FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 32 • NUMBER 178 Thursday, ,1967 • Washington, D.C.

Pages 13041-13108

Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Research Service Air Force Department Automotive Agreement Adjustment Assistance Board Census Bureau Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission Coast Guard Commerce Department Commodity Credit Corporation Consumer and Marketing Service Emergency Planning Office Farm Credit Administration Federal Aviation Administration Federal Maritime Commission Federal Power Commission Fish and Wildlife Service Geological Survey Housing and Urban Development Department Internal Revenue Service Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau National Bureau of Standards National Park Service National Transportation Safety Board Packers and Stockyards Administration Securities and Exchange Commission State Department Tariff Commission Treasury Department Detailed list o f Contents appears inniil», y

How To Find U.S. Statutes and United States Code Citations

[Revised Edition—1965]

This pamphlet contains typical legal cluded. Examples are furnished at references which require further cit­ pertinent points and a list of refer­ ing. The official published volumes ences, with descriptions, is carried in which the citations may be found at the end. are shown alongside each refer­ This revised edition contains il­ ence—with suggestions as to the lustrations of principal finding aids logical sequence to follow in using and reflects the changes made in them. Additional finding aids, the new master table of statutes set some especially useful in citing cur­ out in the 1964 edition of the United rent legislation, also have been in- States Code.

Price: TO cents

Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration

[Published by the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives]

Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402

r r i t r n 11 HraW D f r ’lC T'IT D Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or r r H r n / l l t l r . l l I ^ I H r f on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, Nations Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (mail address Nations Area Code 202 ■y*, 1934 e. 4 .K Phone 962-8626 Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained in tne Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 8B ), under regulations prescribed by the Admin­ istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintenden of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The F ederal R eg iste r will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per year, payable l advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 pages and 5 cents f each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documen . U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the C ode o p F ederal R e g u l a t io n s , which is published, under 50 titles, pur­ suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code o f F ederal R e g u la t io n s is sold by the Superintendent o Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first F ederal R egister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister or the C ode o f F ederal R egulatio Contents

agricultural r e sea r c h CONSUMER AND MARKETING GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SERVICE SERVICE Notices Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Colorado; coal land classification- order______13087 Brucellosis; modified certified Grapes, Tokay, grown in San Joa­ areas------—.— — 13050 quin County, Calif.; order HOUSING AND URBAN amending order regulating han­ AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT dling ______13045 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT See Agricultural Research Service; Notices Commodity Credit Corporation; Proposed Rule Making Assistant Regional Administrators Consumer and Marketing Serv­ Fresh fruits, vegetables, and other for Housing Assistance et al.; ; Packers and Stockyards products; inspection, certifica­ redelegations of authority: Administration. tion, and standards; extension Region I (New York)______13088 of time for comments______13077 Region I I (Philadelphia)______13089 AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT Region IV (Chicago)______13089 Rules and Regulations DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Region V (Fort W orth)______13089 Enlistment in the Air Force Re­ See Air Force Department. Region VI (San Francisco)____ 13089 serve ______r------13065 EMERGENCY PLANNING OFFICE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT AUTOMOTIVE AGREEMENT Notices •See Fish and Wildlife Service; ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE Geological Survey; Land Man­ BOARD Idaho; notice of major disaster— 13092 agement Bureau; National Park Service. Notices FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION Certain workers of General Motors Rules and Regulations INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Corp., adjustment assistance pe­ titions; revised determinations Employee responsibilities and con­ Rules and Regulations and certifications (2 docu­ duct ; miscellaneous amend­ Procedural rules; conference and ments) ______1______13089,13090 ments ______- 13051 practice requirements______13058

CENSUS BUREAU FEDERAL AVIATION INTERSTATE COMMERCE Proposed Rule Making ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION Cut-off date fo r recognizing Proposed Rule Making boundary changes for 1970 cen­ Notices suses; final date for inclusion of Control area, designation; exten­ Fourth section applications for statistics______13077 sion of time for comments____ 13079 r e lie f______13105 Motor carriers, etc.: CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD FEDERAL MARITIME Applications; motor carriers, Rules and Regulations COMMISSION brokers, water carriers, and Employee responsibilities and con­ freight forwarders______13095 duct------13052 Notices Temporary authority applica­ Notices Agreements filed for approval: tions ______13105 Transfer proceedings______13105 City of San Jose, Calif.; order re­ City of Oakland and Marine Terminals Corp______13091 Pennsylvania Railroad et al.; di­ garding designation as hyphen.-^ version and rerouting of traffic— 13106 ated point with San Francisco— x13090 Evans Products Co. and Retla Steamship Co______13091 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Trans-Pacific Passenger Confer­ LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU ence ______13092 Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Excepted service; Department of FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Public land orders: the Interior______13045 ______¿s,______13072 Proposed Rule Making California ______13072 COAST GUARD Washington ______13072 Rate schedules and tariffs; lateral Proposed Rule Making line policy of natural gas pipe­ Notices Rates and charges for Great line companies______13077 Lakes pilotage services______13079 Arizona; public lands: FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Classification for multiple use COMMERCE DEPARTMENT m anagem en t_____ 13081 Opening to mineral location, See also Census Bureau; National Rules and Regulations entry, and patent______13083 Bureau of Standards. Hunting in certain wildlife ref­ California; proposed classification uges: Notices of public lands for multiple use Arizona and certain other m anagem en t______13083 Softwood lumber standards; notice S t a te s ______13073 Colorado; proposed withdrawal °i opportunity to register advice. 13088 Georgia; correction______13076 and reservation of lands______13084 K a n s a s ______13074 New Mexico; classification______13085 COMMODITY CREDIT N ew York (3 documents) _ 13074,13075 North Dakota; proposed with­ North Dakota , (3 documents)__ 13075 CORPORATION drawal and reservation of lands. 13085 U t a h ------1______13075 and Regulations Oregon; public lands: W y o m in g ______13076 C lassificatio n ______13086 •^nd similarly hanc Migratory game birds; open sea­ Opening — ,------13086 Modi ties; 1967-crop c< sons, bag limits, and possession; and Purchase program 13046 correction ______13072 ( Continued on next page) 13043 13044 CONTENTS \ NATIONAL BUREAU OF PACKERS AND STOCKYARDS STATE DEPARTMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION Notices Rules and Regulations Notices Liechtenstein; validity of nonim­ m igrant visas------13081 Standard reference materials: Arkansas National Stockyards Isotopic reference standards___ 13057 Co., Inc., et al.; changes in TARIFF COMMISSION Turbidimetric and fineness names of posted stockyards------13088 s ta n d a rd '______;______13058 Notices SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE Sheet glass; report to the Presi­ NATIONAL PARK SERVICE COMMISSION dent ------—!------13095 Rules and Regulations Notices TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Parks and monuments; special Hearings, etc.: See Coast Guard; Federal Avia­ regulations: Continental Vending Machine tion Administration; National Corp ______13092 Lassen Volcanic National Park, Transportation Saf ety Board. C a lif__%.______13071 Ohio Power Co______13092 - Mount Rushmore National Pakco Companies, Inc_____ — 13093 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Memorial, S. Dak______13071 Roto American Corp______13093 Small Business Investment % See also Internal Revenue Serv­ NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION Company of New York, Inc__ 13093 ice. Steel Crest Homes, Inc______13094 Notices SAFETY BOARD > Westec Corp______13094 Antidumping determinations: Notices Reproduction cloth from Eng­ Investigation of accident at Hen­ land ______13081 dersonville, N.C.; hearing______13089 Thiourea from . 13081

List of CFR Parts Affected (Codification Guide) The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected* covering the current month to dote* appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1* 1967* and specifies how they are affected. 3 CFR 9 CFR 26 CFR 601______13058 Execu tive O rders: 7 8 „ ______—;______13050 32 CFR July 2, 1910 (revoked in part by 12 CFR P L O 4267) ______;____ 13072 888b ______13065 605______— ______13051 Sept. 14, 1910 (revoked in part by 36 CFR P L O 4267)_.______13072 14 CFR 7 (2 documents)______13071 Sept. 21, 1916 (revoked in part by 370______13052 43 CFR P L O 4 2 6 7 )„ ______13072 P roposed R ules : P u b lic L and O rders : 71— ______— 13079 4267-______13072 5 CFR 4268______!______13072 15 CFR 213— ______— 13045 4269______- ______13072 230 (2 documents)______13057,13058 46 CFR P roposed R u l e s : 7 CFR P roposed R u l e s : 70______13077 926______13045 401______— - 13079 1421______— 13046 18 CFR 50 CFR P roposed R u l e s : P roposed R u l e s : JQ ______;______13072 51______13077 154___ 13077 32 (11 documents)______13073-13076 13045 Rules and Regulations

as amended, and to Order No. 926, as not require advance preparation on the Title 5— ADMINISTRATIVE amended (7 CFR Part 926), regulating part of persons subject thereto which the handling of Tokay grapes grown in cannot be completed prior to the effective PERSONNEL San Joaquin County, Calif. Upon the time of such regulations. basis of the evidence adduced at such (c) Determination. It is hereby deter­ Chapter I— Civil Service Commission hearing and the record thereof, it is mined that: found that: PART 213— EXCEPTED SERVICE (1) The marketing agreement, as (1) The said order, as amended and amended, regulating the handling of Department of the Interior as hereby further amended, and all of the Tokay grapes grown in San Joaquin terms and conditions thereof, will tend to County, Calif., upon which the aforesaid Section 213.3312 is amended to show effectuate the declared policy of the act; public hearing was held, has been signed that the position of Special Assistant to (2) The said order, as amended and as by handlers (excluding cooperative asso­ the Secretary, Office of the Secretary; is hereby further amended, regulates the ciations of producers who are not engaged excepted under Schedule C. Effective on handling of Tokay grapes grown in the in processing, distributing, or shipping publication in the F ederal R egister, sub- designàted production area in the same the grapes covered by this order) who, paragraph (3) of paragraph (a ) is manner as, and is applicable only to per­ during the period April 1, 1966, through amended as set out below. sons in the respective classes of commer­ March 31, 1967, handled not less than 50 § 213.3312 Department o f the Interior. cial or industrial activity specified in, percent of the volume of Tokay grapes the marketing agreement and order upon (a) Office of the Secretary. * * * covered by the said order, as amended which hearings have beén held; and as hereby further amended; (3) Five Special Assistants to the Sec­ retary. :|| (3) There are no differences in the (2) The aforesaid marketing agree­ ment, as amended, and as hereby further * * * * * production and marketing of Tokay grapes grown in the- production area amended, has been executed by handlers (5 U.S.C. 3301, 3302, E.O. 10577, 19 RR. 7521, which make necessary different terms who were signatory parties to said mar­ 3 CFR, 1954-58 Comp., p. 218) and provisions applicable to different keting agreement and who during the U n ited -States Civ il S erv­ parts of such area; preceding fiscal year (April 1, 1966, ice C o m m is s io n , (4) The said order, as amended and as through M arch 31, 1967) shipped not less [ seal] James C. S p r y , hereby further amended, is limited in its than 50 percent of the Tokay grapes Executive Assistant to application to the smallest regioiial grown in San Joaquin County, Calif., the Commissioners. production area that is practicable con­ shipped by all handlers signatory to said [F.R. Doc. 67-10738; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; sistently with carrying out the declared marketing agreement during such fiscal 8:45 a.m.] policy of the act; and the issuance of year; and several orders applicable to subdivisions (3) The issuance of this order, amend­ of the production areas would not effec­ ing the aforesaid order, as amended, is tively carry out the declared policy of the favored or approved by at least two- Title 7— AGRICULTURE act; and thirds of-the producers who participated (5) All handling of Tokay grapes in a referendum on the question of its Chapter IX— Consumer, and Market­ grown in the designated production area approval and who, during the determined ing Service (Marketing Agreements is in the current of interstate or foreign representative period (April 1, 1966, and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, commerce or directly burdens, obstructs, through M arch 31, 1967), were engaged, Nuts), Department of Agriculture or affects such commerce. within the production area specified in (b ) Additional findings. It is herebythe aforesaid order, in the production PART 926— TOKAY GRAPES GROWN found, on the basis hereinafter indicated, of Tokay grapes for market; such pro­ IN SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, CALI­ that good cause exists for making the ducers having also produced for market FORNIA provisions of this amendment effective at least two-thirds of the volume of To­ on the date hereinafter specified; and it kay grapes represented in such Order Amending the Order, as would be contrary to thè public interest referendum. Amended, Regulating Handling to postpone the effective date until 30 It is, therefore, ordered, That, on and days after publication (5 U.S.C. 553). The after the effective date hereof, all § 926.0 Findings and determinations. provisions of this order would authorize handling of Tokay grapes grown in the The findings and determinations here­ paid advertising and sales promotion ac­ production area shall be in conformity inafter set forth are supplementary and tivities designed to expand the market to,v and in compliance with, the terms w addition to the findings and deter­ and stimulate the sales of Tokay grapes. and conditions of the said order as here­ minations made in connection with the Shipments of Tokay grapes began about by amended as follows : issuance of the order and each of the pre­ . The Industry Committee, 1. A final sentence is added to § 926.17 viously issued amendments thereto; and the agency charged with the administra­ to read as follows: ’*11 of said previous findings and deter­ tion of the program, has indicated that §926.17 Premium quality grapes. minations are hereby ratified and af- promotional activities should be con­ nrmed except insofar as such findings sidered by the committee as soon as such * * * The committee, with the ap­ determinations may be in conflict are authorized and as early in the season proval of the Secretary, shall prescribe » , e bindings and determinations set as possible. Therefore, this order should rules, regulations, and safeguards as it forth herein. be effective on , 1967. The may deem necessary to assure that grapes (a) Findings upon the basis of the provisions of this order are well known to marketed as Premium Quality grapes record. Pursuant to the Agricul­ producers and handlers. Copies of the meet the prescribed requirements for tural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, text of the amendment to the order have such grapes. inn1meuded (7 U -S C. 601-674), and the been made available to all known pro­ 2. A final sentence is added to § 926.46 ppucable rules of practice and proce- ducers and handlers, the provisions of to read as follows: uure effective thereunder (7 C FR Part this order do not impose any obligations a Public hearing was held in Lodi, on handlers until promotional projects § 926.46 Assessments. arnr;’ Juue 1, 1967, upon proposed are developed in accordance therewith; * * * In order to provide funds for the ndment of the marketing agreement, and compliance with such provisions will administration of the provisions of this

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13046 RULES AND REGULATIONS part during the first part of a fiscal pe­ (2) Its recommendations as to any Chapter XIV— Commodity Credit Cor* riod before sufficient operating income is marketing research projects; and poration, Department of Agriculture available from assessments on the cur­ (3) Its recommendations as to promo­ rent season’s shipments, the Industry tion activity and paid advertising. SUBCHAPTER B— LOANS, PURCHASES, AND Committee may borrow money for suph OTHER OPERATIONS 5. The provisions of § 926.50 are purposes. [CCC Grain Price Support Regs., 1967-Crop amended to read as follows: Com Supp.] 3. Section 926.47 Handler accounts is § 926.50 Recommendation of Industry amended to read as follows: . Committee. PART 1421— GRAINS AND SIMILARLY § 926.47 Handler accounts. Whenever the Industry Committee HANDLED COMMODITIES (a) If at the end of a season, the deems it advisable (a) to limit the ship­ Subpart— 1967-Crop Corn Loan and assessments collected are in excess of- ment of grapes to particular grades, sizes, Purchase Program expenses incurred, the Industry Com­ packs, or containers, or any combination mittee, with the approval of the Secre­ thereof, or (b) to prescribe the require­ This annual crop year supplement, to­ tary, may carry over such excess into sub­ ments in terms of grade, size, pack, or gether with the General Regulations sequent fiscal periods as a reserve: Pro­ container, or any., combination thereof, Governing Price Support for the 1964 vided, That funds already in the reserve for premium quality grapes, and to re­ and Subsequent Crops (Revision 1) (31 do not exceed approximately one sea­ quire that grapes that are handled and F.R. 5941), and any amendments thereto, son’s expenses. Such reserve funds may designated as conforming to the require­ and the 1966 and Subsequent Crops Com be used ( 1 ) to cover any expenses au­ ments prescribed for premium quality Supplement (31 F.R. 10464), and any thorized by this part, and (2 ) to cover grapes shall meet or exceed such require­ amendments thereto, contain the provi­ necessary expenses of liquidation in the ments, it shall so recommend to the Sec­ sions for price support loans and pur­ event of termination of this part. If any retary. At the time of submitting any chases for the 1967 crop of corn. such excess is not retained in a reserve, such recommendation, the said com­ Sec. each handler entitled to a proportionate mittee shall submit to the Secretary the 1421.2386 Availability. refund shall be credited with such re­ date and information upon which it 1421.2387 Compliance requirements. fund against the operations of the fol­ acted in making such recommendation, 1421.2388 Warehouse charges. 1421.2389 Maturity of loans. lowing season or be paid such refund. including factors affecting the supply of, and the demand for, grapes by grades 1421.2390 Delivery period. Upon such termination, any funds not 1421.2391 Support rates, premiums, and and sizes thereof, and such ether infor­ required to defray the necessary expenses discounts. of liquidation shall be disposed of in such mation as the Secretary may request. A u t h o r it y : The provisions of this subpart manner as the Secretary may determine The said committee shall promptly give adequate notice to the handlers and issued under sec. 4, 62 Stat. 1070 as amended; to be appropriate: Provided, That to the 15 U.S.C. 714b. Interpret or apply sec. 5, 62 growers of any such recommendation extent practical, such funds shall be re­ Stat. 1072, secs. 105, 401, 63 Stat. 1051 as turned pro rata to the persons from submitted to the Secretary. amended; 15 U.S.C. 714c, 7 U.S.C. 1421, 1441. whom such funds were collected. 6. The provisions of § 926.51 are § 1421.2386 Availability. (b) The Industry Committee may, amended to read as follows: subject to the approval of the Secretary, A producer desiring a price support § 926.51 Establishment of regulations. maintain a suit in its own name or in loan must request a loan on his eligible the names of its members for the collec­ (a) Whenever the Secretary finds, corn on or before June 30, 1968. To ob­ tion of any handler’s pro rata share of from the recommendations and inform a­ tain price support through a sale to CCC, expenses. tion submitted by the Industry Com­ a producer must give the appropriate mittee, or from other available informa­ A SC S county office notice of his intent 4. Section 926.49 Research is amended tion, that ( 1 ) to limit the shipment of to sell his eligible corn to CCC on or to read as follows: grapes to particular grades, sizes, packs, before July 31, 1968: Provided, That in § 926.49 Research. or containers, or any combination there­ any ai;ea where it is determined by the State committee that producers may not (a) The committee may, with the ap­ of, or (2) to prescribe requirements in be able to or cannot store corn safely proval of the Secretary, establish or pro­ terms of grade, size, pack, or container, on the farm for the full storage period vide for the establishment of marketing or any combination thereof, for premium because of insects, adverse climatic con­ research and development projects de­ quality grapes and to require that grapes ditions, or other factors affecting the signed to assist, improve, or promote the that are handled and designated as con­ safe storage of corn, the final date for marketing, distribution, and consump­ forming to the requirements prescribed requesting price support on 'farm stored tion of Tokay grapes. Such projects may for premium quality grapes shall meet corn shall be such earlier dates as are provide for any form of marketing pro­ or exceed such requirements, would established by the State committee. Pub­ motion, including paid advertising. The tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, he shall so limit the shipment lic announcement of the final dates shall expenses of such projects shall be paid be made sufficiently in advance of such from funds collected pursuant to § 926.46. as set forth in subparagraph ( 1 ) of this dates to allow producers a reasonable (b) In recommending projects pur­ paragraph or require grapes to conform period of time to request price support. suant to this section, the committee shall to such requirements as may be pre­ give consideration to the following scribed in accordancè with subpara­ § 1421.2387 Compliance requirements. graph ( ) of this paragraph during a factors: 2 specified period. To be eligible for a loan or purchase, (1) The expected supply of grapes in a producer must qualify for a price sup­ (b) The Secretary shall immediately relation to market requirements; port payment under the 1966-69 Feed notify the Industry Committee of the (2) The supply situation among com­ Grain Program Regulations (31 F.R. peting areas and commodities ; and issuance of any such regulation, and the 8339), and any amendments thereto, on (3) The need for marketing research said committee shall promptly give ade­ com of the 1967 crop produced on the with respect to any marketing develop­ quate notice thereof to handlers and to farm on which the corn tendered for loan ment activity and the need for a growers. or purchase was produced except that coordinated effort with USDA’s Plentiful such qualification is not necessary with Foods Program. (Secs. 1-19, 48 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 601-674) respect to corn produced in an area of (c) If the committee should conclude the United States in which the feed grain that a program of marketing research Dated, , 1967, to become program is not in effect. or development should be undertaken oin effective September 15, 1967. continued pursuant to this section in any §1421.2388 Warehouse charges. R o dney E. L eonard, crop year, it shall submit the following Subject to the provisions of § 1421.- for the approval of the Secretary: Deputy Assistant Secretary. 2369, the schedules of deductions set (1) Its recommendations as to funds {F.R. Doc. 67-10777; Filed, Sept. 18, 1967; to be obtained pursuant to § 926.46; 8:48 a.m.] forth in this section shall apply to corn


stored in an approved warehouse (i) op­ farm for the full storage period (for rea­ Colorado erating under the Uniform Grain Stor­ sons set forth in § 1421.2386) the State Rate per Rate per age Agreement and (ii) operated by an committee may establish an earlier de­ County bushel County bushel Eastern common carrier. livery period prior to maturity (in addi­ Adams ______$1.13 L a rim e r__ . . $1.12 (a) Warehouses approved under the tion to the regular delivery period) Alamosa-_____ 1.17 Las Animas —•> 1.15 Uniform Grain Storage Agreement. during which any producer in such areas Arapahoe____ 1.14 Lincoln ... 1.13 may voluntarily deliver corn which is A rc h u le ta ___ 1.19 L o g a n ____ ... 1.10 Schedule of D e d u c t io n s fo r Storage under farm storage loan. Eligible com not B a c a ______1.14 M e s a ______.— 1.22 Charges for M a t u r it y D ate o f J u l y 31, Bent ______under loan may also be delivered to CCC 1.14 Moffat _____.— 1.22 1968 Boulder _____ 1.13 Montezuma — 1.24 for purchase in the early delivery period. Deduction Cheyenne____ 1.12 Montrose —... 1.22 ~ (cents per Such earlier delivery period, if es­ Conejos_____ 1.17 M organ___ __ 1.11 Storage start date : 1 bushel) tablished, shall begin at least 30 days Costilla __ 1.17 1 15 Prior to August 17, 1967------13 after the final date of availability of C ro w le y _____ 1.14 O u ra y ______1.24 Aug. 17—Sept. 13, 1967------12 loans established by the State commit­ Custer ______1.16 P h illip s __ ... 1. 10 Sept. 14-Oct. 11, 1967------:— 11 tee, but not before April 1,1968. CCC will Delta ______1.22 P itk in ____ ... 1.20 Oct. 12-Nov. 8, 1967------— 10 accept deliveries of com during such D olores______1.24 P ro w e rs __ ... 1.13 Nov. 9—Dec. 6, 1967------■ - 9 D ou glas____ 1.15 Pueblo ... 1. 15 early delivery period: Provided, That the Dec. 7, 1967-Jan. 3, 1968— ------— 8 E lb e rt______1.14 Bio Blanco .... 1.22 Jan. 4-Jan. 31, 1968— ------7 producer notifies the county office within El Paso _____ 1.15 Rio Grande.... 1.20 Feb. 1-Feb. 28, 1968—------— 6 the time specified by the county office Fremont 1.16 R o u t t _____... 1.19 Feb. 29-Mar. 27, 1968------5 that he wants to deliver the corn. G a rfield _____ 1.22 Saguache ... 1. 18 Mar. 28-April 24, 1968------— 4 (c) Where producers cannot store cornG ran d______1.16 San Miguel __ 1.24 April 25-May 22, 1968------—----- 3 safely. If the State committee determines H uerfano____ 1.16 Sedgw ick_ 1. 10 May 23-June 19, 1968------— ------2 J efferson ____ 1.15 Washington — 1. 11 June 20-July 31, 1968------1 that producers in an area cannot store K io w a ______1.13 W e ld ______— 1.11 corn safely on the farm for the full K it Carson___ 1 All dates inclusive. 1.11 Yuma ___ __ 1. 10 storage period (for reasons set forth in La P la ta _____ 1.21 (b) Warehouses operated "by Eastern § 1421.2386), all farm -storage loans in such area shall be called. Producers hav­ Connecticut common carriers. (1) Eligible corn stored Rate per ing eligible com not under loan who in the following approved Eastern com­ County bushel mon carrier warehouses may be placed elect to make deliveries from farm - All counties__ . $1.30 under loan or offered for sale to CCC: storage for purchase by CCC shall Delaware (1) Canadian National Railway Co., also be required to deliver during the All counties___ — $1.24 Portland Elevator, Warehouse Code 9- delivery period for loans; except that in­ 2101, Portland, Maine. dividual producers may keep com in F lorida farm storage until the regular loan All counties__ (ii) Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Can­ — $1.22 maturity date if ( 1 ) such corn is shelled, ton Elevator, Warehouse Code 9-2151, Georgia ( 2) the producer has satisfactory stor­ Baltimore, Md. All counties_ ._ $1.22 age facilities, and (3) the State commit­ Haw aii (2) Schedule of deductions for storage tee approves. Any earlier delivery period All counties__ . . $1.56 charges: established shall begin at least 30 days Maturity date of Deduction after the final date of availability of loans I daho July 31,19681 (centsper bushel)* established by the State committee, and All counties. _ . . $1.22 Prior to Aug. 17, 1967______18 not before April 1, 1968. I llinois Aug. 17-Sept. 5, 1967______„ 17 Sept. 6-Sept. 25, 1967______16 § 1421.2391 Support rates, premiums, Rate per Rate per Sept. 26-Oet. 15, 1967______:_____ 15 and discounts. County bushel County bushel A d a m s ______$1. 07 Iroqu ois___ — $1.08 Oct. 16-Nov. 4, 1967______r____ 14 (a ) Application. The support rate to Nov. 5-Nov. 24, 1967______13 A lexan d er___ 1.11 Jackson — 1.10 Nov. 25-Dec. 14, 1967______12 be used to make a loan, and to settle a B on d ______1.09 Jasper ______1.09 Dec. 15, 1967-Jan. 3, 1968— ______11 loan and a purchase, shall be the appli­ Boone 1. 07 J efferson_ . . 1.09 Jan. 4-Jan. 23, 1968______10 cable basic county support rate estab­ Brown ______1.08 Jersey ____ ._ 1.09 Jan. 24-Feb. 12, 1968.______9 lished for the county in which the com Bureau_____ 1.07 Joe Daviess . . 1.05 Peb. 13-Mar. 3, 1968______8 covered by the loan or purchase was pro­ Calhoun_____ 1.08 Johnson — 1.10 C a rro ll______1.05 K a n e ______1.09 Mar. 4-Mar. 23, 1968______7 duced. A farm storage loan shall be Mar. 24-Apr. 12, 1968______»__ 6 Cass ______1.09 Kankakee __. 1.08 made at the basic county support rate Apr. 13-May 2, 1968—______5 Champaign __ 1.07 K e n d a ll___ . . 1.08 May 3-May 22, 1968______, y - 4 adjusted only by the weed control dis­ C h ristia n ___ 1.09 Knox ______— 1.08 May 23-June 11, 1968______3 count, if applicable. A warehouse stor­ C lark______1. 08 L a k e ______._ 1.09 June 12-July l, 1968______2 age loan, a farm storage loan settlement Clay ------1.09 La S a lle __ __ 1.08 July 2—July 3i, igea______1 and a purchase shall be made at the C lin to n __ __ 1.09 Lawrence_ __ 1. 10 C o le s ______1.07 Lee ______— 1.07 1 Storage commence date, all dates in­ basic county support rate adjusted by clusive. Cook ______1.09 Livingston ___ 1.08 the applicable premiums and discounts C raw ford____ 1.09 Logan ____ — 1.09 bu Pe^uc^011 shall be reduced by 2 cents per prescribed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of Cumberland _ 1.08 McDonough _ 1.07 .. 2 producer presents evidence that this section. De K a lb _____ 1.08 M cH en ry_ __ 1.08 elevation charges were prepaid. De W itt _____ 1.08 M c L e a n ___ . . 1.08 (b ) Basic county support rates. Basic D ou glas_____ 1.07 M a c o n ____ — 1.08 § 1421.2389 Maturity o f loans. county support rates for com grading Du P a g e _____ 1.09 Macoupin _._ 1.09 ib« 0ails, ma^ure on demand but not later No. 2 and containing from 15.1 through Edgar ______1.07 M a d is o n __;._ 1.09 than July 3 1, 1968 Edwards ____ 1.10 M a rion ______1.09 15.5 percent moisture are as follows: E ffingham ___ 1.09 M a rsh a ll__— 1.09 § 1421.2390 Delivery period. A l a b a m a Fayette _____ 1.09 Mason ____ — 1.09 (a) Regular delivery period. The Rate per Ford ______1.07 M a s s a c_ — 1.11 County bushel F ra n k lin ____ 1.10 M e n a r d ___ — 1.09 regular delivery period shall begin A u­ F u lto n ______M e rc e r____ All counties—. ______$1.21 1.08 __ 1.05 gust 1 ,1968. G a lla t in ____ 1.11 Monroe -___ 1.10 (b) Where producer may not be in a A r iz o n a G reen e______1.09 Montgomery _ 1.09 All counties. ______$1.25 Grundy _____ 1.08 Morgan'» — 1.09 Position to store corn safely. In areas H a m ilto n ___ 1.10 M oultrie__u.— 1.07 A r k a n s a s «ere it is determined by the State eom- All counties. _. $1 IS H a n co c k ___ 1.06 Ogle ------1.06 H a rd in ______1.11 Peoria ____ _ 1.08 i_ e ^ a t some producers may not be Ca l if o r n ia H enderson__ 1.06 Perry 1.10 Position to store corn safely on the All counties- ______$1.25 H e n ry ______1.06 Piatt ______1.07


I l l in o is — Continued I o w a — Continued K e n t u c k y Bate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per County bushel County bushel County bushel County bushel County bushel County bushel Pike ______— $1.08 Stephenson $1.06 ¡Hancock_— $0.98 O’B r ie n ____- $0.99 Adair ______$1.18 K n o x ______$1.20 P o p e ______1.11 T a z e w e ll__— 1.09 H a rd in ____ — 1.01 Osceola ------.98 Allen __ ___ 1.18 Larue _____ 1.16 P u la s k i___ — 1.11 U n io n ______1.10 H a rris o n __— 1.03 Page — ----- 1.04 Anderson___ 1.17 Laurel ___ 1.20 P u tn a m ___ 1.09 Vermilion ___ 1.07 H e n ry _____ — 1.05 Palo Alto_____ .98 B allard_____ 1. 14 Lawrence_ 1.19 Randolph ___ 1.10 W a b a sh ___ — 1.10 H o w a rd ___ „ 1.00 Plym outh____ 1.01 B a rre n _____ 1.17 Lee ______1.20 R ich la n d _ „ 1.10 Warren ______1.07 Humboldt _— .99 Pocahontas -- .99 B a th ______1.19 L e s lie _____ 1.21 Rock Island __ 1.05 Washington _ 1.10 Id a ______— 1.00 P o l k ______1.02 B e ll______1.21 Letcher___ 1.21 St. Clair __— 1. 20 Wayne _ — 1.09 I o w a ______1.03 Pottawat- Boone ______1.13 L e w is ____ 1.15 S a lin e______1.10 W h ite ______1. 10 Jack son ___ __ 1.05 tamie ------1. 04 Bourbon _ __ 1.18 Lincoln 1.19 Sanagamon __ 1.09 Whiteside ___ 1.06 Jasper______1.02 Poweshiek___ 1.02 Boyd _ ____ 1. 17 Livingston _ 1.14 S ch u yler__ — 1.08 W ill .------1.09 Jefferson —— 1.04 R in g g o ld ____ 1.04 B oyle______1.18 Logan ___ 1.17 Scott ______1.09 Williamson __ 1.10 Johnson ___ — 1.04 Sac ______1.00 Bracken ____ 1.15 Lyon 1.16 S h e lb y ______1.08 Winnebago __ 1.06 Jones______1.04 S c o tt____— 1.05 B reath itt___« 1.21 McCracken 1.14 Stark - _ __ 1.08 W oodford_ __ 1.09 Keokuk ___ — 1.03 S h e lb y ------1.02 Breckenridge - 1.14 McCreary „ 1.19 K ossu th _ .98 Sioux ------1.00 B u llit t _____ 1.15 M c L ea n __ 1.15 I n d ia n a Lee ______— 1.05 Story ______1.01 Butler 1.16 M a d is o n _ 1.19 Linn ______— 1.03 T a m a ______1.02 Caldwell___ 1.16 M a g offin _ 1.21 Adams ______$1.06 Lawrence ____ $1.10 L o u is a ____ — 1.05 Taylor ______1.04 C allow ay___« 1.15 M a r io n __ 1.17 Allen ______1.06 M adison_____ 1.07 Lucas ____ 1.03 U n io n ______1.03 Cam pbell___ 1.13 M arsh all_ 1.15 Bartholomew- 1.09 M a rion ______1.07 L y o n ______.99 Van Buren— 1.04 Carlisle ____ 1.14 M a r t in __ 1.20 B enton______1. 07 Marshall_____ 1.07 M adison___ — 1.02 W a p e llo ------1.03 Carroll __ 1.14 Mason ___ 1.15 B la c k fo rd _- 1.07 M a rtin ______1. 10 M ah ask a_ — 1.02 W arren______1.02 C a r t e r _____ 1.18 Meade ___ 1.14 Boone ______1.07 Miami ______1. 07 Marion ___ 1.02 Washington _ 1.04 Casey _ ____ 1.18 M e n ife e__ 1.19 Brown ______1.09 M onroe______1.09 M a rsh a ll_ — 1.01 W a y n e _ — 1.04 Christian___« 1.17 M e rc e r___ 1.18 Carroll ______1.07 Montgomery _ 1.06 M ills ______-- 1.04 W eb ster_____ 1.00 Clark _ ____ 1.19 M e tc a lfe ___ 1.18 Cass ______1.07 Morgan _____ 1.08 Mitchell — .99 W in n eb ago_ .98 C la y ------1.20 Monroe___ 1.18 C lark______1.11 N ew ton______1.07 Monona ___ __ 1.02 Winneshiek _ 1.01 Clinton ;_____ 1.19 Montgomery 1.19 C l a y ------1.07 N o b le ______1. 06 M onroe______1.03 W oodbury___ 1.01 Crittenden_ 1.14 M o rg a n __ 1.20 C lin to n _____ 1.07 O h io ______1.11 Montgomery _ 1.04 Worth ______.98 Cumberland 1.18 Muhlenberg 1.16 C raw ford___ 1.11 Orange _ ____ 1.10 Muscatine _— 1.05 Wright _ _ __ .99 Daviess_____ 1.14 N e ls o n ___ 1.16 Daviess _____ 1.10 Owen ______1.08 Edmonson__ 1.16 Nicholas__ 1.18 D earborn____ 1.11 P a r k e ______1.06 K a n s a s E llio t t ____ 1. 19 O h io ______1.15 Decatur _____ 1.09 P erry______1. 11 E s t i l l ______1.19 O ld h am __ 1.14 L in n ______$1.11 De Kalb______1. 06 Pike ______1. 10 Allen ------$1.11 Fayette ____ 1.18 O w e n ____ 1.15 1.10 L o g a n ------1.10 D elaw are____ 1. 07 Porter ------1.08 Anderson____ F lem in g____ 1.17 O w sley---- 1.20 1.08 L y o n ______1.08 D u b ois______. 1.10 P o s e y ______1.11 Atchinson — Floyd ______1.21 Pendleton -—I- 1.15 M cPh erson__ 1.08 Elkhart_____ 1.07 Pulaski______1.07 Barber ___ — 1.12 Franklin____ 1.16 P erry______1.21 M a rion ______1.08 Fayette _____ 1.08 P u tn a m _____ 1.07 Barton ______1.09 F u lto n _____ 1.14 Pike _____ 1.21 Marshall_____ 1.05 Floyd ______1. 11 Randolph____ 1.07 Bourbon _____ 1.11 G allatin ____ 1.14 Pow ell_____ 1.19 1.12 F ou n tain ____ 1.06 R ip ley ______1.10 Brown ______1.06 M eade_____— G arra rd ____ 1.19 Pulaski - __ 1.19 M iam i______1.10 Franklin_____ 1. 10 R u sh ______1.08 Butler ------1.10 G ra n t______1.15 Robertson __ 1.17 M itch ell_____ 1.06 F u lto n ______1.07 St. Joseph____ 1.07 C h a se___— 1.08 G ra v es_____ 1.14 Rockcastle 1.19 1.13 Montgomery _ 1.13 G ib son ______1. 11 Scott ______1.11 Chautauqua _ Grayson____ 1.15 R o w a n ___ 1.19 1.13 Morris ______1.08 Grant ______1.07 S h e lb y ______1.08 Cherokee____ Green _____ 1.18 Russell___ 1.19 1.08 M orton ______1.12 G reen e______1. 09 Spencer_____ 1. 11 Cheyenne - ___ Greenup____ 1.16 Scott ______1.17 1.12 N em ah a_____ 1.06 H am ilton____ 1.07 Starke ______1.07 Clark ______Hancock ____ 1.14 S h e lb y ----- 1.15 1.05 N eosho______1.12 Hancock ____ 1.07 Steu ben_____ 1.06 Clay ------H a rd in _____ 1.15 Simpson — 1.18 1.05 Ness ______1.11 H a rris o n ____ 1.11 Su llivan_____ 1.08 C lo u d ------Harlan - ____ 1.21 Spencer — 1.15 1.10 Norton ______1.06 H endricks___ 1.07 Switzerland - 1.11 Coffey ------H a rriso n ____ 1.17 Taylor ----- 1.17 1.12 Osage ______1.08 Henry ______1.07 Tippecanoe_ 1.06 Com anche___ H a r t ______1.17 T o d d ______1.17 1. 12 Osborne _ ___ 1.06 Howard______1.07 T ip t o n ______1.07 C ow ley _— Henderson_ 1.14 T rig g ------1.17 1.13 O tta w a__ ___ 1.06 Huntington - 1.06 Union ____ 1.08 C raw ford----- H e n ry ______1.15 T rim b le__ 1.14 1.07 Pawnee _____ 1.10 Jackson_____ 1.10 Vanderburgh- 1. 11 Decatur _____ H ick m an ___ 1.14 U n ____ 1.14 1.07 Phillips______1.05 Jasper ______1.07 Verm illion___ 1.06 D ickinson___ H opkins____ 1.16 W arren----- 1.17 Doniphan — 1.07 Pottawatomie _ 1.06 J a y ------1.07 Vigo ------1.07 Jackson __ _ 1.20 Washington - 1.17 1.08 Pratt ______1.11 Jefferson____ 1. 11 W a b a sh _____ 1.07 Douglas ------Jefferson___ 1.14 W a y n e ___ 1.19 1.10 R a w lin s_____ 1.08 Jenn ings____ 1. 10 Warren _____ 1.06 Edwards — — Jessam ine__ 1.19 Webster — 1.15 BHlr 1.12 R e n o _____ - 1.10 1.20 Johnson_____ 1.08 W a rrick _____ 1. 11 Johnson____ 1.20 Whitley — 1.08 R e p u b lic____ 1.04 1.20 Knox ______1.10 Washington _ 1. 11 Ellis — ...... Kenton ____ 1.13 W o lfe ------Ellsworth----- 1.08 Rice ____ _ 1.09 1.18 Kosciusko____ 1.07 Wayne ______1.07 K n o t t ______1.21 Woodford - — 1.11 R ile y ______1.05 Lagran ge____ 1.06 W ells______1. 06 F in n e y ______1.11 R o o k s ______1.07 L o u is ia n a L a k e ______1.08 W h ite ______1.07 Ford ______1.09 R u sh -----— 1.09 La Porte_____ 1.08 W h itle y _____ 1.06 Franklin _— All . . $1.19 G e a ry ------1.07 Russell _____ 1.07 1.10 S a lin e______1.07 M a in e I o w a Gove ------Graham _ — 1.07 Scott ______1.11 All counties. . . $1-30 Adair — ----- $1.03 Clay ------$0.99 G r a n t______1.11 Sedgw ick____ 1.11 Adams ------1.04 Clayton _____ 1.03 G r a y ------1.11 Sew ard______1.12 M a r y l a n d 1.11 Shawnee------1.07 Allam akee---- 1.02 C linton______1. 05 G reeley------All counties. . $1.24 Appanoose___ 1.04 C raw ford____ 1.01 Greenwood — 1.10 S h erid an ____ 1.07 Audubon ____ 1.02 D allas______1.02 H am ilton----- 1.11 S h erm an ____ 1.09 M assachusetts 1.03 1.04 H a rp er------1.12 S m ith ____— 1.04 B en ton ------Davis ______All counties. . $1.30 Black Hawk— 1.01 D e c a tu r_____ 1.04 H a rv ey ------1.10 Stafford ____ 1. 10 Boone - _____ 1.01 D elaw are____ 1.03 H askell------1.11 S ta n to n _____ 1.11 M ic h ig a n Bremer _____ 1.01 Des Moines___ 1. 05 Hodgeman — 1.11 Stevens ______1.12 $1.09 Buchanan ___ 1.02 D ick in son ___ .98 Jackson------1.07 Sumner _____ 1.12 Allegan . $1. 08 G enesee------G ladw in------1.09 Buena Vista— .99 Dubuque ____ 1.04 J efferson ----- 1.08 T h o m a s_____ 1.09 Arenac . 1. 10 1.08 Butler ______1.00 E m m et______.97 J ew ell------1.04 Trego ------1.10 Barry 1.07 G ra tiot------Hillsdale ---- 1.07 Calhoun — _ 1.00 Fayette ______1.02 Johnson------1.09 W abaunsee_ 1.07 B a y ---- 1.09 Huron — —— 1.09 C a r r o l_— 1.01 Floyd ______.99 K ea rn y------1.11 Wallace______1.10 Berrien . 1.08 Ingham ------1.08 Cass ______1.03 Franklin ____ .99 K in gm a n ----- 1.11 Washington _ 1.05 Branch . 1.07 1.08 1.07 Io n ia ------Cedar ______1.05 Fremont ____ 1.04 K io w a ______1.11 Wichita _____ 1.11 Calhoun 1.10 .98 1=01 Labette _____ 1.13 W ils o n ______1.12 Cass — 1.08 Io s c o ------Cerro Gordo. G reen e_____ Isabella ---- - 1.08 C herokee____ 1.00 Grundy _____ 1.01 L a n e ------1.11 W ood son ____ 1.11 Clare __ 1.09 1.08 Leavenworth _ 1.09 Wyandotte___ 1.09 Clinton . 1.08 Jackson------Chickasaw___ 1.00 G u th rie_____ 1. 02 Kalamazoo — 1.08 Clarke ____ _ 1.03 Hamilton __ 1.00 Lincoln ------, 1.07 Eaton 1.08


M ic h ig a n —-Continued M is s o u r i— Continued N e b r a sk a— Continued Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per County bushel County bushel County bushel County bushel County bushel County bushel Kent------. . . $1.09 O g em a w _ __ $1.10 D ou glas_____ $1.14 Oregon ______$1.14 S h erid an ____ $1.07 Valley ______$1.03 Lake — ■ ___ 1.10 Osceola ______1.09 D u n k lin __— 1. 13 Osage ______1. 11 Sherman . 1.03 Washington _ 1. 04 1.09 Ottawa __ - 1.10 F ra n k lin ____ 1. 11 Ozark ______1. 14 S io u x ___ . 1.09 W a y n e ______1.02 Lenawee — 1.08 Roscommon - 1.10 Gasconade___ 1. 11 Pem iscot____ 1. 13 Stanton ___ . 1.03 Webster ____ 1. 03 Livingston — 1.09 Saginaw _ __ 1.08 Gentry _____ 1. 07 Perry ______1. 12 Thayer ____ _ 1.03 Wheeler ____ 1. 03 Macomb —___ 1.09 St. Clair______1.09 Greene _____ 1. 13 Pettis ____ 1. 10 T hom as___ _ 1.04 Y o r k ______1. 03 Manistee ___ 1.10 St. Joseph_ __ 1.07 Grundy _____ 1. 06 P h e lp s ______1. 13 Thurston___ _ 1.03 Mason---- _ 1.10 Sanilac______1.09 H a rriso n ____ 1.05 Pike ______1. 08 , N evada Mecosta 1.09 Shiawassee __ 1.08 Henry __ ___ 1. 10 Platte ______1.10 All counties. $1. 26 Midland . 1.08 Tuscola __ __ 1.08 Hickory _____ 1. 12 P o l k ______1. 13 Missaukee ___ 1. 10 Van Buren. 1.08 Holt ______1. 07 Pulaski _____ 1. 13 N e w H a m p s h ir e Monroe 1.09 Washtenaw — 1.09 H o w a rd _____ 1. 09 Putnam ____ 1. 05 $1. 30 Montcalm ___ 1.08 Wayne ___ . . 1.09 Howell ___ 1.14 Ralls ______1. 08 Muskegon ___ 1. 10 W ex fo rd __ __ 1.10 Iron ______1. 13 R a n d o lp h __ 1. 08 N e w Je r s e y Newaygo 1.09 All other Jackson ____ 1. 10 R a y ------1. 09 $1. 26 Oakland —___ 1.09 counties . __ 1.11 Jasper ______1. 13 R eynolds___ 1. 13 Oceana — ___ 1.10 Jefferson___ 1. 11 Ripley ______1. 14 N e w M exico J oh n son ____ 1. 10 St. Charles___ 1.10 All counties. $1.22 M in n e s o t a Knox ______1. 07 St. Clair------1. 11 N e w Y o r k $1.00 Mahnomen __ $0.97 Laclede _ _ _ St. Francis_ 1. 12 Aitkin — 1. 13 $1.25 Anoka_„i.S* 1.02 Marshall __— . .97 Lafayette __ . 1. 09 St. Louis_1. 1. 11 Becker___ ■ .98 M a r tin ______.96 Lawrence_~ik 1. 13 Ste. Gene- N o r t h Ca r o l in a Beltrami____ .98 M eek er_____ 1.00 Lewis ______1.07 vieve _____ 1. 11 All counties. $1.24 Benton__ 1.00 Mille Lacs____ 1.00 L in c o ln _____ 1. 09 Saline ______1. 09 Big Stone.___ .96 M orriso n ____ .99 L in n ______1.07 S ch u yler____ 1. 05 N o r t h D a k o t a Blue Earth___ .98 Mower ______1.00 L iv in g s to n __ 1. 07 S co tlan d ____ 1. 05 All counties- $0.97 Brown____ .98 M u rray______.97 M cD onald_ 1. 14 Scott ______1. 13 Carlton__ ;__ 1.01 Nicollet _____ .99 M a c o n ______1. 08 Shannon ____ 1. 13 O h io 1.01 Nobles ______, . 97 Carver ___ M a d is o n _— 1. 13 S h e lb y ______1.08 A d a m s ______$1.12 Licking _____ $1. 11 Cass .99 Norman _____ .97 M a rie s ______1. 12 Stoddard ___ 1. 13 A lle n ______1.08 L o g a n ______1.09 Chippewa____ .97 Olmsted ____ 1.01 Marion _____ 1. 07 Stone _____ 1. 14 _ 1.12 Lorain ______1.12 Chisago 1.02 Otter Tail____ .98 Ashland ___ M e rc e r______1.05 Sullivan __ v 1. 06 Lucas ______1.10 . 97 Pennington__ .97 Ashtabula__ 1.19 Clay 'HM Miller ______1. 12 Taney ______1. 14 Athens ______1.15 Madison ____ 1.09 Clearwater_ .98 Pine ______1.01 M ississippi__ 1. 13 T e x a s ______1. 13 Auglaize____ _ 1.08 M ah on in g___ 1.19 Cook 1. 00 Pipestone____ .97 M o n ite a u ___ 1. 11 Vernon _____ 1. 11 Cottonwood_ .97 P o l k ______.97 B elm ont____ _ 1,17 M a rion ______1.09 M o n ro e ___ 1. 08 Warren _ __ 1. 10 Brown______1.12 M edina______1.14 Crow Wing__ .99 P o p e ______.98 Montgomery _ 1.10 Washington _ 1. 12 Dakota v< 1.03 Ram sey______1.02 B utler______1.09 Meigs ______1.14 Morgan -_____ 1. 11 W a y n e _— 1. 13 Carroll _ __ 1.16 Mercer ______1.07 Dodge 1.00 Red Lake ____ - .97 New Madrid__ 1.13 Webster ____ 1. 13 Douglas .99 R ed w ood ____ .98 Champaign __ 1.09 Miami ______1.08 Newton _ ___ 1. 14 W o r t h ______1. 06 C lark______1.09 M onroe______1.18 Faribault____ .97 Renville _ __ .99 Nodaway ___ 1. 06 Wright _____ 1. 13 Fillmore ____ 1.01 Rice ______1.01 Clerm ont___ _ 1.11 Montgomery _ 1.08 Freeborn____ .98 Rock ______.98 M o n t a n a C lin to n ____ _ 1.10 Morgan _____ 1.15 Goodhue ____ 1.03 R oseau ______.97 All counties_ $1. 13 Columbiana _ 1.19 M orrow______1.10 Grant - .98 St. L o u is ____ 1.00 Coshocton__ 1.13 Muskingum__ 1.13 N e b r a sk a Hennepin____ 1. 01 Scott ______1. 01 C raw ford___ 1.09 Noble ______1.16 ____ 1.03 Sherburne__ 1.00 A d a m s_____ $1. 03 H am ilton____ $1.03 Cuyahoga___ _ 1.15 O ttaw a______1.10 Hubbard ____ .98 Sibley ...... 1.00 A n te lo p e ___ 1. 02 Harlan _____ 1. 03 Darke ______1.07 P a u ld in g ____ 1.07 Isanti . f 1.01 Stearns ____ 1.00 Arthur _____ 1. 06 Hayes ______1. 06 Defiance ____ _ 1.07 Perry ______1.14 Itasca ... B 1.00 S te e le ______.99 Banner______1. 09 Hitchcock 1. 06 D elaw are___ _ 1.09 Pickaw ay____ 1.10 Jackson , .96 Stevens ______.97 Blaine 1. 03 H o l t ______1. 01 E r ie ______1.11 P ik e ______1.11 Kanabec _ 1.01 S w ift______- . 98 Boone 1. 03 Hooker _____ 1. 04 Fairfield ____ _ T r i2 Portage _____ 1.17 Kandiyohi .99 T o d d ______.99 Box Butte___ 1*08 Howard _____ 1.03 Fayette ____ _ 1.10 Preble ______1.08 Kittson .97 Traverse _____ .96 Boyd ______1. 00 Jefferson____ 1. 04 1. 09 - 1. 08 Koochiching _ 1.00 W abash a____ 1.03 B ro w n _____ 1. 02 Johnson ____ 1. 04 Fulton _ _ __ 1.09 R ic h la n d ____ 1.10 Lac Qui W a d en a _____ .99 Buffalo _____ 1. 03 Kearney ____ 1. 03 Gallia ______1.13 Ross ______1.11 Parle .96 Waseca .98 B u r t ______1. 04 Keith ______1. 07 Geauga ______1.17 Sandusky ____ 1.10 Lake___ 1.00 Washington_ 1.03 B u tle r _____ 1. 03 Keyapaha ___ 1. 02 G reen e______1.09 S c io to ______1.12 Lake of the W atonwan___ .97 C a s s ______1. 04 Kimball ____ 1. 09 Guernsey__ _ 1.15 S e n ec a ______1.09 W oods__ .98 W ilk in _____ .97 Cedar ______1. 02 Knox ______1. 01 H am ilton___ _ 1.10 Shelby ______1.08 Le Sueur 1.00 Winona _____ 1. 03 Chase ______1. 06 Lan ca ster___ 1. 03 Hancock____ . 1.09 Stark______1.16 Lincoln__ .96 Wright 1.00 C h erry ______1. 04 L in c o ln _____ 1. 05 H a rd in ______1.09 S u m m it_____ 1.15 Lyon___ .97 Yellow Cheynne ____ 1. 08 Logan ______1. 05 Harrison____ _ 1.17 Trum bull____ 1.19 McLeod _ 1. 00 M ed icin e_ .97 Clay ------1. 03 L ou p ______1. 03 H e n ry ______1.08 Tuscarawas__ 1.15 H igh lan d___ _ 1.10 U n io n ______M is s is s ip p i Colfax ______1. 03 M cPherson__ 1.05 1.09 Cuming ____ 1. 03 M a d is o n ____ 1. 03 H ock in g____ _ 1.13 Van Wert_____ 1.07 All counties $1.19 C u s te r______1. 04 M e rric k _____ 1. 03 Holm es_____ . 1.13 V in to n ______1.13 H uron______M is s o u r i Dakota ______1. 02 Morrill _____ 1. 09 _ 1.11 Warren _____ 1.10 Dawes ______1. 08 Nance ______1. 03 Jackson____ _ 1.12 Washington _ 1.17 Adair _ $1. 06 Carroll $1.08 Dawson 1. 03 Nem aha_____ 1. 04 J efferson___ _ 1.18 Wayne ______1.14 Andrew 1. 07 Carter 1. 14 Deuel ______1.08 N u c k o lls __ 1. 03 K n o x ______1.11 W illiam s"____ 1.08 Atchison 1.06 Cass . 1. 10 Dixon ______1. 02 Otoe ______1. 04 L a k e ______. 1.17 W ood______1.11 Audrain ____ 1. 09 Cedar 1. 12 Dodge ______Pawnee _ 1.13 Barry 1. 03 1. 05 Lawrence___ W y a n d o t____ 1.09 1. 14 Chariton ____ 1.08 D o u g la s ___ 1. 04 Perkins ___ _ 1. 06 Barton O k l a h o m a 1. 13 C h ristia n ___ 1. 14 Dundy 1.06 P h e lp s ______1. 03 Bates All counties $1. 16 1. 10 Clark 1. 06 Fillmore ____ 1. 03 Pierce ______1. 02 Benton 1.11 C la y ------1. 10 F ra n k lin ____ 1. 03 Platte ______1. 03 O reg o n Bollinger 1. 13 Clinton 1. 10 F r o n tie r ____ 1. 04 P o l k ______Boone 1. 03 All counties.. $1.22 1. 10 Cole 1. 11 Furnas _____ 1. 04 Red Willow— 1. 05 Buchanan 1. 09 Cooper 1. 10 Gage ______P ennsylvania Butler 1. 04 Richardson_ 1. 05 1. 13 Crawford ____ 1. 12 Garden _____ 1. 07 R o c k ______All counties. $1.25 Caldwell 1. 02 1. 08 Dade 1. 13 Garfield ____ 1. 03 Saline ______1. 03 Callaway 1.10 ' 1. 13 Gosper _____ R hode; I s l a n d 1. 04 S a rp y ______1.04 All counties Camden 1. 12 Daviess 1. 07 Grant ______$1.30 Cape Girar­ 1. 05 - Saunders____ 1. 03 De Kalb...... 1. 08 G re e le y _____ Scotts Bluff_ So u t h Ca r o l in a deau _ 1. 03 1. 09 1. 12 Dent _ 1. 13 Hall ...... 1. 03 Seward _____ 1:03 All counties . $1.24


S o u t h D a k o t a T exas (5) Broken corn and foreign material. Rate per Bate per Rate per Cents County bushel County V - bushel County bushel All counties * 1. is per Aurora __ — $0.97 Jackson__ $1.02 bushel B e a d le ____ .96 J e ra u ld ___ .96 Utah 3.1 through 4.0 percent__- ______B en n e tt___ — 1.03 Jones _____ 1.01 All counties... $1.25 ( 6) Weed control laws. Bon Homme .98 Kingsbury _ .96 Vermont (Where required by § 1421.74).______— iq Brookings _ .96 Lake .97 All counties__ $1.30 Brown_____:— . 96 Lawrence ___ 1.03 (7> Other. CCC may establish addi­ Brule _____ .97 Lincoln „ _ .99 Virginia tional discounts for the factors specified Buffalo __ . 97- Lyman ____ .99 All counties__ $1.24 above and for other quality factors not Butte ___ — 1.03 McCook ___ .98 W ashington specified above which affect the value of Cam pbell_ .99 McPherson 'ir- .98 All counties_ $1.20 the com such as (but not limited to) Charles Mix2- .97 M a rsh a ll__ -- .96 moisture, weevily, musty, sour, and C lark______.96 M eade_____ 1.02 W est Virginia C l a y ------— 1.00 M e lle t t e _ 1.01 All counties_ $1.23 rodent excreta. The discounts estab­ Codington _„ .96 M in e r _____ .97 lished will be based upon the market Wisconsin C orson ____ — 1.01 Minnehaha -- .98 discounts for the factors at the time C u s te r ____ — 1.06 M o o d y ____ .97 A d a m s ______$1.08 M a ra th o n ___ $1.09 the com is delivered to CCC, as deter­ D avison ___ .97 Pennington - . 1.03 A shland___ 1.08 M a rin e tte ___ 1.10 mined by CCC. Producers may obtain D a y ------.96 P e rk in s ___ 1.02 Barron _ _ _ 1. 06 Marquette___ 1.09 schedules of such factors, and discounts Deuel _____ — .96 P o tte r_____ 1.00 Bayfield ___ 1.07 Milwaukee___ 1.10 at A SC S county offices approximately 1 D ew ey_____ — 1.01 Roberts ____ .96 Brow n______1.10 M onroe______1.08 month prior to the loan maturity date. D ou glas___ — .97 Sanborn ___ .97 B u ffa lo______1.07 O con to______1.10 Edmunds_ .98 Shannon __ 1.05 B u rn e tt_____ 1.06 O n eid a______1.10 Effective date: Upon publication in Pall River—— 1.07 S p in k _____ .96 Calumet ____ 1.10 Outagamie ___ 1.09 the F ederal R egister. F a u lk _____ .98 Stanley _ _ 1.01 Chippewa____ 1.08 Ozaukee _____ 1.10 Grant ____ .96 S u lly______.99 C lark______1.08 P e p in ______1.07 Signed at Washington, D.C., on Sep­ G re g o ry ___ .98 Todd _____ 1.01 Colum bia____ 1.09 Pierce ______1.07 tember 7, 1967. Haakon ____ — 1.01 Tripp _____ .99 C raw ford____ 1.06 P o lk ______1.06 E. A. Jaenke, Hamlin ___ .96 T u rn e r____ .99 D an e______1.09 Portage ______1.09 Acting Executive Vice President, H an d______.97 Union ____ 1.00 Dodge ______1.09 P r ic e ______1. 08 „ Commodity Credit Corporation. Hanson____ .97 Walworth __ 1.00 Door ______1.11 R a c in e ______1.10 H ard in g___ 1.03 Washabaugh - 1.02 D ou glas_____ 1. 06 Richland ____ 1.08 [P.R. Doc. 67-10735; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; Hughes _ _ — .99 Y a n k to n _ .99 Dunn ______1.08 Rock ______1.09 8:45 a.m.] Hutchinson — .98 Z ieb a o k ___ 1.02 Eau Claire____ 1.08 R u s k ______1.07 Hyde _____ .98 Florence ____ 1.10 St. Croix_ i__ 1.07 Fond du Lac_ 1.09 S a u k ______1.09 Title 9— ANIMALS AND T e n n e s s e e Forest______1.10 S aw yer______1.07 Anderson____ $1.22 Lauderdale — $1.16 G r a n t______1.07 S h aw an o____ 1.10 ANIMAL PRODUCTS B e d fo rd _____ 1.19 Lawrence ____ 1.18 G re e n ______1.08 Sh eboygan __ 1.10 B en ton ______1.18 Lewis ______1.18 Green Lake___ 1. 09 T a y lo r _____ 1.08 Chapter I— Agricultural Research ______1. 09 Trempealeau _ 1.07 Bledsoe _____ 1.20 Lincoln _____ 1.18 Service, Department of Agriculture B lo u n t______1.23 Loudon _____ 1.22 Iro n ______1. 09 Vernon ______1.06 Bradley 1.21 M cM in n _____ 1.21 Jackson _ 1.08 V ila s ______1.10 SUBCHAPTER C— INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION Jefferson ____ 1.09 W alworth____ 1.09 Cam pbell____ 1.22 McNair y _____ 1.18 OF ANIMALS AND POULTRY Cannon _____ 1.20 Macon ______1.19 Juneau______1.08 W ashburn___ 1.06 C a rro ll______1.17 Madison ____ 1.17 Kenosha_____ 1.10 Washington _ 1.09 PART 78-— BRUCELLOSIS Carter ______1.23 M a rion ______1.19 K ew aunee___ 1.11 W aukesha___ 1.09 Cheatham ___ 1.18 Marshall _____ 1.20 La Crosse_____ 1.07 W aupaca____ 1.10 Subpart D— Designation of Modified Chester _____ 1.17 M aury______r. 18 L afayette____ 1.08 Waushara - __ 1.09 Certified Brucellosis Areas, Public Winnebago __ Claiborne____ 1.22 M e ig s _ 1.21 L an glad e____ 1.10 1.10 Stockyards, Specifically Approved O lay------1.20 Monroe ____ 1.22 Lincoln _____ 1.09 W ood______1.08 Cocke ______1.23 Montgomery _ 1.18 M a n itow o c_ I r l i Stockyards, and Slaughtering C o ffe e ______1.19 M o o re ______1.20 W y o m in g 'Establishments C ro c k e tt____ 1.17 M organ______1.21 A ll counties $1.13 M odified C e rtified B rucellosis A reas Cumberland - 1.21 O b io n ______1. 16 D avidson____. 1.19 O v e rto n _____ 1.20 (c) Premiums— (1) Moisture. Pursuant to § 78.16 of the regulations Decatur _____ 1.18 P e rry ______1.18 Cents in Part 78, as amended, Title 9, Code of De Kalb______1.20 P ic k e tt______1.20 per Federal Regulations, containing restric­ D ick son ____ 1.18 Polk ______1.21 Percent: "bushel tions on the interstate movement of ani­ D y e r ______1.16 P u tn a m _____ 1.20 14.0 or less______+ 1 % mals because of brucellosis, under sec­ F ayette_____ 1.17 R h e a ______1.21 14.1 through 14.5______+ 1 Fentress_____ 1.21 Roane ______1.22 tions 4, 5, and 13 of the Act of May 29, 14.6 through 15.0______.______+ % 1884, as amended; sections 1 and 2 of F ra n k lin ____ 1.18 R obertson___ 1.18 15.1 through 15.5______0 G ib son ______1.16 R u th erford __ 1. 19 the Act of February 2,1903, as amended; Giles ______1.18 Scott ______1.21 (2) Broken corn and foreign material. and section 3 of the Act of March 3,1905, G ra in g e r____ 1.23 S equ atchie__ 1.20 as amended (21 U.S.C. 111-113, 114a-l, S e v ie r______G renne______1.23 1.23 2.0 percent or less______;______4-1 120, 121, 125), § 78.13 of said regulations 1.20 S h e lb y ______1.16 Grundy _____ designating modified certified brucellosis H am b len ____ 1.23 S m ith ______1.19 (d ) Discounts— (1) Class. areas is hereby amended to read as H am ilton____ 1. 20 S te w a rt_____ 1.18 M ixed ______—2 Hancock ____ 1.23 Sullivan ____ 1.23 follows: Hardem an___ 1.17 S u m n er_____ 1.19 (2) Test weight per "bushel. § 7 8 .1 3 Modified certified brucellosis H a rd in ______1.18 Tipton ______1.16 Hawkins_____ 1.23 T rou sd ale___ 1.19 Pounds: areas. H ayw ood ____ 1.17 Unicoi 1.23 53.0 through 53.9______'—------—1 The following States, or specified por­ Henderson___ 1. 17 U n io n ______1.22 52.0 through 52.9---- ’______- ______—2 tions thereof, are hereby designated as Henry ______1.17 Van Buren___ 1.20 modified certified brucellosis areas: H ick m an ____ 1.18 W arren______1.20 (3) Total damage. Alabama. Autauga, Baldwin, Barbour. H ouston_____ 1.18 Washington _ 1.23 Percent: Humphreys — 1.18 Wayne ____ 1.18 Bibb, Blount, Bullock, Butler, Calhoun, 5.1 through 6.0—:— ------— Ya Chambers, Cherokee, Chilton, Choctaw, Jackson _____ 1.20 W eakley_____ 1.16 6.1 through 7.0------■;---- '------— — 1 Jefferson ____ 1.23 W h ite ______1.20 Clarke, Clay, Cleburne, Coffee, Colbert, Cone­ cuh, Coosa, Covington, Crenshaw, Culima , Johnson_- __ 1.23 W illiam son__ 1.19 (4) Heat damage. K n o x ______1.22 Wilson 1.19 Dale, Dallas, De Kalb, Elmore, Escambia, Eto­ Lake ______1.16 0.21 through 0.50 percent—.------— % wah, Fayette, Franklin, Geneva, Green,


Hale, Henry, Houston, Jackson, Jefferson, Sioux, Stanton, Thayer, Thurston, Valley, Effective date. The foregoing amend­ Lamar, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Lee, Lime­ Washington, Wayne, Webster, Wheeler, and ment shall become effective upon publi­ York Counties; stone, Lowndes, Macon, Madison, Marion, cation in the F ederal R egister. Marshall, Mobile, Monroe, Montgomery, Mor­ Nevada. The entire State; gan, Perry, Pickens, Pike, Randolph, Russell, . The entire State; The amendment adds the following ad ­ St. Clair, Shelby, Sumter, Talladega, Talla­ New Jersey. The entire State; ditional areas to the list of areas desig­ poosa, Tuscaloosa, Walker, Washington, W il­ New Mexico. The entire State; nated as modified certified brucellosis cox, and Winston Counties; New York. The entire State; areas because it has been determined Alaska. The entire State except Kodiak, North Carolina. The entire State; that such areas come within the defi­ Sitkalidak, and Chirikof Islands; North Dakota. The entire State; nition of §78.l(i): Greene County in Ohio. The entire State; Arizona. The entire State; Alabama; Noxubee and Tunica Counties Arkansas. The entire State; Oklahoma. Adair,' Alfalfa, Atoka, Bryan, in Mississippi; Wheeler County in Ne­ California. The entire State; Canadian, Cherokee, Choctaw, Cimarron, Colorado. Adams, Alamosa, Arapahoe, Ar­ Coal, Craig, Delaware, Garfield, Graht, Greer, braska; and Atascosa and Hamilton chuleta, Baca, Bent, Boulder, Chaffee, Chey­ Harmon, Harper, Haskell, Jackson, Johnson, Counties in Texas. enne, Clear Creek, Conejos, Costilla, Crowley, Kay, Kingfisher, Kiowa, Latimer, McCurtain, The amendment formalizes the re- McIntosh, Major, Mayes, Noble, Nowata, Custer, Delta, Denver, Dolores, Douglas, Eagle, designation of Bandera and Hudspeth Okfuskee, Oklahoma, Osage, Ottawa, Payne, Elbert, El Paso, Fremont, Garfield, Gilpin, Counties in Texas as modified certified Gunnison, Hinsdale, Huerfano, Jackson, Jef­ Pushmataha, Texas, Washington, Washita, brucellosis areas and also reinstates ferson, Kiowa, K it Carson, Lake, La Plata, andrWoods Counties; Larimer, Las Animas, Lincoln, Logan, Mesa, Oregon. The entire State; Burnet County in Texas to the list of Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Mor­ Pennsylvania. The entire State; such areas, since it has been determined gan, Otero, Ouray, Park, Phillips, Pitkin, Rhode Island. The entire State; that such Counties come within the Prowers, Pueblo, Rio Blanco, Rio Grande, South Carolina. The entire State; definition of §78.l(i). Saguache, San Juan, San Miguel, Sedgwick, South Dakota. Beadle, Bennett, Brook­ ings, Brown, Buffalo, Butte, Campbell, The amendment imposes certain re­ Teller, Washington, Weld, and Yuma Coun­ strictions necessary to prevent the spread ties; and Southern Ute Indian Reservation Clark, Clay, Codington, Corson, Custer, Day, and Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation; Deuel, Edmunds, Fall River, Faulk, Grant, of brucellosis in cattle and relieves cer­ Connecticut. The entire State; Haakon, Hamlin, Hand, Hanson, Harding, tain restrictions presently imposed. It Delaware. The entire State; Jackson, Jerauld, Kingsbury, Lake, Law­ should be made effective promptly in Florida. Baker, Bay, Bradford, Calhoun, rence, Lincoln, McCook, McPherson, Mar­ order to accomplish its purpose in the Citrus, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Escam­ shall, Meade, Miner, Minnehaha, Moody, public interest and to be of maximum bia, Flagler, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Pennington, Perkins, Roberts, Sanborn, Shannon, Spink, Turner, Union, Walworth, benefit to persons subject to the restric­ Gulf, Hamilton, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, tions which are relieved. Accordingly, Lafayette, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Man­ Washabaugh, Yankton, and Ziebach Coun­ under the administrative procedure pro­ atee, Nassau, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Sarasota, ties; and Crow Creek-Indlan Reservation; Suwannee, Taylor, Union; Wakulla, Walton, Tennessee. The entire State; visions of 5 U.S.C., section 553, it is found and Washington Counties; Texas. Andrews, Armstrong, Atascosa, upon good cause that notice and other Georgia. The entire State; Bailey, Bandera, Baylor, Bell, Bexar, Blanco, public procedure with respect to the Hawaii. Honolulu, Kauai, and Maui Borden, Bosque, Brewster, Briscoe, Brooks, amendment are impracticable and con­ Brown, Burnet, Caldwell, Callahan, Cam­ Counties. * trary to the public interest, and good eron, Castro, Childress, Cochran, Coke, Idaho. The entire State; cause is found for making the amend­ Illinois. The entire State; Coleman, Collingsworth, Comal, Comanche, Indiana. The entire State; Concho, „Coryell, Cottle, Crane, Crockett, ment effective less than 30 days after Iowa. The entire State; Crosby, Culberson, Dallman, Dawson, Deaf publication in the F ederal R egister. Kansas. The entire State; Smith, Dickens, Donley, Duval, Eastland, Ector, Edwards, El Paso, Erath, Falls, Fisher, Done at Washington, D.C., this 8th Kentucky. The entire State; day of September 1967. Louisiana. Ascension, Assumption, Bien­ Floyd, Gaines, Garza, Gillespie, Glasscock, ville, Claiborne, Iberia, Jackson, Jefferson, La Gray, Guadalupe, Hale, Hamilton, Hansford, E. E. Sau lm o n , Fourche, Lincoln, Livingston, St. Charles, St. Hardeman, Hartley, Haskell, Hays, Hidalgo, Director, Animal Health Divi­ Helena, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Hockley, Hood, Howard, Hudspeth, Hutchin­ son, Irion, Jack, Jeff Davis, Jim Hogg, Jim sion, Agricultural Research Mary, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Tensas, Service. Terrebonne, Union, Vernon, Washington, Wells, Jones, Karnes, Kendall, Kent, Kerr, Webster, West Baton Rouge, and Winn Kimble, King, Kinney, Knox, Lamb, Lam­ [F.R. Doc. 67-10787; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; Parishes; ■ pasas, Lee, Lipscomb, Live Oak, Llano, Lub­ 8:49 a.m.] Maine. The entire State; bock, Lynn,' Martin, Mason, Medina, Me­ Maryland. The entire State; nard, Midland, Milam, Mills, Mitchell, Moore, Massachusetts. The entire State; Motley, Nolan, Ochiltree, Oldham, Palo Michigan. The entire State; Pinto, Parker, Parmer, Pecos, Potter, Presidio, Minnesota. The entire State; Randall, Reagan, Real, Reeves, Roberts, Title 12— BANKS AND BANKING Mississippi. Alcorn, Amite, Attala, Benton, Runnels, San Saba, Schleicher, Scurry, Chapter VI— Farm Credit Calhoun, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Clarke, Clay, Shackelford, Sherman, Somervell, Stephens, Coahoma, Copiah, Covington, De Soto, For­ Sterling, Stonewall, Sutton, Swisher, Taylor, Administration Terrell, Terry, Throckmorton, Tom Green, rest, Franklin, George, Greene, Grenada, Han- SUBCHAPTER A— ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Harrison, Itawamba, Jackson, Jasper, Travis, Upton, Uvalde, Val Verde, Ward, Jefferson, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Kemper, Wheeler, Williamson, Wilson, Winkler, PART 605— EMPLOYEE RESPONSI­ Lamar, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Leake, Lee, Yoakum, and Young Counties; BILITIES AND CONDUCT tocoln, Lowndes, Marion, Monroe, Mont­ Utah. The entire State; gomery, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee, Oktib­ Vermont. The entire State; Subpart B— Farm Credit Adminis­ beha Pearl Rfverf Perry, Pike, Pontotoc, Virginia. The entire State; wentiss, Simpson, Smith, Stone, Tallahat- Washington. The entire State; tration Personnel West Virginia. The entire State; n ?’ Tb-te. Tippah Tishomingo, Tunica, M iscellaneous A m endm ents ^ aHhall, Wayne, Webster, Winston, Wisconsin. The entire State; and Yalobusha Counties; Wyoming. Albany, Bigh Horn, Campbell, Part 605 of Title 12 of the Code of Fed­ . The entire State; Carbon, Converse, Crook, Fremont, Goshen, eral Regulations is amended by revising Montana, The entire State; Hot Springs, Johnson, Laramie, Lincoln, §§ 605.735-305(0 (3), ( 6), (7), (9), (15), Natrona, Niobrara, Park, Platte, Sublette, Ruff6 ,ras^a- Adams, Antelope, Banner, Boone, and 605.735-309 (b ) to correct statutory Sweetwater, Teton, Uinta, Washakie, and r w ° ’ Burt* Butler- Cass, Cedar, Chase, references made obsolete by the codifi­ Weston Counties; Dafcn+nne’T^Clay’ Colfax, Cuming, Custer, cation of Title 5, U.S. Code; by adding DonJf’ Dawson. Deuel, Dixon, Dodge, . The entire area; and § 605.735—304(d) (3) to include reference Purn aS’ Dundy’ HHlmore, Franklin, Frontier, Virgin Islands of the United States. The, urnas, Gage, Gosper, Greeley, Hall, Hamil- to Decision B-128527 of the Comptroller entire area. fersnn rla? ’ Hayes> Hitchcock, Howard, Jef- General; by adding § 605.735-305(c) (16) Lan^ot J°^nson’ Keamey, Kimball, Knox, (Secs. 4, 5, 23 Stat. 32, as amended, secs. 1, to include reference to 18 U.S.C. 219; by Nuek^n Madison, Merrick, Nance, Nemaha, 2, 32 Stat. 791-792, as amended, sec. 3, 33 Pie,„ ni Pawnee, Perkins, Phelps, Stat. 1265, as amended, sec. 2, 65 Stat. 693; revising § 605.735-319 (a ) to indicate the Salim,’ 2atte’ p°lk, Red Willow, Richardson, 21 U.S.C. 111-113, 114a-l, 120, 121, 125; 29 circumstances under which a gift to a | ^arpy. Saunders, Seward, Sherman, F.R. 16210, as amended; 9 CFR 78.16) superior may be allowed; by revicing


§ 605.735-322(a ) to Include reference to § 605.735—309 Use of Government- cluded as one requiring the submission Public Law 89-673; by revising § 605.- owned property. of a statement of employment and finan­ 735-324 to restrict the requirements ***** cial interest. relative to reporting employment and (b) Public Law 600, approved August 2,§ 605.735—324—51 Supplementary state­ financial interest to those officers and 1946 (31 U.S.C. 638a(c)), reads in per­ ments. employees in positions in which the pos­ tinent part as follows: “Any officer or Changes in, or additions to, the in­ sibility of conflicts-of-interest involve­ employee of the Government who will­ formation contained in an officer’s or ment is clear and to evidence the availa­ fully uses or authorizes the use of any employee’s statement of employment and bility of the Farm Credit Administra­ Government-owned passenger motor ve­ tion grievance procedure for settling financial interests shall be reported in hicle * * * or of any passenger motor a supplementary statement as of June 30 questions concerning the applicability of vehicle * * * leased by the Government each year. If no changes or additions the reporting requirement; by revising for other than official purposes * * '* occur, ajnegative report is required. Not­ § 605.735-324-51 to eliminate quarterly shall be suspended from duty by the head withstanding the filing of the annual re­ supplementary statements; and by revis­ of the department concerned, without port required by this section, each officer ing § 605.735-324-55 to insure the confi­ compensation, for not less than one and employee shall at all times avoid dentiality of statements submitted. The month, and shall be suspended for a acquiring a financial interest that could revised and added sections of Part 605 longer period or summarily removed result, or taking an action that would are as follows: from office if circumstances warrant.” result, in a violation of the conflicts-of- § 605.735—304 Conflict o f interest. § 605.735—319 Gifts or favors from sub­ interest provisions of 18 U.S.C. 208, or ***** ordinates prohibited. of this subpart. (d ) * * * (&) No employee of the Farm Credit §605.735-324-55 Confidentiality of (3) Nothing in this subpart precludesAdministration shall at any time solicit statements. an employee from receipt of bona fide contributions from other employees in reimbursement, unless prohibited by The Farm Credit Administration shall the Farm Credit Administration for a hold each statement of employment and law, for expenses of travel and such gift or present to anyone in a superior other necessary subsistence as is com­ financial interests, and each supple­ position; nor shall any employee receive mentary statement, in confidence. To in­ patible with this subpart for which any gift or present offered or presented no Government payment or reimburse­ sure this confidentiality, the Deputy to him as a contribution from persons in ment is made. However, this paragraph Governor shall review and retain such the employ of the Farm Credit Admin­ statements and maintain them in con­ does not allow an employee to be reim­ istration receiving less pay than himself bursed, or payment to be made on his fidence, and shall Hot allow access to, (5 U.S.C. 7351). However, this paragraph behalf, for excessive personal living ex­ or allow information to be disclosed from, does not prohibit a voluntary gift of penses, gifts, entertainment or other a statement except to carry out the pur­ nominal value or donation in a nominal pose of this subpart. The Farm Credit personal benefits, nor does it allow an amount made on a special occasion such employee to be reimbursed by a person Administration w illnot disclose informa­ as marriage, illness, or retirement. for travel on official business under tion from a statement except as the Civil ♦ * * * * agency orders when reimbursement is Service Commission or the Governor may proscribed by Decision B-128527 of the § 605.735—322 Foreign decorations. determine for good cause shown. Comptroller General dated March 7, (Sec. 17, 39 Stat. 375, as amended, sec. 2, 42 (a) An employee shall not accept a 1967. Stat. 1459, sec. 4, 46 Stat. 13, as amended, gift, present, decoration, or other thing sec. 6, 47 Stat. 14, as amended; 12 U.S.C. ***** from a foreign government unless au­ 665, 831, 1101, 1141b; E.O. 11222 of May 8, § 605.735—305 Applicable laws. thorized by Congress as provided by the 1965, 30 F.R. 6469, 3 CFR, 1965 Supp.; 5 CFR ***** Constitution and in Public Law 89-673, 735.104) 80 Stat. 952. (c) In addition to the statutes re­ These amendments were approved by ferred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of * * * * * the Civil Service Commission on August this section, the attention of officers and § 605.735—324 Statements o f employ­ 25, 1967, and are effective upon publica­ employees, as well as special Govern­ ment and financial interest. tion in the F ederal R egister. ment employees, is directed to the fol­ A statement of employment and finan­ R . B. T ootell, lowing statutes: cial interests in the form prescribed by Governor, ***** the Civil Service Commission shall be Farm, Credit Administration. (3) The prohibitions against disloy­furnished by each officer or employee who [F.R. Doc. 67-10778; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; alty and striking (5 U.S.C. 7311,18 U.S.C. is in grade GS-16 or above under section 8:48 a.m.] 1918). 5332 of Title 5, United States Code, or in ***** comparable or higher positions not sub­ ( 6) The provision relating to the habi­ ject to that statute, and by the following tual use of intoxicants to excess (5 U.S.C. officers or employees: (a) Contracting or Procurement Of­ Title 14— AERONAUTICS AND 7352). (7) The prohibition against the mis­ ficers (and officers or employees who use of a Government vehicle (31 U.S.C. have contracting or procurement au­ SPACE thority) in Grade GS-13 and above; 638a(c)). Chapter II— Civil Aeronautics Board (b) Chief Reviewing Appraisers; * * * * * (c) Assistant Chief Examiner; SUBCHAPTER D— SPECIAL REGULATIONS (9) The prohibition against the use of (d) Chief, Finance Division; [Special Reg. SPR-18] deceit in an examination or personnel action in connection with Government Officers or employees from whom a state­ PART 370— EMPLOYEE RESPONSI­ ment of employment and financial in­ employment (18 U.S.C. 1917). BILITIES AND CONDUCT terests otherwise is required may be ex­ * * * * * cluded from the reportifig requirement The Civil Service Commission has (15) The prohibitions against politi­ when the Governor determines that re­ published in 32 F.R. 8281 its amend­ cal activities in subchapter n i of chap­ ports from such officers or employees are ments to Title 5, Part 735 of the Code of Federal Regulations, entitled Em­ ter 73 of Title 5, U.S. Code and 18 U.S.C. not necessary in order to carry out the ployee Responsibilities and Conduct. 602, 603, 607, and 608. purpose of law, Executive Order 11222, and this subpart. The grievance proce­ To conform its own regulations on " r " (16) The prohibition against an em­ dure of the Farm Credit Administration ployee Responsibilities and Conduct, tne ployee acting as the agent of a foreign shall be available for review of a com­ Board is hereby amending Part 370 o principal registered under the Foreign plaint by any officer or employee that its Special Regulations, Title 14, Code o Agents Registration Act (18 U.S.C. 219). his position has been improperly in­ Federal Regulations. The two principal


changes in the revised Part 370 are to Subpart A— General § 370.735—14 Procedure for waiver or reduce the number of employees who permission. § 370.735—11 Purpose. must file statements of employment and Unless a different procedure is specif­ financial interests, and to proscribe non- This part sets forth the standards of ically prescribed, any request for a waiv­ Government reimbursement of expenses ethical conduct required of all Board er or special permission with respect to employees traveling on official Board employees, in implementation of Exec­ to matters relating to this part shall be business. v utive Order 11222, May 8, 1965 (30 P.R. made and disposed of as follows: The Board is reissuing the entire Part 6469), and Part 735 of the Civil Service (a) The employee shall forward to the 370 as amended so that it will be avail­ Commission regulations adopted pursu­ head of his office or bureau in a timely able as a single document. Since this reg­ ant thereto (5 CFR Part 735). It also martner a statement in triplicate setting ulation is a rule of agency practice and contains references to the several appli­ forth, specifically and in detail, the facts procedure, notice and public procedure cable statutes governing employee con­ and circumstances surrounding the mat­ hereon are not required. duct, particularly Public Law 87-849 (76 ter and describing the relief requested. Accordingly, the Board hereby reissues Stat. 1119, 13 U.S.C. 20Tet seq.), and the (b ) The head of the office or bureau, Part 370 of the Special Regulations (14 “Code of Ethics for Government Serv­ with the concurrence of the Director of CFR Part 370), effective September 14, ice,” House Concurrent Resolution 175, Personnel and Security, shall determine 1967, as follows: 85th Congress, 2d session (72 Stat. B 1 2 ). whether or not the requested relief is Subpart A— General § 370.735—12 Definitions. permissible and in accord with the spirit Sec. and intent of applicable requirements. 370.735- 11 Purpose. As used in this part, unless the context The decision thereon shall be entered 370.735- ''2 Definitions. otherwise requires— on each copy of the employee’s statement, 370.735- 13 Policy and enforcement. (a) “Employee” means Board mem­ the original of which shall be forwarded 370.735- 14 Procedure for waiver or permis­ bers and employees, including special sion. to the Office of Personnel and Security. Government employees as defined in 18 One copy shall be retained by the bureau 370.735- 15 Interpretation, advice and dis­ U.S.C. 202.i semination of information. or office head, and the remaining copy (b) “Executive order” means Execu­ returned to the employee. Subpart B— Gifts, Entertainment and Favors tive Order 11222 of May 8, 1965 (30 F.R. - (c) An employee whose request is de­ 370.735- 21 Conduct prohibited. 6469). nied may appeal to the Executive Direc­ 370.735- 22 Exceptions. (c) “Person” means an individual, a tor by forwarding to him, with copies 370.735- 23 Gifts to superiors. corporation, a company, an association, a to the head of the office or bureau and the 370.735- 24 Gifts from foreign governments. firm, a partnership, a society, a joint Office of Personnel and Security, a state­ Subpart C-—Outside Employment and Other stock company, or any other organiza­ ment setting forth why he believes the Activity tion or institution. the decision of the head of the office or 370.735- 31 General prohibition. § 370.735—13 Policy and enforcement. bureau should be reversed. 370.735- 32 Supplementing Government sal­ (d) If the employee accepts the initial ary prohibited. The maintenance of unusually high decision of the head of the office or bu­ 370.735- 33 Holding State or local govern­ standards of honesty, integrity, impar­ reau, or if such decision is upheld by the ment offices. tiality, and conduct by Government em­ Executive Director on review, the em­ 370.735- 34 Teaching, lecturing and writing. ployees is essential to assure the proper ployee shall terminate as soon as is feasi­ 37Q.735-35 Approval of outside employment. performance of the Government busi-, 870.735- 36 Exceptions. ble any prohibited employment, activity ness and the maintenance of confidence or interest. Whenever an employee ter­ 370.735- 37 Employment of family members by citizens in their Government. In a in aeronautical and related minates any employment, activity or in­ enterprises. regulatory agency such as the Civil Aero­ terest engaged in or held on the basis of nautics Board, whose actions affect the a waiver or modification, or upon termi­ Subpart D— Statutory Requirements safety and financial interest of a large nation after denial of a request to en­ 370.735- 41 Activities prohibited by Public number of persons (the users of air gage in such activity, he shall so advise Law 87-849. transportation as well as the suppliers the head of the office or bureau by mem­ 370.735- 42 Limited waiver of the prohibition of thè service), it is particularly impor­ orandum, with a copy to the Office of against representation. tant thatr every employee be completely Personnel and Security. 370.735- 43 Waiver of the prohibition against impartial, honest and above suspicion acts affecting financial inter­ of improper conduct. Accordingly, the § 370.735—15 Interpretation, advice and ests. dissemination o f information. 370.735- 44 Other statutory requirements. Board requires that its employees adhere strictly to the highest standard of ethical The Chairman will designate a counsel­ Subpart E— Other. Standards of Conduct conduct in all their social, business, poli­ or for the Board who will also serve as 870.735- 51 Use of Government property. tical and other off-the-job activities, the Board’s designee to the Civil Service 370.735- 52 Misuse of information. relationships and interests as well as in Commission on matters covered by this 370.735- 53Indebtedness. their official actions. A ll Board employees 370.735- 54 part, and such number of deputy coun­ Gambling, betting, and lotteries.. shall exercise their informed judgment 370.735- 55 General conduct prejudicial' to selors for the Board’s employees as may to avoid situations which might result the Government. be appropriate. The Office of Personnel in actual or apparent misconduct or con­ and Security shall distribute a copy of Subpart F Additional Requirements for Spec! flicts of interest. Failure to adhere to this part to each employee on the Board’s Government Employees the requirements of the regulations in roster within 60 days after its approval Use of Government employmt this part will constitute cause for disci­ by the Civil Service Commission and Use of inside information. plinary action, including, in appropri­ thereafter to each new employee upon 370.735-63 Coercipn. ate cases, removal. Any such administra­ entrance on duty. A t the same time, such tive disciplinary action may be in addi­ Subpart G— Financial Interests Office shall advise each such employee of tion to any penalty prescribed by law. the persons who have been designated as 3 7 n General Prohibition. counselor and deputy counselors, where 370.735-72 Reporting financial intere« 118 U.S.C. 202 defines a “special Govern­ and how counseling services are avail­ 370 735—77 « J S * « “ I* 0*“ »®“ *- ‘3 Employees required to ment employee’’ as including an officer or able, where and how access may be ob­ statements. employee of any independent agency of the tained to the statutory and other regula­ United States who is retained, designated, tory provisions cited in this part, and the 37ftT«IH0^ITT: The Provisions of this I appointed, or employed to perform, with or manner in which financial interests and CjT? Under E.O. 11222, 30 P.R. 646! w ith o’ t compensation, for not to exceed 130 employment are to be reported pursuant 201 ano on.Upp-: 6 CPR* 735 101 et ®eq.; s days during any period of 365 consecutive * Stat 741 2r?jL°£ tlie Federal Aviation Act, days, temporary duties either on a full-time to § 370.735-72. Thereafter from time to * * 741* 742, 743; 49 U.S.C. 1321, 1322, 1Í or intermittent basis. time as may be appropriate, and at least


annually, such Office shall again call the fied in § 370.735-21, or to sit at a table (e) Neither this section nor § 370.735- attention of each employee to the regula­ at such functions the expenses of which 31 precludes an employee from receipt tions in this part and again advise each have been paid, for by such persons, of bona fide reimbursement, unless pro­ employee of the information heretofore where persons other than Board em­ hibited by law, for expenses of travel and specified. ployees and employees of the inviter have such other necessary subsistence as is Subpart B— Gifts, Entertainment and also received invitations, or where the compatible with this part for which no employee participates as speaker, hon­ Favors Government payment or reimbursement ored guest, or in another similar manner is made, if approved in accordance § 370.735—21 Conduct prohibited. in the affair. (Types of functions included with §§ 370.735-34— 370.735-36, inclusive. within this exception would be the An­ However,-this paragraph does not allow Except as provided in § 370.735-22, an nual Wright Day Dinner, luncheons of an employee to be reimbursed, or pay­ employee shall not solicit or accept, di­ the Aero Club, Aviation Club, or National ment to be made on his behalf, for ex­ rectly or indirectly, any gift, gratuity, Society of Industrial Associations, lunch­ cessive personal living expenses, gifts, favor, entertainment, loan, or any other eons or dinners of the Air Force Associa­ entertainment, or other personal bene­ thing of monetary value, from a person tion, Navy League, etc., Congressional fits; nor does it allow an employee to be who: Appreciation Dinners, and other social, reimbursed for trayel on official business (a ) Has, or is seeking to obtain, con­ honorary, or promotional functions relat­ under Board orders when reimbursement tractual or other business or financial ing to aeronautics, sponsored by airlines, is proscribed by Decision B-128527 of the relations with the Board; trade and aeronautical associations or Comptroller General, dated March 7, (b) Conducts operations or activities other persons having an interest in 1967. that are regulated by the Board; or aeronautics.) (c) Has interests that may be substan­ § 370.735—23 Gifts to superiors. (3) Invitations in respect to meals and' tially affected by the performance or accommodations when on official busi­ A n employee shall not solicit contribu­ nonperformance of the employee’s official ness outside the continental United tions from another employee for a gift duty. States, where commercial accommoda­ to an employee in a superior official posi­ § 370.735—22 Exceptions. tions are unavailable or inappropriate, o r tion. An employee in a superior official where refusal of the offer would be position shall not accept a gift presented (a) The provisions of § 370.735-21 Otherwise inappropriate in light of all as a contribution from employees re­ shall not apply ( 1 ) in respect to obvious circumstances involved. (For example, ceiving less salary than himself. An em­ family and personal relationships when "Board representatives on a U.S. delega­ ployee shall not make a donation as a the circumstances make it clear that it tion to an international bilateral or gift to an employee in a superior official is those relationships rather than the multilateral conference could accept position (5 U.S.C. 7351). However, this business of the persons concerned which accommodations provided by the host provision does not prohibit a voluntary are the motivating factors; or (2 ) to government and could participate in the gift of nominal value or a donation in a retirement pay or other benefits obtained normal social functions attendant nominal amount made on a special oc­ by reason of prior employment where thereto.) casion such as marriage, illness, or re­ such benefits are a matter of right (e.g., tirement. free transportation privileges earned (4) Invitations in respect to food and where such privileges may not be denied refreshments of a nominal value on § 370.735—24 Gifts from foreign govern­ in the discretion of the carrier). infrequent occasions in the ordinary ments. course of a luncheon, dinner or other (b) The provisions of § 370.735-21 A n employee shall not accept a gift, meeting, or on inspection tours or busi­ shall not prohibit: (1) The utilization by present, decoration, or other thing from ness trips out of town or abroad, or ih employees of the services offered to the a foreign government unless authorized furtherance of the promotional and public by any of the persons specified in by Congress as provided by the Constitu­ developmental responsibilities of the § 370.735-21, provided that full value, as tion and Public Law 89-673, 80 Stat. 952. published in a carrier’s tariffs, or as is Board and the employee, provided the customarily charged to the public, is employee is properly in attendance, and Subpart C— Outside Employment paid therefor; (2 ) the carriage without the acceptance does not result in or and Other Activity charge by an air carrier, of employees create the appearance of improper con­ § 370.735—31 General prohibition. engaged in inspection duties, pursuant duct as specified in § 370.735-55. (For to and in accordance with Part 224 of example, an employee might accept a (a) An employee shall not engage in the Board’s Economic Regulations (Part luncheon invitation to meet with an outside employment unless approval is 224 of this chapter)“; and (3) commercial executive of a foreign or domestic air­ obtained pursuant to 370.735-35. transactions between employees and line from out of town, provided the (b) In connection with the presenta­ banks, insurance companies and other meeting did not have an actual or tion or publication of unofficial speeches, similar institutions which may be among apparent purpose of being primarily for lectures or writings on matters dealing the persons specified in § 370.735-21 entertainment of the employee, and with aviation or related subjects, em­ where no special treatment is afforded there did not exist other circumstances ployees shall adhere to the policies, and by the institution to the employee (for which would make the meeting improper. obtain required clearances, as set forth example, loans and mortgages; estate or Similarly, on business or inspection trips in Part 443 of the CAB Manual. trust relationships; or handling of per­ out of town or abroad, employees would (c ) An employee shall not engage in sonal investments, insurance policies, not be precluded from accepting normal outside employment or other outside ac­ and other financial matters normal to the but limited social amenities offered by tivity not compatible with the full and conduct of personal and family life.) airline representatives in attendance, proper discharge of the duties and re­ (c) The provisions of § 370.735-21 where the circumstances made it clear sponsibilities of his Government employ­ shall not prohibit the acceptance of the that there was no attempt to cultivate ment. Incompatible activities include but favoritism on the part of the employee, following: of interest;, or and the appearance of improper conduct (1) Invitations addressed to and ap­ (1) Acceptance of a fee, compensa­ proved by the Board for employees des­ would not otherwise be present.) tion, gift, payment of expense, or any ignated by the Board (including, where (5) Such other invitations as shall applicable, their wives or a member of from time to time be authorized in ad­ other thing of monetary value in circum­ their immediate family), to participate vance by the Board in specific situations. stances in which acceptance may result ih ceremonial or inaugural flights, and (d) The provisions of § 370.735-21 in, or create the appearance of, conflicts meals, accommodations, and entertain­ shall not prohibit the acceptance of un­ of interest; or ment incidental thereto. solicited advertising or promotional ma­ (2) Outside activity which tends to (2) Invitations to widely attended so­ impair his mental or physical capacity cial, honorary or promotional functions, terial, such as pens, pencils, note pads, including luncheons, dinners, parties or calendars and other items of nominal to perform his Government duties and other affairs, sponsored by persons speci­ intrinsic value. responsibilities in an acceptable manner.


(3) Outside activity which brings, or specifically preparing persons for such involved, where it is clear that the em­ tends to bring discredit upon, or causes examinations. ployment of such family member will not tend to influence the judgment or unfavorable and reasonable criticism of § 370.735—35 Approval of outside em­ the Government or the Board. ployment. action of the employee on matters com­ (4) Outside activity which involves use ing before him, will not encourage pre­ Requests for permission to engage in or exploitation of the employee's official mature or improper disclosure of infor­ outside employment will be processed in role, position, authority, access to limited mation to the family member, or accordance with § 370.735-14, and shall information, or use of Government re­ otherwise create any form of conflict state the days and hours of work or time sources, such as personnel, space, equip­ of interest. The request must contain an involved, and shall identify the employer ment, supplies and communication or agreement to forego any privilege the and the nature of the business. Requests transportation facilities. Board employee would be entitled to as to engage in teaching shall include a a relative of the family member. § 370.735—32 Supplementing Govern­ description of the course to be taught, ment salary prohibited. and shall contain a certification by the Subpart D— Statutory Requirements An employee, other than a special G ov­ employee that the school does not hold § 370.735—41 Activities prohibited by ernment employee, shall not receive any itself out as offering courses^ specifically Public Law 87—849. salary or anything of monetary value designed to, and the course itself is not designed to, prepare or train students for Public Law 87-849 (18 U.S.C. 203, 205, from a private source as compensation 207, 208, and 209), prohibits various ac­ for his services to the Government (18 Civil Service or Foreign Service exami­ nations. tivities, transactions and relationships of U.S.C. 209). Federal employees and prescribes fines § 370.735—33 Holding State or local § 370.735—36 Exceptions. _ and/or imprisonment as penalties upon government offices. Sections 370.735-31— 370.735-34 do not conviction of violation of the statute. An employee shall not engage in out­ preclude an employee (including Board § 370.735—42 Limited waiver o f the pro­ side employment under a State or local Members) from : hibition against representation. (a) Receipt of bona fide reimburse­ government, except in accordance with An employee seeking to represent his Part 734 of the Civil Service Commission ment, unless prohibited by law, for ac­ tual expenses for travel and such other parents^ spouse, child, or a person or es­ regulations respecting holding State or tate he serves as fiduciary, may request local office (5 C FR Part 734). necessary subsistence as is compatible with this part for which no Government a waiver of the prohibitions against § 370.735—34 Teaching, lecturing, and payment or reimbursement is made. representing another in a matter in writing. However, an employee may not be reim­ which the United States has a direct (a) Employees are encouraged to en­ bursed, and payment may not be made and substantial interest as set forth in gage in teaching, lecturing, and writing on his behalf, for excessive personal liv­ 18 U.S.C. 203, 205(1) or 205(2). The re­ that is not prohibited by law, the Execu­ ing expenses, gifts, entertainments or quest may be granted provided the em­ tive order, Part 735 of the Civil Service other personal benefits; nor may an em­ ployee has not participated personally Commission’s regulations (5 C FR Part ployee be reimbursed for travel on official and substantially in his official capacity 735), or this part. However, an employee business under Board orders when reim­ in the matter, and provided further, the shall not, either for or without compen­ bursement is proscribed by Decision B - matter is not a subject of his official re­ sation, engage in teaching, lecturing, or 128527 of the Comptroller General, dated sponsibility. Request should be made in writing that is dependent on informa­ M arch 7,1967. accordance with the procedures set forth tion obtained as a result of his Govern­ (b) Participation in the activities of in § 370.735-14. ment employment, except when that in­ national or State political parties not § 370.735—43 Waiver of the prohibition formation has been made available to the proscribed by law (see Part 271 of the against acts affecting financial inter­ general public or will be made available C AB M anual for prohibitions against en­ ests. on request, or when the Chairman or the gagement in certain political activities). Public Law 87-849 (18 U.S.C. 208) (c) Participation in the affairs of or Executive Director gives written author­ specifically prohibits an employee from acceptance of an award for a meritorious ization for the use of nonpublic inform a­ participating personally and substantial­ tion on the basis that the use is in the public contribution or achievement given ly in official business which affects a fi­ by a charitable, religious, professional, public interest. nancial interest of his own, or of his social, fraternal, nonprofit educational (b) Board Members, as Presidential spouse, minor child, partner, organiza­ and recreational, public service, or civic appointees covered by section 401(a) of tion in which he is an official or employee, organization. the Executive order, are specifically pre-/ or of any person or organization with (d) In respect to special Government eluded by § 735.203(c) of the Civil Serv­ whom he is negotiating or has an ar­ employees, engaging in outside employ­ ice Commission’s regulations (5 C FR rangement concerning prospective em­ ment and receiving compensation there­ 735.203(c)) from receiving compensation ployment. An employee who believes his for, to the extent reported and approved or anything of monetary value for any interest is not substantial enough to af­ in accordance with §§ 370.735-72 and consultation, lecture, discussion, writing, fect the integrity of his services may re­ 370.735-73 (c ) , and not otherwise pro­ or appearance the subject matter of quest that the prohibition be waived in hibited by statute or regulation. which is devoted substantially to the re­ accordance with the procedures set forth sponsibilities, program, or operations of § 370.735—37 Employment of family in § 370.735-14. his agency, or which draws substantially members in aeronautical and related wi official data or ideas which have not enterprises^ § 370.735—44 Other statutory require­ ments. oecome part of the body of public in­ (a) No individual will be employed or formation. Each employee shall acquaint himself retained in employment by the Board with the following provisions of law: (c) The Civil Service Commission, if a member of the employee’s immediate Pursuant to Executive Order 9367, pro­ family (blood relations who are residents (a) The "Code of Ethics for Govern­ fits Federal employees from teaching of an employee’s household) is employed ment Service,” House Concurrent Reso­ nfFa?^ sch°°l which holds itself out as by an air carrier, a person or firm (legal, lution 175, 85th Congress, 2d sqpsion, 72 ering courses specifically designed to accounting, public relations, advertising, Stat. B12. prepare students for Civil Service or etc.) representing an air carrier, or an /' (b) Chapter 11 of Title 18, United Service examinations or teach- aviation trade association. States Code, relating to bribery, graft, trf- any course specifically designed to (b) An employee may request a waiver, and conflicts of interest, as appropriate warn applicants for Civil Service or modification or postponement of the im­ ei.?n Service examinations or is so plementation of this prohibition, in ac­ to the employees concerned. _oseiy related with the subject matter cordance with the procedures of (c) The prohibition against lobbying a Civil Service or Foreign Service § 370.735-14, on grounds of undue hard­ with appropriated funds (18 U.S.C. examination that it has the effect of ship to himself or the family member 1913).


(d) The prohibition against disloyalty provided in § 370.735-34, directly or in­ for private gain for himself or another and striking (5 U.S.C. 7311, 18 U.S.C. directly use, or allow the use of, official person, particularly one with whom he 1918). information obtained through or in con­ has family, business, or financial ties. (e) The prohibition against the em­ nection with his Government employ­ § 370.735—62 Use o f inside information. ployment of a member of a Communist ment which has not been made available organization (50 U.S.C. 784). to the general public. A special Government employee shall (f) The prohibitions against (1) the not use inside information obtained as § 370.735—53 Indebtedness. disclosure of classified information (18 a result of his Government employment U.S.C. 798, 50 U.S.C. 783), and (2) the An employee shall pay each just finan­ for private gain for himself or another disclosure of confidential information cial obligation in a proper and timely person either by direct action on his part (18 U.S.C. 1905, 49 U.S.C. 14 72 (f)). manner, especially one imposed by law or by counsel, recommendation, or sug­ (g) The provision relating to the such as Federal, State, or local taxes. For gestion to another person, particularly habitual use of intoxicants to excess (5 the purpose of this paragraph, a “just one with whom he has family, business, U.S.C. 7352). financial obligation” means one acknowl­ or financial ties. For the purpose of this (h) The prohibition against the mis­ edged by the employee or reduced to paragraph, “inside information” means use of a Government vehicle (31 U.S.C. judgment by a court, and “in a proper information obtained under Government 63 8a(c)). and timely manner” means in a manner authority which has not become part of (i) The prohibition against the mis­ which the agency determines does not, the body of public information. under the circumstances, reflect ad­ use of the franking privilege (18 U.S.C. § 370.735—63 Coercion. 1719). versely on the Government as his em­ (j) The prohibition against the use of ployer. In the event of dispute between A special Government employee shall deceit in an examination or personnel an employee and an alleged creditor, this not use his Government employment to action in connection with Government section does not require the Board to de­ coerce, or give the appearance of coerc­ employment (18 U.S.C. 1917). termine the validity or amount of the ing, a person to provide financial benefit (k) The prohibition against fraud or disputed debt. Part 275 of the CAB M an­ to himself or another person, particu­ false statements in a Government matter ual sets forth Board procedure with re­ larly one with whom he has family, busi­ (18 U.S.C. 1001). spect to employee indebtedness. ness, or financial ties. (l) The prohibition against mutilating § 370.735—54 Gambling, belting, and Subpart G— Financial Interests or destroying a public record (18 U.S.C. lotteries. 2071). § 370.735—71 General prohibition. An employee shall not participate (m) The prohibition against counter­ (a) No employee (including his while on Government-owned or leased feiting and forging transportation re­ spouse, minor children, or other depend­ property or while on duty for the Gov­ quests (18 U.S.C. 508). ents) shall have any pecuniary interest ernment, in any gambling activity in­ (n) The prohibitions against (1) em­ in or own any stock in or bonds of any cluding the operation of a gambling de­ bezzlement of Government money or civil aeronautics enterprise (49 U.S.C. vice, in conducting a lottery or pool, in a property (18 U.S.C. 641); (2) failing to 1321(b)), except that employees other game for money or property, or in selling account for public money (18 U.S.C. than Board Members may, in accord­ or purchasing a numbers slip or ticket. 643); and (3) embezzlement of the ance with Part 274 of the CAB Manual, However, this section does not preclude money or property of another person in obtain a waiver, modification or post­ activities: the possession of an employee by reason ponement of the implementation of this of his employment (18 U.S.C. 654). (a) Necessitated by an employee’s law prohibition, if the prohibition would im­ (o) The prohibition against unauthor­ enforcement duties; or pose an undue hardship and is not re­ ized use of documents relating to claims (b) Under section 3 of Executive Or­ quired in the public interest. from or by the Government (18 U.S.C. der 10927 and similar agency-approved (b) An employee shall not: 285). activities. (1) Have a direct or indirect financial (p) The prohibition against proscribed § 370.735—55 General conduct preju­ interest that conflicts substantially, or political activities contained in Subchap­ dicial to the Government. appears to conflict substantially, with his ter H I of Chapter 73 of Title 5, United Government duties and responsibilities; States Code, and in 18 U.S.C. 602, 603, An employe shall not engage in crim­ or 607, and 608. inal, infamous, dishonest, immoral, or (q) The prohibition against an em­ notoriously disgraceful conduct, or other (2) Engage in, directly or indirectly, a ployee acting as the agent of a foreign conduct prejudicial to the Government. financial transaction as a result of, or principal registered under the Foreign An employee shall avoid any action, primarily relying on, information ob­ Agents Registration Act (18 U.S.C. 219). whether or not specifically prohibited by tained through his Government employ­ (r) The prohibition against Board this Part which might result in, or cre­ ment; however Members having any pecuniary interest ate the appearance of: ^ (3) This section does not preclude an in or owning any stock in or bonds of (a ) Using public office for private employee from having a financial in­ any civil aeronautics enterprise, or en­ gain; terest or engaging in financial transac­ gaging in any other business, vocation or (b) Giving preferential treatment to tions to the same extent as a private employment. (Sec. 201(b), Federal Avi­ any person; citizen not employed by the Government, ation Act, 49 U.S.C. 1321(b).) (c ) Impeding Government efficiency so long as it is not prohibited by law» Executive order, this part, or Part 274 Subpart E— Other Standards of or economy; (d) Losing complete independence or of the CAB Manual. Conduct impartiality; (c) Limitations on the representation § 370.735—51 Use of Government prop­ (e) Making a Government decision activities of former Board employees ana erty. outside official channels; or partners of present Board employees, in­ cluding the use of confidential informa­ An employee shall not directly or In ­ (f) Affecting adversely the confidence tion are set forth in §§ 300.13-300.19 o directly use, or allow the use of, Govern­ of the public in the integrity of the Gov­ the Board’s Procedural Regulation ment property of any kind, including ernment. (§§ 300.13-300.19 of this chapter). property leased to the Government, for Subpart F— Additional Requirements other than officially approved activities. § 370.735-72 Reporting financial inter­ An employee has a positive duty to pro­ for' Special Government Employees ests and employment. tect and conserve Government property, § 370.735—61 Use o f Government em­ (a) (1) Employees in the categories including equipment, supplies, and other ployment. listed in § 370.735-73 (a ) shall submit to property entrusted or issued to him. A special Government employee shall the Director of Personnel and Securi y § 370.735—52 Misuse o f information. not use his Government employment for within 90 days of date of issuance of tins For the purpose of furthering a private a purpose that is, or gives the appear­ part (or with respect to employees ente * interest, an employee shall not, except as ance of being, motivated by the desire ing on duty after the issuance of t

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 RULES AND REGULATIONS 13057 part or coming within the purview of recreational, public service, civic, or waived or modified to the extent consist­ § 370.735-73 (a ) , within 30 days there­ political organization or similar organi­ ent with § 735.412 of the Civil Service after) a statement of their financial in­ zation not conducted as a business enter­ Commission’s regulations (5 CFR terests and employment. All special Gov­ prise is not required to be reported. 735.412) upon application to the Chair­ ernment employees shall submit their (f) The statements required by thisman through ( 1 ) the head of the special statements of financial interests and section are in addition to, and not in Government employee’s Office or Bureau, employment in accordance with substitution for, or in derogation of, any (2) the Director of Personnel and Secu­ § 370.735—73 (c ). A supplementary state­ similar requirement imposed by law, rity, and (3) the Executive Director, who ment shall be submitted as of June 30 order or regulation. The submission of a shall attach their recommendations of each year prior to July 31. Notwith­ statement by an employee does not per­ thereto. standing the filing of the annual report mit him or any other person to partici­ This part as amended, was approved by required by this section, each employee pate in a matter in which his or the other the Civil Service Commission on Au­ fiha.ii at all times avoid acquiring a person’s participation is prohibited by gust 25,1967. financial interest that could result, or law, order or regulation. taking an action that would result, in a Effective date. This part, as amended, § 370.735—73 Employees required to shall become effective upon publication violation of the confiicts-of-interest pro­ submit statements. visions of section 208 of Title 18, United in the F ederal R egister. (a) Every employee shall execute and States Code. By the Civil Aeronautics Board. (2) The interest of an employee’s im­ forward to the Director of Personnel and [ seal] H arold R . S anderson, mediate family (blood relations who are Security a report of his holdings of a Secretary. residents of the employee’s household) pecuniary interest in a civil aeronautics is considered to be an interest of the enterprise, in accordance with section [F.R. Doc 67-10789; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; employee. ■ 274 of the Civil Aeronautics Board 8:49 a.m.] Manual. (b) The Director of Personnel and Security shall review these statements (b) The following categories of em­ for the purpose of disclosing any conflict ployees are determined by the Board, of interest or apparent conflict of in­ subject to the right of appeal under sec­ Title 15— COMMERCE AND terest. If such is found, the employee tion 263.4 of the C A B M anual, to be with­ shall be given an opportunity to explain in the scope of §§ 735.403 and 735.404 of FOREIGN TRADE the conflict, or apparent conflict. If the the Regulations of the Civil Service Com­ mission on Employee Responsibilities and Chapter II— National Bureau of explanation does not resolve the conflict, Standards, Department of Commerce the Director of Personnel and Security Conduct (5 C FR Part 735) and therefore shall report the circumstances, together shall, in addition to the requirement in SUBCHAPTER B— STANDARD REFERENCE with his recommendation for appropriate paragraph (a ) of this section, submit MATERIALS remedial action, to the Chairman Statements of Employment and Finan­ cial Interests: PART 230— STANDARD REFERENCE through the Counselor for the Board. MATERIALS Appropriate remedial action includes, (1) Employees in Hearing Examiner but is not limited to, divestiture by the positions. Subpart C— Standards of Certified employee of his conflicting interest, dis­ (2) Employees in grades GS-16 and Chemical Composition qualification for particular assignments, above or in positions paid at a rate equal reassignment, or disciplinary action. Any to or above the entrance rate for a grade I sotopic R eference Standards remedial action shall be effected in ac­ GS-16. Under the provisions of 15 U.S.C. 275a cordance with applicable laws, Executive (3) All other employees in positions of and 277, the following amendment to orders, and Civil Service Commission or assistant division chief or equivalent and Part 230 of Title 15 of the Code of Federal Board regulations. above at any grade. Regulations, relating to standard refer­ (c) The reports of financial interests (c) Employees not listed in paragraph ence materials issued by the National Bu­ and employment shall be held in the (b) of this section are determined by the reau of Standards, is effective upon pub­ strictest confidence. No access shall be Board either as not being within § 735.- lication in the F ederal R egister. allowed to, or information allowed to be 403 of the Regulations of the Civil Serv­ Section 230.7-22 of Part 230 is amended disclosed from, a statement except to ice Commission on Employee Responsi­ by revising the introductory statement, carry out the purpose of this Part, or bilities and Conduct requiring the filing and adding standard reference materials except as the Civil Service Commission of statements of employment and finan­ 981,982, and 983. Accordingly, the follow­ or the Chairman may determine for good cial interests, or as being within § 735.404 ing amends 15 CFR Part 230: cause shown. of such regulations and thus not required § 230.7—22 Isotopic reference standards. (d) I f any information required to be to file a statement. ^uded on a statement of employment (d ) Board Members are subject to sep­ Standard reference materials for chlo­ and financial interests or supplementary arate reporting requirements under sec­ rine, copper, bromide, silver, chromium, statement, including holdings placed in tion 401 of the Executive order,, and are and magnesium are natural-ratio mate­ trust, is not known to the employee but not required to file statements pursuant rials furnished in 0.25 g units with a cer­ is known to another person, the employee to this section (§ 735.404 of the Civil Serv­ tificate of isotopic composition. The lead responsible for requesting that other ice Commission’s regulations (5 C FR standards, Nos. 981, 982, and 983, are Person to submit the information on his 735.404)). furnished as purified (99.9+ percent) behalf. metal, consisting of 1-g of 50 mil wire (e) A ll special Government employees, sealed in a 10 -ml ampoule, and are avail­ oh,,6 i.For Purpose of this section, regardless of grade, shall report all other able only as a set of three. The isotopic ucational and other institutions doing employment and all financial interests in composition of all the standards has been aud development or related any civil, aeronautics enterprise. Such evolving grants of money from, determined by mass-spectrometry, by statements shall be submitted not later the Government are comparison with mixtures prepared from t° be business enterprises and than the time of employment, and shall high-purity separated isotopes. They are mpn+e<^ i e(* ke included in the state­ be kept current throughout the special useful as standard reference materials ment. Otherwise, information relating to employee’s employment with the Board for those looking for small variations in the isotopic composition of the elements, e employee’s connection with, or in- by submission of supplementary state­ and for the measurement of mass-dis­ vfes“ in> a professional society or a ments not later than 15 days after any crimination effects encountered in the aritable, religious, social, fraternal, change. These requirements may be operation of mass spectrometers.


P ar. 7. Section 601.521, as set forth in Sample Nos. Kind Element Price paragraph 3 of the notice of proposed rule making, is revised. * * * * * * # * * * * * 981 P ar. 8. Section 601.522, as set forth in 982 paragraph 3 of the notice of proposed 983 Radiogenic lead.!-— ...... $100.00 rule making, is revised. P ar. 9. Section 601.523, as set forth in (Sec. 9, 31 Stat. 1450, as amended; 15 U.S.C. 227. Interprets or applies sec. 7, 60 Stat. 959; 15 paragraph 3 of the notice of proposed U.S.C. 275a) rule making, is revised. Dated: August 29, 1967. (Sec. 7805 of the Internal Revenue Code of I. C. Schoonover, 1954 ( 68A Stat. 917; 26 U.S.C. 7805) and 5 Acting Director. U.S.C. 301)

[F.R. Doc. 67-10740; Filed, Sept. 13,1967; 8:45 a.m.] [ seal] S heldon S. Cohen, Commissioner of Internal Revenue. PART 230— STANDARD REFERENCE In order to make liberalizing and clar­ MATERIALS Title 26— INTERNAL REVENUE ifying changes in the Conference and Practice Requirements and related pro­ Chapter I— Internal Revenue Service, Subpart D— Standards of Certified visions of the Statement of Procedural Department of the Treasury Rules (26 C FR P art 601) and to con­ Properties and Purity SUBCHAPTER H— ‘INTERNAL REVENUE PRACTICE form such Rules to the Act of November 8, 1965 (Public Law 89-332, 79 Stat. T urbidimetric and F in e ne ss S tandard PART 601— STATEMENT OF 1281), such rules are amended as follows: Under the provisions of 15 U.S.C. 275a PROCEDURAL RULES P aragraph 1. Section 601.328 is amend­ and 277, the following amendment to ed by revising paragraph (a) to read as Conference and Practice follows: Part 230 of Title 15 of the Code of Fed­ Requirements § 601.328 Rulings. eral Regulations, relating to standard This part as filed with the F ederal (a ) Requests for rulings. Any per­ reference materials issued by the Na­ R egister on June 20, 1955, was last son who is in doubt as to any matter aris­ tional Bureau of Standards, is effective amended by an amendment published in ing in connection with ( 1 ) operations or upon publication in the F ederal R egis­ the F ederal R egister for July 1,1967 (32 transactions in the alcohol tax area or F.R. 9541). On March 29, 1967, notice of ter. under the Federal Alcohol Administra­ proposed rule making with respect to the tion Act, (2) operations or transactions Subpart D of Part 230 is amended by amendment of the Conference and Prac­ in the tobacco tax area, or (3) the taxes changing § 230.8-19 Turbidimetric and tice Requirements and related provisions relating to machine guns and certain fineness standard to renew and renum­ of the Statement of Procedural Rules (26 other firearms imposed by chapter 53 of ber standard reference material 114k as C F R Part 601) to make liberalizing and the Code; the registration by importers clarifying changes in such rules and to 114L and change the price thereof. Ac­ and manufacturers of, and dealers in, conform such rules to the Act of Novem­ cordingly, the following amends 15 CFR such firearms; the registration of such ber 8, 1965 (Public Law 89-332, 79 Stat. firearms; and the licensing of manu­ P art 230: 1281), was published in the F ederal facturers of, and dealers in, firearms or R egister (32 F.R. 5278). After consider­ ammunition under sections 901 through § 230.8—19 Turbidimetric and fineness ation of all such relevant matter as was standard. 910 of Title 15 of the United States Code, presented by interested persons regard­ may request a ruling thereon by address­ * ♦ 4c 4e ♦ ing the rules proposed, proposed para­ ing a letter to the Director, Alcohol and graph (e)(5) of § 601.201, as set forth Tobacco Tax Division, Internal Revenue in paragraph 1 of the notice of proposed Service, Washington, D.C. 20224, or to Sample Kind Certification Price rule making, is withdrawn and the re­ the assistant regional commissioner (al­ No. mainder of the amendment as proposed cohol and tobacco tax) of the region in is hereby adopted, subject to the changes which the inquirer’s business is located. 114L Cement... Residue on No. 325 sieve $4.50 set forth below: bronze cloth, wet Since a ruling as defined in paragraph method, 0.8 percent. P aragraph 1. Paragraph (a ) of § 601.- (a ) ( 2 ) of § 601.201 can issue only from Residue on No. 325 sieve 328, as set forth in paragraph 2 of the electro-formed sheet the National Office, any such request (44.0/*), wet method, notice of proposed rule making, is made to an assistant regional commis­ 12.2 percent. revised. Surface area (Wagner sioner will be referred by him to the Di­ turbidimeter), 1820 P ar. 2. Paragraph (a ) of § 601.501, as rector, Alcohol and Tobacco T ax Divi­ emfyg. set forth in paragraph 3 of the notice of sion, for reply unless the issues involved Surface area (air-per­ proposed rule making, is revised. meability), 3380 are clearly covered by currently effective Par. 3. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of cm2/g. rulings or come within the plain intent Mean particle diameter § 601.503, as set forth in paragraph 3 of (air-permeability), of the statutes or regulations. If a re­ 5.64 microns. the notice of proposed rule making, are revised. quest for a ruling is signed by a repre­ P ar. 4. Section 601.504, as set forth in sentative, or if the representative is to (Sec. 9, 31 Stat. 1450, as amended; 15 U.S.O. paragraph 3 of the notice of proposed appear before the Internal Revenue 277. Interprets or applies sec. 7, 60 Stat. 959; rule making, is amended by revising the Service, such representative must pre­ 15 U.S.C. 275a) heading thereof and by revising para­ graph (d) (2). sent a tax information authorization or Dated: August 29, 1967. P ar. 5. Paragraph (b ) of § 601.505, as a power of attorney, signed by the tax­ set forth in paragraph 3 of the notice payer authorizing him to receive or in­ I. C. S choonover, of proposed rule making, is revised. spect confidential information in the Acting Director. P ar. 6. Paragraph (a) of § 601.506, as matter (see Subpart E of this part). [F.R. Doc. 67-10741; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; set forth in paragraph 3 of the notice 8:45 a.m.] of proposed rule making, is revised. * * * — • *


Par. 2. Subpart E of Part 601 Is amend­ (b ) Definitions for purposes of thisinafter referred to in this subpart as ed to read as follows : subpart— (1) Matter. The application Circular No. 230), which circular con­ of each tax imposed by the Internal Rev­ tains rules governing practice before the Subpart E— Conference and Practice Requirements enue Code for each taxable period con­ Revenue Service. Circular No. 230 in­ Sec. stitutes a separate matter. cludes, among other things, the require­ 601.501 Scope of conference and practice ments of the Act of November , 1965 requirements; definitions. (2) Office of the Internal Revenue 8 Service. The office of each district di­ (Public Law 89-332,79 Stat. 1281), which G e n e r a l R equirements rector of Internal Revenue, the office of law governs the recognition of attorneys 601.502 Requirements for conference—rec­ each regional commissioner, and the and certified public accountants. In ognition to practice and, in cer­ office of each regional counsel consti­ general, the following persons will be rec­ tain cases, power of attorney or tutes a separate office of the Internal ognized to practice before the Revenue tax information authorization. Revenue Service. Service— 601.503 Requirements for filing evidence of recognition, power of attorney, (3) Tax information authorization. A (1) Any person who is a member in and tax information authoriza­ document signed by the taxpayer au­ good standing of the bar of the highest tion. thorizing his representative to receive or court of any State, possession, territory, 601.504 Requirements for execution, at­ inspect confidential tax information in Commonwealth, or the District of Co­ testation, acknowledgment or wit­ a specified matter constitutes a tax infor­ lumbia, and who is not currently under nessing and certification of copies, mation authorization. For rules relating suspension or disbarment from practice of power of attorney and tax in­ to the requirements of a tax information before the Revenue Service, and who files formation authorization. authorization, see paragraph (c) (2 ) of with the Revenue Service a written dec­ 601.505 Requirements for changing rep­ resentation. § 601.502. laration that he is so currently qualified and is authorized to represent the par­ 601.506 Notices to be given to recognized G eneral R equirements representatives; delivery of re­ ticular party on whose behalf he acts fund checks to recognized rep­ § 601.502 Requirements for confer­ (hereinafter referred to in this subpart resentatives. ence— recognition to practice and, in as a qualified attorney); 601.507 Evidence required to substantiate certain cases, power o f attorney or (ii) Any person who is duly qualified facts alleged in conferences. tax information authorization. 601.508 Contest between representatives of to practice as a certified public account­ a taxpayer, (a ) General. It is the policy of the ant in any State, possession, territory, 601.509 Power of attorney or tax informa­ Revenue Service to encourage the dis­ Commonwealth, or the District of Co­ tion authorization not required cussion of disputed tax liability or any lumbia, and who is not currently under in cases docketed in the Tax other matter in connection with an in­ suspension or disbarment from practice Court of the United States, ternal revenue tax which affects the tax­ before the Revenue Service, and who files Requirements for A l c o h o l a n d T obacco payer’s interest. Conferences, of course, with the Revenue Service a written dec­ T ax A c t iv it ie s may be accorded only to taxpayers or laration that he is so currently qualified 601.521 Requirements for conference and their duly authorized representatives. and is authorized to represent the par­ representation in conference. As a general rule, conferences with tax­ ticular party on whose behalf he acts 601.522 Power of attorney. payers or their representatives will not (hereinafter referred to in this subpart as 601.523 Tax information authorization. be held without previous arrangement. a qualified certified public accountant); 601.524 Execution and filing powers of at­ However, upon a proper showing, a re­ torney and tax information au­ (iii) Any person currently enrolled quest for an immediate conference with­ as an agent pursuant to the requirements thorizations. out previous arrangement will be given 601.525 Certification of copies of documents. of Circular No. 230; and consideration, and Revenue Service offi­ 601.526 Revocation of powers of attorney (iv) Any person qualified under § 10.5 cials responsible for the arrangement of and tax information • authoriza­ (c) (relating to temporary recognition tions: conferences may, in their discretion, of an applicant for enrollment) or § make an exception to the general rule. 10.7 601.527 Other provisions applied to repre­ (relating to limited practice without en­ sentation in alcohol and tobacco Every protest, brief, or other statement rollment in the case of a full-time em­ tax activities. in writing which the taxpayer or his ployee, or a bona fide officer of a corpora­ representative desires to be considered Au t h o r it y : The provisions of this Subpart tion, trust, estate, association, or orga­ E issued under sec. 7805, Internal Revenue at any conference should be submitted or nized group, and certain others) of Cir­ Code of 1954 ( 68A Stat. 917; 26 U.S.C. 7805); filed at least 5 days prior to the date of cular No. 230. 5 TJ.S.C. 301. the conference. If the taxpayer or his representative is unable to file such pro­ The appearance of such person and his Subpart E— Conference and Practice test, brief, or other statement in writing representation of taxpayers in every re­ Requirements at least 5 days prior to the date of the spect must be in strict compliance with § 601.501 Scope o f conference and scheduled conference, the taxpayer or the requirements of all pertinent stat­ practice requirements; definitions. his representative should arrange with utes, Circular No. 230, and this subpart. the appropriate Revenue Service official (2) Enrollment not required for certain (a) Scope. The conference and prac­for a postponement of the conference persons, (i) The persons described in tice requirements prescribed in this sub- to a date mutually agreeable to the par­ subparagraph (1 ) (iv) of this paragraph Part apply to all offices of the Internal ties. The taxpayer or his representative (see § 10.5(c) and § 10.7 of Circular No. Revenue Service, including the Office of remains free, of course, to submit ad­ 230) are authorized by Circular No. 230 he Chief Counsel. Such requirements ditional or supporting facts or evidence to appear without enrollment under the within a reasonable time after the circumstances and conditions described are applicable to practice (including con- conference. therein. However, such persons must erences) with respect to any matter in- (b ) Requirements to be met by tax­ present satisfactory identification and, if v° ving any internal revenue tax, but payer's representative in order to be rec­ required by paragraph (c) of this section, o not extend to the mere signing of a ognized—( 1 ) Explanation of recognition submit a power of attorney or a tax in­ x retum, claim, or election, since such to practice. Except as otherwise pro­ formation authorization. The formal re­ an act, of itself, does not constitute vided in this section, no person may quirements concerning identification and appear in a representative capacity on authority of a person acting in a fiduciary c ce before the Revenue Service. The behalf of any taxpayer or of a transferee capacity are the same as those related to signing of a tax return, claim, or election or fiduciary unless such person is recog­ the execution by a fiduciary of powers of governed by other rules or instructions nized to practice before the Revenue attorney or tax information authoriza­ a mg to such matters. For special pro- Service. * A person will be recognized to tions (see § 601.504). Persons described i°ns relating to alcohol and tobacco practice before the Revenue Service if in subparagraph ( 1 ) (iv) of this para­ he meets the requirements set forth in graph who without enrollment may ap­ 601527 Vi*lies’ see §§ 601.521 through Treasury Department Circular No. 230, pear on behalf of any person with respect as am ended (31 C FR Part 10) (here­ to the tax liability of such person, may

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13060 RULES AND REGULATIONS also without enrollment appear with re­ (iv) Execution of a closing agreementUnless the Revenue Service officials are spect to the liability of such person as a under section 7121 of the Internal Rev­ advised to the contrary, in such a case, it transferee of property of a taxpayer and enue Code. will be presumed that the taxpayer in with respect to the liability of a fiduciary The. power of attorney must specify whose behalf the representative appears under Revised Statute § 3467, as amended which of the acts the representative is places no limitations upon the authority (31U.S.C. 192). authorized to perform and no repre­ of his representative to receive confiden­ (ii) A representative (who would have sentative will be permitted to perform tial information at the conference. to be enrolled in order to practice before any of such acts without a proper power (ii) A tax information authorization the Revende Service) will not be required of attorney. Except as provided in is not required at a conference concern­ to become enrolled if such representa­ paragraph (c) (2) of § 601.505, only one ing an estate tax case, even though the tive is only authorized to inspect or re­ power of attorney is to be in effect in executor or administrator is not present ceive copies of returns filed by the tax­ an office of the Revenue Service with at the conference, if the representative j payer where an Executive order or regu­ respect to any of the acts enumerated presents satisfactory evidence to the■ lations permit such action by a in this subparagraph, and there must be Revenue Service officials that he: representative. The Commissioner re­ included in such power of attorney the (a ) Is recognized to practice before serves the right to withhold applying names and addresses of all representa­ the Revenue Service within the meaning the above exception in any specific case. tives to whom the taxpayer has dele­ of paragraph (b) ( 1 ) ofdhis section, (3) Employees of persons recognized gated authority to represent him with (b ) Prepared the estate tax return on to practice. Employees of persons recog­ respect to any of the acts. behalf of the executor or administrator, nized to practice before the Revenue (2) Requirement of atfix information and Service, who themselves are not so recog­ authorization, (i) Except as otherwise "(c) Is the attorney of record for the nized, will not be recognized by offices of provided in subdivision (ii) of this sub- the Revenue Service except for the pur­ executor or administrator before the paragraph and subparagraphs (3) and court where the will is probated or the pose of filing papers or securing informa­ (4) of this paragraph, in order that a tion as to the status of tax cases. Rec­ estate is administered. taxpayer’s representative may receive (iii) A power of attorney or a tax in­ ognition of such employees for the or inspect confidential tax information purpose of securing information as to the formation authorization is not required in a matter, a tax information author­ in the case of a trustee, receiver, or an status of tax cases will be given only ization, or a copy thereof (for rules re­ when the employee presents, with refer­ attorney (designated to represent a lating to copies, see paragraph (e ) of trustee, receiver, or debtor in possession), ence to a particular case, written author­ § 601.504), will be required by the Rev­ ity from his employer to request such appointed by a court having jurisdiction enue Service. The tax information au­ over a debtor. In such a case, Revenue information, and a power of attorney thorization müst be signed by the tax­ or tax information authorization, if ap­ Service officials may require the submis­ payer and must specify the matter cov­ sion of a certificate from the court having propriate, in such matter has previously ered. Examples of the receipt or inspec­ been filed by his employer and has not jurisdiction over the debtor showing the tion of confidential information for appointment and qualification of the been revoked by the person who granted which a tax information authorization it. trustee, receiver, or attorney and that is required are the inspection of the his authority has not been terminated. (c) Requirement of a power of at­ taxpayer’s tax returns (see section 6103 torney or a tax information authoriza­ In cases pending before a district court and the regulations thereunder), the re­ of the United States, an authenticated tion— (1) Requirement of power of at­ ceipt from Revènue Service officials at a torney. Except as otherwise provided copy of the order approving the bond of conference of information disclosing the the trustee, receiver, or attorney will in subparagraphs (3) (iii) and (4) of position of the Revenue Service with re­ this paragraph, a power of attorney in meet this requirement. spect to the taxpayer’s liability, the dis­ Commissioner’s authority to sub­ proper form, or a copy thereof (for rules (4) cussion with Revenue Service officials on stitute other requirements for power of relating to copies, see paragraph (e) of the substance or merits of a taxpayer’s attorney or tax information authoriza­ § 601.504), executed by the taxpayer, will request for a ruling or determination let­ tion. The Commissioner may, with re­ be required in a matter by the Revenue ter, and the receipt of certain notices spect to the performance of a specific Service when the. taxpayer’s representa­ and other communications, such as a act, substitute a requirement other than tive desires to perform one or more of notice of deficiency under section 6212 of a power of-attorney or a tax information the following acts on behalf of the tax­ the Code or a “30-day letter” and ex­ authorization for appropriate evidence of payer: amining officer’s report under §601.105 the authority of the taxpayer’s repre­ (i) Receipt (but not endorsement and (d), given to a taxpayer with respect sentative. collection) of a check in payment of to his tax affairs. A tax information au­ any refund of internal revenue taxes, thorization will not be required for re­ § 601.503 Requirements for filing evi­ dence o f recognition, power of at­ penalties, or interest. The endorse­ ceipt of notices and other communica­ torney, and tax information au­ ment and payment of a check drawn tions which do not involve the disclosure thorization. on the Treasurer of the United States of confidential information. For rules after delivery to the taxpayer or his rep­ relating to the receipt of notices and (a ) Filing evidence* of recognition. resentative are governed by Treasury other communications, see § 601.506. Evidence of recognition must be submit­ Department Circular No. 21, as amended (ii) Although the Revenue Service ted when a representative presents him­ (31 CFR Part 360). If the refund check requires the taxpayer’s representative to self for the initial meeting in the first is not to be endorsed by the payee per­ file a tax information authorization in office of the Revenue Service in which sonally, it should be endorsed under au­ order for such representative to receive he represents the party on whose behalf thority evidenced by one of the special or inspect confidential information in a he acts in connection with the matter types of powers of attorney prescribed matter, if such representative in connec­ under consideration. Once evidence of by Circular No. 21. (For restrictions on tion with a matter has filed a power of recognition has been submitted, it the assignment of claims, see Revised attorney in order to perform one or not be necessary to submit it again either Statute § 3477, as amended (31 U.S.C. more of the acts specified in subpara­ in the same office or irt other offices o 203). For rules relating to delivery of graph ( 1 ) of this paragraph he will be the Revenue Service which subsequently checks in payment of refunds, see para­ entitled to receive or inspect confidential have the same matter under considera­ graph (b ) of § 601.506.) information in the same matter without tion, unless specifically requested. In (ii) Execution of a waiver of restric­ being required to file a separate tax in­ the case of a qualified attorney or a tion on assessment or collection of a formation authorization. qualified certified public accountant, tn^ deficiency in tax, or a waiver of notice (3) Exceptions to requirement,of power filing,of the applicable written declara­ of disallowance of a claim for credit or of attorney or tax information authoriza­ tion described in paragraph (b l(l) refund. tion in certain cases, (i) A tax informa­ and (ii) of § 601.502 constitutes evidence (iii) Execution of a consent to extend tion authorization is not required of a of recognition. A standard written dec­ the statutory period for assessment or taxpayer’s representative at a conference laration form is available in Revenu collection of a tax. which is also attended by the taxpayer. Service offices. In-the case of a Peis

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 RULES AND REGULATIONS 13061 currently enrolled as an agent, the dem­ be in the form of the written declaration by one of the partners duly authorized onstration by such person that he is the referred to in uaragraph (b )( 1 ) (i) or (ii) to act for the partnership. holder of a valid enrollment card con­ of § 601.502. In the case of an enrollee, (iv) Corporation. In the case of a stitutes evidence of recognition. evidence of recognition shall be in the corporation, by an officer of the corpora­ (b) Filing power of attorney and tax form of a statement that he is enrolled tion having authority to bind the cor­ information authorization. Except as and either his enrollment number or the poration, who shall certify that he has otherwise provided in this paragraph, expiration date of his enrollment card. such authority. one copy of a power of attorney must be (v ) Association. In the case of an § 601.504 Requirement for execution, association, the same requirements shall filed in each office of the Revenue Serv­ attestation, acknowledgment or wit­ ice in which the representative, in con­ nessing, and certification o f copies, be applied as in the case of a corpora­ nection with the matter under considera­ o f power o f attorney and tax in­ tion. tion, desires to perform one or more formation authorization. (2) Special cases. A power of attor­ of the acts enumerated in paragraph (c) ney or a tax information authorization (1) of § 601.502. I f a power of attorney (a ) Formal requirements. The use of in the special cases set forth in subdivi­ with respect to the matter has not been technical language in the preparation of sions (i) through (vi) of this subpara­ filed with the Revenue Service, one copy a power of attorney or a tax informàtion graph must be executed by the party or of a tax information authorization must authorization is not necessary, but the parties having authority to act in the be filed in each office of the Revenue instrument should clearly express the matter under consideration. In this con­ Service in which the representative, in taxpayer’s intention as to the scope of nection, Revenue Service officials may connection with the matter under con­ thé authority of the representative, and require the submission of appropriate sideration, receives or inspects confiden­ specify the tax matter to which the supplementary evidence of the authority tial information. For rules relating to authority relates. A power of attorney of the party or parties. Such powers the filing of a power of attorney alone, or tax information authorization may of attorney or tax information authori­ see paragraph (c) (2) (ii) of § '601.502. relate to more than one matter as, for zations must be executed as follows: One additional copy of a power of attor­ example, a tax information authoriza­ (i) Dissolved partnership. In the case ney or tax information authorization tion which relates to a taxpayer’s income of a dissolved partnership, by each of the also must be filed for each tax matter taxes for several different taxable years. former partners. If one or more of the covered by the power of attorney or tax If the taxpayer wishes to authorize xds partners are dead, their legal representa­ information authorization. If, in ad­ representative to perform one or more tives must sign in their stead (see subdi­ dition to a past or present matter, a pre­ of the acts set forth in paragraph (c) ( 1 ) vision (iv) of this subparagraph), unless, viously filed power of attorney or tax in­ of § 601.502 for which a power of attor­ under the laws of the particular State, formation authorization relates to a tax ney is required by the Revenue Service, the surviving partners at the time of ex­ matter not presently under considera­ the power must clearly specify which, act ecution of the power of attorney or tax tion, or for which tax returns are not or acts the representative is authorized information authorization have exclu­ yet due, copies of the power of attorney to perform. Furthermore, if the tax­ sive right to control and possession of the or tax information authorization will be payer wishes to authorize his representa­ firm’s assets for the purpose of winding required to be filed subsequently with tive to make substitution of representa­ up its affairs, in which case their signa­ respect to those matters. These copies of tives or delegate authority /to other tures alone will be sufficient. I f only the the power of attorney or tax information representatives, the power of attorney surviving partners sign the power of at­ authorization may be submitted with must state this intention. The power of torney or tax information authorization, the subsequent returns or when the m at­ attorney need not specify the names of the Revenue Service officials may require ter is under consideration by the Revenue the representatives who may be substi­ the submission of a copy of or a citation Service. Where a copy of a power of tuted or to whom authority may be dele­ to the pertinent provisions of the State attorney or tax information authoriza­ gated, although such substitution or law under which the surviving partners tion is filed with the office of a district delegation, when it occurs, must be evi­ claim authority without legal representa­ director which has the matter under con­ denced by a statement signed by the tives of the deceased partners. representative named in the power of sideration, it is not necessary to file an­ (ii) Dissolved corporation. In the attorney. The power of attorney or tax other such copy with the office of a re­ case of a dissolved corporation, by the information authorization should also gional commissioner or regional counsel liquidating trustee or trustees under dis­ contain the mailing address of the repre­ which subsequently has the matter under solution, if one or more have been ap­ sentative and, if more than one person consideration, unless such office specifi­ pointed, or by a trustee deriving authori­ is to represent the taxpayer in the mat­ cally requests the additional copy. In ty under a statute of the State in which ter, a designation as to which representa­ case of a request for a ruling or other the corporation was organized. If there tive is to receive notices and other writ­ patter to be considered in the National is more than one trustee, all must join ten communications. Standard power Office, a copy of a power of attorney or a unless it is established that less than all of attorney and tax information authori­ tax information authorization should be have authority to act in the matter under zation forms are available in Revenue submitted with each request if the repre­ consideration. The Revenue Service of­ Service offices. For rules relating to the sentative wishes to represent the tax­ ficials may require the submission of a mailing of notices or other written com­ payer at a conference in the National properly authenticated copy of the in­ munications to a representative, see Office or receive a copy of the ruling. strument under which the trustee de­ § 601.506. Standard power of attorney and tax rives his authority. If the trustee’s au­ mformation authorization forms are Cb) Execution of a power of attorney thority is derived under a State statute, available in Revenue Service offices, or a tax information authorization— (1) the Revenue Service officials may require fer rules relating to the receipt of the Ordinary cases. A power of attorney or the submission of a copy of or a citation original of the ruling by a representative, a tax information authorization must be to the pertinent provisions of such stat­ see paragraph (a ) of § 601.506. executed as follows: ute, together with a statement made un­ (c) Practice by correspondence. I f a (i) Individual. In the case of an in­ der penalties of perjury setting forth the epresentative desires to represent a tax­ dividual taxpayer, by such individual. facts required by the statute as a condi­ payer through correspondence with the (ii) Husband and wife. In the case tion precedent to the vesting of authority m*Ven^e. ®ervic€, the requirements of of any taxable year for which a joint in said truste^ and stating that in the (see Paragraph (b) of return was made by husband and wife, case of any trustee, his authority has not thn * > an<* submission of evidence by both husband and wife except that been terminated. If there is no trustee, reof and, if applicable, of submission either spouse may sign for the other if the power of attorney or tax information tinn Po^fr attorney or a tax informa- such signature is duly authorized in authorization must be signed by a suffi­ 5 1Prization (see paragraph (c) of writing by the other spouse. cient number of individuals to constitute aMnoi * mus^ be met even though no a majority of the voting stock of the cor­ (iii) Partnership. In the case of a of a al appearance is made. In the case poration as of the dale of dissolution. attorney or certified public partnership, by all members, or if exe­ The Revenue Service officials may re­ untant, evidence of recognition shall cuted in the name of the partnership, quire submission of a statement showing

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13062 RULES AND REGULATIONS the total number of outstanding shares deceased of the signatories to the power representative executes a declaration on of voting stock as of the date of dissolu­ of attorney or tax information authori­ the power of attorney that he is so recog. tion, the number of shares held by each zation and the right of each of them to nized, the acknowledgment or witnessing signatory to the power of attorney or tax the respective shares claimed under the under subparagraph (1) of this para­ information authorization, the date of law of the domicile of the deceased. graph will not be required. dissolution, and positive averments as to (v ) Guardians and other fiduciaries (e) Certification of copies. A copy of the nonexistence of any trustee. appointed by a court of record. In the a power of attorney or a tax informa­ (iii) Insolvent taxpayer. In the case case of a taxpayer for whom a guardian tion authorization, or a paper or docu­ of an insolvent taxpayer, by the trustee, or other fiduciary has been appointed by ment filed therewith, which is repro­ receiver, or attorney appointed by a court of record, by the fiduciary. The duced by photographic processes, need the court. The Revenue Service offi­ Revenue Service officials may require the not be certified as a true and correct cials may require the submission of a submission of a court certificate or court copy of the original. W hen such a copy certificate from the court having juris­ order showing that such fiduciary has is reproduced by other methods, it will diction over the insolvent showing the been appointed and that his appoint­ be acceptable if its authenticity is certi­ appointment and qualification of the ment has not been terminated. fied either by a representative who is trustee, receiver, or attorney and that (vi) Trustee under agreement or recognized to practice before the Reve­ his authority has not been terminated. declaration. In the case of a taxpayer nue Service under paragraph (b) (1) (i), In cases pending before a district court who has appointed a trustee, by the ( i i ) , or (iii) of § 601.502, or by a notary of the United States, an authenticated trustee. If there is more than one public or other proper official who states copy of the order approving the bond trustee appointed, all should join un­ that he has personally compared the of the-trustee, receiver, or attorney will less it is shown that less than all have copy with the original and finds it to meet this requirement. authority to act. The Revenue Service be a true and correct copy. (iv) Deceased taxpayers. In the case officials may require the submission of of a deceased taxpayer, by the executor documentary evidence of the authority § 601.505 Requirements fpr changing representation. or administrator if one has been ap­ of the trustee to act. Such evidence pointed and is acting and responsible for may be either a copy of the trust instru­ (a ) No distinction between types o/ disposition of the matter under consid­ ment, properly certified, or a certified powers of attorney. A power of attorney eration. The Revenue Service officials copy of extracts from the trust instru­ is only required by the Revenue Service may require the submission of a short- ments, showing: for the performance of one or more of form certificate (or authenticated copies (a) The date of the instrument, the acts enumerated in paragraph (c); of letters testamentary or letters of ad­ (b ) That it is or is not of record in (1) of § 601.502. Accordingly, for pur­ ministration) showing that the author­ any court, poses of the rules relating to change in ity of the executor or administrator is (c) The beneficiaries, representation set forth in paragraph in full force and effect at the time the id ) The appointment of the trustee, (c) of this section, : no distinction will power of attorney or tax information the authority granted, and such other be made by the Revenue Service be­ authorization is submitted. In the information as may be necessary to tween a general and a limited power of event that a trustee under the will is show that such authority extends to attorney. acting, the power of attorney or tax in­ Federal tax matters, and (b ) Prohibition against unreasonable formation authorization should be ex­ (e) That the trust has not been term­delay in Circular No. 230. See section ecuted by the trustee, unless the execu­ inated and the trustee appointed therein 10.23 of Circular No. 230 for the rule pro­ tor has not been discharged and is re­ is still acting. hibiting a recognized representative from sponsible for disposition of the matter. In the event that the trustee appointed unreasonably delaying the prompt dis­ The Revenue Service officials may re­ in the original trust instrument is no position of any matter before the Rev­ quire the submission of evidence of the longer acting and has been replaced by enue Service. discharge of the executor and appoint­ another trustee, documentary evidence (c) Chan g-e in representation— (1) ment of the trustee, or other appropri­ of the appointment of the new trustee New power of attorney or tax informa­ ate evidence of the authority of the should be submitted. tion authorization required. In any trustee to act. If no executor, admin­ (c) Attestation and corporate seal. case in which there has been filed a istrator, or trustee under the will is act­ It is not necessary that a power of power of attorney with respect to one ing or responsible for disposition of the attorney or a tax information authori­ or more of the acts enumerated in para­ matter and the estate has been dis­ zation granted by a corporation be at­ graph (c) (1) of § 601.502, or a tax in­ tributed to the residuary legatee or tested or that the “corporate seal be formation authorization, and thereafter, legatees, the power of attorney oj tax affixed. Spaces provided on power of with respect to the same matter, the information authorization should be ex­ attorney or tax information authoriza­ taxpayer desires : ecuted by the residuary legatee or lega­ tion forms for affixing the corporate seal (i) To add or to reduce the number tees. The Revenue Service officials may are for4he convenience of corporations of representatives authorized to perform require the submission of a statement required by charter, or by the law of one or more of such acts, or to receive from the court certifying that no execu­ the jurisdiction in which they are in­ confidential information, tor, administrator, or trustee under the corporated, to affix their corporate seals (ii) To revoke the authority granted will Is acting or responsible for disposi­ in the execution of instruments. See to a representative and to authorize a tion of the matter, and naming the re­ paragraph (a ) (1) of § 1.6062-1 of this new representative to perform one or siduary legatees and indicating the chapter (Income Tax Regulations). more of such acts, or to receive such con­ proper share to which each is^entitled. (d ) Acknowledgment or witnessing— fidential information, or In the event that the decedent died in­ (1) General rule. Except as provided in (iii) To change the authority granted testate and the administrator has been subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, a to a representative, discharged and is not responsible for power of attorney must be acknowledged a new power of attorney or a new tax disposition of the matter, or none was before a notary public, or in lieu thereof, information authorization, whichever is ever appointed, the power of attorney or witnessed by two disinterested individ­ appropriate, must be filed. tax information authorization must be uals. The notarial seal must be affixed (2) Rules of revocation of power of at­ executed by the distributees. The Rev­ unless such seal is not required under torney and tax information authoriza­ enue Service officials may require the the laws of the State in which the power tion. (i) Except as provided in the next submission of evidence of the discharge of attorney is executed. A tax infor­ sentence, a new power of attorney file® of the administrator if one had been ap­ mation authorization requires no with respect to one or more of the acts pointed and evidence that the adminis­ acknowledgment or witnessing. enumerated in paragraph (c) (1) 01 trator is not responsible for disposition (2) Exception. If the power of at­§ 601.502 will be deemed as revoking a of the matter, and statements made un­ torney is granted to a representative who prior power of attorney (regardless of der penalties of perj my and such other is recognized to practice before the Rev­ whether the act or acts enumerated in appropriate evidence as can be produced enue Service under paragraph (b) (1) the prior power are the same as oj tending to show the relationship to the (i), (ii), or (iii) of § 601.502, and such different from the act or acts enumerated I ,.X. f ü


in the new power) or tax information au­ payer to authorize additional represent­ payer’s representative affect its validity thorization granted by the taxpayer to atives to receive confidential informa­ which is to be determined solely under another representative with respect to tion, and, at the same time, revoke the the provisions of the Internal Revenue the same matter. A new power of at­ authority of representatives under a Code. In the case of a request for a torney will not be deemed as revoking a prior power of attorney with respect to ruling, if it is desired that the original prior power of attorney or tax informa­ the matter referred to in the prior pow­ of the ruling (or of any correspondence tion authorization if it contains a clause er of attorney. For rules relating to the in connection therewith) be addressed specifically, stating that it does not re­ practice of the Revenue Service in giv­ to the taxpayer’s recognized representa-- voke such prior power of attorney or tax ing notices and other written communi­ tive, the power of attorney or tax infor­ information authorization, and there is cations in cases in which a taxpayer has mation authorization should contain a attached to the new power of attorney a more than one authorized representa­ statement to that effect and designate copy of the unrevoked prior power of tive, see paragraph (a ) of § 601.506. the mailing address of such represent­ attorney or tax information authoriza­ (iv) A taxpayer may revoke a powerative. tion or a statement signed by the tax­ of attorney or a tax information author­ (b ) Delivery of checks in payment of payer listing the names and addresses ization granted to a representative with­ refunds— (1) In general. The Revenue of all representatives authorized under out authorizing a new representative to Service is not bound to deliver any check the prior power of attorney or tax in­ act for him. Upon revocation of a power in payment of refund of internal revenue formation authorization. This proce­ of attorney or a tax information authori­ taxes, penalties, or interest to a repre­ dure permits a taxpayer to authorize zation when no new power of attorney sentative of any taxpayer acting under additional representatives to perform one or tax information authorization is exe­ authority evidenced by a power of at­ or more of the acts enumerated in para­ cuted, the taxpayer must send a signed torney. However, it will be the general graph (c) (1) of § 601.502, or to receive statement to those offices of the Reve­ policy of the Revenue Service to mail confidential information, without revok­ nue Service where he has filed copies of such a check in care of a recognized ing the authority of representatives un­ the power of attorney or tax information representative who has filed a power of der a prior power of attorney or tax in­ authorization which is to be revoked list­ attorney from the taxpayer, specifically formation authorization with respect to ing the names and addresses of the rep­ authorizing him to receive but not to en­ the matter referred to in the prior power resentatives whose authority is revoked. dorse such check (see paragraph (c) (1) of attorney or tax information author­ (i) of § 601.502) .provided that such pow­ ization. For rules relating to the prac­ § 601.506 Notices to be given to recog­ nized representatives; delivery o f re­ er of attorney has been filed in sufficient tice of the Revenue Service in giving no­ fund checks to recognized repre­ time for the section or division preparing tices and other written communications sentatives. the certificate of overassessment, or in cases in which a taxpayer has more other appropriate notice, to show there­ than one authorized representative, see (a ) Notices. Any notice or otheron the mailing address as “care of” the paragraph (a ) of § 601.506. written communication (or a copy representative. When a representative (ii) Except as provided in the next thereof) required or permitted to be has more than one address, a request to sentence, a new tax information author­ given to a taxpayer in any matter before mail the check to an address other than ization will be deemed as revoking a the Revenue Service shall be given to the that shown in the power of attorney will prior tax information authorization taxpayer’s recognized representative. not be granted unless the address shown filed with respect to the same matter. A However, if such, notice or communica­ in the power of attorney is no longer new tax information authorization will tion contains confidential information that of the representative. In the event not be deemed as revoking a prior tax with respect to the taxpayer, the notice that a power of attorney is filed specifi­ information authorization with respect or communication will be given to the cally authorizing more than one repre­ to the same matter if it contains a clause representative only if there is on file sentative to receive checks on the tax­ specifically stating that it does not re­ with the Revenue Service a power of at­ payer’s behalf, and such representatives voke such prior tax information author­ torney or a tax information authoriza­ have different addresses, the Revenue tion in the matter signed by the tax­ ization, and if there is attached to the Service will mail the check directly to payer. For general rules relating to the new tax information authorization a copy the taxpayer, unless a statement is fur­ requirement of a tax information au­ of the unrevoked prior tax information nished, signed by all of the representa­ thorization, see paragraph (c) (2) of authorization or a statement signed by tives named in the power of attorney, re­ § 601.502. Except as otherwise provided the taxpayer listing the names and ad­ questing that the check be mailed in care in this paragraph, if a taxpayer has more dresses of all representatives authorized of one of their number. Furthermore, under the prior tax information authori­ than one recognized representative in a it will be the policy of the Revenue Serv­ matter, service upon any one shall be zation. This procedure permits a tax­ ice not to mail checks in payment of re­ sufficient. To the extent feasible, it will payer to authorize additional representa­ funds to a representative who holds au­ tives to receive confidential information, be the practice of the Revenue Service to thority to receive such checks by reason without revoking the authority of repre- give copies of notices and other writ­ of a substitute power of attorney ob­ sentatives under a prior tax information ten communications to whichever of the tained from the representative desig­ authorization with respect to the matter representatives is designated by the tax­ nated by the taxpayer. referred to in the prior tax information payer to receive such communications (2) Cases in litigation. Checks in authorization. For rules relating to the in the power of attorney or tax infor­ payment of claims which have either practice of the Revenue Service in giving mation authorization, whichever instru­ been reduced to judgment or settled in nonces and other written communica- ment reflects the latest date. If, In such the course or as a result of litigation will '°ns ™ cases in which a taxpayer has instrument, the taxpayer designates be drawn in the name of the person or ™ tilan one authorized representative, more than one representative to receive persons entitled to the money. In an see paragraph (a) of § 601.506. notices and other written communica­ action arising in a U.S. district court, *fu) Except as provided in the next tions, it will be the practice of the Rev­ the check will be sent to the appropriate 7 * nce:,a new tax information authori- enue Service to give copies of such com­ U.S. Attorney for delivery to the tax­ no^ ^ deemed as revoking a munications to two, but not more than payer or the counsel of record in the Power of attorney filed with respect two, representatives so designated, but court proceeding. In an action arising mnfi/f sanfe matter. A new tax infor- only if the two representatives have in the U.S. Court of Claims, the check authorization will be deemed as different mailing addresses. In a case will be sent to the Assistant Attorney resm^ff power of attorney with in which the taxpayer does not desig­ General, Tax Division, Department of t a S î° 5 e same matter if there is at- nate which representative is to receive Justice, for such delivery. thorira^0 the new tax information au- notices, it will be the practice of the sÎatement signed by the Revenue Service to give notices to the § 601.507 Evidence required to substan­ of Jn J^lskng the names and addresses representative first named on the instru­ tiate facts alleged in conferences. PowR- ®prosentatives under the prior ment which reflects the latest date. In All evidence, except that of a supple­ revoked i^orney whose authority is no event will failure to give notice or mentary or incidental character, may be • This procedure permits a tax­ other written communication to a tax­ required to be submitted over the signed


declaration of the taxpayer, made under missioner, alcohol and tobacco tax, or be performed by a representative, and penalties of perjury, that such evidence the Office of the Director, Alcohol and a power of attorney for such representa­ is true. Thus, in the case of any matter Tobacco Tax Division, are contained in tive has not been filed, a tax information pending before the Revenue Service in § 601.308 of this part. W here an industry authorization, or copy thereof, will be respect of which the taxpayer submits member or other person is to be rep­ required. The authorization may be exe­ a protest or other similar statement, such resented in conference, the representative cuted on Form 1534-A, copies of which protest or statement should contain a must be recognized to practice as pro­ may be obtained from the assistant re­ recitation of the facts on which the tax- . vided in paragraph (b) of § 601.502. gional commissioner (alcohol and to­ payer relies, made under the penalties When a representative presents himself bacco t a x ). Such authorization may cover of perjury, and should meet all the is­ on behalf of an industry member or other one or more of the acts for which a tax sues raised by the Revenue Service which person for the initial meeting in the office information authorization is required the taxpayer desires to contest. In lieu of an assistant regional commissioner, al­ and will continue in effect with respect to of a declaration of the taxpayer made cohol and tobacco tax, or of the Di­ such acts until revoked as provided in under penalties of perjury, every claim, rector, Alcohol and Tobacco-Tax Divi­ § 601.526. The exceptions to the require­ written argument, brief, or recitation of sion, he must submit evidence of rec­ ments for a tax information authoriza­ the facts, prepared or filed by the tax­ ognition; or he should state in his first tion, provided in paragraph (c) (3) and payer’s representative in any matter letter or other written communication (4) of § 601.502, are applicable to such pending before the Revenue Service, with such office whether he is recognized authorizations under this section. should have endorsed thereon a declara­ to practice, and should enclose evidence § 601.524 Execution and filing powers tion signed by such representative as to of such recognition. In the case of a o f attorney and tax information whether or not he prepared such docu­ qualified attorney or a qualified certified authorizations. ment and whether or not he knows of his public accountant, the filing of the ap­ own knowledge that the facts contained plicable written declaration described in (a ) Time of filing. A copy of the power therein are true and correct. In any paragraph (b) (1) (i) and (ii) of § 601.502 of attorney must be filed in each office case in which the taxpayer’s representa­ shall constitute evidence of recognition. (that is, office of an assistant regional tive is unable or unwilling to declare of In the case of an enrollee, the filing of a commissioner and Office of the Director, his own knowledge that the facts are notification, stating that he is enrolled Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division) in true and correct, the Revenue Service to practice and giving his enrollment which a document specified in § 601.522, may request the taxpayer to make such number or the expiration date of his en­ covered by the power of attorney, is a declaration under penalties of perjury. rollment card, shall constitute evidence required to be filed, or in which the repre­ sentative desires to perform one or more § 601.508 Contest between representa­ of recognition. of the acts enumerated in paragraph tives o f a taxpayer. § 601.522 Power o f attorney. (c) (1) of § 601.502. If a power of attor­ Where there is a contest between Except as otherwise provided in this ney covering an act otherwise requiring members of a dissolved firm or between section, a power of attorney, or copy the filing of a tax information authori­ two or more representatives as to which thereof, will be required for a repre­ zation has not been filed, a copy of the is entitled to represent a client in a mat­ sentative of a principal (a) to per­ tax information authorization must be ter pending before the Revenue Service, form the acts specified in paragraph filed in each office in which the repre­ or to receive a check, thereafter the tax­ (c )(1 ) of § 601.502; or (b ) to sign any sentative inspects or receives confidential payer only shall be recognized, unless application, bond, notice, return, report, information, or, where acts requiring a the members or survivors of the dissolved or other document required by, or pro­ power of attorney or a tax information firm, or the contesting representatives, vided for in, regulations issued pursuant authorization are handled by correspond­ file an agreement signed by all designat­ to chapter 51 (Distilled Spirits, Wines, ence, the representative should enclose a ing which of them shall be entitled to and Beer), chapter 52 (Cigars, Ciga­ copy of the power or authorization with represent the taxpayer in such matter or rettes, and Cigarette Papers and Tubes), the initial correspondence. However, to receive any check. In no case shall and chapter 53 (Machine Guns and Cer­ where a power of attorney or tax in­ the delivery of a check to the taxpayer tain Other Firearms), Internal Revenue formation authorization is on file with be delayed more than 60 days by reason Code, the Federal Alcohol Administration the assistant regional commissioner, al­ of failure to file such agreement. Act, or the Federal Firearms Act, which cohol and tobacco tax, an additional § 601.509 Power o f attorney or tax in­ is filed with or acted on by (1) the office copy thereof will not be required in the formation authorization not required of an assistant regional commissioner, office of the regional counsel of the same in cases docketed in the Tax Court of alcohol and tobacco tax, or (2) the Di­ region. the United States. rector, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Divi­ (b ) Execution. The power of attor­ ney required by § 601.522, or tax infor­ In a case docketed in the Tax Court sion. The power of attorney may be exe­ cuted on Form 1534, copies of which may mation authorization required by § 601.- of the United States, the petitioner and 523, shall be executed in the manner pre­ the Commissioner stand in the position be obtained from the assistant regional commissioner (alcohol and tobacco tax). scribed in paragraph (b) of § 601.504; of parties litigant before a judicial body. shall indicate all acts to which it relates; The T ax Court has its own rules of prac­ A power of attorney will not be re­ quired for a person authorized to sign should contain the mailing address of tice and procedure and its own rules the representative; and, if more than respecting admission to practice before on behalf of the principal by articles of incorporation, by-laws, or a board of one representative is authorized to per­ it. Accordingly, a power of attorney or form the same acts on behalf of the in­ a tax information authorization is not directors, where an acceptable copy of such authorization is on file in the office dustry member or other person, a desig­ required by the Revenue Service in cases nation as to which representative is to docketed in the Tax Court. Correspond­ of the assistant regional commissioner or of the Director. A power of attorney receive notices and other written com­ ence in connection with cases docketed munications. For rules relating to the in the Tax Court will be addressed to filed under the provisions of this section may cover one or more acts for which mailing of notices or other written com­ counsel of record before the Court. In munications to a representative, see all cases pending in the Appellate Divi­ a power of attorney is required and will continue in effect with respect to such § 601.506. sion, other than cases docketed in the (c ) Attestation and corporate seal. Tax Court, the customary power of attor­ acts until revoked as provided in § 601.526. The exceptions to the re­ In the case of a corporation, a power ney or tax information authorization is of attorney filed with an officer of the required. quirements for a power of attorney con­ tained in paragraph (c) (3) and (4) Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division must R equirements for A lco ho l and T obacco of § 601.502 are applicable to powers of be attested by the secretary and the cor­ T ax A c t iv it ie s attorney under this section. porate seal must be affixed. If the offi­ cer who signs the power of attorney § 601.521 Requirements for conference § 601.523 Tax information authoriza­ is also the secretary, another officer of and representation in conference. tion. the corporation, preferably the presi­ The requirements for conference in Where any of the acts specified in dent, vice president, or treasurer, must the office of an assistant regional com­ paragraph (c) (2) (i) of § 601.502 are to also sign the power of attorney so that FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 RULES AND REGULATIONS 13065

two different individuals’ signatures ap­ Subpart C— Qualifications initially enlisted only for specific va­ pear thereon. I f the corporation has Sec. cancies in Category A units or for no seal, a certified copy of a resolution 888b.9 Age requirements. AFROTC programs. All such enlistments 888b. 10 Citizenship requirements. will be within annual quotas authorized duly passed on by the board of directors 888b .ll Mental qualifications. of the corporation authorizing the ex­ 888b.12 Physical qualifications. by Hq USAF and allocated only to CAC. ecution of powers of attorney should be 888b.l3 Moral qualifications. Enlistment of personnel to fill these au­ attached. thorizations will be done according to Subpart D— Who Is Ineligible (d) Acknowledgment. A power of at­ P art 888a of this subchapter and this torney filed with an office of the Alcohol 888b. 14 General. part, supplemented by CAC. and Tobacco Tax Division must be ac­ 888b.l5 Illiterates. (2) Men not subject to induction: 888b.l6 Intoxicated persons. Air Force Reserve organizations having knowledged, witnessed, or certified as 888b.17 Insane persons. provided in paragraph (d ) of § 601.504. 888b.l8 Male applicants under 26 years of adequate facilities and personnel to ac­ complish the enlistment may enlist men §601.525 Certification o f copies of age without prior service. 888b.19 Applicants with time lost. not subject to induction because of prior documents. 888b.20 Applicants with moral..dlsqualifica- service or because they have reached The provisions of paragraph (e) of tions. their 26th birthday. § 601.504 with respect to certification of 888b.21 Applicants against whom criminal (i) Persons selected for enrollment in copies are applicable to a power of attor­ charges are filed or pending. the AFROTC program may enlist for 888b.22 Parolees. ney or a tax information authorization assignment to ORS. 888b.23 Persons with certain types of sepa­ required to be filed under § 601.522 or ration. (ii) Other applicants not subject to §601.523. 888b.24 Applicants last discharged for induction may enlist for assignment to § 601.526 Revocation o f powers of at­ dependency or hardship. Ready Reserve units or mobilization po­ torney and tax information author­ 888b.25 Applicants claiming prior honor­ sitions: Provided, izations. able service which cannot be sub­ (a) The Reservist has earned a min­ stantiated. imum of 15 points during his last re­ The revocation of the authority of a 888b .26 Persons who have application for tention year. representative covered by a power of retirement pending. 888b.27 Retired persons. (5) The commander having custody of attorney or tax information authoriza­ the Reservist’s Field Personnel Records tion filed in an office of the Alcohol and 888b.28 Applicants receiving retirement or retainer pay from any of the contacts the person or gives him a letter Tobacco Tax Division shall in no case be Armed Forces. of notification or authority to reenlist effective prior to the giving of written 838b.29 Applicants who may possibly be and the airman is discharged and re­ notice to the proper official that the considered security risks. enlisted within 90 days before the AFRes 888b.30 Applicants who refuse to sign the enlistment would normally expire. authority of such representative has been Armed Forces Security Question­ (iii) Men without prior service may be revoked. naire and conscientious objectors. 888b .31 Cadets. enlisted only for training Category A § 601.527 Other provisions applied to 888b.32 Former Regular officers. units or AFROTC programs. Those en­ representation in alcohol and to­ 888b.33 Former Reserve officers. listed for Category A units must agree bacco tax activities. 888b.34 Male applicants with dependents. to undergo basic training unless they The provisions of paragraph (b) of 888b.35 Female applicants with dependents. possess equivalent training, must meet 888b.36 Female applicants with prior serv­ § 601.505, and of §§ 601.506 through the eligibility requirements in Part 888a ice in any of the other Armed of this subchapter for assignment, and 601.508 of this subpart, as applicable, Forces. must meet the age provisions specified shall be followed in offices of the Alcohol 888b.37 Male applicants 18 to 26 years of age who have not registered with in § 888b.9(a). (Exception: Men for Air and Tobacco Tax Division. the Selective Service System. Reserve Technician Program vacancies [F.R. Doc. 67-10709; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 888b.38 Certain Selective Service System will not be required to undergo the resi­ 8:50 a.m.] registrants. dent USAF basic military training course nor must they meet the age provision Subpart E— Recruiting Information specified in § 888b.9(a).> 888b.39 Travel and transportation not au­ (3) Women applicants: Women may thorized at Government expense. be enlisted for assignment to any Ready Title 32— NATIONAL DEFENSE 888b.40 Reemployment rights—information Chapter VII— Department of the for applicant for enlistment. Reserve unit or mobilization position vacancy for which they are qualified, Air Force A u t h o r it y : The provisions of this Part "except for assignment to the tactical ele­ 888b Issued under sec. 8012, 70A Stat. 448; SUBCHAPTER I— MILITARY PERSONNEL 10 U.S.C. 8012. ments of Reserve troop carrier wings. Women may be enlisted for any military PART 888b— ENLISTMENT IN THE So u r c e : AFR 45-47, August 10, 1961; AFR job except one from which they are pro­ AIR FORCE RESERVE 45—47A, Jan. 12, 1965; AFR 45-47B, May 12, hibited by law or one which is beyond 1967. Subchapter I of Chapter VII of Title their physical capability. Generally, the 32 of the Code of Federal Regulations is Subpart A— General AFSCs closed to W AF are identified in amended as follows: AFM 35-1 (Military Personnel Classifica­ § 888b. 1 Purpose. A tion Policy Manual (Officers, Warrant A new Part 888b is added as follows: This part states the eligibility require­ Officers, A irm e n )). ■ Subpart A— General (b ) Outside the United States and Sec. ments and procedures for enlisting men and women as members of the AFRes. 888b.l Purpose. United States possessions and territories. Any Air Force installation having ade­ 888b .2 Applicability. § 888b.2 Applicability. 888b.3 Where and when a person may quate facilities and personnel to accom­ enlist. This part applies to individuals joining plish the enlistment may enlist a Re­ the AFRes only. The term AFRes means servist (man or woman) who: (1) Is not Subpart B— Enlistment and Grades all Reserves of the A ir Force except those serving, on EAD, (2) has been discharged 888b.4 Periods of enlistment. units, organizations, and members of less than 12 months, and (3) whose term 888b.5 Hew to determine applicant’s grade. ANGUS. of enlistment expires while he is over­ 888b.6 Erroneous enlistments. seas; provided an appropriate Ready 888b.7 Enlisting an applicant for place­ § 888b.3 Where and when a person may ment , on the USAF Reserve enlist. Reserve position is available and the indi­ Retired List. ' vidual resides within the area of juris­ 888b.8 Enlisting selected Reserve officers (a ) Within the United States and U.S.diction of the command processing the (including warrant officers) for possessions and territories. (1) Men sub­ enlistment. If the individual has been appointment to the Air Force or ject to induction: Men under 26 years of discharged for more than 12 months or Military Academies. age who are subject to induction may be resides outside the jurisdiction of the

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 No. 178----- 4 13066 RULES AND REGULATIONS command processing the enlistment, the of release and transfer, enlists in the commander (or other appropriate of­ authorization for enlistment and assign­ AFRes will be enlisted in the highest ficial) of the enlisting unit will either ment will be obtained from the Com­ grade held at time of discharge or trans­ approve or disapprove the enlistment of mander, ARPC. Persons residing outside fer, either permanent or temporary, ex­ the individual in the recommended the United States who have never held cept as otherwise provided in this para­ grade. The recommended grade will not AFRes status are ineligible for enlistment graph. A person enlisting within 12 exceed the grade in which last separated. in the AFRes. Waiver of this restriction months from the date of discharge will The grade may be the same, or an equal, is not authorized. be given the date of rank held at time of or any lesser grade consistent with the discharge, less the number of days which A FSC and skill level recommended by Subpart B— Enlistment and Grades have elapsed since the date of last dis­ the classification board. If such enlist­ § 888b.4 Periods of enlistment. charge. For .a person enlisting after 12 ment is disapproved, the person con­ months from the date of discharge, the cerned will be notified of the disapproval Enlistments for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 date of rank will be the date of enlist­ and the reasons therefor. If the enlist­ years are authorized as follows: ment. ment in the recommended grade is (a) Male applicants with prior serv­ (2) Upon release or discharge from approved by the commander of the en­ ice may enlist: the Regular Air Force, a former member listing unit, and the grade recommended (1) For a period of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 years of the AFRes may reenlist in the AFRes: is E-5 or higher, the board proceedings to correspond with the period of Ready will be forwarded through channels to (i) He may reenlist in the grade he Reserve Agreement; they must satisfy Commander, CAC, who has final ap­ held at the time of his discharge from their military service obligation, if ap­ proval authority. The Commander, CAC, the Regular Air Force, or revert to his plicable. may delegate final approval authority. former AFRes grade if he: (2) One time for a 1-year period in his If final recommendation is for enlist­ first enlistment in the AFRes after he (a) Held a higher grade in the Re­ ment in grade E-4 or E-3, the command­ completes his military service obligation. serves than he did in the Regular Air er having official custody of the records (b) Male applicants without prior Force, of the unit to which the airman will be service, who are between 17 and 26 years (b) Enlisted in the Regular Air Force assigned will take final action. The com­ of age, will be enlisted only for a 6-year before or immediately after his Reserve manders of m ajor commands are author­ period. enlistment expired, ized to make final enlistment grade (c) Women applicants, with or with­ (c) Was not reduced for cause while in determinations for part one mobilization out prior service, may be enlisted for a the Regular Air Force, and augmentees enlisting within their com­ period of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 years at their own id ) Was honorably separated from the mands. The forwarding letter of trans­ option. Regular Air Force. mittal will contain the following: (d) AFROTC students will be enlisted (ii) If he reenlists in a Reserve grade (i) Copy of DD Form 214 or copy of for periods specified in AFR 45-3 (En­ higher than the grade he held upon dis­ last discharge certificate when DD Form listment and Discharge- of AFROTC charge from the Regular Air Force, his 214 was not used. (Do not send original.) C adets). date of rank will be as follows: (ii) A F Form 809, “Application for (e) Students enlisted in the AFROTC (a) Reenlistments within 90 days of Grade Determination and Personnel program under A F R 45-3 and whose con­ last discharge from Regular Air Force— Classification” (duplicate). tractual obligation cannot be met by Date of rank held in former Reserve (iii) A F Form 1098, “Classification Ac­ their initial AFROTC enlistments be­ grade, less the length of time since last tion Request” (duplicate). cause of delay in graduation or entry on discharge from the AFRes. (iv) A F Form 1288, “Application for extended active duty may extend their (b ) Reenlistments more than 90 days, Reserve Assignment” (duplicate). enlistment or reenlistment for the period but less than 24 months, after date of last (d ) Former officers of any branch of necessary to cover their AFROTC con­ discharge from the Regular Air Force— the Armed Forces who are without vrior tractual agreements. Date of current enlistment in the AFRes. enlisted service. I f a person held status (3) An applicant not authorized a § 888b.5 How to determine applicants' in: higher grade under this part will be en­ grade. (1) A Regular and/or Reserve Com­ listed as a basic airman, E -l. The date ponent less than 12 months: E-2. (a ) Applicants without prior service. of rank will be the date of enlistment. (2) A Regular and/or Reserve Compo­ An applicant without prior service will (c) Prior service applicants whose date nent at least 12 months and discharged be enlisted as a basic airman, E -l, unless of discharge was beyond the 24-month from Regular or Reserve status 48 he is authorized a higher grade under limitation. For applicants whose date of months or less: E-4. this part, except that: enlistment would be beyond the 24- (3) A Regular and/or Reserve Com­ (1) A member or former member of month limitation, enlistment grade will ponent at least 12 months and discharged the CAP who posssses a certificate of be determined and authorized under the from Regular or Reserve status more proficiency or a letter from CAP Head­ following procedures: than 48 months: E-2. quarters indicating that he has success­ (1) Applicants being considered for N ote: The date of rank will be the date fully completed the CAP training pro­ grade determination under this para­ of enlistment. gram may be enlisted, if otherwise quali­ graph will be required to meet a classi­ fied, as an airman third class (E -2 ). fication board in accordance with the (e) Former Reserve of the Air Force (2) The date of rank will be the date provisions of AFM 35-1. This board will officers ( including warrant officers) with of enlistment. determine the qualifications of the per­ prior enlisted Regular Air Force and/o/r (3) An applicant who has had 3 or son for award of an AFSC and will deter­ Reserve of the Air Force service. A more months of service in any of the mine the skill level thereof. Applicants former enlisted member of the Air Force Armed Forces who is otherwise qualified will be advised that any documentary who was discharged to serve in the active and who is not eligible to enlist in a evidence of schools completed and evi­ establishment or as a Reserve of the Air higher grade under this part may be en­ dence that civilian employment has con­ Force in a commissioned status or on listed as an airman third class (E-2), tributed to their proficiency should be E A D as a commissioned officer with the provided that he was separated in the presented to the classification board Arm y and who was later transferred m grade of E-2 or higher. The date of rank along with individual’s Armed Forces an officer status to the A ir Force will © will be the date of enlistment. of the U.S. Report of Transfer or Dis­ enlisted in the highest grade held im­ (b ) Applicants with prior service. (1) charge (DD Form 214). The grade in mediately preceding discharge to ente A person whose last period of service was which last separated, AFSC, and the skill commissioned status provided that: in any of the Armed Forces or a Reserve level thereof (awarded by the classifica­ (1) His tour of service upon discharge component thereof, and who enlists in tion board) will be the controlling factor from enlisted status has been continuous. the AFRes within 24 months from the in all grade determinations made under In this regard, an officer discharged a date of last discharge, and a person cur­ this paragraph. subsequently reappointed within rently a member of a Reserve component (2) Based upon the policy outlined in months will be considered to have nau of another Armed Force who, as a result subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, the continuous service.


(2) He was discharged from the serv­ ing documents. Send thé request (for also have completed satisfactorily one ice in an officer status under honorable final determination) through channels year of active enlisted service with an conditions. to the M A JC O M having jurisdiction over active Reserve program element by July (3) He enlists within 6 months from the enlisting activity. If approved, send 1 of the year in which he is appointed the date of discharge from officer status. a copy of the waiver to ARPC, 3800 York to the Academy. (4) He is fully qualified for enlistment Street, Denver CO 80205, for inclusion (3) Enlistment will be for 4 years. in the member’s Master Personnel under this part. (4) Reserves will be enlisted as Air­ Record. Note: Processing and eligibility require­ man First Class (E-4) with the date of ments will be the same as authorized for (b) Terminate the member’s enlist­ rank the date of enlistment unless they other airmen. The date of rank will be the ment by appropriate action under AFR are entitled to a higher grade under the date held at the time of discharge to serve 45-43 (Administrative Discharge of A ir­ provisions of § 888b.5(e). in an officer status, less the number of days men Members of the Air Force Reserve) which elapsed since the date of discharge (5) The only forms required for en­ if this part does -not authorize a waiver from officer status. A former Reserve officer listment under this section are DD Form or if a waiver request submitted under with prior enlisted service who is not eligible 4; AF Form 512, “AF Reserve Change of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph is to enlist under this paragraph may apply Address”; and a Statement of Under­ under paragraph (f ) of this section. disapproved. standing of Military Service Obligation. (f) Other Reserve officers. A Reserve § 888b.7 Enlisting an applicant for These forms will be completed and dis­ officer or warrant officer not authorized placement on the USAF Reserve tributed as outlined below: a grade under paragraph (e) of this sec­ Retired List. (i) DD Form 4: (a) Preparation—DD tion may be enlisted in accordance with A person holding no military status Form 4 will be prepared in triplicate. On the following: who applies and is found qualified for the day of enlistment, the original and (1) A request from a Reserve officer placement on the USAF Reserve Retired duplicate DD Form 4 and Statement of or warrant officer will not be considered List according to Chapter 7, A F M 35-7 Understanding of Military Service Obli­ until he is discharged. Grade determina­ (Service Retirements), will be enlisted gation will be forwarded to: ARPC, 3800 tion will be made according to paragraph for an unspecified period of time. For York Street, Denver CO 80205. The trip­ (d) of this section. The date of rank will such an enlistment, the eligibility and licate will be attached to assignment be the date of enlistment. processing requirements of this part are orders and forwarded to the enlistee’s (2) Processing, eligibility require­ waived. The only enlistment proegssing Air Force unit of assignment. ments, and period of enlistment will be necessary will be completing and for­ (b) Exceptions—DD Form 4 will be the same authorized for other airmen. warding DD Form 4, Enlistment Record— prepared according to instructions for (g) Other requirements. (I ) A n appli­ Armed Forces of the United States, to the conventional Reserve enlistment, cant given a grade determination under Hq USAF (AFPM ARD). The applicant’s with the following exceptions: paragraph (c ), (d ), (e ), or (f ) of this eligibility for- assignment to the Retired (1) If the applicant meets the require­ section must agree with writing to an Reserves will determine his eligibility for ments of subparagraph (1) of this para­ assignment filling an authorized vacancy enlistment. graph, the following entry will be placed in a Ready Reserve position in any one in item 37 and the enlistee will initial the of the following Reserve elements: § 888b.8 Enlisting selected Reserve o f­ entry: “This airman has been selected ficers (including warrant officers) for (1) A Training. Category A' Unit or for appointment to the USAF (or Mili­ appointment to the Air Force or Mili­ position. tary) Academy.’^ tary Academies. (ii) A mobilization augmentee posi­ (2) Physical and mental testing will tion for training with a major command. (a ) Reserve officer appointments to not be required, and items 5a and 5b will (2) In making determination of the the Air Force or Military Academies are be left blank. grade authorized, the applicant must be made from quotas allocated to: _ (3 ) For item 12, enter, “paragraph 9, fully qualified in a skill level commen­ (1) Reserves of the Air Force and A F R 45-47, ______” surate with the grade being authorized. Reserves of the Army, (ii) Statement of Understanding of For example: A person classified in 5- (2) Regular Air Force and Regular Military Service Obligation: The follow­ Army, and skill level will not be awarded a grade ing statement will be prepared and higher than E-5, and a person in 3-skill (3) Sources other than the Reserves of signed by the enlistee and witnessed by level not higher than E-3, except for the Air Force or Reserves of the Army. the enlistment officer: those career ladders where there is'n o (b ) Reserve officers who are appointed Upon acceptance of appointment as a cadet 5-skill level AFSC. In such an instance, from quotas other than the Reserves will be enlisted voluntarily. - to the U.S. Air Force (or Military) Academy the grade authorized for a 3-skill level effective (date) I understand that should will not be higher than that shown on (c) Reserves who are appointed from my appointment be terminated for reasons career field charts in A RM 35-1. quotas allocated to the Regular A ir Force other than acceptance of a commission in a (3) Grade determinations will be and Regular Army will be enlisted in ac­ regular or reserve component of the Armed made only to fill authorized personnel cordance with A F M 39-9 (Reenlistment Force or for physical disability, I will revert ®Paces in the Reserve Forces Personnel in the Regular Air Force). to my former enlisted Reserve status in effect immediately prior to entry into the Air Force War Requirements (units and individ­ (d) Reserves who are'appointed from uals) . quotas allocated to Reserves of the Air (or Military) Academy, or to such higher grade as may be authorized, for the purpose Force and the Reserves of the Army will (4) A person for whom a grade deter­ of completing any remaining service required mination is made under this part will be enlisted as follows:'' under my enlistment contract or my service not be eligible for EAD, except in an (1) For the qualifications and pro­ obligation under the Universal Military emergency, for one year after enlistment. cedures for appointment to the A ir Force Training and Service Act, or both, as ap­ Academy, see Part 901, Subchapter K of propriate. I further understand that any § 888b.6 Erroneous enlistments. this chapter; for the Army Military time served as a cadet will be counted as time served tinder my enlistment contract or Care will be taken to insure that Academy, see A R 350-55 (Nominations period of obligated service, or both, as ap­ quirements of this part are met to the U.S. Military Academy— Enlisted propriate. mre accomplishing enlistments. Howet Category, Arm y). 1 is discovered that an enlistment ] (2) If a former enlisted man of the (Hi) AF Form 512: AF Form 512 will accomplished erroneously, in vie Reserve of the Air Force is currently serv­ be prepared and forwarded in accord­ ion of any provisions of this part, ing as a commissioned or warrant officer ance with AFM 35—3E, November 5, 1964 maintaining the airman’s u his current status will be terminated. (Air Reserve, Forces Personnel Adminis­ Personnel record will: tration) . Before being appointed as a cadet of the catw. i ^ e s t a waiver of the disqual Air Force or Military Academy, he will Subpart C— Qualifications wnivl1 ^ ^ is part specifically authori be enlisted in the AFRes, provided his aupetr con?Oration. In the waiver appointment is from the spaces allocated § 888b.9 Age requirements. conHi’r exP^a*n fully the disqualify to the Reserve components of the Air (a ) M en. (1) To enlist, a man must be toons and attach essential suppo Force and the Army. The applicant must 17 to 34 years of age, inclusive, with

FEDERAL REGISTER,-VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13068 RULES AND REGULATIONS parents’ consent for a person under 18 (b) There is no citizenship require­ be accepted for enlistment. Waiver is not years of age. ment for reenlistees. authorized. Medical officers of any of the (2) A man 35 to 54 years of age, in» (c) Waivers of these citizenship re­ Armed Forces, whether on active or in­ elusive, may be enlisted: Provided, That, quirements are not authorized. active duty, may give the examination. (i) His age at the time of enlistment is The signature of only one medical officer § 888b. 11 Mental qualifications. not greater than 35 years plus the length is required. The Government will not re­ of the combined prior honorable active The following are mental and educa­ imburse a person for any expense in­ military service and Reserve service. tional requirements established as the curred in having such a medical exami­ (ii) Enlistment is for assignment to a minimum acceptable standards for en­ nation by a medical officer not on active Ready Reserve unit or mobilization listment in the AFRes. Waiver of these duty or for any expense in travelling to position. provisions is not authorized. and from the examination place. (b ) Women. A woman may be enlisted (a ) For an applicant without prior (2) Results of a medical examination if she is 18 to 54 years of age, inclusive: service. An applicant without prior serv­ given by any of the Armed Forces includ­ Provided, That her age at time of enlist­ ice will be administered the Airman Clas­ ing an examination given an applicant ment is not greater than 35 years plus sification Test (ACT) and must meet at for R O TC , Officer Candidate School, avi­ the length of her total military service. least the minimum qualifying aptitude ation cadet, for a Regular or Resene At least three months of her military index as shown in AFM 35-1 for the commission, and so forth, will be accept­ service must have been in the Air Force career field subdivision for which being able in determining physical fitness for or AFRes. A woman under 21 must have considered. Women applicants must also enlistment in place of medical examina­ her parents’ consent. attain a final score of 42 or highef on tion prescribed in subparagraph (1) of Exception : The» provisions of paragraphs the Armed Forces Women’s Selection this paragraph, provided that the appli­ (a) and (b) of this section do not apply to Test (AFWST). They must be high cant was found to be qualified at the time prior service airmen reenlisting within 90 school graduates. of the previous examination and the ex­ days of the date of separation, except that a (b ) For an applicant with prior serv­ amination was given during the preced­ reenlistment will not be authorized if the ice. An applicant with prior service will ing 12 months. The applicant should be airman has reached his 64th birthday and advised" of the provisions of item 38, DD has sufficient service to qualify for retire­ be administered the ACT and must Form 4, pertaining to physical examina­ ment. achieve a score of 25 or higher on the General aptitude cluster plus a score of tion (see paragraph (b) (1) of this § 888b. 10 Citizenship requirements. 25 or higher on either the Administra­ section). (a) Applicant must be a citizen of the tive or Mechanical aptitude cluster, pro­ (b ) Applicant with prior service. (1) United States or possess a valid Form vided he has not previously made an A n applicant with prior service or a re­ 1-151, “Immigration and Naturalization equivalent or higher score on the Airm an enlistee separated for other than physical I Service Alien Registration Receipt Card” Qualifying Examination (AQE) or Air­ disability will not require a physical ex­ as evidence of lawful ehtry into the man Classification Battery (A CB). amination if he meets the following cri­ United States for permanent residence (1) Test results indicated on Reportteria. I f he cannot meet these conditions, and present Naturalization Form N-315, of Separation (or other official docu­ he must be reexamined. “Declaration of Intent” as evidence of ment) may be accepted and reexamina­ (1) He has had a qualifying physical having legally declared an intent to be­ tion will not be required. The AQE and examination within the preceding 12 come a citizen. Reproduction of these ACB equivalents are shown in the fol­ •months if his duty status requires annual forms in any manner is prohibited. lowing table: physical qualification, or within the pre­ ceding 36-month period for other Ready T able foe Converting ACB/AQE Stanine Scores to Percentile Scores Reservists (see AFRs 45-2 (National G uard Bureau) and 160-19 (Physical Stanine Percentile Stanine Percentile Certification and Medical Examination of Reservists not on EAD )). 9 JÜ3 95 Technical Specialty (TS) = General (G) 8 = 90 Clerical (C) = Administrative (A) (ii) H e declares he is sound and well =3 7 80 Mechanical (M) = Mechanical (M) (iff) He completes SF Form 89, “Re­ 6 as 60 Electronic (E) *= Electronic (E) 5 = 40 port of Medical History,” including the 4 as . 25 3 = 15 statement: 2 = 10 I understand that if I am ordered to active 1 5 — duty I may be given a physical examination and may be discharged if found physically N ote: ACT scores are indicated in percen­ § 888b. 12 Physical qualifications. disqualified on that examination. tiles while some editions of the AQE and ACB are indicated in Stanine scores. The fol­ The standards for medical examina­ (iv) On review of SF 89 there is no lowing is an example of a conversion from tions will be those stated in section V, indication of change in physical status ACB scores to ACT scores: TS-7, C-4, M -6, A F M 160-1 (Medical Examination and since the last previous examination. E-6-G-80, A—25, M-60, E-40. Medical Standards). A man having a (2) An applicant with prior service (2) Former Regular Air Force or Re­ physical profile serial with the numeral who was separated because of physical serve of the Air Force airmen last dis­ “3” (profile C) as the lowest grade in any disability: charged in grade E-5 or higher with a factor may be accepted for enlistment; a (i) May be authorized to enlist only 5-skill level or higher in their Air Force female applicant having a physical pro­ when waiver is granted prior to enlist­ specialty may reenlist within 90 days file serial with the numeral “1” (profile ment, by the Commander, CAC. Request from the date of their discharge without A) may be accepted for enlistment ex­ for waiver must include consultations regard to these mental standards. If test cept that the numeral “2” (profile B) and related laboratory studies in order results are of record, qualifying or other­ may apply for hearing and vision. Phys­ to evaluate the present physical status of wise, scores will be entered on DD Form ical eligibility will be determined accord­ the defect which resulted in the physical 4. If results are not of record, the ACT ing to the following instructions: disability discharge. A statement should will be administered and scores attained (a ) Applicant without prior service. be made as to whether applicant has ever will be entered on DD Form 4. (1) Except as provided in subparagraph received, has pending, has applied for, or (3) Enlisted persons of any Armed (2) of this paragraph, an applicant with­ intends to apply for pension or compen­ Force who have been selected for AF- out prior service will be given a standard sation for existing disability (if so, what ROTC programs are qualified for enlist­ medical examination. Electrocardiogram, kind, graiited by whom, what amount, ment without further testing. audiogram, microscopic urinalysis, and when, and w hy). This information is re­ (c) Testing at Reserve units. Testing lens correction will be performed when quired on reverse side of SF 89, “Report at Reserve units will be in accordance indicated. An applicant with a history of of Medical History” ; care must be taken with AFM 35-8 (AF Military Personnel psychotic disorder such as schizophrenic, to assure that the information is com­ Testing Manual), affective, or paranoid reactions, will not plete and legible.


(ii) An applicant who was last sepa­ under 10 U.S.C. 972, as amended by the (b ) A statement of the maximum rated from any of the Armed Forces for Act of July 24, 1956 (70 Stat. 631), or as term of imprisonment by which punish­ physical disability based upon any of the previously referenced as Article of W ar able under the law under which tried; psychotic disorders, such as schizo­ 107, or has an equal amount of time lost (c) Date of offense; phrenic, affective, or paranoid reactions, under similar circumstances in the last (d) Age of applicant at the time of will not be accepted for enlistment. active duty enlistment in any of the other offense; Waiver is not authorized. Aimed Forces will not be enlisted. The (e) The city and state in which the (3) All other applicants will be given a Commander, CAC, may authorize waivers offense was committed; medical examination and processed in for time lost as indicated in this section. (/) Date of the trial and the sentence the same manner as applicants without The foregoing disqualification for en­ imposed; prior service as prescribed in paragraph listment does not apply to any applicant Ig ) Date of release from confinement, (a) of this section. for enlistment in the AFRes who has if applicable, and/or the. date of uncon­ been honorably discharged from an in­ ditional release from parole, probation § 888b. 13 Moral qualifications. active enlistment after the active duty or other form of supervision or restraint; An applicant for enlistment must be enlistment in which he lost time under Note: Information submitted in accord­ of good moral character. An applicant’s the directives cited in this section. ance with (a) through (g ) of this subdivision moral character will be determined by will be based oh documents or information § 888b.20 Applicants with moral dis­ ascertaining his reputation in the com­ received from official sources. qualifications. munity in which he resides. An applicant considered morally unfit (h ) The recommendation of the in­ vestigating officer and any other infor­ Subpart D— Who is Ineligible will not be enlisted in the AFRes. For an applicant with prior service only an mation pertaining to the case that will § 888b.14 General. offense committed after the date of sep­ provide a sound basis for making a (a) An applicant is ineligible to enlist aration from the last period of service decision. or reenlist i f : Is considered disqualifying. The criteria (i ) Three references from reputable (1) He does not meet the eligibility re­ and procedure for determining moral fit­ citizens (DD Form 370 may be used for quirements established in this part^ ness of an applicant for enlistment is this purpose). (2) / He is in one or more of the cate­as follows: (3) Repeated offender or a person gories described in this subpart; or (a ) Male. .(1) Applicant convicted by with certain traits of character: An (3) His waiver request is disapproved. a civil court for an offense punishable applicant having frequent difficulties with law enforcement agencies, a his­ Note: Consideration of a waiver of dis­ by death: An applicant convicted by a qualification is permitted on an applicant civil court for an offense punishable by tory of antisocial behavior, alcoholism, for enlistment only when specifically aur death is unacceptable for enlistment. drug: addiction, or sexual perversion is thorized in this part, and only after deter­ (2) Applicant convicted by a civilunacceptable. mination that the Air Force would benefit court: A person convicted by a civil court -X4) Juvenile delinquent: If the appli­ by accepting the applicant if otherwise is unacceptable for enlistment except cant is otherwise eligible, an adjudica­ qualified. Each waiver request must explain tion that he is a juvenile delinquent, fully the disqualifying conditions and in­ that the Air Force organization enlisting youthful offender, or wayward minor, is clude essential supporting documents. The the person may authorize a waiver of a activity processing the application for en­ minor offense. A minor offense will in­ not in itself a disqualification for en­ listment will submit the request for waiver clude a single case of drunkenness, va­ listment. However, before enlistment, all directly to its MAJCOM headquarters for grancy, truancy, peace disturbance, or a applicants will be asked if they have ever final determination. The MAJCOM head­ similar offense for which no type of civil been in the custody of juvenile authori­ quarters may delegate this authority to a restraint is imposed. A parking ticket or ties or caused to appear before a court numbered Air Force or organization of com­ a single case of a traffic violation where having jurisdiction over juvenile cases. parable level. the fine imposed does not exceed $25 is If the applicant admits this or recruiting (b) Notwithstanding all other provi­ not considered disqualifying and does personnel suspect it because of other in­ sions of this part, the Secretary of the not require a waiver. A request for waiver formation that may be available, enlist­ Air Force may deny enlistment to any will include (i) the nature of the offense ment action will be held in abeyance individual, even one who appears to meet for which convicted and a brief descrip­ pending a complete investigation of the enlistment criteria. tion of details surrounding the offense; facts. A waiver may be requested from CAC. An investigation and a request for § 888b. 15 Illiterates. (ii) date of the offense; (iii) age of the applicant at the time of the offense; and waiver of juvenile delinquency will be An applicant must be able to speak, (iv) the city and State in which the of- made in accordance with the following: read, write, and understand the English .fense was committed. A waiver may be (i) A report will be obtained from ju­ language sufficiently to insure that he requested from the commander of CAC venile authorities, detention homes, re­ can satisfactorily absorb the required for a mart who has been convicted by a formatories, or any other appropriate training. civil court where the disqualification is source of information on the applicant’s § 888b. 16 Intoxicated persons. based upon an offense not involving character and rehabilitation, the actual moral turpitude. A request for waiver offense committed, circumstances in the An applicant who is under the influ­ will not be submitted until after the ap­ case, disposition by the courts, actual ence of alcohol or drugs or a habitually plicant has served the period of confine­ confinement served, and whether any intoxicated person will not be enlisted. ment, parole, or probation imposed by form of civil restraint still exists. The § 888b. 17 Insane persons. sentence of the court plus a minimum of evaluation of the civil court and its pro­ six months as a law-abiding member of bation officers will be an important con­ An insane person will not be enlisted. a civilian coimmunity. I f the applicant sideration. Information thus obtained § 888b. 18 Male applicants under 26 is convicted but not confined, paroled, will not be classified from a security years of age without prior service. or placed on probation, a request for standpoint but will be treated in confi­ An applicant without prior service waiver will not be submitted for 6 months dence and will not be revealed to anyone under 26 years of age subject to induc­ from the date of conviction. However, other than a person having an official tion under the U M T S Act will not be en- the 6-month waiting period as a law- interest in the case. usted, except as authorized by Part 888a abiding member of a civilian community (ii) A waiver will not be granted to is not required for submitting a request r ao -L s-ubchapter as supplemented by any applicant who upon investigation has p This restriction d6es not apply to a for waiver when only a minor offense is been found to have had frequent difficul­ reserve airman reenlisting within 90 involved. The request for waiver will ties with law enforcement agencies, a uays of discharge. include: history of antisocial behavior, alcohol­ (a) The nature of the offense for § 888b. 19 Applicants with time lost. ism, drug addiction, or sexual perversion. which convicted and a short description Rejection will be on these grounds and .apPNca-nt who lost 5 days or more of the details surrounding the commis­ not due to the fact that the applicant m his last active duty enlistment sion of the offense; was adjudged a youthful offender or a

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13070 RULES AND REGULATIONS juvenile delinquent. If civil authorities of erroneous enlistment is ineligible for clearly consistent with the interests oi refuse to complete information on the reenlistment in the AF Reservé unless national security will not be enlisted (see applicant’s juvenile record, the enlist­ approval is granted by Headquarters A F R 35-62 (Security P ro gram )). ment will be held in abeyance and the CAC. § 888b.30 Applicants who refuse to sign applicant will be advised that the burden (c) A man last separated from any of the Armed Forces Security Question­ of obtaining and furnishing the infor­ the Armed Forces with other than an naire and conscientious objectors. mation is upon him. honorable or general discharge, or a (iii) A request for waiver of juvenile woman separated with other than an A n applicant who intentionally fails or refuses to complete D D Form 98, “Armed delinquency will iriclude: (a) The num­ honorable discharge, will not be enlisted. Forces Security Questionnaire,” in its ber and nature of offense or offenses; (b) § 888b.24 Applicants last discharged for entirety; who claims Federal constitu­ the date or dates committed; (c) age of dependency or hardship. tional privilege for any reason; or who the applicant at the time of the offense; is unwilling to bear arms or to give full (d ) time elapsed since the commis­ An applicant last Separated for de­ unqualified military service to the United sion of the offense and/or release from pendency or hardship from any of the States is not eligible to enlist. restraint, detention, or supervision by Arm ed Forces is not eligible to enlist, ex­ civil authorities; (e) a copy of the re­ cept under the following conditions: § 888b. 31 . Cadets. (a) He will not be enlisted until 1 port of investigation completed in ac­ A cadet of the U.S. Military Academy, year has elapsed from the date he was cordance with subdivision (i) of this sub- U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Naval discharged and the cause for discharge paragraph; (/) the applicant’s present Academy, or the U.S. Coast Guard Acad­ has been removed. The enlisting or com­ reputation in the community in which emy will not be enlisted. he is residing, as evidenced by three let­ manding officer will make the final de­ ters of recommendation from reputable termination on whether the hardship has § 888b.32 Former Regular officers. citizens; (g ) the applicant’s work and/or been removed. The applicant must prove The following former Regular officers school record since the date of offense that the cause for discharge no longer will not be enlisted: or release from restraint, detention, or exists. Proof will be furnished in the form (a ) Former Regular officers of all the supervision by civil authorities; and (h ) of affidavits or sworn statements by the other Armed Forces. other factors pertaining to the case. person or persons on whose behalf the (b ) Former Regular Air Force officers: (iv) A waiver is not authorized when dependency discharge was obtained or by (1) Discharged with severance pay un­ the applicant is in detention, under any another member of the community who der Chapter 859 of Title 10, United other form of restraint, or under the is thoroughly familiar with the home States Code, or Chapter 860 of Title 10, supervision of civil authorities. conditions of the applicant’s family. The and officers who have resigned in lieu (v) If a waiver is granted, a copy of facilities of the Selective Service Sys­ of such separation. the waiver authorization will be attached tem or the American Red Cross will not (2) Separated under Chapter 835 of to the original and duplicate of DD Form be used to obtain this information. The Title 10, United States Code. 4. The report of investigation of which documentary evidence will be attached (3) Separated under 10 U.S.C. 8814 the waiver is predicated will be retained to the original DD Form 4 and will be­ and officers who have resigned in lieu of at the place of enlistment for 1 year and come a part of the applicant’s permanent such separation. records. will then be destroyed. § 888b.33 Former Reserve officers. (b ) Female. (1) Offenders and persons (b) When considered to be in the best Except when specifically authorized, a with certain traits of character: A per­ interest of the Air Force, a request for former Reserve officer of any of the son having difficulties with law enforce­ waiver may be submitted for an appli­ cant who has been separated from one Armed Forces will not be enlisted. A ment agencies, a history of antisocial be­ request for authority to enlist applicant havior, alcoholism, drug addiction, or of the Armed Forces for less than 1 year. Proof that the cause for discharge has may be submitted to the ARPC, 3800 sexual perversion will not be enlisted. been removed will accompany the re­ York Street, Denver CO 80205.’ (2) Women with civil records: A quest for waiver. wopian who has a juvenile or youthful § 888b.34 Male applicants with depend­ offender record, or who has been con­ § 888b.25 Applicants claiming prior hon­ ents. victed by a civil court for any offense, orable service which cannot Jbe sub­ (a ) Without “prior service. A man except for minor traffic violations, will stantiated. without prior service who has one or not be enlisted. An applicant who claiiñs prior honora­ more dependents will not be enlisted ex­ § 888b.21 Applicants against whom crim­ ble service in thé Armed Forces but who cept for the AFROTC program or other inal charges are filed or pending. is unable to produce his discharge certifi­ course of instruction leading to a com­ cate or other written evidence of his mission. An applicant will not be enlisted if he last active service will not be enlisted un­ (b ) W ith prior service. (1) A man has criminal charges filed or pending til verification of such service is received. with prior service who is otherwise eligi­ against him and who, as an alternative ble to enlist in pay grade E -l or E-2 and to further prosecution, indictment, trial, § 888b.26 Persons who have application who has two or more dependents will not or incarceration for such a violation, is for retirement pending. be enlisted. granted a release from the charge by the Such persons may not be enlisted. (2) A man with prior service who is court on the condition that he will apply § 888b.27 Retired persons. otherwise eligible to enlist in pay grade and be accepted for enlistment. E—3 and who has three or more depend­ § 888b.22 Parolees. An applicant who is retired from any ents will not be enlisted. branch of the Armed Forces will not be (3) A man with prior service who js An applicant under parole, probation, enlisted, except as established in § 888b.7. otherwise eligible to enlist in pay grade or suspended sentence from any civil HI—4 and who has three or more depend­ court will not be enlisted. This does not § 888b.28 Applicants receiving retire­ ment or retainer pay from any o f the ents will not be enlisted, except that a apply to persons convicted of minor of­ person otherwise eligible to enlist in pay fenses who receive a suspended sentence Armed Forces. grade E-4 who has 3 Ms or more yearsw in lieu of a fine. Such persons may not be enlisted. service for pay purposes may be enlisted § 888b.23 Persons with certain types of § 888b.29 Applicants who may possibly regardless of the number of dependents. separation. be considered security risks. (4) Unit commanders may grant (a ) A n applicant with prior service, An applicant who admits or whose waivers to subparagraphs (2) and (3)0 separated from his last period of service available records show that he has at this paragraph when they deternun for unsuitability, unfitness, or security any time engaged in disloyal or sub­ that the long-term financial status of tne reasons, will not be enlisted. versive activities or who has been dis­ individual is such that service on ex (b) A former Reservist who was dis­ charged under the military security pro­ tended active duty would not impose a charged from the Air Peace Reserve un­ gram will not be enlisted. In addition, financial hardship. Commanders will in­ der paragraph 13b, A P R 45-43, because any applicant whose acceptance is not sure that the individual is fully aware o

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 RULES AND REGULATIONS 13071 what his total income would be in the connection with exercising them. The The change in the fishing season was event of mobilization. Air Force is cooperating to bring this im­ previously published in the F ederal portant matter to your attention, but R egister as a notice of proposed rule § 888b.35 Female applicants with de­ there are certain conditions you must making on page 5495 of the F ederal pendents. meet. If you are found not qualified for R egister of April 7, 1966, and no com­ (a) Women without prior service who enlistment, your reemployment rights ments, suggestions, or objections were have dependents may not be enlisted. may be impaired if you have not re­ received. The other revisions of this sec­ (b) Women who are parents by birth quested a leave of absence from your em­ tion make no substantive changes in the or adoption of a child under 18 years of ployer. Consequently, as a precautionary regulations. Therefore, public comment age or who have personal or legal cus­ measure, all persons interested in pro­ thereon is determined to be unnecessary tody of any child under 18 years of age tecting t^eir reemployment rights should and not in the public interest. Accord­ may not be enlisted. request a leave of absence from their em­ ingly, this revision shall take effect (c) Women who have surrendered all ployer before missing work to seek entry immediately upon publication in the rights to custody and control of natural into the Air Force. F ederal R egister. children through formal adoption, di­ (b) If you have notified your employer (5 U.S.C. 553; 39 Stat. 535; 16 U.S.C. 3) vorce decree, or other court order may of your intention to enter the Armed not be enlisted. Forces nothing further need be done. If Section 7.11 is revised to read as fol­ (d) Women who are stepmothers of you have not, you are strongly urged to lows: a child under 18 years of age and if the do so. The following is a suggested for­ § 7.11 Lassen Volcanic National Park. child is within the household for a pe­ mat for requesting a leave of absence. riod of more than 30 days a year may (a ) ' Boating. (1) The operation of Request for Leave of Absence not be enlisted. motorboats is prohibited on all waters (e) Any woman who has had an ille­ D a te ______within the boundary of the park. gitimate pregnancy may not be enlisted. T o : ______(2) The following waters are closed to (Name of employer) all vessels: § 888b.36 Female applicants with prior Boiling Springs Lake. service in any o f the other Armed Pursuant to sec. 9(g)(4) of-the Universal Emerald Lake. Forces. Military Training and Service Act, as Lake Helen. amended, I hereby request a leave of absence Reflection Lake. A female applicant with prior service for the purpose of being processed for entry in any of -the other Armed Forces but into the Armed Forces of the United States. (b ) Fishing— (1) Restricted season. without prior Air Force service, or a Grassy Creek (also known as Horseshoe WAP separated before January 1, 1950, (Signature) Creek), connecting Horseshoe Lake and will not be enlisted without first obtain­ Snag Lake is closed to fishing between Note to employer: Information concerning ing the approval of the Commander, October 1 and June 15. ARPC. the eligibility requirements or the rights to be accorded under the reemployment statutes (2) Closed waters. Fishing is prohib­ § 888b.37 Male applicants 18 to 26 years is available upon request from the Bureau of ited in the following waters: of age who have not registered with Veterans’ Reemployment Rights, U.S. Depart­ Emerald Lake. the Selective Service System. ment of Labor, Washington, D.C. Manzanlta Creek above Manzanita Lake. The following persons are ineligible By order of the Secretary of the Air Manzanita Lake within 150 feet of the inlet for enlistment if they have not registered Force. of Manzanita Creek. with the Selective Service System: L u c ia n M . F erguson, (3) Limit of catch and in possession. (a) Men without prior service who Colonel, U.S. Air Force, Chief, In Manzanita Lake and Reflection Lake, have attained their 18th birthday. Special Activities. Group, Of­ the number of trout which may be taken (b) Reenlistee or applicant with prior fice of The Judge Advocate or held in possession by any one person service separated from active service General. in any one day is five trout or five pounds longer than 30 days. [F.R. Doc. 67-10742; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; and one trout. 8:45 a.m.] § 888b.38 Certain Selective Service Sys­ Louis W . H a llo c k , tem registrants. Superintendent, A Selective Service System registrant Lassen Volcanic National Park. who has received his orders to report for [F.R. Doc. 67-10766; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; induction or a registrant classified 1-A Title 36— PARKS, FORESTS, 8:47 a.m.] vP), lA-O, or IV -F will not be enlisted. AND MEMORIALS Subpart E— Recruiting Informatioi Chapter I— National Park Service, p a r t 7— SPECIAL REGULATIONS RE­ § 888b.39 Travel and transportation n Department of the Interior LATING TO PARKS AND MONU­ authorized at Government expem MENTS Travel and transportation of an a; PART 7— SPECIAL REGULATIONS RE­ Phcant for enlistment from his home LATING TO PARKS AND MONU­ Mount Rushmore National Memorial, me place of enlistment and return is n MENTS S. Dak.; Climbing Prohibition utnorized at Government expense. Lassen Volcanic National Park, Calif. On page 9236 of the F ederal R egister § 888b.40 Reemployment rights— infc of June 29, 1967, there was published a mation for applicant for enlistmei Notice is hereby given that pursuant notice and text of a proposed § 7.77 of (a) Section 9 (g )(4 ) of the Univers to the authority contained in section 3 Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations. “ uitary Training and Service Act (l of the Act of August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. The purpose of this amendment is to 535), 245 D M -1 (27 F.R. 6395), National prohibit the climbing of Mount Rush- Dim™ APP' 459(&) (4 ) ) provides reer ]M^ n t protection for persons wl Park Service Order No. 34 (31 F.R. 4255), more in order to prevent injury to the Regional Director, Western Region Order Pr*vate employers or t] visitor and possible damage to the sculp­ No. 4 (31 F.R. 5577), as amended, § 7.11 initial ,overnrnent to perform the ture. of Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regu­ Interested persons were given 30 days DrnvSi)enodx0 f ^ V e duty. The law al lations is revised as set forth below. The Dort S P ^ e etio n to persons who r within which to submit written com­ purpose of the revision is to eliminate detpm?Hvhe purpose of being enlisted i ments, suggestions, or objections with re­ unnecessary material, to recodify and spect to the proposed amendment. No ente??wg their Physical fitness reword the existing regulations, and to S S S f Armed Forces. The Departing comments, suggestions,' or objections Reemni« tro u g h its Bureau of Veterar extend by one month the season during have been received, and the proposed ProviiiiT?yi^eilt Rights, is responsible fi which certain waters are closed to fish­ amendment is hereby adopted without you w f ln?ormation about the righ ing in order to protect the spawning change and is set forth below. This e and any assistance you need : trout. amendment shall become effective at the

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13072 RULES AND REGULATIONS beginning of the 30th calendar day fol­ National Forest, are withdrawn for rec­ The lands are withdrawn for reclama­ lowing the date of this publication in the lamation purposes except the following tion purposes for the Salt River Project. F ederal R egister. lands: H ar r y R . A nderson, (60 Stat. 238; 5 U.S.C. 1003; 39 Stat. 535; 16 T. 5 N., R. 25 E., Assistant Secretary of the Interior. U.S.C. 3) Sec. 18, SE ^S E ^; Sec. 19, NE]4NE»4. S eptem ber 8,1967. A new § 7.77 is added to Part 7 of Title The Wy2NW^NE XA , E ^ N E O T ^ [F.R. Doc. 67-10779; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 36 CFR reading as follows: 8:48 a.m.] and S ^ S E & S E ^ sec. 9, T. 5 N., R. 25 E., § 7.77 Mount Rushmore National Me­ has been classified under section 7 of the morial. Taylor Grazing Act, as amended (48 [Public Land Order 4269] (a ) Climbing Mount Rushmore is pro­ Stat. 1269, 1272; 43 U.S.C. 315f), for dis­ [Oregon 018727] hibited. posal under the provisions of the Recrea­ W allace B. E l m s , tion and Public Purposes Act of June WASHINGTON Acting Superintendent, 14, 1926 (44 Stat. 741; 43 U.S.C. 869), as Mount Rushmore National Memorial; amended. Withdrawal for Reclamation Project [F.R. Doc. 67-10767; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 2. In DA-1051 the Federal Power Com­ By virtue of the authority contained in 8:47 a.m.J mission vacated the withdrawal for section 3 of the act of June 17, 1902 (32 transmission line Project No. 748, affect­ Stat. 388; 43 U.S.C. 416), as amended and ing some of the lands. supplemented, it is ordered as follows: 3. A t 10 a.m. on October 14, 1967, the Subject to valid existing rights, the Title 43— PUBLIC LANDS: public lands shall be open to operation of following described public lands, which the public land laws generally, subject to are under the jurisdiction of the Secre­ INTERIOR valid existing rights, the provisions of existing withdrawals, the requirements tary of the Interior, are hereby with­ Chapter II— Bureau of Land Manage­ of applicable law, and the classification drawn from all forms of appropriation ment, Department of the Interior order above noted. under the public land laws, including 4. The lands opened by this order to the mining laws (30 U.S.C., Ch. 2), but APPENDIX— PUBLIC LAND ORDERS the public land laws generally have been not from leasing under the mineral leas­ [Public Land Order 4267] open to applications and offers under the ing laws, and reserved for the Columbia [Sacramento 079985] mineral leasing laws and to location under the U.S. mining laws, subject to Basin Project: CALIFORNIA the provisions of the act of August 11, Willamette Meridian 1955 (69 Stat. 682; 30 U.S.C. 621). The Powersite Restoration No. 651; Revo­ T. 20 N„ R. 28 E., State of California has waived the pref­ Sec. 30, lots 3, 4, NE14, and Ey2SW]4. \ cation of Powersite Reserves Nos. erence rights of application granted by 58, 150, 555 R.S. 2276, as amended (43 U.S.C. 852), The areas described aggregate 317.20 and by section 24 of the Federal Power acres in Grant County. By virtue of the authority contained Act (41 Stat. 1075; 16 U.S.C. 818), as H arry R . A nderson, in section 1 of the act of June 25, 1910 amended. * Assistant Secretary of the Interior. (36 Stat. 847; 43 U.S.C. 141), and pur­ Inquiries concerning the land should suant to Executive Order No. 10355 of ,1967. be addressed to the Land Office Manager, M ay 26, 1952 (17 F.R. 4831), and by vir­ Bureau of Land Management, Sacra­ [F.R. Doc. 67-10780; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; tue of the authority contained in section mento, California. 8:48 a.m.] 24 of the act of June 10, 1920 (41 Stat. 1075; 16 U.S.C. 818), as amended, and H arry R . A nderson, pursuant to the determination of the Assistant Secretary of the Interior. Federal Power Commission in DA-1051- S eptem ber 8,1967. Title 50— WILDLIFE AND Califomia, it is ordered as follows: [F.R. Doc. 67-10757; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 1. The Executive orders of Septem­ 8:46 a.m.] FISHERIES ber 14, 1910, and , 1916, Chapter I— Bureau of Sport Fisheries creating Powersite Reserves No. 150 and No. 555; and the departmental order of [Public Land Order 4268] and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior November 13, 1909, and the Executive [Arizona 035683] order of July 2, 1910, creating Powersite SUBCHAPTER B— HUNTING AND POSSESSION Reserve No. 58 are hereby revoked so far ARIZONA OF WILDLIFE as they affect the following described Partial Revocation of Air Navigation lands: PART 10— MIGRATORY BIRDS Site Withdrawal No. 118 Mount Diablo Meridian Open Seasons, Bag Limits, and P°s‘ T. 5 N., R. 25 E., By virtue of the authority contained In session of Certain Migratory Game Sec. 3, lot 4; section 4 of the act of M ay 24, 1928 (45 Sec. 4, lots 1 and 2; Stat. 729; 49 U.S.C. 214), it is ordered as Birds; Correction Sec. 9, NE%, Ei4NW>4 and S%; follows: F.R. Doc. 67-10223, published on page Sec. 16; Sec. 17, NE>4NE*4 and sy2NWi/4; The departmental order of March 8, 12687 in the issue dated Friday, Septem­ Sec. 18, SE % SE 14; 1938, withdrawing lands as Air Naviga­ ber 1, 1967, is corrected by changing the Sec. 19, N E ^ N E ^ ; tion Site Withdrawal No. 118, is hereby opening date of the duck season in Indi­ Sec. 20, W y2 NW *4 and SE&NE14; revoked so far as it affects the following ana from November 7 to November 4 in Sec. 21, SW1/4SW14, NEi4SE»4, and described lands: SW % SE }4; § 10.53(e) of the table of seasons. Gila and Salt River Meridian Sec. 28, Wy2NEi,4. This correction is to become effec ive T. 6 N., R. 25 E., T. 1 N., R. 4 E., upon publication. Sec. 34, Si/2NEi4 and SE>4. Sec. 8, Si/2SEi4SW^ and Ey2SE]4SW^ A bram V. T u n iso n , The areas described aggregate approx­ SW%; Sec. 17, Ny2NEi/4NWi4. S^Ni/aNW^NWi/i Acting Director, Bureau of imately 2,049 acres in Mono County. NW 14, s y2 NW % NW % NW %, Si/2NWi4 Sport Fisheries and WildWe- Section 16 and SWi4SW}4 sec. 21 T. NE>/4NWy4NW y4, N E iA N E ^ N W iA N W iA , 5 N., R. 25 E., are patented. All of the and sy2NE%NWi4NWiA. S eptember 11, 1967. remaining lands, including the land in The areas described aggregate 61.25 [F.R. Doc. 67-10756; Filed, Sept. 13» 1... . 8:46 a.m.] T. 6 N., R. 25 E., which is in the Toiyabe acres in M aricopa County.


SUBCHAPTER C— THE NATIONAL WILDLIFE K ansas other sportsmen, but blinds must be at REFUGE SYSTEM k ir w in national w il d l if e refuge lea^ 80 ^rds apart PART 32— HUNTING (4) A Federal permit is not required Public hunting of ducks, geese, and to enter the publiQ_.hunting area, but Wildlife Refuges in Arizona and coots on the Kirwin National Wildlife^-hunters, upon entering or leaving, shall Certain Other States Refuge, Kansas, is permitted as follows: report at designated checking stations as Ducks and coots, from October 21 may be established for the regulation of The following special regulations are through November 19, 1967, inclusive, the hunting activity and shall furnish issued and are effective on date of pub­ and from December 9 through December information pertaining to their hunt­ lication in the F ederal R egister. The 23, 1967, inclusive; geese, from Septem­ ing, as requested. limited time ensuing from the date of ber 30 through December 10, 1967, inclu­ The provisions of this special regula­ the adoption of the Federal migratory sive, but only on the area designated by tion supplement the regulations which game bird regulations to and including signs as open to hunting. This open area, govern hunting on wildlife refuge areas the establishment of State hunting sea­ comprising 3,300 acres, is delineated on generally which are set forth in Title sons makes it impracticable to give public maps available at refuge headquarters, 50, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 32, notice of proposed rule making. 5 miles west of Kirwin, Kans., and from and are effective through December 27, §32.12 Special regulations; migratory the Regional Director, Bureau of Sport 1967. game birds; for individual wildlife Fisheries and W ildlife, Post Office Box U tah 1306, Albuquerque, N. Mex. 87103. Hunt­ refuge areas. BEAR RIVER MIGRATORY BIRD REFUGE ing shall be in accordance with a,ll ap­ A rizona and C alifornia plicable State and Federal regulations Public hunting of ducks, geese, coots HAVASU LAKE NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE covering the hunting of ducks, geese, a n d . and whistling swans on the Bear River coots subject to the following special Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah, is per­ Public hunting of ducks, geese and condition;, mitted from October 7, 1967, through coots on the Havasu Lake National W ild ­ (1) Blinds— Temporary blinds con­ January 4,1968, inclusive, but only on the life Refuge, Arizona and California, is structed above ground from natural area designated by signs as open to hunt­ permitted from October 10,1967, through vegetation are permitted. Digging of ing. This open area, comprising 12,855 January 7, 1968, inclusive, but only on acres, is delineated on maps available at the area designated by signs as open to' holes or pits to serve as blinds is pro­ hibited. refuge headquarters, Brigham City, Utah, hunting. This open area, comprising and from the Regional Director, Bureau 8,800 acres, is delineated on maps avail­ The provisions of this special regula­ tion supplement the regulations which of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Post O f­ able at refuge headquarters, Needles, fice Box 1306, Albuquerque, N. Mex. 87103. Calif., and from the Regional Director, govern hunting on wildlife refuge areas Hunting shall be in accordance with all Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, generally which are set forth in Title 50, applicable State and Federal regulations Post Office Box 1306, Albuquerque, N. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 32, covering the hunting of ducks, geese, Mex. 87103. Hunting shall be in accord­ and are effective through December 23, coots, and whistling swans subject to the ance with all applicable State and Fed­ 1967. following special conditions: eral regulations covering the hunting of O klahom a (1) Area A—No hunting is permitted ducks, geese, and coots subject to the TISHOMINGO NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE from roadways or within 100 yards of following special condition: Public hunting of ducks, geese, and any roadway. Area B— No hunting is per­ (1) Hunting is prohibited within one- coots on the Tishomingo National Wild­ mitted from roadways or adjacent area fourth mile of any occupied dwelling or life Refuge, Okla., is permitted only on as posted by signs. concession operation. the area designated by signs as open to (2) Boats—The use of boats is per­ The provisions of this special regula­ hunting. This open area, comprising mitted, except that airthrust boats may tion supplement the regulations which 3,170 acres, is delineated on maps avail­ not be used in Unit 2. Private boats may govern hunting on wildlife refuge areas able at refuge headquarters, Tishomingo, be left at designated areas one week generally which are set forth in Title 50, Okla., and from the Regional Director, prior to and during the hunting season. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 32, Bureau of. Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, All boats and trailers must be removed and are effective through January 7, Post Office Box 1306, Albuquerque, from the refuge within 2 weeks after the 1968. N. Mex. 87103.' Hunting shall be in ac­ close of the hunting season. imperial national w il d l if e refuge cordance with all applicable State and (3) Parking— Hunters may park cars Federal regulations covering the hunting only at designated areas within the Public hunting of ducks, geese, and of ducks, geese, and coots subject to the refuge. coots on the Imperial National W ildlife following special conditions: (4) Checking in and out—Each Refuge, Arizona and California, is per­ (1) Ducks and coots may be hunted hunter who enters Area A is required to register on entering or leaving the mitted from October 10, 1967, through only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, check out before leaving the refuge. January 7, 1968, inclusive, but only on Sundays, and National holidays from Those hunting in Area B are not required October 28 through December 12, 1967, the area designated by signs as open to to register on entering or leaving the inclusive, excluding Zone 3. Geese may hunting. This open area, comprising refuge. be hunted only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, 17,300 acres, is delineated on maps (5) Routes of travel— To reach open Saturdays, Sundays, and National holi­ hunting areas, travel is permitted on foot available at refuge headquarters, Yuma, days from October 28 through Decem­ or bicycle from refuge checking station and from the Regional Director, ber 27, 1967, inclusive. over roads between Units 1 and 2 and Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, (2) Each hunter shall be limited to Units 2 ¿ma 3. Travel by boats (other ost Office Box 1306, Albuquerque, N. eight shells in possession when entering than airthrust boats) from checking sta­ ex. 87103. Hunting shall be in accord­ Zone 3 of the Management Unit and may tion using the canal between Units 1 and ance with all applicable State and Fed- only eight shells during any 1 day 2, or down main river channel into Unit in Zone 3. eral regulations covering the hunting of 2, or using the canal between Units 2 and aucks, geese, and coots. (3) Blinds are provided in Zone 1 and 3. Travel by airthrust boats is limited to Zone 3 and hunters will be assigned to Units 1 and 3, and to designated travel The provisions of this special regula- blinds on a first-come first-choice basis. lanes leading to the open area south and °n suPPlement the regulations which Temporary blinds or open field hunting southwest of the refuge boundary. Cars overn hunting on wildlife refuge areas is prohibited in these areas. In other with airthrust boats and trailers will be eneraUy which are set forth in Title 50, areas where blinds are not provided permitted to travel designated dike road hunters may construct temporary blinds. to reach designated parking areas and JÍT °f Pederal Regulations, Part 32, These blinds may be placed where de­ launching sites for access to the travel 1968 are e^ ec^ ve through January 7, sired after giving due consideration to lanes across a closed portion of the safety and hunting opportunities of refuge.


The provisions of this special regula­ (2) Ducks, geese, coots, and gallinules marked no later than October 1. Selec­ tion supplement the regulations which may be hunted from one-half hour before tion of applications will be by public govern hunting on wildlife refuge areas sunrise until 12 noon on each Monday, drawing. generally which are set forth in Title 50, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Satur­ Successful applicants must appear in Code of Federal Regulations, Part 32, and day during the period from October 14 person at the refuge hunter checking are effective through January 4, 1968. through November 17, 1967, inclusive. station prior to 1 hour before local (3) Hunting ducks, geese, coots, and FISH SPRINGS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE shooting time on the date reserved. gallinules is permitted only from desig­ (2) Saturday, October 21, 1967, and Public hunting of ducks and coots on nated hunting stands. Saturday, October 28, 1967, will be rev the Fish Springs National Wildlife (4) A permit is required to hunt ducks, served for the Young Waterfowler’s Refuge, Utah, is permitted from October geese, coots, and gallinules. A daily per­ Training Program Hunt. In addition, if 7,1967, through January 4,1968, inclusive mit may be obtained by applying in per­ required, Sunday, October 22, 1967, and but only on the area designated by signs son at the New York State Conservation Sunday, October 29, 1967, may be used as open to hunting. This open area, Department’s Permit Station on the Oak as Young Waterfowler’s Training Pro­ comprising 1,587 acres, is delineated on Orchard Game Management Area on the gram Hunting days. A brochure describ­ maps available at refuge headquarters, days when hunting is. permitted. ing this program is also available^ Dugway, Utah, and from the Regional (5) All ducks and geese killed on the (3) Hunting will be only from speci­ Director, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and refuge must be checked out either at the fied blinds. Wildlife, Post Office Box 1306, Albuquer­ permit station on the Oak Orchard Game (4) Hunters must provide a minimum que, N. Mex. 87103. Hunting shall be in Management Area, or at the refuge office. of six duck decoys and will be limited to accordance with all applicable State and The provisions of this special regulation 20 shells each, with shot size no larger Federal regulations covering the hunting supplement the regulations which govern than No. 2. of ducks and coots. hunting on wildlife refuge areas general­ (5) All hunting ends at 1 p.m. local The provisions of this special regula­ ly, which are set forth in Title 50, Code time. tion supplement the regulations which of Federal Regulations, Part 32, and are The provisions of this special regu­ govern hunting on wildlife refuge areas effective through November 17, 1967. lation supplement the regulations which govern hunting on wildlife refuge areas generally which are set forth in Title 50, E ugene E. C rawford, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 32, and Acting Regional Director, Bu­ generally, which are set forth in Title 50, Code of Federal Regulations, Part are effective through January 4* 1968. reau of Sport Fisheries and 32, and are effective through November W ill ia m T. K rum m es, Wildlife. 19, 1967. Regional Director, S eptember 7, 1967. E ugene E. C rawford, Albuquerque, N. Mex. [F.R. Doc. 67-10748; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; Acting Regional Director, Bu- \ S eptember 8, 1967. 8:45 a.m.j reau of Sport Fisheries and i [F.R. Doc. 67-10745; Filed, Sept. 13. 1967; Wildlife. 8:45 a.m.] PART 32— HUNTING S eptember 1, 1967. [F.R. Doc. 67-10750; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; PART 32— HUNTING Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, 8:46 a.m.] N.Y. Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, The following special regulation is PART 32— HUNTING N.Y. issued and is effective on date of publica­ The following special regulation is tion in the F ederal R egister. The limited Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge, issued and is effective on date of publi­ time ensuing from the date of the adop­ Kans. cation in the F ederal R egister. The tion of the Federal migratory game bird The following special regulation is is­ limited time ensuing from the date of regulations to and including establish-» sued and is effective on date of publica­ the adoption of the Federal Migratory ment of State hunting seasons makes it tion in the F ederal R egister. Game Bird Regulations to and including impracticable to give public notice of establishment of State hunting seasons proposed rule making. §32.22 Special regulations; upland game; for individual wildlife refuge makes it impracticable to give public §32.12 Special regulations; migratory areas. notice of proposed rule making. game birds; for individual wildlife K ansas § 32.12 Special regulations; migratory refuge areas. KIRWIN NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE game birds; for individual wildlife N e w Y ork refuge areas. Public hunting of crows on the Kir­ MONTEZUMA NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE win National Wildlife Refuge, Kans., is N e w Y ork The public hunting of ducks, geese permitted from through IROQUOIS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE (except snow geese), brant and coots on December 23, 1967, inclusive, but only on the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, the area designated by signs as open to The public hunting of woodcock, com­ N.Y., is permitted from October 14, 1967, hunting. This open area, comprising mon (W ilson’s) snipe, ducks, geese, coots, through November 16, 1967, inclusive, on 3,300 acres, is delineated on maps avail­ and gallinules on the Iroquois National Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays able at refuge headquarters, 5 miles west W ildlife Refuge, N.Y., is permitted on the only, and only on the area designated by of Kirwin, Kans., and from the office of area designated by signs as open to signs as open to hunting. This open area, the Regional Director, Bureau of Sport hunting. This open area comprising known as the Storage Pool, comprises Fisheries and Wildlife, Post Office Box 4,238 acres in delineated on maps avail­ 1,340 acres and is delineated on maps 1306, Albuquerque, N. Mex. 87103. Hunt­ able at the refuge headquarters, Basom, available at refuge headquarters, Seneca ing shall be in accordance with all ap­ N.Y., and from the Regional Director, Falls, N.Y., and from the Regional' plicable State regulations covering the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Director, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and hunting of crows subject to the follow- UJS. Post Office and Courthouse, Boston, W ildlife, U.S. Post Office and Courthouse, ing special conditions: Mass. 02109. Hunting shall be in accord­ Boston, Mass. 02109. Hunting shall be in (1) Shooting hours will be from one- ance with all applicable State and Fed­ accordance with all applicable State and half hour before sunrise until sunset. eral regulations covering the hunting of Federal regulations covering the hunting (2) Crows may be hunted with shot­ woodcock, snipe, ducks, geese, coots, and of ducks, geese (except snow geese), guns or bow and arrows only. Rifles o gallinules subject to the following special brant, and coots subject to the following handguns will not be permitted. conditions: special conditions: The provisions of this special regula­ (1) Woodcock and snipe may not be (1) AH hunters must have a special tion supplement the regulations whicn hunted on Sundays during the month of permit obtained in advance of the hunt. govern hunting on wildlife refuge axei» October. Applications for permits must be post­ generally which are set forth in Tit


50, Code of Federal Regulations, Part Is suspended for the 1967 season due to a § 32.32 Special regulations; big game; 32, and are effective through December low population. for individual wildlife refuge areas. 23’ 1967. H erbert G. T roester, N orth D akota M erle O. B e n n e tt, Refuge Manager, Tewaukon Refuge Manager, Kirwin Na­ TEWAUKON NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE National Wildlife Refuge, tional Wildlife Refuge, K ir­ Public bow hunting of deer on the Te­ Cayuga, N. Dak. win, Kans. waukon National Wildlife Refuge, N. S eptember 6, 1967. Dak., is permitted from November 20, , 1967. [F.R. Doc. 67-10751; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 1967, through December 17, 1967, on the [F.R. Doc. 67-10747; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 8:46 a.m.] entire refuge as posted. This area, com­ 8:45 a.m.] prising 7,556 acres, is delineated on maps available at refuge headquarters, Cayu­ PART 32— HUNTING ga, N. Dak. 58013, and from the office of PART 32— HUNTING the Regional Director, Bureau of Sport Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Fisheries and Wildlife, 1006 West Lake Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, Utah N.Y. Street, 8, Minn. 55408. The following special regulation is is­ Hunting shall be in accordance with all The following special regulation is is­ sued and is effective on date of publica­ applicable State and Federal regulations. sued and is effective on date of publica­ tion in the F ederal R egister. The provisions of this special regula­ tion in the F ederal R egister. tion supplement the regulations which §32.22 Special regulations; upland govern hunting on wildlife refuge areas §32.22 Special r e g u la t io n s ; upland game; for individual wildlife refuge game; for individual wildlife refuge generally, which are set forth in Title areas. 50, Code of Federal Regulations, Part areas. : U tah N e w Y ork 32, and are effective through December bear river m ig rato ry bird refuge 17, 1967. IROQUOIS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE H erbert G. T roester, The public hunting of pheasants on Refuge Manager, Tewaukon Na­ Public hunting of upland game on the the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, tional Wildlife Refuge, Cayu­ Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, Ba- Utah, is permitted from November 4, som, N.Y., is permitted from October 2, ga, N. Dak. 1967, through November 26, 1967, inclu­ 1967, through February 29, 1968, except sive, but only on the area designated by S eptember 6, 1967. on areas designated by signs as closed. signs as open to hunting. This open area, [F.R. Doc. 67-10752; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; This open area comprising 10,383 acres comprising 9,495 acres, is delineated on 8:46 a.m.] is delineated on maps available at refuge maps and shown as Area A which are headquarters, Basom, N.Y., and from the available at refuge headquarters and PART 32— HUNTING Regional Director, Bureau of Sport Fish­ from the Regional Director, Bureau of eries and Wildlife, U.S. Post Office and Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Post Office Upper Souris National Wildlife Courthouse, Boston, Mass., 02109. H unt­ Box 1306, Albuquerque, N. Mex. 87103. Refuge, N. Dak. ing shall be in accordance with all appli­ cable State regulations, subject to the Hunting shall be in accordance with The following special regulation is is­ following special conditions: all applicable State regulations govern­ sued and is effective on date of publica­ ing the hunting of pheasants subject to tion in the F ederal R egister. (1) A seasonal permit is required for the following special conditions: the nighttime hunting of raccoon. Per­ § 32.32 Special regulations; big game; mits may be obtained by applying in (1) No hunting is permitted from for individual wildlife refuge areas. roadways or within 100 yards of road­ person at the refuge office. N orth D akota ways. ' (2) The refuge shall be closed to hunt­ UPPER SOURIS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE (2) Checking in and out— Each hun­ ing Sundays during the month of Oc­ Public hunting of deer on the Upper tober. ter who enters A rea A is required to reg­ Souris National Wildlife Refuge, N. Dak., The provisions of this special regula­ ister at the checking station and check out before leaving the refuge. is permitted only on the areas designated tion supplement the regulations which by signs as open to hunting. These open (3) Parking—Hunters may park cars govern hunting on wildlife refuge areas areas, comprising 31,800 acres, are delin­ only at designated area within refuge. generally, as are set forth in Title 50, eated on maps available at the refuge (4) To reach open hunting area, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 32, headquarters, Foxholm, N. Dak., and travel is permitted on foot or bicycle and are effective through February 29, from the office of the Regional Director, 1968. from refuge checking station over roads Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, between Units 1 and 2 and Units 2 and 3. Eugene E. C rawford, 1006 West Lake Street, Minneapolis, The provisions of this special regula­ Acting Regional Director, B u - 'f. Minn. 55408. Hunting shall be in accord­ tion supplement the regulations which reau of Sport Fisheries and ance with all applicable State regulations govern hunting on wildlife refuge areas Wildlife. covering the hunting of deer subject to generally which are set forth in Title 50, the following special conditions: , 1967. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 32, (1) The open season for hunting deer [PR. Doc. 67-10749; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; and are effective through November 26, on the refuge is from noon c.s.t., Novem­ 8:46 a.m.] 1967. ber 10, to sunset November 19, 1967. L lo yd F. G u n t h e r , (2) All refuge trails will be closed to Refuge Manager, Bear River vehicular travel. PART 32— HUNTING Migratory Bird Refuge, Brig­ The provisions of this special regula­ ham City, Utah. Tewaukon National Wildlife Refu< tion supplement the regulations which N. Dak. S eptember 1, 1967. govern hunting on wildlife refuge areas diS16 Trowing special regulation is [F.R. Doc. 67-10754; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; generally, which are set forth in Title 50, ^effective on date of publi« 8:46 a.m.] Code of Federal Regulations, Part 32, in the F ederal R egister. and are effective through November 19, 1967. §32.22 Special r e g u la t io n s ; upla PART 32— HUNTING Jo h n M . D a h l , game; for individual wildlife refi areas. Refuge Manager, Upper Souris Tewaukon National Wildlife Refuge, National Wildlife Refuge, N orth D akota N. Dak. Foxholm, N. Dak. tewaukon n atio n al w il d l if e refug: The following special regulation is is­ S eptember 6, 1967. kon^ai?8 °f Pheasants on the Tewt sued and is effective on date of publica­ [FJt. Doc. 67-10753; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; National Wildlife Refuge, N. Di tion in the F ederal R egister. 8:46 a.m.]


PART 32— HUNTING ing license. Sixty special permits shall be and are effective through November 3 issued to applicants by drawing at refuge 1967. National Elk Refuge, Wyo. headquarters at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, D o n E. R edfearn, Refuge manager, The following special regulation is is­ October 13,1967 and every Friday there­ National Elk Refuge, Jackson, Wyo. sued and is effective on date of publica­ after through October 27, 1967. Permits tion in the F ederal R egister. are good for 1 week only. A ugust 21,1967. § 32.32 Special regulations; big game; (2) Access to the refuge shall be only [FJt. Doc. 67-10755; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; for individual wildlife refuge areas. through the main gate east of refuge 8:46 a.m.] W y o m in g headquarters in Jackson. (3) Motorized vehicle travel in the PART 32— HUNTING NATIONAL ELK REFUGE hunting area is restricted to the roads Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge, Public hunting of elk on the National designated by appropriate signs and Ga.; Correction Elk Refuge, Wyo., is permitted from delineated on maps available at refuge October 14 through November 3, 1967, In F.R. Doc. 67-9236, Vol. 32, No. 152, inclusive, but only on the area designated headquarters. This is interpreted to appearing on page 11440 of the issue for by signs as open to hunting. This open mean that motor vehicles may not leave Tuesday, August 8, 1967 (sec. 10), para­ area, comprising 17,607 acres, is deline­ designated roadways for the purpose of graph 3, under special conditions should ated oh maps available ax refuge head­ loading or picking up a kill. read as follows: Applications must be in office of the quarters, Jackson, Wyo., and from the (4) Persons without permits may ac­ Regional Director, Bureau of Sport Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge, company special permit holders in the Fisheries and W ildlife, Post Office Box Round Oak, Ga. 31080, by 4:30 p.m. on 1306, Albuquerque, N. Mex. 87103. Hunt­ same vehicle but only permit holders are , 1967. ing shall be in accordance with all allowed to possess a firearm. W alter A. G resh, applicable State regulations covering the The provisions of this special regula­ Regional Director, Bureau of hunting of elk subject to the following tion supplement the regulations which Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. special conditions: govern hunting on wildlife refuge areas S eptember 8, 1967. " (1) A special permit is required in generally which are set forth in Title 50, [F.R. Doc. 67-10746; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; addition to a valid 1967 State Elk Hunt­ Code of Federal Regulations, Part 32, 8:45 a.m.]

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13077 Proposed Rule Making

tapes, and for other purposes. Previous their respective residences were located DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE censuses show that the frequency of on January 1. boundary changes increases just before Approved: , 1967. Consumer and Marketing Service the census date. This results in an in­ [ 7 CFR Part 51 1 sufficient time to incorporate the changes R obert F. D r u r y, into the required materials before con­ Acting Director, FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND ducting the census. In addition to creat­ Bureau of the Census. OTHER PRODUCTS ing a workload that is difficult to com­ [F.R. Doc. 67-10739; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; plete before the census date, untimely 8:45 a.m.] inspection, Certification, and Stand­ boundary changes would add to the cost ards; Extension of Time for Submis­ of the census while omission of a change sion of Written Data, Views, or in the census documents would cause Arguments discrepancies which are difficult to FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION resolve. In view of the correction appearing in Recommendations or suggestions re­ [ 18 CFR Part 154 ] the issue of the F ederal R egister for garding the proposed regulation will re­ [Docket No. R-330] Tuesday, , 1967, at page ceive consideration if received in writ­ 12953, relative to the notice of proposed ing within 30 days after the date of this RATE SCHEDULES AND TARIFFS rule making with respect to revision of publication. Recommendations or sug­ Lateral Line Policy of Natural Gas Regulations (Inspection, Certification, gestions should be addressed 'to the Di­ and Standards) Fresh Fruits, Vegetables rector, Bureau, of the Census, Washing­ Pipeline Companies and other products, appearing in the ton, D.C. 20233. S eptember 7, 1967. issue of the F ederal R egister for Tues­ Title 15, Chapter I, Code of Federal Statement of lateral line policy in rate day, August 22, 1967 (32 F.R. 12052), the Regulations is amended by adding a new schedules filed by Natural Gas Pipeline time for submission of written data, Part 70 to read as follows: Companies, Docket No. R-330. views, or arguments for consideration in Sec. 1. Notice is given pursuant to section connection with the aforesaid notice of 70.1 Cutoff date and the effect on enumera­ 553 of title 5 of the United States Code proposed rule making, as corrected, is tion. that the Commission is proposing to extended through September 30, 1967. 70.2 County subdivision defined for census amend § 154.39 of its regulations under purposes. Dated: September 12, 1967. the Natural Gas Act so as to clarify the 70.3 Effect on boundary changes after the meaning and purpose of the sales lateral G. R. G range, cutoff date. policy requirement set forth therein. The Deputy Administrator, § 70.1 Cutoff date and the effect on Marketing Services. proposed amendment would define the enumeration. term “sales lateral,” would require a [PR. Doc. 67-10870; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; The Bureau of thè Census will recog­ precise statement of the method by which 8:50 a.m.] nize only those boundaries legally in ef­ a pipeline company’s contributions to fect on January 1, 1970, for the tabula­ sales lateral construction, if any, are tion and publication of data from the calculated, and would prescribe a uni­ 1970 Censuses of Population and Hous­ form reservation clause. Each tariff DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ing. Respondents will be enumerated on statement would be. required to cover the census date as residing within the lateral line construction to both new and Bureau of the Census legal limits of municipalities, wards, the existing customers, and would have to [ 15 CFR Part 701 county subdivision areas, and counties describe the extent, if any, to which the as these limits existed on January 1 of pipeline company’s sales lateral construc­ CUTOFF DATE FOR RECOGNIZING the census year. tion arrangements with direct customers BOUNDARY CHANGES FOR 1970 differ from its arrangements with juris­ § 70.2 County subdivision defined for dictional customers. CENSUSES census purposes. 2. On October 19, 1966, the Commis­ Final Date for Inclusion of Statistics For purposes of this part, county sub­ sion issued an order1 amending § 154.39 divisions are defined to include the areas of its regulations to include the following Notice is hereby given that pursuant identified by the Bureau of the Census paragraph : to the authority vested in the Secretary as minor civil divisions. Although civil or Commerce by Title 13, United States (b) The general terms and conditions of and judicial townships are the most fre­ the tariff shall contain a clear statement of Code, sections 4 and 5, and the delega­ quent type of minor civil division, there the company’s policy with respect to the tion to the Director, Bureau of the Cen­ are also beats, election districts, magis­ financing and building of sales lateral pipe­ sus, by Department of Commerce Order terial districts, towns, and other areas. lines to its resale customers, together with No- 85, the proposed regulation set forth A more complete description appears on a list of the rate schedules to which the below pertaining to boundaries of munic­ page X X I of “ I960 Census of Population, policy is applicable. I f it is the company’s ipalities, wards, county subdivisions, Volume I, Part A.” policy to build or contribute to the financing »nd counties will be observed for the o f such sales laterals, the tariff shall clearly Purpose of conducting the 1970 Censuses § 70.3 Effect o f boundary changes after set forth the criteria or formula under which the cutoff date. it determines the extent to which it will ? Population and Housing and publish­ contribute to the construction. If it is the e s the resulting statistics. Changes in boundaries that become company’s policy not to build or contribute The purpose of the proposed regula- effective after January 1, 1970, will not to any sales lateral pipelines, that policy on is to encourage municipalities and be recognized by the Bureau of the Cen­ should be clearly set forth. sus in taking the 1970 Federal censuses. th government to complete Compliance filings were to be submitted The residents of any area which is trans­ desired boundary changes suffi- no later than December 5, 1966. aiwH- advance of the census date to ferred to another jurisdiction after Janu­ intnW+ . e.for incorporating the changes ary 1, 1970, will be enumerated in the 1 Order No. 328, Docket No. R-301, 36 FPC training material, maps, computer census as residents of the area in which ------31 FJt. 13720, Oct. 25, 1966.


3. The Commission’s purpose in pro­ ket.” Some state that they will contrib­ If the company’s policy includes a pro­ mulgating this regulation was explained ute to construction “where necessary to vision for subsequent adjustment of in its notice of proposed rule making in meet competition,” or where necessary initial contributions to construction to the same docket, issued April 12, 1966:2 to resolve “special circumstances,” or in reflect actual operating experience, the The various economic problems concerned “special situations where such contribu­ statement would explain how and when1 with laterals are brought before the Commis­ tion or construction is patently advan­ the adjustments are computed, and would sion by pipeline company applications for tageous to both Seller and to the public set forth the method by which the com­ certificates under section 7(c) or by appli­ which it serves.” At least one company pany disburses or collects additional con­ cations by distributors under section 7(a) of will not contribute to the cost of lateral tributions in accordance with the ad­ the Natural Gas Act. Analysis of these ap­ lines unless “in its sole discretion” it de­ justments. plications indicates that most pipeline com­ cides to make an exception. Still other panies do not follow consistent practices The amended regulation would also re­ with respect to the building of sales laterals. companies are no less vague about the quire a statement of the extent, if any, proportion of the construction costs Some pipeline companies require the pro­ to which the company’s sales lateral con­ spective customer to build or pay for the which they will assume in proper cir­ struction arrangements with direct cus­ building of the entire lateral, others share cumstances than they are about the tomers differ from its arrangements the cost with the customer or require a definition of those circumstances. with jurisdictional customers. A some­ customer contribution toward the cost of Such filings clearly preclude the sort what similar proposal was eliminated the lateral; still others build the lateral to of predictability sought by § 154.39(b). from the rule adopted in Docket No. the customer’s town border. The relation of They afford prospective customers no R-301 on the ground that information anticipated revenues to carrying cost of the means by which to determine the extent investment is, of course, a major factor in about the construction of direct sales lateral policy. to which a potential supplier would con­ lateral facilities is normally available in There is opportunity for unjust discrimi­ tribute to the cost of lateral line facilities certification proceedings involving such nation and undue preference among cus­ in the event a sale were certificated. Such facilities. Further consideration leads us tomers where a pipeline does not follow a filings, more importantly, do not fore­ to believe that some information on this consistent policy. Such being the case, close all opportunity for the unwar­ matter in tariffs is desirable. A pipeline whether it is the obligation of the pipeline ranted preferential treatment of certain company’s rate agreements with direct company or of the customer to construct a lateral line customers at the expense of customers are not themselves subject to lateral should not be left to negotiation in others. the Commission’s regulatory authority, each individual instance. 6. It appears to the Commission, there­and we do not intend to interfere with We believe, therefore," that each pipeline fore, that an amendment of 1 154.39(b) company should make a clear statement in such arrangements, regardless of the of tbe Commission’s regulations is war­ its tariff describing its policy in building level of any contribution to construction lateral lines. ranted. Specifically, we propose to amend or any discrepancy in the treatment of the regulation so as to require each juris­ such customers. A company’s preferen­ 4. The proposal evoked a mixed re­ dictional pipeline company to include tial treatment of its direct customers sponse. Those who opposed our adoption in its tariff an explicit statement of may, oh the other hand, shed light on of the regulation based their objections its policy with respect to the financing the propriety of its arrangements with largely on a misinterpretation of our and/or construction of any sales lateral. resale customers, particularly where a intent. We attempted, therefore, in the W e are defining “sales lateral” to include single lateral is constructed for the bene­ October 19 order, to assure the industry any pipeline extension (other than a fit of both resale and direct customers. that the new provision would neither main transmission line extension) built Indeed, Unless the tariff discloses such “render a pipeline company’s lateral line from an existing pipeline facility to de­ differences, it will be difficult, if not im­ arrangements so hopelessly rigid that in­ liver natural gas to one or more custom­ possible, for potential jurisdictional cus­ herent competitive advantages would be ers of the company, inclusive of both tomers to assess the true situation in impaired,” or “require a statement of the resale and direct customers served from dealing with the pipeline company. considerations which might lead a pipe­ the same extension and both new and A company’s construction arrange­ line company voluntarily to provide new present purchasers, and, for present pur-, ments with non jurisdictional customers or increased service to a customer.” In­ chasers, inclusive of new, delivery points would be considered only in connection stead, we wrote, pipeline companies— and enlargements or replacements of with proceedings involving the certifica­ would be required to set forth the basis for present sales lateral pipelines. By setting tion of sales laterals designed to serve the financial obligations they would assume forth a functional description of the resale customers. Accordingly, it would in the event they were authorized or directed lateral line situation, we would expect to be sufficient for a pipeline company to to provide such service after proceedings avoid the confusion created by our reli­ state (if the facts so warrant) that it is brought under sections 7(c) or 7(a) of^the ance on the mere label. not the policy of the company to finance Act respectively, it is not the purpose of The required statement would set or construct sales lateral facilities for the proposed regulation to impose undue forth the company’s policy with respect burdens upon jurisdictional pipeline com­ non jurisdictional customers on terms panies; it seeks only to reduce the possibility to the financing and/or construction of more advantageous than those applica­ of preferential treatment for certain cus­ sales laterals to both new and existing ble to jurisdictional customers. tomers. •** customers, including, in the case of exist­ Finally, each statement would contain ing Customers, new delivery points, pipe­ a standard reservation clause declaring 5. Despite the explicit language of the line loops, enlargement equipment, and new regulation, and despite our efforts that nothing in the policy shall require replacement facilities. If the company a pipeline company to file a certificate to allay the respondents’ misapprehen­ does not build or contribute to the con­ sions, a substantial number of the policy application pursuant to section 7(c) of struction of any sales laterals, the state­ the Natural Gas Act, abridge the com­ statements filed in purported compliance ment would simply set forth that fact. If with § 154.39(b) are clearly inadequate. pany’s right to contest applications filed the company does build or contribute to pursuant to section 7(a), or prevent it Some of the statements set forth a for­ the construction of sales laterals, the mula by which the pipeline company’s from seeking Commission approval of a statement would set forth, in measurable, departure from the general policy for contribution to lateral line construction quantitative terms, any method or for­ good cause shown. may be determined, but furnish no cer­ mula by which the company determines W e seek to elicit informative and com­ tain guide as to when the formula may the amount of its contribution. A for­ be applied. Others limit application of mula could, for example, include refer­ prehensive policy statements. Under the the formula to certain rate schedules or ence to estimated revenues, estimated proposed amendment, vague statements to new customers only. Many companies cost of service, estimated sales volumes, and statements containing excessive say that their decision to contribute to pipeline system capacity, or other spe­ reservations would fail to comply with lateral line construction will be based on cific quantitative factors. References to the regulation and would be rejected. such “criteria” as “economic feasibility” “economic feasibility” or other subjec­ The rule as amended is expected to pro­ and “growth prospects of Buyer’s mar- tive or general criteria not susceptible of^ evaluation by a potential customer duce policy statements upon which a 31 F.R. 5972, Apr. 19, 1966. would not be permitted. meaningful predictions may be based.


7. This amendment to the Commis­ tomers, as set forth pursuant to sub­ formal and is not an adversary proceed­ sion’s regulations is proposed to be issued division (i) of this subparagraph, and ing. It is intended as a fact-finding under the authority granted by the Nat­ the company’s policy with respect the proceeding to obtain all available views, ural Gas Act, as amended, particularly financing and/or construction of similar data, and information on this subject. sections 4, 5, 7, and 16 thereof (52 Stat. facilities for non jurisdictional customers 2. The U.S. Coast Guard Public Hear­ 822, 823, 824, and 830; 15 U.S.C. sections (whether or not the non jurisdictional ing, presided over by the Deputy Chief of 717c, 717d, 717f, and 717o>. purchases are taken from a sales lateral Staff, U.S. Coast Guard, will be held 8. Any interested person may submit that serves jurisdictional customers as Thursday, September 21, 1967, at 9 a.m., to the Federal Power Commission, W ash­ w ell). I f such a difference exists, the e.d.s.t., in Room 2075, Federal Office ington, D.C. 20426, by October 24, 1967, statement shall include a brief descrip­ Building, 1240 East Ninth Street, Cleve­ data, views, and comments in writing tion of the nature of the difference. land,''Ohio. Each person who desires to concerning the amendment to the regu­ (iii) The following statement: “Noth­ make a presentation at the public hear­ lations proposed herein. The Commission ing in this policy statement shall require ing should notify the Commandant will consider these written submittals (the company) to file an application for (CCS-3), U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, before acting upon the proposed amend­ a certificate of public convenience and D.C. 20591, by , 1967, of his ment. An original and fourteen (14) necessity under section 7(c) of the Nat­ desires, giving his name and address, the copies of any such submittals should be ural Gas Act. Nothing in this policy organization he represents (if any), and filed. statement, further, shall prevent (the the estimated time required for his 9. Accordingly, we propose to amend company) from contesting an applica­ presentation. § 154.39 of the Commission’s regulations tion for service filed pursuant to section 3. The present rates and charges gov­ under the Natural Gas Act, Subchapter 7(a). (The company) reserves the right erning Great Lakes Pilotage are con­ E, Chapter I, Title 18 of the Code of to seek a waiver of the policy set forth tained in the Great Lakes Pilotage Federal Regulations, by revising para­ herein, for good cause shown, during any Regulations (46 C FR Part 401) and are graph (b) thereof to read as follows: proceeding before the Commission in­ covered by the Memorandum of Arrange­ § 154.39 General terms and conditions. stituted under section 7 of the Natural ments, Great Lakes Pilotage, an execu­ * * * * * Gas Act.” tive agreement between the United (2) If it is the company’s policy not (b) The general terms and conditions States and Canada. The law requires to build or contribute to the construction of the tariff shall contain a statement that rates, charges, conditions and terms of any sales laterals, the policy statement of the company’s policy with respect to for pilotage services by registered pilots shall read as follows: “(The company) the financing and/or construction of shall be fair and equitable, giving due will not build, or contribute to the cost sales laterals. For the purposes of this consideration to the public interest and of building any sales lateral pipeline.” section, the term “sales lateral” is de­ the reasonable cost and expense of pro­ This statement shall be followed by the fined as any pipeline extension (other viding and maintaining such facilities provisions required by subdivisions (ii) than a main line extension) built from and arrangements as are required for the and (iii) of subparagraph (1) of this an existing pipeline facility to deliver efficient performance of pilotage services. paragraph. natural gaa to one or more customers Full consideration will be given to all of the company inclusive of both .resale By direction of the Commission. written and oral comments and other and direct customers served from the data in determining what, if any, G ordon M . G ran t, changes in the rates and charges are same extension and both new and present Secretary. purchasers, and, for present purchasers, justified. inclusive of new delivery points and en­ [F.R. Doc. 67-10744; Filed, Sept. 13/1967; 4. This notice is published under the largements or replacements of present 8:45 a.m.] authority of the Great Lakes Pilotage sales lateral pipelines. Act, as amended (46 U.S.C. 216, 216i), (1) If it is the company’s policy to section 6(a) (4) of the Department of build or contribute to the construction Transportation Act (80 Stat. 938, 49 of any sales laterals, the statement shall DEPARTMENT OF U.S.C. 1655) and the Department of contain the following elements: Transportation Order 1100.1 (49 C FR (i) An explicit statement in measur­ TRANSPORTATION 1.4(a)(1)). able quantitative terms (e.g., estimated Coast Guard _ Dated: , 1967. revenues, estimated cost of service, esti­ mated sales volumes, pipeline system [ 46 CFR Part 401 1 P.E. T r im b le , capacity, or other specific quantitative [CGFR 67-70] Vice Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, factors) of the method(s) or formula(s) Acting Commandant. hy which the company determines the RATES AND CHARGES FOR GREAT [F.R. Doc. 67-10908; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; amount of its or the purchaser’s contri­ LAKES PILOTAGE SERVICES 2:45 pjn.] bution to the construction of any sales lateral pipeline. If the company’s policy Notice of Proposed Rule Making contemplates subsequent adjustment of and Public Hearing Federal Aviation Administration r e i contrikutions to construction to 1. There was published in the F ederal enect actual operating experience, the [ 14 CFR Part 71 1 R egister on , 1967 (32 F.R. statement shall set forth the method [Airspace Docket No. 67-AL-3J 12756-12758) , a notice of proposed rule on* u10?1 .^ e a(ijustment is computed, making regarding changes in the rates a shall indicate (a ) when the adjust­ CONTROL AREA and charges for Great Lakes Pilotage ment is determined, and (b ) how the Services and a description of these pro­ Proposed Designation; Extension of rm!lP^ . disburses or collects additional posals. This notice provided that written Time for Comments th!rri u statement required by data, views, or arguments on the notice In a notice of proposed rule making «¡n q s*Paragraph shall be formulated be submitted to the Commandant (CCS- published in the F ederal R egister on as t0 facilitate ready computation of 3), U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, D.C. August 16, 1967 (32 F.R. 11804), it was info r..espeiCtive contributions to sales 20591, on or before September 21, 1967. stated that the Federal Aviation Admin­ Dan» construction o rth e pipeline com- In response to requests a public hearing istration (FAA) was considering amend­ imni. and its Purchaser. Reference to will be held September 21,1967, in Cleve­ ments to Part 71 of the Federal Aviation biiff»^6 criteria (e.g., “economic feasi- land, Ohio, to give an opportunity to all Regulations that would designate off­ iih wni be unacceptable, interested persons to present their views an» statement indicating whether shore control areas in the vicinity of thé and arguments orally or in writing con­ Dan»v ,fnce exists between the com- west coast of Alaska; the Alaskan Penin­ E n * P/°licy with asp ect to the financ- cerning the proposal and to present rele­ sula and the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. In for tv,» construction of sales laterals vant documentary evidence or factual accordance with the terms of the notice, ine benefit of jurisdictional cus­ material. The public hearing will be in­ the time for public comment expired 15


days after the date of publication of the notice. The PAA has determined that addi­ tional time should be afforded to inter­ ested persons to submit comments to the proposals contained in the notice. In consideration of the foregoing, no­ tice is hereby given that the time for which comments will be received for consideration on Airspace Docket No. 67-AL-3 will be extended to Septem­ ber 26, 1967. Communications should identify the airspace docket number and be submitted in triplicate to the Direc­ tor, Alaskan Region, Attention: Chief, Air Traffic Division, Federal Aviation Administration, 632 Sixth Avenue, An­ chorage, Alaska 99501. (Sec. 307(a), Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1348) ) Issued in Washington, D.C., on Sep­ tember 8,1967.

H. B. H elstro m , Chief, Airspace and Air Traffic Rules Division. [F.R. Doc, 67-10773; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 8:48 a.m.]

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13081 Notices

2. Purchase price was calculated by de­ No persuasive evidence or argument to DEPARTMENT OF STATE ducting from the f.o.b. price for exporta­ the contrary having been presented tion to the United States the included within 30 days of the publication of the [Public Notice 271] inland freight and f.o.b. charges and by above-mentioned notice in the F ederal LIECHTENSTEIN adding an amount for refunded taxes. R egister, I hereby determine that for 3. Adjusted home market price was the reasons stated in that notice, Validity of Nonimmigrant Visas computed by deducting from the home thiourea exported by Degussa, A.G., Public Notice 261 of April 6, 1967, market f.o.b. delivered price of similar /Main, West Germany, is not authorized consular officers to issue, in merchandise, the included inland freight being, nor likely to be, sold at less than their discretion, nonimmigrant visas un­ charges and by adding a production cost fair value within the meaning of section der section 101(a) (15) (B ) of the Immi­ differential resulting from physical dif­ 201(a) of the Antidumping Act, 1921, as gration and Nationality Act valid for an ferences in the merchandise compared. amended (19 U.S.C. 1 6 0 (a)). indefinite period of time to otherwise An adjustment was also made to account This determination and the statement eligible nationals of certain countries for the higher cost of packing for expor­ of the reasons therefor are published which offer reciprocal or more liberal tation to the United States. pursuant to section 201(c) of the Anti­ treatment to nationals of the United 4. Purchase price was found to be not dumping Act, 1921, as amended (19 States who are in a similar class. Liech­ less than the adjusted home market U.S.C. 160(c)). tenstein is being added to the list of price. [ seal] M a t t h e w J. M arks, countries contained in that notice. Such written submissions as interested Acting Assistant Secretary This notice amends Public Notice 261 parties may care to make with respect to of the Treasury. of April 6, 1967 (32 F.R. 5643). the contemplated action will be given ap­ [F.R. Doc. 67-10783; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; propriate consideration by the Secretary B arbara M . W atso n , 8:48 ajn.] Acting Administrator, Bureau of of the Treasury. Security and Consular Affairs. If any person believes that any infor­ mation obtained by the Bureau of Cus­ June 26,1967. toms in the course of this antidumping DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR [F.R. Doc. 67-10781; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; proceeding is inaccurate or that for any Bureau of Land Management 8:48 a.m.] other reason the tentative determination [A 922] is in error, he may request in writing that the Secretary of the Treasury afford him ARIZONA an opportunity to present his views in DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY this regard. Notice of Classification of Public Lands for Multiple Use Management Office of the Secretary Any such written submissions or re­ quests should be addressed to the Com­ [Antidumping—ATS 643.3-L] 1. Pursuant to the Act of , missioner of Customs, 2100 K Street NW., 1964 (78 Stat. 986; 43 U.S.C. 1411-18) REPRODUCTION CLOTH FROM Washington, D.C. 20226, in time to be and to the regulations in 43 CFR Parts ENGLAND received by his office not later than 30 2410 and 2411, the public lands in the days from the date of publication of this area described below are hereby classi­ Notice of Tentative Determination notice in the F ederal R egister. fied for multiple use management, This tentative determination and the S eptember 6, 1967. together with any lands therein that may statement of reasons therefor are pub­ become public lands in the future. Pub­ Information was received on Febru­ lished pursuant to 114.8(a) of the Cus­ ary 1, , that reproduction cloth (base lication of this notice has the effect of 1967 toms Regulations (19 CFR 14.8(a) ). for tracing cloth) manufactured by W in - segregating all the public land in the described area from appropriation under , terbottom Products, Ltd., Lancashire/ [ seal] M a t t h e w J. M arks, the agricultural land laws (43 U.S.C. England, was being sold at less than fair Acting Assistant Secretary Parts 7 and 9, and 25 U.S.C. 334); from value within the meaning of the Anti­ of the Treasury. sale under section 2455 of the Revised dumping Act, 1921, as amended (19 U.S.C. S eptember 6,1967. Statutes (43 U.S.C. 1171); from private 160 et seq.). This information was the exchange (43 U.S.C. 3 1 5 g (b )); from subject of an “Antidumping Proceeding [F.R. Doc. 67-10782; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 8:48 a.m.] State exchange-(43 U.S.C. 315g(c)); Notice” which was published pursuant to from State selection (43 U.S.C. 851, 852); 514.6(d), Customs Regulations, in the from R.S. 2477 (43 U.S.C. 932), and from Federal R egister of M arch 2, 1967, on [Antidumping—ATS 643.3-b] appropriation under the mining laws. Page 3472 thereof. THIOUREA FROM WEST GERMANY The lands shall remain open to the min­ I hereby make a tentative determina­ eral leasing laws. As used herein, “public tion that reproduction cloth (base for Determination of Sales at Not Less lands” means any lands withdrawn or tracing cloth) manufactured by W inter- Than Fair Value * reserved by Executive Order No. 6910 of oottom Products, Ltd., Lancashire, E ng- November 26, 1934, as amended, or with­ l no^ keing, nor likely to be, sold at S eptember 6,1967. in a grazing district established pur­ less than fair value within the meaning On July 13, 1967, there was published suant to the Act of June 28, 1934 (48 t section 201(a)' of the Antidumping in the F ederal R egister a “Notice of Stat. 1269), as amended, which are not Act, 1921, as amended (19 U.S.C. 160(a) ). Intent to Discontinue Investigation and otherwise withdrawn or reserved for a Statement of reasons on which this to Make Determination That No Sales Federal use or purpose. tentative determination is based. 1. Based Exist Below Fair Value” because of price 2. The notice of proposed classification cn the available information it was revisions with respect to thiourea ex­ of these lands was published June 14, fPiined that for fair value purp ported by Degussa, A.G., Frankfurt/ 1967, in 32 F.R. 8536 and was widely pub­ Main, West Germany, and that such fact licized. The public hearing on July 6,1967 Purchase price should be compared 1 is considered to be evidence that there was well attended and many comments e adjusted home market price for s are not, and are not likely to be, sales were received during the 60-day period. lar Merchandise. below fair value. There has been widespread public en-

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 No. 178----- 6 13082 NOTICES

dorsement of this classification. Some T.2S., R. 5 W., T. 5 S., R. 6 W., concern was expressed by water-oriented Sec. 4, lot 2, SW%NE^4 and w y2SE%; Sec. 1, lots 1 to 4, inclusive, and SyiNy, 1 interests, so water conservation has been Sec, 9, NW%NEi4, Sy2NE%, and SE&; Sec. 4, NEi/4SWy4, sy2SWy4, Wy2SEi/4, aid sec. 10, w y 2swy4 ; added as a major public value to be con­ NEy4SEy4; Sec. 15, NWy4NWy4 and SWy4SWi4; sidered in the preparation of manage­ Sec. 9, NWy4NEy4. Sec. 21, Ey2, SEÎ4NWÎ4, and E‘/2SWy4; T. 5 S., R. 7 W., ment plans for the Greenbelt area. Sec. 28, N E ^N E 1^. Sec. 5,Ei/2w y2. 3. The public lands involved lie along T. 3 S., R. 4 W., T. 5 S., R. 8 W., the Gila River Valley between Avondale Sec. 29, w y2sw y4 and SWy4NWy4; Sec. 5, lots 2, 3, and 4, N 14SW14, and NWU and Mohawk. They are the remaining Sec.30,Ey2E%; SEy4; - public lands in the bed of the Gila River, Sec. 31,E%Ey2; Sec. 6, lots 1, 2, 5, and 6, Ey4SWy4 and Sec. 32, w y 2. SEy4. on the adjacent flood plain, and in access T. 4 S., R. 4 W., corridors thereto. The major public val­ T. 5 S., R. 9 W., Sec. 5, W%; Sec. 1, sy2; ues involved are nesting areas for white­ Sec. 6, SEy4; Sec. 2, e y2 sw y4 ; winged dove, mourning dove, and song Sec. 8, w y 2E% and E%NWÎ4; Sec. 4, sy2swy4; birds, public recreation, historical signifi­ Sec. 17, NE14 and E%SEy4; Sec. 5, s y 2s y 2; cance, flood and erosion control, and Sec. 20, w y2w y2, E y2 NE 14, and sy2SEy4; Sec. 6, SEy4SWy4 and SWy4SEy4; water conservation. Maps showing the Sec. 21, NWy4NWy4; Sec. 7, lots 3 and 4, Ey^SWy4, SEy4, and area involved are on file in the Phoenix Sec. 29, Wy2NWy4, NE14, and N E ^N W 1^- S& NEyi; T. 4 S., R. 5 W., Sec. 8, Ny2 and SWy4; District Office, Bureau of Land M anage­ Sec. 30, SW»4NWy4, SW14, NWy4SEi4, and ment, Phoenix, Ariz. Sec. 9, Ny^Ny^ and SEy4NEy4; sy2SEy4; sec. 10, NEy4NEy4, sy2NEy4, swy4Nw>/4, 4. The public lands involved are de­ Sec. 31; SEy4 sw y4, SEy4 and Ny2swy4 ; scribed as follows: Sec. 32, NWy4, Wy2SEy4, SE14SE14, and Sec. 11, lot 1, Ni/2, NEy4SWy4, and Sy2SEi4; Maricopa-Y uma Counties SWy4 ; Sec. 12, Ny2Ni/2, SWy4SWy4, and swy4 Sec. 33, SW ^SW yi. SEy4; GILA AND SALT RIVER MERIDIAN, ARIZONA T. 4 S., R. 6 W., Sec. 13, NWy4NEy4, NWy4, and Ny4SWy4; T. 1 N „ R. 1 W., Sec. 15, SWÎ4 and SWy4SEy4; Sec. 14, NEy4NEy4; Sec. 34, N%SE%; Sec. 16,EÎ4SWy4 and wy£SEy4; Sec. 15, Ny£NEy4; Sec. 35, Sy2, sec. 17, SW14, SEy4, sw y4Nwy4, and sy2 Sec. 17, NWy4NWy4; NEy4; Sec. 18, lot 1, Ny£NEy4 and NEy4NWy4. T. 1 N., R. 2 W., Sec. 18, SE14, 2 and 4 4 Sec. 34, lot 5. sy swy4, SEy NEy ; T. 5 S., R. 10 W., Secs. 19, 20, and 21; Sec. 11, SEy4SWy4, SWy4SEy4, and Ey2 T. IS., R .2 W „ x Sec. 22, W y2 E y2, W y2, and E y2 SE 14 ; SEy4; Sec. 3, lots 1 and 2, Sy2SW%, and Sec. 23, NE14SE14, NWy4SW%, and S&Syfc; Sec. 12,sy2; SW%SE%; Sec. 24, SWÎ4 and SWy4SEy4; Sec. 13, Ny2NEy4 and NEy4NWy4; Sec. 4, SW ^NEi4, SE^NW % , SE ^, Sec. 25; Sec. 14, Ny2N%, SWî4NEy4, S%NWy4l SE%NE%, and NEy4SWy4; . Sec. 26, N% and *V/2s y 2 ; sw y4, and NW^SEy4; Sec. 5, sy2SEi4; Sec. 27, NE^4 and NE%NWy4; Sec. 15, sy2; ... Sec. 8, N y2 SW %, SW14NE14, and E%NEy4; Sec. 30, lots 1 and 4, and NE % NW y4 ; Sec. 21, NEy4SWy4, and SEi/4; Secs. 9, 10, 11, 14. and 15. sy2swy4, Sec. 31, lots 1, 2, and 5 to 11, inclusive, Sec. 22; T. 1 S., R. 3 W., SEy4NWy4 andNW»4SE%; Sec. 23, NWy4NWy4; Sec. 10, SEi4SW*4 and sy2SE ^; Sec. 33, lots 1 to 4, inclusive, and 9, Ny^Ny^, Sec. 28, Ny2 and NWy4SWy4; Sec. 11, NE14SW14, sy2SW%, and Ny2SE%; -_SEy4NWy4, and SWy4NEy4 ; Sec. 29,- Sy2NEy4, SWy4, Wy2SEy4, and Sec. 12, SW*4NE% and Sy2NW%: Sec. 34, lots 1 to 5, inclusive, 7, 8, and 9, NEy4SEy4; Sec. 14, NWy4NW>4 and w y2SWy4; NE14NE14, and SEy4NWy4; Sec. 30, lot 4, SEy4SWy4 and SEy4; Sec. 15, N 1/2NE14, SWy4, Sy2SEy4, and Sec. 35, lots 1, 2, 3, and 5 to 10, inclusive, Sec. 31, lots 1, 2, and 3, NEy4, Ei/2NWy4, Wi/2SE%NW%; NW^NWy4, and SWÎ4SEÎ4. NEy4Swy4, and Ny2SEy4 . Sec. 17, S%NEy4, SE^4, and NWy4SW%; T. 4 S., R. 7 W., T .5 S „ R. 11 W., Sec. 18, lots 3 and 4, Ey2SW%, S%NE^, Sec. 7, Wy2; Sec. 25, SE y4 SW y4 and S y2 SE y4 ; Wy2SEi/4, and NE%SE%; Sec. 13, S ^ S ^ ; Sec.33,Sy2SEy4. Sec. 19, SE%NEy4, SE%, Ei/2S W ^, and Sec. 14, syaSEy4, SEy4SWy4, and w y2sw y4; T. 6 S., R. 11 W., SWi4SW%; Sec. 15, SE ^; Sec. 1, swy4swy4; Sec. 20, N 1,4; Sec. 16, Wy2SWy4; Sec. 3, lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Sy^Ny^ and Sec. 21, N y2; Sec. 17, Sy2 and sy2NWy4; sy2SEy4; Sec. 22, N y2; Secs. 18 to 22, inclusive; Sec. 4, lot 1, SEy4NEy4 and Sy2; Sec. 23, NW J,4 and W &NE&; Sec. 23, Ny2, Ni/2sy2, and SEy4SEy4; sec. 5, SEy4swy4, sy2SEy4 and NEy4SE‘/4; Sec. 24, Wy^Ey^. Secs. 24, 25, and 26; Sec. 8, NEy4, Ey2wy4, and w y2SEy4; T. 1 S., R. 4 W., Sec. 27, SE14NE14, w y2NEy4, NWy4, and Sec. 9, Ny2Ny4, SEy4SWy4, SEy4, and Sec. 13, Sy2SE ^ and SEy4SWy4; sy2; SEy4NEy4; Sec. 14, SE%SE%; Secs. 28 and 29; . Sec. 17, w y 2 and NWy4SEy4; Sec. 19, S%SE%; Sec. 30, Ey2 and Ey2NWy4; Sec. 18, lots 1 to 4, inclusive, NEy4 and Sec. 20, Sy2Sy2 and N E ^S E ^; Se«c. 32, NEy4, NWyfc, and E%SWy4; Ey^W %; Sec. 21, sy2NE^, SE^NW^, Ny2sy2, and sec. 33, swy4, wy2Nwy4, SEy4Nwy4, w y2 sec. 20, Nwy4Nwy4. sy2sw y4; SE14, and SE14SE14; T. 6 S., R. 12 W., Sec. 22, NE%, NEy4NWy4, Sy&NWy4, Sec. 35, N ^ N y i, Sec. 11, Nwy4swy4 and SEy4SEy4; N%SWy4 , and N W ^ S E ^ ; T .4 S „R .8 W „ Sec. 12, SEy4 and Si/2SWy4; Sec. 23, Ny2N E ^ and NWi/4: Sec. 10, BE 1,4 SE %; Sec. 13, NE14, NWy4SEy4, Ny2NWy4, and Sec. 25, NEi4 and sy2NWy4; Sec. 11, NE%NEÎ4, Sy2NEy4, SEy4NWy4, SEy4Nwy4; Sec. 26, Sy2 and SE^NE^; and Sy2; sec. 14, Nwy4NEy4, Ny2Nwy4, sEy4Swy4, Sec. 27, SWy4 and SE%; Sec. 12; and SEy4; Sec. 28, NW*4 and Sy2; Sec. 13, NÎ4 and NEy4SEy4; Sec. 15, W%SWy4; Sec. 29, Ni/2Ny2, SE14NE14, SE14, Ey2SWy4, Sec. 14, Ei/2 and Wy2SWy4; Sec. 20, SEy4; and SWy4SWy4; Sec. 15, Sy2Sy2 and SEy4NWy4; Sec. 21, wy2swy4, NEy4SWy4. and NW‘/4 Sec. 30, lots 1 and 2, Ey2NW>4, NE&, and sec. 21, w y2NEy4, SEy4Nwy4, Ey2swy4, SEy4; " v'-i.-. . SE % se 14; and SEy4; Sec. 22, Ey2NEy4, NWy4NEy4, and NWÎ4 Sec. 31, N 14: Sec. 22; NWy4; Sec. 32, N%; Sec. 23, Wy2; Sec. 23, Ny^Ny^; Sec. 33, N ^ . Sec. 27, N 14; Sec. 28, N y2NE y4 and W y2 NW y4 ! T. 1 S., R. 5 W., Sec. 28; Sec. 29, Ny2 and SWy4 ; Sec. 25, Ni/2SWy4 and SWy4SWy4; Sec. 29, B&SWy4 and SEy4; Sec. 30, lots 2 and 3, NEy4SWy4, and Sec. 26, sy2; Sec. 31, SEy4NEi4, SWy4SEy4, and Ey.SE 14. Ny2SEy4. Sec. 27, NE%SE%, SW&SE^, and SE14 T. 5 S., R. 4 W., T. 6 S„ R. 13 W., rI. sw y4; sec. 5, lot 2, Ey2Nwy4, sw y4NEy4, swy4 sec. 25, sEy4NEy4, NEy4swy4, sy2swy4. Sec. 33, E%SE%; swy4, and E%SWy4; and SEy4; Sec. 34, N W ^ N E ^ , NWy4, and W&SWy&i Sec. 6, SEy4SEy4; Sec. 26, Sy2Ny2,SWy4,andNWî4SEy4; Sec. 35, N%; Sec. 7, lots 1 and 2, E%SWy4, Wy2SEy4, Sec. 27, Sy2NWy4, SEy4SWy4, and NEy4 Sec, 36, Ny2. NW 14, and NEy4- SEy4;


Sec. 28, s y 2N y 2 a n d Sy2; a. In carrying on the mining and mill­ withdrawn or reserved by Executive Sec.31,lot-4, SE&SW1/4, an d S E ^; ing opérations contemplated hereunder, Order No. 6910 of November 26, 1934, Sec.33,Ey2 a n d E ^ S W % : locator will, by means of substantial as amended, or within a grazing district Sec. 34, W % a n d S E % ; dikes or other adequate structures, con­ established pursuant to the Act of June Sec. 35, SWV4, Ey2NE}4., SW & NE% , and fine all tailings, debris, and harmful 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 1269). as amended, E»/2N W }4 . chemicals in such a manner that the which are not otherwise withdrawn or T. 7 S., R. 13 W ., reserved for a Federal use or purpose. Sec. 3, lot 2 an d S W % N W % ; same shall not be carried into Gila River Sec. 4, Wy2SW%, NEy4SWy4. and NW & bottom lands by storm waters or 2. Publication of this notice has the SEy4; otherwise. effect of segregating (a) all public lands Sec. 5, lots 3 and 4, SW % N W % , N W & SW /A. b. There shall be reserved to the described below from appropriation un­ and sy2sy2; United States, its successors and assigns, der the agricultural land laws (43 U.S.C. Sec. 6, lots 1 to 7, inclusive, S E ^N W ^, the prior right to use any of the lands to Chapters 7 and 9, and 25 U.S.C. 334) sy2NE% ,E^SW % , and SE%; construct, operate and maintain dams, and from sale under section 2455 of the Sec. 7, lots 1, 2, a n d 3, N E }4 , E ^ N W ^ , Revised Statutes (43 U.S.C. 1171) and N E ^ S W ^ , a n d N W % S E % ; dikes, reservoirs, canals, wasteways, lat­ Sec.8,Ny2N % a n d S % N W J 4 . erals, ditches, telephone and telegraph (b) the lands described in paragraph 4 from appropriation under the mining T.7S., R. 14 W ., lines, electric transmission lines, road­ Sec. 1, SE*4; ways and appurtenant irrigation struc­ laws (30 U.S.C., Chapter 2). Sec. 1 0 ,S E % S E % ; tures, without payment by the United 3. The public lands are located within Sec. 11, sy 2S W % a n d s y 2S E % ; States or its successors fo r such" right, the following described areas within Sec. 12, S y 2 a n d N E }4 ; and the locator shall agree that if the Nevada and Yuba Counties, west of the Sec. 14, N % N y 2 a n d S % N W % ; construction of any or all of such dams, Tahoe and Plumas National Forests. ; Sec. 15, NEi/4 a n d S W % ; dikes, reservoirs, canals, wasteways, lat­ For the purposes of this proposed classi­ Sec. 17,Sy2SEy4 ; fication, the lands have been subdivided Sec. 19, SE^4; W k erals, ditches, telephone and telegraph Sec.20,NW%; lines, electric transmission lines, road­ into Blocks, each of which has been Sec.30,Ni/2, s e %, and Ny2SW ^. ways, or- appurtenant irrigation struc­ analyzed in detail and described in docu­ tures across, over or upon said lands ments and on maps available for inspec­ The area described includes 62,735.47 should be made more expensive by rea­ tion at the Folsom District Office, Bureau acres of public lands. son of the existence of improvements or of Land Management, 63 Natoma Street, 5. For a period of 30 days, interested workings of the locator thereon, the total Folsom, Calif. 95630; and in the Land parties may submit comments to the Sec­ of'such additional expense shall be esti­ Office, Bureau of Land Management, 650 retary of the Interior, IJ..M, 721, W ash ­ mated by the Secretary of the Interior, Capitol Mall, Sacramento, Calif. 95814. ington, D.C. 20240. whose estimate is to be final and binding, The overall descriptions of the areas are > F red J. W eiler, and within 30 days after demand is made as follows: State Director. upon the locator for payment of any Mount Diablo Meridian, California such sums, the locator will make pay­ u g u s t block n o . l A 31,1967. ment thereof to the United States or its [P.R. Doc. 67-10759; F ile d , S ep t. 13, 1967; successors constructing such dams,'dikes, All public lands in: 8:46 a m . ] reservoirs, canals,-wasteways, laterals, T . 18 N ., R . 6 E „ ditches, telephone and telegraph lines, Sees.' 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, [A 1115] electric transmission lines, roadways, or a n d 26. appurtenant irrigation structures across, T . 19 N „ R . 6 E „ ARIZONA over, or upon said lands. The United Secs. 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, States, its officers, agents, and employees 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, a n d 36. Order Opening Public Lands to Min­ and its successors arid assigns shall not T . 18 N ., R . 7 E., Secs. 18, 19, 20, 28, 29, a n d 30. eral Location, Entry, and Patent be held liable for any damage to the im­ BLOCK NO. 2 By virtue of the authority of the Act of provements or workings of the locator April 23, 1932 (47 Stat. 136; 43 U.S.C. resulting from the construction, opera­ A ll p u b lic la n d s i n : tion, and maintenance of any of the 154) and the regulations thereunder T . 16 N ., R . 7 E., works herein above enumerated. contained in 43 C FR 3400.4; it is Ordered Secs. 1 ,2 , a n d 12. as follows: Inquiries concerning the lands shall be T . 17 N ., R . 7 E., 1. Subject to valid existing rights andaddressed to the M anager, Land Office, Secs. 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32. 33, 34, the provisions of existing withdrawals, Bureau of Land Management, 3022 Fed­ eral Building, Phoenix, Ariz. 85025. 35, and 36. the following described lands shall, com­ T . 16 N ., R . 8 E „ mencing at 10 am ., on October 23, 1967, F red J. W eiler, Secs. 6 a n d 7. he open to location, entry, and patenting State Director. T . 17 N „ R . 8 E., under the U.S. mining laws, subject to S eptember 8, 1967. Secs. 1 to 34, In clu sive. the stipulations hereinafter quoted, to be T . 18 N ., R . 8 E., [F.R. Doc. 67-10762; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; Sec. 36. executed and acknowledged in favor of 8 :4 7 a m . ] the United States by the locators, for T . 17 N ., R . 9 E „ Secs. 1 to 22, inclusive, secB. 27, 28, 29, and themselves, their heirs, successors, arid 30. [S -8 5 6 ] assigns, and recorded in the county rec­ T . 18 N „ R . 9 E., ords and in the U.S. Land Office at Phoe- CALIFORNIA Secs. 31 to 36, in clu siv e . um, Ariz., before any rights attach by T . 17 N ., R . io E., ^ u e of this order: Notice of Proposed Classification of Secs. 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28, 33, and 34. Gila and Salt River Meridian, Arizona Public Lands for Multiple Use Man­ T . 18 N ., R . 10 E., T'4 S., R. 13 e agement Secs. 29, 31, a n d 32. ^ 9. Sy2SEi4, Wy2NWi4SE%. 1. Pursuant to the Act of Septem­ BLOCK NO. 3 The areas described contain 100 acres, ber 19, 1964 (78 Stat. 986; 43 U.S.C. 1411- A ll p u b lic la n d s in : 18) and to the regulations in 43 CFR fnr +u*16 He within the withdrawal Parts 2410 and 2411, it is proposed to T. 15 N., R. 7E „ bv dTk Gila River Project made classify for multiple use management the Sec. 6. y m ile Land Order No. 3835, dated T . 16 N ., R . 7 E „ , 1965. public lands in paragraph 3, together Secs. 24, 25, a n d 36. with any lands located in the areas de­ f3' Ij0cati°n, entry, and/or patenting T . 15 N .? R . 8 E., scribed in paragraph 3 that may become Secs. 3, 4, 5, a n d 6. , ,he lands shall be subject to the fo l- public lands in the future. As used T . 16 N ., R . 8 E „ lQwmg stipulations: herein, “public lands” means any lands Secs. 19,20, 29, 30,31, a n d 82.


BLOCK NO. 4 The applicant desires the lands for Colorado State Highway 84 Roadside Zone All public lands in: public recreation areas. A strip of land 200 feet from centerline on each side of Colorado State Highway 84 T. 15 N., R. 9 E., For a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, all persons throughout its course in the following Secs. 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. subdivisions: T. 16 N., R. 9 E., who wish to submit comments, sugges­ Secs. 23, 24, 25, 26, 35, and 36. tions, or objections in connection with T. 1 N., R. 82 W„ T. 15 N., R. 10 E., the proposed withdrawal may present Sec. 6, lots 20, 23, and 24; Secs. 4, 5, 6, and 7. their views in writing to the under­ Sec. 7, lot 5, E y> NE %; T. 16 N., R. 10 E., signed officer of the Bureau of Land Sec. 8, S%NW»4, NEi/4SWy4, SEy4; Secs. 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, Sec. 9, SE14SW14, SWV4SE>4; 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34. Management, Department of the In­ Sec. 10, Wy2NE%, sy2Nwy4; terior, Colorado Land Office, Room 15019, Sec. 16, Ny2NW%; BLOCK NO. 5 Federal Building, 1961 Stout Street, Den­ Sec. 17, NE^NE^NEy4. All public lands in: ver, Colo. 80202. T. 1 N., R. 83 W., Sec. 1, SW&SW&NE^, Sy2NWi/4i SEy4; T. 14 N., R. 6 E., The Department’s regulations (43 Sec. 8, SW SE %, and SW & SW ^; C F R 2311.1-3 (c ) ) provide that the au­ Sec. 2, SEy4NEy4, NE^SE1^, W^SE^; j Sec. 18, S%SE%-. thorized officer of the Bureau of Land , sec. 3, swy4sw y4; Sec. 4, Si/aNWyi,, Ny2NE(4SWy4, Wy2NWy4 T. 17 N., R. 7 E., Management will undertake such inves­ Sec. 8, SE%SE%. SE14, Ey2SE*4SE%, ■ exclusive of PL0 tigations as are necessary to determine 1381 withdrawal; T. 17 N., R. 11 ¿., the existing and potential demand for Sec. 30, lot 5; Sec. 5, Sy.NEi/4, SyzNWy4; Sec. 31, lot 44; the lands and their resources. He will Sec. 10, N W ^ N E ^ , NWy4; Sec. 32, lot 44. also undertake negotiations with the ap­ Sec. 11, NWy4NE»4, N E ^N W ^. plicant agency with the view of adjust­ Bear River Administrative Site The public lands proposed to be classi­ ing the application to reduce the area fied aggregate . approximately 13,158 to the minimum essential to meet the T. I N., R .86W acres. Sec. 15, Wy2SE 14NW14NE y4, Ey2swy4Nwy4- applicant’s needs, to provide for the NE14. 4. As provided in paragraph 2 above, maximum concurrent utilization of the the following lands are segregated from lands for purposes other than the appli­ Middle Bear River Recreation Area—Addition appropriation under the mining laws cant’s, to eliminate lands needed for pur­ A strip of land 200 feet from centerline on (totaling approximately 672 acres): poses more essential than the applicant’s, each side of Bear River Road, Forest Devel­ M o u n t Diablo Meridian and to reach agreement on the concur­ opment Road No. 2073, throughout its course in the following legal subdivisions: T. 19 N., R. 6 E., rent management of the lands and their Sec. 13, NW 14NW 14, and E&SW &NW &. resources. T. 1 N., R. 86 W., T. 17 N., R. 8 E., The authorized officer will also prepare Sec. 15, NE14, Sec. 5, lots 10,11,12, and 13; a report for consideration by the Secre­ Causeway Lake Recreation Área Sec. 6, lots 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22. tary of the Interior who will determine T. 17 N., R. 9 E„ T * 1 N., R. 87 W., Protraction Diagram No. 3, Sec. 3, lot 3, and Sy2NW»,4; whether or not the lands will be with­ In approximately sec. 20 beginning at cor­ Sec. 4, SE^NE%. drawn as requested by the applicant ner No. 1 from which the outlet of Cause­ T. 18 N., R. 9 E., agency. way Lake bears due west a distance of Sec. 34, N E ^ S W ^ , Wy2NW ^SW % , Sy2 The determination of the Secretary 6 y2 chains, thence south 20 chains, east 10 chains, south 5 chains, east 5 chains, n e ^ n w ^ s w ^ , s e ^ n w %s w ^4 , sy2 on the application will be published in swy4, and wy2wy2sE%. south 10 chains, west 35 chains, north the F ederal R egister. A separate notice 10 chains, west 5 chains, north 15 chains, 5. For a period of sixty (60) days from will be sent to each interested party of east 10 chains, north 10 chains, east 8>/2 the date of publication of this notice in record. chains to corner No. 1 and the ¡joint of the F ederal R egister, all persons who If circumstances warrant, a public .beginning. wish to submit comments, suggestions, or hearing will be held at a convenient time Upper Stillwater Recreation Area—Addition objections in connection with the pro­ and place, which will be announced. T. 1 N „ R. 87 W., Protraction Diagram No. 3, posed classification may present their The lands involved in the application Sec. 23, SEy4NEyiSE%, E^SE ^SE^; views in writing to the Folsom District are: Sec. 24, sy2NW iASW ^. Manager, Bureau of Land Management, Six t h P r in c ip a l M eridian 63 Natoma Street, Folsom, Calif. 95630, Crosho Lake Recreation Area—Addition ROUTT NATIONAL FOREST or at the public hearing. T. 2 N„ R. 86 W., 6. A public hearing on this proposed Mount Werner Winter Sports Area Sec. 4, south 5 chains of west 10 chains of classification will be held at 10 a.m. on T. 6 N., R. 83 W., lot 9, w y2swy4Nwy4, wy2Ey2swy4 , 1967, in the Veteran’s In approximate secs. 19r 30, and 31 begin­ NW>/4; Sec. 5, S y2 SE % NE% NE »4, E^SEi^NE1/«. Memorial Building, 255 South Auburn, ning at northeast section corner of sec. Grass Valley, Calif. 95945. 36, T. 6 N., R. 84 W „ thence east 10 Chapman Reservoir chains, north 40 chains, east 20 chains, ~ For the State Director. north 20 chains, east 20 chains, north T. 3 N., R. 86 W., 30 chains, west 30 chains, north 30 chains, Sec. 31, west 10 chains of lot 14, east 10 H. Cu r t H a m m it , west 20 chains, at which point is the east chains, south 5 chains of west-10 chains District Manager. one-quarter corner of sec. 24, T. 6 N., R, of lot 15, north 15 chains of west 15 [F.R. Doc. 67-10758; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; 84 W., thence south 120 chains along chains of lot 18. 8:46 a.m.] the township line to the point of Medicine Tree Campground beginning.' T. 6 N „ R. 84 W., T. 3 N„ R. 87 W., [Colorado 2486] Sec. 36, south 10 chains of lot 5, lot 8. Sec. 13, SWy4SW%; -4 COLORADO Sec. 14, Sy&SEi4; Parkview Campground—Addition Secs. 23, 24, and 25 All; sec. 26, Ny2Ny2, SE14NE14, Ny2swy4NEy4, T. 5 N., R. 78 W., Notice of Proposed Withdrawal and Sec. 23, W^SE»ASEÍ4. Reservation of Lands Ny2SEi4NWi4, NE (4 NE % SE % I Sec. 36, NE14, NE54NWH, N pW ^NW '^, Colorado State Highway 125 Roadside Zone S eptember 6, 1967. Ny2feEy4Nwi,4. A strip of land 200 feet from centerline °n The Forest Service, U.S. Department Spruce Divide Campground each side of Colorado State Highway of Agriculture, has filed an application, throughout its course in the following eg»* T. 1 N., R. 83 W., subdivisions: Serial No. C-2486, for the withdrawal Sec. 4, south ten chains of lot 2, the south of the lands described below, from pros­ 10 chains of east 5 chains of lot 3, E y2 T. 5 N., R. 78 W., pecting, location and entry under the NEy4SEy4NWi4 , s w %n e %, w y2w y 2 Sec. 14, Wy2; — wl¿ General Mining Laws only, subject to SE14NE14. Subject to easement rights Sec. 23, NE % NW [4, Wy2NE%, NW1/^ «5* valid existing rights. or Norris Reservoir and Ditch of 6-5-05. SEi/4;


Sec. 25, SWy4NEy4N W ft, E&NW &NW &, Sec. 24, lots 1,2, and 4; T. 13 N., R. 12 W.. sy2NW%, sw^i; Sec. 25, E % N E y . Sec. 18; Sec. 36,w y2Ey2, N%NW%. Subject to Power Withdrawals in T. 7 N., Sec. 34, N y and N y s y . ' R. 85 W., sec. 11, S W y s w y S E y , and sec. T. 14 N„ R. 13 W.. Rabbit Ears Lake Recreation Area—Addition 14, N W y N E y . Sec. 24, Ny2 and S E y. T. 18 N., R. 13 W., T 5 N., R. 82 W., Elk River Recreation Area— Addition Sec. 7, SEy4SEy4SEy4NE&, Ey2NEi4NEV4 Sec. 2, s y NE y and S E y ; sEy4; T.9N.,R.84W„ Sec. 16, w y SEy and SE ySE y; sec. 8, sy2sy2sw y4NWi4. Sec. 17, north 10 chains of lot 8, lot 9; Sec. 32, N E y and S W y; Sec. 18, lot 15. Sec. 36, SW y. Muddy Pass Lake T. 23 N., R. 13 W., Freeman Reservoir Recreation Area T.5N..R. 82 W., Sec. 15, S W y ; Sec. 15, SE^SW%, and E%SW%SE%. ex­ T. 9 N., R. 89 W., Sec. 20, S W y S E y . clusive of 600-foot roadside zone with­ See. 6, lot 18, lot 19, north 5 chains of lot 21. T. 14 N., R. 14 W., drawal covered by PLO 3069. Sec. 4. Hahns Peak Reservoir Recreation Area— T. 16 N., R. 14 W., Divide Campground Addition Sec. 4; T. 5 N., R. 82 W., T. 10 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 6, lots 3,4, 5, 6, 7, S E y N W y . E y s w y , Sec. 17, SW%NEi4SE%, SE%NWV4SE}4. Sec. 11, Wy2NE%SE^4, Sy2Ny2NWySEy, and S E y . NE&SW^SE^, W 14SEV4SE14, exclusive Sy-NW^SE^, Ny2Ni/2SW%SE%, Ni/2 T. 17 N., R. 14 W., of 600-foot roadside zone withdrawal, NWySEySEy. ; Sec. 34, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and s y s y . PLO 3069. T. 15 N.,R. 15 W., Adams Creek Campground Sec. 14, N E y ; Highway Campground T. 10 N., R. 87 Wt, Sec. 16, N y . T. 5 N., R. 83 W. (Unsurveyed—Protractioh Sec. 15, Sy2S W y N E y , Ny2N y N W y S E y . T. 16 N., R. 15 W., Sec. 6, lots 3, 4, 5, and S E y N W y ; Diagram No. 2B ), Upper Solomon Campground Sec. 32, the west 15 chains of the NW 1^, Sec. 10, N E y . exclusive of 600-foot roadside zone with­ T. 11N..R. 85 W., T. 17 N., R. 15 W., drawal, PLO 3069. Sec. 26, sy2S E y N W y , N y N E y S W y . Sec. 34, lots 1,2,3, 4, and S y s y . Subject to Power Withdrawal PSO No, 355. T. 15 N., R. 16 W., Hidden Lakes Campground Secs. 8,10, and 12; Colorado State Highway 127 Roadside Zone T. 6 N., R. 82 W., Sec. 14, lots 1,2, 3, and 4. Sec. 9, S y2 SETy. N W y , N E y S W y . A strip of land 200 feet from centerline on T. 15 N „ R. 20 W., each side of Colorado State Highway 127 Sec. 2, lots 1,4, s y N y , and s y ; Park Range Campground throughout its course in the following legal Sec. 24, E y . subdivisions: T. 6 N., R. 83 W. (Unsurveyed—Protraction The areas described aggregate 13,482.15 Diagram No. 2B ), In approximately secs. 14 and 15, beginning T. 12 N., R. 79 W., acres. Sec. 23, E y S E y : For a period of 30 days, interested at corner No. 1 from which the southeast Sec. 24, lots 1 and 2, S W y ; corner of Pish Creek Recreation Area Sec. 26, N W y N E y N E y . parties may submit comments to the withdrawal, PLO 1381 bears west for 9 Subject to Railroad Easement dated April 22, Secretary of the Interior, LLM, 721, chains, thence south 20 chains, east 11 1915. Washington, D.C. 20240. chains, south 14 chains, west 35 chains, north 34 chains, east 24 chains to point The areas described aggregate approx­ W . J. A nderson, of beginning. imately 5,029 acres. , State Director. Fishhook Lake Recreation Area—Addition J. El l io t t H a l l , [P.R. Doc. 67-10760; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 8:46 a.m.] T. 6 N., R. 83 W. (Unsurveyed—Protraction Chief, Division of Lands and Diagram No. 2B), Minerals, Program Manage­ Sec. 36, Ey2Ey2SE y S E y . ment and Land Office. [Montana 3843 (ND) ] Tampa Valley Panorama [F.R. Doc. 67-10764; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; NORTH DAKOTA T. 7 N., R. 84 W., 8:47 am .] Sec. 36, SEy NW y NE y . Notice of Proposed Withdrawal and Buffalo Pass Roadside Rest [New Mexico 1613] Reservation of Lands T.7N., R.84W., NEW MEXICO S eptember 7, 1967. S

FEDERAL REGISTER, V O L 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13086 NOTICES take negotiations with the applicant Willamette Meridian T. 4 S., R. 24 E., agency with the view of adjusting the MORROW COUNTY Sec. 25, NW 14SW14; application to reduce the area to the Sec. 30,NEi4NWi4. T. 4 N., R. 24 E„ T. 4 S., R. 25 E., minimum essential to meet the appli­ Sec. 24, S ^ S ^ . Sec. 1, SEi^SE^. cant’s needs, to provide for the maximum T. 4 N., R. 25 E., T. 4 S., R. 26 E., concurrent utilization of the lands for Sec. 20, SE%, Ei/fcSW^, and SW ^SW % ; Sec. 27, N W ^ N E 1^. the purpose other than the applicant’s, Sec. 22, Sy2, Sy2Ni/2, and NE%NE%. T. 4 S., R. 28 E., to eliminate lands needed for purposes T. 4 N., R. 26 E., Sec. 1, SEÎ4NE14 and Ny2SE^. more essential than the applicant’s, and Sec. 2, sy2sy2 and N E ^ N E ^ ; T. 4 S., R. 29 E., to reach agreement on the concurrent Sec. 4, Wy2 and Ni/2SE»4; Sec. 3, NEy4SEi4; management of the lands and their re­ Sec. 8, NWy4, NWy4NE*4, Sy2SW%, and Sec. 6, SEÎ4SWÎ4 and SW14SE14. SE%; T. 5 S„ R. 25 E., sources. Sec. 10; — , Sec. 31, lot 4. The authorized officer will also pre­ Sec. 12, W%; T. 5 S., R. 26 E., pare a report for consideration by the Sec. 14; Sec. 11.SW1/4SW1/4. Secretary of the Interior who will deter­ Sec. 18, Ey2 and SWy4; T. 6 S., R. 25 E„ mine whether or not the lands will be Sec. 20; Sec. 1, lot 1; withdrawn as requested by the applicant Sec. 22; Sec. 6, lot 4; Sec. 24, W 14, SE 14, that pprtion of the Sec. 7, NEi/4SEy4; agency. NE% lying south of Highway 30 right- Sec. 8, N W 14SW; The determination of the Secretary on of-way; Sec. 9, NE % SWi/4; the application will be published in the Sec. 26; Sec. 10, E14SW14 and Sy2SE^; F ederal R egister. A separate notice will Sec. 28; Sec. 15, Ny.NEi/4 and NE&NW 14; be sent to each interested party of Sec. 30; . Sec. 19, lot 3. Sec. 32; record. Sec. 34. The public lands in the areas described If circumstances warrant, a public T. 4 N., R. 27 E., aggregate approximately 3,553.84 acres. hearing will be held at a convenient time Sec. 20, that portion of the S^S/4 lying The public lands listed in paragraphs and place, which will be announced. ' south of Highway" 30 right-of-way. 1 (a ) and (b ) aggregate approximately The lands involved in the application T. 5 N., R. 26 E., 15,620 acres. Sec. 26, SWi/4, w y2SEi4, and S ^ S E ^ S E ^ ; are: Sec. 32; 2. Two public meetings and a formal Fifth Principal Meridian, North Dakota Sec. 34. public hearing were held in local com­ T. 3 N., R. 27 E., munities in Morrow County. Information T. 129 N „ R. 79 W., Sec. 20, Ey2NWy4; concerning the lands, including the Sec. 4, lots 4,5, and 6; Sec. 30, S E ^ N W ^ and N E ^ S W ^ . record of public discussions and the doc­ Sec. 5, lots 1,2, and 3. . T. 5 N., R. 27 E., T. 130 N., R. 79 W., umentation of comments from interested Sec. 28; parties and land status maps, is available Sec. 18, lot 1; Sec. 30, NE14, Ei/2NWi4, SW^NW^, for inspection and review at the Bureau Sec. 33, lot 4. NE^SE^, SW14SE&, and S>/2SWi4. T. 133 N., R. 79 W., of Land Management District Office in Sec. 12, lots 1, 2, 3, and 4. The public lands in the areas described Baker, Oreg. T. 134 N., R. 79 W., aggregate approximately 12,066.45 acres. 3. For a period of 30 days from the date Sec. 3, lot 7 and Ey2SE%. b. The public lands within the follow­ T. 136 N., R. 79 W., of publication in the F ederal Register, Sec. 11, lots 5, 6, 7,8, and 9; ing described areas for disposal through this classification shall be subject to the Sec. 12, lots 9 and 10; public sale under section 2455 of the exercise of administrative review and Sec. 13, lots 7 and 8, SW ^NE% , and Revised Statutes (43 U.S.C. 1171) : modification of the Secretary of the In­ SEV4NW14; W illamette Meridian terior as provided in 43 CFR 2411.2(c). Sec. 14, lot 1; 4. Publication of this notice Sec. 23,NE%NEi/4. MORROW COUNTY segregates the described lands from all forms of dis­ T. 137 N., R. 79 W., T. 2 N., R. 23 E., posal under the public land laws, Sec. 19, lots 6 and 8; Sec. 6, S W ^ S W ^ ; includ­ Sec. 30, lot 1, N W ^ N E ^ , and N E ^ N W ^ . Sec. 18, ny2 and SW % ; ing the mining laws, except as to Sales T. 137 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 20,Ny2SW%. (par. lb) under section 2455 of the Re­ Sec. 9, lots 7 and 8, and SE%SE%; T. I N., R. 25 E., vised Statutes and Sales (par. la) under Sec. 10, lots 2,4, 5, 6, and 7. Sec. 2, SW%NEy4 and W ^ S E ^ . the Public Land Sale Act of September T. 2 N., R. 25 E„ 19, 1964, as to those lands specifically The areas described aggregate 1,310.74 Sec. 30, SE*4NE14 andSWy4SW»4. designated above. acres. T. 2 N., R. 27 E., E ugene H. N e w e ll , Sec. 6, NE*4NW}4. A rchie D. Craft, Land Office Manager. T. 1 S„ R. 29 E., State Director. Sec. 8, SE 14 SE 14; [F.R. Doc. 67-10765; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; [F.R. Doc. 67-10761; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; Sec. 24, NEi4NEy4, W &NW fty and Sy2 8:47 a.m.] 8:47 am .] SW%; Sec. 25, SW%NW% and SWy4; [Oregon 346] Sec. 26, NE%NEi4. [Oregon 017981] T. 2 S., R. 23 E., OREGON Sec. 5, SE14SW14; OREGON Sec. 8, SW14NE14 and Ny2SE%; Notice of Classification of Public Lands Sec. 9, S%; Order Providing for Opening of Sec. 14, SE>4SW]4; Public Lands S eptember 8,1967. Sec. 15, Sy2SEy4. September 8, 1967. 1. Pursuant to the Act of SeptemberT.2S., R. 29 E., 19, 1964 (43 U.S.C. 1411-1418), and the Sec. l,NWV4SEy4. 1. In an exchange of lands made under T. 3 S., R. 23 E., Taylor Grazing Act of June 28, 1934 (48 the provisions of section 8 of the Act of Sec. 31, lots 2, 3, and 4, Ey2SW»4, W ^ S E ^ , June 28,1934 (48 Stat. 1272), as Stat. 1269), as amended, and to the regu­ and SE 14 SE %; amended lations found at 43 CFR Parts 2410 and Sec. 32, SW54SWÌ4. June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1976; 43 U.S.C. 2411, notice is hereby given of the classi­ T. 3 S., R. 27 E., 315g), the following lands have been re­ fication of public lands as follows: Sec. 1, NW 14 and SW&. conveyed to the United States: T. 3 S., R. 28 E., a. The public lands within the follow­ Willamette Meridian Sec. 4, N E ^ N W ^ ; ing described areas for disposal through Sec. 26, SE % SE V4; T 12 S R 41 E public sale under the Public Land Sale Sec. 35,Ey,Ei4. Sec. 5,’ lots 1, 2, and 3, S%NE»4, SE^NWtf- Act of September 19, 1964 (43 U.S.C. T.3S..R. 29 E„ and NW^SE1^;. 1421-1427): Sec. 13, NW ^NE]4 and NWy4NWi/4. Sec. 6, lots 3, 4, 5, and SE^NWy4-


The areas described aggregate 368.70 Sec. 11, S%SWi4, unsurveyed; T. 13 S., R. 88 W., Sec. 14, Wy2. W %SE&; Sec. 2, SW%SW%; acres. Sec. 15, NE]4, NEV4NW&, S& ; Sec. 3, sy^SE}4, unsurveyed; r 2. The lands are located in Baker sec. 16, Nwy4sw*4, sy2s%; Sec. 4, projected lots 10 to 12, inclusive, County. They are semiarid in character Sec. 18, SW ^SW yi, unsurveyed; S% , unsurveyed; and are not suitable for fanning. Sec. 19, lots 1 to 4, inclusive, E ^ W ^ , SE1^; Sec. 5, Sl/2, unsurveyed; I 3. Subject to valid existing rights, the Sec. 20, Ey2NE&, NW%SW%, Sy2SW%. Sec. 7, lots 11 and 12, Ey2NEy4, SE ^; [provisions of existing withdrawals, and Ey2SE yA; Secs. 8 and 9, unsurveyed; the requirements of applicable law, the Secs. 21 to 23, inclusive; Sec. 10, NE14, SW14NW 14, sy2, unsurveyed; lands are hereby open to application, sec. 24, NW‘/4swy4, s%sw%; Sec. 11; ^petition, location, and selection. A ll valid Sec. 25, NWi4NE%, Sy2NE%, W &, SE»4; Sec. 12, sy2NW>4, SW &, NW%SE^4, applications received at or prior to 10 Secs. 26 to 36, inclusive, sy2SEV4; T. 13 S., R, 88 W., Secs. 13 to 17, inclusive, in part unsurveyed; a.m., October 16, 1967, shall be consid­ Sec. 1; Sec. 18, lot 1, NE%, NE&SE&; ered as simultaneously filed at that time. Sec. 2, lots 1 to 12, inclusive, N%SW%, Sec. 19, SE%SE[4; Those received thereafter shall be con­ SE % SW%, SE ^ ; Sec. 20, NE14, NE%NW%, S%; sidered in the order of filing. Sec. 3, projected lots 1 to 12, inclusive, Secs. 21 to 29, inclusive; 4. Inquiries^ concerning the lands SW14, N%SE%, unsurveyed; Sec. 30, lots 7,-12,13, and 16, Ey2; should be addressed to the Chief, Divi­ Sec. 4, projected lots 1 to 9, inclusive, un­ Secs. 31 to 36, inclusive. sion of Lands and Minerals Program surveyed; Reclassified coal lands from noncoal lands. Sec. 5, lots 1 to 12, inclusive; [Management and Land Office, Post Office Prior classification of the following lands as Sec. 6; ¡Box 2965, Portland, Oreg. 97208. noncoal lands is hereby revoked and the lands Sec. 7, lots 1 to 10, inclusive, wy>NEi4; are reclassified as coal lands: V ir g il O. S eiser, Sec. 10, N y2 NW yA, SE1/4NW14, unsurveyed; Chief, Branch of Lands. Sec. 12, N ^ 4 , N%NW?4, NE^SE% ; T. 13 S., R. 86 W., Sec. 18, lots 2 to 12, inclusive, W%SE%, Sec. 17, NE14SW14; [F.R. Doc. 67-10763; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; SE%SEiA; Sec. 19, lot 2, SE% NW ^; 8:47 a.m.] Sec. 19, lots 1 to 12, inclusive, N E ^, N y2 Sec. 20, N W ^ N E ^ ; SE]4, SW1/4SE14; Sec. 31, lots 11 to 15, and 17 to 20, inclusive, Sec. 20, Wy2NWyi, SE%NWi/4; SE^NW^, NE^SW^, NW&SE^, SE& Geological Survey Sec. 30, lots 1 to 6, inclusive, 8, 9, 14, and SE%. 15; All or parts of the following mineral claims [Colorado 124] H.E.S. 88, and E.S. 366 Tracts A and B. included in the NWy4, SE^SW^, and the COLORADO Noncoal lands: S W ^ S E ^ in sec. 31: Coal Land Classification Order T. 12 S., R. 87 W „ unsurveyed, Mineral Survey 3738, Berrien; Sec. 19,SWy4; Mineral Survey 3739, Furniture Boy; . Pursuant to authority under the Act Sec. 29, SW%; Mineral Survey 4472, Crested Butte Ex­ of March 3, 1879 (20 Stat, 394; 43 U.S.C. Sec. 30, NWy4, Ni/2SW]4, SE^SW]4, SE ^; tension; 31), and as delegated to me by Depart- Sec.31,E%,Ey2Wi/2; Mineral Survey 4767, Germania; I mental Order 2563, M ay 2, 1950, under Sec. 32; Mineral Survey 6523, My Boys, and Union. authority of Reorganization Plan No. 3 Sec. 33, S% ; T. 13 S., R. 87 W., unsurveyed, Sec. ll.S W & S E ^ ; I of 1950 (64 Stat. 1262), the following Sec. 34, SW ^4 • T. 13 S., R. 87 W., unsurveyed, Sec. 13, NWJ4NWV4, S W ^S E ^; [described lands, insofar as title thereto Sec. 3, NEi/4NWy4,W y2NWy4; Sec. 24, NEV4NE^. I remains in the United States, are hereby Sec. 4, SE14SE14; T. 11 S., R. 88 W., [classified as shown: Sec. 5, Ny2Ny2; Sec. 6, lots 1 and 2, and 7 and 8; Sec. 26, SWy4SW^4; Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado Sec. 6, NE%, sy2NWy4; Sec. 7, sy2SWi4, SE%; Sec. 27, Sy2; I Coallands: sec. 8, wy2swy4, s e %sw v4; Sec. 28, lots 4, 5, 6,10, and 11; [ t. 12 S., R. 87 W., unsurveyed, Sec. 9, NE14NE14, S‘/2NE%, SE^SWVi, Sec. 33, N 14NE14, SE V4 NE %, unsurveyed; [ Sec. 30, SW &SW ^; NW%SE%; Sec. 34, Ny2, Ni/2SWi4, SWy4SWy4, un­ [ Sec. 31, vry2vry2. Sec. 17, Wi/2NEi4, SE^NE%, NWy4, NE]4 surveyed; IT, 13 S., R. 87 W., unsurveyed, SW 14, Wi/2SW i4, N W i4S E % ; Sec. 35, NWy4NWy4, Sy2NWy4, NE14SW1/4, [ Sec.4, Ny2, SW ^, NE^SEV4, w y2SEy4; Sec. 18; unsurveyed. l Sec.5,sy2Ny2,sy2; Sec. 19, Ny2, NE^SWi/4, W ^ S W ^ , NWÎ4 T. 12 S., R. 88 W., Sec.6,Ny2NW yi,sy2; SEÎ4. Sec. 3, w y 2NWy4, unsurveyed. Sec. 7, Ny2,N^SW y4; T. 11 S., R. 88 W „ Sec. 8, Ny2, NE&SW%, SE ^ ; Sec. 4, S y2 NW J/4, Ny2SW14, SE14SW14, Reclassified noncoal lands from coal lands. Sec. 9, NW%NEi4, NW)4, NE^SW^, SE^4; Prior classification of the following lands as wy2sw ^ ; coal lands is hereby revoked and the lands are Sec. 5, NV^NEVi, SE^NE%; reclassified as noncoal lands: Sec. 17, NE^NE1^. Sec. 10, NE1^, N ‘4NW14, unsurveyed; [T-ll S„ R. 88 W., Sec. 11, E y2 SW , Wy2 SE 14, unsurveyed; [ Sec. 4, SW^SWy,; T. 13 S.,R. 86 W., Sec. 14, W ^ N E ^ ; Sec. 7, N ^ N E ^ , SE*4NE>4; Sec. 5, SW %NE14, NW %, Sy2; Sec. 22, S y2 SW(4, SW ^SE % ; Sec. 8, W1/2NW14, NEy4SWi4, SW]4SEy4; I Sec. 6, lots 3 to 6, and 9 to 15, inclusive, Sec. 27, NW^4; Sec. 16, NE14SW14, swy4SEy4; and 17 and 18, Ey2SW&, SE%SE(4; Sec. 28, NE !/4 NE y4 ; _ Secs. 7 and 8; Sec. 18, lots 2 and 3, SEy4SWy4; Sec. 29, S W ^ N E ^ . Sec. 19,lot4,SE}4SWy4,Si4SEy4; I Sec. 9, in part unsurveyed; T. 12 S., R. 88 W., sec. 20, s e y4 n e y4, sy2sw y4, N E ^ S E ^ ; [ q - 10’ Sy2NW%, sy2, in part unsurveyed; Sec. 3, EÎ4SWÎ4. unsurveyed; Sec. 21, NE14, sy2SW%, SEy4; Sec. 11, Wy2swy4, unsurveyed; Sec. 4, SE14, unsurveyed; Sec. 14,Wy2; Sec. 27, SW%SW%; Secs. 6 to 8, inclusive, in part unsurveyed; Sec. 28, N^NEy4, NE^NWy4; I Sec. 15, in part unsurveyed; Sec. 9, NE%NE]4. Wy2NEÎ4, W&, NW]4 Secs. 16 and 17; Sec. 30, lots 12, 20, and 21, N ^ N E ^ , SE^4, S ^ S E ^ , unsurveyed; NE&NW 14. I Sea„,18- lots 1 to 3, inclusive, NE|4, Eya Nwy4)NE1/swl/ N1/SE1 Sec. 10, NE^4, Ey2NW}4, N%SE»4, unsur­ veyed; All or parts of the following mineral claims . Sec. 19.Ny2SEy4; - Sec. 11, N y2, Ny2sy2, Sy2SE14, unsurveyed; included in the NWV4NWy4. and the SW ‘4 SWy4 in sec. 30: 5S'221°’ N1/2’ N1/2SW1^- SEi/4SWy4, SE^4; Sec. 13, NW^4, S]4; Sec. 14, NE*4> Ei/2SEi4; Mineral Survey 3831, Bonny Kate; NWy4NE)4 , sy2NE%, NW14, Ni/2 Sec. 15, NWy4NWy4, S]4N W ^; Mineral Survey 3832, Free America; Sec. 16, Ny2, NEy4SWi,4, Ny2SEi4; Mineral Survey 4243, Crested Butte; S NEy4’li ^ ^ and 3’ NW^NE^, Sy2NEi/4, Sgc. 17* Mineral Survey 4472, Crested Butte Ex­ Sec’. 18, Ni/2, Ni/2SWy4, SE ^SW 1^, SE ^, tension; MT -12 S., R. 88 W., unsurveyed; Mineral Survey 4767, Daisy, and Germania; Sec. 19, NE14; Mineral Survey 5600, Oh Be Joyful; 3


Sec. 3, SE1/4NW1/4, SWÎ4; T. 11 S., R. 88 W., Sec. 9, NE%SE%, S% SE^; Sec. 23, NE»4NWi4, SW & NW ft; Sec. 10, Si/2NE%, NW%, NWÎ4SWÎ4; Sec. 29, lots S and 4. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Sec. 11, SW%NW&; Office of the Secretary Sec. 12, 3STW%NW%, SE%NW%, WMiSE&J The area described aggregates 77,903 Sec. 13,E%NE%; acres, more or less, of which about 30,054 SOFTWOOD LUMBER STANDARDS Sec. 14, SW14NE&, Sy2NW%, Ny2SE^, acres are classified as coal lands; about SE%SE%; . 32,071 acres are classified as noncoal Notice of Opportunity To Register Sec. 15, NEi4NE%, S%NE%; lands; about 2,241 acres are reclassified Advice Sec. 16, NEi4, N E ^ N W ^ , Sy2NW^4, Sy2; Sec. 17, SE % SW %, NE % SE %, Sy2SE&; as coal lands that were formerly classified On August 21,1967, the Department of Sec. 19, SE % SW %, NE % SE 14, S ^ S E ^ ; noncoal lands; and about 13,537 acres Commerce announced that it intended Secs. 20 and 21; are reclassified as noncoal lands that to propose a recommended softwood Sec. 22, NE}4, Nwy4Nwy4, sy2Nw>/4, sy2; lumber standard and to publish this pro­ Sec. 23, S%NWÎ4, SW}4; were formerly classified as coal lands. posed standard in the F ederal Register Sec. 24, Wy2NWy4, SE^NW^, NE & SW %, A rthur A. B aker, for public comment. The Department sy2swy4, Nwy4SEy4; Acting Director. Sec. 25, Ny2NEy4, sy2sw % ; also announced that, prior to such publi­ S eptember 6,1967. Sec. 26, SWy4NE%, wy2, SEy4; cation, interested parties would be Secs. 27 to 35, inclusive; [F.R. Doc. 67-10796; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; afforded an opportunity to register Sec. 36, Sy2NEy4, W%, SE%. 8:49 a.m.] advice on the kind of standard which should be proposed. In order to insure that all parties in­ tending to submit suggestions may be af­ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE forded an equal opportunity to do so, Packers and Stockyards Administration notice is hereby given that the Depart­ ment will accept and consider all advice ARKANSAS NATIONAL STOCKYARDS CO., INC., ET AL. relating to the proposed standard which is received on or before October 9,1967. Notice of Changes in Names of Posted Stockyards All advice should include explanation It has been ascertained, and notice is hereby given, that the names of the live­ and justification and should be accom­ stock markets referred to herein, which were posted on the respective dates specified panied by the precise language which is below as being subject to the provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921, sought to be incorporated into the pro­ as amended (7. U.S.C. 181 et seq.), have been changed as indicated below: posed standard. Submissions should be Original name of stockyard, location, and date Current name of stockyard and date of addressed to the Office of Standards of posting change in name Review, Department . of Commerce, Arkansas Washington, D.C. 20230. Arkansas National Stockyards Co., Inc., Little Arkansas National Stockyards Co., Rock, Dec. 17,1959. Mar. 1,1967. Issued: September 12, 1967. K ansas Jo h n F. K incaid, The Farmers Marketing Sales Corporation, Inc., The Hill City Sale Barn, July 1, 1967. Acting Assistant Secretary Hill City, Oct. 18, 1956. for Science and Technology. Minnesota [F.R. Doc. 67-10852; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; Southwestern Minnesota Sales Pavilion, Worthing- Southwestern Minnesota Livestock Sales 8:50 a.m.] ton, Nov. 6, 1959. Pavilion, Jan. 1, 1967. Mississippi Jefferson Co. Stockyards, Fayette, Feb. 16, 1959__ Jefferson County Stockyards, Inc., July DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING 11, 1967. Missouri AND URDAN DEVELOPMENT Fairground Livestock Auction, Maryville, July 31, Fairground Livestock Auction, Inc., 1957. July 28,1966. ASSISTANT REGIONAL ADMINISTRA­ Nevada Sales Company, Inc., Nevada, May 18, 1959. Nevada Livestock Auction, July 1, 1967. TOR FOR HOUSING ASSISTANCE Nebraska ET AL., REGION I (NEW YORK), McKee Sales Company, Superior, Aug. 15, 1955. ' Superior Livestock Commission Com­ HOUSING ASSISTANCE OFFICE pany, July 14, 1967. Redelegations of Authority Regarding North Dakota Low-Rent Public Housing Rugby Livestock Sales, Rugby, Aug. 1,1960. Rugby Livestock Sales, Inc., Jan. 9, The redelegations of authority to the 1967. Assistant Regional Administrator for Oklahoma Housing Assistance and other officials Mt. View Community Sale, Mt. View, Apr. 9, 1959. Moutain View Livestock Auction, Apr. and employees of the Housing Assistance 24,1967. Office, Region I (New Y ork), effective August 19, 1966 (31 F.R. 11624-11625, South Dakota Sept. 2, 1966), are hereby amended in Dobler Livestock Sales Company, Herreid, June 23. Herreid Livestock Commission Co., Inc., the following respects: 1954. June 2,1967. (1) B y designating and titling tne T ennessee irst paragraph as follows: Mid-South Livestock Company Yards, Columbia, Mid-South Livestock Commission Com- S e c tio n A. Authority redelegated to Aug. 9, 1950. pany, Aug. 9,1967. he Assistant Regional Adm inistrator for Jamestown Stockyards, Jamestown, June 1, 1959. Jamestown Stockyards, Inc., June 5, lousing Assistance and other officials 1967. k m /7 />o n f TJASSlStClTlCv Virginia KJJJIUV. j Victoria Stockyards, Victoria, Mar. 9, 1959. Victoria Livestock Market, Inc., May 19, (2) By adding a new section B to reaa 1967. as follows: , . .h. S ec. B. Authority redelegated to tne Done at Washington, D.C., this 6th day of September 1967. Deputy Assistant Regional Administra­ E dward L. T h o m p s o n , tor for Housing Assistance. The Depu y Acting Chief, Registrations, Bonds, and Reports Branch, Assistant Regional Administrator 10 Livestock Marketing Division. Housing Assistance, Region I [F.R. Doc. 67-10788; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 8:49 a.m.] York), is hereby authorized to exercise

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 NOTICES 13089 all the powers and authorities redele­ and employees of the Housing Assistance and employees of the Housing Assistance gated to the Assistant Regional Adm in­ Office. * * * Office, Region V I (San Francisco), ef­ istrator for Housing Assistance in sec­ (2) By adding a new section B tofective August 19, 1966 (31 F it. 11624- tion A above. read as follows: 11625, Sept. 2,1966), are hereby amended S ec: B. Authority redelegated to the in the following respects: Effective date. This amendment shall Deputy Assistant Regional Administra­ (1) By designating and titling the as of M arch 26, 1967. be effective tor for Housing Assistance. The Deputy first paragraph as follows: Judah G ribetz, Assistant Regional Administrator for S e c tio n A . Authority redelegated to Regional Administrator, Region I. Housing Assistance, Region IV (Chi­ the Assistant Regional Administrator cago), is hereby authorized to exercise for Housing Assistance and other offi­ [F.R. Doc. 67-10793; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; cials and employees of the Housing As­ 8:49 a.m.] all the powers and authorities redele­ gated to the Assistant Regional Admin­ sistance Office. * * * istrator for Housing Assistance in sec­ (2) By adding a new section B to read tion A above. as follows: ASSISTANT REGIONAL ADMINISTRA­ S ec. B. Authority redelegated to the Effective date. This amendment shall TOR FOR HOUSING ASSISTANCE Deputy Assistant Regional Administrator ET AL., REGION II (PHILADELPHIA), be effective as of May 7, 1967. for Housing Assistance. The Deputy As­ HOUSING ASSISTANCE OFFICE F rancis D. F ish er , sistant Regional Administrator for Hous­ Regional Administrator, Region IV. ing Assistance, Region VI (San Fran­ Redelegations of Authority Regarding [F.R. Doc. 67-10791; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; cisco), is hereby authorized to exercise Low-Rent Public Housing 8:49 a.m.] all the powers and authorities redele­ gated to the Assistant Regional Admin­ The redelegations of authority to the istrator for Housing Assistance in section Assistant Regional Administrator for ASSISTANT REGIONAL ADMINISTRA­ A above. Housing Assistance and other officials and employees of the Housing Assist­ TOR FOR HOUSING ASSISTANCE Effective date. This amendment shall ance Office, Region n (Philadelphia), ET AL., REGION V (FORT WORTH), be effective as of July 21,1967. effective August 19, 1966 (31 P.R. 11624- HOUSING ASSISTANCE OFFICE R obert B. P it t s , 11625, Sept. 2, 1966), are hereby Regional Administrator, Region VI. amended in the following respects: Redelegations of Authority Regarding (1) By designating and titling the Low-Rent Public Housing [P.R. Doc. 67-10795; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; 8:49 a.m.] first paragraph as follows: The redelegations of authority to the Se c t io n A. Authority redelegated to Assistant Regional Administrator for the Assistant Regional Administrator Housing Assistance and other officials 1or Housing Assistance and other offi­ and employees of the Housing Assistance DEPARTMENT OF cials and employees of the Housing As­ Office, Region V (Fort W o r th ), effective sistance Office. * * * August 19, 1966 (31 F.R. 11624-11625, TRANSPORTATION (2) By adding a new section B to read Sept. 2,1966), are hereby amended in the as follows: following respects: National Transportation Safety Board Sec . B. Authority redelegated to the (1) By designating and titling the [Docket No. SA-400] Deputy Assistant Regional Administra­ •first paragraph as follows: tor for Housing Assistance. The Deputy S e c tio n A. Authority redelegated to ACCIDENT AT HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. Assistant Regional Administrator for the Assistant Regional Administrator for Investigation; Notice of Hearing Housing Assistance, Region n (Ph ila­ Housings Assistance and other officials delphia), is hereby authorized to exer­ and employees of the Housing Assistance In the matter of investigation of acci­ cise all the powers and authorities re­ ■Office. * * * dent involving aircraft of U.S. Registry delegated to the Assistant Regional A d­ (2) By adding a new section B to read N68650 and N3121S, which occurred at ministrator for Housing Assistance in as follows: Hendersonville, N.C., July 19, 1967, section A above. S ec. B. Authority redelegated to the Docket No. SA-400. Effective date. This amendment shall Deputy Assistant Regional Administrator Notice is hereby given that an Acci­ be effective as of July 2,1967. for Housing Assistance. The Deputy As­ dent Investigation Hearing on the above sistant Regional Administrator for Hous­ matter will be held commencing at 9 W arren P. P h e la n ,, ing Assistance, Region V (Fort Worth), a.m. (local time) on October 9, 1967, in Regional Administrator, Region II. is hereby authorized to exercise all the the Ballroom, Grove Park Inn, Asheville, [PH. Doc. 67-10794; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; powers and authorities redelegated to the N.C. 8:49 a.m.] Assistant Regional Administrator for Dated this 8th day of September 1967. Housing Assistance in section A above.- [ seal] W il l ia m R . H endricks, assistant r e g io n a l a d m in is t r a ­ Effective date. This amendment shall Hearing Officer. be effective as of January 5, 1967. tor FOR HOUSING ASSISTANCE [F.R. Doc. 67-10799; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; ET AL, REGION IV (CHICAGO), W . W . C o l l in s , 8:50 a.m.] HOUSING ASSISTANCE OFFICE Regional Administrator, Region V. [F.R. Doc. 67-10792; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; Redelegations of Authority Regardin 8:49 a.m.] Low-Rent Public Housing AUTOMOTIVE A6REEMENT The redelegations of authority to th assistant Regional Administrator fc ASSISTANT REGIONAL ADMINISTRA­ ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE OOARD aousmg ^ Assistance and other officia! TOR FOR HOUSING ASSISTANCE [APTA No. 7-008] Offi em?|oyees of the Housing Assistant ET AL., REGION VI (SAN FRAN­ CERTAIN WORKERS OF GENERAL MO­ A ,7 ff\ ^ on IV (Chicago), effecth CISCO), HOUSING ASSISTANCE OF­ TORS CORP., CHEVROLET DIVISION, S e ? o % 1966 (31 F R * 11624-1162: FICE thpf'Ji 1.966)* are hereby amended i NORTH TARRYTOWN, N.Y. ^following respects: Redelegations of Authority Regarding Petition for Adjustment Assistance; D arÌliyldesignàtine ^ titling the fir: Paragraph as follows: Low-Rent Public Housing Revised Determinations and Cer­ tification A - Authority redelegated i The redelegations of authority to the Regional Administrator fc Assistant Regional Administrator for Revision of determinations and certi­ Sln9 Assistance and other officia Housing Assistance and other officials fication of June 23, 1967. Subsequent to

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 No. 178___ 7 13090 NOTICES the determinations and certification July 1, 1967), the Automotive Agreement air carrierslb should not be amended so made with respect to the petition of Adjustment Assistance Board learned as to designate San Jose, Calif., as a workers of the Chevrolet Division of the from the New York State Employment hyphenated point with San Francisco. General Motors Corp. in Tarry town, Service that the layoff dates in the certi­ The order required that any interested N.Y., on June 23, 1967 (32 F.R. 9574, fication did not coincide with the layoffs persons having objections to the issu­ July 1, 1967), the Automotive Agree­ that occurred in the Fisher Body Divi­ ance of an order making final these find­ ment Adjustment Assistance Board sion. Inquiry revealed that the date which ings and conclusions file such objections learned from the New York State Em­ had been provided to the Tariff Commis­ within twenty (20) days. No objections ployment Service that the layoff dates sion by the company were from fiscal were received.2 in the certification did not coincide with accounting records and were not actual Accordingly, with the exception of the layoffs that occurred in the Chevro­ layoff dates. Personnel records of the United’s Route 118 as discussed below, let Division. Inquiry revealed that the Fisher Body Division in Tarrytown indi­ we conclude that the tentative finding data which had been provided to the cated that there was a mass layoff on and conclusions contained in Order E- Tariff Commission by the company were February 10,1967. Dislocations related to 25346, June 23, 1967, should be made from fiscal accounting records and this layoff occurred between January 25, final and that the public convenience were not actual layoff dates. Personnel 1967, and February 17, 1967. and necessity require the amendment of records of the Chevrolet Division in As a result of this most recent in­ the certificates of public convenience and Tarrytown indicated that there was a formation, the Board revises its deter­ necessity of the carriers listed in foot­ mass layoff on February 10, 1967. Dis­ minations and certification of June 23, note one.* In addition, as provided in locations related to this layoff occurred 1967, in the following respects. Order E-25346, any service operated between February 10, 1967, and Feb­ Determinations. References made to pursuant to such amendments should ruary 27, 1967. layoffs in February and March are re­ be subject to a restriction prohibiting As a result of this most recent infor­ vised to refer to layoffs “on or about single-plane service to San Jose in cer­ mation, the Board revises its determina­ February 10, 1967.” tain specified markets served by Pacific.* tions and certification of June 23, 1967, The reference to employees laid off The Flying Tiger Line, Inc., while not in the following respects. after February 19, 1967, and prior to objecting to the Board’s show cause or­ Determinations. References made to March 15, 1967, is revised to “those der, requests the inclusion of San Jose layoffs in February and March are re­ whose last day of work was between as a hyphenated point with San Fran­ vised to refer to layoffs “on or about January 25, 1967, and February 17, 1967, cisco in its certificate. Flying Tiger asks February 10, 1967.” inclusive, and whose seniority with the that this authority be granted on an un­ company dates are 1964 or earlier.” restricted basis because its all-cargo The reference to employees laid off Certification. The Board certifies that service would not be in competition with after February 19, 1967, and prior to those indefinitely laid off workers of the Pacific-; the restricted markets consti­ M arch 15,1967, is revised to “those whose Fisher Body Division, General Motors tute a high percentage of its total mar­ last day of work was between February Corp., at North Tarrytown, N.Y., whose kets; and its transcontinental service 10,1967, and February 27,1967, inclusive, last day of work was between January to Seattle and Portland in addition to and whose seniority with the company 25, 1967, and February 17, 1967, inclu­ San Francisco would be impaired by any dates on or before July 24, 1966.” sive, and whose seniority with the com­ restriction. The city of Oakland indicates Certification. The Board certifies that pany dates are 1964 or earlier, are eligi­ that it, like San Jose, is a part of the those indefinitely laid off workers of the ble to apply for adjustment assistance. “Bay Complex” and therefore should be Chevrolet Division, General Motors Corp., designated as a hyphenated point with at North Tarrytown, N.Y., whose last (Sec. 302, Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965, 79 Stat. 1018; Executive Order 11254, San Francisco on United’s Route 118. day of work was between February 10, 30 FJH. 13569; Automotive Agreement Ad­ W e tentatively find that the public 1967, and February 27, 1967, inclusive, justment Assistance Board regs., 48 CFR Part convenience and necessity require the and whose seniority with the company 501, 31 F.R. 827; Board Order No. 1, 31 F.R. redesignation requested by Flying Tiger dates on or before July 24, 1966, are eli­ 853) subject to the restrictions discussed be­ gible to apply for adjustment assistance. Dated: September 6, 1967. low. The findings and conclusions con­ (Sec. 302, Automotive Products Trade Act of tained in Order E-25346 apply with equal 1965, 79 Stat. 1018; Executive Order 11254, Edgar I. Eaton, force in this instance and are incorpo­ 30 F.R. 13569; Automotive Agreement Ad­ Executive Secretary, Automo­ rated herein by reference. However, we justment Assistance Board regs. 48 CFR tive Agreement Adjustment do not propose to award Flying Tiger Part 501, 31 FJt. 827; Board Order No. 1, Assistance Board. 31 F.R. 853) unrestricted authority in the San Jose [F.R. Doc. 67-10775; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; markets served by Pacific Air Lines. A Dated: September 6,1967. 8:48 a.m.] restriction against single-plane service between the San Jose Airport and the E dgar I. Eaton, Executive Secretary, Automo­ various cities designated in Order E- 25346 will not prohibit Flying Tiger from tive Agreement Adjustment carrying through San Jose-east traffic Assistance. Board. CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD on its transcontinental flights. We shall [F.R. Doc. 67-10774; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; [Docket No. 18351; Order E-25644] 8:48 aon.] CITY OF SAN JOSE, CALIF. lb American Airlines, Inc., Delta Air Lines, Inc., National Airlines, Inc., Trans World Airlines, Inc., United Air Lines, Inc., aaa [APTA No. 7-009] Order Regarding Designation as Hy­ phenated Point With San Francisco Western Air Lines, Inc. CERTAIN WORKERS OF GENERAL MO­ 2 As discussed below certain persons did file requests seeking relief in addition to that Adopted by the Civil Aeronautics TORS CORP., FISHER BODY DIVI­ proposed in Order E-25346. SION, NORTH TARRYTOWN, N.Y. Board at its office in Washington, D.C., * Although the authority granted herein on the 7th day of September 1967. is effective immediately, for administrative Petition for Adjustment Assistance; Application of the City of San Jose, reasons the Board will withhold issuance oj Revised Detecminations and Cer­ Calif., Docket 18351; for amendments of amended certificates to TWA and United tification certificates11 of certain named air car­ until an appropriate occasion. riers so as to designate San Jose as a 4 This restriction will also be applicable Revision of determinations and cer­ the San Jose-Long Beach market. This tosj- hyphenated point with San Francisco. ket was inadvertently omitted in the origi­ tifications of June 23, 1967. Subsequent The Board by Order E-25346, June 23, nal show cause order and as Pacific P01 to the determinations and certification 1967, directed all interested persons to out should be included to protect Pac made with respect to the petition of show cause why the certificates of certain However, since none of the carriers here c o - workers of the Fisher Body Division of cerned are certificated to serve Burban the General Motors Corp. in Tarrytown, 14 Certificates filed as part of the original there is no need to include Burbank in N.Y., on June 23, 1967 (32 F.R. 9575, document. list of restricted points.

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 NOTICES 13091 grant interested persons 20 days in San Jose on United’s Route 118, and the Commission for approval pursuant to which to show cause why the certificate request of the city of Oakland to be des­ section 15 of the Shipping Act, 1916, as of public convenience and necessity held ignated as a hyphenated point with San amended (39 Stat. 733, 75 Stat. 763, 46 by Plying Tiger should not be amended Francisco on Route 118 be and they U.S.C. 814). so as to designate San Jose as a hyphen­ hereby are deferred; Interested parties may inspect and ated point with San Francisco-Oakland 7. That all interested persons are di­ obtain a copy of the agreement at the on Route 100 subject to the restrictions rected to show cause why the Board W ashington office of the Federal M ari­ set forth in ordering paragraph 2 of should not issue an order making final time Commission, 1321 H Street NW., Order E-25346. the tentative findings and conclusions Room 609; or may inspect agreements at With respect to Oakland’s request to stated herein with respect to the request the offices of the District Managers, New be designated as a hyphenated point on of Flying Tiger and issue at an appropri­ York, N.Y., New Orleans, La., and San United’s Route 118, we have decided to ate time an amended certificate to The Francisco, Calif. Comments with refer­ defer that matter together with that part Flying Tiger Line, Inc., designating San ence to an agreement including a request of San Jose’s application, Docket 18351, Jose as a hyphenated point with San for hearing, if desired, may be submitted which requests that San Jose be desig­ Francisco-Oakland on its certificate for to the Secretary, Federal Maritime Com­ nated as a hyphenated point with San Route 100 subject to the single-plane re­ mission, Washington, D.C. 20573, within Francisco on Route 118. Both of these strictions referred to in ordering para­ 10 days after publication of this notice matters will be deferred pending our graph 5 above; in the F ederal R egister. A copy of any further consideration of how to best 8. That any interested persons having such statement should also be forwarded meet the service needs of the cities of objection to the issuance of an order to the party filing the agreement (as Oakland and San Jose. making final the proposed findings, con­ indicated hereinafter), and the com­ In granting interested persons the op­ clusions, and certificate amendments set ments should indicate that this has been portunity to show cause why your tenta­ forth herein shall, within 20 days after done. tive findings and conclusions should not service of a copy of this order, file with Notice of agreement filed for approval be adopted, we expect such persons to the Board and serve upon all persons by: direct their objections, if any, to specific made parties to this proceeding a state­ J. Kerwin Rooney, Port Attorney, Port of markets and to support such objections ment of objections together with a sum­ Oakland, 66 Jack London Square, Oakland, with detailed answers, specifically set­ mary of testimony, statistical data, and Calif. 94607. ting forth the tentative findings and con­ other evidence expected to be relied upon clusions to which objection is taken. to support the stated objections; all Agreement No. T - l 908-1 between the Such objection should be accompanied by motions and/or petitions for reconsider­ city of Oakland (City) and Marine arguments of fact or law and should be ation shall be filed within the period Terminals Corp. (MTC) modifies the supported by legal precedent or detailed allowed for filing objections and no basic agreement which provides for the economic analysis. General, vague, and further such motions, requests or peti­ nonexclusive preferential assignment to unsupported objections will not be enter­ tions for reconsideration of this order MTC of certain premises in the “Port tained. will be entertained; Area” of Oakland, Calif. The purpose of Accordingly, it is ordered: 9. That if timely and properly sup­ the modification is to provide for (1) the 1. That amended certificates of public ported objections are filed, full consider­ enlargement of the assigned area; (2) convenience and necessity in the form ation will be accorded the matters or the construction of a warehouse by MTC attached heretola be issued to American issues raised by the objections before and (3) certain construction by City. Airlines, Inc., for Routes 4, 7, and 25; further action is taken by the Board; Dated: September 11,1967. Delta Air Lines, Inc., for Route 24; N a ­ 10. That in the event no objections are By order of the Federal Maritime tional Airlines, Inc., for Route 39; and filed, all further procedural steps will be Commission. Western Air Lines, Inc., for Routes 35 deemed to have been waived, and the and 63; T h om as L i s i , case will be submitted to the Board for Secretary. 2. That said certificates shall be signed final action; and on behalf of the Board by its Secretary, It. That a copy of this order shall be [F.R. Doc. 67-10800; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; shall have affixed thereto the seal of the served upon the following persons who 8:50 ajn.] Board, and shall be effective on Septem­ are hereby made parties to this proceed­ ber 7, 1967; ing: American Airlines, Inc., Delta Air 3. That the certificates of Trans W orld Lines, Inc., National Airlines, Inc., Trans EVANS PRODUCTS CO. AND RETLA Airlines, Inc., for Route 2, and of United World Airlines, Inc., United Air Lines, STEAMSHIP CO. Air Lines, Inc., for Route 1 be and they Inc., Western Air Lines, Inc., West Coast hereby are amended so as to redesignate Airlines, Inc., San Francisco & Oakland Notice of Agreement Filed the point San Francisco as San F ran­ Helicopter Airlines, Inc., Pacific Air for Approval cisco-San Jose, subject to the restriction Lines, Inc., The Flying Tiger Line, Inc., set forth in paragraph 5 below; Notice is hereby given that the follow­ and the cities of Oakland and San Jose, 4. That the amended certificates or­ Calif. ing agreement has been filed with the dered in paragraph 3 above shall be is­ Commission for approval pursuant to sued on an appropriate occasion; This order will be published in the section 15 of the Shipping Act, 1916, as 5. That any service operated pursuant F ederal R egister. amended (39 Stat. 733, 75 Stat. 763, 46 to the authority granted herein shall be By the Civil Aeronautics Board. U.S.C. 814). subject to a restriction prohibiting sin­ Interested parties may inspect and ob­ gle-plane service through the San Jose [ seal] H arold R. S anderson, tain a copy of the agreement at the Aiport in the following San Jose m ar- Secretary. Washington office of the Federal M ari­ ets. Seattle, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, [F.R. Doc. 67-10790; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; time Commission, 1321 H Street NW., rresno, Bakersfield, Reno, Portland, 8:49 am .] Room 609; or may inspect agreements at anta Barbara, San Diego, Monterey, the offices of the District Managers, New ramento, Stockton, and Long B e a c h ;B York, N.Y., New Orleans, La., and San . - That the portion of the application Francisco, Calif. Comments with refer­ Jose.’ ^ k e t 18351, which re- FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION ence to an agreement including a request nni«+o.re<*esigna’*'ion °* the coterminal for hearing, if desired, may be submitted t San Francisco as San Francisco- CITY OF OAKLAND AND MARINE to the Secretary, Federal Maritime Com­ TERMINALS CORP. mission, Washington, D.C. 20573, within u, the certificates attached hereto, as 20 days after publication of this notice DmfoLii lcl1 may hereafter be issued in this Notice of Agreement Filed cahio thl® restriction is made appli- for Approval in the F ederal R egister. A copy of any the v,„, those markets where otherwise such statement should also be forwarded Notice is hereby given that the follow­ to the party filing the agreement (as Plane aithority!11*1 n?qUire effective sln8le- ing agreement has been filed with the indicated hereinafter) and the com-

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13092 NOTICES ments should indicate that this has been jurisdiction of the Managing Committee suspension of trading in the common done. to review and authorize all expenditures stock, 10 cents par value of Continental Notice of agreement filed for approval pertaining to Conference promotional Vending Machine Corp., and the 6 per­ by: and educational activities. cent convertible subordinated debentures due September 1, 1976, being traded Amy Scupi, Galland, Kharasch, Calkins and Dated: September 11,1967. Lippman, 1824 B Street NW „ Washington, otherwise than on a national securities D.C.20009. By order of the Federal Maritime exchange is required in the public inter­ Commission. est and for the protection of investors: Agreement 9549-1, between Evans T h om as L i s i , It is ordered, Pursuant to section Products Co. and Retla Steamship Co., Secretary. 15(c) (5) of the Securities Exchange Act modifies Article 9 of the basic agreement of 1934, that trading in such securities by changing that part of the opening [F.R. Doc. 67-10802; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 8:50 a.m.| otherwise than on a national securities sentence which reads, “Both parties will exchange be summarily suspended, this meet, from time to time, to agree upon order to be effective for the period Sep-^ rates, terms and conditions,” to read, tember 10, 1967, through September 19, “Both parties may meet as necessary 1967, both dates inclusive. from time to time to agree upon rates, OFFICE OF EMERGENCY terms and conditions.” The substitution By the Commission. of the permissive “may” is designed to PLANNING [ seal] O rval L. D xjB ois, show that the parties may, but need not, Secretary. meet and agree upon rates, terms, and IDAHO conditions under which cargo shall be Notice of Major Disaster [F.R. Doc. 67-10768; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; carried. As implied by the second sen­ 8:47 am .] tence in this Article, Retla, in most in­ Pursuant to the authority vested in me stances, will unilaterally decide the rates, by the President under Executive Order [70-5434] terms, and conditions to be established. 10427 of January .16, 1953, Executive Order 10737 of October 29, 1957, and OHIO POWER CO. Dated: September 11,1967. Executive Order 11051 of September 27, Notice of Proposed Issue and Sale By order of the Federal Maritime Com­ 1962 (18 F.R. 407, 22 F.R. 8799, 27 F.R. mission. 9683); Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958, of Notes to Banks Public Law 85-763, and Public Law 87- T hom as L i s i , S eptember 8, 1967. 296; by virtue of the Act of Septem­ Secretary. Notice is hereby given that Ohio ber 30, 1950, entitled “An Act to author­ Power Co. (“Ohio”) , 301 Cleveland Ave­ [F.R. Doc. 67-10801; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; ize Federal assistance to States and local 8:50 am.] nue SW ., Canton, Ohio, an electric utility governments in major disasters, and for subsidiary company of American Electric other purposes” (42 U.S.C. 1855-1855g), Power Co., Inc., a registered holding com­ TRANS-PACIFIC PASSENGER as amended; notice is hereby given of a pany, has filed a declaration with this declaration of “major disaster” by the CONFERENCE Commission pursuant to the Public Util­ President in his letter dated August 30, ity Holding Company Act of 1935 Notice of Agreement Filed 1967, reading in part as follows: ( “Act” ), designating sections 6 and 7 for Approval I have determined that the damage in vari­ thereof as applicable to the proposed ous areas of the State of Idaho, adversely transactions. A ll interested persons are Notice is hereby given that the follow­ affected by forest fires beginning on or about referred to the declaration, which is sum­ ing agreement has been filed with the August 17, 1967, is of sufficient severity and marized below, for a complete statement Commission for approval pursuant to magnitude to warrant assistance by the Fed­ of the proposed transactions. section 15 of the Shipping Act, 1916, as eral Government to supplement State and local efforts and resources. Ohio proposes to issue and sell, from amended (39 Stat. 733, 75 Stat. 763, 46 time to time prior to December 31, 1968, U.S.C. 814). I do hereby determine the following its promissory notes in an aggregate Interested parties may inspect and ob­ areas in the State of Idaho to have been principal amount not to exceed $67 mil­ tain a copy of the agreement at the adversely affected by the catastrophe de­ lion outstanding at any one time, to the Washington office of the Federal M ari­ clared a major disaster by the President following banks in the respective time Commission, 1321 H Street NW., in his declaration of August 30, 1967: amounts shown: Room 609; or may inspect agreements at The counties of: Irving Trust Co., New York, the offices of the District Managers, New Boundary. Benewah. N.Y______1___$10,050,000 York, N.Y., New Orleans, La., and San Bonner. Nez Perce. First National City Bank, New Francisco, Calif. Comments with refer­ Latah. Lewis. York, N.Y______10,050,000 ence to an agreement including a request Manufacturers Hanover Trust for hearing, if desired, may be submitted Dated: September 8,1967. Co., New York, N.Y______10,050,000 to the Secretary, Federal Maritime Com­ F arris B r y a n t , Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co., Chicago, mission, Washington, D.C. 20573, within Director, IU ______8,000,000 20 days after publication of this notice Office of Emergency Planning. Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of in the F ederal R egister. A copy of any New York, N.Y______7,400,000 [F.R. Doc. 67-10776; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; such statement should also be forwarded Chase Manhattan Bank, New to the party filing the agreement (as in­ 8:48 a.m.] York, N.Y______6, 700,000 dicated hereinafter) and the comments Chemical Bank New York Trust * should indicate that this has been done. Co., New York, N.Y______4,700,000 Bankers Trust Co., New York, Notice of agreement filed for approval N .Y______3,350,000 by: SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE The Northern Trust Co., Chi­ Mr. E. Howard Green, Secretary-Cliairman, cago, HI______3,350,000 Trans-Pacific Passenger Conference, 2 Pine COMMISSION United States Trust Co., New Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94111. [File No. 1-3421] York, N.Y______3,350,000 Agreement 131-244, between the mem­ CONTINENTAL VENDING MACHINE Total______67,000,000 ber lines of the Trans-Pacific Passenger Conference modifies By-Law A-2 of the CORP. Each note will be dated as of the date basic conference agreement to provide Order Suspending Trading of issue, will bear interest at the the for (1) a change in the composition of current prime rate (currently 5 V2 P®r?e*L the Managing Committee to one rep­ S eptember 8, 1967. per an n u m ), will mature within 270 days resentative each of the Regular Member It appearing to the Securities and after date of issue or renewal and will do Companies; and (2) the extension of the Exchange Commission that the summary prepayable at any time, in whole or

FEDERAL REGISTER, V O L 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 NOTICES 13093 part, without premium. Approval is re­ I Bile No. 0-592] Inc. (“Applicant”) , 64 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. 10005, a New York corpora­ quested for the issue and sale of such PAKCO COMPANIES, INC. amount of notes not exempted pursuant tion, a registered closed-end investment to the first sentence of section 6(b) of Order Suspending Trading company, and a licensee under the Small the Act. Ohio proposes to use the pro­ Business Investment Act of 1958, has filed ceeds from the sale of the proposed notes S eptember 8,1967. an application pursuant to Rule 17d-l to reimburse its treasury for past ex­ It appearing to the Securities and Ex­ of the Investment Company Act of 1940 penditures in connection with its con­ change Commission that the summary (“Act”). Applicant requests an order of struction program, to pay part of the cost suspension of trading in the common the Commission exempting from the pro­ of its future construction program, which stock of Pakco Companies, Inc., and all visions of section 17(d) of the Act a is estimated at $120 million for the sec­ other securities of Pakco Companies, transaction in which it will sell certain ond half of 1967 and the year 1968, and Inc., being traded otherwise than on a securities of Varifab, Inc. (“Varifab”) , for other corporate purposes. It is esti­ national securities exchange is required a New York corporation, to Condec Corp. mated that approximately 35 percent of in the public interest and for the protec­ (“Condec”), also a New York corpora­ its construction expenditures will be ob­ tion of investors: tion. All interested persons are referred tained from internal sources and that It is ordered, Pursuant to section to the application on file with the Com­ the next permanent financing of Ohio, 15(c) (5) of the Securities Exchange Act mission for a statement of the represen­ expected to consist of senior securities of 1934, that trading in such securities tations contained therein, which are and equity securities or a capital con­ otherwise than on a national securities summarized below. tribution will be completed during 1969. exchange be summarily suspended, this Varifab is engaged in the business of All of the notes outstanding at the time order to be effective for the period Sep­ producing precision parts, components, of Ohio’s permanent financing will be tember 10, 1967, through September 19, and assemblies for computer and office paid from the proceeds of such financing 1967, both dates inclusive. equipment manufacturers. Applicant has purchased securities of Varifab pur­ which will be subject to further proceed­ By the Commission. ings before this Commission. suant to various agreements since Octo­ It is stated that there will be no fees, [ seal] O rval L. D u B o is, ber 1961, culminating in its present commissions, or expenses incident to the Secretary. ownership of convertible notes in the proposed transactions. It is further [F.R. Doc. 67-10770; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; principal amount of $342,039 and war­ stated that no State commission and no 8:47 a.m.] rants to purchase 63,000 shares of com­ Federal commission, other than this mon stock at a purchase price of $4 per Commission, has jurisdiction over the [File No. 1-5215] share, which, separately or in combina­ proposed transactions. tion, may be converted into an aggregate Notice is further given that any in­ ROTO AMERICAN CORP. of 63,000 shares only. At the time of Ap­ plicant’s initial investment, Varifab was terested person may, not later than Order Suspending Trading October 19, 1967, request in writing that believed to be a fairly stable investment a hearing be held in respect of such m at­ S eptember 8, 1967. but, by , Varifab had over­ extended itself with its creditors and had ters, stating the nature of his interest, The common stock, $1 par value, of filed a Petition under Chapter X I of the the reasons for such request, and the Roto American Corp., being listed and Bankruptcy Act. Under a long-term plan issues of fact or law which he desires to registered on the National Stock Ex­ of arrangement entered into in March controvert; or he may request that he be change pursuant to the provisions of the 1965, by Varifab and its creditors under notified should the Commission order a Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Chapter XI proceedings, Varifab has hearing thereon. Any such request should 7 percent cumulative preferred, $10 par agreed, in part, to pay its outstanding be addressed: Secretary, Securities and value, being traded otherwise than on a debt to Applicant on the basis of varying Exchange Commission, Washington, D.C. national securities exchange; and percentages of profit in accordance with 20549. A copy of such request should be It appearing to the Securities and Ex­ a specified schedule, as set forth in the change Commission that the summary served personally or by mail (air mail if application, such debt being interest free suspension of trading in such securities the person being served is located more to December 31, 1974. To date, actual on such Exchange and otherwise than payments received by Applicant have than 500 miles from the point of ¿nailing) on a national securities exchange is re­ been less than was originally estimated. upon declarant at the above-stated ad­ quired in the public interest and for the Applicant represents that, based upon protection of investors: dress, and proof of service (by affidavit past history and present operations, it or, in case of an attorney at law, by It is ordered, Pursuant to sections believes that Varifab will have difficulty certificate) should be filed with the re­ 15(c)(5) and 19(a)(4) of the Securities in meeting the next payment of $28,658, Exchange Act of 1934, that trading in quest. At any time after said date, the which is due to be paid on April 30, 1968. such securities on the National Stock declaration, as filed or as it may be Varifab stock is traded on the over-the- Exchange and otherwise than on a na­ counter market. The high and low bid amended, may be permitted to become tional securities exchange be summarily prices from December 2, 1966, through effective in the manner provided by Rule suspended, this order to be effective for July 7, 1967, were $2Vi and $lVfe, re­ 23 of the general rules and regulations the period , 1967, through spectively. During the year prior to De­ September 18, 1967, both dates inclusive. promulgated under the Act," or the Com­ cember 2, 1966, the high and low bid mission may grant exemption from such By the Commission. prices were $4Vi and $1, respectively. As of April 30, 1967, Varifab had a negative rules as provided in Rules 20(a) and 100 [ sealI O rval L. D u B o is, book value of ($0.39) for each of its thereof, or take such other action as it Secretary. 398,899 shares of capital stock outstand­ may deem appropriate. Persons who re­ [F.R. Doc. 67-10797; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; ing. quest a hearing, or advice as to whether 8:50 a.m.] Applicant represents that substantial a hearing is ordered, will receive notice time has been devoted from 1965 to date of further developments in this matter, [812-2162] in an attempt to sell its Varifab securi­ eluding the date of the hearing (if ties. An offer acceptable to Applicant has SMALL BUSINESS INVESTMENT COM­ been received from Condec, which com­ ordered) and any postponements thereof. PANY OF NEW YORK, INC. pany is engaged in the business of de­ For the Commission (pursuant to del­ Notice of Filing of Application for signing, engineering, and producing spe­ egated authority). Order Exempting- Proposed Trans­ cialized lines of motor vehicles, aircraft, ground support equipment, electrical [seal] O rval L. D u B o is, actions controls in nuclear reactors, electric Secretary. S eptember 8,1967. motors, and generators, and other re­ [F.R. Doc. 67-10769; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; Notice is hereby given that Small Busi­ lated equipment. During the fiscal year 8:47 a.m.] ness Investment Company of New York, ended April 30, 1967, sales of Varifab to


Condec represented approximately 30 by Applicant, Applicant would hold more by the Commission upon the basis of the percent of the gross sales of Varifab, and than five percent of the outstanding se­ information stated in said application, from M ay 1, 1967, through July 31, 1967, curities of Varifab. Mr. Newman, as an unless an order for hearing upon said sales of Varifab to Condec represented officer, director, and holder of more than application shall be issued upon request approximately 50 percent of the gross 5 percent of the capital stock of Varifab or upon the Commission’s own motion. sales of Varifab. is an “affiliated person” of Varifab, and Persons who request a hearing or advice The purchase and sale agreements, Varifab is an “affiliated person” of Mr. as to whether a hearing is ordered will dated June 30, 1967, and entered into by Newman. receive notice of further developments Applicant, Condec, Varifab, and Mr. Applicant, Varifab, Mr. Newman, and in this matter, including the date of the Gunther W. Newman, president of Vari­ Condec are entering into transactions hearing (if ordered) and any postpone­ fab, provide, in the manner described which may be deemed to constitute ments thereof. below, that Condec will acquire, or will transactions in which Applicant and an It is ordered, That the Secretary of the receive the right to acquire, approxi­ affiliated pérson, or an affiliated person Commission shall send a copy of this mately 832,286 shares of the capital stock of an affiliated person, are joint or joint notice by certified mail to the Director, of Varifab: and several participants within the Office of Investment Assistance, Small (1) Applicant would deliver to Varifab meaning of section 17(d) of the Act and Business Administration, Washington, its notes, aggregating $342,039 principal Rule 17d-l thereunder. Section 17(d) D.C. 20416. amount, and warrants exercisable into and Rule 17d-l prohibit any affiliated For the Commission (pursuant to 63,000 shares of V arifab capital stock, person of a registered investment com­ delegated authority). in exchange for a new 6 percent 5-year pany acting as principal from effecting note of Varifab in the principal amount any transaction in which such registered [ SEAL ] ORVAL L. DUBOIS, of $342,039 convertible into capital stock company is a joint or a joint and several " Secretary. of Varifab at a price of $0.74 per share. participant with such affiliated. person, [F.R. Doc. 67-10771; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; Immediately upon such exchange. Ap­ unless the Commission, upon application 8:47 a.m.] plicant would sell such convertible note pursuant to Rule 17d-l, grants an exemp­ of Varifab to Condec; tion from such prohibition. Rule 17d-l (2) Applicant would loan $100,000 to states that the Commission shall issue STEEL CHEST HOMES, INC. Varifab, represented by a 6 percent 2- an order of exemption if the participa­ Order Suspending Trading year note of Varifab convertible into cap­ tion of such registered company in such ital stock of Varifab at a price of $0.74 joint enterprise on the basis proposed is S eptember 8, 1967. per share, and would immediately there­ consistent with the provisions, policies It appearing to the Securities and Ex­ upon sell such note of Varifab to Condec; and purposes of the Act and that its par­ change Commission that the summary (3) As payment for the Varifab notes ticipation is on a basis not different, from suspension of trading in the common described in (1) and (2) above, Applicant or less advantageous than that of other stock of Steel Crest Homes, Inc., King of would receive from Condec: (a) 6,000 participants; Prussia, Pa., and all other securities of shares of Condec common stock, the high Applicant asserts that the participa­ Steel Crest Homes, Inc., being traded and low prices of which on the Ameri­ tion of Varifab and Mr. Newman in the otherwise than on a national securities can Stock Exchange during 1967 were transaction with Condec is no more ad­ exchange is required in the public inter­ $33% and $10%, respectively, with a vantageous than the participation of Ap­ est and for the protection of investors: closing price on August 24, 1967, of plicant, due to separate arms-length Ifis ordered, Pursuant to section 15(c) $27%; (b) $125,000 or, at the option of negotiations resulting in Applicant re­ (5) of the Securities Exchange Act of Applicant, 4,032 additional shares of ceiving from Condec the fair value for 1934, that trading in such securities Condec common stock; and (c) $100,000; its investment in Varifab, and Mr. New­ otherwise than on a national securities (4) Mr. Newman would sell 174,936 man receiving from Condec the fair exchange be summarily suspended, this shares of Varifab capital stock which value forhis stock of Varifab and a rea­ order to be effective for the period Sep­ he presently owns to Condec at an ag­ sonable compensation for his services. tember 9, 1967, through September 18, gregate price of $60,000 or the equiva­ In further support of its application, Ap­ 1967, both dates inclusive. lent in common stock of Condec; and Mr. plicant states that the proposed trans­ By the Commission. action is consistent with the provisions, Newman would enter into an employ­ tSEAL] ORVAL L. DUBOIS, ment agreement with Condec providing policies and purposes of the Act in that Secretary. for the same terms, including salary, as it is in the best interests of Applicant and the present oral agreement, pursuant to its shareholders. [F.R. Doc. 67-10798; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; 8:50 a.m.] which Mr. Newman is currently em­ Notice is further given "that any inter­ ployed by Varifab; ested person may, not later than Septem­ (5) Varifab would issue to Condec an ber 28, 1967, at 5:30 p.m., submit to the [File No. 1-43T1] Commission in writing a request for a option to purchase 60,000 shares of Vari­ WESTEC CORP. fab capital stock at a price of $.74 per hearing on the matter accompanied by a share. statement as to the nature of his inter­ Order Suspending Trading est, the reason for such request and the If the proposed purchase and sale agree­ issues of fact or law proposed to be con­ S eptember 8, 1967. ments are consummated and Condec troverted, or he may request that he be The common stock, 10 cents par exercises all rights provided for therein, notified if the Commission should order value, of Westec Corp., being listed and Condec would own approximately 78.8 a hearing thereon. Any such communi- registered on the American Stock Ex­ percent of the outstanding capital stock tion should be addressed : Secretary, Se­ change pursuant to provisions of the of Varifab, and Applicant would have curities and Exchange Commission, Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and all no further interest in Varifab. Washington, D.C. 20549. A copy of such other securities of Westec Corp., being Applicant submits that neither Condec request shall be served personally or by traded otherwise than on a national nor V arifab nor any of their officers or mail (airmail if the person being served securities exchange; and directors are or have been affiliated in is located more than 500 miles from the It appearing to the Securities and Ex- any way with Applicant or any of its point of mailing) upon Applicant at the ihange Commission that the summary officers or directors. Applicant further address stated above. Proof of such serv­ suspension of trading in such securities submits that Applicant may be an “af­ ice (by affidavit or in case of an attorney in such Exchange and otherwise than on filiated person” of Varifab, and Varifab at law by certificate) shall be filed con­ i national securities exchange is required may be an “affiliated person” of Appli­ temporaneously with the request. At any n fVio niihlip. in+prAilt ATYfl fo r th.6 protCC“ cant within the meaning of section 2(a) time after said daté, as provided by Rule tion of investors: (3) of the Act, by virtue of the fact that, 0-5 of the rules and regulations promul­ It is ordered, Pursuant to sections upon conversion of the note §nd/or ex­ gated under the Act, an order disposing 15(c)(5) and 19(a)(4) of th e Securities ercise of the warrant of Varifab held of the application herein may be issued Exchange Act of 1934, that trading m

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 NOTICES 13095 such securities on the American Stock a small quantity of window glass. On specific portions of its authority which Exchange and otherwise than on a na­ the remaining category, which included Protestant believes to be in conflict with tional securities exchange be summarily almost all of the window glass, he re­ that sought in the application, and de­ suspended, this order to be effective for duced, but did not eliminate, the escape- scribing in detail the method— whether the period , 1967, through action increases. The Commission’s by joinder, interline, or other means— September 19, 1967, both dates inclusive. advice just submitted was included in by which protestant would use such au­ its report of an investigation conducted thority to provide all or part of the serv­ By the Commission. to assist the President in determining ice proposed), and shall specify with [seal] Orval L. D u B o is , whether to allow termination of the particularity the facts, matters, and Secretary. escape-action increases in duty remain­ things relied upon, but shall not include [F.R. Doc. 67-10772; Piled, Sept. 13, 1967; ing on window glass. issues or allegations phrased generally. 8:47 a.m.] The Commission’s investigation was Protests not in reasonable compliance conducted under the provisions of sec­ with the requirements of the rules riiay be tion 351(d)(3) of the Trade Expansion rejected. The original and one copy of Act of 1962. That act provides that in­ the protest shall be filed with the Com­ TARIFF COMMISSION creases in import restridtions imposed mission, and a copy shall be served con­ under the 1951 act shall terminate auto­ currently upon applicant’s representa­ SHEET GLASS matically on October 11, 1967, unless tive, or applicant if no representative is Report to the President further extended by the President fol­ named. If the protest includes a request lowing petition by the domestic industry for oral hearing, such requests shall meet S eptember 11,1967. and investigation and advice by the Tar­ the requirements of § 1.247(d) (4) of the The U.S. Tariff Commission today re­ iff Commission under section 351(d) (3). special rule, and shall include the certi­ leased a report in which it informs the Some of the material reported to the fication required therein. President of its judgment of the probable President may not be made public since Section 1.247(f)1'of the Commission’s economic effect on the domestic sheet- it includes information that would reveal rules of practice further provides that glass industry of restoration of the the operations of individual firms. Such each applicant shall, if protests to its trade-agreement concession rates of information, therefore, has been omitted application have been filed, and within duty on window glass. Commissioners from the report released to the public. 60 days of the date of this publication, Culliton, Thunberg, and Clubb were of Copies of the public report are avail­ notify the Commission in writing (1) the opinion that the duty reduction able upon request as long as the lim­ that it is ready to proceed and prosecute would put increased pressures on the ited supply lasts. Requests should be ad­ the application, or (2) that it wishes to industry; that the effects of these pres­ dressed to the Secretary, U.S. Tariff withdraw the application, failure in sures would be unevenly felt by the vari­ Commission, Eighth and E Streets, NW., which the application will be dismissed ous firms; that the pressures might have Washington, D.C. 20436. by the Commission. a greater effect on the internal makeup Further processing steps (whether By direction of the Commission. of the surviving industry than upon the modified procedure, oral hearing, or volume and price structure of the indus­ [ seal] D o n n N. B e n t , other procedures) will be determined try as a whole; and that despite the pres­ Secretary. generally in accordance with the Com­ mission’s General Policy Statement Con­ sures and the resulting adjustments, it [F.R. Doc. 67-10786; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; is probable that a healthy, but changed, 8:49 a.m.] cerning Motor Carrier Licensing Pro­ industry would continue to meet the cedures, published in the F ederal R eg­ largest portion of the domestic demand ister issue of May 3, 1966. This assign­ for sheet glass at a reasonable rate of ment will be by Commission order which profit on both sales and invested capital. INTERSTATE COMMERCE will be served on each party of record. Commissioners Thunberg and Clubb, The publications hereinafter set forth in an additional statement, indicated reflect the scope of the applications as COMMISSION filed by applicants, and may include de­ that, although the sheet-glass industry [Notice 1105] as a whole is healthy, they are concerned scriptions, restrictions, or limitations about those firms and operations that MOTOR CARRIER, BROKER, WATER which are not in a form acceptable to are at the margin of profitability. They CARRIER, AND FREIGHT FOR­ the Commission. Authority which ulti­ mately may be granted as a result of the noted that if imports do increase as a WARDER APPLICATIONS result in major part of trade-agreement applications here noticed will not neces­ concessions, and if marginal firms or S eptember 8,1967. sarily reflect the phraseology set forth in the application as filed, but also will workers suffer serious injury as a result The following applications are gov­ eliminate any restrictions which are not in major part of the increased imports, erned by Special Rule 1.2471 of the Com­ acceptable to the Commission. those firms and workers would be eligi­ mission’s general rules of practice (49 No. MC 2860 (Sub-No. 17), filed ble for trade-adjustment relief. They CFR, as amended), published in the August 18, 1967. Applicant: NATIONAL suggest that the President may wish to F ederal R egister issue of April 20, 1966, FREIGHT, INC., 57 West Park Avenue, consider whether such assistance would effective May 20, 1966. These rules pro­ Vineland, N.J. 08360. Applicant’s repre­ be a more appropriate, effective, and vide, among other things, that a protest sentative: Alvin Altman, 1776 Broadway, Permanent form of relief in circum­ to the granting of an application must be New York, N.Y, 10019. Authority sought stances of highly localized and limited filed with the Commission within 30 days to operate as a common carrier, by motor buury than the indefinite continuation after date of notice of filing of the ap­ vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ of escape-clause rates. plication is published in the F ederal ing: Glass and plastic containers, "bottles, Commissioner Sutton, in a separate R egister. Failure seasonably to file a jars, pack glasses, and jelly tumblers, indicated his opinion that any protest will be construed as a waiver of with and without caps, covers, stoppers, im'jr Auction in the rates of duty on opposition and participation in the pro­ and tops, and corrugated paper boxes, “«Ported sheet glass would impair the ceeding. A protest under these rules and paper containers, knocked down, mestic industry producing these prod- should comply with § 1.247(d) (3) of the when moving in mixed shipments with s more seriously than as envisaged rules of practice which requires that it the above described commodities, be­ y ms colleagues on the Commission. set forth specifically the grounds upon tween Glenshaw, Pa., on the one hand, which it is made, contain a detailed ¡-j*1 Jljne 1962, following a finding of and, on the other, points in New Jersey statement of protestant’s interest in the by the Tariff Commission, the and New York. N o t e : Common tontrol proceeding (including a copy of the ratoc imposed higher escape-action may be involved. If a hearing is deemed iqfi7s duty on sheet glass. In January 1 Copies of Special Rule 1.247 (as amended) necessary, applicant requests it be held the President eliminated the can be obtained by writing to the Secretary, at Philadelphia, Pa., or New York, N.Y. thi er, escaPe~action rates of duty on Interstate Commerce Commission, Washing­ No. MC 41984 (Sub-No. 2 2 ), filed Au­ sheet glass, heavy sheet glass, and ton, D.C. 20423. gust 25, 1967. Applicant: BLANTON


TRUCKING COMPANY, INC., Post Applicant: EAZOR EXPRESS, INC., to Tullahoma, and return over the same Office Box 128, Milford, Va. 22514. Appli­ Eazor Square, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15201. Ap­ route, serving no intermediate points, but cant’s representative: Thomas F. Kilroy, plicant’s representative: Carl L. Steiner, serving the off-route point of Declierd, 1341 G Street NW., Washington, D.C. 39 South La Salle Street, Chicago, HI. Tenn. Restriction: (1) The service to be 20006. Authority sought to operate as a 60603. Authority sought to operate as a performed shall be limited to that which common carrier, by motor vehicle, over common carrier, by motor vehicle, over is auxiliary to or supplemental of express irregular routes, transporting: General regular routes, transporting: General service of the Railway Express Agency, commodities (except dangerous explo­ commodities, except.those of unusual (2) shipments transported by applicant sives, household goods as defined by the value, classes A and B explosives, house­ shall • be limited to those moving on Commission, commodities in bulk and hold goods as defined by the Commission, through bills of lading or express re­ those requiring special equipment), be­ commodities in bulk and those requiring ceipts, (3) the authority granted herein, tween Richmond, Va., on the one hand, special equipment, serving Kebert Park, to the extent that it authorizes the trans­ and, on the other, points in Carolina Pa. (approximately 10 miles south of portation of dangerous explosives, shall Couny, Va, N o t e : If a hearing is deemed Meadville, Pa., near U.S. Highway 19), be limited, in point of time, to a period necessary, applicant requests it be held as an off-route point in connection with expiring 5 years from the date of the at Washington, D.C., or Richmond, Va. carrier’s authorized regular route opera­ certificate, and (4) such further specific No. MC 51146 (Sub-No. 62), filed Au­ tion between Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mead­ conditions as the Commission, in the fu­ gust 25, 1967. Applicant: SCHNEIDER ville, Pa. N o t e : The purpose of this re­ ture, may find necessary to impose in TRANSPORT & STORAGE, INC., 817 publication is to show Kebert Park, Pa., order to restrict applicant’s operations to McDonald Street, Green Bay, Wis. 54306. as the off-route point to be served in lieu a service which is auxiliary to or supple­ Applicant’s representative: Charles W. of the site of Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. mental of express service of the Railway Singer, 33 North Dearborn Street, Chi­ as previously shown. If a hearing is Express Agency. N o te : Applicant states cago, HI. 60602. Authority sought to deemed necessary, applicant requests it no duplicate authority-sought. I f a hear­ operate as a common carrier, by motor be held at Washington, D.C. ing is deemed necessary, applicant re­ vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ No. MC 61231 (Sub-No. 26) (Amend­ quests it be held at Atlanta, Ga., and ing: Paper and paper products; products ment), filed January 11, 1967, published Nashville, Tenn. produced or distributed by manufactur­ F ederal R egister issue of January 26, No. M C 66562 (Sub-No. 2178), filed ers and converters of paper and paper 1967, under No. M C 52751 Sub 70, amend­ M ay 19,1966. Applicant: R AILW AY EX­ products; materials, equipment, and sup­ ed August 31, 1967, and republished as PRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, 219 plies used in the manufacture and distri­ amended this issue. Applicant: A C E - East 42d Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. bution of the above-described commodi­ ALKIRE FREIGHT LINES, INC., 4143 Applicant’s representative: Robert C. ties, between points in Little River East 43d Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50317. Boozer, 80 Broad Street NW., Atlanta, County, Ark., on the one hand, and, on Applicant’s representative: William A. Ga. 30303. Authority sought to operate the other, points in Alabama, Arkansas, Landau, 1307 East Walnut Street, Des as a common carrier, by motor vehicle, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Moines, Iowa 60306. Authority sought to over regular routes, transporting: Gen­ Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Okla­ operate as a common carrier, by motor eral commodities, moving in express homa, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ service, (1) between Henderson, N.C., N o t e : If a hearing is deemed necessary, ing: Iron and steel, and iron and steel and Boykins, Va.; from Henderson over applicant requests it be held at Washing­ articles (except commodities in bulk), U.S. Highway 158 to junction North ton, D.C. from the St. Louis, Mo.-East St. Louis, Carolina Highway 195, thence over North No. MC 52657 (Sub-No. 655), filed Au­ HI., commercial zone, and Alton, HI., to Carolina Highway 195 to the North gust 25, 1967. Applicant: ARCO AUTO points in Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Ne­ Carolina-Virginia State line, thence over C AR R IER S, INC., 2140 W est 79th Street, braska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Virginia Highway 19,5 to Boykins, serv­ Chicago, 111. 60620. Applicant’s represent­ and Wisconsin. N o t e : The purpose of ing the intermediate and off-route points ative: A. J. Bieberstein, 121 West Doty this republication is to add Kansas as a of Norlina, Macon, Littleton, Roanoke Street, Madison, Wis. 53703. Authority destination State. The application was Rapids, Weldon, and Seaboard, N.C., (2) sought to operate as a common carrier, originally filed in the name of Ace Line, between Louisburg and Roanoke Rapids, by motor vehicle, over irregular routes, Inc., MC 52751 Sub 70, however, pursu­ N.C.; from Louisburg over North Caro­ transporting: (1) Bodies, cabs, hoists ant to order dated June 30, 1967 appli­ lina Highway 561 to junction North (including power gates and lift gates), cant’s corporate name was changed to Caroliria Highway 48, thence over North machine shop lubrication units, and con­ Ace-Alkire Freight Lines, Inc., and as­ Carolina Highway 48 to Roanoke Rapids, tainers (except containers having a ca­ signed Docket No. MC 61231 (Sub-No. serving no intermediate points, (3) be­ pacity of 5 gallons or less of 9 cubic feet 26) . If a hearing is deemed necessary, tween Littleton, N.C., and junction North or less) r (2) trailers and trailer chassis applicant requests it be held at Des Carolina Highways 4 and 561; over North (except those designed to be drawn by Moines, Iowa. Carolina Highway 4, serving no inter­ passenger automobiles), in initial truck- No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2160), filed mediate points and for joinder with (2) away service; and, (3) materials, sup­ April 4, 1966. Applicant: RAILW AY EX­ above, only, (4) between Rocky Mount, plies, and parts used in the manufacture, PRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, 219 N.C., and Hobgood, N.C., over North assembly, and servicing of the commod­ East 42d Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. Carolina Highway 97 serving no inter­ ities described above, when moving in Applicant’s representative: Robert C. mediate points, (5) between Franklin. mixed loads with any of such commodi­ Boozer, 80 Broad Street NW., Atlanta, Ga. Va., and junction U.S. Highway 258 and ties, (a) from Durant, Okla., to Galion 30303. Authority sought to operate as a North Carolina Highway 97 over U.S. and Lima, Ohio; and (b) from Durant, common carrier, by motor vehicle, over Highway 258, serving the intermediate Okla., to Kansas City, Mo.; St. Louis, regular routes, transporting: General and off-route points of Woodland, Rich Mo.; Ames, Iowa; and Des Moines, Iowa. commodities, including classes A and B Square, and Neck, N.C., and N o te : Applicant states that it holds au­ explosives, (1) between Marietta, Ga., only for joinder with (4) above, (6) be­ tween Rich Square and Aulander, N.C.; thority to transport the above commodi­ and Evansville, Ind., as follows: From from Rich Square over U.S. Highway 258 ties from Galion and Lima, Ohio, to Marietta, over U.S. Highway 41 to Evans­ to junction North Carolina Highway 308, Durant, Okla. However, it needs this au­ ville, and return over the same route, thence over North Carolina Highway 308 thority in order to render the shippers serving the intermediate and/or off-route to Lewiston, N.C., thence over unnum­ a complete service and for better utiliza­ points of Cartersville, Calhoun, and bered highway to Connaritsa, N.C., tion of applicant’s equipment. If a hear­ Dalton, Ga., Chattanooga, Manchester, thence over North Carolina Highway 30o ing is deemed necessary, applicant re­ Murfreesboro, Smyrna, Nashville, and quests it be held at Washington, D.C., to Aulander serving the intermediate Springfield, Tenn., and Hopkinsville, or Chicago, HI. point of Lewiston, N.C. Madisonville, and Henderson, Ky.; and No. MC 59120 (Sub-No. 29) (Correc­ (7) Between junction North Carolina tion) , filed July 31, 1967. Published F ed­ (2) between Winchester, Tenn., and Tul- Highways 35 and 305 and Boykins, Va., eral R egister is&ue of August 17, 1967, lahoma, Tenn., as follows: From Win­ over North Carolina Highway 35, serv­ and republished, as corrected this issue. chester, over U.S. Highway 41 Alternate ing the intermediate and off-route pom

FEDERAL REGISTER, V O L 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 NOTICES 13097 of Woodland and Conway, N.C., and only operations in the continued rendition of Specifically this application is for au­ for joinder with authorized authority, existing express service, which applicant thority to transport, by motor vehicle, and (8) between junction U.S. Highways is currently obligated to furnish the pub­ between the points and over the route 158 and 258 and Winton, N.C.; from lic. Accordingly, this application is lim­ described: General commodities moving junction U.S. Highways 158 and 258 (only ited as prescribed by this Commission in in express service, subject only to the for joinder with (5) above) over U.S. the Nashua case (91 M.C.C. 311). Specifi­ conditions in (1), (2), and (3) above. Highway 58 to Winton (only for joinder cally this application is for authority to If a hearing is deemed necessary, appli­ with existing authorized authority), transport, by motor vehicle, between the cant requests it be held at Bloomington, serving no intermediate points, and re­ points and over the route described: Springfield, or Chicago, HI. turn over the same routes in (1) through General commodities moving in express No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2194), filed (8) above. Restriction: (1) The service service, subject only to the following con­ , 1966. Applicant: RAIL­ to be performed shall be limited to that ditions: (1) The service to be performed WAY EXPRESS AGENCY, INCORPO­ which is auxiliary to or supplemental of by applicant shall be limited to that R A TE D , 219 East 42d Street, New York, express service of the Railway Express which is auxiliary to or supplemental of N.Y. 10017. Applicant’s representative: Agency, (2) shipments transported by express service of the Railway Express John H. Engel, 2413 Broadway, Kansas applicant shall be limited to those mov­ Agency, Inc., (2) shipments trans­ City, Mo. 64108. Authority sought to op­ ing on through bills of lading or express ported by applicant shall be limited to erate as a common carrier, by motor receipts, (3) the authority granted those on through bills of lading or ex­ vehicle, over regular routes, transport­ herein, to the extent that it authorized press receipts, and (3) such further ing : General commodities moving in the transportation of dangerous explo­ specific conditions as the Commission, express service, (1) between Baton sives, shall be limited, in point of time, in the future, may find necessary to im­ Rouge and New Orleans, La.; from to a period expiring 5 years- from the pose in order to restrict applicant’s op­ Baton Rouge over Louisiana Highway 30 date of the certificate, and (4) such erations to a service which is auxiliary to Darrow, La., thence over Louisiana further specific conditions as the Com­ to or supplemental of express service of Highway 22 to Burnside, La., thence over mission, in the future, may find neces­ the Railway Express Agency, Inc. If a Louisiana Highway 44 to junction U.S. sary to impose in order to restrict hearing is deemed necessary, applicant Highway 61, thence over U.S. Highway applicant’s operations to a service which requests it be held at St. Paul, Fairfax, 61 to New Orleans, and return over the is auxiliary to or supplemental of express or Montevideo, Minn. same route, serving the intermediate service of the Railway Express Agency, No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2193), filed points of Geismar, Burnside, Lutcher, Inc. I f a hearing is deemed necessary, September 6, 1966. Applicant: RAIL­ Reserve, Good Hope, and Kenner, La., applicant requests it be held at Raleigh, WAY EXPRESS AGENCY, INCORPO­ (2) between Hammond, La., and Mc- N.C. RATED, 219 East 42d Street, New York, Comb, Miss., over U.S. Highway 51, and No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2185), filed N.Y. 10017. Applicant’s representative: return over the same route, serving the July 21, 1966. Applicant: R A IL W A Y E X ­ E. F. Slovacek, 105 West Madison Street, intermediate points of Independence, PRESS AGENCY, IN C O R P O R A T E D , 219 Chicago, 111. 60602. Authority sought to Amite, Roselani, Tangipahoa, and Kent­ East 42d Street, New York, N .Y. 10017. operate as a common carrier, by motor wood, La., and Osyka and Magnolia, Applicant’s representative: Elmer P. vehicle, over regular routes, transport­ Miss., (3) between Jackson and Merid­ Slovacek, 105 West Madison Street, ing: General commodities, moving in ian, Miss.; over U.S. Highway 80, and Chicago, 111. 60602. Authority sought to express service, (1) between Chicago, 111., return over the same route, serving the operate as a common carrier, by motor and St. Louis, Mo., over U.S. Highway 66 intermediate points of Brandon, Pela- vehicle, over regular routes, transporting: or Interstate Highway 55, serving the hatchie, Morton, Forest, Lake, Newton, General commodities, moving in express intermediate and/or off-route points of and Hickory, Miss., (4) between Jackson service (1) between St. Paul, Minn., and Elwood, Wilmington, Braidwood, Gard­ and Hattiesburg, Miss., over U.S. High­ Ortonville, Minn.: Prom St. Paul west on ner, Odell, Pontiac, Chenoa, Lexington, way 49, and return over the same route, Interstate Highway 494 to junction M in­ Towanda, Bloomington, Atlanta, Spring- serving the intermediate points of Men­ nesota Highway 5; thence over Minnesota field, Divernon, Farmersville, and Litch­ denhall, Magee, Mount Olive, Collins, Highway 5 to junction Minnesota High­ field, 111., and (2) between Bloomington and Seminary, Miss., (5) between Jack- way 19; thence over Minnesota Highway and Decatur, 111., over U.S. Highway 51, son and Wesson, Miss., over U.S. High­ 19 to junction Minnesota Highway 67; serving no intermediate points, as an way 51, and return over the same route, thence north and west over Minnesota alternate route for operating conven­ serving the intermediate point of Hazle- Highway 67 to junction Minnesota H igh­ ience only in connection with applicant’s hurst^ Miss. way 59; thence over Minnesota Highway authorized regular route operations. (6) Between Indianola and Itta Bena, 59 to junction U.S. Highway 212 at Restriction: (1) The service to be per­ Miss.; from Indianola over U.S. High­ Montevideo; and return on U.S. High­ formed by the applicant shall be limited way 49W to Belzoni, Miss., thence over way 212 to junction U.S. Highway 75; to that which is auxiliary to or supple­ Mississippi Highway 7 to Itta Bena, and thence over U.S. Highway 75 to Orton­ mental of express service of the Railway return over the same route, serving the ville, and return over same route, serving Express Agency, Inc., (2) shipments Intermediate points of Inverness and the intermediate and/or off-route points transported by applicant shall be limited Belzoni, Miss., (7) serving Moorehead, of Waconia, Arlington, Gaylord, W in - to those on through bills of lading or Miss., as an off-route point on appli­ throp, Gibbon, Fairfax, Morton, Red­ express receipts, and (3) such further cant’s existing authorized authority be­ wood Falls, Echo, Granite Falls, Clark- specific conditions as the Commission, in tween Winona and Indianola, Miss., (8) held, Montevideo, Dawson, and Madison, the future, may find necessary to im­ between Indianola and Tutwiler, Miss., Minn., and (2) between junction Minne­ pose in order to restrict applicant’s over U.S. Highway 49W, and return over sota Highways 67 and 19 and, junction operations to a service which is auxiliary the same route, serving the intermediate Minnesota Highways 19 and 23, from to or supplemental of express service of points of Drew, Parchman, and Ruleville, junction Minnesota Highways 67 and 19 the Railway Express Agency, Inc. N o te : Miss., (9) serving Ackerman, Miss., as an hiear Redwood Palls, Minn.) south and Applicant states this is not an applica­ off-route point on applicant’s existing west on Minnesota Highway 19 to junc- tion for authority to furnish ordinary authorized authority between Winona lon Minnesota Highway 23 (near M a r­ motor carrier service; or any new or shall, Minn.); and return over the same and Aberdeen, Miss., over Mississippi additional transportation service to the Highway 15, (10) between Memphis, ute> an alternate route, for operating public. It is lim ited!» request for author­ Tenn., and Lambert, Miss.; from Mem­ onvenience only, serving no intermedi­ ity to conduct line-haul motor opera­ ate points. phis over U.S. Highway 51 to Como, Miss., tions in the continued rendition of thence over Mississippi Highway 310 to nniJr1®!. Applicant states this is not an existing express service, which applicant Crenshaw, thence over Mississippi High­ orHirfatl0n for au^hority to furnish amary motor carrier service; or any is currently obligated to furnish the pub­ way 3 to Lambert, and return over Missis­ +. *u°r a<*ditional transportation service lic. Accordingly, this application is lim­ sippi Highway 3 to Marks, Miss., thence antv^e Pu^ c- It is limited to request for ited as prescribed by this Commission over Mississippi Highway 6 to Batesville, honty to conduct line-haul motor in the Nashua case (91 M.C.C. 311). Miss., thence over U.S. Highway 51 to

FEDERAL REGISTER, V O L 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 No. 178— -a 13098 NOTICES

Memphis, Term., serving the intermedi­ return over the same route, serving no Restrictions: (1) The service to be ate points of Hernando, Senatobia, Como, intermediate points, and (20) between performed by the applicant shall be lim­ Crenshaw, Sledge, Marks, Batesville, and Champaign and Rantoul, HI., over U.S. ited to that which is auxiliary to or Sardis, Miss., (11) serving Rosedale, Highway 45, and return over the same supplemental of express service of the Miss., as an off-route point on applicant’s route, serving no intermediate points. Railway Express Agency, Inc., (2) ship­ existing authority between Memphis, N ote: Applicant states it merely seeks ments transported by applicant shall Tenn., and Greenville, Miss., over Mis­ this authority to perform the line-haul be limited to those on through bills of sissippi Highway 8, (12) between Mem­ of its express traffic between the points lading or express receipts, and (3) such phis and Millington, Tenn., over U.S. involved in its own motor vehicles in further specific conditions as the Com­ Highway 51, and return over the same lieu of the discontinued motor-for-rail mission, in the future, may find neces­ route, serving no intermediate points. operations, to enable the continued sary to impose in order to restrict ap­ (13) Between Jackson, Tenn., and rendition of applicant’s existing express plicant’s operations to a service which Jackson, Tenn., in a circuitous maner; service, and the discharge of its existing is auxiliary to or supplemental of ex­ from Jackson over U.S. Highway 45 to obligations to the public. Accordingly, press service of the Railway Express junction U.S. Highways 45E and 45W, this application is limited as prescribed Agency, Inc. N ote: Applicant states this thence over U.S. Highway 45E to Pulton, by the Commission in the Nashua case is not an application for authority to Ky., and return over U.S. Highway 45W (91 M.C.C. 311). Specifically this appli­ furnish ordinary motor carrier service; to junction U.S. Highway 51, thence over cation is for authority to transport, by or any new or additional transportation U.S. Highway 51 to junction Tennessee motor vehicle, between the points and service to the public. It is limited to Highway 21, thence over Tennessee High­ over the route described: General com­ request for authority to conduct line- way 21 to junction Tennessee Highway modities moving in express service,-sub­ haul motor operations in the continued 78, thence over Tennessee Highway 78 ject only to the following conditions: rendition of existing express service, to Dyersburg, Tenn., thence over U.S. (1) The service to be performed by appli­ which applicant is currently obligated Highway 51 to Halls, Tenn., thence over cant shall be limited to that which is to furnish the public. Accordingly, this U.S. Highway 51 to junction Tennessee auxiliary to or supplemental of express application is limited as prescribed by Highway 21, thence over Tennessee High­ service of the Railway Express Agency, this Commission in the Nashua case (91 way 21 to junction U.S. Highway 45W, Inc., and (2) shipments transported by M.C.C. 311) . Specifically this application thence over U.S. Highway 45W to Ten­ applicant shall be limited to those mov­ is for authority to transport, by motor nessee Highway 54, thence over Tennes­ ing on through bills of lading or express vehicle, between the points and over the see Highway 54 to Alamo, Tenn., thence receipts. If a hearing is deemed neces­ route described: General commodities over Tennessee Highway 20 to Jackson, sary, applicant requests it be held at St. moving in express service, subject only Tenn., serving the intermediate points of Louis, Mo., or New Orleans, La. to the conditions in (1), (2), and (3) , Greenfield, Martin, Ridgely, Dy­ No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2204), filed above. If a hearing is deemed necessary, ersburg, Halls, Newbern, Trimble, Obion, November. 21, 1966. Applicant: RAIL­ applicant requests it be held at St. Paul, Kenton, Rutherford, Dyer, Trenton, and WAY EXPRESS AGENCY, INCOR­ Lancaster, Minn., or Grand Porks, N. Alamo, Tenn., and Pulton, Ky., and the PO R A TE D , 219 East 42d Street, New Dak. off-route point of Tiptonville, Tenn., (14) York, N.Y. 10017. Applicant’s representa­ No. M C 66562 (Sub-No. 2219), filed between Jackson, Tenn., and Jackson, tive: E. P. Slovacek, 105 West Madison March 6, 1967. Applicant: RAILWAY Tenn., in a circuitous manner; from Street, Chicago, HI. 60602. Authority EXPRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, Jackson over U.S. Highway 45 to junc­ sought to operate as a common carrier, 219 East 42d Street, New York, N.Y. tion Tennessee Highway 18, thence over by motor vehicle, over regular routes, 10017. Applicant’s representative: E. P. Tennessee Highway 18 to Bolivar, Tenn., transporting: General commodities, Slovacek, REA Express, 105 West Madi­ thence over U.S. Highway 64 to Selmer, moving in express service, (1) between son Street, Chicago, 111. 60602. Authority and return over U.S. Highway 45 to Jack- Grand Porks, N. Dak., and Grand Forks, sought to operate as a common carrier, son, serving the intermediate points of N. Dak., in a circuitous manner, from by motor vehicle, over regular routes; Bolivar, Selmer, and Henderson, Tenn., Grand Porks over U.S. Highway 2 to transporting: General commodities, (15) between Princeton and Dawson junction Minnesota Highway 32, thence moving in express service, (1) between Springs, Ky.; from Princeton over Ken­ north over Minnesota Highway 32 to St. Paul and Duluth, Minn., over U.S. tucky Highway 91 to junction U.S. High­ junction U.S. Highway 59, thence over Highway 61 (also Interstate Highway way 641, thence over U.S. Highway 641 U.S. Highway 59 to Lancaster, Minn., 35), serving the intermediate and off- to Sturgis, Ky., thence over U.S. High­ thence south over County Highway 6 to route points of White Bear Lake, Hugo, way 641 to junction Kentucky Highway junction County Highway 3, thence west Forest Lake, Wyo., North Branch, Cam­ 109, thence over Kentucky Highway 109 over County Highway 3 to junction U.S. bridge, Braham, Rush City, Pine City, to Dawson Springs, and return over the Highway 75, thence south over U.S. Hinckley, Sandstone, Askov, Finlayson, same route, serving the intermediate Highway 75 to junction U.S. Highway 2, Moose Lake, and Carlton, Minn., and points of Marion, Sturgis, and Provi­ and return over U.S. Highway 2 to (2) between Duluth and junction Min­ dence, Ky. Grand Forks, serving the intermediate nesota Highway 23 and U.S. Highway 61 and Interstate Highway 35, over (16) Between Hopkinsville and Cadiz, points of Crookston, Red Lake Falls, Minnesota Highway 23, as an alternate Ky., over U.S. Highway 68 (Kentucky Thief River Falls, Strandquist, Karlstad, route for operating convenience only and Highway 80), and return over the same Halma, Lake Bronson, Lancaster, Hal- serving no intermediate points. Restric­ route, serving no intermediate points, lock, Stephen, and Warren, Minn., (2) tions: (1) The service to be performed (17) between Greensburg and Bards- between junction U.S. Highway 59 and town, Ky.; from Greensburg over Ken­ County Highway 3 and junction County by the applicant shall be limited to that which is auxiliary to or supplemental of tucky Highway 61 to junction U.S. Highways 3 and 6, over County High­ express service of the Railway Express Highway 3 IE, thence over U.S. Highway way 3, and (3) between junction U.S. Agency, Inc., (2) shipments transported 3 IE to Bardstown, and return over the Highway 75 and Minnesota Highway 1 same route, serving the intermediate by applicant shall be limited to those on through bills o f lading or express re­ point of Hodgenville, Ky., (18) between and junction Minnesota Highway 220 ceipts, and (3) such further specific East St. Louis, 111., and Sparta, 111.; and U.S. Highway 2, from junction U.S. conditions as the Commission, in the from East St. Louis over U.S. Highway Highway 75 and Minnesota Highway 1 future, may find necessary to impose in 460 to junction Illinois Highway 13, over Minnesota Highway 1 to junction order to restrict applicant’s operations thence over Illinois Highway 13 to junc­ Minnesota Highway 220, thence over to a service which is auxiliary to or sup­ tion Illinois Highway 4, thence over Illi­ Minnesota Highway 220 to junction U.S. plemental of express service of the Rail­ nois Highway 4 to Sparta, and return Highway 2, and return over the same way Express Agency, Inc. N ote: Appli­ over the same route, serving the inter­ route, as alternate routes for operating cant states this is not an application for mediate points of New Athens and Free- convenience only and serving no inter­ authority to furnish ordinary motor car­ burg, HI., (19) between Cham paign and mediate and/or off-route points in con­ rier service; or any new or additional Tuscola, HI., over U.S. Highway 45, and nection with (2) and (3) above... transportation, service to the public. I*

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 NOTICES 13099 is limited to request for authority to way 14 to junction U.S. Highway 281, the Railway Express Agency, Inc. N ote: conduct line-haul motor operations in thence over U.S. Highway 281 to Aber­ Common control may be involved. Ap­ the continued rendition of existing ex­ deen, and return over the same route, plicant states this is not an application press service, which applicant is cur­ serving the intermediate and off route for authority to furnish ordinary motor rently obligated to furnish the public. points off Woonsocket, Huron, and Red- carrier service; or any new or additional Accordingly, this application is limited field, S. Dak. Restrictions: (1) The serv­ transportation service to the public. It as prescribed by this Commission in the ice to be performed by the applicant shall is limited to request for authority to con­ Nashua case (91 M.C.C. 311). Specifically be limited to that which is auxiliary to or duct line-haul motor operations in the this application is for authority to trans­ supplemental of express service of the continued rendition of existing express port, by motor vehicle, between the Railway Express Agency, Inc., (2) ship­ service, which applicant is currently ob­ points and over the route described: ments transported by applicant shall be ligated to furnish the public. Accordingly, General commodities moving in express limited to those on through bills of lading this application is limited as prescribed service, subject only to the conditions in or express receipts, and (3) such further by this Commission in the Nashua case (1 ), (2), and (3) above. If a hearing is specific conditions as the Commission, in (91 M.C.C. 311). Specifically this applica­ deemed necessary, applicant requests it the future, may find necessary to impose tion is for authority to transport, by be held at St. Paul or Duluth, Minn. in order to restrict applicant’s operations motor vehicle, between the points and No. MC 66562 CSub-No. 2220) filed to a service which is auxiliary to or sup­ over the route described: General com­ March 6, 1967. Applicant: R A IL W A Y plemental of express service of the Rail­ modities moving in express service, sub­ EXPRESS A G E N C Y, IN C O R P O R A T E D , way Express Agency, Inc. N ote: Appli­ ject only to the conditions in (1), 219 East 42d Street, New York, N.Y. cant states this is not an application for (2), and (3) above. If a hearing is 10017. Applicant’s representative: E. P. authority to furnish ordinary motor car­ deemed necessary, applicant requests it Slovacek, REA Express, 105 W est M adi­ rier service; or any new or additional be held at Bismarck, Minot, or James­ son Street, Chicago, HI. 60602. Authority transportation service to the public. It is town, N. Dak. sought to operate as a common carrier, limited to request for authority to con­ No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2230), filed by motor vehicle, over regular routes, duct line-haul motor operations in the April 20, 1967. Applicant: RAILWAY transporting: General commodities, mov­ continued rendition of existing express EXPRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, ing in express service, between Fort M ad ­ service, which applicant is currently obli­ 219 East 42d Street, New York, N.Y. ison and Burlington, Iowa, over U.S. gated to furnish the public. Accordingly, 10017. Applicant’s representative: E. F. Highway 61, serving no intermediate this application is limited as prescribed Slovacek, 105 West Madison Street, Chi­ points. Restrictions: (1) The service to by this Commission in the Nashua case cago, 111. 60602. Authority sought to oper­ be performed by the applicant shall be (91 M.C.C. 311). Specifically this appli­ ate as a common carrier, by motor vehicle, limited to that which is auxiliary to or cation is for authority to transport, by over regular routes, transporting: G en­ supplemental of express service of the motor vehicle, between the points and eral commodities, moving in express serv­ Railway Express Agency, Inc., (2) ship­ over the route described: General com­ ice, between Great Falls, and Butte, ments transported by applicant shall be modities moving in express service, sub­ Mont., as follows: From Great Falls over limited to those on through bills of lading ject only to the conditions in (1), (2), and U.S. Highway 91 (Interstate Highway 15) or express receipts, and (3) such further (3) above. If a hearing is deemed neces­ to Butte (also from junction U.S. High­ specific conditions as the Commission, in sary, applicant requests it be held at ways 91 and 12 at or near Helena, Mont., the future, may find necessary to impose Pierre, Aberdeen, or Huron, S. Dak. over U.S. Highway 12 to junction U.S. in order to restrict applicant’s operations No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2229), filed Highway 10 (Interstate Highway 90), at to a service which is auxiliary to or sup­ April 20, 1967. Applicant: RAILWAY or near Garrison, Mont., thence over U.S. plemental of express service of the Rail­ EXPRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, Highway 10 to Butte) and return over way Express Agency. Inc. N o t e : Appli­ 219 East 42d Street, New York, N.Y. the same routes, serving the intermediate cant states this is not an application for 10017. Applicant’s representative: E. F. and off-route points of Cascade, Wolf authority to furnish ordinary motor car­ Slovacek, 105 West Madison Street, Creek, Helena, Boulder, Elliston, Avon, rier service; or any new or additional Chicago, 111. 60602. Authority sought to Garrison, Deer Lodge, and Warm transportation service to the public. It is operate as a bommon carrier, by motor Springs, Mont. Restriction: (1) The serv­ limited to request for authority to con­ vehicle, over regular routes, transport­ ice to be performed by the applicant shall duct line-haul motor operations in the ing: General commodities, moving in ex­ be limited to that which is auxiliary to continued rendition of existing express press service, between Valley City, N. or supplemental of express service of the service, which applicant is currently obli­ Dak., and Portal, N. Dak., from Valley Railway Express Agency, Inc., (2) ship­ gated to furnish the public. Accordingly, City, west over Interstate Highway 94 to ments transported by applicant shall be this application is limited as prescribed junction U.S. Highways 52/281, thence limited to those on through bills of lading by this Commission in the Nashua case north over U.S. Highways 52/281 to junc­ or express receipts, (3) such further (91 M.C.C. 311). Specifically this appli­ tion North Dakota Highway 15, thence specific conditions as the Commission, in cation is for authority to transport, by west over North Dakota Highway 15 to the future, may find necessary, to impose motor vehicle, between the points and junction U.S. Highway 52, thence north in order to restrict applicant’s operations over the route described: General com- and west over U.S. Highway 52 to Portal, to a service which is auxiliary to or sup­ modifies moving in express service, sub­ N. Dak., and return over the same route, plemental of express service of the Rail­ ject only to the conditions in (1), (2), serving the intermediate and off-route way Express Agency, Inc. N ote : Common mid (3) above. I f a hearing is deemfed points of Jamestown, Carrington, New control may be involved. Applicant states Dfr!fsary’. aPPHcant requests it be held Rockford, Fessenden, Manfred, Harvey, this is not an application for authority at Des Moines, Burlington, or Fort M adi­ Martin, Anamoose, Drake, Balfour, Vol­ to furnish ordinary motor carrier serv­ son, Iowa. taire, Velva, Sawyer, Minot, Foxholm, ice; or any new or additional transporta­ No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2221), filed Carpio, Donnybrook, Kenmare, and Flax- tion service to the public. It is limited to March 6, 1967. Applicant: R A IL W A Y ton, N. Dak. Restrictions: (1) The serv­ request for authority to conduct line- “XPRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, ice to be performed by the applicant shall haul motor operations in the continued inni?ast 42d Street, New York, N.Y. be limited to that which is auxiliary to rendition of existing express service, moi7. Applicant’s representative: E. F. or supplemental of express service of the which applicant is currently obligated to oiovacek, REA Express, 105 W est M adi- Railway Express Agency, Inc., (2) ship­ furnish the public. Accordingly, this ap­ J * v,i.reet’ Chicago, 111. 60602. Authority ments transported by applicant shall be plication is limited as prescribed by this sought to operate as a common carrier, limited to those on through bills of lad­ Commission in the Nashua case (91 tr^ m°t°r vehicle, over regular routes, ing or express receipts, and (3) such fu r­ M.C.C. 311). Specifically this application ^porting: General commodities, mov- ther specific conditions as the Commis­ is for authority to transport, by motor A express service, between Mitchell sion, in the future, may find necessary to vehicle, between the points and over the «VmfvTerdeen, S. Dak., from Mitchell over impose in order to restrict applicant’s route described: General commodities tt q Cahota Highway 37 to junction operations to a service which is auxiliary moving in express service subject only . • highway 14, thence over U.S. High­ to or supplemental of express service of to the conditions in (1), (2), and (3)


above. If a hearing is deemed necessary, ditions: (1) The service to be performed cle, over regular routes, transporting: applicant requests it be held at Helena, by applicant shall be limited to that General commodities, moving in express Great Palls, or Butte, Mont. which is auxiliary to or supplemental of service, between Burlington, Iowa, and No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2242), filed express service of the Railway Express Omaha, Nebr.; from Burlington west over June 22, 1967. Applicant: RAILWAY Agency, Inc., (2) shipments transported U.S. Highway 34 to junction U.S. High­ EXPRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, by applicant shall be limited to those on way 71, thence south over U.S. Highway 219 East 42d Street, New York, N.Y. through bills of lading or express 71 to Villisca, Iowa, thence return over 10017. Applicant’s representative: E. P. receipts, (3) such further specific con­ U.S. Highway 71 to junction U.S. High­ Slovacek, 105 West Madison Street, ditions as the Commission, in the future, way 34, thence west over U.S. Highway 34 Chicago, HI. 60602. Authority sought to may find necessary to impose in order to to junction Iowa Highway 166, thence operate as a common carrier, by motor restrict applicant’s operations to a serv­ south over Iowa Highway 166 to Hastings, vehicle, over regular routes, transport­ ice which is auxiliary to or supplemental Iowa, thence return over Iowa Highway ing: General commodities, moving in of express service of the Railway Express 166 to junction U.S. Highway 34, thence express service, (1) between St. Paul and Agency, Inc. N ote: If a hearing is west over U.S. Highway 34 to junction Minneapolis, Minn., and St. Louis, Mo., deemed necessary, applicant requests it Iowa Highway 41, thence south over Iowa from St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn., be held St. Paul, Minn., Des Moines, Highway 41 to Malvern, Iowa, thence re­ over Interstate Highway 494 to junction Iowa, or St. Louis, Mo. turn over Iowa Highway 41 to junction U.S. Highway 65 and Interstate Highway No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2248), filed U.S. Highway 34, thence west over U.S. 35; thence south on U.S. Highway 65 and July 20, 1967. Applicant: R AILW AY EX­ Highway 34 to junction U.S. Highway Interstate Highway 35 to junction U.S. PRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, 219 275, thence north over U.S. Highway 275 Highway 218; thence south and east on East 42d Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. to Omaha, Nebr., and return over the U.S. Highway 218 to junction U.S. High­ Applicant’s representative: E. F. Slova­ same route, serving the intermediate and way 16 and Interstate Highway 90; cek, 105 W est Madison Street,. Chicago, off-route points of New London, Mount thence west on U.S. Highway 16 and HI. 60602. Authority sought to operate Pleasant, Fairfield, Ottumwa, Albia, Interstate Highway 90 to junction U.S. as a common carrier, by motor vehicle, Chariton, Osceola, Afton, Creston, Com­ Highway 65; thence south on U.S. High­ over regular routes, transporting: G en­ ing, Villisca, Red Oak, Emerson, Hast­ way 65 to junction U.S. Highway 20; eral commodities, moving in express serv­ ings, Malvern, and Glenwood, Iowa. thence east on U.S. Highway 20 to junc­ ice, between Oakland and Atlantic, Iowa, N o te: • Applicant states this is not an tion U.S. Highway 218; thence south on over U.S. Highway 6, serving no inter­ application for authority to furnish or­ U.S. Highway 218 to junction U.S. High­ mediate points. Restriction: (1) The dinary motor carrier service; or any new way 34; thence east on U.S. Highway 34 service to be performed by the applicant or additional transportation service to to junction U.S. Highway 61; thence shall be limited to that which is aux­ the public. It is limited to request for au­ south on U.S. Highway 61 to junction iliary to or supplemental of express serv­ thority to conduct line-haul motor oper­ U.S. 54; thence east on U.S. Highway 54 ice of the Railway Express Company, ations'in the continued rendition of exist­ to junction Missouri State Highway 79; Inc., (2) shipments transported by appli­ ing express service, which applicant is thence east ancT south on Missouri State cant shall be limited to those on through currently obligated to furnish the public. Highway 79 to junction Interstate High­ bills of lading or express receipts. N ote: Accordingly, this application is limited way 70; thence east on Interstate High­ Applicant states this is hot an application as prescribed by this Commission in the way 70 to St. Louis, Mo.; and return for authority to furnish ordinary motor Nashua case (91 M.C.C. 311). Specifically over the same route; serving the inter­ carrier service; or any new or additional this application is for authority to trans­ mediate and/or off-route points of transportation service to the public. It is port, by motor vehicle, between the Owatonna, Austin, and Albert Lea, limited to request for authority to con­ points and over the route described: Minn.; Mason City, Iowa Palls, Waterloo, duct line-haul motor operations in the General commodities moving in express Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Wash­ continued rendition of existing express service, subject only to the following con­ ington, Mount Pleasant, New London, service, which applicant is currently ob­ ditions: (1) The service to be performed Burlington, Fort Madison, and Keokuk, ligated to furnish the public. Accord­ by applicant shall be limited to that Iowa; Canton, Palmyra, Hannibal, ingly, this application is limited as pre­ which is auxiliary to or supplemental of Louisiana, Clarkville, Elsberry, Old scribed by this Commission in the Nashua express service of the Railway Express Monroe, St. Charles, and St. Louis, Mo.; case (91 M.C.C. 311). Specifically this Agency, Inc., (2) shipments transported and Quincy, 111. (2) from Owatonna, application is for authority to transport, by applicant shall be limited to those on Minn., south over U.S. Highway 65 and by motor vehicle, between the points through bills of lading or express re­ Interstate Highway 35 to junction U.S. and over the route described: General ceipts, and (3) such further specific con­ Highway 16 at Albert Lea, Minn., and commodities moving in express service, ditions as the Commission, in the future, return over the same route, and subject only to the following conditions: may find necessary to impose in order to (1) The service to be performed by the restrict applicant’s operations to a serv­ (3) From Hannibal, Mo., east over U.S. applicant shall be limited to that which ice which is auxiliary to of supplemental Highway 36 to junction Illinois Highway is auxiliary to or supplemental of express of express service of the Railway Express 96; thence south on Illinois Highway service of the Railway Express Agency, Agency, Inc. I f a hearing is deemed nec­ 96 to junction U.S. Highway 54; thence Inc. (2) shipments transported by ap­ essary, applicant requests it be held at west on U.S. Highway 54 to junction plicant shall be limited to those on Des Moines, Iowa, Omaha, Nebr., or Missouri Highway 79 at Louisiana, Mo., through bills of lading or express re­ Burlington, Iowa. and return over the same route. N ote: ceipts, (3) such further specific condi­ No. MC 95876 (Sub-No. 70), filed Au­ Applicant states this is not an applica­ tions as the Commission, in the future, gust 28, 1967. Applicant: ANDERSON tion for authority to furnish ordinary may find necessary to impose in order TRUCKING SERVICE, INC., 203 Cooper motor carrier service; or any new or addi­ to restrict applicant’s operations to a Avenue North, St. Cloud, M inn. Appli* tional transportation service to the pub­ service which is auxiliary to or sup­ cant’s representative: Donald A. M orken, lic. It is limited to request for authority plemental of express service of the Rail­ 1000 First National Bank B u ild in g , Min­ to conduct line-haul , motor operations in way Express Agency, Inc. If a hearing is neapolis, Minn. 55402. Authority sought the continued rendition of existing ex­ deemed necessary, applicant requests it to operate as common carrier, by motor press service, which applicant is cur­ be held at Atlantic, Council Bluffs; or vehicle, over irregular routes, tran sp ort­ rently obligated to furnish the public. Des Moines, Iowa. ing: Hardboard, with or without a deco­ Accordingly, this application is limited as No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2250), filed rative finish, from points in Pul®«“ prescribed by this Commission in the August 9, 1967. Applicant: RAILWAY County, Ark., to points in the U n i tea Nashua case (91 M.C.C. 311). Specifically EXPRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, States (except Alaska and H a w a ii). this application is for authority to 219 East 42d Street, New York, N.Y. N ote : I f a hearing is deemed necessary, transport, by motor vehicle, between the 10017. Applicant’s representative: E. P. applicant requests it be held at M in n e ap ­ points and over the route described: Slovacek 105 West Madison Street, Chi­ olis, Minn. -■ ■■ . General commodities moving in express cago, HI. 60602. Authority sought to oper­ No. MC 95876 (Sub-No. 71), fUed Au­ service, subject only to the following con­ ate as a common carrier, by motor vehi­ gust 28, 1967. Applicant: ANDERSW


TRUCKING SERVICE, INC., 203 Cooper States (except Alaska and Hawaii). deemed necessary, applicant requests it Avenue North, St. Cloud, Minn. Appli­ N ote : If a hearing is deemed necessary, be held at Cincinnati or Columbus, Ohio. cant's representative: Donald A. Morken, applicant requests it be held at Minne­ No. MC 111940 (Sub-No. 45), filed 1000 First National Bank Building, Min­ apolis, Minn. August 28, 1967. Applicant: SMITH’S neapolis, Minn. 55402. Authority sought No. MC 105636 (Sub-No. 28), filed Au­ TRUCK LINES, a corporation, Post O f­ to operate as a common carrier, by motor gust 28, 1967; Applicant: ARM ETUNI fice Box 88, Muncy, Pa. Applicant’s rep­ vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ EXPRESS LINES, INC., Oak and Brew­ resentative: John M. Musselman, 400 ing: <£) Prefabricated metal buildings ster Roads, Vineland, N.J. 08360. Appli­ North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. knocked down, prefabricated metal cant’s representative: Wilmer B. Hill, 17108. Authority sought to operate as a building sections knocked down, prefab­ 529 Transportation Building, Washing­ common carrier, by motor vehicle, over ricated prefinished metal panel sections; ton, D.C. 20006. Authority sought to op­ irregular routes, transporting: Paint, component parts thereof, equipment, erate as a common carrier, by motor paint materials, pigments, and supplies materials, and supplies used in the instal­ vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ and ingredients used in connection with lation, construction, or erection thereof, ing: General commodities (except those or incidental to the manufacture of except metal buildings which are de­ of unusual value, high explosives, live­ paint, between Williamsport, Pa., on the signed to be drawn by passenger vehi­ stock, commodities in bulk, and those one hand, and, on the other Dyersburg cles, from Evansville, Wis., to points in requiring special equipment), from Bos­ and Kingsport, Tenn. N ote : If a hearing Washington, Oregon, California, Mon­ ton, Mass., New Haven, Conn., New York, is deemed necessary, applicant requests it tana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, N.Y., Philadelphia, Pa., and Jersey City be held at Harrisburg, Pa., or Washing­ Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Carlstadt, N.J., to Jacksonville, ton, D.C. Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, In­ Orlando, Tampa, Fort Pierce, West Palm No. MC 112520 (Sub-No. 166), filed diana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami, Fla. August 25, 1967. Applicant: McKENZIE Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, N ote: If a hearing is deemed necessary, TANK LINES, INC., New Quincy Road, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and applicant requests it be held at Wash­ Post Office Box 1200, Tallahassee, Fla. Rhode Island, and (2) materials, equip­ ington, D.C., or New York, N.Y. 32302. Applicant’s representative: Nor­ ment and supplies used or useful in the No. MC 107403 (Sub-No. 728), filed man J. Bolinger, 1729 Gulf Life Tower, manufacture of the above described com­ August 25, 1967. Applicant: MATLACK, Jacksonville, Fla. 32207. Authority modities, on return. N ote : I f a hearing is INC., 10 West Baltimore Avenue, Lans- sought to operate as a common carrier, deemed necessary, applicant does not downe, Pa. 19050. Applicant’s representa­ by motor vehicle, over irregular routes, specify a location. tive John Nelson (same address as appli­ transporting: Fertilizer and fertilizer No. MC 95876 (Sub-No. 72), filed Au­ cant) . Authority sought to operate as a ingredients, from Pensacola, Fla., to gust 28, 1967. Applicant: A N D E R S O N common carrier, by motor vehicle, over points in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, TRUCKING SERVICE, INC., 203 Cooper irregular routes, transporting: Whiskey, and Mississippi. N ote: If a hearing is Avenue North, St. Cloud, Minn. Appli­ in bulk, in tank vehicles, from Schaeffers- deemed necessary, applicant requests it cant’s representative: Donald A. Morken, town, Pa., to Chicago, 111., and Boston be held at New Orleans, La., or Atlanta, 1000 First National Bank Building, M in ­ and Cambridge, Mass. N ote: If a hearing Ga. neapolis, Minn. 55402. Authority sought is deemed necessary, applicant requests to operate as a common carrier, by motor No. MC 112595 (Sub-No. 34), filed it be held at Philadelphia, Pa., or Wash­ August 25, 1967. Applicant: FORD vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ ington, D.C. ing: (l) Tanks, food preparation and BROTHERS, INC., Post Office Box 419, serving equipment, transfer and storage No. MC 105813 (Sub-No. 153) (correc­ Ironton, Ohio. Applicant’s representa­ tion), filed July 17, 1967, published F ed­ containers, food display and show case tive: James R. Stiverson, 50 West Broad eral R egister issue of July 27, 1967, and equipment, hoppers, and materials Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. Authority handling equipment (not self propelled), republished as corrected this issue. Appli­ sought to operate as a common carrier, and accessories, parts, materials, and cant: BELFORD TRUCKING CO., INC., by motor vehicle, over irregular routes, supplies used in the installation and 3500 Northwest 79th Avenue, Miami, Fla. transporting: Dry petroleum pitch, in operation of the above-named commodi­ 33148. Applicant’s representative: Carl L. bulk, from the site of Leach Refinery, ties, and (2) marina equipment (includ­ Steiner, 39 South La Salle Street, Chi­ located at or near Catlettsburg, Ky., to ing portable docks and lifts), and pon­ cago, 111. 60603. Authority sought to oper­ points in Ohio and West Virginia. N ote : toon boats and trailers, set up or knocked ate as a common carrier, by motor vehi­ If a hearing is deemed necessary, appli­ down, bodies for amphibious equipment, cle, over irregular routes, transporting: cant requests it be held at Columbus, water bikes, and attachments and acces­ (1) Food products, and (2) commodities, Ohio, or Charleston, W . Va. sories of and for the above-named com­ the transportation of which is partially No. MC 112750 (Sub-No. 248), filed modities, from St. Cloud and points in exempt under the provisions of section August 24, 1967. Applicant: AMERICAN Steams County, Minn., to points in the 203(b) (6) of the Interstate Commerce C O U R IE R C O R PO R A T IO N , 222-17 United States (except Alaska and H a ­ Act if transported in vehicles not used in Northern Boulevard, Bayside, N.Y. 11361. waii) ; and (3) equipment, materials, and carrying any other property, when mov­ Applicant’s representative: Ewell H. supplies used in the assembly, manufac­ ing in the same vehicle at the same time Muse, Jr., Suite 415, Perry Brooks ture and distribution of the commodities with food products, from Wellston, Ohio, Building, Austin, Tex. 78701. Authority to points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, named in (1) and (2) above, from points sought to operate as a contract carrier, Ul. “e United States, to St. Cloud and Mississippi, North Carolina, South Caro­ by motor vehicle, over irregular routes, Points in Stearns County, Minn. N ote : lina, and Tennessee. N ote: The purpose transporting: Commercial papers, docu­ of this republication is to redescribe the i a hearing is deemed necessary, appli- ments, written instruments, and busi­ commodity description. If a hearing is ^nt^requests it be held at Minneapolis, ness records (except coin, currency, and deemed necessary, applicant requests it negotiable securities), as are used in the N°.MC 95876 (Sub-No. 73), filed Au- b6 held at Chicago, 111., or Washington, business of banks and banking institu­ D.C. 28, 1967. Applicant: ANDERSON tions, between Jacksonville, Fla., on the (RUCKING SERVICE, INC., 203 Cooper No. MC 109637 (Sub-No. 326), filed one hand, and, on the other, Atlanta, Ga., August 24, 1967. Applicant: SOUTHERN S Ue North’ st* Cloud, Minn. Appli- and points in Georgia lying on a line TANK LINES, INC., 4107 Bells Lane, i nnnifepresentative: Donald A. Morken, west and south beginning in Savannah, M)uu First National Bank Building, M in- Louisville, Ky. 40211. Applicant’s repre­ Ga., thence over U.S. Highway 80 to sentative: G. R. Thim (same address as X r 1Sl Minn- 55402- Authority sought Blitchton, thence west and south on a vphi 8,8 a common carrier, by motor applicant). Authority sought to operate line over U.S. Highway 280 to junction as a common carrier, by motor vehicle, ina.C« ’ °,ver i n s u la r routes, transport­ Interstate Highway 75, thence south and e d L0C^S or valves including related over irregular routes, transporting: Liq­ east on a line over Interstate Highway s and accessories, and specialized uid detergents and liquid detergent inter­ 75 to the Florida State line, under con­ mediates, in bulk, in tank vehicles, from acopo^ P /’ including related parts and tract with banks and banking institu­ S Z teS’J Tom SarteU> Minn., and M c- Cincinnati, Ohio, to St. Louis, Mo., and tions. N ote: Applicant holds common ville, Tenn., to points in the United Detroit, Mich. N ote: If a hearing is carrier authority in MC 111729 and subs

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13102 NOTICES thereunder, therefore dual operations Applicant: SHAMROCK VAN LINES, sought. If a hearing is deemed necessary, may be involved. If a hearing is deemed INC., Post Office Box 5447, Dallas, Tex. applicant requests it be held at Portland! necessary, applicant requests it be held 75222. Applicant’s representative: Max Oreg. at Atlanta, Ga. G. Morgan, 450 American National No. M C 116763 (Sub-No. 118), filed Au­ No. MC 113843 (Sub-No. 132), filed Building, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73102. gust 28, 1967. Applicant: C AR L SUBLER August 30, 1967. Applicant: REFRIGER­ Authority sought to operate as a com­ TRUCKING, INC., North West Street, ATED FOOD EXPRESS, INC., 316 Sum­ mon carrier, by motor vehicle, over ir­ Versailles, Ohio 45380. Authority sought mer Street, Boston, Mass. 02210. Appli­ regular routes, transporting: Cartoned to operate as a common carrier, by motor cant’s representatives: Lawrence T. new furniture, between Rome, Ga., on the vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ Sheils (same address as applicant) and one hand, and, on the other, points in ing: Washing and cleaning compounds, W illiam J. Boyd, 29 South L a Salle St., Oklahoma, Texas, Kentucky, Mississippi, fuel lighting liquids, antifreeze, lubricat­ Chicago, 111. 60603. Authority sought to Louisiana, Tennessee, North Carolina, ing oils, tools and items used or useful in operate as a common carrier, by motor South Carolina, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, painting, when moving with paint, from vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Minne­ the plantsite and warehouse facilities of ing: Foods and Food products (except sota, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Arkansas, Montgomery W ard Paint Factory located bananas and commodities, in bulk, in Nebraska, and Colorado. N o t e : The pur­ at or near Chicago Heights, 111., to points tank vehicles), from points in the New pose of this republication is to add the in Florida. N ote : If a hearing is deemed York, N.Y., commercial zone as defined State of Illinois as a destination point necessary , applicant requests it be held at by the Commission in 1 M.C.C. 665, which was previously omitted. If a hear­ Chicago, 111. points in New York within 5 miles of the ing is deemed necessary, applicant re­ No. M C 119700 (Sub-No. 11) (Amend­ New York, N.Y., commercial zone and quests it be held at Memphis, Tenn., or ment) , filed January 3,1967, published in points in Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Pas­ Atlanta, Ga. F ederal R egister issues of January 26, saic, and Union Counties, N.J., to points No. MC 115876 (Sub-No. 15), filed Au­ 1967, and February 8, 1967, and repub­ in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Ken­ gust 28, 1967. Applicant: EDWIN lished as amended this issue. Applicant: tucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, HURNER, 2605 South Rivershore Drive, STEEL HAULERS, INC., 306 Ewing Nebraska, Ohio, points in Pennsylvania Moorhead, Minn. 56560. Applicant’s rep­ Street, Kansas City, Mo. Applicant’s rep­ on and west of U.S. Highway 15, West resentative: Alan Foss, 502 First Na­ resentative : Frank W. Taylor, Jr., 1221 Virginia and Wisconsin. N o t e : I f a hear­ tional Bank Building, Fargo, N. Dak. Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. ing is deemed necessary, applicant re­ 58102. Authority sought to operate as a 64105. Authority sought to operate as a quests it be held at New York, N.Y. contract carrier, by motor vehicle, over common carrier, by motor vehicle, over No. MC 114019 (Sub-No. 176) (Correc­ irregular routes, transporting: Malt bev­ irregular routes, transporting: Iron and tion) , filed July 17, 1967, published F ed­ erages and articles dealt in by whole­ steel and iron and steel articles, except eral R egister issue of July 27, 1967, and sale beverage distributors, from L a commodities in bulk, from points in the republished as corrected this issue. A p ­ Crosse, Wis.,- to Moorhead, Minn., and St. Louis, Mo.-East St. Louis, 111., com­ plicant: MIDWEST EMERY FREIGHT Fargo, N. Dak., under contract with Ed­ mercial zone, as defined by the Com­ SYSTEM, INC., 7000 South Pulaski Road, ward M. Persellin, doing business as mission, and Alton, 111., to points in Chicago, 111. 60629. Applicant’s repre­ Persellin Distributing Co. N o t e : Appli­ Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Ala­ sentative: Carl L. Steiner, 39 South La cant holds common carrier authority bama, Georgia, Louisiana, North Dakota, Salle St., Chicago, 111. 60603. Author­ under MC 117148, therefore, dual oper­ South Dakota, Nebraska, and Minnesota, ity sought to operate as a common car­ ations may be involved. If a hearing, is restricted to traffic originating at points rier, by motor vehicle, over irregular deemed necessary, applicant requests it in the St. Louis, Mo.-East St. Louis, 111., routes, transporting: (1) Food products, be held at Fargo, N. Dak. commercial zone, as defined by the Com­ and (2) commodities, the transportation No. MC 116450 (Sub-No. 5), filed Au­ mission, or Alton, 111. N o t e : The purpose of which is partially exempt under the gust 30, 1967. .Applicant: JUNIOR A. of this republication is to reflect changes provisions of section 203(b)(6) of the COLE AND RAYMOND C. COLE, a in the commodity description, the points Interstate Commerce Act if transported partnership, doing business as COLE of origin, and to add the restriction. If a in vehicles not used in carrying any other BROTHERS TRAILER TRANSPORT, hearing is deemed necessary, applicant property, when moving in the same Ve­ 2485 U.S. 6-50, Grand Junction, Colo. requests it be held at St. Louis, Mo., or hicle at the same time with food prod­ Applicant’s representative: Marion F. Chicago, 111. ucts, from Wellston, Ohio, to points in Jones, 420 Denver Club Building, Den­ No. MC 123991 (Sub-No. 7), filed Au­ Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, ver, Colo. 80202. Authority sought to gust 24, 1967. Applicant: J. V. McNICH- Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Mas­ operate as a common carrier, by motor OLAS TRANSFER COMPANY, a corpo­ sachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis­ vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ ration, 555 West Federal, Youngstown, souri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New ing: Used Mobile Homes, between points Ohio 44501. Applicant’s representative: Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, in Colorado west of the Continental Paul F. Beery, 100 East Broad Street, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Vermont, Divide, and points in Utah on and east Columbus, Ohio 32154. Authority sought Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. of U.S. Highway 89, on the one hand, to operate as a contract carrier, by motor N o t e : The purpose of this republication and, on the other, points in Arizona, vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ is to redescribe the commodity descrip­ Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wy­ ing: (1) Flavored or phosphated bever­ tion. If a hearing is deemed necessary, oming. N o t e : If a hearing is deemed ages, from Aurora, Ohio, to points in applicant requests it be held at Chicago, necessary, applicant requests it be held Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, fin* 111., or Washington, D.C. at Grand Junction or Denver, Colo. nois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mas­ No. MC 115181 (Sub-No. 10), filed No. MC 116474 (Sub-No. 16), filed Au­ sachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New August 28, 1967. Applicant: HAROLD M. gust 28, 1967. Applicant: LEAVITTS York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, FELTY, INC., Rural Delivery No. 1, Pine FREfGHT SERVICE, INC., Route 1, West Virginia, and the District of Colum­ Grove, Pa. 17963. Applicant’s represent­ Box 170B, Springfield, Oreg. Applicant’s bia, and (2) equipment, materials and ative: John W. Dry, 541 Penn Street, representative: Earle V. White, 2400 supplies used or useful in the production Reading, Pa. Authority sought to oper­ Southwest Fourth Avenue, Portland, and distribution of flavored or phos­ ate as a common carrier, by motor ve­ Oreg. 97201. Authority sought to operate phated beverages from points i n '“« hicle, over irregular routes, transporting : as a contract carrier, by motor vehicle, above-named States to Aurora, Ohio, Coal, from points in Berks and Dauphin over irregular routes, transporting: Lam ­ under contract with Custom Beverag Counties, Pa., to Sparrows Point, Balti­ inated wood products, prefabricated Packers, Inc., Aurora, Ohio. N ote: App u* more, Md. N o t e : If a hearing is deemed wood timbers, trusses, and beams, and cant holds common carrier authority in necessary, applicant requests it be held accessories used in the erection, con­ M C 14552 and subs thereunder, therefore at Philadelphia or Harrisburg, Pa. struction, and completion of the fore­ dual operations may be involved. R No. MC 115257 (Sub-No. 40) (Correc­ going when shipped therewith, from hearing is deemed necessary, appncani tion) , filed July 24, 1967, published Drain, Oreg., to points in Montana, under requests it be held at Columbus, Ohi • F ederal R egister issue August 10, 1967,. contract with Duoo-Lam, Inc. N o t e : A p ­ No. M C 124078 (Sub-No. 295),J » * 1 and republished as corrected this issue. plicant states that no duplication is being August 28, 1967. Applicant: SCHWt«‘


MAN TRUCKING CO., a corporation, 611 carrier, by motor vehicle, over irregular Highway 287 to its junction with Inter­ [ South 28th Street, Milwaukee, W is. 53246. routes, transporting: Such commodities state Highway 80, thence northwesterly [Applicant’s representative: James R. as are dealt in by a distributor of auto­ along Interstate Highway 80 to its junc­ Ziperski (same address as applicant). motive parts, uncrated and crated, from tion with U.S. Highway 287, thence north I Authority sought to operate as a com- Chicago, HI., to Huntington Station, along U.S. Highway 287 to its junction | non carrier, by motor vehicle, over irreg- N.Y., under contract with Transporta­ with Wyoming Highway 220, thence [ ular routes, transporting: (1) Liquid and tion Parts Co. of New York, Inc. N ote: northeasterly along Wyoming Highway I compressed erases (except liquefied pe- If a hearing is deemed necessary, appli­ 220 to its junction with U.S. Highway 26, [ troleum gases) in shipper-owned trailers, cant requests it be held at New York, thence southeasterly along U.S. Highway ; from Butler, Pa., to points in Connecti­ N.Y. 26 to its junction with Interstate High­ cut, Delaware, District of Columbia, N o. MC 126738 (Sub-No. 2), filed Au­ way 80, thence east along Interstate Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, gust 28, 1967. Applicant: CENTER DIS­ Highway 80 to North Platte, Nebr., thence Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New TRIBUTING COMPANY, a corporation, west along Interstate Highway 80 and Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North 78th and Serum, Ralston, Nebr. 68127. Interstate Highway 80S to the Colorado- I Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Applicant’s representative: Clayton H. Nebraska State line, thence east and Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Shrout, 1004 City National Bank Build­ south along the Colorado-Nebraska State West Virginia, and Wisconsin in and east ing, Omaha, Nebr. 68102. Authority line to its junction with the K ansasState of Iron, Price, Taylor, d a rk , Jackson, and sought to operate as a contract carrier, line, thence south along the Colorado- La Crosse Counties, and (2) liquids and by motor vehicle, over irregular routes, Kansas State line to its junction with compressed gases (except liquefied transporting: Bottled and canned bever­ the Oklahoma State line, thence west gases) in cylinders and cylinder cradles, ages and syrup (except alcoholic and along the Colorado-Oklahoma State line from Butler, Pa., to points in Ohio in and malt beverages), from Oskaloosa, Iowa, to its junction with the New Mexico east of Lucas, Wood, Hancock, Hardin, to points in Adair, Des Moines, Carroll, State line, thence west along the Colo­ I Logan, Champaign, Madison, Fayette, Linn, Scott, Polk, Dubuque, Emmett, rado-New Mexico State line to its junc­ [ Ross, Pike, Jackson, and G allia Counties; Cerro Gordo, Woodbury, and Black tion with U.S. Highway 85, thence south ! points in West Virginia in and north of Hawk Counties, Iowa; Shawnee, Mont­ along U.S. Highway 85 to Albuquerque, Cabell, Putnam, Kanawha, Fayette, and gomery, Ford, Lyon, Rice, Marshall, De­ N. Mex., thence north over U.S. High­ ! Greenbrier Counties; points in Virginia catur, Franklin, Crawford, Saline, and way 85 to its junction with U.S. Highway in, north and west of Alleghany, Rock­ Sedgwick Counties, Kans.; Douglas, 64, thence north over U.S. Highway 64 bridge, Nelson, Albermarle, Orange, Cul­ Lancaster, Hall, Adams, Richardson, to its junction with U.S. Highway 85, peper, Stafford, Prince W illiam and F air­ Lincoln, Box Butte, and Madison Coun­ thence north over U.S. Highway 85 to its fax Counties; points in Maryland in and ties, Nebr.; and Buchanan, St. Louis, junction with the Colorado-New Mexico west of Montgomery, Howard, Baltimore, Scotland, Jackson, Gentry, Linn, Cape State line, thence west along the Colo­ Baltimore City, and H arford Counties, Girardeau, Boone, Dunklin, Greene, Pet­ rado-New Mexico State line to its inter­ points in Pennsylvania in and west of tis, Franklin, Jasper, St. Francois, and section with the Continental Divide, the York, Lancaster, Berks, Schuylkill, L u ­ Clay Counties, Mo., and St. Louis, Mo., point of beginning, and also serving all zerne, Wyoming, and Bradford Counties, under contract with Pepsi-Cola Bottling points on or within 8 miles of the high­ points in New York in and west of Tioga, Co., Oskaloosa, Iowa. N ote: If a hearing ways listed above. Applicant proposes to Tompkins, Seneca and Wayne Counties is deemed necessary^ applicant requests interline shipments at all points it is and points in the District of Columbia. it be held at Omaha. Nebr. authorized to serve. Restrictions: (1) No Note: If a hearing is deemed necessary, No. MC 128878 (Sub-No. 1), filed Au­ transportation service shall be rendered applicant requests it be held at W ashing­ gust 25, 1967. Applicant: SERVICE to, from or between points in Jackson ton, D.C. TRUCK LINE, INC., Post Office Box County, Colo. (2) No service shall be No. MC 124692 (Sub-No. 34) (Am end­ 961, Shreveport, La. 71102. Applicant’s rendered in the transportation of any ment), filed April 17, 1967, published representative: Ewell H. Muse, Jr., 415 package weighing more than 70 pounds Federal R egister issue M ay 11,1967, and Perry Brooks Building, Austin, Tex. and no service shall be provided in the republished, as amended this issue. A p­ 78701. Authority sought to operate as a transportation of any shipment weighing plicant: MYRON SAMMONS, Post Of­ common carrier, by motor vehicle, over more than 100 pounds from any one con­ fice Box 933, Missoula, Mont. 59801. A p ­ irregular routes, transporting: Glue signor or any one consignee on any one plicant’s representative: Charles E. Nie- stock, in containers, from Oakdale and day. N ote : If a hearing is deemed neces­ man, 1160 Northwestern Bank Building, Florien, La., to points in Louisiana, re­ sary, applicant requests it be held at Minneapolis* Minn. 55402. Authority stricted to Glue stock having a subse­ Denver, Colo. sought to operate as a common carrier, quent movement by water. N ote: If a No. MC 129115 (Sub-No. 1), filed by motor vehicle, over irregular routes, hearing is deemed necessary, applicant August 25, 1967. Applicant: M OLLERUP transporting: Iron and steel, and iron requests it be held at Baton Rouge or MOVING & STORAGE CO., INC., 2900 and steel articles (except commodities in Shreveport, La. South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah bulk), from points in the St. Louis, M o.- No. MC 129100 (Sub-No. 1), filed Au­ 84115. Applicant’s representative: Rich­ East St. Louis, 111., commercial zone, as gust 24, 1967. Applicant: PACKAGE DE­ ard H. Moffat, 1311 Walker Bank Build­ defined by the Commission, and Alton, LIVERY SERVICE CO., a corporation, ing, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111. Au­ hi-, to points in Iowa, Minnesota, North 2127 Arapahoe Street, Denver, Colo. thority sought to operate as a common Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, W yo- 80205. Applicant’s representative: Frank carrier, by motor vehicle, over irregular ™mg, and Colorado. Restricted to traffic W. Taylor, Jr., 1221 Baltimore Avenue, routes, transporting: Used household originating at points in the St. Louis, Kansas City, Mo. 64105. Authority sought goods, between points in Utah, restricted HI., commercial zone, to operate as a common carrier, by motor to the transportation of shipments both tii ky the Commission, and Alton, vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ (1) moving on the through bill of lading . ' v }e Purpose of this republication is ing: General commodities (except class of a freight forwarder operating under add Alton, HI., in lieu of Granite City, A and B explosives, household goods as the exemption provisions of section 402 as an 9r^ n Point and to include cer- defined by the Commission, commodities (b) (2) of the Interstate Commerce Act, fippm^Stric^ionS- N ote: I f a hearing is in bulk, and commodities requiring spe­ as amended and (2) having an immedi­ kTPf® necessary, applicant requests it cial equipment), beginning at a point on ately prior of subsequent out-of-state be held at St. Louis, Mo. the Colorado-New Mexico State line line-haul movement by rail, motor, 125466 (Sub-No. 2), filed Au- where intersected by the Continental water, or air. N o te: If a hearing is rS r?’ lx67, APPlicant: V & P CAR- Divide, thence north along the Continen­ deemed necessary, applicant requests it Brnotf™, ISC’’ 665 Uerriman street, tal Divide to the point where it inter­ be held at Salt Lake City, Utah. sentat^’ ^ Y * H208. Applicant’s repre- sects the Colorado-W yom ing State line, No. MC 129151 (Sub-No. 1), filed sentative: Edward M. Alfano, 2 West thence east along the Colorado-Wyo­ August 28, 1967. Applicant: M URCURY thoriSt et’ ^New York> N -Y - 10036. A u - ming State line to its junction with U.S. VAN & STORAGE CO., INC., 921 Indus­ y sought to-operate as a contract Highway 287, thence north along U.S. trial Way, Post Office Box 2338, Oxnard,


Calif. 93030. Applicant’s representative: highway through Apple River and Scales in order to restrict applicant’s operations Ernest D. Salm, 3846 Evans Street, Los Mound, HI., to Galen, HI., and thence to a service which is auxiliary to or sup­ Angeles, Calif. 90027. Authority sought over U.S. Highway 20 to Dubuque, and plemental of express service of the Rail­ to operate as a common carrier, by return over the same route, serving the way Express Agency, Inc. motor vehicle, over irregular routes, intermediate points of Warren, Apple No. M C 66562 (Sub-No. 2186), filed transporting: Household goods, as de­ River, Scales Mound, Galena, and East July 21, 1966. Applicant: RAILWAY fined by the Commission, between points Dubuque, HI., and (b ) between Galena EXPRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, and Freeport, HI., over U.S. Highway 20, 219 East 42d Street, New York, N.y ! Calif., restricted to the transportation serving no intermediate points, as an 10017. Applicant’s representative: E. P. of shipments both (1) moving on the alternate route for operating convenience Slovacek, 105 W est Madison Street, Chi­ through bill of lading of a freight for­ only in connection with (2) (a) above, cago, 111. 60602. Authority sought to warder, and (2) having an immediate (3) between Rockford and Chicago, HI.; operate as a common carrier, by motor prior or subsequent out-of-state line- from Rockford over U.S. Highway 20 to vehicle, over regular routes, transport­ haul movement by rail, motor, water, or junction Interstate Highway 90, and ing: General commodities, moving in air. N o t e : If a hearing is deemed nec­ thence over Interstate Highway 90 to express service, (1) between Milwaukee, essary, applicant requests it be held at Chicago and return over the same route, Wis. and La Crosse, Wis.; from Milwau­ Los Angeles, Calif. serving no intermediate points, (4) (a) kee over Interstate Highway 94 to junc­ No. M C 129349, filed August 23, 1967. between Dubuque and Sioux City, Iowa; tion Wisconsin Highway 67, thence over Applicant: FOWLER TRANSPORT, from Dubuque over U.S. Highway 20 to Wisconsin Highway 67 to junction U.S. INC., 222 West Main, Chanute, Kans. junction Iowa Highway 5, thence over Highway 16, thence U.S. Highway 16 to 66720. Applicant’s representative: Leland Iowa Highway 5 to junction Iowa High­ junction Interstate Highway 90, thence M. Spurgeon, 308 Casson Building, 603 way 3, thence over to over Interstate Highway 90 to junction Topeka Boulevard, Topeka, Kans. 66603. junction U.S. Highway 75, and thence Wisconsin Highway 82, thence over Wis­ Authority sought to operate as a common over U.S. Highway 75 to Sioux City, and consin Highway 82 to Mauston, Wis., carrier, by motor vehicle, over irregular return over the same route, serving the and thence over U.S.- Highway 16 to routes, transporting: Petroleum and pe­ intermediate points of Winthrop, Man­ La Crosse, and return over the same troleum products, from points in Neosho chester, Independence, Jessup, Waterloo, route, serving the intermediate points of County, Kans., to points in Missouri on Parkersburg, Aplington, Ackley, Webster Oconomowoc, Columbus, Portage, Wis­ and west of U.S. Highway 63. N o t e : If a City, Fort Dodge, Manson, Pomeroy, consin Dells, Mauston, New Lisbon, Camp hearing is deemed necessary, applicant Fonda, Storm Lake, Aurelia, Cleghorn, Douglas, and Tomah, Wis., and (2) requests it be held at Kansas City, Mo., Remsen, Duncombe, and Hinton, Iowa, between Tomah, Wis., and junction -or Topeka, Kans. and the off-route points of Farley, Dyers- Interstate Highway 90 and Wisconsin ville, Earlville, Newell, New Hartford, Highway 82, over Interstate Highway 90, M o t o r C a r r ie r s o f P a s s e n g e r s Iowa Falls, Cherokee, and Marcus, and serving no intermediate points, as an No. MC 67629 (Sub-No. 4), filed Au­ (b) between Sioux City, Iowa, and Fort alternate route for operating conven­ gust 23, 1967, Applicant: NORTHERN Dodge, Iowa, over U.S. Highway 20, serv­ ience only in connection with applicant’s TRANSPORTATION CO., a corporation, ing no intermediate points, as an alter­ proposed operations in (1) above. N o te: 218 North Fifth Avenue, Virginia, Minn. nate route for operating convenience Applicant states this is not an applica­ 55792. Applicant’s representative: Joseph only in connection with (4) (a) above, tion for authority to furnish ordinary J. Dudley, E-1506 First National Bank and motor carrier service; or any new or Building, St. Paul, Minn. 55101. Author­ (5) (a) between Charles City, Iowa additional transportation service to the ity sought to operate as a common car­ and over U.S. Highway 218, serving the public. It is limited to request for rier, by motor vehicle, over regular intermediate points of Osage and St. authority to conduct line-haul motor routes, transporting: Passengers, their Ansgar, Iowa, and the off-route point operations in the continued rendition of baggage and express, from Virginia, to of Orchard, Iowa, and (b) between existing express service, which appli­ Tower, Minn., over Highway No. 135 and Orchard and Osage, Iowa, over Iowa cant is currently obligated to furnish the return and serving the following inter­ Highway 255, serving no intermediate public. Accordingly, this application is mediate points; Gilbert, McKinley, Bi- points, as an alternate route for oper­ limited as prescribed by this Commis­ wabik, Aurora, Four Corners (2 miles ating convenience only in connection sion in the Nashua case (91 M.C.C. 311). west of E m barrass), Wahlsten, and Tow ­ with (5) (a) above. N o t e : Common con­ Specifically this application is for au­ er and points in Minnesota. N o t e : This trol may be involved. Applicant states thority to transport, by motor vehicle, application is accompanied by a request this is not an application for authority between the points ana over the route for revocation of a portion of its existing to furnish ordinary motor carrier described: General commodities moving authority in the event the instant appli­ service; or any new or additional trans­ in express service,-subject only to the cation is granted. If a hearing is deemed portation service to the public. It is lim­ following conditions: (1) The service to necessary, applicant requests it be held ited to request for authority to conduct be performed by applicant shall be lim­ at Duluth or Virginia, Minn. line-haul motor operations in the con­ ited to that which is auxiliary to or sup­ tinued rendition of existing express plemental of express service of the Rad* APPLICATIONS IN WHICH HANDLING WITHOUT service, which applicant is currently way Express Agency, Inc., (2) shipments ORAL HEARING HAS BEEN REQUESTED obligated to furnish the public. Accord­ transported by applicant shall be hm- No. MC 66562 (Sub-No. 2184), filed ingly, this application is limited as pre­ ited to those on through bills of lading July 21, 1966. Applicant: RAILWAY scribed by this Commission in the or express receipts, and (3) such further EXPRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, Nashua case (91 M.C.C. , 311). Specifi­ specific conditions as the Commission, 219 East 42d Street, New York, N.Y. cally this application is for authority to in the future, may find necessary to 10017. Applicant’s representative: E. F. transport, by motor vehicle, between the impose in order to restrict applicant s Slovacek, 105 West Madison Street, Chi­ points and over the route described: operations to a service which is auxiliary cago, HI. 60602. Authority sought to oper­ General commodities moving in express to or supplemental of express service oi ate as a common carrier, by motor vehi­ service, subject only to the following the Railway Express Agency, Inc. cle, over regular routes, transporting: conditions: (1) the service to be per­ No. M C 66562 (Sub-No. 2188), filed General commodities, moving in express formed by applicant shall be limited to August 18, 1966. Applicant: RAILWAY service, (1) between La Salle and Bloom­ that which is auxiliary to or supple­ EXPRESS AGENCY, INCORPORATED, ington, 111., over U.S. Highway 51, serv­ mental of express service of the Railway 219 East 42d Street, New York, N.y. ing the intermediate points of Lostant, Express Agency, Inc., (2) shipments 10017. Applicant’s representative: Rooeri Wenona, Minonk, El Paso, and Hudson, transported by applicant shall be limited C. Boozer, 80 Broad Street Northwest, 111., (2) (a) between Freeport, 111., and to those on through bills of lading or Atlanta, Ga. 30303. Authority sought to Dubuque, Iowa; from Freeport over U.S. operate as a common carrier, by mo Highway 20 to junction Illinois Highway express receipts, and (3) such further 78, thence over Illinois Highway 78 to specific conditions as the Commission, in vehicle, over regular routes, transpor W arren, HI., thence over unnumbered the future, may find necessary to impose in g : General commodities, moving in ex-

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 NOTICES 13105 press service, between Columbia and [Notice 31] from Chicago, HI., to points in Georgia, Bethune, S.C., over U.S. Highway 1, MOTOR CARRIER TRANSFER Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, serving the intermediate points of Elgin, West Virginia, Louisiana, and Mississip­ PROCEEDINGS Lugoff, and Camden, S.C. Restriction: pi, and from South Bend, Ind., to Troy, (1) The service to be performed shall be S eptember 11,1967. Ala., East St. Louis and Collinsville, HI., limited to that which is auxiliary to or Synopses of orders entered pursuant and points in Georgia, Florida, Tennes­ supplemental of express service of the to section 212(b) of the Interstate Com­ see, West Virginia, Mississippi, and Lou­ Railway Express Agency, (2) shipments merce Act, and rules and regulations isiana. Dual operations were authorized. transported by applicant shall be limited prescribed thereunder (49 CFR Part Rex Eames, 900 Guardian Building, De­ to those moving on through bills of lading 279), appear below: troit, Mich., attorney for transferee. or express receipts, (3) the authority As provided in the Commission’s spe­ No. MC-FC-69867. By order of August granted herein, to the extent that it cial rules of practice any interested 31, 1967, the Transfer Board approved authorizes tbe transportation of danger­ person may file a petition seeking recon­ the transfer to Dixon Rapid Transfer, ous explosives, shall be limited, in point sideration of the following numbered Inc., R.F.D. No. 3, East River Road, of time, to a period expiring 5 years from proceedings within 20 days from the date Dixon, 111., of certificate in No. M C- the date of the certificate, and (4) such of publication of this notice. Pursuant 119409, issued July 21, 1960, to George further specific conditions as the Com­ to section 17(8) of the Interstate Com­ H. Loescher, doing business as Dixon mission, in the future, may find neces­ merce Act, the filing of such a petition Rapid Transfer, R.F.D. No. 3, East River sary to impose in order to restrict appli­ will postpone the effective date of the Road, Dixon, HI., authorizing the trans­ cant’s operations to a service which is order in that proceeding pending its dis­ portation of: Produce and malt bever­ auxiliary to or supplemental of express position. The matters relied upon by ages from and to specified points in service of the Railway Express Agency. petitioners must be specified in their peti­ Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri. No. MC-FC-69868. By order of By the Commission. tions with particularity. No. MC-FC-69799. By order of August August 31, 1967, the Transfer Board ap­ [seal] H . N e il G arson, 31, 1967, the Transfer Board approved proved the transfer to Cox Oil & Trans­ Secretary. the transfer to H. E. Sullivan, Inc., port Inc., East M ain Street, Carmi, HI., [F.R. Doc. 67-10716; Plied, Sept. 13, 1967; Woolwich, Maine, of certificate No. M C - of permit No. MC-117511, issued Janu­ 8:45 a.m.] 101780, issued November 1, 1957, to ary 14,1963, to Jess Cox and Harold Cox, Charles B. Doyle, doing business as a partnership doing business as Cox & Doyle’s Charterways, Bath, Maine, and Son Transport Service, East Main Street, FOURTH SECTION APPLICATIONS authorizing the transportation of: Pas­ Carmi, 111., authorizing the transporta­ FOR RELIEF sengers and their baggage, on Sundays tion of: Gasoline and fuel oils, in bulk, and holidays, in round-trip, sightseeing, in tank vehicles, from the pipeline ter­ September 11,1967. and pleasure trip tours, from Bath, minal facilities of Phillips Petroleum Protests to the granting of an appli­ Maine, to Boston, Mass., and to points Co., at or near Oakland City, Ind., to cation must be prepared in accordance within 20 miles of the State House in Fairfield, Mount Carmel, and Carmi, 111. with Rule 1.40 of the general rules of Boston, and certain other points in Mas­ No. MC-FC-69877. By order of practice (49 CFR 1.40 and filed within sachusetts and New Hampshire, and re­ August 31, 1967, the Transfer Board ap­ 15 days from the date of publication of turn; and, from points in Sagadahoc proved the transfer to Cloverleaf Farm this notice in the Federal R egister. and Lincoln Counties, Maine, to points Vans, Inc., Kenner, La., of the operating rights of James Colvin Parsons, doing Long-and-S hort H aul in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Prov­ idence, R.I., New York, N.Y., Washing­ business as Cloverleaf Farm Vans, Ken­ FSA N o. 41126— M otor fuel antiknock ton, D.C., and points in Maine on the ner, La., in certificate No. MC-126883, compound from Freeport, Tex. Filed by United States-Canadian boundary line. issued October 7, 1966, authorizing the Southwestern Freight Bureau, agent (No. H. E. Sullivan, Post Office Box 68, Route transportation, over irregular routes, of B-9014) , for and on behalf of Missouri 127, Woolwich, Maine 04579, representa­ horses, other than ordinary horses, and Pacific Railroad Co. Rates on motor fuel tive for applicants. in the same vehicle with such horses, antiknock compound, in tank carloads, mascots, personal effects of attendants, No. MC-FC-69832. By order of August from Freeport, Tex., to Baton Rouge, La. trainers, and exhibitors, and supplies 31, 1967, the Transfer Board approved and equipment used in the care and Grounds for relief— Rate relationship. the transfer to Griffin Mobile Home maintenance of such horses, between Tariff— Supplement 60 to Sou th w est­ Transporting Co., a corporation, Mid­ points in Louisiana, on the one hand, ern Freight Bureau, agent, tariff IC C west City, Okla., of the operating rights and, on the other, points in Alabama, 4649. in certificate No. M C-116887, issued to Arkansas, Georgia, Hlinois, Kentucky, Willis T. Hester, doing business as Ted’s Aggregate- of-I ntermediates Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Mis­ Repair & Steel Supply, Lovington, N. souri, New Jersey, N ew York, Ohio, Ten­ FSA No. 41127— M otor fuel antiknock Mex., authorizing the transportation of: nessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia. compound from Freeport, Tex. Filed by Mobile Home Trailers, between points in Harold R. Ainsworth, 2307 American Southwestern Freight Bureau, agent (No. New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Okla­ Bank Building, New Orleans, La. 70130, B-9015), for interested rail carriers. homa, Texas, and Wyoming. Dual oper­ attorney for the applicants. Rates on motor fuel antiknock com­ ations may be involved. W. T. Brunson, pound, in tank carloads, from Freeport, 419 Northwest Sixth Street, Oklahoma [ seal] H . N e il G arson, Secretary. *ex., to Baton Rouge, La. City, Okla. 73102, attorney for trans­ feree. Cliff Payne, Darden Building, Lov­ [F.R. Doc. 67-10785; Filed, Sept. 13, 1967; Grounds for relief—Maintenance of ington, N. Mex., attorney for transferor. 8:49 a.m.] epressed rate established herein with­ No. MC-FC-69850. By order of August out use of such rate as factor in con- 28, 1967, the Transfer Board approved [Notice 449] s ructing combination rates from or to the transfer to Cartage Services, Inc., MOTOR CARRIER TEMPORARY distant origins or destinations. Dearborn Heights, Mich., of the operat­ AUTHORITY APPLICATIONS Tariff-,Supplement 60 to Southwest- ing rights in permits Nos. MC-124259, MC-124259 (Sub-No. 2), and MC-124259 S eptember 8, 1967. 4649 ^ureau' asent. tariff ICC (Sub-No. 3), and the remaining portion The following are notices of filing of of permit No. MC-124259 (Sub-No. 6), applications for temporary authority Ry the Commission. issued April 11, 1963, August 13, 1964, under section 210a (a) of the Interstate M ay 15, 1964, and , 1966, Commerce Act provided for under the *‘SEAL^ H. N eil G arson, respectively, to Cain Bros., Inc., 3413 new rules of Ex Parte No. MC 67 (49 Secretary, Crystle Road, Terre Haute, Ind., author­ C FR Part 340) published in the F ederal IF-R. 67-10784; P ile d , S ep t. 13. 1967; izing the transportation, over irregular R egister, issue of April 27, 1965, effec­ 8 :4 8 a m . ] routes, of malt beverages, in containers, tive July 1,1965. These rules provide that

No. 178----- 0 FEDERAL REGISTER, V O L 32, NO. 178— THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 13106 NOTICES protests to the granting of an applica­ ery Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94104. It is ordered, That: tion must be filed with the field official Authority sought to operate as a common (a) Rerouting traffic: The Pennsyl­ named in the Federal Register publica­ carrier, by motor vehicle, over irregular vania Railroad Co. and The New York tion, within 15 calendar days after the routes, transporting: Household goods Central Railroad Co., being unable to date of notice of the filing of the appli­ as defined by the Commission in 17 interchange traffic with the Soo Line cation is published in the Federal Reg­ MCC 467, (1) between points in San Railroad Co. at M ackinaw City, Mich., ister. One copy of such protest must be Francisco and Marin Counties, Califi, because of car ferry out of service, The served on the applicant, or its authorized and (2) between points in San Francisco Pennsylvania Railroad Co., The New representative, if any, and the protests and Marin Counties, on the one hand, York Central Railroad Co., and the Soo must certify that such service has been and, on the other, points in Napa, Con­ Line Railroad Co. and their connections made. The protest must be specific as to tra Costa, Soland, Alameda, and Sonoma are hereby authorized to reroute or di­ the service which such protestant can Counties, Calif., for 180 days. Supporting vert such traffic over any available route and will offer, and must consist of a shipper: Astron Forwarding Co., Post to expedite the movement. The billing signed original and six copies. Office Box 161, Oakland, Calif. Send covering all such cars rerouted shall A copy of the application is on file, and protests to: District Supervisor, William carry a reference to this order as au­ can be examined at the Office of the E. Murphy, Interstate Commerce Com­ thority for the rerouting. (b) Concurrence of receiving roads to Secretary, Interstate Commerce Com­ mission, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, Box mission, Washington, D.C., and also in 36004, San Francisco, Calif. 94102. be obtained: The railroad desiring to di­ vert or reroute traffic under this order the field office to which protests are to No. MC 129249 (Sub-No. 1 T A ), filed shall receive the concurrence of other be transmitted. September 5, 1967. Applicant: CONW AY GUITEAU, doing business as CONWAY railroads to which such traffic is to be Motor Carriers of Property G U IT E A U L U M B E R CO., Post Office Box diverted or rerouted, before the rerouting or diversion is ordered. No. MC 118806 (Sub-No. 6 TA), filed 818, Amite, La. 70422. Applicant’s repre­ September 5, 1967. Applicant: ARNOLD sentative: Burrell J. Carter, Post Office (c) Notification to shippers: Each car­ BROS. TRANSPORT, LTD., 1101 Daw­ Box 97, Greensburg, La. 70441. Authority rier rerouting cars in accordance with son Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. sought to operate as a contract carrier, this order shall notify each shipper at Applicant’s representative: Carll V. Kret- by motor vehicle, over irregular routes, the time each car is rerouted or diverted singer, Suite 450, Professional Building, transporting: Lumber, from Pine Grove, and shall furnish to such shipper the new Kansas City, Mo. 64106. Authority sought La., to Baton Rouge, La., for 180 days. routing provided under this order. to operate as a common carrier, by motor Supporting shipper: Edward Hines Lum ­ (d ) Inasmuch as the diversion or re­ vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ ber Co. of Louisiana, Post Office Box 638, routing of traffic by said Agent is deemed ing: Dry fertilizer, in bags and in bulk, Pine Grove, La. 70453, Edward M. Crim, to be due to carrier’s disability, the rates and liquid fertilizer solutions, from ports Manager. Send protests to: W. R. Atkins, applicable to traffic diverted or rerouted of entry on international boundary line District Supervisor, Interstate Commerce by said Agent shall be the rates which between the Province of Manitoba, Can­ Commission, Bureau of Operations, T - were applicable at the time of shipment ada, and the United States, located in 4009, Federal Office Building, 701 Loyola on the shipments as originally routed. North Dakota and Minnesota, to points Avenue, New Orleans, La. 70113. (e) In executing the directions of the in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minne­ No. MC 129289 (Sub-No. 1 TA), filed Commission and of such Agent provided sota, Montana, and Iowa, for 150 days. September 5,1967. Applicant: A & H E X ­ for in this order, the common carriers Supporting shipper: Simplot Chemical PRESS LINES (CANADA*) LIMITED, involved shall proceed even though Co., Ltd., Post Office Box 940, Brandon, 1302 Plank Road, Sarnia, Ontario, no contracts, agreements, or arrange­ Manitoba, Canada. Send protests to: Canada. Applicant’s representative: ments now exist between them with ref­ Joseph H. Ambs, District Supervisor, In­ Laura I. Gray, Post Office Box 5, T er­ erence to the divisions of the rates of terstate Commerce Commission, Bureau minal “B”, London, Ontario, Canada. transportation applicable to said traffic; of Operations, 1621 South University Authority sought to operate as a divisions shall be, during the time this Drive, Room 213, Fargo, N. Dak. common carrier, by motor vehicle, over order remains in force, those voluntarily No. MC 119555 (Sub-No. 7 TA), filed irregular route, transporting: Animal agreed upon by and between said car­ September 5, 1967. Applicant: OIL AND offal from ports of entry at or near Noyes, riers; or upon failure of the carriers to so INDUSTRY SUPPLIERS, LTD., 400 Minn., and Pembina, N. Dak., on the in­ agree, said divisions shall be those here­ Archibald Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, ternational boundary line between the after fixed by the Commission in ac­ Canada. Applicant’s representative: United States and Canada, to points in cordance with pertinent authority con­ Carll V. Kretsinger, Suite 450, Profes­ the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, for 150 ferred upon it by the Interstate Com­ sional Building, Kansas City, Mo. 64106. days. Supporting shipper: A. Christensen merce Act. Authority sought to operate as a common Co., Ltd., 40 Durdurn Place, Winnipeg, (f) Effective date: This order shall carrier, by motor vehicle, over irregular Manitoba, Canada. Send protests to: become effective at 11:59 p.m., Septem­ routes, transporting: Dry fertilizer, in District Supervisor, Gerald J. Davis, ber 14,1967. bags and in bulk, and liquid fertilizer Bureau of Operations, Interstate Com­ (g ) Expiration date: This order shall solutions, from ports of entry on the merce Commission, 1110 David Broderick expire at 11:59 p.m., October 14, 1967, international boundary line between the Tower, Detroit, Mich. 48226. unless otherwise modified, changed, or Province of Manitoba, Canada, and the By the Commission. suspended.. United States, located in North Dakota It is further ordered, That this order and Minnesota, to points in North [seal] H. Neil Garson, shall be served upon the Association oi Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Mon­ Secretary. American Railroads, Car Service Div ■ tana, and Iowa, for 150 days. Supporting [P.R. Doc. 67-10714; Piled, Sept. 12, 1967; sion, as Agent of all railroads subscrio- shipper: Simplot Chemical Co., Ltd., 8:48 a.m.] ing to the car service and per diem agree­ Post Office Box 940, Brandon, Manitoba, ment under the terms of that agreemen , Canada. Send protests to: Joseph H. and that it be filed with the Directo , Ambs, District Supervisor, Interstate [S.O. 994, ICC Order 6] Office of the Federal Register. Commerce Commission, Bureau of Oper­ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ET AL. ations, 1621 South University Drive, Issued at Washington, D.C., Sep­ Room 213, Fargo, N. Dak. 58102. Rerouting or Diversion of Traffic tember 8,1967. Interstate Commerce No. MC 126666 (Sub-No. 3 T A ), filed In the opinion of R. D. Pfahler, agent, September 5,1967. Applicant: H O W A R D ommission The Pennsylvania Railroad and The New C , C. FOSTER, doing business as FOS­ York Central Railroad Co. are unable to [seal] R. D. Pfahler, Agent. TER’S TRANSFER & STORAGE, 167 interchange traffic with the Soo Line South Second Street, Richmond, Calif. Railroad Co. at Mackinaw City, Mich., [F.R. Doc. 67-10715; Filed, Sept. 12, 1967, 94804. Applicant’s representative: Han­ 8:49 a.m.] dler, Baker, and Greene, 405 Montgom­ because of car ferry out of service.



The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published to date during September.

3 CFR PaeB 12 CFR page 21 CFR— Continued Page Proclamation: 1______12850, 12938 141c______12717 3803.______12663 545______-,______12913 146c______12717 604 ______12710 148j______12717 Executive Orders: 605 __ 13051 148o______12717 July 2, 1910 (revoked in part Proposed R ules: . 148r______12717 by PLO 4267)______13072 148x______12717 Sept. 14,1910 (revoked in part 215______12758 by PLO 4267)______- ______13072 563______12922 Proposed Rules: Sept. 21,1916 (revoked in part 3______12756,13008 by PLO 4267)______13072 13 CFR 19______12723 8652 (revoked in part by PLO 107______12842 51______12723 4266)______- _____ - 12950 119______12788 11370 ______12665 22 CFR 11371 ______l______12903 14 CFR 601...... 12944 39___;______12668, 5 CFR 12711,12746,12788,12909-12911 213..— ______12831, 12937, 13045 71______12668, 23 CFR 630______12937 12712, 12789, 12790, 12833, 12912, 209______13000 733____ 12937 12913,12995-12997. 870______12937 73______12712,24 12833 CFR 75______12913 Proposed R u les: 207— ______12718 77______ii______12997 890 ______12725 221______12718 93__ i______12747 891 ______12727 95_____ i______12747 25 CFR 7 CFR 97______12669, 12834 370______13052 41— ------12790 27______12831 400______’_____ * ____ 12839 201...1______:______12778 1221______12997 319______12832 26 CFR P roposed R ules: 411______.______12989 601------13058 724______12905 39______12920, 12921 729______12990 71______12690, 29 CFR 755______12938 12724, 12922, 13006-13008, 13079 526------12675 900------129 92 91______12724 905 ------12907 121______12922 906 ______12992,12993 378______,____ 13009 30 CFR 908------12709, 12908, 12909 229— — ______12941 910------12709, 12743, 12909, 12938 15 CFR 915------12832 230______13057,13058 31 CFR 926 ------12709,13045 373______. _ _ _ _ 12941 317______12914 927 ------;______12743 Proposed Rules: 944------12938, 12993 321— ______12914 948------12939 70______13077 32 CFR 958------_------12743 16 CFR 981------;------12787 82______1______12845 987------128 32 13______12713, 12844 168______12718 989------12710 15______12750, 12941 169a______12675 ------— ____ 12787 38______12999 710______12790 ______12994 Proposed Rules: 806______13000 inXA------12940 153 ______12759 872______13000 13?------12744 415______12954 888b______13065 920______13000 1421— ------12744~ 12745~ 13046 18 CFR 1711------12845 Proposed R u les: Proposed Rules: 26— _------12755 154 ______13077 33 CFR 51------¡.12799, 12953, 13077 19______12791 906______12802 19 CFR 117______12791, 12915 932------12854 Ì ______12999 203______12791 8 CFR 4______12750 Proposed Rules: 36 CFR Proposed R u les: 13. 12690 7______13071 252------12920 251______12945, 12946 9 CFR 21 CFR 261______12946 78__ 2 ______:______12714 Proposed Rules: 201 13050 3 ______12714 7______12723 _ 12667 8______12715, 12943 ^ oposed R u les: 20______12750 39 CFR 120______12715, 3}®------— 12953 12716, 12751, 12913, 12943, 12999 135______12794 201______12947 328------12953 121___ 12716, 12717, 12751, 12844, 12943 328------__ 12953 141a______12717 747______12947 13108 FEDERAL REGISTER

41 CFR Page 46 CFR—Continued Page 49 CFR—Continued p*ge 380______12845 5B—2______12720 180------12851 5B-16______531______«.12720 ______12753 600------12689 8-6______P roposed12792 R u l e s : P roposed R u l e s : 101-26______12850401______12756,13079 101-27______12721 Ch. I ------12853 43 CFR 47 CFR 274------12853 276------— ------12854 P ublic L and O rders: 0 ______12795 2______12795, 12915 505------12853 4265______L—;______12752 73______12795,12797 4266______12950 89______12915 4267 ______13072 50 CFR 91______12915 4268 ______13072 10______12685, 12798,13072 97______12682 4269 ______13072 32 ------12689, P roposed R u l e s : 12721, 12722, 12754, 12851, 12852, 45 CFR 73 ____ 12954 12919, 12951, 12952, 13002, 13004, 13005,13073-13076. 85______12851 74 ______13010 l 33 ------12919 46 CFR 49 CFR P roposed R u l e s : 154______12793 1 ______12919 32 ______12953,13002 206______12951 101__— __l______12752 33 ______12953


CONTENTS • Messages to the Congress • Public speeches and letters • The President's news conferences PUBLIC PAPERS OF THE PRESIDENTS • Radio and television reports to OF THE UNITED STATES the American people Lyndon B. Johnson • Remarks to informal groups; Containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and PUBLISHED BY Statements oj the President Office of the Federal Register National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration


Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402


Volumes covering the administra­ tions of Presidents Truman, Eisen­ hower, Kennedy, and the first full Lyndon B. Johnson -19 6 5 year of President Johnson are available at comparable prices from the Superintendent of Docu­ B o o k I (January 1-May 31, 1965) PR,CE ments;, U.S. Government Printing B o o k II (June 1-December 31, 1965) $6-25 Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 7 EACH