Reiss:'Do Not I1ugiranticipate 55.0 N Couurlartß Aninìtu.ILL 966- 3900.1-4 (A, Siso N Mii..As

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Reiss:'Do Not I1ugiranticipate 55.0 N Couurlartß Aninìtu.ILL 966- 3900.1-4 (A, Siso N Mii..As laies -Pij Library 6960 Oakth JL1 N ties, Illinois SAIE DAT . SAT.- OATQN MO IELLA - PM E AM - E PM w % WAUK BAD SAL E AM- »_PM w H CHEESE 1IAM- PM W 'i4 Lb. l_I, N.J Left Hand:- NuesPolice hearingset for Sept. 12 9 C LI. LI. Bike Safety Stressedin Nues byA1keM.SobflI manimoni, $5, dependent upoo fnom inne to September,seven violations baco dnorooaed nod by Bicyclioll who ignorod 010501 the offense. ralos and trafficsafety, Gerhardt ow, jo Nile, oppoarod Sotordoy daysawe eh in teams of two from that we know ynnng bicyclists arr A speewlioed Bieyvte Patrol said only warningsarr given in morlog io tise Village Cosocil of I I am, to 8 p.m. aware nf trafficsafety rates asd to uniformed collegestodents many casen. Second offensesor Chambers to answer for their Sacrons of the pilot pengeam that they most abide by thom."those of ro oresen 005 sabre wns i nnovate d in 1976 ie Niles byh000ght it back again thisyear arr folly. Those ander 16 yèsrs otage Pol,aeLt.James Gerhardt, Ticketrd cyclists appear bofare cited and glenna coart appear. a and with nammer drawing toa a hearing hoard where they aroasce date. arre reqaieed to appear with a sqaod which isloed 386ticket1close, Gerhaedt noted Satardny parent aod were fined at alo bikers the fient jadgnd by their prow. Hearingn arrheldrcery 2 sammer. Thewarning tha t'ove nythingwent ininimom of 50 ventstoa janier bike caps patrol the village Since the object of Ihr programweeks. with 24 casar this paelica. 1-- well this yoar. The nambee nf in to makr eyolisss amaro of mad - Congs0ed nn Pago 29 7 L .IE1 - iÍWAIsECii BATh MAT Village of Nues . cO) 3=47f rz- i8 Edition Reiss:'Do not i1ugiranticipate 55.0 N COUurLArtß anINÌtu.ILL 966- 3900.1-4 (A, Siso N MiI..aS.. A.. I #63 strike' 3- Wu SUtL 150 by DavId Baanrr s er copy VOL 21, NO. 12, THE BLIGLE, THURSDAY,SEPTEMBEE t, 1977 1.94 w::r ytc While schart district bi sctnol Teachers Assnoiatinnstaies the 1oe1r- i' bnaod prenident Larry Reins said t-3 I Teen job Board proposal of n 0.9% salary i-6.sszes A . he does not anticipate a strike, inonrmnnt is "insalting". Tonoh. Oppøirttjnftjes the East Maise Teachers Assno. er negotiatar Dennis Balen said in I From the iation has appointrda crisisMarch jhr TOTAL package LHT In thn pont seceral months the committee to preparo for the soaghi by Ihr anion wan 21%. It : Nitos Tooth Commission baspossibility of a lInke on the new is now down to 16.3%. receive d 225 jobs for yenthsschool year's opening day, Sep. Booed penny Reiss soid "Wo UT VILI :IEFT HAND 000ging is ages from 13 to 09. in tnmhrr 7. met Inst Sataeday and rotations 77* DiSOCS Its teen job poageam. Residents Satarday, an all-day meetingore cordial. ' ' He emphasized Edlt S Pnbllsber and b oninrssos from Niles and botciceonthe Board and thegood progress had bees made 297 - adjonn ing romma sities more ces. Association in likely to became an and no virihe was anticipated. - An nqnirj boforn the Nitos Police and fire Concncinsios will ponsible for Ib esnorcea of thrsn alt-night session as-the teachers Reins said Ihr Roard woold ont C-13 be held Srplcmber 12 regarding the actiacsaf patire officers jabs. seek a 00% notary increase and a be operating the coming year on who respoedcd to the woman-heating iecident byoc aff.daly Ihr job programisa year.16.3% total package inrrrasedefinit financing Ihoagh thin P IS StIes policeman at the Greenlakea Shopping Center. reond fere placement sodico foe whroh iscledea greater iesarance yror's hadgot woald tinfinitely PWTcS - C0050aed on Pago 29 bone111s. A press releaso from 1ko Canstsaed on Page 29 StIrs police chief Whitey Emeiknco toldas Tunnday there mdlalso, he a disciplinary N beaning withinthepclioe .. M S department. However, odino wilt be pendief aotil afterbe Hei B-Pu UUBs TU 3UPjj Srplemhvr stre out .D. 141 The chiefsnjd the complainaets, mi toesses ot lb escene . ace ri T-TUPS nnprntedjo appear Oloog with alt Ihn police officers iovclved. - y01bmdro.whonvent to the aid of the beaten.ap women, Contend Ni!es pouce maohandled them and stood anide while lhrtr feltowofflror contioardto heat-np the woman. The rrncanrs claimed nne of them was handcuffed, anathee hit by the drunken ptimoo,while a second officer lccked them- oboe ins Poticecer TInofollowing day the oomplainoetsnw'd ose ofliceecame to their placo ef hncinnnsnd said if they :forgel thnirncsmptnint, the police willnet ticko taoycaes which 2 P1tTY ate io a 'no parsingzone alongside their b asiness - He added 3$7 . Ac policemen alt alicIa together,lost libo thoy did in high : flmrihsoss explained the i,stea-police depaetmont disciplin- - aey beorsisbhalrod by2 patrolmen. 2 sergeants andI - lirsleoant fintsont until the ioqsiry before the Police andFiro - Comssiesin0js onnspleted nvill he connidrr final action called - fromrecommendations from both groaps. The Chinf alsotold TheStogIe the police officer who can sUspende,j for the 'moide,,t has nrrvèd his fallIS days sssprnsiar withoutpoy. - .. A graphic, naompin of theway. the teachers' onions and noI honnisnfront oan th tab g pl co hart .. dstrjj âtardhy,tl2geoaps siidown to an all-day and G If M IlChryc Ipt Plym 0th PresIde tP nl Sb w I hint re Myle Dlmand Smash thg ,. perhnps aft-night seanidsi in hopen of reselcing dsfferences Wheeler quakes as Mnyor Blase - and tIse Nibs -Cltniensnn, Mayor Bisse, TerrySbnvelenko,Snsssh. ., and signing o teacher oontrobt for the coming yrae. - J ycr a110mpt to start IhnLab Day Smash athon Cn-Ch I star P nl WheelsPr stde t Golf . athón for Masaalnr Dystrophy. Seo pea stOpS Mill -MOI Chrysler Plymooth, FredBeyer. President, . Onthtaed nnPage30. - Chrysler Plymnntb, 9229 n, Milwaukee ann.,Niles.iayoren. - .-. - 'I Sept mb3 6 p m tSept mber 4 6 p m 1.Bg1Th..d.y, &p.mb. 1, 1977 TheBngle, Thttrud.y,Eoptensllorl,1977 NILES BASEflALLLEAU g1 - Pu'. 7 NUes takes Nues PonyAAA Baseball mo NilColt All Star tmseçond in Colt Tourney Niles PonyAAA Pleyoffuflneily - -' - .d odo.bplay of C. Pizzi fl ngnt, Uave'- «hemer-- 1heosccred flniJrnd 2d Nil Park iII Ofl the bases Cpk (11. gol onder wny, eher much _4 L' rew to R. PUn to J.Booko wooPia0zi (2), PuIte(3), lJgol (1). the winning rones hestole Diot.lct Toun,amoot hooted by pollod off by Nilc. and debeys duringnor regelsT the Nioo B000botl [oogoo. Bo'owski (1). ond Chonrnes second end Como elIthe wey . G.m. 2 Nil.. 10. Elk.Goovoì8 (1), scisrdoled garnes. home les e wild throw F.IS..dI.p WL lotoling 9totco boe. to creta today Nilo oornod 10 ornooo 8 hhs dSoa9.Glenie3 - Pitchers fa the Popas Skokio Gme 3 S&ouo 18. NlIo 6 were Steve will S I ood cpithfiood o, 15 ElkGrovo A fine teem effort enabled theCohen and Mik Linhert. give In o gome thot looted only 5 you Ndeo 42 o'elhsto wio their 2od Red Sos tu defect the Giants, A Elmhnent Conseontive innnrgs new Skokie wie eeoiiy18 A's 16 . Pudres 11 42 gerne et the Notte Deinedie. siuthinning reley from Dave thru sunday VtllePeek 42 to 6. Nitos didn't look defensively Roo BielskI end ScottChcm mond. Joo Booker pitchod4 like e teem thetbot Mtl'rrey to RoisPollen to BobCots went 4 for 4 et the Weuhegen 33 InnIngs ettowlitg 6 Ville Perk piolo to Elk Gvovo tuns, 8 hIts cod Elk Grove. Nues Pelseni gunned dawn Dove DrleedbheA's lo e 16 to Il We'll giveyou your very own 15 ond Merk Monictrtemo io relief commItted 6 Senits et home to suOle wiv ovee 1 ÒO Meleooe Perk 06 eevors which didn't help pitchers enthe Pedres to advance in the fourth inning givingop 2 impending Oient rally. Rob to the dollarsin Kos Borowski end Chris finals of the AAA pleyofts. hand full of 10 Shohie finished In Ist pieceend enes end ocettering 5 hito end Pietzi Pollen elsa threw sot soother Scott cash certificates Nitos with e 4.2 record who riso struggled. Onthe bright torsos collectede heme roc oci mes lu e hecked ep e floe double pleyfrom GIant msnnertryiegtuscore inthe 3-mey ho with Eintheent and Vdle side Ken Borownki hite tremen- single, MIke O'Neillelse vol. totaling $100, that K. Borowskl toS. Chemnessto K. doos triple, Steve Cohen 7th inning end porllclpetrdin e lected2 bits while Tom will saveyou Perk. But NIles hnd beetenbeth igel.Offensively 'Chris Pieeoi hod 2 double play. Jim Cepek pitched 4 Lobee oct of these teems end therefore singles - onemes e hoot. Brino Den Pierre occIs hod t kito piece 55, '10, 2-for-2, Rob Pelten 1.foe3,Ken floe tnnisgs givingup only 1 run. to cosmi 0511ko aiteck. real 20 on each igemyou fiololted Io 2nd pIece. Grehhe mes 2-for-3es the devi0- The As green Borowshi l-for2, Joe Booker Leedieg hitters for the RedSoujomped off to Getue It NOon II VIflPeek I neted biller end BobBerg e big leed bot veer 1-for-1, end Steve Cohen(yestre- singled. wore Kevin Gocuenkl 2 for 2, Bob threetened is the 6th isolo0 choone, just lourge and coddle Chris Pii ellosved 2 hits,1 Ptsonl 2 for 3, Jim Cepeh bye dnyn bere)3.for-4. Consisting012 Gent. 4t Weeskogen 4 2 for 4. geend slam homereo from Chuci run end stench msI 4 betters In singles ond 1 double, NOon 2 Den Busiel,RichColon, Jim you into discovering the theIr Ist loornement victory. defensively Nitos lost their 2ndstreight (Igel, bot Don Pierrepitched e most Jim Cepek, Tom lober, Rstcliff eod Steve Getteeneelsa strong11h Steve Cohen hit e besenboded end Chris gemr lo heve e 2 end 2 reCord inningtokillthe Piel in the outfield.The infield This geese mes chipped In with bits.GientsPodres rally.
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