dowd'g on Route 22. The Wpstfifld dumber . 45 H 41 H Journal Boosts Bnuer 3B 4D cuuBHcn i The Knicks-Hawks game was traditional event is held as a means Bob's Auto Wailng 3814 48 Vi relay: The team of Linda Minkol, 'sTKAMCH SEAT COVKItS Hill - Clognton ill than the score indicates. of exchanging ideas on subjects of Cranwood 37 SO Mary Lou Holland, Jay Bentley eit>HSit 155 146 1S6 Porry closer Rogers Texaco .... 34H 3-'.a Merchants Lead Totals The shot-making of Ed Guidadas importance to the sports activities Oil Heat Service... 29 58 and Beverly Johns. In addition, Snook ..::::::. 2« iso ie» PEKRY 137 (23 points) and Steve Freiherr of Westfield schools, Booster presi- Jay Bentley placed second in the ?"l° 197 151 181 Van Scholck ... 175 1S3 .1. Meisoll . » MBTROPOUTAS BOOH Plskodlo 153 241 21Dnvi& a Jr. .. . 1!H 159 209 75-yard individual medley—11th Elizabeth Journal hiked its lead 178 ' Pt . 131 , (19)- kept the Knlcks on top butdent J. Stuart Smart said. All J. Petrlci-m . HI 210 Doerr 157 . 1(8 with three minutes in the game the coaches of Senior High, Edison U Stranich o10 Cl. Angelo 1&3 153 168 139 M. PnvolPf 115 U Knicks and Pistons will pair even- achieved by coaches of Westfield Totals 827 S(5 871 fifth in the diving—ninth grade. Handicap :. 80 80 89 P. Testa 175 224 Suhorg .. 124 1T2 n. Bonnetti 1!1 il , ly-matched teams. During the reg- teams." He referred particularly H. Bithr 172 171 H. WaoliuniB Hi 111 nOflBUS THXAt'C) Lois Frantz was second in the A. Uftvlnua .... 1S 4 151 ' Totals . SOS ular season the Knicks beat their to the successful seasons just com- Ferry 148 U4 202 Totals 814 " 787 830 Keslj- IM 1» Adam 1B5 171 1711 50-yard backstroke—eighth grade. FI,GXONT.CH COKP. , A. Newman .... 142 150 ZEtJUICK Totals 1J7 (8 opponents twice but both games pleted by Westfield'a county cham- I'lirlRUanm-n 174 13» 12 Pamela Richter copped second in I. Conway . y.. . 168 179 135 P. Blllnskas ... IS8 174 Ilol 1 153 133. ICO ' were close, 35-33 and 35-31. pionship basketball team and state Russell 145 ISO 180 O. Cacclitone ,. . 155 112 9B Bowkor .. US 151 154 Warren 187 mil 176 the 50-yard freestyle—seventh J. Ventl .. 163 138 132 Totula S6S S70 WUl- 215 IS" Rochnls Receivtk While the Senior Division .fol- championship swimming team. J. Hawthorne .. 167 1|3 107 1R1 grade and third in the 25-yard 1411 lid ANURBW SHOE STOKE Patten n . 1*'2 lowed form in producing the final- Tolnln 819 832 868 D. Smith '.'. 100 71-brlek 1S7 1.19 Letters at Collegia butterfly—seventh grade. Allison Handicap .. 161 , llil ill J.Testn 193 196 15 "is 15 ist*, the opposite prevailed in the J. ArKetuliinu • • HI ' 200 . WBSTPIEL.D LUMBER Smith took fourth in the 25-yard Tolnls R. Welter 138 15" Junior Division. The Bulldogs and Taylor 192 213 179 .. 890 Totals S34 S64 Dave and George Seniors Win Y Hunt 141 10!) freestyle—seventh grade and third T. J'lBllonc .... liit . Ill Westfield have ruimtk •- Lions, which finished in a first- Kinsley 171 H3 , CHAPMAN HI A, Hldl 167 1M8 in the 50-yard backstroke—sev- H. Chapman ... .. 17S P. Lanna — — cum letters from Mid place tie in the regular season, Will lr.7 HO Welch .. ... 162 17S I7S Blnsuecl 187 111] enth grade. Gay Welsa capture^ N. Haidassare . .. 130 I* Cllne , ... 1I1S 141 IBS and Hobart Colleg* t , were upset in the first round. The Bowling Title H. Cree .. 15S 17S 154 Totals 7»9 943 ' third in the 25-yard backstroke— I? Sohtauk . ... 172 1S2 at recent cercraonia " Bruins,- coached by Tom Johnson, Total* 85S 82G 1). JoluiHon ...... 160 142 1(16 JOHN FKA.\K8 lelihorn . .'.. lBl 150 159 UOBH AUTO WAXINM seventh grade. H. Pnl2or .. IS!) 147 159 M, Rlcdor . . 1S5 175 ISO . Terry , ... 10O 149 20 Dave was onet collared the Bulldogs, 30-29, on The Senior Hi-Y Chapter bowl- J. Munoi ...... iin mi 170 H. Mivt'lrfiili ... 151) 1SS U Mnzor 1 its 154 16U < \ Ed Savage's penalty shot with Ing team took the 1950 Hi-YE. VlrRlllo . 1(17 17!i 170 Handicap '•'. '.17 63 51 P\ Stelermann . 167 ; 176 188 presented a varslt; *>'; B. Ilonnpttl . 178 160 113 TotnlH Sift 800 N. Simpu 201 :!l)l 174 Totltls ...'.... 827 SOI George was a recipl r twenty seconds left in the game. Bowling League Championships 184 A. Honneui . IBS 117 CONNOLLY PLUMBING F. Fischer 184 177 176 H1U, man numeral from HoWt j •, The Tigers, coached by Henry this week. The seniors had to drive T. ltonnettl . .... 1G8 1N3 101 U. Buonanno .... l«5 152 US Eights Recapture 175 Totals 908 ~SS3 ihnesH 131 151 , Traufaian and which earned a all the way to win against win- C. FUBCO 181 1C5 171 lldford 180 I «0 18 Totals 848 867 J. Miller •!!>!! 143 168 172 playoff berth by finishing in a tie hungry ninth grade Illiades. Los- Mil 1!)!) HANK'H HAHBKUS J. Connolly 1E5 188148 'roat 114 162 15 for third place with the Bruins, Mixed Deck Edge J. Laurent 144 154IP II. John 151 154 H ing the first game by 16 pins, they C\ Marvuna 14 5 15G 177 Handicap 39 39 30 came through wtth a second-half came on strong in the second to u»ano 143 137188 Eller,Caldwell I.nnza 108 190180 Totals 787 Gifts Of Dill rarxt to defeat the Lions, 36-33. win the championship. DeSanctla 160 111133 The Eights swept past the Nines Totala 8I>3 840 893 CHAMBETtt-AIN With both Lttrni hitting on 25 In the second match of the eve- Klttrell HO into first place in the Sunday Nite PERRY & SONS r FladJno , ... 213 148 . Hruda t7S 195 per cent of their shots, the Bruins Mixed Deck Bowling League with L. Peclna 177 168 Score Shutouts A. Hewitt 193 188 . rom Mony I ning, the Thetts defeated the M. Perry ... 168 Totals 756 864 824 iree wins against the Fives while 177 213 TV. Chamberlain 190 142 took a 21-18 lead over the Bull- Playboys by a close 37 points. W. Porry ... 140 t. Thomas ..... 11 dogs in the first half, then barely DeMAUTJNO LOUNGE the Nines were being blanked by K. Kuett ... 170 175 Ellcr and Caldweli swept to vic- Brlnnl High game of the night was R. crincoli 132 183 215 G. Perry ... 193 161 144 held on in the second. Bill Baker's bowled by Bob Daniels of the Spaci! .. . 165 199 132 the Sixes. Other sweeps were post- D. Perry ... 16G 177 154 tories «gainst Foster and Cornell, . Crincoli . 149 197 176 Handicap .. 41 Totals ... 863 . IS points for the losers led both Thetas with a 182. K. LaHrutto . 100 194 183 ed by the Aces and Tens over the 44 41 respectively, in the top action in FO9S teams. Alien Kern and Don Kerr 1"LA.YI)UYH M. Vcnezlo , 12S 102 148 Treys and Fours, respectively. The Totals 890 908 the Women's Ree Bowling League . . .' 172 1SJ ft. <-'olfHWorthy 118 —6 —6 —0 lB StO 908 ! 1S6 accounted for a total of 19 forI) Vl Deuces beat the Sevens in a2-1 1'KTEKMON'S LIQUORS last week. Mallctt won two games Ol ford .. 1.43 105 'J 53 C. Spencer ISO 1S4 the Bruins. 121 848 match. P. nU'rlsco 197 from Gaul, but split lour points in ~ Clino 1.10 1711 121) •W A. Chrono . 172 130 180 the match. k 138 135 The Tigers, led by Bob Schram, 32 S. Kli'ster 171 151 197 57 Elm St. TIIIUIK FOSTER had to overcome an 18-22 deficit Nines 4SV4 It. Perry 158 175 137 P. Foster .... 162 108 TIIKTA.S Noll's To Front I'lVM 36 Hand leal) . 67 67 67 140 in the first half to beat the Liona. Ill in, IS B. Smyth 134 121 131 L Shu Hi rn l''onrs IJV4 O I. Yacde US 133 lil .!. I Viinleln 12 Tens 4J14 Totals 907 864 Schram scored 10 of hia 16 points Sweet us IIS 4.H4 C. List ... 14 171 177 Sixes f IllV in the second half. An odd .side I. llawort !i \ In Presby Loop Twos 3!* AHTHUHHTKVKNS K. Tardlllo 137 150 150 Totals . 1S5 - light to the game was tbe Lions' Totals 3K Ones 3(1 IX Alattaon 154 161 178 •rurpshooting in hitting on 41 per Noll's forged ahead in the Pres- BSV4 A. Short 1S2 160 154 rHulknecht 110 175 104 cent of their shots while the Tigers II.I-1AH1CH Threes 1*. Itrudn U2 183 130 Kueh 1)5 130 110 t. tfortluiltt i«s byterian-Triangle Bowling League KTPKlt C Cllccaro 182 1!)4 210 I*rouUfoot 139 130 110 had only 25 per tent. The Lions 111! KVK 26 Ellor 198 133 J. KucUclt ..!.'.!, .. .'. Thursday with a sweep of. Berry's Tl. Viistano 1B4 177 Handicap 26 26 1 r.3 1:2 1110 114 114 • trouble was In not shooting 1 IV while runner-up Heitman was tak- Illinil 1U Totals 863 874 851 : I-:. Krh-k HO l-'f> 102 Totals ..'. 5S2 587 NEW TREADS enough. They took only 32 shots, ing two and one-half games from L). Cray 13S 11 s 1S3 CIA11WOOD HOUBB ; and made 13. The Tigers had 16 Toluls McCabe's, The leaders enjoy P. Mlsliozzl 161 158 190 SKNIOI1K Totals '.. 552 51'S J. Marvosa 135 168 172 V. Cornell 139 146 A ppl * *•• fi o . of «S. 1. Mi-glaiiBlilhi 111 one-half point advantage over lA'CKY DKOCBS IX l>Bgostaro ... 139 202 182 R. Clarkfion .. 131 10.1 3 H. Hall ifiS M. IV.ikr.le 1J» H. Plielps •Heitman's. Berry's is three game (). NlehrUKKa .. 170 182 lfil F. Musano 168 194 153 138 IK 1 U .NVIbniKSO • •• 130 llili K. DeSanctls .... 191 196 132 M. Miller 135 135 135 H. Harrl« off the pace. 11s Handicap 63 53 S3 I-. lllcUPl 11)9 121 IfiS Tolals w r. i> T. Uiirnum 171 135 H! Totala r,34 iow men Madison Climbs Noll's 2J 14 29 EELMAN UECORATOnS UALUtWEL,!, Ileltmnn's ... 2O'A U>>4 28% Tola!* »S3 007 J. Teslft 173 203 141 R Ciildwell ... i;« 14S 111 ON All SIZIS_ ilfrry's IS" lx 2i T. V»ll« 157 178 135 ^f. lions ...... 112 1 r. e 162 Park Commission To l McCubea 1114 2 -IV4 H',4 KV SlXUS J. Eelman 128 137 114 I* Shouftler .... 115 133 135 Tint 12!) Ml A. Hewitt lfiii 157 150 R. Fuffniiinn .. 1!)2 ISO To Church Lead I). (.'itlvinio .. .. 125 W. Boblnaon .... 211 14(1 211 135 •.70-1S 4.7O-1B Discuss Formation Of HEITMAN'S V. UtHnHa ...... 165 1S7 '.'11 Handlcan 61 61 Tory 160 .. llil 116 13S 61 Tolals 603 7.1O-1B WML Madison used a three-point win 17-19 Baseball Loop RoilllUrd t"3 J.' Ktrantch . •.. 1 IS 1M T.«O-18- 23 % 23 Totala 895 8S0 8 against St. Paul's coupled with Kilth 131 l Hettman 171 161 KIJIK. DAII..Y JOURNAL, . Mallett ... 123 140 *tbn tax m in: ,127 710 fi. Oatrowsky .. .. 221 168 191 . &-brlrk ... 125 Methodist's triple defeat at the A number of inquiries have been Donne His 162 Totsiln • • 143 124 13S 13S NIF TV NINES W. HIRBloa 178 12S 129 . Paveltc ... 112 148 145 hands of Baptist to creep into first received by the Union County ! ! Coventry ...... — ir>7 (Srei'O •• ; ! US H3 V. Nemeth 194 190 164 Hruda .. ... 157 14S 126 You g«t th« place in the Church Bowling Park Commission concerning the Tot.ila 801 Js. 14-J II. Aylward 193 1B2 147 11 ITS I.. Kittrell 178 1S1 League last week with » one and .McCAIIIO'S . Mi-IiitnlplV'!' i iii! 139 Totals .. . .. 347 */Tr««d width -•>•.) Andrews no 146 185 Jtnuen . 171 US 170 B. White 179 173 US JUitblo in 131 17B ous municipalities in the county. Mi'Clura Hit 111 110 I!. Zinunrriiwin .. 117 13.i Trotraan 157 134 IS Uniforms could be optional and Jonea If! 1-7 118 H. Wels 1"-' 173 152 ilmdicup 38 Z» Sell !•. 153 SEA MAC • OLD TOWN • BOATS games could be played on thHe i.V, Tuliila .">i>3 6113 Totato , Tji home fields of teams represented. TKRRIFIC TEN'fW BAWIST vi. ziinntiTiiian zl'"':) \ >v 19S ielert 144 114 In all probability the league woul 1:. •Mln Ill* lit 113 Cripper. US 113 operate during the summer V. Wendell 1«» 151111 Murphy I«0 159 O. J.iye 150 JH 1SI JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS lonitl 190 US months. This league would fill a YM Closed Friday Hottttl ,..,....,. 129 large gap between the youth Totals .. 602 6;i 130 781 CENTRAL AVE. WESTFIELD 6 leagues and the adult and open The YMCA will be closed all leagues where competition ia an aday tomorrow in observance of ! 1.1 111 ToUI» . high level. 134 132 Good Friday. The building- will be 115 15S MOM. t m. UNTIl 9 - SUNDAY 9-1 - OTHERS TO 7 Rohrmunn 148 All teams or cluba that are in-open for resident' only. All boys' J57 112 of WestfieW. V« if I1M MB 187 terested are urged to send a repre- classes whc-duk-.l for that day PieHaa* . •::*::: ill MS sentative to thia meeting. For have been ]'e-chedu5ed or can- ATOM*" KIGHTH Ilrnok ..„ ITT farther information contact the I. Mi-tn-le 117 11 1 as 1101 SOUTH AVE. W. Handicap m celled. Jf. I •.. l.'oi- . . USED MOTOR CLEARANCE SALE Recreation Department of the Un- !•'. Wmhiinis ... 1 77 l'T 159 Off. MEfKirS GW Total* 7*3 666 ion County Paik Commission, EL LEADER CLASSIFIEDS J. M^ovayUiow^kl lot) 2-3431. HUNG RESULTS Totals Op«n Daily t A.M. I* 9 fM-i THE WESTFIELD (N. J-> Page Thirty-Five

Auto ovov Jeannettos, Itomoo Niirdcr 1'lt.u'rt MKN'H WISA 11 A.I.MVIMVH OOIWIMIB SALON swept VMstone. J. Rloitrrio was Mulrainy .1. Kiialmi'l' 1411 hil 1 :ir n Moves A, l>>» l:lli liU list II. I hill 113 Uill 120 \v Further Ahead Hil 171 I, (lniivli'1 ,, in* AArlior r lluInin ...... r»l HJaio I). Iti'lllllarill ... 1 1(1 I7H l«fi Jf. U^illiila .. Mil ur, y, Day Lead 1'lnlnllolil Atito 6(1 .11 Lead In Sunday Iliitlcr Ui4 15(1 MoiiulnliiHlilo Dell niiivcd wny 134 l>| i Iill 137 14S ii Evening Loop T.iinia r.r.i inn wt. 27 K.-lVliu it'H .. . 11II 119 mi out in front in thu Horti Woinon'a Jlillno (Illlf , Hulllaliu ,.. Hill 12" K. NiiAHWoiii) III:<'H1';ATIIIM JlowliiiK i.iiiiKUi! hy awenpluK Buy- 41 1H7 Clarn Louise' wun tho (ints)ilo Illlinl ji Mixed Bowling 41 41 while siH'ond plueo illlwliii! tlurlitjv K!m|i . «I Jinn's from .U'niiiictfe.s Tuesday .I. Mnaai . . iru I. Hyliliinkl II.) iir, 149 liutlCa (Jlft.i . . L'li Totnls ,, . liII i A. l,.\r«s(a ir.n was bi'lni" shut out by lloraheya. ,M. loimvl ,. iso ir.4 11)11 The Bombers increased their PINI1 ninf* to hold its twu j'unie edi*o Itlhitl i:i« In the oilier match Alma's won II. \VHU.« HI in 110 HOMED l 1011 ll ... lf.4 ir,» .hu odil Kunic from Jo Lynn to 7111 7(11 C Huiinmino ... 103 154 li: league this week. Hot Shots took 54 M I. i.Mir. ian na \v U IBAli rcST.ATM J, 1/ulireiH .... 193 1S9 210 ;wo from Lucky Strikes to remain 61 y rlirht behinil tlio lenders. M. Iliiiiru 1 111 174 • MovmtnlnaWo llcll. t>3 34 11, Hunt isi ma 149 R Amlt'l-KTO 157 US Hunt in inn 1,14 n contention. Tho Millionaires ;n view Mnnor wtui two from IIIIU'lHU 45 42 TotnlH '. SS7 «32 No. Jt-TNoy Wxpri'«a IT, H. JiiliniiiiWHky 1117 US 140 STON'B Mine through with a sweep of js to maintain tho third slot, ToliiU r,77 tin str, ll.naliity H. V. 41 4« M. KIIIII-IIIIC .. i»s ur. It II ir,-.' 111 J, Hi'iitt HIS Kill 137 . 1 Sil 194 11!) hire! place Owls und Easy Aces .. othcif matches, Criinford Hotel JUIIIII'M <.'iil*rili'ii ... 40 47 I. TnlKBkl . . 1 17 124 ISO 102 107 116 O1.AH,V U1UISK lliiylmrry Oltt 8ho|i »7 50 24 21 24 I". Dll'rlsi'o .. . lo( 145 17S lield fourth place with two wins !ia 93 111 ,ook n pail* of (-nines from Clark J. I'priT 142 13d107 A. Silc-Blup .. . 2I1S 144 10s 114 K. KiU'U 1(13 17(1 us 1'otnlR ,. 739 720 isa >ver Seven Up. in "lew and Lusardi's took tilt1 out- U. ,l.ihilHt«ll Kill 1211 lllll Nicrii J. Clriiii'lone . I7'J 177 70 70 !•'. Urltioi us Mil 7B • w X, IC. pfllllk 124 113 1611 Us 145 111 H.vvnnniiY~oiv"iU K ' BHOHOP "0 do tranies from Karitan Valley, M. Kny»i>r ^r. lllc ir,r, TotnlB 702 Bmnlu'ls 57 27 Toti\\a It. MI'HHIIIII 13!l 131 1S!I 120 102 Jl LINCIC urn Greco of Glonviow l-olled a Vutnln 57S r,r>3 l>73 1 111 21)0 Illlnii Hll IK no 673 1 ,1. Oil 130 llol 37 . IKlKI'lTO .... lf,S 170 .llOAKNIO'rriJ'S IMFT SltOI 1311 119 1 M, Tiiylor 143 U>'i 177 MARTIN JEWELERS 141 !0G final. !•:. VIIOIHK 11!) J. ArKn2l:ui 155 192 1S9 Kilsy Aves .. U> ;. IJni>k 144 130 nihiii Lin tan UII Illlinl Ill) 119 n. Klloi- IjUcky Strikes 47 ;. U'eU'lilUlll .. 120 .1211 1"2 U. iM'uxwiill Kllf 143 111) 134 KID IIS 114 w i, II. KiiiUllurtoii ,. U12 128 1112 •13 M. Amt'Mziurl 159 133 13!) Seven Up ... 48 '. rosier 133 lr.s K. IMlllnti'tti'r ,. ltlil lr.ll 105 4'.! 43 M. Wrnitit . . C;itn 4914 43 173 Clnrn r,3 n4 43 CI 48 213 IB!) 43 43 . f, l .iii U. MiloU'im 131 10.1 1411 II. DcSiinctls 1S5 173 Millionaires . lliirwonil 7 Totals Tits 593 , r.ii ,17 Tolllls BliS TaLnlH (!S3 BOMBEllS r.lSAlilHS KT MOtlNTAINHIDH i t. Perry 127 173 125 K1HSS I'arf lit it 4li 41 AKT * ijOUNOB W. Juv.» 1411 143 M. UiimUir 137 154 Tolnls 87,1 42 45 mi ARliOH INN f. liunntilcr .... 174 211 181 Und Hlil 10!) 109 Jo Uvi M. Arp.oli?.l!ino 140 17S 1112 P. liiirtgiiMiri) .. Hi3 V. Uimwkuv ... 1H1 •Its 155 137 12S >. r.ruy 145 1(4 161 . Johns 114 107 130 Clnrk VJ 45 niii isr. l.'ir. iar. I*. Trhinn .. 124 ins Hill II. NcliilIU 143 Mil 1SH 101 118 F.. Uuhtnson. ... r,',ii 14.) 150 Id ;!7 00 , Mil 1U6 1S3 I". Jlnrvoaii .... let 1. Spoiit'or ..... Inii 17S 128 f. DoimUlHon .. 175 113 104 V.1 Colono 14S 130 IB1S\ Kiihuvo-wtU H, Clii'lullnn ... 1(14 127 143 103 Kill UiS 141) IS! 3 1 r.3 I . AmliMlocI N H » W. RolilnaoRbins n ... 181S2 19(1 03 S3 03 Mllllo 133 if.J 1IIJ 134 I). WlBl'llLUl ... 1211 Kit 150 1011 1S1I 3.1 Tntills 719 700 110 S. Klvzer ,1S1 1S4' 2 0« us tws 751 :n) A. 1IKI1 191) Tocils ' ... SOI TntlllH 675 «40 ToWH ,.. t>»0 ldl CATS 807 151V MANOR cij,vnrc VTRW FAHMS NORD13R 500 Totals SG7 ~813 K. CsvnnHft ... 115 ISO 117 . Owons , 1112 1411 132 IT. Sclilim>yi'r .. Ill 14(1 1110 A. Mortfilu .. ,. 120 171 :1. ObOabnHH ... 104 100 Edwards .... Ill) 131 117 GriM-o , its 1:15 ami J. ••nlkoivlH-i-K . 1S8 173 177 II, Ilotfutoolt .. Hr, 121 CARTITNTEB J. C.-ibarlo ... 137 no 1011 Ncmlor US 141 151 Trliino , 135 117 1LT. A. JnncM 130 133 110 M. Uhccuhta . ,.. I'M 142 138 JEANNBTTE'S GIFT SHOP Moi-Rftn 128 lf.3 1 MORE SPORTS C. Biu-melBter .. let. 174 1S.1 S. KU-zer ... 153 113 165 .... 143 , 132 149 IBS nilnil 144 144 I '. Kiirvosa . ... 110 138 11H 107 146 107 John«on .... 124 1SI1 X20 .... 141 128 US ,\f. B.iemolstor . 112 117 112 55 f,s fray •••• li'l 147 O. IJako ...... 105 109 147 107 es B70 S47 621 Totals 543 Total* ,,,s ,..• *608 NEXT PAGE tirpen.tei Totals ... 81(1 91 HI J. Arscn7.l!\no ... 149 1SS 137 002 •Totals ..... 5112 611 S. Van Hoeson . 171 1C7 1S2 LUCKY STRIKES 555 Totals 703 780 701 B. PlUcr 101 1M 12S KOOP 12'1 . Hoos 133 12B PLAIffFIELD AtrTO SAI.ES Jn. dePlnnqun .. 147 139 (W ...... 10S 99 Jk. (lciPlnnque .. 120 1G0 107 if. Potorson 154 II>:I 27 .. HO 90 . 119 V, York 17!) 20C 19.1 .'. Bally 115 79 HI Member Welcome Wagon blU«lu' 111 A. MorKnn 15S 14S 115 1. PIHer 118 12'i M Uilosli .. 123 128 117 117 D. Mulrcany 1111 13 S 141) .. 171 123 123 E. OnddlB 139 174 10(1 77 77 77 S3 83 T. Schrope 17S ISO 182 SHOP & SAVE EVERY DAY 83 Totals 601 6S1 T. Plsnone 131 149 213 Totals (Uii GOOD 635 HOT SHOTS Totals S05 si;:! D. Srhnolilor .. 148 138 121 B. Zlnunerinsu1. . 126 l'R iri LA CASSIS Q. Costa 144 14S ISO . . McClny 113 102 155 J&M 191 100 1153 RAYMOND'S UESTA.URA.NT W. SclmoWcr .. 17S 141 109 n. Hlnton Ill 111 111 LaSS« 9-1 110 112 .1. Connolly HI HI J. dnbrlel I0H 222 145 . Shouctlcr ... 152 162 ir.2 FOOD S • • 128 U Connolly .... 168 107 SB 85 iiarus ".... 131 145 40 40 411 . 100 128 iai II. Gross '.. 148 162 SUPER MARKET 73 73 73 S. LnBrutto .... 144 204 Totals 751 Totals ... MS 657 STORES M. enstnldo ID) 10(5 856 Mountain Ave,- Is . ... "»98 037 611 SEVEN UP ICA8S NIEURUOOE Totals 70S S40 I. Tomka llid 123 113 K. Kaaa 120 134 155 no 126 1I)G 121 100 JOE'S BAKBKH SHOP N. Benson 139 j. Nlflil'llKKO ... 118 134 140 GF FRESH CUT MEATS ONLY Llllllr ** - - - , „ ,, 1(14 119 It. IMco ...... 199 122 ISA P. Dzliulzlo .... 12S 100 US TJ. Nnhouse 171 1111 151 108 148 bTUKg« ... JSt 81i 11H V, PtfarvoBa 147 150 144 1". Wclliind .... 145 :I. Uudko 148 14S 148 NO PRE-PACKAGE gra''e •• • • i1 ™ 123 107 »3 »3 SO 50 50 nog • ..... 123 J. Clceono 1S4 12S IBS' n 122 122 U Klttrvll . 1S7 1411 191 R Anezwito 187 178 ISO Totals 732 Totals 670 672 lis . "iii 01J 672 EASY ACES ANDERSON IMPORTED VIGO HAMS KELLER'S SMOKED HAMS PRIME RIBS BEEF...... 69cIb. Totals 876 764 P. Byrnes 120 165 •T. -Mclntoah 137 142 HEI.VIJBL U Lawrence .... 114 12G K. Lntuls Ill 160 Lean — TendSr — No Watte ipilelli 143 139 143 1). Perry 17:1 lfilff M. liUelnlulhl .. 87 113 Vi or whole, lean 59c Ib. Baby SPRING LAMB .. ,69cIb...... Ul 117 1811 170 t>. Anuorsoll ... 153 193 114 109 Y Holding Grade 13. Perry Ids 86 Irien. Ill 58 58 lib. can 1.19 Murphy's Famous Meaty PORK RIBS ... 49clb. llepp 117 147 los S5 07 97 97 Court Play-offs Totnls 060 709 71 Totals ..540 041 21b. can 2.29 HAM LOAVES, 2-4 lbs. 89elb. GRILLING FRANKS .... 59c Ib. Ills , ... • 5S5 594 DUO MILLIONAIRES 3 Ib. can 3.39 JOHNSON * The two top contenders i91 the TT. Diirllnff 11!) 13S 3-LEGGED FRYERS 39c Ib. i?ot. 99 104 118 sixth and seventh grade Y bowlinp J. llelGraildo ... 1(13 158 LONG ISLAND DUCKS . 59elb. 1.11 93 J. Condry !> Anderson took A pair from Kass, iwlchvln 32 40 n. Kumi 96 112 Bi'hnolilor 29 43 Sausage .. 89clb. In Wins w.i, Slntiliolmer 27 45 J. Richards 75 8 Anderson 49 82 Aunt Jemima Garden Salad ... .23c Tntnla 2(1 IJnnk 44 87 I'APAt^s him In the Mixed Major pin Splll.ino 43% 37M ,T. Cfirllslo 145 1,11) turned in wing Monday, nnl-lvHn 42 89 (!. Papnlna 10S IDS Pancake . .. 17c pkg. Pot Cheese ...29cIb. LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS PAY ICnsa 42 19 C Knclrvk .... I'll 1 t wer Martin and Plalnfteld Fish •. 39 42 J. MolntOHh 113 1B3 SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS 39c Ib! 04 04 TotnlH 529 CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS 25c Ib. New V. Hlck«on 129 132 p. R«ddttii- 121 123 LONG GREEN CUKES 3 for 25c BAIRD'S J, Sanrl 130 181 B. Ilogtsle 117 134 RED ROSE RADISHES...... 2 bags 19c SODAS CHANGE NOW TO ESSO HEATING OIL-GET 51 51 Totals 648 RUSSET BAKERS ... .7" .5 lbs. 29c Flavors

B. Relier - 127 ir>« MAINE POTATOES 10 lbs. 39c Ale M. Stanway . 119 nil 13. Schneider 127 1.10 0. Emmerich 124 137 GRAPEFRUIT, luscious 6 for 29c Club SEABROOK'S New Jersey's Finest 42 42 32-01. Corn — Peas — Chopped Spinach Totals 530 Large Ripe Florida TOMATOES.... .29clb. WIN Chopped Broccoli — Squash. 3 pkgs. 49c I. McDolo 139 142 Large B. Popple 114 121 LONG YELLOW BANANAS 2 lbs. 29c I* Jliviawln 145 112 BIRD'S EYE STRAWBERRIES....4 for $1.00 M. Villa 13' 134 Bottle 75 JUMBO SUNKIST ORANGES.... 10 for 99c No age limit-no physical check-up? 75 LEMONADE 4 cans 49c Totals IS only just change to the Esso Heating FRESH FLORIDA STRAWBERRIES . 39c box CAMPBELL'S SHRIMP SOUP 33c M. Snller 139 119 Oil Insured Budget ftiyment Plan-- If. ChenlU 100 112 GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 29c LIBBY'S APPLE PIES 59c M. HoPoo 14« 161 2 be worry free all season long! ,1. Butlor 119 132 SARA LEE COFFEE CAKES o9c TO PAY 01 61 BIB LETTUCE - ENDIVE - ESCAROLE for » REAL aecuBiTY - If the insured dies during Totals 671 6S5 STOUPFER'S SPINACH SOUFFLE 39c BISHOP SEEDLESS GRAPES - PEACHES the beating season, deliveries continue, but N. BIJhop US 1S4 " CHICKEN AND NOODLES ... 65c all remaining payments are canceled. J. Nash ISO 154 GIVE A FRUIT BASKET 49c D. McAllister ... 124 60 » PAYMENTS IKSUBEP - through Metropolitan H. Ho»l8tt 1«1 172 BAKED POTATOES, cream or cheese 33c 64 54 FOR EASTER - $5.00 to $25.00 at Life Insurance Company, N. Y., N. Y. Totals S84 BIO SHRIMP CREOLE 2 for 99c • EASY PAYMENTS - end peak mid-winter bills J&M HINSHBIMEI! HONEY DEW MELONS 49c ta. and get one pkg. FREE YOUR by spreading them over equal monthly, It. SlnshelmBr .. 104 118 I). Jahrllng 108 122 payments. M. McKendrlck >. 140 153 New York's Finest .» QUALITY — Esso Heafwg Oil with additive • HO4* for clean dependable heat. *•*•»" JS JJ SAVARIN COFFEE Total 5»7 B79 ,> ECONOMY — Premium duality oil at regular SAUERBRtJN C. Strachan 152 J09 ] price. B. Sauerbrun ... 110 134 I. Griffin 1»7 138 OIL (» CONVENIENCE - automatic "Watchdog" I. Milne 134 112 56 ftS DRAFTS deliveries. Totlla SS9 549 MARSHAL.!. B. C«nta 141 154 C. Murehall 145 188 1m3 M. Mel«oll 98 103 11 B. Zimmerman . 157 134 12 AT NO EXTRA COST! 49 4 Total» 590 578 58 llbby 10-lb. box BILLS 1.INCK J. Reuther 12» 9S 11 All $2.19 M. Oreenberg .. lit 121 10 P. SrtHane 157 133 16 Tomato Juice .MiBWNMit M. IJnck lii 131 11 ESSO 54 5 46-oz. can 0S m fOMAtQSOUP - Totals 6»2 Granulated Sugar "WATCHMG" lb ba9 A typical intercity track ia pay Ocaan Spray 5- - 49c OIL HEAT SERV1CC ing in annual State and Feder 6UAR0S taxes the equivalent to the annua Cranberry Sauce tax paytnents of more than 30 pas- AH flavor! YOUR COMFORT ** *- senger ears. rrmnirv Jell-O Dessert HNEAPPLE. Libb/s Garden Peat . . 3 cans 49c OtAPCWLIIT DRINK Gold Medal Flour Libb/t Kernel Corn 3 cans 49c Triscuit, NBC , Libb/s Cream Corn.. . 3 cans 49c Orafiamt, idvertising NYLONS 2 uwrteforyou! WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR Thfrty^Sfat THE wnwnfTttrn /w .T i t.EAnF.R. THURSDAY. MARCH 26. 1859 ItOOBKH TKXACO in chemical engineering »t Came M Novollu T>2 166 (tip Institute of Technology next Pete's Rack Up VVnlell l}« }« A VIK1I.--I.ti US 59 year. IK' i* now n student ut the |l HUi't'llK 113 I" With the QdUcians Garwood Shutout 1'. 5!>« is!' Carol Mowen, 70S Dorian road, Vn:i.l.KNT 1MNKU fr*f.>hm;iM nt Cornell l.'niversity Kit! lt'« Maryjane Austin, daughter of mnn for his frnternity, Hrt« Theta . Pete's Lunch shut out Mont's Mil!, r in; l.;'•> thft Hev. and Mrs. Orval II. Aus-!l'i. He lia.s nl«> l»on :isai«tnnt ! t'illesje of Alts and Sciences, has and J. Ar^eiiziano VUIILMI 20H, 21 f». ('i Inl'i IK ITT l>'' tin, 8;n School. 1S9 147 this year in cities in Missouri, Kau- Robert M. Menninger of 2;M tan outpointed PS and Ganvood ISi nas and Oklahoma. Charles »treH has been elected * * * Rest bested Williams. n Mike Fahcy, fcon of Mr. and Mrs. >.n • •'••»••• treasurer of Tau Knppa Other top scorers were J. Ric- MKTHOl'Ol.lTAN' U(M)!t " Cadet Robert W. Donahue, son fraternity at Rutgers University. Michucl F. Kiihey, 837 Summit ardo 235, A. Fontcnelli 201, P..1. Halonuine lf-1 1S5 171 The son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick avenue, has been accepted as ft T. VcntlmlBlli ••• 1™ 118 167 of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Dona- Miccio 217, B. Brituin 213, Al.1. Mnnahitn Hi t<3 114 hue,. 11«1 Raritan road, has been Menninger, the junior business ad- member in the Pennslyvania Gam- Hidi 214, J. Petricelli 200, D. Sisto J. ivtrlorlll 1." 200 192 Sromoted from Yeoman 3/c to the ministration major is a graduate ma chapter of Pi Gamma Mu, o 232, Ed Konopack 214 and F. 1>. .SIHIO • H? rate of petty officer third class at of Weatfield High Schcol. national social science honorary Petrozelli 201. Totals 7'S fraternity. He is a junior at Sus- the Admiral Farragut Academy. * * * tlARWOOn REST Qadet Donahue is a member of the Jamt.-i C. McElroy of 741 Clark qtit-hanna University, Selinsgrove, MONK'MO S CA1.SOO SEI1V1CE 1T0 PH., and i.s also a member of the Fl. Flloilnlll1Se 21S 2 1S1S55 I'rlsh 151 Jf< 1S5 clusa of 1961. street lias been named to the dean's J. Naomi 1ST 15" M. ilnluta 147 146 ltifl r * * * li.^t of the Kutgera University Phi Mu Delta fraternity. R. Lewis 153 Hi K. .... I5< j'J J 179 J. Saparito JS2 IS6 J, Volpl 162 lo> 177 - David C. Walker, son of Mr. and School of Education for the fall * * * b. Spencer 135 140 Mrs. Charles F. Wnlker, 345 La-semester of the 1958-59 academic Philip W. Lobo, a junior at New Totalr "749^ S22 Owmtol^u;; FanwoodF^vood.Terv, serve^d !J ^.HeYy * amonpWouUtandi^ | p "PETE'S L W. E. WIIX1AJ1S BARON' Hampton School, New Hampton, Fontenelll as pallbearer at the funeral of Dr. students in teacher-training who >>• «;. at home for the spring M 1 1SI M. Saparito 15« }J< 14fi "Rober ^ t Fortenbaugh•, for over 3-2" ' maintained grades of 2.0 or better ! vacation I'atrick 156 196 }'. KaKoncne 17S 13n 13S Mr s He is the son of Mr. and Tetcraon 179 198 B. Perry 1«2 171 155 years head of the history depart- durini g thhe "first" sfanostcrofi ff the j)Mrs - WalteW r E. Lobo of 2 Stone- A. Duvlncs 157 191 P. Petrauclll 179 187 :ot ark E. Jasa 162 173 ment at Gettysburg College. The current school year. A junior, Me- i >«'*>> P - At the annual winter Totals 537 167 history proftw eor had served as a Elroy is the son of J. C. .McElroy !s I*>rt5 banquet held recently at the Totals tOt 771 scito he was GARWOOD TV * APP. national officer of Alpha Tau Ome- of Shelton, Wash. A veteran, he ) °^ awarded a varsity . llraculo H» 178 The Soviet ne«-3 agency Tass re- ga fraternity. Walker is a gradu- is married and has two children, j hockey letter.^ ViKliantl 156 19* ports that a University of Atheism ate of Scotch Plains High School Dean r. Klllngham ... HO '->7 Two students fromVestfield will | MacLauaghlin, son of Mr. . Micrto 1SS 13* 217 been opened in Ashkhabad, and is a senior economics major play in the Buckncll University jan<1 Mrs- RalPh R- MacLaughlin, :. RKMlcr 1«7 15S 1S1> capita! of Soviet Turkmenistan. at Gettysburg College.' He is vice 217 Totals S07 Sis no; Symphonic Band when the group! Benson place, has been named DV^CAU MOTORS president of Alpha Tau Omega Arpenzlano ... 203 21a fraternity. goes on its fifth annual spring con- to the dean's list for the first se- Wright 151 m cert tour A-pril 19 to 22. They mester at Harvard College where Fu»co 160 1S1 TO BUY OR SELL, USE Dean's' lists nave been published are William L. Fletemeyer of 245he is a freshman. He is a mem- 1SK ber of the freshman glee club and 173 LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS at Middlebury College covering Grove street and Peter T. Boor of 895 first semester work. To be eligible 21G Kimball avenue. is presently working on a project a student must have an average Ten concerts in cities and towns in computer translation in connec- of 86 or better in ell subjects, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Newtion with his Russian class. with no grade below 60. Included Vork, and Connecticut have been arc Martha L. Gerbari, senior, who scheduled for the 75-piece musical is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. organisation under the direction of UJC Establishes L. Gerhart, 428 Lenox avenue, and Allen VV, Flock, associate profes- INVEST - INCOME Nancy J.-Mumford, junior, who issor of music at Bucknell. 10 YEAR 6% BONOS the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- A member of the freshman class, Memorial Fund ert E. Mumford, 325 East Dudley FJetemeyer is enrolled in Buck- PRINCE MATCHABELU •venue. nell's liberal arts course. He is CRANTORD — The establish- N. J. Residents Only the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. ment of a memorial fund honoring - LIMITED OFFER - J TWo boys from Westfield recent- Fletemeyer. the Jate Dr. Arthur L. Johnson, • INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY DUCHESS OF Y ly'pledged to'Phi Kappa Tau, na- Boor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vla-long-time Union County school su- tional social fraternity at Colgate dimir J. Boor, is studying for the perintendent and chairman of the • 10-YR. MATURITY Jfntrcrsity. They arc David Kel- degree of bachelor of science in Board of Trustees of Union Junior • REDEEMABLE BY HOLDER COLOGNE Ipgg '62, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bur- music education. A member of the College for 20 years, was announc- PRIOR TO MATURITY ton Kellogg of 215 East Dudley senior class, he is making his final ed today by Dr. Thomas Roy Jones • *30-*100.*r,00 dtnomlMtlou •.venue, and David Luerssen '62, appearance with the band as stu-of Westfield, chairman of the col- Call or write for aoii' of, Mr. and Mrs. Theodoredent director. lege's Board of Trustees. FREE Prospectus Luerwen of 672 Summit avenue. * * * Dr. Jones has appointed Major BARON t CO. Kellogg, • member of Use fresh- Gen. Henry G. Nulton of Hillside, JELLY Shirley Douglas, daughter of Ill ) M., \V>»;*.-'Tw*" ftodents from Westfield dents at MacMurray College for »er« among 777 Duke University "It is our belief," Dr. Kenneth NEW! Women who achieved a 2.4 to 3.0C. MacKay, UJC president, said, undergraduate students recently average. A- music-organ major, named to the dean's list for the fall "that some major part of our new she will graduate with the class of building' now under construction D'ORSAY SPRAT •eserter, 1958-59. To qualify for 1961. its* Jean's list, a student most have should contain a memorial to our Mr. W. Multiple Listing •Stained at least a 3.0 average out Ruth E. Ott, 1874 Quirnby lane, long-time board chairman, who COLOGNES was so responsible for the found- of * possible 4.0 average. These kas been elected to Gamma Sigma says Reg. $3.00 1 1 9 8 Mm.- K. L. Bet**, "M Fair*er«s Pennsylvania i . ^ !:^..^* oj, 86,^ras.among mnt; aod Jama Girand, wnior, State University. She will con- a group of Union County educator* MO ti Mr- sad Mrs. jams Girand, tinue her stadie* next year at the and civic leadens who helped to eg' S« Canterfcarr mi Methodbt"Ho^pitairindia'na'poi'is';iteblish Union Junior College 25 "The Rescue Squad * * * JD(J_ years ago. He was the college'college 3 Prince Morchobelli W«BtSehi *ra rendests raroll- second board chairman—a post he «d at UEioa Jojjior College and C. Robert Gronquist of 627 Hill- held at the time of his death. Dur- needs PEOPLE!" tixsr major* ar£ Jon P. F&lk of ewst avenue is a member of the ing his tenure, the college's en- COLOGNE {4 CaMotrary lane, engineering; Lafayette College choir -who sang rollment increased to more than Reg. $5.00 GoaM R. Cottlick of 414 Pint on a half hour t'&lm Sunday pro- 800 students after World War II The Wsstfield Board of Realtors is happy to pass on this SPRAY eat*t, special, and Patrkia A. Pil- frr»m over station WRCV-TV, Phil- and its present status as a trans- LUCIEN LEL0N5 fer ef 553 Ede«r mad, special. adelphia. Sunday the gToup will fer college evolved. message from the Westfielci Volunteer Rescue Squad: • Abo, Fanwood, Da-rid C. Rob- provide the music for the first of "Money alone Is not enough. Our need is MIST erto et 109 FarJey avenue, enp- four broadcasts of the National COLOGNE iwering; Moontaiaside, Miss Ana Broadcasting Co.'s '*Xational Ra- PEOPLE, too. Men and women are needed . ." Reg. $3.00 L Ajrrei of 215 K«w Proridenee dio Palpit." Phone ADami 3-2500 and let the Rescue Squad tell you how read, adence and Robert E. Wy- * * * Contract Bridg< ckoff of 1083 Sunnyilopt drive, you may aid. Now: Ul and 8cotd> Plain*, Ml*. Eight area men have won aca- demic honors at Newark College It teems to all thf Realtors on the Wettfleld Board, through whose offices many practical and 'intelligent people buy aide avenue, special. :ndine~Jan. 247 They are: Robert Enroll Now . • • * Jeyer, 251 Hazel avenue, Frank and sell homes in the Westfield, Mountainside, Fan wood and T David Shepard AUes has been M. Magalhaes, 634 Knollwood ter- Scotch Plains area, that help for the Rescue Squad benefits named to the academic honor list race, Daniel Valenti, 2015 Went New Classes Begin all of us. • it C!»rkson College of Technology Broad street, and Maxmiilian Ve- for outstanding scholastic achieve- nus, 1920 Central avenue. Week of April 13th tntnt. during the fall term which Also Noel Cram, 14 Deborah ROSTER of WiSTFIELD BOARD of REALTORS ••nded Jan. 28. Alles, son of Mr.way, FarrVood; Edmund Olynn, Beginners and ; »Hd Mrs. Francis Peter Allcs, 734 Sky Top drive, John C. Holmes, HOWARD A. CAMII.I.O PICAHIIAlX A FRANKBNDACH. Advanced m North Avenue W. INC, J. iPoternan place, is a freshman me- 42i Myrtle avenue, and Paul C. AD 2-6061 US F.lm street. "•ehanical • engintering student at Mk-haelis, 20»S Nicholl avenue, all AD 2-4700 WIIX1A.M A. CLARK t Clarkson. He was graduated from of Scotch Plains. Dr. Dillard E. Bird 436 south Avenue, W. nll.KJ •Weetfteld High School in 1958. * * * .. AD 8-850!) ATWOOD Certified Geren Teacher Puk Ave., Scotch Pl»l»e Robert Marik or 114 Boulevard COOPKH * urEHRT FA 2-6800 JUST RECEIVED |f §, feordon- •Smith, 17 Stonelcigh hen been granted a National Merit A.C.B.l. Certified Director .108 Central Avenue park, has been named "senior of AD 3-S222 I Ellm St.St., ,Wc-nt EASTER Co-operative Fellowship which he Adams 3-3633 AD 22-5800 the week" at Michigan State Uni will use for work on his doctorate WAIT11H I Tfliity. A graduate of Westfield «6 Him Strut HAHDOLPH-WIBOMAR CO, LANVIN TRAVELER AD 1-4084 1M Mmatala Av*. HifJi School, be is an agriculture AD i-660* C A N D Y DANKER A 0ANKBII, !•«. fcMjor and has an all-university HitNCY r. RETNOI.D1 ONCE-AYEAR SPECIAL! •Verac* of 3.2. He h president of •02 East Broad Street AD 2-«800 WHITMAN'S jpriton Ikxrd Bad vice president TUB DICHTEH 5newc¥ C. •. iMITH, JU. •f Eioalibur, the 13 member se- Route #22, Everiryree( n Court Ill Central Avenue Mountalnelde,, AD2-«31> AD 2-9300 MY SIN $2.00 EASTER «tor honorary society. PKTER A. OUOHI . In addition to his Union Board JU Bait Brond Street TROMAS o. round AD 2-tl«t 106 North Avenue, W. •ctirities he has been Green He] AD S-H22 EGGS ibet secretary, Blue Key treasurer BDWIN O. BnWABDI 1KB THATLOR ARPEGE $2.50 112 Kim Street IM East Broad street ind rush chairman, • member of AD 3-6E.E.6 AD 3-2210 Phi Eta Sigma and social chair- H. CLAY rRlKilMlt HS. INC. I.F.B K. WAR1SG Sll South Avenue, Fanwood ll East Broad Street I AS TER VA. 1-7700 AD 2-7402 YARDLEY AI.AJf JOHS»TO«r riEt.n BEAI.TV IER 203 Elm Street 2JS East Brosd Street AD 2-6S64 AD 2-9500 RED ROSE ProtektiVi The EASTER HUES, rail and white THOMAS H. JVDIOK CHARLES C. HAAKB 100 North Avenue W. 437 South Avenue W. D«tiMttclilMmit'««lM« On all CHURCH ALTARS shed thsir AD J-IOJO AD S-7550 LIGHT. WALTER KOSTEB, 1


235 East Bread St. Wertfi»W, N. J. UCKO. 724 WISTFULD MEWJItStY Ofitn TKtt Friday Evening John E. Pitthsr, M9r. AD I-4M0 I A WWKKOVg 'LOAM WOWL BETBKT I