The Bill Warren Room, Memorial Hall, Crafthole, , , PL11 3DG Clerk: Mrs Nancy Gray. Telephone: 01503 232996 Email: [email protected]

The Minutes of the Sheviock Parish Council Meeting held on Monday the 9th Novemeber2019 in the Schoolroom, Crafthole Methodist Chapel, Crafthole, commencing at 7:00pm.

Present: Councillors: Chair Cllr Steve Medway. Vice Chair Cllr P Brooks. Cllrs: W Evans, P Cade, L Jenkins. Cllr Lester. Parish Clerk Mrs N. Gray. There were 2 members of the Public present plus Cornwall Councillor G Trubody. . 1. APOLOGIES: Cornwall Councillor G. Trubody 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS. 1 AGENDA ITEMS. 2 GIFTS, none received. 3. CONSIDERATION OF WRITTEN REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATIONS. None. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION & 5. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. • Footpath 12 landslip. A parishioner expressed her concerns regarding the landslip on the lower section of footpath 12 (leading to Finnygook beach ). In response the Clerk has reported/notified the countryside access team/CC. They have completed initial assessment and chose to keep footpath open. However, rock is being analysed with the possibility of pinning back the cliff, using netting above the path. They are submitting a funding bid to repair potholes in the path and dig channel to reroute water - that is flowing directly onto the path. • Raw Sewage overflow footpath 5 (Ladywell). Crafthole. Concerns raised re: raw sewage that had overflown from the manhole, onto footpath 5, twice in 7 days. This will wash down to the river and/reservoir. Although SWW did attend they failed to clean the site afterwards. After discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk would write to: The Environment Agency, for their support regarding the re- occurring history of sewage overflow; To Southwest Water to request that they flush the system every 3 months, as originally agreed and clear after such incidents. To all residents along the road from Tredis View to the terrace regarding non flushable items in the system. Also, to the Finnygook to request that they advise their guests what items cannot be flushed into the system. Clerk • New Permissive footpath Finnygook lane. Praise was given regarding efforts and work completed thus far by the volunteers/Councillors. It was suggested that the lower section may discourage/prevent users if it included a steep section of steps. Cllr Evans and Medway agreed that they would further investigate possible routes, although certain routes had not been tackled as too dense. 6. PLANNING. a) To receive notice and RESOLVE Council’s response to new planning applications received before the agenda finalised: PA19/08051: Listed Building consent for repairs to roof, replacing like for like, and replace existing windows as near as like for like as possible, Trewin House Old Coach House Sheviock PL11 3EW. Cllr Evans Proposed, Cllr Medway seconded with all in favour to support this application. PA19/09388 Proposal Non-material amendment to reduce the height and scale of the proposed pitched roof over the existing flat roofed garage and retain the existing external wall width (Application number PA19/00570 dated 29th March 2019 relates) Location Trethill Farm Trethill Lane Crafthole Torpoint Cornwall PL11 3BB Applicant Mrs Motely. Noted b) To receive details of planning applications received after the agenda published. PA19/09480 Proposal Change of Use of current Hotel (C1 use) for the creation of eighteen one and two bedroom apartments (C3 use), gym, hair salon, games room and pool with associated alterations to a Listed Building (Grade II) with variation of condition 3 of application no. PA18/08163 dated 10/04/19 Location Hotel Finnygook Lane Portwrinkle PL11 3BU Applicant Mr & Mrs C. J. And J. M Phillip. It was agreed to place on the agenda to resolve at a Parish Council meeting on December the 9th. has approved this date. c) To receive planning decisions from Cornwall Council. Some applications below are still pending decision at time of writing: PA19/07805: Notification of prior approval for proposed larger home extension to extend existing extension by an additional two metres and extend the apex by two metres with a change of roof tiles and addition of four roof lights - The Anvil Crafthole Torpoint Cornwall PL11 3BE. A new planning application is now required. PA19/07411: Proposal Listed building consent for re-pointing to two external walls Location Orchard Cottage Georges Lane Sheviock PL11 3EL. Applicant Mr And Mrs Court. Approved d) Other planning matters for discussion: Finnygook Inn. PA18/02890. It was noted that the Cornwall Council Planning officer for this case is addressing concerns, regarding the completion of planning conditions prior to the opening of the Finnygook. 1 7. MINUTES or NOTES FROM THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS TO BE APPROVED AND SIGNED Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 14t of October. Cllr Lester proposed; Cllr Cade seconded with all in favour to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting held. 8. TO REPORT MATTERS ARISING FROM THE ABOVE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. None all on action tracker or on agenda. 9. HIGHWAY MATTERS. a) A374 Mobile speed camera: Following advice from speed watch, it was agreed to position it to monitor traffic coming from the direction into Sheviock. Clerk to request this location for the gateway communities shared mobile unit. b) Traffic Through Crafthole. Confirmation of funding for improvements to widen the junction at Antony with the A374 is yet to be received. If this goes ahead, it will reduce the number of HGVs through Crafthole, alleviating some of the damage caused to properties and issues that arise due to traffic build up. c) TRO. This has been approved and it is now awaiting funding/work to be scheduled. This includes the removal of the unused disabled parking Bay in West Lane and the slight repositioning of the permit parking bays on Finnygook lane, to leave area opposite the bollard/protrusion wide enough for Emergency vehicles to pass. There will be the same amount of parking bays available. d) Damaged Bollard B3247. Horsepool lane. Clerk to report to highways e) Planned road closures: i) Donkey lane 6-8th of Jan 7:30-18:00 BT work. ii) Downderry road B3247 between tregennus lane and Military road Jan 11-16th 7:30-18:00, work to be undertaken by Western General Power. 10. PARISH EMERGENCY PLAN. Clerk awaiting information responses, final updated version almost finished. 2 Vacancies still on communication cascade call system for Sheviock to fill. Cllr Medway to place in the parish Newsletter. Clerk 11. FOOTPATHS: a) Permissive footpath project Finnygook Lane. Cllrs Medway expressed thanks to all involved in the parish Volunteer clearance day arranged held Saturday the 19th of October. 9 Volunteers from HMS Raleigh attended along with members of the community and a sterling effort was made to complete the first section of this new permissive path. Thanks were also given to all those that provided refreshments and those that cleared up their own and other areas of the parish. Volunteers are encouraged to join in the Finnygook Footpath working party, each Sunday from 11-4 pm (weather permitting). Sturdy footwear, long clothing/gloves required. Bring own refreshments/food. Hand tools only. The footpath is not officially open until all sections are completed and permissive footpath agreement signed off by Antony Estate. Clerk to place Signage. Clerk to continue with draft agreement. b) Footpath 4: Clerk to request contractor to cut back. 12. PARISH EMERGENCY ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN. a) A few parish businesses have already displayed their refillable water bottle posters. One parishioner has expressed an interest in participating on the “Emergency climate change committee”. Cllr Medway to place volunteer request notice within the parish Newsletter. The Finnygook Inn have adopted a sustainable business policy, which encourages the use of renewable energy providers and locally sourced produce, amongst other strategies. 13. PLAY PARK AND OPEN SPACE: Clerk awaiting quotes for safer surface matting. Once received it will be resolved whether to add or create working party to lift current matting. All 8 old wooden balance discs have been removed, with the view to replace with new wood, Maintenance. Cllr Brooks handed in the completed weekly H&S safety check forms. Clerk to schedule a Grass cut MEET THE FUNDERS: Cllr Jenkins reported back from the meeting on the various funders and who/what projects and how much they fund. It was agreed that she would seek advice form Cornwall Council Multi fund and Awards for All re: submitting a bid for the Open Space gym equipment/ games tables and the new permissive footpath projects. Cllr Jenkins/Clerk 14. UPDATES FROM OTHER GROUPS –Flower Beds Subgroup (Cllr Evans) nothing to report, Coastal Communities Group (Jenkins) nothing to report, Play Park and Open Space: see agenda item 13 Footpaths -see agenda item 11. Tree Warden (Cllr Lester) nothing to report, Defibrillators. Still awaiting electrician to confirm installation date at Finnygook. Gateway 4th December, Guildhall. Cllr Lester and Jenkins to attend, to push for use of the possible mobile speed camera in Sheviock), RPPTUG (Cllr Cade) no meeting since previous report. Torpoint Library (Cllr Brooks) No meeting since previous report. 15. BUDGET REVIEW WITH CONSIDERATION FOR SETTING PRECEPT for 2020/21, prior to its agreement at the December meeting. The clerk provided a review. The budget is currently on track, slight underspend predicted as funds still available for parish plan projects i.e steps footpath 13 to complete this financial year, plus money towards the new permissive footpath on Finnygook lane from parish plan budget and ringfenced sum. The Open Space project needs grant for its implementation (this is being investigated) but there are also ringfenced sums accruing towards the project and for the general upkeep of the equipment/parish assets, upkeep mostly be completed by the maintenance person when weather/time allows. The clerk presented a draft budget for 2020-21 which nominally increases the budget by the rate of inflation at 1.7%. This would include some money approx. £250 to be budgeted under the new heading of Climate change emergency (under powers s137 if no others available). Councillors to study draft budget prior to resolving the precept at the next meeting. This is flexible as precept can be changed. 16. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED, not covered in the agenda; a) CC Community Road Safety Forum invite, Launceston Town Hall to be on 3 December from 1.30 pm. Cllr Jenkins to provisionally attend. (Clerk to respond) 2 b) Correspondence from parishioner, regarding weeds obstructing the footpath outside no 19 Cross park. It was noted that the clerk has informed Highways, regarding detritus build up producing weeds between footpath and wall, although since then the property owner has had somebody remove some of the obstruction from the footpath. c) Email concerning repetitive damage and disruption to BT line and road, due to trees opposite the Woodlands, Tredossel. After discussion it was agreed to contact BT to ask them what the situation/procedure is, as it is causing disruption to parishioners on a regular basis - despite their direct written and telephoned complaints. d) It was noted than The Peninsula Trust’s efforts have been recognised nationally, by winning a National Housing Award. 17. STAFF APPRAISAL. Clerk appraisal Friday the22nd November (Chair). 18. FINANCE a) To receive details of cheques and payments to be approved. Cllr Cade proposed; Cllr Brooks seconded; with all in favour to approve the outgoing payments for October, at listed below. PARISH ACCOUNT OUTGOING PAYMENTS Sheviock Memorial Hall. Rent Clerk's office £62.85 Nancy Gray. Clerk's parish Hours minus nest pension Nancy Gray. Clerk's parish expenses £11.82 G Dyer. Dog Enforcement wage G Dyer. Travel expenses to reclaim from Maker Rame. £19.80 Tom cox.Grass cutting plus footpaths 9 and 12 invoice 524 (incorrectly did not get paid online last month but approved Tom Cox. New Finnygook footpath hours, plus chipper and operator hire on 19th of Oct inv 543 EDF. Tredis defib box Oct (vat 5% £0.45) gross £9.47 Steven Lester. Maintenance wage Steven Lester. Mileage 8 x 45p = 3.6. timber =1.89, lock 4.52 for notice board £10.01 Millbrook Parish Council. Invoice 1905 for NDP website (share of costs between 5 x parishes) vat £3.33 gross £20.00 DIRECT DEBITS TAKEN TO REPORT from October Nest. Clerk's pension x 3 months July Aug and sep: (includes clerk’s contribution taken each month off her wage plus 3 months x employer’s contribution. Lloyds Bank (Clerk's credit card) break down below Total £232.58 Of which: set monthly credit card fee £3.00 St Johns Ambulance: child electrodes plus delivery cost for Finnygook defib vat £14.27 £71.33 gross £85.60 The Defib Pad Lincs: 2 sets of 10 Aed battery packs (Vat£24.00) Gross £143.98 INCOMING Mrs S Rowlands. Donation sponsorship Memorial Bench Portwrinkle. For future maintenance work £100.00 Devolution payments and receipts Nancy Gray. Clerk's wage share for Devo Nancy Gray. Clerk’s expenses £0.00 Julia Bradley cleaning expenses. £19.75 Julia Bradley cleaning wage Oct R Martin Jolly Roger Seasonal wheelie bin £661.20 Frances Jackson Cleaning wage for October C Hendley and N Hall. Refund of weekly parking £35.00 Direct Debits to report from October Unity Bank Manual credit handling charge for depositing cash/cheque £10.00 Unity Bank Manual credit handling charge for depositing cash/cheques £40.50 (Includes charges for deposits made at end of September) INCOMING received in October Ticket machine revenue £1,514.35 Ticket machine revenue £871.70 Winter parking permit @£5 each x 2 £10.00 Payment for weekly parking permit received (to be refunded see above C Hendley/N Hall) £35.00 Nancy

b) The reconciled bank statements for September were signed by Cllrs Brooks and Evans.

18. CHRISTAMAS MEAL. TO CONFIRM DATE/VENUE. Sat Jan 25th Clerk to make enquiries/book (not paid by parish funds) 19. ITEMS FOR INCLUSION IN FUTURE MEETINGS. Precept. Whitsand Bay Hotel Planning application. 19. DATE OF NEXT: Parish Council Meeting, Monday the 9th of December

The Chair closed the meeting at 8:25 pm Nancy Gray, Parish Clerk Clerk’s Office, Sheviock Memorial Hall, Crafthole, PL11 3DG Telephone: 01503 232996 Email: [email protected]