PORTLAND ^—■—— Established June 23,1862. Vol. 9. PORTLAND, SATURDAY

The Portland Daily Press MISCELLANEOUS. TO LET. MISCKLIANKOCS. IIOTEI.S I< published every day (Sundays excepted) by THE DAILY PRESS the House to Let DAILY PRESS. Portland Publishing Co., Panto Street, suitable for two families. Also a CARRIAGES ! SEA-SIDE RESOUT. BUSINESS ONsimilar House at Ferry Village, Cape Elizabeth. CARRIAGES 5 DIRECTORY. PORTLAND. At 10!) Exchange Stkebt, Portland. BONDS ! ) y 13(11 w lltvNKY A. JONJKi, 1 liait . a Year in advance. Terms:—Eight Dollars At Reduced Prioea. 1 Advertising ligcncy. & Ken. B. R. (>'<* Goole a central re- fact that have in Store nn«l con- I? skill with in lensjtb of column, constitutes a square." yards, gas, water; jet the kinds ot Vehicles used Sea Nide osorl. which Speaker Blaine Jelius tLe tired local iou in a st-ntly manufacturing all i'ill'erent in this Country, of lie newest and For sale by sooel neighborhood, with grapes, inoff deipm 81.50 per square daily iirst week. 75 cents perfect and for durability, elegance ot com no tor IIousc carrants, etc. Kent reas nable. construction, finish, and tort, have superior. Every Aiçcucic·. Sewinz ilJacliinM, stormy through these houra. He week three or oiler d tor sale is to those built to busy per after; insertions, less, $1.00; junlUitf at No. 496 St. Carriage equal socially order, and will he sold at price·» that cannot fail other 00 Apply Congress to suit all customers. OTTAWA HOUSE, W. S.DYER, 1W Middle St βν,τ H. H. Huy'e. All snaps all baiuls, and overrides most technical- continuing every day after first week, SWAM &. «ι BARRETT, fâT We make a of Two Wheel Chaise tor kinds of M:i"binc» lor sale and to let. cents. speciality Physicians' u?e. Repaît imj. ities Tlie House the 8tore to A good assortment ot low work ot dînèrent Island, Portland, Ale. enjoys fun so long us Half 73 cents; 100 Middle Let! the priced Manufacturers on hand and for sale at a Cusliing's M & G. It. 51 Middle ο ver square, three insertions or less, street. constantly WAI.DEN, Street, there is after. june 13dlm slight advance over the wholesale price. my?5TT»&S3rao Lock, Meservc ft Co. nothing serious on band. If there one week, §1.00; 50 cents per week The al> >ve favorite Summer Ilesort, will {Improved //·>«·«.) Midd'e, between Franklin and was I Special Notices, one third additional. Hampshire 'be ro-ovK iied. June 2*, 1M70. presume the Speaker would be as e;ire- " New Method ot ON Streets. In good repair. Boa' i Under head ol A mukestents," $2.00 per "Washing Clothes ΐ'ίτ. Bathing and tithing unsurpassed Bakers, ful as the House is or less JAMES A. FOBS. on the Atlantic Coast. jealous of its rights. week; throe insertions 81.50. without the labor of ■* No. 12 Pearl Street. square per rubbing. Portland, .Tune 20. jun21tf ATLANTIC. A first-class W. O.COBB, a Advertisements inserted in the "Maine Quadrille Band will he in attend- There is good deal to do in these latter day», STKDWANS Patent Wasli Boiler t ow ou ance during the season. State (which basa large circulation • so it Pbess" OP.exliibitiou at A. N. Nojes & No 12 Ex- To be Let. Parties wishing to reach the Ottawa and far is being done well, as well as ex oi the lor Son's, House will Boots and Shoes—Gents Custom Work. in every part State) $1.00 per square change St. enquire tor Str. Gazelle, Custom House Wharf. 50 for ί lili desirable store, Ko. 13 -Market Square. Mutual Insurance psditiouily. About these hours it is for first insertion, and cents per square This Boiler operates upon 1 Oonvp'y. Terms from $14 to $20 per week. For further WALTER ΒΕΚΓ.Γ, No. 101 Middle Street. amusing purely philosophical Apply to [juni'li] WM. HAMMOD. IN par- each subsequent insertion. principles. It is sell-acting, and dispenses entirely (ORGANIZED 1842.) ticulars aj ply to to note the warnings ol the Tribune and Address all communications to with tlie rubbing an d wear ο I the clothes. The hot THOMAS Manager. CUSHING, BookscPors and others to take care of the Kuds and steam, by the action ot the is 51 Wall st., corner of New York. Ν. B.—Boat Clubs and other the Stationers. thieves. Alter their PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. tire, poured ΊΠο Il^et William, parties viiting upon the clothes, and forced ! Ottawa House wilt receive and can through the fabtlc with every attention, HOVT, FOGG .S- ^HEED, 92 Middle Street. special pet projects are disposed of, they ν astonishing rapidi'v, cleansing them perfectly. It Insures Against Marine and Inland Navigation MisSs be ltirnished with Musicians and spacious Ball Hoom lias been at reasonable inclined to "thief!" But on thoroughly tested, and pronounced un- rpUK ST. JULIAN HOTEL, at Portland, Maine. charges. joHilGw pear cry most BUSINESS CARDS equaled as a Clothes Washer those-who have used A Rook-Binders. by lhe furniture is nearly new and in good con- m·» cmmranj is PURELY MUTUAL·. Hie wnoie PUUFIT the of an election is the surest it. All fabrics, from the fiuest laces to the be.l- revsrls to the ASSURED, anil arc divided things facing dition and will be sold cheap. the Prémunis terminated the SMALL & Hh Λ Hit No. 38 I'laui blanket, can be washed and ANNUALLY, upon during year; lor which CertificaieH are issued, bearing IJSE. FORD, Street. perlectly with ease,with- The House is centrally located and is doing a good interest until redeemed. preventive of uudua cheatery. The land and GREENE & DANFOBTU, out rubbing. For Flannels, il is invaluable, as the usiness. RrSSEJLÏ,JIO and Vu J minai the ΛμΗη Accumulated from if* Bonnet and railroad are all sure to be to. rubbing, rolling pressing process must neccssa- Bathing Booms, Barbel's Shop, and all the mod- )' 1870, Ku»iur»» vrvrc an follown, viz: OLD OltCUAllD Hat Bleachery. jobs objected rilv full them more or less. BEACH, It is trulv a la'o,r and ern conveniences, United 8Utes and State of New-York Stocks, City, Bank and other Η. E. UNDER WOOD, No. Congress Street. The Senate has twelve or thirteen CIVIL· clothes invention. It. Λ. ill It Stocke, 97,850,49000 NAtO, HIE. 310J passed I^OINEERS, saving D, GEORGE E. WARD, Loans secured by Stocks and otherwise,. ·· r Proprietor. OO This Hou?e will 74 ITIiild cor· fclrrct. jelltf Agent, i« tlie Assignees for Maine. Premium Bond 3,148«ΊΟΟ _____ be open to reccivo guests laud but there will not be one of Jr, Kxchnnge For as to terms of of Notes and Bills Receivable, Real Estate, and and other grant bills, paiticulars lease, enquire Mortgages securities.. £-931,0~l on aud atter Jul ν 1 it. is tituated on Coal and Charles Cash in Dank, ; beautifully the Wood. the ME. P. Mattocks, Attorney at J.aw, No. 68 Mid- 5!J3,797 finest beach in New England, and the iaci'itics for them taken from Speaker's table. PORTLAND, dle PAUL PRINCE & SON, toot of Wilraot street. street, Por.'land, Me. jun8tf boating and bathing are For the Total amount ot Assets β unsurpassed. The only questions of real importance Civil Engineering in all branches, Surveys and Hair ! 14,4(>9,$0$ Prices very moderate. Estimates tor Roads and Railroads, Water Supply To Let. W. Η. Η. i\IooxE,2ci Viee-Preet. .John D. Jones, President. jun30eod2w SK JFIELD & KNAPP, Propri··*· n»?»tnet Furniture Iffaniifhcturers. which appear to be at issue, are the Georgia The new us f->r J. 1>. 3d Vice-Preet.· and Water Power; Designs. Specifications and preparation recently prepared by No. 150 Commercial Street, head of Hewlett, Charles Vice-Preeident „n the restoration of hair to its Widg- Dennis, No 13J UnIon street. matter, the Indian appropriations, and the Estimates lor Wood and Iron Bridges and Roofs. original color, which STOKEery's N. O. •I, H.Chapman, Secretary. as can be seen the Wharf, recently occupied by Cram, Chas. E. J. Π. preparation, by certificate ot the Esq. Possession J 1st. CAPE COTTA^ Southern PaclQc Railroad bills. Greene. Dasfobtb. State Dr. is of given uly •JOI£IV W. Assayer, Cummings, composed entire- AUG. E. STEVENS & IdUNGER, Correspondent, Suilders. iuy7d3m* is now CO., GEOUGIÂ. ly vegetable matter, ofleied to the public. 14G Commercial Street. This favorite Sea-Sldc House and Sum· We junltf ICO Fore WHITNE\ the Park. rely upon it for its virtues, end are willing to Office, Street, Portland. Resort, the finest on tlie Maine Coast, ^ RpPlto On the J. H. LAMS trust the at its are'll Gist there seems no of OX♦ it/upon public Intrinsic worth. 3 ,1870. e UllmJtwGw will be open tor transient and permanent prospect Kead the following certificate: TO LΈΤ. a of PIIOTOGRAPHEB, company, on the 15th inst. First-Class ac- Clotliinj? and Furnishing Goods. reaching ground common action. The Portland, April 11,1870. commodations in ererv appointment. From Vhilailcldhia, Having examined a specimen ot the FFICBS IS Îmer LEWIS & LBWÎS, No. 7β Middle Street. Conference Committee met last and Botanical FLUENTBLOCK, fct j* αϊ/ rai at VAN VALttKNBUKGH & CO., evening a new and Hair submitted to WANTED Has opened completely appointed Restorative, my inspection by Mr. Ο Proprietors. this and no So tf. M. I am satisfied it is Ccnieut Drain and morning reported agreement. Todd, that what he claims Either Single or in Suits. Portland, June 8, I$70. juu9tt Water Pipe, it to be, a vegetable preparation pure and Georgia is left to Gen. — simple, are A Clifmneys Ac. Terry's supervision FIRST-CLASS GALLERY I and contains no mineral. These offices the most desirable in the city Neat Cottage ior Sale. and heated steam. WANTED. J. W. STOCK WELL » CO.. 28 an<1 Ifil η Ou the whole it is as IN PORTLAND, (Signed) 11. T. Cummings, Chemist. being pleasantly situated by neat and pretty cottage House belonging to Ot;EAi\ HOUSE. Da forth perhaps just well, Also, Desk loom and desks furnished it desired. Street, orders revived by Ν. M. Perkins & It is for sale by all druggists and lancy dealers. THEth* late David Buxton, sicuated at No 8 Monu- Co., though there is no doubt an earnest wish to No; 152 Middle cor, Grosi St. mar9dti ment is and Kendall & Whitney. St., Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail, by st, Munjoy, ofl'ered lor sale on reasonable This popular summer resort will bo t rins. It bas six Life Isurance settle reconstruction and close accounts. Motto—Good Work and Moderate Prices. J. m. TODD & rooms, nice cellar, excellent wa- Solicitors tor transient aud com- CO., 'tenements to Let. and is in [opened permanent t'eb21dtf ter, god repair internally. Apply on the FOR THIS on 1870. Π No. 74 Middle corner of from $4 to $12 in Portland and pany Saturday, May 28, ye Howe. Two policies were at issue. The Chase In- street, Exchange st. per month, premises, or to tbc undersigned at No. 4i)t> Congress nplSdtf ATCape Elizabe4b. Enquire of Ν. M. iny27dtt F. SYMONDS. ïudia St., (the one in Woodman, 1 street. only Portland.) fluence to it as a sore 28 Oak and J. C. Knickerboker Life Insurance Co., hope keep running un- li. b. CO OP Ε m & CO., Street, WOODMAN, JOHN J. W. BEEVES. FOSTER'S I) Y F HOUSE, Ko. 79 Hlddlo near janSdtt jy8dtf Ft., can Non-Resident Taxes. 114$ Exchange St. OF NEW YOBK. the corner ol Exchange. til they get their remedy applied. Sen- Adams Mouse FOREST OITÏ DYE ator lias been all in constant Practical Plumbers, the town of Freeporf in the County oi Cum- To H.et. For Bale on Dantorth Street. One ot the oldes.1, most reliable and best dividend- HOUSE, 315 Congress st. Sprague through IN berland, tor the year 1860. in? companies in tlie AND DEALERS IN class Store and Cfficcs on Exchange Street RABLE three story bouFe, a new I pa.γ country. communication with the enemies of the Re- The list of Taxes on real estate ot non- | stable, at No. tl Cab oon Me. following FIRSTbetween Middle and Fore Streets. to of liird and soft water. Lot S6 χ ll'O Apply Block, tbis citv. Tempi* Street, Portland, Dentists. Batli Water Marble Wash resident owners in the Apply ADES1plenty ft. | Tubs, Closets, Siabs, town of Freeport for the year W. ANDEKSON. jylSdtl CHARLES publican administration there and"here. On Suction and Force Rubber in bills H, JOHN C. PROOTIiR. WHITE, Manager. DRS. EVANS Λ: STROUT, 8 Clavp Con. St. Basins, Pumps, 1869, committed to \V. 1'J. Jordan, Col- At Office of Nathan 59 12. JOHN ^AH'VliK; l:toprictor Block, Silver Plated and Brass lector of said on Webb, Esq, No, Exclnnge July jyl2-3w the other hand the Toombs-Hen Ilill Democ- Hose, Cocks, town, the 22d day of May, Street. decSOdtf JOSIAH HEALD. No. 10ft Middle Street. 186i), has been returned to me as remaining unpaid, Wanted This new first-class business Hotel is now open DR. W. R. JOHNSON. No. 13*. Free Street. racy were to take of the LEAD LEAD, and now remains and notice prepared advantage FIFE, unpaid; is hereby Immediately to the given, that if the said taxes, interest and TO L Μ 1. 13<»sisc§ for Sale ! public. All the appointments are new and S. A. PACKARD, Cor. Congress an 1 Exchange Sts. Chase policy, and the Galvanized Iron Tin Pipe, Tin Lined and charges PASTRY ami MEAT nt through Bingham-Γοΐη- Pipe, are not paid into the ot the said COOK, the within a tew rods of both the Middle st. Cement Λ assortment of Plumbers Treasury town location, the election Pipe. good within months from well-built BRICK HOUSE on Clark St. eroy amendment, carrying nest eighteen the date ot the and or Custom House | and st. is one of the most convenient Druggists and Materials constantly on band. commitment of Wharfage Furnace and Brick «BAND TRUNK D1NIK« HALL. Congress cars, Apotlieearies. said bills, so much oi the real estate Whai r. to L\NCH. BARKER Gas, Cistern. Lot 4010 it. fall Ku Kiux fashion and call a Plumbing in all its branches promptly attended to STORAGE Apply & Co., Pricc jylS-dlw* in the JOHN A.MONTGOMERY, 113 Congress Street. thereupon taxed aa will be sufficient to pay the amount due oclGtt 139 Commercial St. SA $3.700. city. new Constitutional Convention and overturn therefor, including interest and charges,will, without The Hotel contains torty room?, conveniently ar- 109 Federal A nice BRICK HOUSE on IVo. St., further notice, be soldat public at Of- Middle st, in good re- I Flour Dealers—-Wholesale. the auction, jmy For Sale or to Let. air and WANTED. ranged in suites. The Proprietor has had experi- present government and its principles. fice, in said Town, on Monday, January 2nd, at 2 vtry conveniently located lor a man doing jaTi2U ME. Utf halt of a two S usiness on Commercial ence in for LATHAM. BUTLER & CO.. 78 Conmcrcial St PORTLAND, o'clock P. M. nice story double house, sit- street; will be sold low. providing the public, and confidently ex- No, The defeat of any policy or measure, though William uated fi»e miles lrom the and within ten J. 1Γ. KIMBALL & t\»o Crooker, house. C acres land, 130 3.25 ONE city CO'i, good Sleigh pects to welcome all his old friends who come to not DAILY PBESS ΡΒΠΓΤΙΜ HOUSE. Samo ΚίΊίΛΛί liiatiW Va it 1 "ft minutes walk of R. R. Station. For and iwo as will further par- A good two story FRAME HOUSE, convenient ATIroners, good Blacksmith's helpers, Portland and to make a host of new ones. Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. satisfactory being merely negative, ticulars ot SAMUEL at Every Joseph G. Davis, one acre Salt Marsh, 15 39 inquiie BELL, his new ior two families, in good located on jyisdlw attention will be to the wantsol the consummation of this Boot and Shoe 213 repair, Adams] given guests. BEALS & CO., cor. ct Middle and Franklin Streets. yet prevent plot. WM. M. Jeremiah Grant, house, barn, 15 acres Store, Congress street, second door sirest. Only $1800. 27. dtf MARKS, east of July WALTER land, 205 New City Building, Portland, Me. ap29tf Apply to W. H. Real Estate CORKY & CO.. Arcade No. 18 Free St. OCR 1SMAS POLICY. 5.92 JERRIS, Agent, Wanted ! Reuben Hun»phrey,2 acres SaltMarsb, 30 77 jy9-U3w Next cast of City Hall. | N. TARBOX, No. 158 Fore s t. (upstairs.) It is declared and generally believed that if Oard and Job Printer, Ansyl Mitchell, bouse£andtl 1-2 acrts land, 76 1.96 TO "ILJET. Λ SITUATION as house-keeper. References gir- JCi/ΛΌΓ DiTi isav J Book, Jcsiali Reed, 1-2 1-2 47 ™-en and Address lYst Office Box No. 2. the Indian fail, the President house, ham, A Block ol'two New Houses. required. i iirnimre ana Mouse appropriations 10t> acres land, 400 13.54 jy!3tt rurnlsliins Exchange Street, Ο TORES on corner of Pearl and fhimliArland fcfa OU 82200 located on Lincoln Mechrinle FnllH. Maine. will call an session to consider the Wm. Taylor, 20 acres land, 100 2.58 each, street, third KJ ntted in lor F east ot Chestnut street. Contain rooms Goods. John T. Oxnard, 84 acres land, C75 18.19 up good style Apothccarv,Dry Goods eight | same. He il this be that PORTLAND. or with «.«vu. J.V4IHO wl CilSV· WANTED. N. II. ADAMS & cor. wisely concludes, so, Betsy Wyman, house, 1-4 a< re 200 5.16 Millinery business, cemented cellars and J.-HJUICUI PEAKES, Proprietor TAUBOX, Exchange & Federal El land, water conveniences. Apply to WM. H. JERRIsTReal Estate A he is not BF* Every description ol Job Printing neatly Israel Johnson, 2 acres Salt Marsh, 30 77 sent. HOOPER Λ EATON. No. 130 Exchange Street. anxious to face a general Indian Nath'l 2 «· Also, Houses on Pearl st., and Cumberland Ter- jun27d3w» Next east ot City Hall. in every Town in Maine to canvass lor The present proprietor having leased this and promptly executed, and at the lowest possible O?good, 30 77 Agent LOWELL & No. II such a " " filled with all modern AN fine Hotel fora term of ΙΪΟΪΤ, Preble Street. war, which in case would appear to be prices. Sawyer & Libby, 3 45 1.16 race, conveniences, abund- owr popular sub-cription works and engrav- years, would re- " " ance of pure hard and soft water. Now oc- Enclose inform the he is now •WOODMAN & No. 5β Orders from tbc country solicited, and promptly Tu'tle & Johson,2 30 77 ί ready for Glioicc Building Lots tor Kale. ings. stamp lor descriptive circular. spectfully public ready WHITNEY, Exchange St. inevitable. After examining the question a N. cupancv. Apply to Η. Λ. McKENNEY & _Jtor business. To travelers, boarders or attended to. ja7dtf George Soule, house, harn and 12 nice bouse lots on E'm 4' x80 feet I CO., par- ^ acres street, 2 Elm ties, considering the nice accommodation β and mod- little more I am satisfied tl at the land, 290 7 48 J. L. FAIIMEIIβ THREEiront, one a corner located between Con- jui,20d&w1y St., Portland, Maine. Furniture and closely, lot, f erate we would without fear Upholstering:. S. A. HOLBROOK, Town Treasurer. grcss and Cumberland streets. A to charges, say of contra- W. II. augGdtf 47 Dan forth strce*. poly this Hotel stands without DAVID W. No. Federal street. Senate cannot but stand by its claims, as re- CLIFFORD, Freeport, 1870. 3m diction, a rival. DEANE, tt all May 12, junll W. H. JERRIS, Real Estate A gent, Wanted. kinds ot 3w· , Mechanic Falls, Jan. 7,1869. dtt Uuholstcrlng ami Repairing done to the least until the House junC4 Calioon Block, next east oi City Hall. OL1CIXOIÏ8 for anew Lit) lisurance order. garding treaties,—at A and | • Company* Counsellor at Law, Grocery Provision Business for to be S -Apply at 65 Exchange S Merchants Lite Ins. offers them some well considered of its materials SUP- W.P. FREEMAN Λ CO., No. 152 Exchange Street. plan AND SOLICITOR Ο ior Sale. ProposalsPLIED TO THE NAVY YARDS UNDER House and Land lor Sale. Co., between 9 and 11 o'clock a. m. jun7tl ATENTS, E. LORD, !>.! Federal St. ot own as a substitute for the sale in ΤΗ Κ COGNIZANCE OF THE BUREAU OF rTUIE subscriber ofters tor sale, the brick bouse No Jr., Repairing all piesent corrupt Has remove to |i>0^ Cambridgeport, 20 minutes ride from kinds done to order at short notiee. Γ CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR. I 49 street. and hotch e Quincv Market, one ot the best Grocery and Deering Also severa' desirable lots | Wanted. corrupting potch. Should Un be IVo. SO Middle Provision Stores in the Navy opposite. CHAULES Street, city, has a large first-cla» Department, ) PAYSON. A G LllL who can come I well recommended to do no Gen. casn trade. Bub κ au of Construction and June Provisions action, Parker expresses great anxie- BOYD BLOCK. auâ* New wooden budding 22x30 feet, 2 Repack, J 6,1870. junCtf Ά woik in a family at Gorham mid Groceries. sioricB high. Washington D. C., 14,1»70. Village. as to the Fixtures, Stock, Horse, Wagon, Pung, July ) apr26tt* Apply at this office. I. T. JOHNSON, 135 Cumberland St., n<*ar Wilmot ty summer's work before him and Sleigh and Harnesses. The business is worth Sealed proposals to iurnish Timber and other ma- $40Û0 FOR SALE ! St., and eor. Oxtord and Wilmot Streets. us. C. J. SCHUfflACBER, bu t will be sold a trifle less as the terials lor the Navy tor the fiscal year ending June He has reason for his present owner is lor Casn: Lot ot Vessels Wanted. apprehensions. going west. A can 30,1871, will be received at this Bureau until 12 o' Land, Store and House part remain on mortgage if de- in | PERSONAL. sired. Call on or A. W. clock m. of the I5tli ot August at which time CHEAPthereon, Cape Elizabeth (Knishtville). WANTED for the next six months, Oil Hair Goods an«l Toilet Articles. FRESCO PAIWTER. addre-s, BRADFOKD, Pro- next, Call at the and Capitol Company, prietor, corner Broadway and Lee the proposals will bo opened. premises inquire ot three or tour vessels per month of from I notice that Mr. of the 5tli District Sis, Cambiiilge- mar2dtf S 13. MANUFACTURERS OF J. F. SHERRY,No. 9 Bloctc, Hale, at Store ot Messrs. A. O. Si hlotter- Poit. The proposals must bo addressed to the Chief of CUMM1NGS» three to five hundred tons capacity to Clapp's Congres» $t ffice tlie Drug Jnn27*3w opposite old Hall. has returned homo Bureau of Construction and Repair, Navy Depart- load Stone for New Orleans. Highest City for the session. Allow me bcek & Co., For or urates ot HARNESS OIL ment, Washington, and must be indorsed", "Propo- Sale Lease. freight paid. DRESSING, to him such word FOM SAJL·®:.. sals tor to JOSEPH WESCOTT therefore, speed with good :tO:t Cugma St,, Portland, Me., Timber, &c., lor the Navy," that they may LOT of land on Cross stroet. of Edward Apply & SON, IIAllXKSS OIL· Hat Manufacturers. be distinguished irorn other Enquire | No. 91 Middle BLirKIKG, as a disinterested can jan 12-dtl Oue (loor above Brovsi., business letters. Howe No. 24 Dan tor tb or of H. J. st., Portland, "Spectator' offer. Iu sabseribeis about to close out their Printed schedules for A street, Libby, CHAS. GOULD, Practical Hatter, No. 10 Oak St. being eucli classes as parties deal No. 146 Middle street. » Ο.', BODWELL, WEBSTER # CO., business on mayl4dtt Boot and Shoe five I have seen no THE account of the ill health ot the in and intend to bi t for, together with instructions Vmal haven. Dressing. my years experience here, S3EMDA1Ï & GBÎFFITH3. senior offer their stock tor to partner, sale, and store to bidders, giving the forms of proposals ot guaran- Portland, April 2, 1870. apldtf Horse Shoeing. young man make the favorable impression Mr. let, affording a rare opportunity lor any one wish- tee, and of certificate of with Brick House Sa Se. TO Ρ PAN'S PATENT, Feb. 1st, 1870. guarantors, printed S. 187 Comni'l St. First Premium t* JL. A. Si Is Κ Sri, Eli 8 , ing to engage in tlie Wholesale or Fiour toims of offer, will be furnished to such tpv ANTED.—A LADY in Town in YOUNG, awarded Dale hail done the House—the hardest Grocery persons as every the at New Fair for Best Horse upon Business. desire to en to the Ur Slate of Maine to a new Our Oil* Fosses» many which Enqlaud Shots. bid, application Commandants ot A two and one-halt story brick dwelling- canvass tor Medical Qualifie* sort of an to PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL the respective Yards, and those of all the ·■ Work entitled " Wcninii and her leadertbcm Mnpeiiorto assembly impress favorably—or J. F. KANDALL & CO, Navy louse in the western part or the city, on the Thirty Venre anything yards on application to the Bureau. ot A b30k ot value to to in lb"! Market. India Ituhher and Gntta Percha as obtain and maintain a iC l'JO Commercial fiii. JLline the street cars, thoroughly finished, Pilgrim»■£<*·*' great every generally growing iTUGOO&MASi WORKERS, The Commandant ot each and the ami in | woman in the H. A. It will or Goods. 26-dtt Navy pur- good repair, lighted with gas throughout, Country. Address, McKEN- never fry gum on the surface as most oils for and Mas lor each will have a heated with a NEY & 2 Elm reputation real ability, great industry SO. 6 SOUTH MB. chasing paymaster station, copy lurnace. and supplied with an abun- CO., St., Portland,Me. are apt to do, and is a water-proof H. A. 118 Middle street. ST., PORTLAND, of the schedules of the other dressing, HALL, yards, for examination dance of hard and soft water. The lot contains jun20d&w3m tair sagacity. he hare talked Tgf Prompt attention ( aid to all kiudsot «Jobbing in order that son s who intend to bid 4000 feet. Perhaps may only, pet may nearly It the purchaser desires it. a large η our liue. apr22EPiTISTe, easterly side of India street, between the Universal- lor JOSEF II HOB SOX. cense to ileal in the articles l'ai' which he proposes; lubricating ; this is a strong statement, but our ist Church and the new Ward the saine member as with March 1870. mardltf and. direction of the bids or room, being CARRIAGES"! experience gives us the confidence to claim Masons and being favorably impressed Are for partial sets, beauti- Portland, 1st, by Department, offers the est tub of the late Robinson. that, Builders. inserting will be received from who are Mary Said lot is and wc aré able to maintain kful carvcd teeth ere in only parties bona- fide it. Ν. E. 1-2 any new member's for busi- wliich superior eighty leet trout and the same in Our oil KEDJ.ON, 233 Congress at. capacity public dealers in, or manufacturers of, the articles they depth. is entirely new, light in frco as wa- Fmaiiy respects to those usually insert- WM. -t>. de bonis non. color, ness and usefulness as BUCKEΥΒ offer to furnish. The guarantors must be certified JERRIS, Adm'r, 0. P, KIMBALL & ter trom odor, weighs lbs. per heavier than I have been with Mr. ed. For further information call at Portland, Jiine 25, 1870. jun24eod3w* LARKIN, gallon by the Assessor ot Internal Revenue for the district any ki»own oil, for Organ AcMelodcon Manufacturers. and therefore I be if I If·. If ΙΊηρρ'ιι ftloek, in Hale's, may pardoned Congre** Street* which they reside. WAliE-ROOMS, Locomotives, The contract will be awarded to the who Land: for Sale. SMALL & KNIGHT, No. 16 Market Square. that his constituents Egg^Nitrous Oxide Gas and Ether administered. Μ Ο WING MA CHINE person Mlationaiy Fnginrn, say ouglil to renominate makes the lowest bid and gives the guarantee le- Lot of Land Teeth tilled and all their diseases treated in a menti* splendid situated on the Cor- [Street, co;n'r t f Slides Shafting* hira without Spectator. qured by law, the Navy Department, However, le- THATner of Commercial and New Congress Pieble House, opposition. manner. eep25-ly Centre Streets, Journals, iff owing nud Paper Hangingsdt Window Shades. Κ only Mower with a iront cut and perfectly serv ng the ri^ht to reject the lowest bid, or any iormerlv occupied by N. P. Richardson & M*orllnnd, ITIaiiie. Co.'s Reaping Machines? GEO. L. LOTHEOP & No. 9T, Street. ΤΙ! independent floating finger bar. The es- which it may deem exorbitant. Foundry is for sale, and a Co., Exchange ouly presents tempting oppor- Ac.,Ac., &a Ileum. RRF,JSNAN & tablished Harvester without coçs in the driving Sureties in the lull amount will be required to sign tunity ior investment. This lot contains about HOOPER^ wheels or attached to them. The Mower that tho and their must and will Rochester bas D D'd Justiu D. only contract, responsibility be certi- 12,000 feet, be sold cheap* and on accommo- It Has no Equal S Patterns, Models, Artificial I.egs University folds the bar entirely over the Irame and throws out fied to the satisfaction ot the Navy Department. dating tenus. For plan and particulars inquire ot Elegant ! Fuller of Boston. ot when Carriages I.. 192 gear on the" road. The very Mower that As additional security twenty per centum will be Ε. E. UPHAM, at UPHAM & — ASD —. SOLD JN PORTLAND BY F. PINGREE, Fore Street. UPHOLSTERERS ADAMS, Jame3 once received the first prize by the New England Agri- withheld from the amount ot the bills uutil the con- ap29eod3m Commercial Street. Dawson, speaker of the Missis- cultural at their trial in tracts shall have been and HOAD WAGONS ! is now a No.'33 Free Street, Society great Amherst, completed, eighty per JAS. BAILEY & Photographers. sippi House, police reporter iu New Mass., last season. The very Mower which is centum of the amount of each oill, approved in imp- Farm lor Sale. CO., Orleans. Ij Β We arc now our A. S. DAYIS & No. _ in the Row No. 3GÇ till Τ Κ St DKAI'K' than any other. The licate hy the Commandant of the respective yards, eemplcttng stock for tlie Spring Co., 80, Middle street. (Formerly Congress Street.) the Offered at a the anil Summer 011870, and in 162 Middle very Mower, silc ot' which outnumbeis all will ba paid by the Paymaster ot the station desig- great bargain; oft'er, tin) NEWEST DE- Street. J. H. LAMSON, 152 Middle cor. Cross. The heirs'of the Anneke Jans estate, who MANUFACTURERS OF Lamb Homestead farm in West- SIGNS anil ot tlie most St., others in the State of Maine, may now be obtained nated in tbo contract within ten days after the Avar- thorough construction, a claim the church in three and half miles variety of Trinity property New at the iant for the same shall have been passed the brook, from | elegant Cabriolet*, Victoria», J. <€· C.J. Β ABB Ο VIt Parlor Spuing by Portland on the to 1'ntn have started an in Philadel- Suits, Lounges, Beds, Secretary o( the Ti easury. road Saccarappa. toupr·, Phaeton*, rhart.n·, 'fop Plumbers. York, "organ Said and The elasses ol this Bureau are numbered and des- excellent farm consists ot Open Jump *cat>, Carrj· 8 JAMES flt phia. nuuuu Street. MILLER, Federal Street. des- Mattresses, &c. Portland Warehouse etTciii.vuTc aure» umueu into all», Snu.h.do, Ac., exclusively tl.e nro- innO-illm Exchange Every Agricullnral ignated as follows: conviemiy | cription of Water Fixtures and set iu Kentucky lias a Homeric bard of African χ·Λ n..u χτ„ ο χτ i,u„ ,·< ,> ure and uuuiiuu υι our weii-Kii ;wn arranged np δ5Γ*Λ11 kinds of Repairing neatly done. Furni- mowing, past wood land ; lias a good well ot irreDie St. f actories, we the best AND have made reductions in manuer. Jobbing promptly attended to. nre boxed and matted. oc25'tf9T,T&stt Timber; JNo. 4, White Oak Plank No. YeltcwPine water,a larga barn,convient house and out buildings; great prires, ar.d will pell ; 7, has also a valuable lower concern in No. 8. Yellow Pine orchard of 150 trees in than any the United States that 2gOj verses, recounting the liistory of the re- Logs; Beam?; No. 9. YellowP.ne young ..la.rn r, SIUl'CO »» " SEED No. good bearing condition. Another valuable source of sells first class cariiages,—Piices uni tor m to all. ΟΓΚΙ'Γ, ed,the only the vicinity, and one lrom which those built to the order ot our most valued custom- Boards; 15, Wliite Ash, Elm, Beech; No. 16, " the town buys Situated so near ers. Au old at I^aw, While A hOars; No. 17, Hiekory; No. Black largely. Portland, Restaurant Tor Ladies and Gents. farmer said to his sons: Boys, Attorney 18, upon the main road trom the to the We also keep a n*Moruurut of Walnut, Mahogany, Maple, Cherry ; No. 20, Locust country city, large don't you ever or wait lor sutttiin KENDALL WHIT NEY. this larni cfiers inducements such as NICHOLS spekerlate, Cor. Exchange mid fcdvral No. 22, No. Black icw others can LOW-PRICED & BLAKE, 92 Exchange street. to turn Sts., &_ Treenails; Cypress, Cedar; 28, olier to one CAfttKIACSK*, up. you as well an' sit a fax m either might just go Spruce; No. 2*, White Oak Staves and any desiring tor profit or built P«KTLt\D. Also, Hey Trdilru, a large assortment ol Htaliiigs; For expresxly for us, in Philadelphia, New Ha- down ou a stone in the middle ol a No. No. No. enjoyment. particulars icquire ct medder, TnTUSatf 25, Llgnumvitae; 30, Iguot Copper; 32, & ven, and Massachusetts, tor sale at the very lowest Real Estate Klorte Rube** together with a fall an \ complete round au«l G. L. P. WARREN, Agents. with a pail atnist your and wait for a rought Iron, Square; No. 33, Wrought mrlCd&wti rates. legs, No. Saccarappa. M JOHN C. PROCTOR, No,, 9.1 ichange Street. cow to back to assortment ot Haying Toole ot almost every Iron, Hat; 34, Iron, plate; No. 35, Steel; No. 37. £xpre«e, Grocer»', and BuaincK* Wagon* tip you to be milked." Iron Snikcs; No. 38, Iron No. ttKO. R. DAVIS, & No. street. description. jon23d1m Wrought Nails; 39, constantly cn hand. CO., 301J Congress The receipts oil the Provincial end of NEW Iron Cut Nails; No. 42, Lead, pipe, No. L'esirable Country Seat tor Sale. the sheet; 43, Remember,—all persons (haling with us will & N. A. for June No Tin: No. 45. No. estate of the Dr. M Railway were 919,748 23, Zinc; 44, Solder; 48, Locks. late John il liken, situated get preeisely what tnry bargain /'or. Silver Smith and Gold and Sliver Examinations of Teachers. Hinges, Bolts, of brass and iron ; No. 4 J, Screws, of TiHEin miles trom against £17,407.62 in the same month ot last Scarborough, Maine,7 Portland, We make a of Warehouse 2 Ina-is and iron; No. 50, Files; No. 51, Augers; No, and five from Saco, one and one half miles fiom Old specialty Plater. year, and against $16,324 55 in that of 1868, an Carpet 52. Tools lor ship stores; No. 53, 'lools lor use in Orchard Beach, and one-halt mi'e from the we learn from the iPioneer. of candidates lor positions as West ^jMAKmTH^WEAK^STRON^^ M. Pli ARSON, No. 22 Temple St., Dear Congres*. yard and sliops; No. 54, Hardware; No. 56, White Station on the P. S. & P. Railroad. Children's Carriages ! AT TUB EXAMINATIONSleacliers in the public schools ol Portland will Scarborough CAUTION.—All genuine has the name "Pkruviah All kind> Stiver and Λ case of feminine in related of a Vir- Leai ; No 57, Ztnc Paints; No. 58, Colored It contains about one hundred acres a of Plated Ware repaired. daring be hel l at the room of the School Paints, ot land, cut3 Keep great variety for sale Wholesale and Retail- Syrup," (not "Peruvian blown in the Superintending No. 59, Linseed So. Varnish. tons of and is well low. Bark,") glass ginia belle, who rode to the edge of a Committee, at 3 o'clock dryers; Oil; 60, Spirits thirty hay stocked with choice very Correspondence solicited. A 32-page pent free. J. P. precipice Spacious and Chambers City Building, beginning No. G3. and Lard No. lruit trees. The pamphlet Dixsxoms and defied any man of the with whom Elegant P.M.Monday, the 18th ot Turpentine; Sperm Oil; f4, buildings consist ot a large may S-tt&s Sin 36 St., New York. Silver and Plated Were. party July. No. No. built two Proprietor, Dey she was to Candidates will be examined in "readinsr. Tallow, Soap; 68, Glass; 69, Brushes; No. thoroughly story biick house, a good bam, Sold all ABNER riding follow her. Nut a man ac- s-p- llinsr, Goods for No. wood and by Druggists. LOWELL, 301 Congress Street. writing, Kng'it-h arith- 70, Dry Upholstering; 71, Stationery; carriage house, all in good .repair. A tine cepted the challenge; but a tantalizing & 87 grammar, gtograpliy, history, No. No. stream of water flows youth 85 MIDDLE ST., metic. and other branches usually taught in public 73, Ship Chandlery; 74, Adds;No. 75,Resin, through the farm, with a Jail CARRIAGES Σ stood on his head in liis saddle and (tared the Pitch, Crude Turpentine; No. Pa· of more than feet, a mill Schools. schools, and particularly in the school tor which" ap- 77, Belting, king; lorty affording good privi- to that. KEAZER BLOCK. No. 78, Leather. pumi> lacin» No. Junk aii'l the best oi facilities for the lady plication i.a made, "and also as to tor the , ; 80, ; lege, breeding offish HAVE now on hand and am ENGLISH and FRENCH capacity gov- No. Cli ircoal. On account ot its manufacturing a SCHOOL, 130 Congress it In ernment thereof. *—School Laws, Sec. C4, second. 89, proximity to good markets, and I good assortment ot i RI \ Κ Nashua,New Hampshire, on the5th iust., The tollowing are the the re- also to one of the finest beaches in New a thirteen old The attention ot" teachers now employed is cailed classes, by numbers, England, it year girl, uameil Badger, climb- HENRY at the respective offers a are to one Stair C. NÔYES & CO., to Section G5 ol the School Laws; and such ot them quired navv-yards. opportunity any wishing to pur- Builder. ed up between the wings of the new eagle on as IvlTTEKY. chase a pleasant country home. Price hold certificates ot qualification to "instruct in $GOOO, which CARRIAGES B. Y. LIBBY, 17} Union Street, up stair·. city hall and sat down on its neck. The inform their friends and the the branches Nop. 8, 13 15.16. 17,18, 22, 32, 33, 35, 39. 44, 4 », 49, is much less tlion the cost of the girt above named", and are desirous ot re- buildiugs. Ap- satin this elevated a Π0, 58. 60, < 69. 88. to the subscriber at 292 place, hundred and fif- RKSPECTFUILLYpublic generally that they liavo leased the above election, are requested to present their papers for 51, 53, 54, 56, 3, 68, 71, 73, 74, 78, ply Commercial street, Port- and or 1 Top No Top ! Furnaces & teen feet from the fur teu minutes.— well known rooms, and are now prepared to exhibit the endorsement required law. CHARLESTOWN. land, No. Spring's Island, Saco, Me. Buggies Stoves, Kitchen Goods; grouoil, by No-. 24. 25, 33. Goddard Style She should have been well wheu she the "Finest and bent «elected Mtock*' ever By Order of the Committee on Examinations. 7, 13,15,16, 18, 22, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, jun24d&wU JOSEPH HOBSON. Bcgqiis. C. C.ÏOLM spanked AN, 29 Market sq. under Lancaster hall. came down. offered , 37, 39, 42, 44, 45,48, 49, 50, 51, beautifully loea had his eyes suddeuly covered in the streets by Closed Out at 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, EMBRACINGted house lots to be had in the Several Cost I 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 77. 78, 88. city. some one behind, who "Who i< store lots centrally located. Also ever 800 feet playfully said, Extra & Common Grades NOllFOLK. ΓΙΟΒΕΝΟΕ He went on Superfine on the new some Insurance For la Cuba. it? Guess?" guessing through frontage ot Union marginal it Sagua AKD Nos. I. 13.15, 18,22, 82, 39, 42. 41, street; Grande, 25, 33, 48, 49, 50, fronting the deepest water in the and aflord- the rounds of his friends, when the playful be- of 53, 51, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 69, 70, 78. haibor, 71, 73, 77, ing the best and most convenient β it is lor Brig "MARIS K" most of her and left the old of MARE ISLAND. wharves, having ing darted off, gentleman manufactories and grounds of location SEWING NEW-YORK. cargo cngagtd w II have immediate dis- who it All Other Goods at Reduced Prices, No?. 15,18, 32, 33. 38, 48. depot any to Spain still bewildered and thinking 34, 35, 39, 42,43, 44, 49, 50; be had in tbe city. A large portion of the above patch as 51, 53, 54, 50, 57, 6!», 70, 74. 77, aljove. could he. He found out when got home, and 5S, 60, 64, 68, 71, 73, 88, property will be sold at the low price ot tour cents For Irrlglit or passage to Previous to malcing a change in my business. fc9. tri law4t (4) MACHINE, apply missed a with fifteen hundred jyl5 per superficial loot and upwards. With the increas- apSStf CHAS. H. CHASE & CO. pocket-book ~ Capita!, €>oI«l, francs in also a and handsome CARPETINGS ed demands lor additional railroad facilities tor the $1,550,000 it, gold repeater A. new roads now in progress, and the prospective §arplr.n, fiiold. Livery, Hoarding & Hack Stable. chain and seals. C. VICKERY, PKOPOSAfl.S growth ot it is Elias Howe 766,S05 Portland, believed that a saier and Sewing Machiae, subscribers having purchased tbe stock ard Some time since, a gentleman died who du- more remunerative investment in Are sold on Window Shades & Fixtures, real estate cannot $10,00 Instalments when desired; It not THEleased the stables ou Centre street, formerly his life, refused to believe in another 153 Middle Street. For the Construction of a Steam be had. Enquire ot Moses 55 the machine can bo ring Gould, North Street, satisfactory exchanged fjr any $i,310,805 occupied by Smith & Burnbam, and more recently or three weeks All of which will be ofteted and sold at tï:e ''iVew 2w J. C. 93 other, or world. Two alter his demise, jul2 tor the Reve- Procter, Exchange Street. the mone/ refunded. All kinds Sew.ng by John Sawyer, bave rcturnished tlie «ame witii York Panic* Rtileft" and at reduction Propeller Looses olein New bis wife received, a medium, a com- great trom jun20eodfceow7w Machines tor sale and to Let. Repairing, Arc. Tuck- pay York, London, or San Fran- good stock and intend to keep a first-class Livery through manufacturers' l\'/itina itf I^aikkiIaciih» prs nilhioioMû iir,.;,in. iir:.u u. .... n„.i munication. which read as follow*· mi prices. YfWhjRjteen years* experi- nue Marine. and Boarding Stable, and are prepared to lumisu ence and a of the cisco. No fi .· risks taken disconnected witli marine thorough knowiedge business in all ttufflers, Silk and &c. our customers with first·class teams at reasonable I now believe, l'lease send iuc my thin its C. Γ11ΗΕ Cotton, Needles, &c., branches, H. N. pledges himself to sell Car- Subscriber hereby tives public notice, tliat TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ) risks. rates. clothed. pets at a lower A John of ··, « rate than ever be I ore offered Kilborn, Scarborough, in the county ο D. 1870. t-.'r ν■·. Permanent transient boarders accommodated. in this Washington, C., July 1, ) W. and The editor of an market. Cumberland, and State oi Maine, conveyed in mort- S. LAWSON & invited to give us a Augnsta (Ark.) paper «aw bids for tlie construction of an Iron Steam DYER, WALKER, Gen'l Our city and counliy friends aie gage to John E. Kilborn, of the State oi rpHK Agent?, Mr. Davis the other at a hotel in Λ'ο VIU Uoorls or ΟΙ<1 Caliiornia, X of 350 in 158 day Memphis. Sf by his deed executed and acknow- Propeller tons, opened tins Depart- Middle street, Portland, Me. No C2 Wall montage dated, ment, June Street, New Yoik. He says: "The last time we saw hitn hn was Portland, April 9, 1870. tt ledged, November 29, A. D. 185U, and recorded in 30tli, being considered exorbitant, sep- •July 8-eodlm&»2t aCaVlGE . lBSC.recorded in Me., Boston, York, Philadelphia No. 15 or "Compositors bonds the "law directs. All persona having de- April Baltimore. labie beverage and is used as sucli in The BOARDING, the Ton Cargo at 9 1-2 Union Wharf. Ex- said liook 341 E. Kurope. Exchange St., fice," says a New Brunswick "are mands upon the estate ol said deceased, are requir- Registry, 273, page ; that said John most eminent οt this have cellent opportunity tor Vessels ami periodica), Kilborn the Renewed Proposals are aTso invited tor tbe same physicians city agreed BY Fishing fined ten cents lor each word uttered ed ο exhibit the same ; and all persons iudebted to duly assigned atoiesaid mortgage to with the of those in Liver and Hack steamNmtM to lake in trom profane Ebenezer S. Steamer of Ikon, upon tlie same plans, conditions opinion Europe, and expressed MAINE, supply the whi-rt, or to said estate arc called to make to Kilborn, ot said Scarborough, Marcb 23, their at in Stable, PORTLAND, liavo the same delivered. on the premises, the money so gathered being upon payment A. D. and specilications as were issued dune 1st. approval finding Hoff's Malt Extract 18G4, wliieh assignment of that is re- A new hand a CHAULES J. MOKlilS, Adm'r. date, No bids will uot only an efficacous and tor the FREE.ÎIAN DVER. given to the poor. lost nearly corded in said book that be considered except Irom parties reg- nourishing remedy 4SI Portland, Jane 21st, 1>70. je22dlaw3*y W Registry, 3;7, page 138; Kick, but also a dietetic which is drank with Congress St., Ans 18-dtf week's wages one night over a bit of said Ebenezer S. Kilborn oil the7th of A. ularly engaged in Sliip building. beverage Greeley's day May, The benefit and pleasure by persons ot all in Of a deal of swear D. 18G4, by his writreu assignment of that Department reserves the right to eject any ages periect manuscript." great ^ OTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber has date, duly and all health. extcuted and and recorded iu said bids. ing is done in the Tribune office from pure ,ΙΛ been appointed and taken upon himseil acknowledged, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGTSTS AND GROCERS. FEENALD & Chas. W. Ford, Agent. duly Registry, Book 327, page transferred and GEO. S. BOUTWELL, Blinds S charity. Hundreds of dollars have been be- the trust Administrator ot the estate ot 199, aseign- 2awt29 TAISHAftT Λ 4'·., *7Ν Greenwich ή. SAWYER, Blinds, j ed said mortgage and all his right, title, interest and jy9 Secretary of Treasury. St., Γ., stowed in this way by its foreman to help the WILLIAM ot sole Agents fob Ukited etc. THOMPSON, late Portland, estate, under and by virtue of the same, to the sub- States, Proprietors. Board of Rrfcrcncc. in the jylleod2w '•'HE Blinds Painted Λ poor. county ot Cumberlard. deceased, and given scriber. That the condition in Raid mortgage is bro- Stable is new, and with XJnpainted of NOTICE. L ligkt airy, water SPRING. The high price of pork and cheapness bonds as the law directs. All persons de ken ; wherefore she c'airos a foreclcsure ot the Bums, irom Sebago, Carriage house with all ANDREW" having mortem a recent trade at Bloom- mands upon the estate ol said are 1 and this notice lor thai Windows Gluzt'd aud flour is illustrated by deceased, require gives purpose. improvements, which renders tirs a superior place RENSELLER CRAM, GEO. E. II. (.'n^iazed. to exhibit the same; and all pcr.-ons in icbttd to sai TtiJun23 la\v3w MARY RICE. is that lor and JACKSON', when a farmer a ham l f^iOUCE hereby given the undersigned boarding baiting horses. S. WINSLOW, ington, Intl., exchanged estate are called to make have been JACOB RUSSELL upon payment to appointed commissioners to receive Good LEWIS, for a barrel of flour and some groceries. The A A HON H and decide all Livery Teniiati to be hnd at nil times. ISAAC lioors, Cutters, Ladders, Steps, avilS. late Baclw and ICeodtf time has never been Portland, June21st, 1870. juniMdlw&w2t Beed Merrill, ot Portland, deceased, except ftaroucbee furaiebed wilh May At the Lumber Yard of the subs Tiber tvhere Organ tlioseot the may a barre! os flour. Companion. careful «S h in would administrator, which estate has bet η river any number and lor all oc- Is be found all the varieties ot lumber usc«i in this buy A new collection of represented insolvent; and that, wo shall be in ses- casions. i^TOTICE hereby given that tbe subscriber has who died at on Popular sion lor that Special attention given to the J^l been market. James Keogh, Pittsburg Treasurer's Office Portland Itoll- purpose at the ofiice ot and duly appointed and taken upon himself Pullen. 5$ lîonney N. S. FERN ALP. the trust of at the age of 1:50, was educated at Instrumental and Vocal Exehauge St., io j-ald Portland, ou the j Administrator with tbe will annexed of ALEX'R Sunday Music, last Saturdays cl uulGeo.J2m W11 IT Μ A Ν SAW Y EU. the estate of EDMOND, in his lie made iug Mills. August, September, October, No- oi Rome, where youth a delense and the first fitting Spectacles je.Mtl IS L'rrblr Slr»e|. 51 ISTft. IVIarchcN, WallzcM, Gem*, vember, and last ot De- MARY K. of the Catholic church in the presence ol the Portland, July li, Polkas,Operatic frou: Saturdays tor HANCOCK,formerly Mary lv.Farrington, Stockholders oi the cember lfc7l ten to twelve 3 ordinary failure of and also for those Portland tolling Mills A at o'clock in th lore- sigh*, oiigl- late ot in against learned and at the are In leby not.fled that Ballad», c., ranged express'y noon. nal Maine State A«ricnltnrc Gray, the County of Cumber- Concrete Pavement, pope cardinals, THE the aunual of _ iif will be meeting lor CABINET ORGANS aud College land, deceased, and given bonds as the law direct·. time of his death was one of its most said Company holden at the Treasurer's PERCIVAL BONNEY. All promi- Of- persons demands the estate of fI HE subscribers aro now prepared to laySido- fice, IPC Eore street. on STANLEY T. DEFECTS OF having upon said nent Portland, TUESDAY, MELODEONS, PITLLEN. VISION, and are I Floors, Yarns or theologians. 1870, at 3 o'clock Ρ 7. 1S?°. the Mechanic Art?. deceased, required to exhibit the same; and all walks, Cîardeii-walks, Drives, July 19th, Al, lor the Preceded a Fresh and Course of Instruction. Portland, July frijy!5 1am 3t Inown as persons Streets with this Pavement. job warranted Griffin Hal viz: lollowing by Easy Hypermeetropia, Myopia an I Asligma- indebteu to said estate are called upou to Kvery Col. llalsted, father of Murat purposes, tism. make to satisUetion The best of 1st. To choose a Cleik. Examination for Admission will take payment to iiive r^'c'rc,1 **J £ΐ5ΐ\ ot the Cincinnati Cummer lieasurer, and Five Di- BY W tl. H. CL1IÎK. place Tues- All or.lers lett at 21 Union St., or 1C4 Commercial sted, proprietor rectors tor the C. II. day, Ifc70. THOMAS HANCOCK, ensuing year. FARLEY, August 23, at tended to. cial, died at Hamilton, Ohio,on Tuesday, from oth-r Author Steam Candidates to Administrator with the will annexed. St. promptly 24. To transact any business that le- of *'NCff Method for Reed Organs." Portable j>15eodGm No. 4 St. for admi;sion the lireshman Class may Engi.es, Exchange must be Gray, Juno 7tli, 1*70. «atliîV, §iik«j»aiv a liitivriTiis. the effects of injuries received in an affray gally come beiore said ineetiu^. not less than iitteen years of age, and must jan21d3w jytfdtd GEO. E. 13. Price 82.00. Sent po-t paid, on receipt of retail COMBINING the maximum ol cfiiciency, dura- pass a satisfactory examination ii ap21eod3m Willi a mail named Lawrence Drown, about JACKS3N, Clerk. price. Portland Gas Light Arithmetic, Ge- bility and cconomy with the minimum ot weight Company· ography, English Grammer, History of the United ÎVOTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber has ten days ago. Brown struck the old gentle- Annual Meeting of the Portland Gas States, and Alg* bra as tar 2.s 1Λ been of ct OLIVER DITSON & and are and rptlE Light Quadratic duly appointed Executrix the will man with brass knuckles, knocking him Portland CO., Boston, price. They widdly favorably known, X. Company will be held at the Equations. Company t office of tlie com- Satisfactory testimonials of good moral character until C. H. more than 800 in All warranted pany, No. and LUTUER Ute of and tlieu kicked him in the hide jjCtc DITSON & CO, New York being use. satisfae- Exchange Street, on Wednesday, the industiious habits are exacted. DANA, Portlaud, down, twentieth inst at 3 ate rigidly Immedi- was ANNUAL. ,ΌΕΕΤ1Ι««. or no sale. circulars sent on o'clock p. m., to act up^-n the application should be made bv in tho he beenne insensible Col. Haisted eigh- ory, Descriptive ap- loi those desiring to County of Cumberland, deceased, and has CORN towing articles: enter in to citizen in But- August, Prof. M C. Fernald. or taken upon herseli that trust astbe law directs.— of a;e, and the oldest stockholders oi the Portland Company arc Wanted plication. Address 1 To receive and act A. Samuel ty years Immediately, upon the report ot the Presi- Johnson, M., Orono, Maine. Ail persons demands the estate of THEhereby notilied that ihe Annual Meeting ot the J. C. IiOADLEY & Lawrence, Mass. dent and Treasurer. having upon On the Grand ler county. CO., Per Order ol the Trustees. said deceased are required to exhibit the same; Trunk, Corporation will be held at the Office of Company, at A Jul M«',m 2. To choose Directors lor the had their their Works Good ensuing year. Orono, July 8,187Q. 1 and all persons indebted to said estate are called up- The sophomores of Trinity college on TUESDAY, the 2Glli day of July Candy Maker! 3. To do other business that Trjyl2dtaw&wt To fill at 3 any may legally come on to make to Orders. of Anna on Monday instant, o'oioclc in the lor the follow- WANDS & CO , 4 Prnnklu before the payment Way-Station annual burning Lyties afternoon, Street, meeting. ED WALL) 11. DAVlifiS, LOUISA Executrix. invited ing purposes, v.ζ : jyl2 3t DANA, evening. Some six hundred guests Lewielob, 91ainc. Coal aaa«l Wooe! ! President. 1870. 1st—To act on the report of the Directors and 1870. Ministers, and Portland, July 5th, wtti»jy!3-law3vv and the kept order. Treasurer. July 13, jyl3td Lawyers, BLAKE & were present, police JONES, was by a stuffed lig- 2nd—To choose Wanted of llattie E. suitable Mathematics personified Directors for the ensuing year. Immediately! Coal, brig Wheeler, | the 3d—To act ou GIRL at tor &c. Λ Rare all Fi*ciic3b iliadc 1 Cïnlt, JBloclc. ure a and alter scene ot a mock any other business that may come Grand Trunk Hall. CARGOluriuees, ranges, cooking purposes, &c., Chance Public Boots, of female, beiore the Dining Rclcver.ce Also Nova Scotia In Speakers, j)13Jlw the unfortunate female meeting. A required. cargo Wood, delivered any a young man a few hundred Can trial and conviction, jyl2*lw oi having dollars best acquire an to direct from Parij by JACOB part the city, both cheap lor cash. to out a nice Understanding adapted Imported lirst to the executioner's block JVIeLELLAN, Clerk, i^OR buy geuteel, money-making Busi- their protV ssion at the was brought Portland, WM. tl. no by applying Boot and Shoe July 11,1«7ϋ. jyl2eodtd gyOLD PAPERS lor WALKER, ness; charge tor learning. or New 132 Light Express Wagon for Sale. was to the sale at this office. OCtlldtJ No, 24'J Commercial Street. Apply address. Store, Middle street. ΛΙ. G. PALMER, and t'uen the body committed York Gallery, 109 Middle M new St., Portland. jyl3*lw Jun23eod3w is HI. G. PALMER, e29eoil3nls lit j Middle Sir*cf. Express Wagon. flames. ONEjefflSdrt ALEX'R EDMOND. even if the transaction was informal, it bene- the waters riisliing along the street, till they liilctl New· by lUt Mail·· freedmen. Iu no the SPECIAL NOTICES. ! Γ Γ-Τ Κ fit.'tl tbe regard to tlie Barry rould longer e«cape through obstructed The committer of conference on the Indian SPECIAL· NOTICES. NEW Αηνπκ r isr.11 i:nts. ial lu buslii· s·, lie tbe ol the sewer». Tbe sight w is terrific- repels charges of Irregu- gratings bill Imvi> to a declares and liie crash and roll of tbe thun- appropriation agreed report. The larity, and tlist neither tafc nor bis ally grand, amount is about '.lie same as was der added to its solmnity. Almost proposed by tbo Saturday Morcis», July 16, 1870. broiiier benefited or was interested pe- everything ELECTHO SILICON or that was not well secured was blown away, or Senate, six millions, with a proviso that noth- cuniarily privately in tliL· transactions con- Ulrcs a brilliant borue down by the impetuous torents. Com- lustre to nected with it. He denies that ing in the bill shall be taken or held to affirm S <ïe»· any were C0G1A i'hargCitayaBiisil BUownrd. portion paratively larae trees branches HASSAN of the business o( uprooted, the of the treaties GOLD, SILVER. BRASS, STEEL, GLASS, WATCHES ! tlie bureau lias been con- made in of others were torn off, and sent spinning 110 validity 18C7 and lu April last IIou. Fernando Wood eiiarg- ducted with & which extravagance, or for his own ben- one knew whither, whilstfsmaller sprays and and 1868 by the peace commission. Ij very durable. It la a natural pro of or for luct, ed that Gen. O. O. Commissioner efit, that of bis An abundant leaves were scattered like chaff. a from tbo Pacific Coast. Howard, family. everywhere It is reported that secret treaty exists be- The Celebrated Watch Manufacturers, the Aban- array of facts and bis state- Fences were thrown down in every direction, Bureau of Refagees, Freed men and figures fortify tween Juari-z and President the ments. and the track ou St. Antoine street Grant, latter nickel doned had been of inaladver- railway thu plating, E. HOWARD & Lauds, guilty was blocked up by fallen trees, prostrated and guaranteeing Prosidtncy ol Juari ζ in con- CO v Better tban MI sion and dereliction of duty iu thirteen speci- oli.'ical Nolea. hurled tbiihi r by the wind. \Vlieii its main sideration of the cession of Mexican territory. ver. SOXBCRf· M lux The had -ill the raia still con;inued (o Samples on Alter a inves- State Committee have a fury sp itself, riots tojk exhibition anil onleta received at fically stated particular. long Republican Orange place in Ireland Thurs- the HaT' ealahlished un \geney lor the -ale of Ihclr fine descend, and it vas pome lime before parties «an Committee on Education and meeting at the Falmouth Ilotel and Taehlc movements, at tigation by the Thursday Cojld asce.itain their owu damage, or the ex- day. fbkli| Here Loren Labor, eight of the members made a report evening, July 21st, at 7.30 o'clock. tent or that of their neighbors. It was soon Badger, the brakeman injured by the 4H Lowell's, 301 at aud environs on Exchange Congress in in The California State known, however, that the city accident lbs Northern Railroad Street, which sets forth, substance, regard to Republican Conven- Wednes- Wateli warranted to Rive satisfaction or no had sutfered a serious wreck. In the oteeper died »i;n of the Every tion lias day, Thursday night. He w is "fim.DHV B1VI.E." sale. G*»ll ami see before you decide nd look at the first charge against General of adopted resolutions approving Rep- such as not were inycusible Howard, streets, Drummond, only atter the our reference». ifm was accident. )yia sntc Q. L. JyJC t he improper use of approbations made for, resentative Cake's bill to provide against the trees toru up aud damaged, but tbe gravel BAILEY. washed to an extent and To promote aid the of, the importation of Chinese laborers. away extraordinary immigration to the Pacific Coast, receipts Bureau, that, from carried toftlie levels below. At the present it is H projected to purchase 7,000,000 acres of Al l'C evidence, certain property in the northern The New York World claims that there moment It is impossible to give in detail the near the land in Northern California and were that has been done in and Southern Or- part of the ciiy, called the "Smith to only oi'21 votes in the ten districts with damage Farm," city. This seems to have been corfined princi- egOD, along the California and Oregon Rail- VEGETABLE SICILIAN which was applied the Eckei t 22,41)9 inhabitants. The vote as the aud the harbor. and Miller ap- given by pally to the western district road, for and aid the to $10,000,000, immigialion HAIR No. 4 propriation, was purchased for the Times, Tribune, Herald and Post is 47,615. The , for such it was, appeared of V* \ 300,000 from and University have rushed through the gorge of the Moun- persons Gemiauy Northern by the trustees, and for in The President has the bill. paid part by bonds signed Georgia tain, above McGill College, and, sweeping Europe to settle upon the tract. jRENEWER. Block. transferred to them Jeromr 13. Sherbrooke to have Deering by Gen. Howard. The Chaffee was unanimously downwards, across street, Private advices from China report that Diseases of as it in rep- the Scalp were erected nominated lor to gained in force and fury progressed ils buildings entirely by him and delegate Congress by the Re- direction of resentations have been made to the course; circling in tbe Mountain Imperial Produce tira Τ Hair and Baldue·». turned over to the and Convention of which across St. Antoine government which will result in the Mrs. T. trustees, that all this publican Colorado, pass- and streets, and St. prohibi- The use oi wheie the of the Lobenstrin, was done ed streets, rage hurricane tion of female BASE. in under an discretion confer- resolutions condemning the of Joseph immigration from Chita to Cal- BALL') VKtJEI'ABf.E Takes pleasure Informing her triends and enlarged importation to have and the appears culminated; thence to ifornia. It public generally that she h:m perfected îel by the act of coolies and the Indian the is proposed to establish a Chinese arrange- March, 1803, June, 1806, Ju- policy. have continued by canal and over a portion CHANGE^OF SICILIAN HAIR BEMEWBK ments witli first-class New York Houses to have and The President has nominated Arthur Mc- of Griffintown and the Consulate at San Francisco. sent ly, 1803, June, 180S, which direction the harbor; finally spend- will restore it to ita natural color and promote It· I ing itself on the St. Lamberts side of the Bills were the President Driven growth. EVERY majority think, js and thiuk Arthur of Milwaukee, Wis., to be an Asso- river, approved by Thurs- by WEEK, beyond cavil, Constantly Business Our Treatise on the Hair sent free The a Increasing by mall. Gen. ciate of tbe Court of tbe Dis- Witness gives list of about fifty bouses day night amendatory of the bankrupt act, in- Howard had unlimited uuder Justice Supreme K. P. HALL & authority that were Co., Nashua, Ν. H., Proprietors. The Latest HVoveltics ! them. trict of Columbia. unroofed or seriously damaged by corporating the National Academy of Sciences, They hold that his to Price $1.00. For sale by all druggists. OF ALL KIND (Howard's) gii'fs their blown out or walls and lard having gables prostrat- releasing pork packers, renderers, Tus&S-weow various schools and institutions of kindred Oiilclal WE HAVE jun27 Corre»pondence. ed. More than one house was twisted off their &c., from internal taxation as manufacturers. MOVED TO FANCY & LADIE9 nature with FUElfltiHING GOOIS the was out NOTIFYING HON. SIDNEY University, carrying PERHAM OF ΠΙ9 foundation. Some of these roois were carried Red Cloud and lodgc9 of Sioux came the sixty J. B. SUCH AS very purposes for which the bureau was I NOMINATION AS A CANDIDATE FOR GOV- to LUCAS, a considerable distance. Churches, Fort Fettermen Thursday with the deter- Embroideries und AND HIS REPLY. residences, OH Lace €*od·, established. ERNOR, mination of all Indians in Exchange «t., next door to Harris* Hat Store, factories, school houses and warehouses stand inducing that coun- Hvaicry and Glove», ot every Ulicription, THE LAXD SALES. Augusta, 1870. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in July 4th, in the general destruction ; but the only loss of try to make peace. He goes direct to the No. 129 Ladirt' aad 4'hildren'a Under Veal·, They reply to the charge that the lands al- Hon. Sidney Ρεκπαμ : Chey- MIDDLE Sir The life reported, ir that of a boy who w?s killed by ennee and Arapahoes. STREET, Naaraiac Good» and C'araela. to have been sold for the benefit of undersigned, a Committee ap- FISHING TACKLE! leged the a A. A. four pointed a Convention of the flying timber. A laborer was severely injur- Snyder's year old son fell into a OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. were of by Republicans University disposed improperly to of ed cauldron of at -AND- The Celebrated Maine, held at Augusta, June 15lb, 1870, by falling fragments. The details are of boiling pitch Patterson, N. J.t Breech and 8hot members of his family, and ollicers of his stall' have the honor to inform Muzzle-Loading Gana, you, that you have thrilling interest, and we regret that we cannot Thursday night, and though immediately res- Alexander "Kid Glove!" the of the and been selected that Convention as can- his by giving history purchase dis- by its find room for them. The scene presented was cned, injuries are fatal. His flesh was and posal of the Smith iarm, and from didate for Governor for the Sporting Target Rifles, ALSO, by quoting coming political fearful in tbe extreme, and language would burned into a mass of blisters and the skin the records of the boards ol to show year. trustees, fail to an off in Joseph's "Kid Gloves !" that the Your character — convey adequate picture of the deso- peeled strips. REVOLVERS, financial ageut was instructed to se- and career prove ye"" NO. 6 Pair ot 1 TEMPLE Every the Latter Warranted. lect ~ which the tornado caused, The of the New Do· Collar· and Dog IHaaalt·, Metallic a lot, of not less than one acre, from the swerving fidelity to thp management Hampshire STREET, ia to the that hf State Prison has into the Cartridges quantity, and a completo University ground, be donated to Gen. party passed hands of tbe wuere we open;our A Howaid And with assortment ot Large Assortment of tor the purpose of erecting a private impli .access >ROM EUROPE. tew warden, J. C. Pillsbury. An elimina- residence. 1 his was done on the at the polls, w to Dre*s Battons. Drtss condition ,(uest you tion of the cells of the prison disclosed that two SPORTING GOODS Trimmings, Black that he would build a house thereon for his accept tlie rn/u iuus tendered. We prisoners had been in the of practice carrying OF ALL KINDS. and Colored Velvet Bibbonr. own occupai ion, but that Gen. Howard would herewith transmit a copy of the Resolutions tools from tbe to their cells. SVMSIER CAMPAIG» workshops Over tM The Trade supplied at Bvsrox rrices. not it and he afterwards adopted the Convention. France Declares War on Prussia. a bushel basket full of occupy ; purchased by files, saws, belts, drills Remember the A Large Variety of an aud such tools were fouud. place, Exchange st., flrat door Irom acre, paying $1,000 for it, and built a house Very truly yours, One had construct- Middle at. ed a miniature and thereon from the proceeds of ihe sale of a resi- Harrison engine, tbey had beguiled Hume, The Insult to Benedettl tbo hours in Articles and Small Ware ! dence in the citv. V. E. SnAW, the Al- weary mech'inical pursuits. Not Fancy ambitious for The special attention ot tho Ladies is a That no being freedom no attempt had At MARRIED. Invited to memfcer of his or staff ob- Henry E. Prentiss. Cause. Wholesale assortment ot family leged been made to use and large the tools for which is tained any lands except at the schedule escape, Retail, certainly remarkable in penal servitude. Ladies' prices fixed by the Board of Trustees for all Paris, July 8th, 1870. In this city, July II, by Rer. Dr. Khaller. Lemuel Undergarments Our main attack is Η. λ îckerson and Miss Sarah E. — ADD purchases. The majority find that no bonds Uartison Ilume, F. E. E. upon high piices, these we shall UTTERLY DEMORALIZE ! We shall sell Drinkwater, both ol of the Shaw, Henry All Efforts for Peace Futile. Item·. Portland. Congregational Church were taken iu Prentiss, Committee State In Republican The census-takers in different of the Farmtngton, July 10, R. Hanley Smith and Children's Wardrobe payment for a portion of the Smith farm, as Convention: parts Louise B. Ho'ley. country are col lectins some curions infor- charged in the third specification. very In Strong, July 4. Geo. T. Beal, ol Λτοη, and Miss They Gentlemen For the honor which France bas declared war Prussia. mation. They find that the attain- M. of invites the quote from the act of in this high against highest age Brown, Freeman. She respectfully Ladles to give her a July, 1500, the nomination ed hy unmarried women is 26 is In the Goods and hear to you announce bestows |I ten- The Corps Législatif passed the vote at 1.50 on years. It well Ellsnorth. July 10, BenJ. F. Simmons and Em- call, examine ihe prices. connection, sl'ow that Gen. Howaid was to have the ma A. der to you. and, through you to the Conven- point at which they cease crowing Mcttown. clothed with unlimited to Friday alternoon. The intervention of the MILLINERY In Rockland, Richards and authorify co-oper- tion you represent, thanks. older definitely fixed. July 2, Stephen Han- T. «.ιλ; nibu uciic vuiciil· my profound nah P. Holt. piuaic il^SUCItiLlOnS ΙΟΓ great powers for peace have been ineffectual. The articles taxed the law as it LOBENSTEIN, The resolutions the principal by In Hartshorn E. the education of treed men and adopted by Convention, now stands are Beliast, Pitcher and Adelia L. (Formerly T. Crantai.) refugees, which meet The flimsy pretext for thus disturbing tbe expected to vield the following Lancaster. involved also a my hearty approval, and the principles discretionary use of the luuds snms,viz: Income, $14,000,000; Spirit·, $62,- Lower than Ever. In Cambridge. June 30, at Street 4 at his they declare, will receive my cordial and ear- peace of Europe.is the "insult offered to Bene- Prospect Church, JTo. Deering Block, Oongres3 Street, disposal in aid of this object. That he is 000,000; Tobacco, $30,000,000; Bp,τ, by Rev. Kinsley Irving. A. E. Cbase. ol Portland, nest support. the French and France $6,000,000; and PORTLASD, MAINE. therefore only responsible for ihe exercise of detti, minister, accepts Stamps, $15,000,000; Gas, $2,000,000. Τ Be new Mlaa Agnea E, eldest daughter ot CurtiaC. I the in Nlehoia, ol Is eorn some discretion in this work. accept nomination with a deep sen- the war which Prussia offers. A Berlin dis- law respect to tbe duties on is to Cambridge. JuljieSatTuTh ly He transferred of imports sibility the responsibilities it take effect Jan. 1,1871; in respect to most in- theCliarity Fund to General Ballocli, in ac- imposes. patch says Count Benedetti accosted the King II elected, I shall deem it my as it ternal taxes, on Oct. 1,1870; while tbe taxes cordance with order No. duty, of Prussia he was and special 185, which will be while drinking peremp- on income and dividends are retained fund was invested my highest purpose, to devote my ear- through Ρ ,s s by General as SHAWLS «- Balloch, nest efforts to the torily demanded bis intentions on tbe pending 1870 and 1871. -a Treasurer ot the Howard awakening of the enegies, %< Ρ S University, in Con- Chicago is Now York In this ~·μ 55 the development of the resources and the questions and the King immediately dismissed rapidly approaching in citv, «July 14, George Α., son ot Joalah and gregational Church and the the of Clarbsa S 4 bonds, majority advancement of character her city council, of whom the Nicker son. aged 6 years 5 months. >> that it was a all the varied interests of the him. Per contra a Paris dispatch says crowds Usually Sold at $4.00 2 *Λ say good investment. State. Times says: "If the debates, or, rather, tbe for $2.00 [Boston papers please copy.] •a S *2 2 And, by strict in our finan- services ν .Senator Pomeroy and other witnesses testi- economy oi students paraded the boulevards shouting 'jing jangle' of tlieir meetings were [Fanerai Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, s cial and faithful reported at No. 42 India street. f| fied to the value of affairs, attention to all the du- verbatim et Sold at for S3 5 8 ο the church on "Down with Prussia." The police did not in- literatim, they would be founJ to be Usually $5.50 3.25 In West ο property ties to the I shall full of Camden, July 4, Mr. Addison Llbby, aged s which the money was loaned. The pertaining position, endea- bad grammar, slang, personal 69 2 months χ |s majority vor to merit terfere and tbe crowd stopped at the Prussian profanity, years ο do not that the honor which this nomination abase and senseless confessions of Usually Sold at $6.00 In Mr. 33 4 deny the university and ignorance, for 3.50. bethel, July 10, Benj. T. Brown, aged 53 J hospital conlers. embassy and shouted insultingly. The Prus- years. Β 3u wi re buiit ot patent but that there Very respectfully, corruption, carelessness, irresponsibility, and ■d ο Û.S = biick, say ® S is no proof that General Your ob't Kerv't, sian ambassador has left Paris. Tbe Emperor neglect." α Howard was a stock- The S5 s Sidney an on Hon. Joseph S. Commissioner holder or connected with the brick Γειιπαμ. aud M. Ollivier bad angry altercation Wilson, IMPORTS. υ is « company of the General Land Office, has devoted much its at the time the materials on account of the latter's known « ο were furnished. Thursday time to the preparation ot a on tbe suita- He withdrew from the paper h company to avoid an Ike Tornado. disposition for peace. Tbe movement of French bility large tracts of otherwise valueless coun- Sch Moses Patten, from Bangor-1923 bb'ssaltto l2| Hppearance of evil upon the decision to in tho West to the DRESS Waldron & True. towards the Bhine frontier is incessant try cultivation of and GOODS χ adopt G BEAT troops tea, it. the of those DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY AND LOSS thinks the I It Notwithstanding falling build- and eastern Franca is alive with soldiers. The impending Mongolian immigration the hud that OF LIFE. be ings majority they really cost may usefully absorbed to a la rge extent in Ills which Lave been in Paris this field DJCPARTCJRJB Of OCEAN ST Κ A M Κ RS & $25,000less than if built of The effects of the tornado which over troops garrisoned of agriculture. sold 30 c. ordinary pressed passed LENOS, usually for for IS c. NAM· VROK DMTINATÏOH cS îlpΓ<=«1® brick witli stone the have gone and the raw levies are An European war it find trimmings central unci eaetcrrkparls of the Stato Thurs- slowly replac- would, appear City of Brussels ...New York. .Liverpool.... 16 00 find no Russia well prepared. In a report Joly They to substantiate the ing them. Ambulances and caissons throng present- Peruvian Quebec Liverpool.... July 16 Utz* testimony day afternoon were almost without in ed a sold c. br«*^,-1 that parallel tew weeks ago to tbe Czar, by the POPLINS, usually for 30 15 c. Silesia New York. .Hamburg. 19 charge Gen. Howatd permitted D. L. this section tbe streets of the city on their route to the east. for ...July Eatun & of the country. The Bangor Minister of War, it was stated that tbe Java New zO Co. or any one else to use the lum- Whig York..Liverpool... .July it was Frigates and iron clads are ready to start from army was now in of new and Arizona ...New York..Calilornia....July 21 ber says confined to a path of less than half a possession 556,491 sold belonging to the government. find converted POPLINS, usually for 60 c. 30 c. New York.. 21 They milo in Brest and breech-loading rifles. It was also for Abyssinia Liverpool... .July that Gen. Howard to the width. Those who saw it describe it as Cherbourg. Columbia ..New 21 pays Howard Uni- announced that up to tbe end of the new York...Havana July Holland will remain neutral in the May, Moravian July 23 versity for the headquarters of the having the of a dense wall struggle. cartridge at St. &c,, &c., &c. Quebec Liverpool Freedmen's appearance of black factory Petersburg bad made ..New 23 SILVERWARE. Tbe to City Washington. York. -Liverpool.... July Bureau less rent, than lie when that and belligerents have engaged respect the 15,500,000 and that it was now 23 paid angry clouds, from which a whirl- cartridges, capa- Merrhnac New York. .Rio Janeiro. .July was in this depended ble of New York. 26 headquarters city. They charac- ing, neutrality of Belgium, yet troops are rapidly producing 500,000 per day. It is clear Westphalia .Hamburg... .July JUST RECEIVED AT twisting column, an .. terize as untrue the resembling elephant's ihat we are not likely ta see another great war City ol Antwerp .New York..Liverpool....July 26 wholly charge that Gen. concentrating at Antwerp and other strategic We shall sell 6 cord New trunk, which swung to and destruc- in which the or the will Sterling Thread, 6 eta. a Scotia York. .Liverpool July 27 301 Howard receives more than one The fro, leaving Chassepot needle-gun spool. Missouri Congress Street, salary. tion points. The specie and bullion in the national be tound to the old Best 3 New York. .Havana July 28 charge that he caused lauds in the wherever it touched. opposed muzzle-loading cord, 200 yard Thread, 3 cts. a Calabria New York. 28 Λ city ol' banks at has been removed to the rifle. spool. .Liverpool... .July beautiful variety of case goods ior owned an In Brewer Mr. Antwerp Washington by oflicer of the Bu- Pierce's barn was blown to the Best Silk, 100 13 cts. a to be Citadel. The issue of is an- ^pool yards, spool. WEDDING PRESENTS. reau, transferred to a freedmen's school ground, and the of Mr. Freeze paper money dwelling crumbled Best Merrimack 10 cts. a Mlalaiar· AImmic July 16. in North the oflicer nounced. State News. Prints, yard. Set* of Carolina, taking the into a mass of ruins. Six Splendid Jewelry, persons wcro in the RUSSIA. Ban rises .....4.37 I Moon rises'..... 10 12 PM money appropriated for that school and the Fine Brown Cottons, 10 cts. a San flew Palter·· in. hor.se, but without AKDHOSCOGOIN yard. sets 7.34 I High water 2.00 PM Constantly Coining school lands in this miraculously escaped further There is a on the of the CUCSTY. city, wheieby fraud was strong feeling part Handkerchiefs for from 50 cents a doz. damage than somo severe bruises. Somo other upwards. îm perpetrated, is utterly denied. find no Russian Government France. The The Androscoggin Herald tells of the jyie ABNER LOWELL. 1'hey against neigh- Ladies' from a evidence to sustain the buildings were but we do not bors of a farmer in Hose 10 cents pair upwards. charge that Gen. How- destroyed, learn Czar's Government believe Napoleon is bent Poland, prostrated by fever MARINE NEWB. ard allowed the for a time and was unable to be erected on whose. The iron roof was long to labor, who Geut's Hose from β cents a Notice to Coal buildings lifted off the on war in to pair upwards. Dealers. Farm of engine making aggressive Europe gain turned out with teams and tools and 4 Barry government lumber, to be let house of Steam plowed, Best Committee on Public Buildings will receive Nealley's Mill and one end of an and force the restor- harrowed and his Paper Collars, 10 cts a box. PORT OF POKlLi Ν D. or sold to freedom at overmastering position planted gronnd, and hoed proposals until at exorbitant prices, and the hie THE Saturday, July 30tb, inst., that building blown in by the wind. corn and potatoes. That's the teal noon, for lour hundred tuns doboken he and his brother Charles were ation of tbe Bonrbons in Spain. charity Down ! COAl·, 2240 persou- In Holden Charles of deeds and not words. VELVET_RlBBOXS, Down, Down, Ac., &c., Ac. Friday, Julr 1 to the ton, to be of the be^t Loaf aily interested in this Strickland's house was un- AUSTRIA. "Sugar transaction as a private ARRIVED, Kundshigh" Coal, to be delivered and pu' in at such of roofed and his barn The tornado at Mechanic Falls on speculation. They find that his transactions completely destroyed, as Austria continues to in Thursday Steamer New Bolton lor East- the public buildings in the city as be profess neutrality was severe. It lasted but a few England, Field, may designa- in this were very minutes, and St John. NB. ted on or before Nov The coal to be in all regard ail proper, and that were those owned by B. Okas. the between Prussia and but but it blew port 1,1870. they Joseph Copeland, quarrel France, the spire from the Baptist and a Brig Salem. respects of the best of the and in the reflect glory and eredil on Gea. Howard. In Frontier, Morgan, quality name, Copeland, lliram Wiewell, Charles Mr. will abandon it if a third should inter- chimney from the Methodist meeting-houses, Sch Moses Patten, Har best order, and weil scieened and by such regard to the sand Wiswell, party Remember tlie (ot Bangor) liug, Bonaire weighed coutract, they find tjia and prostrated fences and trees and in some cases JPlace, 20 day»,—rait to Waldrnn Λ True. weigher as tne city may designate. The cty reserves without Hodgdou Jotbam Pierce. J. B. Copeland's vene. Charge and that Gen. tore the garden crops from the ground. 8»h Ζ Snow, Thorndike, Rondout,—cement to C A the right to reject any or all bids, and ro require sat- foundation, house was OERMAKY. Howard was not responsible at all. damaged and nearly all the windows 129 MIDDLE Β Morse « Co. istact ry sureties in the turn ot one thousand dol'arjs. North German ΛΒ009Τ00Κ COUMTY. STREETand\ Sch Wm Penn, Salem. Address proposals to They pioceed to give a of the Freed- broken. Three chimneys were blown off Charles Several representatives of Cook, history About 150 men are employed on the Ε. & N. Scb Flight, Crowell, Portsmouth, to Nlckerson Λ BEN J. KINGSBURY. JR., men's aud reter to was houses in New Yoik have been in- Bureau, French emancipa- Copeland's house, which otherwise damaged. shipping A. E. working from Mattawamkeag Point to Litchfield, lo load tor Philadelphia. )yl6dtxl Chairman. tion in the 6 TEMPLE STREET Sch Antilles, British emancipation, Iu Orrington the roofs wgre torn from the dwell- structed to detain their vessels in American tbe mouth ot the Molunkus, about 8 1-2 miles. | Venllia, Eaton, Kennebunk. Sch Sea for Ac., and conclude thai the Bureau Horse cars to be used Pigeon, Lindsey, Calai* Boston. has been ings of Zenas Smith, Bartlett Curran, Thomas ports until further orders from their principals. instead of carts at the so great a success that the world can to great fill on the north side of Mattawamkeag GEO. C. CLEARED. CCCI point Curran and Horace and the walls shatter- ROBINSON A Machlas, Foster. Glace nothing "like it in the of Fields, Gobiiam ."Seminary. —The eierciscs river. CO., Brig Bay, CB—master. history emancipa- closing ψ Brig (Br) NS—Geo tion that all the ed. The barns ot Mr. and Joshua Sever- lsauel, Fulton, Londonderry, charges against Gen. How- Fling were well attended and sustained with interest. Work is about being resumed upon the Epis- PROPRIETORS OF THE H Starr. Just received at 301 t'ougr. ·· Street, a beau· ard are ance were blown Sch ΕI tltul lot of groundless, aud that bo lias bean a flat, and in the latter a valuable The exercises of the afternoon copal church, Ashland. The parish expect tbe Story, Night ngale, Plymouth. twenty-three Sch Fred devoted, honest, and able ox was killed. The barns of building will be completed this fall. Walton, Rich, Kennebec River—Ε Free- public servant. John Jameson, an hour and a in- therefore were brought within half, man, Jr. & Silver Ware. They recommend the passage of the Leopold Essec, Jeremiah Bowden and Rawson KENNEBEC COUNTÎ. Watches, Jewelry resolution: cluding the music, and those of the evening SAILED—Barqne Ella ; brigs Ocean Belle, Herald, following Lufkin were The Kennebec Journal savs and unroofed and otherwise ~ πτ,'ΐ-ν. 41λΛ subscriptions Iza; icbi Oriole, ΕI and others. 7>,ιο<\7ι·τ7 rP 1 ·~i -li *· damaged. COGIA Story, ABNER — HASSAN LOWELL u are being collected in that ritv to defrnv th« w LUW STORE. jpvaivj pu.iouv;u Mr. John uy Jameson in going from his barn to his direction of the J. B. A. jyl6 dim Untied Slates towards torn· and one-half mil- Principal, Webb, M_ expense οί preparing for the State Fair in that MEMORANDA. was knocked lions of its house, down by the hailstones The solos and duetts were city. Sch Rosannah Rose, of was people, suddenly enfranchised by piano admirably Belfast, Capt Burgess, Non-Resident Taxes which were as struck by a squall off of the 7th the events of a great civil in to large ns robin's egge. lie was Misses Chad- The third story of the to the Insane Monhegan night war, seeking performed by Waterman, Cole, wing lost, which carried away foremast and mainmast, the towu ot New Gloucester,in tbe County of for their ▼cry bruised abont the Hospital is now ready for the and KID GLO provide education, to render them badly head, but managed bourne, King and Chase. Dr. Charles Hinkley painters pa- VE: S ! and ripped up the , she reached Bel last INCumberland, tor the year 1869. and The two lower stories have bten under masts. independent and in ex- to crawl under a fcnce which him in a per-hangers. Jury Sch Abby Gale, of Bellast. was The lollowtns list ot taxes on the real estate of self-sum)orting, protected handled tie organ in the church with bu to them great plastered and made ready for the uua uj mu same squau ana naa non-resident owners in the town ot New tending civil anfrpolitical is until the storm finishing. Daaiy Gloucester, equality, measure, lulled. skill, and brought out its and tone to torn. for the year 1869, in bills committed to J »sepb a source of just national and that powers SOMERSET COUNTY. Cross, pride, the In and JUST Collector of said town, on the 17th day of July, Η use Bucksport, Hampden, nearly every the delight of a large audience. The essays on 1869, lieieby acquits Major General Oliver A. H. Eaton, Esq., County Supervisor, in- RECEIVED, DOMESTIC PORT? has been returned by him to me as remaining un· (' .other town heard from similar devastation is re- Qoward of the groundless and causeless Charles Dickens, the Hand, Heart and Head, froms the Reporter that by actual count, he OREGON—Ar at Portland paid on the 18th dav of A» il, 1870, by his certificate 12th, Garibaldi, nl that. ami nnw rpmiineniiMiil nnH nntlw in trges lately preferred and does ported. Trees were uprooted, fences and stone Woman's the met in one day, week before last, two hundred Noyes Hong Kong. against him, Eights, Fashion, Stage Coach, JSEW hereby given that it the said taxes, interest and declare and record walls were and fifty Canadians on their way to the lower ORLEANS—Ar llth inst,ship Young Eagle, hereby its judgment that prostrated, barns and dwellings un- Lost Children and The Earth are of New char nee «re not into the o« said town in worthy between the Forks and Moose river. Perkins, York Way 17. paid I'reat-ury and roofed or Kennebec, A withiu months Lorn the date of the com- successfully organizing overturned. In also Stock of PENSACOLA—Ar sell eighieeu administering many places the notice. Miss Parker read a on It is estimated that more than a thousand have French 2d, Minetta. Lie by, Galves- thoughtful paper Kids with lidelity, and the Freed Large ton. mitmentoi the said bills, 8) much of the real estate integrity struck. season. ability lightning Truth and to himself." come through for the haying Ar taxed as will be sufficient to the due men's which has "Beauty, Ood,liveth Mb, brigs Lonj Beach, Harden, New York; pay amount Bureau, contributed so much The Mr. has been 6th. Ε Η there'or, interest and will with- toward the Lcwiston Journal reports that the central We would also note Miss Bobie's Eaton visiting the schools up Kennedy, Ueyer, Mobile. including charges, accomplishment ol the first two of composition the Cld 1st, sch out farther notice b so'd at at Sew- of tho storm was Kennebec. He reports very good schools Liifaa, Griffin. Baltimore: 21, bris Rio pub'ic aucilon, these he part about a milo in width in "Nulla and Miss Bidlon's on great ends, is deserving of the grati- Vestigea Betrosum," in Binglum, Moscow and Moose river. There Grande McLellan, New York. all Grose' Stole, Upper Gloucester, la »aid town, tude ol the American Minot where it was first heard from. Two houses "There are "Badi- M. A. WILMINGTON—Ar sch James A .Friday, the twenty-seventh day ot January, 1871, people. : Samu- no Alps." Master Swazey'a are but lew families at Moose but llth, Crooker. Signed river, they Chase. Wiscaseet. at 2 o'clock m the afternoon. el M. Arnell, John to at North were are a BOSWORTH'S, lieatty, F. belonging Harvey Dillingham, was received with as large, sometimes George Hoar, calism," applause vigorous ones, having PHILADELPHIA—Ar 14th, sch Hatile Ε Samp- Tox for 1869. Washington Charles M. Auburn were blowu dozen children. 163 son Gardiner. Townsend, Hamilton, (Dillingham Hill) down,'and the orations on "True Man," "Ireland," and Middle Street. <.«i. Blake, Samuel S. James OXFORD COUNTY. Cld sch Lizzie, Burdett, N. Tyner, Legrand a yoke of oxen so seriously injured that it wee the l?tb, Stetson, Augu-ta. f ** ¥ïr? "Latin Valedictory." A distinct and de- NEW YORK—Ar Name. ο i — W. Pierce. One last week as W. Watson was 12th, barque Monitor, Eaton. ô"2, ^ 5- fuund to day W. a ► »·» necessary kill one of them. A barn of liberation was a marked to For Moth Caibarlen: brigs George Amos, Johnson, fclizabetli- ? MINORITY REPORT. articulation, however, leaning over a circular saw in his salt box fac- uniy Chicago. Patches, Freckles & Tan S- 5· 3 -2o port for Portland; do tor Ports· c* (β —* Jabez in the same was blown lack on at Us» Potomac, Carver, 0 Merrill, vicinity, some of the parts and suggested the tory, South Waterford, a bolt flew, striking "PKKKY'S MO IH and FRECKLE LO- I mouth: Stront. « The of the ccmuvttee also made ONLY $15 TO Ό ETROIT. TION." Tlie Robin, Bangor; Whitaker, olton, Cnmmings, Wm. K. 20 7 ;3 $1.04 minority down and half the roof of the house blown off. need of that is the him in the stomach inflicting a serious injury. cnly Reliable ami Harmless Remedy Middleton Ct; schs Clara Matan- William Elocutionary tiaining which known to Science tor Bell, Amesburv, Davis, 6 C 5 .M a report in which it recapitulales the various And rates in to California removing brown discolorations JW tor A large part of the orchards were blown down— of the '.n future to furnish. Saturday morning last, four gentlemen from proportion and all points from the tace. [ zas9days; Coffin, Wallace, Elizabethport JTarnham, Abial, formerly owned trusts and in General purpose Seminary West, via the Prepared only by Dr. B. G. PER Boston ; Charter Oak, Poole, and < do tor James authority.reposed How- Bethel went out and returned at RY, 41) Bond Ν. Y. Sold 'oral, Kent, by Eveleth, g 3.2C the damage in this respect boing almost The floral decorations and the and Ashing, night st, by Druggists every- do; Forest, Pendleton, do tor Mary ard and the Freedmen's Bureau, and differs beyond crayon pen- with over five hundred handsome brook trout. where. Belfast; Lymn- Foig, Timothy E., intervale land 3 1.4# burner, Lansil, troro do tor Cambridge; Point, Ruins F. Irom the views of the credence. At Mechanic Falls the steeple was cil sketches, were The levee Grand Trunk Sandy Flckett, 15 0 13 3 63 essentially majority. unexceptionable. In the eastern part, of Oxford county the Grant, do tor do; Island Bell9, Marble, Eastport; KosiE, Joseph S. (balance Une The think that General Howard blown from the "Railway. ) 20 1.53 minority used MethodistChurch. Passing from in the Seminary parlors was uncomfortably present is the severest drouth experienced for Pimples on the Face. Margaret, Clark, Cherryfield. Glines, Samuel,part ot the IJani;l more than lialf a million of dollars of funds North For Below 13tb, barque Mary Bentley, lrom Brown larm Auburn, the whirlwind seemed to take crowded, but all seemed to enjoy themselves many years. kaiwjExcursion Season Comedones, Black-Heads, Flesh Worms or Clark, 25 2.83 of the Fieedmen's Bureau for the Howard Grubs, Pimply Eruptions and Blotched Inagua. Humphrey, fchadic, land formerly uortheasterly course—doing immense in till a late hour. Mr. Charles The buildings of F. M. Thcmas, in for disfigura- Ar 14th, John Griffin. and damage Bicliards, Messrs. Byron, tsro. aiaffi tions on the Face, use Perry's Comedone and Pim- barque Downey. Havana 13 owned by J.H. Mabury 18 1.23 University, hospital, lands, aud claim were burned the 1st iust„ with | days; brig Jeremiah, Cardenas il sch Auburn, Greene and Wales. Conant' E. and G. Thomas with Miss all Friday night, Remedy. Reliable, and contains no Clifford, dajs, Latham, WoodwaM, heir» 76 7 56 8.94 that the ol the erection ot the univer- Hooper Cole, of Port- Harmless, Wacaier. Para 20 object all the farming implements. Loss $2200; in- 1st. {>leeadpoison. Depot 49 Bond St., Ν. Y. Sold Ring Dove, days. Lane, Joseph 27 4 1.11 on the river road in was demolish- formed an orchestra Commencing May by Ud " 41 sity had relerence to political and barn, Auburn, land, and furnished some sured A cow and were burned. Druggists everywhere. 14th, ship Magnet,Crosby,San Francisco; brig deficient tax .80 preferment, $000. hog marl7d&v4msn " " highway was a taken ed. Scores of and forest were Fare from Yarmouth Goodwin, Craig, Malaga; seh Annie Whiting, Hutch- 1 1.44 step by General Howard to pro- apple trees leveled first-class music. The prospects of the Semina- PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Portland, and Danville Junc- 4) to iuson, Demarara. Merrill, John 9 3 cure as a candidate for to the tion, Montreal, and return, $15,00 Grass tor ij 1.0Ï popularity the Vice- ground. The roads in all directions were ry for the fall term, Oct. are To Gorham and Sale. Cld 18tb, brie Suwannre. for hciri beginning 30, Bangor is fitting up a neat little place called return, 5,00 Α Simpson, Demarara; Eoyai, Jo»iah, (balance due,) 55 .*8 Presidency ot the Uuited States. The sec- To ΚACRES of Gra House suifable tor two families. Call at of before the coutracl for the build- Ν. was applied year. The fisheries Congress St. ham, and Ε Β offin, Knowlcs. Sar- disposed to John H., severely injured Thursday at Bye Ο the same time. Wholesale by Elizabethport ; A C. F. and Stinson Parker. The two brothers have Lot been so remunerative as usual.. dinian, Holbrook. Elizabethport: Red Jacket. Aver- CURhY'S, ing was made, aud stale that he has offered by accidentally falling from a mowingjmachine. WILLIAM JAMES BAILEY & CO.. 162 Middle St. jyl6F3t· Corner Fore and Fore hail driven into FLOWERS, ill. New York. Sol Francis, Wentwortb, Foitlaml ats. no evidence to his faith in the just the "barn with a load of hay, His leg was brokeu and he was otherwise bad- The Republican County Couvention will be Harness Makers, Druggists and Urocers it. piove good Eaetcru keep Cld iStb, barque Norton Stover, Bibber, Portland ; shut the cut. held at on the 18th of Agent, Banger. matter, anil belief in the serviceableness of up barn doors, backing the load against ly Skowbegan Angust. •my6en3m schs Duke οι Newcastle. (Br) Hunt, lor St John, In the iu the brick. The one of to looking up record, the Adjutant A shower with wind NB, via Portland; W H Baltimore. charge that he drew "three them, prevent the door blowing iu. Sud heavy accompanied and Steele, Buck, REMOVAL! General's îeport, of Lieut. C. C. Drew, who hail over MARBliEdEAD—Ar lOih, sch Abbie, Cleaves, salaries," this repoit admiis was not fully sus- John felt the barn passed Skowhegan Thursday, doing WILLIAM Μ, lienly moving and immediate- died ol starvation and exposure in the Indian considerable to PAINE, Philadelphia tained. The that corn- damage trees, crops, &c. The Coal ! minority object the the floor of New we were LINN—Ar llth, schs Convert, Adams, Rondout; ly, beneath him sank down. John very country Mexico, surprised to struck near Kuel work- mittee declined to hear evidence 011 this lightning Homestead, !_Coal Admiral, Eaton. Wells. ROLLINS & see him as a are ROND, point tell near put down dpserter. We glad at foriunat ely the foundation which pro- ing baying, severely injuring him. The FRESCO Ar lsitli, schs Senator. Bonscy, Ellsworth; Debo- concerning salaries or sources of iucome not to learn from the Kennebec that our , Ilavo tected him from tho Journal, barn of Mr. Lerton wa9 blown down. Tbeiain LYKENS VALLEY rah Jo*es, Baker, Rondout. removed to falling timbers, while Stinson au personal recollections of honorable career beating into the storehouse of L. L. GLOUCESTER—Ar 14th, sch Ocean Star, Wood- that "an officer" had was struck the of for Lieut. Drew nre enntirmeil anil that flip Morrison, FB4NKL1N Residence man. New York. received a sum of by fulling the timbers and in- a of lime to COAL. 30 Parris Street, SO MIDDLE ceriain money causing large quantity ignite, do- PORTSMOUTH—Sid STREET, for landed in killed. John called entry on the Statu record is a grievous error. some llth, sch Maria Foss, Hoyt, propeity Washington; stantly for Stinson, but no re- ing damage. a splendid article for summer tlie land thus Drew was an member of use, entirely pure UJf- All Orders Promptly Attended to Bangor. the St. purchased was given to a Corporal original tbo and Nearly opposite Julian. freed· came. As soon as he crawlcd naiiâ/vr vWAi ai» very iree burning, at Sid schs Alice for men's school iu ply possible, over Third was at Bull Bun and 12th, B, Alley, Gardiner; Union, North instead ol a Maine, captured Poland. Rockland. Carolina, the a of the 4th Order Slate at Paine's Music Store, Returning thanks tor the liberal herc- sum of to debris,and in few moments found the lifeless suffered the horrors of imprisonment in a to- On the night inst., the store of J. patronage money appropriated it. The mi- Nine Dollars per ton Delivered 2 Sid I3th, schs Syliee, Babson, Addison ; A Κ Wood- bacco warehouse at Bichmond. From thence H. iu Brooks Village, was jun25sn2m tolore bsstowed ou us, we humbly a contin- nority say that this "officer" was General body of his brother, his head bended nearly to Gordon, entered, ard, Woodard, Rockland. request he was sent to New Orleans, and thence to and money and goods to the value of uance of the same at our new store. Howard, and consider the of the trans- tie in α half A tim- twenty- lOfi proof feet, standing posture. great that terriDle N. C. After live dollars taken. FOREIGN PORTS atid that the title was ber place, Salisbury, Harleigh, action, in his name, had struck him on the and His back back, eleven months captivity he was exchanged and The University church at which has AMERICAN BOLLIJV8 Λ sufficient to show that the affair was "a was Belfast, BROILER ! Sid ftn Newc&stie, NSW, May 10, barque Otago, BONO, pal- broken. His was some rejoined bis regiment, being promoted to ad- been remodeled and le iraud on the body only with beautifully decorated, will Hazleton and Cameron, San Franciseo. pal public treasury," jutant. In May 1804, a few mouths before the be on of next The Achievement Im 'id difficulty extricated after the storm had lulled reopened Wednesday week, by Cnwaini ef Oalianry Sid liom:.ay nit, ahlp Timonr, Spooner, lor No. 89 Middle street. The Barry farm transactions, aside from time of the he was a of and neighbors had regiment expired, given Bev. Mr. Battles Bangor. Invention·* Boston. July 15,1870. tf what has been referred are been called to the rescuc. britt leave of ab-ence to return but was Loaf will bioil Ar at Uenoa 27th already to, consid- home, Sugar Lehigh, your Steak over an average fire In sev- nit, ship Casilda, Robinson, New Mr. Leander Davie of Belfast a There were three was experienced for Furnaces and Parlor Stoves. the IT en to and York. ered by the minority as being indefensible in horses and a yoke of oxen in taken sick in Philadelphia and cared for Also, best eight minutea, retoina all the jaices paralytic shock last Monday while at work on quality of White and Red Ash Coa's for and flavor. Itia Sid Im Panlllac 28th law. the barn, rescued without at the house of a Iriend. Here he was when steam pur- equally good lor Chicken, Ham, alt, ship Wild Hunter, Kelley injury. The barn was the shin in McGilvery's yard. He was taken poses, open grates and at Fish and the lor New Orleans, the was mustered out, and as be had cooking stoves, lowtst Oysters, forming mont complete and The linal charge was that ''he was one of a 100 feet regiment and carried home unconscious. market prices. itdmirnble combination ot Cld at Havre 30th long, being finely built on a up He haï im- simplicity, convents ult, ship Canova, Elliott, Shields heavy split to report himself, be Parties to contract ce, ring known as tlie '•Freedmen's Bureau unfortunately neglected somewhat but is in wishing for tlieir winter -h-aptiess, oud ever attained in α and United States. WHITE King," and had a proved yet avery critical supply usefulness, WHËÀT granite foundation, deep started to answer to his name at the will do well to us a cooking that the whole undertakings of savings banks cellar—stand mustering condition. give call. atenslal. Ar at Honolulu 6th nit, barque A del la Carlton, ing quite in The but failed through weakness to reach the Broiler Warranted. San Francisco. and schools lor high consequence. timbers were out, WASHINGTON COUNTY. [SfEvery Call aad see them. freeduien were political ma- inexorable rule of red FRESH MINED Sid tm St J heavy, and the such an 1>I ice, and under the ago 30