DISTRICT COUNCIL DATE: 24/03/2021 Notice is hereby given of applications which have been submitted to East Lindsey District Council. Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) () Order 2015 The following applications will not be determined until 21 days from the publication of this notice. Tree Preservation Orders. Erection of vehicular and pedestrian gates and security fencing to a maximum height of 3.0m to the rear and side of the existing Police Station. POLICE STATION, PARK AVENUE, SKEGNESS. Police, (S/153/00234/21). Affects Public Footpath No. 20. Construction of a retractable awning/canopy to provide an outdoor seating area and alterations to the existing vehicular access and carpark. THE GREEN MAN INN, OLD MAIN ROAD, , LOUTH. Mr. C. Nickerson, (N/149/00376/21). Tree Preservation Orders. Erection of 1no. dwelling with attached double garage and construction of a vehicular access. LAND TO THE WEST OF MAIN STREET, , . I. M. Graham, (S/201/00474/21). Major Development. Erection of 10no. detached houses each with associated garages and construction of a vehicular and pedestrian access. LAND REAR OF 24, MILL LANE, . Mr. & Mrs. Hudson, (S/215/00036/21). Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The following applications will not be determined until 21 days from the publication of this notice. Affects Setting of Listed Building. Listed Building. Conservation Area. Listed Building Consent - Internal and external alterations to existing public house to provide structural repairs to strengthen roof and front wall repairs. THE MILLERS DAUGHTER, 17 NORTHGATE, LOUTH. T.M. Browne Ltd, (N/105/02378/20). Affects Setting of Listed Building. Listed Building. Conservation Area. Listed Building Consent - Internal alterations to the existing building to provide a toilet for the disabled and additional internal doors. 18-20 CORNMARKET, LOUTH. John Barkers Property Ltd, (N/105/00371/21). Affects Setting of Listed Buildings. Conservation Area. Change of use, conversion of, alterations to former shop to provide a ground floor studio apartment. 21 WEST STREET, ALFORD. Pearce Properties Investments Ltd, (N/003/00456/21). Affects Setting of Listed Buildings. Section 73 application in relation to condition no. 2 (approved plans) previously imposed on planning permission ref. no. S/175/01485/17 for the erection of a dwelling. LAND AT TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, HUNTERS LANE, . Broodle Partnership Ltd, (S/175/00481/21). Affects Setting of Listed Buildings. Erection of a building to be used as an annexe, on the site of part of the existing garage which is to be removed. SCHOOL MEADOW HOUSE, NEW END, , HORNCASTLE. Mr. S. Topham, (S/082/00483/21). Affects Setting of Listed Building. Change of use, conversion of and alterations to the existing barn to provide 2no. holiday lets. MANOR FARM, MAIN ROAD, LITTLE CARLTON, LOUTH. Mr. & Mrs. Gilfoyle, (N/101/00492/21). Affects Setting of Listed Building. Change of use, conversion of and alterations to the existing barn (Barn A) to provide 1no. holiday let. MANOR FARM, MAIN ROAD, LITTLE CARLTON, LOUTH. Mr. & Mrs. Gilfoyle, (N/101/00493/21). Affects Setting of Listed Building. Removal and replacement of part of the existing building facade's with new curtain wall/doors/panelling and replacement of part of the existing roof. QUEEN ELIZABETHS GRAMMAR SCHOOL, STATION ROAD, ALFORD. Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, (N/003/00503/21). Affects Setting of Listed Building. Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements)(England) Regulations 2007. Consent to Display - 4 no. non-illuminated hoarding signs at existing roundabout. JUBILEE CLOCK TOWER, TOWER ESPLANADE, SKEGNESS. CP Media, (S/153/00507/21). Listed Building. Listed Building Consent - Repairs to existing roof of the control tower and demolition of existing viewing enclosure. LINCOLNSHIRE AVIATION HERITAGE CENTRE, AIRFIELD, EAST KIRKBY. Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre, (S/046/00280/21). In determining an application the Local Planning Authority will take into account representations relating to the applications which are received by them. Any response you make is open to public inspection and will also appear on the Council’s website in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, even if marked ‘Private and Confidential’. We only remove e-mail addresses, phone numbers, signatures and any 3rd party information from correspondence published on our website. Your name, address and any other personal information will be open to public inspection and will be retained permanently as part of the Public Register of Planning Applications. East Lindsey District Council is a Data Controller for the purposes of Planning Legislation and the Data Protection Officer can be contacted on 01507 601111. More details of your data protection rights including the right to complain about how your data is handled can be found on our website. Please only provide personal data if you are happy for it to be shared as set out above, and in the event of a Planning Appeal, with the Planning Inspector. In the event of an appeal against a refusal of planning permission for a householder application or a minor commercial application or a refusal of express consent for the display of an advertisement, which is to be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage. A copy of the application may be viewed on our website www.e-lindsey.gov.uk/applications Representations giving your full postal address should be sent to Mike Gildersleeves, Assistant Director - Planning at East Lindsey District Council, Tedder Hall, Park, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 8UP. Alternatively on line comments can be sent via our website. To follow the progress of an application go to our website.