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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

3-2-1939 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society.

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1939). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1936.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 1939 WHAT BUILDS A em? IS IT LOYALTY TO AND SUPPORT OF ITS INSTlTUTIONS-STORES, BANKS, TOBACCO WAREQUSBS, L'UJ&,;; AftD BER YARDS, FILLIN'G STATIONS, STOCK YARDS, AUTOMOBILE I BACKW LOOK DEALERS, PLUMBERS, PAINTERS, CARPENTERS, AND JIMDN lOIIWIo I PAPERS? THE BULLOCH TIMES HAS BEEN PRINTED IN BULLOCH COUNTY SINCE 1892. EVERY DOLLAR • MRS. R. L. BRADY, Editor ALLIE DONALDSON pAIl) B BMPLOYJ8 I' TEN YEARS AGO GOES BACK DIRECTLY TO THE INSTITUTIONS OF NOT INTO THE CASH 128 STATESBORO, REGISTERS OF RIVAL .. North Main Street ADVERTISING g'JIlIJIt1N1Tli:& Clubs :PerGonal Wishes to Announce that She is Now Bull.... Tim"", Feb. 28, 1119 WATCH OUR COLUMNS TO SEE WHICH OF STATESBORO'S INSTITUTIONS ARE ASKING FOR YOUR CO'()PEBATlOM IN BUILDING UP THIS CITY. THEN GIVE THEM YOUR Pire Chief was ta SUPPORT. Located Fashion Milli­ Bagin host city at the Shop employes, fire fighters and other nery Where She friendi at�npper. Harold of Deparbnen� Shnptrine, VE YOU READ?- "MilS Evelyc Rogers is spending BDlIocIa COIUIty, I, I,Personal was a business VIsitor In the c.ty 102 IT a 'if __ Purelv rm.!\,'\\l\l7@@11'\l ()I! Will Appreciate Call lOme time in Miami with her brother; In the Bean 'Jluosday. l.Q)�u. \IV � \Y "MULES" she will attend the of G.wefa, Mr. and Mrs. Hoke Brunson were Mrs. B. A Deal and MIss Brunelle From Her Friends. Sharkey-Strlbllng I "Wllere Nature Deal motored to Savannah IIHA look at dat flight." MilIedgevme'llSaturday mulel 'ri.ltors in Atlanta Tuesday. Lnwd-ah-mussyl San.- Miss Sara Wicker visited relatives [or the day When the citizenship committee en- As sho as my 01' head i. gray "Statesboro market yesterday sold for in for the week end. MISS Mary Margaret Bhtch, wbo ter tained at the Tea Pot Grille Dah's sumpin ah re'a run- BULLOCH Warreaton mattah, "mOl'9 than ever TIMES chickens had been Dr. and Mrs. Waldo motor- teaches at Swainsboro, was at borne MIS» Emlly Woodward, it was so nin' abw8yl YOUNG STUDENT RETURNS SHOWEIt Floyd MISCELLANEOUS aaaembled here at Olle time before-­ rOI the week end close to Cause movin' NEWS-STATESBORO ed to MacQn Sunday for the day WIIshington's birthday they dat fas is ahgin bis FOR CONCERT AT COLLEGE Mrs. H G. Cowart gave a miscella­ (STATESBORO ,EAGLE) Mr. Mrs. Fred T. Lanier Jr. decided must have more than 22,000 MISS Ruth Dabney, who teaches at and they something rules, neous sbower Friday afternoon ID pounds." and little with so cho e u heuu- Which "lrat Dublin, spent last week end here daughter spent Sunday very pntriot!c, they goes tah show dat mules is Leland Stanford Cox, of Atlanta, a honor of her daughter, Rubye Tbere district balketball tourna­ BDlIoch Tlmea, Establl�hed 1892 her in Hinesville tiful of and mules. former CoD.IOlldated January 17, 191'7, with her niece, M,ss AiJine Wlutc- parents centerpiece red, white, student of Teachers College, were about fifty guests present, They ment, sponsored by Savannab Mom­ Statesboro !IIeWl, Establlahed 1901 } MARCH 1989 Mr and Mrs. Holland and blue will GA., THURSDAY, 2, VOL, 47-NO. 61 side. Roger blue-e-white narCISSI, hyacinths, return for a were lemonade Hood crackers. Stateaboro Eagle, Eatabllshed 191'7-Consolldated Deeember 1920. �STATESBORO, Woe, dab; woe, dab; come heah molel Monday evening pt­ served iq News, will get UlIder way today; 9, Jurelle of Snvan- Mrs. Rufus Brudy motored to Savan- and red verbena. And you can't im- ana concert in the auditorium Miss Sbuptrine, Wha'd run college nuh for the that. you fum dah pastur eighteen teams wUl participate. last week end here with Wednesday day. agme unythmg prettier thun ' at 8 o'clock. Smee from nah, spent fah? graduating -SEWING CLUB , Mr. and Mrs. Brannen And Woodward was Mrs. J. A. Ruth DR. E. N. her Harvey spent MISS char-ming the college, where he received a B S McDougald, BROWN NAMED BISHOP SPEAKS BUILDING NEW HOME parents Did you step In ah jacket's nes' out Mrs. J.mmy Allen entertamed and Mrs. Bob of Wednesday m Snvunnuh us guests In every sense of the word She IS one and a In B. V. and J. W. Mr. Coursey, duh? degree certificate plano, Mr. members of ber sewing club at an McDougald, Page STILL INTER�TED ON DENTAL BOARD ON PARK AVENUE FIRST DISTRICf with her moth- v; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denmark. of those Indies you mean when y, Cox has continued his studies in to to Lyons, spent Sunday Do have some informal 'fuesday afternoon at Outland motored Savannah at­ Mrs Jack DeLoach and htUe of true Southern _ yellah-jncket.. rules party er, Mrs. W. L. Hull son, speak hospitahty Atlanta. Aldred on Dr. Dat dey don' cause mules i8 tbe home of Mrs. W. H. tend services being conducted by E. N. Bl'OWl', local haa Material I. being placed upon the 01 of Lyons, were week-end guests of At the tea for Cecile Howard breaks, The concert dentlqt, MISS EmIly Powell, Savunnah, given is sponsored by the South ]\fatn street. She used a va­ ABOUT POT 0' GOLD PLAYERS mules? been notified of his and a HONORFJ) moth- het Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Al- it was hard to laurels child evangelist, Uldlne Utley. appcintment ground for the conatruetion of home has arr-ived for n viait to her parents, Saturday grve Statesburo Music Club and is free to 01 ffowers for dec'orat­ dred riety garden won confirmation the state senate to H. on Mr5. E. W Powell. to any particular person. Never have You sho can run, you the The is as fol­ W. Ralph Mallard $400 cham­ by for Dr. C. McGinty Park ave­ er, lazy mule; puhlic. program ing and served a variety of sand­ Writer From Cincinnati Says Trophl" Are Presented at Cei visited her Mr and Mrs Leff DeLonch VISIted I seen such an of didn' bulk lows: on the Mnl. Fred Smith par- array lovely dresses, Why you right in dat nes' wiches nod cockles with Russian tea, pionsh.p at GeorJria Stste College of He Made Notes From membership state board of nue, near the Alfred Dorman home, III Story elusion Mr and Mrs. Sid Parrish, III his parents Claxton during tbo and did you notice how white An' tell dah jackets you to Chromatic and dental examiners. The of thl! TOlII'RUaeDt at ents, seemed, stopt Fantasy Fugue, Her guests were Mesdames James Agriculture by produolng 91.16 hush­ Told W. Brannen, board cOllllats work upon whlcb will be commenced Savannah. during the week week. to lend? Nita Morgan arrIVed dUT- res'') Bach. by'W. Brown, Reppard Itarry els of corn on an acre at a cost of of five members for the entire state, at once. This new home wlll be one Brooklet Saturday Mrs, Jason and httle the lovelier than ever do DeI,_oaeb, N"ht. Mrs Harry Smith nnd her mother, Morgan son, mg' tea, looking Or dey havtnh keep dem rules Rondo Capriccio (Rage over a Lost J. Shu­ Brunson, S,dney Lanier,' ,L. cents In these and Dr Brown is named for a' of the moat modern small homes In were v'Sltors In of were week-end in white taffeta dotted WIth In ah dah fack 30 per busael; net profit $63.68. clumns several weeks ago bemg Mrs. Savannah, gnests sequms. mules is mules? Beethoven. - Gordon Blitch, spite Penny), man Charhe Ralph Brooklet, Ga., Feb. 26.-More tIIaa of her Jr., Howard, of four :Savnnnah the week. parents, Dr and Mrs. J E. Surely when someone said "Divinely Sonata III B Britt Franklin, employed in Han­ there was published an extract from perlod years. that saction of the city. during Is ah mule? minor, Cbopm. Homer Simmons Jr and Ml"8. were Iit- Donehoo. it could be true you pollute-ISBnn Moore, 1,000 perlOns present Satu� Mr. and Mrs. E L Belble and fair, divinely tall," Intermission. wrote letter an mqUlry received from B. You lokos like one, dah Odell. kow, China, Interestmg Harry Mrs. Bonnie Morr.s and Mrs. J. B. as ever way you DllI'ht in the gymn..lum to _ tle Joan, motored to Sa- of Sarah Mooney; attractive Reflections m the Debussey. her, daughter, run" Water, to h.s parente, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Blair, of CIncinnati, Ohio, concerning ,fohnson motored to Savannah Tues- 'in black ve1vet with COl'onet of roses the of vnnnah Monday for the tJay • The WhIte Pellcock, Griffes. FACULTY championship gamea the Flrn Or IS you JUS ah mothah s son POR COLLEGE Franklin: "Now 1 must to the of a BOY SCOUT TROOPS LAND BANK GROUP Mr. and Mrs. Meldrim SImmons, of day nfternoon. in her haid the bride equally as at- Ravel. go dmner, alleged long-ago discovery district basketball Dat Ialls h,s niles! Ondine, Friday everung l\ir. ami Mrs. B. L. tournament III Dr. and Mrs. A }, ClIfton and tractlve.n cb.ffon.-You folks keep and aftsrward. I'm to bed and pot of the lats W. W. Bran­ Savannah, spent several days during 'whIch �h fatba'.s All members of the Statesboro to fer five gomg gold by whIch dat Wlll prove dot mules .s mules. Mu-I Smith were at home guests Collins of olas. B, and StiI.IO. on busmess Mts Joe Watson v.sited In Mctter who mlOsed the at the Meth_IDen the week JD the city program sic Club nre mvited to an informal tables oC whICh the read myself to sleep out of the Bul­ nen, of Bulloch county. The letter BEING HERE WED�DAY brIdge compnsecl ORGANIZED of class came out victorious 0..... 0; afternoon. odist church You ain't no C, M. and Mrs EdWald Kennedy, Monday Sunday night eVIdently pollute-ISHun, mule receptIOn ulter the concert. This will The loch which ha. come m." had been written m an ell'ort to 'ob­ memhers of the college faculty. 'funes, just Adrian and were week-end guests Miss Martha Cowart and Miss dIdn't know we hud a vested choir of Fah you known when you sturn- be the music club in Pembroke, relpectively. WrightsvIlle, given by college St. Patrick idea was cllrried out in tain a be broad­ Leaders From En­ Annual Meeting Stockholders of Mal Altman last week end in The deserves story mIght Throughout The of his mother, Mrs E H Kennedy y spent young people. program's fnU, the parlors of East Hall. the nut and tallies. A Shamrock victory for CoUlns make. BI III cupsl cast over the radio. Mr tire County Enter Federal Land Bank Mr and Mrs Waldo of Atlanta with Miss Cowart's par- credit.-Did see the artIcle 111 the An' when tah balk an' tah •• • TWENTY YEARS AGO Brannen, Actively Subsidi­ Patford, you when sandwiches and cakes wert! consecutive gameo this ._n. cnts salad, Into Work. Rocky Ford, were guests Sunday of paper Sunday that spoke of the Cones pull- well known to all old-time citIzens Organization Be Attended. ENTRE NOUS CLUB served with coffee or cocoa. A lovely Bulloch TiIlU!ll, Feb. 27, 1919 ary Largerly After the last game, Supt. E. Mrs l�red 'f. Miss Allie Donaldson has retnrned the town? Dr. Cone as may- Den some folks Jl.. her parents, Mr and leading say dat mules is fools, The was cases for of Bulloch died in December, Entre Nous bTldge club pmr of hand-stitched pillow county, of Ludowici, of the Lanier. from the Atlantll mmkets, where she or; Mrs. R L. Cone, president of the But fo'ks is an' mules is mules. Rev. W. T. Granade, new pastor Definite plans for some eight 0, ten Bell, prealdent fools, entertsined at a Friday Indies' score was won Mi88 and 80 far as was known the Juhan H Scarboro, pre81dent of went to for her lovely party high by 1921, First dlstr:rt th. Mrs F. A. Smallwood, F.... ncls buy mIllinery spring Woman's Club; Cha, lie Cone, presi- -Author Unknown. of tbe BaptIst arrived troops of Boy Scoute were made at a association, made afternoon by Mrs. W. R. Blitch at her Sophie Johnson A carton of cigar­ church, dunng of the died the Land last busllless. dent of the Chamber of Commerce; mystery reputed d.scovery Federal Bank, Columbia, S. awards to and Bca Dot Smallwood, spent home on Zetterower avenue. Potted ottes for men's went to Dr. C. the week and h.s of the the wln"lnC Col. Mr hIgh began pastorate with him had heard meetlDg Saturday orgJl,cdza­ teaml., week end "ith her mother III Attu- and Mrs. I. W Rhodes, of Sa- Gilbert Cone, head of the Rotsry Many persons C, has been invited to meet the hns plants and cut flowers were effecttve- W Smith. l"ostoria asb trays for last Sunday. tion commIttee, accordIng to Rev. and Stilson recelVlld a l'6tau.. vannah, were called here Sunday be- Mrs. G.lbert Cone, preSIdent of of the but none so far has pulgus. Club; Dr and were about the roems lfl ladies' wero Mrs Paul .ncident, Mrs. p.ttman visitors Iy arranged high gIven Dr. A. J. WTote article Frank coun­ local of the Statesboro Con- cup each. Three consecutive Rev. and Mr. Jardine re- cause of the deuh of her father, M. the MUSIC and Mrs. Cbarles E. Mooney Gllmore, cha,rman of tbe BISBOP J. L. DECELL, members yeara' Clyde Club, her table8 were for and a double deck of cards been able to an understandable In arranged bndge. Thompson, will make the a turned from Waycross, J Kinard. Cone, head of the U D C. chaptsr? Guyton Sunday. urging the building of a hospItal ,n committee. who will at the Coi- sohdated Natlona! Farm Loan A&- victory cup perm. Saturday A lovely pot plant was g.ven for for men went to Dr M. A_ Owen. account of the inc.dent. ty speak Wesleyan where attended the MISS Brunelle Delli has returned to -When to the different par- MISS a nent pcase.sion, Adrian and Pem­ they EpIscopal you go Helen Parker, who teaches score and was won Mrs Z Statesboro as memorial to World The plans call for at least four at Statesboro at in high hy WIthin the week the TImes has reo loge Bally Tuesday. soclation their annual meeting ,·onvention Waycross after spending several days tIes you invariably find our folks all broke received lmaller at. Alamo, was at bome during the Wh.tehurst. A box of cookies for Jo'RIENDLY SIXTEEN War veterans. troops in Statesboro, which are to permane. Mr Mrs Wllhams and hcre with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. dressed with beautiful azaleas that ce.ved another from Mr. Statesburo Wednesday, Marelt 8th, at and Clyde up cut was Mrs. H F. Arundel. mquiry and the £bird vIo­ week end given were enter­ Sasser has returned to lle tbe the lOVIng cups, place Miss Martha Sue B. A. Denl. resemble and as you The Friendly SIXtcen Ralph spcoaored by Rotary Club, daughter, W.lhams, closely orchids, Tbe bostess served a salad and a Blair, and that mqUIry i. bemg pub­ 10 o'clock. The will be held Mr tamed at a been Junior Ohamber the meeting ton, State.boro alld Summ.rtowa, of were week-end guests of and Mrs. Homer SImmons and ride around town .t's amazing the Mrs Olin of delightful party Tuesday Statesburo, having recently ofl Commeree, BEGINNING 'futon, Franklin, Atlanta, sweet course with a beverage. Tilrce IIsbed in the hope that somebody may PLANS relat,ves here httle daughter, Eva Jule, spent Illst different colors now. uJ'ternoon by Mrs. F. A. Smallwood mWltered out of the after his church and the in the court houae. received buketballl, on th. predominating spent several days during the week tables of players were present army Baptist' pr.,yerl week end WIth ber Mrs. at her home on Jones avenue She be able to g,ve the deSIred informa­ Mr nnd Mrs Lonme Scarboro, of mother, The redbud tree in front of tbe Edwin return from France. Various offIcers of the organisa­ Collins and Stilson teama were &1".. in the CIty. carried out tbe !:���ist Miami, Fin, spent several duys dUl"· 'Vlgham, in Bartow. Groover yard is a picture, and the George �hington Uon-and perhapo somebody may find �LEYAN DRIVE mlcdature IUver belketballa, Mrs LADIES' AUXlLrARY flowers Box supper advertised at Mitchell E. L. Womack was sure that tion wlll be electad at this annual his Mrs Mr and Mrs Groover Blitch and a burder of Inman Foy, accompanied by idea and used red and whIte fairly ing the week WIth mother, cedar with yellOW jasmlDe suitable compensation for having Mr. Bell were on a at Farmers from Ev­ then allllounced tba all­ httle are some In Anderson are worth Mis3 Maxunn Circle No.1 of the Ladles AWClhary for decorating Red hatchets school evening of March 8; pUblic troop would be organized Portal. meeting. Bulloch, M. S Scarboro son, Groover, spending the Dell yard Foy and Miss Margaret done so. Local ComMittee to Meet This of tbe with Mrs. used lor cardB. A contest to and counties .tar toun.ament pia,. a.a folloWII: Mr. lind Mrs Phil Belin and Mr lIme in Savannah with her parents, ridIng by to see.-Namil'g the super- motored to Presbyterian church, place pin mvited; proceeds be Wled for bene­ Rev. GIlmore atated that there ans, EfflDgham Bryan Brown, Savannab Thurs- The last letter on the 15 as at Social Room MI Beaver as met Monday WIIS WIth a novolty tape subject Evening Pirst cluo B: of and Mrs. George Bean and httle llnd Mrs. Zlttrauer latlv.s in High School Sarah Alice Roy leader, enjoyed, fit of Mhool; Mls& Malvina Tl'IIl!seU, would be troops at Brooklet and are members of tho oreanl�atlon. T. strlnJ' And.raon, day Mrs. won �Of Methodist Church. In Paul of who IS was voted the afternoon at the home of Henry measure for the prize being by follows: of

pose of enforcing the payment of tea NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER eertain promissory notes all dated POWER COMPANY 1939 MARKS TENlII ANNIVERSARY IN •• •• March and for the STATE OF OF AMERICAN INDEPENIINCE titRATE: Nobody's Business' 15. 1930, being GEORGIA, sum of besides in­ COUNTY OF I I1.------principal $1,000.00, BULLOCH. terest. Said notes due Because GIVESLOWRAT� (By GEE McGEE, Anderson, S. C,) being past of default in the payment Lanier's and the said Harry Moore Jr. hav­ of the indebtedness secured by a deed Mortuary defaulted in the of the to secure debt $190,000 Annually Be Saved to ing payment executed by Clyde W. )..;- fore we new tax same. Shearouse to Home Owners' Loan Funeral Directors of Com­ SPORT NEWS FROM .'LAT ROCK study ways to the 20,000 Customers The toto 1 amount due to data. of dated the of as as the rich. All up Corporation, 18th day one of the fastest basketball poor well previous pany in Georgia. games sale is $1.640.00, together with the June, 1934, and recorded in deed book In new was on our local tax studies have ended taxes cver saw staged cost of this foreclosure. Ill, pages 488-4, III the efflce of with all of the old ones still attach­ Atlanta, G", Feb. 26.- A reduc­ coart last friday night betwixt the A deed conveying title in fee sim­ the clerk of superior court of Bulloch cd to us. will be made to the at tion In commercial electr-ic rates of cedar lane hot dogs and the flnt rock ple purchaser county, Georgia, the undersigned, which ''\: said sale. Home Owners' Loan Corporation, Phone 340 Phone 416 the Georgm Power Company, } weinmes. _ Day Night WEEKLY NEWS LETI'ER FROM This February 7, 1939. pursuant to said deed and the note will result in savings of approxi­ J. A. WILSON. seeui has declured the en­ 5 'anttc) FLAT ROCK thereby ed, mately $190,000 annually for an es­ some verry smart plays were pulled tire amount of said indebtedness due deer mr cdditor: TRUSTEE'S SALE timated 20,000 customers, ,,;U go 11110 off. hopper skinner throwed 3 golds and payable, and pursuant to the i notis the that the nobel of sale ell'ect March 1, P. S. Arkwright, pres­ from cedar lane's gold in U pinch by papers power contained in said deed Under nnd by virtue of an appoint­ prize was to herr hitler of will, on the first Tuesday in March, ident of the company, stated today. play, and 2 other attempts from the givven ment made by Harry H. Anderson the hours �f that sounds sorter hke 1939, during' legal sale, The reduction i. made auto­ same lIne almost bul the ball germanny. under the power contained in a deed being scored, at the court house door in said coun­ a a medal for to secure debt from IIfrs. W. T. matically as the operation of a pro­ bounced off of the basket, grvvmg maddog gold Cook, ty, sell at public outery to the high­ D. R. W. C. J. P. J. motional rate schedule into ef­ biting only 3 of our 6 children. of Cook, Cook, Cook, est bidder, for cash, the property put H. J. C. A. L. Mrs. the score tied for 2 end­ coarse he a war Cook, Cook, COQk, described in to-wit: COTTON SEE'D "immedi­ stayed up pre cnted by accept­ said deed, fect in 1934. The-so-called L. E. Green and Mrs. Emma Lewis to All or year 193. marta the tenth ot two truck and tratl­ are 45 to hot was a­ that certain tract lot ate" rate for users of commercial Cpnsl8t1ng crops grown under condltlonB ings, being 45, then the dogs mg free of charge what he the Pembroke National Bank, dated of THE or American Inde­ er tbe Is land situate, lying and R.l'lnlVer8ary eomblnatlons, Motorcade ot nitrogen �hortlLge. put in 2 new unknown to to for. being'in lighting service will be wiped out und players, fixing fight the 4th day of June, 1935, and recorded the 1523rd G. M. Bulloch ot torelen nitrate, a caem­ a vivid, dramaUc presentation or Tbe Pre·Vlew on district, pendence Wheels becomes the tallies in the office 1 of the clerk of the 8U­ the lower "inducement" rate will be wemmes, and they got 8 county, and in the town leal or Importance tbe Fall' In miniature and Is a veritable at Georgill, product great being talryland night when It seems that our was penor court of, Bulloch Geor­ to all customers in this class. befoar they were ruled off the co art congress county. of Brooklet, Ga., with all improve­ applied to agriculture, Indust,.,. and tha viewed by thousand. dally. Farm­ ten thousand watts ot in book of No. electricity to make the relief fund gia, deeds 115, pages ments such metes ers the refferee ansoforth. willing 725,- thereon, having SALE a FOR by Under the commercial rate schedules Belf·contalnment ot the Soutb. It I. bave conatttuted large part drenoh the display In floodlights ot 113 and and on the 20th of 114, day and bounds as are now herein set ot audience 000,000$ instid of 825,000,000$. that the Public also the ot tbe ot the tbls_ primarily bocause color. The T,.,.lon and the Perts­ transferred and as­ prescribed by Georgia year opening January, 1939, forth: Beginning at a point on the a who not to see the was a stunt ... ot tbelr Interest In tbe exblblt, but phere, as well as the Fall' boy did pay pretty good political the Pembroke National Service Commission in March, 1934, New York World's Fall' whlcb. Is bulldtnga, signed by northwest corner of said lot which also because they now havo more are tn large-ecnle diorama. SUIJple. game but had concealed bissel1 up in which means that they "ill have to Bank to Harry H: Anderson, the un­ It was provided that the immediate being heralded In unusual tonn by is 50 feet from the old Savnnnah leisure hours than In years past. ali auimated trustee will offer for sale the distributors ot Arcadian Nitrate, m�nted by educational tbe loft of the gymnasIUm fell out add to this fund in july rather than deraigned and Statesboro Railroad, thence rate should be eliminated at the end This Is accounted tor by the use display, depicting through the use at public outcry at the door of the tho American Soda. To to the when the game got exciting and land­ wait till august to "do so. south 33 degl ecs, 15 minutes east a of a and the induce­ brlug of modern court house of said at States­ five-year period farming Implements and ot a pictorial map the manufacture " county distance of 260 feet to an iron people ot the South an advance ed on of mudd lark's head and rail. ment rate made available to com­ Improved plant foods. For top with in the hours sale on Merritt's .Cleveland all example. nnd distribUtion of Arcadian NI. boro, legal of thence a hne which is 12", ot the World's Fall', of them hur t deal mr. holsum moore, flat rock's most along showing they Arcaalan Nitrate saves counttoee the American both got a great the first Tuesday, the 7th day mercial users. - trate, Soda, and an being feet from the Shearwood Railroad lighting - have sponaored the New York mtellfgent so he says, has of boura ot farming time, tor the de­ exhibit known as "The WIth bruises and bumps. citizen, March, 1939, the follOwing proper­ an W I L T RES 1ST ANT, 16,000 customers Home Folks' tract a distance of 200 feet to Approximately World'. Fall' 1939 Pre-vtew on sired all of the traffiC betwixt to-wit: crop quantity can be produced Doltar" which provldea economic figgered up ty, iron rail, thence said and lower in­ along have already earned the Wheels and Southern Motorcade from All that certain tract Or of much lOBS land than where data r slim chance Jr. fell on the ball cedar lane which passes through fiat parcel same hne a distance of 222 feet to STAPLE FULL ONE INCH. rate .------.------BOTASH makes tobacco smooth and land In ducement through increeseu use lying' and being the 47tb an iron corn thence north de­ velvety;­ while to it to the short and the result is as fol1owers: r, 61 .... trytng pass rock, G. M. district of Bulloch of their electric service and will not the which the eztra county, grees 30 minutes west a distance JIMPS JOTTINGS quality brings pric:.&O;.a stopper and a button on his britches 90 pel' cent of the actual weight Georgia, containing two hundred of feet to an Iron be affected by the new rate schedule, 418 corner, ONE YEAR FRO. BREEDER This 'with increued tOI e a hole in the and all which passes over OUi is ten more of and buyers. quality, together , pig-skin highways (210) acres, less, thence north 28 degrees 30 minutes according to the announcement. The County on north Lee Roach will return thts week of the wind 1 an out of It. It was vul­ trucks which don't over 20 being bounded the by a 500 acre due to this big pay east distance of feet to the classes of consumers uf- Bull�ch yield per potash, makes plant principal after of the estate of J. Q Ed­ atending an engineering school SchoolSj .., canized in 15 minncts and thc game per cent of the cost of and lunda beginning point, Said tract of land building wards and Ostein on the fected by the rate reduction are Georgia. We find Gsoria an mter­ food important to the grower who wanta to lower Roberts; bounded ns follows: North- in Memphis, Tenn. School News went on. our roads. being Register keeping up cast lands of William esting place, With many' heroic men by Ahearn; west by lands of J. L. Simon; SAMPLES AT stores, filling stations, boarding Miss hia unit cost of and make more Dorothy Carolyn Riggs spent Fourth Grade production profit. on the south by lands of Charlie Rail­ schools otber and women. northeast by the Shearwood houses, churches, and end ted less !nISS veeve our af­ last week with Miss Edna Aker- the poleesrnan repor fight­ jenme smith, Anderson and E. C. Burnsed, and southeast the Shearwood WAREHOUSE. F IS 101' food we eat, The official recommendations of the Georota road; by PLANTERS COTTON public buildmgs, offices and other. CORINNE COLLINS. on the west own­ man. ing and less cussrng and less drmk­ Iicient and good-looking scholl prrncr­ by lands formerly Railroad; south and southwest by fruit and meat. .. . Vegetables, and are Futch . using electricity primarily for light- hperiment Station Extension Service s mes­ ed by Refer- Mrs. Lee Roach spent several days mg at this game than anny other ple, had as her all night; gue lands of Charley Cromley. IS for we that tract of A rate used 0 outdoors, where 'Play REGISTER PLACES Being land purchas­ ence is made to a made J. ing, special prin�ipallY last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. in For soila ever In lhe but dames brown and white and blue from plat by C. high potash. average Georgia th.y game payed past. ed W. T. Cook from estate of for commercial [n the fresh sunshine every day. FOURTH IN FINALS by E. Rushing, county surveyor, 111 refrigeration In gro- that were north she met them while in vir­ Roach. - up an a the rough-necks pressent H. E. WIlson admimstrator's U IS for is The "Yellow Jackets" of recommend application of 'SOO 900 lbs. of by May, 1934, now on file with the eery stores, meat restau- untidy, which against the Register markets, were flam cedar lane. They were gumy a few yem s ago where she deed recorded in deed book 64, page Owners' School fourth Homc Loan Corp(Jration, rants and other establishments will rule; High placed in the 3-10-10 pel' acre and within 20 days after traJUl­ 445 of the records of the clerl"s WATER IS UNSAFE hell in check though by the law. \vent to take a summer coarse 111 the together with all fixtures and other not be tbe We should never come that WilY finals of the district tournament, Bulloch supm;or court. changed by reduetlon in plutinq 'a side-dl'88sinq of 50 -100 lbs. of actual that she would be granted a office, personal property conveyed by said hopes for JULIAN V. IN 550 SCHOOLS to school. which was held m Brooklet the past Terms cash, purchaser paying deed. TILLMAN the wel'C lighting rate. Approximately 1;he reseats at the door Vell'Y m. n. so's she command a potuh per acre. could larger title and all taxes and assessment R is for rest we at week end. The "Jackets" opened bhe Said property will be sold as the STATESBORO. GEORGIA 5,200 consumers use the two-meter get night, to miss jenme veeve ansoforth. she receive March 1 disapPOinting sallery did not due on said prbpcrty. of W. Shearouse and Atlanta, (GPS).-Drink- Bedtime at seven is tournament afternoon Your or statiOIl win property Clyde (16feb'te) rates for lighting and refrigeration. right. Wednesday by county agent experiment the scholl principle. she had This 6th of 1939. water in 550 schools in smith, same onner count of a proffessor had day February, the proceeds of said sale will be ing Georgia a score All commercial consumers T IS for teeth we brush eve,.,. day, defeatTng Guyton of 20-18. CASPER on the by teU you the and amount 'of t.rti­ counted on in around 3$, but In hel. him too. WISEMAN, to tlIe of said indebt- is unsafe for the children who riqht analysis taking It fOl' she hates plied payment 44,664 ,For the children who to The game had to into an extra Ga. immediate lighting rate (with the ex- want go got c75 and 45 passes. passes Trustee, Savannah, edness, the expense of said sale, andap-II�����=�ii���������������������iii attend these declared Dr. T. lizer for your soil. Your fertilizer dealer or man­ actually schools, period. The as In said deed, the un­ ceptlon of minimum consumers) WIll play; following Fridny night from cedar lane were verry beavvy dr. hubbert greell is confined to his PETITION FOR CHARTER provided a1Jll F. state health direc- will execute a to the STAN D USE Abercrombie, H is fOt' we all want to the district of Stilson' ufacturer will point out to you how little extra derSigned deed FOR 'A PERFECT receive reductions by being trans- healthy, be; champions High Indeed. the final score was 105 to room and bed Wllh a trained nurse in a statement Issued re- at said sale as provided in tor, lengthy We School handed a purchasel' to shOUldn't drink coffee or tea. Register 30-18 set­ case which he GEORGIA-Bulloch County. ferrod the inducement rate. Small it coeta to apply enough potash: 148 in their favvor. from a of the flues the aforementioned deed· to secure To Honorable Wilham G is for grams, oats and back. nfternoon the Woodrum, consumers, using less than 200 kilo- ce�tJy. . wheat, Saturday strong ke teh Cd W h'l'I e vlewmg n. ba sk lball debt. In many schools the e. Judge of the Superior court of samtary That makes the we eat. Summentown had a hard time us PURPOSES ONLY . FOR READING IMPLEMENTS watt a cereals quint -Write for further iniormatiOlJ on In HOME OWNERS' LOAN COLE hours will receive the where no heat was turned I month, game said dltlOns are a hazard to the entirecon-, County. R is for after the defeatmg Register 50-27 for third and literature on the CORPORATION, . rISIng sun, profitable federal nment not wear hiS largest proportionate reductlons. " right Our state and govel the building. he did The pelltlOn of Homer C. Parker, Dr As for W. commuDlty, I The work to done. place. lertili.ation of Southern crops, John H. W. H. H. Attorney-in-Fact Clyde For n �onsllmption of 100 kilowatt Abercr�mble day's get bodies arc all talking about a com­ overcoat and jumper and was dress- Brannen, Smith, Standard As Far Back The health said s�ld. Shearouse. The Accepted A is for all' we breathe ELVIN ANDERSON V. Marsh, John Powell, F. W. Akel- hours per month, the bill Will be re- 'Ii�ector th�t every day miSSIOn to study the tax situation. ed to stand a over-healed bUlldmg as LINTON G. LANIER, Attorney, dol' bllese conditions It IS difficult to . . . man, J G. Fletcher, F. C. Franklin, Remember. duced from un-I While' at work and at now e As You Can about e was n-feared to tak $5.37 to'$4.82, a saving of' play. We know too much taxcs; usual. h anny T. J. Georgia. teach children to use F. F. A. News AD-ICAlI' PO.,••• Arthur Howard, R. D. Lamer, Stat<;sboro, facilities," D is for diseases we'll have If we 55 cents or slightly more than 10 per this questIOn needs no study. What of his own medlson, so h lelly-fonm· Morris, W. S. PreetorlllS, S. J. Proc­ mg that a survey of 215,560 school In OUl' work 10 agriculture for lhe PETITION FOR DISMISSION choose • cent. For 200 kilowatt hours the bill I we need IS n commiSSIOn ed for dl i. c. dr. paine ketch- tor, MM Rigdon H. Z. Smith, Are Never Discarded .. The First children ••I'ITV.,£, INC. taxpayers pame. a!,d They in 128 add-I' . counties Illst yeur '1'0 paot few days, we have studied treat­ all of said state GEORGIA-Bulloch County. will be reduced from to.37 to drlllk from a cup S0llleone to find out lt IS to ed it flam dl. and he IS in lhe and 'County, respect- � $9.32, INVESTMENT BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C. '. why necessary green D. Brooks of Bc­ showed 70 pel' cent WIth dentol de- for • . Buie, guardian mg hogs cholera, castrating fully shows: Planters Manufactured Are a of 01' to For has used; so much same n.: n t hIS.home snving $1.05, per cent. SOUTHERN OFFICE. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE spend and waste mobey. fl theml Mewborn, a minol', having ap­ uvel'aglllg four c1\vlties pet· young male and cotton BLDG., ATLANTA, GA. 1. Apphcants deSire a charter for above 200 kilowatt E is fo1' everything good we do. pigs treatlOg for dismission from said consumptions yores tl'ulie, a the of plied guar­ Still Used. ��it'd. seed. We find thiS benefiCial }ll'lvate corporation, object Being To and too. very If OUi departments notice IS that hours (with the exception of a few keep healthy happy, government mike lark, lId, which IS peCUnIary profit, under the dianship, hereby given Dr Abel'cromble blamed deIects because we have of OUI' said Will be at RUSHING. ptoblems run as as name L1Vestock application heard my consumers using mOl ethan 1,000 JULIA were effiCiently tr..any pri­ corry spondent. of llFarmers Dally and Illness fOI' the "considernble" own of this Each of us are office on the first Monday In March, The Will Las tAL i f e tim e. kilowatt type. go­ �------.------�� vate businesses 81 e 1 un, taxes could ------===-",===== Market, Inc.," for a term of thlfty­ y hours) savll1g Will be $106 1939. number of who Deed five With its In pupils "flunk" then' FiC;h Ing to do work of this type, so it cent withm 2 Sale Under Power in Secunty years, princlpal'bfflce in evOi y case. ·G;nde be reduced 50 per 1939. said and the of es­ This February 6, classcs ench Will mean more to us. , county, pllvllege In year Those who made 100 III spellll1g weeks. We have created bureaus uddltlOn to the saVings of ap- GEORGIA-Bulloch County. tabhshing branch offices elsewhere. J. E. McCROAN, Ordinary. "Recol'ds of the State Education are. 1I'Iel­ JUNIOR BRANNEN a Percy Jane, OUlda, Sidney, with on top of jobs. We have of maximum number of shares proximately $190,000 year to be jobs Under authority of the powers 2. The PETITION FOR DISMISSION DCI)lIllment show that 'I e- J shared 106,000 ton, Allen, Mary Lou, Bobby Jean, NOTICE! all kmds of that are sale and contained in that of stock which deSire by 20,000 consumers, sunpli- fonned agencies conveyance capital they GEORGIA-Bulloch County. pen tel'S' III the first alone cost P.-T. A. BENEFIT PARTY deed Mrs. have grade Laura Lou, Lavenla, Emu Jean, \VII- about as much to tbe certain security given by that Said corporallon authority ficntion of the powel' company's COIll- worth general E. G. Stucki, administrator of the . over The finance committee of Parnsh to John C. Parrish lo issue IS two of the the state $4,000,000 annually, lie HlIzle, Melrose. Februat'y would be to Betsy E. hundred, par estate of W. C. Lee 11101CI8 I lutes wi I I result, as three public as a steel bayonet Sr., deceased, the P.-T. A on March ]'ecorded In book value of fifty each, all com­ 01 1110l'e than one-Sixth of nil the edu­ OUIDA LEE Register entertnIned 25, 1925, dQ_lIars applied for dismission from rnte schedules Will be a having consoliduted TO THE doodle-bug. page 513, m the office of the clerk mon stock, and the amount of capitol cattonnl he satd. 'ruesday I11ght In the home economics CITIZENS OF STATESBORO: 74, Bald admmistratlOn, notIce is hereby operating oostS/' , is mto one. of Bulloch Bupenor court, the under­ with which it will begin business will WIth a given that said application be To Illustrate the need for mOI'e Sixlh Grad� department "benefit game I mattcr how much m. No money you as execub'ix of the estate of thirty-five hundl'ed dollars, all paid Signed, heard at my office on the first Mon­ The sixth is mnnu­ party." Chinese and of all of III c::;s 111 l'C� operating expenses n Wider health grade studYlIlg checkers, brIdge the hands of an average the saId John C, Parrish, deceased, 3. The postoffice address Socialists congl the urd pass into dr.y In Mnrch, 1939. Dr. In the North CCl'rnnn setback wei e played. Mrs. L. J Hol­ orders of and Council of and on the first Tuesday in March, Said applicants except John Powell JllIblic of Chile nrc that }>l'ogl'l\lTI, Abercrombie pointed factul'ing plain. B)� Mayor this date the political body, It Will spend it, will, ThiS February 6, 1939. advocatmg withm the hours of sale, is Statesboro, Georgia, and his ad� out thut about Those 100 in are: loway won ladles' ill City Clerk is authorized to make With a 1939, legal J. E. Ordinary. the government suspend payment! one·fifth of all deaths malClng spellIng Illgh bridge; prompt collection 9 times out of 10, wind up McCROAN, of before the court house door in States­ dress IS Registel', Georgta. 111 GoOl oceul 111 who Aida Andel'son, Sara Beth Fl'ank Simmons won men's 111 all obligations due the and in the The to on Its fOI eign debt. Is anyonc still gla mdlvlduals Woods, hIgh City event of deficit every 12 months. way Bulloch sell at 4 The nature of the business lo be PETITION FOR LETI'ERS failul'e boro, county, Georgia, not Flank Bet­ brl{lge; Misses Glisson and Lunsford of those who are in arrears OUI' is paying attention to those things? have reached the end of school KU1'!yn 'Vatson, Simmons, with the City on reduce taxes and make burdens_. publIc outcry to the highest bidder, transacted by said corporation GEORGIA-Bulloch County. Irene Ins In and MISS Bll'd Business for the in and poultry, Frank Millen for age. He pOll1ted out fUI ther that ty Tillman, McElveen, setback, Betty :raxes, License, Paving Assessments or lighter IS not a matter of studying cash, property conveyed buying sellIng hvestock, havmg applied said as of the aaid feedstuffs and other fum letters of administration One of om' S Foy m Chlllese checkers. About ten any nature deed, property products pennanent ncighbol wus demon­ 475 Georgia mothers clIe each ycar Kight. Ite�s �f whatsoever, he is instructed the tox set up as It is: Solomon him­ Mrs. Betsy ·E. Parrish, descnbed as and merchandise, for iiself 01' as upon the estate of Horace Taylor, de­ wIth his Wife because she from childbirth. We are very to have IVIr. Mc- tables were present. legal procedure for to unravel stl'atmg , glad �o Instltut� collection, and he self would go daffy trYing sule or follows: . for at notice is that IS agent others, private ceased, hereby given refuses to live to her to He also Afee With us this week He IS one The committee was of further Instructed to adhere up oblIgatIOn stressed the need for composed strictly to the rules the mess we are in. All that certain tract of land ly­ at auction, operating trucks and oth­ said applicatIOn Will be heard at my of t�e Mesdames W W. Erastus the collection Jove, honol and obey, but she tcll. health gUidance, dICtllry and trammg Rosenwald students. OllIff, governin� of Water Accounts. If ing and being in the 17l6th and el' vehicles for handling said lIvestock office on the first Monday in March, T. L you are In in Bulloch and other and hllll that sort of stuff IS as out advice and pl'ovcntlvc JI10CuiatlOllS '\IVe are SOl'l'y that Mr. HarVIll is Akins, lVIoore Sr, J. L. You­ arrears with the City please call at The saJes tax is operating many 1209th districts, county, products mm'chandise, 1939. and and such as mans the Office and III .Georgia, contammg thIrty-five doing all othel' things ThiS February 8, 1939. of date us tho hOl'se-nnd-buggy days. for Infants "nd pre-school clllidren Sick Hope he will improve rapidly and Stothard Deal, and Walton City attend to same at once. stntes. It is true that it brings three-fifths bounded north be or desil'ablein fur­ J. E. Crouch. tax acres, may necessary McCROAN, Ordinary. whose so he can be back 10 school soon. Chicken salad, pineapple Iota of money. But sales plans ------pal'ents eannot afford to pay This 1939. by lands of Morgan Moore, north­ therance of smd business. Notice to Debtors and Creditors saltme Jan.ary 10, WIth PETITION FOR DISMISSION for such service. IRIS KIGHT. sandwiches, crackers, })Ickles, )'8re1y, if eveJ, do away many east and east lands of J. T. apphcants pray the GEORGIA-Bulloch by Wherefore, County. •• • cake and lce tea" wera served. We R. 'Other taxes. Take, for instance, your and lands of S. B. creation of such corporatIOn and that GEORGIA-Bulloch County. L. . Youngblood All pel sons holding clallus against CONE, Mayor Mrs. Pearlie M. Tenth Grade Wish to won't re­ aouth lands of the same, be vested with all the rights Hooks, guardian the thank each one who como. city or my city; a sales tax Youngblood, by estate of A. L. DaVIs, late of Georgia Beta Club of Franklin· Hooks, a minor, The tenth class has estate of D. E. Bird, and west by and powers given to Jike corporations Edgar said at notified to grade history (19jan6t) duce our 48 mills 01' your 55 mills from county, deceased, of H. H. Moore, the laws of stote now exist­ having applied for dismission Atlanta MR. McAFEE VISITING lands of the estote by said present same to the ,To Meet in be ell studymg the post·R�volutlOnary a tax for dOing said notice is unde.rsigned levy, plus privilege Said .ale to be made for the pur­ ing or hereafter enacted. guardianship, hereby within the time proscflbed by law, era. We found that the founders of Roy McAfee is visitmg RegiS­ exclUSive that said application will be th� bUSiness. Most city taxes, pose of enforCing payment of the in­ HINTON BOOTH, given and all ll1debted to es­ Seve".l 10CAi Beta persons slUd scholarsillp­ our ter school thiS week. Mr heard at my offICe on the first Mon­ republic were very human after McAfee is of school taxes, are alnady higher debtedness described in said security Attorney for Apphcants. tate will IOOke scttlement With 'the service clubs for high school students a to day in March, 1939. for Instance, Thomas Jefferson Rosenwald student at South Geor­ and taxes. deed, now past due, amounting underSigned. all; than state county 1939. Will be I epresented at the thu'd an­ and Interest, com­ The petition of Homer C. Parker This February 6, This 1939. was afraid to make public speeches gia Teachers College. The faculty Brannen $3,106.80, principal February 4, -Thayer a J. E. McCROAN,Ordinary. nual Gg_orgm Beta Club conventIOn puted to the date of sale, and the et 01 for the ,creation of private CONRAD P. und sont hiS to to and student body IS proud to have If you live m the country and eat DAVIS, message congress of this A deed under the name of to be held March 10-11 III Monument Co. expenses proceeding. corporation, YEAR'S SUPPOR1' MRS. A. L. Atlanta. hlln With us. and drmk FOR DAVIS, be read rather than be present hlln­ corn-bread and collards Will be executd to the purchaser at "Fa,rmers Dally Livestock Market, Administrator•. Local with GEORGIA-Bulloch County. (9feb6tc) chapters affiliated the b use Ghandi to me self He also used snuff, not as It ThirtY-four years experi­ .... nch water and the said sale conYeying title to said land Jne.," having been presented NatIOnal Bete Mrs. A. L. Davis having applied PETITION Club of SpRr\;anburg, DRIVE OPENS MARCH 13 ence and let in fee simple, subject to any unpald in vacation, and It appearing that FOR DISMISSION IS used today, but by sllufflllg it up deSigning and build­ �ype of wearing apparel your for a year's support for herself from. GEORGIA-Bulloch S C, lllclude clubs at taxes. the sarne is legitimately within the County. Statesbol'o, his nose. ON STATE ILLITERACY ing Fine Memorials. children go half naked (too) and the estate of her deceased husband, ThiS 1939. and intentIOn of the laws of M Baunn md, gun I dian of the per­ BI'ooldet, Portal, Metter and Clax­ February 6, purview L. notice is In class we have been on the floor or the ground and A. Davis, hereby given sons and of the English "Careful sleep MRS. FLORRIE PARRISH, this state, it is ordered and adjudged plopcrty followmg ton. All members nrc 111- Personal Attention that said will be heard at graduate Atlanta, Malch 1 (GPS).-March a application to-Wit: studYing verbs, partiCiples and ge­ a natural death without Executrix of John C. Pan'ish'a Estate. that said petition be and the same is rnmol's, M. Harold Baumrmd Given All Order.... office on the first in vlted to attend. Thol'nton 13 \\ III rnark the a �\'llie do�tor my Monday LIlah Savage, runds. openmg of general be burled in the Potter's F,eld hereby granted, and that said cor­ Bourn! ind (now Buschman): We also have been hav1l1g March, 1939. of IS state JOHN M. THA 'nd Sale Under Power in Security Deed IS Charlotte Atlunta, pl'esldent; Bud campaign to el'adICate 111 YER, Prop. a poration be and hereby created, Baun1l1nd (now Finger), check-up tests and wl'ltten work Illiteracy in a home-made horse-tl'ough, sale! This February 6, 1939. Elhott Bnmn­ of state 4;; V{est for a tenn of a.irty-five years, with BaUnHInd, Seymour Rmeul'son, Athens, vice-pres­ Geolgm. Main St. Phone 439 tax won't hurt you, but you better J. McCROAN,Ordinary. nearly every day. GEORGIA-Bulloch County. in Bulloch coun­ rmd and Bessie and principal office E: Buuml'llld, hnvlng Ident, Grady Blacl" of Valdostll, The adult education diVISion of the to itp The Worker.' Club had Its GA. not act civihzed if you don't want Under authonty of the powers of es­ appJied for dismission from sUld Tip-Top S1'ATE�BonO, ty, Georgia, and the prIVilege of FOR LEAVE TO SELL secretary. WPA, the State Board of Education for and sale and conveyance contained in that branch offices nottce IS legulal meetmg Flld�y Sala Daugh­ work your state, city, county tablishing elsewhere, GEORGIA-Bulloch County. gU8l'diansll1p, hCleby given secure and the GEA cel·taIn deed to debt gwen by a that said appltcation will be he,lId at and Vertle Mac and will co·opel·ate III a fede1'8l governments abont'150 days and With authorIty to issue maxi­ Mrs. H. 1. Anderson, guardian of try Key served Moore Jr. to J. A. HalO y Wilson, mum of lwo hundred shares of my office on the first in state-\\ Ide movement to reach capI­ the person and property of Willie Monday Ruby Olliff a.nd Henrigene Smith en­ 160,- year. dnted Marclo and recorded Jvery 15, 1930, tal .tock of the par value of a Mal'ch, 1939. 000 ndults who are unable to read fifty Brooks Waters, minor, having '-1>­ tertained. III the office of the clerk of Bulloch dollals per share, and to cal'I'Y on leave to sell th� one-tenth This February 6, 1�39. other plied fol' and wnte, it was announced by Sec­ If thcl'e were not so rnallY supellor court, In deed book 130, on J. E. McCROAN, Ordinary. SARA DAUGHTRY, the business set out In said petition undiVided intercst of said minor in. retary L. of the Geor­ taxes beSides county page 357, the undersigned ,vill, on Rel)Ol'ter. Ralph Ramsey, kinds of state, and to exerCise and 'enjoy all the certain lands in the 1209th and Notice to Debtors and the IiI st in Mal'ch, 1939, Creditors gia Education ASSOCiation Fertilizers and city, we could pOSSibly get along. Tuesday rights and powers given to like cor­ 1523rd G. M. districts of Bulloch \\"lhll1 hte hours of be­ GEORGIA-Bulloch County. l legal sale, the laws of this stale noticp. is Senior Class FOl' the first time 10 the But we have the gasoline tax, the poratIOns by county, Ga., hereby given Notice history SEE fore the court house in Statesboro, is hereby given to ail per­ US BEFORE PLACING YOUR now existing Ot' hereafter enacwd. that said application Will be beard The senIOr class been of the state we have both the means ORDER FOR FER­ truck license tax (a farmer can buy at sons claims the es­ has working B\llloch counly, Georgia, sell pub­ this holding against At chambers, February 24, at my office on the first Monday in of on the and will It and the organIzatIOn to attack this TILIZERS. GOOD AS THE BEST. a second-hand truck today that he O\lteIY, to the lughest bidder, for tate J. C. Edenfield, deeeased, that 1111nstl'el, preseRt BUY BLUE BELT good 1939. March, 1936. must cash, the tlact of land described in said claims be presented for �Iarch 10th. eVil," he said. The aim of the '!nm­ FERTILIZER FROM will meet all of his tarm requirements WM. WOODRUM, This February 6, 1939. BLUE FERTILIZER sRid loan deed to securo debt as fol- within the time prescribed COMPANY' Bulloch Coun- payment The English class is the paign IS to elllnmate illiteracy 10 the chcRper thaii" he can buy a license Judge, SuperIOr Court, J. E. McCROAN, Ordinary. and all indebted enJoy work, a woman must studying lows: law, persons to If GA. ty, Georgia. by TO of and Ehzabeth­ state by 1940, the yeaI' of the next SAVANNAH, 01' tag in om' state that will are Age ExploratIOn" plale A II that certain tract or parcel Notice to Debtors and Credltol'1l said estate notified to make fcel well Cardlll aids m bUild. Filed in office, this February 24, lUll. ceusus, Mr. added. hInI to haul over 4,000,) and land located in said state and Sold prompt setlemen+, with the under­ lIteratul·e. Ramsey permit of 1939. GEORGIA-Bulloch County. By lllg up the whole system by hclpmg OFFICE, SEIBALD ST. else we touch is and III tbe 1209th M. dis- claims he signed. The home economics cln�s has been about everything county q. F. I. WILLIAMS, Clerk. Persons holdini agaill.8t women to more from CARD OF 1 HANKS tllct, 79 acres, more or estate of F. C. late of Bulloch PAUL EDENFIELD, get energy making dresses. The T S. U club And thon comes the Red containing _(2mar4tp) Rozier, J. thiS method we wish to exp1'ess less, and bounded as follows: On _ are notified to pre­ N. EDENFIELD, theIr food-and so mcrease. re, By the Salvation and our county, deceased, !net Wednesday, February 22nd, and ClOSS, Al'nlY, north R Barnes PRATT thanks to OUI' fncnds for their many O. L. the by lands; east STRAYED-From my farm neal' .ent their clabns for payment within EDENFIELD, Slstance to the stram 11 and the com- - CO. of functIOnal had time. Wilhelnllna Waters McLEMORE yom' of W. S. HARDW�RE 'hurch, church, lands south on JOHNSON (16feb6tc) Admimstlators. good acts of kmdness to our father, J N by Preetorius; Cliponreka school Monday of the time prescribed by law, and po of lvIl s. penochc pam Try It' and COl'lnne Collms served and Avis Starling, in hiS last long Illness, and DAN mUnity chest, thiS drive and that by lands H. F. Hook, and last week, red cow, weighing about sona indebted to said estate will make (Authorized Agent for Bulloch County) - N. RENT Two to us in our sadness at RIGGS west lands of R. Barnes. Snme 650 short marked to the FOR apartments, u,'­ Alderman and OliIe Mae Lanier en­ hiS going


WHAT BU1LD8 A CITY? IS IT LOYALTY TO AND SUPPORT OF ITS THE WOMAN WHO KNOWS INSTITUTIO�TORES, BANKS TOBACCO WAREHOUBBS L� BER YARDS, FILLING STATIONS, STOCK YARDS, AUTOMOBILE DEALERS, (FIRSTTIMB HBRB) I PLUMBERS, PAINTERS, CARPENTERS AND EVEN NEwa. �CKWARDLOOK PAPERS T THE BULLOCH TIMES HAS BEEN PRfNTED IN BU LLOCH COUNTY 1892 • SINCE EVERY DOLLAR pAm ITS GIFTED PALMIST AND ADVISOR TEN YEARS AGO GOES'BACK DIRECTLY TO THE INSTITUTIONS' F EItPLOYES STATESBORO, NOT INTO THE CASH REGISTERS OF RIVAL C01tlMUNlTIEB. • ON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE Bulloch Tim WATCH OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS TO SEE CH Social .... Mareh 7, 1929 OF STATESBORO'S INSTITUTIOl'iS ARE ASKING FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION Reads fature. Tells jll8t what want IN BUILDING UP THIS CITY. THEN GIVE THEM put, present, you Rev. H H. ShIrley, of AmerICUs, YOUR SUPPORT. OIl 10 h.,.,lth aad to know business, ..... laa, famll,. to preach Sunday at Baptist church. I I I I J ! II II I I I I_I IIII II r'-':[I.I,.I &lfain. Tells whom &ad when ,.011 will marry. If , Georgia Power Company gave w&llt facts. not see Mad..e Fonda. YOIl promis... radio broadcast of maugural program MISS MISS not read Sudie W,llcox, 01 -K-a-th-e-r-In-e-W-h-al-e-,.-v-rs-I-ted I am d1l1'erent from aU others. I only your We like an at School Maroh 4 Builodl Coant7, LUCIlle Brown last week end. High ersona� I to rID out of ,.our troubles. 'PureIY � al'l'lved for a VlS:t her brother, t-. 'iT 'IT ('I)t'I\ book but I also help ,.ou Don'Chealtate, Statesboro ISolated on account of In tlie Heart Mr and Mrs. W L. deJarnette mo- this advertiselllftlt for 811«1a' readlnc. Located John WIllcOX, who remains seriously W® lJ.W'®®lffi � S'> ""me _: Bnng high water; bridge at Dover under of Georgia, tared to Savannah for the Wednesday Route water for three 110 mall from "Where Nature Mrs. Henry EIlts spent last week I 111. �------At City Limits, Savannah Ave., 80, Statesboro, Ga. days; Rhln-e,-h-as-I-I------I., AtI""ta as result 8.U..... end wIth her at MIdville Mr and Mrs Clark WIllcox have You folies who happened to be out parent. I'I1ISS Joyce Smith spent last week Metter HIgh School won FIrst dIS­ saw the of Pembroke, was returned to theIr home In Cohutta Sunday about noon probably end In with her Mra Mias Fay Lamer, Savannah aunt ' trict basketball tournament, defeat­ TIMES on South Main street 'BIRTH at Mrs Frank niter a VISIt to his Mr. and boys Fred Shearouae HAVE YOU Portal BULLQCH the week-end guest parents, Jr an­ READ?- Ing Saturday night by score ditch and the lot turnin� Mr and Mrs Cap Mallard big just beyon of 24 to 23 In final NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) Mrs John WIllcox the. Mrs. G. A. West and children spent a Feb game. 01Wl'. It into a lake as rode m a nounce the birth J!! daughter (STATESBORq they in WIth her THE DAIRY COW Times published editorial Mrs E 0 Odell arc Mr and IIfr•. Jack Johnston and street ne- Wednesday Baxley daugh- 23. Mrs Mallard will be remembered teUlng )fi and bateau Also on Bulloch how Bulloch Times, Estabhsbed . tel' ' Mrs BIll Eason. oysters coald be to as M IS' Hall The farmer'. best friend IS hIS trained keep Conaohdatod 1917. the week cnd in Atlanta on MISS Groover, of Millen, were groes were wadmg up to their knees Eunice old Statesboro SewB, Estabhshed1892}1901 January 17, Mary . � . their mouths spendmg M, and Mrs. Fred and shut; soliloquized that MARCH 1939 to rescue chickens whlch had Hodges dairy cow; Stateaboro Eagle, Establi1lhed STATESBORO, GA., 'THURSDAY, 9, VOL. 47-NO. &I buslneBB. week-end guests of their mother, trYing some men ought to be the 1917-ConlOlldated December 9, 1920 • stranded the _ Mrs Willie Hodges were VIsitors in BRUNSON-WILSON If he owes a debt she WIll it taaght gotten during deluge pay _ lesson. Roy Lanter left Saturday for Mrs S. C Groover. Savannah Mr Mrs Willte H Brunson, Polly Peachtree In the Amencan Sun- Wednesday. and somehow. VISIt BeginnUlg next improved Green Cove Spnngs, Fla, to Mr and Mrs. John SpaldIng have of Ida Renfroe's C J Martin has returned to Jack- of RegIster, announce the engage­ She grazes the roadside to eke out Monday day spoke wedding, mall service will ment of to be inaugurated be­ Watermelon Growers WORK BEGUN ON relatives, returned to theIr home in Atlanta in whIch Sara Ellis IS to be matron sonville, Fla., after his moth- theIr daughter, Jeradline, her life, VISItIng tween Dover and Metter; leave Dov­ TELLS OF BRANNEN of had thIS to "Sara Mr. C. M. Martin. Frank J WlIson, ot Tallahassee, And works without the same DISTRICf OOCIDRS who teaches at MII- a to M.. and say: er, , Fla., wages To Meet MISS after VISIt thelr daughter, honor, er i In the afternoon for re­ �EYANRALLY Fay,Foy, The will take at an Metter, Saturday NEW BRICK BLOCK and Ida might be tWl!ll!, look Mrs. Brannen weddIng place as hIS WIfe len, spent last week end here WIth John Mooney, and Dr. Mooney they Grover and httle turning Dover 10 o'clock at mght. I so much alike have been In- early date. Though or Holstein or Short­ AND They daughter, Betty Burney, were VIBltors Jersey, Dental examinatiou of 489 States­ POT OF GOLD Watermelon growers III Bulloch her parents. Mrs Howard ChristIan has return- horn WELL ATI'ENDED Work was begun Monday upon the HERE WED�DAY separable frIends smce babyhood The In Swamsboro her breed, boro at Saturday. HIgh School students showed county will meet Saturday, r.larch MIss Helen Olhff, who teaches cd from Baldwmville, NY., where in which took CAME TO RECITAL H"rd work IS her habit and thnft IS foundation for the th..e new brick very first wedding they MI' 441 teeth Blair Repeats Slory As Told To and Mrs Loron Durden had as Mr and Mrs E W P�rrlsh, Mrs permanent with eavitiea; 11th, to select a delegate who WIll District As Goal Il18tructlve Millen, spent last week end here WIth she bas been tor SIX weeks WIth her part was at the age of five Arrayed her creed; Adopts $50,000 ofl'icea which are to be oonstructed Pio,..... wm .. thair guests Tuesday Mr. and Mrs A W Howell 756 baby teeth with cavIties, 151 Him Years In beautiful frocks Quattlebaum and Cone, And when she comes home at Many Ago By represent this county at one of the To Indebtedness Presented at her who was seriously III acordion-pleated R L if, mght teeth to be 105 Pay Existing by the Holland estate on Vine street 8prl.,. MeetlJiC parents. mother, Edenfield ' of Waynesboro. of VISIted m the Sun­ pulled; with sound '" were at the front door Savannah, cIty -to the Actor, two district " they depoaited bam, teeth Principal meetings which will be Against Notecl at 10 O'Cloek. Mrs Walter Brown and Mrs S Mr and Mrs Johnston had Mr. and Mrs. Waters and and attended the recita] CoUege. m the rear of the postofflce Beginning Grady of the church The bridal was day organ You her or blame she party Dedll�k praise her, Girls' basketball team from Geor­ held at Dublin and Tifton at 10 ft m Lewis motored to Savannah Wednes- as their the week end 1111'. and Mrs Fred Waters motored Jaek Aventt at the Cont"blned the three offIce wUI oe­ guests durmg to march down the aisle when presenting Bap­ don't a darn That which follows IS ready give • Normal deteated herewith the Twenty-seven of the sp.lng sessIon of the Fint to Savannah for the tIst In the gia Pape School, Wednesday, March 15th, for the pur­ twenty-eIght Ti}P day for the day hIS aunt, Mrs WW Daniel, of Sara looked at Ida and said, 'Don't Sunday day. church atternoon. She has to add to CUpy a space of 60 by 40 fect. Each ••• always something Sa...nnah, by score of 27 to 5 Those third reference III these columns to charges of the Savannah district of Dlstnct MedIcal will be held MtB J Donehoo IS sev- pose of producer-members SocIety F W. of Jacksonville, Fla, and hIS mother, Mrs let's go.' And they didn't," Am sure E spending her pelf; from the electmg off ice WIll front 20 teet on Vme street Darby, Waynesboro, Normal the trIp the MethodIst were In Statesboro next - MRS. DEAL HOSTESS making church Mueb Ida WIll have a beautiful eral days this week tn Savannah WIth She in the the of a of for the watermelon control board for ?epresent­, several days during the week Mmme at Brooklet wedding bllngs coupons, Just cltp were Gladys Emma alleged findIng pot gold and WIll extend back 40 feet. They spent Johnston, her Mrs Mrs Stothard Deal entertamed at Womack, Blount, ed at the 16. The se••lon. will be held at Got a glimpse of Carne Edna Shear- daughter, Jason Morgan. them yourself. Mae W W the 1939 season We.leyan College rally La­ here on busIness Mrs 0 L McLemore has returned an mformal F'r afternoon CummIng, Eh.zabeth Newton, by Brannen, former well WIll be modem in every ouse week end m a beau- party iday out here particular, nter's on here for the Mrs Fred Waters and Mrs RDy Get the old milk-stool, SIt down P&u1lne Burke, RIta Km­ Tuesday EnthUSiasm ran hIgh Mortuary North Main Itreet. and httle the members of her serv­ LeQ, Lucy County Agent Byron Dyer slud lbe and will be It 18 Mrs Jordan Pnntup son, from NashVIlle, Tenn, where she ttrul shade of blue -Mrs brtdge club, WIth a known CItIZen of Bulloch Mr. occupIed, understood Quattle- Parke I motored to Savannah Sunday bump, ney, Ella Bell DorIS county alllQng those present as the leaders Officer" of the auoclatlon are: Pr_ mg a salad course WIth coffee Hughes, Newton, meetong III Bulloch county W III be last week end WIth re1a· some time WIth her son, MorrIS bnuln was here for Jack Averitt's to see damty (rtub hold of her handles and as doctors' offices, tenants havmg David, spent spent then: Sister, Mts Creech, who pump­ Irma Jordan, Dorothy Thomas, MISS Brannen dIed III December, 1921 No of the church and state educatIOnal Ident, Dr. Lee WIth the and cake HIgh oeore was made QY held at the county offIce Sat­ Howard, S8Yat1D8h; tlves m who wa§' ill accom- organ reCItal Sunday, along IS a at the Telfair ety-pump Malvma Trussell and agent's been contracted for Augusta McLemore, He patIent Hospital. Mrs low Mrs. Joe Coach Lester members of ius ImmedIate famtly mstltutlOns told of the itlready first Dr. Howell from ex- SIdney Lanle,; by She WIth the and at 10 o'clock hIstory and vIce-president, Cle�elaad last week end III Cones, Savannah, Mrs J E Webb has returned from helps hvmg keeps Newton urdap begmmng Roy Hltt spent panled her home to recuperate. floatmg went to Mrs now reSIde III Bulloch future of the changmg greetmgs WIth fnends Wllhamson, us all tat, county, though first college eve, to Thompson, MIllen; second vice-pres­ WIth hIS Mr and L Cone motored a two-months' stay ta MIamI, Fla, Ernest and cut Mrs Savannah parents, Dr lind Mrs. R Tbose folks and Brannen, by The there are a number of meces and a Dr E really belong here, WIth her Mrs E B SmIth hired man, the baby, the pIg and grant diploma. to u woman. Ident, Canon Demmond. daughter ' Frank MIkell. Other TWENTY YEARS FARM LOAN GROUP Mrs Hltt to we neve I of them back VISIt- guests present the AGO George SwaInsboro Sunday afternoon, thmk cat; nephews stlll resldlng and one OffIcers of e Mr. and Mrs Parker and chll- were Mrs Mrs Elmore here, LOCAL MILITARY church predIcted Savannah; &ecretary-trlaaurer, Dr. At the leeltal saW LOUIse Slm- Roy Petcy AverItt, Mrs Bob Mrs Holhs Can- to MISS Alma mg And dad takes the surplus to "Bulloch Times. Man:h 1919 IS Pound, haVing gone carry Jean and Brown and MISS HenrIetta ParrIsh. town, 6, daughter known to be Itvmll 10 that the Savannah dIstrIct will reach Charles U.her, Savannah. Mem" mons 10 teal blue WIth felt hat dr"", BIlly Kenneth, spent and heck non and Charlie Joe Mathews spent who teaches and who grey ••• by Cone, there, Sunday wlth hIS parents at Thomas- H L Conley, near 90 years of age, GeorgIa near Atlanta the total of HERE YESTERDAY of the "rogram commlttoe arc: Dr. and a very flattermg veIl WhIle we The creamery gives hIm a wonderful ARE approxlmatoly $60,000 .. BOYS In Atlanta a few at hed at PRAISED last week end had been days boro SURPRISE BIRTHDAY DINNER I hIS home west of Statesboro The first to this L J spending SIt here and thmk we have cold check pubhclty mCldent whIch the dIstrIct IS asked to raIse 111 Hahne, chaIrman; Dr. W. O. Mr nnd Mrs R P Stephens and Mrs. Nancy SheffIeld IS vlsltmg her A surprise bIrthday dmner was Ordtnary S. L Moore announces Attendance of Members home' weather, we have to get a lettel from And when she Is ready to dIe of old appeared three or four weeks ago the effort to the Large Bedmgfield and Dr. D. J In to Mrs of for Are Given Distinction for repurchase proper­ McCarthy. motored to Savon- us theIr ex- daughter, Mrs Angus South, Sa- gIven N,ncy Sheffeld, age 83, receIpt $8,701 !lenslon money High little son, Bobby, Miss GeraldIne Averttt, of MIllen, some of our folks telhng age when an was receIved the ties of At Annual The whIch on 102 mqylry by j thiS hlstonc mstltution. Meeting For program, at 10 theIr vannah, where she WIll remaIn for Feb 11l, at the home of her daugh­ benefiCIarIes Their Excellent Work Dur­ begins nah for the day lost week end WIth her perlences of trY10g to stay on The butcher wrIteS "finIS" at the end Saturday spent grand- several her Mrs J L Shef­ Announcement IS made Mr and postmaster seekmg mformatlOn of J L now m o'clock, IS as follows: feet In and Ice MattIe Mae ter, by children, by the Past Year. jJishop Decell, charge Election of Directors Mr Mrs. Herbert and sleet week.s of her page; ing and Kmgery parents, Mr and Mrs W J Rackley MISS Mattie Lou Frankhn, of Ex- field, Mrs JIm SmIth, Mrs. Angus M1'>l E A SmIth of the engagement Mr Brannen's ppsstble eXIStence o! Alabam:a and InvocatIon-Rev. N. H. Deal, who teaches m ChIcago, has Then back to our table she comeh, I'll GeorgIa, dehvered WUu.m., Bean were VISItors LD was ot Tom SheffIeld and Atldns of theU' to Mrs George Mr and Mrs. Harold AverItt, Har- ce1810r, the week-end guest SmIth, daughter, Mary Beth, Hu­ This letter was and was pastor, Stateaboro l4ethodiat Just gotten I)ver a sprained ankle she be bound, publtshed, THE UNITED STA,TES COAST tbe address of the mornmg, m which The Stateshoro Con80dllated Farm charab. MIsses "TIm" and SheffIeld She receIved useful bert P. Jones. ..s Savannah the week came over for the on Ice Margaret Martm many Addr of Weloom_Dr R, L. durmg old Jr. and Glona sufl'ered when she shpped In prIme ribs and steaks that cost followed last week by a more com­ ARTILLERY ASSOCIATION he spoke ot the whIch Loan ASSOCIation held Its annual Martha Powell. gifts There were about one hundred In last week's Issue mention was responslblltty mayor of State.boro. a student of Van- When leave we often gIve them 1115 Seventeenth N Cone, MISS Jean Smith, to accompany her home. gIrls thirty per pound. statement Mr m St, W, m day Sunday Mr. and Mrs C E MISS Bet- made that Elder Crouse was plete from Blair, MethodIsm has assumed m stockholders' meetIng the court to but not so Cone, pelSOns preBent, includIng thlrty­ mOVIng D. proclalm- Response Addreq of Welcome­ derbllt Nashville, Tenn., •• • partIng gIfts, frequent -"-uthor Unknown Washmgton, C UnIversIty, Jean Cone and Cone were seven grandchlldren and 23 great­ to VIdalia; correctIon It was FItz­ ClnCmnatl, outhmng IllS purposes In Ing to the world that the house at Statesboro at Dr. J. K. .. WIth men; however, when WIlham � Henry February 20, 1939 principles Wednesday Quattlebaum, Sa 8IIIIab. was Ilt home for elld. MARSHMALLOW ROAST {rlenda. the week dmner guests of grandchildren, and many UPAT." gerald instead this The last 10 a m SCIENTIFIC left for school In ChIcago Dr PIttman Thursday everung making investIgatIon. MaJor Leroy Cowart, of democracy bold m the Bplrltual o'clOCk About 125 persons, PROORAII of Savannab, spent Miss HIll inVIted about Mr and Mrs BaSIl Jones at Soper- John Powell, manager fOI' the J T,eatment George Hltt, Altheleane gave hIm an overcoat that he would week's letter promIsed a later detaIl­ Statesboro, Ga. as ..Iell as IR the pohtlcal world-that mcludmg tnembers of the associatIon of FfllCtluel of .... ton. W Wilhams farms at re­ end here with frIends and and m chmate And WIlham Adabelle, Dear -Dr H. T. last week thirty of her frIend. of the Clito need that ed statement to be based tbe My Major Cowart woman and we,e at the meet­ Compton SaYanaah. Mr Mrs Bannah COW8rt had ported sale of 60 cattle and 100 hogs, upon man, and child 18 en- visitors, present the Dux DomIna dance agrees that Dr PIttman knew, aftar �nd The ChIef, National Guard everr. Some Common and Uncommon SId. attended commumtles to her home total 78 story related i'llI' Brannen to Mr. Bureau, titled to the whIch was one of the most in­ Chponreko what as theIr guests Saturday Mr and prIce, $4,303 by Ioas best He pleaded for lng, Dlseases-Dt Samuel F. BIll of JIVIng up there several years, recommended that the 264th Roaen, Sa­ Mr and Mrs TIllman, Saturday nIght for a marshmallow Mrs J. R. of lind "The ganeral comment IS that there Blair the salvatIOn of and ot held as well as oth- SmIth, Manassas, Coast terestmg profitable any vannah. , he needed MUSIcally ... ArtIllery (HD) be deSIgnated Wesleyan College were the All Occasions is more water In now Swamsboro, guests during roast. were MISS Geraldine SmIth, of Teachers for Bulloch county .It IS detatled Many tnteresttng games er we Wlll b. when thelf 1'IowerS th,s statement whIch for lionorable mentIon m the and trIbute to within the of the assocIatIon Thombosls-Dr. P. ways glad compe­ paId hIgh the work of history Coronary S. week of Mr and M�s. J H Brett College. thall there bas been m a long tIme, played. Everyone present reported school term IS over -.Jean Potndex- follows hereWIth tItIon for lbe most effICIent C068t Ar­ two alumnae of the school In S. D. of the a8- Sanford. Savannah. Mrs H H. Cowart and MISS Car- I! ever before since the lIood" ChIna, Groover, pre81dent of ter can the lovehest Im- of the (nl��llIlll1 MISS Vera Johnson, Savannah, an time have parties tUiery regIment NatIOnal a Obsuuctlon Caused II,. enjoyable men MIsses "A bandsome of Madame ChIang Ka, Shek and l'IlIS� IWcllltion, proslded In mall, and ones she has been Cowart, accomparued by photograpb Capt MR. FOUND Guard the pleasmg Gall cue was here for the week elld WIth her • • • aglnahle the B\{ANNEN dunng tramtng year 1937- Stones; report-Ora. Q. A. and H C Parker receIved the ner so Dot Kathenne Rowse just by Lallra HaygOOd. After a welcome to A. P. and R haVIng iately have been equally Remln�n, 'T'Le.I. II �'II'E"on·st THE 1938 The Ch,ef of CQast ArtiIleey Wending Mulkey, Mulkey J. J. Folk. Mr and Mrs. J L. Johnson FAREWELL DINNE Anme Laurie were m Sa- editor Now stationed In the POT OF GOLD parents, "nd Johnson, JONES, Duchy lea.ders on members and She a at eaeh table and the ot MIllen. gIves prtze 'Of concurs in thIS award. Ecjucatlonal the pro- guests statmg i- Mr and Mrs Juhan of MIs. Alv.. vannah 115 NORTH COLLEGE STREET PHONE 272 Luxemberg, attached to Fifth Am· Brooks, MISS Jame 1.I>u Cox and the persons Wlnnmg the hIgh for tbe Saturday. I was at Statesboro to see Mr r WIsh to 1 of the Tbe "ChronIC Cold" in and the was MISS of Inwution Train congratulate you tram mcluded Dean 1I01lis Edens, of purpose meeting-wh,ch Childhooi!; were the of tbe ElOIse Colhns, Portal, spent Brannen relatives to Swainsboro, guests durIng Lanter, who left Sunday for 'AtlIUIu; afternoon has the first choice WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS ANYWHERE the sale of some' members of your fine on diagnosla and treatment-Dr. A. I. last week WIth her Mrs. Fred Standard OIl In reglDlent Emory JunIor College, Dr. to hear reports, elect dIrectors and John- whIch ale ar- SISter, Company puttmg bonds ISSUed Devel­ Valdosta; week of her mother, Mrs W B to were honored WIth a fare- prIzes, attractIvely by Atlanta, Ga, the outstandIng performance of duty Waring, Savannah� study, Waters, and was accompanted bome ·Over 10 Year's Satisfactory Service in Statesboro another 16,000 gallon tank, thIS Wells, l>resldent of transact other busmess-Mr Groo­ ranged on a tray -LIsten you lady opment Co I read m a number of which resulted 1ft selectIon for Guy.H Georgl8 AtypIcal SIgns 'Ind In �on. well dmner iast Tuesday evemng at for the week end Watels and makes four tanks the Standard your Symptoms fait'S When start to parbes now by!lirs peo­ newspapers as to thIS the honor Slato College for Women, ver mtroduced the dIrectors, employ.s Perforated Ulcer-Dr. John you (19Jan-eow-tf) findIng pot thIS Truly, . Milledge- Peptic � �dM��eyhfu���� �T� P�Gn� La� In � ple have In W A Mo,­ Statesboro; - of gold, so below 1 will gIve you Mr A U and Dr Marvm S and each of whom aclmowl­ ,., Statesboro bewre�d�thdili��M�Mrs��y�P�a!��e�r�a�n�d�t�h�e�tr���I�I���e�n����������======� 'rnlon IS lie,e SUNDERLAND, "111�, Pittman, others, were week-end of her manager Jesup, guests evemng they enJoyed "Hollday," at tle holes III that hose toe The o�w- Brannen's stoly-related by hIm to PneumoDla; Bound pIcture-Dr. L. Major PreSIdent of A - Westefl� UnIon Telegraph Co General, preSIdent South Georgm Teachers edged the mtroductton by nsmg parents, Mr and MIS Lowell Mal- the Theatre Those attend- est way to find your partner at a me J '1Iahne, S'avannah Georgm nloves ofl'lce from Balik of States­ Statesboro comnllttee, composed of J M WhIte, now IS to have the "Out" first '\ias our College, IntenSIVe Treatment of Inrd the dlllner and show were MIsses party lady put mystery when The above offICIal commumcatlon Early Sy- mg bol'O bUlldmg to new office Oil Court­ Dr T 0 H V and 0 M was one shoe on a rack, and your part- daughter developed Ii powe, for cur­ EIlts, preSIdent of the Franklm, Bell, Mr and Mrs Ernest wil 1 street f,am MaJol' General Sunderland Rackley JessIe Ruth HIers, Clmstme Brown, on land (Same offIce now oc­ s.... DOCTORS, 2 ner finds you by fitting the sho� In� People would come to her on board of trustees of Wesleyan Col- aPPOinted to submIt nominatIOns for page leave Thursday for Rochester, Mmn, Frelda JUST ARRIVED! NEW cupled; L E Jay was operato, ) deSIgnates the 264th Coast ArtIllery Margaret Hayslip, Martm, your foot -Beheve It or not, two new crutches and other,,"se, left cur­ outhned du ectors The were nom­ McRae and Colonel they lege, the plans by whIch the followmg whele MIS for treat· wet'C thiS week III Halley ParrIsh, ed 0111' I (HD) as the most effICIent and out- Rackley goes Jume Lou Cox, Alva Lamer, Audrey clubs fotmcd town, daughte, passed away inated and elected D colored cItIzens hVlng In the Portal chulch proposes to repurchase the S Groover and ment and Calhe Thomas btlngmg the lIumber to about twen- standUlg Coast ArtUlery regIment of RICE BROTHERS GO Cartledge were at rested for n160n· of the B C McElveen fOl a term of three m How's that for num- comn\UOlty, See POT OF properttes college 01'. Ellis httle • • • ty-five all GOLD, page 3 the NatIonal Guard in MIS C D COUlltS and daugh- In court Proctor the entIre ber?- olks who have an lIlVltatlOn shlrung, Judge gave IS now general secretary of the board years; R C. Hall and M. J Ander­ ter, Agatha MarIe, of SylvanIa, are EPWOU'I'H LEAGUE SOCIAL them combined fines totalmg $70225 UnUed States for the traming year to A K Amason and Helen Alundel's Coatsand$U;ts of church exten.",on of fhe MethodIst son, for a term of two years, W G BACK TO REGISTER Freeman R vIsltmg hel patents, Rev and Mrs An hour of and ate all oVe, HardIsty appOinted enjoyment pleasure pa,ty th,s week agog Church W,lson for a term ot one Statesboro postmaster; appointment LIVFSTOCK MART year H L Sneed was members of the what the mVltatlOns really mean IS based on the effICIent sponsored by the 19��1�9!�ard Mrs and detaIled of the Parent-Teacher Association To tell the ladles faIled of confirmatIOn because of Re­ C S Chance and Mrs MIlton Complete report MI nnd Mrs C E Cone, MIS. Bet- th Wlltten m poetry, they and proper of men Return Lungston Epwol League Frtday Come in publtcan fihbuster In senate whIch ttammg durmg of assoctatlon's for the Sponsor E.gage­ to wear slacks, so they are Llll ex· Ellis, Savannah, addressed the operatIons year Jean Cone and MISS Lorena Dur- apd SETS ruGH the armory dnll a successful ment for Next o'clock About out now RECORD year, t)' evelllng at 8 thlrty- ushered congress, Hardisty was Week. CIted They don't know what It'S for, see these meetmg as the representattve. of the 1938 made by the secretary­ den motol ed to Savannah Saturday were esent A .connected WIth U S de­ demonstratIon of thiS instruction at five members pi very or why You can bet With those two engineering alumnae of the treasurer, T W Rowse Interest­ at A rlzona Two Other Speeial Events Are college DIXIe's newest radiO fOI the day WlIS It WIll be fun --WIll see ]1artment Parker, the annual armory and the sensation, mterestmg plogram plesented gIVIng It, Outstanding Inspectton, talks were made B 0 a whIte burted BIShop John M Moore the mg by Byron Dyer, Mr Mrs Waldo of TOWN Looper, man, Listed to Occur effICIent of brought "The RIce Brothers and TheIr and PaffOld, by the commIttee on IIlISSlOnS you AR_OUND During performance duty at the Gang," values! keg of hquor In ground near cIty closmg message, In whIch the church county agent of Bulloch county; 0 asnual are com Ing back to In re­ Rocky Ford, were guests dunng the Rev FI ank GIlmore an mtel­ W H The: Week field tramlDg perIod A great Register g.\Ve CONE-JOY Itmlt; Shet'lff DeLoach and Coming was to to the L Johnson, of urged respond pres�nt county agent Bryan sponse to demand their weck of hel plllents, MI and Mrs the the J I'll MItchell uncovered the deal of weIght IS put on the effICIent cxpressed by estmg talk After program 1\11'3 M E Conc, of Sttlson, an­ Deputy county, and B. W. Householder, of new in all alld arrested to from Bulloch challenge admIrers after theIr succeSB­ Fl'cd T Lamel took COATS-Smart styles keg Looper, Judge Accordtng report and accurate firmg of the guns at blghl,. preSIdent, Ruby Olhff, charge nounces the engagement of her The of Chatham J. A field Proctor hIm "at cur­ meeting Tuesday was one county FraZIer, ful first MI MI s Fred T and gave $200 fine; Stock Yal'ds, subnlltted by 0 L Mc­ and outfit has appearanc. here recently. nnd �unter After all busmess was completed ,e­ wool suedes and colorful tweeds. camp, thIS fired 10 and daughtel, Atosso, to Cornelius Joy, rent IS a series whICh WIll SImIlar supervIsor for the Federal Land pnces ($12 per quart) hquor awn· carry The RIce Brothers' of radio Robert Lamer m Sa- Lemore, manager, Tuesday's 12-1OCh and 155-lI1m WIth a troupe spent Sunday freshments were served and gumes of the to be sol­ ..stlmated to have on guns Itlgh Atlanta, marrIage Lustrous taffeta 12 to 52. been ,"nth $576 meetlllgs Into every dIstrIct In both Bank of C.lubla, for the southern linings. .. verSBry sale thet e was a record· .tal'll, on statIOns WSB and WAGA'. vannah as guests of Mr and Mr. were the local market degree of accuracy neJoyed emfllzed In APlll. the North and South half of was Introduced and .- breaker "The smce our GeorgIa Con- Georgia, famous Cross RoAds will F B ThIgpen, RUBY OLLIFF blli'gest yard Consldermg the fact that thIS IS Follies, MISS Cone IS the daughter of Mrs mode some helpful was said IrIr McLemore V'efY suggestIons au new at Mrs Olan Stubbs and httle daugh- ... and tailored THIRTY YEARS AGO opened," one of the youngest Coast Artillery ferqnces stage entIrely performance M. E Cone and the late P H Cone, SUITS-Sport styles Decell the fact In connectIon WIth the tuture of the And thIS IS one InCIdent of the BIshop regretted the school audltorllnn on tel, Nancy, at Lamel, were week-end BIRTHDA Y DINNER onIy ou�ts m the UnIted State., It IS even Frida,., of StIlson On her maternal sIde she in fastener BWlocb Times, March 1', 19i9 that was not assocIatIOn fabrics. Slide In Wesleyan older than It !l(arch under Mr and Mrs popular aetlvity pronused local Itvestock a honor to rceetve 17th, auspIces of the guests of her parents, Mrs Mattie Bland was entertaln- Martin and greater thIS award, IS descended from the A. es· IS and added "John had lots D. B. Turner, edItor of the Bulloch on skirts. 12 to 20. Dolon, vetertnary surZ'eon, CIrcles. Next week two other bIg Wltb Wesley RegISter Pareat-T..,her AJlloclatlo•• Lowell Mallard ed WIth a dehclOti� dInner m observ- together the other honorable DaVIS famlhes, promlentn In Bulloch iabltsh'ed offICe m Statesboro of sense ahoat In Times, mtroduced the cuest eventa are seheduled. everythmg tbe speaker, " ne... note iJl Mr have mentions that .. Strildng dl8tinctl,. nnd Mrs P G Walker ance of her bIrthday Revival Sel'VlCe8 at they hue recel ed seWbty-seventh coenty On her paternal sIde the began Pl'esby­ world on&-he had no sense Judge Harry 0 general counsel On the Farm..s except Ree, entertamment by blending cWlle as their guests> hIS SIster, Mrs A R at the home ..nan cnurch by Rev L. A. McLarm, Thurll'iay Dally durmg tbea bnef perIOd as Coast Sunday, Fehruary 26th, brIde-elect IS a dIrect descendant of about women. U he could of the Farm Credit Adnllslntration New 1939 LIvestock Market WIll have its have Just f..ontes of old-timl> musIc with new LeWIS, and her little daughter, RIta, of hel Mrs. R C 'Pastor open­ Artlllermen. granddaughter, WIlliam a of Columbua. a n&tiyc Captain Cone, Revolutionary R L. one of those had Wesleyan CoUege graduato for Judge Reed, trends for Itveltneaa 10 of Sample bought Ing sale Elaborate plans have been ThIS COIt.8ISta Instrumenta­ DIckson, Tenn Monroe In Savannah. Present •.. of the follow- Jr, War hero and pIOneer settler of Bul­ styles just ••w BUlcks In last week ODtti� h,. wife he and MethodIsm would GeorgIan, who IS tboroughly famlhar brought by made for and there IS no room to tion, comed,. aad ..ocaUstlcs. the MI and Mrs Henry Bhteh and beSIdes Mrs were tius, mg off,cers:' Headquarters. the honoree, Bland, loch county n. Percy AverItt Kajor .both have fared hetter" WIth the woriUlIgS ot the Federal unpacked! doubt It will be a event'. Homer Rice Brothers Gang have been settiftg httlc son, J1mmy, of Savannatl, were her Mrs J \V Mrs Ten members were lrutlated Into bIg Leroy Cowart, Bn 1st Sisters, Rountt'�e, Mr Joy IS the eldest son of Mr commander; Land Bank and national farm loan C Parker IS In of thIS market records all over the aoutheaat. A guests at her parents, Mr F 0 R F Mill RDy Lodge of Odd Fellows, tho charge Lt SmIth, 2nd Lt Homer Melton. weel,-end Olhfl', Mrs Donaldson, and Mrs N S Joy, pronunent CItI­ associatIOns, gave ....Iualole Inform&- COATS-Slllart new dress and In On of next week Statesboto trIbute to the merIt or their show ia lind Mrs J L Mathews sport styles. .nly country lodge GcorgJa Friday Det, 2nd Lt. Henry com- lind Mrs Anna Olhff, her daughters, zens of Va He attended Hqrs. Ellis, tton of the atfal.. of both the bank Brookneal, full coats. New G Jaeckel moved to Savannah and LIvestock Comnllsslon F C Par­ BAPTIST CIllJRm tbe fact that their second appearance Mr and Mrs Robert Fort and Itt- Three-quarter and length Co, mander, and enhsted men Med- Mrs Lee Sykes and Mrs C C New­ In Va At eight and on behalt Roanoke College , took charge of the Screven House; hIS and the asSOCIations, has at­ fabrics. 12 to 44. ker & Son, managers, will also spon­ many commurut,- mvariably tIe daughter, Lynda, Mrs Graham man Covers laId for these and brother-In-law C. R took Ical Det, Capt. W E. Floyd, com- 'fere !"esent he IS connected WIth the Sea­ Baggot, of the offIcers of the Federal Land sor a of fat to tracted larger crowds than theIr first and MISS Ezel Gmham motoled to MIS. MISS Charhe New­ charge of Jueckel Hotel In States­ speCIal sho\omg cattle, mander and five enhsted men REVIVAL SERVICE JIIII Stubbs, board Finance Corporation 1I1 At· Bank of ColumbIa extended greetings Dubllll for the and boro be followed by a sale These gentl .... "AU COnsISts of engagement Sunday day man, MISS Joyce Bland and Mr and lanta TOPPERS-Hip three-quarter lengths. BattelY Capt T and offered for the bank full Mrs. Joe Wood was burned to Dr. Willis of co-oper- Hoke and Paul RIce are a to Sa- and men have been gener­ Howard, LaGrange, Georgia Formmg palty motonng Mrs R C Monroe. The bll thday ••• Stunning styles advertlSlflg Morr!s, commandet, 1st Lt J � death at ber home near atton In all matters pertainmg to the Rocky Ford, thIS and \.111 dl aw To Assist Pastor Begin.. boys who aclueved stardom in the . ously event, vannah Saturday were MIsses Brooks fabrics. 12 to 44 they 2nd Lt B A and . cake was decorated w,lth "TRAILER CAMP" PARTY $1.98 Up her husband wns at the tIme m AverItt; Johnsen, work of the assocUltlon beautIfully Jail Next Mond time" but who to cOll­ Dot Mrs Hu­ entrIes from fal' and near nmg ay. "big prefer Grtmes, Brannen and Martha- hghted candles and °W.IS cut by Mrs H F Arundel and here awaIting trial charged WIth the fifty-seven enhsted men �IS t1llue their careers back wlth the Donaldson, and Mrs F N GrImes bert Amason at e entertaining this murdel' of Wmk MIkell In the meantIme tbe report from "B" consIsts of H L Bland nnd served Wlth Jell-o and Battery Capt The FIrst BaptIst church enters United Farmers To (ThUlsday) ev�nlng at the Arundel PLAID SPORT JACKETS The Woman's sale at Bulloch Yard "homefolks" They are supported bT - MISSIOnary Stock Mr and MIS . BaptIst Tuesday's Lanme SImmons, _ 2nd Lt John­ c,eam Johnson_, commander, mto the reVIval serVIces next "hlppod home with n "Trailer Camp" party. of Bulloch Sunday a - /.._, Umon county has empioy­ IS and follows talented and popular group of art­ Mrs Bel nard M" He,- • • • .. mterestmg, oereWlth and enltsted men Meet Here McDougald, , Their New in son, firty Wednesday guest lIst comprSlCS members Hollywood cd as worker MLSS mornmg Dr WIIhs Howard, minis· ,models county missionary "Bullocb Stock Yard ltad ISts who have wall thousands of man Bland and C P OIhff were bus- HOME MISSIONS of the WIth theIr hus­ • largest All of the above are located at Cotillion club popular boucle weave. 12 to 18. $3 98 Helen Stephens, of Boston, Ga, who ter of the FIrst BaptIst church of sale of cattle and hogs Tuesday sInce The Bulloch county cf frIends through thelt' dally broad­ lness VISitors In Augusta Thursday The scason of for home biVlds and dates TheIr untque inVI­ assumed the work last week Statesboro whIch �hapter tIle prayel m!.S­ except Battery "B." WIll arrive Mon· opemng two years ago, thIS the LaGrange, Georgta, a over WAGA tations wei e wrItten m rhyme H T. McLemore was buned m East bemg Umted GeorgIa Farmers WIll hold casts WSB and Mrs Waldo Floyd, accompanted by Slons was observed Monday, re IU­ IS located at Washmgton, Ga anmversary sale Hogs sold about the day for the evemng serVIce and WIll SHIRT WAIST BLOUSES SIde cemetery WIth MasonIC cere­ meetmg III the court house Wednes­ Mrs EdWin Groovel, Mrs Juhlin ary at the from same as last week Com fed No See 4 27th, BaptIst church, hogs, MILITARY, page at 10 o'clock each mal FRENCH KNOTTERS mony, pallbearers were W H. SIm­ preach mng March 15th, Ilt 2 30 p m Junior Chambe-r To TIllman and Mrs Joe mo­ 10 a m untIl 30 m A 1, $675 to $690; No 2, $650 to day, Tlllmlln, 3_0- � p very Members of the FI ench Knotters Siub yarn broadcloth and tailored M E W H and at 8 o'clock each for the rayons mons, Gnmes, Ellis, mIxed No to evenmg R W field tored to Savannah fOI the was carried on $665, fed, 1s, $650 Arnold, representatIve Wednesday 1I1terestmg program SO" mg club spent a dehghtful after­ in luscIOUS colors. Perry Kennedy, W GRames and Distinguished Visitor next ten Entertain Big Group $665, heaVIes, $626 to $660, No 2s, days of the NatIonal Farm Bureau, WIll day. thloughout the ent"e day, under the noon on Wednesday WIth Mrs R L J M Jones 34 to 40 $1.00 $610 to $635; No 3s, $565 to $600, Us SpeCIal musIc WIll be enjoyed at The Statesboro JunlOr of Cone as then hostess Edward Stone entered SUIt for Among Yesterday be the prmclpal spealter at thIS meet­ Ohamber a motonng to SIl­ dllectlorl of Mrs J G FlowellOg to Forming palty Attaway, plO­ No 4S, $525 $635, fat so""s, $525 each servIce ThIS WIll be undel' the qumce In her decora­ servIces m F "J Foster mto R M ot the Commerce will do tn a bIg wa,. were Mrs Bell­ predommated leadmg mg StIles, president thlnis vannah Saturday Roy glam chaI.rman to $6 00; stags, $4 00 to $5 26 One One of the natIon's most dlstIn· tIOn and chatting featured the hands of the offIcers as he at­ dIrector of the Ilastor of the church when on eve­ SeWIng WOOL FLANNEL farmer sold one hundl ed and seven GeorgIa chapter of the Uruted Geor­ 'they entertain, Friday ver and little ..I1'he consisted of SKIRTS lIaughter, Jane, MI�'�s program pI ayers, the afternoon's entertamment. T,he tempted to pass a check for $600 on gulShed cltlZens, Henry Ford, was a and Mrs J G Moore, choU' dIrector hogs for $1,732 gta Far mers, will be the local ning of next week, the Inter-City songs, hostess served a salad and a !.he Sea Island Bank WIth the name '!'(Ith Mllry Castleberry, Mary Hogan .\,nd ImpreS�lIve devotiOnals, spe· beverage Parker Wilder AD Wool Flannel in VISItor In Statesboro yesterday for a and Mrs B L SmIth will ... pastel "Cattle market stead), on be.t fat orgarust also League of Coastal Emptre Jaycees. Nell Colhns cml mtlS1C and sevelal talks ef W. S Preetorlus forged organlZatIOn msplrmg colors and cattle Beef type .teers and heifers, short whIle ComIng on a personal be at the AI! are to BRIDGE CLUB plaids. A"p. outbreak occurred at "Port Ar­ plano urged W H. tile Bulloch county It IS planned that more than 200 VIS­ Bland and httle son, who gIven dIfferent members Mrs B to to Smith, Mrs. Fred by $800 $9 00; meoeting, is for tbe fore he speau vory often 1JI1l remain o'olclqlt, followinS hich II d8Dce wID JlIRS A J SHELTON out about dall· '>lnd Ml's Ra!llh Howard 'fi-.!II..-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••_•••••iI .. Fordham, outfield, Spartanburg every twenty years loll the afternoon. whole citY. allent. be a-rven in the Guarda Armory. ,