NOT for PRINT Rabbi Shlomo Caplan 44 Posydrive Lakewood NJ 08701 732-363-8865 [email protected]

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NOT for PRINT Rabbi Shlomo Caplan 44 Posydrive Lakewood NJ 08701 732-363-8865 Rabbi.Caplan@Gmail.Com A Compilation of Divrei Torah on the Weekly Torah Portion Rabbi Shlomo Caplan NOT FOR PRINT Rabbi Shlomo Caplan 44 PosyDrive Lakewood NJ 08701 732-363-8865 [email protected] Design & Printing by: 62 Arosa Hill Lakewood, NJ 08701 732.905.0091 732.600.7022 NOT [email protected] PRINT IN MEMORY OF RABBI JONAH E. AND LENA CAPLAN WHO SERVED IN THE RABBINATE WITH FOR CLOSE TO FORTY YEARS PROMOTING AND FIGHTING FOR TORAH IDEALS IN A YET BARREN AMERICA אוהבים את הבריות ומֱקרבים אותם ֹלתורה AND IN MEMORY OF MR. YALE GIBBER THE EPITOME OF YASHRUS AND MIDDOS TOVOS WHO TOILED ARDENTLY TO ESTABLISH AND PERPETUATE MOSDOS HATORAH הוֹלךתמים ופעֹל צִדֱק וִדבר אמת בֹלבבו BY THEIR FAMILIES NOT FOR PRINT In Memory of Our Parents Cantor and Mrs. Louis J. Herman a"h (Proud Uncle and Aunt of the Mechaber) and Cantor and Mrs. Moshe Dattner a"h by Cousins Dovid and Yetty Herman Baltimore, Maryland In memory of Eliyahu ben Yehudah Ed Berkowitz niftar 27 Tevet 5776 Avraham Berkowitz NOT FOR PRINT In memory of my dear brother Michael Erlbaum who left this earth what seems to have been much too early. May his memory be for a blessing. Gary Erlbaum IN MEMORY OF Raphael Osher and Chaya Sarah Yavne Irving and Libby Kosloff Dedicated by their children Ted and Phyllis Kosloff NOT FOR PRINT All Jewish hearts beat to the pulse of HaShem's Holy Torah and every Jewish neshama longs to soar on the wings of its every letter and word. May the words of Torah found in Rabbi Caplan's First Seder Bais Medrash compilation of Divrei Torah lift all Yidden and help to bring all closer to HaShem. “It is a tree of life for those who grasp it, and it's supporters are praiseworthy. It's ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace”. B'simcha, Michael & Lisa Wachs In loving memory of Yosef ben Lev a"h Joseph Levine By his children Adam and Alina Levine and family NOT FOR PRINT In loving memory of our beloved parents and grandparents Avraham Heschel ben Shalom z"l Tilah Leah bas Dovid z"l Avraham ben Moshe z"l Freda bas Harry z"l By their children and grandchildren The Brucks, Ellens and Ben Davids * ֹלזכר נשמת אריה ֹלייב בן משה ז"ֹל רחֹל בת משה ז"ֹל שיינִדֹל בת אריה ֹלייב ז"ֹל מנשה יצחֱק צבי בן אריה ֹלייב PRINT ֱקאהןNOT FOR ֹלזכר נשמת Our parents, Max and Mollie Frager and By Sherman and Susan Frager ֹלזכר נשמת שֹלום בן שמואֹל ע"ה משפחת בן-שמואֹל NOT FOR PRINT May the Torah shared in this book serve as a merit for the soul of Mordecai ben Natan of blessed memory. May Hashem bless the Jewish people with healing, protection, and redemption, speedily in our days. The Matityahu Family We wish to honor our parents of blessed memory Sheldon Leonard Salter and Shirley Salter Fredson Julie and Joe Gronich NOT FOR PRINT NOT FOR PRINT TABLE OF CONTENTS Parshas Bereishis Time For A Change 11 Who Is Man? 13 What A Find! 14 Parshas Noach Double Vision 16 Just Wait 18 Th e Tower Of Bavel 19 Parshas Lech Lecha Testing: 1, 2, 3 21 In Th e Right Place 22 Louder Th an Words 24 Parshas Vayeira It’s Not Funny 26 Your Honor 27 To Give Is Divine 29 Parshas Chayei Sara It’s About Time 31 No Regrets 32 Have Some Derech Eretz 34 Parshas Toldos It’s Not So Simple 36 Behind Th e Scenes 38 Decisions, Decisions 39 NOTParshas Vayeitzei FOR PRINT Th e Means Is Th e End 42 Choosing Th e Right Yeshiva 43 Take It Easy 45 Parshas Vayishlach Just Fake It 47 A Master Of Disguise 48 You Can Have Everything 50 Parshas Vayeshev Th e Big Picture 52 You Can Be A Star 54 What You See Is Not What You Get 55 Parshas Mikeitz Th ere’s Always A Good Reason 57 Parshas Vayigash What’s Your Opinion Really Worth? 59 A Dream Come True 60 No Complaints 62 Vayechei A Monumental Feat 64 Th e Brachah Th at Keeps On Giving 65 Put On A Happy Face 67 Parshas Shemos Th anks 69 “She’s Got It” 71 Th e Boogeyman 72 Parshas Va’eira All You Can Be And More 74 Environmentalism 76 NOTHere We Go Again FOR PRINT78 Parshas Bo Who Is My G-D? 80 Any Questions? 81 Paved With Good Intentions 83 Parshas Beshalach A Word To Th e Wise 85 Th ink For Yourself 86 Mixed Emotions 88 Parshas Yisro Th e Mission 90 See What I Mean 91 Rising To Th e Challenge 93 Parshas Mishpatim Know Your Rights 95 Body And Soul 96 Naaseh Venishmah 98 Parshas Terumah Give And Take 100 Human Sacrifi ce 101 Th e Aron And eTh Menorah 103 Parshas Tetzaveh True Blue 105 What’s Your Mitzvah? 106 Parshas Ki Sisa Th e Wonderful Gift 109 Th ink Before You Leap 110 Eloquent Restraint 112 Parshas Vayakheil Th ere’s No Time Like eTh Present 114 Who’s Calling? 116 NOTGreat Feats FOR PRINT117 Parshas Pekudei Asset Management 119 Parshas Vayikra Derech Eretz 121 A Perplexing Contradiction 122 Why We Pray 124 Parshas Tzav What A Shame 126 Parshas Shemini Shame On Us 128 He Didn’t Have A Prayer 130 To Th e Core 131 Parshas Tazria Food For Th ought 133 Word Power 134 Parshas Metzora Th e Peddler 136 It’s A Package Deal 137 Parshas Acharei Mos-Kedoshim A Holy Nation 140 It’s Not Monkey Business 141 We Are One 143 Th e Holy Golden Rule 144 Parshas Emor Who Really Counts? 147 Don’t Lose It 148 Please Don’t Curse 150 Parshas Behar NOTLocation, Location, Location FOR PRINT152 Hold Your Tongue 153 Parshas Bechukosai An Elusive Peace 156 Th e Good, Th e Bad And Th e Ugly 157 Th e Sky Is Th e Limit 159 Parshas Bamidbar Flag Day 161 Parshas Naso Th e Secret To Shalom Bayis 163 Are You Hearing Voices? 164 Parshas Behaaloscha Are We Coming Or Going? 166 Why Are We Always Hungry? 168 Humility, My Greatest Asset 169 Parshas Shelach Be Careful What You Ask For 172 Take Heart 174 Positive Perception 175 Parshas Korach Losers Take All 177 Holy Wars 179 Th e Message Of Th e Nuts 180 Parshas Chukas Beyond Reason 182 Anonymous Benefactors 184 Hard As A Rock 185 Parshas Balak NOTTh e Danger Of Lishmah FOR PRINT187 School Daze 188 How To Invent A God 190 Parshas Pinchas Th e Peacemaker 192 Th e Magicians 194 Diffi cult People 195 Parshas Mattos Mutual Admiration 197 A Delicate Balance 198 A Case Of Mistaken Identity 200 Parshas Masei Camping 202 Eretz Yisrael 203 Parshas Devarim Eichah 206 Hatov Vehameitiv 207 Parshas Va’eschanan Just Imagine 210 Parshas Eikev A Balanced Diet 212 One Small Step… 214 Trade-In Time 215 Parshas R’ei For One and All 217 Count Your Blessings 218 It’s Been a Long Galus 220 Parshas Shoftim NOTBaruch Hashem FOR PRINT222 Parshas Ki Seitzei What Do You Really Want? 224 Real Or Imagined 225 Nonaggression 227 Parshas Ki Savo Blessings and Curses 229 Simchah 230 Th e Maze 232 Parshas Nitzavim A Balancing Act 234 Elul Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li 236 A Tzaddik At Th is Time 237 A Love Song 239 Rosh Hashana Our Light On Rosh Hashanah 241 Seize Th e Moment 242 Time To Wake Up 243 Shabbos Shuva Heavenward 246 Getting Started 247 Yom Kippur To Forgive Is Divine 249 Teshuvah For Our Generation 250 Sukkos Clouds Of Glory, Sukkos Of Love 252 Th e Reason For eTh Season 253 Chanukah How We Survive In Galus 255 NOTTh e Response To Shmad FOR PRINT256 Adar Naturally! 259 Parshas Zachor What Was I Supposed To Remember? 261 Domination Of Th e World 262 Purim Masquerade 265 Now You See Him, Now You Don’t 266 Th e Superheroes 268 Parshas Parah I Just Don’t Know 270 Parshas Hachodesh All About Th e Moon 272 Shabbos Hagadol True Greatness 274 Pesach Zeman Cheiruseinu 276 Ask Me A Question 277 Who Is Wise? 278 A Postscript To Pesach – You Can Take It With You 280 Sefirah Th e Students Of Rebbi Akiva 282 Shavuos Toras Chesed 284 Matan Torah I and II 285 A Vital Prerequisite 287 Tisha B’av NOTCollective Mourning FOR PRINT289 Shabbos Nachamu Our National Anthem 291 Understanding the Consolation 292 • 9 Introduction ith this sefer I present to the reader yet another book on the weekly WParsha. While there really is no shortage of seforim on the Parsha, each author brings to his text his insights, his style and his message. Having served as a pulpit rabbi for 32 years has given me the view from the pulpit. Perhaps it is a special feeling for what the audience needs to hear and what they want to hear. Although I had not committed all of my drashos to writing, I retained quite a few in outline format or in Hebrew renditions of these Divrei Torah. At the time that Mr. Avi Shulman, a friend of the family and a man of remark- able insight, suggested that I send out a short Dvar Torah on the Parsha each week by email, the idea of writing a book did not cross my mind. My goal was to present a brief Dvar Torah that would fit on one page with a message which was sharp and to the point.
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