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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 / RAJAB 5, 1442 AH emergency number 112 NO. 17615 16 PAGES 150 FILS Thirteen region states carry variant Cabinet cites ‘phenomenal slack, complacency’ in COVID compliance Vaccines may be tweaked — Details Page 4 — BEIRUT, Feb 15, (Agencies): Corona- virus case numbers are stabilizing in parts of the Middle East but the situa- tion remains critical, with more than a dozen countries reporting cases of new variants, the World Health Organization said Monday. Ahmed al-Mandhari, director of WHO’s eastern Mediterranean region, which comprises most of the Middle East, said in a press briefi ng from Cairo that at least one of the three new coronavirus variants was reported in the 13 countries in the region. He did not name the countries. All three of the new variants are more contagious, ac- cording to WHO. Al-Mandhari said there are nearly 6 million confirmed cases of coronavirus in the region and about 140,000 deaths. WHO urged people to continue taking precaution- ary measures against the virus. The organization said 6.3 million vaccinations have been administered in 12 countries in the eastern Mediter- ranean. “Vaccinations are a turning point in facing the virus but the vaccines alone are not enough,” al-Mandhari said, adding that social distancing, wearing masks and keep- ing clean remain the main ways to fight the spread of the virus. He said as many people as possible should be vacci- nated before they come into contact with any of the new variants of the virus. Al-Mandhari said 37,000 coronavirus vaccine doses from the global COVAX initiative will arrive in the Pales- tinian territories and 94,000 should arrive in Tunisia in the coming weeks. The program seeks to provide vaccines to developing nations. Al-Mandhari said overall the number of new coronavi- rus cases in the region has stabilized, despite increases in some Gulf nations and Lebanon. Lebanon has been one of the hardest hit countries in In this Dec 11, 2019 file photo, an Emirates jetliner comes in for landing at Dubai International Airport in Dubai. The airport saw the coronavirus pandemic push passenger traffic the region in recent weeks with hospitals working at near down by an unprecedented 70% in 2020, its CEO announced on Feb 15, 2021, even as the airport held onto its prized title as the world’s busiest for international travel. (AP) maximum capacity amid a nationwide lockdown. Lebanon began a vaccination campaign Sunday. He told a news conference the Ministry of Health regis- Dubai air traffi c drop at 70% tered the cases of a coronavirus variant but did not provide further details as to identities of the patients or source of Opinion Dubai International Airport saw the coro- “It was very, very dramatic,” Paul their sickness. navirus pandemic push passenger traffic Griffiths, CEO of dubai Airports, told Al-Tamimi however said there were children among the down by an unprecedented 70% in 2020 The Associated Press. “And of course, infectees. He did not specify their ages. compared to the previous year, its CEO we had to respond in a very dramatic He urged call on the public to abide by preventive mea- announced Monday, even as the airport way to keep our liquidity.” sures to avoid rapid transmission of the new variant. When will we wake from the held onto its prized title as the world’s The airport slashed its workforce from Al-Tamimi said the MoH beefed up the preventive busiest for international travel. 8,000 to 3,000, Griffiths said, with front- While the key east-west transit point line service and maintenance staff tak- started to see an uptick in traffic after ing the biggest hit. sleep of people of the cave? long-haul carrier Emirates resumed its But recovery gained momentum in De- routes last summer, the airport’s 2020 cember as the city promoted itself as a Dip in expat numbers passenger load of 25.9 million is still pandemic-friendly vacation spot for tour- a trickle compared to 2019. Airlines ists fleeing tough restrictions back home. By Ahmed Al-Jarallah talking about the correct measures that slashed their schedules and flights de- In December alone, passenger volumes in GCC states – S&P Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times the two authorities - legislative and ex- clined by more than 50%. surpassed industry expectations at 2.19 — Details Page 3 — ecutive - must take to save what remains, For months as the travel industry col- million, the airport said. Israelis flocked to but they are indifferent about the level lapsed worldwide, dubai’s massive air- the United Arab Emirates after a break- IT seems Kuwait is slumbering like the port, which saw 86.4 million passengers through normalization deal and lockdown- people of the cave mentioned in the Holy that the country has reached, due to which the matter is getting worse. in 2019, became a ghost-town of shut- weary travelers poured in to celebrate the measures, assuring the public that the ministry has enough Quran. We may wake up after 309 years tered shops. One of its two main termi- holidays and New Year’s Eve at crowded capacity. to find out that our currency has changed, The National Assembly, which is sup- posed to be the voice of the people, be- nals shut down. bars and luxury hotels. (AP) Iraq has recently imposed a partial curfew and making especially with the frequent talk about students study online in a bid to curb spread of the virus. the devaluation of the dinar, which could came the voice of the minority reformers, religious and political merchants, as well The makers of COVID-19 vaccines are figuring out how thus result in further inflation and decline to tweak their recipes against worrisome virus mutations– in projects undertaken. as those fleeing justice, and not the power ‘Only those who deserve it’ of legislation. It became clear that the and regulators are looking to flu as a blueprint if and when Subsequently, the country will experi- the shots need an update. ence further decline in credit rating. All MPs in the new parliament, armed with political bankruptcy, do not realize the “It’s not really something you can sort of flip a switch, this is due to the fact that the one who is do overnight,” cautioned Richard Webby, who directs a supposed to see and speak neither listens magnitude of the crisis that the country Bill seeks SMEs compensation World Health Organization flu center from St. Jude Chil- nor sees the calamity that is creeping into is going through, and the negative conse- dren’s Research Hospital. the country. Even if he speaks, his words quences of the pandemic and its impact By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh Viruses mutate constantly and it takes just the right on the nation and its people. only add insult to the injury. Arab Times Staff combination of particular mutations to escape vaccina- In Kuwait which is merely lost, the Unfortunately, they use the situation as tion. But studies are raising concern that first-generation constitutional impossibilities have be- a wager to score fake heroism at the ex- Day by Day COVID-19 vaccines don’t work as well against a mutant pense of the people in a session similar to KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: National Assem- come a normal matter. bly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim and a that first emerged in South Africa as they do against other There is a resigned government whose that of the Byzantine debate. versions circulating around the world. The life of the people of the cave that number of MPs submitted a bill on granting mission is to discharge urgent matters. It compensation to the owners of small and YOUR Highness the Prime Minister, The good news: Many of the new COVID-19 vaccines does not attend the National Assembly Kuwait is currently living, in addition to remember God’s power over you. If are made with new, flexible technology that’s easy to up- the indifference exercised by the govern- medium enterprises (SMEs) for the damages sessions, but when the parliament sud- they suffered due to the coronavirus crisis. you have the authority to close shops grade. What’s harder: Deciding if the virus has mutated denly calls it for a session to discuss the ment towards its role, and the unproduc- that are a source of livelihood for peo- enough that it’s time to modify vaccines– and what chang- tivity of the parliament which is now on Al-Ghanim disclosed the bill clearly health situation in light of the second wave specifies the beneficiaries to ensure that ple based on health suggestions, then es to make. of COVID-19 sweeping the country, it im- a bickering mode, have made the solu- there is nothing wrong with that, but “When do you pull the trigger?” asked Norman Bay- tions, which were being developed dur- compensation is granted only to those who compensate people, as is the case with mediately announces its attendance. truly deserve it. lor, a former Food and Drug Administration vaccine chief. A bonafide government is supposed to ing the past two years, either imaginary, other countries – such as Britain and He said another bill is being prepared for the United States – which have bor- “This is a moving target right now.” have announced and presented its work incapacitating, unimplementable, and in- The WHO and FDA are looking to the global flu vac- complete, or serving a specific group of employers and expatriate workers to reach rowed money to compensate those af- plan, which undoubtedly will not differ in an agreement on their situation during the fected by the measures taken by them. cine system in deciding how to handle similar decisions its content from the constructive rhetoric people. about COVID-19 shots. Such solutions do not benefit the finan- coronavirus crisis. He stressed the need for Your Highness the Prime Minister, in which all government programs were alternatives to firing a worker or filing a how much have you paid to those af- Influenza mutates much faster than the coronavirus, formulated for the last 30 years to date. cial and economic situation, even with and flu shots have to be adjusted just about every year. the precautionary measures to confront lawsuit against the employer. fected by your government’s decisions? In light of the words of His Highness In another development, Al-Ghanim con- Nothing … whenever they asked you, National centers around the globe collect circulating flu the Prime Minister about the Kuwaitis’ the COVID-19 pandemic. At least the you say the parliamentarians do not viruses and track how they’re evolving. They send sam- decisions that were issued are serving the firmed the completion of preparations for the reluctance to accept ministerial portfo- special parliamentary session slated for Tues- agree. Who rules the country, the gov- ples to WHO-designated labs for more sophisticated “an- lios, there is no doubt that the birth of economies of our neighbors while devas- ernment or the National Assembly? tigenic” testing to determine vaccine strength. The WHO tating our several sectors. It could have day in accordance with the health regulations. the new government will be delayed un- He disclosed the session will start at 9:00 … Yet, tomorrow is another day. and regulators then agree on the year’s vaccine recipe and less some miracle happens, and the deals been an opportunity to revive and serve manufacturers get to work. the local economy, but these decisions are am on Tuesday, affirming that the MPs under- Zahed Matar between the Prime Minister and the MPs went swab test on Monday and they will be tantamount to the spring that nourishes Critical come to pass in a manner that would fa- vaccinated against corona the following day. those living far from it, while those close vor the desires of the two sides. Also, MP Hamdan Al-Azmi submitted the current version of the article violates the For COVID-19 vaccines, Webby said a critical step is His Highness the Prime Minister did to it suffer with thirst. a bill to cancel Article Six of Cybercrimes Constitution which guarantees the travel and establishing a similar surveillance and testing network not ask those around him and the elite in Indeed, Kuwait will wake up from the Law No. 63/2015, as the article puts indi- movement freedom of citizens. He added the to flag the mutations that matter. Today, there’s wide the Kuwaiti society about the reason for slumber of the people of the cave to real- viduals among those covered by the pub- article grants the executive authority more geographic variability in tracking and testing mutated the abstention from ministerial posts. He ize the cost it has incurred due to lack of lishing and printing regulations even if they power to impose travel ban on citizens, indi- versions. For example, Britain does more testing of the also did not follow what is published in better planning and management. do not have the capabilities of newspapers. cating such penalty is considered illegal. changing viral genome than the U.S. the press and social media to realize the Email: [email protected] He explained this article put many citizens MP Abdulaziz Al-Saqaabi submitted a bill Three variants first discovered in Britain, South Africa extent of the problem that the country has to cancel Article Five of Constitutional Court and Brazil are worrisome because of combinations of mu- Follow me on: behind bars for years just because they reached, and the fear of citizens who will expressed their opinions on social media, Law No. 73, because it authorizes the court to tations that make them more contagious. become scapegoats for the interests of in- while a large number of families are suffer- rule on appeals regarding the results of par- On Sunday, U.S. researchers reported a still different fluential people who seem stronger than ing because their children are in exile. liamentary elections, cancel parliamentary mutation found in seven variants that have cropped up in all laws and the constitution. MP Yousef Al-Ghareeb proposed the membership and dissolve the Assembly. He several states. No one yet knows if this mutation makes the About two years ago, everyone was [email protected] establishment of a hospital for the handi- argued the aforementioned functions used to virus easier to spread but the report, not yet vetted by other capped. The proposal stipulates that the be under the jurisdiction of the Assembly until scientists, urges further research to find out. hospital will provide treatment, natural the ratification of the law, which obliged the Just because a variant is more contagious doesn’t mean therapy and surgeries to handicapped citi- Assembly to hand over some of its powers to it also will be impervious to vaccination. But the variant zens, in addition to educational and research the Constitutional Court 50 years ago. first identified in South Africa is raising concerns. Colum- Newswatch services for Kuwaiti universities. The lawmaker said that the bill is aimed at bia University’s David Ho put blood samples from people The proposal states that Kuwait Mu- keeping judges and the judicial authority away given the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines into lab dishes with nicipality will allot land measuring at least from political disputes and to prevent overlap- the mutated virus. Vaccine-produced antibodies still pro- 225,000 square meters for the hospital, in- ping powers. He added the law suspended six tected, but they were much less potent. KUWAIT CITY: Kuwait has been ranked As per this website, only 56,878 people cluding the infrastructure. The project will articles of the National Assembly Decree as The Kuwaiti Ministry of Health (MoH) announced on sixth among the Gulf Cooperation Council have received vaccinations, which is 1.33 be under the supervision of the Ministry of the functions stipulated in these articles were Monday that there were no records of deaths, admissions countries and 66th among the 87 countries percent of the population, over a period of Public Works and it will be handed over to transferred to the Constitutional Court. at intensive care units or “unexpected side-effects” from in the world in terms of the COVID-19 70 days since the start of the campaign on the Ministry of Health upon completion. On the other hand, the parliamentary Le- vaccinations that have been administered against the novel vaccination campaign, reports Al-Seyas- December 24. MP Muhammad Hadi Al-Hewaila sub- gal and Legislative Affairs Committee on coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country. sah daily. The United Arab Emirates, by vacci- mitted a proposal to establish a hospital for Monday discussed bills about citizenship, Reacting to baseless reports that have gone viral on Even though Kuwait was one of the fi rst nating 5 million and 108 thousand people, children. The Ministry of Public Works will social allowance and Bedouns. social media, the ministry has affirmed in a statement countries to launch the COVID-19 vacci- which is 60.06 percent of the population, construct the hospital within five years and the Committee Chairman MP Khalid Ayed that the vaccinations accredited in Kuwait are effective nation campaigns, it has been the slowest topped the GCC countries and came fi rst budget for this hospital will be included in the Al-Anzi disclosed that the panel unani- and safe. compared to other GCC countries. in the Arab world on the international State budget for the upcoming fiscal year. mously rejected the bill on amending Ar- Kuwait’s Ministry of Health (MoH) registered on The global rate of vaccinations is re- vaccination index. It ranked fourth in the MP Marzouq Al-Khalifa presented a bill ticle Eight of Nationality Law No. 15/1959 Monday 823 additional COVID-19 cases over a 24- vealed on the website: https://covidvax. world after Gibraltar, Israel and Sey- on amending Article 19 of Law No. 11/1962, in a bid to allow a non-Kuwaiti widow or hour span, increasing the total number of infections to live/. chelles. which gives the government power to im- divorcee who have children with the Ku- 178,524, while six fatalities were recorded, raising the pose travel ban on citizens. He pointed out waiti husband to apply for citizenship. death toll to 1,009. ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 2

A unique Queen In memory of the coronation of Elizabeth the Second

By Youssef Mubarak Al-Mubaraki among her subjects. chy in earlier eras. And if it had been said in the past, in describing In this context, Queen Elizabeth II, whose full t the beginning of this year, it is not just the Britain as a united kingdom, that it is the empire name is Elizabeth Alexandra Marie, occupies an Asixty-eighth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s which the sun never sets, then it can be described important status, not only because of the popularity ascension to the throne of the United Kingdom that now, in the shadow of this queen with the shade ex- she enjoys in her country, and in the many countries has been celebrated, but there are more memories tending for more than six decades, as the kingdom that she was keen to visit other than the usual kings accompanying it in the life of the longest-reigning that preceded her, but also because of positions that queen among the British monarchs and the longest from which the sun of the virtues of her royal era does not set, as it did in other monarchies in many empires, distinguished her such as Her position on the adven- sitting on the throne. They are the memories of ma- ture of occupying the Suez Canal, which abovemen- jor constitutional changes, and the most important of and states, that lacked stability and correct virtues, whether those that preceded its existence or those that tioned, and her personal relations with many heads of which she witnessed in the sixties and seventies of state who preserved the Queen and her era the most the last century When Great Britain granted indepen- coincided with its existence. In considering the causes and consequences that sincere signs of friendship and respect. dence to 20 of its colonies. This queen is credited, On this occasion, on the occasion of her accession according to Lord Mountbatten’s account, for her op- gave the United Kingdom this character, it could be pointed out that the British constitutional system dis- to the throne nearly 68 years ago, we are glad to con- position to the British, French and Israeli attempt to gratulate Her Majesty, hoping that our relations with occupy the Suez Canal in 1956. Moreover, the reign tinguished itself in its transformation since ancient times into a democratic system that retain for the dif- the United Kingdom will be strengthened as they of this Queen practically witnessed the consolida- were on the basis of mutual respect and common in- tion of different relations between Britain and many ferent groups of people their status and rights on one terests that serve the two parties, Kuwaiti and British, countries all over the world, which was reflected in- hand, and retain for the royal family its status and in an era when waves of domestic and international ternally by the monarchy’s gaining popular support, rights on the other, so the democratic system became politics collide. And only by sincere treatment and and externally by what her country began to enjoy more established and empowered. intentions, that the survival of this or that party could among Peoples, even those which were subject to its However, it is not possible to overlook the person- be secure. colonial administration (Commonwealth countries) ality traits of a number of its kings, especially in the ❑ ❑ ❑ in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, and even of the last century, which added more human features to queen gained personally a strong popular acceptance this system, and erased what had marred the monar- [email protected]

Youssef Mubarak Al-Mubaraki

A Palestinian Bedouin boy holds a Palestinian fl ag after Israeli troops demolished tents and other structures of the Khirbet Humsu hamlet in the Jordan Valley in the West Bank, on Feb 3, 2021. A battle of wills is un- derway in the occupied West Bank, where Israel has demolished the herding community of Khirbet Humsu three times in as many months, displacing dozens of Palestinians. Each time they have returned and tried to rebuild, saying they have nowhere else to go. (AP) Nowhere else to go Again and again we just keep coming back

t looks like the aftermath of a tornado. The fi rst time Israel demolished Khirbet Humsu was in early Novem- an agreement, it would have been made under duress as Israel controls I There are dirt plots where there used to be makeshift homes; tent ber, as world attention was focused on the US election. the area and can demolish at will. Either way, he says it amounts to for- poles stacked like fi rewood; fencing and scrap metal scattered across a B’Tselem, an Israeli human rights group, said Israeli forces demol- cible transfer, a war crime under international law. desert valley greened by winter rain; a cold fi repit and a pile of kitchen ished 18 tents and other structures that housed 74 people, including Gilutz said the displacement was a test for the new US administration. essentials where a cooking tent once stood. many children. They also demolished livestock pens, storage sheds, President Joe Biden has vowed to adopt a more even-handed approach This is what remains of the herding community of Khirbet Humsu in cooking tents, solar panels, water containers and feeding troughs, and to the confl ict and hopes to revive peace talks. Gilutz said Israel would the occupied West Bank, after Israeli forces demolished it for the third confi scated 30 tons of livestock feed, a vehicle and two tractors. The UN view the administration’s silence as a “green light.” time in as many months. On Wednesday, just minutes after the army said it was the single largest demolition of its kind in the past decade. “This is not an isolated case,” he said, referring to other Bedouin com- left, Palestinian residents were at work repairing their fences - hoping Israeli forces returned on Monday and again on Wednesday, using munities across the West Bank where residents are unable to build and to gather their sheep before dark, knowing the army might return the bulldozers and heavy equipment to demolish structures that had been have little if any access to electricity or water because of Israeli restric- next day. rebuilt and carting away others on large trucks. Most of the families have tions. “We build it up and they tear it down,” said Waleed Abu al-Kbash as stayed in the area through each demolition, quickly setting up tents with “For the most part, Israel avoids actually loading people up on trucks and he stretched fencing between two posts. “Where am I supposed to go? I the help of activists and aid workers after the soldiers leave. dumping them elsewhere,” he said. “Rather, what it does is it makes life have a thousand head of sheep.” Israel said in November that the structures were built without per- impossible for these people so that they leave, as if by their own choice.” Israel captured the West Bank in the 1967 war, and the Palestin- mission, which the Palestinians and rights groups say is almost never The displacement has broader implications. Area C encompasses most ians want it to form the main part of their future state. Khirbet Humsu, granted. Just a few kilometers (miles) away on either side are two large of the agricultural land in the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley, perched on the rolling highlands above the Jordan Valley, is part of the Jewish farming settlements, with rows of greenhouses, animal enclo- which the Palestinians say they would need to develop a viable, inde- 60% of the West Bank known as Area C, which is under full Israeli mili- sures and irrigated fi elds. pendent state. Rights groups say that by consolidating its grip on the tary control as part of interim peace agreements from the 1990s. COGAT, the Israeli military body that oversees civilian affairs in the land - with or without formal annexation - Israel puts a two-state solution Israel planned to annex the Jordan Valley and other parts of the oc- West Bank, said it informed residents of Khirbet Humsu that the area is even further out of reach. cupied West Bank last year after getting a green light from the Trump in a military fi ring range and reached an agreement with them to move Israeli leaders have long argued that the keeping the Jordan Valley is administration, but it put annexation on hold as part of a US-brokered the community to another area. It said residents voluntarily dismantled essential for protecting Israel’s narrow coastal heartland. normalization agreement with the United Arab Emirates. structures on Monday but then refused to move, leading the military to Nidal Abu al-Kbash, another member of the extended family in Kh- It still maintains complete control over the territory, leaving Bedouin confi scate them. irbet Humsu, believes the military wants to clear them away so it can communities like the one at Khirbet Humsu at constant risk of displace- Residents who spoke to The Associated Press seemed unaware of any build settlements and training bases on the land, which is fertile and has ment. Shepherds who rely on seasonal rains and scattered springs are agreement with the military. a freshwater spring. He too was at work Wednesday repairing fences. also at the mercy of an arbitrary cycle of demolition and rebuilding. Amit Gilutz, a spokesman for B’Tselem, said that even if there were “We have no alternative, he said. ”We’re not leaving.” (AP)

editor’s choice ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 3

Weather Expected weather for the tered clouds will appear. Kuwait Airport 30 10 next 24 hours: By Night: Rather cold and Abdaly 31 12 Prayer Timings By Day: Rather hot with partly cloudy with moderate to Jahra 32 14 Fajr ...... 05:07 Asr ...... 15:13 light to moderate freshening fresh south easterly wind to Failaka Island - - Sunrise .. 06:28 Maghrib .. 17:37 at times south westerly wind southerly wind with speeds of Salmiyah 28 18 Zohr ...... 12:02 Isha ...... 18:55 to south easterly wind with 20-50 km/h with a chance for Ahmadi 25 19 speeds of 15-45 km/h with a rising dust over open areas. Nuwaisib 27 13 chance for rising dust over Station Max Exp Min Rec Wafra 31 12 open areas and some scat- Kuwait City 30 16 Salmy 29 13


National Investment Co rallies 9 fi ls, Agility slips Kuwait stock market ticks slightly higher in choppy session By John Mathews Co extended last session’s gains with 6 percent to stand next. Thuraya skidded Imtiaz Investment Co took in 1 fi l on Co rose 5 fi ls to 352 fi ls. Mezzan Hold- ■ UUS$/KDS$/KD Arab Times Staff fi ls jump to 675 fi ls while National In- 9.35 percent, the steepest decliner of back of 6.3 million shares whereas ing gained 6 fi ls and Integrated Hold- 0.30225/350.30225/35 vestment Co scaled 9 fi ls on back of over the day while Arzan topped the volume KAMCO eased 0.1 fi l. The Securities ing sprinted 15 fi ls to 433 fi ls. Aznour KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: Kuwait 5 million shares to close at 172 fi ls. Hu- with 42.2 million shares. House and Bayan Investment Co were paused at 268 fi ls. ▼ Euro/KD 0.3666 stocks crept higher on Monday after mansoft Holding sprinted 50 fi ls to 465 Despite the day’s uptick, the losers unchanged at 45.6 fi ls and 40 fi ls re- Kuwait Cement Co and Kuwait treading water in the previous ses- fi ls whereas YIACO Medical shed 30 outnumbered the winners. 70 stocks spectively. Foundry were fl at at 225 fi ls and ▼ Yen/KD 0.0028 sion. The All Shares Index ticked 2.25 fi ls. Tamdeen Investment Co was down advanced whereas 48 closed lower. Of Climbed 291 fi ls respectively whereas Kuwait points higher in a choppy session to 8 fi ls at 235 fi ls. the 135 counters active on Monday, Portland Cement shed 14 fi ls. HEISC ▲ British £/KD 0.4203 5698.95 points helped by some of the Telecom major Zain slipped 4 fi ls to 17 closed fl at. 12,494 deals worth KD KMEFIC climbed 6 fi ls to 84.9 fi ls scaled 9 fi ls and ACICO Industries blue chips even as the broader senti- whereas Aayan Leasing ticked 1 fi l 625 fi ls while Ooredoo gave up 5 fi ls 44.6 million were transacted during the took in 0.4 fi ls. Metal and Recylcing ■ Indian Rs/KD 0.0041 ment remained soggy. before settling at 665 fi ls. stc dialed session. into red. KFIC gave up 4.4 fi ls and Co stalled at 102 fi ls and Kuwait Gulf The Premier Market rose 4.60 points down 2 fi ls and Agility surrendered In the banking sector, National Bank International Financial Advisors took Links Transport Co added 1.2 fi ls. ■ Philippines Peso/KD 0.0063 to 6,214.08 pts paring the month’s 6 fi ls after trading 1.8 million shares. of Kuwait inched 1 fi l higher to 839 in 1 fi l on back of 25.8 million shares. Jazeera Airways rose 5 fi ls to 634 losses to 93 points while Main Mar- Boursa Kuwait Securities was down 5 fi ls whereas Kuwait International was Kuwait Financial Centre ( Markaz) fi ls and United Projects Co gave up 3 trimmed 0.1 fi l and Noor Financial In- ket gave up 3.21 points. The BK Main fi ls at KD 1.155. down 5 fi ls at 201fi ls after pushing 8.4 fi ls with thin trading. ALAFCO tripped FTSE Later pts at closing Feb 15 50 was little changed at 4,859.54 pts. vestment gave up 2 fi ls. Al Madina For Slipped million shares. Burgan Bank dialed up 1 fi l whereas KCPC was up 3 fi ls at The volume turnover meanwhile was 2 fi ls on back of 11.9 million shares Finance edged 0.7 fi ls up. 442 fi ls. Independent Petroleum Group a marginal fall following Sunday’s up- The market opened fi rm and slipped whereas Boubyan Bank took in 1 fi l. Gulf Insurance Co skidded 29 fi ls erased 5 fi ls and Educational Holding ▲ Nikkei -564 pts at closing Feb 15 tick. Over 362 million shares changed briefl y before heading north in early Kuwait Finance House fell 2 fi ls to 660 fi ls and Warba Insurance fell Co was up 7 fi ls at 335 fi ls. hands – down 1 pct from the day be- trade. The main index pivoted sharp- to 718 fi ls whereas Ahli United Bank 2 fi ls to 102 fi ls. Tamdeen Real Estate Burgan Company For Well Drilling fore. ly to plumb the day’s lowest level of BSC and Warba Bank clipped 1 fi ls erased 4 fi ls before settling at 245 fi ls slipped 4 fi ls to 500 fi ls and Combined ▼ Gold 1818 per oz (London) The sectors closed mixed. Technol- 5689 points and vacillated in a broad each to close at 228 fi ls and 232 fi ls and Ajial Real Estate shed 6 fi ls. Ku- Group Contracting Co eased 1 fi l. ogy outshone the rest with 13.2 pct gain range before peaking at 5703 points respectively. AUB saw 2.7 million wait Real Estate Co crept 1 fi ls higher PAPCO and Mashaer Holding ticked ▲ NYMEX crude $60.26 per barrel whereas Oil and Gas shed 0.66 percent, well past the mid-session. It gave up shares change hands. Commercial to 126 fi ls. 0.5 fi l into red whereas OSOS was up the worst performer of the day. Financial most of the gains in fi nal minutes to Bank was down 5 fi ls at 500 fi ls while National Industries Group fell 2 fi ls 3.4 fi ls at 67 fi ls. The market has been Services topped in both volume and val- close with slight uptick. Al Ahli Bank paused at 203 fi ls. to 195 fi ls with a volume of 1.7 million muted so far during the week, adding 3 ▲ Brent crude $63.11 per barrel ue with over 201 million shares traded Top gainer of the day, Automated KIPCO dialed down 2 fi ls and Na- whereas Gulf Cable closed 1 fi l in red. points in last two sessions. It has shed for KD 15.4 million. Systems Co galloped 13.26 pct to 100.8 tional Investment Co followed suit Boubyan Petrochemical Co paced 82 points so far during the month and LIBOR rate 0.19375% Among the notable movers, Mabanee fi ls while Fujairah Cement scaled 9.9 after moving 2.3 million shares. Al 12 fi ls while Al Qurain Petrochemical is up 152 points year-to-date. COVID-19 drives exodus of expatriates from GCC Remittances see decline

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: The ing the reasons behind the low completion and spending rates on the abovementioned population of the Gulf Coopera- projects in some sectors and departments tion Council member states de- of the ministry. creased by about four percent Sources confi rmed the undersecretary last year as a result of the exo- immediately issued a directive on the for- mation of a committee in the Legal Af- dus of expatriates following the fairs Department to verify the contents outbreak of the COVID-19 cri- of the memorandum in line with the in- sis and the decline in oil prices, structions of interim Minister of Social Affairs, Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Essa reports Al-Seyassah daily. Al-Kandari who stressed the need to take In a report issued by the credit rating legal measures against any leader, offi cial agency S & P Global, it was stated that, or employee proven to have been compla- “There will be a continued decline in cent or failed to carry out his work. The the volume of expatriates in the region interim minister also emphasized the need until 2023, relative to the number of cit- to provide the erring leader, offi cial or izens, due to the decline in the growth employee with guidelines on how to cor- of the non-oil sector and the nationali- rect this failure and prevent its recurrence, zation policies.” sources added. S&P Global indicated the unlikeliness Sources revealed one of the delayed that the total population of the GCC coun- projects is the automation of non-govern- tries will return to the 2019 level of 57.6 mental organizations (NGOs), indicating million before 2023. the contract has yet to be signed and that It stated, “These changes may have re- the undersecretary is in effect refusing to percussions on the regional economy and contract directly with a company to ward pose additional challenges for diversifi- off any suspicion of abuse of power and cation away from its heavy reliance on wastage of public money. the hydrocarbon sector in the long term, ❑ ❑ ❑ if they are not matched by economic and Campaigns underway: The health regu- social reforms that take care of human lations committees of various government capital.” agencies - headed by the ministries of Inte- Photos by Bassam Abu Shanab S&P Global added, “The largest decline in the population last year occurred in rior, Commerce and Municipality as well Members of the Philippines diaspora form long queues at the Kuwait Club for the Disabled in Hawally to get their papers in order. Inset: A Filipina as the Public Authority for Manpower fi lls up the form on the bonnet of a car while waiting for her turn. Dubai, where the impact of the pandemic on major employment sectors such as avia- (PAM) and Food Authority - continued tion, tourism and retail led to a population campaigns to monitor commercial activi- Philippines embassy relocated decline of 8.4 percent.” ties in a bid to ensure strict compliance Campaign to save life Meanwhile, remittances of Filipino with health regulations and precautionary workers in Kuwait decreased in 2020 by measures aimed at curbing the spread of of inmate hits hurdle 23.5 percent ($178.4 million) from $759 coronavirus, reports Al-Qabas daily. Long lines to renew passports million at the end of 2019 to $ 580.6 mil- In the Capital Governorate, the inspec- By Fares Al-Abdan tion team, led by PAM, prevented hotels KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: On January 17, the year is what prompted the embassy to launch lion. Al-Seyassah Staff The remittances of Filipino workers in from preparing their halls for various cel- Embassy of the Philippines launched a mo- a mobile consular service, with the support of ebrations. Their records were obtained KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: The head of the Ku- the Gulf countries decreased by 11.21 per- bile service to extend passport validity only some Filipino organizations in Kuwait, at the cent in 2020 to reach $ 5.1 billion, com- from Kuwait Municipality to register their waiti Al-Hikmah ‘Wisdom’ Society, Dr Ahmad at the Kuwait Sports Club for the Disabled in violations, warn them and monitor their ac- Al-Mulla, announced the campaign to save the end of every week in February to extend the pared to $ 5.76 billion in 2019. Hawally area during the weekends due to the ❑ ❑ ❑ tivities daily. life of Al-Rashed has collected 170,000 dinars closure of its headquarters in Al-Saddiq area validity of passports. In Farwaniya Governorate, the viola- so far. and its relocation to Sabah Al-Salem area, re- The sources appreciated the Kuwaiti au- Probe ordered: Assistant Undersecretary tions removal team found out a restaurant Al-Mulla told Al-Seyassah that the campaign for Planning and Administrative Develop- was preparing its hall for a party, so they ends before the end of this month and said rela- ports Al-Qabas daily. thorities for allowing the provision of tempo- The building of the Kuwait Club for the ment Affairs and acting Assistant Under- raided and closed it immediately. tives of Al-Rashed and Al-Awadhi will request rary mobile consular services in the Kuwait secretary for Financial and Administrative The inspection campaign in the gov- an extension of the campaign after obtaining the Disabled in Hawally area witnessed severe Club for the Disabled, stressing that the em- Affairs at the Ministry of Social Affairs Ab- ernorate also led to the closure of a con- necessary approvals. congestion due to many Filipino workers bassy requested the support of the Ministry dulaziz Sari has referred some offi cials in the struction equipment store and a car rental He pointed out that some people want to do- heading there to extend the validity of their of Interior and some Filipino organizations to Computer Department to the Legal Affairs shop, which violated the decision to close nate large sums of money, but are unable to do passports. This caused confusion and severe Department for investigation as they alleg- commercial establishments from 8:00 PM so because of the conditions imposed by the pressure on the employees of the headquar- manage the place in order to avoid crowding edly failed to implement the ‘mechanization’ to 5:00 AM. Ministry of Social Affairs which are clear in this ters. and strictly adhere to the health protocols. projects included in the development plan of In addition, a café was raided for serv- regard. According to reliable sources, the process In a statement published on its website, the ministry within the specifi ed period, in ing shisha and seven other violations were If the society fails to complete its task the of extending validity of passports began with the embassy urged its citizens to bring all addition to low spending on these projects, recorded on Feb 10. money will be spent on charity work and for 2,200 Filipinos. During this weekend, 1,000 reports Al-Jarida daily quoting sources. In Hawally Governorate, several warn- the benefi t of the public in coordination with the the necessary documents including the fi lled According to sources, Sari submitted a ings were issued and a laundry shop was Ministry, Al-Mulla added. new applications were submitted. The ser- passport application forms, the original pass- vice will continue the coming weekends on memorandum to the undersecretary stat- shut down. He also said some people are reluctant to pay port and a copy of it, and a copy of the civil large sums because if the blood money is not February 19, 20, 26 and 27. complete, the prisoner will not be released and The concern of many Filipinos whose resi- ID, as well as an amount of KD 6.500 to sub- the amount collected will be used for charity dency was not renewed by their employers mit the application, and stressed the need to work and public benefi t. and whose passports were valid for less than a adhere to health instructions. mp profile getting to know you Raids eyed soon ‘Wearing mask is must’ Voting Record KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: Intensive campaigns in public Al-Mutairi has no voting record places will be carried out soon to monitor violations against as he is a first-time MP. health regulations, particularly not wearing face mask in Mubarak Al-Arow Al-Mutairi public, reports Al-Qabas daily quoting sources. Sources said these campaigns will be in conjunction with Sunni mentary elections for the first the Health Regulations Committee, in which many govern- Fifth Constituency time in 2020 when he won 6,801 ment agencies are affi liated. Sources revealed there have votes and ranked third in the Fifth been differences in opinions among government agencies MUBARAK AL-AROW Constituency. AL-MUTAIRI was born on the legality of issuing citation for not wearing mask in 1974 and holds Bachelor Statement public and imposing fi ne on anyone who violates the regu- of Law. Al-Mutairi was pre- lation. He was an officer at the viously quoted as say- Sources pointed out imposing fi ne for such violation is Military Judiciary and ing “a government applicable only with the approval of the National Assem- Ministry of Defense, without action and a bly, through the ratifi cation of a bill on amending law num- researcher at the Ministry parliament which does ber 8/1969 regarding health precautions and prevention of of Finance, and lawyer at not monitor the perfor- contagious diseases. Sources said the bill is currently on the Constitutional and mance of the govern- the table of the parliamentary Health Affairs Committee. Cassation courts. He is a ment must leave. This Meanwhile, a source from Kuwait Municipality stressed member of Kuwait is the only formula for that at the moment, “there is no law applicable to those who Lawyers Society. Al-Mutairi safeguarding stabili- do not wear masks;” while another governmental source af- He contested the parlia- ty.” fi rmed some laws concerning certain entities can be utilized to implement the proposed penalties.” ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 LOCAL 4 Kuwaiti govt voices alarm at Covid spike, to back traders ‘Get vaccinated soon’; non-compliance blamed

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15, (KUNA): The State of Kuwait lotments. Cabinet held its weekly regular session under chairman- Following the session, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Anas Al-Saleh stated that it kicked off with a briefi ng by ship of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Minister of Health Sheikh Dr. Basel Humoud Al-Sabah about latest local Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah at Seif Palace on Monday. health status with respect of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The session was marked with deep alarm expressed by the ministers KUNA photo Statistics showed spike in the cases of infections, deaths and patients who HH the Amir with HH Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak. when they were addressed by the minister of health about latest status receive medical treatment as well those being admitted at the intensive care of the pandemic in the country, amid mounting cases and deaths, and units, amid decline of recovery rates, minister Dr. Bassel affi rmed during the HH Amir receives Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak with a decision to help covid-stricken entrepreneurs with fi nancial al- session. He attributed the drastic in- His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak crease of the cases and infec- Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah re- Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. (KUNA) Move to empower Kuwaiti entrepreneurs tions to non-compliance by the ceived at Bayan Palace Monday His health terms, holding gatherings and social occasions’ activities. The ministers expressed pro- Boubyan Bank becomes an AWS Activate found concern at the “phenom- Condolences sent to Argentinian leader enal slack and complacency” Provider to support its Incubation Program with respect of applying the health conditions, triggering a Amir congratulates Serbian KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: Boubyan Program for startups will get access to second pandemic wave in the Bank has announced that its incuba- the resources they need to quickly get country. tion program for startups, Boubyan started on AWS – including credits, Upon these facts, the cabinet president on National Day Incubation Program, became an AWS tech support, training, exclusive of- urged citizens and residents to Activate Provider in Kuwait. This will fers, and go-to-market support along take all necessary precautions tive simple solutions that help cement and remain vigilant to spare KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15, (KUNA): His deepest sympathies on Sunday over the help in empowering entrepreneurs and with tailored our relationships with customers and Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ah- passing of former Argentine president startups, and provides them with cloud guidance, edu- themselves infection with the mad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sent Monday a ca- Carlos Menem. provide them with excellent services, contagion and curb its spread. computing resources from Amazon cation and re- including offering creative and in- ble to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic In a cable he sent to Argentina’s Presi- Web Services (AWS) to help them in- sources based Moreover, the government to congratulate him on his country’s Na- dent Alberto Fernandez, His Highness novative solutions. Boubyan Bank is urged everybody to rapidly seek novate and grow. This comes in line on unique very focused on this and has a fully tional Day, wishing him good health and the Amir remembered the deceased’s with Boubyan Incubation Program’s startup profi le. to get the vaccination against for Serbia further progress and prosperity. “overwhelming” support for Kuwait, in dedicated department for innovation the germ noting that the extraor- focus on providing the best services Startup build- that works on providing outstanding His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh addition to his innumerable accomplish- and solutions to support the initia- ers will also dinary health situation warrant- Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah ments. banking and non-banking services. It ed cooperation from all in the tives of young Kuwaitis and Kuwaiti take advantage is safe to say that Boubyan Bank has and His Highness the Prime Minister His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh startups taking part in its incubation of personalized country. Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sa- Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah succeeded in changing the traditional After revising recommenda- program. recommenda- idea about the banking sector.” bah sent similar cables. and His Highness the Prime Minister tions by the ministerial com- Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sa- Hamad Al Fouzan, AGM & Head of Hamad Al-Fouzan tions and guid- Vinod Krishnan, Head of Middle ❑ ❑ ❑ Innovation and Partnerships at Bouby- ed pathways to mittee for emergency response bah sent similar cables to the Argentine East, AWS said, “We are excited to to the coronavirus, the cabinet His Highness the Amir expressed his president. an Bank stated: “Ever since the growth technical training, mentorship, and support Boubyan Bank incubation of digital services accompanied by the customer growth opportunities for program to empower the Kuwaiti decided to task the fi re force and accelerated developments in Kuwait their startups. startup ecosystem. Boubyan Bank un- the National Guard to aid the and the wider region, Boubyan Bank Speaking about Boubyan Incu- derstands the power of cloud technol- health authorities in enforcing has been one of the fi rst institutions to bation Program for startups, he ex- ogy in inspiring entrepreneurship and the health precautions and en- support this trend. The bank contin- plained: “This program has been driving innovation. Through the AWS sure serious abidance in various ues to invest in digital services along specifi cally designed to support the Activate program, we look forward sectors. with creating awareness on the impor- initiatives of young Kuwaiti entrepre- to working with Boubyan Incubation Pandemic tance of using modern technologies in neurs and startups in addition to pro- Program’s startup community, includ- all our daily transactions to boost the viding them with some resources and ing fi ntech companies and others, and Online teaching will continue business environment and support Ku- services that serve as an integrated helping them leverage all that AWS in the private and public sectors waiti projects and startups looking for training environment. This aims to up- has to offer for them to build new until stabilization of the pan- digital services.” skill them and to reinforce the culture businesses and see them grow.” demic status in the country. Al Fouzan went on to add: “Bouby- of creativity, innovation and entrepre- AWS is a subsidiary of Amazon that Furthermore, the ministers an Bank’s management will continue neurship, helping them translate their provides cloud services. It is a leader examined a petition presented cooperating with many companies that ideas and innovations into viable eco- in providing cloud-computing servic- by entrepreneurs of small and support digital services such as AWS, nomic projects. By doing so, we will es with on-demand online IT resourc- medium enterprises, in the af- which provides many advantages and help promote entrepreneurship as we es on a pay-as-you-go basis. Instead termath of the cabinet resolu- services for entrepreneurs and startups offer services and training programs of purchasing physical data centers, tion closing some commercial in order to help them build the infra- to entrepreneurs that will increase the owning and maintaining them, cus- businesses and decided to fi nan- cially support this segment of structure of their projects and enable chances of success and sustainability tomers get access toadvanced cloud Photo by Mohammad Morsi them to achieve their success and for their projects.” services such as storage, AI, databases the labor force, according to the growth.” Al Fouzan stressed: “In Boubyan and so much more and only paying for law of establishing the National Valentine’s Day enthusiast poses with a bouquet of fl owers. Participants in Boubyan Incubation Bank, we always seek to offer innova- what they use. Fund for Small and Medium En- terprise Development. Covid-19 fails to dampen Valentine’s spirit Additionally, the Cabinet decided to assign the National In light of the protracted corona pan- using this emotional occasion as an Fund for Small and Medium demic, people remain hooked to the opportunity to put boredom and de- Enterprise Development to fringes of any happy occasion to es- pression behind them. work out mechanisms for dis- cape the atmosphere of boredom and A number of fl ower and gift shops bursement of the funds for the gloom that continues to cast a shad- saw the demand for red roses and a eligible businessmen (business- ow over the entire world, reports Al- bouquet was sold for ten dinars, while women). The decision is effec- Seyassah daily. the prices of bouquets prepared at tive as of March and valid for On Valentine’s Day, February 14, the request of the customer exceeded three months. fl ower and gift shops became very fi fty dinars. Another decision stipulates popular, as citizens and expatriates They explained that the girls and assigning the competent au- rushed to buy fl owers and gifts deco- women customers were keen to buy thorities to delay payment of the rated with red hearts and ribbons to red bears decorated with hearts, of dif- State services fees to the entre- share with their loved ones and to ferent sizes, while some were satisfi ed preneurs whose businesses have express their feelings towards them, with simple gifts befi tting the occasion. been shut for three months. It confi rmed that the national To mark Kuwait’s 60th Independence Day days holiday begins on Thurs- day, February 25, until Feb. 28. The government expressed strong condemnation of the at- Burgan Bank grants its customers tacks against civilians and civil areas in Saudi Arabia, noting a chance to win ... 60 cash prizes that these activities, launching booby-trapped drones and bal- KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: In celebration Al Qaisi – Chief Retail Banking Officer listic missiles by the Houthi of the 60th anniversary of Kuwait’s Inde- of Burgan Bank said, “This special of- militia, pose a threat to regional pendence Day, Burgan Bank announces fer comes to celebrate this special oc- stability, constitute blatant vio- a special one-of-a-kind draw that gives casion and national holidays and as an lation of international laws and all its customers a appreciation to our customers for their covenants and undermine in- chance to win, re- loyalty and continuous commitment to ternational efforts aimed at es- gardless of the ac- Burgan Bank. As an expression of our tablishing peace and ending the count they hold. gratitude to them, we have launched this confl ict. On this festive unique draw that will provide an unfor- The Kuwaiti Government occasion, 60 lucky gettable valuable experience this special also called on the United Na- Burgan Bank cus- month.” tions Security Council to take tomers will win To learn more about Burgan Bank’s immediate measures to repel the 60 cash prizes. latest offers or any of its products and criminal attacks in a manner that To be eligible, services, customers can visit any of the may preserve security and peace customers have to bank’s branches or Burgan Banks Insta- in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf re- withhold a Burgan gram page on @BurganBankKuwait or gion. Bank account be- Al Qaisi contact the call center or via WhatsApp fore 28/02/2021. at 1804080. The draw will take place on 1 March Burgan Bank extends its best wishes MPW’s Al-Failakawi 2021 in the presence of a representative and greetings to the public in celebration issues 23 decisions from the Ministry of Commerce. Nasser of this joyful month. regarding transfers and appointments By Muhammad Ghanem Al-Seyassah Staff KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Public Works, Engineer Is- mail Al-Failakawi, has issued 23 decisions to transfer and appoint directors and heads of departments. The decision included the transfer of Mansour Bumaj- dad, head of the Planning and Follow-up Offi ce in the Gov- ernment Center for Examina- tions, to work as Director of the Building Maintenance and Construction Department in the Farwaniya Governorate, and the transfer of Fawzia Al- Jadi, Head of the Planning and Follow-up Offi ce in the Road Affairs Sector, to work as the Director of the Building Maintenance and Construction Department in Mubarak Al- Kabeer Governorate in the En- gineering Affairs Sector Main- tenance.


Photograph courtesy DEFENDING KUWAIT of The Center for Re- The British naval force landed just inside the west gate, while search and Studies on the air force, comprised of a fl ight of airplanes and a squadron Kuwait and the work of armored cars, made camp near the south gate. This photo- of Dr Yacoub Al- graph, taken from a wall tower, shows the Air Force camp with its small service tents. (From the book ‘Old Kuwait: Memo- Hijji in the book Old- ries in Photographs’) Kuwait: Memories in Photographs fi rst published in 1996.

© N.M.M. Courtesy of The Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait diwaniya A DIGEST OF PUBLIC OPINION ‘Intelligent Kuwaitis aplenty ... give all equal role in nation’s reforms’ “I USUALLY read the economic news in our daily newspapers, and I am to weaken the foundations of its development and the vision of its legislative indeed falls upon the team of consultants who work in his offi ce. pleased with what I read – the distinguished performance of our local banks, and executive authorities, so that we may be able to save what can be saved. “In the end we hope, all these meetings result in success and produce a na- and many public and family companies, especially the year end news in terms “In a few days, the new government formation will be announced, so let us tional government that satisfi es all parties, with a high degree of competence, of distribution of profi ts to shareholders and owners and they deserve it, but give it the opportunity to perhaps save our economy, our education and aspects provided there is no minister among them who stands accused of forging his these same newspapers carry on its front pages the troubled fi nancial and eco- of our lives, and before and after all of that, confronting the corruption that certifi cate or a minister with judicial verdicts.” nomic news at the state level, which indicates regression and warns of great prevailed and ended many hopes for reform. ❑ ❑ ❑ problems, and shows the growing gaps which have widened in the state budget “Kuwait is full of intelligent children. Let us make room for them, make a until the classifi cation of our economy is revised by the three global classifi ca- good choice, and be fair when it comes to competence, and not others. God “The media recently reported the discovery of 8,000 foreign children who are tion institutions, and the continuation of conditions indicates the decline in our blesses us.” not registered in the Ministry of Interior database to avoid paying the residence fees,” columnist Dr Balqees wrote for Al-Qabas daily. fi nancial ratings from positive to negative,” columnist Moudhi Al-Humoud Also: wrote for Al-Qabas daily. “This news is very disturbing once confirmed. How can the ministry over- “It is frustrating and confusing. Are not those who achieved good results in “These days, we are experiencing a severe political crisis, as a result of esca- look this blatant negligence, considering its capabilities and agencies, as well companies and banks effi cient Kuwaitis? And those who manage economic af- lating disputes between the political factions themselves inside Parliament, or as the threat to State security and safety of the children? The lack of records fairs at the state level are also the children of Kuwait and between them and His Highness the Prime Minister, who submitted his resigna- regarding these children makes it impossible to know anything about them. are not lacking competence? tion because of an interrogation that was supported by a large number of MPs “The State, represented by the ministry, does not know their number, age, “Why, then, they succeeded in managing the private but he was re-appointed and he is still exerting efforts to form the forthcoming way of life or if they are exploited in inhumane, immoral or unsafe ways, not fi nancial sector and their colleagues failed to manage the rational government,” columnist Bassam Al-Asousi wrote for Al-Qabas daily. to mention the fact that they do not receive health or educational care due to economy at the state level? Are the fi rst category of Ku- “His Highness abandoned the prevailing approach of previous sheikhs and the absence of an identification document such as the civil identification card or waitis super humans and others ordinary? method and began to meet, invite and consult many currents, political fi gures any proof that they are living in the country. “Or is it the work environment in private organiza- and professional associations and one may wonder at the so many political cur- “The question here is: How could their parents or guardians dare challenge tions far from political interference and interest-based rents that are there in our country. the law in this way and how could they not get punished for this heinous crime bargaining, while government administration is subject “I do not know how long it takes for meeting these groups. In every group against their children?” to the standards of loose interventions and the infl uence there is a political store, with an identity and agenda different from the other ❑ ❑ ❑ of some corrupt? but this can be accepted. However, this matter undoubtedly constitutes an im- portant step in forming a broad opinion on the issues and demands of the street “The decision-maker is confused about the way to deal with the corona “It also often moves away from professionalism and health crisis, because if lockdown is intensified, quarantine period is prolonged, drowns in the sea of hesitation and turns away from in the form and quality of the next government or even the topics and programs Dr Al-Humoud and technical, sports and entertainment centers are closed, all those involved hope for reform unless the situation changes and the de- that should be focused on and put on its agenda or work program. in these fields are disappointed,” columnist Mubarak Mazeed Al-Moasherji termination and fi rmness intensify. This is what we hope for in the new era, “The Premier-designate is accused of indecisiveness when it comes to combat- Al-Rai otherwise there is no hope for us after that. ing corruption and this means the invitation to those currents, their acceptance and wrote for daily. “Frankly speaking, we are tired of this never-ending political confl ict that attendance in the meeting constituted an added value for him towards openness to “If the markets, commercial complexes and health services are closed, their has destroyed our aspirations in nation building. We were happy with the everyone, but the question is: How, or in what way, representatives of these currents owners demonstrate at Erada Square, claiming the decision harms the economy change in the recent parliamentary scene, but our optimism diminished with meet with a person whom they accused of participating in governments that did not that is about to collapse, demanding in advance a pledge to compensate them the continuing aggravation and deterioration of conditions. Rather, the frustra- directly fi ght corruption or as partners in previous governments. for any loss. tion increased and the economic crisis has become complicated by the recent “This raises the problem of adherence to principles and refl ects the credibil- “If quarantine is stopped and sports activities resume ... etc, the infection rate decisions that caused the disruption of small and medium enterprises, as the ity of these currents and their symbols. In any case, the meeting of His Highness and the number of deaths increase and the health system might collapse. At this decision suspended these projects and stopped the slow feeding tube that they with the various groups is a healthy and benefi cial phenomenon for him per- point, the disaster occurs as major countries deal with economic collapse and used to feed on throughout the time of the crisis when they and their owners sonally. Through it, he was able to get to know people and hear their opinions, a pandemic. were struggling to survive. impressions and ideas. “If we go back to the National Assembly, and the threats and intimidation “We have not reformed the economy whether intentionally or not. We have “Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled is known to be anti-social and has no Diwan and of some parliamentarians using parliamentary tools such as interrogations and not saved projects that have been exhausted by the confl ict and the repercus- he does not frequent people in their Diwaniyas nor does he share their joys no-confidence motions on the whole government, these are various means of sions of the epidemic, and what we need now is to review our affairs and detach and sorrows, and the evidence is the quality of the meetings he holds and the disrupting the government’s efforts and shattering its ideas and plans.” from our immediate and subjective interests and look at a nation that has begun personalities he meets, and the truth is the man is not to blame, but the blame — Compiled by Ahmad Al-Shazli Fraud nabbed after 30 years Coal fumes kill 2

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: Personnel from the General Department of Nationality and Passports have arrested a Syrian who allegedly bought the Kuwaiti nationality back in 1986 for a huge sum of money, re- ports Al-Qabas daily. The daily added, the man after confessing to the charges filed against him has been referred to the Pub- lic Prosecution. Based on instructions issued by the Assistant Undersecre- tary for Nationality and Passports Affairs, Lieutenant-Gen- eral Faisal Al-Nawwaf, to intensify efforts and bring to book all those who are involved in forging nationality documents or buying the Kuwaiti nationality or obtaining it illegally, confi dential information was received by the Department about the Syrian who had allegedly obtained the Kuwaiti nationality through fraud. The investigations proved the authenticity of the infor- mation and when the suspect sensed the authorities were closing in on him, left for Qatar and stayed there for three months to throw the authorities off track. However, he was arrested upon arrival and referred for investigations. During preliminary interrogation, the accused admitted to buying the Kuwaiti nationality through fraud to enjoy the benefi ts and privileges offered by the state. ❑ ❑ ❑ Maids killed: Two domestic workers died inside a house in Sabah Al-Nasser, reports Al-Rai daily. According to security sources the maids died due to asphyxi- ation. The women had kept the charcoal burning in their room to protect themselves from cold and fumes emanating from the coal allegedly suffocated to death both women. The sponsor told police, when he felt the absence of the maids, he went looking for them and knocked on the door of their room and fi nding no response he forced open the door and found them dead. A forensic reported showed the women died on inhaling poisonous fumes. ❑ ❑ ❑ Nurse beats patient: An unidentifi ed Indian nurse who alleg- edly beat the elderly Kuwaiti woman and broke her leg, has been arrested and referred to the Prosecution, reports Al-Rai daily. According to the daily, the arrest came after the Kuwaiti fi led a complaint with the police. The nurse, who is employed by a private nursing home, was hired to take care of the elderly mother. The victim has been admitted to the Al-Razi Hospital. ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 LOCAL 7 Kuwait’s PM congratulates Libya new unity gov’t head Occupancy rate of coronavirus KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15, (KUNA): His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, on Monday congratulated wings doubles at Adan Hospital over a phone call the newly-elected prime minister of the government of national unity of Libya, Abdulhamid Al-Dabaiba, wishing him success, and Farwaniya Hospital opens vaccination unit the State of Libya further progress and prosperity. The two sides also discussed the By Marwa Al-Bahrawi bilateral relations between the two Al-Seyassah Staff countries. His Highness stressed Kuwait’s KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: keenness to support all efforts aimed at KUNA photo The Ministry of Health has achieving stability in Libya and pre- His Highness the Prime Minister begun the vaccination pro- serving its sovereignty, unity and ter- Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad ritorial integrity. Al-Sabah gram for medical personnel For his part, the Libyan prime min- against COVID-19 disease ister praised Kuwait’s efforts in in Libya, hailing the strong bilateral in a number of public hos- achieving stability, security and peace relations between the two countries. pitals, in order to protect all medical staff and health workers from the risks of infection and also to pre- vent the spread of infection, especially with the recent signifi cant increase in the number of daily infections. This is followed by an in- crease in the occupancy rate of patients infected with coronavirus in hospi- tals to between 30 to 50 per- cent. Director of Al-Adan Hospital, Dr Medical personnel in the vaccination waiting hall at Al-Adan Hospital. Tariq Dashti told Al-Seyassah daily that the increase in occupancy rates room, and another for administrators. take extra caution, indicating that the Hospital, the increase in infections in the hospital’s wings to more than For his part, the Director of Far- affected age groups are the elderly comes in line with the daily indica- 50%, pointing out that the number waniya Hospital, Dr Muhammad and patients with chronic non-com- tors and statistics of the Ministry of of cases in the past ranged between Al-Rashidi said the occupancy rate municable diseases. Health to determine the epidemio- 25 and 30 cases, but increased of beds of “COVID-19” wards or Dr Al-Rashidi said in a press state- logical situation in Kuwait. during the past few days until it intensive care increased by 30% dur- ment on the sidelines of the inau- He explained the unit comes to reached between 50 and 57 per day. ing the past ten days, which rings the guration of the vaccination unit for complete the recommendations of Dr Dashti said the hospital is doing alarm bell and warns of the need to medical personnel at the Farwaniya the Ministry of Health in this regard, everything to contain the increasing explaining that it operates in two number of infections and indicated -- morning and evening shifts - for that the clinical capacity of the four medical teams, and consists of 4 to COVID-19 wards reached 114 beds, 6 vaccination rooms, in addition to TGS poster in addition to 18 in the intensive care a doctor from preventive health and unit, pointing to the adoption of a a doctor present in the observation plan to expand the Corona wards and room, in addition to a reception and TGS features Sheikha Souad care in the hospital at any time, if the statistics offi ce, a resuscitation room need arises. and a reception room. It accommo- Our next episode of The Guest in Kuwait. A versatile and gifted art- Regarding the hospital’s medical dates 30 people. Show on Radio Kuwait International ist, Sheikha Souad was awarded the and technical personnel vaccination Dr Al-Rashidi in his address English Station will feature Sheikha Fashion Designer of the Year Award unit, Dr Dashti said that the daily ca- thanked the citizens and residents for Souad J. Al Sabah. Sheikha Souad at the fi rst Arab Woman Awards Ku- pacity of vaccination ranges between their commitment during the previ- is a renowned fashion designer and wait presented by the ITP. Sheikha the fi rst Kuwaiti to be awarded the Souad has also published a coffee 100 to 150 people, saying the unit ous period to health recommenda- Arab Women’s Award for Fashion. table book that showcases her own operates all days of the week, from tions, following precautionary re- In 2002, Sheikha Souad launched designs and some pieces from her two in the afternoon until eight in the quirements and measures. her unique designs blending Cul- private collection of vintage pieces. evening, except Fridays and Satur- Dr Al-Rashidi also called on eve- ture, Design and Art. She combines In The Guest Show, Sheikha Souad days. ryone to take the initiative to register vintage and modern fabrics to create talks of her journey with Sirdab 6 and He explained the unit includes with the vaccination platform of the her own unique signature pieces. Seen, her work with her vintage col- seven clinics, including four clinics Ministry of Health and get vaccinat- Sheikha Souad is credited with the lection, and Kuwaiti fashion and her for vaccination, one for preventive ed in order to preserve the safety of ‘resurgence’ of the traditional kaftan deep and abiding love for India. health, a pharmacy, an emergency Dr Tariq Al-Dashti Dr Muhammed Al-Rashidi everyone. 1,449 health workers ‘Covid-19’ positive during past yr Dr Enezi sheds light on epidemiological ‘situation’ at the Ahmadi Health District By Marwa Al-Bahrawi at 54.7% for males and 45.3% for fe- Al-Seyassah Staff males, the rate of cases among females was 48 cases per thousand women, and KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: Director of males at a rate of 30 cases per thou- the Ahmadi Health District, Dr Badr sand. Al-Enezi, announced 1,449 health sec- He explained the epidemiological tor workers were infected with ‘Cov- curve since the beginning of the pan- id-19’ during the past year, among demic has witnessed more than 5,000 them 1,205 or 83.2 percent non-Ku- cases per month during the months waitis, and 244 or 16.8% Kuwaitis, from May to October, but the largest pointing out that the number of infec- number of cases was during the month tions among health workers represents of October (7,386 cases) then there was just 3.2% of the total 44,677 infections a decrease in the number during No- in the Ahmadi Health Zone represent- vember and December with 4,242 and ing 30% of the 150,548 infections in 2,161 respectively. Kuwait during 2020. Al-Enezi stressed the nationality Al-Enezi indicated 176 deaths were was a decisive factor in the shape recorded in the region as a result of of the epidemiological curve during complications from infection with the different stages of the epidemic “Corona” during the same year, includ- Dr Badr Al-Enezi, Director of the spread in the region, as the infec- ing 116 men out of a total of 24,456 in- Ahmadi Health District tions witnessed at the beginning of fections, and 60 deaths among females the pandemic and during the months out of 20,221 infections. The death the outbreak of Covid-19 until August of February and March, a high num- rate in the region was 3.9 deaths per 2020 by 8.8% of the total cases, but ber of infected among Kuwaitis were thousand cases. after that it decreased clearly to reach those who arrived from abroad. In a statement to Al-Seyassah speak- 3% of the total cases in the month of The registration of cases among ing about the epidemiological situation December. This pattern may refl ect the non-Kuwaitis started in April and of Covid-19 cases in the Ahmadi re- the infections among expatriates be- gion during the year 2020, Al-Enezi increased commitment from families gan to increase constantly until the said the, that the incidence rate of cas- with physical distancing measures, number of registered cases exceeded es is 36,079 cases per million people especially between children in this age during the months of April and May for whom the Ahmadi district centers group. until mid-June. provide health services, which is close Casualties With regard to other communities to the rate of incidence in the State of residing in Kuwait, Al-Enezi added Kuwait, which is the adult 31519 cases With regard to the distribution of the highest rate of infection cases was per million people. infections according to gender, Al- among the Indians at 14%, followed by He added the incidence of cases for Enezi pointed out that despite the Egyptians at 4.5%, the Bangladeshis children under 10 years of age was convergence of the number of casual- by 3.2%, the Philippines at 2.7% and increasing during the fi rst months of ties between both males and females, others. ‘Kuwait’s victory refl ects position in the educ fi eld’ KUWAIT CITY, Feb 15: Acting Undersecretary at the Ministry of Education, Faisal Al-Maqsid, an- nounced Kuwait has won three prizes in the Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Academic Per- formance competition in its twen- ty-third session. Al-Maqsid stated in a press statement, student Majid Khaled Al-Munifi and Fatima Mansour Karrashi won the Distinguished Student Award, while Qamriya Muhammad Amin of Intermedi- Video grab from AlAnba TV shows barbed wire being removed in one of ate School for Girls won the Dis- the suburbs. tinguished School Administration Award. He emphasized Kuwait’s win- Good sign ning 3 awards is a confi rmation of its high leadership position in the Teams from the Ministry of Public Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, Mahboula, Ha- fi eld of education, and a continua- Works are seen removing all con- walli, Salmiya and Khaitan, reports tion of the Ministry of Education’s crete barriers and barbed wires Al-Anba daily. aspiration to win accolades through which were put in some crowded This is a good sign that indicates active participation in the Excel- areas a few months ago in several the regional lockdown will not hap- lence Education Competition. crowded areas such as Farwaniya, pen again. GM’s Chevy Bolt SUV joins parade of new US electric vehicles

Whether people want them or not, au- Sales will start with a small number of early trucks and SUVs. EVs make up 3% of tomakers are rolling out new electric ve- versions priced at $43,495. sales worldwide, GM says. The 2022 Bolt EV hicle models as the industry responds to It will bring the total number of EVs on The new Bolt is part of GM’s pledge to (foreground), and stricter pollution regulations and calls to sale in the U.S. to at least 23, and Ed- bring 30 new EVs to market worldwide by EUV are dis- reduce emissions to fi ght climate change. expects that fi gure to reach 2035, and its goal of producing only elec- played, Feb 11, in The latest offering comes from General 30 this year. About 2.5 million electric ve- tric passenger vehicles in 14 years. It will Milford, Michigan. Motors, which unveiled a Chevrolet Bolt hicles were sold worldwide last year. IHS sit taller and have more rear-seat legroom (AP) compact SUV on Sunday. It comes with an Markit predicts that will increase 70% this than the current Bolt electric hatchback, estimated range per charge of 250 miles year alone. But the changeover has a long which is being updated, and will compete (400 kilometers) and a $33,995 starting way to go. Fully electric vehicles accounted in one of the hottest segments of the U.S. price tag. for less than 2% of U.S. new vehicle sales market. Buyers also can opt for GM’s “Su- The Bolt Electric Utility Vehicle will go on last year, and Americans continue to spend per Cruise” partially automated driver-as- sale early this summer as a 2022 model. record amounts on larger gas-powered sist system. (AP)

Market Movements 15-02-2021 Change Closing pts Change Closing pts AUSTRALIA - All Ordinaries +68.34 7,149.66 PHILIPPINES - PSEi -31.80 6,959.21 JAPAN - Nikkei +564.08 30,084.15 GERMANY - DAX +59.59 14,109.48 FRANCE - CAC 40 +82.58 5,786.25 EUROPE - Euro Stoxx 50 +38.59 3,734.20 S. KOREA - KRX 100 +115.56 6,816.22 INDIA - Sensex +609.83 52,154.13 PAKISTAN - KSE 100 +567.23 46,375.59 CHINA - Shanghai SE +51.60 3,655.09 Business

Budget offi ce expects defi cit to fall to about $1tn in 2022 as economy heals CBO expects $2.3 trillion defi cit before Biden relief plan BALTIMORE, Feb 15, (AP): The Congressional Budget Offi ce says the federal government is on track for a $2.3 trillion defi cit this year, down roughly $900 billion from last year when the coronavirus pandemic led Congress to provide historic amounts Japan’s economy sees recovery of fi nancial aid. Stronger economic growth has helped to reduce the anticipated short- fall for this year. Still, the defi cit could soon be revised upward if President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package becomes law. The ad- from ‘corona’ pandemic slump ditional aid – coming after roughly $4 trillion was approved last year – would add more red ink once enacted, but isn’t included in Thursday’s CBO pro- World’s third-largest economy marks 2nd straight quarter of growth jections. Excluding the Biden plan, this year’s defi cit will equal 10.3% of gross TOKYO, Feb 15, (AP): The as the U.S. and other Asian nations. Japan’s larger overall economic domestic product, which is a measure Japanese economy grew at For the 2020 calendar year, Ja- problems remain, such as sinking of the total value of the economy’s pan’s economy sank 4.8%, the fi rst wages and declining international ‘The best plan is education ...’ goods and services. The past two years an annual rate of 12.7% in year of contraction in 11 years. On competitiveness, which have led to have the highest defi cits relative to October-December, mark- quarter, the economy grew 3% in stagnation in recent decades. GDP since 1945. ing the second straight October-December, according to Social changes that require time US business owners ponder The CBO expects the budget defi cit preliminary data. would be needed to correct those to fall to about $1 trillion in 2022 as the quarter of growth, amid a Japan never had a lockdown for economy heals and there is less need problems, such as encouraging over- recovery from the slump COVID-19, trying to keep business seas investment and fi xing education whether to require vaccines for government spending. Defi cits are activity going while encouraging supposed to average 4.4% of GDP caused by the coronavirus to nurture entrepreneurship. NEW YORK, Feb 15, (AP): As workplace safe,” says Jerry Maat- from 2022 to 2031. working from home and social dis- Naoya Oshikubo, senior econo- pandemic, according to tancing. more coronavirus vaccine doses man, an employment law attorney Several decades of defi cit spending government data released mist at SuMi TRUST, or Sumitomo become available in the weeks with Seyfarth Shaw in Chicago. has meant that the total federal debt A so-called state of emergency, Mitsui Trust Asset Management, and months ahead, many business But Maatman cautions that while held by the public is slightly larger Monday. centered around having restaurants notes an element of “revenge con- owners face a diffi cult decision: the EEOC has released guidelines than GDP. That fi gure is projected The world’s third-largest econ- and other businesses close at 8 p.m., sumption” at play in the GDP data. whether to require employees to be about the vaccine, issues over em- to rise to 107% of GDP by 2031 as omy saw growth in consumption, is being used in Tokyo and some That means shoppers try to make inoculated. ployers’ rights to dismiss staffers other urban areas where infection spending on Medicare and Social Se- government spending and exports up for “lost time” by buying more, And if they decide “yes,” they who don’t comply are likely to end clusters have popped up. curity increases. for the fi nal quarter of last year, because they had to stay home and have to be ready for the possibility up in court. Shai Akabas, economic policy di- compared to the previous quarter, Junichi Makino, SMBC Nikko that some staffers will refuse. “These rulings are going to take rector at the Bipartisan Policy Center, Securities chief economist, said that, didn’t buy as much for extended peri- Dentist Andrew Geller initially place in the second and third quar- said that additional coronavirus relief the Cabinet Offi ce said. although the fi rst quarter of this year ods because of the pandemic, he said. didn’t feel comfortable with re- ters,” he says. should be a priority, cautioning that the Japan’s seasonally adjusted gross may see a setback, because of the Government programs to encour- quiring his staff to get the shots be- Maatman and Anzek advise country still needs to fi nd a way to put domestic product had grown at a dra- state of emergency, a gradual re- age spending, including the discount cause of the many unknowns about businesses to seek legal or human the defi cit on a safer path. matic annualized rate of 22.9% in the covery track is expected as overseas “GoTo” campaign last year, which the vaccine. But he did extensive resources advice before disciplin- “When it comes to recovery, the July-September period. economies return to normal and the has been temporarily as coronavirus research and concluded that the 23 ing or dismissing employees over country faces many challenges that GDP is the sum value of a nation’s emergency likely gets ended next cases surged also helped perk GDP. employees at Geller Family Dental vaccinations, whether or not the are likely to require an infusion of products and services. The annual- month. Data also showed a recovery in ma- should be vaccinated. Turns out staffers are in what’s called a pro- federal resources,” Akbas said. “But it ized rate shows what the rise or drop “With the coronavirus pandemic chinery investments. most were grateful that as health tected class. is crucial that lawmakers balance any would have been if that same pace getting curbed, the end of the state A vaccine rollout has yet to start workers they could receive the vac- Legal and HR experts also rec- new investment with a commitment to had continued for a year. in Japan but is set to begin this week cine when it fi rst arrived. ommend employers create compa- stabilizing the precarious fi scal picture of emergency and the rollout of the However, Geller did have more nywide policies on vaccinations, that CBO highlighted today. In this Prospects for the future appear vaccine, the Japanese economy is ex- with medical workers. Japan, with diffi cult conversations with a hand- provide each staffer with a copy realm, ‘wait and see’ is not a strategy- relatively good, with trade resuming, pected to start recovering, returning about 6,900 COVID-19 deaths, has ful of employees who were uneasy and explain to everyone why the it is a fi scal risk.” and a vaccine rollout in nations that to normal, starting from the April- seen far fewer such deaths than in the about getting the shots. shots are necessary. And owners are Japan’s key trading partners, such June quarter,” Makino said. U.S. and some other nations. “I did my best to ensure them should keep in mind that this is a that this was going to maintain the subject that requires sensitivity and the bottomline health and safety of their families. understanding - an overbearing ap- It took a little bit longer for some to proach can be a morale buster. make an appointment, but they did, thankfully,” says Geller, whose Plan PARIS: Nineteen meals delivery com- practice is located in Bronxville, “The best plan is education and panies in France including Uber Eats New York. policies and letting employees and Deliveroo have pledged to the State governments determine know that everything is uniform French government to reduce their op- who can be vaccinated and when; and you’re not singling anyone erational waste, offi cials said Monday. in most states, priority has been out,” says Andrew Zelmanow- With the pandemic-forced closure given to health workers, fi rst re- itz, an employment attorney with of restaurants, there has been a boom sponders and older people, but Berger Singerman in Fort Laun- in home food delivery – generating employees of some businesses - derdale, Florida. more waste that ever before. for example, restaurant workers in Owners may feel some trepida- The companies have now signed a New York - are eligible. The gen- tion before broaching the topic. charter to end the systematic delivery eral population isn’t expected to be Joann Butler decided to ask her 10 of disposable cutlery and sauces from vaccinated until the spring at the staffers how they felt about getting next month, to set a 2022 target to use earliest, so most business owners vaccinated, and “fortunately, eve- 100% recyclable packaging and limit still must decide what their policy ryone agreed it was something we single-use plastic packaging to 50%. on vaccinations will be. need to do.” A French government committee It’s not known how many em- “It’s always a slippery slope will monitor the companies’ progress ployers will require staffers to get when you mandate something like every six months. the vaccine - and many companies this - with religious and health is- In 2019, even before the pandemic, likely haven’t made a decision. sues, not everyone is gung-ho,” the country of 67 million recorded as About two-thirds of Americans says Butler, owner of Consultancy many as 600 million items of single- say they plan to get vaccinated or Media, a broadcast and production use packaging from home deliveries have already done so, according to studio in New York. going into the trash. (AP) a poll released Wednesday by The The circumstances of a particu- ❑ ❑ ❑ Associated Press-NORC Center for lar workplace can make the con- NEW YORK: Aunt Jemima is making Public Affairs Research. The sur- versations easier. When Denise her last batch of pancakes. vey also found that 15% of Ameri- Buzy-Pucheu talked to the three Quaker Oats said that its Aunt Jem- In this fi le photo, Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala during a panel discussion ‘The Post-2015 Goals: cans say they will defi nitely not get staffers at her Newtown, Connecti- ima brand pancake mix and syrup will Inspiring a New Generation to Act’, the fi fth annual Associated Press debate, at the World Economic Forum in Da- the vaccine and another 17% say cut, bridal shop, “they were very on be renamed Pearl Milling Company. vos, Switzerland. Okonjo-Iweala was appointed Monday, Feb 15, 2021 to head the World Trade Organization as it they probably will not. board - they want to keep safe,” she seeks to to resolve disagreements over how it decides cases involving billions in sales and thousands of jobs. (AP) said. While in many stores the sales Aunt Jemima products will continue to Require be sold until June, when the packaging associates can keep a safe distance will offi cially change over. Employers can require many from shoppers, or have plastic bar- Quaker Oats, a division of Pep- First woman and fi rst African to lead trade body staffers to be vaccinated under riers at checkout counters, employ- siCo Inc, had announced last June guidelines from the Equal Employ- ees of The Persnickety Bride have that it would retire the Aunt Jemima ment Opportunity Commission. to help customers get in and out of brand, saying the character’s origins Ex-Nigerian fi nmin to head struggling WTO They can’t require inoculations gowns. There’s no way to do that are “based on a racial stereotype.” The for employees with medical condi- without being right next to a bride. smiling Aunt Jemima logo was in- FRANKFURT, Germany, Feb 15, (AP): Nigeria’s Ngozi and unduly restrictive on U.S. attempts to impose sanctions tions protected by the Americans “They understand the sever- spired by the 19th century “mammy” Okonjo-Iweala was appointed Monday to head the leading on countries that unfairly subsidize their companies or export with Disability Act or those who ity of this,” Buzy-Pucheu says of minstrel character, a Black woman international trade body as it seeks to to resolve disagree- at unusually low prices. object to vaccinations for religious her staffers. “We are physically in content to serve her white masters. A ments over how it decides cases involving billions in sales Earlier this month, the Biden administration reversed reasons. The ADA covers employ- touch with people.” former slave, Nancy Green, became and thousands of jobs. Trump’s opposition and expressed “strong support’’ for ers with 15 or more workers, and Some employers have opted to the fi rst face of the pancake products Okonjo-Iweala, 66, was appointed director-general of Okonjo-Iweala and saying she “brings a wealth of knowl- some state and municipal laws let staffers make their own deci- in 1890. the World Trade Organization by representatives of the 164 edge in economics and international diplomacy.” She is the cover smaller businesses. Own- sions. Finally Restaurant Group, Quaker Oats bought the Aunt Jem- member countries, according to a statement from the body. fi rst African offi cial and the fi rst woman to hold the job. ers must fi nd what the law calls a which operates 15 restaurants in ima brand in 1925 and had updated She said in a statement that her fi rst priority would be Okonjo-Iweala, formerly Nigeria’s fi nance minister, had reasonable accommodation to al- four western states and Louisiana, the logo over the years in an effort to quickly addressing the economic and health consequences a 25-year career at the World Bank, where she rose to the low these staffers to keep working. is offering information about the remove the negative stereotypes. But of the COVID-19 pandemic and to “implement the policy No. 2 position of managing director. She holds both U.S. and One example during the pandemic vaccines and time off for employ- in the cultural reckoning that followed responses we need to get the global economy going again.” Nigerian citizenship. would be an assignment that could ees to get them, but isn’t requiring last summer’s Black Lives Matter pro- “Our organization faces a great many challenges but South Korean trade minister Yoo Myung-hee had with- be done in a space a safe distance shots. tests, Quaker decided to change the working together we can collectively make the WTO strong- drawn her candidacy, leaving Okonjo-Iweala as the only from co-workers or customers. “We’re letting them know what name altogether. Other brands, like er, more agile and better adapted to the realities of today,” choice. Her predecessor, Roberto Azevedo, stepped down Employers have been contact- their options are, and they can Uncle Ben’s rice, followed. she said. Aug. 31, a year before his term expired. ing attorneys and human resourc- make choices themselves,” says Quaker said Pearl Milling Company The appointment came after new U.S. President Joe Biden Trump repeatedly accused the WTO of unfair treatment es consultants and asking, what Ashley O’Bryan, director of hu- was founded in 1888 in St Joseph, endorsed her candidacy, which had been blocked by former of the U.S., started a trade war with China in defi ance of the should we do? man resources for the Bozeman, Missouri, and was the originator of President Donald Trump. WTO system, and threatened to pull the United States out “We are having some very hon- Montana-based company. self-rising pancake mix. While the Biden’s move was a step toward his aim of supporting of the trade body altogether. Trump also imposed 25% steel est and real conversations with At Knead Hospitality & Design, brand will be new to store shelves, the more cooperative approaches to international problems af- tariffs that hit European allies on national security grounds, clients to make sure it’s the right a restaurant group in Washington, boxes and bottles of syrup will still ter Trump’s “America fi rst” approach that launched multiple a justifi cation that went beyond trade measures normally decision for them,” says Fernanda D.C., hourly employees are being have the familiar red packaging of trade disputes. used within the WTO rules framework to address complaints Anzek, a consultant with the hu- offered four hours pay and those on Aunt Jemima. But unblocking the appointment is only the start in dealing about unfair trade. man resources provider Insperity. salary will get a day of paid time Quaker said it sought input from with trade disputes launched by Trump, and in resolving U.S. So far, Biden has not said whether the U.S. will unblock A frequently asked question is off if they are inoculated. customers, employees and external concerns about the WTO that date to the Obama administra- the appellate appointments, and he has not withdrawn the whether an employer can dismiss a While co-founders Jason Berry cultural experts as it developed the tion. The U.S. had blocked the appointment of new judges to steel tariffs either, which are backed by U.S. steel industry staffer who refuses to be vaccinat- and Michael Reginbogin want their new brand name. the WTO’s appellate body, essentially freezing its ability to and union groups. ed and who isn’t protected by law. employees to be vaccinated and are Quaker said it is also donating $1 resolve extended and complex trade disputes. The World Trade Organization is an international body The short answer is yes. offering them incentives to get the million to groups that empower Black The U.S. government has argued that the trade organiza- that deals with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart “The employer has the lati- shots, they’re stopping short of re- women and girls as part of the Pearl tion is slow-moving and bureaucratic, ill-equipped to handle are the WTO agreements, negotiated among the bulk of the tude under the EEOC to keep the quiring inoculations. Milling Company rollout. (AP) the problems posed by China’s state-dominated economy world’s nations and ratifi ed in their legislatures. ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 BUSINESS 9

federal utility gives raise to CEO that Trump had criticized

A federal utility’s board voted to below the market median of enue and runs largely on its an apples-to-apples compari- increase the multimillion-dollar CEO compensation” of com- electricity rates. son.” pay scale of its CEO, coming to parable utilities, board mem- “Look, it’s a big number. It TVA announced the review the decision based on fi ndings ber Kenneth Allen said during gets people’s attention,” TVA of CEO pay in August, re- This fi le photo provided of an independent review or- the meeting, without offering a Board Chairman John Ryder sponding after Trump earlier by the Tennessee Valley dered up after then-President more precise dollar amount. told reporters Thursday. “It’s that month fi red the former Authority shows CEO Jeff Donald Trump blasted the ex- Lyash’s total compensa- a big number if you’re talk- board chairman and another Lyash. (AP) ecutive as “ridiculously over- tion was $7.3 million for the ing about the bureaucracy, board member and called for paid” last summer. 2020 budget year that ended the federal bureaucracy. It’s Lyash’s replacement and the The Tennessee Valley Au- in September. Lyash is the a very small number, or rela- position’s pay to be capped thority board decided to in- country’s highest paid federal tively small number, if you’re at $500,000. Trump had also crease what CEO Jeff Lyash employee; however, the utility talking about CEOs in the criticized the pay package that makes from “37% to 28% doesn’t use federal tax rev- utility industry. So, it was not April. (AP)

‘Negotiations with Google recognise the value of quality and original journalism’ Major Australian media company strikes Google news pay deal CANBERRA, Australia, Feb 15, (AP): subsidiary Google. in particular, in regional areas,” Stokes case.” She expected Seven West Media’s ground ... to confi ne it to News Show- Seven West Media has become the Kerry Stokes, chairman of Seven added. The partnership was a substantial in- main rivals, Nine and News Corp., case,” she added. largest Australian news media business West Media, which owns 21 publica- The deal was struck under Google’s vestment for Google in journalism not would hold out for deals under the pro- Seven West Media said it will release to strike a deal with Google to pay for tions, thanked the government and the own model, News Showcase. Google just in metro areas but in smaller com- posed code that would include all news. more details about the deal after those journalism in a partnership announced Australian competition regulator for has reached pay deals with more than munities, she added. “So far publicly they’ve said they details are fi nalized within 30 days. Monday before the nation’s Parliament their proposed law that the Parliament 450 publications globally since News Neither Google nor Seven West Me- support the code,” Barnet said of the Before the announcement, Treas- considers draft laws to force digital gi- will consider Tuesday. Showcase was launched in October. dia mentioned how much the deal was two rivals. “They might feel some pres- urer Josh Frydenberg had said Google ants to pay for news. “Their outstanding leadership on the Google announced two weeks ago worth. Rival media company Nine En- sure now to get on board (with News and Facebook were close to striking Google and the publicly listed implementation of the proposed news that it had begun paying seven far tertainment reported, citing unnamed Showcase).” commercial deals, “which could be broadcast television, print and online media bargaining code has resulted in smaller Australian websites under industry sources, that it was worth Australian media companies stood of real benefi t to the domestic media publishing company jointly announced us being able to conclude negotiations News Showcase. more than 30 million Australian dollars to make better deals under the code landscape and see journalists rewarded they had agreed on a “long-term part- that result in fair payment and ensure Google regional director Mel Silva ($23 million) a year. without Google “in the driver’s seat” of fi nancially for generating original con- nership” after weekend discussions our digital future,” Stokes said in a said: “We are proud to support original, Swinburne University senior lecturer negotiations, she said. tent, as it should be.” Australian government ministers had statement. trusted, and quality journalism and are on media Belinda Barnet described the “If it goes through as is, it will be Google and Facebook did not im- with media executives, Facebook CEO “The negotiations with Google rec- excited to welcome Seven West Media New Showcase deal as a “consolation very benefi cial for Australian media,” mediately respond to requests for com- Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai, ognise the value of quality and original today as a major Australian publishing prize” since it did not include news Barnet said of the code. “Google will ment about Frydenberg’s discussions chief executive of Alphabet Inc. and its journalism throughout the country and, partner to join Google News Show- linked through Google’s search engine. be lobbying very hard in the back- with their leaders. World stocks rally, bringing Japanese mkt to 30-yr high US markets closed for Washington’s Birthday

BANGKOK, Feb 15, (AP): “Markets remain target fi xated Japan recently re-imposed a state hitting all-time highs. on the Biden stimulus and vaccine of emergency in Tokyo and several The S&P 500 rose 0.5% to World shares started the rollouts as the magic panacea for the other prefectures to battle a resur- 3,934.83, a record high for the sec- week off with a rally, as world’s pandemic ills,” Jeffrey Hal- gence of outbreaks. But sustained ond day in a row. It was its second Japan’s Nikkei 225 index ley of Oanda said in a commentary. corporate investment and govern- straight weekly gain. That has translated into higher stock ment spending are expected to help The tech-heavy Nasdaq composite closed above 30,000 for prices, with the world awash with offset the impact on travel, restau- picked up 0.5%, to 14,095.47, also the fi rst time since August stimulus funds seeking returns in a rants and other sectors most affected. a record. The Dow Jones Industrial 1990. world where interest rates are around The Nikkei 225 closed up 1.9% Average likewise set a new high, European markets closed sharp- zero percent, he said. at 30,084.15. It was its highest level edging 0.1% higher to 31,458.40. ly higher on Monday, following Germany’s DAX gained 0.4% to since August 1990, just as Japan’s A majority of U.S. companies 14,109.48 while the CAC40 in Paris bubble economy was beginning have now reported their latest round an advance in Asia. Shanghai rose 1.5% to 5,786.25. Britain’s FTSE to implode after peaking at nearly of earnings and the results have been and Hong Kong were closed for 100 surged 2.5% to 6,756.11. U.S. fu- 39,000 in 1989. surprisingly good. Roughly 75% the Lunar New Year. U.S. mar- tures also rose, with the contract for Other Asian markets also saw of companies in the S&P 500 have kets remained closed Monday for the S&P 500 up 0.5%. The future for strong gains. The Kospi in Seoul released results, showing overall Washington’s Birthday. the Dow industrials rose 0.6%. rose 1.5% to 3,147.00 and India’s growth of 2.8%, according to Fact- Optimism that the U.S. govern- The strong buying in Tokyo was Sensex climbed 1.1% to 54, 102.41. Set. That’s a sharp reversal from the ment will come through on tril- driven by news that the Japanese In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200 rose 13% contraction analysts had fore- lions of dollars of more aid for the economy grew at a nearly 13% annual 0.9% to 6,868.90. cast in late September. economy and encouraging company pace in the last quarter, and by strong Thailand’s SET benchmark index In other trading U.S. benchmark earnings reports have helped stocks corporate earnings reports. It was the gained 0.9% after the government crude oil picked up 75 cents to grind higher this month, along with second straight quarter of growth af- forecast the economy will expand by $60.22 per barrel in electronic trad- hopes that the coronavirus vaccine ter a downturn drastically worsened 2.5%-3.5% this year after contract- ing on the New York Mercantile rollout will set the stage for stronger by the impact of the pandemic. ing 6.1% in 2020 as the government Exchange. It advanced $1.23 on Fri- economic growth in the second half The recovery should put the restricted international travel and day. Brent crude, the international of this year. economy on track to recover to pre- imposed other limits on activities to standard, gained 84 cents to $63.27 Democrats have decided to use a pandemic levels by next year, helped combat the pandemic. per barrel. legislative process that does not re- by a recovery in demand for exports On Friday, technology companies The dollar rose to 105.34 Japanese quire Republican support to pass the in the U.S. and other major trading led a late-afternoon rally on Wall yen from 104.99 yen late Friday. The $1.9 trillion package proposed by partners, Marcel Thieliant of Capital Street that capped a week of wobbly euro strengthened to $1.2138 from President Joe Biden. Economies said in a report. trading. with the major stock indexes $1.2123.

A man wearing a protective mask walks in front of an electronic stock board showing Japan’s Nikkei 225 index at a securities fi rm Monday, Feb 15, 2021, in Tokyo. Asian shares started the week off with a rally, as Japan’s Nikkei 225 index closed above 30,000 for the fi rst time since August 1990. (AP) ‘You can’t claim wages paid with a forgiven PPP loan’ Breaking down tax implications of PPP loans By Kelsey Sheehy that code. Congress specifi ed, and the IRS clari- PPP funds NerdWallet fi ed, that forgiven PPP loans will not count as in- The latest round of coronavirus relief also gives come. This applies whether your entire loan is for- business owners more fl exibility with how they he approaching tax season is raising fresh given or just a portion. spend PPP funds. Newly covered costs include Tquestions for business owners who received “If it is forgiven, it will not be taxable income. protective equipment, property damage and busi- a loan through the Paycheck Protection Program. Period,” Hall says. ness software. Can you deduct expenses paid with your loan You can deduct expenses paid with a PPP loan Business taxes aren’t part of that expanded list. funds? Do you need to do anything differently this This one has been more of a moving target. So if you use your PPP loan to pay your business year? And if your loan is forgiven, is it considered Initially, the IRS’ position was this: Expenses paid taxes, that amount won’t be forgiven. taxable income? with PPP loan funds can’t be deducted if the loan You can still claim the employee retention Answers to these questions have been hard to was or will be forgiven. tax credit nail down, in part due to shifting guidance from However, that changed with the coronavirus re- Businesses can now claim the Employee Re- the IRS. But new rules spelled out in the latest lief act signed into law on Dec. 27, 2020, which tention Tax Credit if they meet the requirements. round of coronavirus relief help put an end to the specifi es that deductions shouldn’t be denied sim- There’s one important caveat: You can’t claim confusion. ply due to the loan being forgiven. wages paid with a forgiven PPP loan. “Doing your taxes wasn’t easy before COVID,” That means expenses paid with your PPP loan You can, however, claim the credit on wages says Keith Hall, president and CEO of the Nation- are deductible. paid above and beyond the amount forgiven. al Association for the Self-Employed. “The good This outcome effectively creates two layers of To qualify for the tax credit, you must continue news is this year isn’t going to be any harder than tax benefi ts for PPP loan recipients, says Roshani to pay employees despite being temporarily shut tax returns you’ve had in the past.” Pandey, fi nancial advisor and founder of True down because of COVID-19 restrictions or suffer- Forgiven PPP loans are not taxable Root Financial in San Francisco. ing a 20% drop in gross receipts compared with “Historically and forever, if you have a business “The fi rst benefi t is making the loan income- the same quarter in the prior year. loan and it is forgiven, that automatically is tax- tax-free,” Pandey says. “The second is allowing These changes were ushered in with the coro- able income. It’s been in the internal revenue code businesses to claim income deductions on expens- navirus relief bill on Dec. 27, 2020, but are retro- forever,” Hall says. es paid.” active to March 12, 2020. The credit is good on Paycheck Protection Program loans break from Business taxes are not an allowable use of qualifi ed wages paid up to July 1, 2021. (AP)



Zimbabwe to get China shot Japan formally okays its 1st COVID vaccine TOKYO, Feb 15, (Agencies): Japan on Sunday formally ap- proved its fi rst COVID-19 vaccine and said it would start na- tionwide inoculations within days, but months behind the US and many other countries. Japan’s health ministry said it had approved the vaccine co- developed and supplied by Pfi zer Inc. The announcement comes after a government panel on Fri- day confi rmed that fi nal results of clinical testing done in Japan showed that the vaccine had an effi cacy similar to what over- seas tests showed. Many countries began vaccinating their citizens late last year, and Pfi zer’s vaccine has been used elsewhere since De- cember. Under the current plan, about 20,000 front-line medical workers at hospitals in Japan will get their fi rst shots begin- ning around Wednesday. About 3.7 million other medical workers will be next, followed by elderly people, who are expected to get their shots in April. By June, it’s expected that all others will be eligible. Health ministry offi cial Yuta Yamashita said inoculations can start as soon as a ministry panel on vaccination logistics gives the go-ahead. The approval was granted in a spe- cial fast-track process for emergency Omi use. It took two months compared to the usual one year in a country known for cautious and slow-moving approval processes. Still, the rollout in Japan is months behind many other coun- In this Jan. 18, 2021, file photo, a vial of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against COVID-19 is prepared at a vaccination center of the 3rd district, in Paris. Japan on Feb tries because the government had asked for clinical testing at 14, formally approved its first COVID-19 vaccine and said it would start nationwide inoculations within days, but months behind the US and many other countries. home in addition to the multinational tests Pfi zer conducted on Japan’s health ministry said it had approved the vaccine co-developed and supplied by Pfizer Inc. (AP) more than 40,000 people from July to November. Many coun- tries accepted Pfi zer’s results and moved ahead. In a country where many people are skeptical about vac- cines, Japan sought additional tests to address safety concerns. Health But the tests were conducted on only 160 people, and some question whether it was worth it to delay the rollout. Vaccines are considered key to holding the delayed Tokyo Olympics this summer. Japan is expected to receive 144 mil- lion doses from Pfi zer, 120 million from AstraZeneca and Physicians deploy advanced tech during COVID pandemic about 50 million from Moderna before the end of this year, enough to cover its population. Vaccines being developed by Japan are still in the early stages, so the country must rely on imports. AstraZeneca Remote heart monitoring helps patients applied for approval in Japan only recently, while Moderna hasn’t applied yet. Japan’s reliance on the imports, many of ABU DHABI, UAE, Feb 15: Cardiac them subject to EU export controls, is also causing concerns patients continued to receive support about supplies. even when they were confi ned to their homes during the COVID-19 pandem- Adaptations and innovations in Competitiveness ic, thanks to the remote heart monitor- Shigeru Omi, the head of the government coronavirus task ing program at Cleveland Clinic Abu force, earlier this month cited a lack of global competitive- Dhabi, an integral part of Mubadala cancer care through pandemic ness of Japanese pharmaceuticals as a reason for the delayed Health. rollout. For Diana Barreto, the advanced SHARJAH, UAE, Feb 15: Marking the need for prevention and provide Japan reported 478 new cases of the coronavirus as of 4:00 technology provides peace of mind World Cancer Day on 4th February, a safe environment for treatment. p.m. (0700 GMT) on Monday, raising the nation’s total num- Diana Barreto, 52-year-old Abu Dha- even during stressful periods. Friends of Cancer Patients (FOCP) Working to strengthen its three bi resident, who suffers from mul- – a UAE-based civil society organ- pillars of Advocacy, Patient Access ber to 416,423, the health ministry and local authorities said. The 52-year-old Abu Dhabi resident isation, has taken the opportunity to and Community Awareness, FOCP The country’s cumulative death toll stood at 6,982. tiple heart conditions, says ‘I feel so was fi rst diagnosed with multiple heart safe and confident that my doctors extend its gratitude to the nurses, had a promising start of 2020 with Tokyo added 266 new infections, falling below 300 for the conditions ten years ago, when she doctors, researchers, volunteers, two key projects: the third edition of fi rst time in a week, which brought the total cases in the Japa- at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi are fainted at a party in the United States. closely monitoring my heartbeat and if advocates and other caregivers in the Global NCD Alliance Forum in nese capital to 106,771. After two open heart surgeries, fi rst to oncology from around the coun- February, which witnessed 400 del- The tallies exclude those who were linked to a virus-hit something goes wrong, they will catch repair and then to replace the mitral it right away.’ try, as well as government agen- egates from 80 nations, followed by cruise ship in February. valve, she was fi tted with a pacemak- cies, who have worked these past the Pink Caravan Ride – FOCP’s Tokyo and nine other prefectures are currently under the er for atrial fi brillation – an irregular 12 months through the COVID-19 annual pan-UAE campaign to state of emergency, which will remain in place until March heartbeat – with occasional sympto- pandemic. spread breast cancer awareness 7. Residents in the designated areas are urged to refrain from matic slow heart rate. The condition Led by the Union for International and offer free health check-ups. At nonessential outings. Restaurants and other establishments are Discovery meant she could never pursue her pas- Cancer Control (UICC), the 2021 the end of a 10-day trek across the also asked to close by 8:00 p.m. sion for salsa dancing as a profession World Cancer Day theme “I Am and UAE, the campaign had success- Meanwhile Zimbabwe is preparing to receive its fi rst deliv- and made her worry she would never I Will” encapsulates their extraordi- fully delivered 11,077 free breast ery of China’s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, saying the ship- nary spirit and the strength of the screenings and medical consulta- Cargo ship launched to ISS: An un- dance again. ment will fi rst undergo “rigorous examinations” before being “Dancing has always been part of cancer community. Their stories tions to residents. manned Russian cargo ship launched suc- captured throughout the past year “By the time we concluded our rolled out, offi cials said. cessfully Monday with a load of supplies my life and my childhood dream was It will be one of China’s fi rst shipments of vaccines to Af- to be in the performing arts. It was are being showcased on the occa- 10th annual Pink Caravan Ride in for the International Space Station. sion of World Cancer Day in testi- early March, the stark reality of the rica, after deliveries to Egypt and Equatorial Guinea. The Progress MS-16 cargo ship blasted frustrating not to be able to follow my The southern African country’s fi rst vaccines, expected monies and articles on a dedicated COVID-19 pandemic, and the ex- off as scheduled at 9:45 am (0445 GMT) passion because of my heart issues,” page of the official website. These tent of disruption it would cause to early Monday, will be 200,000 doses of the vaccine donated from the Russia-leased Baikonur launch she said. by the Chinese government, while another 600,000 doses of stories highlight that while the pan- life and work, had begun becoming facility in Kazakhstan and reached a des- Until last year, Diana was fearful demic is threatening the progress apparent. We at FOCP immediately the same vaccine have been purchased by the government ignated orbit en route to the station. of the impact of any strenuous activ- being made in the fight against can- knew that we were not going to let and will arrive early next month, the state-run Sunday Mail It is carrying water, propellant and oth- ity on her arrhythmia. But now that she cer, it has also created the opportu- the lockdown put a damper on the reported. er supplies and is set to dock at the space is one of the 700 patients at Cleveland nity for several national health sys- goals we had set for the rest of 2020. Zimbabwe “aims to assess these vaccines within 48 hours” outpost on Wednesday. Clinic Abu Dhabi whose heart is being tems to address existing challenges. Our team rose to the challenge, of arrival, Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe spokes- The space outpost is now operated by remotely monitored by the hospital’s The results of a survey con- designed a robust remote working man Shingai Gwatidzo said according to the paper. NASA’s Kate Rubins, Michael Hopkins, Heart and Vascular Institute, those ducted by UICC with over 100 of its plan, which was supported by mul- Frontline workers such as health professionals and immi- Victor Glover and Shannon Walker; Ja- concerns have lessened. member organisations in 55 coun- tiplatform communication channels gration agents working at borders will get fi rst priority for the pan Aerospace Exploration Agency astro- tries, including civil society, hospi- to ensure we were able to fully sus- vaccines, according to a government rollout plan. naut Soichi Noguchi; and Russian Space Benefi t tals, research centres and patient tain the vital services provided to our Agency Roscosmos’ Sergey Ryzhikov On Twitter, Zimbabwe’s embassy in China posted a video Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi estab- support groups, revealed that their patients while keeping in touch with of the vaccines being loaded into a state-owned Air Zimbabwe and Sergey Kud-Sverchkov. (AP) income and organisational activi- our partners and stakeholders, and ❑ ❑ ❑ lished its remote heart monitoring pro- plane in China, touting it as an example of the Asian country’s gram in August 2015. Patients are im- ties are under significant pressure, executing every project, campaign “friendship” with developing countries. ‘Flight needs more time’: Virgin planted with a small device under their with almost three-quarters report- and programme we had on our an- Zimbabwe has since 2003 turned to China, and also Rus- Galactic on Friday put off plans to make skin and benefi t from round the clock ing reductions in income of any- nual roster.” sia, for assistance after falling out with Western countries that another attempt at a rocket-powered fl ight monitoring by their care team. The de- where from 25% to 100% in 2020 Throughout 2020, FOCP organ- imposed sanctions in response to allegations of human rights from New Mexico to the fringe of space, and similar projections for 2021. ised 72 webinars remaining strong vice transmits abnormal fi ndings, ena- For FOCP, while the past year in its training and advocacy efforts; abuses and vote-rigging by then-president Robert Mugabe, saying it needed more time for technical bling the medical team to diagnose and who lost power in 2017 and died in 2019. His successor, Em- checks. posed an unprecedented challenge signed a key strategic partnership monitor the patient’s response to therapy as the entity continued its efforts with UNFPA to boost its role in merson Mnangagwa, has continued maintaining close ties with The space tourism venture said in a so- remotely. Last year, the hospital added China and Russia as Western countries maintain sanctions, cial media post that its team at Spaceport to engage in community outreach HPV and cervical cancer elimina- America would be working to identify the 250 additional patients to the program. efforts amid restrictions on travel tion, launched the 3rd edition of charging that he is as repressive as his predecessor and men- During the peak of the pandemic, tor, Mugabe. next opportunity to move the testing pro- and social gatherings and faced the Arabic Language Cancer Atlas gram along as the promise of commercial Diana had an ‘episode’ of abnormal a few barriers while providing pa- in collaboration with UICC, ACS Immunity fl ights continues to loom. heart rhythms and she immediately re- tients access to treatment due to and IARC; FOCP’s Ameera Fund, ceived a call from the medical team at a pressurised national healthcare a global cancer fund advanced its The 200,000 doses arriving from China on Monday are a The last attempt in December was cut short when computer trouble prevented Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. system, the cancer non-profit rose humanitarian endeavours at UAE far cry from the millions needed to administer jabs to the 10 the spaceship’s rocket from fi ring prop- “It was a bit surprising at fi rst be- to the challenge that was 2020 and and abroad and conducted a train- million people, or 60 percent of Zimbabwe’s population, to erly. Instead of soaring toward space, cause they knew exactly how I was turned it into an opportunity to in- ing for cancer registrars in charge achieve herd immunity. the ship and its two pilots were forced to feeling and asked me a series of ques- novate, strengthen local and global of the regional cancer registry;and Zimbabwe “has also submitted its expression of interest” make an immediate landing by gliding tions before deciding that I needed to partnerships, and continue strongly was able to support treatment costs to be part of an initiative by the African Union to bulk buy back down to the runway at the desert alter my medication dose and reduce on its mission of cancer prevention worth AED 2.95 million of 400 can- vaccines for African countries, Information Minister Monica outpost in southern New Mexico. my activity levels,” she said. and control in the UAE and beyond. cer patients and their families in the Mutsvangwa said last week. Over the past week, preparations for Dr. Khalid Bakr, an Associate Staff The testimonies that UICC is UAE; and extended emotional sup- Local private businesses have also been asked to donate to the latest attempt included installing Physician in the Heart and Vascular In- showcasing illustrate how organisa- port to 2000+ cancer sufferers, in- help the fi nancially struggling nation buy vaccines. the rocket motor into the spacecraft and stitute at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi tions and healthcare workers are cluding families, through its various In another development, Serbia on Sunday donated a fi rst checking the operation of a feathering said this has been a very benefi cial tool rallying across the globe to support programmes and cultural events. batch of 8,000 doses of Pfi zer COVID-19 vaccines to North system that slows and stabilizes the craft patients, resume screenings and di- Considerable challenges remain as it re-enters the atmosphere. for their patients during the pandemic. agnostics, maintain awareness on in the fight against cancer. Macedonia, which is yet to deliver its fi rst jabs. “Vulnerable patients can be assisted in the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and North Macedo- The spacecraft also was secured to the carrier plane that will fl y it to a high alti- comfort of their home through the remote nian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev attended a border checkpoint monitoring program. We’ve been able Abu Dhabi are closely monitoring Neurological, Digestive Disease, Eye, handover ceremony of the shipment, praising friendship be- tude, where it will be released so it can fi re its rocket motor and make the fi nal to monitor and assist a lot of our patients my heartbeat and if something goes Respiratory, Critical Care, Surgical tween the two neighboring Balkan states. who may not have needed hospitalization wrong, they will catch it right away.” Subspecialties, Medical Subspecialties, Serbia, a country of 7 million, has so far vaccinated some push to space. The fl ights are designed to reach an but just medical advice remotely during Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, part Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, 600,000 people, mainly with the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine the movement restrictions last year.” of Mubadala’s network of world-class Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Im- and Russian Sputnik V, and to a lesser extent with the Pfi zer altitude of at least 50 miles (80.5 kilom- eters) before the rocket motor is turned Dr. Bakr said that such technology healthcare providers, is a multispe- aging, Quality & Patient Safety, and jab. The country has been one of the most successful in Europe off and the crew prepares to reenter the allows doctors to detect heart problems cialty hospital on Al Maryah Island Clinical & Nursing. In all, more than 40 in terms of how fast it has rolled out the vaccine among its atmosphere and glide to a landing. early on by analyzing data in real time, in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Cleveland Clinic medical and surgical specialties are rep- population. Preparations for the next fl ight also Abu Dhabi is a unique and unparal- resented at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. By contrast, North Macedonia, like most of other Western looking at long-term and short-term included loading payload belonging to trends. In extreme cases, the team can leled extension of US-based Cleveland For more information or to book an Balkan countries, has not yet secured a single dose of the coro- NASA aboard the six-passenger ship. navirus vaccine for its population of 2.1 million. Many of the also alert emergency services and po- Clinic’s model of care, specifi cally de- appointment at Cleveland Clinic Abu While the fl ight window for the test tentially save a patient’s life. signed to address a range of complex Dhabi, call 800 222 33,visit www.cleve- states in the region are reconsidering their strategy of waiting would have opened Saturday, Virgin for Western-supplied shots and are mulling the purchase of the Diana concluded that being on the and critical care requirements unique or download the Galactic has said there will be opportuni- to the Abu Dhabi population. Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi app. Chinese and Russian ones. ties to fl y throughout February pending program allows her to be more care- “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” Vucic said, while Zaev its readiness and weather conditions. A free. “I feel so safe and confi dent Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi has the (Source: Cleveland Clinic Abu praised him for showing the “real solidarity in practice.” storm system is expected to move across that my doctors at Cleveland Clinic following Institutes: Heart & Vascular, Dhabi) The vaccine handover had to be postponed last week be- New Mexico this weekend, bringing with cause Pfi zer and its German partner BioNTech had demanded it frigid temperatures and snow in many “additional documentation” from Serbia on the re-export of its locations. shots, Vucic said. Virgin Galactic is one of a few com- Vucic’s opponents in Serbia have called his vaccine do- panies looking to cash in on custom- ers with an interest in space. Jeff Be- died at 17 years old, a New Jersey zoo able,” said Dr Alex Ernst, associate vet- nation to North Macedonia another of his populist political said Sunday. erinarian at the zoo. moves meant to portray him as the main regional leader. They zos’ Blue Origin company in January launched a new capsule as part of test Himani, who reared four litters of cubs Himani was born in June 2003 and say many in Serbia are still waiting in line to get inoculated as it aims to get its program for tourists, at a time when snow leopard breeding came to the Cape May County Zoo in with their fi rst choice Pfi zer shots. scientists and professional astronauts success was at a low point, was “peace- 2009 from the Knoxville Zoo in Ten- Earlier this week, North Macedonian authorities signed an off the ground. (AP) fully euthanized following a battle with nessee, the Press of Atlantic City re- agreement to procure 200,000 doses of the Chinese Sinopharm ❑ ❑ ❑ cancer” on Friday, according to a press ported. vaccine, with which they hope to launch their vaccination pro- release from Cape May County. Himani’s cubs were moved to zoos gram later this month. Snow leopard dies of cancer: A “Her contributions to the conservation across the country, carrying “her legacy snow leopard that gained national atten- of her species and to the future of the and genetics to raise cubs of their own,” tion for giving birth to seven cubs has Cape May County Zoo are immeasur- Bezos Rubins according to the zoo. (AP) Music TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 FFeatureseatures HGTV andMallMasters onthe hosted Designers’Challengeon former TVGuideNetwork.Hehas co-hosted Hollywood411onthe show YouDeserveIt.Hehasalso Brooke Burns September. In2011,Harrisonand Primetime EmmyAwardsin age, beginningwiththe2009 live redcarpetawardscover- Harrison wassignedtoanchorits known as“Pop,”announcedthat ber Inaba racism, Idefendedit,”hewrote. offensive. “Byexcusinghistorical a contestantthatareconsidered again fordefendingtheactionsby Saturday, Harrisonapologized the ABCdatingshow. of aswirlingracialcontroversyat and is“ashamed”forhishandling stepping downfromhisTVrole host of“TheBachelor,”saysheis with theStarsjudge ABC. Hisco-hostswereDancing Music Awardspre-showliveon Harrison hostedtheAmerican “Ping, PingaSong”. a musicshowhost,intheepisode on SabrinatheTeenageWitch,as Bachelor.” follow theseasonfi the FinalRose”specialthatwill and willnotbehostingthe”After TV show“foraperiodoftime” said heissteppingasidefromhis over howuninformedIwas.”He damage” andhewas“ashamed urday, saying“myignorancedid in theinterview. ing, alittlecompassion,”hesaid a littlegrace,understand- social media.“Weallneedtohave he calledthe“wokepolice”on defended Kirkconnellagainstwhat “racist andoffensive”actions. apology forwhatshecallsherpast ball. Kirkconnelllaterissuedan antebellum plantationthemed as aNativeAmericanandatan which sheisdressedincostume Kirkconnell “Bachelor” contestant tive pastbehaviorfromcurrent was askedaboutraciallyinsensi- an interviewon“Extra”whenhe LOS ANGELES: avid listenerandcollectorofmusic,hehasalsowrittenbookson from thesong,withliveguitarperformedbyhisguestKaoriMuraji. narrator detailshismemoryofmeetingwithametaphysicalgirl 1982 shortstory“The1963/1982GirlfromIpanema,”inwhicha your kindness,”hesaid. fi prejudice anddiscriminationagainstcoronaviruspatients,saidhe but thefrequentworldtravelerhasstayedinJapan. said hestillmaintainsadailyroutineincludingrunningandwriting, ing “AWildSheepChase”and“TheWind-upBirdChronicle”- ing togetherrenownedJapaneseperformersofBossanovaandjazz. online show,“MurakamiJam-BlameitontheBossaNova,”bring- relax evenjustalittlebit,”Murakami,72,saidashehostedlive time ofapandemic-BrazilianBossanovamusic. remedy forthosewhoneedrelaxationfromstressandworriesin TOKYO, Feb15,(AP):JapaneseauthorHarukiMurakamihasa Author Murakamihostslivejamforrelaxation amidpandemic nds thattherhythmofBossanovahasahealingeffect. The TVGuideNetwork,now Harrison cameunderfi In anewstatementposted On November23,2008, In 2002,Harrisonguest-starred Harrison apologizedonSat- In theinterview,Harrison Past photosofherresurfacedin “I thinkgoodmusicissomethingthathealspeopleandfi Music servesasanimportantmotifinMurakami’sstories.An The showisviewableonlineuntilFeb.21. During Sunday’sapproximatelytwo-hourshow,herecitedhis Murakami, whoonhisradioshowhasexpressedconcernabout Despite thepandemic,Murakami-knownforbestsellersinclud- “As wearegoingthroughatimeofanxiety,Ihopetohelpyou Nicole Scherzinger , andPussycatDollsmem- . co-hostedthegame

Chris Harrison nale of“The Carrie Ann Rachael . re after , violating a folksingerguiltyFridayof 3000 euros ($3,600)bythe during anevening concert. old sonperformon stagewithhim labor lawsforhavinghis4-year- BERLIN: Game ShowNetwork.(Agencies) Angelo Kelly Nancy Hollander(Foster),whoworkstogainSla- this byjuxtaposingthestoriesofdefenselawyer outs ofSlahi’slegalcase.Thefi information togetacrosshere,namelytheinsand at times.Partlythat’sbecausethere’salotofdry “The Mauritanian”hasaquasi-documentaryfeel as features(“TheLastKingofScotland”),and Oscar-winning “OneDayinSeptember”)aswell and soon. buzz he’sgetting;healsodeservesmorebigroles, proves hardtoforget.Rahimdeservestheawards subtly shadedanddeeplymovingportrayalthat Woodley —donot,presentingamulti-layered, Jodie Foster,BenedictCumberbatchandShailene actor achievessomethinghisbig-namecostars— him’s masterfulcentralperformance.TheFrench Macdonald, getsonethingveryright:TaharRa- threats toimprisonhisownmotheratGuantanamo. deprivation, amockdrowning,waterboarding,and of torture:severecold,sexualhumiliation,sleep And inconditionsthatincludedabrutalstretch tanamo withoutbeingformallychargedortried. to staysane,letalonejoyful,after14yearsatGuan- Dylan, noless.Onewondershowheevenmanaged of therealman,smilingandsingingjoyfullytoBob amo Diary.” best-selling memoirhewroteinprison,“Guantan- absorbing joboftellingSlahi’sstorybasedonthe who doanearnestandthoughtfuliflessthantotally the mostengagingpartoffi hi’s 14yearsbehindbars,thatreal-lifefootageis Guantanamo BaydetaineeMohamedouOuldSla- the end.In“TheMauritanian,”storyofformer I A star-making leadactin‘Mauritanian’ Macdonald isknownfordocumentaries(the Luckily, “TheMauritanian,”directedbyKevin It’s justthatnothingcanbeatthisintimateview That’s notentirelythefaultoffi ries offeraglimpseofthereal-lifecharactersat t’s oftenthecasethatmoviesbasedontruesto- ❑ Variety Germany A Bavariancourtfound , 39,wasfi ’s strictchild Swift hasfi By JocelynNoveck ned Has- This imagereleasedbySTXfi res up res Rahim infuses every scenewithhumorandhumanity Rahim infusesevery Film the collectioninallits“whimsical,effervescent,chaoticentirety.” most made”thealbum.Shesaidlistenerswillgetachancetohear and alsocontainsixnever-beforereleasedsongs,tuneswhich“al- from Swift’ssophomorealbum,“Fearless.” fi her re-recordedalbums. will beold—thepopstarhasannouncedshe’sdroppingfi nished and“willbewithyousoon,”featuringre-recordedsongs lm. ikonl Harrison Kirkconnell The newsetwillhave26songs—theoriginalalbumhad13 Swift saidonlineThursdaythat“Fearless:Taylor’sVersion”is Last year, nished redoingsophomorealbum‘Fearless’ lm triestoachieve aginary fi ances arestillrare. Radio” show,butheisknownasasocialrecluseandpublicappear- rakami nowappearsasaDJforhisroughlybimonthly“Murakami fi the WindSing,”1987romance“NorwegianWood”becamehis graduating fromuniversity.Followinghis1979debutnovel,“Hear the topic. rst bestseller,establishinghimasayoungliterarystar. “Some peopledoubtifIreallyexist,andothersthinkI’manim- A perennialcontenderfortheNobelPrizeinliterature,Mu- Murakami beganwritingwhilerunningajazzbarinTokyoafter lmmakers, gure,” hesaid. Taylor Swift lms showsJodieFosterin‘TheMauritanian.’(AP) ❑ redacted documents;Couchseekscrucialdetails information. Hollanderreceivescartonsoffully cases, eachstymiedbygovernmentrestrictionson is thedeathpenalty. “When dowestart?”It’smadeclearthatthegoal planes thathittheWorldTradeCenter.Heasks: game: hisgoodbuddywasapilotononeofthe lead theprosecution.Theyknowhehasskinin a producerhere),who’stappedbysuperiorsto Duncan, tohelp(Woodley,underused.) in thiscountry?”Sheenlistsajuniorcolleague,Teri when didwestartlockingpeopleupwithoutatrial no ideaofhisinnocenceorguilt,butasks:“Since fi is approachedtousehersecurityclearancehelp didn’t.) she fearsmayneverseehimagain(infact, — andaskshertosavehimsomefood.It’sclear they say.Heassureshismotherhe’llbebacksoon ties toal-Qaeda.“TheAmericansaregoingcrazy,” 9/11. Thepoliceshowuptoquestionhimabout ding celebrationinMauritania,twomonthsafter humor andhumanity.Wefi actor fi nd Slahi, on behalf of his desperate family. She has nd Slahi,onbehalfofhisdesperatefamily.Shehas The fi Meanwhile wemeetCouch(Cumberbatch,also Four yearslaterinAlbuquerque,lawyerHollander Rahim, though,hasplentyofroomtoshine.The shame. side thecase.Withactorsofthiscaliber,that’sa we learnalmostnothingaboutthemaspeopleout- here reallydoesn’tgivethemalottoworkwith— are welcomepresencesinanymovie.Butthescript drawl asadevotedmilitarymanwithconscience, Hollander, andCumberbatch,sportingasouthern tary prosecutorStuartCouch(Cumberbatch.) hi’s releasebasedonlackofevidence,andUSmili- gave usalotofnewmusic.Thisyearit Both Foster,inherbrittle,crustyportrayalof nds away toinfusealmosteveryscenewith lm tracksthesetwoastheypursuetheir youngest ofKelly’sfi Wonderful World.”Theboyisthe William air summerconcertwithhisson the 2019appearanceatanopen sfurt preted his own song,” the court said, preted his ownsong,”thecourt said, played along,sang along andinter- 30 minutesonthestage wherehe child Williamstood foratleast “During this performance, the “During thisperformance,the administrativecourtfor Celebration , whosang“Whata rst meetSlahiatawed- ve children. rst of let youintotheentiredreamscape”thatis“Fearless”album. want youtohavethewholestory,seeentirevividpicture,and den messageusingonlythecapitalletterswhichreads:AprilNinth. be availablebutastatementshepostedonTwitterincludedhid- lower insearches. likely tobeembracedbyherfansandpushtheoriginalrecordings earned Swiftherfi songwriter beinggivenachancetoacquirehermasters. fi pany hadacquiredBigMachineLabelGroup,thehometoSwift’s manager tine’s Dayweekend. from “Fearless”onThursdayatmidnight,justintimeforValen- more.” record allmymusic,”sheadded. could’ve imaginedandhasmademeevenmoredeterminedtore- rst sixalbums.HethensoldSwift’scataloguewithoutthesinger- with usat ourshows.Ifhe did it,it was andisneverobliged toappear thing forme,”hewrote. “William my childrenisthe mostimportant he wouldappealtheverdict. ny, saidonhisFacebookpagethat Youth LaborProtectionAct.” “This isconsideredworkbythe according tothedpanewsagency. Swift willalsoreleaseanewversionofhersong“LoveStory” “This processhasbeenmorefulfi About thestuffednewrecording,Swiftwrote:“I’vedecidedI Swift hasn’tannouncedwhen“Fearless:Taylor’sVersion”will “Fearless” waswrittenwhenSwiftbetween16-18and Swift hasvowedtore-recordherfi In 2020,Taylordroppedtwoalbums—“Folklore”and“Ever- “As afather,thewell-beingof Kelly, whoispopularinGerma- her fi “Ziegfeld Girl”—whileCriterionwillhostthreeof Rings Twice,”“TheBadandtheBeautiful” ies onMonday—including“ThePostmanAlways best tocelebrateit.TCMwillair12ofhermov- Movies andtheCriterionChannelaredoingtheir and ’50smoviegoddess,bothTurnerClassic Lana Turner LOS ANGELES: Feb 26,2021,bySTXfi States onFeb12,andintheUnitedKingdom imprisoned atGuantanamoforsevenmoreyears. he’s won. his habeascorpushearing.Helearnsbymailthat is hardlythatclimactic:Slahitestifi toward adramaticcourtroomtrial.Thetrueclimax “The Mauritanian.” to throughagreenmeshfence,andwhodubshim friend atGuantanamo,aFrenchdetaineehespeaks gations ortheprisoner’sbasiceffortsatmakinga himself, whethertheyinvolvethedreadedinterro- the dynamicsofcase. ery ofthetortureSlahiwentthroughwillchange about interrogations.Foreach,theultimatediscov- time: 129minutes.Twoandahalfstarsoutoffour. including asexualassault,andlanguage.”Running tion PictureAssociationofAmerica“forviolence Drama, respectively. Supporting ActressandBestActor-MotionPicture nations atthe78thGoldenGlobeAwardsforBest Tahar Rahimwerepraised.Theyreceivednomi- views, buttheperformancesbyJodieFosterand Scooter Braun lms onitsstreamingservice.(Agencies) The MauritanianwasreleasedintheUnited And then,theclosingcreditstellus,heremains He whoopswithjoy.He’sgoinghome. The fi But themostaccessiblescenesfeatureSlahi “The Mauritanian,”hasbeenratedRbytheMo- lm hastherhythmofalegalthrillerheading rst GrammyAward.There-recordedversionis , thesultry,oft-mythologized1940s Monday markedthecentennialof announcedthathisIthacaHoldingscom- Also: lms. Itreceivedmixedre- (AP) 8:20 pm,according toauthorities. is now5,appeared onstageuntil p.m., dpareported. William,who between thehoursof8a.m.and5 approval ofanexceptionandonly hours aday,butonlywithoffi under Germanlawforuptotwo part inmusicalperformances was becausehewantedto.” lling andemotionalthanI rst sixalbumsaftermusic Children ages3to6cantake es byvideoat cial ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 NEWS/FEATURES 13

People & Places

American singer and songwriter Robin Thicke performs at the unveiling of ‘The Fountain’, a multicolored dancing water fountain at Okada Manila casino resort in suburban Pasay city south of Manila, Philippines on March 31, 2017. Thicke’s eighth album, ‘On Earth, and In Heaven,’ released on Feb 12. (AP) People Music ‘Entire family delighted’ ‘On Earth,’ a breezy, positive album Duchess of Sussex expecting 2nd child In Thicke of it, Robin fi nds light

LOS ANGELES, Feb 15, (AP): The Duke and Duch- By Mesfi n Fekadu ally is: when everything hits the wall. went over my album and he wasn’t ess of Sussex are expecting their second child, their And some of these things I could not very impressed, to say the least. He tabloid-heavy divorce and mon- control — my father, Andre, my man- was like, “Where’s all the horns and offi ce confi rmed Sunday. strous lawsuit about his biggest A spokesperson for Prince Harry, 36, and Meghan, A ager Jordan Feldstein, my house burn- the strings and the vocal production hit was hard enough, but then life hit ing down. But there were other things and the background you do? All the 39, said in a statement: “We can confi rm that Archie Robin Thicke beyond the gossip col- is going to be a big brother. The Duke and Duchess that happened like getting a divorce, bass lines and stuff?” Then he passed umn. getting sued, getting bad public press. away, so I went to work. I realized that of Sussex are overjoyed to be expecting their second His father, “Growing Pains” ac- child.” Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan There were things that I did and that he’d already given me so much life arrive at the annual Endeavour Fund tor Alan Thicke, died. The follow- I could have done much better, that I and fuel to my fi re. He supported me In a black-and-white photo of themselves, the cou- Awards in London, March 5, 2020. ing year, his popular manager Jordan ple sat near a tree with Harry’s hand placed under could have handled much better that and believed in me and had some new The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are Feldstein — actor Jonah Hill’s brother made all of these problems come into place to take my talents. I wanted to Meghan’s head as she lies on his lap with her hand expecting their second child, their of- who also oversaw Maroon 5’s career resting on her bump. fi ce confi rmed Sunday, Feb 14. (AP) play at one time. My vanity. My ego. honor him and also honor my father, — died at just 40. My arrogance. All the things that need- of course, by fi nishing it. The baby will be eighth in line to the British throne. Thicke’s Malibu home burned A Buckingham Palace spokesman said: “Her Maj- ed to be met all were met over this pe- AP: What do you remember most down a year later because of the riod of time. They all shook hands and about Andre? esty, Duke of Edinburgh, Woolsey fi re. And last year his cham- Prince of Wales and the entire they fought it out. Right now, the good Thicke: He was just nonstop posi- Variety pion and mentor Andre Harrell, the angel is winning and is enjoying music tive, fun, generous with his energy, family are delighted and wish record executive who launched the them well.” and his family. ...I’m really just going patient with people and inspiring. He careers of Sean “Diddy” Combs and through a gratitude period for every- really could look around the room The duke told chimpanzee MINEOLA, NY: The 64-year-old father Mary J. Blige, died. expert Jane Goodall in 2019 of rapper Nicki Minaj has died after be- thing I have. I’m happier because of it. and see where everybody was at and “I’ve always been a pretty positive AP: What helped you get out of that give them some little tidbit, some lit- that he would only have two ing struck by a hit-and-run driver in New person and obviously this fi ve, six children for the sake of the York, police said. dark place? tle piece, some little nugget that’ll help years I just went through challenged Thicke: planet. Robert Maraj was walking along a road all of my preconceived notions of faith I think we all reach our push them forward. He was almost like Goodall said: “Not too in Mineola on Long Island at 6:15 pm breaking point in some way. The an angel in disguise that way. He even many,” and Harry replied: and positivity,” Thicke said. Friday when he was hit by a car that kept While trying to live life and fi nd the world is telling you, “You need to taught me that, he said, “You never “Two, maximum.” going, Nassau County police said. Maraj make some changes.” The people that know if that guy on the street that just was taken to a hospital, where he was light, Thicke also grew distant from Meghan Harry and American actor love you, the people that don’t, some- handed you his mixtape is the next Meghan Markle married at pronounced dead Saturday. music — a hard realization for the Grammy-nominated performer who how you’re getting a recurring mes- Jay-Z.” He saw magic come from the Windsor Castle in May 2018. Their son Archie was Police are asking any witnesses to the sage that change needs to happen. For most unlikeliest of places. He went to born a year later. fatal crash to come forward. typically takes one to two-year breaks in between albums. me I had to strip down my selfi shness, the projects and signed Mary J. Blige In early 2020, Meghan and Harry announced they Minaj, 38, was born Onika Tanya my vanity, my self-importance. My and told her mother right after she sang, were quitting royal duties and moving to North Amer- Maraj in Trinidad and was raised in the Then he wrote a song about his fa- ther. And another about Harrell. sensitivities of being made fun of or “Your daughter is going to sing for ica, citing what they said were the unbearable intru- New York City borough of Queens. She being called names. kings and queens someday.” She did. sions and racist attitudes of the British media. They has not made any public statement about “I just kind of woke up out of the her father’s death. fog, the creative fog I was in and per- Robin Thicke says he’s a new man He did that for me. He believed in me recently bought a house in Santa Barbara, California. after experiences deaths of family more than anybody else did. In November, Meghan revealed that she had a mis- An email seeking comment was sent to a sonal fog I was in. Just started seeing representative for Minaj. (AP) the world a little differently, fi nally,” members and close friends, a public AP: Andre’s son, Gianni Credle- carriage in July 2020, giving a personal account of the divorce and more. Harrell, is listed as a co-writer on traumatic experience in hope of helping others. ❑ ❑ ❑ he said. “On Earth, and in Heaven,” I think that is one of the great super- “Beautiful.” What was it like working LEWISTON, Maine: A group of budding powers, to be able to laugh at yourself, with his him? Privacy young writers is about to publish a book with Thicke’s eighth album, released last Friday and the 11-track set is a breezy, to not take yourself too seriously and Thicke: That was actually just a fun A few days ago, the duchess won a privacy claim some help from Maine’s most famous writer. to enjoy the room, even when they’re evening. I had crafted the song, but I against a newspaper over the publication of a personal Stephen King’s foundation covered acoustic R&B journey about his hard and heavy times, though hope is at the teasing you. I didn’t have that before. didn’t have the lyrics fi nished and I letter to her estranged father. the $6,500 cost of publishing a 290-page I held on to my music and my art too didn’t have some of the message fi n- A newspaper invaded the Duchess of Sussex’s pri- manuscript by students participating in center of it. Farwell Elementary School’s Author Stud- “That’s What Love Can Do,” which tight. I held on to everything I had ished. I had the chorus, the base of it vacy by publishing a personal letter to her estranged worked so hard for too tight. Then I and the musical structure, but I hadn’t father, a British judge has ruled Thursday, in a major ies Program. closes the album, was written after his victory for the royal in her campaign against what she The students started with “Fletcher Mc- father passed; “Look Easy,” the new couldn’t take any negativity — any connected to what made that song sees as media intrusion. Kenzie and the Passage to Whole,” a story single, is dedicated to “the front line apples, oranges and tomatoes being stand apart. Gianni came and he gave Meghan Markle sued publisher Associated News- about a Maine boy by Gary Savage, and workers and our moms and our teach- thrown at me. At this point in my life, me some ideas for some melody fl ows papers for invasion of privacy and copyright infringe- then reworked it to refl ect their experiences ers”; “Out of My Mind” touches on luckily, I’ve learned to embrace all (and) I ended up keeping a little part. ment over fi ve February 2019 articles in the Mail re- during the pandemic. depression and anxiety as well as fi nd- parts of the culture of fame and enter- It wasn’t until George Floyd hap- cently and on the MailOnline website that published Farwell Principal Amanda Winslow ing peace; and “Beautiful” is about tainment. pened that I brought the song back. It large portions of a letter she wrote to her father after said she is proud of the students for their fi nding the light in a sea of darkness. AP: Was is diffi cult writing about was actually sitting still for four years. accomplishment and thankful for the dedi- In an interview with The Associ- your father on this album? When George Floyd happened, I went her 2018 wedding to Prince Harry. cation of Savage, who advised the students, High Court judge Mark Warby ruled that the pub- ated Press, edited for clarity and brev- Thicke: It’s cathartic for me. It’s back to the song and I rewrote it be- and librarian Kathy Martin. ity, Thicke talks about writing about therapeutic. It helps me get through cause there’s a line that says, “I look lisher had misused the duchess’s private information A number of local groups also sent and infringed her copyright. his loved ones, getting rid of his ego, my tough times. It defi nitely helped in your eyes, your smile reminds me donations that will be used for the Author me. If it helps me, then maybe it’ll what love’s about.” That famous pic- He said the duchess “had a reasonable expectation Studies program. (AP) fatherhood and what he learned from that the contents of the letter would remain private. ❑ ❑ ❑ the gift and curse that was “Blurred help somebody else. Maybe it’ll com- ture of George Floyd, where he’s smil- The Mail articles interfered with that reasonable ex- Lines.” fort them. ing, the lyric came back to my head pectation.” LONDON: Larry the cat, a four-legged AP: You’ve been through a lot in AP: Did writing about your father when I saw him smiling in the midst of Meghan said she was grateful to the court for hold- inhabitant of London’s 10 Downing St, the last few years, but the album is and Andre open the fl oodgates so you the situation. I wanted to write a song ing Associated Newspapers to account “for their il- is marking a decade as Britain’s mouse- positive. Is that the message you want- could write the rest of the album? about tearing down the existing sys- legal and dehumanizing practices.” catcher in chief on Monday. ed to send? Thicke: Yeah. I spoke with Andre tem and rebuilding something that’s She said that “with this comprehensive win on both The tabby cat was recruited by then- Thicke: That’s what the album re- about a week before he passed. We beautiful, something better. (AP) privacy and copyright, we have all won.” Prime Minister David Cameron to deal Associated Newspapers said it was “very surprised with a pack of rats seen scuttling close to by today’s summary judgment and disappointed at be- the British leader’s offi cial residence, and entered Downing Street on Feb 15, 2011. ing denied the chance to have all the evidence heard The former stray, adopted from London’s has proven himself to not only be a brilliant but took a liking to former US president and tested in open court at a full trial.” Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, was given ambassador for Battersea but also demon- Barack Obama. When former president “We are carefully considering the judgment’s con- the title Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Offi ce, strated to millions of people around the world Donald Trump visited in 2019, Larry took tents and will decide in due course whether to lodge an unoffi cial pest control post. He was the how incredible rescue cats are,’’ she said. a nap under his car. an appeal,” said the publishing company, which had fi rst cat to hold the rat-catching portfolio “His rags to riches tale is yet more proof of His grip on the public imagination is strongly contested Meghan’s claim. since the retirement of Humphrey in 1997, why all animals deserve a second chance — clear — and political leaders know better A trial in the case, scheduled for the fall, would and has loyally served three prime ministers. one minute they may be an overlooked stray than to ignore that popularity. The tomcat have been one of the most high-profi le civil legal But it seems like yesterday that Larry on the streets, the next they could become one was a sentimental topic of conversation in showdowns in London for years. But at hearings last was just another cat — as opposed to a of the nation’s beloved political fi gures, with Cameron’s fi nal appearance in Parliament month, lawyers for the duchess asked for a summary media superstar — said Lindsey Quinlan, fans around the world.” as prime minister when he said he wanted judgment to settle the case without a trial. the head of cattery of Battersea. Larry, who has met a number of world to quash a rumor that — perish the thought “Throughout his time at Number 10, Larry leaders, has been largely unfriendly to men Minaj King — he didn’t like Larry. (AP) ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 SPORTS 14

Hamlin finishes 5th in bid for 3rd straight win McDowell beats 100-1 odds for upset Daytona 500 victory DAYTONA BEACH, Florida, Feb 15, (AP): Somebody had to make a move to win the Daytona 500, and maybe Michael McDowell would have pulled out of traffi c to take his shot Brits hope for momentum shift in AmCup challenger series at a monster upset. WELLINGTON, New Zealand, Feb While no new cases were report- the Italians. We have to turn that McDowell never had to play his hand. 15, (AP): Britain’s INEOS Team UK ed Monday, the lockdown may be around. We need to regroup and He stayed right where he was, fl at in the gas, and drove is hoping for a momentum shift in extended until further community come back stronger.” through a crash scene at Daytona International Speedway. its America’s Cup challenger se- transmission can be ruled out. That Ainslie knows better than most With a fi ery multi-car pileup in his rearview mirror, the jour- ries final against ’s Luna Rossa could see the challenger final, due that remarkable changes of fortune neyman pulled of a stunning upset early Monday morning. Prada Pirelli as a coronavirus lock- to end Feb 22, further disrupted. are possible in the America’s Cup. down in host city Auckland has led He was a teammate of Luna Rossa to a longer than expected break in helmsman James Spithill with Ora- CAR RACING racing. SAILING cle Team USA which in 2013 rallied Luna Rossa leads the first-to- from 8-1 down in the first-to-nine A 100-1 underdog when the race began Sunday afternoon, seven-win series 4-0 after winning The teams have no choice but to win America’s Cup match against McDowell won for the fi rst time in 358 Cup starts when the two races Saturday and Sunday use the available time to review their Team New Zealand to win 9-8. checkered fl ag fi nally fl ew about 15 minutes after midnight. on each of the first two days of the performances to date and, in Team “We know we’re up against re- The race was stopped by rain for almost six hours and ended Prada Cup final. Racing was due to UK’s case, to find a way to close an ally tough opposition, that was our nine hours after the green fl ag waved at Daytona Interna- resume with two races on Wednes- obvious gap on Luna Rossa. expectation,” Ainslee said. “But in tional Speedway. day but a small community out- “We have to break that momen- a decent breeze we’ve got a boat “So many years just grinding it out and hoping for an op- break of COVID-19 has seen the tum,” Team UK skipper Ben Ain- that can do it so it’s down to us. Michael McDowell celebrates after winning the NAS- series delayed at least by a day as slie said. “In sport momentum is We’ve just got to go out sail hard, portunity like this,” McDowell said. “Such a great way to get CAR Daytona 500 auto race at Daytona International Auckland locks down for 72 hours. pretty powerful and it has been with get stuck in and we can do it.” a fi rst victory - a Daytona 500. Are you kidding me?” Speedway, on Feb 15, in Daytona Beach, Florida. (AP) NASCAR’s season-opener was stacked with storylines. Denny Hamlin was trying for a record third-consecutive McDowell didn’t challenge Cope for that distinction be- frustrating.” Hamlin and Harvick had the two best cars but pit strategy Daytona 500 victory, and the team he started with Michael cause McDowell is considered a talented superspeedway Logano had no explanation for the ending. ended Hamlin’s shot at winning a record third-consecutive Jordan was debuting with driver Bubba Wallace. racer who just needed to be in the right place to fi nally win. ”Pandemonium, I guess. Chaos struck,” he said. Daytona 500. The Ford drivers pitted fi rst as a group, fol- Kyle Larson was back after nearly a year in exile for using He watched and waited as he trailed Team Penske team- It was indeed mayhem once McDowell cleared the crash. lowed by the Chevrolets lap later and fi nally the Toyotas. a racial slur, and reigning Cup champion Chase Elliott tried mates Joey Logano and Brad Keselowski, and it was Kesel- The collisions were one on top of another, fl ames erupting But the Toyota group has just fi ve cars and they couldn’t for his fi rst Daytona 500 win. owski who fi nally broke free from the parade of cars. Kesel- all over the track as McDowell drag-raced Elliott and Austin group back together to reclaim control of the race. It put Lo- And all the way at the back of the fi eld, 1990 Daytona 500 owski tried to pass Logano, but the teammates made contact, Dillon until NASCAR fi nally called a caution. gano, Keselowski and the Ford drivers out front and Logano winner Derrike Cope made what he said would be his fi nal triggering a melee all over Daytona International Speedway. A batch of solid contenders were knocked from the race led the fi nal 25 laps until Keselowski made his move. NASCAR start. At 62 he was the oldest driver in the fi eld, “I wanted to make the pass to win the Daytona 500 and just 15 laps in by a 16-car accident that began at the front of McDowell led only the fi nal lap - less than half of it really and his upset victory 31 years ago was considered the big- it ended up really bad,” Keselowski said. “I don’t feel like the fi eld. It thinned the pack and set up a showdown between - and held off Elliott and Dillon. Harvick fi nished fourth, and gest in race history. I made a mistake, but I can’t drive everybody else’s car. So Kevin Harvick and Hamlin. Hamlin was fi fth after leading a race-high 98 laps.

Liverpool head into KO stage Shiffrin sets records with 6th Confi dent Barcelona host PSG as Champions League resumes MADRID, Feb 15, (AP): Barce- in his last two Premier League lona will have in his games. Leipzig’s preparations for gold and 9th overall at worlds best form this season as the team the game have been overshadowed resumes its campaign in Europe’s by the coronavirus and future of top club competition. The Argen- star defender Dayot Upamecano. tine great has scored nine goals in The latter has been cleared up with his last nine matches in all com- Bayern Munich’s confi rmation on petitions, including a brace in the Sunday that he will be joining the 5-1 rout of Alavés on Saturday. It eight-time defending champions at remains unclear if coach Ronald the end of the season. Fears of coro- Koeman will have Gerard Piqué navirus mutations have led to the or Ronald Araújo back from in- game being held in Budapest rather juries to boost the team’s defense. than Leipzig as German authorities PSG also has injury concerns. would not grant the Liverpool team Both and Angel Di Maria an exemption to travel restrictions. are out, putting pressure on Kyl- Juventus forward Cristiano ian Mbappe to carry the attack. Ronaldo returns to his homeland Mbappe scored twice in the 5-1 hoping to leave with his side win against Istanbul Basaksehir fi rmly in control ahead of the sec- back in December – when the ond leg. Ronaldo shows no sign Turkish side had nothing but pride of slowing down despite turning to play for – but more telling is 36 earlier this month. The Portu- that Mbappe had not scored in the gal international has scored three nine previous Champions League goals in his last fi ve matches and games dating back to November also netted to help Juventus win 2019. Without his two main cre- its fi rst trophy under Andrea Pirlo, ators, Mbappe will be heavily reli- when the Bianconeri beat Na- ant on Marco Verratti pushing up poli in the Italian Super Cup last as a makeshift playmaker. That month. However, Juventus lost at makes Barcelona’s task straight- the weekend against the same op- forward in shutting him down. ponent. Juventus beat Porto home That’s if Verratti even starts, be- and away – without conceding a cause he is nursing a bruised hip. goal – the last time the two sides met, at the same stage four years ago. Porto’s recent poor results SOCCER have left the club seven points behind Portuguese league leader With its Premier League title Sporting Lisbon. Porto hasn’t defense in shreds, Liverpool has played in the knockout stage of the only one opportunity to win silver- Champions League since losing to ware this season: in the Champions eventual champion Liverpool in League. Manager Jürgen Klopp the 2018-19 quarter-fi nals. will have to fi x his team’s creak- Borussia Dortmund is increas- ing defense if that is to happen. ingly looking to the Champions Liverpool heads into the knockout League after a Bundesliga season stage with its three senior center that has not being going to plan. United States’ Mikaela Shiffrin speeds down the course during the super G portion of the women’s combined race, at the Alpine ski World Championships, backs - Virgil van Dijk, Joe Gomez The German team has just one in Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy on Feb 15. (Inset): Shiffrin shows her gold medal for the women’s combined race. (AP) and Joel Matip – all out long term win from its last six games. Edin and one of the emergency replace- Terzić’s side was fortunate to get ments, midfi elder Fabinho, also away with a 2-2 draw with Hoffen- Schwarz pulls off stunning combined win in men’s event out. It leaves Klopp likely having heim on Saturday, and Sevilla will to rely on midfi elder Jordan Hen- present a formidable challenge derson and an inexperienced Janu- after winning its last nine games CORTINA D’AMPEZZO, ary signing from Schalke, Ozan across all competitions. Terzić has Italy, Feb 15, (AP): Mi- Lorient end ’s 8-game winning run Kabak, to hold the fort in front of pointed to his team’s ongoing de- kaela Shiffrin’s latest goalkeeper Alisson Becker, who fensive lapses and appears at a loss gold medal from the ski- has made errors leading to goals on how to correct them. ing world championships Lille frustrated in , lead PSG by 1 point moved her past both Lind- PARIS, Feb 15, (AP): Lille stayed going through on goal in the 55th. Lorient handball. top of the French league but lost Benedetto got red-carded four min- Careless defending from Djibril sey Vonn and . ground in its title fight with Paris utes later for an awful challenge on Sidibe then allowed Moffi to sprint Shiffrin won the combined on Saint-Germain after drawing 0-0 at former France defender Laurent through and finish calmly with a Monday, giving her a sixth gold home to Brest. Koscielny. low shot inside the post in the 62nd and a ninth career medal from the Lille had won its last seven Earlier, Lorient continued its re- – the 11th goal Monaco has con- worlds – one more than Vonn at games, conceding only one goal, markable turnaround and ended ceded in nine games. With Lori- the top of the all-time list of Amer- but another clean sheet will be lit- Monaco’s eight-game winning run ent clinging on, Monaco launched tle consolation to coach Christophe with a 2-2 away draw. Lorient ex- a cross into the box, the ball was ican medalists. Galtier with defending champion tended its unbeaten streak to five, headed down and Ben Yedder vol- PSG only one point behind. Gal- including a win against PSG. leyed in his 13th goal of the season. SKIING tier introduced attacking midfielder Nantes players gave new coach Yusuf Yazici and forward Timothy Antoine Kombouare the perfect Weah with an hour played. SOCCER start with Moses Simon and Imran “I can’t wrap my head around it. But frustration got to Lille’s play- Louza scoring in the first seven It’s a number, right? I don’t even ers as forward Jonathan Bamba But Lorient will regret a lapse of minutes in a 3-1 win at Angers. know what the number is. But it’s was booked in the 75th as he went concentration that allowed striker Kader Bamba rounded off a fine a number,” said Shiffrin, who took down in the penalty area. Wissam Ben Yedder to snatch an performance with a late goal to bronze in Thursday’s opening event, Nine-man Marseille held on for injury-time equalizer for fourth-place move 18th-place Nantes within one Barcelona’s Lionel Messi celebrates after scoring his side’s second a 0-0 draw at Bordeaux in the late Monaco, which travels to play PSG point of Lorient in 17th. goal during the Spanish soccer match between FC Barce- the super-G. “So, in that way, sure, game. next weekend. Nigerian striker Terem Things are looking up for Saint- lona and Alaves at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain on I can say, ‘That’s cool.’ But today Ninth-place Marseille had Argen- Moffi put Lorient ahead from the pen- Etienne coach Claude Puel, whose Feb 13. (AP) I was focused on today and in the tines Leonardo Balerdi and Dario alty spot after seven minutes. Ben side won 2-0 at fifth-place Rennes super-G I was focused on the super- Benedetto sent off within minutes Yedder had a free kick saved late in for a third win in four games. Striker G,” she added. of each other in the second half. the half and then equalized from the Denis Bouanga and substitute Ar- Shiffrin also set an American Balerdi pulled back Remi Oudin spot early in the second following a naud Nordin scored the goals. Lukaku scores 300th goal as record with her sixth world cham- pionship title after sharing the portion on Monday but was fastest Olympic champion Michelle Gisin tors failed to complete their slalom mark with Ligety, who retired last in the slalom leg to beat Petra Vl- of Switzerland fi nished 0.89 behind runs. Inter top Lazio 3-1 to go top week. She has four golds in slalom hova of Slovakia by 0.86 seconds. for bronze. First-run leader Federica Brignone and one in super-G from previous Trying not to overpower her run, straddled the third gate as Italy keeps MILAN, Feb 15, (AP): Romelu Lukaku and Lukaku struck the spot kick into worlds and is among the main con- Shiffrin skied rather conservatively waiting for its fi rst medal at this scored twice and took his tally to 300 the bottom left corner. tenders in slalom and through the fi rst couple of gates be- year’s worlds after fi ve events. Two- career goals as Inter Milan moved top of The 27-year-old Belgian doubled his later this week. fore accelerating once she found her time defending champion Wendy Serie A with a 3-1 win over Lazio. tally with another controversial moment “It takes away the pressure of rhythm. Holdener of Switzerland also skied Lukaku netted a penalty and dou- on the stroke of halftime, slotting in af- ‘winning a medal’ and all of the Shiffrin initially shrugged her out early in her run. bled his tally at the end of the fi rst half ter Marcelo Brozović’s interception was things, the records, or the talk around shoulders after fi nishing her slalom In the men’s race, Schwarz edged with the landmark goal. He also set defl ected into his path by a Lazio player. what I’m able to accomplish with run, seeming to indicate she wasn’t defending champion Alexis Pin- up Lautaro Martínez for Inter’s third, The goal was initially ruled out for off- specifi cally medal count,” she said. sure whether her time would hold up. turault by four-hundredths of a sec- shortly after Gonzalo Escalante had side but awarded on video review. Shiffrin excelled in both the super- “It’s always tough to know. I felt ond. Loic Meillard of Switzerland given Lazio hope. That was Lukaku’s 300th goal, be- G and the slalom portion to win her like I was pushing, even though some was 1.12 behind in third. Inter leapfrogged a point above AC tween club and country. second medal of this year’s worlds. turns felt slippery, but I was still Schwarz, a bronze medalist two Milan, which surprisingly lost 2-0 at Marco Schwarz won the men’s Spezia on Saturday. The two teams pushing,” Shiffrin said. “I thought years ago, was four-tenths off the meet in the Milan derby next Sunday. SOCCER combined to give its third if somebody else has the timing a lead in fi fth after the super-G portion Lazio is seventh, 10 points below straight gold medal in the men’s little bit better, especially the very but showed his slalom skills as he Inter. Lazio briefl y threatened a comeback events. top part, I don’t have a guaranteed posted the fastest time in the decid- Coming into the match, Inter knew when Escalante defl ected in Sergej Shiffrin’s success has come three medal off.” ing leg. it could take a confi dence-boosting Milinković-Savić’s free kick in the 61st months after returning to ski racing However, no one came even close Canadian skier James Crawford step in the title race but Lazio was on a but Inter restored its two-goal advantage from a 300-day break from competi- aAustria’s Marco Schwarz shows to the American. Even Vlhova, the surprisingly led after the super-G run of six straight wins. just three minutes later. Lukaku burst tion following the death of her father his gold medal for the men’s overall and slalom World Cup lead- part and fi nished a career best fourth. Both sides had chances before Inter down the right, holding off a defender in February 2020, the coronavirus combined race, at the alpine ski er, lost ground on Shiffrin after she The worlds continue with parallel was awarded a penalty for a mistimed as he raced from inside his own half into pandemic and a back injury. World Championships, in Cortina placed seventh in the super-G. races for both women and men on tackle by Wesley Hoedt on Martínez. the penalty area before rolling across for She ranked third after the super-G d’Ampezzo, Italy, on Feb 15. (AP) Two of Shiffrin’s main competi- Tuesday. Lazio protested fi ercely but to no avail Martínez to tap into an empty net. ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 SPORTS 15

Spieth struggles, finishes two birdies for a 70 Berger has the final say and wins at Pebble Beach PEBBLE BEACH, California, Feb 15, He finished at 18-under 270 for his (AP): For all the stunning views at fourth career victory. Pebble Beach that can be so soothing, Berger started his final round with a Daniel Berger couldn’t escape the ten- 4-iron to 20 feet for eagle on the par-5 sion when he arrived at the final hole second hole to catch up to Jordan in the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am. Spieth in no time at all. And while the He was tied for the lead, needing a cast of contenders kept changing, birdie on the par-5 18th to win. Off to Berger was never out of the mix until his right was out-of-bounds markers he had the final say with one last eagle, below a row of hedges, where Berger his fourth of the week. hit his drive on Saturday that led to He won for the second time since double bogey. To his left was the the PGA Tour Tour returned to golf in Pacific Ocean. June from the COVID-19 pandemic, “I was going to go down swinging,” starting with a playoff victory at he said. Colonial, where a half-dozen players Two of the best swings of his career, had a chance to win over the final a driver into the fairway and a 3-wood hour. from 250 yards away in the cool air at sea level, left him 30 feet and two putts GOLF away. Berger capped it off with an eagle putt for a 7-under 65 and a two- shot victory over Maverick McNealy. “To step up there and hit a great This wasn’t much different. Spieth went from leading to lagging drive and then one of the best 3-woods behind. He started with a two-shot lead I’ve ever hit in my life, and then to and was three shots behind after six make that putt is just as good as it gets holes, wasting the scoring stretch at for me,” Berger said. Pebble Beach. He finished with two birdies for a 70 and tied for third with Patrick Cantlay (68), who made all his putts at Pebble on Thursday. He had 10 birdies in the opening round when he tied the course record with a 62. He made seven birdies and an eagle in two weekend rounds. Berger saw a leaderboard leaving the 18th green and knew he was tied. He just figured it would be with Nate Lashley, unaware of the sad turn of events on the 16th. Lashley, playing in the final group with Spieth, nearly holed his wedge on the 11th for a tap-in birdie that took him to 16 under and leading by one shot. He Colorado Avalanche left wing Brandon Saad (20) skates between Vegas Golden Knights center Jonathan Marchessault (81) and defenseman Alex was tied with Berger with three holes to Pietrangelo (7) during the third period of an NHL hockey game on Feb 14, in Las Vegas. (AP) play when Lashley went long on the 16th hole. He pitched out to 12 feet, missed the par putt and then missed the Daniel Berger poses with his trophy next two putts from the 3-foot range. on the 18th green of the Pebble That gave him a triple bogey from Beach Golf Links after winning the which he could not recovery. Lashley AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am golf jammed the bottom of his putter into tournament, on Feb 14, in Pebble Pens roll past rusty Caps the green and left without speaking to Beach, California. (AP) the media. Baylor women extend Big 12 lead Golden Knights down Avs Drake pips Loyola in OT PITTSBURGH, Feb 15, South Carolina topples LSU, (AP): Bryan Rust scored Back from layoff, No. 3 Michigan two goals and added an rallies to ‘beat’ No. 21 Wisconsin wins 31st straight SEC game assist as the Pittsburgh MADISON, Wisconsin, Feb 15, (AP): in the final 15 seconds before Murphy COLUMBIA, SC, Feb 15, (AP): Penguins remained unbeat- Isaiah Livers scored 20 points and made the clinching steal and was Destanni Henderson scored 19 points en at home with a 6-3 vic- Hunter Dickinson had a double-double fouled. and Aliyah Boston added 12 points, 13 tory over the Washington as No. 3 Michigan returned from a Drake (20-2, 11-2 MVC) won rebounds and six blocks as No. 1 three-week layoff and rallied from a despite shooting 33.3%. Loyola (18-4, South Carolina beat LSU 66-59 for its Capitals. 14-point deficit to beat No. 21 13-2) shot 35.1%. 31st straight Southeastern Conference Brandon Tanev, Jake Guentzel, Wisconsin 67-59. Cameron Krutwig and Aher Uguak victory. Zach Aston-Reese and Sidney Michigan (14-1, 9-1 Big Ten) scored 11 points apiece for the The Gamecocks (17-2, 12-0 SEC) Crosby also scored for Pittsburgh scored the game’s final eight points Ramblers. haven’t lost in league play since fall- while Tristan Jarry made 28 saves and pulled ahead for good with 1:46 N. Iowa 74, Valparaiso 60 ing to Arkansas in the SEC Tournament and assisted on Aston-Reese’s left on a tie-breaking putback from Dickinson, who had 11 points and 15 In Cedar Falls, Iowa, Trae Berhow quarterfinals in March 2019. score as the Penguins beat the Noah Carter each scored 17 points and Boston finished with her 10th dou- Pittsburgh Penguins’ Jason Zucker rebounds. Wisconsin (15-7, 9-6) rusty Capitals for the third time in (16) checks Washington Capitals’ missed its last seven shots. Northern Iowa defeated Valparaiso ble-double this season and 23rd of her three meetings this season. Brenden Dillon (4) along the boards 74-60. career as South Carolina won its 12th The Wolverines hadn’t played since a during the third period of an NHL 70-53 victory at Purdue on Jan. 22. Nate Heise added 15 points, Austin straight over LSU. Zia Cooke added hockey game, on Feb 14, in Phyfe 12 and Northern Iowa (7-14, 13 points for the Gamecocks. Michigan announced the next day that it ICE HOCKEY Pittsburgh. (AP) was pausing all athletic activities after 5-10 Missouri Valley Conference) several people linked to the athletic snapped a two-game losing streak. highlighted another shaky afternoon department tested positive for a COVID- Heise’ 3-pointer with 10:40 remain- BASKETBALL Tennessee’s Tamari Key (20) fouls Nicklas Backstrom collected his ing ended a 10-0 run which put the Texas A&M’s Aaliyah Wilson (2) by Malkin, whose play has been 19 variant that transmits at a higher rate. 250th career goal for Washington uneven at best through the first month D’Mitrik Trice scored 16 points, Panthers up 58-41. Northern Iowa shot during an NCAA college basketball and Jakub Vrana and Evgeny 52.8% (28 for 53) and made all 10 of Jailin Cherry had a career-high 19 game at Reed Arena in College of the season. Aleem Ford had 15 and Jonathan Station, Texas on Feb 14. (AP) Kuznetsov also scored, but the The Penguins have rarely played Davis had 11 for Wisconsin. their foul shots. points to lead LSU (8-10, 6-6). Capitals couldn’t rally back while Ben Krikke scored 12 for Valparaiso Faustine Aifuwa had 11 points and 12 with the lead in the third period - they The Badgers shot 7 of 28 in the playing for the first time in a week entered the third period of each of their second half and missed their last 11 (8-14, 5-8), Sheldon Edwards 11 and rebounds, her ninth double-double this Texas was held to single-digit scor- thanks a series of COVID-19-related Donovan Clay 10. season for the Tigers. ing in the first three quarters and first 12 games tied or trailing - but 3-point attempts after leading 42-32 postponements. Vitek Vanecek fin- Pittsburgh withstood some extended early in the period. Maryland 72, Minnesota 59 Texas A&M 80, Tennessee 70 Charli Collier, the potential No. 1 ished with 32 stops but Washington overall WNBA pick who entered the Washington pressure thanks in part to Drake 51, Loyola 50, OT In College Park, Md., Aaron In College Station, Texas, Destiny - finally at full strength after three- Jarry. Aston-Reese’s long heave into game averaging 22.3 points and 12.8 plus weeks of COVID-19 roster dis- In Des Moines, Iowa, Tremell Wiggins scored 17 points, and Pitts had a season-high 18 points and rebounds, was held to two points on the empty net with 1:03 to go for his Maryland cruised to a 72-59 victory Texas A&M used strong free throw ruptions - remained winless this second score in two games since Murphy scored 17 points, including 1-of-3 shooting and five rebounds month (0-4). the go-ahead basket in overtime, as for a sweep of the season series. shooting late to hold on for a win over before fouling out. returning from shoulder surgery last Tennessee. Kuznetsov showcased the firepower week. Drake rallied to win despite a poor It’s the seventh straight victory for Maryland 95, Huskers 73 of the NHL’s top-ranked power play Crosby followed with his own emp- shooting performance. BASKETBALL Texas A&M (19-1, 10-1 SEC) and In Lincoln, Neb., as Valentine Days when he knuckled one by Jarry just ty-netter 15 seconds later to give the Murphy’s layup with 2:50 remain- improves the Aggies to 8-0 against go, this one couldn’t have been much 5:18 into the first, but the Penguins - Penguins just their second regulation ing put the Bulldogs ahead for good, 49-48, in the defensive struggle ranked opponents this season. sweeter for Brenda Frese and the who have grown comfortable playing victory on the season. Four players scored in double fig- Texas A&M had a two-point led ninth-ranked Maryland Terrapins. from behind - recovered when Rust Washington captain Alexander between Missouri Valley Conference powers. Loyola had two shots blocked ures for the Terrapins, who last month late in the fourth quarter when Pitts Despite a number of obstacles, the and Tanev beat Vanecek 32 seconds Ovechkin collected an assist but didn’t handed the Golden Gophers their only was fouled on a 3-pointer and made all high-powered Terrapins rolled to a apart later in the first period to give score a goal playing more than 25 loss at home. Maryland (11-10, 5-9 three free throws to make it 73-68. 95-73 win over Nebraska, giving Frese Pittsburgh the lead. minutes, the most by any forward on Big Ten) has won six straight against Jordan Nixon added two free throws her record 500th win with the pro- Rust later ended an 0-for-20 power- either team. Minnesota over the last four years. play drought when he took a pretty after an offensive foul by Rennia gram. Golden Knights 1, Avalanche 0 The Terrapins shot 53%, their best Davis before a basket by Davis cut the Frese, 500-130 in her 19th season at feed from Kris Letang and stuffed it performance in a conference game this Maryland, passed Hall of Fame coach short side past Vanecek 6:44 into the In Las Vegas, Max Pacioretty lead to 5 with less than a minute to go. scored early in the second period, season. Maryland also topped the Chris Weller, who won 499 games second period to put Pittsburgh up 3-2. Baylor 60, Texas 35 Marc-Andre Fleury made 30 saves and 70-point mark for the first time since from 1975-2002. Guentzel then flicked a rebound by the Vegas Golden Knights beat the tallying 100 in a win over Wingate on In Waco, Texas, NaLyssa Smith put Vanecek just past the game’s midway Jan. 15. No. 7 Baylor ahead to stay with a nifty Arizona 75, Washingon 53 point to give the Penguins their first Colorado Avalanche 1-0. Vegas, which improved to 5-1-0 Jamal Mashburn Jr. led the Golden score off the opening tipoff. The stand- In Tucson, Arizona, Sam Thomas two-goal lead in a regular-season Gophers (13-8, 6-8) with 14 points. out forward went on to lead her team scored 20 points, including hitting a game since March 10, 2020. since returning from a pause due to COVID-19 protocols, leapfrogged the Minnesota is 13-1 at home - 6-1 in the in scoring again, and had quite a career-high six 3-pointers, and Aari The somewhat comfortable margin conference - and 0-7 on the road. defensive performance against the best McDonald also had 20 points to help didn’t last long. St. Louis Blues to reclaim first place in player for Texas. Arizona run its winning streak to six Backstrom drew Washington within the West Division. The Golden Arizona St. 75, Oregon St. 73 Smith finished with 14 points, while games with a Pac-12 victory over one with 2:11 left in the second period Knights are one point ahead of St. In Tempe, Ariz., despite an off- Moon Ursin and Queen Egbo had dou- Washington. when he lifted the stick of Pittsburgh Louis with 21. shooting night, Remy Martin scored ble-doubles, and the Big 12-leading Cate Reese had 12 points, Shaina star Evgeni Malkin and snuck a shot Vegas was playing on the second of 23 points and his 3-pointer with 37 Lady Bears won 60-35, holding Texas Pellington had 11 points and Thomas by a surprised Jarry. Backstrom back-to-back days after a 3-1 win at Oregon State guard Tariq Silver seconds left broke a 68-all tie and to its second-fewest points ever in a added a season-high seven rebounds became the 39th active player to reach San Jose on Saturday. (55) looks to shoot as Arizona Arizona State held on to beat Oregon game. for the Wildcats (14-2, 12-2). 250 career goals and his heady play Colorado played for the first time in State guard Holland Woods (0) State 75-73 in a wild finish. nearly two weeks after its schedule defends during the first half of an Martin’s go-ahead 3 was the only was paused due to coronavirus proto- NCAA College basketball game, on one he made in a 1-for-6 effort from cols. Feb 14, in Tempe, Arizona. (AP) behind the arc; part of a 5-for-18 over- Van der Poel sets speedskating 10,000 world record all effort. He made up for it, however, sinking 12 of 16 free throws. HEERENVEEN, Netherlands, Feb 15, (AP): Nils van der NHL Results/Standings Martin and Holland Woods each Poel of Sweden set a world record in the 10,000 meters to sank a pair of foul shots in a 13-second win his second title at the world single distances speedskat- span to seal the win for Arizona State ing championships at the Thialf Oval. (7-9, 4-6 Pac-12 Conference). Van der Poel’s winning time of 12:32.95 shaved nearly a WASHINGTON, Feb 15, (AP): Results and standings from the NHL games on Colgate 92 Army 83 second off the record set a year ago by Graeme Fish of Sunday. Canada at the Utah Olympic Oval. Pittsburgh 6 Washington 3 Vegas 1 Colorado 0 In West Point, N.Y., Jordan Burns “Eat fish for dinner!” a beaming Van der Poel yelled into East Division West Division scored 22 points as Colgate stretched a camera after his victory. GP W L OT Pts GF GA GP W L OT Pts GF GA its win streak to eight games, defeating Boston 14 10 2 2 22 42 30 Vegas 13 10 2 1 21 41 28 Army 92-83. Philadelphia 13 8 3 2 18 46 41 St Louis 15 9 4 2 20 52 48 The win streak gives Colgate its NY Islanders 13 6 4 3 15 32 33 Colorado 12 7 4 1 15 38 25 SPEEDSKATING Washington 13 6 4 3 15 47 51 Anaheim 15 6 6 3 15 30 39 best record through 10 Patriot League Pittsburgh 13 7 5 1 15 43 47 Arizona 14 6 6 2 14 39 42 games in program history. Army was NY Rangers 13 4 6 3 11 31 34 Minnesota 11 6 5 0 12 30 30 coming off a three-week break for New Jersey 9 4 3 2 10 23 26 Los Angeles 13 4 6 3 11 40 44 Jorrit Bergsma of the Netherlands, the 2014 Olympic Buffalo 10 4 4 2 10 30 32 COVID-19 concerns. San Jose 13 5 7 1 11 35 49 10,000-meter champion, was second nearly 13 seconds Central Division Jack Ferguson had 18 points and behind the dominant Van der Poel. North Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA nine rebounds for Colgate (9-1, 9-1 Russian skater Alexander Rumyantsev was third. Tampa Bay 13 10 2 1 21 50 26 GP W L OT Pts GF GA Patriot League). Tucker Richardson Van der Poel’s victory came after he won the 5,000 on Florida 12 8 2 2 18 38 36 Toronto 15 11 3 1 23 53 38 added 16 points and eight rebounds. Thursday, beating pre-race favorite Patrick Roest into sec- Carolina 12 9 3 0 18 43 33 Montreal 15 9 4 2 20 52 39 Jeff Woodward had 10 points, four Columbus 16 7 5 4 18 47 53 Edmonton 16 9 7 0 18 55 52 ond place. Chicago 16 7 5 4 18 47 49 Winnipeg 14 8 5 1 17 47 38 assists and three blocks. “It was the challenge of my life,” the Swede with a Dutch New world champion Sweden’s Nils van der Poel cel- Dallas 12 5 3 4 14 40 34 Calgary 14 7 6 1 15 40 37 Jalen Rucker had 18 points for the grandfather said of Sunday’s race in an interview with ebrates on the podium of the men’s 10,000 meters Nashville 15 6 9 0 12 36 52 Vancouver 18 7 11 0 14 54 67 Black Knights (9-6, 5-5). Lonnie Grayson broadcaster NOS. “And also it’s a new club record in my race of the World Championships Speedskating Single Detroit 16 4 10 2 10 33 51 Ottawa 16 3 12 1 7 34 64 added 18 points and 11 rebounds. Josh Distance at the Thialf ice arena in Heerenveen, north- Note: Two points for a win one point for overtime loss. The top four teams in each club in Trollhättan, so don’t forget that,” he added with a division will qualify for playoffs under this season’s temporary realignment. Caldwell had 15 points and four steals. smile. ern Netherlands on Feb 14. (AP) He also had seven turnovers. ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 16

United States’ Jessica Pegula celebrates after defeating Ukraine’s Elina Svitolina in their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia, Feb 15. (AP) Sports Latest sports scores at — Nadal rolls to 43rd GS quarterfinal Daughter of Bills, Sabres owners into all-US QF in Australia

MELBOURNE, Australia, Feb 15, (AP): So much for Klopp says ready the thought that Rafael Nadal’s bad back might for the challenge hold him back at the LIVERPOOL, England, Feb 15, Australian Open as he tries (AP): Liverpool manager Jurgen to break a tie with Roger Klopp insisted Monday he is ready for the challenge of turning his team Federer for the most Grand around after a tough period both on Slam singles titles won by a and off the field. man. Klopp conceded that his team Win three more matches this would not be retaining the Premier week, and Nadal will be the only League after a 3-1 loss to Leicester one with 21. on Saturday, which left Liverpool So far, he hasn’t dropped a set on a run of only two wins in 10 through four matches, moving into his matches and 13 points behind first- 13th quarterfinal at Melbourne Park place Manchester City. and 43rd in all at major championships It also has been a difficult time for with a 6-3, 6-4, 6-2 victory over No. Klopp personally with his mother, 16 seed Fabio Fognini on Monday. Elisabeth, dying last month at the age Take it further, to the start of last of 81 after contracting COVID-19. year’s French Open, and Nadal has Klopp was unable to attend the funer- won his past 33 Grand Slam sets in a al because of travel restrictions. row. Speaking ahead of the first leg of Liverpool’s last-16 match against Leipzig in Budapest in the TENNIS Champions League, Klopp said he was not in need of any “special sup- He called the first set against port.” Fognini “without a doubt” his “best level in the tournament.” Why was that? Well, the 34-year- SOCCER old Nadal offered a rather simple explanation: He came into the match finally having been able to practice for “I don’t need a break,” Klopp two days in a row, after having his said, dismissing speculation he was work limited by the back pain that contemplating quitting Liverpool. surfaced about three weeks ago. “I can split things, I can switch Not that everything is perfect, mind you. off, one thing and the other thing, I “My physical condition needs to don’t carry things around,” he keep improving,” Nadal said. “But I added. “Of course we are influenced think this match helps, too. I was not by things that happen around but able to practice the proper way for the nobody has to worry about me or last 19 days, but yesterday I started Spain’s Rafael Nadal hits a forehand return to Italy’s Fabio Fognini during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championship in whatever. I might not look (fine), again to increase the amount of work Melbourne, Australia, on Feb 15. (AP) because the weather is not cool, the (in) practice. And today has been a beard gets more and more gray, I positive victory with some long points, don’t sleep a lot, my eyes look like so that helps for the next match.” Suns improve to 17-9 as Clippers hand Cavs 7th straight loss this, but I am full of energy.” That’ll be on Wednesday against Addressing Liverpool’s poor No. 5 seed Stefanos Tsitsipas, who form, which has seen the team lose advanced when his fourth-round oppo- three straight league games for the nent, No. 9 Matteo Berrettini, pulled first time since he joined in 2015, out of the tournament because of Nuggets end Lakers seven-game winning streak abdominal injury he picked up in his Klopp said it was an “interesting prior win. DENVER, Feb 15, (AP): Nikola Jokic challenge.” Before Berrettini’s withdrawal offi- recorded his sixth triple-double of the “Nobody wrote a book about it, cially was announced, Nadal acciden- season and the Denver Nuggets beat England struggle to 53-3 at stumps about how you come into a situation tally broke the news by telling the Los Angeles 122-105 on Sunday night like this and how you solve it, but media he’d be facing Tsitsipas. in a game where Lakers forward we will sort it,” he said. “Please, Nadal is 6-1 against the 22-year-old Anthony Davis hobbled from the court Ashwin sparkles as India look poised for victory everyone, we will sort it. It could be Tsitsipas, including a 6-2, 6-4, 6-0 win after re-aggravating his sore right tricky, but we will sort it by playing for the Spaniard in the 2019 Australian Achilles. CHENNAI, India, Feb 15, (AP): Local hero career. football, sort it by sticking even Open semifinals. Davis will have an MRI on Monday. Ravichandran Ashwin delivered a series of body blows He moves ahead of Garfield Sobers (West Indies), more together, sort it by fighting The other quarterfinal on their half He strained his Achilles late in the first to England as the tourists struggled Shakib al Hasan (Bangladesh) and Jacques Kallis with all we have. Sort it by learning of the draw will be No. 4 Daniil half. to 53-3 at stumps on day three of (South Africa) on the all-time list and now trails only more than you can learn in each Medvedev, the 2019 U.S. Open run- The spotlight was on the showdown the second Test against India on England’s Ian Botham, who achieved the feat five season.” ner-up, against No. 7 Andrey Rublev between Jokic and LeBron James, who Monday. times. in an all-Russian matchup between are both among the favorites in the With England needing an unlike- friends since childhood. NBA MVP race. Jokic finished with ly 482 for victory, Ashwin fol- NBA Results/Standings A third Russian man, 114th-ranked 23 points, 16 rebounds and 10 assists. lowed up his century with the bat CRICKET qualifier Aslan Karatsev, already had James had 22 points, 10 rebounds and by dismissing Rory Burns for 25 advanced, giving the country a trio of nine assists, but the Lakers’ seven- while fellow spinner Axar Patel quarterfinalists at a major tournament for game win streak ended. claimed 2-15. “I have been practising with batting coach Vikram WASHINGTON, Feb 15, (AP): the only time in the professional era. Jamal Murray scored 25 points for Earlier, Ashwin (106) scored his Rathour and would love to credit him with how my bat- NBA results and standings on After Jessica Pegula earned her first Denver in its third straight win. Zeke fifth Test century and captain Virat ting has come through over the last four or five match- Sunday. trip to a Grand Slam quarterfinal, the Nnaji had 16 points, and fellow reserve Ashwin es,” Ashwin said. “I played a lot of sweep shots today Washington 104 Boston 91 Kohli made 62 as India was bowled San Antonio 122 Charlotte 110 daughter of the owners of Buffalo’s Facundo Campazzo finished with 15. out for 286 in the second innings. and we had a plan against Jack Leach. I am thankful the NFL and NHL franchises scribbled on Detroit 123 New Orleans 112 Clippers 128, Cavaliers 111 Having picked up a 29th five-wicket haul in England’s plan paid off.” Minnesota 116 Toronto 112 the screen of an Australian Open Post tea, Ishant Sharma was caught for seven off Portland 121 Dallas 118 courtside TV camera: “hi mom, hi dad, In Los Angeles, Lou Williams first innings, it meant 34-year-old India all-rounder Ashwin registered a century and bagged five wickets in Leach, who finished with 4-100. Fellow spinner Moeen Oklahoma City 114 Milwaukee 109 see you next rd Jen B.” scored a season-high 30 points in his Phoenix 109 Orlando 90 In addition to a shoutout to her par- first start of the season, and the an innings in the same Test for the third time in his Ali also took 4-98. LA Clippers 128 Cleveland 111 ents, that was a message for Jennifer Clippers handed the Cavaliers their Memphis 124 Sacramento 110 seventh straight loss. Denver 122 LA Lakers 105 Brady, a good pal of Pegula’s whose Eastern Conference fourth-round match was up next in Pistons spoiled Stan Van Gundy’s scored 22 points for Memphis, which In Tampa, Fla, Karl-Anthony Rod Laver Arena on Monday. return to Motown. had lost five of six. Towns scored seven of his 20 points Atlantic Division The 61st-ranked Pegula beat No. 5 BASKETBALL Van Gundy was the coach and pres- Thunder 114, Bucks 109 late in the fourth quarter before fouling W L Pct GB ident of basketball operations for the out, helping Minnesota snap a four- Philadelphia 18 9 .667 - seed Elina Svitolina of Ukraine 6-4, In Oklahoma City, Justin Jackson Brooklyn 16 12 .571 2-1/2 3-6, 6-3, before the 22nd-seeded The three-time Sixth Man of the Pistons from 2014-18. He’s coaching game losing streak. scored a season-high 22 points and hit Boston 13 13 .500 4-1/2 Brady, a Pennsylvanian who played Year added a season-high 10 assists the Pelicans now, and Detroit became Malik Beasley also scored 20 points New York 13 15 .464 5-1/2 college tennis at UCLA, had a 6-1, 7-5 and made all eight of his free throws the latest team to blitz New Orleans a critical 3-pointer in the final minute for the Timberwolves, and Anthony Toronto 12 15 .444 6 victory over No. 28 Donna Vekic of on a night when the Clippers were from 3-point range. to help Oklahoma City overcome Edwards finished with 18. Southeast Division Croatia. without Kawhi Leonard and Paul Grizzlies 124, Kings 110 Giannis Antetokounmpo’s triple-dou- Spurs 122, Hornets 110 W L Pct GB George. Leonard has a lower left leg ble. Brady was one of the 72 players In Charlotte, NC, Dejounte Murray Charlotte 13 15 .464 - contusion and Paul is dealing with In Sacramento, Calif, Jonas With Milwaukee making a late Miami 11 15 .423 1 who had to go through a hard lock- Valanciunas scored a season-high 25 had 26 points and 12 rebounds, and the down - two weeks stuck in a hotel bone swelling in his right toe. push, Jackson hit a 3-pointer with 14.9 Atlanta 11 15 .423 1 points and grabbed 13 rebounds, lead- Spurs outlasted the short-handed Orlando 10 18 .357 3 room, not allowed to leave for any Trail Blazers 121, Mavericks 118 ing Memphis to the victory. seconds remaining to put the Thunder Hornets. Washington 7 17 .292 4 reason - after flying to Australia in in control for good in just his second In Dallas, Damian Lillard hit a tie- Ja Morant added 16 points and 10 Derrick White scored 12 of his sea- Central Division January because someone on their breaking 3-pointer in the final minute, assists despite a rough 7-for-18 shoot- start of the season. son-high 25 points in the fourth quar- flight tested positive for COVID-19 W L Pct GB and the Trail Blazers overcame anoth- ing night from the field. Dillon Brooks Timberwolves 116, Raptors 112 ter, helping San Antonio to its fifth Milwaukee 16 11 .593 - upon arrival. er high-scoring outing from Luka win in six games. Indiana 14 13 .519 2 Brady and Pegula gave the U.S. Doncic. Terry Rozier had 33 points for the Chicago 10 15 .400 5 three women’s quarterfinalists at Cleveland 10 18 .357 6-1/2 The young Dallas sensation scored Hornets, who played without leading Melbourne Park, joining 23-time scorer Gordon Hayward because of a Detroit 8 19 .296 8 Grand Slam champion Serena 44 points two nights after getting a Western Conference career-high 46 in a victory over New sore back and P.J. Washington, Caleb Southwest Division Williams, who advanced a day earlier. Martin and Cody Martin due to health Top-ranked Ash Barty ensured a Orleans, but it wasn’t enough to extend W L Pct GB the Mavericks’ four-game winning and safety protocols. In addition, San Antonio 16 11 .593 - fourth American didn’t make it to the Devonte Graham departed because of last eight, beating unseeded Shelby streak, tied for their longest this sea- Memphis 11 11 .500 2-1/2 son. knee discomfort and did not play in the Dallas 13 15 .464 3-1/2 Rogers 6-3, 6-4 to set up a quarterfinal second half. New Orleans 11 15 .423 4-1/2 match against No. 25 Karolina Muchova. Suns 109, Magic 90 Wizards 104, Celtics 91 Houston 11 15 .423 4-1/2 She is on quite a breakthrough run. In Phoenix, Devin Booker scored 27 Northwest Division In Washington, Bradley Beal scored Pegula has won four matches at points, Mikal Bridges added 21 and W L Pct GB Melbourne Park over the past week - Phoenix cruised to its sixth straight 35 points in his return from a rare Utah 22 5 .815 - including victories over two-time victory. night off, leading Washington to the Portland 16 10 .615 5-1/2 Australian Open champion Victoria The Suns have won nine of their victory. Denver 15 11 .577 6-1/2 Oklahoma City 11 15 .423 10-1/2 Azarenka and 2011 U.S. Open cham- past 10 games and this one wasn’t Beal went 10 for 18 from the field pion Sam Stosur - after entering the and 11 for 11 at the free-throw line. Minnesota 7 20 .259 15 close. Phoenix never trailed and Pacific Division hard-court tournament with a total of jumped out to a 14-2 lead after Orlando The NBA’s leading scorer rested dur- three wins at majors for her career. missed 12 of its first 13 shots. ing Friday night’s loss to the New W L Pct GB Also significant for Pegula, who York Knicks. LA Lakers 21 7 .750 - Pistons 123, Pelicans 112 Russell Westbrook had 13 points, LA Clippers 20 8 .714 1 works with Venus Williams’ former Phoenix 17 9 .654 3 coach, David Witt: She came into the In Detroit, Mason Plumlee had 17 Sacramento Kings center Richaun Holmes (22) blocks the shot of Memphis 11 assists and nine rebounds for the Golden State 14 13 .519 6-1/2 day with an 0-6 record against Top 10 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists for Grizzlies center Jonas Valanciunas (right), during the first half of an NBA Wizards. Rui Hachimura added 15 Sacramento 12 14 .462 8 women. his first career triple-double, and the basketball game in Sacramento, Calif on Feb 14. (AP) points.


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