
2,900,230 Patent Office Patiented Aug. 18, 1959 2 Longer periods of time such as one hour or longer have 2,900,230 been used but there appears to be little difference in the METHOD OF DESENTEGRATING REFERACTORY speed of dissolution. BODES The addition of hot alkali to the body 5 rather than heating the and refractory metal Robert P. Larsen, Park Forest, and Richard C. Vogel, Hinsdale, H.E., assignors to the United States of America together has resulted in complete rupture of the refrac as represented by the United States Atomic tory body. However, it is not necessary to bring about Commission fracturing of the article since satisfactory results are ob tained when the article remains in its original condition. No Drawing. Application February 6, 1958 ty The alkali metal is removed from the fuel element or Serial No. 713,770 other refractory body by decanting. Any alkali metal such as sodium clinging to the refractory article may be 4 Claims. (C. 23-145) removed by dissolving the alkali metal in alcohol. After treatment with the alkali metal the refractory The invention relates to a method of disintegrating 5 body is then contacted with mineral acid, such as nitric refractory bodies. More particularly, the invention re or sulphuric acid, which will dissolve the heavy metal lates to a method of disintegrating and dissolving refrac . The concentration of acid is not critical. A suit tory bodies composed of particles of heavy metal able acid and concentration is 12 m. and it is bonded together by a ceramic bond such as may be ob preferred to have a catalyzing amount (such as .001 m.) tained by compacting and the particles. 20 of fluosilic acid present with the nitric acid. Examples of compacted sintered bodies are fuel ele The following example is given to illustrate the inven ments for nuclear reactors. Fuel elements have been tion. made by compacting powdered dioxide and heat ing at an elevated temperature to produce a ceramic Example I bond. A particularly valuable fuel element has been 25 A finely powdered mixture of 90% by weight ThC) made which consists of in a thorium di and 10% by weight UO was compressed at 1300 p.s. i. in oxide matrix. This fuel element and details of a method the form of cylindrical rods %' long and '4' in diameter of making it are described in Handwerk and Bach ap and then fired at 1700 C. in air. The fuel element had plication Serial No. 640,056, filed February 13, 1957. a bulk of 8.3 g/ml. It was exposed to molten The thorium-uranium oxide fuel element has shown 30 sodium at 500 C. for ten minutes in a container under good radiation stability. However, it is particularly dif an argon atmosphere. At the end of the ten minute ficult to dissolve. A simple quick method of dissolving heating the sodium was decanted and the container this fuel element and other uranium oxide and allowed to cool. The sodium clinging to the fuel ele oxide containing fuel elements is important for chemical ment was dissolved in alcohol and the fuel element placed processing of the fuel. 35 in cold water. The slow, evaporation of gas indicated An object of this invention is to provide a simple rapid retention of sodium in the pores but with the exception method of dissolving the above-mentioned fuel elements. of very minor fracturing the fuel element not only re Another object is to provide a simple and rapid method mained in its original shape but had apparently retained of dissolving other articles of manufacture composed of much of its original resistance to fracture. The fuel ele compacted sintered particles of refractory material such 40 ment was then placed in cold 12 m. nitric acid containing as and refractory fired bricks composed of ox ,001.6 m. fluorsilic acid and a rapid disintegration to a ides, carbides, nitrides and of uranium, thorium finely divided powder resulted. The slurry was then and other heavy or . heated to boiling and complete solution took place in fif In accordance with one embodiment of this invention a teen minutes. refractory body composed of compacted sintered particles 45 A comparative test was then run with the same fuel of a heavy metal oxide is immersed in a liquid alkali element without treating it with sodium. Complete solu metal at an elevated temperature and for time sufficient tion was not affected with the same nitric acid at the same to bring about substantial penetration of the liquid alkali temperature until after five hours of contact. metal into the material. The alkali metal is then re moved and the metal contacted with a mineral acid adapted 50 Example II to dissolve the heavy metal oxide. The refractory body A thorium was treated with sodium followed first disintegrates in the acid to form a slurry and then by nitric acid in the same manner as described in Ex after a longer time interval, preferably with increase in ample H. Complete solution was affected in approxi temperature, the heavy metal oxide dissolves. mately ten minutes with nitric acid at 100 C. Suitable alkali metals are sodium, and so 55 Similar results from the point of view of rapidity of dium-potassium alloys. Other liquid metals particularly solution were obtained by treating articles composed of those which are reducing agents for the refractory com other heavy metal oxides such as U3O8, PuC2 and CrO3 pound can be used but they all have disadvantages over with sodium or potassium. Apparently, the alkali metal the alkali metals. The most satisfactory of the other and similar reducing metals have the property of wetting metals are the alkaline metals such as molten mag 80 the refractory oxide and penetrating into the pores of the nesium and but the temperatures involved are refractory oxide bodies forming micro-cracks. Because high and the difficulties of processing are great. of the formatica of these micro-cracks, the acid which The temperature of the metal can be any temperature otherwise would take a long period of time to dissolve at which the alkali metal is in a liquid or molten condi the heavy metal oxide bodies first brings about a disin tion but preferably should be above the ambient tem 65 tegration of the body into a fine powder followed by rapid perature. A temperature of 500 C. with molten sodium dissolution. gives very satisfactory results. It will be understood that this invention is not to be The time of contact of the fuel elements or other heavy limited to the details given herein but that it may be metal oxide article with the alkali metal should be suf modified within the scope of the appended claims. ficient to obtain substantial penetration by the alkali 70 What is claimed is: metal. Satisfactory results have been obtained by expos 1. The method of disintegrating a fuel element com ing the metal to the alkali metal for about ten minutes. posed of compacted sintered particles including uranium 2,900,280 es s - 4. dioxide which comprises contacting the fuel element with 4. A method of dissolving a fuel element composed of liquid alkali metal for a time and at a temperature suf compacted sintered particles of thorium oxide and ura ficient to form cracks in the fuel element; removing the nium oxide which comprises immersing the fuel element liquid metal, and contacting the fuel element with a min in liquid sodium for a time and at a temperature suf eral acid solvent for the uranium dioxide. ficient to bring about substantial penetration by the so 2. A method of dissolving a fuel element composed dium, removing the sodium, and contacting the fuel ele of compacted sintered particles of uranium dioxide which ment in nitric acid for a time and at a temperature suf comprises immersing the fuel element in a liquid metal ficient to dissolve the fuel element. of the consisting of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals for a time and temperature sufficient to bring References Cited in the file of this patent about substantial penetration by the liquid metal, re UNITED STATES PATENTS moving the liquid metal; and contacting the fuel ele ment with a mineral acid solvent for the uranium dioxide 214,055 Robertson ------Apr. 8, 1879 for a time and at a temperature sufficient to dissolve the 2,330,750 Schaller et al. ------Sept. 28, 1943 uranium dioxide. 5 Richardson et al. ------Sept. 25, 1956 3. A method of dissolving a fuel element composed 2,764,470 of compacted sintered particles of thorium oxide and OHER REFERENCES uranium oxide which comprises immersing the fuel ele ment in a liquid metal of the group consisting of alkali Stephenson: Introduction to , 1954, metals and alkaline earth metals for a time and at a tem 20 McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., pages 95-97. perature sufficient to bring about substantial penetration Proceedings of the international Conference on the by the liquid metal, removing the liquid metal, and con Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, vol. 9, Aug. 8-20, 1955, tacting the fuel element with a mineral acid solvent for United Nations 1956, Voigt, pages 591-595. the thorium oxide and uranium oxide.