
Law : Dispute Resolution, Mediation, Arbitration

Mcmahon, Belinda (Ed.) The Iron Rhine (IJzeren Rijn) Arbitration (- ) Award of 2005

With an Introduction by Colin Warbrick, Professor of Public International Law at the University of Birmingham, UK and a Foreword by Tjaco T. van den Hout, Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration The Iron Rhine Arbitration (or “IJzeren Rijn” as it is known in Dutch) (2005) decided a dispute between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of The Netherlands concerning the reactivation of the Iron Rhine railway linking the Port of , Belgium, to the Rhine Basin in across certain parts of Dutch territory. The Arbitral T.M.C. Asser Press Tribunal was called upon to interpret nineteenth century treaties, which granted certain rights to Belgium on the territory of The Netherlands, and to consider the entitlement of The 1st Edition., X, 318 p. 1st Netherlands to insist on conditions specified under Dutch law, particularly with respect to edition environmental protection, for reactivation of the railway. This unique bi-lingual edition comprises the official English version of the Award rendered in the Iron Rhine Arbitration, and a French translation. In a perceptive introduction, Colin Warbrick, Professor of Public Printed book International Law at the University of Birmingham, has considered the Award in the context of Hardcover its contribution to international and European Community law issues. As Professor Warbrick remarks, the significance of this case will extend far beyond the interests of the two States Printed book involved. Hardcover ISBN 978-90-6704-235-2 Order online at springer.com/booksellers $ 99,00 Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC Out of stock 233 Spring Street New York, NY 10013 Discount group USA Professional Books (2) T: +1-800-SPRINGER NATURE Product category (777-4643) or 212-460-1500 Reviews [email protected] Series Permanent Court of Arbitration Award Series Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-90-6704-714-2

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