
Paul Hastie () Geoff Hyde (Resident)

Antony Taylor (Orica) Pat Hyde (Resident)

Nicole Masson (Orica) Colin Rae (NSW Port Authority)

Nathan Robinson (Orica) Lyn Kilby (GLOW)

Rick Banyard (Correct Planning and Consultation for Mayfield)

John Hayes (Correct Planning and Consultation for Mayfield)


John Thacker (Resident) Terry McCauley (Islington Village Community Group)

Meeting Notes to attendees, apologies plus:

Michael Punch (St Peters Primary School) Jennifer Miller (Stockton PS)

Drew Janetzki (Fern Bay Public School)

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General Orica Kooragang Island Community Reference Group Meeting Notes 24 February 2020


N Masson welcomed meeting attendees. Apologies were received from members and have been noted in the meeting attendance details.


The November 2019 CRG meeting notes were accepted.

3. SITE STATUS P Hastie provided an overview of site activities during the last quarter. • A decrease in demand for ammonium nitrate over the Christmas/New Year period enabled NAP 1 and AN 1 to be shut down for maintenance. As a result, ammonia production was also reduced. This allowed the site to reduce the quantity of ammonia in the storage tank in preparation for the tank’s pump replacement project. • The pump replacement, which forms the last stage of the ammonia management improvement program, will involve emptying the tank, injecting oil into the base of the tank to form a seal, removing the existing manifold and piping that is connected to the tank, and installing a new double block and bleed valve. During this time, any ammonia produced by the ammonia plant will be piped directly to the Wincanton, which will be at the K2 Berth. • On Friday 21 February, the site hosted Orica’s CEO Alberto Calderon. • Orica acquired EXSA in Peru for $300M. The company manufactures detonator caps.

J Hayes asked if stock was lost during the shutdown. P Hastie replied that there was plenty of stock on hand for customers. R Banyard brought up the topic of recycled water, which was discussed at a recent industry meeting. He asked about the uses for and quality of the recycled water. P Hastie replied that Orica uses recycled water in its cooling towers and that it was better quality and more suited than potable water for this application. Action: NM to send the Newcastle Herald’s article on KI’s recycled water project to the CRG.

4. OVERVIEW OF SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE IN THE LAST QUARTER A Taylor provided an overview of the site’s safety, health and environmental performance in the last quarter. For the period December 2019 to February 2020: • a contractor required stitches to his index finger after being cut while removing swarf from a lathe • there were no environmental non compliances • one community complaint was received on 10 February 2020 relating to NOx during the NAP1 start-up.

5. ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS N Robinson provided an update on environmental projects. Key project drivers relate to nutrient (Nitrogen) source reduction and structural integrity improvements. Projects discussed included prill tower emissions’ reduction, NAP 1 stack replacement, stormwater/drainage upgrades, effluent management. J Hayes asked what the timeframe was for the replacement of the NAP1 stack. N Robinson replied that the project would continue through to end FY22.

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General Orica Kooragang Island Community Reference Group Meeting Notes 24 February 2020

L Kilby asked if the site collected stormwater. N Robinson said stormwater was discharged to the Hunter River. J Hayes asked if effluent was discharged to the sewer. N Robinson responded that effluent was discharged to the Hunter River as per the Environment Protection Licence. 6. COMMUNITY UPDATE N Masson provided an overview of the community engagement activities that occurred in the previous quarter. Newsletter Issue 1 of the community newsletter was delivered on 25 January 2020. Sponsorship John Hunter Children’s Hospital: In December we sponsored the JHCH’s 10 days of Christmas. Christmas Hampers: In December we joined forces with the Medowie Lions to pack Christmas hampers for local families in need. : In February we sponsored the 8th annual Orica Team Challenge at . Community Investment Program update Round 1 of the 2020 Community Investment Program opens 1 March and closes 31 March. Up to $65,000 available to eligible community groups in the Newcastle LGA. R Banyard brought up the issue of unincorporated groups not being able to apply for grants. N Masson said it was a legal requirement that groups be incorporated, or otherwise auspiced by an incorporated entity.


• L Kilby updated the group on a recent GLOW initiative that raised money for drought-stricken areas. • J Hayes noted that the attendance at the CRG meeting was low and advised he would contact K Craig. • L Kilby suggested asking senior students to join the CRG. • A Taylor commented that there may be the need to advertise for the CRG more broadly.


Actions were reviewed and an updated action table is included in Attachment 1.


The meeting closed at 6.47pm.

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General Orica Kooragang Island Community Reference Group Meeting Notes 24 February 2020

Attachment 1: Summary of outstanding actions

Reference (year/month/date Action Who When Comments Status and number)

190527#5 CRG members to email N Masson All August 2019 Awaiting response from CRG. with any questions they have regarding the KI emergency sub plan so that the questions can be put to the relevant emergency services representative.

191202#7 N Masson May 2020 Orica to deliver an updated presentation on local ammonium nitrate transportation.

200224#8 Orica to provide CRG with the N Masson March 2020 Newcastle Herald article on KI’s recycled water project.

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General Orica Kooragang Island Community Reference Group Meeting Notes 24 February 2020


Green Amber Red White Action is now complete and Action has commenced. It No action has been taken. New action. will be removed. may be running behind time but an explanation has been provided.

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