Order No. 613.100-1 Revised December 2015 Created October 1990

Soil Compaction A Review of its Origin and Characteristics

INTRODUCTION Soil compaction refers to the disruption and compaction is such a serious threat to good crop reduction of the large pores within the soil. The production, a closer look should be taken at ways to presence of excess soil moisture at the time of any reduce or reverse its effects. However, this note will field operation is the main factor leading to soil only deal with the recognition and effects of soil compaction. Once a soil is compacted, the bulk compaction. density and the strength of the soil are increased. For construction purposes, a compacted soil is ideal but under normal crop production, a compacted soil can be a serious problem. Penetration into the soil HOW CAN YOU RECOGNIZE A by tillage implements and crop roots is restricted. COMPACTED SOIL? The movement of air and water through the soil is Soil compaction occurs when a force compresses hampered causing the soil to remain wet and cool the larger soil pores and reduces the air volume of long into the growing season. the soil (Fig. 1). The continuity of the pores from the surface of the soil to deeper depths is disrupted, Many areas in British Columbia suffer from this and thus, the transmission of water through soil and debilitating condition which can be the main gases between the crop’s roots and atmosphere is obstacle to good crop production. Because reduced (Fig. 2).

Figure 1 The effect of compaction on pore space Figure 2 The effect of compaction on crop root growth

Factsheet 613.100-1 Page 1 of 6 1. Bulk Density year-to-year basis, as freezing and thawing, wetting and drying cycles and cultivation can alter the basic The measurement of a soil’s bulk density provides a structure of a soil. relative value of soil compaction. The porosity of a soil can be related to the bulk density measurement The bulk density of high organic mineral and with further laboratory procedures. is much lower than that of mineral soils. Table 1 gives some examples of soil bulk density Bulk density is expressed as weight per volume of measurements. soil (usually in terms of grams per cubic centimeter). Variation in bulk density can occur on a



Well structured high organic loam soil 0.9 loam 1.1 Medium to fine textured loam 1.3 1.5 Compacted soil or 1.3 – 1.6

3 * (1 g/cm = 62.43 pounds force per cubic foot)

2. Penetrometer Method penetrometers can only provide a relative root resistance value. Another method of measuring soil compaction is using a penetrometer. Penetrometers can give quick Factors which affect penetration resistance as results in the field and many measurements can be measured by penetrometers are cone angle, cone taken in a short time. However, the use of diameter (surface area) and rate of soil penetration; penetrometers and interpretation of the results soil factors which affect soil strength or resistance requires considerable skill especially if soils are in are water content, structure and bulk density. the initial stages of compaction. Penetrometers are useful in finding hard layers that will obviously The effects of compaction are dependent on the obstruct root development or water flow through a amount of root zone that is compacted, continuity of soil. compacted zone and susceptibility of crops to compaction. Penetrometers measure soil strength and their movement through the soil that has been related to Table 2 is a rough guide to penetrometer resistance the soil’s resistance to root penetration. Plant roots, values (in megapascals – MPa) and soil compaction however, grow around obstacles and can exert through the rooting zone. These penetrometer tremendous local pressure on soil pores so that readings are averages and were obtained using a penetrometer with a 60-degree cone angle.


(MPa)* Low Compaction Effects <1.0 Medium Compaction Effects 1.0 – 1.5 Severe Compaction Effects 2.0 – 3.0

* (1 MPa = 1450 pounds force per square inch)

Factsheet 613.100-1 Page 2 of 6 Although using penetrometers is much easier and As a result of the reduction in the size and number quicker in the field, the number of factors that come of macropores in the soil and the subsequent into play in interpreting their results makes them as reduction in aeration, microbial activity is reduced. difficult to use as the bulk density method. If proper Soil microbes play an important role in the sampling techniques are used, the bulk density breakdown of organic matter and fertilizer into method may give a more accurate result for any useable plant nutrients so may be particular site in the field. Because both technical reduced. Poor quality, low fertility organic matter methods have limitations, the visual method may be accumulates on the soil surface because soil the quickest and best alternative. microbes are not present to breakdown crop residues. Well decomposed organic matter (humus) levels in the upper soil layers will decline with a 3. Visual Method reduction in microbial activity. With this loss of Often the best method of determining soil humus, soil aggregate stability is reduced. compaction is visual observation of both the soil and crops. Cloddy seedbeds, increased surface water Mechanical pressure and manipulation from ponding, loss of granular and reduced equipment and loss of aggregate stability lead to pore spaces through the soil are good visual further degradation of the soil structure. Compacted indicators of compaction. Digging an observation soils also tend to warm more slowly resulting in hole in the field and observing rooting depths and slower crop growth and higher moisture contents. patterns helps to determine if the crop is exploring Compacted soils remain cool and wet into the the total soil volume or is restricted. Probing soil growing season resulting in conditions that favour layers with a knife can indicate compacted zones the growth of soilborne pathogens such as Pythium and help determine where rooting or water flow has or Rhizoctinia root rot. Plants under stress are also been curtailed. much more susceptible to root rots and other diseases. Depressed crops, stunted or contorted root systems, a tendency to show yellow colouring especially If compacted layers are present in the soil, the risk during or after large rainfalls (poor aeration), of soil is increased. The movement of water indicate compacted soils. Shifts in weed or crop into and through the soil is reduced resulting in type or population are also good indicators. In greater overland flow and subsequent surface addition, root rot diseases may increase with surface erosion. compaction.

WHAT EFFECT DOES SOIL FACTORS INFLUENCING COMPACTION HAVE ON THE CROP? COMPACTION A reduction in yield or yield potential is the most The potential of any soil to compact is dependent significant effect that soil compaction has on crops. upon its physical properties, water content and the The inability of roots to penetrate compacted soil nature of the force applied. The physical properties layers will result in decreased yield. With less root influencing compaction include the original bulk penetration into the soil, root mass is reduced and a density and structure, as well as the texture and plant’s ability to take up nutrients is reduced. As a organic matter content. In general, soils with fine result of surface soil layers having lower water textures (silt and clay), low organic matter contents, storage capacities, plant roots remain closer to the high porosity and weakly aggregated structure are surface and are therefore more susceptible to more susceptible to serious compaction. From a soil drought. Compacted soils often have higher management stand point, all soils should be subsurface soil moisture contents because considered as capable of being compacted. is unable to drain away freely and air movement in the soil is restricted. This reduction in internal The two major management factors that influence drainage generally leads to surface ponding which the soil’s ability to compact are the soil moisture may drown the crop. content at the time of any field operation and the contact pressure exerted by the implement or vehicle involved in the operation.

Factsheet 613.100-1 Page 3 of 6 THE CAUSES OF SOIL COMPACTION reduction in pore space and size is the result of several cultural practices either alone or together. Some cultural practices that cause reduction in Natural porosity and compaction are untimely or excessive Compaction is the result of either natural soil tillage, repeated tillage at the same depth, formation processes and/or cultural practices. pulverizing of soil aggregates by tillage equipment Natural compaction resulting from soil formation and excessive or untimely access to fields by farm processes is found in many areas. This compaction vehicles. The process of deformation of randomly is usually related to chemical transformations below placed soil particles into a dense layered mass is the surface of the soil. It may also be related to the known as puddling. A ‘puddled’ soil has a greatly texture of the subsurface material and how it was reduced rate (Fig. 3). deposited. Natural compaction may take the form of hardpans or cemented . Because some natural compaction continues as the soil formation Drainage processes continue, there is little or nothing that can be done to prevent its occurrence. Cemented layers The presence of excess soil moisture is the main or shallow natural hardpans may be disturbed by cause of soil compaction. The cultural practice with deep cultivation. the greatest potential to reduce soil compaction in much of British Columbia is the use of subsurface Other management practices, such as drainage, may drainage. The whole soil is more easily deformed reduce the effects of the hardpans or reverse the soil and soil particles can be forced together when formation processes that lead to cemented layers. subjected to external pressure when they are wet. In saturated soils, the soil particles are dislodged and subsequently redeposited in a dense, layered form. Wheel ruts and tillage pans formed in soft wet soils Cultural Practices can be seen to have an effect on crop growth long Most soils in their undisturbed state have porous after any excess soil moisture is gone. Drainage surface layers, but after years of cropping this systems are designed to prevent saturated soil porosity is often significantly reduced. This conditions thereby alleviating soil compaction problems (Fig. 4).

Figure 3 Puddling of Soil Particles. The term ‘KS’ refers Figure 4 Effects of drainage on soil moisture to the steady state water infiltration rate of a soil.

Factsheet 613.100-1 Page 4 of 6 depending on the implement used, also exerts Tillage downward pressure on the soil layers below the surface leading to deep compaction and the Tillage breaks apart soil aggregates, permitting soil formation of “plow pans”. Thin layer smearing by particles to move apart or be forced closer together. implements such as moldboard plows or rotovators Exposure of the soil particles to air also causes more plus the compaction on the bottom of the furrow rapid of which is slice resulting from the contact pressure or any important for soil aggregate stability. In wet soils, slippage of the tractor wheel cause deep tillage tillage does not break apart soil particles, but rather related compaction (Fig. 5). smears the particles together to form clods. Tillage,

Figure 5 Schematic drawing of the effect of plowing on soils


Traffic from vehicles such as forage wagons, farm trucks or vacuum tankers exerts force on the soil (Fig. 6). The degree of compaction caused by vehicle traffic is dependent on two main factors that can be controlled by the crop producer. The first is the contact pressure of the vehicle which is determined by the overall weight of the vehicle and the footprint of the vehicle tires or tracks. The greater the contact pressure and/or the more frequently the vehicle passes over a particular area in the field, the greater and deeper will be the resulting compaction (Fig. 7). The second factor is the soil moisture content at the time the vehicle is in the field. The greatest amount of compaction occurs when the soil is wet. It has been estimated that up to

80% of the soil surface of a field can be exposed to Figure 6 wheel traffic at least once in any field season; this is particularly true in the case of fields used for forage Effects of wheel traffic on soil. Dotted and dashed production. lines indicate zones of compaction.

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Figure 7 Bulk density profiles before and after tractor wheel passage

Other Cultural Practices Other cultural practices that lead to compaction are However, in reduced tillage and forage production soil surface exposure, organic matter depletion and systems, soil structure is improved by microbial the use of some crop nutrition and protection decomposition of organic residues without the products. The exposure of soils due to lack of benefit of tillage. Soil compaction can also be the vegetative or trash cover allows raindrop impact to end result of excessive applications of fertilizers or disperse soil particles leading to “puddling” of the pesticides. Because many of the binding agents that soil and ultimately compaction. One use of tillage is maintain a soil’s structure are the result of the to incorporate organic matter. However, it is also activity of living organisms, excessive applications possible for the simple act of tillage to accelerate the of fertilizers or pesticides could be harmful to those breakdown of some types of soil organic matter that organisms. This would lead to a decline in the are required to bind soil particles together. breakdown of organic matter into products that bind soil aggregates.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Phone: 604.556.3001 1767 Angus Campbell Road Toll Free: 1.888.221.7141 Abbotsford, B.C. V3G 2M3

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