16—MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, April 10, 1990 INVITATION TO BID The Manchester Public Schools solicits bids for Cost hike Bounce TYPEWRITERS-BUSINESS Outrage CLASSIFIED MACHINES SERVICE for the s 1990-1991 school year. A 'S ealed bids will be received until April 19, 1990, 2:00 P.M., Schools plan Wild pitch gives 15-year-old’s death ADS: at which time they will be S p e c i a l i s t publicly opened. The right is reserved to reject any and all up $220,(X)0/3 East nine a victory/11 stirs leaders/4 643-2711 bids. Specifications and bid forms may be secured at the Business Office, 45 North School Street, Manchester, BOOK/INCOME TAX CARPENTRY/ ELDERLY CARE LAWN CARE HEATIN6/PLUMBING Connecticut. CONCRETE REMODELING ALAN W. GATES 031-04 ______YARDMASTERS &CO. WET M&M OIL NURSE'S AIDE SPRING CLEANUP All phases of CUstoM CARPENTRY LEGAL NOTICE BASEMENTS? . -Trees & Lawns Cut tax preparation and UNLIMITED PLUMBING & HEATING A certified list(s) of party-endorsed candidates on the slate of Free estimates & written guaran­ Years of Experience. •Yards & Garages Cleaned financial planning. ■Oil Burner Service & Sales the Republican Party in the Town of Andover for election as tee. Hatchways, toundation cracks, Ucenced & Insured Hospital Trained. •Brush Piles Removed ■Automatic Oil Delivery DELEGATES to the convention(s) of said Partv specifiod gravity feeds, tile lines, dry welis, •Truck & Backhoe Work •Indviduals -Partnerships Decks, Kitchens & Bath­ below is on file in my office at the Town Offiw Building, 17 sump pumps, window wells & drain­ Excellent References. ■Wet! Pumps Sates & Service •Exterior Housepainting •Corporations -Estates rooms designed & remod­ ■Water Heaters (EiMtrio a G«s) School Fload, Andover, CT, and copies are available for public H laitrh p H tp r I r r a l J i age lines. Over 40 years experi­ •Fiduciaries -Trusts ence. References. 742-6402 •Driveways S ^ e d eled. Ceramic tile, all phases ' -Bathroom & Kitchen distribution: ALBERT ZUCCARO •Landscaping Installations •Electronic Filing of carpentry & repair. Remodeling CONVENTION(S) •Complete Building & WATER PROORNG • Computerized Tax Call Now For Spring Specials •Senior Citizen Dlscoun. State, Congressional, State Senate, State Representative, HARTFORD Prop^y Maintained Returns ■Electric Work Sheriff, Probate 563-3006 DECK ADDITIONS •AnyJobCoraidMd 528-5502 Anytim e • TTD-TTY For the Deaf FREE ESTIMATES A Primary will be held May 15, 1990, if a slate of opp^ition MANCHESTER FUimNSUrtED FSEEBSniHVES Phone: candidates for any or all conventions is filed in accordance CAIL: YARDMASTERS Alan W. Gate? ^ 646-3361 with Sections 9-382 to 9-450, inclusive, of the General Wednesday, April 11,1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents , Also, dampness proofing conaete 643-9996 Enrolled Aqent PAINTING/PAPERING 649-2871 walls & floors DECKS Statutes not later than 4:00 p.m. of April 11,1990. Registered Rnancial Planner Petition forms, instructions and information ooncemin? tfw pro­ Pressure Treated BUNKER LANDSCAPING Custom Designs 210 Main Street REPAIR cedure for filing opposing candidades, may be obtained from FREE ESTIMATES & DESIGN Manchester College Pro Louise Parkington, Ftepublican Registrar of Voters, 67 Hendee TREESERVICE/PRUNING Call •Full lawn care & -Hand Raking 649-7470 ASK A SPECIALIST! Road, Andover. landscaping service -Dethalching ■$1,000,000. Liability Ins. ✓ THE DECK SPECIALISTS Marie R. Burbank Main Street designers outline plans, give timetable ■Spring ClewHjp -Fertilizing & Ume Fax 6494295 ■Full Workmans Compensation All electric, small, portable appli­ HAWKES TREE SERVICE 646-0032 MOWING Visa/Mastercard •2 Year Written Guarantee ances can be repaired by our Town Clerk, Bucket, truck & chipper. •Free Estimates venience with this projecu” Ginter and last from a year and a half to seasons. Fully Insured/Free Estimates experts. 10 yrs. in the Vernon Andover By R'ick Santos has decreased from about $15 mil­ tions are based on the present slow Stump removal. Free MANCHESTER GEORGE 633-1716 CPA TAX PREPARATION area. A fine selection of new and Manchester Herald lion to $13 million, and the $2.4 construction market. said. “We can try to minimize it. We two years. L^zis said if it were not for those estimates. Special LIQUIDATION Call 1-800-346-4G49 24 Hours rebuilt vacs. Panasonic, 'Eu- 037-04 For Individuals & Business. million that local taxpayers are ex­ “We’re coming into this at a very can’t eliminate it.” "With the proper planning, there constraints, if the whole downtown consideration for elderly and LAWN MAINTENANCE .roka, Miele. W eareh ereforyo ul The primary concerns expressed is no question that this project section of Main Street could be shut handicapped •Spring Clearvup Your home or mine. Eve­ Ask your neighbors. Small ap­ Designers of the Main Street pected to contribute could also be good time,” he said. TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT by merchants, bankers, and profes­ couldn’t be done in one year,” said down, then the job could be done in 647-75M ESTATE LIQUIDATION •Seasonal Mowing nings or W eekends. WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. pliances repaired. reconstruction project unveiled a reduced. The presenatation of the plans by •Planting/Mulch E i ^ Quality work at a N O TIC E O F “We’re optimistic that we can William Ginter and Jeffrey Keefe of sional service people included the George Marlow, owner of Marlow’s six months. Reasonably Rates APPLIANCE & VACUUM ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE timetable today including detailed Commercial & Residential •Shrubs Trimmed reasonable prk^l amount of parking available during department store. Richard Maduski, president of the Residential & Commercial Accounts Call 528-1947 SERVICE CENTER plans of the massive undertaking, lower that amount,” William the design firm of Fuss & O’Neill SEWING/ALTERATIONS Cash or Sell on Interior & Exterior In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Sections 1 arKi and after the work, the condition of But Public Works Director Fttcr Savings Bank of Manchester, said FreaEsthnales Expert Service Free Estimates Post Rd. Plaza > 9 of the Town Charter, notice is hereby given of the adopton which is planned for fall 1992 com­ Camosci, director of engineering was followed by a session where Consignment sidewalks in front of their stores and I^zis said, “In order to keep you vi­ he was concerned that the project is 64.3-2884/644-6712 CARPENTRY/ Call Brian Weigle RL 30 Vernon by the of Directors of the Town of Manchester, Connec­ pletion. services, said in a phone interview representatives of several downtown SEAMSTRESS ticut on April 3, 1990. after the meeting. businesses questioned the project offices, and most notably the length able down there with parking, with done within the time constraints set • Dressmaking • Alterations 645-1174 T + A LAWN & REMODELING 645-8912 872-1280 Because of changes in the original PROPOSED ORDINANCE Camosci, who could not estimate engineers as well as town officials. of the project — which is likely to shopping, and with access, we have • Replace Zippers ■ Coat plans, the initial cost estimate for the LANDSCAPING INC. the savings, if any, said his expecta­ “There is going to be some incon­ begin cither this fall or next spring to spread it over two construction Please see MAIN, page 10 Linings • Custom Curtains Personal Care LAWN MOWERS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Town of state and federally supported project KITCHEN & BATH Walt Papering and Painting Manchester that the Town of Manchester acquire title to •Slipcovers CLEANING SERVICES ■Mowing REPAIRED premises of Charles J. Minicucct and David L. Minicucci at ★ 30 Years Experience ■Planting & Design 30 yocus Experience ★ Free Pickup & Delivery 102-104 Charter Oak Street, Manchester for highway pur­ CALL 647-8730 REMODELING Insurance, References and Call Aaron Alibrio in Manchester poses. The consideration for conveyance of title shall be the House Cleaning From the smallest Free Estimates ★ Prompt, Courteous, performance of the Town of Manchester of work on premises Election at reasonable rates. ______repair to the largest MARTY MATTSSON Expert Service of Charles J. Minicued and David L. Minicucci. SALESTRADE Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. No SPRING CLEANUP renovation, we will do a 649-4431 ★ Reasonable Prices A description of the premises to be acquired is attached hereto Coalition bid job too big or too small. Dothatching; edging; hedge and ★ Free Estimates complete job. and is designated "Schedule A." For free estimates bush trimming. Lawn mowing. ★ 15% Senior Discount BOOK RACK Prepared by William J. Shea, changes Start to finish. Interlor/Exterior Previously enjoyed paperback please call 742-6419 Experienced. Dependable. ECONOMY LAWN /Assistant Town Attorney books from Romance to Hor- FREE ESTIMATES Ray Hardy's Lawn Care Painting Done 3-20-90 rorl W e will trade for your good MOWER Complete do-it-yourself •light carpentry paperbacks 2 for 1; or w e will SWEEP MR. WINTER 646-7973 •ceilings and walls repaired Call Anytime S C H E D U LE A advance to rule Israel sell our books 1/2 price. OUT THE WINDOW! programs available. ■attics and cellars cleaned ThoM premises situated oh the southerly side of Charter Oak Our deanirio service is 647-5705 643-6386 Street and on the westerly side ot a roadway leading to 435 J Hartford Tpke. thorough & th;C«rpontry, Kitch»ni, Basements, woodshingle & shake, B.U.R. slats or fully insured by not less than five (5) percent of the electors of the Town, as expects the measure to clear the MANCHESTER INCOME TAXES Cabinetry. single ply. We oiler quality workman­ determined from the latest official lists of the Registrars of Senate. would have a 61-60 majority in the fVres lacked a majority, and law­ profession^ service. Please ■Brick A Blueatone Wofca A Patios *10% senior Consultation/Preparation ship, reliable service accompanied w/ Voters, has not been filed with the Town Clerk requesting its makers shouted and wagged fingers leave message. Expert Painting A Wallpapering discounts “1 have no reason not to be op­ 120-scat Knesset, or pariiamcnL and HERALD Indivkjual/Business Referenoee competitive prices. We're fully Insured referonce to a special Town election. at each other. 650-2620 228-4032 CALL 872-4072 timistic,” Atkin said. had named his candidates- for tlic 644-2901 & provide free estimates. Ronald Osella clatslfled ads | Jan Pawlowski Even if it clears the Senate, Gov. proposed Cabinet. At one poinL four security guards Please Call 6474683 Secretary Reginald Pinto/Manchester Herald I^rcs, who had vowed to make surrounded a right-wing lawmaker I phone 643-2711 J 643-7254 WATER HEATERS Odd Jobs Board of Directors William A. O’Neill has expressed Manchester, Connecticut reservations about the measure, al­ peace talks with F^cstinians his first who appeared to threaten Arab par­ Hauling unwanted articles. LAWN SERVICE MATURE/EXPERIENCED Installation and Replacement though he has not said he would SWEET TIMES — Above, priority, told JYcsidcnt Chaim Her­ liament member Abdul Wahab Fertilizing, liming, spring Garages, cellars and Dated at Manchester, Connecticut INCOME TAX of Water Heaters WE DELIVER this 5th day of April, 1990 veto it. canidy makers Abby Delaney, zog in a letter that he would need Daroushe. DON'T KNOW where to clean-up, complete lawn •Gas gutters cleaned. For Home Delivery. Call 019-04______In the House, the Democrats said 7, O f 340 Porter St., at left, more lime. Herzog gave him 15 Parliament Speaker Dov look next for a lob? How service. PREPARATION Call anytime •Electric the change from the current winner- more days to forge a coalition. Shilansky, a member of the right- about placing a "Situa­ INDiVIDUAUBUSINESS 647-9946 - and Brittany Blain, 8, of 62 643-0747 •Oil 871-1378 TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT wing Likud bloc, ruled there would tion Wanted" ad In DAN MOSLER Monday to Friday, 9 to 6 takc-all process would be fairer to Herzog said in a statement that Wilson Oil Company N O TIC E O F Arnott Road, enjoy their work classified? 649-8045 candidates and voters and more the recent political mancuverings be no ptoint in going forward with a 649-3329 6 4 5 4 3 9 3 ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE clearly reflect the onc-pcrson. onc- Monday. At right, Peter raised “piercing questions about our vote after reading a letter from FHircs In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Sections 1 and votc foundation of American Preuss, 8, of 244 Porter St., system of government and our saying Labor had failed in its at­ 9 of the Town Charter, notice is hereby given of the adoption political culture," and that Israel tempt to form a government. I MISCELLANEOUS I WANTED TO by the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester, Connec­ politics. and David Brower, 8, of 82 ticut on April 3, 1990. Republicans, who admitted eventually would have to face these Shilanksy rejected demands by I AUTOMOTIVE BUY/TRADE Scarborough Road, join the Likud supporters to go ahead with B r i d g e PROPOSED ORDINANCE they’ve done well under the current questions. fun. Making candy was the vote, which could have further 1968- Comaro Body, Good BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Town of system, argued that the Democrats The wheeling and dealing of condition. No Motor or 'vVe buy cloan, late model Manchester that the Town of Manchester purchase from Mary were trying to “gerrymander them­ probably one of the year's forming the government has brought embarrassed Peres with a tie or a NORTH 4 -I0 .9 0 Sleepy Accordingly North corrected to the fi­ transmission. $400 or used cars and trucks. Top E. Parsons, premises at 944 Tolland Turnpike, Manchester, for loud public complaints tJiat Israel's loss. prices paid. selves into the White House.” highlights for the second- ♦ 7 6 nal four-heart contract. best offer. Coll 646-3046. the sum of Thirty Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($3,750.(X)). Under the bill, the six electoral _ electoral system must be changed so “I do not believe that there is any V A 5 3 slip-up The jack of spades was led. East Mr. Duff-Carter CiMvroM Said premises are more particulariy described in Schedule grade class at Highland Park V point in inviting FVres to the podium 1228 Main Street voles rcprcscniing the six congres­ that small parties arc not the con­ ♦ K Q 6 5 playing the queen. Declarer won and A-1, attached hereto. School. to present his government since he ♦ J 9 7 4 By James Jacoby We'll help you with the Mancheeter, CT sional districts would be awarded to trolling factor. led a diamond to the king, ducked by wordino ot your od. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED ^ the Board of Directors of the F\;rcs’ bid to form a coalition fell announced that it is not in his WE.ST EA.ST West. Next came a club from dummy Town of Manchester that the Town ol Manchester purchase the presidential candidate winning Today's deal, from the finals of the from Richeird M. 4 Judith A. W hite, premises at 717 Tollcind apart when two hard-line members hands,” Shilansky said. 4> J 10 9 8 5 3 4 Q 4 Vanderbilt leam-of-four champion­ to the queen. West won the ace and that district. The state’s other two V Q J 8 4 TOWN OF MANCHESTER Turnpike, Manchester, for the sum of Four Thousand Eight of the ulu~a-Orthodox Agudat Israel V 9 ship in 1989, stiows that 10 days of continued spades. Declarer won and electoral votes would go to the can­ * ♦ A 4 2 ♦ J 9 7 3 played a heart to dummy's ace and a LEGAL NOTICE Hundred Dollars ($4,800.(X)). Said premises cire more par­ didate with the most votes Party backed out. The defectors op­ Please see ISRAEL, page 10 ♦ 5 3 2 high-level bridge can tire even the ticulariy described in Schedule A-2, attached hereto. ♦ A 8 6 best players. Place yourself in the po­ heart back. Here Sontag fell from The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold public hearings on statewide. Currently, the statewide SOUTH grace. He split his heart honors. (If he Monday, April 23, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. in the Hearing Room, Lin­ Prepared by: sition of Alan Sontag, Hast, defending William J. Shea, Assistant Town Attorney winner gets all eight votes. ♦ A K 2 against four hearts. played small, declarer could hardly coln Center, 494 Main Street, Manchester, Connecticut to hear Had the proposed system been in insert the 10. since West might win • and consider the foibwing applications: 3-15-90 V K 10 7 6 2 In North-South's methods the bid of effect in 1988, Republican George Northeast’s housing costs blamed Anti-cancer research, ♦ 10 8 and give East a .spade .) Declarer two clubs by a passed hand, even after Item No. 1 SCHEDULE A-1 Bush would have received seven of ♦ K y 10 the one-spade ovcrcall, was artificial, won the king and then played king of Appl. 1393 flubs and the 10. overtaking with the Constance R. Pepler - Request a variance to Artide II, Sec­ Those premises situated on the southerly side of Tolland Connecticut’s votes and Democrat Vulnerable: North-South sending the message: ‘'Partner, 1 have Turnpike in the Town of Manchester, Counw of Hartford atxl for spawning its ‘welfare motels’ jack in dummy. The fourth club came tion 3.01.01 to reduce the side yard to 8.5 feet (15 foot re­ Michael Dukakis would have had patient’s rights debated Dealer: North a hand with heart support, with more quired) to build an addition to a residence at 32 Sage Drive, State of Connecticut designated as TAKING AREA — 0.007 next. If East ruffed high, South would +1- ACRE*, on a certain map entitled, "TOWN OF one. Dukakis won the 1st Congres­ strength than a simple raise to the Flesidence AA Zone. state. But it’s easy to do. You can al­ South West North Hast shed his low spade. If East ruffed low, MANCHESTER CONNECTICUT ACQUIRED FROM MARY E. two-level would show. If your opening Item No. 2 sional District only. By Peter Viles By Lee Siegel Abrahams, lawyer for defendant 1P'iCC dSS 1 ctM> declarer would overruff and then PARSONS BY THE TOWN OF MANCHESTER Last in a series ways find a mole! that will rent bid has extra values, we may have a Appl. 1394 Maine has such a sy.stem and a Shirley Quan, a research assistant Pass The Associated Press The Associated Press 1 V 1 ♦ 2 a spade in dummy. Either way, G. Jeffrey Keith - Request a variance to Artide III, Section MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT FED. AID PROJ. NO. rooms to the stale.” 3 tr Pass game " By first bidding three clubs, similar bill is working its way at UCLA. 3 ♦ Pass 10 tricks were there for declarer. 6.02 03 and 6 02 03(a) to allow access to a rear lot over a 15 1XDM-22520 PROJ. NO. 76-152 DATE: 6/89 SCALE: T-40'*, In New York sutle, where spend­ 4 V All pass which he knew would not be passed. through the North Carolina Legisla­ Moore, the 45-ycar-old presi­ 3 N T Pass James Jacoby 's books "Jacoby on Ilrid g c ' anc foot (25 foot required) easement (instead ot fee owned) strip ol which map is on file or is to be filed in the Town Clerk's office HARTFORD — Across the reimburses states for up to 50 per­ ing on emergency housing subsidies LOS ANGELES — A landmark South described an opening bid with "Jacoby on Card Carnes" i written with his father 1 •Drury convention land at 21V Lewis Street, Rosidenoe A Zone. in said Town of Manchester. ture. Nonheast, where housing costs cent of the cost of the programs, biotechnology case is in the hands dent of a Seattle soft drink com­ extras and expressed slight uncertain­ the tale Oswald Jacoby) are now available at hit $150 million in llic fiscal year Item No. 3 Together with an easement to slope for the support of the Rep. William A. Kiner, D-En- remain among the highest in the na­ pany. said he is merely trying to : ♦ J ty about ending up in three no-trump. bookstores Doth are nublisbi*d bv Pharos Hooks they arc generally seen as costly, that ended la.si month, the Depart­ of California’s Supreme Court, Appl. 1395 highway acquired, a right to construct driveway acquired, a field, co-chairman of the Govern­ defend “the rights of the individual tion despite a sagging regional shortsighted solutions to the ment of Social Services says 5,400 which will decide whether a Jeremy Conklin - Request a variance to Article II Section right to construct sidewalk acquired, as more particulariy ment Administration and Elections patient in the ease where the 4.01.01 to reduce the side yard to approximately 5 loot (10 shown and depicted on said map. economy, state govcmmcnls are region’s housing crunch. families arc receiving subsidies of leukemia patient can sue for a Committee, said the measure would operating emergency housing physician-researcher is also a loot required) at 169-171 Wbst Center Street, Residence A SCHEDULE A-2 “This is not a nice situation,” said $16 per night for the first family share of the profits from an anii- Zone. “engender much enthusiasm among programs — so-callcd “welfare Edward Schwarizbcrg. a Boslon- cancer diug derived from his cells. businessman-entrepreneur.” A s t r o g r a p h Those promises situated on the northerly side of Tolland Item No 4 voters” and force candidates to pay member and up to $11 per night for “Without my knowledge or con­ Turnpike in the Town of Manchester, County of Hartford and motels" — in a costly attempt to ba.scd economist for the federal The high court heard arguments Appl. 1396 more attention to Connecticut. each additional family member. sent. the doctors and the research advance. Take nothing tor granted. State of Connecticut designated as TAKING AREA — 0.007 help poor families avoid homeless­ IX’partmcnt of Housing and Urban Tuesday in the case of John and the other guy is the taker. It's not South United Methodist Church - Request a variance to Ar- He and Rep. Miles S. Rapo[)ort, In New Jersey, the state will institutions used a part of me for going to work out loo well. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Hasty judg­ tido IV, Section 13 to erect a second (roostanding sign at 1226 +1- ACRE*, on a certain map entitled, *TOWN OF ness. Development. ”It’s bad for the MiK)rc, who claims blood cells GEMINI (May 21-June 20) You re capa­ ments today could put you in involve­ Main Street. Residence AA Zone. MANCHESTER CONNECTICUT ACQUIRED FROM D-Wesi Hartlord, one of the chief In Connecticut, the program has families involved. It's bad for the from his cancerous spleen were their own gain." Mixtrc said out­ c f o u r RICHARD M. 4 JUDITH A. WHITE BY THE TOWN OF I‘lea.se see W Kl.FARE, page 10 ble ot handling your assignments today, ments that do not serve your best Inler- Item No. 5 gained increasing attention from side court. "They stole something MANCHESTER MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT FED AID wrongfully u.sed by the University ^ B i r t h d a y provided co-workers do what's expect­ 9Sls. To avoid this occurrence evaluate Appl 1397 Plea.se see ELECI ORAL, page 10 from me.” PROJ. NO. 1XDM-22520 PROJ NO. 76-152 DATE: 6/89 frustrated state lawmakers because of California, two UCLA resear­ 9 ed ot them It they dump their tasks on situations before you leap in. New Hope Marvor, Inc. - Request a variance to Articio II, Sec­ The high court’s ruling is ex­ you. It could be more straws than any SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) True tion 2 02.14(d) to allow 15 residents (8 m axim um ) at a group SCALE r -4 0 '* , which map is on file or is to bo filed in the of its skyrocketing size and cost. chers and two drug and biotechnol­ Town Clerk's office In said Town ol Manchester. pected within 9() days. A ruling in April 11, 1990 camel can carry humility IS an admirable virtue, but to­ home at 290V Hartford Road, Rural Residence Zone. Spending on the program has in- 81 area families live in motels ogy compiinies that helped develop CANCER (June 21-July 22) Someone day you might humble yoursell unnec­ Item No. 6 Together with an easement to slope lor the safety of the high­ TODAY crca.scd 600 percent in two years, the drug. Moore’s favor would allow his Although you prefer doing things on with whom you'll be involved socially to­ essarily It's best to let at least a seg­ Appl. 1398 way and remove, use or retain excavated material acquire^ a from $6.3 million in fiscal year 1988 The Manchester office of the state ILast Hartford and Vernon have University attorney Allen Wag­ 1984 lawsuit to go to trial. The ment ol your ego shino through. William C. & Kathleen M. Fraturoll - Request a vananco to your own, your most successful en­ day might try to gel you to talk about a right to construct driveway acquired, and a right to construct to an estimated $38.3 million this Department of Human Resources, sued ilie state, claiming it should not ner and lawyers for other defen­ ease was dismissed by a Los An­ friend who isn't present in order to later CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Some­ Article II, Section 5.01.01 to reduce the side yard to 1 loot (10 cement rubble masonry wall acquired, as more particularly Index deavors could turn out to be |Oint veo- year. which serves Manchester and 18 use rental subsidies to place low-in­ geles Superior Court in 1986, then tures. You might gel involved in several. use your comments against you Be times It's necessary to be assertive feet required) at 17 Columbus Street, Residence A Zone. shown and depicted on said map. dants argued dial the development 20 pages, 2 sactlons ARIES (March 21-April 19) Someone careful when dealing with others. Today, how­ Item No. 7 This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days alter this The number of poor families in other towns, lodges 81 low-income come families in tlicir communities of life.saving drugs will be serious­ reinstated in 1988 by a 2-1 vote of with (inancial problems might look to LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Success could ever, you might do so with the wrong Appl, 1399 publication in this newspaper provided that within ton (10) the program has jumped from 307 families in motels now, according to without lix;al approval. ly impeded if the justices rule iliat a slate appeals court. people under the wrong conditions. Gregory P. & Karen A. Germain - Request a vananco to Ar­ you today to bail him/her out Although be denied you today If you tail to go lull days after this publication ol this Ordinance a petition signed r.lasaified 1 7 -2 0 tide II, Section 6.01.01 to reduce the side yard to 8 feet (10 two years ago to 1,2(K) now. The a department spokesman. Jatsl month, the Manchc.stcr office Moore has property rights to tissue During Tuesday’s 70-minutc it appears to be insignificant on the sur- out where important objectives are con­ by not less than five (5) percent ol the electors o( the Town as ComloB 14 feet required) at 24 Hawthorne Street, Residence B Zone stale estimates il s-pends $80 per Spokesman David Dearborn said of DHR relocated 40 families from ami cells removed from his body. hearing, the seven justices asked (ace. It could turn out to be a bit more cerned If you're going to do something, AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Before determined from the latest official lists ol the Registrars’ ol Focus 16 you go into battle today, but certain you family per night on rent in motels that about 25 to 30 percent of the motels, iJicn about 30 more families TJicy said that would require questions that su^ested sympathy complicated. Aries, treat yourself to a make it a total commitment At this hearing interested persons may be hoard and written Voters, has not been tiled with the Town Clerk requesting its Food 15 9 have the supporters and back-up upon birthday gift Send tor your Astro- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Under most communications received. A < ^ y of those petitions has been reference to a special Town election. 1 ocal/Stale 3 -5 and temporary apartments. case load of the Manchester office is entered the system, Dearborn said. rc-searohers to negotiate and pay with Moore’s claim, but indfeated circumstances it Is rather diflicull for which you're counting. It could get rath­ tiled in the Plannirig ar>d Zoning Department and may bo in­ Graph predictions for the year ahead by Ronald Osella Lotterv 2 Other slates in the Northeast find made of up Manchester residenLs for hunuin tissue used for rc.seaa'h a reluctance to extend picrsonal others to pull the wool over your eyes er lonely il you're the only guy making spected during business hours. mailing $1 25 to Astro-Graph, c/o this Secretary 1 Nation/WJbrid 6-7‘ .9 ihcm.sclvcs paying similar bills — and about the same percentage arc Nine other fuinilies served by the and drug development. property rights to cells taken from Today, however, you might be much the charge newspaper. P O. Box 91428, Cleveland. Edward Coltman Board of Directors ! Obituarios 2 office must be moved out of motels more gullible than you should PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) There is a $150 million in New York, $60 mil­ East Hartford residents. The A decision in Moore’s favor an organ after il is surgically OH 44 101-3428. Be sure to slate your Secretary Manchester, Connecticut I O oinion 8 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) It you perform possibility today you might formulate lion in New Jersey, and an estimated remainder arc from Vernon and sur­ by April 16 under the state’s limit of would have “a deviusuiting impact zodiac sign Dated at Manchester, Connecticut ^ Soorts 1 1 -1 3 ,1 7 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Strive lor a some type of work today where you will some plans based upon erroneous in­ Zoning Board ol Appeals $76 million in Massachu.sctis. UK) days for motel stays. Pleu.se see III.OOU, page 10 this 5lh day of April. 1990 1 Television 14 rounding towns. on medical research,” said I\*tcr fair balance in an important partnership be compensated for your services, formation. Make haste slowly and be While the federal govcmmeni arrangement today If you're the giver make certain the price is established in sure you have all the facts. 030-04 020-04 ______1

I f y

A MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, April 11,1990—3 2—MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, April 11, 1990 RECORD LOCAL & STATE A About Town Police Roundup School expansion

Daughters to meet Thursday Two face drug charges plan up by $220,000 The *‘DAR School Trip” will be discussed Thursday Police have arrested two New Haven men believed to during a meeting of the Orford F ^ sh Chapter of the Chesterton, assistant superatendent be major siq>pliers of marijuana to youths in the By Nancy Foley for curriculum and instruction. Daughters of the American Revolution to be held 7:30 Manchester area, said Lt. Orville Cleveland of the Manchester Herald Until this year, eighth-graders at p.m. at the Church of Christ, comer of Lydall and Vernon Manchester Police Department. Bennet Junior High were allowed to Streets. The speaker is Jean Kelsey. A two-month investigation led to the arrest of Harry A proposal to expand the high take electives in art, industrial arts, Physical fitness evaluated Dean RadrofT, 23, and Andrew Plant, 24, who are school will cost $3.9 million, word processing and home believed to be a drug courier and dealer, respectively, Ll $220,000 more than previously es­ economics. Now, they are required A “Body Composition Clinic,” featuring new ­ Cleveland said. Their arrests resulted in the confiscation timated, as a result of a change in to take a sequence that introduces ing equipment that measures how many calories a person of 9.5 pounds of high-grade marijuana with a street value the plans. them to each of these subjects. bums daily, the percent of fat vs. lean tissue and other of about $30,(XX), he said. At its meeting tonight, the Board The changes will go into effect at factors which can determine an individual's best fitness Plant was arrested TUesday night in a New Haven of Education is expected to ^prove llling Junior High School in the fall. or dietary program, will be held Friday from 2 to 5 p.m. parking lot as he allegedly delivered marijuana to another a dollar amount for a referendum on School officials say this is more at Manchester Memorial Hospital. The fee is $15 to $25. person, police said. Rve one-pound b a^ of marijuana the high school addition, scheduled Call 647-6600 for more information. reflective of a middle school ap­ were seized from his car, police said. to go before voters in November. proach in which students explore Plant was charged with possession of marijuana and They will also hear plans for chan­ different areas rather than try to AIDS support group to meet possession of marijuana with intent to sell. A bond aiKl ges in the junior high schools to ac­ master a subject People with any degree of HIV infection who want to court date information were unavailable this morning. company the restructuring of the Once they move to the junior high live successfully can attend meetings of the People with Information leading to Plant’s arrest was obtained in town’s schools. school, sixth-graders will be able to AIDS Coalition of Connecticut on Wednesdays at 7:30 connection with the earlier arrest of lUdroff on March 22 The additional $220,000 is a take classes in home economics and p.m. Confidentiality is observed. For more information in a parking lot next to Hanky FUnky’s night club at 47 result of changing the plans to in­ industrial arts, unavailable to them I / ' r call 624-0947 from 9 ajn. to 4 p.m. or 624-2437 from Purnell Place, Lt. Cleveland said. clude several all-purpose science in the elementary schools, Chester­ 6:30 to 9 p.m. Radroff is believed to have been a courier of marijuana labs, according to Terry A. Bogli, a ton said. Also, in the elementary for Plant, the lieutenant said. Two pounds of marijuana, Democratic member of the school schools most students have one which has a street value of about $6,400, was confiscated board and chairwoman of its long- Support group to meet Reginald PInto/Manchester Herald teacher all day, while in a middle from Radroffs car, police said. An additional two pounds v t' range planning committee. school, they will work with a team Formerly Abused Children Emerging in Society NEW QUEEN — Joyce Beebe, left, is crowned this year's queen of Manchester WAXES of marijuana later was seized at his New Haven Originally, the labs were to be used of teachers, Chesterton said. (FACES), a support group for women who were abused Tuesday at the Grange Hall by last year’s queen Wendy Keegan. WAXES is a non-profit residence, police said. for just earth science, but this would Qiesterton plans three evening in childhood, meets every Thursday from 7:15 to 9 p.m. lUdroff was charged with illegal possession of have limited their use, Bogli said. group for women wishing to lose weight. meetings with parents to explain the at the Women’s Center of Manchester Community Col­ marijuana near a school, possession of marijuana with in­ The actual cost to the town of the changes. lege. New members are welcome. For more information, tent to sell and possession of over four ounces of Reginald Pinto/Marxhesler Herald high school addition will be $1.8 If the referendum is not approved call Carol Jodaitis at MCC, 647-6062. marijuana. He was released on a $10,000 bond and is BELTING IT OUT — Members of the Malsis School Boys’ day, and performed a concert at the high school Tuesday million, after stale reimbursement, by voters, then school officials Obituaries scheduled to appear in Manchester Superior Court on she said. would go back to the drawing board, Alcoholic support group meets May 11, a court clerk said. Choir from Yorkshire, England, rehearse Tuesday at night. The high school addition is seen he said. Adult Children of Alcoholics meets Wednesdays from “We’ve had larger seizures, but we believe this one is Manchester High School. They visited llling Junior High Tues- by the school board as a way to al­ This year, kindergarten enroll­ important because of the implications that this marijuana 6 to 7 p.m. in room CL-219c in the Lowe Building of Nelda Russell of Suffield; three Bom in PCacham, Vt., he lived in leviate a space problem expected to ment is down by 60 or 70 students , was intended for the younger population,” Lt. Cleveland Manchester Community College. For more information, John E. Hilditch sons, John and Marcus Hilditch of Manchester for many years. Before hit the elementary schools in 1992. from what it was last year, Chester­ said. “Hopefully, this will shut down this person’s opera­ call 647-6062. John Edward Hilditch, 82, of Manchester, and Robert Hilditch of retiring, he was a self-employed car­ Under the plan, the ninth grade ton said. Manchester, died TUesday (April 10, West Palm Beach, Fla.; a daughter penter and cabinet maker. tion.” DOT says town can’t regulate signs on state land would be moved to the high school At the same time, the administra­ Class of 1955 seeks members 1990). He was the h u s ^ d of the and son-in-law, Maribeth and John He is also survived by two sons, Two charged with robbery and the sixth grade moved to the tion does not know how many new late Mary Agnes Moriarty. — often posted near the center of publicize their events. (municipalities) to break the law,” junior high schools, freeing up space students will come from the apart­ Manchester High School’s Class of 1955 will hold a Schneider of Suffield; and four Lyden G. Darling in California and By Rick Santos He was bom May 30, 1907 at A second Manchester teen-ager and an East Hartford town along stale highways 83, 44, But any conflict seems unlikely he said, adding that he had not been at the elementary schools. ments near the mall at Bucldand 35th class reunion on June 30 at the Sunrise Resort in grandchildren. Henry Jaslowski in California; a Dawson, Yukon Territory, Canada. man have been arrested in connection with a February Manchester Herald and 6 and intended to publicize because regulations seem unlikely aware of any communications Changes are already taking place Hills, which are being filled now. Moodus. Anyone with information on how to locate the The funeral will be Thursday at sister, Doris Hobbs of Woodsville, He worked for the Hudson Bay Co. 11 a.m. at the John F. Tierney N.H.; and a granddaughter. He was break-in at the I^tio Restaurant, 250 Hartford Road, events sponsored by churches, because state law allows for or­ regarding the matter from the town. at the junior high schools in prepara­ The school board meeting will be following members is asked to call Maureen (McCann) It appears the town will not be as an explorer and fur buyer. He led Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St. predeceased by a sister, Sareph police said. schools, and service organizations ganizations to acquire permits to He said that signs probably are tion for moving the sixth and ninth held at 45 North School Sl at 7:30 Curry at 646-2304 or Harriett (Flavell) Duff at M3-8820: able to regulate the posting of signs crews during the survey of the Burial will be in St. James LaVallee. Scott R. Barrett, 17, of 73 Walnut St., and Robert — look “trashy.” erect signs, and any restrictions posted without the organiz.ation’s grades, according to Allan B. pjn. Charles Audette, Robert Buckley, Gail (Bowers) Wil­ and banners on stale-owned land Alcan Highway which connects Cemetery. Calling hours are tonight The funeral will be private. Burial Colombe, 22, of E ^ Hartford, both were arrested Mon­ primarily apply to signs promoting getting the necessary permits, but liford, Emilie (Blanchard) Ralozej, Raymond Campbell, along state highways because such Alaska with the mainland of the from 6 to 8 p.m. will be in Peacham Cemetery. There day night on charges of third-degree robbery and sixth- Republican Director Wallace J. candidates for political office and said that is likely h^dlcd without Roger Clifford, Marvin Cohen, Janet (Cervini) Rondeau, U.S. He served in the Royal degree larceny and scheduled to appear today in action is prohibited by law, accord­ Irish Jr. said he also knew of some businesses, said William Kiesh, much problem. “I’m sure .if our Roadwork scheduled to begin Robert Coleman, Ronald Contois, Gail (Cowles) LaCoss, Memorial donations may be made are no calling hours. Canadian Air Force during World to Boys Town, Boys Town, Neb. Manchester Superior Court, police said. ing to an official at the state Depart­ areas near the intersection of Main DOT spokesman. people find signs along our proper­ Roadway reconstruction work Farest Street from Otis Street and Cynthia (Crehore) DeWyck, Edward Dama, Carl Davis, Memorial donations may be made War II as a flight navigator. On April 5, a third suspect in the case, Michael D. ment of Transportation. and North Main streets (Route 83) Kiesh said if the rule was a ty, we take them down.” will be begin on April 30 at the fol­ terminating 800 feet east Douglas Delaney, James Donovan, Roy Ecker and Erene to the Visiting Nurse and Home He owned and operated a Leonard W. Darling Hartley, 19, of 391 Hartford Road, was arrested on the The question of whether the town that are marred with unsightly signs. department regulation rather than a lowing intersections: East Middle 'Itirnpike at Summit (Gagicardone) Moser. Leonard W. Darling, 87, of 8 Care of Manchester, 545 N. Main same charges, police said. He also was scheduled to ap­ could have some control of banners After hearing the complaints, law, then there may be some way to He said the DOT is aware that landscape contracting business, St. The Charter Oak Sueet and Sueel. Also, Barbara (Gladysz) Wrobelski, Michael Glean, Rus-Hil Landscaping and was the% Waddell Road, died TUesday (April pear in court today, police said. and signs was raised at a budget Town Manager Richard Sartor said reach a compromise with the town there arc also other types of Spruce Street intersection with the Main Street at Haynes Street Nita Gratton, William Grimason, Victoria (Hajostek) first president of the Connecticut 10, 1990) at his home. He was the The John F. Tierney F. Tierney Several cases of alcoholic beverages were stolen in the workshop late last month by he would look to sec if the town as far as regulating the posting of violators of the permit rule, such as Charter Oak FVk Entrance. A tem­ Center Street and Summit Street Prysiaza, Dorothy (Krar) Syphers, Ruth (Godfrey) Mar- Landscape Contractors Association. husband Athelma (Johanson) Dar­ Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., is burglary, police said. Democratic Director Stephen T. could do anything, but said that any signs. businesses that have signs which porary entrance to the park will be tell, Kenneth LaCoss, Richard Longchamps, Robert He is al.so survived by a sister. ling. in charge of arrangements. Cassano. restrictions would probably anger “We’re guided by the law,” Kiesh hang over properties adjacent to located about KXX) feet east of the Construction is scheduled to be Lovejoy, Kermeth Lowd, Myles McDonough, Carol Arm Man hurt in accident Cassano said he thinks the signs civic organiz.ations that use signs to said. “We can’t permit them roads. present enuance. completed by Nov. 22. McDonough, Richard McKinney, David McLaughlin, A 74-ycar-old Manchester man escaped serious injury Janet Maison, Allen Martin, Mary Mielke, Frank Mig- late Monday afternoon after an accident on Hackmatack ST. JUDE NOVEl>^ nerey and Patricia Miller. Street near Prospect Street, police said. Also, John Moore, Maureen (Moylan) Hampton, Public Records Lawtence Lombardi of 69 Santina Drive was treated Cable TV crackdown debated MAY THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS BE ACXDRED, GLORIFIED, Sandra (Newman) Warner, Jerold Nolan, Peter f^ige, for muscular strain at Manchester Memorial Hospital and Mich., the powerful cliairman of the By Chris Rose competition where now you have LOVED AND PRESERVED Annamae (Richardson) Dawson, Michael Rivard, Jean Pamela Stender McCarthy, 42 Ardmore Rotid, $129,(XX). released, a hospital spokeswoman said. none. The system now is fundamen­ House Energy and Commerce Com­ Warranty deeds Washington Bureau THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, (Rosendahl) Jasper, Helen (Sharp) Romano, Barbara Quit claim deeds The driver of the other car, William K. Wertenback tally flawed. The only other choice mittee, recently told the U.S. Con­ "Your one hop for (Schwarm) Wheelock, Stanley Sasiela, Daniel Trefethan, Earle J. and Carolyn G. Wilson to Edward F. Boland Sr., 57, of 208 Spring St., was cited for reckless driving NOW AND FOREVER. SACRED Ronald Seplowitz to Joan A. Seplowitz, 52 Pearl St., WASHINGTON — Congress’ is to rercgulalc the cable industry,” ference of Mayors his panel had two Easter and more!" Diane (Vallone) Kueza, Gerry Vichi, Sidney Wiersman, Jr. and Mary J. Burke, 64 Kennedy Road, $186,250. and driving under the influence of drugs or alcdiol, burning issues to address this year: HEART OF JESUS, PRAY FOR US. no conveyance tax. move to clamp down on the cable the consumer advocate said. Sandy Woltersdorf, Joan Wilson and Lenore (Zwick) Norman R. and Janet L. Rodrigue to Anthony P. Fer- police said. clean air legislation and cable TV SAINT JUDE, WORKER OF MIR­ Ronald Seplowitz to Joan A. Seplowitz, Brainard television industry is welcomed by Juraska, however, disapproves of Fisher. rigno Jr. and Sheri Lee Ferrigno, 20 Lydall St., $150,0(X). The ^ id e n t happened at 5 p.m. as Lombardi was ACLES, PRAY FOR US. SAINT Place, no conveyance tax. thousands of viewers across the allowing telcos into the cable reform. NOW FEATURING Oakland Street Associates to Ronald L. Scovill III and driving east on Hackmatack Street and stopped at a stop Boucher’s Cable Competition Act JUDE. HELPER OF THE HOPELESS. Ronald Seplowitz to Joan A. Seplowitz, Northfield country who have deluged law­ market. ‘Telephone companies arc Darren J. Farrell, Forest Rond Condominium, $119,5(X). sign. Wertenback, who was eastbound behind Lombardi, PRAY FOR US. SAY THIS PRAYER Green Condominium, no conveyance tax. makers with piles of complaints huge,” he said. “If we allowed them is now being considered by Din- David L. Dyke and Barbara J. Dyke to Walter F. and failed to stop in time and rear-ended Lombardi, police into video programming services, gell’s committee and would allow 9 TIMES A DAY. BY THE 8TH DAY 2 0 % O F F £^ll gift baskets Maureen D. Gustafson, Robin Estates, $235,000. Margaret O. LaChapelle to Barbara Possum and said. about poor service, high prices and YOUR PRAYER WILL BE A N ­ Correction Rosemary Perry, 29 Devon Drive, no conveyance tax. what will happen, is you will have telephone companies to compete in with this ad Walter F. and Maureen D. Gustafson to David L. and Wertenback then drove recklessly in an attempt to bad programming. SWERED. IT HAS NEVER BEEN Tiger Excavation Inc. to James Beaulieu Development But Jayson Juraska of Cox Cable one program that will drive the home programming market. His 182 Main Street Barbara J. Dyke, 15 Liberty St., conveyance tax, leave the scene, but his car hit Lombardi’s car again, bill would lift current restrictions KNOWN TO FAIL, PUBLICATION Co. Inc., 199-201 Adams St. and 205 Adams St., no con­ in Manchester says the congres­ everyone out. Thai’s the way Manchester HOURS: $153.89. police said. that prohibit phone companies from HARTFORD (AP) — The Associated Press er­ veyance tax. sional fuss is unwarranted, and as telephone companies do business. MUST BE PROMISED. THANK YOU Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat -10-5 Margaret P. Hall to Michael Aronne Jr. and Susan L. offering cable TV to their cus­ 645-1641 roneously reported that 10 men accused of helping to run Geraldine A. Michaud to Henry E. Michaud, 59 Broad proof, boasts about his company’s You would not have strong cable ST. JUDE. Thurs -10-8 Aronne, 262 Lydall St., $123,000. tomers. the Ratriarca crime family’s Connecticut operation St., no conveyance tax. record of only 10 complaints from companies as we know them.” K.F. Good thru 4-17-90 Connecticut Valley Builders Inc. to Neil N. and Jac­ Although vehemently opposed by pleaded irmocent in U.S. District Court Monday to a Elizabeth L. Gabel, Jean Brown and Amory Stansfield its 52,000 subscribers in 1989. About a year ago, when the issue queline R. Somberg, Spring Ridge, $406,180. Thoughts the National Cable Television As­ sweeping federal indictment containing charges that to Aaron Cook, E. Middle Tbmpike, no conveyance tax. “I would say what’s driving the first captured congressional atten­ Donna M. Oldakowski to Emanuel Robbins, South- sociation, the measure is supported ranged from gambling to murder conspiracy. Richard C. Woodhouse to Pearl M. Podrove, Deming legislation in Washington are some tion, the question was whether cable field Green, $163.90. by a diverse group, including the U.S. Attorney Stanley A. Twardy Jr. said Tuesday that Street, no conveyance tax. As we hear so much today about drugs, alcohol, and isolated instances around the television laws should be reformed, Mary Catherine Development Co. to U & R Construc­ says Rep. Rick Boucher, R-Va. The National League of Cities, American only eight of the defendants entered pleas on Monday. tion Co., Birch Mountain II, $100,000. Rudolph A. DiPietro to Dorothy E. DiPieUo, Green very many other addictions, it is not hard to realize that country,” where cable operators we can be slaves to ourselves. We can let one unex­ issue now is “what sort of cable Home Satellite Association, Com­ The two remaining defendants — Salvatore D’Aquila of David Fishman to Robert K. Lyon, 90 Birch Mountain Road and Harland Street, no conveyance tax. have increased prices dramatically amined opinion enslave us. We can let one bad habit munication Workers of America and Middletown and Frank A. Pugliano of West Springfield, Road, conveyance tax, $297. Thomas V. Bond to Linda M. Bond, Tolland TUmpike, and don’t respond to customer re­ reform should be enacted.” enslave us. We can let something as natural as anger take Paramouni Pictures Inc. Mass. — are due in court later this month, Twardy’s of­ Neil N. and Jacquelene R. Somberg to James W. no conveyance tax. quests, Juraska said in an interview. In facL Rep. John Dingcll, D- us over. We can let something as good as affection be­ fice said. Houck III, Lamplighter Drive, conveyance tax, $235.30. John M. Lavado to Donna L. Lavado, West Side But even if only 10 subscribers LILIES come our overbearing focus. As Jesus struggles with the Dartmouth Street Property Corp. to Cornell Corp., Heights, no conveyance tax. complained last year about Cox’s Brook Haven Condominium, $27,000. John M. Lavado to Donna L. Lavado, 116 Adams St., weakness of His own humanness this Holy Week, let us service, letters filed at the Depart­ THE COVENTRY CARD & GIFT Eternal Symbol Of Easter take time and courage to seek some of the ways we are Donna M. Indomcnico to John P. McCarthy Jr. and no conveyance tax. ment of Public Utility Control over currently enslaving ourselves, that the Uuth may help set the company’s franchise renewal CONNECTION Lottery us free. voice the same concerns that have from Rev. William Olesik floodcJ congressional offices, says $6.45 & up Public Meetings St. Maurice I^rish Eugene Coss, Connecticut’s acting tuiin). f, Here are Wednesday’s lottery results from around New consumer counsel. England: “Very frankly all you have to do Large Selection of Gift Plants CONNECTICUT P^lblic meetings scheduled for today: Conservation Commission, Town Office Building, is look at the letters in the file on the Q Daily: 0-5-7. Play Four: 1-4-8-0. Lotto: 7:30 p.m. M anchester Herald refranchising issue. What did sub­ Grown In Our Greenhouses 12-20-23-24-25-28. Manchester Public Safety Building Committee, Andover scribers complain about? Everything MASSACHUSETTS Cheney Hall Foundation, Probate Court, 5 p.m. Firehouse, 7:30 pan. Founded Dec. 15, 1881 as a weekly. in the world,” Coss said. Daily: 2 -M -l. Board of Directors, budget workshop, 5 p.m. Some are critical of the com­ ★ Tulips ★ Azaleas ★ Geraniums NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND Board of Education, 45 North School St., 7:30 p.m. Daily publication since OcL 1,1914. pany’s arbitrary programming Bolton if Hyacinth ★ Mums ★ Orchid... Nev/ Hamp.shirc, Vermont and Maine daily: 4-2-9 and Andover decisions, others wish they had 5-9-5-4. Zoning Commission, Community Hall, 7 p.m. USPS 327-500 VOL. CIX, No. 163 more sutions to choose from, and 1 ★ Daffodils ★ Hydrangeas ★ Many More RHODE ISLAND Economic Development Commission, Town Office Board of Finance, hearing on town budget, Bolton some complain about the cost of Elementary School PubNsher Daily: 9-8-0-1. Lot-O-Bucks: 09-20-21-26-32. Building, 7:30 p.m. Penny M. S«el1ert premium services. All arc issues Congress now is grappling with. Editor ______Whiter ZaborowsKj Across the counUy cable rates Editor PANSIES ManaQinQ ___ Mane P Grady have increased 29 percent since the Weather News Eator/Opinion Page Editor _____ Ron Robiltard ' Associate E dito r______Alexander Giretli indusu-y was deregulated in 1984. In field grown Sports Editor______Leo Auster Connecticut alone, cable rates have increased 51 percent over the past REGIONAL Weather Clear and cooler Business Martager ______Jeanne G Fromerth three years, according to a study by $3.95 Advertising Director^______Douglas C Murphy Sr Thursd^, April 12 Tonight, becoming clear and Customer Service Manager ______Gerlinde CoHetti the United Stales Telephone As­ Am v -W< much cooler. Low near 30. Composing Manager______Sheldon Cohen sociation. 9 Thursday, partly sunny, breezy and Presvoom Manager______Robert H Hubbard Cox subscribers pay $17.25 for add to your home's beauty & value [c.rt><^l3r’i cool. High 45 to 50. Outlook for basic cable service, which currently Friday, partly sunny. High near 50. Published daily except S u n d ^ and certain holidayia n by consists of 36 channels. When the 'Die weather map at dawn fea­ the Manchester PublishirMOfl Co , 16 Brainard Inace. service started in 1975. basic cable EASTER BASKETS from I i tured strong low pressure just north Manchester, Conn 06040) Second iclass postage paid ai consisted of 16 channels for $7.95. - o r - Manchester. Conn Postmaster Send address' changes of Concord, N.H., with a warm front to the Manchester Herald, P.O Box 5B1, Manchester Although the cost per channel has to near Eastport, Maine. A cold Conn 06040 stayed about the same, Coss charges Make Your Own!! ^ We Carry Scotts, Greenvlew and Turfmaster front Uailed southwest from the low The Manchester Herald is a member of The Associated many of those channels are filled through the Berkshires to Philadel­ Press, the Audit Bureau of Circulation, the New England with shopping and other programs Complete Lawn Care Products______Press Associabon and the New England Newspaper As­ phia. sociation. nobody watches. Weather .summary for Tuesday: Guaranteed delivery. 1 1 ^ don't receive your Herald But since cable companies have Cards, Gifts, Collectibles - 9 Temperature: high of 58, low of by S p m weekdays or 7:30 am . Saturdays, please no competition, the only option sub­ AUanbe 43, mean of 51. telephone your earner II you are unable to roach your scribers have is to “pay the bill or do New Prints, Hand Painted Slates, New Country Items! O cea n earner. caR subsenber service at 647 0946 by 6 pm Woodland Cardens Precipiuiion; 0.07 indies for the weekdays lor delivery in Manchester without," Coss said. That s one "Area's Largest Professional Plant Grower" day, 2.41 inches for the month, Suggested carrier rates are $1 80 weekly. $7 70 for reason he supports legislation which 3466 Main St., Rte. 31 168 Woodland St. 643-8474 e iw o Aodu-W* 12.27 inches for the year. one month. $23 10 lor throe months, $46 20 lor six would allow telephone companies Temperature extremes for today: months and $92 40 lor one year Newsstand pnoe 35 into the video programming market. Manchester 8:00am-6:00pm Today's weather picture was drawn by Jay Murphy, a fourth- cents a copy. Vinton Village • 742-1890 iG3ES3E3^