Application of the Analysis Method for Solving Equal-Width Wave and Modified Equal-Width Wave Equations

Esmail Baboliana, Jamshid Saeidiana, and Mahmood Paripourb a Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Tarbiat Moallem University, 599 Taleghani avenue, Tehran 1561836314, Iran b Hamedan University of Technology, Hamedan, 65156-579, Iran Reprint requests to J. S.; E-mail: [email protected]

Z. Naturforsch. 64a, 685 – 690 (2009); received November 3, 2008 / revised March 1, 2009

Although the (HAM) is, by now, a well-known analytic method for handling functional equations, there is no general proof of its applicability to all kinds of equations. In this paper, by using this method to solve equal-width wave (EW) and modified equal-width wave (MEW) equations, we have made a new contribution to this field of research. Our goal is to emphasize on two points: one is the efficiency of HAM in handling these important family of equations and its superiority over other analytic methods like homotopy perturbation method (HPM), variational itera- tion method (VIM), and Adomian decomposition method (ADM). The other point is that although the considered two equations have different nonlinear terms, we have used the same auxiliary elements to solve them.

Key words: Homotopy Analysis Method; Equal-Width Wave Equation; Modified Equal-Width Wave Equation; Nonlinear Equations. PACS numbers: 02.30.Jr; 02.60.Cb; 02.90.+p; 05.45.Yv

1. Introduction therein. In this method, Liao uses homotopy, a concept from , to continuously deform the nonlinear Nonlinear equations have been of considerable in- equation under study to a system of linear ones. terest among scientists because they model many sci- The reasons for the preference of HAM over other entific problems arising in different fields. Although, analytic techniques can be listed as follows: numerical methods have largely been applied to solve (i) HAM properly overcomes restrictions of pertur- these equations, some restrictions of numerical meth- bation techniques because it doesn’t need any small or ods have motivated scientists to search for analytic large parameters to be contained in the equation. solutions. So there are, also, analytic techniques for (ii) Liao, in his book [2], proves that this method solving nonlinear problems, among the classic ones is a generalization of some previously used techniques we can consider Lyapunov’s artificial small parameter such as δ-expansion method, artificial small parameter method, perturbation techniques, and the δ-expansion method, and ADM. Also, it is shown that HPM [14] is method. Recently the idea of giving analytic approx- just a special case of HAM [10, 13, 15]. imations to functional equations has largely devel- oped and some new techniques have been proposed. (iii) Unlike previous analytic techniques, HAM Among the newly developed ones are the Adomian provides us with a convenient way to adjust and con- trol the convergence region and rate of approximation decomposition method (ADM), the homotopy analy- h sis method (HAM), the variational iteration method . This is done by using the so called ¯-curves, (VIM), the homotopy perturbation method (HPM), the see [2]. tanh method, the sine-cosine method, and the exp- The present work concerns with the application of function method. HAM in solving the equal-width wave (EW) equation Homotopy analysis method (HAM), first proposed and a modified form of this equation. We focus on two by Liao [1, 2], is an elegant method which has proved points: firstly, the applicability and efficiency of HAM its effectiveness and efficiency in solving many types in handling this family of wave-type equations and of functional equations, see [1 – 13] and the references its superiority in comparison with other techniques.

0932–0784 / 09 / 1100–0685 $ 06.00 c 2009 Verlag der Zeitschrift f¨ur Naturforschung, T¨ubingen · 686 E. Babolian et al. · HAM for Equal-Width Wave and Modified Equal-Width Wave Equations Secondly, although the wave-type equations may have If the auxiliary linear operator, the initial guess, different nonlinear terms, when applying HAM we can the auxiliary parameter, and the auxiliary function are treat them by using a general choice of auxiliary ele- properly chosen, the series (2) converges at q = 1and ments. we have ∞ 2. Basic Idea of HAM u(r,t)=u0(r,t)+ ∑ um(r,t), (4) m=1 For a good understanding of HAM the reader is re- ferred to Liao’s book [2], also a general introduction which must be a solution to the original nonlinear and recent developments could be found in [16]. In this equation, this has been proved by Liao [2]. If we set h = − H(r,t)= section we briefly review the basic idea of HAM. Let ¯ 1and 1, equation (1) becomes us consider the following nonlinear equation in a gen- (1 − q)L[φ(r,t;q) − v (r,t)] + qN[φ(r,t;q)] = 0, eral form: 0 which is a special case and is used in the homotopy N[u(r,t)] = 0, perturbation method (HPM). where N is a nonlinear operator, u(r,t) is an unknown According to (3), the governing equations for function, and r and t denote spatial and temporal in- um(x,t) can be deduced from the zeroth-order defor- dependent variables, respectively. At this stage we ig- mation equation (1). Define the vector nore initial or boundary conditions, because they are u =[u (r,t),u (r,t),...,u (r,t)]. not used, directly, in construction of the so-called ‘ho- n 0 1 n motopy equation’. Actually we have to refer to these Differentiating equation (1) m times with respect to the conditions for solving the resulting linear system, for embedding parameter q, then setting q = 0 and finally more details see [2, 16, 17]. By means of generalizing dividing by m!, we have the so-called ‘mth-order de- the traditional homotopy method, Liao constructs the formation equation’, so-called ‘zeroth-order deformation equation’ L[um(r,t)−χmum−1(r,t)] = hH¯ (r,t)Rm(um−1,r,t), (5) (1−q)L[φ(r,t;q)−v0(r,t)] = qhH¯ (r,t)N[φ(r,t;q)], (1) where where q ∈ [0,1] is the embedding (or homotopy) pa- m− rameter,h ¯ = 0 is a non-zero auxiliary parameter – 1 ∂ 1N[φ(r,t;q)] Rm(um− ,r,t)= |q= , (6) which recently renamed to ‘convergence-control pa- 1 (m − 1)! ∂qm−1 0 rameter’, H(r,t) is an auxiliary function, L is an auxil- iary linear operator, v0(r,t) is an initial guess for u(r,t), and φ(r,t q)  and ; is an unknown function. It is important , m ≤ χ = 0 1 that we have great freedom to choose auxiliary ele- m , m > . ments in HAM [2]. Obviously, when q = 0andq = 1 1 1 one has Directly substituting the series (2) into the zeroth- order deformation equation (1), equating coefficients φ(r,t;0)=v0(r,t), φ(r,t;1)=u(r,t). of like-power of the embedding parameter q, one can Thus as q increases from 0 to 1, the solution φ(r,t;q) get the same high-order deformation (5), as proved varies from the initial guess v0(r,t) to the solu- in [10, 15, 16]. Equation (5) is a linear one, so we tion u(r,t). Expanding φ(r,t;q) in Taylor series with have transformed a nonlinear equation to a set of lin- respect to q,wehave ear ones, which can be easily solved using an iterative u (r,t) ∞ procedure. After solving (5), we can substitute m m in (4) and obtain an approximation of arbitrary order. φ(r,t;q)=u0(r,t)+ ∑ um(r,t)q , (2) m=1 It worths noting that HAM, in many cases, leads to a series which gives the exact solution, see e. g. [17], and where using the auxiliary parameterh ¯ one can adjust and con- ∂mφ(r,t q) trol the convergence region and rate of approximation u (r,t)= 1 ; | . m m q=0 (3) h m! ∂q series. The discussion on how to use ¯ is made in [2]. E. Babolian et al. · HAM for Equal-Width Wave and Modified Equal-Width Wave Equations 687 When we are aiming to get approximate solutions, we ement scheme to the EW equation [20]. An spec- can use only the few first terms in (4), without having tral method, finite difference method, and cubic B- concern to get an exact solution series. spline collocation method also has been applied to In HAM what we are mainly concerned about is solve the aforementioned equation. Recently, Yusu- how to choose the initial guess (v0), the auxiliary lin- foglu and Bekir solved this equation using VIM and ear operator L, and the auxiliary function H(r,t).Liao, ADM [21]. in his book [2], has proposed three rules for choosing these components, actually here we get advantage of 4. Modified Equal-Width Wave Equation all informations about the equation such as its physi- cal background and boundary/initial conditions. In the The modified equal-width wave (MEW) equation is cases, like our considered equations, it’s common to formulated as follows: choose the auxiliary function to be H(r,t)=1, as 2 used by many authors [7, 9, 17]. When we don’t have ut + εu ux − µuxxt = 0. (9) enough information to decide on a set of base func- tions, this choice for H seems to be a good alterna- This equation has a solitary wave solution of the form tive. 1 u(x,t)=A (√ (x − ct − x )), It seems that when we don’t emphasize on a set of sech µ 0 (10) base function, for representing the solution, there is no  difference between HAM and HPM. This isn’t true be- A = 6c cause the HAM still contains the convergence-control where ε . Authors have used various kinds of parameterh ¯ which provides us with a simple way to ad- numerical methods to solve (9). Zaki [22] used a quin- just and control the convergence region and rate of the tic B-spline collocation method to investigate the mo- approximation series. This advantage of HAM makes tion of a single solitary wave, interaction of two soli- it superior in comparison with other analytic methods tary waves, and birth of solitons for the MEW equa- and perturbation techniques. tion. Hamdi et al. [23] derived exact solitary wave so- lutions of the MEW. Evans and Raslan [24] solved the 3. Equal-Width Wave (EW) Equation MEW equation by a collocation finite element method using quadratic B-splines to obtain the numerical solu- The equal-width wave (EW) equation plays a major tions of the single solitary wave, solitary waves inter- role in the study of nonlinear dispersive waves since it action, and birth of solitons. Also, a linearized numeri- describes a broad class of physical phenomena such as cal scheme based on finite difference method has been shallow water waves and ion acoustic plasma waves. used by Esen and Kutluay [25]. Wazwaz [26] investi- The EW equation, derived for long waves propagating gated the MEW equation and two of its variants by the in the positive x-direction has the form tanh and the sine-cosine methods.

ut + uux − uxxt = 0, (7) 5. HAM Solutions with the initial condition In this section we apply HAM to EW and MEW x − equations. In both problems, we set the initial guess 2 15 u(x,0)=3 sech ( ). (8) to be v0(x,t)=u(x,0), i. e. the initial condition, use 2 L = ∂ H = the auxiliary linear operator ∂t and put 1 In the fluid problem u is related to the vertical displace- to be the auxiliary function. These simple choices are ment of the water surface, while in the plasma applica- very effective. To show this fact we will give approxi- tion u is the negative of the electrostatic potential. mations and compute error terms. All calculations are A numerical simulation and explicit solution of done with Maple 11, a simple procedure have been the EW equation were obtained by Raslan [18]. He written to compute the series terms. Our choices for v0, used a combination of the collocation method us- L,andH seems valuable, because we don’t get use ing quadratic B-splines and the Runge-Kutta method. of any rule of solution expression (see [2]) for repre- Dogan applied the Galerkin method to this equa- senting the solution. So our choices are independent of tion [19]. Also, Zaki used the least square finite el- physical backgrounds. 688 E. Babolian et al. · HAM for Equal-Width Wave and Modified Equal-Width Wave Equations 5.1. EW Equation equations we have   x − Considering (7) and (8) we have the zeroth-order de- 2 15 u0(x,t)=3sech , formation equation as follows: 2     ( − q)(φ − v )=qh(φ + φφ − φ ). x − 15 x − 15 1 t 0t ¯ t x xxt (11) u (x,t)=−9sech4 tanh ht¯ , 1 2 2 Solving the corresponding mth-order deformation      −189 x − 15 81 x − 15 u (x,t)= sech8 + sech6 h¯2t2 2 4 2 2 2          x − 15 x − 15 135 x − 15 x − 15 + 9(3¯h− 1)sech4 tanh − sech6 tanh ht¯ , 2 2 2 2 2          x − 15 189 x − 15 135 x − 15 x − 15 u (x,t)= 81sech6 − sech8 + sech10 tanh 3 2 2 2 4 2 2          x − 15 x − 15 99 x − 15 747 x − 15 −24sech8 tanh h¯2t2 + − h¯sech6 + h¯sech8 2 2 2 2 4 2       1161 x − 15 x − 15 x − 15 − h¯sech10 − 9sech4 tanh ht¯ 4 2 2 2          x − 15 x − 15 x − 15 x − 15 + 54sech4 tanh − 9¯hsech4 tanh 2 2 2 2         x − 15 x − 15 165 x − 15 x − 15 −15sech6 tanh − h¯sech6 tanh 2 2 2 2 2     x − 15 x − 15 −105¯hsech8 tanh h¯ ..., 2 2

If we seth ¯ = −1 in these terms we have exactly the Table 1. Absolute errors of approximation for EW equation terms obtained by the ADM [20], so we see that the using HAM byh ¯ = 0.15. ADM is only a special case of HAM. We use these tx= x = x = x = x = x = four terms to construct the approximate solution 0 5 10 15 20 25 0.001 3.66E-9 5.44E-7 8.04E-5 5.52E-8 8.05E-5 5.45E-7 0.002 7.33E-9 1.08E-6 1.60E-4 2.20E-7 1.61E-4 1.09E-6 (x,t)=u (x,t)+u (x,t)+u (x,t)+u (x,t). app3 0 1 2 3 (12) 0.003 1.09E-8 1.63E-6 2.41E-4 4.96E-7 2.41E-4 1.63E-6 0.004 1.46E-8 2.17E-6 3.21E-4 8.83E-7 3.22E-4 2.18E-6 According to the theory ofh ¯-curves, which is dis- 0.01 3.65E-8 5.42E-6 8.01E-4 5.51E-6 8.08E-4 5.47E-6 cussed in [2], we plot theh ¯-curves corresponding to ut(0,0), utt(0,0),anduttt(0,0), and we have the For EW equation, there are three conservation laws, valid region forh ¯ as Rh¯ =[0.1,0.5]. Testing differ- corresponding to conservation of mass, momentum, ent values ofh ¯ in this valid region Rh¯ , we conclude and energy; they are [20]: that the valueh ¯ = 0.15 has the minimum error. We  b  b  b 2 2 3 have tabulated the absolute errors of HAM approxi- I1 = udx, I2 = (u + ux)dx, I3 = u dx. mation (12) forh ¯ = 0.15 in Table 1. It is seen that, a a a although we have used only four terms in constructing For computational reasons we chose the interval to the approximate solution, it is very close to the exact be [0,80], as was chosen in [20]. The efficiency of solution in the time interval discussed in references, HAM and its superiority in comparison with VIM and see [21]. HPM can easily be checked in Table 2, where we have E. Babolian et al. · HAM for Equal-Width Wave and Modified Equal-Width Wave Equations 689 tI1 exact I1 HAM I1 HPM I1 ADM I1 VIM Table 2. Computed quantities 0.001 11.99999633 11.99999633 11.99999633 11.99999637 11.99999636 I1, I2,andI3 for EW by HAM, 0.002 11.99999633 11.99999633 11.99999633 11.99999637 11.99999636 HPM, ADM, and VIM. 0.003 11.99999634 11.99999633 11.99999633 11.99999636 11.99999636 0.004 11.99999634 11.99999633 11.99999633 11.99999636 11.99999636 0.005 11.99999634 11.99999633 11.99999633 11.99999636 11.99999636 0.01 11.99999637 11.99999633 11.99999633 11.99999636 11.99999636 tI2exact I2 HAM I2 HPM I2 ADM I2 VIM 0.001 28.80000000 28.80001839 28.80913120 28.80913169 28.80014584 0.002 28.80000000 28.80007357 28.83652503 28.83652549 28.80058191 0.003 28.79999998 28.80016554 28.88218190 28.88218237 28.80130870 0.004 28.80000001 28.80029429 28.94610254 28.94610301 28.80232622 0.005 28.80000000 28.80045984 29.02828799 29.02828846 28.80363453 0.01 28.79999999 28.80183935 29.71324466 29.71324514 28.81453942 tI3 exact I3 HAM I3 HPM I3 ADM I3 VIM 0.001 57.60000001 57.60004061 57.60863394 57.60863445 57.60009994 0.002 57.60000001 57.60016243 57.63453609 57.63453659 57.60039822 0.003 57.60000000 57.60036546 57.67770728 57.67770778 57.60089544 0.004 57.60000004 57.60064971 57.73814894 57.73814947 57.60159154 0.005 57.60000004 57.60101517 57.81586322 57.81586374 57.60248656 0.01 57.60000001 57.60406070 58.46363371 58.46363419 57.60994790

Table 3. Absolute errors of approximation for MEW equation u2(x,t)= h = − /   using HAM by ¯ 2 3. 45 27 sech5(x − 30) − sech7(x − 30) h¯2t2 tx= 20 x = 25 x = 30 x = 35 x = 40 x = 45 2048 1024 0.01 2.83E-8 4.202E-6 1.27E-13 4.20E-6 2.83E-8 1.91E-10  0.05 1.41E-7 2.095E-5 1.00E-10 2.10E-5 1.42E-7 9.58E-10 3 + − sech3(x − 30)tanh(x − 30) 0.1 2.81E-7 4.170E-5 1.20E-9 4.23E-5 2.85E-7 1.92E-9 64 0.5 1.37E-6 2.038E-4 7.93E-7 2.16E-4 1.46E-6 9.86E-9 1 2.66E-6 3.950E-4 1.26E-5 4.47E-4 3.02E-6 2.03E-8 3 + h¯sech3(x − 30)tanh(x − 30) 8 computed the values of I1, I2,andI3 for different values  15 of t, see [20]. − h¯sech5(x − 30)tanh(x − 30) ht¯ , 16 . 5.2. MEW Equation . Considering (9), we study the case where µ = 1, ε = We use these three terms to construct the approximate 3, and A = 0.25. Other cases can be treated in a similar solution way. The initial condition is (x,t)=u (x,t)+u (x,t)+u (x,t). app3 0 1 2 (15) 1 x = u(x,0)= sech(x − 30). (13) The maximum error occurs on point 30, so we 4 search for a value ofh ¯ which reduces the error at this point (which will consequently reduce the error in The zeroth-order deformation equation is constructed other points). Fromh ¯-curves it is seen thath ¯ = −2/3 as follows: is the most suitable value. If one choosesh ¯ = −1 one 2 will have the HPM results, which is not as good as (1 − q)(φt − v0t)=qh¯(φt + 3φ φx − φxxt ). (14) our choice at the point x = 30. Choosingh ¯ = −2/3 Solving the corresponding mth-order deformation we have tabulated the absolute errors of HAM approx- equation we have imation (15) in Table 3. The points in table are chosen according to [25]. 1 u (x,t)= sech(x − 30), 0 4 6. Conclusions 3 In this paper, we have solved the equal-width and u (x,t)=− sech3(x − 30)tanh(x − 30)ht¯ , 1 64 modified equal-width wave equations using HAM. We 690 E. Babolian et al. · HAM for Equal-Width Wave and Modified Equal-Width Wave Equations used only four and three terms, respectively, to con- checked in Tables 1, 2, and 3. The results are valuable struct the approximations. These approximations are because we have a continuous approximation, which is close enough to the exact solutions as can be easily useful for computational purposes.

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