Going Further and Deeper than Ato Feleqe Maru's article on Agazi

By: Higus Eritrawi February 4, 2018

Kubur Ato Feleqe Maru,

I just wanted to point out to you, the fact that diaspora opposition from your country do not use the Agazi name as instrument of hate, in Eritrea. They also do not use the name Tigre. They know better. They do not even mention those words. I am witness. And the reason is very deep and long, but simple.

Allow me to be more blunt about it , and delve into the bottom of it. The real historical basis for the hate of Agazi. Agazi is one of the most celebrated part of our heritage as peoples in both Eritrea and . Even the most oppressive Italians or Ethiopian rulers could not destroy it. We always have a school, a club, a park etc named Agazian (obviously plural) or Agazi. Parents name their children to be future symbols or embodiment of bravery, wealth, heroism, prince/cess, king/queen etc. Agazi/Agazit is one of the very unique names given by parents who wish their child will grow to be righteous. Stand with and for the enslaved, the opressed.

There is even a movement by some Eritrean opposition that call themselves Agazian. Even though I dislike the movement, but shows they are trying to stretch their mileage and reach more people by using a great name from our and yours past history. If I were a betting man your country's opposition diaspora would never ever mention anything Agazi in front of president Isayas. No matter how many complaints or grievances I may have of president Isayas, I am absolutely certain that he would never tolerate the Agazi name being used in hate propaganda. I can assure you the opposition diaspora of Ginbot 7, some Amhara and some Oromo groups that work with Eritrean government would never mention Agazi or Tigre in Asmara. If looks can kill, the look they would get from Eritreans would make them wet their pants on their feet. The name Agazi has that feeling about it, hard to describe in words.

The fact that your diaspora chose Agazi as hate campaign is directed against certain nationalities and peoples from northern parts of your country and most likely some parts in the south and east and west as well. Egyptians know the capacity of Agazi and so do their friends in your country. That friendship is also historical. It was more obvious and also well documented in the 19th century. I am not amazed to see the children of some of your kingdoms having friendship with Egypt at this time. It happens every time Egypt believes is under threat from Ethiopian strength.

In Eritrea the word Agazi means liberator. Liberator from what one might ask. The short answer is liberator from slavery and slave trade. The hate for Agazi is based on slavery and slave trade. I am afraid your diaspora must be from slave trading kingdoms and kingdoms that used and practiced slave trade and subjugation of peoples in the past. There is nothing new under the sun, some might say. This is just a very old hate in new packaging. Its as old as slave trade and is influenced by it.

That is the way we Eritreans understand it, and come to investigate the diaspora politicians of your country who think that Agazi is best way to create hate in your country, we now see their source and origins. This has been age old disagreement in your country and ours. I know this because we were together. Its common history.

Some kingdoms were slave trading kingdoms, others were not and some were fighting against slave trading. It is prohibited and discouraged in Fethi Negestat (the justice of kings). Eritrea and at least northern part of your country and all kingdoms and sultanates in the area were all strict followers and ruled by Fithi Negestat. Its our Magna Carta. Debri Bizen in Eritrea at one time grew 10 times the number of monks, since monks who condemned slave trading were escaping from kingdoms that practiced slave trade.

Asimba did not become famous by EPRP or TPLF. Asimba and the Irob protected monks for 2 years. Monks that escaped arrest and killing from slave trading kingdoms in Ethiopia.

I understand you were focused on why the name of one unit in your country's armed forces, is being used by your diaspora to name the army and sometimes local police of a city and sometimes police of a regional state and rare situations your national defense forces, but I wanted to add that this thing is more than what it looks.

As your president of Somali region have entered a Somali saying into common lexicon now, “this cry is for more than a goat”. This Agazi is for more than a police controlling, arresting even killing citizens that are barbaric enough to burn somebody of their locality with his house. Anyone who uses religious symbols or occasions for temporary politics in Eritrea or Ethiopia should always be condemned. They cheapen religion. They make churches, mosques and synagues political pulpits, therefore anyone who does not agree with the politics is prevented from using the religious establishment and is forced to have their own religious establishment. This kills culture. It kills heritage. It kills identity. The fact that demonstrators used Tabot is abhorrent. No matter how much I may support their questions, the act of using church in local politics or national in a country with multi faith is automatic killing of heritage.

The hate for the name Agazi from some in your country has a long long history. It may look like a cheap political ploy or slogan, that believes in repeating a lie as many and as loudly as possible, but it is much much deeper than that. It is deeply rooted in the past. The fighter, or nome de guere or operation is not named Agazi because its fashionable. The name Agazi has much deeper meaning than that. You have clearly described as to why the Brigade or Battalion in your country was named after a brave fighter. I think you also have a brigade named after Raesi Alula.

What the diaspora of your country are missing the point is that, the people on the ground know which police unit was keeping order at any incident. In some cases it may just be the police of the city. In other cases regional police and some cases the military. People on the ground know this.

I remember when there was post election violence in your capital city, your diaspora opposition was saying the government brought soldiers from Tigray, Afar and Agew who do not speak Amharic. That worked in their circles for few days until someone from the opposition themselves stated that the soldiers he saw were mostly Amhara, Oromo and South. There was hate campaign even against small state Gambela at the time because some of your diaspora got information from Addis Ababa that the soldiers they saw are from Gambela region. Ato Feleqe, Please do me a favor and read what one diaspora opposition that calls themselves as Wollo Mahber have issued. They clearly and with out any hiding named the Afar militia as enemy. I don't know what kind of members they have, probably a family of Dergists and similar. I hope I will see some of the opposition who may still have some sense left would stop this before it kills their sense of being a human being. They must be so desperate to generate hate by any means. The Afar people, no matter how small in numbers, are the only people in Ethiopia who made Italy change its strategy and pay a heavy price coming from north rather than from Asab to Addis Ababa as was planned. The Afar people are unique in that the Ottomans, Egyptians are never able to get through to attack Ethiopia. No body else helped Afar when they defeated Egypt and destroyed the Egyptian army to a man. The Afar are least deserving of being maligned by anyone. Not that anyone had to be maligned, but if we all peoples stand in line to be maligned the Afar in my book would be the last.

But it has something to do with past history and again slavery too. No Afar sultanate or kingdom ever participated or practiced slave trade. Remember that Hatse Menelik and Italy had a non interference agreement in their respective countries. That is Italy as colonizer for Eritrea and Hatse Menelik for Ethiopia. When an Afar sultan defeated Italians and threatened the French as well, Hatse Menelik arrested the Sultan, exiled him to Jima and replaced the sultan with his young brother. Some Ethiopians may know of the Afar sultanate Weyannie that lasted till and during Hatse Haileslassie. The Afar were split to every province that bordered. Even Shiwa got a piece of the Afar to rule. It all seems long past, but the diaspora hate campaign is all based in past. Opposition is one thing, it only lasts until the opposition either weakens and disappears or wins election and becomes government, that is easy. Hate is not. Hate is old history packaged in fashionable names. A colonel who either personally did or saw done and did nothing when a person was tied to a vehicle and dragged until dead and halved, is now human rights advocate, a democrat in Washington DC or London.

That is how ignorant the diaspora are of what nationalities and peoples make up Ethiopia. I thought your diaspora was only ignorant about people of Eritrea. They tell us oh we are one people only colonizers separated us. But when you ask them how as people we are the same, not a clue. I meet all the time, people from your diaspora opposition that do not even know that Tigre in Eritrea is not a Tigrigna speaker. They do not know that Tigre is separate language. Actually I heard some linguist say Tigre is more closer to Geez than Tigrigna.

I have even met an activist who had no clue about Agew, but he is from . That is plain and simple the most dangerous campaign by your diaspora. This kind of propaganda can bring catastrophe as did with Qimanti. A lot of your opposition thought the region is populated as its regional name and the Qimanti are Tigre creation. Its quite encouraging to see, your Tigray region, presenting TV news and programs in Irob and Kunama. To my knowledge the Agew peoples maybe older than many others. Your country's Tigre cannot create new Ethnic. But they can help oppressed peoples to have a voice, to speak their language, to practice their culture in short to be free from enslavement by others. Your Tigre can help other peoples who were never reached or recognized by your past, to participate in their country. That is the catch. The accusation and hate is, why they are being Agazi, supporting peoples of Ethiopia to be free of all chauvinists mantra, form of “unity”, into unity of free will.

Agazi is a glorious name in Eritrea. For the same reason as in your article's subject. We will have Schools, regions and villages named after it. It will be more coming, not less in the future. If you Ethiopians have some people not happy about the name Agazi, I always ask them which kingdom of the old kingdoms are you from, and so far the answer they give has never failed me.

By the way some groups in your diaspora also had started against Alula, which like Agazi is another unit in your armed forces. That did not go far, because Alula is a recent name and most citizens of your country know what it is. Agazi is a very old name, so its easy to hide the secrets behind it. If you are in America its like saying Yankee in relation to the civil war they had about slavery and slave trade. There were times where Yankee was used as instrument of hate. For the same reason your diaspora uses Agazi. Even us used it, unknowingly of course. That is until one understands what is behind it. Now its big to be a Yankee fan of the baseball club. Among Eritreans its great to be an Agazi fan. The historical, the fighter, the liberator Agazi.

Its the exact same meaning in your country as well. No matter how much we try to sugar coat it, the bottom line is anyone who understands Agazi to be a bad name is a product of slave trading kingdoms in the past, knowingly or unknowingly. It could be Amhara, Oromo, Tegaru or anyone else, he or she is defending slave trade and slave trading kingdoms of the past. It is a subliminal culture. Even the previously enslaved use it subconsciously. You maybe in disbelief as to why I would include Oromo or Tegaru with slave trading kingdoms of the past. How do I know and what do I know?

Lets leave the really old part, since most recent facts is enough. Ras Alula took a lot of Eritreans to the south of what is now only your country and as he always, unfailingly does, after victory he leaves half of his soldiers. There is a lot of Eritrean originated people in South of your country, as there are in Semiyen and western Tigray. And almost quarter of a million from now Ethiopian side to Eritrea in his campaigns against Ottomans, Egyptians, Italians and the Caliphate. When Hatse Menelik was having difficulty defeating and getting submission from the kingdoms of the south, like the Welayta king defeating Hatse Menelik 6 times and the Sidama kingdom and others, Ras Alula raised armies from Semiyen (what you call now Semien Gonder), Eritreans (Italians had not completely cut the relations then) and other provinces in between and went South. He did not have to fight, but got negotiated agreement for the kingdoms to submit to Hatse Menelik and in turn govern their localities as traditionally done in North. As soon as Raesi Alula headed North, before the ink was dry, we all know what happened. I know for a fact that the Welayta kingdom was against slavery and slave trade.

Among the Oromo the Gadda regions, kingdoms/sultanates the Jima Sultanate is the only one that was slave trading sultanate, I know and documented. Among Tigareans which included Eritreans, Raesi Wube (who was governor no matter how disliked) had tolerated and even encouraged to start slave trading in Semiyen, but was short lived, thanks to the people and the church that became Agazi. History being a modified present, and no matter how it hides, as the ISIS does now the slave trade in Semiyen was also influenced by the Caliphate in Sudan.

Nigisti Negestat (Empress) Zewditu had a difficult time getting membership in the league of nations, because two of the kingdoms and sultanates in her empire were still practicing slavery. We were separate countries then, but is historically documented. Raesi Teferi Mekonen, later Hatse Haileslassie was was functioning as foreign minister as well.

For us Eritreans Agazi will always remain, what it was and still is, fighters that liberated subjugated peoples, with the only firm belief that anyone created by the almighty should not be treated like goods or animals.

Our ancestors also had self interest in being Agazi. It is deeply ingrained in their belief system at the time and still now that if they practiced slave trade and enslaving peoples, their progeny, us, will pay for the punishment from the heavens. In this aspect our ancestors had no choice, but to be Agazi. Rather than damage their children and grand children's fate, they chose to let go wealth or money that can be had from slave trading and enslaving people. The scars this inhumane practice leaves on the enslaved and ensalavers is incalculable.

Glory to Agazians, who did not leave us money or wealth, but a great name and heritage. I want to make it clear that I am not accusing individuals here, but a culture. As individuals are concerned we Eritreans also have internet warriors that are anti Agazi culture. But even then, when one investigated the pretenders of being more Eritrean, most of them do have roots that are not Agazi heritage. In the past there was a law, that is called 7/7 or 77 that later became so common and culture, that everyone forgets it was a law. You have to be able to prove that of your seven generation in your past, no one was slave or slave trader. Of course the other 7 means you have to prove that the future bride and groom are not related blood relatives for 7 generations.

That is the Agazi culture. A culture of liberation fighter. A heritage of righteousness. Ask any of those who are painting Agazi in bad light and you will find, with total certainty a relation to slave trade background. As for Derg and likes its to be expected, the name Agazi as a fighter or operation should bring nightmares. As soon as I read your article, I immediately asked myself why Ato Feleqe stopped at the recent history of the military unit naming in the Ethiopian army. I wanted to explain the historical meaning, the historical reasons why your diaspora opposition have the same hate for Agazi as they have for all peoples of Eritrea and Ethiopia that fought against enslavement. Anyone anywhere who fights either against his own or other's slave system or culture is AGAZI a liberator. The Yankee is also Agazi. Canada the country that started the fight against slavery and slave trade, that later expanded to all of British Empire, is also Agazi.

The deepest meaning of Agazi is that you liberate others or help them to liberate themselves. Liberating yourself is not Agazi. Liberating youself may be brave, heroic and all good things, but is not Agazi. Liberating youself is an obligation and responsibility of yours. You are born to it you have no choice. Liberating others or helping others liberate themselves is Agazi. Canada is Agazi since it was helping enslaved peoples to liberation. Martin Luther King, no matter how great can not be called Agazi. He was born to people that have to be liberated. There is a difference in doing it for yourself and doing it for others in righteousness. Agazi is righteousness.

Again Glory to Agazians and Agazi Its a name and heritage worthy of defending, when en slavers products of slave culture try to fight it back using politics. I know for a fact that these groups are against every aspect of what is good in our heritage and history. In order to eliminate peoples, the only sure way is eliminate what they hold dear and what keeps them generation to generation with their identity, language, heritage and culture.

In Eritrea we say new arrival, if you see someone being more christian than christians and preaching hate against moslems, if you see someone who is more moslem than Eritrean moslems (same as your country's). A Wahabi appears to be more moslem than moslems in Negash. An Eritrean attempts to be like he was Eritrean from Adam and Eve days. He would not even know that Kassala, Tseazega, Adi Arqay, , Selekleka, Halhal were always in the same gizat what normally called Hager until 1890. If I see an Eritrean attempting to invent false history, I do not argue, I already know he has no roots in what is now Eritrea. He/she has something to hide from past. Politicians use history, but your diaspora opposition are unique, in that they can package their old secret and hate in new clothing. The hate against Agazi is very old, but everyone that believes in the liberation of all peoples near or far should defend.

I know some people may think it asTigrigna speaking people's heritage, but its to mention peoples from northern part of your country that I know well, a heritage of the Afar, a heritage of the Agew, a heritage of the Irob and in kingdoms its heritage of the kingdom of Gojjam, Lasta Wag, Semieyen ena Tigray, Tigray, which included of Eritrea today.

Glory to Agazi of the World.