Bpn'tPors«t OoRwpondineVof the Nnn. botanical skill. I. seated myself upon the thing about " Hell's having no jury like a DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. NEW ADVE WTISEMENTS. The Ingham County News. ''.':Sd'gln'uii,aaU grass and began.A Ihi* plant has a—a— i MnMINIUIItll/MIBUiqilBi Woman corned " and that slie Got up a con- WbMyoa.waat toy thing stamen-'^nd-rHanif'-a multliocnlar iierfolla- !*piracy'(what is that 1) Among the Squaws . .-'. LAIIOISDBO, JVM 20th, 1874. PUBMSBCD WSBKLT, AT It Iha Htrdinn .LiM. tlon, (if any bttdy knows what that is), and ana they all set in Woii night and DelibMrate- When t'gnRtribniCoDBrMa of this tri- THE TI2.TJTil~" For we an iellliig CI«oda it is pNluacalated and biennial, (I shouldn't ly talked every he Latum Indian to death be­ Mason, Insham County, Mich. fllqa Bepublic doDtted" to wch Bute public allow wonder)—and—iust here a depraved youth fore morning. It Was a Big funeral but no ludi'to the (monnl of 80,000 MMd. for each Ai thajr can be bought la Janikiin came along of whom I asked what plant it carriage because Worden, Marsh nor Origgs TlRMS,—One year,81.7S; six months, 11.00; ' of iti'Sentton andBeptesentatiTMinCon- • •• •• OrLauiag' was. He looked at me in two wink* and want thore. In the laps of time (and it want three montliM, SOots,; always In advance. RKii, tceordlDK t« the censai of 1880, for says he "dad, that's an old umbrella stuck in And ar* always readj long either) All the other squaws gradually NOTHING Bufm TRUTH! .' 'ro HCBfloitiiiKits.—A Black X on thih for the endowment arid support of at least the ground." He was right but how I hate that • loQnotevricM. , blew Away and she called for " Man-i-two," paper Indicates that your subscription will one collese where the leading object should boy. I couldn't endure this shock to my ner­ I I I bnllovo r am ugent for tlio two Best Cul- DATna It Psuri. but he said she shoodont have any, but be­ be, without escludlns other sclentlflc and clas- vous system and camo away. I did it by piece­ tlvatorrt over brought Into tliii Couuty. I expire with ono moro number. A Blue X come llio Shadow of " tho Wandering Jow " Blcal studies and inolndlnR military tactics, to meals, but I got myself awny just as soon as refer to llio Indlbates that It has already expired. and over preach tlic Sullerasos and the Pro­ Safe Insurance. teach such branehM of learning as are relat­ I could, and went down the river and down fessor said that since that time she had been Addreaa all letters to the Atlantic and Paolflo lotnranee OOKK ed to agrteulture and the tueohaulo arts," it that horrid road to Lansing, and fed myself talking "Greek," and that if wo would be "KINQ" AND "HAMMOND" K. KI1TBBDOB, VOL. XVI.-NO. 27. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 2,1874. WHOLE NO. 808. pany of Chicago III., is one of the safett and exhibited a degree of prodigality of dirt sel­ the bslance of the day on sweetened wind Good lllllo boys he would take us to see her CULVIVATORS. MAHON, MioniOAN. moat reliable ciompanlea in eziitence. Ita dom equaled and nerer sDrpataed in the his­ from a soda fountain. And now, the delight when She coino hero, or else Show Ua whore loaaes are paid promptly, ita rates are lew, tory of mankind.- of my life will be to see that institution en­ A large lot of 60c Bibbons just received. We are selling his (lead dog was buried, Wo told him we'd They aro shnplo, well mailo, easily ndJuNt- and none but drst-clasa risks are taken. Yen I shall always be glad that in driiting the dowed. Let the blind Toms and crazy Janes The Republican says Lansing is the head ter begging and itealing until he was pretty dividing them into two great classes—the na­ rather see the dog Place. Ben and mo eil, havlnt! two IcverH, luid perform tliolr TOWJir AND COUNTY. Tho Sabin Store. will do well to insure your homes and bast* act it put the .'word " other " before " sclentl­ go. Let the University go where it belongs, them at 25 cents per yard. center for political conventions this summer. well played out, became suddenly converted, tural and artiflcial, and the latter into settled trudged Down to the city park. Its called work to Ihn eutlro satlHructlou of all who A chance to buy iuita—suiti very cheap. nan property in this company. flc and classical," as that makes the matter into tho hands of the Homeopathists, Let The Reform party holds its convention An- promised better things and joined the church, and adjustable faces, the adjustable faces be­ " Sceutral " and its a Marsh and is usually have used thom. Also, tho The entire stock of a New York manufacturer SwABT & DABLIHO, Agenta Mason. a great deal more binding and represents slip everything, but hold tight this—burlesque Jackson, Lansing * Saginaw R. R. Bust 6th, the Republican State Convention as a great many supposed, to better hide bis ing such as are put on for the'occasion. She covered with Walter. We would have had a to be closed out. Grass Cloths, Linens, Bu- OlO. B. SWABT. farming Just as it la, and also that it included on agriculture. S. August 26th, and the Democratic State Con­ depredations upon corn-cribs, hen-roosts etc. mentioned some of the characteristics of these good Wade only for the Signs " Do not tread tiste, in all the admirable new stylei. The F, I, DABLIBO. •' military tactics " which is a very important Chicago Time. Tak lug elTcot Mny 24,1R74, vention Aiignst 28th. He gave a long description of bow good the adjustable faces in a way that caused fre­ » • * on the Grass " (it was under waller) " Pluck Seymour Grain Drill, above stock is now on the way and will be : feature in the thing. Here our youth may ooiNO rfokTii. noiNa Hourn. Lord had been to him and wound up with quent smiles on the " faces " of tier audience. not the Flowers (there want none) and " No Mr. N. A. Barrett a former principal of the opened at the Sabin Store July 1st, at prices learn the heavy strategy of war and the mild oKGnos. BUNNELL & TANNER. 'i'ho Simplest nnd Best Drill made, 4.10pm. 7.00am. Jackson. la.inpro. . S.lOpm. the hope that his last days would be his best She advocated " company faces," saying that Wooll Wool! Wool 1 Dogs peiinltled on tliese grounds," and so 6.10" 8,07 " Mason. ll.lOum. 8.1U • High School was in town last Fridoy and below competition. Remember that tbaae er tactics of potato bug slaughter. Here we days, in which the whole congregation fer­ it was not right tliat people should intrude OKEHOS, June 23d, 1874. we didn't go on um But after killing a few BcluK n fanner of nearly thirty years' ex­ S.55 " 8.40" Lansing. 10.41) " 7.40 - attended the commencement exercises. He SnitH are bought at less than actual coat of I want all tbft good wool I can get, fbr have mare sclentlflc knowledge rammed Into 7.02" 10.08 " OWONHO. 8..V> " 6.4,'j " vently joined. When he sat down, ap their faces clouded with care, and private DKAB SIR.—A communication in your last Frogs we went Home and found out it was perience In tho use of Agrluullnral Iinplo- has been teaching the past year at Plainwell, manufacture, and will ha sold at on»-b*lf tba which I will pay mere than any< ether buyer a given space than was ever before offered to 8..ia" ILM " Sog'wOlty. 7..V. " 4.20 " Jumped tlic son of the old lady and thus ex­ perplexities in the presence of visitors, and week's NEWS purporting to give an account no Park coz tliere want no trees there and monts, I KNOW that I um recomraeniUuK Allegan county, and has engaged to teach usual prices. in this market. a frantic youth, and the unexampled prodi- FRKIOIITTRATNH pnsN Mason,golngNorth, pressed himself: " Brethren and aistera, I that it would be well to cultivate such a dis­ 0. E. EATOB, Central Elevator. of the rise and progress of tlin Temperairce them College Chaps had got it up as a juke. iirtlcloM Of uudlsputed morlt, Bt 7,40 a.m., 10.10 a. ni., and H.OO p. m. Going there the coming year. . ' SABIN BTORB, Jackson, Mich. aallty of hnhdteda of thousands ef dollars ex­ hope my last days will be jtst 'taetlij like position aa wot'ild warrant the carrying of a Mason, June 10th, 1874. movement in Okemos, seems to call for a few The folks here want a new and Bigger Juil O-It Is Tor YOUIt GUEAT INTEKK.ST that Bouth. at 4.00a. m., 2.00 p.m., and 4.2S p. ra. > » > pended by the State to educate about a hun­ The Lansing Journal espreases itself, as brother W '*. The smih that ran around " company face " nearly all the time. corrections, and with your generous permis­ Bill but the people in rival towns don't want you Nliould sea these niachlnes before pur- dred youth annually, with a force of ilfty less follows, concerning Rice: " Our Mason the audience waa audible for fully a mile. The closing oration was delivered by Oria Pay Your Taxes. sion 1 will review it, staling tlie main facts as none Bill here coz I expect they had rather chiiKlng. 000,001 Pounds of good, light, or more paid employes to cram the knowledge NEUr ADVEBTISEffltENTS. correspondent says that Rice has got a new > ^ . F, Barnes, who spoke of " Great Event* and I am prepared to receire the taxea of this known to this community. The article al­ be Jailed nearer Home, The Women and