R meets JEdit ... yet another R editor ? Romain Fran¸cois Independent R Consultant [email protected] R meets Jedit

About me Romain Fran¸cois Experience with R Background

features tour Tree Display of code Error/Warning list Completion popups I Statistician Object browser Debugger

I R user for about 8 years

I Involved in development of several R packages

I Maintainer for R Graph Gallery http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques

I Professionnal R at Mango Solutions (2006-2008)

I Independent R contractor since august 2008 R meets Jedit

Jedit Romain Fran¸cois General information Background

features tour Tree Display of code Error/Warning list Completion popups Object browser Debugger

I open source (GPL) licencing model

I maintained by a core team

I plugin oriented

I (swing) based

I Maintained at Sourceforge

I http://www.jedit.org/index.php R meets Jedit

Features Tour Romain Fran¸cois


features tour Tree Display of code Error/Warning list Completion popups Object browser Debugger I Console

I Tree outline of source code

I Display of syntax errors and warnings

I Completion popups

I Synchronization

I Object Browser

I Debugger R meets Jedit

Features Tour - Tree display Romain Fran¸cois Summarizes the source code in a tree display based on the output from the R parser Background features tour Tree Display of code Error/Warning list Completion popups Object browser Debugger R meets Jedit

Features Tour - Error List Romain Fran¸cois Provides visual integration of the codetools package. Background

features tour Tree Display of code Error/Warning list Completion popups Object browser Debugger R meets Jedit

Features Tour - Completion Popups (1) Romain Fran¸cois Completion Information - The R help system at your fingertips Background

features tour Tree Display of code Error/Warning list Completion popups Object browser Debugger R meets Jedit

Features Tour - Completion Popups (1) Romain Fran¸cois Completion Information - Other helper completions for graphics Background

features tour Tree Display of code Error/Warning list Completion popups Object browser Debugger R meets Jedit

Features Tour - Object browser Romain Fran¸cois Object browser Background

features tour Tree Display of code Error/Warning list Completion popups Object browser Debugger R meets Jedit

Features Tour - Debugger Romain Fran¸cois Integrated Debugger - Visual display of the browser,debug,recover family Background

features tour Tree Display of code Error/Warning list Completion popups Object browser Debugger R meets Jedit

Features Tour - Debugger Romain Fran¸cois Integrated Debugger - Visual display of the browser,debug,recover family Background

features tour Tree Display of code Error/Warning list Completion popups Object browser Debugger R meets Jedit

Future Features Romain Fran¸cois


features tour Tree Display of code Error/Warning list Completion popups Object browser Debugger I Package Developer, builder, installer

I Unit test integration

I Profiler

I Data editor

I Support for Sweave

I Integrated and Resource aware help system Questions ? Romain Fran¸cois Independent R Consultant http://romainfrancois.blog.free.fr