Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) project

Terms of references (ToR) for conducting baseline study for “Employment Creation and Income Generation through Improved Carp-Prawn Mixed Culture and Marketing” titled value chain development sub-project under PACE project

1. Background: Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) project is jointly financed by Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The project goal is to enhance livelihood (higher income from self- employment, business profit and wage employment, and food security) of the moderate and extreme poor (men and women) in a sustainable manner. The project objective is to increase sales and incomes from existing and new microenterprises and to create new wage employment opportunities for extreme and moderate poor people.

The fisheries sub-sector has crucial importance to the economy of . This sector plays an important role in supplying nutrition, creation of rural employment, poverty alleviation and earning foreign exchange. In Bangladesh, fish provides 60 percent of animal protein consumption and about 18.5 million people are employed in this sector. The fisheries sector contributes 3.61 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and about 1.97 percent of foreign exchange earnings through export. Frozen fishes specially Shrimp and Prawn are playing a dominant role for export earnings. In recent years because of various disease outbreak in Shrimp, farmers are lean towards to Prawn culture with white fishes to minimize their risk from shrimp culture. A total 68,746 ha waterbodies are in under Prawn culture in overall Bangladesh of them 63,104 ha waterbodies in division. Although the domestic and international market both having a high demand of Prawn and Prawn products but due to lack of- quality inputs, improve technical assistance, proper business plan and forward market linkages etc. the production rate of Prawn is declining.

“Employment Creation and Income Generation through Improved Carp-Prawn Mixed Culture and Marketing” a value chain development sub-project has been implementing under PACE project in south-west coastal region of Bangladesh. Six partner organisations (POs) of PKSF from coastal region are implementing this sub-project in four coastal . This 03 year’s (February, 2017 to January, 2020) project launched for strengthening existing business cluster through responsible aquaculture practise and market linkages as well as to enhance the income of coastal fish farmer community.

Rural Reconstruction Foundation (RRF) has taken initiative to conduct a baseline survey through an individual consultant to understand the present status of Carp-Prawn sub-sector, socio-economic conditions of the entrepreneur and their enterprises before the project interventions take place. A final impact assessment study at the end of the project will be conducted to measure the fundamental changes of the entrepreneurs and the related impacts on the target population. The first baseline survey will provide reference of start point, which will be compared with the results of the completion assessments.

Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) project

2. Project Profile:  Name of the project: Employment Creation and Income Generation through Improved Carp-Prawn Mixed Culture and Marketing.  Goal of the Project: Income generation and livelihood development through strengthening the supply chain of the quality fish production and marketing.  Objectives of the project: - Adopt sustainable Carp-Prawn mixed culture, enable business environment and establish market linkages for the farmer - Maximum utilization of limited resources to get best output - Entrepreneur and employment creation for the poor and ultra-poor community - Overall income generation of the poor farmer community  Project Implementing Organizations: Jagorani Chakra Foundation (JCF)-; Nabolok Parishad-Khulna; Nowabenki Ganomukhi Foundation (NGF)-Satkhira; Rural Reconstruction Foundation (RRF)-Jessore; Shaplaful-Bagerhat and Satkhira Unnayan Sangstha (SUS)-Satkhira.  Working Area: (Abhaynagar, Monirampur and Keshabpur ); Khulna (Dumuria and Rupsha Upazila) and (Bagerhat Sadar, Farkirhat, Rampal, Mollahat and Chitalmari Upazila) and (Tala, Shyamnagar, Kaligonj, Ashashuni and Kolaroa Upazila).  Target Group: 16,200 fish farmers including extreme poor, moderate poor and non- poor (ME).  Project Duration: 03 years (February, 2017- January, 2020).

3. Objectives of the study: The baseline survey will be conducted with a view to obtain a snapshot assessment of the current economic and social conditions of the micro-entrepreneurs who are likely to participate in the project activities, so that the changes related to the project interventions and their correlation can be evaluated after the project period. Moreover, the survey will establish the baseline situation on a significant number of variables relevant to sales, profit, employment, asset creation etc. by the project beneficiaries.

4. Scope of the work: The consultant will conduct this study among 16,200 entrepreneurs in 15 of Jessore, Khulna, Satkhira and Bagerhat district. Present farming practice, production trends, sale value of their product, income from the enterprise, farm record keeping, forward and backward market linkages, problems and challenges facing by producers, cost benefit analysis, SWOT analysis for the Prawn supply chain, possible value addition intervention etc. should study intensively by the consultant.

In line with the objectives set forth, the survey will cover the evaluation needs at impact and outcome levels. The consultant will use the indicators applicable to the sub-project and project’s logframe indicators to survey the households/individual micro-enterprises.

Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) project

Some of the important indicators are mentioned below, specifically: - Carp-Prawn (mixed) production rate (Kg/Ha) - annual income of the entrepreneur - employee of the enterprise (full time and part time) - sale value (BDT) from enterprise - active farmer practicing Carp-Prawn mixed culture - farmer having experience on Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqPs) - farmer using hatchery produced post larvae (HPL) - farmer using commercial feed in their farm - farmer using farm record book - area (Ha) of waterbody under Carp-Prawn mixed culture - farmer having experience on cluster base annual production plan, marketing plan and work plan - farmer having direct linkage with fish collection center (Depot/processing plant)

In addition, consultant’s report will include a value chain map for Carp and Prawn fish, comparative cost benefit analysis of Carp-Prawn mixed culture with other two crops (Shrimp, Crab, fish monoculture etc.), wastage management, checklists (including contact) of fish whole sale market; depot; ice processing plant; fish processing plant; Prawn hatchery; white fish hatchery; fish feed and medicine dealers; probiotic supplier; PL nursery; like minded organizations and technical service providers (GOs, NGOs, private sector) of the project area.

5. Methodology: The baseline survey will be conducted in the project areas following appropriate, applicable statistical sampling procedures, with a minimum random sample size is 375 households. A detailed approach and methodology to conduct the baseline survey should be suggested by the consultants. He/she will prepare a baseline questionnaire, and finalize it in consultation with the concerned officials of PKSF and POs. The baseline questionnaire for data collection should capture all the information of the entrepreneurs to obtain the study objectives and indicators of logframe. As the sub-project is implementing with six POs of PKSF that is why, the study area need to divide on the basis of PO’s working area. The report must reflect the baseline status for individual POs and also the combined status for whole project. The consultant may apply focus group discussion (FGD), individual in-depth interview and questionnaire technique for data collection. He/She can use secondary and historical data and information for making logics of any statement or decision in his/her report. The consultant may use statistical software R or SPSS to analyze the data.

6. Deliverables: Consultant will have to submit an inception report with detailed work plan and time schedule in line with time limit mentioned in this ToR, a detailed questionnaire for interviews and responsible personnel for this assignment, should be agreed by PKSF, POs and the consultant within 10 days after signing the agreement of this assignment. The inception report should elaborate and finalize proposed schedule of tasks, activities and deliverables. The inception report will also contain sample size with details methodology.

Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) project

Consultant should provide draft report of the base line study containing analysis of the data and findings to RRF within stipulated timeframe. Draft report should be included with specific recommendations to achieve the target of the logframe. He/She will have to give a presentation at RRF on the draft report highlighting major findings and recommendations to achieve the target. Data should be presented and discussed through statistical analysis and graphical presentation, study area map (include households GPS locations) need to present for better understanding the geographical information. However, the reports required to summaries the overall status of the project and able to evaluate the status of PO’s logframe individually.

Final report of the study has to submit within 10 days from the date of presentation given on the draft report. The report should be written in plain English and in such a way that it is accessible to non-specialist. The final report should have the reflections of the comments made by PKSF and POs officials on the draft report. Consultant have to provide a brief of the findings corresponding to the object of the study in plain language that can be widely circulated. The brief of the study could be within three pages.

The hard copies of all filled up questionnaires must be submitted along with the final report. The report should include the list of respondents with their contact details. Five copies of the final report for each PO and a soft copy with data files in a CD/DVD must be submitted to RRF. PKSF and RRF will be the sole proprietor of all data and information collected under the study. The raw data collected under this study should not be shared with or used by any other person or organization without the written consent of PKSF or RRF.

7. Timeline: The time limit for submitting the draft report is 60 days form the contract sign. The final report of the study should be submitted within 10 days after the presentation given by the consultant on the draft report.

8. Education and other qualifications: The consultant requires MSc degree or equivalent (PhD degree is preferable) in Fisheries/ Agroeconomics/ Statistics/ Economics/ Business Administration with 10 years of demonstrated experience in conducting baseline, mid-term, impact studies, sub-sector study of development projects specially on aquaculture sector. Consultants Qualification Selection (CQS) method will be followed for consultant selection.

9. Mode of Payment: RRF will pay the cost of the study to consultant subject to the completion of all outputs and acceptance. Payments will be made based on the following percentages and milestones: 1st Payment (30% of total contract value): The 1st payment will be made upon submission and acceptance of the inception report by PKSF and POs officials. 2nd Payment (30% of total contract value): The 2nd payment will be made upon submission and acceptance of the draft report by PKSF and POs officials. Final Payment (40% of total contract value): The final payment will be made upon acceptance of the final report by PKSF and POs officials.