Communities 17

Domestic Abuse

North District Council This document is available in large print, Braille, audio tape, electronic formats such as CD, or in a different language. For a copy please contact Customer Services at the Council using the following options:

Phone: 01529 414155 (main switchboard) or 01522 699699 (if calling from a Lincoln number)

Minicom: 01529 308088

Fax: 01529 413956


Email: [email protected]

Communities North Kesteven District Council Kesteven Street NG34 7EF


Domestic Abuse North Kesteven District Council works in partnership with Victim Support, Lincolnshire Police and Womens Centre to offer help and advice to victims of domestic abuse and their families.

What is Domestic Abuse?

The Home Office defines domestic abuse as "Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.

Domestic abuse is rarely a one-off incident and should instead be seen as a pattern of abusive and controlling behaviour through which the abuser seeks power over their victim. Local and national figures show that domestic abuse affects men, women and children from all backgrounds. North Kesteven District Council does not discriminate towards victims and offers support and advice on housing and accessing appropriate agencies to all victims of domestic abuse.

Children are also affected by what they witness or hear from the abuse between parents or guardians. This can often leave them in need of help and support themselves.

Don’t be a victim - seek help and advice now. (Contact details on back page)

Domestic Abuse Help Available

Support and Advice

Sleaford Victim Support: Telephone 01529 41 55 97 or 01522 542687

Leave a message with number and time of when it is safe to contact you.

Victim Support have specially trained domestic abuse advisors offering an outreach service throughout North Kesteven

Womens Aid National Helpline: 0800 2000 247 (24hr)

Men’s advice Line: 0808 801 0327

Childline: 0800 1111

NSPCC: 0808 800 5000

Housing Advice

Housing Needs Section Telephone 01529 414155 or 01522 699699

Providing advice and information on your housing rights and options, and Sanctuary Scheme, if appropriate, carrying out security works to your home. Please call to book an appointment or for further information


Police Telephone 999 Always call the Police in an emergency

Domestic Abuse