Q. Why are we here? 3...... Overview A. State legislators make decisions that impact your well-being and your livelihood. Legislators can’t fix problems if they aren’t aware of them. You’re 4...... Legislator Pictures & District Map here to make your issues “real” to them by making personal contact and providing information to help influence their decisions. 12...... Legislative Committees Q. What is the goal for today? 14...... Telling Your Story A. Today we are going to: • Learn how to effectively advocate. 15...... Talking to an Elected Official • Put what we learn into action. • Obtain information about current “hot” topics. 16...... Writing a Letter to Your Legislator • Have a fun day at the Capitol while making a difference for agriculture. or the Governor Q. What can I expect to have done once the day is finished? A. While everyone’s experience will be different, we hope you are able to: 16...... Testifying at a Hearing • Observe the Legislature in session. • Watch part of a legislative hearing. 17...... Engaging on Social Media • Meet with a legislator from your home district and advocate on your issues. • Tour the Capitol. 20...... Writing a Letter to the Editor • Visit with KFB Staff on key legislative issues. • Get to know fellow FB members. 21...... Points of Interest • See the importance in and continue to be an advocate for agriculture. • Receive information about the current issues facing legislators. 22...... Notes


Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Julia Lynn Sen. Mike Thompson Sen. Sen. Republican Democrat Democrat Democrat Republican Democrat Democrat Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8 District 9 District 10 District 11 District 12 Office 234-E Office 134-E Office 134-E Office 134-E Office 124-E Office 125-E Office 237-E Office 330-E Office 445-S Office 234-E Office 124-E Office 123-E 785-296-7379 785-296-7364 785-296-7372 785-296-7376 785-296-7357 785-296-7375 785-296-7390 785-296-2497 785-296-7382 785-296-7362 785-296-7301 785-296-6838 Dennis.Pyle@ Marci.Francisco@ Tom.Holland@ David.Haley@ Kevin.Braun@ Pat.Pettey@ Barbara.Bollier@ Jim.Denning@ Julia.Lynn@ Mike.Thompson@ John.Skubal@ Caryn.Tyson@

Sen. Richard Hilderbrand Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Sen. Robert Olson Sen. Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Democrat Democrat Republican Democrat Democrat Republican Republican District 13 District 14 District 15 District 16 District 17 District 18 District 19 District 20 District 21 District 22 District 23 District 24 Office 224-E Office 225-E Office 541-E Office 224-E Office 341-E Office 125-E Office 318-E Office 235-E Office 237-E Office 135-E Office 236-E Office 223-E 785-296-7370 785-296-7678 785-296-7742 785-296-7388 785-296-7361 785-296-7365 785-296-3245 785-296-7374 785-296-7367 785-296-7360 785-296-7358 785-296-7369 Richard.Hilderbrand@ Bruce.Givens@ Dan.Goddard@ Ty.Masterson@ Jeff.Longbine@ Vic.Miller@ Anthony.Hensley@ Eric.Rucker@ Dinah.Sykes@ Tom.Hawk@ Rob.Olson@ Randall.Hardy@

Senate Districts 1 Dennis Pyle 21 Dinah Sykes 2 Marci Francisco 22 Tom Hawk 3 Tom Holland 23 Robert Olson 4 David Haley 24 Randall Hardy 5 Kevin Braun 25 6 Pat Pelley 26 7 Barbara Bollier 27 Sen. Mary Ware Sen. Dan Kerschen Sen. Gene Suellentrop Sen. Mike Petersen Sen. Oletha Faust-Goudeau Sen. Susan Wagle Sen. Sen. Carolyn McGinn Sen. Sen. 8 Jim Denning 28 Mike Petersen Democrat Republican Republican Republican Democrat Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican 9 Julia Lynn 29 Oletha Faust-Goudeau District 25 District 26 District 27 District 28 District 29 District 30 District 34 District 31 District 32 District 33 10 Mike Thompson 30 Susan Wagle Office 135-E Office 225-E Office 441-E Office 345-S Office 135-E Office 333-E Office 235-E Office 545-S Office 445-S Office 441-E 11 John Skubal 31 Carolyn McGinn 785-296-7391 785-296-7353 785-296-7385 785-296-7355 785-296-7387 785-296-2419 785-296-6981 785-296-7377 785-296-7368 785-296-7667 12 Caryn Tyson 32 Larry Alley Mary.Ware@ Dan.Kerschen@ Gene.Suellentrop@ Mike.Petersen@ Oletha.Faust-Goudeau@ Susan.Wagle@ Ed.Berger@ Carolyn.McGinn@ Molly.Baumgardner@ MaryJo.Taylor@ 13 Richard Hilderbrand 33 Mary Jo Taylor 14 Bruce Givens 34 Ed Berger 15 Dan Goddard 35 16 Ty Masterson 36 17 Joff Longbine 37 1 18 Vic Miller 38 Bud Estes 36 19 Anthony Hensely 39 John Doll 40 22 2 20 Eric Rucker 40 18 3 20 9 24 19 37 17 35

33 12 31 Sen. Rick Wilborn Sen. Elaine Bowers Sen. Molly Baumgardner Sen. Bud Estes Sen. John Doll Sen, Rick Billinger 39 34 Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican 14 District 35 District 36 District 37 District 38 District 39 District 40 38 13 Office 541-E Office 223-E Office 445-S Office 136-E Office 237-E Office 236-E 32 15 785-296-7354 785-296-7389 785-296-7368 785-296-7359 785-296-7694 785-296-7399 Richard.Wilborn@ Elaine.Bowers@ Molly.Baumgardner@ Bud.Estes@ John.Doll@ Rick.Billinger@ Senate Districts Wyandotte County Johnson County Sedgwick County


Rep. Michael Houser Rep. Kenneth Collins Rep. Rep. Trevor Jacobs Rep. Rep. Jene Vickrey Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Jim Kelly Rep. Republican Republican Democrat Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Democrat Republican Republican District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8 District 9 District 10 District 11 District 12 Office 179-N Office 167-W Office 54-S Office 519-N Office 168-W Office 276-W Office 581-W Office 167-W Office 187-N Office 54-S Office 581-W Office 512-N 785 296-7679 785 296-7698 785 296-7426 785 296-7616 785 296-6287 785-296-7748 785 296-7639 785 296-7695 785-296-7451 785-296-7652 785 296-6014 785 296-5863 michael.houser@ Ken.Collins@ Monica.Murnan@ Trevor.Jacobs@ Mark.Samsel@ jene.vickrey@ richard.proehl@ Chris.Croft@ kent.thompson@ eileen.horn@ jim.kelly@ Doug.Blex@

Rep. Rep. Rep. John Toplikar Rep. Rep. Tom Cox Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Republican Republican Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Democrat Republican Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat District 13 District 14 District 15 District 16 District 17 District 18 District 19 District 20 District 21 District 22 District 23 District 24 Office 512-N Office 168-W Office 268-W Office 173-W Office 352-S Office 43-S Office 451-S Office 268-W Office 452-S Office 54-S Office 173-W Office 452-S 785-296-7380 785 296-7688 785 296-7658 785 296-7659 785 296-7331 785 296-7690 785 296-7548 785 296-7436 785 296-7692 785 296-7651 785 296-7482 785-296-7366 Joe.Newland@ Charlotte.Esau@ John.Toplikar@ Cindy.Holscher@ Tom.Cox@ Cindy.Neighbor@ stephanie.clayton@ Jan.Kessinger@ Jerry.Stogsdill@ nancy.lusk@ Susan.Ruiz@ jarrod.ousley@

Rep. Rep. Adam Thomas Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Democrat Republican Republican Republican Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat District 25 District 26 District 27 District 28 District 29 District 30 District 31 District 32 District 33 District 34 District 35 District 36 Office 174-W Office 268-W Office 151-S Office 166-W Office 451-S Office Office 47-S Office 452-S Office 50-S Office 359-W Office 451-S Office 47-S 785 296-7686 785-296-3113 785 296-7685 785 296-7646 785 296-5413 785 296-5593 785 296-7885 785-296-7430 785 296-8153 785 296-7630 785 296-7697 785 296-0424 Rui.Xu@ Adam.Thomas@ Sean.Tarwater@ Kellie.Warren@ Brett.Parker@ Brandon.Woodard@ louis.ruiz@ pam.curtis@ tom.burroughs@ valdenia.winn@ broderick.henderson@ kathy.wolfemoore@

Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. David French Rep. Rep. Jim Karleskint Rep. Bill Sutton Rep. Rep. Rep. Dennis “Boog” Highberger Rep. Ronald Ellis Rep. David Benson Democrat Republican Republican Republican Democrat Republican Republican Democrat Democrat Democrat Republican Democrat District 37 District 38 District 39 District 40 District 41 District 42 District 43 District 44 District 45 District 46 District 47 District 48 Office 50-S Office 149-S Office 512-N Office 167-W Office 561-W Office 268-W Office 274-W Office 451-S Office 43-S Office 174-W Office 165-W Office 174-W 785 296-7300 785 296-7677 785-296-7675 785 296-7653 785 296-7522 785 296-7683 785 296-7676 785 296-7697 785 296-7632 785-296-7122 785 296-5623 785 296-7680 stan.frownfelter@ willie.dove@ Owen.Donohoe@ David.French@ Jeff.Pittman@ Jim.Karleskint@ bill.sutton@ barbara.ballard@ Mike.Amyx@ dennis.boog.highberger@ Ronald.Ellis@ David.Benson@


Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Jim Gartner Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Freda Warfield Rep. Rep. Mark Schreiber Republican Republican Republican Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Republican Republican District 49 District 50 District 51 District 52 District 53 District 54 District 55 District 56 District 57 District 58 District 59 District 60 Office 168-W Office 519-N Office 458-W Office 165-W Office 43-S Office 179-N Office 43-S Office 451-S Office 173-W Office 559-S Office 381-W Office 352-S 785 296-7655 785-296-7460 785 296-7310 785 296-7648 785 296-7673 785 296-7679 785 296-7669 785 296-7104 785 296-7371 785-296-7656 785 291-3500 785 296-2721 Megan.Lynn@ fred.patton@ ron.highland@ Brenda.Dietrich@ Jim.gartner@ ken.corbet@ annie.kuether@ virgil.weigel@ john.alcala@ Freda.Warfield@ blaine.finch@ Mark.Schreiber@

Rep. Rep. Randy Garber Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Tom Phillips Rep. Dave Baker Rep. J. R. Claeys Rep. John Barker Rep. Rep. Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Democrat Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Democrat District 61 District 62 District 63 District 64 District 65 District 66 District 67 District 68 District 69 District 70 District 71 District 72 Office 187-N Office 459-W Office 352-S Office 166-W Office 352-S Office 451-S Office 149-S Office 167-W Office 274-W Office 285-N Office 519-N Office 561-W 785 296-6989 785 296-7665 785 296-8621 785 296-7654 785-296-7483 785 296-7657 785 296-7402 785 296-6997 785 296-7670 785 296-7674 785 296-7642 785 296-2361 francis.awerkamp@ randy.garber@ John.Eplee@ Suzi.Carlson@ lonnie.clark@ sydney.carlin@ tom.phillips@ dave.baker@ jrclaeys@ john.barker@ diana.dierks@ Tim.Hodge@

Rep. Rep. Stephen Owens Rep. Will Carpenter Rep. Eric Smith Rep. Rep. Ron Ryckman Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Democrat Democrat District 73 District 74 District 75 District 76 District 77 District 78 District 79 District 80 District 81 District 82 District 83 District 84 Office 521-E Office 512-N Office 521-E Office 176-W Office 286-N Office 370-W Office 512-N Office 166-W Office 512-N Office 512-N Office 174-W Office 451-S 785-296-7640 785 296-7500 785 296-7660 785 296-7557 785-296-3971 785 296-2302 785 296-7691 785 296-7671 785-296-7567 785-296-7693 785-296-7668 785 296-7649 les.mason@ Stephen.Owens@ Will.Carpenter@ Eric.Smith@ kristey.williams@ ron.ryckman@ Cheryl.Helmer@ Bill.Rhiley@ blake.carpenter@ jesse.burris@ henry.helgerson@ gail.finney@

Rep. Michael Capps Rep. Jim Ward Rep. Renee Erickson Rep. Elizabeth Bishop Rep. KC Ohaebosim Rep. Rep. Emil Bergquist Rep. John Carmichael Rep. J.C. Moore Rep. Rep. Tom Sawyer Rep. Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Democrat Republican Republican Democrat Republican Republican Democrat Democrat District 85 District 86 District 87 District 88 District 89 District 90 District 91 District 92 District 93 District 94 District 95 District 96 Office 512-N Office 561-W Office 167-W Office 559-S Office 173-W Office 286-N Office 165-W Office 451-S Office 512-N Office 187-N Office 359-W Office 452-S 785 296-7473 785 296-7631 785 296-7476 785 296-5016 785 296-7684 785 296-1754 785-296-7681 785-296-7650 785 296-1177 785 296-7663 785 296-7630 785 296-7366 Michael.Capps@ jim.ward@ Renee.Erickson@ Elizabeth.Bishop@ KC.Ohaebosim@ steve.huebert@ emil.bergquist@ john.carmichael@ J.C.Moore@ Leo.Delperdang@ tom.sawyer@ stephanie.yeager@


Rep. Nick Hoheisel Rep. Ron Howard Rep. Rep. Daniel Hawkins Rep. Rep. Rep. Ponka-We Victors Rep. Paul Waggoner Rep. Rep. Bill Pannbacker Rep. Rep. Steven Johnson Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Democrat Democrat Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican District 97 District 98 District 99 District 100 District 101 District 102 District 103 District 104 District 105 District 106 District 107 District 108 Office 168-W Office 512-N Office 151-S Office 372-W Office 481-W Office 174-W Office 54-S Office 519-N Office 352-S Office 166-W Office 149-S Office 185-N 785 296-7689 785 296-7468 785 296-7699 785 296-7662 785 296-7647 785-296-7645 785 296-7651 785 296-7196 785-296-7488 785 296-7637 785 296-7644 785 296-7696 Nick.Hoheisel@ Ron.Howard@ Susan.Humphries@ dan.hawkins@ joe.seiwert@ Jason.Probst@ ponka-we.victors@ Paul.Waggoner@ brenda.landwehr@ Bill.Pannbacker@ susan.concannon@ steven.johnson@

Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Leonard Mastroni Rep. Rep. Bradley Ralph Rep. Adam Smith Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican District 109 District 110 District 111 District 112 District 113 District 114 District 115 District 116 District 117 District 118 District 119 District 120 Office 111-N Office 149-S Office 167-W Office 352-S Office 512-N Office 459-W Office 519-N Office 481-W Office 352-S Office 186-N Office 512-N Office 151-S 785 296-7672 785 296-7463 785 296-4683 785 296-7363 785 296-7682 785 296-7105 785 296-7392 785 296-7643 785 296-7396 785 296-7384 785 296-7501 785 296-0715 troy.waymaster@ ken.rahjes@ Barb.Wasinger@ ToryMarie.Arnberger@ alicia.straub@ jack.thimesch@ Boyd.Orr@ kyle.hoffman@ Leonard.Mastroni@ don.hineman@ Brad.Ralph@ Adam.Smith@



110 107 109

118 69 71 111 108 6 112 73 5 74 122 104 117 4 114 Rep. Rep. J. Russell Jennings Rep. John Wheeler Rep. Martin Long Rep. 113 101 Wyandotte County Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican 2 District 121 District 122 District 123 District 124 District 125 3 124 Office 176-W Office 151-S Office 512-N Office 274-W 115 79 Office 512-N 116 125 7 1 785-296-7636 785 296-7447 785 296-7461 785 296-7641 785-296-7466 80 john.resman@ russ.jennings@ John.Wheeler@ martin.long@ shannon.francis@ Kansas House Representative Districts District Representatives

1 Michael House 15 John Toplikar 29 Brett Parker 43 Bill Sutton 57 John Alcala 71 Dian Dierks 85 Michael Capps 99 Susan Humphries 113 Alica Straub 2 Kenneth Collins 16 Cindy Holscher 30 Brandon Woodard 44 Barbara Ballard 58 Freda Warfield 72 Tim Hodge 86 Jim Ward 100 Daniel Hawkins 114 Jack Thimesch Johnson County 3 Monica Murnan 17 Tom Cox 31 Louis Ruiz 45 Mike Amyx 59 Blaine Finch 73 Les Mason 87 Renee Erickson 101 Joe Seiwert 115 Boyd Orr 4 Trevor Jacobs 18 Cindy Neighbor 32 Pam Curtis 46 60 Mark Schreiber 74 Stephen Owens 88 Elizabeth Bishop 102 Jason Probst 116 Kyle Hoffman 5 Mark Samsel 19 Stepanie Clayton 33 Tom Burroughs 47 Ronald Ellis 61 Francis Awerkamp 75 Will Carpenter 89 KC Ohaebosim 103 Ponka-We Victors 117 Leonard Mastroni 6 Jene Vickrey 20 Jan Kessinger 34 Valdenia Winn 48 David Benson 62 Randy Garber 76 Eric Smith 90 Steve Huebert 104 Paul Waggoner 118 Don Hineman 7 Richard Proehl 21 Jerry Stogsdill 35 Broderick Henderson 49 Megan Lynn 63 John Eplee 77 Kristey Williams 91 Emit Berquist 105 Brenda Landwehr 119 Bradley Ralph 8 Chris Croft 22 Nancy Lusk 36 Kathy Wolfe Moore 50 Fred Patton 64 Suzi Carlson 78 Ron Ryckman 92 John Carmichael 106 Bill Pannbacker 120 Adam Smith 9 Kent Thompson 23 Susan Ruiz 37 Stan Frownfelter 51 Ron Highland 65 Lonnie Clark 79 Cheryl Helmer 93 J.C. Moore 107 Susan Concannon 121 John Resman 10 Eileen Horn 24 Jarrod Ousley 38 Willie Dove 52 Brenda Dietrich 66 Sydney Carlin 80 Bill Rhiley 94 Leo Delperdang 108 Steve Johnson 122 J. Russell Jennings 11 Jim Kelly 25 Rui Xu 39 Owen Donohoe 53 Jim Garner 67 Tom Phillips 81 Blake Carpenter 95 Tom Sawyer 109 Troy Waymaster 123 John Wheeler 12 Doug Blex 26 Adam Thomas 40 David French 54 Ken Corbet 68 Dave Barker 82 Jesse Burris 96 110 Ken Rahjes 124 Martin Long 13 Joe Newland 27 Sean Tarwater 41 Jeff Pittman 55 Annie Kuether 69 J.R. Claeys 83 Henry Hel Gerson 97 Nick Hoheisel 111 Barbara Wasinger 125 Shannon Francis 14 Charlotte Esau 28 Kellie Warren 42 Jim Karleskint 56 Virgil Weigel 70 John Barker 84 Gail Finney 98 Ron Howard 112 Tory Arnberger Sedgwick County


Appropriations Thomas Pittman Wheeler Thompson The Legislature has 43 standing committees that are organized around various public policy areas Alcala Woodard S. Ruiz Victors Education to facilitate processing legislation. Every bill introduced is referenced to a committee and receives Ballard Warfield Burroughs Financial Weigel Benson Agriculture a public hearing before the committee. Carlin Institutions & Wheeler Clayton Blex Claeys Pensions Dietrich Carlin There are also Joint, Special and Subcommittees. Each committee serves for specific issues, some Concannon Benson Agriculture & Erickson Highland Blex Natural Resources Helmer Horn more specific than others. They can be formed through the need for a more in-depth look at Dove Francis Carlson Budget Huebert Jacobs issues or established by state law. Helgerson Cox Carlin Johnson Karleskint Hoffman Delperdang Clark Karleskint Newland Johnson Dietrich Dove Samsel Orr Landwehr Finney Gartner Schreiber Pannbacker STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE Owens Frownfelter Jacobs Smith Probst Parker Kelly Newland Stogsdill Schreiber Proehl Lynn Orr Thomas Seiwert Agriculture & Natural Masterson Berger Pettey Mastroni Straub Toplikar Smith Resources Petersen Bollier Skubal Rahjes Ralph Orr Warfield Vickrey Straub Berger Pettey Estes Suellentrop Rhiley Ward Thompson Sutton Chilren & Seniors Billinger Skubal Masterson Tarwater Toplikar Yeager Weigel Education Wasinger Carlson Xu McGinn Tyson Pettey W. Carpenter Concannon Health & Human Alley Waymaster Weigel Estes Suellentrop Xu Dierks Services Elections Assessment & Taxation Baumgardner Williams Esau Arnberger Awerkamp Francisco Taylor Alley Bollier Wolfe Moore Local Government Garber Barker Carpenter Kerschen Thompson Goddard Braun Energy, Utilities & Amyx Humphries Bergquist Clark Pyle Bergquist Lusk Bishop Collins Holland Federal & State Affairs Estes Telecomm Taylor Bishop Mastroni Blex Dove Kerschen Estes Givens Berquist Ware Carmichael Capps Neighbor Collins Hodge Longbine Francisco Pyle Corbet Clark Ousley Ellis Moore Commerce, Education, Lynn Givens Rucker Cox Curtis Rhiley Eplee Ousley Public Health and Miller Hilderbrand Sykes Delperdang Esau S. Ruiz Henderson Parker Howard Waggoner Holscher Rhiley Welfare & Judiciary Petersen Longbine Taylor Frownfelter Garber Lewis Horn Sutton Alley Tyson Masterson Thompson Long Commerce, Labor Howard Waggoner Gartner & Economic Baumgardner Faust-Goudeau Moore Kelly Yeager Ethics, Elections & Utilities Hoheisel Development Doll Olson Kuether Ousley Landwehr Local Government Bowers Straub Burroughs Lynn General Givens Tyson Long Corbet Government Bowers Francisco Neighbor Thompson Murnan Holland Croft Warren Budget Braun Judiciary Hardy Samsel Rural Curtis Amyx Longbine Denning Baumgardner Hawk Schreiber Revitalization Frownfelter Higher Education Arnberger Lynn Doll Bowers Lynn Siewert Baker Highland Budget Burroughs Olson Thimesch Collins Hineman Amyx Claeys Faust-Goudeau Haley Masterson Rucker Warren Donohoe Hoffman Burris Delperdang Haley Hardy Olson Suellentrop Federal & State Helmer Kessinger Carpenter French Hardy Lynn Petersen Highland L. Ruiz Moore Helmer Sykes Affairs McGinn Miller Skubal Hineman Long Phillips Henderson Thompson Arnberger Skubal Petersen Suellentrop Awerkamp Hodge Mason Rahjes Long Holscher Probst Wasinger Wagle Pyle Wilborn B. Carpenter Insurance Confirmation Oversight Barker Horn Ralph Woodard Rucker Jennings Tarwater Xu Awerkamp Denning Financial Institutions & Interstate Cooperation Burris Bishop Thompson Murnan W. Carpenter Hensley Insurance Bowers Clayton Transportation Capps Wilborn E. Smith Newland Williams Longbine Billinger Denning Pannbacker Awerkamp Carpenter Eplee Corrections & Baker Collins McGinn Givens Ways & Means Haley Erickson Probst Smith Juvenile Justice Ballard Cox Olson Hilderbrand Alley Hensley Henderson Carmichael Claeys Dierks Highberger Vickrey Wagle Olson Berger Longbine Waggoner Delperdang Cox Dove Pyle Billinger Wagle Houser E. Smith Francis Finney Humphries Veterans & Military French Helgerson Frownfelter Transportation Rucker Braun Organization, Calendar Jacobs Clark Highberger Hoheisel Moore Bowers Sykes Denning & Rules Karleskint Croft Jennings Houser Neighbor Braun Ware Goddard Kessinger Dierks Kuether Ohaebosim Rhiley Denning Goddard Wilborn Hawk Lusk Dietrich Owens Pittman Sutton Longbine Mason Hardy Hensley Ellis Pannbacker Proehl Vickrey Public Health & Welfare Wagle Resman French Patton Seiwert Waggoner Hawk Kerschen Baumgardner Ruiz Howard Resman Sutton Woodard Hilderbrand McGinn Stogsdill Phillips Weigel Thimesch 12 13 STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE Story/value-based argument using facts: My wife and I operate a farm in Riley County and we have two small children. Prior to the ACA Judiciary Holscher Barker Ellis Mason enactment, we had a family plan that was a fair price of $525/month ($6,300 annually) that Bergquist Huebert Clayton Esau Ryckman Burris Landwehr Concannon Francis Winn allowed us to use many of our local providers both in Junction City and Manhattan along with a Carmichael Smith Corbet Houser respectable list of in-network specialists such as dermatologists, OBGYNs and so on. That plan Curtis Tarwater Croft Kessinger Legislative Budget Garber Thomas Eplee Lusk (House) was deemed unacceptable based on ACA criteria so we were forced to move to a Bronze level Alcala Highberger Ward Gartner Pittman ACA insurance policy which increased our cost by more than 87% to $11,808 annually. Hoheisel Williams Helgerson Resman Finch Humphries Winn Hineman Victors Hawkins Jennings Johnson Helgerson This is a huge burden on our family, and we are struggling with the decision of whether my Kuether Social Services Kelly Calendar & Hoffman wife should leave our children at a daycare and find a job off the farm so we can get insurance Ohaebosim Budget Mason Printing Ryckman Owens Ballard Phillips Finch Waymaster coverage. Patton Carlson Proehl Hawkins Wolfe-Moore Ralph Donohoe Rahjes Horn We are thankful your committee is considering this critical issue regarding Senate Bill 32, which Howard Mason Rules & Journal Samsel Stogsdill Finch will offer many Kansans such as ourselves greater options of affordable healthcare choices. I Warren Lynn Thimesch Parker Mastroni Ryckman Highberger will close with saying that this has been one of our greatest struggles since coming back to my Wheeler Toplikar Highland Murnan Warfield K-12 Education S. Ruiz Interstate Humphries family’s 5th generation farm, not only financially but also physically and emotionally. Wasinger Cooperation Patton Budget W. Carpenter Wolfe-Moore Benson Carpenter Ralph Dietrich Taxation Transportation Finch Sawyer Erickson Alcala & Public Safety Hawkins TALKING TO AN ELECTED OFFICIAL Hoffman Baker Budget Holscher There is no better way to influence your representative or senator than talking to them in person. Here are a few things to remember when engaging them in a conversation.

1. Tell them your name, where you’re from and what you do for a living. Doing so reinforces TELLING YOUR STORY the fact that you are their constituent, and it gives them a point of reference. There’s a well-known marketing saying that “people buy from people they know, like and trust.” 2. Personalize your relationship. Have you ever contributed time or money to his/her campaign? There is simply no more impactful way to have that occur than through the strategic use of Are you familiar with him/her through any business or personal relationship? If so, storytelling. The same applies in advocating for your position. communicate that to them in a positive way. The closer your legislator feels to you, the more Stories are a shared experience and humans are hard-wired to receive information through receptive they’ll be to your issue. storytelling. 3. Start by thanking them for their service. They will appreciate your recognition that serving can Because of that, stories also powerfully connect us to others. When we share our own real-life be a difficult job. stories or the stories of others, the people we are talking to get to know us as authentic people – 4. Be clear and concise in what you want to discuss and the action you want them to take. not just a random voice in the crowd. Time is the most important resource for elected officials. Most appreciate you getting to When you can meld the use of stories with data-based information that helps verify, your influence the point quickly. and engagement become more powerful. It helps move people to action. The key is using hard 5. Personalize your issue. Lobbyists use talking points, but constituents can tell stories that give facts in addition to conclusions that are unique to your lived experience. real-life examples of how a policy positively or negatively affects them. Giving elected officials In short, human connections need to go before business. Connect first with your elected official – real-life examples of how a measure affects you is more powerful than any talking point. then get down to business.

Example: 6. You are the expert. Remember your legislator’s job is to represent you. You should be Fact-based argument: courteous and to the point, but don’t be afraid to take a firm position. You’re the expert on how legislation affects your life and your business. My health insurance is with BCBS and my rates are up 2,600% in 34 years. They are within 6% of doubling since 2010. Last year was an 11.4% increase. I’ve tried to find alternative insurance. 7. Don’t just talk, listen. Communication is a two-way street. Once you share your thoughts, give BCBS has told me to stay grandfathered in. Their new policies don’t even offer coverage as good them the chance to respond and listen closely. What they say and how they say it will give you as what I have. My potential total out of pocket is $25,417 for premium and deductibles not good insight into where they are at. It also opens the door for you to ask engaging questions. including prescriptions, dental or eye. 8. Give them your contact information. Make sure you give them or their staff your contact information, so they can get in touch with you. The more interaction the better.

14 15 9. Share your findings. At the Capitol, information is king. The more Kansas Farm Bureau’s lobby Public hearings are typically held in the afternoon during the first half of the legislative session. team knows what legislators are thinking, the better they can engage with them. Sharing Committees have regularly scheduled rooms and meeting days, although that can change. what you learned is extremely valuable to KFB’s lobby efforts. Committees may consider several bills in an afternoon. The order of bills to be heard might not be made official until the afternoon of the hearing. WRITING A LETTER TO YOUR Each bill is presented to the committee by the bill’s sponsor. After the sponsoring legislator finishes, the Chairperson will typically ask for proponent testimony first, followed by opponent LEGISLATOR OR THE GOVERNOR and neutral testimony. Before testifying, you must fill out the testifier sign-in sheet provided in the Even in the age of technology, a short, hand-written letter still carries weight as an advocacy tool. hearing room. It’s more personal and people recognize it takes time to write. The act of writing a letter is often Tips for testifying: more powerful and convincing than the message itself. 1. Changes to the bill. Be aware that bills can be amended, and amendments may change the 1. Keep it brief. Letters should never be longer than one page and should be limited to one issue. way you feel about the bill and affect your testimony. Be as concise as possible. Elected officials and staff read many letters on many issues in 2. Be ready to answer questions. Committee members are free to ask you questions; however, as a day, so short and sweet stands out. a testifier, you are generally not allowed to cross examine or question committee members. 2. Make it legible. The power of the handwritten letter is diminished significantly if it is difficult to 3. Written copies. KFB will provide written copies of your testimony to distribute to the read. Make sure it’s easily legible for a legislator or their staff. committee. This helps ensure an accurate record of your testimony. 3. State who you are and what you want. In the first paragraph, be clear you are a constituent 4. Limited testimony. Be prepared to limit your testimony and try not to repeat what others have and identify the issue about which you are writing. If your letter pertains to a specific piece of said. The committee will want to give every testifier an opportunity to speak, so always be ready legislation, it helps to include its bill number. to summarize your testimony. 4. Hit your three most important points. Choose the three strongest points that will be most 5. Be courteous. Addressing committee members or testifiers from the audience is prohibited. effective in persuading legislators to support your position and amplify them. Applause and other public demonstrations are also prohibited during hearings. Always be sure 5. Personalize your letter. Tell your elected official why this legislation matters to you. If you have to silence your cell phone. one, include a personal story that shows how this issue affects you and your family. A 6. Don’t be offended.Legislators may come and go during a hearing. They have other constituent’s personal stories can be very persuasive as your legislator shapes his/her position. commitments including presentation of their own bills. 6. Personalize your relationship. Have you ever contributed time or money to his/her campaign? 7. Get help. KFB staff will always help members write and prepare testimony on legislative Are you familiar with him/her through any business or personal relationship? If so, include this in measures if consistent with KFB policy. your letter in a positive way. The closer your legislator feels to you, the more powerful your argument is likely to be. 7. You are the expert. Remember your legislator’s job is to represent you. You should be ENGAGING ON SOCIAL MEDIA courteous and to the point, but don’t be afraid to take a firm position. Remember that Social media is rapidly becoming the premier way to advocate on policy issues. Many elected often your elected official may know no more about a given issue than you do. offices are on social media and use it to gauge public sentiment. Integrating Facebook and Twitter 8. Use the proper title. If writing to your state legislator, address them as Sen. Doe or Rep. Doe, into your advocacy efforts is a major opportunity to reach officials and build relationships in a etc. If writing to the governor, the mailing address should be titled “To the Honorable Governor direct and public way. ,” but the opening and reference should be written as “Dear Governor Kelly.” 1. Your account. Before posting anything, make sure to review your own account. Be sure your account includes a profile picture, biography and location. Include any credentials you have TESTIFYING AT A HEARING earned, job title or position you have held that can boost your credibility. 2. Keep it short and sweet. A few words or a short sentence will go a long way and generate the Providing testimony at a legislative hearing is the most direct form of providing public input on highest engagement. The basic formula for writing a post to your elected official is the a legislative proposal. KFB often works to coordinate testimony with members on key pieces of following: location + elected official name or handle + issue. legislation. Example: John Buttenhoff is a farmer from Lincoln Co. He recently posted, “How can The process: we call it a family farm if one spouse is working off the farm to pay for insurance?” Keep families on farms in Kansas by supporting SB 32. #ksleg #kshealthplans

16 17 3. Personalize your posts. Tell your elected official why this legislation is important to you. Include a personal note about how this issue affects you and your family. If you need multiple tweets to tell your story, be sure to tag your elected official in each tweet.

4. Make it visual. Photos and video are overwhelmingly the most engaging type of content on social media. Try to include an image whenever possible. Snap photos on your farm or ranch, and don’t Maximize your Farm Bureau membership by staying forget, you can always share and retweet photos and videos from the KFB social media channels. connected to the latest information and adding your 5. Stay positive. Office staff for elected officials will regularly monitor accounts for derogatory remarks or posts that include personal attacks. These posts will be disregarded and deleted. voice in easy, but meaningful ways. There’s a variety Remember to be respectful, credible and seek to help instead of harm. of ways to engage. Choose what’s best for you. 6. Resources. KFB will help you stay up to date on agricultural issues, legislative votes and advocacy efforts. Signing up for Action Alerts and E-News is an easy way to keep up to date on ACTION ALERTS what’s happening in the Capitol and across the state. When policy is being discussed in Topeka or Washington, D.C., there may be an opportunity for 7. Timing is everything. Make sure to look for chances to respond to posts from your elected you as a constituent to have your say. Getting timely alerts from Kansas Farm Bureau can help official’s account. Likes and retweets are tallied by office staff to gauge support. You can voice you act quickly. displeasure or support by replying or commenting on posts. The timelier your reply, the more Sign up at likely you are to get a response. ... 8. Say thank you. When your elected official has taken the right action on an issue, social media can be a great tool to acknowledge their work and thank them publicly. DISTRICT ISSUE SURFACING KFB Twitter: @KSFarmBureau Be part of the policy development process by learning about issues affecting other farmers in KFB Facebook: your area, sharing your ideas to improve policy and getting connected to other KFB movers and KFB Instagram: @ksfarmbureau shakers. Look for dates and locations this spring. Stay up to date ... Sign up for action alerts by going to Sign up for our twice weekly enewsletter, Enews, at KFB E-NEWS Receive updates about Kansas Farm Bureau, the , upcoming workshops and other pertinent information to your e-mail by signing up for e-news at ...

VOTE FBF The KFB political fund to support the campaigns of pro-agriculture candidates for federal and state office. Learn more at ...

SOCIAL MEDIA Get instantaneous news and updates from Kansas Farm Bureau by following us on social media. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.


18 19 POINTS OF INTEREST WRITING A LETTER TO THE EDITOR Letters to the editor are a good advocacy tool because they can be used in many ways. Letters Ground Floor: Visitor Center and Capitol Store can be used to not only share your position on an issue, but they also provide a public forum to influence and draw attention, positively or negatively, to the action or lack of action by an elected First Floor: Rotunda; murals by David H. Overmyer official. Most elected leaders monitor their local papers to get a pulse on constituents. Letters to Second Floor: Governor’s office; murals by John Steuart Curry the editor are widely read, particularly in smaller community papers. (Tragic Prelude and Kansas Pastoral) Letters to the editor pages differ from newspaper to newspaper. Monitor your newspaper to get a feel for what they do and don’t publish. View a sample letter to the editor and write your own Third Floor: House Chambers; Senate Chambers; Brown v. Board of using these tips: Education mural; Don’s Snack Shop; State Library 1. Letters should be short. Most letters should be no more than three or four short paragraphs. Fourth Floor: House and Senate galleries Note that some papers reserve the right to edit for length if your letter is too long. Always start your letter with “Dear Editor,”. Fifth Floor: Dome tour entrance near the cage elevator; 296 steps to top of the dome. 2. Advance your message. Letters present an opportunity for you to influence others. Use storytelling and verifying facts to make your case. If you want an elected official or entity to take a certain action, be clear in what you want done and make sure you name them. If you want to build a relationship with the official, however, it’s always better to have contacted them to share your position with them first before doing so publicly with a letter.

3. Responding to misinformation. Letters can be used to respond to articles with misinformation. Begin your letter by identifying the article to which you are responding to and then move on to your point. The classic first sentence for a letter-to-the-editor is some variation of “Your recent article on ______missed the point.” From there, move on to your message and make your case.

4. Signers make a difference.Are there others who share your position? Sometimes it helps to have multiple signers on a letter if the paper allows it. Having well-respected or well-known community members collectively sign onto a letter can help influence others.

5. Provide contact info. Make sure to sign your letter to the editor and include a phone number and address. If the letter is chosen for publication, the newspaper staff can call to confirm the letter is indeed from you. The newspaper will not print your phone number.

6. Send your letter. Always make sure your letter is addressed to “Letter to the Editor,” to the newspaper. Most papers take letters by email or on their website; others do not. Check your newspaper’s policy.


22 23 2627 KFB Plaza | Manhattan, KS 66503 | | 785-587-6000