NO. 51 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1939 PRICE THREE UNTIL PONDERS Four Boro Couples Take Marital *»/-; PRIMARY ELECTION Hoffman, 54, Accuses30-Ytar0W4 BICYCLE IN HOURS CARTERET-The decreased Vows In Ceremonies Oper Week-End cent of npenting the 3tr*«t and STIRS ONLY LIGHT Widow Of fleecing Him Of ^5,55/NABBED AND TAVERNS HERE R o n d Department recently St. Elias Greek Catholic brought shout by placing street/ VOTE IN CARTERFT Mrs Alice MoUdntiez, Perth Amboy. U Held In $6 M sweepers on half time has y IN SAFETY Church h Scene Of 6TH ANNIVERSARY licmi further dccrea.sed T>y the fl W rnl|nipnt Adopted On 1st Bail For Grand JBry;J«orK ' '*•* I'liuintr of foui employees at Only 400 Of 5,700 Refii- Each Amued $2 Ftr ,j, To Extend Cur- Two Nuptials nK OFCARTERFTTRUST work in local industrial plant*. tered Take Part In Bal- CARTERET—After Henry Hoffman, !i4. a widower frilfMMBt Of Uctl Four wedding* were performed Join for these men were secur- of 116 Randolph Street, this borough, had told in PertK rnm I to L A. M, en hy borough authorities this in Carteret over the past week loting Tuesday week. Amboy Police Court on Tuesday a story of the fantastic Restriction end, two of theso taking place in Vganization Now Includes KIITS RETAIL SHOPS Ry placement nf other men in scheme by which he had been fleeced of $5,557, MM. the same church, St. Elias Greek Seven Of Original MUDRAK IS HIGH MAN COMPLAINTS : An amendment the plants it has also been pe«- Alice Malkiewici waa held in $6,000 bail for the Catholic. ,1: ordinance regulat • Incorporates «il>le to reduce the number on CARTERET The primary jury. Mi's. Malkiweict, thirty years old, lives at 169 Ihaun- CARTERET-FW WPA projects, although no bkycle violations, the ftrtt fa" f alcoholic bevwfafen Zion Lutheran Church on uppeT election here Tuesday brought out cep Street, Perth Amboy, and hat , the Borough Coun- Roosevelt Avenue wan the ncene CARTERET — September fif- complete records are yet avail- a very liirht vote, only 400 of the been a widow for the past month. , M. 11 second reading* of the ceremony uniting Miw Ag- 'enth, Inst Friday, marked the able. 5,700 registered voters going to Her husband was drowned. IWJk Sotakt For Forgery i»»<*. »« Washing- Ambroup Mudrak, school com- wicz, agreed the atery told by yesterday by Desk Sergeant hose who helped organize the in- the hanrilrbim, ridiag - .... » A~.. ton Avpnue Th(, r(,r(ltr)ony look PROGRAM IS BEGUN missioner who sought the nomina- Hoffman of how the woman had George Sheridan that Stanley icrrt, wave it does itutinn are still active in its •breast ami fiilure to ham tion for member of the House of gotten this large sum from him Antosiewici, formerly of State |i'- possible transfer anaRoment. at night. place Saturday afternoon and was Assembly, received the highest wan one of the most fantastic ever Street, Perth Amboy, had been lenary consumption Thcae seven original incorpora performed by tin- paator, Rev. Busy Season Is Planned number of votes, 24fi, more than henrd, Mr. Brown declared, "Hoff- arrested in Ntw York City for TTlese am>*U martwt l__ •ml !icons* should ors are Samuel . Brown, Charles Frederick Noeldeke of Glen Ridge, were cast for State Senator John man was taken to the cleaners forgery. The message came in nlng nf « campaign by tft«* Conrad, Andrew Christensnn, By Local Parish Under made. The Afterward there WHS a reception E. Toolan, incumbent, who polled and fleeced because he loved the by teletype and arrangements Department to enforce r (arold 1. Haaking, Thomas J. Mul 1 offered by for 12, i guests in Lutheran Hall. Rector's Direction 234 votes. woman," and insisted that al- w«r« then made to have the safety by and for blcytl. . [,. Cutter. The bride, given in marriage by rihill, Emil Strsmlau and Dr. Numerous complaints have The Democratic councilmanic hough it sounded improbable, it man also held for the Carteret intive of the Curteret her father, wore u gown of roue 'aul Martens. ' William Ei Lons- CARTERET—Active work for received in recent weeks „ candidates received: John Scally, was the truth. Mr. Dubrow termed Police. i ' Association <•*• dale, Alex LeBow and the secre- the winter will be inaugurated at the manner in which btejrelM i point lace made over bridal satin, 214; Stephen Skiba, 210. In coun- it "inconceivable, and one a child Antotiewki had been employ- of that body tary-treanurer, Thomas G. Ken- St. Mark's Episcopal church on being ridden here and and R tulle veil arranged to her ty contests the Democrats favor- would never believe." ed by Pater Mawnis of 65 Hud- of th«" dosing yon, are the other directors now October 1, when all church organi have issued many warning*, ••niinn head with orange blossoms. She ed Edward J, Patten, 181 over Mr. Hoffman said he had first son Street, a painter, and dis- zations will attend especially for arrests ar<. ejected to fodOW 1 al«o upeci carried liri

I tl W PAf.E TWO nn iiv(r«n»*TiiTinry record Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobrtk Convict Starts an FOUR WEDDINGS if«ful hook* a* J"'ph ( CHURCH Dtucrony the publication «1 "' ^i" <'•"' (Ctmtmurd \rom ?•** *) Christening Party Hints Apiary in Priaon (Cemtmud from Pa* 1) Si. Marfc'i Epl«rop«t- Rev. Orvillr N |i, I RalUd«" in 1902. Mr l,i>-' '•<•. h.i* SACUAMKNTOXAUF.—Hfnrj •on of Hr. and Mrn. Gustav i',r\t- •d tr. ipintuiirv the Services at 9 A. M,, B»it*»T ••»••• h»n*M)a «f.. CMtTr'UVT Mr» ! urritUn anoM forty book- '• * hi< •> !hid«w>. inmalr nl ttw Fotfom, hownki of (Vanford The rpre- for 75 p'" r.-tit nf it ^ fnr about 1 Cil f. s'ntr pri'rn. fi.'und him«elf Fira pMabrtariaa—IUV. D E. Urenti, p every one ha* turn n '• ' •"'I' ' xuny was performed by the pas-$26,MO hs^ n»id and th<« l t( H A. M. and 7-4F, P. M. B*bla school, 9:45 AM Th<» it undoubtedly » "••"" "" Iorkr iw\$ Uiiadom, and , rtninfif bnrouRh •i,.prnpr,;.tr.l $3li.nftn. fn» Mafta-ar B» HIM'**' '>';<* "f iKo, with notMnf to read but a was followed by a larife rcceplion n r \:i\ in lioriot <»f utiiffy book on bee culture. To- m.Viro .1 T.vtn! nf »'*>. 00 *V ' ServkM ^r children, »:30 A. M.; f« adult*, :1i 'h, \r IIMHI' Mr. Ijncoln'* mo»t nin.'-sfiii -w-ll- in F«lr«n Hall n y*f if win. Thnm day HIKUOQ hts th« Aril api*nr the rhri«trmii: fr< was Blair 1 Attic, %•- • i11. <•• with The bride wor* ivory aatin. on relief «> fai thi* year. The 3 P. M. iili'iit- related by the hahy «"ns hap pver introdured at Uie prison, tht a« William i hi* ton. Freemnn made with a full skirt and round- ||OfHMI lonn wai «ntiM*rti!«d and 9t. Jewfa't H. C Rev Tr*«p»l Mnlllfan, p,»t,,. er himself on c.i*<* 1 Jarm - Vcl.i nnun, 0. rmiilt of a fhanre tw»rm < tixecl by R* ' Here a»rain i« the hapju eonihi- eil nerklin*. and \nng puffed ^ ^M, nrdi-rnl paid 7 no, 9 and U A. M. »nii rerord* lakrti froia Kh volumi- s .lo«rph'« ' hurch. with that turned up on the ground) S M , ii' - 'l nation of authorship that produced sleeve*. Her veil wa» of p«int Qn rwommerKlatitm of rootwil- SMrM H««r« Monk B. C.—««. Aadrew j. s.i nous til** Some nf the incident? Mi*' Ititn Bm'ulon :int Joseph | "Blair's Atts*." In that *tory. the 'Ur». caught with orange blossoms, mtn nri|t,,,m Crn-nvM the clerk Uw mawe* at R and 9 A. M.; Wga nuM at 10:3(1 A are amufinf. wrnie curious «ome Rinndon a« K>>* Mid- H»U Faa»lly R. C. -Rev. Or. Jo««»h Madoai, P»,i Miovinit. *M)t nil ha th- C.tipjit* at thr 1'iuty included I delightful and interest in K »toi-y of \alley lilies. dleoei Hoaid of Freeholders ask- at S A. M Md 10:30 A. M. human iiuoli'v "f «me theoe *f»n«or« and Mr nnd Mrs1 . Find Lost Boy, 6, Tape (Vd which wa< one nf the ' Mim Irene Kar.mierctak, maid jnj tntl HiMW-velt Avenue in tJie ffntn cxrwi ii•!..•* Jnhn Brandon, Mr. and Mr*. Wil- Zloa L"*»raar-Rev. Frederick Noeldecke, pmi,, two or three ne«t sellers of the of honor for her swtpr, wore char- j?,^ Rahwuy ^pcti"" nr made a "1 'Mirt r) 1 nw, *•' liam Dohrck, Mi*» Evelyn Dohrok. at use color, and the bridesmaid*, three lanr highway dtf nlhed. Mr nnrl Mr<. Joseph Bra'i IIOR.W 10 A. M ; Yminir People's *en1ee, 7 P. M. Wtdnes.i , sen, a sturdy six year-old youngster. tnrnt <«f ,» man nnrf :i profewiw]. an the I«U«dern prcwnl Gilbert ' with the excH«HM.nt of a real myit- Robert Wagn»r and Edward Bon- (,,,.„ f permit* amounting t«> Bible Study. calmly told of his experience* walla aiul m and Sulhvan. aa.the marriatre-pro-' tery. Dick Ckrfc«, in di«*rr«fe h«- selski. {tffi were rolleftoii The polke 9t KU. GTNI CtaaMi Ui. Akii* Medve lost for three days kt the de»ee 5TAJI SPANGLFD VIRGIN Kwiatkowiki—Rakanick rttorrler turned in IMS collected Low»a*«atJ A, M.; hl*h maat, 10M A. M.; ve«p,, tejt meetinj fret.4 under way. «•; rauae of tk* tK«ft of a valunhle timber and thickets of Paul Banyan l —By D«BO«P H»y«»rJ RhodaVs puiilinit »»sortinent of hfiolt from th* Knowlton I.ihrarj-, The marriage of Mias Mary Ru- m flnw) forest HP said be had an eicitml Sabbath perriw. FrWay 7 P. M. and Saturday it nn oth ,. chiWW a t tilil ) run by S«th Hammond Ownley, ing. to Alfred Kwiatkowski, son p^j ,„,„>. mon U* work in recent >M wfc<) n r Two National Guardanen. mem- of Mr and Nrs Joaeih Kwiat- |(, , ,| that Cnrti'ret labor ha* hw cmeht th i'*«-ntial diffnitv of confU!W fa ^\u: Mr. Heyward who, when asked the reason for wee r kowski, alwi took place in St Eiiax b« given the preference rW «l- *$int of th- AmiTicnn Negro. hewilder* u« hy elaborate; the cannon on the front lawn, in- cn BlaUcal pJl (hurch Sunday afternoon Rev. prfli,wrf gratitude t» 'he With I'-iiy aivi Vl»mri»> l»au(rh- dialogue, hut tell* a vigorous story variably replies, "To repel board- unteers. t»» planes and bloodhrmnd* I Joteptt A. Sbira*. a Denver In Alens Modvecjky, pastor of the f (.hrir action. t*r». h» wiuhli-fci-d for himwlf a in ten»e and eTritinjt prose. : en at tha Ownley Inn How thetouiwi him, only » mil* and a ball or v«nl«». h«l nfffreg to tlr cobdition rhnrch, porfomnl the ceremony ' unique pi'iith'ii •! Am-Tcan let- "Star Spanned Virgin" is al pen. A hurricane isolated the from i summer cottage from which th* town at ObetUa. (Mo. to "pep ter*. V»w mth "Stm SpancN'd with an original theme and I inland; and a wrecked rruiainjt he disappeared. How Captain Cook's Cloak up the Inhabitant*, Increase produo- Vilfin" hi> upain «««>• frefh ami setting, a story which leaves the launch rtarts a train of events He, was plodding along, his face INDIAN TIPPLE IS Ended Up in Leaingrtd tlno, rmprove health, benefit lmblea, oriental inatt'iui! ,v basis for a reader confident of the true direc- which keeps the main characters smeared with berries, on tbe aban- and make the town I winter and LIQUID LIGHTNING Captain Cook's orange-colored I trimmer retort and a convention novel nf di«tinctinn tion of humanity's deepest emo- in a state of commotion and, at doned "Old Blue." trail between Akr- ; , doak slid helmet are among th* city." He did not disclose the exact Thc-t.-r. ,,f l!h»d:i and Adam, tions. times, fear. lej mv1 Benedict, near Lake Kabe- OoMtndbiir exhibits nf th* Unln rmlur* nf his Invention other than and hoi* thi'y wurked mit the pat- k[ir.:i Surprisingly be was he-ided The rant of characters inrlurir* grad Kthnoip-nphlc mu*eum. How Ito refer his readers to H«brewt. tern nf 'hfir livi's uhi-n \fre NewTHE OWNLEYmH in the direction of his home Guards- Penman Tribe Has World'* Anne Francis, a ekarminjr firl wh men Jimes Wall and Bud Potter It came tn the [.wilnfrad rmiseum ; Chapter XI 1K'«I ramc to thr Virgin lilanda. —By JeMpk and Fr*«ia«B Liacolo Stiffeat Driot ! has quarreled with Clarke; Perry found him. in good spirits, with hu Is an tnterwting story. I The M•<•[»] implications will b« There is probably no living Hale, » none-too-sempiilmis liook ' Brleff» the farti nr* the»e: Kn \ to many -and Mtiafying American author who has had such ! CHICAGO.-"!* w»kf. riaaalag Yoata collector; am) a variety of board len took him to the route to the Bering itran In ITM. fouBd When a sophomore, dressed only THE NEWIM ers at the Awnley Inn. How the cottage where his mother, who had *"* 1' "* JV•* *» •' Captain i 'K>k. the. famous English In a bathing suit, appeared In Har- DESIGN UPHoi missing book is recovered, n* toll collapsed under the strain of his , .«..._. .* _•.. e*p«>r*r, discovered a Knwp nl is vard university's memorial hall to ln STKRY FARWK hy Ownley and Clarke, i? too K»'" disappearance, was being treated by ^ \ *•« « ***» /"" '" lands mm called the Hawaiian Is- Uke Mi Anal history examination, a story to (five away. Dr. O S. Ringl.. The doctor exam- 0Mrk Mbta- "" to ' «"• «* Okl«- lands. Cook named theoe the Sittd honin liquid UgfctnJn'. Nor In any proctors prepared to oU3t him. H« ined the boy and said the onjy murk wica ularula, in hnnor »f Lord Sand combinttioo of these. was permitted to slay when he on hi» 45-txnmd body was a small j wich. then ftrst lord «I the admiralty The drink providing the showed a physician's permit ex- scratch, probably received while he i Belin-tnc Cook tn h# the divine Tainting Dip*' Are "wallop" -and resultant hangover- plaining that he had contracted • wandered through the thick under : Kmf 1 Ana a borool their folk tnl*«. is found among the Quecba Indians severe case of sunburn while study- Basy on We*t Coast growth. the. lUwauan nttivei received the in the Peruvian mantana region ing on the roof, and wa* unable to The boy's family had nearly abnn explorer as a god Kamrhamrlia 1, put a shirt over the Taw skin SAN rRANCISCO. - Police The tune of this potent liquid is doned hope he would be found alive, j chief of the Hawaiuns, prtsfiitwt have i! 1 uliUincd water from springs. Rivor Maa Say* Glamour cine man at tribal gatherings. Par gratitude presented the cloak and ,rV«« Aaa«y Nail Raak Blal<.\ 433 Amboy TWO FOR ONE SALE! 1 I slept on the ground when I JJU 8lat« »C Perth Aatfcoi tkmi average about a cupiul. helmet to in* governor general nf Exiiti on Mississippi felt like it," be told Ringlc. "I had P. K. 4 M57 "In about two minutes the effeel Kamchatka. ST. LOlilS.-Thc Mississippi rivir the most fun watching thole air- of ayahuasca becomes apparent to may have lost much of us glamour planes flying around. One was or- September 24th, 1939 the bystander," Williams noted. u-hen it wai replaced us a travel ange. The other one was blue." medium by more modern methods "Tbe drinker turns pale and be- a'tif of transportation, but it has never gins to tremble violently. He be- At the l'»cific end at the canal, In I tht »ncic-iiU weed irown rums at j FALL CLASSES lost its charm and appeal tn river- Find Fine Murals Under comes very ditiy." Boy one ice cream cone 10c and get men, according to Capt. William The second stage Is "chnrmlcg." Old Panama City, sacked by Hrnrr ! another Baptiste. Wall Paper of Old Home The drinker announces he sees land- Morgan in 1171, and never rebuilt. { FORMING-- Bay oae pint of ice cream 40c one Baptijte a 44 year-old steamboat ROCKP0RT, MASS. — afnral*- scapes, fruit laden trees, bright- ii one uf the great tights oi \tm I captain who received t degree in poaiibly ISO years old—hidden lan- featured birds and other beautiful iithrnu*. la keeping with the fen- | Buy one quart oi ice cream ... 80c FREE engineering and served in the United der four layers of wall paper, vera things in a rosy world eral madness of Pan^nia »Ur*c- I ENROLL NOW] tiuas. II is th« flat arch < -' World war before taking to ihe t bouse here. is sudden and violent. The drinker 1 »!mh has been standing in JttUnct tltllltV H . HeHllty I'llltUH \ ,. ix. said the large and cult Covering the tour walls of th* becomes unabh; to stand, and has oi all the pxincipks ! beings preparing tu at ; juri The flat arch, tht jtory gnei, ; claitf thru tarn rji»> | has retained it* old spirit of friend- American primitives, with tUfl but tack him « ,s rnotructed tu duplicaUi '«» arr»n« whuk cbiirrli is in rum*, NEW JERSEY plained. Tbe noise of the city have 13 stars and bars earh. datiqg or he will seize bis weaaons and at- but Uu.' arch it lull tlaflding. grave DUN. aOEANOft J. alOWWS would make a nervous wreck of me the wurk back, to earl; pusl-Hevotu- tack tht ftrst persun he encounters F.ra^rlr HM4 TfMkff *a« Inwiiln •« Tk* W and firmly, and, you feel, a 111 within a few days." tionary days. Most interesting paael The Anal stage is the beginning vt tie inadiy. ne Howard Johns Baptiste, the too of a St Louis represents a term worker at a a hangover of several days' dura- Hobart Bldg. PEJTTH AMBOY tent manufacturer, grew up on the well, lifting an oaken bucket to his tion. After the drinker'r •-*—ids T»t, V. «. 4-11 creamery butter 1 Oc rivtr front here. parched lips as a thirsty little blue have held him down until the desire -A Uarjaned Adv. WUI Sail dog looks on. tu fight leave* htm. he becomes! lethargic and lapses into uncon- Rendezvous la Sweden The property, a two and ihit sciouaness. Den GyhSeoe Freden, or the Gold story wooden colonial dwelling, ii en Peace, U the name of a small owned by Mrs. Marian i. C'ooney, When, finally, the Indian recov- cellar restaurant of Stockholm, who was burn there, unsuspecting ery there ia a teelinf of "heavy Children where Bftlman. the Swedish Bobby the pretence oi th* murals until she drowsiness and a haadartm watch Bums, itng nil songs with his decided upon a new wall paper to lasts lor several days." 1 cronies two centuries ago. Its food brighten the walls. Tba drink ia UK4 by QM Iarfians • HOWARD JoHnson'J *» excellent, but too many visitors to eliminate fear and itiaiulatt rtek- Don't Consider have robbed it of the charm it had Jail Guest b Successful leas bravery. It is described as (or attists and bahemians in the "ilfoogjj aabii ICE CREAM SHOP AND RESTAURANT obi dart. In ProUfiaf His Visit UONCTON. M B.-BUU- Bart- Clothes Rwie 25 at CWerleaf, Woodbridge 8part {aaa wiu Mnd compktt racbe knows th* fonnula fur getting Mercury ia used at a new aoia» \ coverage of all local tctinUea an ejtoosioo on your host's hoapaV ess electrir switch fo: hrm« use i the iporU taiity. Bastrache appea/ed at UM polica fctstlff tbctrk JiufKrVy tquifm%nt gUtion here one awning and asked for a night's lodging, Tbe request im/ fWucf Uundry wotk was granted and h* went below to ( I VM U I NIM the celb. There he met Charles FUR COATS CiuiMuan and began Ughuag with |95 nun. Croiimac's note was hrokaa, AND 'CASH Baslracne pleaded guilty to a •69: charge of assaulting *od dofctf actual bodily hajrm. lie received Buft tkk *mip**rt Ice Cream Shop & Restaurant six months in Jail. BUDGET PLANS The* «n« lt*au UHM Kavr a Good Samaritan Role 4r*al«c vt*r* l« ;,»mr rlua Ur STATE HIGHWAY 25 Ike «Utrr. HraJ tk* I*41a«lu Only Ends in Hotpttal -k«» Mto Is U4 wr, k»w Vw AT CLOVERLEAF WOODBRIDGE POHTEBVUJLi; rki.iv _ xha good Samaritan business is tn dis- pute with Cowboy Bobert Gilbert tt Ihe present time. September 24th, 1939 Be encountered two stranded mo- torola in tbe muoaUtmi with tkait auto bogged in a ttraam. Ua al- •If ttr* r« a Hkwnl if* I- •*- tacbed hit lariat to Uke car, gave *M fiatMM . ku horse Uu aeave-lo sign, to which Special for September 24th Only the animal responded with such hearty good will that the saddle cinch broke and Gilbert landed on Laundry work ia nade carier Md Ac tine it the rocka in midjtream witb a bro- ken pelvis. takes a reduced when electric knodxy cqu^> ment ii mtd. Tk« That waha a wMui *>f Fawaa Taa»« at Uoiba CHICKEN! dothct in a lew mtMita and doet the work gently GOLDEKTMLE. WASH. ~, four fawni tound abandoned la variou* but thoroughly. The traaing uttarhmntt can be parts at KUckitat count; rai*ed by State Game Pnteetor fattened to OK wither when the wringer n Lyle Winter aad grew at lama a* DINNER) lambs. Tbt tawta were M warm rejBowjd. You tan do all four ironing on it REGULARLY $1.00 milk. Only a small carrying charge a added if you DeKcioiu, Freshly Baked Pies, Cakes, Pai buy QB lermt. i Am m M specin TO BOW OCT. 14TH (Tlit it th* thirty-ninth of * e*nto Wr^rl hy priv»te employer* the eoart. Twfc» •f r«laai*i an "Job In- d 91 pl»c«f in public employ The txentnft operator pluifrd ta to pay iiiat* and Wohljtemuth Gets Anwun- in New J«r»«y.") ment. All pUrcrrtfnU in thi« r«tt- the fnoney »h* • mi »M "W—ifcii. pl»M*." An In- Kmployment conditions in New (j vrer* prfHoMjrmiteii by the iUn« in>»r iha WM on th# *iM to iinir from thr j cementHere; Big Sales . Jericy improved during August, •mplbyer. Thp hftnrlling of rnv BrlfVfon porV* (Madquarttrt. "It BESURKOPYOUK k rwqufrtu for specific in4l- Upturn Expected to a report of the St«t« ununrlMl Uk« tb* moan of I djinf • .nnncy l.o pay Ux#«i it in Rririitinnil turvkt •onnn," »h« Illd <:AUTKRET - Fred Wohljre- Employment Servile Division of for employers hy the F,m- BRAKES pldjmflnt Rprvlre Divinlon. A ^»!((J of poBrt >p«4 to »• M- !»• 1 o«m muth of the Kronomy r,»r»Ki! ho Unimploymtat Compmsmtlon klrW road «f«rtm«nt of Mr tnd THUST YOUM TO . ,| hy wylnfr thut ('•>mpnny. today received woH Mr« F"r»nk W. Xnowrtsn, Thty AusTun thnl the new 104ft fhevTolet cars Benefits for partial unemploy- : gotten connid«ritMi> Executive IMnctar Harold O kt!nr)i»>i hut (ot no retpoRM. DHVM REPACING "ill he introduced locgUy and na. ment will probably be rBoommpnd- TKOUBLES CORHECTtD n he ntwitfotifH hot tmnnlly, Hatnrdny, Octohtr 14, Hoffman RnnouneeJ that 11,460 by thu Unnmploymrnt Crua- Pntrolmnn An»t. of Intflrmt mir- fice* operated, throughout the frpfini br » rt»lt«litKl uptnlcl On BRAKE SERVICE rounds tho workers' conttihutienn of nno per thr fl.»>r he found in I'm' tho money Mho lirl.mduction of thi» State hy th« Brnployment Service c«nt of vtttgt-n rpftrvwl, former 5 J CAflSOWAY, new Chevrolet carp. It ha* been I Tn. wtA Bin GHH, ivcj. Hoffman nl- Division. Th«n« pi*eei»M>nts includ- GOTernor Harold G. HoffmBn, Kx- 1 indicated that the n«w 'earn will Mm JCnnwltnn ri"ttim«d homt tfUr IT I Mlhmi AT». n r1 n small nM/ - ed 7,724 worm* and 3,736 men. arutive Dir»rtor nf tfcp Cnmmiv aillil. t.1 Itl'O phil have a new F1JLI,-VISION BODY The placementa in private fnrploy • Jimlir lra|Ur m»rtln| tn find th» AitUmn G«a|| HY FISHER and, will b» bigger sion, dflclnrpd to the Annual Con- hum' filled with po ment totaled 10.W8 or 90.(Wl of ventlon of the BuHtlinjf Trnd("< • ••uk from whom inside aa well aa trnWie, The NEW all plate-merit*. Men placed with VACUUM SHIFT, oxcluaivn with Council nf New • iimn-st $3,nnn t--, private employers totaled,, 3,004, A «ty f^h will be rtafldard wjuip- •<.<•< j, ITc nni'l nl while women reaeited 7,Si!l pri- Jer««y ber*n ptyinlf hcni-flts in Bctwetn 90 md » ttioiuand p*r WINDOW SHADOI ™«nt. on all 1940 modols. i < inn from lhi> vate jobs. Eleven women w»re January indicatra that benefit pay tons depend on Athtng for their !iv# *r Wohltremuth, who !ttate*< Snulh nn (ilmtts women placed on WI'A projects w«s chanireil tn provide for Un Inllutnr* I* (l|mpirflt.H, Executive Diroct-. n a factory conducted meeting at employment a» follows: building nlnif cftlttphan* ornam«nt Th* folt ^«w York Wtfl PkpM ••- • >rtvinici4, $l.OOK Smith Arr-ii-.i rcrmtly, nrcortting tn •r Hoffman xaid Turn vte*\tn ago owTid'' at th« front ti nnlhln» but New York in the near future, nt Or. LM SlMkotltz " nn Kliwibi-fh lalm dilil by Kitropa.ins and nnd construction at prevailing the Exwutivp Piri-ctor rrcom which the new cars will ho shown wages, 40fl; reicular governmental •n nf M'ndinK natives. The Hiiuiwpnnrt onded thnt wnrki>r«' contrlhu 3UKGCON CHItfJTOOIST to all Chevrolet dealers in this re employment, fi; and work relief, 2. !•• hut which ho an nbfltidnncd h,>ii>w near Blocm- tions b« rep»'RJod at thp September Ml McKlntcy. in Aio.ko. rliei Private placements increased HI Ksltk tinti BMH 1M PHTH AMtOV •" /ivc her. fontnln has rri,,|,,.:ir,v|, nnd whon 8 25th aesnion of the LcftiBlattiri'. hlnhcr «bo?» lt» own hmr th^n »nj Economy Ctomge Company ex- 21.2% oven the previous month, : <-\ Duhrow naked medium ;intl thi> ownnr nf th«.fnrm This step will ri'liove Now Jcrtcy oth«r known ornk In numb*r of advance orders ployment indicates that,condittonf> iporto<| to marry In R wnll a ip.irrh for $J8,000 re- "Under our present IAW," Mr ported hidrirn nn the farm was start- taowl by those who want to he crtntinue to improve, employment i ' nnly |p»rnp(i n Hoffman said, "it i* unfortunatp ed. A white hnrse Is said to gallop •e of early delivery. continues iti upward trend, which > i' iH(. fM married thut if an unemployed claimant i tthh e uravpH of a concentra- became pronoun«ed bai works a couple of .lay" a week he • .• 'imp had NO PARTIALITY tion camp ntNir Erajrnin. Europe- with the month of March of the may forfeit, hin biMtctit payment ana failed in n hunt at night to bag HAGERSTOWN, KM. — Victor current year. for the week, though hit enrmnirs MY CAUSES 1URN3 a serpent reported by natives. Many R Wolfe, 19, and Htrman J. A total of CBO supplementary may bo Iran than hin weekly bene- i l AND, O. — Curimw, ifrpent tnln are believed to be Kuhn, 27, crashed head-on into placements were reported during fit, amount. 1 am convinced after 1 "bottled rrtmigphev" Tlie prize the month, including 559 appli- |hv, 2, elimfod onto each other's automobile on the our bri#f expfripno« in thp pay- puller, however, h the ghost heard • I into n pot on the highway. Each claimed the other ment &! benefit* that we should walking alwut the police itation'ln LEGAL NOTICES i bis balance, kniick wa* over the center-line of the eoeoarajre workers to accept par COMMUTER Piiiiri without being seen. : ,m thi- utove ami WRU road when their cars collided. Mag- AN~()7tl>"lluN( K TCTAMRNH AN tial cmploymmt hy providing istrate E. H. Miller believed each Oltl'INANCK KNTlTIiKl), "AN equitable compensation for peri i Mi'ii when hot KTvnH* OltlitNANf'H TO KKfH'r.ATB THK and fined them both, odd of partial unemployment." Llihlhmmei HUrted la iyp TI'THANHPOIIT'ATION OF The earliest lighth»us*a, of which ALCntlDi.lC HRVRIlAORH IN THK Co-Operation Atktd WALKS OFF TRAIN BOItdl'llH Oh-CAHTKHKT, COt'N- SPEAKS records exist, were the towers built TV ul-' MIHDI.KSKX AND STATH He continued: by the Libyans and Cushitu in low N.w.rk, N. J.—Tired after a I>K NKW JKHHKY, ANIi TO l'UO- trip to the World's Fair, Rocco Vf11H A PKNAl.tY K(>H TUB "In respect to administration of ft f'KJlit, ueamn rtrei being main VIOLATION THKKKOF" AI1OPT- tamed in iiirnt of them by priests Marcketta, 14, fell asleep on the 1111 HY THK MAtOil AND COl'N- tho Law, I ask the friendly co-op Leaches, a fircek poet (660 B. C.) train. Suddenly awakened as the t'll.. NKIT. "Hi, l»37. eration of organized labor both on inentii.ns n lighthouse nt Sigcum. train wai about to reuch his home UK IT OltDAlNKli HY TITK the ground* of good citizenship now <';ipp Ineihhnri, in the Troad, station, the boy sprung up and MAYOII AND I'OIINCIl, OF THU and of the upecial interests of lu- HiiKOtMlll OF t'AHTKHF.T, MID- which appeals to have been the first walked out of the car and right off DLF-SKX t'Ol'NTY, NKW JKKSKY. bor. It is to your interest to see light regularly maintained for mari- the rear platform of the moving I. Tliut Hei'llon 11 of th« u-tjuve that th» Law is enforced impar- piitltlml OrUlnum-e hi- nm<>nrtm! no the ners The famous Pharos of Alei- train. He suffered a scalp wound nunic uliiill renil u« follows: tially and effectively. Your inter- andria waa regarded as one of th« and other bruises. Iui The niuxlmiiiti of est lies in opposition to unwise I'li'iiury Itetull I'ntiHiimptlon Itcenne" proposals such aa the scheme to wonders of the world. Tht towar h nliu.ll he IIKUII ami limited upon a. staled to have been 800 feet In SHOCKING FENCE liiislH 11 r one llr.'iiiie to be. (runteil p«r divert the reserve funds to relifif film iH'iilile of (he H!>rouffh of Cur- payments. Your money is at height It wss destroyed by •irttl- MACHIAS, N. Y.—It used to torrt iui il«t«rmin<)(l hy the last l'>d- (|iiake in the Thirteenth ctntury, but crul t'l-iiDUa; provliie.t, however, Uml stake. Therefore, it will pay you j give Herb Phetteplace, local farm- .Ills limit ill Ion shiill not nffct thoti.- to aid the dommiiwion to detect remaini are s.iid to have betfn Vlll- er, quite a shock to And his fence imritonii, tlrniH or i-orpornHonK who t>le as late as 1350. The nim« uri- uml wlni niuy renew mull and prosecute! fraudulent claim- cut and his stock out. TirinR of I''K hei'itme tho gtntral Urm Ilri'iisi-H In thi! UorniiKh or fHrtcret. ants. Few g-ovcrnmentl activities Mint Mod«m such shocks, he electrified the lirovtiJt-il further however. Ihftt thlH for all lighthouses and the term Iliiiltiillfiis "hull nut prevent tin. sur so directly concern labor aa the IVit Equipment pluirolo^v li.'i.i been used tat tha sot- [fence. Now someone else can take render '>f iUiy fliib lli:«nae oulBtiind- administration of unemployment I11K "I thn time lhl» Or(llnane« la ul liilitliouse construction. I the shocks. iiilolitcl unit th.' ISHUiiiiri- and rt>- Compensation. I am sure the Un- Kormer Marconi newHl of 11 Plunury lt«tall t'oimomp- employment Compensation Com- DOC PAYS DIVIDENDS II011 l.l.i'line In Its pllli:e. nnd pro- mission of New Jersey can count Kngineer 1 thut tlitH 11ml Clly vidi-. further howi-v.-r, ma. .."^ ,. , interest in Venlct, witti a populti ,,n CHESAPEAKE CITY, Mi — tiiiion nhuli not prohibit th« Lruiiaf/sr upon your continued Over 27 Y*«r» ut u riemii-y Kutiili I'miNuinption M- ^[^ program You will be, anil 200,000. It a city on 117 1 sIH• • Bought for 26 c«ntii in a mutt dog Experience with 150 conats (or hi?1 . auction, Doc Lou, nondescript horft'l i^.-horo/aSiSinl.i'he' rightlgy y so, you our merost critics h>K .•ondiii-t.'.l under u Hlenury Hfiull crossed by If7ll hriHrrj coon hound, went right out into ConsuniiittoEi l/lre.Hiint Flonury Retail Con- wasn't enough, John Boratho, 23, ttiiinpllon Licuniie to n Plenury Re- just married, was summoned into With Written LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE5 tu.Lt DIsliitiiitorH l.lrense. court and had to pay $2 fine for Guarantee II. Thut Hectlun I'i of the above I'lareil tliat of Ihp lolal font ul' mili intlll.'.l ordliiiui. H hi- iimi'lidi'il 9" making unnecessary noise caused VS i.KMNAN'.'h: Al'THORISSIHU linprovurni'iil to lie (tunnrftl by this the .Mum., uliull reaj UH follows:—v fin. IMI i ;< .\ i:Mi:.NT OF CER- bonds hiTtiln iiUlliorlsnJ Hn- total Hettion 13:— by cowbells which had been tied to T \ I N i'NI >11• I:< >\ Kl> ItOADB IN amount tu tn- ilevnteti to the payment A. No iH'raun, Him, corporation or Till-. 11' 1; >!•• t'AKTKHBT of IntereDt on ohllfriitloiiH t» niminm his car by his brother, Ernest, jiumeit over 18 years I'Olt THE F1- iirlltl.:hil i-nllty licensed to sell, nerve t\|i I'l n\ f I the rant "f tin Impruvunii'iil during or dlMioiie of ali-uhollu beverage un- while Boratho waa being married. N IN' IN TH K C08TH tlie pprluil oT .•.iiiHtrmtliiii anil fur dt.r the jirovlsloiw of thin Ordlnanca Till.Mi" HIX moiitlm thenviftei, miKlnefrlnif Hhull dell, aiTVe or dispose of alco- nnd liwpet'tlun .'UHI«, ami legal i-x- UPSIDE DOWN BOY O. K. NOW the Mayor uillr beveruif*s uuoii the licensed in i r l>v y.'nHeH, lih InillnK upri>|iortlon of tilt during tliu following perl- CHICAGO—Richard Kenealy, 9, utfit of Car- I'.inipenntii.Mi :mil eiiiriisen »f tliu ids of time:— migliifrrlng nml l.'K'il HIUITH of tho (II On any primary, general, mu- whoBe world for some time seem- T: .1! II. in... AV.'IHIB from lluruusli mill I'lint of l»»u«ni'« «f tlm L&H.RADIO ilrliwil. ,-nhuol diurnal ur npoolal1 i ed an upside-down place to him -ill .-.-I WVsl uHhlnRton obllyiilloiiH, iinlii.liiiK printing, ad- .|l\ 111 ilnetton diiy diirltiK the hours of poll 1. ),. |i,v,..l vei'tlni-niHiiH of Drilliiiiiucii, Ijemilu- 1482 Main St. \ 1. I I ulderx of UK at any su.'li ulectLon, because of faulty vision, can now I.Mull. ,.1, in llonn uiiil niill.TH of nali', untl k'KUl expunses In Jll.liSU.OO. (^) Wei'k-days: — Between the use both eyes normally, thanks to H-VHWAY 7 1040 A llh ! in.! -1..- iili.itli.iiH mibmit- lours nf 2 A. (ft. and 8 A. M. I,..I hv lluii.iiKJi "( t'urterwl and (7( It Is linr.'lly tlett'rnilneil unil (,3> HUIKIIIVH:—Between the hours Dr. Edmund J. Krump, who train- y, New Jarary .» ih.' sii.ii- Highway Ue- ilBiiun..! Unit Ihe uviirugu piTlo.l u( jf 2 A. M. ami 1 P, M. ed him to see normally by using •Ii 11 •[>• Ml .". S.-ph-inh.-r 191 tt. 19S3 uHi'fulni'KN of Ihe Impruvi'mi'nt to H> During HUIII time that tho „,I ,,,,«• ..11 Hi. with thi' ijorouch fliiiiii.ii wlilili ihf bonilH herein uu- Niimi'il liy K«*jliUlun shall prohibit. only one eye at a time by switching •:nK 11.•-••' •'"' Hi,it I.."UHI Ktrevt, thurliti'il art In hi! liiKUfil I.H tun ysarH. It. Nu such person, firm, iiorpora- 1.,tu li.ii.t stiri'l I" Washington an opaque lens from one aide to "As 0 Commuter, I know how hard rid- IK) It is h.-ifliy i1c>t«rmlniMl anil J.-- lon ur .iitlfti l;il entity shall keep ,v,. n.i 111.inn Avi'iitif. from open. nniKH to he kept opmi or permit another. *';lHhlli»!l..ll .U.-i.ll.- lii l.'1'i.l'V StHVl, rlur.-.l Unit lIn- Hupplnnirntnl ilebt aUitenii-nl i i'.|tilred by tlir l,oml persons Lo roiiKreKUta or aaseinbli) r :*»i'X Sin.I In.111 HIM Hlri'.'l KIIII it|)on th« llcsnsed uremlueu ing trains is on clothes..... That's why | Hi" r.'<-t \Wnt of Baleni Homl l.iiw hurt Ii.-Mii .Inly imlile unit 1.. Ilkil In tlic Clerk'H Offlt'e of Iho Hor- during ihe period of time mentioned VvilMIrur : IIliriinI i A1.1111.' from Uuoif 11 Huh-arclloii A. The provisions uf /, AWIIII.-:< or Street otigh of r.utiTi't IUHI that Hiii-h Htalt!- I'm tickled pink with rtiy new BOND IFIRST AID •,,-:! t.. riieni shows thut tli« grona debt as thU suh-neotlun shall not upply to ,111 Its |ii-(.ni"iit inmlnuH ,-.. 1, !•,,]. .1 • iMiitM in Sei tlun 40:1-76 of unlit law uranlH uml dining rooms, whleh 1., i-lii« Unrougll is Imii'iiafil by tills Urillnuncc by Commuter's Special Suit! {or M..11 \ 11 In }41,2ll Oil unil thut the- lagunm-ti ul riod of tlniti for the purpose, of serv- lin, hvlni thti OII1IKI>I1"II.I uulhorhed by tliln nu-itlM; but the provisions uf .411b- 1. il.Ht Stl't'.'t PiTfihltiK sorllon A NIIHII apply to sii.h restuu- \l,Lfrocks ,-l t.i Ber- Orillnuntp In permUloO by an «xit'|>- It's a hard wearing worsted twist cloth AVrlllli ll M.T. !•!• Sir. ;l.ili lo tlu. ilcl'l llmilutloii i ui^iiliii'il iintd ur dining ru.ims. ON i URNJTURE AUTO Ki'li Ml'i'.' 111. nil uf vern nllirr In 'I'l11. 'lu 1-16. Hub-HO'tliin 4 holder of i'OVi!merHHmenJTon* pri-iniMft*. or plu\, i-Aitau or the dirt,,, and LOOKS RIGHT at all Kh "f Calternt in lliiH i- ur« giiili'i'tiiken In :i«rmll to lin plnyeil upon the lhermod Single or married person* Morey LaRue'ft ir 1.ri• v. il \<\ III. orkH l'rogre»« i''I1, H .IK)IU< V Of tllH roHn iVTItnlnifltriitloii, un uKtticy of tm or any oilier inusU'ul producing may quickly *ecure a loan times!, llltii.l SLltoli, I ,j< .1 i';ht Suvintf Tlmu shull b*! udopt - »I meet IMI as Hit- ottlcui.1 time uf tho Borouyh to 15 months to repay— Why not get wise to yourself? Take a ,- i-i.nlN lu hi- In.mi- liy (I"' Hui'uiiBli till) No ilown payment on uahl liy the Mayor uml Council by IIHDOIU- > <-!uthe« like new r.irt.ivt fnr MU.-I. Imi'iovetiientii, I'uplttil tiiVMHtmunl hafl been provided tlon ur Ordlminue, or when Daylight "Fit Your Budget" — flat fur In Ihi' l,i» ..1 Lluclget nf l'j:i!l, lint K Tlnm Is uihurwl»<> put Into run down to BOND'S FACTORY today I.V..IMIn .111 IIKI-II.-) ul I'nlL'il Htulea be provlili'.l for In tlic l.o..ill Htiilgel ter Plan or graduated pay- and get your- with uciowa and VniiTlm 1H I'liulrltitilliiK llnunelal i)( 13411, uH provided for III Title Dalud: fcl.'pt 18, 1J3I), life when Sanllonc ii'ii, Hi,. Mini ..f $l!t.:iHa tw. 40:1-1:; or the Itevlited Hlulutta of AUOU8T J. PKltHY, ment schedule. Dignined- CI1 Thill fi.r tin- iiiirlx'ae of paying 1SI3V, II.H umeiidi'.l. Borough Clt-i'k. self o BOND t- . ..HIH to lit' borne hv HIM Hortiugh Ill) Tim full fullh unil rudit uf coafaUntial service. I'lirleret fur mild Improvement" thu BoriMigh of t'ltrti'rt'l MIIU.1 ! be ami The uhovtj ordlnumie wan lntru- IT., sllllll In- I.^HU.'.I lltM'lllUUellt hereby uri> pluilgeil for the payment ilnct'ii ut ii remilar meeting uf tho COMMUTER'S SUITS J thtr- ,II.IM iif Ihe IfuriiiiHli "' Cut'er«-t, of tliu primipul :unl IhU'leul un all i.'uiiiicll or tliu Borough uf Carurut lll nl un iiipiti'1 Inv.-Hlmeiii (KM This Oi.linaiHV ahull tnkf fit C. 1'. U-21 ted twenty (iOi days litter tho first , thr l>udg«[ of IW piirHimnl lo 40. publliiattun Hi. rtuf following Its final • I" of ll..' It.'vis...) Sliihii.-M of li)J'. pannage. nilv 10 Hum of |liu,lilMUIil ln'lllH I'lf cBti- .ul.'.l iiiaxliiiiiui iiiit.imit of inoiioy to JOSKi'H W, MITTUCH, 95 •alB,..l fr.1111 all Hour.fH fm ii»l% I"*1' ul1' 111m iiiiyttlilit si- ni-uiiiiuiiiiy uml inny NUTU'U 1 J" *>**U»aa UttKJ. Il'l tieuud ill "lu time or frtmi time to The above Uriiiimnrn won Intro me, Tlu> ruli' if lutoruot wltlilii the ducsd ut a Mpeelitl Ifaetlnf of tlm proviilml. 'i""« uaadvutlMdi lltUllilUIn lull' Borough Council of the Bo rough v[ lutea 01' mat 111 Hv. form. . Camret held in the Offlcu of tlm NSW BRUNSWICK FACTORY D»ym«nt un.l other detail* and Mftyor, Cookii Avenue, Cartersr, N«w M-.ir_, L»an« at am*. if suit' uml delivery nhall lie TetMy, on Hepttmbar jl«t, USB, whun «raari«i ilutormliind by KunHulloii U wai ituietl un Arat i«ttdlm. tin BEMSEN AV& it HOWAID ST. t Mayor uml 1'uuiiell or tho Boruufh vot« thireon being u« fullofrv: t Cartemt. Ay«i:—Oouncltin*n Al|>hanie HEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY "WS>Httjr (I) In unl^r lu tiimporttrlly fliutncu ortt, ClifforCliffdd L. CutterC , JJoiopti Gal it ubovu uriil«rtukln». bond untlcl- vanak, William Qreenwuld, Jumna i»tloii noltis niti Imruby uiitliurU»a J. l.uka.lK John Hrully, una*r Ui« iiruvlaioim of Tltlo <«, Nil) 4:—None. MODERlf CEMETERY dti«pt«» 1, Section S uf lh« Hnvlseit Alxent: -Noiib. Statutes uf J937, un umi'iuled, 1» tttSO AM. »ntil • P.H i Thtt iald Ordlnunue will be con A HAVEN Of REST .mount not to Bui-ueii i»» »>"" for Itnal rsailing at a re*[u 41,811.00. 8»ld noi«» ' in l&r nmettnir of tliu Borouth Council AT ir&l terBi« tliu uurpoim fur tu ba h«ld »t tho B9M*Kh H*ll, »r«'lemied, am! aliu.ll hv tai 1 Council etii»mb»rii, «oq»« Avenqs, ,... amuuntH mid *t «ui!" t' C «*, Ntw J«rn»y«rn»y, an t>i« >nd dfty W0QDBKIDGE May b« datermlnotl by uf 'hu form of of Oatobtr, )»3>, »t U V.tL »t whlea .lie Qov»rnlng,Hody. Um» end place all p«ragnrlotira«t«d aOYEtLEAFIifratSECTION • f int«r,,.. PuMish*»d by CaHorpt Pre?s watrh for little children on the rtieetsan d thtaktaf.*" ... -"4 OFFICE highways. Sp«*d should bf ntrulatod to G.rm«»y'« 7« WASHINGTON AVE.. CARTF.KET, N. J insure the safety of children 'n areas whore emi LUCY GREGORY Ed'tor .lp«t «f HI., they were apt to b« injured. Careful driv- Tlw »»rtr •» »•• -•••«. MEYER ROSENBUIM Sport» Editor ing at all times is incumb".!1 upon motor- ,t Ih* lm E'it*r»d ao second fli« matter June 6, ists but no driver should overlroK roadway on th tK. . He hat •• rlfk«« «»W ihe uwnrmm 1924. it Csrteret, N. J, Tost Office. und« »ni MtUA tlmttt, 61 • t.rf. the Aft of Murrh A. 1879. signs that warn of the probabl > presence of Hi. i children on the roads. G«rmai.r u # f »•• lifc, * Th«T "»»< »•• "»' l illrri»t 4iMM«ien ,n,| «(ent. art Up To hdget And L$myet» f*w«m.B| II,. Carnage On The High Seas Judges and lawyers, all owr the United cr..(«t wi| la on b..l«««. «al E«tlaa4 .nd Fr.,,,, chant ships to German submarines. This •«r Uad »f werW »aJ play «k« !••• *fj^rfin« lo r ""• has misled some people who jump to the halt the breeding of "termites" in the tem- dcriland. .,«.*•• conclusion that'the l.'-boat campaign m ple of justice. "The American people Tarir political !•••• ar« m»ch llfrt ••*• »nH ih»ir . never were in greater need of an intelli- ar. sisalhr. B««a «UrUh «WI ppWtUi. N,,.K- beginning to repeat the striking successes Uin. .~osf at paia agilatan at«»*»» ••»,!•"«. of (n of the World War. gent, well-trained, independent and fear- Brilaia ••• Fr»BC« —mft* a*»l» wllk Amrru , ! Hritish and French losses, just now, less bench and bar." tt»Am. wJtheal whkh a* grae,l aaMoa ta» t«,protp<-m... i •» Ih. wMpoat w. IM aaJ ftfht •• »a *«M1 t.rn,. u (WKU SERVICE) ar? explained liy the fact that German sub- Most of the shortcomings in the admin- BO r«w. I* »••' •»••• ; . marines, sci out before hostilities began, istration of justice, the speaker asserted. Th. Uait*d SU»« •••! «•*« <«I«MW product!,,, brought -conditions back to usual naiataiB it« high iUaaara1 of IHIag. It* M»U ir. ... ' on trade mutes, ready to waylay the were the shortcomings of the lawyers and It the plant. A long blast from il oaa'l iMHt* »«*a »•>• anaaclt af fctallt.ri.n,. ttw plxit siren *ignall<>d the end freighter' and liners. When the war judges. He suggested that H is the job of world marh.<> b^aai. lahj^l ta IU«*-Cwa«a«i.t «o of the dispute and the men re- n the lawyers to protect the rights of free Looking At Washington United StaUt woaW »•»• •• eh»»i« Wat I* adopt ih, „ started hundreds of British and French turned t/> worii under agreement tan. ajiips were far from any warships. They people. that sfrfke leaders would not be With the outbreak of win n would adopt the s*m<» Attitude • < • taken by the British ind make an subjtel to be discriminated. A lad to make the best of the situation in There are any number of people wl > Europe, the prices of certain rum I. th. pr«M«t war, ih. iaTUto *l Maad. th, H. effort to prevent such supplies from considerable amount of work pil- Which they found themselves. •vill agree with the statements made by the modifies in this country immedi toaality ana Ih. p.r«^alla« J ataMvttiet a»« mttrU , ately reflected a boom, evidently reaching her enemy ed up during th« period of idle- ness promises • several vrry busy ti.ul which eaacaab a imi itrafgU l«»i»». It will not be long before the convoy President of the American Bar Association. baled upon apprehension that ; This creates a critical problem weeks immediately ahead *>d pawar. Bal la thlt *tnafgU, AasaMeJut •rnp.thir. , there would be shortages of essen- \ for the Administration. While system will be inaugurated again and sub- th. AIHM a«4 far th* hart «f rwiaw. aar •»• »»lf inir,, tional commodities. j final decision may have to b« de marines will not be able to torpedo unpro- Five Ya*rt Ago Th« A»ricBB pM«la *• aot hato tha Gvn.. „, In discussing price*, President j by«l until determination of the tected ships. When the submarine cam- Other Babies Live loafer p«opU. aor wi»h .eU, hat that '•* «k*t th. .ir>,,, Roosevelt points out that profiteer- ! question of neutrality hy the Con 6OR0 LANDMARK cal aai ecaaoBike authaa. .Ta»rt4 hf th. Coamioin. paign reached its height in the last struggle It is interesting to report that babies Kress, it is problematical how far in(t must be approached from dif- MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARS Nasit wtH .a>*aBi.r Aat.ri«a'« «caa*aic po.ition m H,. the United States should go in as and seemed on the verge of starving the born in 1989 can expect to live twelve years ferent viewpoints, as between pro- Kish's Hill, a Carter*! land (N.wark Suaaay Call). setting its neutral rights. British nation, the convoy system, plus the longer than babies born in 1900. duction and retailing. He said that mark where Woodrovr Wilson had on the basis oi current retail In the World war, both sides spoken in his campaign for the depth bomb attack technique, restored the These figures ar$ given out by the Met- prices, cotton and wheat, for ex violated ^fundamental right* of presidency, was almost entirely for a place on Uie ticket. In Car- "CarfMi •»( Not l: balance and saved the British. ropolitan Life Insurance Company which ample, were substantially Mow neutrals. The British blockade, torn down in i fcur-hour period. | teret Mr, Synowiecki polled the TV lat« ROM- II U. know exactly !l«nfest vol. Riven a candidate of wrote Uw poem ( . Against the loss of allied ships must noints out that babies born in New Zealand, parity. He remarked that an ad- effectively stopping imports into No one seems Germany, seized many . neutral what happened, save thrrr was a either party. Rln| Tonight" w ;> be set the significant fact that German ves- vance in tha. price of wheat to Australia and several European countries $1.15 or |1.20 a bushel would ships carrying cargoes that were rumor in the borough the old bor arithmetic letson • GALE LASHES BOROUGH ?els have been driven from the seas. Ger- "an expect to live longer than American make only an inappreciable differ- entirely legal under international oufrh hall mi«ht be torti ilown and ytvrt old. It »ii : , DAMAGES PARK BADLY the had read In !'•' ence in the price of bread. law. The British, as a matter of that there would be no angrr if man merchant ships have docked and for babies bom the same year. 1 policy, promptly assumed liability ita wood wen used fur Heavy damage wan done in laSS She riH ' *he duration of the war will stay docked, On the other; hand, the Govern- placed them in i • In 1901 the expectation of life at birth and indemnified the owners. Shortly afterward » *mall army of throughout the borough by a except in the narrow confines of the Baltic ment is closely watching the price people appeared, went tti Wuik tin heavy gale and rainstorms In th« Subsequently thr i . Unable to intercept shipping by early part of the week, reachintf Usbtd In thf lvu i in this country was 49.24 but by 1987 thifllof copper, an important metal the structure, and now only a few Sea. surface vessels, the German navy Advertiser. It had been advanced to 61.48 yfcara. This is which can be produced plentifully heavy timbers ol the framework full force on Wednesday At least Germany, one should understand, is a resorted to its submarine weapon. twenty trew were blown over snd ia4 was Immerti.i'' abort five yean, below 'he explctancy in -**-^ «£ ^ remain. A numibdt of thr Ki.ih trading nation, that secures its wealth from Repeatedly the German Govern- family protested to the local au uprooted, and several intersections paper* throughout !• New Zealand, nearly three years below | repetition of the ment pointed out that it was im- of the town ww uader deep wa- In . the sale of products to other countries. ment wants no thorities anil said legal action e Australia and Norway,,, more than, three World Wax .condition in is the effective use of would betakes V} ter. The rain was heaviest at th* v Without commerce Germany cannot exilt veers btlow the NetheHandVarid fw<> yVai* ctfp|W jumped to * twenVty-iSght tfta{,ii'tdar»a taril,"t*> follow the the ion of thfe building thne of high tUV'so the rs'teV pat- rules of' international law in re- in!! were not able to carry the ex- as a first-class power. So long as the Brit- cents a pound, creating enormous Waterloo, a sh,c : below Sweden. gard to search and seixurt. Con- treme load. ish fleet blockades the North Sea the Ger- profits which, to a laige extent, BOROUGH POLICE Bnuttls. I) uiri ' • ' The United States leads the world, ac- had to be borne by taxpayers as a sequently, the Germans contended, TO ENFORCE CURFEW i» moat visaed i>.< ' man merchant ships cannot carry on that whole. as a matter of retaliation, U-boats A plan to enforce the curfew FORMER BORO CLERK • tope. Recent *•• ' cording to the popular view of most Ameri- DIES IN HOSPITAL commerce. were justified in sinking ships with- j i>w'formerly io offset here is under aver that the faniMi , cans. Here is one instance where we do Because sugar showed immedi- ately the effect of war fears, the out ascertaining their identity. consideration by the Borough Harvey Van Arden Platt, bor- popular with Aimi • not lead. In promoting the health of our President suspended statutory quo- Warning waa given to neutral ves- Council. No siren or curfew bell ough clerk for nearly twenty-five Usb louriiU. One Surprise Of The War people, in spite of all medical science, there tas restricting the importation and sels to stay out of danger tones. will be .sounded but police will en- years died in Perth Amoby Gen- domestic marketing of sugar in The legal issues thus created force regulation* requiring all ju- eral Hospital after a short illaess, are regions in which the people have better were raised repeatedly by the veniles be off the streets at 10 P.although his health had b*en fail- One surprise of the war has been the ing for nome timt. Mr. Platt was j health and can expect, at birth, to outlive capitalizing on a temporary retail Governments, both in and M. The measure was brought up failure of Germany to attempt any mass sixty-nine yean old and had been the babies that are born in the land of the shortage "to capture windfall Berlin. The chief difference be- because of the large number of pombing attack upon large British and tween the illegal actions wa» that juvenile crimes committed here sn active Mason early in his life. free and the home of the brave. profits." Under the Jones-Costigan French cities. Act, the Executive is empowered those of Germany were accom- recently, all but ones of which have already baan solved by the WEATHER DAMPENS to suspend quota restrict ions when- panied by the loss of American Before hostilities began, it was taken lives. This created a hostile senti- police. DEMOCRATIC OUTING ever an "emergency exists" with The annual Democratic picnic, for granted that the mighty air arm of About Advancing Prices respect to sugar. ment in the United States and Germany would be uaed to blast the popu- eventually led the nation into war TWERTY.FIV$ ATTEND scheduled for Markwalt's Grove, The outbreak of war in Europe has The Act is an integral part of against the German*. FIRST AID CLASS was held in St James Hall be- lous areas of enemy countries. This has cause of the damp weather. The the AAA program ar.u is designed Whether this series of events Twenty-Ave person* attended the been -followed by rapid advances in the threat of rain however fatted to not happened except in Poland where Ger- to stabilize sugar prices in this will be duplicated in the present ftrat das* in First Aid conducted prices of certain commodities in the United dampen the ardor of the picnic country and to strengthen the in- struggle remains to be seen. Just by the Carteret First Aid Squad man planes have wrecked destruction in and a large crowd remained en- States. ternal economy of Cuba, Puerto now, there is little evidence that at the Borough Hall. Of this num- cities of little military importance. thusiastic throughout une after- Rico and off-shore sources. It was this is the case, but as the war ber several were police officers off It may be taken for granted that, in the noon and evening. It may he reasoned that Hitler's present pointed out that 800,000 tons of continued and emotions grow luty at the time. scheme us to whip Poland, take what he United States, as in other countries, there Cuban sugar is available for im- fiercer, there is no telling what the port into this country and the fact This la Big •utnesa i re those who are quick to profiteer upon belligerents will do. Threes Years Afo The National Cily bank of Nt» wants in the East and attempt to secure will be reflected In future sugar York city require* Its higher salaried peace in the West. In order to facilitate >ccasion. They must be handled by the prices. NO HOME GAMES; FIELD HOT HEADY male executive* to keep Uwlr had EntllN • .this manoeuver he does not wish, at. this constituted authorities of the government. The Department of Agriculture, oa their dwiki when in the building FUNERAL in recent r p rt 8dditio n 1 Announcement hag just been time, to intensify the feeling of the British It is not for us to attempt to draw the line j » * * -5*7* i » nade that no football ^mes will It hit hat is not on his desk. It assurances of ample food supplies' Do You 94 Ht played on the he me field this meant that the employee It not on , and French against Germany. between profiteering and legitinjate price in this country. In a report show- j advances. year because the frrounH must be the ptemises. * It has been suggested that the reason ing the stocks of foodstuffs in cold i needed and allowed to settle for * may lie in the rapidly expanded air force In regard to farm prices, the average storage on September 1, the DQ- j Remember? '.wo or thre months before it will partment pointed to large holdings farmer will be glad to see prices go higher. >e in condition to si3ml the strains of Great Britain. Certainly, when the fight- of foodstuffs with many increases >f football mater is. Games sched- The increased prices, they hope, will be Ten Years Ago Ing began the British were not as fearful in important items such as manu- BABIES GET PRIZES iled to be played in Carteret will «f aerial punishment as they were last Fall. caused by the war in Europe. Whether the factured dairy products, cheene, IN PARADE CONTEST be transferred either to Rahway NOTICE TO froten fruits and frozen vegeta- ji Perth Am boy stadiums. Maybe, Hitler and his aides know that, in price will rise, aa expected, or not, there Helen Matvey, Lorraine O'Brien is no reason to presume that the same influ- j and Myron Holowchuk won first Ae long run, the British and French will In connection with the differ- j pri*es in their respective classef POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS 'outbuild the German air fleet and, as a ences might not work qn other commodi- ence that the President stressed in ut the first annual parade held un- WELL UNDER WAY NOW TAXPAYERS safety matter, he does not wish to inaugu- ties. regard to production, Secretary der the auspices of the Board of The annual pre-election cam- Wallace said that the Government Health. Albert and Daniel Kasha, paigns of both parties have gotten rate indiscriminate bombings that will will not loek with disfavor on a Edith Gregor and Eleanor Dono- under way well up to schedule -Cajuse intensive retaliation. twenty per cent advance in the ghue won the highest awards for this year. 2,000 persons attend- What the reason is no one can tell. Crop Control ft Democratic general level of farm prices, pro- floats entered in the parade. ed the annual Repi^ilican picnic on vided it is baaed on "sound con- Sunday. Focus of the contests is PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Borough lloreover, the puzzle may disappear any While there are thoaf ,whfl rant about sumer demand" an dnot on "specu- RANDOLPH ST. TO HAVE on that for the tax assessor, j-'day with news of tremendous air raids the farmers giving up th«frJftNfgrty, no one lative activjty," Increases in prices RELIEF FROM RLOODS George Bensulock, Jr., borough Carter* will adverti* lor sale on OCTOBKR 1 cro of most farm products have not On the recommendation of street commissioner, regarded th« striking many cities. Just the same, the should lose sight of the fafifc fcj»& P con- Councilman Waller Vonah the yet brought nictations up to the strongest opponent ever to tail 1939, next, all properties delinquent in real r>ut trol is not forced upon the grow^fe of crops. grade of Randolph Street is to be ' * war u three weeks old and the spectacular levels sought upder the crop con- against the present assessor, Wil- changed to that tie tidewajks will lim D. Casey, who has held the aerial offensive has not been launched. It does not become effectivfifliW thjB grow- trol and farm programs. The taxes for 1937 and prior yean. not become so deeply flooded dur- post for over twenty years. Secretary of Agriculture, while ers themselves vote in favor of using the ing heavy rains. The street is so expecting an increase in exports, ! taw for the purpose. much higher in the middle than warned farmers against being too SOCIAL LIFE OF BORO This tale muit be Mndttted in <•-'" vT About Saving School Children at the sides, Mr, Vonah said, that ALSO PICKS OP ' This is a thoroughly democratic pro- optimistic about such trade. ' the sidewalks have several times Naturally, the war in Europe After the usual Summer lull, with the prevision, of thf T«#e Act km•«"• , The importance of training children to cess. There is no tyranny involved. More flooded tfcree or four feet social life in CaMexet Is also show- and ita repercussions in this coun- look both wavvS before cro&ing streets and John S. Olbrieht, an eagi- ing more spirit-and life. The Wo- than a mayority of the growers have to vote try constitute the main concern Chapter 237 of the Laws #11118. nper for No, 2 pir* Company, told man's Club directors 'met to plan |Q acquaint them with the sound rules of in favor qf regulations and restrictions be- of the Government at this time. tie Council of a Bristol water their season; ej new bingo aeries One of the serious decisions that a.r ['{ figures gathered by the American ntrol, there is little that is Afl^emocratk Sokol'Hall on Tuesday nights; the blockades and eounter-blockadea ashed for charts to use with the weekly dances givrfn by ta« Recre- r-A|V)mobiIe Association show that injuries in permittyif jJiem to have control. that< are developing in the war. ga^ge, and explained how, the. te-ation 'Sponsoring Committee at and pake the payment «> children at school age are higher than The British Government has senr- sta ment will help in fighting Area Nathan Hale School are also ^^^^^" ' '" * t ed oflcial notice that it intends tha may incur, since the gauge un- tot* any other group of pedestrians* They '' ** der way for the Winter. deiuqaeot taxet before the date let oat ab«v , ( to exercise full rights as a beli- rec jrddas ooinl a chart thtoe water pr*s-pret- \ -j—— $lpo show that the largest percentage of gerent, Imt in doing so will eg- mr! available ia" the boroogh at On* Yaatf A|c Tax Collector is aaxiou to ft over your tax b News On front tapi bl to m •varyt minuteMIHIlVa rti*of everana^yu dayitau . ' '- • •*-1 •• • bjld pedestrian fatalities occur on school Here'a an item of n«wa from London t | $».£ »T \ T Tk ^ SYNOWIECKI TAVORED but outside school hours. _ ' , ,. ., J i, • . . 'the rights of neutral*. This foW ST1IKE SETTLED HERE, NOT IN COUNTY and arrant? with you for the payment of the -T School authorities all over the nation newThs oen Dailits frony Mailt patf, eo nfo rMonday the firs,t printetime ind bwi ^ wm MUM of Wl> M IVY W0H FROM MEN Joatph BynoifJecki, local under- does t*» hat of contraband aw-' Vbtea Of over 450 employeas of talur .who sought the nomination tpent taxes. " should concr Rtfrtft tipon the problem and its career. . , j • ' Uciea mhUah«d by the «rituh- Ue Metela RcAamff for coroner on the Democratic !' cooperate to'the effort to make ehi|iren Heretofore the Mail printed nothing Whik Gftrmany hut week had CotaUny favoring awftwn to ticketjand aadb«n ejutomd by / JOSEPH J. ******l aW--k Audits i M> oftelal liit ol if ho walk upon streets and highway eon* but advertisements on wori frem the strike the* had (ne Cfltuity orgaBiution, ran a pirn 4*&*** m» proteat of « boaa> ayateifejjpo»r thW i* «{«e«eii man contort * t» KHIMTS tthbtn* A *ln-eat*i wii t perm who for nnean hundred onnlbUM ae n» ftnt ttMl rtdln man mt m tntwn ud M The AtUntla • trifling payment Mi t*ll*vH to Italy are nm by median*, or marth boitt In t* MAory of ndlo li beln| a m-Mth ot«e t»Kf upfln hlmietf, by. mnn« of food gai, It It reported to the American tfmuntM at Chetmtfort, Knfland rayat a*yy IN Mng coar*rt«d torprim* mNiWHr of Brim Inchidea tttree-ttaOial of »nrt drink, the tint of i deeeated Chemical aoelety. Emanation e< Hit (Mtt IIT f»»t hl«h, waa built for tatug dMy and ai training thlpa TWork'i -»lg», haa b««n eurfaee of die globe. Its person The cuitom wal one* Com- thli gat In tha dlttrlet of Saliomaf- Ktrtnnl'i flnt eTrvrlmenttl ttatlon «pf ttMrejt i tuival roiunt««>r ra- tl)t public •« • fftuttum eludini the AntaretM mon In many parts of England and flnre wtll make pomlbie the laving nwaltln lh 11,000 mil**, average wlaW « " hour In the hi|hl»n(h of . Kach of torn of a*a*n1lne. It \* IHleved. mltoi; greatett width. I,W villa** had iU official »ln-nl#r who the rmmtry Th* Jw!f« of > Chicago court area. Including coaai watt on notice of a death would go to the jtomlMd lo l«»e no ittwie untumtd Tha prteclp*) klndi of rheeae tiial jmr, ••IK tog \o *• O. I 100,000 iquare mlWt home and sit In front of ti-> door. In t«tttni to the bottom at thli made la ttghnd are Cheddar. bi»Mu of ••ttndlnnl Momnka, Food and drink w«y hand*) htm More than 1.000,000 pertoni tpend torn* time each year In the natlau'i MM, A defendant toon lo appear C)>e«hift.fttilfcm, QkMicaater, Wen*. ind *.h«>n h» had Bnlahed the re- ktfofe htrh WII charged with itttl- leydele» DHwy*iiir#< •^•ceawrahlfe, tnovtd off (trim, wfcflt MMM Pt«. he roi« imd woiwsurtced the penal Initltutlona. The averaft dotty The p fodjwrto n for aet. f»rmi !L *** » »•«• whom he thui pawned Mi own IOUI. 1110,000 men nnrt wnn>en. Wt pouch** un ih» (iMMm were New The weiring of betkUBj perioni without li-(i> mid nrmli •• Urn, wh»n H flows ihroujh the heart Me»lco. Junusry I Iftt and,Ah ,hn „,„„,. (hw pilgM.. Uvo. • penMM eowweted dlre«Uy «r Indi- 'Hiilneai la hot month* li ""- •>-'••><••• ! wt hate tovr rectly with {.oulilant'i fur Induttry. (nna. Frhriri'* II 111?

,. would you give for a SUM JIM THE , vr you ten for one,

1MB ENOVO1 •"•/.,

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*w THH ttmr* rLii*

"*r-«/»i* ^_ J •aaaaaaaaanaaaaaV t«^ «IVIM ON fc minwtjn

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ut you, Ufa would not Mllg K TO IM WOOOJ M(H riiht III keep you guaii- H. eroi»* «on(otit f— 1longe ...M^ar> thenikalm. *!fc**p:. • MOOTS \jt ! II UtdF.D EVEBRaflNO



i lady has ruch an elec- -~j \ I L SHOW f^ T0 • r - Too much »*-»ha • fv *. ° \\. . .rvthing. * I


ilr nt—How you 9»n lay it it a big football player

p • i \>iito— You don^t? Doem't 111% .]T0 poundlT A O0I6T iitERE ! t 6oT TOOTOUOT *, MICC- MOLt o rrs V< tjlMNV, SHOOT'

,< > C7

>' o

i wunl a divocc* on "f cruelty?" tinnorl" iur occupation?" 5c<£t> ^ d Jion tamer, alt."


~m~.^Tr~-~- - WJ ^ "_-^S=*^. OHO! SOMfr 1^/A FISMV .irlAt Pote Business A\ v/w«/ ^ i neat. //w. i&L.'

^ N^

"her -Johnny, give me : ii it- parta of tpaech. ^-' Vjsin—mouth, tongue v\\ //:

-tf^ >i^%^ s^^^gfi- M'ST TBlf IT

^-JC^o i


vV »y do you wiot aueb \ X ••• w«ich when you pan •' dollar? • '< »>u av«r try to p>wn

Inside w«i

•'su't *"?,< m 50 F AJttlJtS LIVE LIKE AiDMGINES evue of World Events in Photographs ON RIVER ISLAND On«e J,,,, Neutrality Proclamation Stamped With Official Sral r*.mrr *.* T**™ Poilus in Action Near Sirgfrinl Mnc Of City, TJiay Elirt la Far Primitiv* Style.

-Wto da»«llnj nf tilt has a new r to look at this

've lik> hflefco'oaa'a ftiHt lto«ntf hi K- ment. But thrPP rnnt# nrrtiont of the dotiKh* are migtih

She saved tkcm si

hv thi. rturrnw Wnll rtver the auUtn* bht.n- fr»m A:!i;if1':n (\«h diirks b)r th* swept the blenk K I r.h'v \i,*,<;i^^appt. Muft l#1and~ The story wn» <, •i ii ,'0 yi-Mis ago did not e«)It« •"ran* Alns. whoi. "

in hrmi whrre they can hear here. He wa» v, tiw ti.ikc« "I a !ii« city »nd the whls- moiaitaliw when k. I ilpitml'mts plying the Jury Hts partner } and • nelgtihm- F thin thickly wooded lilanaW bound him on * «i miir)1 thnn a iinne'l throw froitl up » team nf eight , ph IH" hinlcst currier—imnk* In the lead, and »ei mrU frnm the chimneys of Hiry. •ft settWment, Km- rairithnckle cabins half hidden In Uit Hwfrp, |. • w;iylnfi willows. Dogs bark Inudly That was on a Mi :md vlrimuly nt approaching stran- day the burial , £rr*. Riionlcr' crow ind hens them Thej alt mm' rniH>' Piajs grutit In Ihf If back- Uirre dajrs the hli T> ,- Wearing a r»<"T sat* garment, yurrls while i\ .wind made ndarous (nod ran out timi ^ frm-h hataatry tad marhlae (mm ire Ow n In urtlon nndef •ad carrying a bow uoi arrow and hy thr dirtv. fftltl rather of waters gav* *eirbornn i.. •:• rerrrias; Are *f Ihetr tasks ovriag remit rarMnlrr* In Ihf German ter- knife, Miw Wikma Jacobs**, 1> *nHi through the trees. S«rrrlar< «* vi.,, (<,rArn run .ii.lir, u lUr iffli or ••rial aeoJ of tfce Tailed States apon the atw- ritory m-mr Saarfcractea, adjacntf I* Gmnany'i ml wall, or Sleg* "At It o'clock fi,' j-esr-oM Wyambtg gfc"t reratly Rahhlto In rtnderbrosk. n«™ «hirh preiiomh had bee* sigaed by PresMeat taooMe*L gawrtfy afterward, Mr Raoie- fried liar. could not travel ,,n spent three oigMs la (a* wiM* ol 1 p.^t.m.imn pl» ini in rmnarga oa iraaa, itipssllai asat haptonerti of war lo beHigereat Th' rjiiiik ruitle of itartled rabbit* had blistarcd In. r. southeastern Wyantag. Here she In hrnrtl in thp imderhrush Crows sheHer and tnkl u, t photor'ip* nf IV titi pigr of Ike aeatraHty araebtmattoa. Hghyi a hVe prefariar to eook tke c,T* hnTrshly ni thi-v wheel and glide the morning," Mh, one rafcbil the Wed. Tfcr tri, wa.9 Bearded Explorers Demand Tonsorial Aid (ivrr (-..riiflplrh and rows of cotton. a "Spleljack k»pt n,, lectors May Tell Story in Europe's War Mml iestnrni m i i l'h> hnrhnr aK'ut ?.Q yenri »go and and the dksgs w«re • • h.i? 8r<»vn until it now ciivem sev- down. He had nor w ASSETS rr:il IninrtrMl nrrrn, forming an o»tf- er girmetit wnit jn.t Milkmaid «h.i|>f(| utiiml which 1» more lhan a of drill. HotoMnr ( ,

mile I'MiR nnil ii mile across at tU me to care for he'd M. • viilc^t All the eflnrts of the there until he In,, led St;ili'« .irniv engineers to "The bliuard «,, k fiirmiilinn of the island, which I called him. We ' :I!I!\IKI riiinr'! Mi'inphis' fine harbor. NATION back to a vacant wo. .j, II.(r<' futile. "The night *M )>• f.iiinlirs on M\n1 island—It was eouMn't e»en see I. i I A»R STRENGTH ARMED FORCE NAVAi, ooVvEP'cd lhn( lick nf a bpttrrname of the team. Bui •. livr- iii hiiuj^s mounted on big logs liuewr or fwttnoN, there, breaking her « BRITAIN "r iTiipty oil ilnims The drums and 4,000 1,000,00b 2;062,000 100% htH serve an flctiteri fnr the houses »-tii-ii high waters cover the Island. "FtaaJly she Simif IIVT m houseboats- arks of she was done Bui h, 780 000 tin* modem d.iy which rest on the there was a flgurf I: NANCE 3,500 6,300,000 t m Eroiiiiri when the stream Is low and who had attemptcrl • 1 ' ihovc the ground when the water If we hadn't tum I < n-Hi-hes flood levels. E»ery house Lady hadn't found h u nnchnred fmt. To IW« In an un- died. GERMANY 6,500 3,200,000 > WQJOOO iViat;ible hciu«e on Mud Island Is un- '^Oxford took haM , f •> thmk.ihlr. fi.r almost every winter oolt and sUggtred .: the vi .!trr gun so high that even the on downstream. Aft. t' [is i-( trcfi are covered. turned away from !!i. •, POLAND 1,000 2,000,000 NONE 10% Nime Pay Tamet. the bank. Spleljnck lie , : Rpvidrnls on the island pay no She swerved again n-1 taxis of any sort and everyone ted until she'd pulled RUSSIA owns his own home. Naturally, there bank. Then she luv ,: 5,000 12,25O>O0O 306/WO «& Wbra ("•mauAdrr I>«aaM B. MarMHtaa arrived from an Arctic ex- I ;irc no modern conveniences, and maybe she'd sensed a ' •• • pedition Kith bis rrrw of rolirfr be>s al (UwtlibaT Harbor, Maine, the ; thr Kreatest protilem is that of ob- "Spleljack fmuul die irrt a>auad m for sfcavr*—«ad not '«nri' nrr li|htly'" Here Mri. ; taming drinking water Almost all with a Yukon stove : ITALY Maclflllu dUT« Dr. Wajne MooJtoa o( Masuu huvtu (rnrral hospital. | the inhabitants tr'ap ratn water in wood, close by Tlu . ; 5,000 5,700,000 680,000 SO* TV- London milkman has |OM to ship's doctor. Left to ritht, the brardrd ripknts and Itieir barber: barrels, while others row across and the sled inside I . • " - . £- the colors, and kis tob has bra Harold Evaao of WaHkaaa. Mw; Mm.. hUrMOUa, Dr. Wirw MOBIUM Wolf river t» Memphis to get their while I suflfred t*.rti::.-. lakes ere* by a comely mats. The •ad James Wiles rf Nonraj, Maine. supply. leg, thai men and ii i - r, Bar*] and rroooraic mi|hl of Earope't leading powers h> shew* ea the above chart, prepared) box slang orrr her shaaider k nM logs. fees! available wnrm. her knob, it's her taa mask. Most of the island's dwellers are "At daybreak Spieij nk unemployed or part-time working dogs on an ll-mik- mui Poland Again Battles for National Existence Congress Faced With ^ar Issues riverfolk who are satisfied to be for bejp. About Uim near the stream that holds some voltes and dogs bar.. iss America—1939 niy.^tprinus charm They are con- teams had come (or w> nt tn do perhaps one day's work "We never could liu\ <- • e;u'h nuuiih and to spend the rest of hadn't bad such :.. tln-ir tinif tending their small crops, 5 brains," Alba concluili il m a veritable jungle where that team going d'ir,:/ wild kfe n abundant, or fishing in rards: she found Ox',: < ivi t pr'duct!\e coves around the ii- found that t*nL"

> which bi'lungs to Ten- has bctn considered for TelU Pol>r« Judge, So luirpnsej by state officials. Long, I'M Be Seeing Yi mg them the idea of constructing CLEVELAND, OHIO inenieit au-jwrt. But ewery tiaa ting drunk on momy ' .'utd h.u bven abandonod, (or Judge Jo»opbN Actv • d.n' \hi- whimsical Uisaiaaippl en him to buy totKi v • :.•«• tin- island away w rapidr James Ocmry swu^j, i of Ttimi in lj«. afl- - :A built it. Until that lime Poland began lo disintegrate with Poland's first partition took place fudge's court aod bi^. «r the Btairiafe ot Quern Jidi»ita th; ris* of power of the Teutonic ; in 17?!, wiwi Russia,, l'ru»,i» • • lira probably will live ia » aad mure duum." af hU Sftl tin* JatrUo of Lilhu- knights ia East Prassia. Russia be- « Biusia be Aaslria eack took lamU, U.K.I. to "I saved the munt-y •• . Lasts of the two ullou were gan laitac hud vnen Ibe Teatoaa aa* aortkwest, ITnssla to tfic exit, at t»e workhouse." (lr.«i> d i Soldier GeU New T when 1 gut «ul 1 felt 1 !i.: Now He Can Dive brate " Judge Ackermar. (..'•• ' Ht.LS!NGR)RS, FUTUrTD.-A pended sentence. Cio.i:- remariiable operation bas been per- happily out of the t.i;::i (>iin:.-d by Professor Knkin. an uni- good by. ^s:an surgeon, according to "So long, Joe," he -.: i r.ewkj-apcrs just received setuig you."

fiiih'.mg against ihe Jap in llie Kuri'an border IMU. Sunday School Teaching I America (or 19» is fiuici- I S vit1. cdoncl wan strurk by Gi»« Clew to Slwriaj Hary Dr. jetty of Detroit, If-yr&r- I a hand grenade, which YOUNGSTOWN, 0 I »W STss Micafg.uL Patricia was three-quarters ol his which Soerifl Ralph I- |i. i u the cram after wiaaiag over assistant Sunday Sr! tour other nniMsU al Atlantic City, Eitkin cut oat the tongue helped him solve- an > 1 J. The other foar «ere frosa and unconscious snan tery. Vlrjini* «ad v grafted it to what A farmer. G. C K. .• ' a»d PraasU alone stored 1U thud paruiion, occurring In j Poland declared Ha right to Mloa- '• the colonel's tongue. Food *( Poland, -ITS*utoMl Poland lo disappear al- j oiny in Ulg. 8ka4e4 area skews oU i("f" iirtificiaUy tor a month. a note which read 1 ** *"' «antry «id> very | lusilhrr. Kuisn. Pnuit aad A«#- , German bai.ndary restored by HaV »'. it is claimed, Uie colonel "A warning, Mr K. • i asajtaat territory. j i,u shared th* spaik. | lo-s d«-rec. • pc.ik and cat wilhuul difflculty. want to Kvc a lid-timi- Percmital Refugee and place oa corner .' Smathing ot Une by nine o'clmu fa Britain Guards Her Children Against Gas Attacks LesrUaUte ueaiiag «t% MS The sheriff thought 1 v Ot asnntoi taeciaJ teaaisss af aaagveaa catted by procuunatum of fresi. Is New Sport in Poknd structure and spel "^ '' (SOUL aJL* 1 m , ^^__^ ** • . _ AfOTtnerpupil in the ' aai dsatf eaxcutne t previaatly narrksH wba J WAHSAW, POI.AMD.—Smashing day School class cinft that flke anatle aad fttiaM ad «aicUy oa Ma roqant for repeal mt Ike ana* •j the windows of passing trains U esaaarg* aaj) lam go hasae, mttcoaala are Mag nude to aroadea «beajs- ' becoming the favarita "sport" oi sent the note. I villages near here. ai aaa raiirgfatj lagJOaiiam. • Mayaag Hooky Ni I | The Central Railway adminutra- PASADENA, CAM! ! lion states that between ataj 14 aa4 bookj" trom sclmui . I Movember » last year there were old sport It used to ;>• i 220 cases of brokwi train windows day ol autoniabtl« |> ' | ia the region around Warsaw, «nd i War Machine Fords Pontoon Bridge •adlo e> t*Ueo Into (he W* waiUacii by pat^ •» U» iaattar. i» vary popular.

« P,iU:"' IWta t4ttaU to a asjri k« n»ir«a> Warf rope* that aaitt, ftjtmm mum tomMi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^eMawaaaiSappim^jii^^M^j^^^^^^^jMt^iia .^ . ,. ,~. ' • • ^^^^^^^" ^^^a^^^a^ . ^a»^wy ^f^^^W^a* , . • ^^PJPJp^P^^P^P^P^P^PJ* ^P^P^P^Pff^P^^P^P^PJB] '^'^il^^^BH ^^^^^^^^^^^^Ma^^Maaa—aiaw^^Ma—aja^jat^—*J^M*A—^^••^••^•fc—^M*. _^ .t,..,, a^ ni-M >' i^ir-j . .. .it ..•!. '•. ~. .... '' k ^Ha^H^^^^B!i^a^^^^KBL4a^^H ^ 'J^HHfl ins Championship In U. S. Metals Softball Leaguel Mechanics, 2 To I, As Poroski Solders, Stephulens., Carteret Cardinal* Baseball Team Mechanics Use On etches Feimjn Great Da«f Grdras Score Sweeps Errors To Yard, 8-4 Year\Wm 20~Games Lose Dan Donovan'* Jim Kolpsmj, h ,f Crt«r«t . th.' 1989 champ Error Wkfc ••*»• ('ARTERCT— won the tximr run kovafl With < S M<>tal* inter Poroski. p En*bU, Yard To the l»»'linir toaiM in tkia four tireuil irmiahMt ftl.iill league. PnM.»r, rf Tak« S«ri«a Opefwr IB utfh, the CartrrM r»- John Mitro wi# the • |:, soennd straight Stopifinki. if f SUra, Idetl Win 1 Gtnwt ontly wound op thvlr trtw with 7 •tmijtit ti >, Mechanic*, in the i«r8i, If, rf Looo esr with • brilliant rwoH and no drfmitX •'"I1 Y:irr, rf If 1 ,n *><1n««*ay nicht, ARTKRKT Thr»p swirp vie wenty vwlorifn and «arjr I'AHYKRKT A throe haw er Th* CaroV w»r«l 213 (the greatest pitch rim marked the »p*nin|r malrh™ ii this year in the in tho nowly formed Carter*! Ar»tl nd ami third c«ma« af tk« BM- •th inning: spelled doom for the proilmately a little better I'nmnki, Yard hurl- ••my Rnwlintt !.*mrup kit Friday iwn, the (ard> rinnpiM a 32 2 1 ^rh.inirn us the Yard camr ten ram per game. ! iti while Ff(k»r. who 3 wmc», Gruhin's Drugs c«m<- "Mship of the U. S. Metals inter Rum , magnificent fmv, • Miflem. s 4 Uirnn«h wfth a thr^-gamo triumph 12 Souta Khar Rluk Cats jFedor, p •piirtmcnt softhall league Mon ',,i four hits. 4 "vor Adorn and Walter's boy*. lav night nt the Copperworks Frank rVokopiak, captain of thr I Pirlla Plral«« iii.l two aaerUU'* hiU 4 and tho Stephen's Rooflnjt kpftl. Ki-lil. Thr senre wan 8 to 4. .earn, captured tne battini honor* 4 Perta Aufcoj Wlajn V .v h«ni«s t» pton*i over 2 from Washing 'or the second siweeraive season 11 CatiMdral-CMtiaJic CUk |Couir»lm, 2b The Mefhanira were in the ball , •( the gaaie la the .1 with a sensational hattinf averagr of NewtHt irHine for Ave. i«ninpi an the two cf :i fn the remaining two ira t h r- of .418, six points below kia 1»9M 6 IH)hcka »o>a' Club «f done FWor made itMins wpr* deadlocked in a 3-.' \\, 3 Uno 8Ur« won two OVRT th •nark. Leo Novak, hard bitting Newark ^orc. Then in the sixth the Yard flhamra, if 3 "iiy '!»n»(po plnnrrn whilo the right fielder, took attend phut 10 Ulaeraa A. A. *| he singled bat it tilled tho bairs with two away and rf 2 Idea! R.jrvicf eomhinn ncorH with ..185 and Joe ftacayaki, who ., ronMfWWCe as the R Left •<> rlfbl, •<«»^ifif- $«*nt«r Martinrltili, .-rretury and Irr.i- .'("• Yarr stepped up to the plate y two p|y win SynowiffkiY r finished stwnnil in Hid, was third T i;it mto a dwMe play 0Tfr » "; John Brnjow.kl, J,« Finn,- Jew Jonn MiHro, lie hit a, fang fly between rii *>ath RW*r P N A. .. Raofinf Co. (3) thin yp«r with .MX IS i,,r *a« "be*" a* h<- •11 I 2 John Maci)TBiki, boekmi misafcr. Sitting- Aiiim Gluchoiki, i'.ml eenter svkl "Red" Woychow MihtlMt All Mam *t Score IV itunr F. DnnnHty Ynrd wtthwt a sinfle 17? 175 Leo Norak, Fr«nl# Prokopiak, captain; {'•corui- Kapin, manager; ski, Mechanic* centerAtlilvr, run Rialownresult and (i)uchewaki r^arth Amhoy Yard. IT iwiinfu. During that noo 157 152 JOJID BUUwarciuk, William Finn. Bal hoyi Brnny Motkal, niiw fiver, had the hall in his R1OV« w*r* tied for two hajntem, each Valhibart Ttgrr* «f vr mat rea«M first ono on** i y 145 187 152 Law Toth. hut he collidot) with Coughlln wh« fettinjr p«ht Prokopisk led in Oranir* ,, WaiMnetui Carag* (Of PEAKING stopped nt third liase. Odd Fellows Pin IMP 17 Thornan J«ffer^on of icnlin 1S8 159 164 Perth Amboy ,hH«'d on flrtt M Trim Wnnt lufHiS WlH The Mechanics outhlt the Ynr 151 148 116 7 i <.iit mceklr to th* ! by A wide margin 13 to 6, but lefl Opens On Wednesday Stn«h 134 123 155 3 South River P. N. A. , Silver Score* Sweep Victory too many mim stranded on th ABOUT SPORTS 1.1 freehold Gray* 182 182 187 Four T«anu Entered Is tho first half of the ' Whit* Cu Powder, White Srnmr S 12 144 12*. 12ft By M.R. Park A. C. of MaUwan „- whm the Yard, trail Mftals Win Two-Game The box score: "•- LoBfuci—Team Roattra 7 Nixon NitratUin '.. 0 arore, finally cam* Match** 719 719 740 At the prosont time the National League i» witnessing Yard (I) Rel«aeed 15 Ard«na Blue Cape i i h»" winning two-run another one of those torrid races with the Cincinnati Reds AB lfl Keaabey Tlgen 'i-M two men tied <>ul mm4 Walt'i (0) larai, slf 4 t'AKTKKKT Silver Lai, 0; CAHTKRET The opening (tun 12 Carteret Wing* • l> thought that Ftdor Sieklerka 15A 1C8 171 leading the St. Louis Cardinals by about Z\'-> jrames (Wed- Frankowski, p 4 6 Co|i|Kr {'nwdrr 2, OlHr ; Whito n the newly formed (lartcn-t Odd Bayway Oriole* I. 'he Yard for another Ricklerka 141 140 Keatlnir, ss 3 Mdxla 2, Vard Scadr Thim«< nesday). In view of the interest which the local fans are Fellow Bowling Leajrue will he it I'oroiki, Yard pitch 1 177 Poroski, If 4 ft rod next WediiMday nlirkt, Sep- 233 nrp th* ii^iultit (if thr ifj iri th*1 showing in the pennant race, with Medwick playing with • differently a* be ««nt Stojkg 168 176 Dumanski, 3b 3 tember 27. at the new Aeanwl Total* porter has contacted a number of so-called local "experts" nil 705 849 Stopinoki, rf Four tenma arc entered in the Jotepa Piectynkl en had little diffirulty UkinK three CroMa'a Dr to get their views as to the chances of the Cards in overtak- Tronko, c i i threatened again in Ufl (3) loop which will run for 24 we<-kn. Battlag flTiraaaa game* fr >m a woefully weuk I^i M Sloan Joo Yorr, cf iinmg. fllllttc taw baaea, 170 191 168 ing the Reds and winning the pennant. It will he the flrat year the lodge AB R If POCTT 2B SB eoratory t«am. The IOMTH hit 3 <:. Sloan 168 in 187 has orKunlied a Ujajot among Ita Prokoplak— play nipped their scor- low 700 Korea. Cujkowak Here's what the local "experte" have to say about it. 158 156 194 36 8 6 members instead of entering a M 31 41 After dividing the first two 411 • • 167 144 HARRY GLECKNER: "Sure thing. I want them to MwkaaUs (4) club In the atatc circuit. L. Norsk— gaaea, the Copper I'owder kef 14A AB The teum ronteri follow: 8 II 30 .386 ler* came throurh with an 821 (IdiioUk 100 210 win. I want to see what Joe Medwick wilt do in his second Team No. 1— AB 194 Sloan, 3b 5 . Hacayaki 780 win in the Anal to take their world series. He waa put out of the first, you know." Chamra, If 6 Matt Sloan match with the OIBre so is as .aaa .... a H10 91,1 H5<) Fedor, p 6 John G«rif 0. Kopbi— ... 4 In the final match the White WILLIAM HAGAN: "You bet they wilt. St. Louis Najry, c B GeorRe Sloan Ant* Stora (0) It 18 .12 .sit ... 4 Metal* won a done two-game tri- coming up now and they're playing in their stride, The ESSIK, rf 0 Morris Ulman Vi. Kirbardmm 144 154 Blalowamak umph ever the Ynrd Scale in what lf»9 Kutmcr, lb 4 Max Brown V. Minue 1S5 Redd shot their load earlier in the season and past their 37 3S mm) called an u|met. The White m 2b 3 Cam Roth W. Elliott 1,18 peak." A. Metal* won both then ifam«n by 140 Kurunowski, .... 4 SeymotM Lewis ipers Grid Ten 8. Kftruiiu I A.I 9« 20 34 .US 8 1 * clone accrue. 138 166 Coufrhlin, rf-is ... 3 Sam Kaplan A. Arva 159 DR. LEON GREENWALD: "I'm a Cincinnati rooter. 1. Rrotowski— 191 179 4 Tenm No. 8— SiUar Rcfiacry (3) St. Louis can't win the pennant because they've been work- Siekcrkft, af 78 18 25 .310 inghtiSbpe Woychowski, cf ....:. 3 Tieorge Richanfaon Dertu 179 17ti 108 TOUIIH J, Finn— , 4 74(1 769 778 Ing their pitchers too hard. Three or four a day and alao John Richardson Herman 1K7 17ti HiU Soklar'i (3) 90 30 27 .300 .*. i. rung GaW~WHfc We*- the reaervW 41 4 13 Gu* Wulf Sroka 107 157 a H°™th HO US J. Orban— '•"••' y«n Scheduled Far S*pL Score by innings: Robert Sloan 27 7 7 .259 t 0 1 Ukatnx L. Bertha I5fi 172 HERMAN GERKE: "No game is won until the last Mechanics . ... 001 200 001—4 Tom W. MOM A. Marcinlak— At Home Pwley 171 B. 182 151 man is out. And that's the same for the National League Yard ... 210 005 OOx—8 Meyer Roaenblceth i 1 .200 Stojka 18 212 Chomicki 185 142 pennant race. But I think St. Louis has a good chance of Frank Cnelle W. Finn- w 11(1 NSW1CK—With the T. Sharkoy 11)4 M 223 Walter Schonwald 77 10 13 .168 - ; mil' with Wealeyan less Jot* l.i »I7 806 842 H. ('humitki 205 153 158 winning because they've got three dangerous hitters in Med- Tenm No. 3— >•• AM-ks away Coach liar J. Mittro— Laboratory (0 ) wick, Mize and Brown. Especially Brown who has been Carteret Looks Good Paul Schonwald .• 'inn settled down U pol 5 7 1S8 1 1 0' Dragila . 167 150 I:IH Totals 922 777 860 William Oonnqlly in I :i:i9 edition ol the Rut the sparkplug in the last few games." Barnsirtuk 148 137 Harry Chodoeh OUtat lion* -•• .'II team this week. Turner LOUD Start (2) In Rosefle Practice 186 Lehrcr JOSEPH WEISMAN: Td like to see the Cards win but Louis Vonah Old«tt hone race In tin world atlD ' than two weak* pre- 124 . 189 U8 148 running Is the Palio met st Siena, • Kielmaii . Medwirk I honestly don't think the town of St. Louis deserves to win Fred Hoffman • ii»inin>r irriad behind the 149 131 Shutaaneki, Buscak, Chero- which was run tor lh« lui'und lima Mow Via Vurwiri Louis ('arpentnr • -lintt almoat two weeks 166 for the way they've been treating its team." port Stand Out ID Hour Stanley SrulowiU this year on August II). Jockeys (iould 103 K«dl«n ' •> (iirt the playern ap- 174 161 Robert Brown UM the identical coitmiK., worn In Gorig 184 191 l«7 Wm. Zyak JOHN CASALEGGI: "Sure thing. They're going to Scrimmage • • a turned i degree of 204 158 116 Tfani No. 4— the Srit race run In IC'9. 1'oaevliy . 134 160 130 Yarr i that sstinned the 153 165 161 beat Cincinnati in three out of four games in their series CARTERET—Coach Frank Mc- William Elliott Teledv'i Curthy had the first preview of hin Carlton GeriR Total* 757 704 746 Total* and not only that but the Reds are going to lose six out of Toledo, Ohio, run In ilxth amwif it one of th« 869 793 742 1039 gridiron twin in action last William Strutherx Ec their long eight game series with the Pirates." United States port), according to tliut llarnan nuit Carag a Friday when the locals engaged in Leon Greenwald Ogk*rouffht akmc aJownr the series from the Reds." field and then the other team 1 KiUler 1K0 171 179 t" reack the peak of would take the ball the other way. ! iW and hold it T°t"l« 817 785 861 HAROLD CLIFFORD: "I think they (St. Louis) have ToUb 740 8G1 785 It was apparent that the Blue« Schedule Announced For Newly U—t S«rrl«« (1) a good chance to win the National League pennant. They've were far superior to the Union Copper Powder (2) were tried Roger* 1C1 159 178 got a better club and will take the deciding series from Cin- county aggregation. B. Zysk 201 109 148 Formed Carteret Academy Pin Loop '"> preliminary work- 177 188 M9 In his starting lineup, Coach Mc- Tell t<>5 182 176 cinnati." impt to find i Muooth W. Galvant-k 168 181 166 Carthy had Timko, reserve cen- (JAKTERET—The official schedule for tho (list round in the Ciawfcnil I!t5 108 ml'ination. W b i I e Harrivan 194 231 140 GEORGE BENSULOCK: "St. Louis. The Cards will ter, at the pivot portion, due to iirwly formed Cartvrvt Acmlciny llowlini; Leaguu has li<-ru announced : Grunt 160 > now on will take B Gulvanck 135 213 181 John Beech, regular, center, licinn hy Frank Siekorka, accictary of the loop. Twelve teams ure unterad ; Mt'dwick I(i8 1U5 157 take the deciding aeries with the Reds to win. They've got 'il> it i« h%Uy im- out with a had knee. Timko was in the circuit. The fust round will wind up Nuvi-tiilicr 1*4. Yarr Ml IB!) 180 younger players who are hard to beat." "iv radical itiake upH TotalB ...... 836 972 797 flanked by Buscak and Chei-upon FIRST ROUND • "HIIK unforeaeen dif- Synowiocki'. (1) CHARLES CASALEGGI: "St. Louis to win four at the guard positions. Kiulun ACADEMY BOWUNG LEAGUE Totals U60 823 «21 Dutko 146 163 and Komualciki were seen at tht; 172 straight in their series with the Reds and win the pennant. Schedule lined up with Ynrtak 143 180 IS* tackle posts, and Adam Gluchow- AII17 Numbers 1| •' . u sophomore on Yard Sole (1) Bains 172 153 200 They'll knock Walters, Reda' best hurler, out of the box ski and Butch W&diak alternutini; f)ate Time 142 .'I b 4 1 BAB "" Cooke, the veteran McDonnell 139 161 at left end, while Bialovarcxuk was 149 1&2 160 in the fifrst game." f p,.;, gopt. 15 7:00 P. 1- 2 It- 4 5- " tackle, Johnuy Ver- T. WuHlla 104 Jae«er 146 188 173 ut right end. 11:08 7- 8 y-io •l'»i..«noi-e at left guard, 129 CLIFFORD CUTTER: "Absolutely. They'll win with The backfteld was headed by 1 Farti 154 Wed. S«pt. 80 7:00 114 ' « wpaomor* ateen- 150 135 163 Totals 746 830 888 their hitters. The only 'if is their pitchers. If their pitchers Paul KostikeviU, fullback, Stanley 9:00 7-1S! 1" and Vince Kramer Dickson 1M1 185 180 Kurek, quarter, Andy Shumanaki, pri. Sept. 22 7:00 1- 6 2- 4 I stand up, then the Cards will win easily." "Kht icuard, Charlie Dxurilla 17'J 104 163 right halfback, and Rill Koi and 9:00 8-10 li- *"' t*ckle, and Ralph Season Tickets For WILLIAM GREENWAU): "Cardinals. For the sake Andy Keats alternating at left Wed. Sept. 27 8:30 '!;t .Mid. Totals 779 787 7«7 of the local boy. That will mean more glory for Medwick halfback. pri. gent. 29 7:00 8- 3 U- 5 "* ''"«, Big Bill Tran- Whit* Metal* (2) R S. Students Only For the BIUIM Buscak and 9:00 4-10 7- 6 1 r in particular and Cartepei in genera] to have St. Louis pjay 'Kht wing back, Ken 172 116 123 Cherepon stood out at tho guard: Wed. Oct. 4 8:30 12- ""• Wocker's post with !apik :.. 161 126 174 No Salt To Public Becauae Of in the World Series." posts while Andy Shumanaki gave Frl. Oct. 6 7:00 11. 2 1- 7 II k a fine performance at right half- 9- 3 spinning in the Kijula - 124 Poor Response In P*at HARRY HELLER: "The Cardinals' only chunce of 9:00 1«- I k|"le Art Gottlieb the 101 back. Wed. Oft 11 8:80 18- 4 " u'»ill Smith, left Totalu 800 715 801 JOSEPH HASEK: "Good change. They've got a 20- "Muc" said his toufh«at games 9:00 2.10 6- 9 " past yeiifs, the policy will be dis- will he HackotUtown, which, beat Wed. Oct 25 1:30 12- ? I'IHUH, centetj Ooijf continued thin year, according fc> game pitcher in Davis and the two best hitters in the Na- " K«nrd, Tludy Mat- tional League, as is shown by the averages, in Joe Med-Phillipsburg in the opener last Frl. Oct, 27 7:00 1-7 2- 8 an HniumBcwifiit made bv Franjt week, 32-7, Lindon .and South 9:00 <»)»en, right tackle, director of athletics at wick and Johnny Mize." 'i end, ioe Varju or Newark Vs. Rochester River. Wed. Nov. t 1:30 High, and wa&on t The locals will scrimmage with Kri. No* S 7:00 4- 8 "Kht wing, Henry will b« available only for the nchool WILLlAa* KOCHEK: "There's a pjMbility that St. lv Thomas Jefferson at EHiabeth next 9:00 9. 6 10- 6 «CapeUro, block- Tonight In Playoffs Louis will win the pennant. SO-SO chance. Cincinnati K Monday and will take it easy dur- Wed. Nov. I 8:& ,10*11 tail back, Vin The hij?h achooi rtudenta, and 1 w may run into 4 crackup soon." ing the rest of the week. ' Fri. No* 10 7:00 «. 1 *' NEWAKK— li.S|)OK«(i Of in the seventh and •ifhth ft «nu, F^ank Gil- GUS KOSTBNBAL^ER: "I thkik they have a very 9:0* 11- 7 the Jersey City (iwnU in tlu> elim- will b« ifivea the opport»- faerie Blefa Renos Hl , left t*ckle, 1 Wad. Nov. It 8:80 12- 9 ination round of tin Iiiti'rnatiunal nit/ of purchasing a tickat good chance of winning the pennant. Witfi Medwfck back In the past quarter-century, the v »*cchuii, (aft guard, Frl. Nov. 17 1M U- 8 playoff* tliti Niwiuk Hears for six liome game* for the pritt V. S. island Territory of Puerto Rko ''"> <»r Sam Lupmaccii |p hitting stride, the Cards will be a mighty dafigerous 9:00 3- 1 return home u> Ruppuit tiudium uf |l,00 8tudents below tlja has sp ent over »M,000,000 on new • '• H"*k«. tioht gua/d, 4 Wed, Nov. 22 8-18 lo continue their concerti-d drive grade wil] get the tanw threat and will take the deciding series from th,e jteds next roads,', according to' statistics re- r«kt tatklS, J Fri. Nov. 24 " 7. 9 tor the ritfat to mgittaent the cir- combination ticket ipr fifty centa. week." leased by the ohsipber of commerce 1 Nurmu Keanaon, 9:00 I- I euit in the I.ittlu World Holies. In an effort to accommodate tHa of Puerto Rico. e- a Triandiffllou The schedule ineluilea a tfume JOHtfSCALLY: "1 don't think they Rave. Think Cin- No. of Team idi" wto wUtWaclaiittwl wi* 7. Lincoln Start* tall |er« with Rocheater, tho necotid cinnati has a better pitching/staff. I would like to see the Copper Eewart , 1, Stephens loafing the student ticket, aranditaiMb wig 8. Soklan •lace tuani which eliminuted the! Throughout .*• toretti ol Mlchl- 2, Washington Garage be ere«t»ii on one end of the Cards win because Jqe Medwick is playing with them but 9. fufalo Binons in the Governor*' g»n'i Keewtnaw peniruuls are 8. Gruhini OTUH wkare all those not accompanied don't think that Si Louis can stand the pace and com* Adam ft WalVi Tavwn 10. Cup Mriea, Thursday afternoon at many old diggings where the tourist 4, by their pareoU will be ieate£ through." may find fine specimens of free 9, Ideal Sarvke 11. Auto | P. M. Mid Friday night at H:80, Theee aUnda trill have that o*»j In the evttt «l rain, tho team* on PagtS) I 6, tdu* I h cheer ludffl. \ I Hg nky Un • . +v •TT^ "Thr Wiiard of Ot" now playing Speaking About Sports at th* Riti Theatre is Um'flv ar Movies RAILROAD MAN TO (Cmtimitd from Sport Pfl(f«) +uM<« at Krt« MOVIE DIRF(TOR I Hollywood believe* ihst "TV KRFH WOHIJGEMUTH : "(-ardinals b«can«e they f« KAHWAY THEATRE of n<, Wizard of Oi" bas'falK •TVrd in Miunied A-, ti 1 ! Rol a MU-r dub and Yd rn\her w. them win anyway, p«r- I A •'**r' ir, ''i* *. '*>** M the " : ;h» ideal fantasy ,'m ^• i<~f> " op npmrtin k ! unity Thr hn<Oii in.I Has al m TFDDY YI'HARZ: "St. Ixiuis. Hitting ar|d pitching leu, but »mmntinf\ fii-at n»w pr *5)s had at many UT"»?I 'ir n-ail bit*. •~rt m rhildmn I. f':mV Hnum miirh hptinr at d'irpr Mrn-vn I^KrH" in- "*<« I "'•"•- ' "- <'• rn.iii-ii hn ill familv pop'ilarilv CHRISTIAN SCIENCE rC Wr-n n.-M-i rr-'ln • ' •" i>-, inilinp thf picture one hun- CHURCH tr^l )><>r rrnt mmtral xith cntcny II. S MetalsPinTeam "REALITY" ii the «bj«et ofi iIIIK". ami rlrvi'r lynr* Mr nrxt the Lewnn-Sormdn In all churches 1 (ft (!ir«in !><• . i- (w H .•.••v""i' ill- -ii 1 • thnio.ilnr af'l anixi^n*: of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, ••••Afu which will inlneiif amli Wins Opening Match September 24. •i f - if nil atrf*. Hf snurht real- The Golen T«xt 1»: "Since the J u Dnnalfi " ' ••<•' •" •>•••• ""'' '* v hi, kiirpme mako-ups in char- Bowlers Sweep Gen- beginning of the world men have ^tw K ..,'•,••>•.•.< h.. •*,- ,••, r; lac <• [i-r hut tintural M> that all «1ar* In not heard, nor perceived by the arta, motors; ». tBrr *f '>•• •'• •i|"1 ' • '• '*' "•' ' (trot, Parth Ami<, Industrial Loop ear, neither hath the eye teen, §1 nth'-- ;••! <>•'•• '" < • ''' '•'" \. hi- awarded U)P dircrlion to County 0 God, beside thee, what he- hath \ i t"t Kleminit, fnmrd fur "Tap ea*t. = ,..;...F \r>M,...< ,r,,i i'.,.. CAKTKRKT The U. R. MfUli Among: th» citation! whkh com- Mr Hurtcii, 1» yM tan r«*V «"• rbl<' •>irr» •(«••*!< Featured in thp picture are .Indy l>iiwlinK tram atispirioiwly marie prise the Lesson-Sermon ii the a. Ichwartt, n •t (larlaml ts OorotVy. Trnnk MorR fnd«t>*mWnt • i.««ii * lirau, John' »i i •l«!lnn». p^r.t**^ Mm t,. »c( intr> its drhul m tho Midd'eM-x County following from the Bible: "Thou ffMbtd Ik* Ikntrka. ••:>:ir« Tr<1«T. Mr an as the Wixard, Ray \Mgtr as (r hast dealt well with thy tervant, tolls ho* Shry gaHantiy join &< C>r\*4? ti ^ "' f^^ ^ijUi»n4lnK the Scarecrow, Jack Haley as the Bowlinjt LP.-IPUP last Monday nijtht AllTtigTW? ITA T dlf+rtnr« In thr merlon p!Mur* 1«- 0 Lord, according onto thy word. p*nnnaliiy. l^-#tich ht>r^ijr 'i l^ifio^ \n n\*r\ A acenr from "Beau at the now Fords alleys, winning p rn(,.f , lUvinK tVi•• finfi-r of Mnpiri. n hfcnrtflnir ?*• m*r»phAn# f»n thf plr- Cowardly Lion, Billie BiirVe u thwo straight famos from General W Mint *t «ny nf thfm »" u»i!tv ••' rlni H«l) llmlri j>n<1 Rob'rt T«; ,r. to me, that I may live: for thy!™™ Clinda the Good Witch. Mariran-t Cable. law is my delight." (Psalms llfl: Ikr thrft nf » valuable »apph'^"i rst BmP h Hamilton a* the Wicked Witch, SCREEN After taVine th<~ fl K * * 68, 77). HELP WAN Hk« HI-.,• \\A\- t from 'I, • i ( , ) II) Tharlejr Orapewin at Uncle Hrn- wide mart'in, « .»7 tn 773, the II. 8, 'i •!'•'.! hy thr t*n niti .-f.nflirt hftwci-i •'•• linlliant supportini c%i»t PrMuci'il clude* the following paasage from MWipap#r mI ra Hlandick »» Aunt Em Praetic- ('omJhrMalonit i Milland; "Diamonds are Danger- the second i»me hut manaited to the Chri»tlan Science t*ttbook, by W»rn«r Broi^, Ih^ ««•* film i- ally every member of the cast i« Kiinipi- nn- beinfr keenly frit in ous," featuring John Loder; "The win out in the tenth frame when Science and Health with Key to N J •rant. ' MarkofT pla>^ ' by Hnm.•\ worthy Kuccwwor u> such recent from musical comedy and ail wer' Huliywood. Not only affected »ir Honlrvy. »bn r,-:!.T':np thit n'n inumpht is "Juarci." "Dark Vic Sea Hawk." with Errol Flynn; Prank Donnelly, the <>le reliable, the Scriptures" by Mary Bakti 'tugv celebritic*. Imv receipts in fl/ (^p Hr'ith^-r* Ha. !h< ^rni " hi^ lory," and "lUunhters England and "Ruffle^" with Niren, and "Re- came through and struck out in theEddy: "The true Logos i« demon- FOR 5AI F I France, but practically every becc*," in which Laurence Olivier:final round. The Carteret club npiir;ni n. drtoTfn'rH-^ tu ft\ it for U3 strably Christian Science, the nat j(,Kj(Ki!Ai. KKV MntKf-lf Mimm Hopltin* i« s wiitow. major studio haa leading stars, in to have the leading role and copped the second game by theural law of harmony which over WANTED- Alfred Hitchcock is acheduled to close mar in of seven pinn, 868 thin|',',""', with iwo ehildrtn of her own. Thi j production men, Uehnicianii, writ- K comes discord—not because RFCFNT THFATRF. '•Ul majd it Bfttc D*vi», She hu~ A MISTRESS direct. . . to 861. Science in supernatural or pTeter x I »•« if ITK and the lik«, nubjert tn call In the final tilt the Carteret pin- natural, nor because it Is an in-1 ~ * A ilrsm* thsi will iinfer )nrt npvrr w»(5, Jfrt the sw«-ct yn There is one field of the tflilus- for military senrke in either Eng- fraction of divina law, but because LOAN firl of th« houto in h««r ,)auehti-r try which is proceeding without in-'»••»• P«t>(1 ^ J:hirl'y neat score of 224, won easil it is the immutable law of God^LiwcisAj, *m>r Old Mi.i.l" w^i<-h «p»n«l \« burn of 1 (t1oriou« farewell nigh: land or Prance. . . . terruption, However, and that is 774. good. Jesus said: "I knew that -'-'— iky at th»' Hieen with her lovtr. Brent, just befnn Amonjr the prominent British the newsr*«l». Veterans in the Ci>. n^x Thou heart* me, always; and he hr foen off to the wir, lYirre tn *>•• subjects awaitinn calls are Rayfilming of battle scenes have been The scores; Perth Amh.n 1 U. S. Melali Thou hearest me always; and he In thi <1arririt rnlcj A drcplv killed m artion. J«n« Bryan pbys Millami. (ary Grant, Raymond sent posthaste to Europe to be on the dauthtcr, rrow up. , 176 171 180 raised Laxartis from the dead, ROOMS FOR U\ «t«iry of thr rurioim bon<< Charles Laojrhton, David hand should military authorities Jf th»t hili'l* two women 224 stilled the tempest, healed the Ijuirence Olivier, Richard permit close-range filming of the C. Uasenski 199 HOOafS for rn.i LIBEJtTY TOEATRE E. Fedor 167 siek, walked on the water" (p. WoodbrlilKi. Brian Aherne, G«oiye war. . . . Jt Cramplnn A • • Sj<~h irnr»niou» drvirpK a* ar E. Fedor Sanders. Uoria Karloff, John Lo- automatic ([iin iirtfftnr," an "clt'f Whenever Joe Pasternak pro"]F. Donnelly .... 179 180 KOCII iniiili-n. ! trir cyf" whirli -liIliU any til i f Ktml Rlynn, Alfred Hitch Mce Waatea as FM) Mranl Avum . duces a picture, there will be one'J, jCu'mer . 197 183 173 (,'art»t<>t *-"<;•> BRAKES rm>t»l mi a prnoner .and the *< Huh-rt Stevenson, James or more newcomers and at least Rice wastes are utilized ai fuel L. Zysk .. 178 135 137 enlifir "•inuMc ilmir" nysti'in ui- . W I,. Lipscomb and Mich- one old-timer in the picture. He in Italy In an effort to save coal, ;imuiiK I hi- I'M :i|if-proiif inM'lltii'M Hut.':iM. . . according to "Industrial and En- believe:) in giving people an op- 897 868 866 r gineering Chemistry." With four STEERING •,itiliii"i in imirli-rn prisms arn' \iiiiiiiu the productions which | portunity. . . . 1 Goaaral Cable shdwn fin ihi- fir?t time in thi tn affected by such sudden pounds of rice byproducts corr** One evidence of this is the an- Dwyer . 148 160 154 'lew t!\ r,.im11•- packtni dmtiiit w;il.* are "Abe Lincoln in •ponding in heat value to one pound pearance of Leatrice Joy in Dean- H. Stutski 145 215 186 of good coal It has been estimated '•'Tln'> A I! i •mil' Out" now pluymi- "'-," ^larrinR Massey; "The na Durbin's new picture, "First p SUN. - MON '.in 'hi lihvity Theatre scrri'ii. 147 156 141 that Italy could save 50,000 tons ot LIGHTS rliliaik of Notre Dame," in Love," her first picture in ten In thr. »!iip|iiii|t ii*w film ^t Kovacs 147 146 168 coal At present some thousand Ii i ha lies Latiffhton is star- years. Also in this picture pro-ip g I hi calf- i»f Alrutrux IVnitrntlury. caman 186 184 125 kilowatt-hours of electric energy, duccd by Mr. Pasternak, were obtained through steam enginei Your Car In NOW! i]iHM«ji:i'il. prt^.iii nf ihr niition'^ burning rice by-products In special imil (li".«n>n, a carni'rn on * phut" products ar.d the vise of the resulting | new pipe, which replaced a lot Invariably good humored, S3 bells in chromatic sequence. The untphwl "The Rovk" for trrippinf gas for driving motors have permit- I'hnstmas irift pipe he broke MT- she a also friendly and coopera- largest (Bourdon) bell weighs Now BrunawicV Ave. «c< rn>.s of "They All (\>m«! Out." ted the installation ot IS plants pro tive. ... • tllghtly more than II tons ind ha» (at Elm St.) i;il weeks ago. Walter has been due ing 1.000 horsepower. RITZ THEATRE MnokinR since he was little more Henry Fonda will continue his the pitch of E flat below middle C. Perth Amboy, N. J. Succeufully combining fi>r thr than a year old. role of Frank James, in a sequel The smallest bell weighs 11 pounds CO II A I! litM lime adult and juvrniK- »i> BABY SUES STORE f. A. 4 M5» O,.. 100 lo II 00 i i [» tttM slta> pup lucau;"- he! cur- to "Jesse James," planned by and sounds the note of G sharp, (our THF. JONl's t New«rV «ikd Jertfly City p«al in a motion picture fnnU»>. . ;H ha* (u ilo with aUupllflillB and ooe-half octaves above the GREENSBURG, Pa. - Daniel in) «ti,. kni.^fi 11-" "Ml the penalty PLAY "BKJ BEAKS" Twentieth Century-Fox. . . . "QUICK Min r I'Kklng up" ihlniis Bourdon. The bells are hung on a Berni, 5-months-old, haa entered LONDON—To aid in getting Jane Gilbert, Margaret Lind- small children to don their gas j say's younger sister, will make her steel frame over 30 feet in height, suit against a store for $26,000 MAY NOSE-PRINT" DOCS TODA\ ..,,1 masks air-raid wardens have taught | screen' debut T«T "The" Singing 1!° '?* ^ .*e gr0Und- A %°™*' damages for injuries which, it is ALBANY, N. Y. In order to them a new rame—"hiir R».r. " i r._ » _:*i. i_t. n Proof cabm hai erected to contended, he suffered two months Beffove It Or Nol.'.J i tin- ->t«'Hliri(f of valuable dofrs With the before his birth when his mother, i rimnl money ur fur sale, a !j Mrs. Harland Berlin, fell in the r nation-wide identification easily coaxed into putting on the j films utins; Technicolor^ because store while shopping there last maskmaskss , in orded r t o becomb e "b"bii g she find* it kind to both Bides of Sport fans will find "Or So It by "nose-printing" to elimi- December Doctors say the baby's bears. ! her face, which pleases 20th Cen- Seems" entertaining and informa . Mitts doK-napping" was presented 1 : jtur y - Fox who had to build ex UT' —I -read it—on the sports page. I injuries are permanent. American Humane Asso- SAVES WEDDING GOWN pensive sets in producing "Tova- at its rifent meeting here. NOW—Big 3 for 1 show 7HBR FACES out with a package under his arm. HEARSE KILLS TWO 1' tin COUNCIL BLUFFS, low. — It was the wedding guwn of his Carole Lombard's recent opera- Ch.rl.r KUl. W h:( Mr. and Mrs. Kilwani Brew- fiancee, Miss Ruth Herman. They tion for appes£citis proved rather M*rr B..I.... • i uiul their year old daughter are to be married soon. expensive to her studio, which "NIGH1 WOK Sli!ili-> were on their way to a estimates the cost of the six-weeks' Idiihiiny party for the child, a DAY CHANCES WIND TO SNOW. holdup of "Vigil in The Night" at skidded into their car, kill- MINNEAPOUS, Mi... _ When 160,006 ed thr father and baby daughter Jndge Vince A. Day granted a di- vorce to Mrs. N. E. Wind, he also A new hair style has been set by AIIII inously injured the mother. "'STAIK Kave her permission to resume her Spencer Tracy, on location at Hc- naiilen name, Gladys Snow. Call, Idaho, for the making of "Northwest Passage." The. local Halr-Kaislng Drink maidens have adopted the pic- A new kind of cocktail, both anti- twirl," which emulates the pictur- septic and hair-raising, was revealed esque lock that occupies the center with the arraignment of twoimen of Tracy's forehead.... „ IN ECONOMY. before a United States cotnmisttaj- EFFICIENCY, BEAUTY f Jt Boston on charges of possess- Following completion of Eddie c General ing tax.unpaid liquor Reportedly Cantor's "Forty Little Mothers," IN RAHWAY iuiitiiljuiii>!< tu better sold at 15 cents a bottle, the cock- his next picture will be "Girl -the new Delco Oil tail was composed of hair tonic, bay Cra*y" . . . New Jersey's Outstanding Buy rum aoe1 water. The Hall-Johnson Choir, famous now u the time iur you all-Negro musical aggregation, will lu fr« jruurself iium iurBice- Wheat Valued appear in "Swanee River," being &laveiy, dust Udcn cel- LAKESIDE PARK HOMES, INC. Wheat was otice so nighty valued made by Fox. ... Ui tad undcpcndable heat *nd in France that the wheat stalks be- 1 fuel i-i|>plf. Install General Six-year-old Johnny Russell will came part of the costume of the AIR CONDITIONED 2 ,-STORY HOUSE >r» Delco-Heat. It's lullj appear opposite Shirley Temple as Empress Josephine. •utuirutic. Tytyl in "The Blue Birdj1" Shirley i his gieat new Deko Oil Burn tf hjj everything: ecouuniy In - -i::iassified Adi. Bring Results— ' Temple's next fiim F. H. A. Approved All M iht icvolutioDary Thin-Mix Fuel Cunttol. my in the famous., quickly 10' < Down Payment reniuwblc Koiuiwwer unit, btAUty in iti com 4900 pact, i-uiplcuiy liuilcin appearance. i VH1 SCCI4L WTTH EVERY MONDAY NIGHT, 8:30 SHARP Total Monthly Payment $35.00 Are You Cutting OTHER MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION: Yoar Share 0/ St James' Auditorium ToUl Monthly Payment Admiration? Amboy Avc. Woodbridge $5500 $38.00 iM>\r SIT BY WHILE OTHER 10-50 GAME $200 JACK POT $350 t.iKI.S IN YOUR SET WIN ADMISSION 40c Total Monthly Payment MOKE ATTENTION! BE DOOR PRIZE $10 MI'N 5 »M»IJ r* MOKE POPULAR, BY MAK- $6000 $44.00 INt; YOURSELF MORE AT- All Located lBn*a ATC. cor. MadUoa A*«. IUACTIVE WITH OUR EX- NEW EXTRAS 1'KKT BEAUTY CARE. HAIR, LOW STATE THEAI«| NAILS, BRQWS, COMPLEX- LEGAL INTEREST WOODBRIW-1 N ION ENTRUST THEM TO FEES ffc«MWbd«. ' '" IS. AM) WIN ROMANCE! I. MANN & SON «0 OIL BURNER OAK FLOORS SCREENS SUN. • MON GARAGE LARGE ROOMS LINOLEUM SEPT. 24, DOUBLE FLOORS OPEN PORCH CASRANCfi OPTOMETRISTS TILE BATH For WOOD SHINGLES SHADES LANDSCAPED SHADE TREES DECORATED Wmi. »-23»4 MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED Horn: Daily 10-12, 2-5.14j W«bwMUy 10-12 Chdy NO OTHER DEVELOPMENT GIVING SO MUCH FO* SO LA GRACE LITTLE BEAUTYSHOPPE ' (ChriatMMM •**«.) .«• S01W1 INHfc Aaaboy, M. J. Op*. D«il, MM! STManiSL Woodbrid*. Ft. lafMst HAIDWARECO SO» IRVINC ST