Somalican Outreach Newsletter: June 2015 Issn 2168 - 5363

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Somalican Outreach Newsletter: June 2015 Issn 2168 - 5363 SSoommaalliiCCAANN..oorrgg JJUUNNEE 22001155 EEDDIITTIIOONN VVOOLLUUMMEE VVIIII;;; 66TTHH EEDDIITTIIOONN IISSSSNN 22116688 -- 55336633 OOuuttrreeaacchh NNeewwsslleetttteerr In this Edition Qormooyinka Caddadka 1. The Somali Graduation and Scholarship 1. Barnaamijka Qalinjebinta iyo Deeqaha Program/Somali Pride: ……..……2-5 Waxbarashada: ………………..…2-5 2. Survey of Outreach: ………….…….6 2. Qiimeynta Wargeyskan……….........6 3. Legal Aid Naturalization Clinic: ...…7 3. Buuxinta Codsiga Dhalashada: ....….7 4. Commu nity Resources:………….….8 4. Adeegga Bulshada: …….....………..8 Attorney Russell Flickinger receives a certificate of recognition for supporting the Somali Pride Scholarship Program from Columbus City Councilwoman Paley as Jibril Mohamed of SomaliCAN, Sheriff Zack Scott, Dr. Abdinur Mohamud, Dr. Brustein of the Ohio State and Dr. John Stanford of Columbus Schools look on. 1 SOMALICAN OUTREACH NEWSLETTER: JUNE 2015 ISSN 2168 - 5363 The Somali Graduation and Scholarship Program Barnaamijka Qalinjebinta iyo Deeqaha Waxbarashada Ohio 15 Somali Students Receive Somali Pride 15 Arday oo Deeqo Waxbarasho Lagu Scholarships in Ohio Guddoonsiiyay Ohio Fifteen Somali high school graduates were awarded 15 arday oo Soomaali ah ayaa lagu guddoonsiiyay Somali Pride Scholarships at an event hosted by the deeqo waxbarasho xafladda qalinjebinta iyo Somali community in Columbus. The sixth annual horumarinta waxbarashada Ohio oo lagu qabto Ohio Somali graduation and scholarships was held on magaalada Columbus sanad walba. Xafladda ayaa loo June 14th at the Hilton Easton ballroom celebrating qabtay in loogu tahniyadeeyo ardayda Soomaliyeed the educational success of Somali-American high ee sannadkaan ka baxay dugsiyada sare iyo school and college graduates for the school year jaamicadaha gobolka Ohio. 2014-2015. Graduating students honored during the Waa sannadkii lixaad ee ay munaasabadaan oo kale event came from a number of area institutions la qabto oo ujeedadeedu tahy kor u qaadista including Columbus City Schools, Westerville, muhiimadda ay jaaliyaddu siineeyso waxbarashada Hilliard, Gahanna, Dublin, Worthington, New iyo in dhallaanka Soomaaliyeed lagu guubaabiyo Albany, Whitehall, Licking Heights, Southwestern tartanka aqoon kororsiga iyo ka mira dhalinta City schools among other schools and colleges. waxbarshada. The purpose of the annual celebration is to Waxaa ka soo qeyb galay xafladda oo lagu qabtay underscore the community’s core belief in the value hoteelka caanka ah ee Hilton madaxda dowladda of education, acknowledge the academic success of gobolka Ohio, masuuliyiin ka tirsan guddoonka Somali-American students in Ohio and to energize waxbarshada magaalada iyo gobolka, aqoon yahanno, the young generation to follow suit and succeed in waxgarad, ganacsato, culumaudiin, waalidiin iyo school. arday fara badan., Continued on page 3… Eeg bogga 3. 2 SOMALICAN OUTREACH NEWSLETTER: JUNE 2015 ISSN 2168 - 5363 … The Somali Graduation and Scholarship Program Barnaamijka Qalinjebinta iyo Deeqaha Waxbarashada Ohio The dinner event organized by SomaliCAN, a Ardayda qalin jebineysa waxay ka kala yimaadeen community-based organization and its supporters iskuulo ay ka mid yihiin Columbus Public Schools, brought together multitudes of parents, students, Westerville, Hilliard, Gahanna, Dublin, Worthington, community leaders, educators, public officials and New Albany, Whitehall, Southwestern City schools iyo other dignitaries. Speakers include religious leaders, qaar kale oo jaamicado ka baxay. public education officials and other dignitaries who Waxaa khudbaddo guubaabin ka soo jeediyey goobta emphasized the value of education to the community, masuuliyiin badan oo runti muujieyey doorka ay honored the graduates and highlighted the need to waalidku ka ciyaaraan horumarka waxbarsharda iyo support parents in their efforts to prepare the future barbaarinta caruurta iyo ka mira dhalinta generation. waxbarashada. Waxaa aad loogu nuuxnuuxsaday Dr. Abdinur Mohamud, Somalia’s former education dadaalka ay jaaliyaddu ka sameeyneesyso xagga minister, gave background information on the Somali waxbaarashada iyadoo ay muddo aan ka badneyn Graduation and Scholarship Program. Dr. Mohamud muddo 20 sano ah oo keliyah ku sugnaa dalka highlighted the challenges the community faces as it Mareeykanka oo runtiina aysan yareyn culaysyada adjusts to life in America including but not limited to haysta waalidka iyo caruurta dhanka luqadda, language and culture and the positive contribution of dhaqanka iyo arrimo bandan oo ku cusub Soomalida. the Somali-American community in Columbus, Ohio to Xafladda oo isugu jirtay casho sharaf iyo khudbado the larger American society even though they have guubaabin ayaa waxaa markii dambe la guddoonsiyey only been here for less than two decades. ardayda intii nasiib u heshay deeqo waxbarasho oo Dr. William Brustein, the Vice Provost for Global wiilal iyo gabdho isugu jira oo kol dhow ku wajahan Strategies and International Affairs gave keynote in ay bilaaban jaamicadaha Mareykanka sannad remarks and discussed the importance of earning a college degree. dugsiyeedka nagu aaddan. Continued on Page 4. Eeg bogga 4. 3 SOMALICAN OUTREACH NEWSLETTER: JUNE 2015 ISSN 2168 - 5363 … … The Somali Graduation and Scholarship Program Barnaamijka Qalinjebinta iyo Deeqaha Waxbarashada Ohio A total if 15 scholarships were awarded to some of the Ardaydii nasiibka u heshay deeqahaas waxbarassho graduates drawn from a list of registered graduates on a ayaa muujieyey dareenkooda, oo ay aad ugu farxeen in lottery basis. The awardees include eight boys and ay jaaliyaddooda ay u qabtaan xafladdaan gaarka ah ee seven girls who are set to pursue higher education isu keentay ardayda ka qalin jebisay iskuulo kala duwan opportunities. iyo waalidiintooda, siiyeyna aqoonsi, shahaadooyin iyo The program was funded through sponsorships drawn deeqo waxbarsho. from a wide range of institutions and individuals Munaasabadda xafladda qalin jebinta iyo deeqaha including the Law Office of Russell Flickinger, Fifth waxbarashada Ohio oo ay soo qabanqaabisay ururka Third Bank, Focus Learning Academy, CareSource, SomaliCan iyo aqoonyahanno, waxgarad iyo ganacsato Banadir Mall, the Ohio State University, Hiiraan daneeya arrimaha waxbarshada iyo taakuleeynta Online, the Buckeye Health Plan, Midnimo Middle barbaarinta caruurta oo waalidiinta Soomaliyeed dadaal School, the Buckeye Ranch, Columbus Zoo, Columbus xooggan ugu jiraan. Community Relations Commission, CfPAR, Dahabshil 15ka arday la guddoonsiiyay deeqaha waxbarasho ayaa and other businesses and educational institutions. kala ahaa: 15ka arday la guddoonsiiyay deeqaha waxbarasho ayaa kala ahaa: The following 15 students were awarded Somali Pride Scholarships: 1. Yusuf Mohamed- Mifflin High School 1. Yusuf Mohamed- Mifflin High School 2. Hodan Mohamed- Westerville Central High 2. Hodan Mohamed- Westerville Central High School School 3. Ayaan Yusuf- Overland High School 3. Ayaan Yusuf- Overland High School 4. Mubarik Osman – Zenith Academy 4. Mubarik Osman – Zenith Academy 5. Hawo Mohamed- Canal Winchester 5. Hawo Mohamed- Canal Winchester 6. Faiza Abdi- Lincoln Heights 6. Faiza Abdi- Lincoln Heights 7. Sacdiya Mohamed- Columbus Global 7. Sacdiya Mohamed- Columbus Global 8. Kauthar Guled- Canal Winchester 8. Kauthar Guled- Canal Winchester 9. Fathi Awil- Columbus Global Academy 9. Fathi Awil- Columbus Global Academy 10. Hussein Osman- Westerville Central 10. Hussein Osman- Westerville Central 11. Abdilatif Mohamed- Horizon Science Academy 11. Abdilatif Mohamed- Horizon Science Academy 12. Sadiq Noor Hussein- Focus Academy 12. Sadiq Noor Hussein- Focus Academy 13. Aden Haile- Westerville North 13. Aden Haile- Westerville North 14. Abdiaziz Mohamed- Northland High School 14. Abdiaziz Mohamed- Northland High School 15. Abdirizaq Ahmed- Northland High School 15. Abdirizaq Ahmed- Northland High School 4 …Continued on Page 5. SOMALICAN OUTREACH NEWSLETTER: JUNE 2015 ISSN 2168 - 5363 …… The Somali Graduation and Scholarship Program Barnaamijka Qalinjebinta iyo Deeqaha Waxbarashada Ohio … Three religious scholars, Sheikh Adam Abdulle, …Saddex ka mid ah culimada magaalada oo kala ah Sheikh Ahmed Sheikh Ahmed and Sheikh Sheekh Aadan Sheekh Cabdulle, Sheekh Axmed Mohamed Hassan, who earned graduate degrees Sheekh Axmed iyo Sheekh Maxamed Xasan oo iyagu in religious studies were also honored at the ka sanadkan jaamacad ka soo qaatay shahaadada dinner. The community also congratulated Mr. heerka Master-ka ee aqoonta diinta ayaa loogu Ahmed Shukri, the first Deputy Sheriff in tahniyadeeyay xafladda. Waxaa kale oo ay bulshada is Franklin County, Ohio. Participants of the 2015 barteen Axmed Shukri oo noqday qofkii ugu horreeyay Somali Pride Scholarship Dinner were unanimous ee ka mid ah ciidammada booliska degmada ee Sheriff- in congratulating 2015 graduates and encouraging ka loo yaqaan. Dhammaan dadkii ka soo qaybgalay them to continue their studies. xafladda ayaa u hambalyeeyay ardaydii qalinjebisay The Somali Pride Scholarship Dinner is the sanadka 2015 iyaga oo ku guubaabiyay in ay sii largest community education program in Ohio. wataan waxbarashadooda heer jaamacadeed. Waxaan danaynaynaa aragtidaada ku aaddan mashruucan. Fadlan booqo bogga shabakadda hoose oo nala wadaag sida aad u aragto wargeyska SomaliCAN Outreach: 5 SOMALICAN OUTREACH NEWSLETTER: JUNE 2015 ISSN 2168 - 5363 MMAAKKEE SSUUMMMMEERR CCOOUUNNTT XXIISSAAAABBTTAA KKUU DD AARR XXAAGGAAAAGGAA 1.866.348.6479 6 SOMALICAN OUTREACH NEWSLETTER:
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